East Carolinian, October 6, 1967

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

John Lowe
all a )il w i ?
? ? ECU teams c
I).imi' lulls
ate lo ' theii
. bul t he '
? when the l .
knocked of
? by 50 i' :
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believe N
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nd M.
? i ice
their first, tl
number one shou
? CJSC, Geor
l c a are up al ??
few Ml
-? ?? Sta .aich
' I! I (JO
Charleston iSl
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m (hecks
id patterns it in
ombre shades of
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? r an addition to
k is the answer.
Prom $45.06
in I)
( rolina University, Greenville, K. C, Friday, October 6, 1967
Number 8
(enn Yarbrough Entertains
Mamas And Papas On Mall
i ilunk tl
trbroughs makin
j everyom
: hose lovi
Had havi retu
?. popularity
j also that other si
v ord kee
the hit ' harts Like
n M . t Fall" ?
Pine his
. iy' mil lc i -
the e cmgi
Yarb rough.
n perl
???. s can tx
?n in
m As ho explain "I
ood oni I
their pedigree
I . or rock and roll I
that the melodj
? ? h becomes a vehicle
H must be good
m the background
: ? have the mo I Im-
ii ah.
tract d back to the
oloist at Grace
i- Y irk at thi tei
? ' ? :
? : ace Church Sch
the fai ? that he wa
opi ano thi y ver had
rship brought o:
School which hi
? the twelfth gr
i k v hifted from mu
he played var-
durii el chool
? s
H I pei
? ? ? ?
? ?. H

Sludent Opinion Poll
Selects Tour Seasons'
U :
of ?
1 '
1 ?
Mai e
Cl ,n
t poll prepared and
? ' the 8GA Student Opin-
imittee revealed that
. s ;ire the most pop-
?' rtainment group on the
ECU, Other highly pop-
up oi individuals Included
M ithi Dionne Warwick,
lUl & Mary.
le ot this pol! was to
in ii ecu students
type of entertainment
?St like to have appear
fore. In order to ob-
? ossibie overall cro
' I. students at ECU.
udents were polled In
Fletcher, and Cotton
? Day tudents were poll-
' er-ity Union Lobby.
t the poll represents
? : a cross section oi
. eight to ten per cent
. tudent body at ECU.
:n was divided Into
? ni categories, and the
formers or groups are
? ular in each category:
?: 1ST: Johnny Mathis,
i lie Pitney; female
Dionne Warwick. Pe-
' & Tijuanna Brass, The
The Temptations,
and Papas, The Su-
? Pour Tops: MALE,
VI 1ST: Donovan, Bob
Judy Collins: FOI K
r Paul A- Marv: JAZZ
TAL: Duke Ellin-ton.
Rawls; femai E
tST: Nancv Wilson.
- 7 S Il O IN ?
STRUMEN1 VI :? x- i;
Spirit Plans Include
Gianl Pirate, Contests
Dei 1 :hairman ? ? . will be
Itj Campus
ee ha madi
; . ted at
i the
v 11, A hug
ed to
' on"
cheei lead-
ers at ? contest will
. . , :? with a
h will be
: ' ball sea-
To l
' . , daSce
me dur-
a dance
the half.
; W1 ' I mmlttee has
is will nlay
i to
to YOU
ring qual
when Gli ui
club sn
Lded that was
on And move on he
I ? The Ai -
mer The Pilgrim
rh K ? rV's 'Ad-
ventures in Pai adise" . Glenn is
for his
hool for orphaned
: all ovei the world
y, Glen Interest;
irld ot music And
a perfi i
he fact that his en-
: : life shines through
Parents Saturday
Parenl Day
and 19 open house
t concert, the first foot-
? ison and a dare
student' mother and
i' pecial ponsored by
SI ident Government Associa-
designed to give par-
i special opportunity to see
? . m tne words of Jean
: Greenville, student chair-
Is" Day.
leaders in planning the af-
ion and evening activities In
ion to Miss Harvey are Sara
David Cutler of Goldsboro, Debra
. Norswor hy of Hampton, Va
Dianne McCaslin of Maiden.
and Sue Candace Yow of Durham
Starting the afternoon's activi-
ii - will be a concert by Glenn Yar-
brougl at 2 p.m. on the university
Open house parties for parents
start at 3:30 p.m In 12 women's
les, and six fraternity and
, sorority houses.
: . .pen to visitors will be the
Union and the studios
? campus radio station WECU in
? nei Library
Fh evi nil pecial events be-
ta it 7:30 pm .n Ficklen Stadium
i '? 'ball Pirates play
fJlinol Univcrsi-
?Vfr thi parent will be
special : 'he University
. Wright Auditorium
dance for which the Imprints will
furnish musu
i chedule for Sat-
i t 30 p.m is:
Women Dormitories ? Cotten.
Fleming, Fletcher, Garrett, Home
M magement House. Jarvis, New
Dorm, Ragsdale Slay, Umstead,
Wilson and Woman'b Hall.
Fraternities ? Kappa Sigma.
I imbda Chi Alpha. Phi Alpha Sig-
ma. Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Kappa Phi
and Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Sororities ? Alpha Omicron Pi.
Alpha Phi, Chi Obega. Delta Zeta
and Sigma Sigma Sigma.
GLENN VARBROLGH performs Saturdaj for Parents' Day at M)o p m.
on th? Mall.
Area Citizens Provide Room
For Increased EC Enrollment
Ea t Carolina University ha
surprising enrollment ini
nearly 6 per cent this fall, despite
tude houstag
ures ai nounced Thursday by
? vi ity show a total on-
enrollment ot 9,538. That's
The following are the result- oi
Wednesday's run-off elections
Wi denotes the winner.
Senior Class Vice-President
Grace Mitchell?Ind. 84 'W
s;lily Polndexter?U.P.?70
Junior Class Yice-President
Carleen Hjortsvang?S.P. 236 'W.
Bill Leinss?U.P.?199
Junior Claiss Treasurer
Jeffrey F. Dudley -UP.?82 iWl
Patsy Simmons?S.P.? 177
Sophomore Class President
Terry Huffman?U. P.?455?'W
David Guilford?Ind.?164
Freshman Class President
Bob Whitley?Ind.?453 W'
Gary Gasperini?U.P.?239
Legislature Representatives
George Clegg?U.P.?69 (W)
John Cooper?Ind.?-65
Frank Harden S.P?65
Mitchell King D P 74 (W)
Susan Stamp?U.PP.?48
Marion Howard Ind.?56 'W
Karen Wagner?S.P. 72 Wi
Dianne Holland?Ind.?47
Linda Bokkon?Ind 32
Judy Scarborough?Ind.?47 W)
New Dorm
Carol Cushion?S.P.?64 (W)
Dale Brlnson- Ind.?47
Debbie Northsworthy?S.P. 82
Candy Coe-S.P?105 (W)
5.7 pel
? I
with opening the a ij . . a
large part of the increaf-
. teyond our expectatioi
oms for many students who
thei Id not have been able
enroll be aid.
We are very grateful for this
erative spirit because it
us a pleasant working rel
with the surrounding community.
More important, it give- opportuni-
ties to many talented and deserv-
ing young people who otherwise
would not have been able to attend
the university this fall
More rooms were required m the
-urrounding- community this year
because, although the campus hous-
ing construction program is mov-
ing ahead as rapidly as resources
allow. East Carolina opened no new
dormitories this fall. ThiLs there
were no additional bed ?o accom-
modate an enrollment increase.
The total enrollment figure an-
nounced Thursday includes 4,813
me"1 and 4.725 women .students.
There are 3,059 freshmen, 2.448
sophomores. 1.872 juniors and 1
245 seniors.
Also included are 726 graduate
students ? among then 556 mas-
ter's degree candidates, 154 teach-
ers working toward recertiflcation
and 16 school administrators en-
rolled in the Sixth-Year Program
of the School of Education.
The total figure takes in 178 sru-
dents attending the Undergraduate
Evening Collecre. freshman night
.school, operated by the Division of
Continuing Education. It also in-
cludes cix students classified of-
ficially as visitors and four as audi-
The official enrollment figures
were tabulated by the registrar's
office, using automatic data pro-
cessing- equipment and techniques.
Worth E. Baker is registrar- Terry
E. Hoi- is m ini
processing center.
In the October 3 edition of
ator Rotiert Morgan was er-
roneously referred to as "Mor-
ley" in the headline of the
Parents' Day-Pirates Vs. Salukis

?East Carolinian?Friday. October fi, 1967
Internationa! 'Touch'
First Step
In recent issues the CAST CAROLINIAN has published Ue;u. g.r.
several interviews with visiting professors from other coun- At long last the women students
tries. These professors havt given many ideas on higher edu- on this campus have the courageI to
cation practices in their respective countries.
peak out about a few of the ridi
culous rules to which they are sub-
. . ?, jected. Only let us hope that the
the need for 'nore international instructors at hast (. ar- 1etiti.i regarding women's clothing
olina is evident. A thorough national atmosphere is no longer regulations will be a mere first
. . ' . Mop toward a more realistic sir
adequate for any American college or university attempting stariC.mj on this un
to offer a liberal education. ?'?'?
These current prof ssors from other countries hav? i
top toward a more realistic single
liverslty cam
Our petition depends on the num
ber of names that are on the pen-
eady had a very positive effect on students. Students only J??J?
graphic knowledge of other
earn of social aspects and geoj
states, Awareness of academic practices and ideas of educa-
students only, can and must make
these rules in order for them to be
The dress regulation Is only one
til the i o which students
hould bi ? l( to tead oi a
the aura oi a sort of
:? . which students are
Perhaps now the ad-
ministrat ? n will see that we arc
our own de-
The international learning process is no! isolated to oi the things
ECU : in fact a i? rather lat in coming in respect to other
large universities in the United States.
tion; heretofore thought foreign" or narrow mindedlj
sumed to be unAmerican.
From language parties international seminars, the be-
liefs lei and knowledge of international ulture are beinjr
pa sed on to Easl Carolina students.
itli which the rules are concern-
!? ist Cai ilii ? .1 third rate-
ren .i first rate-finishing scho-
ol, nor should it pretend to be one.
Not only is there a need lor a continuing staff of interna
lional professors, but also students. A better overseas ex- We are i University primarily con-
change program would allow East Carolina students to meel ; tnbertLbet
and exchange ideas on an international basis.
This is not a shallow (")' radical) editorial plea. It is rath
er a request for a hotter academic surrounding in which the
best American professors and students can exchange academ-
ic discoveries with 'he best international professors and stu-
Parents' Day Schedule
9:00 A.M12:00- C 'liege Bookstore is pi i
2:00 P.M. ?Glenn Varbrough concerl on the Mai
3:00 P.M4;S0 P.M. Dpi House :University Union
? Girh D parents
? ernity houses
nent offices
tot with .setting the fas-
th middle class South.
Decisions must be made from now
. bout hundreds of personal mat-
and i hey should begin to be
formulated now. Sign the petition.
nd tell everyone about
11 is neci sary that the stu-
dents realize that their voices can
and must be heard.
Susen Connor
Double Standards
I feel that Die time has come to
.seriously consider the future of this
University. Undoubtedly, there are
who Hunk thai the job is fin-
i hed, that their cause is won. but
there remains the fact that the
University i on "Probation" for
live yeari . With this thought in
mind, lot us consider the present
cene of East Carolina University
It is not difficult to see that a
long established double standard ex-
ists that enforces a civil distinc-
tion between men and women. Wo-
men must carefully cover their
shorts, slacks and sports attire
when they leave their dorms with
their raincoats no matter what the
weather. The only restriction that
applies to men is in the cafeterias,
there one must wear his shirt-tail
in and his shoes on. This is obvi-
ously created to maintain the de-
corum of the eating areas which
?.vo'Vaii only describe as being ab-
s ilutely without style or color, very
i oisy, and having a trace i ! of tin-
cleanliness, as well as serving un-
palatable food.
! ask If the class of our cafeterias
nil ilie requirements of dress for
. iting in them?
I ask why women are not allow-
ed to dress according to their own
tnste and comfort as the men are
And having discussed the surface
? ns ns, let us go to the deeper ills
turning and twisting the innards of
the University: This generation has
been given more freedom than any
other in our history.
l he people in it are not willing
iabide with the lies, hypocrisy
and confusion of older generations.
The double moral standard for wo-
men of this generation has been
hounded to the far edges of our
civilization. And here at East Car-
olina University exists one of those
far edges of civilization.
Here men come to receive an
education while living on their own
responsibility, and the women come
to receive an education while liv-
ing shut in little boxes, restricted
in their movements and dress and
moral behavior throughout their
entire stay at this University.
How long can this imbalance last ?
How long will tliis University last
if the student body begins to move
'Mist the oppression of a system
thai treats grown people, aware and
informed people as children. There
is no need for this. Our communi-
ty, state, and federal laws provide
for our activities, and to protect
i Mo outside world. The rules on cam-
; I should be academic rules, not
rules of personal behavior.
Unless the Administration moves
ol its own accord: and quickly, to
n move these marks of shame and
immaturity on the part of this
:00 P.Ml;
Ojjen Letter
Greeks: Time To Re-evaluate
it Auditorium
Power Show Saturday
Ihis Editor, without being a "supe
I pirited, that the 1967 East Can
b am i- perhaps one of the besl in th
ertainlv in the state.
? t ; i - i
very probable 1hat if the team were to play a mem-
ber oi the ACC this weekend they would roll to victory. A
football earn ? as ours with highly developed skills and
leveioped team spirit is unbeatable when hacked
a highly developed school spirit.
ud, voices, enthusiasts cheer and whole hearted
king of an athletic team are riol old-fashioned traditions.
hi this era of specialized competition it is necessary for an
lividual or team 4n havi thi moral support of his or their
back( rs,
Saturday ;
national and c
More import.11 I
j 'atea op n
ie vain
he Pirates. B
? mi this g; m
iteresl. Go early
i'ubliahcd semineekiy by the student of East Carolina University
Greenville. North Carolina
aata Press. Associate Collegiate Press, United States Student Press Association
Associate Editor
Managing Editor
Business Manager
Rewrite Editor
Editorial Editor
Co-News Editors
Features Editor
Sports Editor
layout Editor
Circulation Managers
Assistant Business Manager
Subscription Manager
Advertising Managers
.1. William Rufty, Jr.
Phyllis G. Bridgeman
Jim Young
Thomas H. Blackwel
FYancine Perry
John Sultan
David f'ullpy
Marcy Jordan
Sandra Rabhan
John Lowe
Bill Roi-ors
Pat Arnold
Rick Crutch field
t,et.a Cnlbertson
Peggy Debnam
Bob Melvin
Rush Neely
Subscription rate $6 00
As formal rush for the new yeai
approaches a pattern begins to
rge. Why are so many Inde-
pendent choosing to remain such
Ci rtainlj not all of them are down
r d( Fi llow Greeks are we
? ' ii ' rue picture of our-
Che freshman cla this year def-
litelj ha i bad Impression of us.
Only our "darker exploits" are
bi lught to mind. We must at all
cost show them the true good side
ol the fraternity. We have eleven
good national fraternities on this
i impus, The rushees are certainly
not forced to choose from only a
elect few.
Greek ? yourselves. Just be-
cause v.i wear pins does not mean
that we have a right to be above
?tie independents.
There are a area! deal of good
independent men on this campus
who could benefit and be benefited
by a fraternity, but unless we
tnge our ways, these outstanding
tture Greek will never bo ours.
This bad view that they have of Us
v ill be carried by them for a long
' line.
When you talk to a rushee, don't
make bins feel that he should be
forever grateful for being given the
opportunity to talk to you. Do it
on a man to man basis not a Greek
to a rushee. Put him completely at
The worst words in our vocabul-
ary are parties and social life.
These immediately give the rushee
the idea that, all we do is party. We
try and present a good balance. Stu-
dios first then do what you want.
Remember that the all-pledge av-
erage is consistently higher than
the freshman grade average. Fra-
ternities offer guidance in studies.
This comes in the form of "a big
brother Furthermore In any giv-
en fraternity there is always a ma-
jor m some subject which is Giv-
ing a pledge trouble. The brothers
are always willing to help.
Another fallacy which the "rus-
hee-independent" has i.s that the
fraternity is constantly poverty-
stricken. Explain the costs and a-
ive all what they are used for.
him how hi money can ben-
H him and his brothers,
in closing I must call for all of
to unite, no matter what fra-
ternity you are in. When you pass
fi How Gr ek m campus . . . Nod.
1 He, it's no) hard. No mailer who
you are. or what Greek group you
represent, there Is a common bond
ol friendship between you.
So with the approach of rush, got
'in and present a good honest pic-
ture of the Greek system at E.C.U.
poli y of the University, I can only
forsee a period of increasing tur-
moil and rebellion by the student
body that will bring us to the strife
and disorder that erupted in Calif-
ornia a few years ago. And with
the growth of reaction to the pol-
icies of this University, we may
expect a growth of doubt about tin
University and its administrators
In the minds of the North Caro-
lina legislators.
It would behoove the administra-
tion to re-think their present stands
for the status quo cannot long stand
over the pressure of rising indignn
Charles Griffin
Class ol '71
Flower Of The East?
Di ar Editor:
I was eager for East Carolina to
become a university. Well, we are
-me now and I have yet to see any
action from the student adminis-
tration or faculty to solidify such
glittering generalities as "we will
become the flower of The East TV
me. there are two definitions of a
university. There is first a diplomn-
mill institution which hopes to ser
ve everyone to its fullest capacity
usually with emphasis on the low-
er and middle classes. Then there
i.s the more abstract definition, a
university Is the highest place in
the American educational system
where one can study, learn, com-
municate with his followman, be
literally touched by the thirst for
knowledge, the search for truth
The former produces "hollow
men ??small, narrow minds "ma-
terialistic Babbits The latter oe-
cnssionally produces great minds
and the number of individuals they
produce is a good deal higher than
In the diploma mills.
What I am really getting at is
we will not be a Berkely, a Colum-
bia, a Chapel Hill, a Duke, a Harv-
ard, a flower of the East, until wi
start behaving like a university
I'm talking about educational exper-
iments. n atmosphere where stu-
dents, faculty and administrators
tool free to socialize and learn from
each other. I'm talking about more
books, more fine arts, more elec-
tives, more simiar education, wid-
er and freer curriculum, an end to
the administration's parent-like
rule- and regulations, student action
l roups, joint student-faculty-ad-
ministration controlled curriculum
committees, budget committees
policy committees. In ether words.
not more buildings, more enroll-
ment, more laundry facilities, mori
? althy and nee
but not ?? hen they take the
I the ol hers. not when they
only things of Importance
choice ha already been
II Is a mat lor of psychologi-
e s;iry.
place i
are th
cal make-Up in the men who de-
termine the direction of this Insti-
tution. It is the prevailing psvehol-
ogy of this conservative region.
John Reynolds
This Rirl 's hard at
term ?'? Tf,rm rap
It has been gettii
mon these days to s
media, not the fiit
how filthy the law
to crime This writer
interested in an art:
Dwismt D. Eisenhov
August issue of R
called "We should
It is this article U
use as his text to di!
lem ol disrespect foi
law enforcers.
These remarks she
forcers feel about th
respect toward theii
"Following a serie
midwestern eity. th
Recently, there h
discussion and debate
ity of Congress to get
ful legislation passed.
this li due to the fact
does Dot have any
tirement age for its
allows them to staj
long as Uiey please,
far out of touch w
with the problems o
they may be.
In order to refute
ve would like to int
one of the more pn
bers ? Rep. John S
without iurther ado,
you to that windy ct
Hou.se of Represents
close-up on this indi
Rep. MoSnort is a c
sant, illiterate old g
serving his 83rd cor
In Congress. First I
House of Burgesses i
on the philosophy i
the Federalists in
Later his philosophy
to "Leg" keep the Y
erners. Furriners. t
else in their place
Seniority has made
one of the most inf
bers of the House. He
her of all importan
and as chairman of
Control Committee, h
legislation can be
fclso ha.s veto power
ktion, due to his cl
with Rep. William C(
sippi. The two co
ten get together on
discuss plans for re
White House, while
mint julep.
Rep. McSnort is a
we "liberal" membei
j? coalition, and he
to hatred. Yesterday
remark, "Les' k
Whout reerard to n
for. This is also 1
motion of his collea
riWhen asked to coi
current crisis in Red C
" quoted as saving
nr;sclation, Great
n the onium War i
?- His position or
" not changed sine

liversity, I can only
of increasing tur-
ion by the student
?ing us to the strife
it erupted in Calif-
ars ago. And with
eaction to the pol-
oiversity, we may
of doubt about thi
its administrators
the North Caro-
ve the administr;i-
heir present stands
i cannot long Stand
p of rising indigna
les Griffin
of '71
The East?
ir E!ast Carolina i
slty. Well, we are
ave i io see any
students, adminis-
y to solidify such
titles as "we will
r of The East T
.0 definitions of a
Is first a diploma-
hich hopes to ser-
s fullest capacity
ihasis on the low-
asses. Then then
tract definition, a
highest place in
ducationaJ system
tudy. learn, com-
lis followman, be
by the thirst for
search for truth
roduce.s "hollow
row mind.s "ma-
The latter oc-
ce great mind!
f individuals they
deal higher thai:
illy getting at is
Serkely, a Colum-
. a Duke, a Harv-
he East, until wi
ike a unlversitj
educational exper-
phere where stu-
id administrators
ze and learn from
Uking about inon
arts, more elec
r education, wid-
.culum. an end to
on'j parent-like
jns, student action
olled curriculum
gel committees
, Tii i it her words
gj . more enroll-
?y facilities, more
? healthy and neo-
ten they take the
. not when they
:s of importance
already beei
er of psychologi-
ze men who de-
tion of this insti-
evailing psvchol-
vativc region.
East Carolinian?Friday, October 6, 1967?3
The fCrime' Of Marijuana
This girl is haH at work or. ichoose one): A.
term ?'? Tprm ,aP?"r D- Slicing: her wrists.
Prc-re(istrati(in R. Mid
Editors Note: The growing use
and awareness of marijuana in this
state and across the nation has in-
creased public concern over its pos-
sible "health hazards" and the laws
that now govern its possession and
use. The debates (pro and com over
the use of marijuana in the United
Stales are more than three decades
old. However, the following editori-
al reprinted from the Oct. 7, 1967
issue of THE NEW REPUBLIC is
in interesting extension of that de-
Physicians, like hippies, are sub-
ject to fads. Medical support was
marshaled m the thirties for a Nar-
c dies Bureau campaign to get mar-
ijuana outlawed on the grounds that
it caused violent and sexual crimes
and psychosis. With new restric-
tions on the books, doctors became
more restrained in their judgment
The La Guardia Report, prepared
by the New York Academy of Medi-
cine in 1938. failed to corroborate
'he horror stories and concluded
marijuana is not a drug of addic-
tion, that cronic use over a period
of years does not cause physical
Respect For Our Police Officials
By Bob Lindfelt
It iw.s been getting quite com-
mon these days to see in our news
media, not the filth of crime but
ho? filthy the law-enforcers are
to crime This writer was very much
interested in an article written by
Dwicht D. Eisenhower in the last
August issue of Reader's Digest
called "We Should Be Ashamed
It is this article this writer will
use as his text to discuss the prob-
lem ol disrespect for our American
law enforcers.
These remarks show how law en-
forcers feel about the growing dis-
respect toward their agencies.
'Following a series of riots in a
mldwestern city, the public safe-
ty director commented that the po-
lice "took an awful pasting He
added, "Your ears would turn red
it you listened to what we are call-
ed day after day on ordinary tours
of duty. Policemen must be res-
pected - not believed, necessarily,
but at least respected
A West Coast police chief add
A 21-year-old may have to make
a snap decision in a situation that
ttie Supreme Court may take weeks
?i) study ? and then decide, five
to four, that the officer did the
wrong thing.
A veteran officer in a large east-
. rn city remarks acidly, "Twenty
years aero you had the public's re-
Know Your Congressman
Recently, there has been much
discussion and debate on the inabil-
ity of Congress to get any meaning-
ful legislation passed. Some say that
this is due to the fact that Congress
does not have any mandatory re-
tirement age for its members. This'
allows them to stay in office as
long as Uiey please, no matter how-
far out of touch with reality, or
with the problems of the day that
they may be.
In order to refute this argument.
we would like to introduce you to
one of the more prominent mem-
bers - Rep. John S. McSnort. So.
without iurther ado, we now take
you to that windy chamber ? The
Hou.se of Representatives ? for a
close-up on this individual.
Rep. McSnort is a charming, plea-
sant, illiterate old gentleman, nov,
serving his 83rd consecutive term
in Congress. First elected to the
House of Burgesses in 1801, he ran
on the philosophy of "Les' keep
the Federalists in their place.
Later his philosophy was expanded
to "L. keep the Yankees, West-
erners. Furriners, and everybody
else in their place
Seniority has made Rep. Mtoftwrt
one of the most influential mem-
bers of the House. He is a key mem-
ber of all important committees.
and as chairman of the powerful
Control Committee, he decides what
legislation can be considered. He
also has veto power over all legis-
lation, due to his close friendship
with Rep William Cesspool of Mis-
sisippi. The two congressmen of-
ten get together on weekends and
discuss plans for remodelling the
White House, while sipping on a
mint julep.
Rep. McSnort is also known as
e "liberal" member of the south-
ern coalition, and he bears Negroes
j? hatred. Yesterday he was heard
? remark. "Les' kill ever'body"
Without regard to race, creed, or
color. This is also the firm con-
wl?n of hls colleagues.
"hen asked to comment on the
current crisis in Red China, McSnort
"??quoted as saying that with f?r-
J"er escalation, Great Britain could
? the orijum War in the near fu-
?? His position on states rights
? not changed since Reconstruc-
By James Hard
lion When asked by the press who
be thought would be the 1968 pres-
idential nominee, he was heard to
roar "Tippecanoe and Tyler too
On the occasion of his 177th bir-
Ooday celebration last week, tri-
butes poured in from many of his
co-workers in Washington. One
member of Congress remarked,
??How much longer can the old
bastard hold out?" Another thought
that he had been enbalmed for fif-
teen years. To top off the birthday
celebration, four ounces of Jack
Daniels was poured into his intra-
venous feeding tube, and he was
heard to hiss audibly several times.
spect. Today if you so much as look
at a guy cross-eyed, you're in dan-
ger of being charged with looking
at him cruelly
The whole law enforcement situ-
ation is summed up by these re-
marks expressed by police officials.
There is a declining rate of crim-
inal convictions as crime itself
soars; courts so preoccupied with
legal technicalities that they tum
vicious criminals loose to roam the
streets. Undermanned police de-
partments are almost everywhere:
police salaries are often lower than
those of bus drivers. And there's a
growing number of citizens who as-
sume the right to decide which laws
they will obey and which they will
The solving of the problem is not
anyl dy else's but our own respon-
sibility. Law enforcers are not here
to restrict us and keep us in per-
fect harmony with good, honest.
living. That is our own personal
job. They are here only to protect
us from the abridgement of our
freedoms by others. If we cannot
respect our freedoms and liberties,
than we cannot respect the people
who try to protect these great vir-
tues that no other human being
has ever enjoyed before. As Ameri-
cans we should be grateful for our
law enforcement officials. We
should pay them more, establish
their facilities more, let them oper-
ate more freely and most of all we
should respect them more.
As a man once said, "The rights
of people are not guaranteed by
laws ? only by people
Visit Our Discount Health and
Beauty Aids Department
Reff. 73c Now 54c
Bee: 79c Now 57c
Re?. 99c Now 2 for 79c
He?. 69e Now 53c
oi mental deterioration and that
marijuana might have therapeutic
value. More recently, the President's
crime commission reviewed the lit-
erature and found no support for
claims of addiction. It largely re-
iterated the findings of the La
Guardia study. When college heal-
th service officials met in Wash-
ington this summer they seemed
io be saying, from their experience
with students, that pot was not a
medical problem. Many doctors
present did not like marijuana, but.
clinically ihey had not observed
bad trips
So long .is no one could find any
compelling evidence of injury (no
genetic damage, no jumping out of
windows, no blindness from staring
at the sun, as with LSD) against
marijuana, the antipots were left
with only vague, undocumented pre-
dispositions to fire their opposi-
tion. Fire needs better fuel than
ferred to by newspapers as "the
authoritive MEDICAL LETTER"
for the benefit of those who might
never have heard of it, has now de-
cided that the varieties of mari-
juana now available for smoking in
the United States cause "serious
emotional reactions and adverse
personality changes These claims
follow remarks made in Los Angeles
by Dr. Constantinos J. Miras, a
Greek pharmacologist, who believes
that chronic smok?rs suffer pers-
onality changes, brain and other
organ damage. Dr. Miras says he
can recognize a chronic marijuana
user from afar by the way he walks,
talks and acts They are char-
acterized by slowed speech, loss of
inhibitions, and loss of morality.
They will ev01 kill Science has
come a long way.
A current court test of Massachu-
setts drug laws applying to pot has
brought out a parade of expert wit-
nesses who cancel one another out
with contradictory claims. Dr. Hen-
ry Brill, director of Pilgrim State
Hospital on Long Island, who testi-
licd last week, considers marijuana
"harmful and dangerous a "haz-
ard to public health something
that should be prohibited. What
Dr. Brill finds objectionable about
it is the "dropout" phenomeon
characteristic of those who like
marijuana so well they lose their
desirp "to do The use of mari-
juana is responsible, he believes,
for "vagabondage" ? what the kids
in the street call "the hippie thing"
and midd'la's society firitis hard
to deal with.
The doctors' controversy will not
be settled in Boston, but the Suf-
folk County Superior Court may be
able to do something about the real
question: should something which
may or may not cause "vagabc id-
age' 'be punished by long prison
First Choice
Of The
They like the smart styling and
the perfect center diamond
a brilliant gem of fine
color and modern cut. The
name, Keepsake, in your
ring assures lifetime satis-
faction. Select yours at your
Keepsake Jeweler's store.
He's in the yellow pages
under "Jewelers
Please send new 20-page booklet, "How To Plan Your Engage-
ment and Wedding" and new 12-page full color folder, both for
only 25c. Also, send special offer of beautiful 44-page Bride's Book.
j Name.
I City.

4?East Carolinian ?Friday, October 6, 1967
Spirit Committee Launches
Volunteer Membership Drive
What is it? Batgiri:
this page, i
sorority pledge! No, it's Spirit. (See article on
Have a date coming for week-
end? Local lady has room for
four girls. Also will babysit on
weekends. Phone 756-3558.
Two students who qualify for
Work Study Program. For gath-
ering of data for East Carolina
University Regional Develop-
ment Institute. 505 8th Street.
Twas a murky, muddy, moonless
night, too quiet and too still to be
completely real and right, and the
walking figures glanced about nerv-
ously and quickened their steps, but
the night seemed to be following
them. The hush grew and mush-
roomed and hung upon them and
so it was without too much surprise
that one of them suddenly slowed
nd horselv whispered to the oth-
? What is it?"
A few shuddering seconds later,
a strange - looking creature swoop-
ed down Horn a tree. It was dress-
' d m something resembling faintly
a pirates uniform and was wavlni
igna all over the place.
"Yes, I am not earthly. I am a
SPIRIT it hissed at them as it
slylv blocked their path. "And I
am a member of the SPIRIT COM-
MITTEE, searching for new com-
mittee members the thing con-
tinued, it's eyes boring holes into
"Aaaaaaaaaaah screamed the
companions. "What does a com-
mittee member do? they added
"Come to the Spirit Committee
Meeting, every Tuesday, at 7:30 hi
Rawl 130 and find out screamed
the creature back at them, as it
munched on Cert mints and swal-
lowed boiling UU coffee-water.
We will now softly depart from
the scene, as the spirit continues to
talk with the group of students. But
we must leave with several unans-
wered questions. Wliat will happen
to the group? What will happen
when the spirit finds another . . ,
possibility??? Will it change the
weak, gentle, PASSIVE spirit that
dwells in the hearts of us all, into
can't be overcome by anyone???
The decision rests in you, especial-
ly on Tuesday nights at 7:30 in
Rawl 130. In fact, if no one comes
after a while the spirit may quietly
fade away, away, away.
Han The Bearded Blob
Greene Urges New Look
Editor's Note: The following is
a ii.ition.il weekly column devoted
to men's fashions. Any editorial
opinion expressed within are those
of the author and not necessarily
those of this newspaper. The EAST
CAROLINIAN is interested in stu-
dent reaction to this column and
welcomes all Letters to the Editor
concerning such.
The day of the "hippie" may be
here, as everybody says it is, but
there's still no reason for dressing
like a slob.
A new girl
for girl-watchers
to watch

Her name is Joan Parker, and she's the new Dodge Fever Girl.
Watch her on television this season, dispensing Dodge Fever
to a variety of unsuspecting souls. (Dodge's TV
schedule is listed below.)
A new car
for car-lovers
to love
Its name is Charger, and it's the best-looking Dodge ever built.
Complete with disappearing headlights and sports-car styling that
features a European-type spoiler on the rear deck. But since
looks aren't everything, we made it exciting to drive, with a 318-cuin. V8,
bucket seats and an airplane-type instrument panel. Even pockets in
the doors for your shades andor rally maps. With all this included,
we've reduced Charger's list price by more than $100. Maybe you can't
please everybody, but we sure try. See your Dodge Dealer right away.
from Dodge.
You know, the people who build the cars BhK?' i? &0
that give you Dodge Fever. O 4
Oct. 2,16,30Gunsmoke p- A M nl
Oct. 5, 19,26Thursday Night at , piO - Fr aLaCa.Vaf
,r- W g wf? A.aVr Am
Mission: Impossible JaaikA. LaaF rM
AFL Football &AalaW aa
Oct. 5.8, 11rheWorldSer.es P A V
These dates subject to change Wr
The "flower power" people, wit
their talk of "turning on, tuning in
and dropping out have sparked
a kind of sideline revolution in
men's clothes that is producing
some depressing results, to sav the
I mean, what ever happened to
i he immaculately-attired studen
with his eye on an ever-brightening
Has that image disappeared for-
ever, to be replaced by a bearded
beaded, barefooted beatnik with a
banner? is this your idea of Bet-
ting ahead?
I can't accept that i can't be-
lieve the American college-age
male has thrown off for good the
image of stability, security, of sol-
id, upstanding forthrightness
of the kind of guy you feel you car.
lean on for support and reassurance
Of tho gUy in the Worsted-Tex suit
So, come on, college men, qui
slouching around the campus. Re-
build that image, thread by thread
and stop being the B. M O C
'Biggest Mess On Campus).
How can a T-shirt and jeans com -
pare with a dashing new natural
shoulder, all-wool hopsack tweed
"ESS JaLet for turning-her-head-
abihtv? These versatile new coats
which look good with either oper
collar and ascot, or buttoned col-
lar and tie.
come in an earthy, tex-
tu.rede"ect ?i gold, olive and brown
which should prove almost irresisti-
ble to passing females.
But in your present state, who'c
want to come near you?
The coat features a very slight
suppressed waistline-called "shape
by the designers-to make it conforn
more to the body line and accentu
ate your physique. Or, at worst,
give you the appearance of one i'
you need it.
Who needs a beared blob Sh"
certainly doesn't.
So get with it. and "shape' up
or ship out.
Sociology Department
Announces Plans
For Upcoming Season
Tuesday evening at 7:00, the So-
ciology Department had its first
Departmental of the 67-68 school
year Dr. Williams opened X
Dr wnn ?l0gy DePartment.
??r- WUllams said that ECU wa
o?fer Vl? lClrls in the na?on to
SoIobv wlhOP f?r hh 0?
S ?h? durin e sum-
Napp Ts wTkinl T' ?' RalPh
a ?urestfumthat
Mfert ??, If ? -those udents inter-
im w"
fellow otttaSfT WrSaffiSflif
aext nS?nSoan0unced hat the
heW on nl?lC,Ub meetln I bo
Syone J,0'0 maj?re' m,nors' and
to Ttend. ??
Following the departmental, re-
rreshments were served In tl? So-
ciology Department Office
Dr. K L. Sindwani
in the tnited State
??Goal-oriented" it
evaut description t
could cr.isp after U
K. L Sindwani, a
in the Sociology D
Sindwani, a man of :
g strong desire to 1
to his home country
he wishes to set t
Krvice to Indian sti;
sire to come to Ami
their education.
Dr Sindwani c inn
States In 1958 with
ron, Having known
in India, he
to the Ai
life before bis arr
and bis family went
Fla were he errtere
Allen Drury has b
a novel imazingly ro.
act ? ? . situatio
I ibility. '
?ati : ? ? ? lean t
hit ???? Ddi : the p
pf H i n Ight sorn
Set somewhere in
or early 1930's (by it
recent politics and i
Advise and Consent
of Difference), it re'
news media can bee
Welmtogly powerful tl
telly dominate the
lions of Americans.
Walter Dobius is I
establishes himself a
Washington press
Paints him in a m
?arknea bo show th:
wousness is like the
?y's "super-humai
ges o i .winced t
are right
? nv ? ngths to se
Z of Com
ontenda t
?uld bow to Comn
extent of
???. to censure her.
Aadpi to Doblua are
?.ar. "Hiry characte
?'?' Barley Hud
'e "V of State orrin
?'?'wi,h the totegrit
2?? and the gut t
waiter's world Th
jy ?? indeed "cap
f theIr famlMeg- sa
? save America.
??aWahd JaS?n' G0Ve
, ?a.becomes the t
hS f of Wa,ter H
gy for the Presidei
r.f ainst Harley H
it lFlm Lady make
hi?h situaU?h invoh
cti ,Ually face?
???S,tica1 campa1
M with CanriM?? .

finds another . . ,
Vill it change the
ASSIVE spirit that
;arts of us all, into
me by anyone???
its in you, especial-
nights at 7:30 in
t, if no one comes
? spirit may quietlv
3wer" people, wit
rning on, tuning in
ut hare sparked
line revolution it
iat is producini-
results, to say th"
ever happened u
ly-attired student
in ever-brightening
e disappeared for-
ced by a bearded
ed beatnik with a
your idea of get-
that i can't be-
rican coUege-age
off for good the
y. security, of sol-
rthrightness . . ,
y you feel you car.
ft and reassurance
Worsted-Tex suit
college men, quif
the campus. Re-
thread by thread
the B. M. O. C
i Campus).
irt and jeans com -
hlng new natural
1 hopsack tweed
?rsatile new coats
with either oper.
or buttoned col-
in an earthy, tex-
d, olive and browr.
'e almost irresisti-
?sent state, who'a
ir you?
res a very slight
ne-called "shape'
o make it confonr
line and accentu
'e. Or, at worst,
earance of one if
jeared blob Sh"
and "shape up
r at 7:00, the So-
nt had its first
the 67-68 school
ns opened the
Cueing the new
He discussed the
e being made to
l program of stu-
' Department.
Id that ECU was
in the nation to
for high school
during the sum-
1967. Dr. Ralph
on a plan for a
'or next summer,
o announced that
series of courses
i year, which will
? students inter-
Social and Public
of the sociology
?appa Delta, were
aternitv is open-
ijors who have a
r major and an
?8gins, president
ib Introduced her
Ike Smith, vice-
Chestnut, treas-
secretary; and
espondlng score-
idys Howell fac-
wunced that the
? meeting will be
9, and all inter-
iors, minors, and
cordially invited
epartmental, re-
Jrverf in Mm So-
t Office
East Carolinian?Friday, October 6, 1967?5
Need New Football Helmets?
Bring Out Your Popcorn Popper

Dr. K
in (he
I Sindtrani
nitod State
expresses his desire to help Indian students
New York (NAPS; ? Did you
know that 250 bags of popcorn will
purchase a football helmet? Or
that 300 bags will buy a dozen base-
Popcorn, the great all American
fun food, has paid for cheer lead-
er costumes, camping equipment,
scholarships, fraternity activities
and a multitude of other extra-cur-
i Icular necessities.
How does popcorn pay for those
'housands of dollars worth of extra-
curricular projects that are not sup-
ported by tax money? The experi-
ences of college students across the
ii provide some answers that
may help your own group In Its
:? d-raising projects.
Tailor The Event To Your
l iuui-i; iimml' needs
Two important questions your
roup should ask itself before.
noosing a project? What will be
the best way to reach a maximum
number of people? What will It
Whether you decide on a
Sindwani, Of Sociology Department,
Discusses Indian Education Plan
?Goal-oriented" is the most rel-
evant description the interviewer
could er.isp after talking with Dr.
K. L sindwani, a new professor
in the Sociology Department. Dr.
Sindwani, a man of many goals has
a strong desire to return one day
to his home country, India. There.
he wishes to set up an advisory
service to indiaJi students, who de-
sire to come to America to further
their education.
Dr. Sindwani came to the United
State in 1958 with his wife and
son. Having known an American
in Tndia, he was somewhat
oriented as to the American way of
life before his arrival. Sindwani
and Ms family went to Tallahassee.
F: he filtered the Universi-
tj Oi Tallahassee.
He had received his Masters in
Social Work at Delhi University in
New Delhi, India. At Tallahassee,
he received an M.A. in Social Wel-
fare in 1959. He then left for Ohio
State University where he earned
his Ph.D. in Sociology and Social
Welfare in 1962.
Dr. Sindwani explained to the in-
terviewers points about education
in India, religion, and the caste
system, winch is gradually becom-
ing less rigid.
The Indi m students receive elev-
en years of .secondary school. They
begin studying English in the sixth
grade. Many of their courses are
in English in the latter years of
eeondary education.
Individual Integrity Withstands
Powerful Ultra Liberal Presses
Allen Drury has again produced
a no ugly realistic in char-
situation, an-i actual
ibility. The moi . lf-
ttti : ,??:? rican could not help
but wondei If the plot of Capable
of Honoi might .someday be reali-
Set somewhere in the late 1970's
or early 1930's (by its references to
recent polittaa and as a sequel to
Advise and Consent and A Shade
of Difference), it reveals how the
lews media can become so over-
Wetoitagly powerful that it can act-
tolly dominate the views of mil-
lions of Americans.
Walter Dobius is the man who
establishes himself as head of the
Washington press corps. Drury
Paints him in a modern art-like
witness t.) .show that his treach-
S: fa like that of all his-
'super-humane He be-
convinced that his ultra-
are right that he goes
ngtha to see his political
include the "positive
bout prejudiced reporting. Even
now, some newspapers "color"
their news to tit the whims of their
Perhaps the most frightening
aspect of this novel is the uniting
of various left and right wing groups
by the Dubius forces. These people
perform a haunting chorus of
"boohs" and "no's" during the
presidential nominating convention.
They also cause several street fights
and a nearly fatal attack on the
daughter of the Secretary of State.
Drury has produced a very "be-
lievable" novel simply because he
has chosen a "question of the
times 'How much does the press
dominate the public's thinking?
In India, the system of higher
education is somewhat different
from that of America. The college
program is based on three years.
After having gone to college, the
students must go to the University
where they take standarized tests
in their fields of study. Upon passing
these tests, the students receive
their diplomas.
In the early colleges and higher
education program begun by the
British in India, Liberal Arts was
the major field of study. At the
present, technical, scientific, and
vocational fields are being offered
and emphasized.
The dominant religion of India is
Hindu, although t there is no state-
religion. Approximately 80 of the
Indian population is Hindu. Dr.
Sindwani explained that the Hindu
religion is a liberal religion which
is more personal and independent
in nature than the organized re-
ligions found in our country.
Mi my Hindus have never entered
a temple, although temples may be
found throughout India. Hinduism
is more a way of life.
Dr. Sindwani elaborated on the
fact that the cast system of India is
gradually becoming a thing of the
past, perhaps more in urbanized
areas than in rural areas. In past
years, the "untouchables or low-
est caste members had no oppor-
tunity to better their lives because
of low education standards and
lack of good job openings.
Today the government is working
to give everyone equal chances in
education, jobs, and social posi-
tions. Not only is the government
changing, but the people them-
selves are becoming less prejudiced.
to U
216 E. 5th Street
of Communism
hich hi ontenda that America
?ulci bow to Communist wishes
T?i to the extent of allowing the
?' her.
Doblua are several fam-
? Dl '?' characters including
Btarley Hudson and Sec-
e?r.v oi state Orrin Knox - both
?w With i lie integrity to lead the
?Z ,7 and the euk to stand up to
.waiter's u-nriH ? ti ?,?
Cleaners & Launderers
Cor. 10th & Cotanche Sts. Greenville, N. C.
! Hr. Cleaning 3 Hr. Shirt Service
B world They prove that
fy iire indeed "capable of hon-
anri n? risWng political oblivion
. jnr-ir families' safety in order
save America.
?ni. ud Jason? Governor of Calif-
?ja, becomes the tool of the
hkW ?f Wa'ter Wonderful"
tlon fhe Prudential nomina-
heiagalnst Rarley Hudson. Ted's
JT " grabbing Jason "clan"
as Wpj
2 Lady
as his beautiful and bril-
st Lady make excellent ad-
characters fascinatln? list of
Which sltUation involved is one
com rw,m,Ually faces America. Re-
ed mm cal cn"iPaigns have end-
m candidates complaining a-
State Bank
and Trust Co.
5 Points
Greenville, N. C.
Member F. D. I. C
carnival, tag day, white elepha it
sale or some other project, chances
are you'll be more successful if
you plan far enough ahead to be
able to sponsor an event that runs
Advertise Your Event In Advance
Surprisingly, say iesearchers at
the National Popcorn Foundation.
many groups neglect to let the peo-
ple out.side their own membership
know about their fund-raising pro-
jects early enough to do the most
good. You know you're active in a
good cause, but others must be
told. Local merchants may be will-
ing to let local civic groups place
temporary signs In their store win-
dows. Or you might investigate the
Ibility of getting an item in
?he newspaper, or sp ,t on the
! radio station.
Pick An Item Your roup
Can Make Money On
What you clear on your pr
may be too low to warrant the time
and expense if you sell something
that doesn't have a high enough
profit margin. Many student and
fraternity organizations are find-
ing that popcorn succeeds aa a
money maker because of its popu-
larity and high profit ratio. They
can make and sell fresh buttered
and salted popcorn by the bushels
? and make 8c on every 10c sale!
A popper rctj, from $200-350, and
is usually paid off in the first half
of the season.
While it's no) a good idea to fol-
low one type oi fund-raising project
with another of the .same kind right
away, your group may be able to
take a helpful cue from other or-
ganizations that raise money for
their causes successfully. Go to
their events and observe what
they're doing.
Have- troublt getting club mem-
bers to pitch in when a fund-rais-
ing project is planni a You may
have less trouble getting volunteers
if you select a project that requires
minimum of effort ? d reaps a
maximum of tui: and profits. Col-
lege students in many communities
re raising money foi their extra-
curricular activities the enjoyable
way by selling popcorn at school
porting e n1 ? sdent operat-
i i) ?pcorn concession encourages
the idea of self-sufficiency. And
proved doubly-beneficial: the
crowd gets a real treat for their
money, and the si ise mon-
ey in an ed - depend-
ent manner.
Pick A !at When otn r
Organizations lr? Staging Affairs
A conflict would cut your attend-
ince. An easy way to learn the
schedule of events planned by the
various civic, social, church and
school groups in your community
is to check the loal events page of
our local newspaper
Gear Your Project To Times When
People Have Money To Spend
Fund-raising protects planned for
such times as right after the
Christmas season ? when people
have spent their extra funds on
presents ? or after tax time, may
not be as successful as they could
have been otherwise. One of the
best times to schedule a money-
making project, say experts, is the
day after most of the people in the
community aet their paychecks.
Fittings for the official Uni-
versity Blazers with embroider-
ed pockets will be held Mon-
day, October 9th, from 10 ajn.
until 5 p.m. at Students Supply
Stores, Wright Building.
stands Collar and
above the
THE PURIST" button-down by Sero is kej
to the trim tapered look of today's astute tra-
ditional dresser. Clean-cut body lines the
exclusive Sero full-flared, soft-rolled collar
a seven-button front . . . classic shirtman-
ship at its finest. Exclusive colours and dis-
tinctive stripings ?on a host of handsome
201 E. 5th Street

6?East Carolinian- Friday, October 6, 1967
Registration for the Inter-Fra-
ternity Council's formal fall rush
began this week with interested
male students placing their name
on the list at the registration booth
in the University Union.
The inter-Fraternity Council re-
quests that all interested men enter
their names before the registration
period closes October n.
Fraternity brothers get the rush
proceedings underway this weekend,
as they open the houses to rushees.
A schedule of dates and times men
may visit the Greek residences is
as follows:
October 6-7-8
6?7:00-12:00 ? Open House.
Rushees may visit the fraterni-
ty house of their choice. No
dating allowed.
7?Closed. Rushees may not vlsil
fraternity houses.
8?Closed. Rushees may not visit
fraternity houses.
October 13-14-15
13?7:00-12:00 p.m.?Open House
?Combo Party. Rushees may
visit fraternity houses during
the stated hours. Dating is al-
14?2:00-10:30 p.m.?Open House
until football game is over.
Rushees may visit fraternity
bouses during the stated hours.
Dating is allowed.
15?Open House. Rushees may
visit fraternity houses. No dat-
October 18-19-20
18?Convocation for all rushees?
6:30 p.m. in Old Austin Audi-
torium. Rush formally opens?
7:30-10:00 p.m.
19?Rush from 7:30 10:00 p.m.
18-19?Rushees must visit all fra-
ternity hous" during hours of
20?Rush from 7:30-10:00 p.m.
Rushees may visit fraternity of
their choice.
October 21-22-23
21?Rush from 2:00-5:00 p.m.
22?Quiet period.
23?Whichard Annex?1:00 - 5:00
Gamma Sigma Chapter of Kap-
pa Delta Sorority would like to
recognize Sister Mary Leslie Am-
brose from Waldorf, Md. and Sis-
ter Ruth Fleming from Greenville.
N. 0 who have tied for first place
for their academic averages for
Spring Quarter, 1967. The chapter
scholarship bracelet has been
awarded to them.
Gamma Sigma's high overall av-
erage for Spring Quarter of 1967
earned for them East Carolina Uni-
versity's Sorority Scholarship tro-
Chi Omegas announce that they
awarded two bids at the culmi-
nation of informal rush. Receiving
bids were Nanie Austin of Auroa and
Janet Edwards of Ayden.
Lamdba Chi's entertained the
Chi O's with a social last week.
Sigma Chi Delta's Alpna pledge
class includes Dale Stearns, Eric
Oliver, Allen Rutledge, Ed Cooper,
Ron Bowman, Bruce Tangle and
Denny Seabesan.
Jack Tracy, Bill Hicks, Bob Cosh-
on, Tony Philips. Buster Ward.
Tarry Mosly and O. D. Reagan are
members of the Beta pledge class.
In recent elections, Alpna Delta
Pi sorority chose Vicki Vienneau
their new Publicity Chairman and
Sandy Wentzel, current President
at ADPi, Homecoming Represen-
tative for the sorority.
ADPi Pat Montgomery was elect-
ed new Vice-President of the Pan-
hellenic Council. ,
The sisterhood, consisting of 49
girls, recently initiated the fol-
lowing new members: Virginia La-
nam, Fayetteville, N. C Carol Mc-
intyre, Sneads Ferry, N. C Kathy
Moulton, Chesapeake. Va and
Joan Teague, Winston-Salem, N. C.
New pledges are: Laura Z. Bates,
Greensboro, N. C; Kathy Boyd, Ar-
lington, Va and Pamela Frazier,
Greensboro, N. C.
Delta Zeta's Alpha Alpha pledge
class enjoyed a Scavenger Hunt a
couple of weeks ago. Traits of punc-
tuality and promptness prevailed as
the pledges hurriedly returned the
Sigma Chi Delta flag in time for it
to make its way to the East Caro-
lina-Richmond football game.
Inadvertantly omitted from the
Alpha Alpha pledge class listing
last week was Jere Gallagher. A
ophomore from Fort Bragg, N. C,
Jere recently assumed the duties
as president of her pledge class.
Other officers serving are Wanda
Kerns, vice-president; Martha
Barnhardt, secretary: Cindy Mun-
roe, treasurer; Linda Olsen and
La Verne Massey, song leaders; and
l.oretta Blum, projects chairman.
Sisters and pledges welcomed ap-
proximately forty girls to a Coke
party last Wednesday afternoon.
These parties are held for the pur-
pose of acquainting girls with the
enjoyment and excitement of soro-
rity living.
The brothers of Sigma Chi Del-
ta recently solemnized their selec-
tion of Sister Patty Larson as their
sweetheart with a serenade last
Wednesday night. Patty is a senior
How to Keep Your Money
From Running Out
Before Your Month Does
First get yourself a check
ing account. (Wachovia,
preferably.) That way you
always have a current record of
your financial position. You can
pace yourself. Besides, if you're
not carrying all that cash in your
pocket, you're not as likely
to spend it. If you do choose
Wachovia?and we hope you
do?you'll enjoy No-Service-
Charge Checking as long as
you keep just $100 in your
account. Why not come in
and talk it over?
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
?MSB .
English major from Fort Bragf,
If. C.
Kappa Sigma Fraternity honor
Sister Jane Hinton by choosing her
to represent its brotherhood as
sweetheart for the coming year
Jane is a junior French major from
Goldsboro, N. C. The Kappa Sip-
ma brothers save a social for the
Delta Zeta sisters Wednesday night
Delta Zeta was victorious in a
volleyball game with the sisters of
Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority last
Alpha Omicron Pi has inductee
Martha Montgomery of Durham, a
psychology and biology major.
There are two new pledges, Mar-
cia Dessler oi Scituate, Massachu-
setts, and Sally Beck of St. Peters-
burg, Florida
The sisters ate now enjoying three
meals a day under the direction of
the new House Manager, Mary Ann
Gentry who is an alumnae an:
graduate student. Mrs. Annie Little
who is cook at the AOPi house.
Barbara Cirulis of Charlotte. N.
C, is the new Vice-President and
Pledge Trainer. A new program
for the pledgee has beer, initial
by Barbara.
Lucy (Scogginj Pake, AOPi brio
is now Junior Panhellenic repre-
sentative. Other new officers are:
Becky Kaminski, scholarship Chair-
man; Anna Sturm, Philanthropic
Chairman; Myra Sally Putnam, His-
torian; Jane LeBlanc, WRA repre-
sentative; Nanci Kuhn, Franki-
Ross, and Gail Williams, Standards
Committee. Mrs. Betty Depp Gross-
nickle is the advisor for Standard!
AOPi has some new advisors for
LtB chapter: Mr Betty Depp Gros. -
nickle. Mrs. Ray Jones. Mrs. Tay-
lor, and Mrs. Rocke.
Phi Kappa Tau has now compiler
a 2-1-1 record in football by down-
ing Alpha Kappa Psi and Alph
Epsilon Pi.
Plans are now being prepared for
Phi Tau's annual Woman Hater
Week prior to Homecoming. Amor
the Phi Tau's now serving E.C.U
are David Lloyd, Vice-President o:
SGA; Jimmy Young, Managing Edi-
per Linville, Pirate ind Tim Kel-
ler. Cheerleader
This past week-euu about twent
brothers accompanied the KA ad-
visor, Ovid W. "Doc" Pierce, on e
:rip to his plantation in Enfield
N. C. For one night some might
high living in the old Southern
tradition was observed. Saturday
night a combo party was held a:
the party room behind the Pizz
Inn. The Sardams, a group from
Wilson, N. C. provided the music.
Guest included several Kappa Sig-
mas from Wake Forest. Sigma Nu's
from UNC, and Lambda Chi's from
Last week the chapter football
team continued its winning streak
by defeating APO by the score c:
25-13 and Sigma Chi Delta 33-7
Games are .scheduled this week with
the Sig Eps and Kappa Sigs. Th
volleyball team headed by Mitchell
Graham and John Smith is getting
.nto action.
Lewis Produces I
The Bellboy'Rick
Jerry Lewis not only produced
directed, and wrote "The Bellboy"
Friday's free flick, but also play?
Stanley, the main character.
Stanley is one of the small armj
of bellboys who keeps a lush Miami
Beach hotel operating smoothly.
That is, the operation would be
smooth except for Stanley. His jest
for his work i.s matched only by hi?
ability to foul up every situation?
whether it involves losing control
of 30 dogs in the lobby or popping
a flash bulb while Cary Middle-
?r-off attempts a delicate putt.
If vou did not receive your 196
BUCCANEER last spring, you still
have a chance to get one.
You may pick up your yearbook
in the BUCCANEER office in Wri-
ght Building anytime between 2 anc
5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Qto week the Tabu
(or tbe pleasure of
ils for the SPIRIT.
Amei la. tl.P.
tend to be anti-inte
typed and are diet
mores, according tc
port of the Interfra
Big Eight Conferer.
Iowa State Universi
The Greek SysU
scholarship by grad
learning, the report
ten we say come t
meet people like y
they should be sayin
Greek System to mi
like and unlike y
should be a chance
tolerance of out-gr
The report states t
System provides a
security ? this is f
often Oreek freshme
cency to become
Complacency results
not to realize proble
Professional pecia
era of social "tudi
North Carolina will
East Carolina Univ
Friday, Oct. 13. for
sual Sympohium or
the Social Studies.
Sponsored by the u
tary department ani
Center for Teachers
the American Histo
tion, the program (
temporary World:
Challenge" awaits ab
symposium participa
other interested pe
afternoon md evenin
. The program will b
?a New Austin Buildi
five professors wi
symposium ???essions:
Iffl. Wllkins Winn,
?d Kathleen Dunlo
Mtery faculty, and J
? the political scienc
oe lymposlum ba
P. will feature ai
r-U political scienc
indorf on -The Am
Abroad ?
Also n the svmp0!
2 Dr. John Ho
hnprf College of Arts
Z Dr- Herbert R.
?iistroy department c.
wglstration will be
'? 2 p.m priday Oc
?Btm Building Roo
?um sessions are s
'?? w 8 p.m same 1
taJSer to'ormatior
he 1 bV
?ft"S Prof- J?
Jthe ECU Departme
-?is.tii ti

om Fort Bragp,
t Fraternity honor
lton by choosing he
its brotherhood at
the coming year
? French major from
C. The Kappa Sig-
ive a social for the
ts Wednesday night,
vas victorious in a
I with the sisters of
Sigma sorority last
on Pi has inductc
mery of Durham,
id biology major
new pledges, Mar-
Scituate, Massachu-
Beck of St. Peterf-
B now enjoying thret
ider the direction o'
Manager, Mary Ann
i an alumnae an:
t Mrs. Annie Littl'
the AOPi house,
lis of Charlotte. N.
Vice-President and
A new program
has been initiated
tj Pake, AOPi bnd
Panhellenic reprt
: new officers are:
, scholarship Chair-
urm, Philanthropic
i Sally Putnam, His-
Blanc, WRA repre-
ci Kuhn, Franki-
Williams, Standard
. Betty Depp Gross -
vigor for Standards
ie new advisors for
i. Betty Depp dross-
y Jones. Mrs. Tay-
u has now compiler
i football by dowr
pa Psi and Alpr.
being prepared for
tal Woman Hater
omecoming. Amonj.
low serving E.C.U
Vice-President o:
ung, Managing Ed:
ate ind Tim Kes-
?iiu about twent
anied the KA ad-
Doc" Pierce, on z
itation in Enfield
light some might
the old Southern
bserved. Saturday
party was held a:
behind the Pizz:
us, a group from
rovided the music
several Kappa Sig-
Forest. Sigma NuV
lambda Chi's from
! chapter footbal.
its winning streak
O by the score o:
a Chi Delta 33-7
uled this week with
Kappa Sigs. The
leaded by Mitchei:
10 Smith is getting
ot only produced
)te "The Bellboy"
:k, but also play
a character,
of the small arm
eeps a lush Miami
erating smoothly,
eration would be
r Stanley. His jest
atched only by hLc
i every situation?
ves losing control
lobby or popping
lile Cary Middle-
elicate putt.
receive your 196
t spring, you still
? get one.
up your yearbook
IER office in Wri-
ime between 2 anc
bxough Friday.
East Carolinian?Friday, October 6, 1967?7
Bearden Offers Salesmanship
In Well-Balanced Realism
Average Greek's Faith
Lies In Pin, Not House
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. ou, well-
known to North Carolina business
circles, is vice president of Wac-
hovia Bank & Trust Company at
Greenville. He reviewed Dr. Beard-
en's new book at the request of the
"Personal Selling: Behavioral
Science Readings and Cases By
James Hudson Bearden. John Wiley
Ss Sons, Inc. 353 pages. $8.95.
By DR. J. W. POU
An open-ended treatment of both
practical and theoretical considera-
tions of personal .selling as a vital
part of the business marketing con-
cept is provided by this book. The
subject treatment permits reflec-
tion and exploration by the student
:mfl reader.
This week the Tabulou? Fighting Pirates will tak? on their fourth victim f f f
(?r the pleasure of Mommy, Daddy, and You. Be sure to scream baby? COIHDlltCr UlTCrS
Financial Advice
A new service for student- seek-
ing financial aid to attend college
has been announced by North Amer-
ican Educational Computer Ser-
vices, Inc of Princeton, New Jer-
According to David Cristman,
President of ECS, the service will
employ a computer to match an
individual student's qualifications to
the requirements of over 700,000
items of national scholarships,
grants, loans and other forms of
assistance contained in the compu-
ter's memory bank.
The ECS service, which was dem-
onstrated at the National Educa-
tional Association Convention in
Minneapolis, on July 5, 1967, is a
major breakthrough in financing
college education. Until the advent
of computer technology, the task of
locating financial assistance for
which he qualified was nearly a
physically impossible task for a
student, Mr. Christman noted.
The ECS computer has been pro-
grammed with over $500 million in
scholarships, grants-in-aid, and fel-
lowships available from colleges,
universities, foundations, profes-
sional, business, social, civic, trade
and labor organizations, corpora-
tions, religious organizations, and
federal, state and local governments
all over the country. Not all items
are dependent on high scholastic
standing or on financial need, but
upon various other qualifications
established by the donors.
The student wishing to use the
ECS service completes a highly de-
tailed questionnaire about his back-
ground and aims.
This information is then fed into
the computer, which, in seconds
compares the student's qualifica-
tions against the requirements of
the various scholarship donors. The
computer then types out a person-
alized letter to the student listing
the names and the addresses of
donors offering financial aid for
which he is eligible, describing the
number and amounts of the scholar-
ships, and pertinent supplementary
Ames, la. iI.P.J ? Fraternities
?end to be anti-intellectual, stereo-
typed and are dictated by sopho-
mores, according to a detailed re-
jjort of the Interfraternity Council
Big Eight Conference released to
Iowa State University house presi-
The Greek System emphasizes
scholarship by grades, not by real
learning, the report says. "Too of-
ten we say come to our group to
meet people like yourself" when
they should be saying "come to the
Greek System to meet people both
like and unlike yourself. There
should be a chance to promote a
:olerance of out-groups within a
The report states that the "Greek
System provides a freshman with
security ? this is good. However.
often Greek freshmen have a ten-
dency to become boo confident.
Complacency results and a tendency
not to realize problems objectively
State Symposium
Convenes At ECU
Professional specialists and teach-
ers of Boclal studies throughout
North Carolina will come to the
East Carolina University campus
Friday, Oct. 13. for the third in-
sual Symposium on History and
the Social Studies.
Sponsored by the university's his-
tory department and the Service
Center for Teachers of History of
the American Historical Associa-
tion, the program on "The Con-
temporary World: Change and
Challenge" awaits about 400 invited
symposium participants and any
otter interested persons. Friday
tftemoon ind evening sessions are
. e program will begin at 1 p.m.
-New Austin Building, Room 132.
five professors will preside at
symposium sessions: Claude Stur-
arl11- Wllkins Winn, Philip Adler
jnd Kathleen Dunlop. all of the
' faculty, and Jung-Gun Kim
? hie political science department,
vmposium banquet at 6:30
P. v.ill feature an address by
ECU litlcal science Prof. Hans
indorf on -The American Image
Also on the symposium program
'hi n Dr Jnhn Howell, dean of
College of Arts and Sciences.
iZ Dr Hprbert R. Paschal. ECU
-woy department chairman.
"wratton will be held from 1
Ai, P"1" Friday, Oct. 13, at New
??i Building, Room 132. Sym-
Musium sessions are scheduled from
? ?o I p.m same location.
(.?7er Information may be ob-
?n?d by writing the chalman of
of theVtnt' Prof- James H. Wease
Grw! ,CU Department of history,
enviite, N. c. 27834
Fraternities, the report contin-
ues, continually ship older men out
of their houses. The causes lie in
inadequate housing for all fraterni-
ty members, interest in out-of-house
activities, being tired of house re-
sponsibility and structured schedule
of participation, more self-center-
ed interest rather than group-cen-
tered, and freedom gained by living
off-campus, the report stated.
The report suggests possible so-
lutions such as programming for
more mature activity in houses ?
above sophomore activity, using
juniors and seniors in prominent
positions, and upgrading sopho-
more-dictated activity to provide
programs of interest to seniors.
'Good Greeks are great ? aver-
age Greeks are no better than av-
eiage anything. They are falling
far short of their potentials" the
report continues. "Joe Average
Greek has more faith in what his
pin will do for him than what his
house will
Fraternities must program clos-
er to their ideas. They must do
Miore than build good executives
and hostesses. Fraternities should
cake time to evaluate each year
what they are really doing with
men they pledge. They must ask
themselves, "What do we really do
for our freshmen, sophomores and
Long-range planning committees
hould be established to determine
where a house Is going, instead of
functioning from crisis to crisis.
The ISU system is at present be-
hind in programming pledge edu-
cation, according to the report.
Other schools have developed reg-
ulations concerning pledge activi-
tv, control of pledge skips through
registration at IFC offices, police
committees made up of fraternity
representatives for enforcing rules
and a permanent pledge education
officer on administrative board.
At five of the campuses, presi-
dents, secretaries and business man-
agers of IFC were paid on a mon-
thly basis. It was felt that better
qualified officers were running be-
cause of the change.
25 Delicious Flavors
of Ice Cream
Try a Delicious Banana Split
or Sundae
264 By Pass, Greenville
Saads Shoe Shop
. Prompt Service
heated-Middle College View
Cleaners Main Plant
r?rand Avenue
Good Selection Of New or Used Furniture
There is no serious question with
today's management in the business
world about the need for an ener-
getic, substantial, and continuous
marketing effort. The marketing
plan continues to be management's
guide to profits. Management gen-
erally feels that a succesful mar-
keting effort cannot develop from
an unplanned, instinctive approach
t; personal selling.
The traditional treatment of
salesmanship has been criticized
because of the lack of emphasis on
theories and concepts. This book
gives a well - balanced treatment
of salesmanship from both the prac-
tical and theor :tical viewpoint. The
.subject treatment is accomplished
in a very realistic manner. The
selection and organization of the
subject matter should prove useful
in filling the needs of the business
world as well as that of the educa-
tor and his students.
Thirty - seven selected readings
comprise the major portion of the
book .These selections emphasize
and prompt the consideration of
theoretical information that bears
on the salesman ? prospect rela-
tionship. Material has been brought
together that provides an inter-
disciplinary background and frame
work from which to study the per-
a-sci- linar h no ar 1 n ?m-
sonal selling function.
An extensive list of cases con-
stitute the second part of the book.
These cases are sufficiently brief
to be read quickly. At the same
time they are of sufficient length
to illustrate many important prin-
ciples and to stimulate discussion.
These cases should prove very use-
ful and provocative in discussions
of personal selling.
It is timely and importint to-
day for both educators and busi-
ness management to take a more
intensive look at the personal sell-
ing function in marketing. This
book provides an excellent behav-
ioral science approach to the study
of personal selling,
that our senate formally recogniz-
ed President Jenkins and our fine
Board of Trustees for their active
The 69-member senate endorsed
the statement, after it was present-
ed by Dr. Wellington B. Gray, dean
of the university's School of Art.
Faculty Expresses
Pride In ECU Leaders
The Faculty Senate of East Caro-
lina University has adopted a state-
ment of appreciation and support
for the university - building efforts
of the school's trustees and presi-
The statement reads:
"Because of the tremendous ef-
fort put forth in many activities on
behalf of this institution that has
resulted in our continued growth
in quality and size, the Faculty Sen-
ate expresses appreciation to Presi-
dent Leo W. Jenkins and the Board
of Trustees for their untiring ef-
forts on behalf of East Carolina Un-
iversity. The Senate also wishes
to assure its continued active sup-
port, respect for and loyalty to the
President of the University and the
Board of Trustees.
Dr. Alton V. Finch, chairman of
the faculty and presiding officer of
the senate, said he is "very happy
one more thing
not to
worry about
Neat discreet bags
for pad disposal
come FREE in each
pretty new box of
Scott Confidets.

8?East Carolinian?Friday, October 6, 1967
Bo I said to myself. I'll beat this parkinu problem; now where do I put the damned parkin sticker?
Choke Of New UC President
Praised By California Leaders
tion of Charles Hitch as the new
president of the University of Calif-
ornia was praised by everyone from
Ronald Reagan to Clark Kerr this
week, though student leaders were
guarded in their judgements and
there were few clues about how
Hitch will cieal with Reagan and
the volatile higher education situa-
tion in California.
Hitch, currently UC vice presi-
dent for administration, was elect-
ed in a unanimous decision by the
board of regents. He will assume
hi? new position Jan. 1.
Most of Hitchs comments on as-
suming the post were confined to
statements like "I hope the uni-
versity will continue to expand and
increase its contribution to the
state .since he said he would "no!
make any pronouncements on pol-
icy issties until I am president
But it seemed clear that Hitch
will be in the thick of the new bat-
tlea which appear to be coming
over the university's budget. It was
under his direction that the 1967-68
budget was drafted and guided
Through a stormy legislative ses-
sion and a veto battle with Gover-
nor Reagan.
He is recognized by the regents
and administrators as the universi-
ty's budgetary expert and has many
Mine, been praised for his presenta-
tions as regents' meetings, but ex-
actly how he will line up in any bat-
tles with Reagan is still undetermin-
ed. His only comment was that de-
bates between Reagan and the re-
gents over budget and governor's
proposal to charge tuition had dam-
ped the university's image in some
parts of the country, "fairly or un-
Reagan's reaction bo the selec-
on ol Hitch a registered Dem-
ocrat, as vc president was en-
hu lastic ' fie a great scholar
Reagan said, "and he's oing
be a fine president
Although la : that by Ins
iwn choice lie had net particip;
at all in the selection of Hitch prior
to the final vote, the governor
that he had supported him durin
the executive session consideral
and had voted for him.
And in Berkeley, former UC Pres-
? Clark fired bj the regents in
January, added his voice to the
i horu ise which also Includ-
ed all nine of the university's cam-
pus chancellors, a faculty commit-
tee which made recommendations
on the selection of n new president
Pass-Fail Is Adopted
For Haverford College
Haverford, Pa. (I.P.) ? Pot fresh-
men and sophomores at Haverford
College, the traditional grading sys-
tem will become a thing of the
past ? at least as far as official
transcripts are concerned.
While numerical grades will con-
tinue to be given, they will be for
internal use only, including the stu-
dent, his advisor, and the dean Of-
ficial transcripts will .how 01
list of courses taken, wi
Tion if the the student
The change appro the fac-
ulty after lengthy I
effect with this yea ? ing
class. The recomn esult-
ing in the new changes came from
?in- college's I Pol
mlttei I .
are represent.
In . r and senior yi
given on
official ; i , er, a stu-
dent ? ? . ,
rision each e-
b. no grade will be
Master's Candidates
To Display Art Work
Three East Carolina master's de-
gree candidates will display their
work in an upcoming art show in
They are Pat Ferrell, Dougla
Parker and James Sanders. Their
exhibits will consist of paintings
and sculpture.
The exhibition will open Sunday,
Oct. 8, at 3 p.m. in the Greenville
Art Center, located at 802 Evans
St. It will stay un through Oct. 28.
The public is invited to attend a re-
tception honoring the artists from
8 to 5 p.m. Sunday.
listed except for internal use. The
option must be taken before the
c lurse tarts.
Officials hen- said they hoped
new procedure would "encour-
a freer choice of courses at a
time when student ire till in the
proces oi deciding on a major, and
ilp the student make the
tion From high school to col-
? at a tune when he still car-
with him the grade consclous-
"1 high school and when stu-
anxiety I ?????? nixed to be at
hi j continued, shou-
i its to "hit their
In the junior and senior
rades will be record-
it being permanently pen-
any ear etbacks in
liege career.
The faculty feeling, generally.
durin) the first
two college years should be regard-
ed as "educational tools for com-
munication between students and
faculty while junior and senior
grades have additional significance
as devices for evaluation of the stu-
dent by graduate and professional
Another modification also ap-
proved by the faculty permits a
written evaluation to be given in
place of a numerical grade "in some
advanced courses, including senior
research work, and departmental
Studies. In such courses, the trans-
cript will indicate that a written
evaluation accompanies the trans-
cript and a note will be made if the
course is failed.
Until now virtually all students
in all classes received numerical
grades. A few took advantage of
an option for "pass-fail" grades for
courses beyond the normal course
load only.
to the regents, and the acting presi-
dent. Harry Wellman.
Hitch will apparently work to
guard academic freedom at the un-
iversity, which has come under
heavy fire from many critics, in-
cluding Governor Reagan, because
"i student demonstrations, outspok-
en students and faculty members.
Responding to questions concern-
ing his written statement that he
counted on the regents "to defend
and protect the university's auton-
omy Hitch replied, "university
autonomy like freedom, is some-
thing sou have to fight for all the
time It is always in danger
In the .statement Hitch also
1 rote, "if you find a university that
? -triking some .sparks, you
? .in assume that it is dead Elab-
orating for reporters, he said.
"scholars in the university have
'a responsibility for seeking truth
and in so doing they produce
-parks later adding that "resear-
ch is an essential part of the uni-
ersity; good teaching and good
? e irch are Inseparable
Student leaders were more cau-
tious m their reaction to Hitch's
election Most of them said that
'heir reservations were based on
the a.s yet unanswered question of
Hitch -lands on student-related
: sues.
UCLA Undergraduate President
Joe RubiiLstein. calling Hitch "a
very g-ood administrator said that
"it still remains to be seen whether
"i- nor, President-Elect Hitch will
give students definite participation
m decision-making at the universi-
ty Hitch said at his press confer-
ence that he wants to discuss things
with .students because "students
have every right to be consulted
but that "at this stage in their liv-
es, students are not ready to run
the university
EC Participates In Project;
Adds 2 New Music Courses
East Carolina is one ol 30 col
leges and universities in the nation
chosen by the Music Bduactors Na-
tional Conference to participate In
the Contemporary Music Project
Through a federal gri nt, the con-
ference appropriated fund to col-
lege in the project I i bu3 musical
supplies and to hir . gi late as-
sistant ?
According to Mr. Seal i I the
music department, oni oi the aims
of the project is to present the
theory ami the history ol music as
n "integrated total" Instead of
'wo separate eon
This year there are two first
year history theory classes being
'aught by Mr. Searl, Mr. Stevens
and Mr shank using the team-
teaching method. The book for
?he first year course is a collection
of music arranged in historical or-
der from the time of the early
Greek dramas to the Renaissance.
Students taking the new course
.tudy the style of music of each
period and perform the music. Then
they write their own music in the
same style and perform their com-
The two classes separate for lec-
tures and discussions, but combine
For Sale: 1964 Pontiac convertible.
Red with black interior with white
top. Air conditioning. A real beau-
ty, must be seen to be appreciated.
See Steve Murray or call 752-3963
after 2 P.M.
for stud nt rfoimances.
Throughout the course students
ire i. iboul the styles an
the h ? while actua
lv experiencing the music thr u
their lances ind oompo
2nd Article Clears Up
Information On WRC
to clarify several errors about tic
in w Women's Re. ld nee Council
which were conveyed by an ??
m la ' tui s lay's issue
'flu' WRC was established by th
1966-67 Women's Judiciary Coun
rather than by the SGA leglslatun
which approved the new coun
constitution. A committee was ap-
pointed and approved by the W
men's Judiciary to study the tea.
ibility of a WRC and to establish
its purposes.
The committee, ornposed :
Charlene Teitelbaum, Margery
Hendricks, Susan Davis, Lynn
shearin, and Mary Aim Gentry,
drew up the WRC constitution.
The body, according to its con-
stitution, is legislative in function,
not judicial It was formed to c -
ordinate the government of the wt
men's dormitories.
Miss Carolyn Pulghun as Assist-
ant Dean f Women will act a
WRC advisor.
Stand for no nonsense
in Bass Weejuns?
Put your fool down ask for Bass Weeiuns
moccasins at your nearby college store or
shoe shop. Only Bass makes We' ?
G. H. Bass & Co
Wtlron, Maine 04294.
Brothers and Pledges of
Invite You To Formal Rush Party
Friday, October 6, 8:00-12:00
130 West 7th Sfrt
All Men Signed For Formal Rush and Their Dates Arc Invited.

ha'lii Overtni (11) Is
? ;e b.
'i oison
line ?
Bill ,?
u kii- it.

oi mances,
he course .stud
nut Uie styles ani
nui Ic while actual
the music thri u -
ices ind compo
le Clears Up
hi On WR(
il errors about ti.
lie Id nee Ooi
.eyed l)V an ?
- issue
established by I
; Judiciary Coin:
he so A legislatu
the new council
committee was i
roved by the W
to study the fea. -
and to establl
?e, . ornposed
lbaum, Marker,
an DavLs, Lyu
lary Ann Gentry.
;C constitution,
ording to its con-
jlative m function,
.vas formed to c -
jrnment of the wo-
Ulghum, as Aissist-
Dinor. will act aa
Kast Caroliniai
Pirates In Action
Against Wildcats

on (il) K .melit after .1 long pain Other i??? in. (86 Jimmj Adkins, (78) Beraie Brook.
(?ri b.
punt . . . ( you tell who's kicking?
' fc
ii nlson, the Pirates All Vmeriean prospect, is caught
il i ? 1 two ildrats defendei s
. . . watches intently as the game
progresses. Number 17 is Co-captain
Velson Oravatt.
Photos By
Walt Quade
Dennis Yocn 'lii takes off on a stamper around right end.
,m taeklei 1
1 1 .iIk.ul I" ?
t. 1 ivllght, othn
.1 u.irn
1 ol
red bj
up food yardage
Richardson Stadiurr?Home of the Davidson Wildcats
1(1' rooters fill the stands as the game nets underway,

1&?East Carolinian?Friday, October 6. 1067

Sports Lowe Down
Bucs Go For Four
Bv John Lowe
This Saturday night, the Pirates
put their unblemished record of 3-0
on the line against the Salukis of
Southern Illinois at Ficklen Stadi-
um. Game time is 7:30. The Pirates
are the only unbeaten team in the
Southern Conference now that West
Virginia tost to SVracuse. The Pi-
rates should up their record to 4-0
thi weekend. This sports writer
picks the Pirates by 10 pom's.
Bain Bucs For Two
The Baby Bucs go for their second
win of the y ar this Friday against
the freshmen from the University
of Richmond. Game tune Is 2:30 at
Ficklen Stadium.
The Baby Bucs opened their sea-
son with a 13-7 triumph over New-
port News Apprentice last week.
Syracuse Tough
That must have been some game
as Syracuse held West Virginia and
their Ail-American candidate. Gar-
ret Ford, to a total offense of til
yard The Orangemen have the
nation's number one rushing de-
fense and this was easy to believe
as they held West Virginia to minus
19 yards rushing.
A Small College?
What constitutes a small cull, i
It certainly isn't tabulated by the
number of students attending an
Lambda Chi Alpha Leads
In Fraternity League
In Intramural football, Kappa Al-
pha and Pi Kappa Alpha pulled in-
to a two way tie for second place
Monday in the Fraternity League.
Lambda Chi leads the league with
a 5-0 record while Kappa Alpha
and Pi Kappa Alpha are close be-
hind with 5-1 records. Sigma Phi
Epsilon is currently in fourth place
with a 4-1 record. Theta Chi was
knocked out of a possible three way
tie for second ? losing to P? Kappa
Harriers Crush
Richmond Spiders
On Monday October 2, the Ea.st
Carolina varsity cross-country team
defeated the University of Rich-
mond 18-43 (low score wins) and
captured seven of the top ten plac-
es. Leading the way for the Pirates
and taking first place was Randy
Martin with a very good time of 26
minutes and 41 seconds. Martin
sliced twenty-nine seconds off the
ECU course record and Don Jayroe,
who finished second, was sixteen
seconds ahead of the old record.
The Richmond team is stronger this
year than they have ever been, but
the hard working Pirate harriers
showed the slow moving Spiders
how to run 5.1 miles. ECU now has
season record of two wins and one
On Saturday October 7th the
ECU cross-country team will take
on a strong Virginia Tech squad
here at 11 a.m. The race will start
and finish near the right-field corn-
er of the ECU baseball field. Every-
one come out and cheer the dis-
tance men to victory in the morn-
ing and follow up by pulling for the
Pirate football team when they
clash with the Saluki" of Southern
Illinois University at 8 p.m.
Phi Monday, in Independent Lea-
gue play, Phi Epsilon Kappa and
Fat City Guys moved to a first
place tie with the Tigators in Lea-
gue I. All three teams are current-
ly 2-0. In League II, the Dirty Doz-
en lead the league with a 2-0 re-
cord while the Yankees and the
Shady Oak Bombers are close be-
hind with 1-0 records.
Pi Kappa Alpha rode the .scoring
of Ben McMakin and Everett in de-
feating Alpha Phi Omega, 33-6 Mon-
day. Pi Kappa Alpha now has the
two leading scorers in the Fraternity
League. Donnelly leads the league
with 52 points while McMakin is
v cond with 51 points.
Pi Kappa Phi used a well balunc-
ed attack to knock Theta Chi out of
i cond place. Cotten, Kinsey, Burle-
son and Judson each scored one
touchdown in the 26-12 victory.
Dowd and Moreland each scored
once for Theta Chi,
Phi Epsilon Kappa used four pass-
interceptions and one touchdown
by Bill Jordan, and two other in-
terceptions to beat the Assorted
Nuts, 21-6. Burt Brinson and Sam
Lily each scored once m the vic-
tory. The Knights forfeit to the
Fai City Guys, brings about a three
way tie in League No. I.
in intramural Volleyball. Phi Ep-
silon Kappa also is in the three way
tie tor first place with 9th Street
and C. B. Allstars in Independent
League. Ail have identical 2-0 re-
cords. Kappa Alpha leads the Fra-
ternity League with a 3-0 record
while Lambda Chi and Alpha Kap-
pa P.si are close behind with 2-0 re-
Institution. Southern Ill: is, locat-
ed in Carbondale, Illinois, has an
enrollment of over 25.500 students.
The classification is determined
bv the facilities oi a school, such as
the library, cafeterias, etc, The
qualifications ol a major football
college are that halt Ol the schools
i: play an in -lie major college
Next ye the Salukis will join
?he ranks oi the major i ollegei
( rew Started
Eastern Carolina's, only crew
team Is i inning preparation; foi
another season. 'Hie regattas are
held in the spring on the Tar River
The team works out at Port Term-
inal in Greenville.
The boys an' working out ami
hope to be rowing in two or three
weeks. Present conditioning includ-
es running two miles, running sev-
eral 50 and 25 yard wind sprints.
exercises, and weigh! lifting.
Any boys interested in coining out
lor crew should meet behind Urn-
Mead Dorm between 4:15 and 5:00 m
;lie afternoon to get a ride out to
Port Terminal Transportation is
by bus.

(5.1 MILES
1 MartinECU26:41
2 JayroeECU26:54
3 GuestU of R27.00
4 TaylorECU27:15
5 VossECU27:58
6 HudsonECU28:00
7 WightECU29:06
8 DanielU of R29 14
9 ClineU of R29:27
10 OsbornrECU29-35
HRylandU of R30:23
12 HatfieldECU30:30
Students may gain admit-
tance to home football games
on both Activity and II) cards.
Game time is 7:30 P.M. Satur-
day; gates will open at 5:30 P.M.
Students wishing a choice seat
should come early. ID and Ac-
tivities are not transferrablel
Student workers who helped
give out (iift-Paks may pick
up checks in SGA President's
office after 3 p.m. any day.
S, Illinois Boasts
Experienced Team
F.d. Note: 3rd in a Series
Southern Illinois' last year as a
small college division team promis-
es a tough schedule. After winning
two of their first three games the
Saluckies will be playing the na-
tion's 6th best defensive unit against
the rush. Southern Illnois depends
on running for almost 65 per cent
oi their offense.
Chief among the men who lug
the leather are Charlie Pemberton,
Roger Kuba and Hill Williams.
These are all big backs who would
rather run over a tackier than a-
round. Only Louisville has been able
to handle the rushing attack satis-
Tim Kelley will probably open at
quarterback. Kelley is inexperienced
but has begun to adjust to Coach
Dick Tower's offense.
Southern Illinois has 24 letter-
men from last year's team that
smothered East Carolina 31 to 13.
Eight offensive starters return.
Storng points for the men from
Carbondale, 111. are the kicking spec-
ialists. Kelley is an excellent field
goal and point after man, and Bar-
clay Allen is a fine punter.
The Buc offense must get more
than thirteen points to win the
game this year. Southern Illinois'
ball control offense will be put up
against the best defense they have
yet faced.
Football players remember too.
Last year Southern Illinois ran ov-
er a sickness and injury plagued
F.ast Carolina team. The Pirates
represent the Southern conference
and the pride lost in last year's
game (2nd worst beating in 7 years)
should be the difference. The Pi-
rates will prevail for a 3 touchdown
Catering to Students and
Specializing in razor cut-
We now have five barher
to satisfy your grooming
Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 Noon
1 Hour Martinizing
111 E. 10th Street
1 Hour Dry Cleaning
3 Hour Shirt Service
Large Selection of Stereo Tapes
and Carrying Cases
RECORDS?Stereo and Monaural $3 95
108 Evan Street, Greenville, N. C.
Mi. llendrix, the Dew Sports Information Director, pauses for a moment
while setting up shop in his new post.
Stasavich Names
Information Head
A veteran Georgia and South Car-
(lina sports writer is the new sports
information director of East Car-
olina University.
Athletic Director Clarence Stasa-
vich announced the appointment of
John L. (Johnny) Hendrix. 39. of
the Charleston News and Courier.
Hendrix, a native Georgian, is
former sports editor of the Savan-
nah Morning News and the Augusta
Chronicle. He will begin his duties
Monday, Oct. 2.
Hendrix succeeds Earl Aiken as
East Carolina's SID. Aiken resign-
ed recently, thus ending a 17-year
association with Stasavich, both
here and earlier at Lenoir Rhyne
College in Hickory.
In welcoming Hendrix to the
ECU camp, Stasavich also had
words of commendation for Aiken.
"He has always done a very fine
job, both here at East Carolina and
back at Lenoir Rhyne said Stas.
"He ha.s made a very distinct con-
tribution to our program here and
we are indebted to him for it
Aiken's successor was voted Gt -
rgia's top sports writer of i960 and
1961. He is a former president ol
the South Atlantic League Ba-
ball Writers Association.
Hendrix has operated his own
public relations agency in Augu.s
and he edited a hospital magazine
which won top honors for the state
of Georgia in 1962.
He ha.s done radio sports show .
including play-by-play footba
broadcasts, in addition to his new
paper career.
Before taking his post on tin
News and Courier in 1964, Hendr;
edited the sports pages of the Au-
gusta Chronicle '195563) and t
Savannah Morning News from 194 ?
to 1955, except for a two-year ton:
of duty with the Army. He starti
his newspaper career in 1945 as
copy boy with the Morning New-
Hendrix is a native of Tattnail
County, Ga . and is the son of Mr
and Mrs. J. P. Hendrix. He Is
graduate of Collins, Ga High sch
' and has attended Armstrong Co;
lege and the University of Buffal'
H. L. HODGES & CO Tnc.
Students Sports Headquarters
Dial PL 2-4156
Join The JflJJ Crowd
Pizza M
421 Greenville Blvd.
(264 By-Pass)
Call Ahead For Faster Service
Telephone 756-9991
The Villagers
Village Dancers
Friday, October 6th
Fiddlers III
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East Carolinian, October 6, 1967
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 06, 1967
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