East Carolinian, October 30, 1964

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Playhouse Holds
First Auditions
jr be held for the next
nroc the East Carolina
pjfe m November . 1964
Ifon "i P.M. in MeGinnis
uci This offering is a new
p& The Hays and Nights
of I stermeker" by Wil-
r; 't Edgar Loes-
sin has roles for 5 women
end f the
can on reserve in
tjie Loessin urges all
pec i ne for a
i the play before
cor 'There are ex-
cel" especially
for He further i that
par louse produc-
tior. students and
ac pie from
r Img commun-
itie ers ns interest-
ed base ol v produc-
tio: ns
T ' set with
Ha - will be de-
nd Ge rg
ly appointed toehni-
' - gner.
east Carolina college, greenville, n. c. friday. October 30, 1964
number 16
I i
St lent Teachers
M pply By Dec. 7
I A nbMss, Direc-
tor i makes the
foi " Vpplica-
lak - udent tea ch-
ile 5, must be
so ter th n December
Vpplications will not be ac-
ce r that date.
tion majors should
su 3 to their depart-
in t student teach-
ing education majors
sn ns to advis-
Tair Lady'
Carolyn Everett finishes up a return engagement as Eliza Doolittle in the
E( Playhouse production of 'My Fair Lady' tomorrow night. The Central
Ticket office announced a sellout for the majority of the performances.
(See review, page 3.)
SGA Passes On Motion By Deal,
Elects Three To Court Of Appeals
?more Class Presi-
a ng motions
- aunent Assoeia-
d Monday evening.
SI tde i Govt. Asso.
lowing etber of recom-
s1 to the ad-
We th S.G.A feel that
need for a
and evaluation
ry staff and conditions
fu request that
is be done by a group of qualified
medidal inspectors, along with mem
of the administration,
would like some conformation
this matter
This motion was passed by
S.G.A. members.
2. "I move that the Student Govt.
r so. recommend to the adminis-
tr: t on to construct a cement walk-
way or sidewalk eight feet in length,
eowiectamg the present sidewalk to
treet directly across from the
m, to enable men dorm students
Ilaihvav Historical Society
Charters Redskin Special
. a group of seventeen
members of the East
. : -r of the National
I Society on an At-
e speial train from
- Washington, D.C
3 one of three specials
re than 2000 passengers
-Bears game. Most
NRHS party, however, got
1 at Alexandria to visit
shington Memorial
e railroad car owned
- L. Loftin, Jr an
Uexndria Union Sta-
ng Washington, the
nto several par-
I ghtseeing.
of the local chapter. Dr.
-on and William H.
i junior from Elizabeth
ed gratitude for the
3 assignment of reserved
in a modem car with carpet-
Poors. Venetian blinds, and a
jpacious lounge. The rail buffs in
group considered It a bonus that
car was located directly behind
three-unit dieseil pulling the
t a in, and reported satisfaction with
the ' four-hour run from Rocky
Mount to Alexandria, a distance of
233 miles. The sunshine and the
bright fall foliage added to every
one's enjoyment.
College persons among the group
were in addition to those named
above. Dr. Rachel Kilpatrick, Prof,
and Mrs. H. F. Dade, and the
following students: Peggy Carna-
way, Roger Holihagswortih, Jr Allan
Gregory, Charles Creech, Mrs. Rob-
ert Morrison, Emmett Jones, and
Date Roberts. The last two are
members of the locM uNURHS chap-
Tuesday, November 4, 1964 at 7:30
pm Adult daw given by Home
Economics Methods Class Title:
"Accessories Personalize Your
(Home" Where: Flanagan Room
Pubhc is cordially invited to at-
Fletcher Dorm Receives
Formal Dedication Sun.
Formal dedication ceremonies for
Inglis Fletcher Had, new seven-
story womens dormitory at Bast
Caro1' a, will be held here on Sun-
day, Nov. 8, with Mrs. Fletcher as
guest of honor.
Dedicatory services w 11 be held
in the spacious first-floor parlor
with officials of the college and Mrs.
Fletcher's granddaughter, Carolista
and others using the parking lot,
to ross without having a muddy
inconvenience. We would like con-
formation on this matter.
This motion was also passed by
the S.G.A.
3. "I mo'o thct the Student Govt.
Also, send the following letter of
recommendation to me 'administra-
tion and also to he I.D.C, to in-
ustigate the possibility in the men's
dorms of installing some type of
laundry facilities consisting of
washers, dryers, and ironing ap-
paratus. We would like some con-
formation on this matter
The motion was tabled for further
4. "I move that the Student Govt.
Isso. send the following letter of
recommendation and request to the
administration ,we feel that there is
a definite need for some alternation
in the curfew hours of the women
students at E.C.C. We feel that
later hours are in order and we
suggest, as we did last year, the
fololwing times.
MonThurs 10:30 P.M FrdSalt
12:30 A.M Sun 11:30 P.M.
We further suggest that each girl
be allowed six 1:00 A.M. permis-
sions not including special events,
to be used ait the discrepancy of
the girl, per year.
We further suggest that Freshmen
women not be 'allowed these hours
until after one quarter resddence at
E.C.C, and then only falter attain-
ung a "C" average. During their
first quarter they wifll have hours
tas they now stand. We would like
conformation on this mater
Tnis motion was defeated by the
The following students were elect-
ed to the E.C.C. Court of Appeals:
Bryan Bennett, Bill Deal, and Celia
Fletcher of Chapel K
The granddaughter, a cent grad-
uate of East Carolina11 unveil a
portrait of her grandmother by Fay-
ettevaie artist Bill Fields. The por-
it has been presented to the col-
lege by the novelist and it will
hang in Fletcher Hall.
Members of Mrs. Fletcher's fcam-
ii aed to attend the Nov. 8
ceremonies include her sister, Mrs.
L. A. Chenoweth of Belvidere near
Edenton; her son. Cmdr. J. S.
Fletcher (ret.) or Charleston. S.C
the granddaughter; and her throe
grandsons, J. S. Fletcher of Green-
ville, D: . id Fletcher of Manteo and
James Fletcher, a freshman at East
Dr. Leo W. Jenkins, president of
the college, will open the 3:30 p.m.
ceremonies with brief remarks of
welcome. After the unveiling of the
portrait, Sen. Robert B. Morgan of
LiUington, chairman of th? ECC
trustees, is scheduled for brief re-
marks md James Wh'tfieicl of Ra-
le'gh. vice chairman of the truste
will formally accept the portrait for
the college.
A special dedicatory address by
EC author-in-residence Ovid W.
Pierce will precede special music
by the Women's Glee Club directed
by Beatrice Chauncey and the pray-
er of dedication by D. D. Gross,
director of religious activities at the
Announcement that the new dormi-
tory would bear Mrs. Fletcher's
name was made at East Carolina's
commencement exercises last June.
Governor Terry Sanford was one of
the commencement speakers and
ioined in paying tribute to the novel-
Fletcher, Illinois-born author
who came to Eastern North Carolina
.1 .ae 20 years ago, has immortaliz-
ed much of the state's early his-
tory n her famed "Carolina Series"
of n . Is that grew to 12 in num-
I t -t February with publication
of "Rogue's Harbor The first m
staliment in the series. "RaMgh's
Eden was published in 1940.
Mrs. Fletcher was born in Alton,
Oct. 20. 1888. Educated at
Washington University in St. Louis,
she holds the Litt. D. degree
v. om the Univ irsity of North Caro-
a it Greensboro.
Her husband, the Sate John George
Fletcher, was a mining engr-
i with him she lived in various
rts of the world. Her first books
v. ere baseel on her experiences in
ica, and for a tim she was on a
i cture tour discussing those ex-
; rienees.
For number of years Mrs.
tcher lived at Bandon Planta-
tion near Edenton until it was de-
trcyed by fire about a ye-a- ago.
presently m ikes her home in
nville w'th her grandson, John
S Fletcher, an attorney. Among her
test books is her
P v p ek. and
ed in 1959.
Follow pub-
Folksinging Contest
nJie Tarboro Woman's Club
e nsor ng a Hootenanay to be held
- turday e-enn. November 14, at
0 in the Tarboro High School
luditorium and invites all students
v.hose t.ilents are folks.ng:ng to par-
ticipate in a contest.
Judges will pick the most worthy
contestants and award them many
standing prizes. The Winner of
the top prize will appear on the
Carolina Today Program on WNCT
TV Channel 9 Greenville. North Caro-
lina! Those wishing to enter the con-
tent should mail a postcard not
later than November 1. 1964, st -ting
their name, address, and type of folk-
Flanagan Fire
A little excitement in the day's routine occurred Tuesday as sirens and
smoke drew curious students from the surrounding areas. Hie efficient
members of the local firefighters soon had the incident under control.

2east Carolinianfriday, October 30, 1964 .
Presidential Letter
On the third day of November next, nearly ten million
of our citizens will be eligible to cast their first votes in a
Presidential election.
For these young persons, the forthcoming Presidential
election will be a significant milestone. For the rest of us, this
occasion will be no less important as we welcome a new group
of young, vigorous, and forward-looking Americans to a full
share in the privileges and responsibilities of free men.
SON, President of the United States of America, do hereby
designate the period October 25 through October 31, 1964, as
National First Voters Week.
I urge local election officials, private citizens, and citizen
organizations to make a special effort during that week to
assist in every possible way the millions of persons who are
about to cast their first vote in a Presidential election.
I also urged our first voters to consider seriously during
that week the solemn nature of the obligation they are about
to assume.
In particular, I urge that our first voters
Go to the polls proudly, knowing that the duty they
perform is the price of the privilege they hold.
Exercise their franchise gratefully, realizing that it
is essential to their future as free men and women.
Make their choice carefully, understanding its import-
ance to themselves and their fellow Americans.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be
DONE at the City of Washington this nineteenth day
of October in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and
sixty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of
(SEAL) America the one hundred and
Lyndon B. Johnson
By the Presdent:
Witnessed: Dean Rusk, Secretary of State
Geometrical Evolution
Back in Mark Twain's day, one of the finest words in our
language was "Square" You gave a man a square deal if you
were honest. And you give him a square meal when he was
hungry. You stood foursquare for the right, as you saw it, and
square against everything else. When you got out of debt, you
were square with the world. And that was when you could
look your fellow man square in the eye.
Then a lot of strange characters got hold of this honest,
wholesome word, bent it all out of shape and gave it back to
our children. Convicts gave it the first twist. To them a square
was an inmate who would not conform to the convict code. From
the prisons it was flashed across the country on the marijuana
circuit of the bopsters and hipsters. Now everyone knows what
a square is. He is the man who never learned to get away with
wrongdoing. A Joe who volunteers when he doesn't have to. A
guy who gets his kicks from trying to do something better than
anyone else can. A boob who gets so lost in his work that he has
to be reminded to go home. A fellow who laughs with his belly
instead of his upper lip. A slob who still gets chocked up when
the band plays "America the Beautiful'
His tribe isn't thriving too well in the current climate. He
doesn't fit too neatly into the current group of angle players,
corner cutters, sharpshooters and goof-offs. He doesn't believe
opening all the packages before Christmas. He doesn't want to
fly now and pay later. He's burdened down with old-fashioned
ideas of honesty, loyalty, courage andthrift. And he may al-
ready be on his way to extinction.
Excerpt From A Speech by Charles H. Brower
To The Ed
To the editor:
As a student at Bast
should like to ask, are J5
two societies, one
the other DSlXL ffnStiS
of Americans? 1 seems to me
the American no togff
cent secondarily to his Pcai pac
ty That is, an individual mowr
American Society ?
a Republican or a Democrat first
and an American second.
Has the American ideal te
so obscure and obliterated that it
practically doesn't exist,
ashamed of it? I feel it is time, that
all of us reconsider what it w n
American. Our vnadues seemed to
have become somewhat distorted
and therefore I feel that we all
should stop and reconsider our al-
legiance. Is it to a political party or
to the United States?
I adso would like to bring out that
the article entitled "Donkey Sere-
tober 20) was purely Republican
Propaganda. Does the EAST CARO-
LINIAN exist to serve all the stu-
dents, or does it exist to serve the
Republicans andor Democratic Par-
I agree fully with the student who
urote the letter expressing his sen-
timents that he was opposed to the
'EAST CAROLINIAN being used as
a propaganda organ as well as a
Publish! WMkly by th rtodnta of East OtroHu tVlhf,
Carolina Collegiate Press Association
Associated CoDsffiate Press
Offices on third floor of Wright Building
Associate Editor
Business Manager
Robert Duncan
Lynda Robbing
Pam Hall
Subscription rate: $5.00 per year
Mailing Address: Box 2516, East Carolina College Station, Greenville, North Carolina
Telephone, sill departments, PL 2-5716 or 758-8426, extension 264
let Ateo " Se some-
oldhan SJiet peP ould rad
thing the Soy r
in -praivdfl.
u'c eluwodte the use of
I say ks 'nutor column
e I HRecaTaod Demo-
cratic PTPp'c 1 right, but there
t0 ZTJ ta presents
opinion 'wlu m
Sincerely yours.
L Fdward Judice
Dan K. Day
To The Editor:
Saturday. ?j" North
Din K Dav m hastern Nnn
f $im honors fce next gar-
Dan K.
,. nil P
Ja Km
To the Editor
The interest on tk.
United .V-otes cT
i taxpa; - J
n our jjl
know wtkrf i'raw .
when h
Does ).
i - I oof
which iit t
The sir
e:ll be the row
emor of ur
Moor ypM in to qtu
22 I9M
Football Stadium at Konston. Food
wd entertainment will be provided
and Judge Moore will deliver the
f.nal major iddreM of the cam-
Everyone ted to attend and
we' are asking thai you mate
effort to br i
tion from your college. Iet make
it i fitting elm mp
Weather wHl not be a deternut
since the station towered
Th- East

7:00 p.m. Movie: 'Se'ven Days In
May Austin
7:30 p.m. Facultv Duplicate
Bridge Club. Planter's Bank
8:15 p.m. My Fair Lady
8:30 p.m. UXICEF Halloween
Party, College Union, Campus
Radio WWWS
Pitt "Shepherd of the Hills"
State "Young Lovers"
6:00 a.m. Citadel Trip begins
8:00 p.m. Dist. Meeting for Geo.
Teachers, Library Aud.
7:00 p.m. Movie "Seven Days In
May Austin
8:15 p.m. "My Fair Lady
Pitt "Shepherd of the Hills"
State "Young Lovers"
Pitt "Rao Conchas"
State "Young Lovers"
4:00 p.m. School of Business Staff
Meeting, Rawl 130
5:30 p.m. Student Nurses Meet-
ing, Rawl 130
7:00 p.m. SGA, Library 215
7:30 p.m. Recited, Austin Aud.
Pitt "Rio Oonchos"
State "Young Lovers"
8:? Pu ,Politi Science Meet-
wg, Library And. Flanagan 209
8:15 p.m. Entertainment Series-
Pfifct "Rio Conches"
State "Young Lovers"
1:45 jp.ni. Faculty Duplicate
Bge Club, 4wSP
Campus Bulletin
Vjst.n ud
12 00 p m Southern 1-
iegiate EtajadcaatiBf I aw Li-
brary 217
M p m Southern Eaag. I
i ite Broad nv , Libra
Aud . Seminars Lib 201. Ilawl 105
3:00 p.m. Freshman Football:
Richmond. Stadium
6:00 p.m. Banquet for Southern
Reg. Conv . BirflMfcUl Room
7:00 p.m Mu. Four For
Tex .s Austin
7:30 p.m. Faculty Duplicate P
Hub. Planter ak
Pitt "A House U Mol Hme"
State "Your CheatiB' Heart"
Hut. 5:00 - 7:30 p m.
UNTTARANS ftfed at the Y Hut.
8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Rev. Donald
McMilan. UnHariai Churcn of
Kinston. The OMttrae and
Negative Aspects of lnitar;an-
ried couples . 401 Fourth Street,
:30 p.m.
the Y Hut, 5:00-7:00 pm

Mo! t
p m
v p
6 00
Hut, 8 :s Art
4:00 p.m. BeoHal, Austin Aud.
F81dnstrtia Art, CM,
rws Peroonaluie Your HoaZ.
Flanagn 101
P" - "Bio Oonchos"
State - "Young Lb
15 p.m. Concert: BrW &,

a e iew
east Carolinianfriday, October 30, 19643
udience Applaudes 'My Fair Lady
ast, Accents, Music Outstanding

.(8fttor"s Nate: Dr. Adams is a
meoatK of the East Carolina Col-
kge English faculty and a regular
reviev r of musical drama for the
coileg news ' ureau. "
Ifce tin in Spain remains mainly
OB th ks, hiuTicanes continue
k infrequent in Heatherford,
nd Hampshire, and every-
atf Covent Garden
27-A Wimpole Street.
iBena Shaw's story of the pho-
netic her who makes a lady of
a tto rl only ironically to have
H p make a man of him
retail o its old double Cin-
And the music of
r ewe still adds to the
mid be more beautiful,
sing tchmgly, or act more
convi Ann Carolyn Everett.
ffor we imagine a more
thoro sfying Professor Hig-
gins Bromdlow, perfectly
sille and figure, in addi-
tion t fted in his ability to
lured masculinity
demands. Graham
I ' - he seri-
- 'e of Colonel Pick-
part to perfection
a trick on the
f the charaeteriza-
y sMps for a mo-
- fhe ideal, beamish
vhen he sings the
temptingly lovely "On the Street
Where You Live
Bea Chauncey looks and acts Mrs.
Higg.ns unexceptionably, though the
professor might have preferred that
his mother speak "more trippingly
on the tongue
One other flawless job is Karen
Meussner's Mrs. Pearce, convincing
as to age as well as to motherly
tolerance and concern.
Bernard Beloff seems somewhat
too busy with the dual problems of
the accent and the characterization
of Mr. Dooiittle, but he is always
clearly audible, seeing to it that
no word of his rich part, not even
a word of a song, is missed.
John Sneden's sets, as usual, are
both a treat to the eye and an
assist to the mood and plot. Sneden
oxen successfully ignores the an-
cient taboo against mirrors on stage.
Georg Schreiber's lighting is apt
and lovely with the regrettable ex-
a ption of the Ascot scene, which
with its sharp blacks and whites
should be dazzling but is staged on
the apron beyond the reach of the
arhead lights and hence is partly
shadow, losing both the brilliance
of the costumes and the effect of
being outdoors.
Gene Strassler directs the 26-pieee
orchestra, complete with harp and
tuba, with great sensitivity and ef-
fect, providing just the right support
not only for the songs of the prin-
1 MuicWorld
1 JerryWilliams
of East Carolina
nth perform-
' on cam-
and Peter
: .ham Pol-
star in this
g mus C There
?rmances to run.
haven't seen
e do. Few Col-
ve such a privilege
th oasts are far
ie should all beam
e fortunate to
' " s summer and
more foruinate to be able
Ltfa three of the
"My Fair
musical theatre lovers
ty version was around
time, a record 2,717 per-
iling across more
- and winding up its
nber 29. 1962. It's in-
that the original
sion grossed wTell over
n 1956 on March 15,
Alan Jay Lerner and
They became
' and "Paint
However, "My Fair
them all. Many in the
: doubt ;f any other
is its records for a
lecords original cast
: over 5,000,000 copies
- first released. Three
159 Columbia record-
irer again in Lon-
r. iter that year it
.inthis time in Spanish.
in the firm's fall release
e versions in Italian and
Also, three dozen labels
d versions of the "My
music since the show
! in 1956. The styles run
proaches, to classical,
zz, to Latin, polka, rock and
many of you know Audrey
the latest "Fair Lady"
n Eastern Carolina much
y Carolyn Everett!
Darin is a happy fellow!
.r old lad says he feels
He has told the music
' he is a happy family man
oes to his office lave days a
sek. Bob Darin has moved from
West Toast office in the Capitol
Tower in Hollywood and set up his
own publishing empire, known as
T. M. Music and he also has moved
into a TV production and develop-
ment operation known as the Dar-
vid Company. When Bob left Capitol
he said he decided to put all the
Darin talents in one hat under one
i oof.
He is mighty proud that T. Ms
copyright value has increased 3C0
i rcent in a year. Also the com-
pany has offices in New York and
Xashville. Workiing for the com-
pany are Artie Resnick and Kenny
Young who wrrote the Drifter's big
hit "Under the Boardwalk" and
the follow-up, "Sand in My Shoes
Bob Darin is a man to watch.
He and his wife Sandy 'actress
Sandra Dee) now live in a Spanish
type home on Toluca Lake and its
only eight minutes from his office.
There's fishing in the back yard
for bass, blue-gill, and a few cat.
His son Dodd Mitchell Darin, now
two years and 11 months is learn-
ing how to fish with his Dad. Bob
Darin says, "I feel mighty good
at the ripe old age of 27
Don't forget the Jerry Williams
Show on WPXY Monday through
206 East 5th Street
cipals but also for the excellent
chorus work.
Accents, under the direction of
Helen Steer, are, so far as we can
judge, just right. Surely they are
And Mavis Ray's choereogmaphy is
imaginative land high spirited. Par-
ticularly rousing is the "Get Me to
the Church on Time" ballet, as
energetic a dance as we've seen en
any stage.
The audience the night we saw
"My Fair Lady" was young and,
perhaps as a result of nurturing only
on television and movies, was feeble
in Its applause. We hope that sub-
sequent performances of this many-
splendored production will get the
hand that everyone connected with
it richly deserves.
The Animal Farm
Spectators look over the debris from the fire that occurred in Flanagan
this week. The cause was determined to have been overheating of a light
fixture which can be seen on the ground (above).
SGA: Easy Come,
It seems that every year, with just
cause, the students ask where their
$24 per quarter activity fee is going.
Never has a breakdown of the ex-
penses and accounts receivable been
in the paper. I feel the students
have a right to know how then
money is being spent and allow
them to express their opinions as
to the allocation of it.
All amounts quoted here are taken
from the annual audit report, in
this case ending August 31, 1964,
comprised by Worsley, Worsley and
Farley Greenville Accountants.
Last school year, September 1963
to June 1964 excluding Summer
School, the money was as fallows:
Buccaneer $39,076.96
Central Ticket Office 1.713.47
East Carolinian 24,599.92
EC Playhouse 9,809.96
Entertainment Series 23,498.36
Foreign Film 1,010.29
ID Card Committee 4,836.64
Inter-Religious Activities 128.98
Interest Expense 82.50
Junior Class 986.79
Lecture Series 1,180.94
Men's and Women's
Judiciary 111.87
Music Organizations 3.923.05
Orientation Committee 1,021.55
Photographer's Expense
Account 125.00
Popular Movies 3,995.62
SalariesFull Time Employees:
Executive Secretary 750.00
Photographer 625.00
Senior Class 1,604.89
SGA Executive Committee 21,555.90
Social Security Tax
The Key
The Rebel
WWWS-AM Station
Total $148,332.12
The Student Government Associa-
Thru WED.
"The Young Lovers"
Special Halloween
"The Raven"
"Premature Burial"
Nov. 5
George Hamilton
Your Cheatin Heart

Lady Sunbeam Electric Shaver, Model LS4
Exclusive two-sided "Micro-Twin" shaving head, featuring one side specially de-
signed for close comfortable underarm grooming, and the other side for fast, close
leg shaving. Attractive pink case with smart white and gold trim. 110-120 volts,
' 60 cycle. AC only. Regularly $13.00. Our low price: $9.95. Send cash, check, or
money order to:
P. O. Box 3032
Easy Grow
by Bob Kerlin
tion receives money from the fol-
' ng sources:
Student Fund Fees
lie- i gd in Advance
East Carolinian
The Rebel
Central Ticket Office
SGA Executive Committee
later-Dorm Council
Interest Earned on
Saivings Account
Sale of Old Band
ID Card Commission
Activity Fee Increased
Revenue Fund
The Student Union
construction of the
College Uni n and Activity Fee
creased Revenue Fund for construc-
tion of the new field house account
for the increase of S9 in our activity
fee. There will be a future column
on both of these taxes.
Our Student Activity Fee of $24 is
broken down as follows:
Student Fund $8
Athletic Fund $6
Special Fund $1
'up keep of C.U.)
Student Union $4
j I i
j. murry strawbridge
j. maurice alien

These are the classic suits that have become the
very symbol of natural-model authenticity.
Tailored by College Hall in traditional Scottish
tweeds by Ballantyne of Peebles. Our current col-
lection will win your greatest approval for its
new colorings, exciting new pattern trends .
perfect symbol of fashion-Jeadership.
From $69.95

4east Carolinianfriday, October 30, 1964
if s all greek
Active Greeks Provide
Varied E
by am rookt
AOP Tri Sig, Lambda Chi,
SA1 Take Alpha Xi All-Sing
lambda Chi Sponsors
Chi Omega Wins First
First-place plaques were, present-
ed to winners in three divisions of a
competitive variety show for EO
fraternities and sororities October
Alpha 0micron Pi and Sigma Sig-
ma Sigma shared top honors m the
sorority division; Lambda Chi Al-
pha won the social fraternity di-
v ion; and Sigma Alpha Iota took
first place in the professional fra-
ternity group.
Presentation of plaques followed
anpetition among 12 Greek-letter
organizations in the All-Sing Con-
cert, an annual program sponsored
by Alpha Xi Delta sorority.
The men of Lambda Chi won with
vocal ararngements of "Redeemed
and "Swins Low, Sweet Chariot.
Sigma Alpha Iota won its plaque
with a 20-voice chorus of coeds
singing "Kentucky Home' and "Cof-
. Grows on White Oak Trees
In addition to the winners, or-
r.zations in the competition were
pha Delta Pi, Alpha Phi, Chi
Omega, Delta Zeta and Kappa Delta
sororities; Kappa Alpha and Phi
h ppa Tau social fraternities: Sig-
ma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha
professional music fraternities.
Judges were Eli Bloom of Green-
ville William H. HoUey of the EC
art faculty, Mrs. Ingeborg Jamaftt
of the music faculty and Dr. Rich-
ard C. Todd of the history faculty.
First Annual Lambda Chi AJ-
iw m the tug-of-ar. imy j
place m the tug -
dash, and number of riDDons
Sigma Tau Sigma Reorganizes
To Provide Free Tutoring At EC
nl Thev finish iWOd
tl?irlyirthe thrU-k8 r d
PbC Vice S &d in te
the sack race.
fity-yard dash. f
vphath. vC- s a
(,nd l na- m th- three-fc
'ace. the fooS3TSo the Upha
v were ;r( rluriH s.oui
They a'o caurtMi
, rug-of-war and n n u n
a S
won first place m the
Sp in
ribbor S
Sigma Tau Sigma, East Carolina s
student tutoring society, is designed
to give special indivdual help free
to charge to students having diffi-
cult v with any subject. Ine only
requirement for a student to re-
ceive aid is for him to be willing
to work.
At present there are 20 members
in the society, many of which be-
long to honorary fraternities on
campus. Holding a B average in the
subject he wishes to tutor is the
only qualification required of a stu-
dent in order to become a member.
The soeietv is currently reorganiz-
ing and additional members are
needed in order to better serve
studofe desiring Ag"
terested in joining the sgty
requested urgri to &
; office
and the

meeting Monday nlght.
2 in Dr George Wiegandi
aJ 7:00 p.m. on second floor
Building. . ,
Sigma Tau Sigma was organized
last winter at the suggestion of
the SGA under the supervision of
Dr Weigand. Faculty cooperation
has been especially helpful and ap-
preciated in making the society suc-
cS M E estimated that between
two and four hundred students have
received help from about forty stu-
dent tutors during the life of me
Sig Ep.s Entertain
At&Gala Halloween
Delta Zeta's Entertain National Officers,
Plan Special Founder's Day Celebration
Delta Zeta has had the pleasure
of entertaining two national officers
this week. Miss Jean Wickstrom,
our traveling secretary from Bir-
ingham, Alabama, arrived early in
week and will be leaving Friday.
The Delta Zeta national president,
Mrs. Violet Sharret Whitfield. arriv-
ed Wednesday and left Thursday.
She is from Indianapolis. Indiana.
A reception for the national ofifcers
and alumnus was given by the sis-
ters on Wednesday night.
Delta Zeta participated in the an-
Dr. Thomas A. Chambliss, Direc-
tor of Student Teaching, makes the
following announcement; "Applica-
tions for admission to student teach-
ing, Spring Quarter, 1965, must be
submitted no later than December
7, 1964. Applications will not be ac-
cepted after that date.
Secondary education majors should
submit applications to their depart-
mental supervisor of student teach-
ing. Elementary education majors
should submit applications to advis-
nual Alpha Xi Delta All-Sung last
Thursday night. A wonderful time
was enjoyed by all. Congratulations
go out 'to Alpha Xi for a very suc-
cessful Greek event. Congratula-
tions also go to the sisters winning
offices in the Student Government
Association. Carolyn Barnes, vice-
president of the day students,
Max ine Brown, day student repre-
sentative, and Linda Evans, women
day student senator are the new
Plans for the Delta Zeta Foun-
der's day are well under way. Del-
ta Zeta was founded on October 24,
1902 at Miami University. Oxford,
Ohio. A banquet will be held at
noon on Saturday and other festivi-
ties will be held throughout the
The Delta Z. pledges visited the
Pitt County Home for elderly citi-
zens this past week as part of their
civics project. They took fruit bas-
kets and entertained the residents.
The evening was fun for the resi-
dents and even more so for the
Sister Rean Stapleford and Sister
Oarolyne Barnes participated in the
Buccaneer competition this year.
Sister Stapleford represented Phi
Kappa Tau Fraternity and Sister
Barnes .a finalist, represented Del-
ta- Zeta.
Domesticity?can be observed on
Friday afternoon at a house-washing
at the house. All sisters and interest-
ed help will be present for the clean-
up fun.
The North C
October 31 Tl
ultv Childn
wiii I De ta Si
r r '
CY , President
Both ;
this event ' "'
NC Coastal
The Kapp
n the
. Th-
proved by the
tl - should
new base of ope I ons ith
nc ths Hoos con
Theta Chi Brothers Entertained
At Combo Party Friday Night
Phi Tau Brothers Wallop Pledges
In Annual Fall Football Game
The brothers and pledges of Phi
Kappa Tau held the annual Fall
quarter brother-pledge flag football
game Saturday morning. The
brawny pledges played a marvelous
game but defense weakened and the
brothers edged by them 44-0. In
spite of the fact many of the pledges
left the game because of injuries;
everyone seemed to have a good
Brothers recently engaged (include
Bill Millere and Danny Euslds. Con-
gratulations to both.
The brothers and pledges would
(Lke to thank the Alpha Phi's for the
social last week. Everyone enjoyed
it very much.
Activities this week include a
party at the house Friday night.
Last Friday night the brothers of
Theta Chi Fraternity were enter-
tained by the brothers of Alpha
EpsLton Pi Fraternity at a combo
party. A good time was enjoved bv
Saturday afternoon the Theta Chi
brothers challenged the new Phi
pledge class to a shooting match
after which a party was held for
the victorious brothers by the
pledges. Members of the pledge
class are: President, Harry Bald-
win: Vice-President, Harry Avery:
Secretary, Herby Adams; Treasu-
rer, Gary Powell: Chaplain, David
Conrad: Pete Liber tie; Lee Bost:
Dean Foster; Larry Holt: Bob Jaffe:
Jim Rice; Jim Rohards; Bill
Roberts; John Sutton: and Cavil
Saturday night after the football
game the Theta Chi's entertained
at the;r house with a combo party
Music was provided by the "Rhvthm
Rockers The brothers were happy
to have as their guests manv alum-
ni and Theta Chi's of Omicron
Chapter from the Unive Rich-
mond wh came by y
the weekend Eestivitiee
Tho Tbeta Chi's are sponsoring
Linda Daniels, the.r s the rl for
Homecoming Queen.
Honor Soeietv In Educi
Induets Ten New Me in!
On Monday, October X
college women became n
Kappa Delta Pi, the Honor S
m Education Eta Oh: eh
sored the initiation a d ban
quet honoring these new mem
the Holiday Inn Re . nt
Of the various departments on (fee
Last arohna
Chi O's Capture Lambda Chi Trophy, Party
With Pika's, Greet Guests At Open House
The Chi Omega sisters are proud
of taking first place honors in the
Lambda Chi Field Day events last
Honorary Home Ec Frat
Initiates Stafford, White
Phi Omicron, honorarv home eco-
nomics fraternity iait Bast Carolina,
has initiated two new members in
ceremonies conducted by the presi-
dent of the fraternity, Ida iPaulette
Pace of Durham.
The two new members (are Audrey
Sawyer Stafford of Elizabeth City
and Miriam Kedth White of Route 1,
Colerain. Both students halve maiin-
fcained B averages on nfl courses,
prerequisite for fraternity member-
Mrs. Stafford, a senior home econ-
omist, as a member of EC's chapter
of the American Home Economics
Association and me Wesley Founda-
tion, which she has served as a
council member of the Methodist
Student Movement.
A junior home economics major
at EC, Miss White is a 1962 grad-
uate of the Coleraiin High School
where she wtas chief rnarshail and
an honor student.
Saturday. For their efforts the
ters were presented with a laree
trophy which is on display alone
with previous trophies and plaques
Fundamental in the win were Dee
Watkins who took first place and
Melissa Root, who took third place
in the fifty-yard dash; Judy Forbes'
iSande Denton. Niki Bain, Sally Arm'
strong, and Jane Womack for their
first place in the tug-of-war- Leslie
Marine, who came second in the
sack race, and Brenda CroweU and
Penny Houston, second place win
Here m the three-legged race.
The Ohi O's got a head start in
Chi Zmere'0118 fr0m the
The sisters would like to thank
the Pi Kappa Alpha brotherfortf?
mg such a successful party for twL
Thursday might. thetn
gave the sisters a chance to
alumnlr Jj aid
The Chi O'frereK6 gUOStv
gifts frorrTnaL-
well wisherVTn.P18 and nher
ties lsllers ncludnnj locnl
(i -
Sunday was Open House Day
Alphai Phi's Enjoy
Phl Tau Social
freshmreu?thK wk Re-
vest setting. smd a har-
byWEa SMAS su Bob-
she h been aSSdi89
grouP and want hfJj011"
Kappa D
too i h
Math (luh
Trader Ref
loMjrh: th.
Math Hub
as its cand&&
Th. rn-v me
Club vtl be hdd
vemher 10th '
317 IV P
Anyone intera
crime; we'll
re fresh ment-
caH PL S-438I B
inside the tend


. :

Hnlt -PI
j 4

east Carolinianfriday, October 30, 19645
EC Campus Chatter Incl
UNICEF Activities, Goals
A Phi sister returns a service from a Tri-Sigma during an inter-
soror olleyball match this week. The Alpha Phis won the contest.
THE PLAjCE: The Campus out-
side the library
THE TIME: 3:00 lam Friday morn-
ing October 30
THE CAST: Two campus charac-
ters, wandering home to the dorm
after a long, long, long session of
Karry: Hey Joe, where Is all of tihait
music coming from?
Joe: Campus Radio . . . look-up
there on the 2nd floor. See the
lights ?
Harry: At three o'clock in the morn-
Joe: Sure . . . They're sponsoring a
50-hour radio-maraifchon for the
benefit of UNICEF.
Harry: What's UNICEF?
Joe: You knowthe United Naitions
International Children's Emergen-
cy Fund. It helps children all over
the word kids who are hungry
and siick.
Harry: Hey, that sounds like a good
deal. Now what's this and when
did it start?
Joe: They started yesterday at
10:00 am and they'll go on till
Saturday noon.
Harry: Listen how long has this
been going on?
Joe: This is the 3rd year!
Harry: Who are those two kooks
up there in the window spinning
the records?
Joe: The one with the droopy eyes
is Jay Bird Barber. The one
with the '3:CO am shadow" is Mad
Daddy Rick Nitolli.
Harry: They sure do look pooped.
Joe: You would too if you were
going without sleep for 50 hours.
Harry: Hey, did I hear something
about a dance?
Joe: Yea, there is going to be
one over ait the College Union
tonight from 8:30 to 11:30 pm.
Harry: How much will it cost?
Joe: Nothing.
Harry: Will there be any refresh-
ments ?
Joe: Yea, the CU will be providing
them free.
Harry: I love refreshments, es-
pecially free ones!
Joe: That figures.
Harry: Are they going to have any-
thing else?
Joe: A donation makes you eligible
for door prizes too.
Harry: How much loot do you think
they will nafkie in for UNICEF?
Joe: Theiir goail is $350.00. Of course
they'll take any more they can
Harry: You could help a lot of
children with $350.
Joe: You sure could.
Harry: Where can I put my dona-
Joe: Someone will be outside the
library to collect donations all
day. Hey, Harry, you might even
get interviewed over the radio.
Harry: Me on the radio! Ye gads,
I hiad better start practicing my
voice iand diction.
Joe: Go ahead but I don't think
Arthur Godfrey is going to have
to worry any!
Harry: You know Joe, I feel kind
of funny making a donation.
Joe: Why?
Harry: All I have is a quarter and
that doesn't seem like very much-
Joe: Don't be a jerk if everyone
on this campus gaive a quarter
or even a dime the drive would
go way over the goal.
Harrv: Listen this is a great
idea! What else do you think I
can do for UNICEF?
Joe: The best thing is to get every-
body to contribute to UNICEF.
Harry: We better get on back to
the dorm now. Our dorm Dad will
be waiting up for us. Say, I
wonder if he would like to con-
tribute to UNICEF?
Joe: Let's nick him for a buck!
Come on!
Frosh Class Officers Meet,
Discuss Plans For Year
The freshman class officers met
in Rawi Auditorium Tuesday, Oc-
tober 20, to discuss plans for the
coming year.
The officers are all interested in
making the freshrman class of 1964-
65 an outstanding class. Several pro-
jects were suggested and approved.
The of facers decided to boost enthu-
siasm and social interest by spon-
soring two dances. Also, the fresh-
man class will enter a float in the
Homecoming festivities. These sug-
gestions were only a few of the
many ideas discussed in the meet-
ing, and many other projects were
Presdent Ross Barber has called
a meeting of the entire freshman
class on Thursday, October 29, at
7:00 o'clock p.m. in Wright Audi-
URGED TO ATTEND. The meeting
will be an important one and the
officers need every freshman's sup-
llege Day For Prospective Artists Athlec Publicity
monies Regular Fall EC Feature
to East Carolina Col-
eg Day" for pros-
Tied it a list-
c . ridar of
. held here
ted 37 high school
s from several
pdte an apparently
ittendance by
aause of widespread flooding in
Dr. Wellington B. Gray, dean of
the school, said the response was
very encouraging He added that
as for next year's program will
probably be expanded to include
- me Virginia students.
Dr. Gray said the 87 students on
h aid for Saturday's inaugural
"College Day" represented Char-
te. Durham. Greensboro. Green-
ir Society, Angel Flight
lold Fund-Raising Car Wash
Hi Air Society and An-
gel 1 ght pled usses of 1964
held sh Saturday, October
10, er's Texaco Station.
The of this project was to
Your SGA
Tr. mdard procedure for
obte : ;ropriations from the
-rnment. First each or-
must compile a budget
it this before the Budget
Coir composed of three facul-
ty n rs, seven students and the
?m of the SGA. Budgets are
raise money for the two organiza-
tions and it was deemed a great
success by all the participants. The
pledges began working Saturday
morning at 9:00 and finished about
5 30 that evening. All of the pledges
worked together to have an effec-
tive assembly line in order to do ia
fast and efficient job.
The pledge; participating in this
cent were Phil Sfceppard, Johnnie
Dil lay, Jim Lester, Weody Jonn-
son, Rady Harrington. Ed Hudgins,
Cwen Stewart, Ann Renegar, Pat
Beamon, Sammie Milazzo. Kathy
Hoffman, Ann Pryer, Linda Stall-
ings. The brothers and sisters who
were present were Tommy Rober-
son. Kay Panton, Sara Frances New-
man, and Missie Lane.
ville. Raleigh, Rocky Mount and
Snow Hill. Accompanying some of
the students were parents or teach-
The program was designed, the
dean said, to present to the stu-
dents a clear picture of the present
and potential opportunities in vari-
ous art fields as professions. Vari-
ous tours and demonstrations were
used to augment Doint-by-point de-
scription of the educational program
available in the ECC School of Art.
The program, organized under the
chairmanship of Donald Sexauer of
the art faculty, included a formal
welcome from Dr. Gray, lunch in
the campus cafeteria and an ad-
dress by faculty ceramist Paul R.
The newly-formed Athletic Pub-
licity Committee does exactlv what
the names impliesIt publicizes all
athletic contests, working closely
with the cheerleaders, and assuming
a majority of the publicitv which in
the past was done completely by the
cheerleaders. This committee will
organize groups to go to out of town
games, and hopes to take a train to
some of the more distant schools
Phone PL 8-2563
110 East 5th Street
In Gaskins Jewelers
Greenville, N. C.
Make Holiday Reservations Early
Beauty Shop
Phone: 758-3181
119 W. 4th Street
Greenville, N. C.
Annie Ruth Joyner, Owner

110 East Third Street, across from the post office
Mailing address: Box 851, Greenville, N. C.
Phone 752-6238 or 752-2225
Authorized Travel Agency
Can handle all travel needs in a matter of minutes
at no extra cost to you.
to tl
it k
ind revised then sent on
Mature of the SGA. Here
approved or rejected
Km is any budget rejected.
loney is dispursed through the
i& irer and an audit taken
nd of each fiscal year
109 East 5th Street
Expert Watch Repair
45 rpm 50c each
Planning Ahead Tor Homecoming?
Make Your Appointments Early
Three Hair Stylists To Serve You
Location: 517 Dickinson Avenue

6east Carolinianfriday, October 30, 1964
From Fashion
r 30, 1964 i stf
Dept. Schedules Conference
For Teachers
One of the best antidotes that was
ever invented for gloom is beauti-
fully colored underwear. It always
makes you feel good to know that
you are wearing a fresh, bright color
anside. Have yours in bonfire, or
eandleglow. Or perhaps you'll pre-
fer heaven blue, or ice green.
On top of the fashion list this
year is printed underwear. "Vanity
Fair' has designed the fine feathers
print in browns-to-golds. This is the
witty solution of what to wear under
black, brown, camel or gray.
Besides our feathers, we have
flora: an elegant blossoming of
p nks and colds on blacks called
"moonf lowers Brody's still has
the print which continues to make
sales history, leopardess
Be sure to open a convenient
charge account too. We'll be seeing
you soon.
Today's Thought
"The thinking youth of today be-
lieve that talk about 'my salvation'
and 'Are you saved?" is irrelevant
in a world that could D3 knocked out
tany day by nuclear weapons.
"The stories of Noah's Ark, and
David's Sling, of Ezekial's wheel and
Daniel's den are interesting. But
they seem juvenile in our present
context. They have nothing to say
laibout the mushroom cloud or the
population explosion, the space rage
or the loss of values. Yet these prob-
lems are in the minds of every
young person who is aware of our
Plans are complete for the third
annual Geography Teachers Con-
ference scheduled Saturday ait Bast
Carolina as another installment jd
the college georgraphy department s
effort to keep area geography
teachers abreast of latest materials
and techniques.
The program begins at 9:30 a.m.
in JOynier Ubnary on the EC cam-
pus It is designed for public
school teachers of geography at
all grade levels, according to Dr.
Robert E. Cramer, director of the
ECC geography department.
The meeting will be opened iby
Dr. Leo W. Jenkins, president of
East Carolina, who will welcome the
geography teachers. Representing
the State Department of Public In-
struction will be Dr. Joseph M.
Johnston, supervisor of curriculum
development. He will speak on geog-
raphy in the public schools of North
Dr. Dale E. Case, former geog-
i .phie consultant for Denoyer-Gep-
pert Co. of Chicago, and now a mem-
ber of the EC geography faculty,
will demonstration geographic con-
cepts using third-sixtlvand 11th-
grade classes. Opportunity will then
be provided for questions.
Dr. Makoto Hara. professor of
geography at Tokyo Education Uni-
12 EC Members
Play Major Roles
In NCEA Meet
Twelve representatives of East
Carolina, including 10 faculty mem-
bers and two students, have major
roles on the program of the 42nd
annual convention of the Northeas-
tern District of the North Carolina
Education Association in Rocky
Mount today.
All 12 were scheduled to partici-
pate in various divisional or de-
partmental meetings followng the 10
(a.m. annual general session at
Rocky Mount Senior High School.
Seven EC faculty members were
scheduled to speak to the divisional
and departmental meetings. Three
others and an ECC student were to
preside as departmental or division-
al chairmen. Another Bast Carolina
student was to act as secretary to a
divisional meeting.
versfcy, will ta on J
win show slides whach ne
TJfft geography of
Soviet aTnion wl beffvf v'
Andrew Perejda of the bast
lima Jaculty. an a&-r
and Asian geography, ur
will discuss inexpensive P
maPs available to the $
suggest ways they can oe
the classroom.
of currant gP1
11 ncrm me teacher to
2" ne items of inUT
t.XJimne and n tMi i
will he prvioVd i
clafi6rooa: teaching
to uKl 5f
" y m
U end . 3IP w
Sff -
Dean Beach Accepts Chair
In MEJSC Southern District
Dean Earl E. Beach of the School
of Music at East Carolina has been
appointed chairman of music
higher education and of the nominat-
ing committee for the Southern I-
vision of the Music Educators Na-
tional Conference (MENC).
Beach, a native of Crestline. Oh
and head of the musk program here
since September. 1958, moves into
his new chairmanships from h:s
positions as president, member of
the Board of Directors and Execu-
tive Commit teeman of the division.
His new appointments were
nounced by RING'S National Board
of Directors.
The new positions for Beach m
that he will plan programs for mu-
sic in higher education for the di-
visional conference scheduled n
Louisville. Ky next March and bead
IDC Prexy Thanks
Sanitary Barber Shop
Jerry Tolley. IDC Pres wishes
to thank the Sanitary Barber Shop
for their participation in regards to
the IDC player of the week. They
are giving each player of the week
a free haircut. We on the IDC fe
that this will benefit both the payers
land the school. It is good when the
people in Greenville show interest of
this kind toward the college and its
organization. A gin we thank the
Sanitary Barber Shop.
The six delegates representing East Carolina at the Association of College Unions are (1 to r) Tim r
Farleigh Hungerford, Noel Tisdale, Linda Miller, Linda White and Harland McCaskill. Bagwell,
Seven Delegates Attend CU Convention
Six 9tudenit delegates and one stafff
member leaive this week to join the
chartered bus carrying college union
student delegates from thirteen
member schools to the conference of
Region V of the Assooiaibion of Col-
lege Unions to she held at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, in Lexington,
Kentucky, October 29 through Oc-
tober 31.
Bast Carol:nia student Tim Bag-
well, of Charlotte, is chaarrnan of
Region V and will preside over the
three-day conference, the theme of
which is "Challenges of the Golden
Year in keeping with the Fiftieth
Anniversary of the Association of
College Unions.
Eact OaroV-n-q OUee Union is a
member of Region V of ACU wlrch
is composed of member schools in
,North Carolina, South Carolina. Vir-
ginia, Eastern Tennessee and East-
ern Kentucky.
Other delegates representing East
Carolina College Union are Pat
Weaver, President of the local Col-
lege Union, from Rocky Mount;
Noel Tisdale, Chairman of the fine
arts Committee, from Fadr Lawn,
New Jersey; Linda Rae White, secre-
tary, firom Cove Oilty; Linda Miller,
member of the social committee,
from Clinton; and Harlan McCaskill,
chairman of the special projects
committee, from Candor. Miss Far-
leigh Hungerford, Assistant to the
Director of College Union Activities,
from Charlotte, will also attend the
Discussion topics being led by EC
delegartes are "Challenges of Com-
munication between Board and Com-
mittee Members by Tisdale and
Miss Milder; -and "Challenges of Re-
lationships between Board and Srv.
cial Groups by Mr. McOaskiU
Miss Weaver, and Miss White
Graces Hair Styling
Home of the Newest
Hair Sttjles
510 Cotanche Street
Dial 758-2864
the nominal i
Res H
studied ' nh!
.1 : '
' -hi-
Fot ' n'
- I
t the

Mims Exhibits
Oil Painting
In Traveling Show
A reel p
Carohoa C ilege i
17 works of ar
tra exhfcitiotis in .r.
lina and is nu on d . m
Greenvttle Art Cede
Thomas W M.ms.
Ea ' Sen-
Art faculty si . o
H:5 n co
blue kaven :
for the 20th annual North i
Artists' Ex ibsl on
, Tho Greenville show b
( Oct. 27. a
. ' nter I
ti fro
n . Tue cl
lay Ih. pub! c
nd without ch
Th" exW under tt
, and fn n ,
Fast ir u A
Parents are M? aJ?Vll,e
non St . Henderson
The Riff 0ne Qf The
Great Southwest!
In Technicoior
Kichard Boone
Stuart Whitman
NOV. i
Ptt Theatr
fiat .
Mi- PatT
I'r'U I-
for Hu 1.
Ul t -
h r n
123 E. 'A
Pleate repo
to vt

East Carolinian, October 30, 1964
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
October 30, 1964
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
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