East Carolinian, September 21, 1967

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Volume XLIII
East Carolina University, Greenville, N. C, Thursday, September 21, 1967
Number 4
Chad And Jeremy
Sing Homecoming
- Altr a successful Ian and Sylvia
Concert on September 6, ECU stu-
deni have a number of good shows
to look forward to 'his tall. On Par-
ents' Day. October 7. both parents
and students will enjoy a concert by
plenn Yarbrough. Homecoming en-
tertainment will include Chad and
Jeremy on both Friday and Satur-
day nights and a dance with the
Kingsmen on Saturday night, Octo-
ber 28. On November 10, the Seren-
dipity Singers will entertain with
their variety show. On December
7, Ray Charles and his orchestra
Will perform here.
I A accepted by the students in
the referendum presented la,st year,
there will be a 50 cents charge for
ticket ?; for any concert costing
over three thousand dollars. The
Only concert carrying this assess-
ment is the Chad and Jeremy con-
As the entertainment schedule
for the winter and spring is not
completed, the Entertainment Com-
mittee is running a student opinion
poll on popular entertainment next
week. When you go to vote in the
fall SGA elections on September 27.
be sure to pick up and fill out this
poll indicating your preferences.
Any information you would like
Bonceming c-nU rtainment may be
acquired by .seeing a member of
the Popular Entertainment Commit-
tee or Dean Alexander al the Cen-
tra! Ticket Office.
MR( Filing Dates
Close September 25
Filing for Men's Residence Coun-
cil elections for Governor and Lt.
Governor will continue through
Monday, September 25 until 12:00
Interested dormitory men may
Hie by writing their names, credit
hours, quality points, and the of-
fices for which they are filing.
File is may be left at any time un-
til deadline date in the mail box in
front of the MRC office in Scolt
Flections will be held Thursda.
September 27 in each of the dorm-
itory lobbies.
Newspaper Staff
Welcomes All
I Tile EAST CAROLINIAN will hole!
a reception for all .students inter-
ested in joining the staff or in leam-
tae how the newspaper operates on
Sunday, September 24, from 2:30
to 1:00 p.m. in 201 Wright Build-
in Now staff members will be in-
troduced, and refreshments will be
Students will be introduced to all
areas of the EAST CAROLINIAN
from news, sports and features
writ me; to lay-out, printing, and
Hailing. Interested faculty mem-
ijrr ; are also invited to attend.
Wice weekly newspaper published
by the .students on Tuesday and
Thursdays. The paper serves ap-
proximately 10.000 students, facul-
ty and staff of the college and is
the only contact excluding class
that many individuals have with
the institution, not to mention the
OUtide world. The paper's goal is
to serve the student body.
proximately 35 members but needs
a preat many more people. There
are several positions open on the
news, sports, and features staffs.
- Editor-in-Chief, Bill Rufty com-
mented, "We want everyone who
is willing to work to join the staff.
There are many opportunities open
lb college journalists. The only pre-
requisite is a desire to learn. Any
students or faculty members inter-
ested in seeing how we operate are
also welcome io attend the recep-
tion "
Morrisette Presides
As Newest Speaker
In the second meeting A the
SGA Legislature, the in I order ol
business was to elect a new Speak-
er. Steve Moore. SGA President.
xplained that the election of a new
peaker was necessary because
Courtney Andrews, who was elected
o ti : Speaker last spring,
could not return to school for per-
onal reason
Two men. George Francis and
Steve Morrisette, were nominated.
After discussion, a vote was taken
ind Steve Morrisette was elected.
Morrisette's ilrst act as Speaker
?.as to appoint John Stayley bo
erve as chairman of the Rules
Committee and George Francis as
Stayley then moved that the Leg-
islature approve the Mathematics
Honor Association constitution. With
some discussion the constitution
as approved.
Under committee reports, Dickie
Davies, Chairman of the Telephone
Placement Office Services
Available To Seniors, Grads
Plai emi nl services are available
? . all graduates of East Carolina
University and graduate oi othei
institutions who have complete
at leasl fifteen hours of course work
at East Carolina. Forms for :
'ration and information for
pleting these forms may be obtain-
ed from the Placement Service Oi
fice. It is requested that you come
to The office in person during the
?30 -
e hours - 8:00 - 1230
3:00 to secure the necessar;
? -irs are aske ! ' i regisl
the Placement S rvi i ,
Once your completed file is in
the Placement Office, prospective
: iyers may obtain copies of
your cred n Lai by calling or writ-
ing the Director. It will not be nec-
essary tor you to give names of
ulty members when emplo
New Baptist Student Union
Features Auditorium, Stage
The new Baptist Center which
will be completed before Thanks-
giving. Will offer East Carolina stu-
dents and faculty a wide variety of
The new center, which will be
air-conditioned, will have a large
lecture auditorium with stage and
special lighting equipment for plays.
several meeting rooms, an art gal-
cry, and plenty of room for social
and study activities. Randy Mis-
hoe, directc of the BSU, and ECU's
Baptist chaplain suited that the
center would be open to any group
who can make use of the opportun-
ities offered.
Until completion of the new cen-
ter, located at the corner of Law-
I May house Director
Names Cast Members
For Coming' Play
Playhouse" director Edgar Loes-
sin has announced the following
ca.st members and production staff
for the forthcoming production of
?'A Funny Thing Happened on the
Way to the Forum
Senex, Cullen Johnson; Domina.
Lynda Moyer; Hero, Richard Braci-
ner; Hysterium, Taylor Green;
Pseudolus, R. Gregory Zittel; Er-
ronius, Mark Ramsey; Miles Glo-
rious, Martin Lassiter: Lycus, Ben-
jamin Cherry.
Tintinabula, Debbie Williams:
Panacea, Anita Johnson; the Gem-
mae, Ann Wilson and Vicki sum-
mers; Vibrata. LynnDodson; Philia,
Jenny Shipp; the Proteans, James
Fleming, Dickie Wilson, and Con-
well Worthington.
Director, Edgar Loessin; Chore-
ographer. Mavis Ray: Music Direc-
tor, Brett Watson; Sets, John Sne-
den; Lights, Georg schreiber; Cos-
tumes, Mary Stephenson.
i-i.ee and 10th Streets, the BSU
v.ill be meeting at 404 E. 8th Street.
The Union is interested in any
ECU student who wants to become
an active part of an organization.
All students are welcomed to at-
tend the Monday night suppers at
5:45 followed by informal worship
services, or the Wednesday night
forums at 5:45. This invitation also
include- any special social activi-
The Honda Man'
Tries For Six
Can lightning strike six times in
the same place? Stan the Honda
man hopes not. Lightning, thunder
.aid rain have struck his dirt track
the la,st five times ho scheduled
motorcycle races.
However, optimist, that he is,
'he'd have to be' he's planning his
races again for Sunday, Oct. 1.
Meanwhile, Hurricanes Beulah.
Dorla. and Chloe lurk off the coast.
The races are open to anyone
with any caliber motorcycle that
(ares to try his luck. Riders get in
free. Spectators, speculators, and
sadists get in for $1.50.
A number of ECU students are
exacted to enter in hopes of being
carried home beside a trophy or
perhaps being awarded one post
humously .
Riders will be segregated by ex-
perience into two classes. The rank
beginners in one class and the pro-
fessionals and would-be pro' in
the other.
The excitement, madness, and
mayhem will start Sunday. Oct. 1,
at 1:00 p.m. at Play Meadows a-
cross the river. If it rains, you can
still come on out and hear the Hon-
da Man cuss.
request eference. GIVE PLACE-
:? kept m our files for jo year
For your convenience in obtain-
ing information on school .systems,
government agencies, and business
linns we have a Reading Room in
the Sun Parlor of the Alumni Build-
ing lP-re you will find brochures,
pictorial resume and descriptive
literature which has been secured
for YOU.
As a registiant for Placement
Service, you will be notified when
interviewers are scheduled to visit
the campus and given opportunities
to sign up for these interviews.
Many recruiters come to the cam-
pus during the school year seeking
both teaching and nonteaching per-
sonnel. The list of interviewers
grows longer each year as the Uni-
ver ity receives national recogni-
Vacancies are reported to the
Placement Service Office daily and
those who are registered with us
are notified of these vacancies in
their respective areas of interest.
The Director is available for
counseling interviews with regis-
trants who need information about
job opportunities in business, gov-
ernment, and education. With the
increasing complexity of the world
of work from year to year, it is
necessary to keep abreast of the
changes In order to make wise
profession; ! choices.
C mmittet - - om-
mittei had tudii biiity
: obtaining ? Ai I tlephone
Service for thi SGA indi-
cated that oi - of
; vice available only the state
Widf .Service was The
Legislature decided I ? i sfei the
les tion back to th i for
further investigation.
Caroline Riddle m ?? it a
? immittee be e tabli he I ? tand-
trdize the SGA mileage chart Her
motion was passed and she was ap-
pointed as committee chairman.
The next meeting ot the SGA
Legislature wil! be M ? Sept-
ember 25 at 5:00 p.m.
Russian Student iJol!s
Rank JFK On Top
NEW YORK. Sept. in ? John F.
Kennedy ranks first on a. list of
Americans most popular with Rus-
sian university student- i special
poll revealed today.
Results of the poll, conducted
this summer among 1,000 university
students by the Soviet Novosti Press
Agency, were published in report
appearing in the current issue of
Look magazine. The Gallup organ-
ization conducted a i poll a-
mong 500 US colleiu- tdei
Both polls, take naga-
zine's special issue on Russia show
thai American and Socle- student
?:?"?? surprisingly littli
: -ies.
The Russian student ranked au-
thor Ernest Hemingway as their
next most poular Ame- ,ith
Mark Twain. Franklin D. Roo.se-
velt, William Faulkner and Louis
Armstrong following in that order.
When asked to name America's
greatest political leaders Soviet
tudents listed Abraham Lincoln
first, JFK second and FDR third.
Fhe poll among Russian students
indicated that most of them learn
about the United States through
the translated works of American
authors. More than any other book
they could name, the Soviet col-
legians listed John Steinbeck's
Travels With Charley as giving the
most comprehensive view of Amer-
The 500 American students poll-
ed by Gallup ranked Russia's cos-
monauts a.s the Soviets they most
admire: then came Soviet Premier
Alexei Kosygin, Lenin. Dostoevsky,
Tolstoy and Vladimir. Nabokov, the
author of Lolita (who lef: Russia
in 1919).
Listing their most admired Rus-
sian political leaders. D.S. students
picked Kosygin number one by a
wide margin, this perhaps oecause
he is currently in office A trickle
of votes turned up for Soviet Com-
munist Party chief Leonid Brez-
hnev and for Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Gromyko
Syndicated Columnist
Lectures Next Week
Peter Lisagor, syndicated colum-
Washington bureau, will lecture
Monday, September 25, at 8:00 to
Austin Auditorium as East Caro-
lina's second guest in the Fine Arts
Lecture Series. His subject will be
? LBJ's Use of Men and Materials
Noted for his style, detachment,
and vast knowledge of national af-
fairs, and quoted by government of-
ficials of all ranks, Lisagor has de-
voted 16 years to reporting Wash-
ington news.
Through a varied career that in-
cludes travel to every continent
and coverage of events of major sig-
nificance in the past 25 years, Lisa-
gor covered World War n as a com-
bat correspondent in London, Nice,
Paris, and Frankfurt, and witness-
ed the final collapse : Hitler's
His post-war career included cov-
erage of most of the crucial devel-
opments at home and overseas.
More recently Lisagor's analysis
have dealt with the war in Viet Nam
and the political and economic tur-
moil of South Viet Nam
At home, along with steel and
coal strikes and human interest
stories, he has covered every na-
tional political eovention during his
journalistic career, as well as the
United Nations General Assembly
over the same time span
A graduate of the University of
Michigan, Lisagor was born in West
Virginia, lived and worked in Illi-
nois, Michigan, Minnesota, Califor-
nia, New York. Virginia, and D C.

2?East Carolinian?Thursday, September 21, 1967
To Get Involved . . .
Both rumors and fact have been flying about national
student organizations trying to locate chapters here on the
East Carolina campus. This summer a field agent from the
Southern Student Organizing Committee (S.S.O.C.) contact-
ed interested students on campus. Communications had been
set up with the National Student Association (NSA) and then
apparently broken by SGA President Steve Moore's Policy
Statement against affiliating with such an organization. Last
spring several members of the Young Republicans Club made
efforts to establish an EC chapter of Young Americans for
Freedom tYAF). Contacts have also been made to and come
from such organisations as Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee (SNCC). Students for Democratic Society (SDb),
and Southern Union of Student Government Associations (SI -
' Before continuing, we will explain and limit our topic to
na1 ional student organizations as being a nation-wide group(sj
of studeni chapters working for a common national or region
al goal or goals which have direci bearing on the students.
Th( se organizal ions ai e usually political in aspect
It would be rather naive and petty to get into a discus-
sion i f the validity of specific organizations. Student organiza-
tions are usually so varied that a student with any political
beliefs can find one of these organizations suitable for his tal-
The question is if the SGA executive opposes affiliation
with national organizations, what course can the students
take? Of course the- SGA Policy Statement was concerned with
the SGA affiliation with such organizations.
The chief reason for Moore's opposition to this a)filiation
is that i1 will take legislators' time away from local campus
nroblems focusinc them more on the national level. Consider-
ing however, the amount of work involved in -citing up na-
tional organizations on campus, it stands to reason that estab-
lished student leaders would take the initiative. .Many of these
student leaders already considering national groups are in the
Btudent legislature. Therefore, rather than working within the
framework of the SGA, th se people would have work outside
of the student government, thus perhaps weakening theSGA.
What should be considered, and onsidered well. is the
fact that due to their vast number, national organizations on
the ECU campus appear to be inevitable Could campus prob-
lems at East Carolina better '??" 'w with many
student bodies who have the same problems? Would it be eas
er to in prove i or own camnus situations by working collec-
tively for solutions, rather than maintaining an SGA "isola-
tionism" policy.
We of the EAST CAROLINIAN wish to offer several al-
ternatives and suggestions However, due to the campus-wide
significance of national student organizations, the Editor
would ik( ' invite studen suggestions both pro and con in
the Letters to the Editor. 'I his is a campus - wide decision and
von the students should make that decision.
Y'all Come Sunday
I would like to taki th opportunity, as Editor, to invit
all students and interested faculty to the EAST CAROLINIAN
reception this Sunday fr :301 1:00 in our offices in roon
201 Wright Building. C I i wspapers are strange and in-
teresting br "I- of animals (or vegitabJ or minerals. tak
your pick).
Seriously however, newspaper work is both challenging
and rewarding. We of the EAST CAROLINIAN wish to share
these experience with as many as possible. Whether you are
inteiested in working with us or just curious as to what the
heck goes on up here anyway, come see us Sunday.
Campus Bulletin
Friday. Sept. 22 7-no P.M. & 9:00 P.M. Movie ? "The Appa-
paloosa" Wright And.
Saturday, Sept. 23 2:00 P.M. Football with Univ. of Richmond
Thei e
Mondaj Sept. 25 8:00 P.M. Lecture Series ? Peter Lisagor
Wrighl And.
Track ?? E.C.U Andrew College (cross country)
Monday 3 t. J5 8:00 P.M. University Union COFFEE
thr HOI eaturing "The Steve Baron Trio"
Saturdaj U.U. 201
Frida- " lf,V Wright Aud.
imiweckly by the students of East Carolina University
Greenville, North Carolina
'tpsb, Associate CoVegiate Press, United States Student Preea Association
Associate Editor
Managing Editor
Business Manager
Rewrite Editor
Editorial Editor
Co-News Editors
Features Editor
Sports Editor
Layout Editor
Circulation Managers
Assistant Business Mnnager
Subscription Manager
Advertising Managers
.1. William Rufty. Jr.
Phyllis G. Bridgeraan
Jim Young
Thomas H. Blaekwell
Francine Perry
.Tnhn Sultan
David Culiey
Murcy Jordan
! andra Rabhan
John Lowe
BID Ropers
Piit Arnold
Rick Crutch field
Ita Culhertson
Ppggy Dcbnam
Bob Molvin
Rum Neeiy
An Objective View
The 'Hippies' Part III
By John Sultan
What Is reality? Reality is what
exists Independent of ideas con-
cerning it; in Other words, trees,
cows, building's, on men all exist
Independent of anyone's ideas con-
cerning them. The hippie takes
drugs to escape reality, but why
(ioes the hippie drop out from so-
ciety altogether? The hippie drops
out of society because of the dou-
ble standard most Americans are
living Each member of society,
with fei exceptions, is entwined in
the practical - moral dichotomy.
The hippie r fuses to face the dic-
hotomy and flees to a culture re-
i mbling the middle ages. Instead
of progressing, the hippie remains
stagnant and content in the paint-
ing "i Dusters or the carrying oi
mail The hippie cannot cultivate
the genius he may posess
i he practical - moral dichotomy
can be expressed best, by the com-
parison of the business tycoon and
the serial worker. The business
man make- large profit, but the
successful business man is consid-
ered ruthless in his actions towards
other men. The social worker us-
ually lives in object poverty'Which
ts considered impractical, but the
social worker is considered moral
in his dealings with other men. The
dichotomy is now evident: practi-
cality and morality are considered
distinct oppositcs. A person can-
r be practical or moral at the
same time; In other words, actions
and honesty are not related
The best example to refute the
dichotomy is the business man. a
proprietor to survive must product
and sell in order to live He must
be practical m order to produce.
and he must be moral in dealings
), others to gain long range ben-
? it he is fraudulent in his
dealings he will lo.se business and
his survival. If this business mail
decides to build a factory, he can-
not cease to be practical or moral
in his dealings with the increased
production. The best knowledge in
(1 to existence must be used
in an ethical or fair manner to
gain the most prosperity.
It must be noted that practicality
does not mean infringement on an-
Off The Cuff
Elections-Lett & Right
Jim Young
11 ?
p i
. i subversive campus political
machines are back, in action as fall
ions draw nearer. Propaganda
again in the air and brain-
prevaili in all dark corn-
? i aucasse; are vogue I
i,i ?. pasmod-
;? kin Is oi placi
. i Partj bosses convi i
? the Independents
in the if and the University Par-
? the Ratbskellei
ii you ee thi m mes of party i an-
n he ballot with which
, tn nol familiar don't worry
partiei do nol h nov
? hem ? it!
There was
art would
ceni hi
ty) They
te for onlj
a rumor thai
enter the
Women's De
were to run
their p
litii al
'i (
Subscription rate S5.00
?afllnr address' Box ISIS, East Carolina CoIIere Station. Greenville, N C
Telephone. PL 2-57:0 or PI, 8-3426, extension 264
een havi b en a mode
nformits on campus durini
i v. weeks of school. Ev-
OSinj the same kind :
li nt, and shampoo, And.
il ever heard of college
tudents using 200 gallons of Bab
oil -ort of makes you wonder.
no? We thank the SGA for our
Campus Pacs.
By this time of the week, ev-
le has sobered up from the
William and Mary game and is
ready to really tie one on at Rich-
mond. We had good school spirits
'some of which were bought in
Greenville and some in Virginia
and we hope that they will still be
available for the rest of the season
It. has been brought to my at-
tention that many students are dis-
appointed with the name change ol
the old College Union to the Uni-
versity Urn on. Why not be differ-
? nt (and we are different). It's the
mail unimpressive schools like the
University of California, the Uni-
versity of Missouri, the University
of Minnesota, and Georgia Tech
that still have a College or student
Union. Even the University of Ig-
norance and Imbecility at Chapel
Hill does not have a UU.
I heard a rumor today that a rep-
representative of NSA National Stu-
dent Association) was trying to es-
tablish a chapter here on campus.
Beware, you haven't got a chance.
There's a CIA agent in every de-
As of last Saturday, there has
been a marked change in the Har-
ris Survey Presidential ratings. The
new releases indicate that LBJ
holds 10. percent of the public fav-
or, Governor Regan 13 percent, Geo-
rge Wallace 3 percent and Coach
stasivich 70 percent. The rest are
As for news from alumni, it is
reported that PFC Jim Kimsey
(U.S. Army has almost finished
his basic training, lost forty pounds,
and is campaigning for the post oi
Commanding Officer of Fort Ben-
ning. Georgia.
Student Government President.
Steve Moore, told me today that he
seriously considering taking a
po ition with Dr Weigand in the
Counseling Department, as he has
beei holding guidance sessions in
i office every day Steve oom-
nented thai these sessions were
the benefit of the depressed,
supressed, and oppressed or anyone
. who wanted to work in the
Tn closing I would like to pass on
:?(! about campaigning to the
i andidates in the forthcoming elec-
tion. I'll not use my advice, as it
may not prove too successful 'ha.
Nevertheless, I give you the
i ol one who controlled many
?e a "II you wish to win the
ympathy of broad masses then you
tell them the crudest and
mo ' stupid thini i Adolph Hitler,
Mi In Kampf.
Until next week, be good, have
fun take vour choice.
i ther man's right to life, liberty,
or happiness. The theft of anoth-
er's property is not practical, for
once the property is gone or pro-
ducer destroyed, a thief must pro-
duce or cease to exist. Practicality
is the adoption of rational means
to a certain end. It is practical to
include flour to the production of
bread, and not practical to include
rocks. It also must be noted that
morality means hottest, honorable
dealings with men.
The hippie, then, escapes to the
lower culture to avoid the dilemma.
Most Americans try to go half-
way: the hippie goes to one ex-
treme, since the mainstream of to-
day's "intellectual thought" flows
toward the moral ed of the dic-
hotomy, the hippie elimates prac-
ticality as immoral and enters the
moral, tribal life The hippie,
therefore, cannot produce goods
or services to improve his standard
of living as practicality is immoral.
The hippie genius, then, cannot be
cultivated as he lives in a stagnant
It is, therefore, the default of
the so-called "intellectual" lead-
ers and citizenery of this country
that has caused the hippie move-
ment. It is the practical - moral dic-
hotomy that must be refuted. Since
practicality and morality cannot be
separated, it is right practically
and morally to produce machines,
buildings, and automobiles for one's
own benefit. Reality must be dealt
with practically and morally, al-
though there are some who try not
to deal with reality by the use of
fraud, etc. Hence, the contradiction
represented by the practical - mor-
al dichotomy must be refuted by
the Intellectuals and each indivi-
dual In order to set American
clety free from contradiction.
The hippie does not have to
"Drop out The hippie can pain:
deliver mail, or write poetry in the
framework of American society.
and the hippie can benefit greatly
from other ideas. All the hippie
must realize is that practicality
and morality are not separate. If a
painting Is practical, a means to
uci ? ? ful survival, then it is moral
? it is correct to paint and ex-
change fairly with men for other
benefits. The hippie, despite bai l
errors, can return successfully to
society and be happy. It is the job
of intellectuals and each Individual
to set the stage
Informal rush
lie eight sororiti
Hollowing is a rep
ies and new ple
The first rush
hursday, Septen
d after a nigl
ink Panther" a:
hows, "bunny-
ailed kitties, ai
ent the "big nig
A formal tea s
nd party. Wrier
ut September 9,
accepted. New 1
Branscome, Han
Berlach, New Be
din. Fayetteville
umberton; Lini
ity; Gra:e Re
ebbie Sheehan,
arilyn stricklan
Rico: and Cile
Kappa Delta
nd transfer stu
viting them to
an afternoon tea
New officers a
nd Carol Graj.
lma Taylor, IV
On September
ined the Phi K;
Alpha Xi Dei
irush on Tuesday
"the sorority houi
fes are: Betsy 1
Weycutt, Ann Rei
?jfEusan Carey, an
The Gamma P
fltcently organized
Jfor the mothers
? pledges.
Mr. and Mrs.
Urtertained the K
Alpha Xi's at a i
home on Wednes
er 20. Mr. Dau
us of UNC at
Kappa Sigma, v
trv is an alumnu
Chi (
ECU Forum
The Real Hippie
Rho Zeta Chaj
leld its fall inl
lay and Wedne:
The theme ot
v, as a Hawaiian
ish party was
pOmega House.
During the su
Borority house w
fnew furniture
Ithe living room.
On September
man from Cha
Mims from Harr
!) ar Mr. Sultan,
I have just read your newspaper
article on hippies, and now I have
begun to wonder. You see, I have
spent the last year in and around
San Franciscos' Haight-Ashbury.
After reading your article, I would
like to know what research you
bs e your article on? Have you read
any other articles besides what have
appeared in Time or Life? They are
good magazines but, hardly a fair
approach to the situation at hand
The drugs LSD Mescaline. S
T.P. and others are used by a min-
ority. Marijuana on the other hand
used so widely I would hardly
attribute it to the hippies. Mari-
juana and its more powerful rela-
tive, hashish, have been widely us-
ed m all parts of the world since
written history began.
The phrase "Turn On, Tune In,
Drop Out" was coined by Doctor
Timothy Leary, and although he is
a drug advocate, he is not the spok-
esman for the hippie majority.
The hippies are not always trying
to escape reality. A great deal of
them are college educated, upper
middle-class and they have all had
their chances at what you call re-
You furthermore state that hip-
pies are not a productive member
of society. I consider this com-
ment in error. I worked with quite
a few of them this summer and
have seen many more at work as
postal clerks, deliverymen and
many other jobs.
They are doing more to change
our present way of life than you or
T are. Their art, music, and ideas
are entering every facet of Ameri-
i an life
The hippies arc condemned for
their two basic hang-ups with our
society. These two points in ques-
tion are the use of drugs and the
advocation of free love.
In closing, Mr. Sultan, I would
like to say that we should clear up
our own "campus pill poppers" and
"arboretum snugglers" before ar-
ticles are written about another
part of our generation whom you
collectively call the hippies.
Larry Mulvihill
Women Unite!
it ls to the credit of he admin-
istration of this school that men
students are not bound by obsolete
rules and have a minimum of re-
strictions except for those which
encroach upon the rights of others
Unfortunately, this is not so with
our female students. Though nof
the only one, my primary issue con
cents the rules concerning female
I find the "no-shorts, no-slack?
? except n covered by a rain-
coat i" idea quite archaic for a?
otherwise progressive school. The
girls will suffer no more lascivious
glances than they already do, so
the Puritanical members of the
sch ' and its faculty need not wor-
understand that the Dean of
Women is a fair, just, and under-
standing woman who only awaits
some young lady with initiative to
approach her with a petition sign-
ed by enough girls in agreement
with the thoughts expressed in this
letter to indicate that it is the wili
of the majority. And so I hand the
issue to just such a girl.
John Rachel
On September
?Phi held inforn
fashion .show as
fehi's modeled
College Shop .
Official pledg:
18 included: Be
mond. Va Mar
! derson, N. C:
Wake Forest, N.
ler. Adelphi.
i Trotter. Charlo
Raleigh; Donna
jand Dottie Wall
Sitfma Sij
The Sigmas he
jParty rush at
New pledges ii
Catering to
We now ha
to satisfy 3
Open 7 a.
Friday 7 a
Saturday 7 a

?Jfp '?'
)hn Sultan
East Carolinian?Thursday, September 21, 1967?3
ight to life, liberty,
The theft of anotli-
is not practical, for
erty is gone or pro-
rd, a thief must pm-
bo exist. Practicality
n of rational menus
nd. It is practical to
to the production of
; practical to include
must be noted that
us honest, honorable
ihen. escapes to the
0 avoid the dilemma
ms try to go half-
pie goes to one ex-
lie mainstream of to.
jtual thought" flows
oral e.id of the dic-
lippie climates prac-
noral and enters the
life. The hippie,
nnot produce goods
improve his standard
acticality Ls Immoral,
nius, then, cannot be
le lives in a stagnant
fore, the default
"intellectual" lead-
npry of this country
ed the hippie move-
practical - moral du
lust be refuted. Since
id morality cannot be
is right practically
;o produce machines,
automobiles for one's
leality must be dealt
lly and moTally. al-
ire some who try not
reality by the use of
nee. the contradiction
i' the practical - mor-
must be refuted by
als and each indivi-
to set American
in contradiction.
does net have to
rhe hippie can paint.
r write poetry in the
f American society.
as benefit greatly
dra All the hippie
is that practicality-
are not separate. If a
radical, a means to
vival. then it is moral
KJl to paint and ex-
with men for othi
hippie, despite basic
eturn successfully to
? happy. It Ls the job
s and each individt
Informal rush has been held by
the eight sororities on campus. The
following is a report on the activi-
ties and new pledges of the sorori-
Kappa Delta
' The first rush party was held on
?Thursday, September 7. It was styl-
ed after a nightclub with "The
ink Panther" as the theme. Floor
shows, "bunny-like" waitresses
called kitties, and pink cocktails
lent the "big night out" flavor.
A formal tea served as the sec-
"Ifond party. When bids were given
cut September 9. nine new pledges
accepted. New KD's are Betty
' BraJiscome, Hampton, Va Maine
Geiiaeh, New Bern: Sharron Har-
din. Fayetteville; Linda Hatcher.
Lumberton: Linda Maness, Siler
Citv; Grate Roberts, Morehead:
peijbie Sheehan, Springfield, Va
jUarilvn Strickland, San Juan, Puer-
to Rico: and Cile Sutton. La Gran-
Kappa Delta welcomed ireshmen
"and transfer students to ECU by
inviting them to the KD house for
an afternoon tea on September 10.
New officers are Barbara Spano
Kind Carol Gray, treasurers, and
, Alma Taylor, Membership Chair-
: man.
On September 11, KD's enter-
tained the Phi Kappa Tau Fraterni-
I Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Xi Delta held informal
gjrush on Tuesday, September 12 at
? the sorority house. The new pled-
ges are: Betsy Bone, Wanda Hon-
iveycutt, Aim Reinhardt, Gail Lea.
Susan Carey, and Martha Cross.
The Gamma Phi chapter has re-
1-cently organized a Mothers' Club
for the mothers of all sisters and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Daughtry en-
tertained the Kappa Sigmas and
jLAlpha Xi's at a patio party at their
jS'home on Wednesday night, Septem-
ber 20. Mr. Daughtry Ls an alum-
H?ius of UNC at Chapel Hill and a
? Knppa Sigma, while Mrs. Daugh-
trv is an alumnus of Alpha Xi Del-
Chi Omega
Rho .eta Chapter of Chi Omega
ield its fall informal rush Tues-
ay and Wednesday.
The theme of Tuesday's party
as a Hawaiian Luau. Wednesday's
(rush party was a tea at the Chi
Omega House.
During the summer months the
soiority house was redecorated and
new furniture was purchased for
the living room.
On September 13th Cynthia Chap-
man from Charlotte and Sandra
Mims from Harrisonburg, Va, were
Alpha Phi
9 an condemned for
lie hang-ups with our
? two points in quc-
use of drugs and the
free love.
Mr. Sultan, I would
at we should clear up
lpus pill poppers" and
inugglers" before ar-
ritten about another
generation whom you
ill the hippies,
ry Mulvihill
ien Unite!
? credit of the admin-
this school that men
not bound by obsolete
ve a minimum of re-
sept fur those whid
n the rights of others
y, this is not so with
students. Thougn not'
my primary issue con-
ies concerning female
"no-shorts, no-slack-
n covered by a rain-
quite archaic for an
ogressive school. The
fer no more lascivious
they already do, so
cal members of the
s faculty need not wor-
nd that the Dean ol
fair, just, and under-
nan who only awaits
lady with initiative to
r with a petition sign-
to girls in agreement
lights expressed in this
fate that it is the wili
ity. And so I hand the
such a girl.
m Rachel
On September 13 and 14, Alpha
Bphi held informal rush. Using a
I fashion show as their theme, the
? Phis modeled clothes from the
? College Shop .
Official pledging on September
? 18 included: Beverly Balton. Rich-
imond. Va Marsha Langston, Hen-
;dei.n. N. C: Mary Ella Dodd.
iwake Forest, N. C . Pauline Koh-
Iler. Adelphi. Maryland; Terrie
? Trotter, Charlotte: Gayle Shaw.
? Raleigh; Donna Britt, Farmville:
land Dottie Walker, North Wilkes-
Sigma Sigma Sigma
The Sigmas held a Polynesial Pool
?Party rush at Mrs. Ray MingeV
New pledges include: Linda Bok-
Catering to Students and
Specializing in razor cut-
We now have five barbers
to satisfy your grooming
Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Saturday 7 a.m. to 12 Noon
kan, Richmond, Va Mary Wright
Sisters initiated September 11 are
Claudia Holland, Goldsboro, N. C,
and Ann Partridge, Orlando, Fla.
Edmundson, Rocky Mount, N. C;
Susan Stamps, Havelock, N. C; and
Cindy Bryant, Charlotte, N. C.
Delta Zeta
Delta Zeta's informal rush, with
a Hawiian theme, netted the fol-
lowing pledges: Wanda Kerns, sop-
homore, Charlotte, N. C; Martha
Barnhardt, junior, Davidson, N.
C; Linda Olsen, sophomore, Fort
Bragg, N. C; Cindy Monroe, sopho-
more, Charlotte, N. C; Loretta
fJlum, junior, Myrtle Beach, S. C;
and LaVerne Massey, sophomore.
Raleigh, N. C.
Delta Zeta was feted Saturday
by an all-day social at the Pi Kapp
Kappa Alpha
Gamma Rho chapter is composec
of thirty-eight brothers and one-
pledge. The Kappa Alpha officers
for this year include Bill Mosier,
President; Ralph Fuller, Vice-
president; and Danny Evans, Sec-
Lambda Chi Alpha
Iota Upsilon Chapter currently
contains thirty-four active brothers
and seven pledges.
Leading the Lambda Chi's this
year are the following officers:
President, Bill Austin; Vice-Pres-
ident, Gens Bang; Secretary, Don-
nie Simmons: and Treasurer. Paul
Phi Kappa Tau
Gamma Eta Chapter currently
has thirty-two brothers and three
pledges. Officers for the year in-
clude President, Phil Privatte;
Vice-President, Hank Woodburn;
Secretary, Chuck Stucky: and
Treasurer, Ken Chalk.
?ive brotherhood of thirty-two ac-
tive members, five bull pledgee
and two regular pledges. Current
officers include President. Jim Fos-
ter; Vice - President. Paul Ross
Treasurer, Bob Dowd; and Secre-
tly Phil Goodman.
Pi Kappa Phi
On this campus Pi Kappa Phi Ls
represented by Beta Phi Chapter
The Beta Phi Chapter consists o.
thirty-two active brothers and foul
Officers are Bill Dryden. Presi-
dent; Cam Frazier. Treasurer; Bil!
Marks, Secretary; Reese Helms
Warden: and David Carter. Chip-
Alpha Epsilon Pi
This years brotherhood consist
of twenty-two brothers and two
pledges. Current officers are the
following: Piesident. Ronnie Kalla-
man; Vice-President, Gary Dyer
Secretary. Howard Marguhe- and
Treasurer. Ellis Dosik.
Kappa Sigma
Theta Pi Chapter of Kappa Sig-
ma is East Carolina's newest na-
tional fraternity. Currently the bro-
therhood consists of twenty-two
brothers, nine pledges, and three
social affiliates.
The President of the fraternitj
is Larry Paisley.
Theta Chi
Epsilon Iota Chapter of Theta
Chi national currently has an ac-
25 Delicious Flavor?
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Try a Delicious Banana Split
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Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.
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Students Sport? Headquarters
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Pullovers .$11.75
Cardigans $13.75
506 Evans St Across from Pitt Theatre
NIGHTS 'till 9 P. M.
w ' Come On In!
and see our large selection of
Coat Style, V-neck and Pull-overs
priced to fit that hudget
12.00 - 22.00
? Bernard Attmann
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t whmmi mm mm ?

4?East Carolinian? Thursday, September 21, 1967
Candidates Gather
For Role Briefing
The candidates running in the
Fall elections met In Raw Audi-
torium Tuesday night to have the
rules of candidacy explained to
Sue Yow. elections chairman,
opened the meeting and called the
roll of those who had filed for
:on. as attc-ndanco at this meet-
ing was mandatory for all candi-
dates. As their names were called,
the candidates answered by an-
nouncing whether they were run-
Student Party, University Par-
ty, or independent.
Following this was the distribu-
tion of the forms on which each
candidate must list the expenses
he will Incur during his campaign
Mi Yow4explained that each can-
didati 6 'end only $20 during
tii, and that the proper
i ? in filled In to show
compliance with this rule.
Before .she dismissed the
Miss Y. quoted the rules about
posters and behavior at the polls.
She reported that the election will
he Wednesday, September 27. Day
students will vote in the lobby of
the University Union, and the dorm
students will vote in the lobbies of
their dorms
UP Discusses Election
In Thursday Meeting
- -i
- (, candidates mi
I 1.lined to them.
1 I
,? ?jRh? to have the rules of randidac? ex-
For intramural sports. You
oe paid for each game you ofi
V?WW4UW?-?-?W?? ??????????????'
x is


I tt Bv
?i b-
a young intelligent collection
of all the things you need
for back to school




"Come to the Spirit Com-
mittee meeting 1 ucsday. Sept-
ember Hi at 6:30 p.m. in the
SGA Conference Room (3rd
floor Wright)
The Draft
Dr.harles Price of the EC!
historv department will lead a
discussion on 'The Draft and
Dissent" ;it a dinner session
sponsored by the United Minis-
According to Rev. Bronson
Matney, Presbyterian chaplain.
the session is open to all in-
terested students at 5:30 Mon-
day, September 25, at the "Den"
at 101 E. Ninth Street.
A Bar-B-Q chicken dinner will
be served prior to the discus-
sion at a fee of Si.00 per plate.
nit, selection of candidatesi for
? elections was the mam
bushSs of the University Party
meeting Thursday night.
I Francis, party cliairmam
???,i the old members back
?ul extended a special welcome to
???.?. Francis explained
some of the history of the party
the students. "As with
erything starting out, there had
to be a backbone of two or three
eopli to gel it -tatted, but this
r want this to be your party
Von must tell us what you want
one we are open to suggestions.
Francis then appointed Jim
Youni as campaign chairman and
Lee BlackweU as publicity chair -
ian for the Pall election.
sieve Beaman, UP SGA Legis
lature floor leader, and Patty Lar-
on, UP secretary-treasurer, joinee.
Francis in welcoming the fresh-
men and urged them to run and.
Student Party
tx part of the campus
-rancis then said that the chav
would entertain a motion to change
the word "College" to "University '
In the pramble to the party's consti-
tution, This was passed'by accla-
The slate oi candidates chose
at tin meeting were: Jean Ham-
mond Stephen Rousso, Julie Hud-
son, Barbara Herndon, Kitty Og-
and Dan Sumner, all run-
for Day Student Representa
Chris Smith, Umstead; Bar-
Atkms, Cotten; Jackie Da-
Bagsdale; Richard Wi
and Steve Beaman, Aycock; an
George Clegg and Larry Newtor.
rones, Those chosen to run fo:
of lieers were: Terry Huh-
Sophomore Class Preslden
. r. Gai perini, Freshman Pre
ent; Steare Davis, Fre.shman Vic
? IdenH Jimmy Keeter, Fresh
man Treasurer; and Donna o ??
i ?'reshman Secretary
? Ives
Members Select Nominees
The Student Party selected its
candidates ior the tail elections a'
its meeting last Sunday night.
Bill Duiguid opened the meeting
in the place of Party Chairman
John Meares who had been delayed
with car trouble. Duijuid opened
the floor to nominations for Day
student Representative.
After having nominated all but 3
of the necessary 16 people, it wa
voted to accept the nominees by
John Meares then arrived and
supervised the selection of the res:
of the slate. The candidates select-
ed at the meeting were: Cathy
Webb. Caroline Riddle, Leslie Gen-
zardi, Gwynn Garrett, Brenda Hud-
on, Bill Richardson, Ada Sanfor.
jean Harvey. Arlene Murrhy, Vivla:
Depaola, Piun Smitli. Pete Boogei
donk, Linda Starr Plemmons, Jan
? - Bickham, Sue Hunnicutt an
Mary Del Galys for Day Studei.
Dormitory R
Karen Wagner,
Minis, Flemini
Garrett; Terry
otati es ar?
Wilson Sand'
, Jane Rickett-
Trotter. Umstoad
1(: E. 5th Stir
Now Showing Through Sept. 26
"Barefoot In The Park"
Starring Jane Fonda
Carol Cashlon and Gail Adam.
New Dorm; Debbie Nbrsworthy and
? Coe, Fl( tcher
Those running foi lass ofiicei
Freshman class: Ike Puzor
Ident; Jon Rogers, Vice-Pres:
dent; Pace Swindell. Secnestarj
Sophmore class Anne Hendershol
:?' e ident; Ruth Gwynn Vice-Prei
denl Betsy Lawsoo Secretary
Turcotte Treasurer. Juni i
Carleen HJortsvans, Presi
iii Linda Starr Plemmons, Vice-
? lident; Gwynn Garrett, Seen
tary; Donna Jean Salles, Tie.
er. Senior class: G. Martin La.
dent; Caroline Riddle. Seen
Brenda Bullock T' isuri i
Ml freshmen and npperefaUB-
men interested in playing vars
ily tennis should meet with
( oacfa Welborn tonight, Thurs-
day, Sept. 21 it 7:00 p.m. in
the (ivm,
Mr. Advertiser
it pays you
to advertise in the





For Advertising Assistance Contact
TOM BLACKWELL, Business Manajcer
(? 4?- ?

BOB MELVIN, Advertising Manager
Office B, Room 201 Wrighf Building
Phone 752-5716
For ft
It or
lite group, Mil
itimated three
g, and still gro
be one yoursc
become one a:
is the fellow
5 a new hi-fi
some other ell
I Mizewell bi
limited to bul
lateur radio and
zewells today ai
I-sensitive photo
is. electronic bun
and homes, h
le-talkies, auto
b, and dozens of
of tin Mizev
sc.i Alliwi Radi
On, h last year S
of hi-fi, recoi
itions instrument.1
mics equipment
I of component
An important p
les is electronic
idgetry in kit fo
om a $4.50 cryst
,pular with Boy
.ait badges ? to
ory oscilloscope.
night-kits(R) i
dkies, Short Wav
sensitive photo
. an electronic m
introl, lab kit.s foi
, ; . solid-state atl
& timing light 1
Knents, Citizens 1
K iteur commui
Ki ? instrument
? i-ji's The compai
? by ? el
ime Mizewells
; kit.? Ins
i tpacitors re
omponent th
Befon I m
: ? wr
? . . bome-1
? ibbyists hi
parts in t
ill compul
ome hit
I and l)
till by Mi
?'?? :)?
on, main
i ply for trend
ibably hen
best- elle
audit i ce
ts, CB-radio an
ai il the
ee Flick
Brando In
Marlon Brando '
ippaloosa the re
k wa the last
larlon Brando, "C
piis new film is q'
Mot itself is simp
i,l .1, horse is
p. ,i bandit chief1
track him to the
the 1870's and
ust the ht
The picture is d
Pune ("Xpcrea
Ihock mil of somt
tsual camera woi
throws away all
lamera techniques
Ihinas like sho?itii
towards a cabin
rlass; juxtaposes
Inormous, brilliani
lome of the wildi
UP shots to catc
pmotional respons
Collfgo Artist
or Art invite a
to attend the
meeting of CAS
at 7:00 P.M. ir
I'hi Beta La
all interested 1
and minors, incl
A membershl
held in the cent
September 10-
until two.

ection 'Mizewells Set Trends
eting For Modern Hobbyists
East Carolinian?Thursday. September 21, 1967?5
c campus
said that the chaV
i a motion to changt
ege" to "University"
to the party's consti-
aa passed" by accla-
. aodidates chose
r were: Jean Ham-
'rousso, Julie Hud-
Herndon, Kitty Og-
:i Sumner, all run-
Student Represents
nifh, Umstead; Bar-
Cotten; Jackie Da-
Richard Wab
aman, Aycock; as
and Larry Newton,
i?n to run :
were: Terry Huf:
?re Class Presiden
li, Freshman Presi-
ivi. Freshman Vic
imy Keeter, Fresh
and Donna C
Brenda Huc-
irdsoa, Ada Sanforc
rlene Murrhy, Vi1a
Smith, Pete Hooger,
arr Plemmona, Jan-
Sue Hunnicutt and
ys for Day Studer.
atatives ar?
r. Wilson Sand:
lg; Jane Ricked-
: Trotter. Umstead
and Gail Adam.
sbbie Norsworttay and
lass officer
Ike Puzor
Rogers Vice-FresJ
Swindell. Secretary
Anne Hendersho
owynn, Vice-Prc:
e Treasurer. Juni:
i Hjortsvans, Presi
arr Plemmons, Vice-
ynn Garret. Secre
ean Salles, Treasui
i. G. Martin La. ?
?oline Riddle, Seen
Buliov Treasurer
en and npperclaao-
ed in plsjrlBg vars
shiiulii meet with
?rn tonight, Thurs-
!1 it 0? p.m. in







ll'RECIS, N. Y. ? Once a small
d elite group, Mizewells are now
estimated three to four million
k-ong, and still growing. You may
hvn be one yourself; if not, you
y become one any day. "Mize-
Mi" is the fellow who, when he
teds a new hi-fi or short wave
It, or some other electronics device.
lys I Mizewell build it myself
bice limited to building their own
bateur radio and hi-fi equipment,
t v.elLs today arc building su-
?s- sensitive photo exposure me-
?. electronic burglar alarms for
iiul homes, home intercoms,
fclkie-talkies, auto engine analy-
V1 and dozens of other electronic
of tht Mizewells Is Chicago-
tsed Allied Radio Corporation.
last year sold $70 million
brth of hi-fi, recording, commun
ation i Instruments and other elec-
Miiic equipment and many car-
5 if components for Industry
important part of Allled's
lies is electronic equipment and
i,licetry in kit form Kits range
??m a $4.50 crystal radio set ?
bpular with Boy Scouts seeking
ierit badges ? to a $250.00 labor -
t .iy oscilks,cope. Allied's own
Jnight-kits(R) include Walkic-
Bides, Shorr Wave receivers, su-
?M-nsitive photo exposure mc-
kr, an electronic moto-speed - light
ii-tiol. lab kit.s for dozens of pro-
f, : solid-state auto analyzer and
Etc tuning light kits, hi-fi com-
ments. Citizens Band and Radio
?mateur communication equip-
ment instrument kits and many
fhers The company also sells kit.
by r electronic manu-
Some Mizewells don'l work with
: kits. Instead, they shop
:i catalog: for the transis-
c ipacibors, resistors and oth-
imponent they think they'll
Before long, these do-il
v, lit in" to brag a-
bome-brewed devici
thing eagei elec
? ts have not attempt
- In the catalog. fi
. omputers tandard
j ime high sch i ?1 scienci
dtchen table elei
? . hobbyist Mizewell
. ? i Man populai
? ? ere be
: . and buill o Mizewell!
, or even :?0 yeai
Hi-fi ystem for example,
tilt by Mizewells Ion
follow new developments in elec-
Some current Mizewell fads,
whl h portend future widespread
public popularity: inexpensive ca-
pacity - operated burglar alarms
which ring a bell or turn on lights
when any warm body approaches
and disturbs their electrical field
low-voltage switches which allow
you to turn all house lights on or
off with one bedside switch; and
solar - powered batteries so called
"free power").
The tiny silicon-wafer sun bat-
tery converts sunlight into a frac-
tion of a watt of electricity, even
on a shady day 'it works on light ?
an electrical light will cause it to
produce power). One Mizewell last
year built a panel of hundreds of
mi batteries to power his auto, us-
ing a one-horsepower electric mo-
tor instead of the car's gasoline-
powered engine
Although a large part of its Mize-
wells are mature family men, sup-
pliers can count on a fast-growing
group of College men for future
business. After watching laser
beams, computers, and radio-con-
trolled satellites on TV, the young-
er crowd i.s eager to order a
"breadboard kit" and try building
a far-out electronic device nobody
has seen before.
Even this group is treated with
respect. The average high-school-
ige buyer is interested in the low-
er priced equipment, like $15 walkie-
talkie kits and $25 short wave re-
t fivers, however he soon graduates
tfi the $100-$300 class, and buys lab
oscilloscopes, 4-track stereo tape
recorders and .solid-state 120-watt
hi-fi stereo kits.
Prospective Mizewells should keep
in mind a number of basic rules:
Benin with, simple projects and
work into more difficult ones. A
od starting point are lab kits
which permit many experiments
from one ki.
Always use a well - lighted work
pace ? someplace where your
project won't be disturbed when
you're not working on it.
Have proper tools This is al-
way Important with any job. Sup-
lien aic happy to be of help.
1 i r?
goo i
, g s lole
? p rtmenl st re ih
on, manufacturei
r, , iy for tn nd . They know that
rear's Miz well fa '
HI probably become nexl
U best-seller. The I i i '???'
rowing audience of hi-fi enthus-
ts, CB-radlo and Amateur-band
listener . and the licensed "Ham'
I tteui themselves, arc quick r
Yee Flick Features
Brando In Western
, Marlon Brando will star in "The
Hp ,i,M,sa the regular Friday free
As wa the last western starring
Jfarlon Brando. "One-Eyed Jacks.
piis new film is quite unusual. The
?lot itself is simple. Brando's Ap-
iloo horse is stolen from him
? a bandit chieftain, and Brando
racks him to the Mexican border
' the 1870's and guns him down.
lust the half of it.
The picture Is directed by Sidney
. Purle ("Ipcre.ss File and Is
full i some of the most un-
bual camera work on film. Fune
throws away all the conventional
Jamera techniques and instead does
Ihini a like shooting a man runnintr
towards a cabin through frosted
Mass; uxtaposes a face with an
Snormous, brilliant candle, and uses
lome of the wildest looking close-
HP shots to catch just the right
motional responses.
College Artists of the School
or Art Invite all new students
to attend the organizational
meeting of CASA this Thursday
it 7:00 P.M. in Bawl 339.
Phi Beta Lambda welcomes
all interested business majors
and minors. Including freshmen.
V membership drive wlB be
held in ihe center hall of Rawi,
September 10-21 from n,ne
until two.
Salenius & Elam Preside
Over Men's Honor Council
Two upperclassmen at East Car-
olina University have been elected
to top offices of the Men's Honor
Council, the highest student court
for men on the campus.
ECU Dean of Men James B. Mal-
lory announced that Howard Sal-
enius, a senior history major from
Greenville and Chicago, 111 is the
new chairman and will preside at
Council sesions.
Serving with him for the 1967-
'68 school year will be William Ho-
ward Elam of Charlotte. vice-
The two officer arc among eight
members of the Council which are
called into session involving men
students. It is one of the most re-
spected governing bodies on the
campus and has jurisdiction in cas-
i s in which suspension or ex
pulsion is likely.
Salenius served last year as vice-
chairman of the Men's Judiciary
Council and as chairman of a del-
egation to the Model United Na-
tions. He is a member of the Young
Republican Club at ECU.
Elam. a business major, is a
senior at ECU. He is a member of
Theta Chi social fraternity and a
past rush chairman of the Inter-
Fraternity Council
Candy Apples
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6? East Carolinian?Thursday, September 21, 1967
Sports Lowe Down
Everybody Be There
? ? ?
Bv John Lowe
Hughes, Colson Will Present
Problems To Richmond Team
Eai Can Una s senior tailback
Neal Hushes reached back into his
sophomore year to pull out a line
performance against William and
Mary Saturday and joined hands
with sophomore fullback Butch
Colson to lead the pirate win. 27-7.
Two years ago, Hughes was boost-
ed as a fine tailback prospect. In
his fii t game he went 73 yards
for a touchdown on his first day
from scrimmage. But later in the
game, he was injured and lost some
of his confidence on offense' after
that Hi a ved to a defensive
halfback po i Ion and proved to be
a standout playei He excelled at
pass ? fei (and i eturning punts
and kickoffs. He was used sparing-
ly on offense, but never seemed to
show the spark he once had.
This fall, as practice got under-
way, Hughes began to regain his
form of two years ago. He impress-
ed the Buc coaches, but they were
Spiders Outlook
Appears Cloudy
(Ed. Note) This is the lirst in a
series of articles which will fea-
ture a report of the Fast Carolina
football opposition on the following
As Coach Prank Joner, sees it.
the outlook at the University of
Richmond is not so rosy for this
sea.son. Jones is in the second year
of a four year rebuilding program
The Spider coach, who is also ath-
letic director. has a tougher sched-
ule than last year's 2-8 team.
It seems trite and even ports
writer in the area ha , . but,
Richmond must ride the talented
arm of Buster O'Brien Larry Bun-
ich hs graduated and there is no
runne. of his quality to replace
him. O'Brien, a Notre Dame trans-
fer, completed 99 of 200 passes
year. The offense will run from an
"I" with wide flankers and feature
halfbai . itching short passes.
O'Brien is nol a -sprint-out" quar-
terback and throws well only when
he receives excellent protection.
Hi favorite receivers will be Den-
nis Wiley, Don Everetl tnd Mike
Sophomores will dominati
i th Spiders try to show up
? that gave up 263 points lasl
II should be noted that the
Carolina freshmen of last yeai
beat these rising sophomores at
Richmond by a 19
In the first game eason
Richmond was beaten by West: Vir-
ginia 27 to 6. The East Carolina-
University of Richmond game shou-
ld provide a good measuring stick
of the two conference crown con-
tenders. West Virginia had an easy-
time in their run over the Sniders.
East Carolina must put constant
pressure on O'Brien and stop his
passing attack. The offense must
force mistakes on Richmond's sop-
homore-laden defense. This writer
predict East Carolina by three
reluctant to let him leave the de-
fensive unit.
Saturday, against the Indians, he
got his fresh start and earned a
starting berth for this weekend
against Richmond Moving to the
offensive unit, Hughes made sev-
eral spectacular runs, especially
one which probably was the key to
the win. On a third and seven situ-
ation, he broke Ion e around right
end and wen: out of bounds just
inches beyond the first down mark-
er to keep the drive alive. The
Bucs moved from there to brake
open a 7-7 tie and win.
Hughes also picked up one touch-
down, a 14 yard ramble. He at-
tempted ust three passes and hit
on two of them.
Colson, meanwhile, came off the
bench mid way through the first
quarter when starting fullback Geo-
rge Gay .suffered a broken leg.
rhe hard-running sophomore
made the Indians sorry the rest of
the game He carried the ball 28
times and picked up 133 yards, In-
cluding two touchdowns. He scored
the tie breaker in the fourth period
from a yard out, then picked up the
tinal one on a 40-yard romp.
A standout as a freshman, he
was the team's leading rusher, aid-
ing the 5-0 sea on. He looked good
continually during the spring and
fall practice, pushing for a start-
Join The JjJJJ Crowd
Pizza M
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Member F. D. 1. C.
Last Saturday, about a thousand
ECU students went to see the Pi-
rates beat William and Mary by
27-7. With the weather conditions
That prevailed last Saturday, the
ize of the crowd was very coin
mendable. Who says there is DO
spirit at ECU? This Saturday, the
Bucs travel to Richmond, which Is
closer than WiUiamsburg, to meet
the Spiders in a Southern Confer-
ence game, iet's get everybody oul
and go on up to Richmond to whoop
it up and cheer the Bucs on to
another victory.
Measure l'p
This game will be b fairly good
yardstick to compare West Virgin
ia. the preseason favorite In the
conference, with East Carolina. I ai '
week. WVU walloped Richmond by
27-6. WVU played a team that w:i
still running ragged and trying to
get rid of some fat. With two weeks
more practice, and one game under
their belts, WVU had a big ad-
vantage over the Richmond Spiders.
The Bucs wont' have it so easy.
Richmond figures to be ready for
the Hues.
Tickets On Sale
rickets for the game against
Richmond may be purchased from
the Athletic Ticket Office in Me-
morial Gymnasium for $2.00. The
ticket, price will cost more if you
buy your tickets in Richmond You
may also purchase ticket, for the
game against Davidson on Septem-
ber 30, 1967. for $1,75, at the Tic-
ket Office.
Game lime i 8:15. at the Rich-
mond City Stadium, What say we
get a lot oi rooters up there ;
give'em K?II
For those oi you who are head
lug up I ' Richmond, here i.s th
complete Buc roster. Tear it or
ind take it with you.
Anyone For CREW?
Then will be a meeting for i
boys interested m Crew today a:
4:00, room 105, in Memorial Gyre,
nasium. Anyone interested Bh u!
be there Freshmen may parUc.
pate in this port, and no previotj
experience in Crew is needed Yo.
will receive your training on dn
land m the ra big shell. Than
room 106 oi 'he gym for al:
intere ' ew
Intramural Football Begins
Intramural football began Mon-
day, September 18, with a full slate
of games. Kappa Alpha defeated
Sigma Chi Delta, 32-7, Lambda
ciu Alpha defeated Pi Kappa Al-
pha, 13-0. Pi Kappa Phi won over
Alpha Kappa Psi by 33-0, Sigma
Phi Epsilon defeated Kappa Sigma
13-0, Theta Chi defeated Phi Kappa
Tau 12-6, and Alpha Phi Omega
upended Alpha Epsilon Pi by 12-6.
Bill Mosier and Dale Gidley lead
Kappa Alpha in their Q2-7 rout of
Sigma Chi Delta. Gidley threw
three touchdown passes and Mosier
cored twice in the victory.
Lambda Chi used the combina-
tion of Bill Dickens to BUI Austen
to defeat Pi Kappa Alpha 13-0.
Austen caught two touchdown pass-
e; from Dii ken m the win.
Glenn Gulledge threw two touch
down passes to Wayne Murschell t.
lead Alpha Phi Omega past Alphi
Epi lion Pi, 12-6. Goldfish sc :p
he only touchdown for AEPi.
J. Burli on passed for four t
downs in leadini Pi Kappa Phi pat
Vlpha Kappa Psi, 33-0. David Cai
ter caught two of Burleson's heal
es for touchdowns and Mike Mc
Quirk Intercepted two passe, ??
aid m the victory.
Stevenson and Hughes each u ,r
ed once to lead Sigma Phi Epsila
oast Kappa Sigma by a score r
Goodman ran for one touch; m
and passed for one score to sp.tr
rheta Chi past Phi Kappa Tau U
o. Gurganu pa sed to Mowry f
the lone Phi Kappa Tau score
1 Hour Martinizing
m R. 10th Street
1 Hour Dry Cleaning
3 Hour Shirt Service
Large Selection of Stereo Tapes
and Carrying Cases
RECORDS?Stereo and Monaural $3 95
108 Evan Street, Greenville, N. C.
Are You Ready
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Tue Catacombs - a student
coffee house serving the
I 'niversity
501 E. 5th Street
on the corner of
Holly and 5th
8 p.m. - 11:30
Snacks - Conversation - Entertainment
Volume XLIIJ
Thus year the ,
will represent t
cadet corps in
parade, several (
and the annual 5
local March of
Sponsored by t
ciety and advisee
Tadlock, Jr th
lected over two
m last year's Mi
of the Pitt Count
ye : the toam w:
contuhutions am
last year's total.
The drill tean
At J
Dr Cleveland
I Philosophy Depf
I at the Baptist S
Wednesday night
tians didn't know-
sou ice materal o
discuss it rations
ing to let anothe
and you're sa
crumbs he obs
Lloyd F
?Mardi '
In the second J
ence of the year
Vice-President L
cussed new idea;
"Mardi Gras"
I Homecoming the
? that East Carol!
? coming as a univ
?gala weekend fil
?clowns, costumes
one of the threi
di Gras parades
the "King Rex"
tion to a Homec
Feign over the f
ex will also be c
ominations for B
fthe Homecoming
Pe voted upon by
be thety vote t
feueen, Lloyd saic
?was not conceived
kway from the Hoi
?nit is simply a n
put the Mardi G
The Homecomi
losely follow la
lod i.s hoping f
hiding almost twit
s last year's pai
oming Committei
he MRC to build i
ith two thrones
arry the six fini
oming Queen a
hrones, King Rc
"omecomlng Que

East Carolinian, September 21, 1967
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
September 21, 1967
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