East Carolinian, December 4, 1964

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ae XL
cast Carolina college, greenville, n. c friday, december 4, 1964
number 22
Pirates Venture Fo
Tangerine Bow Dec. 12
Train Tickets Still Available
Pirates To Play In 19th Tangerine Bowl
Dec. 5 Last Day To Get
Tickets For Bowl Game
& jitb
Pirate fans, don't wait until the
last minute to purchase your re-
served seat ticket on the East Caro-
lina Pirates Special Train to the
Tangerine Bowl game in Orlando,
Florida. This special train of
streamBned, recliningMseat coaches,
a tavern-lounge, and & dining car
on the return trip will take East
Carolina Pirates fan and the Pirates
Marching Band to Orlando, Florida,
and back in relaxed comfort. All
day Saturdlay, December 12, can be
spent sightseeing before the game
that night.
Purchase your tickets now while
seats are stiill available, from the
Central Ticket Office, East Carolina
College; from MacDorn Travel
Agency in Greenville; or from any
Atlantic Coast Line office. Passen-
gers may board the train at Green-
viUie, Bethel, Rocky Mount, Wilson,
or Fayetteville. Both student and
adult accommodations will be avail-
December 5 is the deadline. Re-
member! Support the (Parates. Get
your ticket for the Pirates Special
to the Tangerine Bowl today.

2east Carolinianfriday, december 4, 1964

The mighty pigskin Pirates have received applause from
near and far for earning the bid to the Tangerine Bowl.
However, due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the East
Carolinian has yet to bestow its congratulations.
When Dr. Leo W. Jenkins announced this institution's
crash progress program and the beginning of E C's "big time"
athletic program, possibly even he had no conception that the
schorl would be this big . . . this soon.
When Coach Clarence Stasavich came to East Carolina,
bringing with him his brilliant record, possibly even he had
no idea that this schools sports would be this big . . . this
And when the Redmen of the University of Massachu-
setts meet the Pirates, possibly even they won't have realized
how big the P and G players can become so soon.
To Mr Stas the players and the many, many persons
making this wonderful event possible, the East Carolinian
offers its heartiest congratulations and a truckload of Tan-
gerines when vou overcome the Redmen from the North.
whoever it is
Letters To The
To The Editor: . , n.
Probably you have fi
aed an artjde .about Jg
train planned for the ,rSS
Bowl game. I am writing to express
the hope that somehow wecM bring
this proposal into the realm of real
As I write this note, only about
25ckets have been sold, above the
135 or so covering transportat ions
for the Marching Band-end Me
the SGA for providing f"ndsJ?Jhft
EC might be nicely reoresented at
the Tangerine Bowl.
Unless some last-minute enthusi-
asm for the train develops, however
the 350 required tickets may not be
sold. Certainly Stt.40, to most stu-
dents is not chicken feed: but vve
must bear in mind that a l;00-mUe
round trip is bound to cost some-
thing! $31.40 is several dollars less
than regular fare from Rxcky Mount
to Orlando and back, and it is con-
siderably less than the required
for a seat on the proposed charter
plane. And the train affords time
and space to relax, to sleep to en-
joy refreshments in the club car,
and to become acquainted with tei-
Tow students. The drive from here
to Orlando, on the other hand, is a
grueling 15-hour ordeal, at best.
Route 17 from Savannah to Orlando
is two lanes with innumerable
curves, making passing practically
impossible because of its heavy
traffic. Route 301 is mostly two lanes,
also, with some segments under con-
struction. I speak from repeated ex-
perience. ,
Another point: imagine the put
licitv value, from Massachusetts to
Florida, of a special train from East
Carolina College to the Tangerine
Bowl game!
Sincerely yours.
Robert R. Morrison
Relieved and wonderful thanks are in order for the ad-
ministration, maintenance or whoever it was that, after much
due consideration (about a years worth), finally decided that
it was rime to extend the sidewalk in the Tenth Street parking
Alas' No longer must one trot gently through the mud
in order to partake of treasured knowledge gained in an eight
a.m. class.
Also there must be some mention of the beautiful job
now being done on the curve beside the Gymnaisum. Probab-
ly this too is due to much forethought the administration,
maintenance or whoever it was that devised this revised curve.
Previously, many of the modern "tiger-tanked" autos
found this curve barely comprehensible . . . even at the speeds
provoked bv much loved slow humps.
Thanks, thanks, thanks for these brilliantly calculated WofrV . hp RllCS
solutions to such magnanimous problems. ttivu i iw
There are, however, a few minor, yet interesting prob-
lems not yet dealt with by the administration, maintenance or
whoever it is . . . that cares for such matters. There is that
small problem of a sidewalk between the Gymnasium and
Rawl Building and that barely visible problem of parking
space for students and that minute problem of the ' cut
system Good luck to the administration, maintenance or
whoever it is in solving these problems.
TO THE STUDENT: Sing this article to the tune of
Holy, Holy, Holy and give your support to the administration,
maintenance or whoever it is . . .
Bob Brouses
and mine- Frew. w dis.
w0uW be betwr tit r
and catch up onto .
am epbcmg 1
"wrSf.2 . m
Fnou-h Wroductioa. tor "
, ' Ut dawn to the bmm '
,Ua current affairs colunuv
. , . hold many 0 M
"v- past ml' , ,
; for our "
SZ were exam TU-dW then-
XL: Thurs,a t I turt
galow (or every th:t
. f the week v
home. The rest of U
dead: with the exception ol Mtif.
NWhiie the majority t jrwi
at home on Ibantafi your de
columns waa in the Memon.
ditonum in Raton I went b
and hear the famous James Brown
and company. There m
good people Hiere from EC. b(
mysei. and we dad enjoy the en-
tire performance. The show started
a' u-oi) with the orchestra enter-
taining for an hour before Brown
appeared. The orchestra was com-
posed of fifteen pieces: four lax,
four trumpets, three drummers, two
guitars, one organist, and one
rector. These players were qun
good. At 10:00 James Brown enter-
tained for about an hour. He did
not say one single word but only
sat and played the organ When he
finished he merely got up and walk-
ed off. For the next hour we were
entertained by The Famous Flame.
AJUM K.iiKT p,
James Crawford, Al i
Five Koya
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rhsd i
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d taV :

0 the n- tob
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.city end two-think of tj
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three doi
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for tins
so plea- -
used to f t
all be grxxi
tw'tme w im, iu w. iit m
PvbltelMd Wwxklj by th ttudants of iMt Cuolu
Carolinaa GoUeriate Praas Anocitkn
Associated OoDeffimte Praaa
Offlcaa on third floor of Wrfcrbft Boilding
Robert Doneen
Asaociate Editor I Lynda Robbing
Bnaineaa Manager I Pam Hall
Subscription ratet $5.00 per year
MmSBna Address: Box 2516, Eaat Carolina College Station, GreenWDe, North
Telephone, aHl departments, PL 2-5716 or 768-5426. extension 264
December 12
Campus Bulletin
8:00 Varsity basketball Gym
7:00 Movies "30 YEARS OF
FUN" Austin
7:00 Movie "30 YEARS OF
prrr "kitten with a whip
4:00 Ooltege Unkm iM!eet&ig C.U
8:00 Varsity BasfcethaOl Gym
3:00 Beginners Bridge
Up From
The Republican Party is sernxis
U'ouble, and unfortunately the ul-
tra-conser-at:es in control of it
either underestimate thfe trouble or
are indifferent to it. They hang on
to mle dreams of '68 even though
the American people QMerwtoeiming-
1 rejected their extreme political
philosophy. For the Sake of the
GOP we would kike bo Bee nxxiera1
such as William Scranton. George
F.omney, and Nesn Rockefeller
back in posrtions of leadership It
Was no accident that Richard Vxon.
a reasonable and politicailv moder-
ate man. pollexl almost half of tbe
total vote cast in the presidential race
of 1960. We like the two-partv svstem
It has worked well for our" country
and it has many advantages. It wxuld
be a shame for Barry and the Boy
to wreck it.
For some forty year J. EdfV
Hoover has done a fme job of
Samzmg and directing the Fed-
crLcism In jpmm to mum of
his critics. Mr. Hoover has
Martin liPre? C0Urt- and Dr"
-Martin Luther Km? it LS Mv t,
see why Mr Hoover deflS?y
crime prevenn . m of
ment 0 Zn" iaw otlfor-
infallible and M? & iS
realize this Hoover shruJ
will be interestang tn o k
much monev and Li! -
American MedicM x Pressure the
exert to defo? tl wi'l
for the Aged Plan
y trodlT
after congress cnJi blU sw
"S h the Hou00" maJori
tmppoved consihS
.much SSnfiSL Wou'd
najority of ou7 eld311 .for the
for tiAir el(erly cit z r
"Jng are
.much SSnfiSL Wou'd
majority of oueld111 for the
V was cornS here the
lP1. medi "J"1 to Pay for
fran the
Up From
-The N
more siA.
Whec GcA"crr. r Seor?
tenders .
Th -
In t)
; Id
mg dn
nrf f.j Irofi
called the
en better
Rus!l B
Tv w
doi the horr
smell J
Tie was n
nlv he - i 2
- crorv
mood LRT vho
det Ttki
across h?
;wl(; IX
-Senator t
plans for re m?
rewspoper coluTrm
nated for the p
raiurnnist Art Budjj
t( a h-porh' "JT
pi ce at KFlIO eg
local 235 on the
Hj.rry has the quan1
come a member
"The first QJT
stick to the facts
the members ;
W-ll he er
satory?" - ,fNo'
Finally. "WM !Si
prejudicea from agT
opinions?" "No fl
faw m GW " .
nin. rd i
don't nr

east Carolinianfriday, december 4, 19643
EC Playhouse Rehearses Play;
Ginn Takes Part Of'Bee Bee'
.use director-producer. Ed Loessin, moves into action with technical
John Sneden. The two begin the final rehearsaIn week Sr
am production "The Days and Nights of Bee b" FiSer?
The East Carolina Playhouse is
now rehearsing its second produc-
tion of the year, "The Days and
Nights of Beebee Finstenmatoer
The play, William Snyder's first,
will be presented by a oast of eight
nightly from December 9 through
the 12 in McGinnris Auduftonium.
In the title role is ia junior drama
major, Brenda Carole Ginn of Kins-
ton. Supporting her are Ross Ann
Morris of Richmond, Va as Nettie
Jo Repulit; Martha Bradner of
Greenville as MeMnda: Jennifer Ce-
leste Nielsen of Hillsboro as Betty;
(Robert Allen Gooden of Clarkton
as Ed Busby; Randolph Castle
Cochran of Chesapeake, Va as Bob
Smtih: and James Hamilton of Clin-
ton as the interviewer.
Miss Ginn, as Beebee Fenster-
maker. will .portray an adventurous
young woman who goes to New York
City to live.
The play, according to Playhouse
Director Edgar R. Loessin, is a
"perceptive, touching and often hu-
morous" comedy-drama. It achiev-
Daughtery Becomes
Senior Class Secretary
Carol Daughtery of Norfolk, Va
has been named secretary of the
Senior Class at East Carolina Col-
lege. She succeeds Sandra Jean
Denton of Birmingham. Ala who
was elected last spring but recently
ed a record-breaking off-Broadway
run and established its author, Sny-
der, in the forefront of present-day
young American playwrights.
After its off-Broadway opening,
the New York Times' Howard Taub-
man observed: "It has an eye for
people as they are: it has a flair
for the way people talk: it has
flashes of humor and perception
The following are brief biographi-
cal sketches of the cast for "The
Days and Nights of Beebee Fenster-
Mrs. Martha Bradner, a regular
performer for the Bast Carolina
Opera Workshop and a member of
(he 1964 EC Summer Theater
performing company, is a graduate
student in the School of Music at
East Carolina.
Randy Cochran, a former resi-
dent of Swansboro where he grad-
uated from high school in 1962, is a
junior drama major.
Brenda Carle, a 1962 graduate of
Kinston's Grainger High School, is
a native of Newports News, Va.
A transfer from Greensboro Col-
lege where she performed with the
GC Players, Miss Ginn understudied
professional Carolyn Everett during
her guest-star appearance as Eliza
Doohttle in the EC Playhouse pro-
duction of "My Fair Lady" last
Robert Gooden, a junior drama
major, is a 1959 graduate of Clark-
ton High School who returned to
college this year after interrupting
his campus career for professional
stage experience. He was produc-
tion stage manager for the 1964
EC Summer Theater season.
James Hamilton, regular perform-
er in EC Playhouse productions is
a 1959 graduate of Clinton High
Ross Ann Morris, a junior drama
major, has appeared in a number
of EC Playhouse productions She
is a 1962 graduate of Richmond's
George Wythe High School.
Jennifer Nielson. the only fresh-
man in the cast, is a 1964 graduate
of Orange High School in Hills-
boro. She is a native of Columbus,
Alcoholic Beverage Consumption
Increases In Many Varied Ways
EC May Receive
Bowl Souvenirs
rules to the
rea may
symbolic of tangerines
Tanny Hill Details Life
Of Prostitute In 1700's
picked from limbs
to be delivered
i taUege, courtesy
.ber of Commerce of
- 0 s a good-will
welcome East
bean bo the cen-
The Pirates were
ek to play the Uni-
ssachnsetts in the
B- me m Orlando
- souvenirs of Orlando
ne Bowl, the foot-
be given without
v.iLle are persons
s supporters of
athletic program.
ns, president of
3 d friends of East
" ; :n receiving the
I contact the col-
ne of the trees.
mote of Eastern
- not generally sui-
p rats, some persons
successfully grown
: citrus rees in-
Wdat Happened
To Our Happiness
Let us continue.
rOR'S NOTE: The above was
tten by sib Fast Carolinian staff
daring the week of exams,
il remarks added on
r day of classes.
n. Defeat, Frustrate n.
Qskm Otter agony.
poss the campus.
. sitting m a class-
brary, have you noted
sions on the faces of fel-
! of the quarter, one
1 exceptionally short,
d ffieult.
d c n't be re-
noened to cause the
ry eyes of col-
Vccordnig to so-
ns, it is the college
;noosed to be the
- vable of
lifetime. Is this enjoy-
th:s happiness0
k of working day by
f interest, lack of mo-
k of proper planning,
'he solution?
qmrter has started, ons
excellent intentions, a
Winning. A time for settling
md with vigor, approach-
he new.
11 nw really different is the prosti-
tute of 1964 from the prostitute of
Having this question as its base
iv John Cleland delightfully re-
c counts the experiences of Fanny
Hill, a prostitute in 18th century
Supposedly written during the time
of Boswell and Pope, this novel has
more accent' than any of the recent
( temporary works. including
Terry Southern's Candy or even
Peyton Place.
The story, told by Fanny, is a
i eeoiiection of experiencedthose
(: a young naive English country
girl who is suddenly thrust into a
fast-paced industrial society of
lesbians, prostitutes, and fairies.
Descriptions of her experiences
and bed-mates are especially vivid,
possessing T. S. Eliot-like contrasts
to appeal to the stock responses.
With the same degree of emotion-
alism that the Birchers sing
America the Beautiful" this book
likewise possesses the same degree
of Baptist zeal, the them being
Sex the Beautiful
In addition to this basic contrast
appeal, the author employs sensual
adjectives and specks of humor.
Normally one attempts to tie the
?v Iv-exDosed with the already-ex-
perienced and present. In this case
two examples are immediately ob-
vin us. First, the Christine Keeler
incidentthe only thins lacking
:th Fanny being an international
Secondly there is the modern day
East Carolin-a coed who has her
Greenville "Sugar Daddies" or the
over-anxious Freshman who strives
too hard 'by my standards to be
cepted. And thus, in over-striv-
ing destroys herself.
According to Mr. Edwards at the
Book Bnrn. this controversial book
is on the publishers "Black List"
and a number of court cases are
now pending.
One is led to question why is it
a controversial book. According to
Times there is not a "dirty word"
in the entire book.
Seemingly those who shout, "evil"
fear the influence it will have on
virgfa minds, for this book ouestions
basic v :lues. thus stimulating
Is society afraid to evaluate and
think about its values? Afraid, be-
cause many of the standards lack
a cement base of worthwhile values?
Whit ever the reason, the book is
definitely classified as questionable
and or debatable.
News from a UNC Ed is that if
a Carolina coed wants to establish
a datable image, she sits on the
Pine Room steps, reading Fanny
Hill. Maybe the library or Union
steps EC coeds?
Anyway, if you want to read
about the Memoirs of a Woman of
Pleasure. Jack Edwards expects to
have in a large supply shortly. Be
sure to stop by and get your per-
sonal paperback copy! Who knows,
maybe it'll help you in some
Former Professor
Resides At Yale
Editors Note: The following exert
appeared in N. C. State's newspaper
just before the Thanksgiving holi-
days. Mr. Lowenstein spoke on the
EC campus just previous to Nov. 3.
The Technician
A. Lowenstein. formerly a pro-
fessor of Social Studies here, has
accepted a position as writer in resi-
dence at Yale University.
Lowenstein. who returned to State
yesterday to "clean up" his office,
has spent the past several months
campaigning for President Lyndon
Johnson. He made cafpaign speeches
across the nation for the Democrats.
He plans to remain ait Yale for at
least a month, where he hopes to
begin work on a novel about Missis-
Lowenstein. who resigned from
his position here last summer, has
traveled throughout the deep South
during the past few years working
with organizations promoting Civil
Rights for Negroes.
Hill West Attend
Business Law Meet
Robert H. West and Colonel Sam
T. Hill, professors of Business Law
at East Carolina College attended
the South Atlantic Regional Business
Law Association Meeting in Char-
lotte. North Carolina, November
The Association is composed of
Business Law professors from the
South Atlantic states who meet an-
nually to give law professors an
opportunity to discuss current prob-
lems in the legal field.
A 1966. B.S. degree class ring of
the School's colors was lost in the
Soda Shop Wednesday, November
25. A reward is offered for its re-
turn. Tf found, please contact
Charles Terrell or the EAST CARO-
Christian meeting December
7.008:00 P.M. In Y-Hu.
The subject of alcoholic beverages
has fascinated writers since the
days of the stone tablet and chisel.
As a result, there exists a large
amount of lore about its use. For
5.000 years, at least, a man has al-
ways had something handy to offer
his friends when they drop inbe it
mead, wine, beer, whiskey, gin or
How much do you know about al-
coholic beverages? In this 16-ques-
tion quiz prepared by the makers
of Wolfschmidt Vokda, old and new
facts may provide you with some
ice-breakers for your next cocktail
1. Stone Age man was a tee-
False. According to archeologists,
the later Stone Age man drank
wine and beer. The "brewer before
baker" theory holds that he learned
to use grain for beer before he
learned how to make bread with it.
2. In early human societies, the
task of making the drinks was al-
ways entrusted to the women.
False. Women were sometimes
barred from the preparation of al-
coholic beverages. The custom of
the man's mixing the drinks may
be our oldest surviving social cus-
3. Wages have sometimes been
paid off in drinks.
True. A clay tablet dating from
3000 B. C. and found in Mesopotamia
turned out to be a cuneiform "pay-
roll When deciphered, it gave the
names of persons who were entitled
to beer and bread for the day.
4. The first liquor manufactured
in the American Colonies was on
Staten Island.
True. William Kieft, Director -Gen-
eral of the Netherlands, established
a distillery there around 1640. It
was taken over by the British in
1664. along with the other Dutch
possessions in America. The Dutch
made gin and brandy there, but
the British converted its facilities
to the distillation of rum.
5. The first Kentucky whiskey was
made by a Baptist clergyman.
True. He was Elijah Craig, who
first made it at Royal Spring, Ken-
tucky, in 1789.
6. The more alcohol in the liquor,
the better your chances are of hav-
ing a hangover.
False. Alcohol isn't what gives
you a hangoverit's the impurities
in the alcohol, the "congeners
that do it. This is why liquors with
few congeners, like vodka, are least
likely to give you a hangover. Fur-
thermore, as the makers of Wolf-
schmidt vodka point out, vodka af-
fects a person's breath less than
ether aucoholic beverages. And it
mav surprise you to learn that
vodka has no more alcohol than
most other common drinks.
7. To be labeled "Scotch" a whis-
kev must come from Scotland.
False. But scotch whiskey that's
not from Scotland must have
"scotch tvpe whiskey" on the label.
Hen' Scotch whiskey requires a
longer aging period than domestic
whiskeyseven or eight years. It is
sometimes as many as 12 in the
case of Chivis Regal Scotch. A do-
mestic whiskey may reach maturity
in orolv two years.
8. Americans drink as much rye
whiskey as blends.
False. Hardly anyone drinks rye
whiskey, mainly because very little
of it is made. When someone "orders
'rye almost invariablv he means
blended whiskey, which is made
from rye. The grains that so into
biended whiskey, as well as bourbon
v.hiskey are, for the most part,
9. A whiskey that is 86 proof has
43 per cent alcohol by volume.
True. Each degree of "proof"
means half a per cent of alcohol bv
volume. Th- word "proof" comes
from the way whiskey was tested
m ancient times. Gunpowder was
added to the spirits, then a flame
and if the mixture didn't ignite it
was proved too weak: if it burned
too brightly, it was proved too
10. The proof of thp midding should
be high if you're going to flame it.
True. Ronrico, known for its light-
bodied. 86 proof White and Gold
Label rums, also makes a 151 proof
Purple Label rum which it recom-
mends especially for flaming. With
Purple Label, say its makers, you
can even flame ice creamor pre-
pare Cherries Jubilee at the table
using a casserole over a candle
warmer! In many cases, you'll
need only half as much Purple
Label as would be required of an-
other rum or another liquor such
as brandy. Other Ronrico sugges-
tions: a flaming rum omelette for
a midnight supper: for a spectacular
entree, lobster or shrimp in a pine-
apple-coconut sauce which is flam-
ed with rum at the table just be-
fore serving.
11 The martini was named for a
man named Martini.
False. His nam? was Alejandro
Martinez. Some 60 years ago he
was drinking a strange concoction
made of gin and vermouth, and got
a reputation for it. Bartenders
when a patron didn't know what to
order, suggested "one of Mr. Mar-
tinez drinks And that's how the
zebra got his stripes.
IS. The manhattan was not invent-
ed in Manhattan.
False. It was. in 1874 a pre-
magural ball was held for New
York's Governor-elect Samuel J
TiJden at the Manhattan Club on
16th Street. The bartender invented
the manhattan 'whiskey, sweet ver-
mouth and aromatic' bitters in
honor of the occasion.
13. All American states now per-
mit the sale of liquor.
False. In Mississippi, it's still
14. The best Champagne is old
False. The recommended guide:
the number and smallness of the
bubbles. In general, voung Cham-
pagnes are best10 years old or so
-because they still have high car-
bon ation. and what would Cham-
pagne be without bubbles?
15. Absinthe - no longer obtain-
able today.
False. Though banned in France
because it contained too much al-
ehol, it is now drunk under the
name of Pernodalmost the same
as absinthe, but with less alcholo.
Actually, the worst thing about ab-
s nthe is that it inspired what is
perhaps the most atrocious pun
every punned, to wit: "Absinthe
makes the heart grow fonder

4east Carolinianfriday, december 4, 1964
Campus Sororities Initiate Girls
Into Organizations As Full Sisters
January 8 Mark, Night Of fc
At Alpha Phi Omega s Whrt
vear the
"white hail
Sigma Sigma Sigma
On November 21, seven co-eds
were initiated into the Sisterhood of
Gamma Beta chapter of Sig-
ma Sigma Sigma sorority. The
sixty-six year old rituals climaxed
a pledge period of eight weeks.
During this period the pledges
learned much about their sorority,
its history and their responsibilities,
and completed both civic and so-
cial projects. At a Thanksgiving
Dinner Thursday night, the Nu
pledges presented the sisters their
gifts, chapter directories, bound in
the colors and bearing the Greek
letters of Sigma.
The proud new wearers of the
Sigma badge are Patricia Arnold,
sophomore from Portsmouth, Va
Lisa Green, sophomore from Nor-
folk. Va Kathy Howlett. sopho-
more from Columbia: Susan Mid-
gett, junior from Hatteras: Carr-
leeta Redfern. sophomore from Al-
bemarle: Cherry Skinner, junior
from Greensboro: and Kate Smoot,
junior from Tarboro. Sister Pam
Waters, Chapter Vice-President,
served as Pledge trainer while Carr-
leeta Redfern was pledge Presi-
Betty Jane Foster. Miss Foster is
a sophomore voice major at EC and
holds membership in
Concert Choir.
the college
and Publicity Committees.
Kappa Delta
Alpha Xi Delta
Four coeds were initiated this
week into East Carolina College's
Gamma Phi Chapter of Alpha Xi
Delta, national social sorority.
The formal initiation ceremony,
which climaxed a two-month pledge
period, was held at the Presbyterian
Church in Greenville. Preceding the
formal induction was a black cere-
mony for initiates at the home of
Miss Eunice MeGee, sorority ad-
One of eight social sororities on
the college campus. Alpha Xi Delta
has 114 chapters located in the
United States. The sorority en-
courages the formation of lasting
friendship among its members and
strives to exert a positive influ-
ence at EC.
New members of the local chap-
ter include:
Janice Gail Vaughn Miss Vaughn
is a junior elementary major at
EC. She served as a student coun-
selor during the 196364 Freshman
Orientation and as a student coun-
selor of Umstead Hall, dormitory
for women, last school year.
Mary Ella Gaskill. Miss GaskilHs
a junior primary education major
at EC.
Phi Kappa Tau Enlists
Nine New Pledges
Nine students at East Carolina
College have been enlisted as
pledges for the fall quarter of the
Gamma Eta Chapter of Phi Kappa
Tau, social fraternity at the col-
Each pledge is undergoing a train-
ing period of approximately 12
weeks, a prerequisite for full mem-
bership in the fraternity
Phi Kappa Tau Chaplain James
Robert Kimsey of Murphy and
pledgemaster Willis Allen Separk of
Durham conducted the pledge cere-
mony at the Baptist Student Union.
Richard Clarkson Cox Jr. of Greens-
boro, president of the fraternity,
New pledges of the local chap-
ter are: David Kenneth Riaynor,
William (Henry Daniels, William
Scott Pearson, Ray Osborn Curtis,
Joseph Daniel Rippard, Frederick
Steven Bates, James Howard Moss,
Angus S. Lamond Jr Marvin Lee
Chi Omega News
After a nice Thanksgiving holiday,
the Chi Omega sisters are starting
the quarter with new subjects and
more fun ! ! Already the sisters
are getting the Christmas spirit.
December 10, the Chi O's are help-
ing the Delta Sigmia Pi's give a
Christmas party for the under-
privileged children. Hie same night,
trie sisters and pledges will be deco-
rating the Christmas tree and ex-
changing gifts.
The sisters want to thank the
Pika brothers for giving a "boaster"
before exiams by giving a party
November 16. In return, the Chi 0
sisters are inviting the Pika's to go
caroling with them. The Pika's can
give quite a oartvwonder if they
can sing as well
The sisters want to congratulate
Celia On for being appointed to be
on the 9GA Appeals Board and Carol
"Daughtery for being nominated
Si lior secretary.
Alpha Delta Pi
The East Carolina chapter of Al-
oha Delta Pi social sorority has
Initiated six new sisters, climaxing
for the coeds the traditional pre-
requisite period of pledge training.
In a formal ceremony conducted
by the sorority chapter's president,
Nina Virginia Gigi) Guice of
Greenville, the six girls became
members of the sorority and of the
local Delta Omicron Chapter, char-
tered at East Carolina in 1959.
New ADPi's include: Donna Leflth
Stowe, a sophomore in the School
of Nursing at EC. Marilyn Jo Tim-
beiiake, sophomore home eco-
nomics major ait EC, Miss Timber-
ltake served as a cheerleader dur-
ing her freshman year and as chair-
man of the Inter-Dormitory Coun-
cil. Karen Lynne Martin, a sopho-
more at EC, served during her
freshman vear on the staff of the
Madelene Gail (Lynn) Armistead,
sophomore education major at EC.
Anita Jeannette Zepul, a sophomore
business major at EC. She has
served as secretary of the Alpha
Delta Pi pledge class, and a sen-
ator in the Student Government As-
sociation. Carolyn Ann Thayer, a
junior studying psychology and po-
litical science at EC. In extracur-
ricular activities, she has served as
social chairman of Cotten Hall, and
as a member of the Student Gov-
ernment Association Entertainment
wish to thank everyone, muuu- Qpveil
the Pi Kaps and Lambda Chi s, VJl
We are proud to announce
initiation of five new sisters
Kappa Delta last Monday nignt
new sisters are Lynn JJr
Asheville: Kay Crawford, Arlington.
Virginia; Janet Daly Goldsboro,
Annie Ruth Nixon, Edenton; and
Vicki O'Tuel, Goldsboro.
The K D's opened the entire we
before Homecoming working
their float entitled "Look For
Star in the Southern Conference
We wish to thank everyone.
who helped in'creating such a suc-
cessful float.
Miss Julie Ober, chapter's spec-
ial advisor from Norfolk, Virginia,
visited the sorority Nov. 11 through
Nov. 13. Her helpful advice and
kindness inspired all the sisters to
work for higher goals.
Last Monday night, Kappa Del-
ta entertained the Pika's. Then,
the K D's settled down for a hard
week's work of studying for exams
which we lived through. We hope
everyone was as fortunate.
Alpha Phi
Margaret Ruth Peggy Lasley
of Draper has been initiated into
Alpha Phi social sorority at East
Carolina College.
A member of the Spring 1963
pledge class, she underwent an ex-
tensive period of pledge training
v.hich included learning about the
history, ideals and goals of Alpha
nuad Alpha Phu
?Sj be held on
January . Ta y&rs V
Auditormm. As fzation to
would le .flC"t inthis event
have a a 8x10
bach cteSHfJSSw and MM a
ck d w!KSEe Ball queen
.C average, w vote ht,M
vvill chosen m
intheO)lelnJona j
and ax tphy.
thai should
of the g
The i w ;
wrth the
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k a?
and her sp
u' rii
poetrv Forum Busy Manning New Rea
Poets For Commjr Academitfl

Alpha Delta Phi Sorority
Moves Into New House
East Fifth Street has its fifth
East Carolina social sorority since
last Sunday when the 30-odd sisters
of Alpha Delta Pi settled happily
into their spacious colonial home
at 1407.
The ADPi's, one of eight national
social sorority groups on campus,
joined four of their sister Hellenic
orders already resident on East
Fifth StreetDelta Zeta at 801,
Sigma Sigma Sigma next door at
303, Chi Omega next door to ADPi
at 1501. and Kappa Delta at 2100.
The five sororities have joined
four fraternities as real estate own-
ers on Fifth Street, the northern
boundary of the EC campus. Fifth
Street is among the city's older es-
ba Wished residential areas with
many of Greenville's largest homes.
Other members of the campus
sorority family have bought or are
looking for permanent residences.
Alpha Phi has settled on East 10th
Street and Alpha Omicron Pi on
Johnston Street. The eighth group.
Alpha Xi Delta, is in the market
for a home.
The white-painted brick home of
Alpha Delta Pi, completely remodel-
ed in recent weeks, has usable
living space on all its four floors.
Thirty sdsters inhabit its six bed-
rooms, two parlors, chapter room,
dining room, kitchen, snack bar and
Students Pick Up
Cards Before 10th
Those students who failed to get
Activity Cards on Registration Day
and those who registered late may
pick up Activity Cards between 9
A.M. and 4 P.M. through December
Each student must show his receipt
for payment of fees or class sched-
ule in order to get his ACTIVITY
CARD. Cards will be issued in the
Central Ticket Office.
Students, faculty and staff mem-
bers may get photo I D cards made
on the following dates in Wright
Lobby between 9 A.M. and 4 P.M.
November 30th Registration Day)
December 7th
Photo I D Cards will be issued in
the Central Ticket Office between 9
A.M. and 4 P.M. on the following
December 7th and December 14th
These are the only dates for hav-
ing Photo I D cards made and for
picking up Photo I D cards during
Winter Quarter. No temporary I D
ca-ds will be issued: therefore
thop who fail to get I D cards will
be unable to attend athletic events
' nd concerts.
utility room.
Airs. Lenore Arnold, the ADPi
housemother, has her own suite.
She moved to Greenville from her
(315 Carswell Lane) residence in
Featuring Wllliamsburg decor in
red, green, gold and antique white,
the parlors and dining room are
equipped with contemporary oak
furniture. Black-and-white floor tile
has been laid in the foyer. The
hail, stairway, parlors and dining
room have red carpeting.
Three meals are served daily by a
staff of two servants, a full-time
cook and a part-time maid. Each
Tuesday evening all pledges and
sorority sisters45 in allassemble
for dinner and the weekly chapter
Mrs. Robert G. Deyton and Mrs
William H. Taft, alumnae advisors
were in charge of decoration. An
interior commercial decorator, Mrs
Tommie Willis of Greenville, assist-
ed. Other alumnae who have worked
on housing plans include Mrs
George Lortz of Raleigh, past pro
nnee president: Dr. Mary Lois
Staton of the School of Education
faculty at EC. Mrs. Sam Under-
wood, Mrs. Ed Clement and Mrs
Boley Farley, all chapter advisors
from Greenville.
President of the local sororitv is
Virginia Gigi) Guice of Greenville
Officers working with her are Marv
Jane Conn vice president: Kathrvh
I amille Billings, secretary
Judy M. Wagstaff, treasurer' '
The lost and found department is
located in the College Union office
Anyone wishing to report lost
tides or turn in found one
College Union office will be
to accommodate you.
The ride-riders board
Thc EaSt c-rt-a-ss
& year Te r .
feature up to V
read their own uortv.
The FCC Poetry Forum
Hv new oi
by "
nford L 1
ind Pat H v
of Ucal Habitation.
poetry published by
p, . Loral Habitation
'T I
son Willis,
the author
book of
and n from S n
Richard V. ' rtes
Eat n, Poetry Mauame.
v of poetry
rs I bo published
in the 19M
The Forum, col
vid h s be i
New Durham Ei
New College Writing. Th
in the College UnionOBecltSS
vice has recently become more
tive than ever before. If Vou
interested in having riders or
ride, please check the College U
office ride-riders board and fin m
and othe
by tin
Nursing InrucJ
Is Honored (,uk
or h
Rei lew,
Little Re-
vfcw. The Phoenix Southern .-nt.
The Rebel. Voted ? r
chive T
ten ' " '
pie as J
Van Doren C
Karl - T. S. Eliot.
Owen. ! W .
rum has held nur
A P 0 Winter Ruh
Alpha Phi
vice fraternity. . to I
winter rushDecember 8th and 10th
at their new Chapter ro- m
on Cotanche - hind Oamj
Attractive room for real for facultv
or staff member with private bl h
television and air-condition in- AW
two meals available daily. The ffi
15 located in the heart of GreVKE
and thus convenient to thS S
For further ir,fw:
The most
walked a:
Slacks on
Campus co
have a
fof fashto
65 "Oacroc"
polyester a
Styled ft5
plain fronts
Blade mode
looks a &r
comfort 8t!
c01 ulrTl WMtton, contact
Sarah Kirkpatrck at Ext 288 or f
tor 6:30 p.m. at PL 2-3339' af"

east Carolinianfriday, december 4, 19645
Pirate Special To Carry
EC Supporters To Bowl
I Pirates Lose Opener
fh uskt tball Pirates opened their season Tuesday night and were handed
a (rat at the hands of High Point. The team on several occasions
pring the last period of the game had the opportunity to win. But with a
fc ushandled plays and near-misses, thv team failed to get off to a
fii oriotis start.
Milady Beauty Shoppe
Make Your Appointments Early
Three Hair Stylists To Serve You
Location: 517 Dickinson Avenue
We can't be on perfect key every tim but typing errors
needn't show. And won't on CorrasableEaton s paper
with the special surface that comes clean in a whiak
with an ordinary pencil eraser. There's no smear or acar
left in evidence when you type on rr
Your choice of Corrasable in
light, medium, heavy weights and
Onion Skin. In handy 100-
sheet packets and 500-sheet
boxes. Only Eaton makes
A Berkshire Typewriter Paper
Pinail pliams were announced Tues-
day for the "Pinatte Special" to car-
ry a trtainload of East Cairoiilna sup-
porters to Orlando, FLa next month
to watch the EC Pirates Dec. 12
football game with ithe University
of Massachusetts m the 19th annual
Tangerine Bowl classic.
The train will leave Greenville
on Friday evening, Dec. 11; make
passenger stops iait Bethel, Rocky
Mount, Wilson and FayetteviHe; ar-
rive in Orlando Saturday morning;
ana begin the return trip an hour
after midnight Saturday, two to
three hours after the game, with
early Sunday afternoon arrival back
home scheduled.
Sponsored by the college in con-
junction with the Atlantic Coast
Line railroad, the "Pirate Special"
must have tat least 350 passengers.
First customers to sign up are the
135 members of the Mairchdng
Pirates, East Carolina's field band
scheduled to participate in the Tan-
gerine Bowl show. Sponsoring the
hand's trip is the Student Govern-
ment Association iait the college.
Jack Morgan, general chairman
of the Tangerine Bowl, said the
"Pirate Special" would become the
first special train to a Tangerine
Bowl game in the 19-year history of
the classic.
Round-trip fare for the special
will be $31.40 per person and that
amount includes bus transportation
from the Orlando train station to
the Tangerine Bowl and back aigain.
J. S. Wilkes of Rocky Mount, dis-
trict passenger lajgent for ACL in
Eastern North (Carolina, listed this
timetable for the special triain:
Leaves Greenville (at 7 p.m. Fri-
day, Dec. 11; makes stops in Bethel
(7:45 p.m.), Rocky Mount (8:50
p.m.), Wilson (9:10 p.m.) and Fay-
etteville (10:10 p.m.) to pick up
passengers; continues non-stop to
Orlando with arrival scheduled at
9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 12. well
ahead of the 8 p.m. kickofif for the
EC-Massachusetts game later that
Leaves Orlando at 1 p.m. Sunday,
Dec. 13, soon after the game; makes
return stops at Fayetteviile rll:40
a.m.), Wilson 112:40 p.m.). Rocky
Mount (1 p.m.) and Bethel (2:05
p.m. : and arrives in Greenville at
3 p.m. Sunday.
Special busses will convey "Spec-
ial" passengers from the train de-
pot to downtown Orlando, about a
mile away, immeddiately on arrival.
Fassengers will return to the busses
at 6:30 p.m. for the trip to the Tan-
gerine Bowl and to the train de-
pot after the game.
According to Wilkes, the "Pirate
Special" will consist of about a
dozen cars, including eight coaches,
a lounge car with soft drinks land
snacks, a dining car for the return
trip and a baggage car for band
instruments. He salid additional
coaches will be added as necessary.
Though the schedules eliminates
the necessity for overnight accom-
modations in Orlando, Wilkes said
his office on request will assist pas-
sengers in matkdng motel or hotel
arrangements. He said his investi-
gation disclosed that rates in the
Orlando area are "quite reasonable"
and quoted what he called a "typical
example $3 per person in a room
for two.
Tickets for cne "Pirate Special"
may be purchased from any Atlan-
tic Coast Line station in the area;
from the Central Ticket Office: and
from MacDorn Travel Agency, 314
Evans Street (phone: 752-6238),
Working with Wilkes on arrange-
ments for the special train has
been Dr. James H. Tucker, dean of
student affairs at EC, (and other
officials of the college and the SGA.
Don't Let The
Go See The Tangerine
Bowl Game December 12
Best Jewelry Company
Invites You To Come In and See Their Complete Line of
Gifts For All Occasions
Charms, Bracelets, Billfolds
Serving E. C. C. Students Since 1907
Ducatti Cadet 90 $250.00
Ducatti Monza 250 $500.00
Get In On The X-Mass Give-A-Way At
CU Bowling Begins
Tuesday, December 8
Bowling for fall quarter has be-
gun! The College Union Bowling
League invites you, both men and
women, to join the league which
meets Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m. at the
Hillcrest Lanes. A bus providing
transportation leaves in front of
Wright Auditorium at 4:00 sharp.
For only $1.10 a week, this is
what is included: 1 RfU 3 games,
2Free transportation, 3Shoes-
without rental, 4Team and in-
dividual sports. See you Tuesday at
4:00 p.m !
No SGA Quorum
On November 30, 1964. at 7:00
pm at Rawl. Burke Stephens.
Speaker of the House, called the
Senate meeting to order. The chair
ruled no quorum.
Tim Bagwell moved to dispense
The minutes and roll call because
oi the lack of the quorum.
Dean Alexander made announce-
ments concerning the Tangerine
Bowl urging the Senators to talk
to students and sell tickets for the
:rain ride which would be on sale at
the central ticket office.
The meeting was adjourned at
7:05 pm.
Phone PL 8-2563
110 East 5th Street
In Gaskins Jewelers
Greenville, N. C.
Welcome To
City Laundrette
813 Evans Street
Leave Your Laundry
To Be
Washed and Fluff Dried
Attendants To Serve You
PL 8-3613
Pactolus Highway
123 E. 5th St
Please report any lost books
to us immediately

6east Carolinianfriday, december 4, 1964
EC Orchestra
With Concer"
Owens Seasoi
Sunday Deed
Folk-siagiMg in the U. S. is still bo.ming as it has for the past few years.
The folk artist here bangs away on a twelve string guitar as the typical
entranced audience looks on. Musical instrument manufacturers claim
that orders for some instruments are backed up as far as 1966.
Magazine Article Asks
About Students' Sanity
By Hen Sutton And Carrie Tyson
For our column this week, we be- by -imperatively
gin with an article from Sarajane
Lebowitz, the Press Editor for
Mademoiselle. She gave it the title:
More Students Seek Professional
Counseling We wholeheartedly
recommend :t to you.
To bring this more to an East
Carolina level, the guidance offices
are set up with you. the student, in
mind. Dr. YVeigand and Mrs. Fick-
en will be more than happy to
help you so you may better help
Are American college students
rapidly "cracking up"?" queries a
recent article in Mademoiselle
magazine, "Swept with Confused
Alarms: The Psychological Climate
on Campus" by Rita Hoffmann.
Ten to fifteen per cent of college
students are already using the na-
tion's college counseling services
land, according to Dr. Leon J.
Saul, psychiatric consultant at
Swarthmore college, 'another ten to
fifteen per cent should be using
them. In an attempt to discover
which students seek av&dlable help,
why they seek it. and what happens
to those who turn to other sources,
the magazine canvassed a nation-
wide sampling of colleges.
A common "disease" among wo-
men students is known on some
campuses as "the flops She can
do nothing but flopon her bed,
or the nearest available space. She
does not sleep; she cannot study or
even concentrate on a book she her-
self wants to read. She smokes,
nibbles food, converses, resolves to
study, then moves on to a new
flopping place. The major prob-
lems, like "the flops have to do
with what is known ias "the identity
crisis The concept, so named by
Dr. Erffi H. Erikson. internationally
known psychiatrist, has already be-
come an over-simplified catch-
phrase which, roughtly, concerns
the search for answers to three
basic questions: Who am I? Where
shah I go? How shall I get there?
Su-colled sexual problems often
turn out to be just one among many
symptoms which may have more to
do with conformity or a craving for
emotional warmth than with sex.
The change in sex mores provides
the more exaggerated and spectac-
ular symptoms but equally disturb-
ing to 'at least one college psychia-
trist, Dr. Lester Sonta? of Antioch,
is "the increase in the number of
flat personalities I encounter"
persons whom people neither like
nor dislike, with no emontional re-
sonance, who seldom can communi-
cate beyond banalities.
Since there has been no drastic
increase during the past decade in
psychotic breakdowns or suicides
among college students, why are
there so many seeking counsel? In
a limited society, where individual
choice is narrowly restricted by
church or state, life is simplifed
clear-cut boun-
daries of choice. A free society
such as ours, by offering a wide,
almost unrestricted range of choice
also provides fertile ground for the
neuroses of doubt and indecision.
In addition, colleges seem to feel
tin ! to iiid students in making the
choices is a part of their responsi-
.v as educators, both to the stu-
dent and to society. As a result
counseling facilities have increased
and mroe students may simply be
taking advantage of what is avail-
able. Therefore there may be no
actual increase in the number of
disturbed students.
Many of those who hesitate to
seek counsel do so because of the
smail-community lack of anonymity
of a cdiege campus. They are
afraid that their outpouring will
leak to the Dean's office or on to
official records. Many, equally mis-
taken, fear that therapy will "flat-
Mi them out' 'to be well-adjusted
robots, which is quite the opposite
of the intentions of psychiatry.
There remains some doubt that
clinics are helpful or necessary be-
yond the need to handle psychotic
breakdowns. Subjective evaluations
do, however, seem to indicate the
positive value of therapy. As one
ex-dent put it, "If your emotional
problems get in the way to much,
you just can't make it from your
freshman to your senior year
Judging from a survey taken by
Mademoiselle magazine ("College
SmokingHow Come Nobody's
Stopped?" by Mary Ann Guitar,
August, 1964) the Surgeon General's
report has not substantially affect-
ed the smoking habits of college
undergraduates. Why not? Neither
smokers nor non-smokers opposed
cigarettes per se. The attitude was
pretty much live and let live, or.
die and let die: suicide is a pri-
vate affair. Their reaction to the
cancer threat was off-hand. Both
groups caime up with a number of
explanations and rationalizations
Tea room or espresso house, bas
n.ent or ballroom, backyardor toe-
kali field-it doesn't mate hte
difference where you hold a noc
nanny! .
The dnamatic increase in
songs iand hootenawiies dunng the
Lst two decades is reoordMo be
more of an effect thaa cause g
the years since the end
War II, our nation tasW
oerieneing a dramatic rebirth of in
West in American culture amTherU
age. And one of the more popular
directions tnis movemen.has taken
is the resurrection of folk-singing.
The parents of today's teenagers
grew up during the 20 s and 30s and
probably had very little contact wh
folk songs. An occwnai cnorusof
-Clementine" or "She'll be Conrun
Round the Mountain" was the ex-
tent of their experience.
Today folk music fc back-and1 s
bigger than ever. On radio and tele-
vision, on single records and lung-
Playing albums, in personal PP'
ances on college campuses in big
city auditoriums and small lodge
halls groups of singers are enter-
turning audiences with hootenaniues.
At the present time, there are only
four manufacturers in the United
States producing banjos. This instru-
ment has become so popular durin&
the past twelve months that the ban-
jo-makers have been unable to meet
the demand. According to Sears,
banjo and guitar sales increased 90
to 100 per cent in 1963.
Folk singing is. of course, not
new While it is now considered an
American art. it had two main
streams of origin.
The Anglo-Saxon tradition was im-
ported from Great Britain and nor-
thern Europe, and was responsible
for most of our ballads and lyric
folk songs.
Later, the African tradition was
added. This group is credited with
the blues, the work songs, and the
ever-popular minstrel tunes.
To all of these songs was added
the only truly American eontr
u meim: and the hoote-
(,uht university. O
Oregon StjteLw .
left behind sonu u
buddmg fcjk 2k bother;
"Learn mil BAROMf
g sted Lothe xn oi be
;i, s jS in vmoorta r u
- fsnf!Lo m b
Th" f to find your voice ram
they said. to find
'j-u. n jp
I k b "
d the
This s YO
c n
ctart " uv
n this
' i
' t I t
ang -n CM

ECC Symphony Orchestr
Opens Season rI his?
The Easl
phony 0 ill 0Pn '
on w.th - Sundi
ber 6 -n Wright Au
p m The i estra. i
tor David a -
aid Tracy as -
1 h
D in 1
ed Prelude

baay V
F manor by T ky.
ranging from !an inexpensive sub-
stitute for psychoanalysis" to "a
device that aids soc'alibilty" in de-
fense of the choice to smoke.
EC Choir Performs
In Raleigh Program
The East Carolina Concert Choir
will join with the North Carolina
State Ballet and a group from the
Puke University music department
to present the finale concert in
Tuesday's Music Day program in
Raleigh, part of the observance of
North Carolina Culture Week.
The eighth annual Music Day
events will be held in (Raleigh's
Hotel Sir Walter. It is sponsored by
the North Carolina Federation of
Music Clubs.
The concert ds scheduled at 8
p.m. in the Virginia Dane Ballroom.
tion to folk singing: the choral re-
How did the term "hootenanny"
originate? Some believe it came
from a boisterous female folk sing-
er of many years ago who picked
up the nickname ,lHoot:n Annie
If Hootin' Annie were alive today,
a glance at the Hit Parade, the 'Top
40 the "Hot 100" or any other
rating method would show her that
there are now scores of popular folk
songs and artists in this "modern"
music field that's named after her.
Thousands of professionals are now
making a good income in a field
that could hardly support a handful
of "pros" thirty years ago.
More important than the profes-
sional aspect, there are now hun-
dreds of thousands of non-profes-
sional banjo players, guitar play-
ers, and singers who have found these
traditional songs a means of self-
expression in today's world.
Even a beginner can be plunking
out accompanying chords on a banjo
or guitar in a matter of minutes.
While it takes time to learn to play
these instruments well, a few chorcls
can be played after the first lesson.
And there are more than 1.000 folk
ongs from which to choose your
While stringed instruments go back
in history almost as far as the drum,
the guitar as we know it evolved
in Western Europe. The three main
t" pes contain four, six and twelve
strings, respectively.
The twelve string guitar is still
ued by some professionals, but the
six string or "classic" guitar is by
far the most popular. The four string
guitar is the easiest to play, and is
often preferred by amateurs. It is
possible to pay several hundred
dollars for a suitar. but models are
available in the twenty to fifty dol-
lar range that will produce a soft
rch tone.
The banjo, on the other hind, is
considered to be a development of
the Negroes in this country and h.is
been called "America's only nation-
al instrument Banjos usually have
five strings and are also sold in a
wide price range. The catalog of
1894 listed banjos as low as Si 75
but today prices range from $30 to
$70 for a good instrument.
Is today's interest in folk singing
end planned or impromptu hoote-
nannies just a passing fador a re-
birth of a eulltunafl iMeresrt in pioneer
music? The experts believe that
since it took almost twenty years to
get here, it's going to be with us
for a good, long time.
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East Carolinian, December 4, 1964
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
December 04, 1964
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University Archives
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