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East Carolina College
C. C.
Hew Year
RIQ D J Q A L irr
Number 13
Jast Carolina Coed Named Nation's Outstanc
Achievement Winner At Reeent Conference
sophomore h me most exciting and rewarding weeks i
jf my life Becky, who hato been
very active in club work all of her
ife, believes that being; a member
ut the 4-H Club is one means of be-
coming a good, well-rounded citizen.
She added, 4-H is full of responsi-
bilities and helps one to develop his
mental, social, spiritual and physical
In addition to her major projects,
clothing, Rebecca has won a total of
149 J-H awards in fields of better
glooming, food prepanation, canning,
nozen foods, home improvement,
home management, home beautifica-
tion, crafts and child care.
Another student from East Caro-
lina. Brett Watson, of Darlington
Heights, Virginia, also attended this
National Convention. Ho was a state
winner in Recreation, and represent-
ed the state of Virginia in this ca-
pacity, Brett is a lOphomerv major-
ing in musk.
iji.i from Benson, N.C
v named the nation's most
Club member in
. ievement.
lfl, the winner in the boys
en ;uh presented a chest
-i verwaiv awarded by
sident of the United States.
were given at the annual
the 39th annual Na-
il mm ess that brought
from tO states
i;u o, I a Chicago for five
rteen foreign countries
tented in this annual
winners were .among 12
ners in the 4-H aehieve-
i n foi which they received
si ships. Th t op
eeeived the highest honor
hieve, was chosen on
f over-all excellence in
111 work. Only one
m n from the nation each
- honor.
- holarship as a nation-
winner was her sec-
vtiirs. In 1969 she re-
$400 award as a national
the 4-H clothing project.
Is . one of six 4-H Club
to present the 4-H Club re-
i nation last spring.
! winners in Chicago were
by such large groups as:
M itora; Firestone; Allis
and Singer Sewing Ma-
i '. were entertained by
wn groups, which included
. Symphony Orchestra, and
University Glee Club.
"This was one of the
Committee Takes
Action On Cases
Of Theft, Cheating
Recommendations concerning five
cases were released by the Discipline
Committee this week. ,
In the first case, involving cheat-
ing, the Committee recommended that
the student involved be given .an "F"
in history 50 and be suspended for
the Winter quarter.
The second case, also concerned
with cheating, received the recom-
mendation from the Committee that
the student, a first quarter freshman,
be given an "F" in history 50 and be
put on strict probation for Winter
Hickfang Schedules Comic Opera
Paul Hickfang, director of the Op- the old maid; and Peter Johl of New with a clever plot, and the music is
era Theater on campus, has announced York, and Jerry Teachey from Wash- delightful. I'm sure it will be en-
the next major event of the season ington, N.C portraying Bob. The I joyed by everyone on campus he
which will be The Old Maid and the part of Miss Pinkerson will be played udded.
Thief, by Carlos Menotti.
The date for the coming event is
scheduled for January 20-21, and
by Ann Darden of Williamson, and
Patsy Roberts of Farmville.
Said Mr. Hickfang about the opera,
will be given in McGmnis Auditorium i "It is a light textured comic opera,
at 8:15 p.m.
The double cast will be comprised
of: Alison Moss of Greenville and
Betsy Hancock of Scotland Neck, por-
traying Leatitia; Martha Bradner of
Greenville, and Jessamine Hiatt of
Clinton playing the part of MissTodd,
The otpera will be directed by Dr.
Robert Rickert, of the English De-
partment, and Mr. Hickfang will be
the musical director.
Dr. Home Compliments
Registration Success
Dr. Home, Registrar of E.C.C
and Spring quarters and that he be wishes to thank the student body for
Rebecca Parker
Former ECC President Sends
Holiday Greetings To Campus
Large Crowd Witnesses
i cold and rainy wea-
rowd was present to
,i presentation of
lorus of approximately 150
directed by Dr. Carl
the Music Faculty.
feature to the production
ka the orchestra accom-
t, which was composed main-
runentolists of the music
Dear Tom:
Greetings to the faculty, student
body and staff of East Carolina Col-
lege for the Yuletide Season of I960.
I left there about a year ago, but
never a day passes that I do not i
think of and pray for everyone con-
nected with the College, which is
still near to my heart. Many whom I
knew have gone, but most of you
were still there when I left. The
year has been good for me and I
trust for you as well.
I have kept up with the College
through the News and Observer, the
Daily Reflector, the East Carolinian,
through the news reports which have
come to me regularly, as well us
through correspondence with Presi-
dent Leo Wr. Jenkins and others. I
suppose 1 was made the happiest
when I saw the football score as a
result of the Richmond game, so far
as activities were concerned. It makes
me happy to see the College on the
winning side.
I was glad when I saw the recog-
nition for Professor Ovid Pierce. I
have enjoyed the columns of the Col-
lege paper, and I was happy to see
the splendidly written article, A Word
Said, by Roy Martin, in the excellent
issue of the Rebel. I can only say,
Keep the good work going on, and
God bless everyone of you and
you for His purpose not only
for this Season but for all the years
which lie ahead.
Fraternally and gratefully yours,
John D. Messick
allowed no nnexcused cuts for the
rest of the year.
The Committee recommended that
the student involved in the third
cheating case receive an "F" in his-
tory 141, and that he be suspended
for the Winter quarter.
The fourth case dealing with steal-
ing received the recommendation from
the Committee that the student be
immediately and permanently ex-
In further disciplinary action, case
five, a student who wantonly destroy-
ed a massive piece of marble in the
bathroom of the New Dormitory and
who was also intoxicated at the time
made full restitution and was sus-
pended indefinitely.
Face Lifting Alters Quaintness Of
Traditional Landscape, Wright Circle
Like an indignant old lady getting i pleted, Wright Circle will be one of
her face lifted, Wright Circle, one the most beautiful spots in eastern
of East Carolina's traditional land- I North Carolina. We expect it to at-
, . j . , . , tract many visitors to our campus
marks is undergoing a completely
new landscaping this year.
their courteous conduct on Regis
tration Day. Said DrHorne, "They
went in calmly, behaved like ladies
and gentlemen, completed their sched-
ules, and left
In consideration of past Registra-
tion Days, this is truly a compliment.
Before, this dreaded day has been a
mad racecomparable to wild beasts
on a rampage. A full two hours ahead
of time students tussled for their
places in line, waitednot without
minor explosionspushed their way
into Wright Building and fought with
might and main against a sea of
humanity. This Registration Day
showed so much improvement that
both faculty and students alike were
Operations on the project began
this week as men and machinery be-
gan the job of clearing away shrubs
and trees which have stood in the
circle for 25 or 30 years.
Mr. F. D. Duncan, Vice-President
of the college, announced this week
that three landscaping architects
have been consulted about the circle
and that all agree it was over planted.
Mr. Morley J. Williams, the land-
scape architect who designed the
grounds at recently completed Tryon
Palace in New Bern, has studied the
project here and has drawn up plans
for the new circle. Mr. Williams has
worked at BCC before, landscaping
the grounds around Garrett Dormi-
Gl Policies To Pay
Veteran Dividends
The 11 dividends on participat-
ing GI life insurance policies will be
paid to North Caroina veterans au-
tomatically as of the anniversary
dates of the policies, and received by
the veterans approximately a month
after that date.
For that reason, J. D. DeRamus,
VA Regional Office Manager, urged
veterans not to make inquiries in
advance of anniversary dates, plus
a reasonable processing time, since
Alton Finch To Attend
ABWA Convention
I nta of voice, chosen by
i of the college department
ia soloists, sang arias in
tation. Sopranos were:
k, of Scotland Neck;
Htt, of Clinton; Patricia Alton V. Finch, Business depart
Farmville; Marjorie men, will take part in a panel dis-
Kinston Martha Bradner cussion to be presented during the
, ,ang alto arias. ! annual convention of the Am
i. tenor, of New York,
Knouse, bass, of Winston-
appeared in arias for men's
Edwards Represents
EC At Convention
Jack Edwards, Director of the
Placement Bureau, represented East
Carolina at the 14th annual conven-
tion of the Southern College Place-
ment Officers Association, Charles-
ton. S.C on November 30 and De-
cember 1, 2.
Delegates attending the convention
were from 47 colleges and universi-
ties in North Carolina, South Caro-
lina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Ken-
tucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Missip-
(pi, and Louisiana.
Over 300 recruiters, representing
industry, were in attendance.
"A Close Up of the College Stu-
dent" was the cental thems of the
convention. During the three day
meeting, panel discussions were held
regarding placement problems and
The key note address, "Youth is
Holiday Decorations, Carols Create
Spirit Of Christmas On EC Campus
The College Union is creating and form a ceiling in the dance area. Win
spreading the spirit of Christmas on I1(,w decorations of holly and ribbon
. , I and a tree with flash-on-and-off lights
the campus as a result of the annual.
Plans for the circle include a new the answering of these inquiries will
fountain featuring colored lights, a divert personnel
decorating party held last week. Sev-
eral hundred students gathered at the
Union to assist with decorations and
to enjoy a social gathering and a
carol "sing
orothy Smith, president of the
College Union Student Board, acted
as chairman of the event. Mrs. Yvon-
ne Smith of the Union staff planned
the decorations.
The Union bulletin board, designed
as a Christmas card to students from
the College Union, is decorated with
a green, red, and gold paper tree
against a white background and a
greeting n gold letters. Metallic
mobiles hang from the ceiling of the
lounge, and red and white streamers
complete the gay holiday setting.
uall seat around the pool, new walks,
and fresh shrubbery afid flowers.
Future plans call for the removal of
the front steps to Wright building to
make room for a walk, and remodel-
ing of the Wright balcony with iron
grill work and seats.
Dr. Leo W. Jenkins said earlier
this week, "When this project is com-
from processing the
dividends and delay the (payments.
The dividends are a refund to pol-
icyholders of part of their premium
payments, he added. The refunds are
made because the death rate among
the GI policyholders continues to be
lower than was estimated in the tables
upon which the premium rates were
established by law.
f k
-&& m- ? &
iuw . attag
Business Writing Association in
Washington, D.C Dec. 28-29. The 0ur jyloHt important Asset was de-
panel will focus attention on Busi- iivereti by General Mark Clark, presi-
ness Report Writing Courses. ,jent of The Citadel and World War
"II hero.
The new associational officers who
were elected were: Maurice Mayberry
of the University of Florida, presi-
dent; Joe M. Galloway of UNC, Vice
resident; William H. Simpson of NC
State, secretary; and Paul Newey of
Emory University, treasurer.
Three Win In Stereo Contest
Veterans, who have not received
educational subsistance checks by
the 16th of December and wish to
have them forwarded to their home
address, are requested to stop by
the Veteran's Box in the student
lounge and complete the cards for
this purpose. ,
This applies to the December
Students join in the fun by decorating the College Union.
Employs 90 Students
Ken Trogden representing Theta Chi, Buddy Wato.Pj
stereo innera . . . men nw" . Tw 30,468 empty cigar-
Kappa Alpha, and Fred Djudel uac in a recent
ttte packs, the total
contest sponsored by
Faculty Member Sends
Book To West Pakistan
Mrs. Thadys Dewar, faculty mem-
ber of the School of Business here, is
sending a copy of her book "Success-
ul Devices in Teaching Clerical prac-
tice" to the Diploma Training Col-
lege at Sukkur, West Pakistan. The
book published in 1959 by J. Weston
Walch of Portland, Me waB written
by Mrs. Dewar and Jane F. White,
former member of the East Carolina
Requests for the Dewar-White work
was made by M. S. Agha, principal
of the college at Sukkur. He stated
that tle institution, is now expanding
its bosk collection in the fields of
business education and is requesting
help in the project from "colleogues
in Business Education in many lands
"Succesaul Devices in Teaching
Clerical Practice" is a 220-page vol-
ume. It is designed for use by tea-
chers of clerical practices, described
as "the newest course in most high-
school business departments The
textbook deals with both content and
methods of instruction in such courses.
Mrs. Dewar is chairman of East
Carolina College's typewriting con-
test for high-school students in East-
ern North Carolina, which is conduct-
ed each spring with the (purpose of
improving standards of work among
students. Last spring 876 students in
26 counties participated in the ninth
annual contact
Supply Stores Use Profits For Scholarships
Since 1962 the College has used
profits derived from the operation of
the Student Supply Store for scholar-
ships awarded to deserving students.
As the size of the student body and
the operations of the stores have
grown, the number of scholarships has
increased until this year 176 stu-
dents are receiving financial help
through these scholarships.
In order to be eligible for a scholar-
ship, a student must, of course, show
a financial need and also have a
superior scholastic record. Applica-
tions from the incoming freshmen
required an evaluation of the stu-
dent's qualifications by the high
school prineipal and generally a stu-
dent must rank in the top 26 per cent
of his class in order to qualify far a
In considering scholarships for stu-
dents already enrolled at the college,
the scholastic and citizenship records
of the aipplioant are, of course, quite
which reviews all applications and
makes the awards is composed of Dr.
important the Scholarship Committee
James L. Tucker, Chairman, Presi-
dent Jenkins, Vice-President F. D.
Duncan, Dean James B. Mallor and
Dean Ruth White.
In addition to the scholarships, the
Student Store gives employment to
approximately 90 students who re-
ceived wages of $28,679 last year. The
Stores have 12 full time employees,
including Mr. Harry Rainey who was
advanced to the position of manager
from that of assistant manager this
fall upon the resignation of Mr.
Mahlon Coles who resigned to accept
a position as business manager of
Converse College.
According to Mr. F. D. Duncan,
Business Manager of the college, the
net profit from Student Store opera-
tions for past years has averaged
approximately 7 per cent of the total
volume of sales and the major part
of this is derived from sales in the
Soda Shop and from sundries.
In accordance with standard prac-
tice in the textbook industry, the
Store receives from publishers a dis-
count of 20 per cent from the list
price of books. According to Mr.
Duncan, transportation cost amounts
to about 2 12 per cent of the cost
of the textbook: and salaries, postage,
telephone, telegraph, expense of re-
turning unsold books and occasional
losses from books which become ob-
solete consume almost all of the mar-
gin between the purchase price and
the list price at which the hook is
For several years prior to 1968-60
most of the income from the Student
Stores was used for modernising
equipment and expanding services.
Since the State provides only the
building, the equipment mast be
bought from whatever profits the
Stores may make. Approximately
$9,000 was spent on equipment when
the new book store and soda shop
was established in the basement of
the new South Cafeteria and a much
larger amount was spent when the
Student Stores were moved to the
present location in Wright Building
several years ago.
Last year the Student Supply
Stores gross sales totaled $860,000.
Of this amount they realized a net
profit of $18,116.00. According to Mr.
Duncan, almost all of this money has
gone for scholarships this year. No
figures are available on the exact
amount of scholarships since some
of those granted were turned down,
while other scholarship students have
dropped out of school.
Mr. Duncan reported that of the
money not going for scholarships
some was used to meet special ex-
pense that can't come out of the state
budget, but added very little was
used for this.
Faculty, Students Represent
EC In NC Artist's Exhibition
ECC had a very healthy repre-
sentation" in the N. C. Artist's An-
nual Competition in Raleigh, said Dr.
W. B. Gray, head of the Art Depart-
Included in the show were the
works of BCC staff members Dr.
Bruce Carter (two graphics), Mr. W.
V. Crawley (one sculpture), and Mr.
Tran Gordley (one painting).
Student works included two graph-
ics by Alvin Dunkle, and two graphics
by Telson Dudley.
This annual state show was spon-
sored by the NC State Art Associa-
tion and the State Art Museum.
Works were judged by Robert Gates,
clam Hunter, and G. V. Donovan,
nationally recognized art critics.
From the 103 works selected for
exhibition from 435 entries, five
were chosen to receive a prize of
$100 each. Dr. Robert L. Humber,
one of the judges, sent a message of
congratulations to the students sad
faculty of ECC for their fine show-
ing at the exhibition. These works
will be on display at the North Caro-
lina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North
Carolina until January 22, 1961.
United Nations
Western Powers Support fmy
Last week the United States advanced
$20 million to the Unied Nations to help
meet expenses until the end of the year. The
Russians contributed nothing According to
Time magazine the U.S. has paid $116 million
to the Russians' $17 million on the United
Nation's $300 million budget this year.
These figures could be interpreted as
further examples of the United States' prac-
tice of trying to buy respect from the rest
of the world, since we have been accused
(perhaps correctly in some oases) of trying
to buy friendship.
We feel, however, this money has been
wisely spent. The United Nations is still in
the embryonic stage of what will grow (we
hope) to be a strong and determined organi-
zation capable of handling international dis-
putes with the authority and efficiency our
own federal government demonstraes when
dealing with its constituent states.
We consider the U.N. to be a dream which
can come true if it becomes strong
enough. Since its organization, the United
Nations has been plagued with conflicts and
cultural elements which can still bring about
its downfall. Presently, nationally sovereignty
and power pacts are the big disease germs
to the United Nations.
Soviet Russia has behind her a motley
collection of satellites ranging from the Bal-
tic countries to North Korea, Communist
China and perhaps soon even Cuba. This
Russian roulette wheel of power will never
pay winning stakes to the interests of Peace.
We are gambling in a 'fixed' game.
On the other hand let's look at the play-
ers. The U.S. seems to be a heavy better.
But then why not? Besides the U.S. stands the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, and the
Organization of American States all wait-
ing for a false play in a game they know is
crooked. So can we really accuse the Commu-
nist power of plotting when we take almost
the same position?
The Communists would be fools to at-
tempt disarmament while faced with such
power pacts. Remember, we are as much of
a threat to communism as they are to de-
mocracy. And they (at least the controlling
factor) feel as strongly about their beliefs
as we do.
By opposing groups of nations against
each other to preserve peace we have set up
a paradox of threats which actually prevent
progress toward disarmament and world
peace. If the power pact nations (including
ourselves) were as loyal to the U.N. as they
are to each other, half of our problem would
be solved.
None of the 99 member nations of the
U. N. have ever relinquished any real au-
thority or sovereignty to international gov-
ernment. Sure, we picked up a $20 million
U.N. tab lass week (as we said, wisely spent),
but would we have given up our veto power
on the Security Council?
Until the United States and the rest of
the western powers decide we must make
sacrifices to have effective international or-
ganization, none will evolve. The east has
made it's stand we must be the ones to
lead. We must set the example. We must
support the U. N. as strongly as we support
the concepts on which we are founded. Lin-
coln's "Government of the people, by the
people, for the people" must be extended to
mean more than just the American people.
Season Provides
With Feast,
Some With Beans
'Twas two weeks before Christmas.
He was standing in front of the big
dime-store, he with his ragged coat
and thin trousers. Built big, with rug-
ged complexion, his sad grey eyes
were searching through the beautiful
window display. As he stood there,
cold, and forlorn, these thoughts came
to him.
"That's a mighty purty dolie settin'
in that carriage. I bet little Julie
would be plumb tickled to have her.
She always did love them little do-
dads. And that there cow-boy pistol
and holster. Shucks, Billie'd wear it
till it wore near out. My, yes. There's
so much in ther I'd like to give the
little youngins but, I guess this
Christmas the'll just have to be kind
of forgotten. Ole Santa just can't
make the trip. Shore wish the mines
hadn't shut down. Bossman, he done
everything he could, but I guess when
there ain't no getting around when the
money ain't to be had. Yep, I spec
this Christmas is jest gonna have to
bo a bit slack
Yes, there will be a great number
of people whose Christmas will be
"a bit slack" this year. We arent
speaking of the whole world, but just
Stars Receive Prai$eln Playhonse Debut
Christopher Pry may have been
disappointed and exceedingly dis-
tressed if he could have observed the
unfilled seats at the opening, but
after seeing the first act of bis Lady'e
Not For Burning he would have
changed his mournful expression and
shouted, "Good show! good show
For approximately two hours I960
took a leave of absence and 1400 be-
came a reality. Individual perform-
ers assembled their theatrical abili-
ties and achieved the goal of all per-
formersbe not a character in the
eyes of the audience, but an actual J1M nMini7s idea of how most young
chell really gave diameter to their
.parts and did not detract from our
previous conception. Since none of
us have had the opportunity to live
in this period, one cannot have a
human being.
Cliches: superb, great and impres-
sive, are tossed around with such ease
in so many reviews that the words
no longer contain their original
power. But in commenting on this
cluster of telents, one must search
endlessly to find better words of di-
To Miss Priscilla Kiigore goes
the East Carolina award for a sensi-
tive and highly competent portrayal
of the beautiful witch. When Miss
Kiigore made her debut in the first
scene, the additional stage inhabi-
tants seemed to become a blur. With-
in seconds the audience was judge
and jury of her case this lovely
creature wasnt a witch!
Jennie" cried and her viewers
the United StateYarBy felt apathy. "Jennie" laughed and j'were pictures of subtle ciation
their hearts were warmed also. And
intended image - a chamingmotbe jjWJMJi with the Eng-
who always knows whats beet i iangUag, his facial expressions
her children. Her original costumes m0mmm outbalanced his
give us color and period concept, and niUtnbUngm nd he served hia purpose
her timely catchy lines provieded the Well.
chuckle material. Dry statement8 uttered by many
How brothers can be so different person9 remain stale but when Mr.
has always been a mystery in our so- Dade delivered his choice statements
fiety. Sanford Peele and Doug Mit- he became a first class wit. His deep,
consistent sounds pulled many a
laugh and he was indeed a funny
The two young amateurs realized
the hard task ahead and used this
knowledge to their advantage. Carole
Barham and James Bateman, both
new to college and acting, added
freshness to the story. Miss Barham's
wholesome beauty helped color the
stage and James' realistic handing
of the love scene was executed beau-
Also in the limelight of honors is
the successful play's producer, Dr.
Robert Rickert. Probaby he, more
than the talented cast, should receive
the orchids.
Mr. Paul Minnis, who designed the
beautiful scenery, was definitely an
asset alse. It is seldom that a college
production set has looked so realistic.
Space does not permit the names
of all the creators and workers, all
of which deserve a hand of appre-
boys acted. At times Mr. Mitchell
seemed to be practically crszy and
in several scenes he was quite sane.
Mr. Peele, who, several rows away,
struck a handsome figure, was com-
mendable in his role but his wacky
yoong cohort managed to capture
the larger portion of the audience's
The mayor was funny. The
fuddled old man with the cute goa-
tee pleased us. Only Tommy Hull
could have given us such a clever
portnayal. And when Mr. Hull re-
turne in the third act as the hu-
morous drunkard, his antics en-
gulfed our remaining storage of
H. Fitz-
Pierre Benmouyal and
families will have their Christmas
dinner out of a can of beans and a
stale loaf. There will be no fancy dec-
orations in their homes, nor will there
be any stockings hung by the chimney
with care. These people dont
have electricity to cook their
meals and the stockings will be on
their feet.
When we sit down to our Christ-
mas meal, let us pray for those who
are without. If we have an abundance
of food, why not take it out to some
family who has need of it. It wont
hurt us to share a few of our posses-
sions with those who aren't as for-
tunate. You may laugh at what has
been said, but they won't.
Two men's bicycles have been
turned in to the college police of-
fice. They can be picked up upon
when "Jennie" faded into the sunset
in the final scene, a part of her
seemed to find a place in the hearts
of her audience. Miss Kiigore, you
were superb!
Only another actor of typical stand-
ing could have made such an impres-
sion; and Peter Johl was such a per-
son. To hear a stage voice other than
a southern voice is indeed rare and to
hear a beautiful northern voice is
practically nonexistent. But when Mr.
Johl opened his mouth and Mr. Fry's
prose ripped out, the audience was
blessed with this unique experience.
His physical stature and humorous
portrayal of a man looking forward
to damnation was the basis for a
satisfied audience, an his voice plant-
ed that "something extra which pro-
duced excellence.
Lois Garren, a capable actress
seen too rarely, prove that acting,
clothes, and make-up can create the
Freshmen Acquire New 'Friends
Chapel Question Starts Tight'
During these past hectic days of is ridiculous,
running, babbling and snowing (lit-
erally and the reverse), poor little
innocent girls are being dragged into
a gulf of sorority dens. What to do?
Which way to go? Disadvantages?
Do I want to live in a big house?
questions fly inwardly and outwardly.
Well, girls, just float; forget the
rationalizations and reconcile your-
self to the obvious facts: This is a
world of organizations and in these
thingssororitiesyou are not only
ft member but also a badge wearer,
recipient of a new name and you can
actually count your friends. Whee!
Having to pay 60 cents to see a
good movie is rough on the wallet,
but paying the same for hollywood
junk, which, in comparison, makes
even a physics book look inviting, is
appalling. After seeing Girl of the
Night, GJ. Bluea, and Bluebeard's
Ten honeymoons or bedrooms . . .
or smokey chimnies, the late shows
should be tup for academy awards.
Whoever said "Movies are better
than ever" must have been from the
south sea islands.
People Act More Greedy At Christmas
East Carolinian
Published by the students of East Carolina College,
Greenville, North Carolina
North State Conference Press Association
Associated Collegiate Press
Tom Jackson JoAnne Parks
Managing EditorPat Harvey
Associate Editor Patsy Elliott
Sports Editor Richard Boyd
Feature Editor Marcelle Vogel
Assistant Sports Editor B. D. Mills
Photographers Grover Smithwick, Jim Kirkknd
Photographer Assistant George Hathaway
Cartoonist Gale Hammond, Jay Arledge
Subscription Director Melba Rhue
Exchange Manager Selba Morris
Proofreading Director Jane I pock
Columnists Marcelle Vogel, Patsy Elliott, Pat
Farmer, Pat Harvey, Roy Martin, Jasper Jones,
Jim Stingley, Kay McLawhon, J. Mathers
Reporters . Marcelle Vogel, Patsy
Elliott, Jasper Jones, Sue Sparkman, Jim Stingley,
Jane Kivett, Mollie Lewis, Lewis Latham, Merle
Summers, Ruth Johnson, Sylvia Vfck, Dee Smith
Proofreading staff Audrey Porter, Sylvia Vick,
George Hahtaway, Mary Alyce Sellers, Harry
Scarborough, Denise Chalk, Glenda Parrell
Make-up Tom JJackson, Patsy Elliott, Pat
Harvey, Marcelle Vogel, Montie Mills
Typist Glenda Farrell
Women's Circulation Manager Freddie Skinner
Men's Circulation Manager Carlyle Humphrey
OFFICES on the second floor of Wright Building.
Telephone, all departments, PL 2-6101, extension 264.
From the "Rubayait of Omar Khayam
"The moving finger writes, and, having writ,
Moves on; nor all your piety nor wit,
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line.
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it
translated fcy E. Fttagerald.
It's the twenty-third of December
or perhaps even Christmas Dve. The
holiday death toll has topped the 1987
record of seven hundred fatalities in a
period of two weeks and it's a prime
season for shop-lifters and pick-poc-
kets! Postmen can look forward to
two more days of grueling torture,
while cold little boys sell holly, and
weather forecasters predict the possi-
bilities of a "White Christmas
Most mothers, who by now can
fashion almost anything from etyro-
l'oam, swallow another tranquilizer
and wonder why children are given
two weeks vacation. Fathers are busy
stocking their bars, and looking for-
ward to the holidays and New Year
with great expectations! Christmas
cookies are burning and children are
constantly getting lost in crowded
department stores.
Children, who have been throwing
away halfeaten apples all year and
who still have last years old Christ-
mas candy, are climbing on every
available Santa's knee requesting
nuts, fruit and candy. Many have en-
gaged in the game of counting San-
tas. Some have found as many as
seven or eight Santas in one shopping
This is a bit exaggerated but the
principles are completely American.
In the midst of the commercializa-
tion and publicity that is attached
to the Advent Season, we are forget-
ting its real spiritual significance. We
spend millions of dollars on extrava-
gant gifts and in needless display
while two-thirds of the World's popu-
lation goes to bed hungry. We find
it necessary to save money all year
in order to enjoy ourselves on Christ's
Let us make it possible for our pos-
Pretty soon the usual rumors con-
cerning the spring musical will start
making the rounds. South Pacific is
again the choice. Why not Wonderful
Town or Damn Yankeessometimes
laughter is better than "spectacle
But, why worry, it's going to be great
with $3350 we can start paying the
actors. After all, they're important
The proposed chapel has been the
latest controversial issue among the
loyal students of East Carolina. Has
anyone ever stopped to consider that
it may be li84 before it's built, or
that the mall is not even the pro-
posed site, or that chapels are nice
tenty to say that ours was a genera- to have around. Tis funny when stu-
tion willing to stoop down and con- dents can't even get excited at a
sider the needs of humanity. In the
future may we be motivated by spiri-
tual inspiration rather than monetary
hypocrisy at this season. May we re-
member that even in the twentieth
century, Mit is more blessed te give
than to receive
sporting event; but when a nice little
chapel, which can't bother anyone, is
considered as a future construction,
all the atheists, protestants, catho-
lics, soda shop coffee drinkers have
an opinion. Have always heard that
religion is a touchy subject, but this
Much has been said about the possi-
bilities of the building of a chapel
here at East Carolina. Much has been
said about the construction of new
f-ti , parking facilities. Much has been said
cnapel Group Organizes about the greatly improved
- library facilities. Much has been said
Dear Editor: about the . need ,nl
in a meeting with the college ad- ship and fellowship funds. Nothing
inistration last Thursday, I was ap- has been said for the rights of those
any Comments Made About Building,
Parking; But Only Needy Receive
learn, he who seeks to learn will un-
Recently the Playhouse came
through in superb style and con-
structed a beautiful play, The Lady's
Not For Burning. The skimpy audi-
ence only added to the theory that
English plays are two dirty words to
a typical coed. But if Tennessee Wil-
liams had written it, dirty words
could have caused a bulging audi-
'In Memory
Of A Sister'
In memory of a sister
Her empty room (she lived alone
in a single-girl room) still stands
untouched, locked as she left it, and
anticipating her arriwal from a week
end at home. Her empty suitcases
wait expectantly outride her door.
As we walk down the familiar hall,
we realize a difference, a quietness,
and an emptiness. One is gone. We
all know we shall miss her. An empty
place will remain unfilled in our lives
ss we greet each new day.
Death . . . the grave seem almost
inappropriate. They are terms which
we cannot associate with her. For one
who is so alive, so active and so
vivacious, a dreadful word such as
death is not fitting at 1L In one
We Delight; But Some
Find The Holiday Loneki
"And it came to pass in those Z J
there went out a decree from Caesar a
tus, that all the world should be taxed l
(And this taxing waa first made'
Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
And all went to be taxed, every on
his own city.
And Joseph also went up from Gal i
out of the city of Nazareth, into J
unto the city of David, which is called
lehem; (because he was of the house of
age of David:)
To be taxed with Mary his ta
wife, being great with child. "
And so it was, that, while they m
there, the days were accomplished tLl
should be delivered.
And she brought forth her j m
son, and wrapped him in swaddling cjtftTl
and laid him in a manger; because there?
no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same couns-
shepherds abiding in the field, keeuinp 9
over their flock by night. '
And lo the angel of the Lord camfe u
them, and the glory of the Lord .hone rS
about them: and they were sore afraid I
And the angel said unto then. Fear ad
for, behold, I bring you good tidings of i
joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born thiB dav j
city of David a Saviour, which is Christ 3
And this shall be a sign unto ya
shall find the babe wrapped in
clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the ante,
a multitude of the heavenly host pra
and saying.
Glory to God in the highest, and J
earth peace, good will toward men
Christmas is that time of vear )
means the night the stars glitter in unael
passed glory; the night the chill of the J
caresses individuals with sharpness; and M
night when all men realize the purpose o3
their being . . . Christmas is Santa Claus aacl
the wide-eyed deUght of small children J
they see the green tree standing protectiJ
over gaily wrapped packages . . . Christmas
is love and joy and happiness all wrapped
in one big package . . .
For those who are without the ilJ
ment of ChristmasChristmas is lonely and
bitter and frightening . . . For they
stand the poignant meaning of the babe wrap-
ped in swaddling clothes.
The third chapter of the Gospel
cording to Saint Luke, Verses 1-14.
Why Can't We Look
Forward To Christmas?
hesitatingly give up what is neces- quick moment, we cannot make the
sarjr in order to achieve hia aim. Un- change In oar minds . . . from life
less we wish to continue the progress to death, and so we find ourselves
pointed to organize a committee of fac
ulty and student members to study
the whole matter of a chapel build-
in? and program at East Carolina
College. This inquiry will consider
such things as the basic purposes and
uses of a chapel building, the kinds
of religious services and activities to
who would provide the chapel, the
parking facilities, the library facili-
ties, or the "greatly needed" scholar-
of mankind towards a decadent and
mushy end we must insure that we
realign certain attitudes and ideaa
which have risen in our midst.
The idea that some must live or do
live for others is a complete denial
and reversal of truth. But we at
disbelieving, almost mistrusting the
Perhaps an easier way to say it is
'gone Because that k. what she ia
. . . gone, away for awhile.
It was told of the little boy, while
on vacation, who found it extremely
difficult to leave his newly acquired
Bast Carolina have come (as has
most of mankind) to accept this as friends. He was sad untU LThLIi
TW 1JZ hTL . m Vlubl hn the chapel to would be waiting for him there Than
mat a enapel be erected in a man- thaaa wk win u. nJ. . , Pi. . Tv . men.
mese wno wiu provide a little for he didn't mind Wmwj feja friends and
Thus the already subsidized the vacation bMb
mer which shall be prescribed by either
bi religious services and activities to those who make donations fa .I ' " vcon Jan
222LM-s -a3: ISSttTaKB TE
m.t ?2JL2ZT; fr-.SS. writ. JT
aunpass those criticised here, in the
catalogs which may be found in our
inadequate' library) speaks loudly
for further scholarships and fellow-
show just what isconnplaid for faraTbfSli. bTutln "S the8t1
a chapel building and proga at the fulls aSLt tti TULZL7it " "
Kast Carolina College. -dequ facSs. "t. L"1
We hope to have this committee as That those who hav Am -a j7 V" ? the right te aa-
representstive as possible, snd wel- for that their ndin. justifta. the
receive hie at
fstee, shape, and approximate coat of
a building that might serve such pur-
poses and activities.
The report will be submitted to the
administration, after which a folder
will be published and distributed to
and to
increased parking facilities (faculty
That the students of East Carolina
fully demonstrate their need" for
at the
ve " !". d wel- for such action immediately take stet T TTT wmm
me mquiry or participation by m- to raise the resident and? demands often made. Those who
terested members of the faculty and dent tuitionZmTZl "T " WflUi
student body. We invite the various anrom ' Prke for tha end.
religious groups also to discuss this
matter in their meetings and will
welcome their inquiries,
D. D. Gross
Director of
This is not a Jonathan Swift type
"Modest Proposal Bather it is a
move towards placing upon the stu-
dents the 1provertial shoe that fits
the Hoot It's time we stopped trying
to move the "mountain to Moham-
med If there is a sincere desire to
The payment ejeast come
who seeks, not a a denmndiig of
needs and rights by those who are
unwilling to pay.
No man has the inalienable right
to demand at the expense of one, that
which he will not demand of himself.
avid T. House, HI
at his going . .
early parting.
Those of iu let behind
sorrow. Ia it not possible that these
who make the trip before us
those for wham wo mourn, are really'
aorry for na?
U the incidents, the happy t the
ous, the sad. We wo
we had so much to naiiwalwi, too
wa flood us in all the ooeur-
ancea of a school day.
God has reasons for all Hia na-
tions snd we try to inulsi eased As
we try to understand, wo fight the
confusion . . , How dan the sun te
rfae after the Unak night? Tt, the
Everywhere you turn there are people
The little man crossing- the street, his anml
loaded with packages. The woman directii?
the grocery boy to her car to deposit the bags.
The small boy with his nose pressed again!
the window of a jewelry store, entranced byl
the workings of a mechanical display.
"Hey, when did you get home? Have yon
heard about the party at Mac's on the 27th? "I
shouts the young man as he greets a friend
coming from one of the stores. A girl joins
the two, and immediately there are more
greetings and talk of the party.
The boy in the clothing store, measuring
a customer for a suit. "Yes sir, I'm just work-
ing here for Christmas. I go back to State
the first of January He turns and writes
out the ticket for the purchase saying, "I sure
will come over and see Sammv before I leavel
Mr. Williams, I hivea't seen him since
graduated from High School
You can hear the tinkle as the wind
whips through the decorations above 1
street. The little girl passes before the store
window, dragging backwards as her motnerl
pulls her down the sidewalk. The child's eye
are ablaze with the sight of the thinp in tl
The teenager in his monogram jackjM
shuffles down the sidewalk. The loafers m
wears, run over at the heel, scuff along tn
coacrete, the sound adding a note to the sym-
phony of the season. J
The season is as eternal as the ocean-
is the spirit, I guess. It brings people togetner.
The oM, the youag, the rich, the po01
the spirit brings them all together.
have a common bond.
But there is a sad note to the J
Another year is gone. The events of the r
year are gone. Some of the people are goo
The childhood facination with the season w
gone. No longer do you look forward
Christmas mornings with the eal of PJH
years. This is life. This is the gaJtaess of
They say we must not look backward
only forward. We are young, and the WJJI
w the all important. We must prepare, in
y. Perhaps we are fools to be in love ww
the past, win cMMhood. Perhaps, but J
comes so slowly growing up, I n6
then it is gone swiftly, coMly, neSi
, We moat hold on. We must ao
to leave us so soon. It mast stay, and ecojM
Perhaps the apirit wiB help us to keep it i
Tirtt ti mi rtmiiml Hm
Wfr Wy Xjv
Soon after local sororities were or-
ganfoed at East Carolina, an Inter-
Sorority Council was set up as a
governing board. The I. S. C under
the leadership of Dean Ruth White
and President Jackie Byrd, worked
during the '5859 school year toward
the goal of national affiliation for the
eight local groups.
The I. S. iC. had looked ahead even
from the very beginning of its organi-
zation. Two representatives from each
sorority had seats on the council and
the presidents of the sororities at-
tended the meetings but had no vote.
This organizational plan is the one
recognized by National Panhellenic
Can noil.
In the fall of 1959, the administra-
tion gave permission for representa-
tives of national groups to come on
campus for interviews with the local
sororities. National ofices recog-
nized the potential of the local
G reeks and meetings between locals
and nationals were held in dormitory
parlors. By December, all eight soror-
ities had petitioned and had been ac-
cepted by national organizations.
Formal rush in January of 1960
was I. S. Cs last, or on February
6, the campus was the center of at-
tention as the sororities were initiated
into national groups. During this time
names of groups were changed and
I. S. C. was no exceptionIt was
now Panhellenic Council.
The Council, during the spring co-
sponsored the I. F. CPanhellenic
dance and with council and advisor
participation a constitution was writ-
The Panhellenic Council encourages
scholarship among sorority women
and strives to suipport the college by
participating in activities.
The current officers of the Pan-
hellenic Council are Jaye Finnegan of
Alpha Pi, president; Ann Sugg of
Alpha Omicron Pi, vice president;
Charlotte Humphries of Alpha Phi,
secretary; Marie Bryant of Alpha Xi
Delta, corresponding secretary; Di-
ane Saunders of Chi Omega, treas-
urer; Carole Rankins of Delta Ze:a,
Rush Chairman; Betty Maynor of
Kappa Delta, parliamentarian; Mary
Helen Coffey of Sigma Sigma Sigma,
W Vr f y?rw w m y
s W H. ' , S . A
KENNED1 GIRLS . . during president-elect Kennedy's campaign tour and stop in Greenville, members of the
tiiiht sororities on campus, dooned in white, acted as Kennedy aids cheering and pepping up the 'rowd.
Zeta Psi Chapter Of Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded on
2, IS; 7 at Barnard College
ia University in New York.
The color of cardinal, the Jacque-
R ose, and the ruby were chosen
be infinite symbols of the sorority.
present. AOPi has 68 col-
icgiate chapters in states from Flori-
vard to Washington state,
m ' aliforaia eastward to Maine,
iptei a in Canada.
Alpha Omicron Pi maintains a social
service department of the Frontier
N rsing Service in the mountains
Ken -y. -applying food, clothing.
cave to the proverty-
ple in this area. Children
e most importance in this
k rojeet, with the sorOT-
nes, institutions and
needed tot 5,000 chil-
y, e Zeta Psi chapter was
G fall of 1959. The
participated in philan-
p such as adapting a
: e State Mental Institu-
Butner, N. C and working
with a chronic senile ward at Butner.
i the pursuit of excellence, Alpha
Omicron Pi encourages scholarship
h numerous awards given to rhap-
, and individuals for high scho-
ie achievement.
Zeta Psi chapter presented Pan-
lenic with a scholastic trophy to
give nto the sorority having the
iholastk average for each
ha Omicron Pi It fraternity
on the true Greek symbolism
f simplicity and sincerity without
The officeis for the present school
year of Zeta Psi chapter are: Judy
Taylor, president; Joan Phelps, vice
NaiK-y Collins, treasurer;
!v Bledsoe, recording secretary;
Rebecca Highsmith, coresponding
,ha fhnicron Pi collegiate and
' imttae members join in celebrating
their somnty's 63rd birthday during
the month of December.
Zeta Psi chapter members cele-
brated their Founder's Day with a
K-inquet December 8, at Respess James
Barbecue House.
Alpha Omicron Pi was founded in
1897 at Barnard College, Columbia
University, as a national women's
fraternity. The four founders, now
deceased, were Stel'ii Gesrge Stern
Perry, Pessie Wallace Highan, Eliza-
I eth Heywood Wyman, and Helen St.
Clair Mullan.
Today Alpha Omicron Pi has 67
collegiate chapters and 155 alumnae
p. ioups.
Delta Omicron Of
Alpha Delta Pi
Delta Omicron chapter of Alpha
Delta Pi Sorority was founded on the
East Carolina College campus during
the year 1958-1959 ami was then
known s Pi Kappa, a local sorority.
The local sorority was installed as
a national chapter of Alpha Delta Pi
during the weekend of February 5,
ALpha Delta Pi was founded May
15, 1851 at Wesleyan Female College
in Mracon, Georgia, as the Adelphean
Society and became the first secret
society in the world for college wom-
en and the mother of the entire sor-
ority system.
The members of Alpha Delta Pi
strive to strengthen character, ex-
emplify the highest ideals of Chris-
tian womanhood, watch attitudes to-
ward fellow-beings, recognize the
value of high educational standards,
and to develop faith and loyalty. The
group also aims to promote friend-
ship, sisterhood, and mutual trust
among its members and to encourage
The iavored philanthropy of Alpha
Delta Pi is work with handicapped
children. The sorority works each
year to raise funds which go to pur-
chase equipment needed by clinics or
individuals in the physical rehabili-
tation of handicapped children.
The official pin of the sorority is
a diamond shaped badge. In the cen-
ter of the badge axe the two stars,
the clasped hands, and the Greek
letters of Alpha Delta Pi. The pledge
pin is a bar of gold bearing the Greek
etters "Beta Upsilon Alpha" sur-
mounted by the lion head.
The official colors of Alpha Delta
'i are sky blue and white. The of-
ficial flatter of the sorority is the
Delta Omicron chaipter is in Gamma
province which consists of chapters
at Duke University, Queens College,
University of South Carolina, and
University of North Carolina.
The present officers for Delta Omi-
cron chapter are Nancy Gwynn, presi-
dent; Jean Capps, vice president;
Sandy Moon recording secretary;
Jean Haislip, treasurer; Jimi Mc-
Daniel; rush chairman; and Dr. Lois
S aton, advisor.
ALPHA DELTA PI . . . whoops it up, following one of 1-si yeaur'a formal rush parties. Displaying party novel-
ties and directions, the group appears to be well pleased with the party's success.
Delta Alpha Chapter Of Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi was feunded at Syracuse highest type of womanhood as exem-
University in Syracuse, N.Y. in 1872. plified by the character, conduct, and
Since that time it has expanded to culture of the individual. These are
76 chapters, throughout the U.S. and
Delta Alpha chapter of Alpha Phi
sorority was initiated in February of
I960, with 2fi charter members and
six alumna giving the chapter a total
of 32 members.
The sorority's colors are bordeaux
and silver, and its flowers are the
ilyte-valey and the forget me
Alpha Phi seeks to develop the
the three C's of Alpha Phi standards.
Alpha Phi believes that good scol-
arship is vital, and each year schol-
arships are given for Alpha Phis.
The sorority's national philan-
thropy is cardias-aid, helping child
victims of heart diseases. Each chap-
ter adopts its own local cardias proj-
ect and this money goes to the heart
hospitals located in Illinois, Califor-
nia, and Minnesota.
Another of Alpha Phi's projects is
the Alpha Phi Foundation, a means
of aiding and encouraging education- ,
al advancement through scholarships
and loans.
Recently six of the Delta Alpha
chapter members attended the instal-
lation of a new Alpha Phi chapter at
the University of Maryland.
Current officers of the chapter are
Bobbie Ann Bethune, president; Jan-
ice Langston, vice president; Becky
Coley. recording secretary; Barbara
Eklson, corresponding secretary; and
Nancy Kinsey, treasurer.
Gamma Pi Chapter Of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority
Features by
Patsy Elliott
Photography by
Grover Smithwick
Jimmy Kirkland
ai v, y; Tlt was formally rec- national sorority on campus, pledged
, nta on Aprt. 17 m. E-S. Xi DU .pon-
oiities and fraternities, and presents
a plaque to the winner.
Sponsorship o f selected rural
schools in Tennessee, Kentucky and
Arkansas, providing needed equip-
HofMiyTin the dormitory. Pictured from left to right are Margaret Powell,
ALPHA XI8 CUT UP . . . J fi LucUe Coulbourn, Linda Cox, and Patay Alexander.
Ella Mae Godley, on Hoot, Juay u.y,
ment and supplies, and the furnishing
(f layette equipment for babies in
these communities is included in the
National Philanthropy.
Locally, the chapter's philanthropy
is a project to aid a young Junior
high school girl through high school
and on into college.
The emblem of the sorority is the
Quill with the Greek letters repre-
senting Alpha Xi Delta in raised and
burnished gold on the barbs of the
leathers. The pledge pin is an ellipse
of black enamel edged with gold and
bearing the letters of the sorority in
The sorority's colors are double
blue and gold, and the flower is the
Pink Killarny Rose.
Alpha Xi Delta stresses service to
campus, friendliness, and scholarship,
not the enjoyment of special privi-
There are approximately 35,000
Alpha Xi Delta members in the U.S
and the Gamma Phi Chapter now has
25 members. Officers of the chapter
are Loucille Coulbourn, president;
Linda Cox, vice president. Mary Anne
Ricks, recording secretary; Margaret
Powell, corresponding secretary; Eli-
zabeth Knox, treasurer; and Blanche
Hammer, membership chairman.
CHARTER MEMBERS: Bobbie Ann Bethune, president, is shown as she signs the Alpha Phi charter during in-
stallation weekend. Looking on from left to right are: Mrs. Fred Davis, director of extensions; Sylvia Sam-
pedro, Kathryn (rum pier, Norma Jean Catlett, and Charlotte Humphries. r
Sock Hop Provides Kick Off For Formal Rusk
prior to formal rusk, prospective
rashees sorority wamen, and fratern-
ity men take this opportunity to get
acquainted. The Bunny Hop, brought
to life, highlighted the evening's fan
and dancing, as evidenced by the glee-
ful expressions caught by Jimmy
Kirkland, East Carolinian Photo-
grapher. The Hop, planned aa a kick
off for formal rush, was held in the
Memorial Gymnasium early this quart-
old X and horse-
CHI OMEGA 2:Ti V-The rr
HcHenic eura and Christy - "VEUS.S wh.ch I.
ideals" is the open motto of cm n.s
Omega Sorority. V February 5-7 all phases
ieS Kappa Delta Kappa Club of ft iie is prime mPonnce
East Carolityi College was pledged ul J A Chi Omega par-
CM O Hnd beCaW lhe 'i, ' U- in two or more aspects of
hundred and twenty-fifth chapter of t. pate
Chi Omega. 'TW" of each school
Chi Omega seeks to better its mem- Al chapter presents a
bers intellectually, emotiona'ly, and year le d to the most
socially. . Ending senior in the Social Stud-
Chi Omega's colors are cardinal at8 at East Carolina,
and straw and the white carnation is es " 1 gerveg aa president
the sorority flower. The pledge pin is won. . BroWI1 vice-
a small, black pin with gold lettering, of the chapter,
presides; Patsy Elliott, secretary;
JoilI1 Williams, treasurer; er.d Ahce
1 ,t. L.iAMfds. ultrffl " Chi
(HNP U J ioudof the fine work
1 it local alwmnue: Miss Lou Chea-
Hi . Martha Cilliand. Mrs. I.
I u en, aMi Mrs. Larry James;
JOtes; sad its advisors,
Mrs. ' ttntM l'rewett and Mrs. Cleve-
land Bradner.
.ary Love CoUlaa, past national
I resident of Chi Omega has summed
up "hi Omega's over-all purpose
"Chi Omega contributes something
mh -lesome to the whole of one's life
SIGMAS ENTERTAIN . . . with lots of food and congeniality. In an effort to promote better relations between
sororities and fraternities, the Sigmas are shown as they entertain one of the social fraternities, Pi Kappa Alpha.
Gamma Beta Chapter Of Sigma Sigma Sigma
SINGING WITH Cl I OMEGAS . . . rushees join in the fun as a (hi O informal rush party swings into action.
Diane Saunders, at left with uke, Barbara Ellis, fore center, and Sue Sparkman, holding soiiRbook. led the singing.
rma Sigma Sigma's only chapter
North Carolina, Gamma Beta, was
. unled at East Carolina on October
1959, from Kappa Phi Epsilon.
1 rmal initiation occurred on Febru-
Purple and white are the colors of
Tri Sigma. The official badge is the
g- Id indented triangle outlined in
pearls. The sorority flower is the pur-
ple violet. Tri Sigma's open motto is
'Faithful Unto Death
Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority was
led at Longwood College, Farm-
ile. Virginia on April 20, 1898. To-
there are over 22,000 women who
the badge of Tri Sigma.
The sixteen members of Kappa
Phi Epsilon formed the first local
sorority on East Carolina's campus.
Gamma Beta chapter is the first sor-
ority to open sorority housing.
Last yea Tri Sigma's representa-
tive to the Women's Recreation As
sociation received the "Outstanding
Sorority Representative" award and
the sorority as a whole received first
place in participation.
Tri Sigma's purpose is to establish
a perpetual bond of friendship and
to develop strong womanly character.
Sigma Sigma Sigma's projects,
though diversified, have primarily
centered around the theme "Sigma
Serves Children Tragedy brought
about the present social service pro-
gram, the Robbie Page Memoial. In
1951, when Mary Hastings Holloway
Page was serving as National Presi-
dent, polio caused the death of her
five-year-old son Robbie. Within two
months after Robbie's death, the Rob-
bie i age Memorial Fund was estab-
lished. The 1956 Convention direct-
ed the Memorial funds to be given to
the North Carolina Memorial Hospi-
tal in Chapel Hill for aid in the re-
habitation and convalescence of crip-
pled children. The Children's Room,
a playroom designed for play therapy,
is the latest addition.
Participating in the Crippled Chil-
dren's Drive, distributing The East
Carolinian, helping a needy family
at Thanksgiving, and working with
the children's clinic at Pitt Memorial
Hospital are some of Tri Sigma's so-
c ial service and civic projects.
Gamma Beta Chapter has forty-one
members. The officers are Betty Faye
Moore, president; Nancy Carr, vice
president; Theresa McDaniel, treas-
urer; Betty Milton, recording secre-
ayy; Susan Wylie, corresponding sec-
retary. Mrs. Elsie Eagan is the fac-
ulty advisor and Mrs. Ray Minges is
the alumnae advisor.
Gamma Sigma Chapter Ot Kappa Delta Sorority
a Delta has 22 members and 1
pledges. Officers of the chapter are
Jean Hardy, preidem; Betty Ben-
nett, vice president; Barbara Schwab,
secretary and Anne Kopley, treasurer.
As Kappa Delta's ninety-ninth as its National Philanthropy. Council immediately upon petition,
chapter Gamma Sigma was esta- The National Convention chose the und the first to use Christmas Seals
Wished on campus, October 15, 1959, Crippled Children's Hospital in Rich- lor supporting its philanthropy.
from the local Delta Sigma Chi. The mond, Virginia, as the site of its phil- The object of Kappa Delta Sorority
chapter was formally installed on anthropy because of Kappa Delta's i "the formation and perpetuation of
the weekend of February 5-7, 1960. founding in the state. good fellowship, friendship, and sis-
Some of the campus service proj- Kappa Delta Sorority has several terly love among its members; the en- Miss Sophie Fischel is faculty ad-
ects o the local sorority were car- 'firsts' to its credit. It was the first couragement of literature and educa- visor and Mrs. Robert Williams is
tied over to the national chapter, sorority to use courtesy cards, to tion; the promotion of social interest; alumnae advisor. Gamma Sigma is
However, Kappa Delta established send congratulatory telegrams to and the furtherance of charitable and located in Beta North Province of
last year an annual award to be pre- other national conventions, to be ad- benevolent purposes which Mrs. R. R. Gammon of Green-
sented to the outstanding senior worn- mitted into National Panhellenic The Gamma Sigma Chapter of Kap- ville is president,
an on campus. The recipient of the
award is chosen by a faculty com-
mittee and is presented a gold cup
on the annual SGA Awards Day in
the Spring.
Kappa Delta Sorority was founded
on October 23, 1897 at Virginda State
Normal School (now Longwood Col-
lege) in Farmville, Virginia. It was
the first sorority founded on that
camipus and also in the state of Vir-
The purpose of Kappa Delta Sor-
ori'y is "to promote true friendship
among the college girls of our coun-
try by inculcating into their hearts
r.d lives those principles of truth, of
honor, of duty, without which there
can be no true friendship
The colors of the sorority are olive
green and pearl white. The pledge
badge is a Normal shield and the
official pin is diamond shaped. The
white rose is the sorority flower.
Since 1921 Kappa Deltas through-
out the country have taken part in
aiding crippled children. Gamma Sig-
ma points with, pride to the fact that OPEN HOUSE . . . At the Panhellenic open house held Fall Quarter,
Kappa Delta was the first Panhellenic ranged this display for prospective rushees. Pictured at left is Betty Mavnor Sa S S 1
group to work with crippled children out interesting features in the chapter scrapbook to an onlooking freshman. At'righT b AnilTcople"
Delta Zetas Rushing . . . Sally Morris, second from right, introduces rusi.ee, Garldine Whitfield, far right,
to sisters at an infomal rush party. Others pictured are: (iett to right) Mrs. Helen Snyder, sorority advisor;
Jane Chandler; Mrs. Jean Bown, alumna; and Amy Sue t.waltney. r tJ
Zeta Lambda Chapter Of Delta Zeta Sorority
Delta Zeta National Sorority was
established on the East Carolina cam-
ipus in February, 1960. The local sor-
ority, Lambda Tau became the Zeta
Lambda Chapter of Delta Zeta.
The Zeta Lambda Chapter is one
of 129 college chapters and 182 alu-
mnae chapters which have been es-
tablished since the sorority's found-
ing in 1902 at Miami University, Ox-
ford, Ohio. The total membership in-
cludes 40,611 girls. Sixty-two Mo-
thers' Clubs are found throughout
the United States.
Delta Zetas seek to stimulate one
smother in the pursuit of knowledge,
to promote the moral and social cul-
ture of its members, and to develop
plans for guidance and unity in ac-
tion. High ideals, loyalty, good scho-
larship, participation in college ac-
tivities, tolerance, leadership, consid-
others, and other traits of
'tes, tc
fine character are the goals of every
individual member of Delta Zeta.
The badge, the Roman Lamp, was
voted the most beautiful and symbolic
of all the sorority pins. Delta Zeta
colors are Old Rose and Vieux Green;
the flower, the Killarney Rose; and
the jewel, the diamond. "The Lamp"
is the sorority magazine.
Delta Zeta has adopted a program
cf assistance to the deaf and hard-of-
hcaring as its major national philan-
thropy. Gallaudet College which is
the only college in the world for the
deaf is one of the most outstanding
philanthropies of Delta Zeta. Carville,
the only hospital in the United States
where victims of Hansen's Disease
are treated is another philanthropy
project. Now there are fewer patients
entering the hospital at Carville and
the ones formerly there are now able
to lead normal lives in their commu-
In the spring of I960 the officers
for the coming year were elected with
Sylvia Sampedro, president; Doris
Matthews, rush chairman; Dekxress
Holt, vice-president; Barbara Jones,
recording secretary; Joyce Currin,
corresponding secretary; Amy Sue
Swaltney, treasurer; and Sally Mor-
ris, historian.
Mrs. Helen Snyder is College Chap-
ter Director for the group. At the
time of installation of the chapter an
alumni group was also organized.
The Zeta Lambda Chapter won
The lAU-Sing" sponsored each year
by Alpha Delta, tied for first place
for the "Participation Award" pre-
sented by the W.R.A helped with
the Bloodmobile here on campus,
contributed to a needy family at
Christmas, and set up a scholarship
Sock Hop Stimulates Sorority Interest
T.UED SOCK HOPPERS . M- (rom , ,, .
the P.nhe.lenic Sk ,w ..
aeek In their ,!, befc, returning , the d.nce floor.
The sock p WM ,, to Mf taterMt ,n tM MnMi
.b .hieh wi.1 . th tMrd w , jMusrj pnmfMirt
ee, .ere memui tnm tMr to
'o dance .na mM MMlin 0i
Dnrin ,e ereinS , awl Ht. we fcy .
": Mike Ka.ri.r prenkled Me, of Cere
ter Directs Clinic Band;
Festival1 Selections
'A New Cop'
L. Carter, director of
d as director of a Band
weekend at Clinton, N.C.
student instrumentalists
labile schools in the area
Dec. 9-10 in a two-day
rehearsals by a clinic
Dy special groups and in a
tert presented Saturday at
High School.
Taylor, band director at
n High School, acted as
Jin charge of -arrangements
Hiik Student musicians from
I it tU'ville. Lumberton,
Hladenboro, and Jackson-
up the clinic band.
Mi Carter's direction the
played selections from the
M Festival Contest list and
f compositions appropri-
list mas season.
rtcr directs both the March-
du-oncert bands. He is a
dent of the North Carolina
Bandmasters Association and, as a
faculty member at the college, has
trained band directors now working
n a number of public schools in the
state. At present he holds the posi-
tion of director of the North Caro-
lina, South Carolina, and Virginia
district of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia,
national professional music frater-
nity for men.
Davis Joins Staff
Of EC Policemen
Haubrick Addresses
EC Lecture Club
Faculty Advises
i Of Affidavit
fTh I'CLA faculty academic
la recommended that the Tlni-
fof California refuse National
Education Act (NDEA) stu-
until such time as the dis-
affidavit is repeated.
commendation was made by
cent of the faculty through
Dots; however, "this is in no
be interpreted as official ac-
the University stated Dr.
Iriggs, vCe? chairman of the
k Senate.
affidavit compels students ap-
f ,r grants or fellowships un-
it NDEA to attest to their loy-
eaa qualify for fed-
t acuity opposition to the
is that it is required only
&.v ts and not of other groups
tftyi - federal aid.
e faculty members feel the
vut of place however. His-
r Jere King questions
stk stand of persons who
their own money, yet
leny it to qualified stu-
4eatS neering professor Myron
f -Is it morally proper for
take a firm stand on
irivlng aw someone
Pierce's Novel
Merits National,
State Recognition
Ovid Williams Pierce's novel "On
a Lonesome Porch published last
May by Doubleday, has recently re-
ceived both national and state rec-
ognition for excellence. Mr. Pierce,
North Carolina author, is professor of
English at the college and livea at
his country place, The Plantation,
near Enfield and Weldon.
Summaries of the year's "best" in
both the New York Times and the
New York Herald-Tribune's book sec-
tions for Sunday, December 4, in-
clude Mr. Pierce's "On a Lonesome
Porch novel of Reconstruction days
in Eastern North Carolina, in their
lists of outstanding works for the
Orville Prescott of the New York
Times in his "The Best of the Year:
A Critic's Choice" describes and eval-
uates the novel as "a subtle, sad, and
lovely novel about two women on a
North Carolina Plantation just after
the Civil War, written with a sugges-
tiveness of style and a poetic beauty
of expression altogether exceptional
An illustrated Omnibook World
Wide Abridgement of "On a Lone-
some Porch" has recently been dis-
tributed by leading newspapers in the
United States, Canada, and New-
foundland in their "Book of the Week"
In this state "On a Lonesome
Porch" won for Mr. Pierce the 1900
Sir Walter Raleigh -Award for the
best novel published this year by a
North Carolina author. Presentation
of the award was made December 2
at the annual meeting of the State
literary and Historical Association in
Raleigh. Mr. Pierces novel "The Plan-
tation" won the award in 1963.
A new officer has recently been
added to the police force at East
Carolina College, making a total of
lour law enforcers on campus.
He is Gerald F. Davis, a Greene
County native, and an experienced
law enforcement officer.
Before coming to East Carolina,
Davis served for four years as De-
puty Sheriff of Pitt County. He has
also served as & police officer with
the Farmville police force, and is an
Johnny L. Harrell, Chief of Police,
said, "By hiring Davis we feel like
the police force will be more compe-
tent and efficient, and it will relieve
the regular police staff of extra duty.
With the college growing so rapidly
in size and enrollment, three men are
not enough to reach the demands of
the students "We now nave three
men working during the nights and
we also have one on Sunday he
In 1958 the administration gave
the police force a much needed motor
scooter, and last year a new police
car was added. It is equipped with
a radio, which is directly connected
with the town of Greenville. The cam-
pus policemen receive all their calls
from the police station in Greenville.
"We work mainly with the college,
and with calls downtown which con-
cern a student enrolled at East Caro-
lina explained Chief Harrell. "How-
ever he added, "in times of need,
such as parades or other large hap-
penings, we work with the Greenville
ipolicemen, and they in turn help us
when needed
The campus police office is located
in the basement of the East Wing of
Fleming. They have a telephone in
their office, and as an added service
to the men students they keep all of
the student's fire arms, and return
them when they leave to go hunting.
Other officers on the police force
are: Elwood Pittman, formerly of
Tarboro who joined the staff in 1953,
and William Flake, from Greenville,
who came in 1956.
Dr. Robert R. Haubrich, faculty
member of the department of science
spoke at the College Lecture Club
December 6.
Dr. Haubrich presented a research
paper on "Aggressive Behavious hi
Humans and Other Animals He was
introduced to his audience by Dr.
Frances Adams of the English depart-
As assistant professor in the de-
partment of science, Dr. Haubrich
has been a faculty member at East
Carolina since 1957. He is a native
of Claremont, N.H and attended the
University of New Hampshire in
1941-1943. He holds the B.S. and the
M.S. degrees from Michigan State
University and the Ph. D. from the
University of Florida, where he was
a teaching assistant in biology and an
assistant resident advisor in the dor-
mitory system before coming to East
The College Lecture Club was or-
ganized last spring by a group of
faculty members. The purpose of the
organization is to provide for ex-
change of ideas on topics of interest
to members. Dr. Haubrich's program
was the fourth to be presented before
the club.
College Queen Contest Underway ;
Over $5000 In Prizes For Winner
Cruise Promises
Visit To Islands
Mr. Davis, a former student of
Snow Hill High School, is married
to the former Wilma Heath of Wil-
son County. They have two children
Jennifer Gale, age 11, and Wilma
Jennette, age 6.
Said Davis, "So far I enjoy my new
job, and I'm Rooking forward to
working closely with the students at
East Carolina
Tri-Sima Initiates
Ten girls were initiated into Sigma
Sigma Sigma on
December 12. The
ceremony took place in the Winter-
ville Christian Church.
The new members are Jolinda
Brewer, Clara Faye Crawford, Diana
Foster. Ann Johnson, Ruth Jordan,
Daphne Little, Jane Perry, Bonnie
Russ, Brenda Smith, and Gail Walker.
45 Air Conditioned Rooms
Room Phones - T. V.
Phone PLaza 8-1126
Parents and Guest of CoUege
Students Welcome
A project tailored especially for
adventuresome college studentsa
voyage around the world aboard the
most famous sailing ship afloatis
in the offing for the summer of 1961.
The ship, the 69-ft. brigantine Yan-
kee, will sail from Miami July 1,
1961, and follow the trade winds to
such places as Pitcairn and Easter
Islands, the South Seas, Africa, the
Orient, and 'round-the-horn to South
America and the West Indies.
The 25 persons aboard will actually
serve as crew and help navigate and
sail the ship. They will share ex-
penses of the cruise. Besides a rare
chance to become proficient in tra-
ditional windjammer sailing skills the
'round-the-world voyage offers a un-
ique educational opportunity, accord-
ing to Yankee's owner, Oapt. Mike
Burke of Miami.
"We'll sail to places far off the
beaten tourist path says Capt.
Burke. "For example, we can get a
glimpse of history by talking to de-
scendants of The Bounty at Pitcairn,
and by studying customs and people
from Tahiti to Zanzibar
Arrangements have been made, he
adds, for students to continue their
studies aboard under professional
guidance during the 18-month &0
C00 mile voyage. Side trips will be ar-
ranged to major inland points of in-
terest and activity will range from
fishing and skindiving to big game
hunts and photo-safaris.
Yankee, which gained renown as
result of countless magazine articles
and six books about four earlier
'round-the-world cruises under com-
mand, of Capt. Irving Johnson, was
built in Emden, Germany, and operat-
ed as a North Sea pilot vessel until
captured by the British in World War
II. When Capt. Johnson purchased
her in 1947, Yankee was changed
from schooner to square-Tigged brig-
antine. Her 15 sails total 7,775 square
Information concerning Yankee's
'round-the-world cruise may be ob-
tained by writing: Capt. Mike Burke,
Windjammer Cruises, Inc P.O. Box
1051, Miami Beach, Fla.
Thes National College Queen Con-
rest, to select and honor an outstand-
ing American college girl, is again
underway. This year, the National
Finals will be held in Fort Lauder-
diile, Florida, with more than $6,000
in prizes to the new winner.
The competition will include a col-
orful Pageant in April of 1961. It
will be a highlight of the Easter holi-
day celebration which annually at-
tracks thousands of college students
to Fort Lauderdale. The National
College Queen Contest Committee is
nlanning the event in cooperation
with leading beachfront hotels and
the City of Fort Lauderdale.
This will be the 7th annual contest,
open to all undergraduate college
girls between the ages of 17 and 22.
Free entry blanks and complete de-
tails can be obtained by writing to:
National College Queen Contest Com-
mittee, Paramount Building, Suite
1606, 1501 Broadway, New York 36,
New York.
The competition is a search to find
a truly typical college girl who de-
serves the national crown. This is not
just a "beauty contest Only 50 peT
cent of the judging will be based on
attractiveness, personality, charm and
appearance. Equally important will be
scholastic accomplishments, campus
activities, hobbies and interest in
community affairs.
The new National College Queen
need not be a "Marilyn Monroe nor
;lr,es she have to be a "Phi Beta Kap-
I a The Board of Judges will seek
someone who is a "happy medium"
between these standards.
The prizes to the next National
College Queen will include a two-week
tour of Europe, visiting famous cities
in England, France and Italy. She
will also receive a complete head-to-
toe wardrobe of high fashion apparel,
and many other merchandise awards.
If she is interested in the theater, the
vinner will also receive a $1,600 schol-
arship to the famous Dramatic Work-
shop in New York Cityto study
with Dr. Saul Colin, who coached
such stars as Marlon Brando, Shelley
Winters, Geraldine Page, etc.
The National College Queen will
also enjoy modeling assignments, net-
work television interviews and a per-
sonal appearance tour. These activi-
ties will bring her added earnings,
and will be arranged so that they will
not interfere with her academic sched-
College girls in this area are now
eligible, and may first become a Re-
gional Winner. The regional prize is
an all-expense-ipaid trip to Florida to
compete in the National Finals. The
finalists receive round-trip transpor-
tation, accommodations and meals at
leading beachfront hotels in Fort
Lauderdale, and are guests of the
Any college girl, who is officially
registered at this school and in good
standing, can enter the new contest.
Classmates (young men or young
women) can also nominate a girl to
to an entrant. Mail the name of a
nominee to the National College
Queen Contest Committee in New
Entries are now being accepted,
and college girls in this area have
a new opportunity to win fame for
themselves and acclaim for their col-
Alpha Delta Pi Elects
New Officers Tuesday
WUpha Delta Pi Sorority elected
officers for the year 1961-1962 at
their meeting on Tuesday night, Dec.
6. These new officers will be installed
during the month of February.
The current officers are: Nancy
Gwynn, president; Jean Capps, vice
president; Sandy Moon, recording sec-
retary; Jean Haislip, treasurer; Jimt
McDaniel, membership chairman; and
Nancy Cox, scholarship chairman.
The newly elected officers are as
follows: Ray Lane, president; Lillian
Moye, vice president; Camilla Hender-
son, recording secretary; Milly Bow-
Uen. treasurer; Betty Lane Evans,
membership chairman; and Betty
Rose Frazier, scholarship chairman.
Business Frat
Initiates Members
Math Club Visits
UNC Saturday
On December 10, 37 members of
the Maria D. Graham Math Club of
East Carolina visited the Computa-
tion Center at the University of North
Students and faculty observed a
computer, installed at the University
in 1959 at the cost of $2,500,000.
which performed 30,000 to 40,000 ad-
ditions and subtractions per second.
It is in use 24 hours per day 15
hours by the US Census Bureau, 5
hours by the University, and 4 hours
for maintenance purposes.
Experts are already speakine of
the "computer evolution" and fore-
telling the introduction of "computer-
oriented mathematics" as early as
the ninth grade.
During the afternoon the group
witnessed a production of the "Star
of Bethlehem which was presented
with both a scientific and Biblical
aipproach, at the Morehead Planet-
I terium.
Coutest Opens For Youthful
Expressions On US Policies
Six EC students have been initiated
as members of the college chapter
of Delta Sigma Pi, national profes-
sional business administration fra-
ternity. Initiates were entertained at
a dinner and dance by their fraternity
Those receiving the honor of mem-
bership in Delta Sigma Pi are Mal-
colm Lee Burrie, Joe R. Hudnell, J
W. Moore, Stewart E. Oham, S. Gale
Koonce, and Donald E. Glenn.
The Delta Zeta chapter of Delta
"What Do You Most Want The
United States To Do At Home And
Abroad In The Sixties?" was an-
nounced today as the title of an es-
say contest sponsored by the Ameri-
can Broadcasting Radio Network, in
connection with its journalist-broad-
caster Edward P. Morgan.
In announcing the contest, which
is open to all university and college
under-graduates, Mr. Morgan stated,
"President-Elect Kennedy says the
country must move ahead to a 'new
frontier The people with the great-
stake in this movement are the
men and women known as 'America's
youth so it is fitting they should be
asked what they most want the Unit-
ed States to accomplish at home and
Til abroad in the 1960's, for on
tudent , , , . AartmAt
Sigma Pi carries on during the school
year a number of projects to promote I &broad in the iO's, for on their
closer affiliation between its student . eBerfies depends, in great
members and the business world. Sev-
eral tours through large commercial
offices and various types of indus-
tries are made each year. Once a
month the fraternity has as speaker
at its dinner meeting a business or
iprofessional guest. The fraternity
promotes scholastic excellence through
an annual award to the highest rank
ing senior in the college business de-
Last September Delta Sigma Pi
members acted as hosts at a joint
meeting on campus of the fraternity
and the Coastal Plains Chapter of the
North Carolina Association of Certi-
fied Public Accountants.
Gold water Denies, 'Communism
Flourishes In US Colleges'
All set to play Santa Claus?
What you nd U a d auit, white beard, t pBkm.
Zm of Eaterbrook Claaaic Pen d Pencil
rl Y- be anyone favorite Santa -
STJotSt-lookin amootheat-writing CWmaa
rft JhtoridTo. the North Pole. Your choice rf 6 hob-
day oolora and 82 changeable pen potato, too.
oh o - ' CUTOM-mT.O m rou,
Delicious Food
Served 24 Hours
Air Conditioned
Corner W. 9th A Dickinson
(UPS) The Harvard Crimson re-
ports that Senator Barry Goldwater
has denied the Associated Press Story
which quoted him as saying that Com-
munism flourishes in colleges not us-
ing the fraternity system in an ad-
dress before the National Inter-fra-
ternity Conference in Los Angeles
last month. Goldiwater cited Har-
vard as an example of such an insti-
In a letter to a Harvard student,
Goldwater maintained that the wire
service had misquoted him. He stated
he had checked a manuscript of the
speech delivered to the NIC and had
found no such remark.
The original AiP story had stated
that Goldwater made the statement
at a press conference preceding his
talk to the group, not during the pre-
pared speech.
In support of Goldwater's view, a
group is being formed at the Uni-
versity of Michigan "to see that fra-
ternities are instituted at every in-
the loyal fraternity system First to
be asked to signSenator Barry
Faculty Members Voice
Opinion On Chapel Plan
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Last week the
East Carolinian sampled student
opinion concerning the construction
of a chapel on the campus mall. This
week, in the last of a three part
series, we have tried to get a cross
section of faculty opinion,)
Dr. Meredith N. Posey, Director of
the English Department emphasized
in an interview that all state colleges
should encounage students in religious
Mr?. Mary R. Poindexter of the
English Department would like to
see the chapel placed in a place other
than the mall.
"I think the space left wHen the
measure, the success of the adven-
ture into this portentous decade. Fur-
thermore, I think they have some
provocative and responsible ideas on
the subject which need listening to
Timed to climax with the winners'
participation in coverage of Presi-
dent-Elect John Kennedy's Inaugura-
tion Day, the contest runs through
December 28. Each contestant may
submit any number of entries, each
with a maximum of 600 words. The
judging panel, in addition to Mr.
Morgan, will include former Presi-
dential assistant and distinguished
author Emmet J. Hughes; nationally-
syndicated columnist John Crosby;
and Dr. Paul A. McGhee, Dean, Gen-
eral Educational division of New York
The winners, one boy and one girl,
will be flown to New York on Janu-
ary 18th to lunch with industry lea-
ders, visit the United Nations and
meet officials there, attend a Broad-
way hit and participate in other ev-
ents. The following day, winners will
leave for Washington and meet with
government and labor leaders and
take part in covering Inauguration
Day ceremonies as part of the ABC
news team.
Mr. Morgan wfll woik -witt th
young people and will use the win-
ning essays as part of subsequent ra-
dio broadcasts. A list of official con-
test rules as follows for your infor-
1 In 600 words or leas, write on
subject: "What Do You Most
tising agencies, and the families of
such employees. Entries must be the
original work of the contestants sub-
mitting them and submitted in the
contestant's own name.
4. A male and a female winner will
be selected for each prize.
5. Preliminary judging of entries
will be by the Reuben H. Donnelley
Corporation and final judging will be
by Edward P. Morgan, Emmet J.
Hughes, John Crosby, and Dr. Paul
A McGhee. Judging will be on the
following basis: Content (up to 70
points) and Form (up to 30 points).
6. Decision of the judges is final.
Duplicate prizes awarded in the ev-
ent of ties. Only one prize will be
awarded within a family.
7. All entries become the property
of ABC Radio Network to use as it
sees fit and none will be returned.
Releases signed by parents or guard-
ians will be required from winners
who may be minors. For complete
list of winners enclose a self-addres-
sed, stamped envelope with your en-
try. Contest subject to all federal,
state and local regulations. Winners
will be notified by mail.
8. Winners will be flown to New
York City for the day and night of
January 18th where they will be
guests of ABC Radio, and will be
transported from there to Washing-
ton, D.C. on January 19th, where they
will remain as guests of ABC Radio
and members of the ABC News team
through January 20th. During the
Washington stay, they will attend
the inauguration ceremonies and ball.
Groups Sponsor Party
For Local Youngsters
When the cold winds come down
from the North; bright colored lights
go up in the streets, and windows
display gaily decorated trees, our
thoughts naturally turn towards
Keeping the spirit of Christmas in
mind, Delta Sigma Pi and Chi Omega
will follow up last year's successful
Children's Christmas Party with an-
other Christmas Party for approxi-
mately twenty Greenville children be-
tween the ages of seven and ten years.
The party will take place in Delta
Sigma Pi's Chapter room, on the
corner of Fifth and Cotanche streets;
Want The United States To Do At beginning at four o'clock Thursday
Home And lAbroad In The SixtiesV afternoon, December 15
tion in America where there are i removal of the Austin Building could
the impressionable minds of youth be a i
As its first project LAGREDUF, Loy
al Americans Committed to the Re-
sponsibility of Eradicating Disloyalty
and Un-Americanism with Fraterni-
ties, will solicit signatoiraa to a peti-
tion to be sent to Harvard President
Nathan Pusey "beseeching him to
'salvage his institution by instituting
Dr. Dawyer D. Gross, Director of
religious activities, has a difference
of opinion concerning the location of
the campus chapel.
"I would like to see the chapel cen-
trally located for the student's use.
It would greatly improve the spiritual
Use only one side of each sheet of
plain paper. Be sure to print your
name, college, collage address and
class plainly on each entry. You may
enter as many times as you wish.
2. Mail your entry to:
America In The 'SO's Contest
P. O. Box 12E
Mount Vernon 10, New York
All entries must be postmarked not
later than midnight, December 28,
3. Any undergraduate college stu-
dent in the United States may enter,
except employees of AiBC-ParamouKt
Theatres Corporation and its advwr-
" Delta Sig's" Chapter room has
been decorated in keeping with the
festive Christmas season . . . Christ-
mas tree and all. Chi Omega sorority
will assist the Delta Sigma Pi frater-
nity in distributing toys, fruit and
candy to the local children. The high-
light of the afternoon party is ex-
pected to take place upon the appear-
ance of "the fat man Santa Claus.
Refreshments will be served and a
program of caroling will bring the
finale to ah expected enjoyable
Christmas party for the local young-
sters as well as Delta Sigma Pi and
Chi Omega.
Sigma Sig
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w To HP, Defeat Bears
9- uiruAn RfVYT
When will some of the so-called mature college students at East
Carolina college grow out of the grammar school traditions and start doing
something constructive at athletic events, instead of destructive. The un-
reepectabie doings of a host of students who attend this college following
the tense High Point contest Tuesday night, concerning the attack of one
highly spirited Panther cheerleader was an act of aggression which was
cruel, ruthless, and unmeciful to the eyes of any normal individual who
iv the incident happen.
The short stoeky cheerleader from the visitor's side probably had
more intestinal fortitude than the combining aggressors ever thought about
hiving. As any other normal human would do, this boy had a very im-
portant job to do. The spirited High Pointer actually cheered his well-
coached team on to win with comparatively small ingredients of aid from
the hand full of Panther supporters.
The voice of the only visiting cheerleader could be heard loudly
throughout Memorial Gymnasium where a capacity crowd of 2700 had
gathered to watch the close contest. During the second half, when the
visitors changed baskets, this stout hearted young- man fould actually carry
his megaphone down to his team's goal and cheer his iplayers on.
The unsportsman-like conduct of! the Pirate fans from across the
way toward the response of the High Point cheers was not disheartening
discouraging on the High Point side of the fence, but seemed to propel
louder cheers than the visitors, but certainly not as respectable. Certainly
the game was one of teasion with our Pirates only a few points behind
during the closing minutes before the final horn, but no game is worth
what happened following the cleanly fought contest.
A portion of our most unrespectable students took it on themselves
to literally "tear up" our friend, the High Point cheerleader, and his mega-
phone after the game. Only the action of the brave work of some of our
own student body saved this boy from possible serious injuries. With some
of our own football players keeping the chumps off the cheerleader's
back, he was able to survive the situation.
But what about the moral of this ruthless incident? It can happen
again and what would we think if someone did this to our school. Such an
immoral act is certainly one that does not aid this school in its chances
for greater accomplishments, but instead promotes juvenile delinquency to
its maximum capacity.
Out of a student body of close to 5,000 why do certain immature
groups spoil the chances for the success of East Carolina from a social
standpoint? Certainly our relationships with other schools can and will
not be approved as respectable, if something is not done concerning the
conduct of ill-mannered individuals.
School spirit is something that we cannot do without, but enthus-
iasm should be for the benefit of East Carolina and not for the destruc-
tion of the college. Last Friday night's game with Lenoir Rhyne empha-
sized good school spirit from the E.C.C. student body, but what would
have happened had we lost the contest. Maybe there would not have been
an o-utrageous conflict that happened Tuesday night, but certainly the
spirit would not have been as high.
Good sportsmanship is a fine complement to our college, and the
only way the student body is going to receive any appreciation from any-
one is to learn to take the good with the bad. Perhaps there are many
things which can hinder the fan to the extent that he is emotionally
upset due to high tensions at an athletic contest. But if he cannot control
these emotions then he should not bring it upon himself to attend an
athletic event at East Carolina College for the good of the school and
Let us hope that nothing of this nature happens again during future
athletic events. How can we expect to compete against the larger sehools if
it does. Our chances for the Southern Conference have been dimmed al-
eady due to the fact that we are not i:i the National Collegiate Athletic
Association, but no conference would take any pride in having a school
with mischief such as that which occurred in the High Point contest.
Third Floor West Wing 7 0
Second Floor West Wing 6 1
Second Floor East Wing 4 3
Third Floor East Wing 4 3
Fourth Floor West Wing 2 5
First Floor West Wing 2 5
First Floor East Wing 1 5
Fourth Floor East Wing 0 7
Fourth Floor East Wing 7 0
Third Floor West Wing 5 2
Second Floor East Wing 6 2
Second Floor West Wing 4 3
Fourth Floor West Wing 4 3
Third Floor East Wing 2 5
First Floor East Wing 1 6
First Floor West Wing 0 7
Country Gents 6 1
Lambda Chi 6 1
Kappa Alpha 5 2
Sigma Nu 3 4
P. K. A. 3 4
A. P. O. 3 4
Theta Chi 2 6
Sigma Phi Ep. 0 7
Ed Norris and Jim Early led the
Fraternity All-Stars to a 32-19 vic-
tory over the Dormitory All-Stars on
the Inter-Mural field. The most valu-
able player will be named on Award's
Night at the end of the school year.
There will also be intramural wrest-
ling, table tennis with Coach Welborn
.being the wrestling instructor. Three
champions were recently named for
the respective gridiron leagues. The
third floor of the west wing of Jones
Hall won their league, the new dorm
champs are the fourth floor of the
east wing of the Freshman dormitory,
and the fraternity champs were the
Country Gents.
The volleyball champions were also
named recently: for Jones Hall the
eecond floor of the west wing won
the championship in that dorm, the
new dorm had the second floor of the
wing proclaimed champions, and
Country Gents, as in football,
also champs in volleyball in the
cty league competition.
East Carolina suffered its first,
conference loss of the young season
when High Point College took a 60-
68 decision on the Buc home floor.
The Pirates trailed the entire contest,
and were never able to take the lead
from the visiting five.
Coach Virgil Yow of the victorious
Panthers attributed the win to a
stout High Point defense. The visiting
coach stated "that the game was the
best defensive effort any of his clubs
had ever played this early in the
season "We knew ECC's personnel,
and how to stop them the young
Panther mentor went on to say. The
team was not counting possession as
the main thing, but they decided
early that they could not run with the
Bucs, he continued to comment.
While the Pirates certainly looked
far from impressive, coach Earl
Smith was not disheartened. "I havt
never seen an undefeated team in the
North State Conference as yet stated
the Pirate mentor, "and this year will
be no exception
Swimming Quint Looks Impressive
Coach Smith pointed out that this
is not the same chib as hist year and
the act that Charlie Lewis and Bill
Otte are starting for the first time
bears this out. As for the Panther
contest, Smith said "that the game
was the best team effort he had ever
seen by a High Point team The Pi-
rate coach has seen quite a few Panth-
er quints in action during his time.
Coach Smith went on to say "that we
just got beat and that is all there is
to it The Pirates lost the best
player in the Conference last season
in Ike Riddick, but with time and ex-
perience the Bucs should be a highly
competitive team for the remainder
of the season.
Captain Don Smith hit for 33 points
here Friday night in spearheading
the Pirates to a surprisingly easy
90-63 victory over once unbeaten
Lenoir Rhyne The Bucs were hot
hm the start, and did not resemble
the outfit who were beaten by High
Point a few days earlier.
Jumping off to a 21-8 lead, to the
amazement of the 2700 spectators,
the Pirates stunned the favored Bears.
The Hickory school could not recover
from the shock, and only once during
the early portion of the second half
did the visitors make a serious chal-
lenge. With rangy Jack Connerly
hitting for Lenoir Rhyne, the lead
was sliced to 38-34 at this point in
the most rugged fought contest. How-
ever, Cotton Clayton dazed the Bears
until they felt as if they were Cubs
by hitting for three straight field
goals in a matter of seconds.
This moved the lead to a ten point
spread, and with Smith hitting with
amazing accuracy on jump and hook
shots the game was turned into a
complete unexpected rout. With Clay-
ton, Charley Lewis, Bill Otte, Don
Smith, Ben Bowes, and Lacy West in
severe danger of fouling out Coach
Earl Smith substituted freely for the
home team.
Clayton who scored 14 points for
the night, played his usual fabulous
floor game, as the East Carolina play-
maker steadied the Pirate offense
marvelously, and as in other Buc con-
tests was equally as great on defense.
The big boys for the Pirates, Otte
6'6 Bowes 6'5 and Smith 6-5 ruled
the backboards.
Smiths 33 points was the highest
total by any Buc cageman thus far,
and the Pirate Captain definitely waa
the big difference in the two ball
clubs. East Carolina scored 65 of
their 90 points during the hard fought
second half which saw tension amount
heavily between several of the re-
spective ballplayers from both sides.
The win established the .Pirates, in
all probability, as the team to beat for
the North State League crown, de-
spite an earlier loss to High Point
College. Ooach Earl Smith's charges
lived up to their expected potential-
ity against the Bears, but the Hickory
school still will be a dangerous con-
tender for the remainder of the sea-
son for the North State Conference
school lAll-lAmerican
to really develop
Ix)U Sullivan,
win points ir
collegiate cm
The 1960-1961 edition of the Bm
Carolina swimming team is now in
operation. The team offers some
top flight individuals. Coach Kay Mai-
tinez points with special pride to
this year's diving.
The National Association of Intel-
collegiate athletics one meter and 3
meter diving chamipion returns to per
form lor the Pirates in this event. He
is Bob Kingrey, former all-M.iiine
Diving Champion. Also, Jack Mathers,
one of the country's top metenliving
perfbrmers is returning. He is a forn
er All-American in high
Another high
is expected
this year. Diver
will attempt to
his first year of
Varsity Co-Captains Tom
and Tom Carroll will anchor tht
swimmers during the current cam-
1. aign. Coach Martinez emphasize
"that these two hoy will provide the
leadership for this team
All strokes. Tucker holds the
Memorial Pool record in the individ-
ual Medley, with a time of two min-
utes, and twenty-three and four-
tenths seconds. The Pirate Co-Cap-
tain also holds the University of
Florida record for the same event with
a time of 2:23.1 tenths of a second.
Returning also from last year's
varsity, which compiled a 4-6 record
is Ed Zschau. The backstroke is his
speciality, but he also performs in
the freestyle. Butch Edwards will
EWira the butterfly and freestyle.
IV) from last year's frosh team are
Sammy Hunt, Bill Meredith, Ken Jog-
cien, Woody Shepherd, and Doug Sut-
ton. Moe Taylor may swim if he is
needed. These men swim free-style
aid breasUtrokes.
Freshmen prosipects that are bein
counted on are Miles Barefoot and
Virgil Memborne, two backstroke
artists, and Kay Stevens, John Rob-
erts, Ike Faust, John Barter, Steve
Van Every, all free-stylists, and Gary
Walters, a breaststroke competitor.
Transfers who should help the Buc
swimming chances are Barney Bar-
ret, who specializes in the butterfly
and David Mayo, also a breaststroke
A swim meet is comprised of eleven
events, one diving, ten swimming. The
events in order are:
Opening event medley relay of
four men, swimming four differ-
ENGROSSED OBSERVER . . . Charlotte Donat, caught the eye
Smithwick, East Carolinian photographer, during ECCs first
meet of the season with the Tar Heels from UNC.
of Grover
ent strokes. (Backstroke, breast-
stroke, butterfly, and one other
of their cheice).
Seco.id event220 yards freestyle.
Third event50 yard freestyle.
Fourth event200 yard individual
medley, composed of butterfly,
backstroke, breaststroke, and one
other stroke of his choice.
Fifth eventdiving.
Sixth event- 200 yards backstroke.
Seventhevent100 yards freestyle.
Kighth event 200 yards back-
Ninth event 440 yards freestyle.
Tenth event200 yards breast-
Eleventh event100 yards free-
DRi r20D QN
PiNe ArIs
In which Lucky Strike's
gift to the arts selects
"The World's Greatest
Masterpieces" and
reveals all in fact,
more than allthat
is known about each.
Early Rembrandt: That Rembrandt was
born a genius is conclusively proven by
this little-known masterpiece. This, his
first known painting, astounded critics
and made the name Billy Rembrandt fa-
mous throughout Europe. Believe it or
not, Rembrandt created this master-
piece when he was two years old!
SMITH is seen here during an early
practice session. The Pirate mentor
is expecting big things from the Buc
five this Winter. The East Carolina
League record is 4 wins and one loss,
not including the Appalachian tilt,
which was played last night on the
Apps home court. The Pirates hope
to improve this record under the lead-
ership of their capable coach who
has guided the team to early success.
In 1890 men in business offices out-
numbered -women by 8 to 1 In clerical
jobs; today, women outnumber men
by 3 to 1, except in government of-
fices, where men still dominate.
Whistlers' Mother: This painting, by an unknown artist,
depicts the housemother of a college sorority patiently
waiting for a dance to break up in the next room. Note
how the artist has captured the anguish and devotion of
this lonely woman as she frets over her young charges
(who were nicknamed "The Whistlers" because of the
way in which they obtained dates).
The Venus de Mile: Sculp-
tured in the second cen-
tury B.C. on behalf of a
Greek pencil manufac-
turer, this great statue
has won fame through
the ages as the symbol of
beauty parlors, bowling
alleys, upholstery firms
and reducing pills. Today
it is used primarily as a
vivid warning to small
children who bite their
style relay.
Scoring gives s tea
for first place, three poi " for sec-
ond, and one poinl I third R
ire soured seven p pan,
none for thi 7 .
judges score the diving tve
rraduated scale.
The E.C. swim
stepped in winni- g tra
by the fact that E.C
tional NASA champion? in 1957 a
1958. swimming- participants -
against the flock.
truly be ral
individual sport.
- COncei Ray
Martinez believe si
training Swimmer? tt I
gin training on Septeml
continu- til Ma
men train tenrfT ' Mar-
tinez, when ake . s 0:
this team stated. "We will
t win two. We
five meet,
expected to beat son
K.l . swimming team mtt
E. v UNC Dec. 10
E.C. v UNC . 11
High school invitati
K.( . v
Division) Jan. 31
E.C. vs. Uni. of F
Feb. 2
E.C. vs. Fla. State Uni r 28 away
E.C. vs. V.M.I. March 6 away
a: E.C. pool Jan. 14
vs. Uni. of Georgia Jai
vv. William and Marj
The Thinker: What is The Thinker think-
ing? This has been as baffling to scholars
as the riddle of the sphinx and "Who's
on first?" But now it can be revealed
that this statue is actually a Roman
warrior who had been asked, "Remem-
ber how great cigarettes used to taste?"
When he failed to answer, "Luckies still
do he was turned to stone.
Woman in Water: Here is the original
of a great "lost" masterpiece which
I was able to acquire for the ridicu
lously low price of $8,500. I mention
this only to show what great bargains
you can find in art if you know your
subject. I determined the authenticity
of this priceless original by proving
that the small stain, upper left, was
made by Renoir's favorite coffee.
says Dr. Frood. "is the greatest work of art. Note the 00W clean
stroke, in LUCKY STRIKE, conveying the wisdom and poHne
?- " circle, representing. ofTourse
perfect product inside. And in the product itself we find a truly ma.
ficent espreesion of quality, good taste, pleasure and cornering
Surehr. there is no work of art that, over the years, has broughTnTore
esthetic joy not only to all of us in the art world, but to mtntoTof
people in all walks of life minions of
CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some taste for a change
) A. T. Co.
ECC Swimmers
Lose To Carolina
The Tar Heeli fro? N
.na defeat i -he East Carolina
ming Pirates 51 : P
he-U' iturday. Seven first ' ad
enta m
school, as well as the I ""
ley relay. This was the I eetdl
the yountr eaon for the ;nV r swU
Bthtg tenm, and the Pira-e sbo
much promise aeainst the '
Tar Beela.
400 Medley relayWon bj l'(
(Hammrick, Davidsor. Schifftn
Merrill) 4:15.2.
200 rreeetyle1. Bi'bro, UNC JJ-
26.5 2. Carroll, ECC. S. Stephens
60 Freestyle1. Huffman. UN
240 2. Williams. UNC 3. SaUrnft
200 Individual mediey-rl. ftfe
UNC, 2:26.6. 2. Tucker, ECC. 3. Vb
Emery. ECC.
DivinK-l. Kingrey, ECC, 806.95
points. 2. Mathers, ECC. 3. FambroUfi
200 Butterfly1. Bloom. UNC,2:30.
5. 2. Barrett, ECC. 3. Sutton, ECC.
100 Freestyle1. BiJbro, UNC. 46.4.
2. Carroll, ECC 3. Edwards, ECC
200 Backstroke1. P.sehau, ECC.
2:22. 2. Hammerick, UNC. 3. Bare-
foot, ECC.
440 Freestyle 1. Cornwall, UNl.
5.14.2. 2. Merrill, UNC. 3. Roberts,
200 Breaststroke1. BrigfiT, UNO,
2:36.6. 2. Tucker, ECC. 3. Walters.
400 Freestyle relayWon by ECL
(Edwards, Baxter, Zschau, CarroUJ