The Teco Echo, April 5, 1943

Number 12
P QBpQMk ��� ,aw
Committee Presents New Constitution
JFor Red

� . �
i 'ross Drive
- Hull top-
ship con-
� Lidents gavi
� an aerag :
as � set, 201 of
nl ributing
� nation
id i Fleming
r student,
� students
and Wil-
: nt, with
. a total of
� the drive
was $206.78.
Serving as captain for the
campus drive was Mrs. Leon H
Meadows, assisted by the Dean
of Women, Miss Annie L. Mor-
ton and her staff as lieutenants.
Every room was canvassed by
students in the various dormi
The prospect of a good time
will get almost anybody out of
a sick bed.
Let's accept restrictions cheer-
fully and talk about the bless-
ings we retain.
Americans who complain of
war discomforts can expect no
The proposed constitution o?
the Student Cooperative Gov-
ernment Association, w h i c h
passed the School Council
March 24 with a few minor
changes, will be presented to
student body in mass meeting
this Wednesday for action.
When it has been ratified, ar-
rangements for an immediate
General Election to fill the ma-
jor campus offices will be an-
In the proposed constitution
provision is made for a joint
student government association
I that will bring the men and
w men together in a general or-
j ganization. as is the case in most
I co-educational institutions, with
a separate organization for
i each set up under that to take
; care of problems of each par-
ticular group.
Its major body will be an
executive and legislative group,
the Student Cooperative Coun-
cil, composed of approximately
fifty members and four advis-
ers, whose chief woik will be the
planning of a definite program
of construction activities for
the student body. Under its
leadership all student activities
will be coordinated in such a
way that each one will be a pan
of the general program.
The Men's Judiciary and the
Women's Judiciary, working in
cooperation with the House
Committees and Day-Student
Committees, will form the judi-
cial branch of the government,
and so will handle disciplinary
problems and routine matters
affecting the various dormi-
tories and day-student groups.
Members of the Constitution Committee: Bessie Fay Hunt, chairman; Joyce Dunham,
Virgil Ward, Estelle Davis, Evan Griffin, and Carlyle Cox. Not pictured: Willie Mae Daniels and
J. C. Shepherd. Jennings Ballard worked with the committee until he entered the Navy.
The Student Legislative Mass
Meeting, of which all students
enrolled in the college automa-
tically become members, will
share the legislative powers
with the Council.
A special feature of the new
organization is that every stu-
dent activity becomes an inte-
gral part of the Student Co-
operative Government Associa-
The Constitution Committee
states that in spite of the fact
that its work falls for short of
its hope, it believes that it is of-
fering to the student body a
"more democratic form of stu-
dent government, in which many
students will have the opportun-
ity of taking part and in which
there is definite emphasis upon
individual and group responsi-
bility as college citizens. The
committee is composed of Bessie
Fay Hunt, chairman, Carlyle
C6x, Jennings Ballard, J. C.
Shepherd, Joyce Dunham, Vir-
gil Ward, Willie Mae Daniels,
Estelle Davis and Evan Grif-
fin, ex-officio members.
Student Cooperative Government Association
for a democratic govern-
ill groups and all in
, rivileges and its respon-
� ody of East Carolina
the following constitu-
Si denl Cooperative Gov-
;r College.
led the Student Co-
ition ol East Carolina
11 � Purpose
is organisation shall be to
I If-control; to direct ah
; fe that are not reserved
administration and the fac
and promote a sense
ii the -tudents of the col-
uatl � touch with and co
�n State Student Govern-
the eight cheer leaders at a mass meet-
raeeting the second Wednesday in Feb-
ruary. After the slate has been present-
ed, the floor shall be open for further
b. The men's branch shall nominate at the
same meeting: the officers of the Men's
Judiciary and its two members-at-large.
The floor shall then be open fur furthei
nominations by men students.
c. The women's branch shall nominate at
the same meeting: tin- officers
Women's Judiciary. The floor
be open for further
women students.
Section 2. Officers of each House Committee shall
ho nominated by a committee from their own house,
previously appointed by the president of it. at a
house meeting the second week in February.
which time tin floor shall be
of the
�hall then
nominations by

HI Membership and Dues
. rolled at East Carolina
, members of the Student
shall have one vote each
Mass Meeting.
enroll at East Caro-
becoming members of the
rnment Association, there-
report to the Judiciaries
� in keeping with the
-sail pay each quarter a
cations, entertainments
ities for which appropria-
. student fund.
riCLE IV � Powers
.� ve powers of the student
Student Cooperative Coun-
� ve powers of the student
Student Cooperative Councn.
powers of the student body
Men's Judiciary, a
! S i
VRTH 11 �Meetings
� Student Legislative Mass
ce limited to members of tn�.
Government Association, shail
W. Inesday evening in each
be admitted, however upon
31 ident Cooperative Council.
etines mav be called at the dis-
, . t of the Student Cooperative
� r upon written request ol
it. at
open for furthei
Section 3. Officers of the Day-Studi nt Committees
shall be nominated by committees, previously ap-
pointed by the outgoing president of each Day-Stu-
dent Committee, at a meeting the second week m
February, at which time the floor shall be open for
further nominations.
Section 4. The editors, business managers, and one
half of the number of associate editors and assis-
tant business managers required for the staffs ol
each student publication shall bo nominated by tin
Publications Board.
Section 5. General Election Day shall be the fourth
Wednesday in February.
Section 6. The standing Election Committee shah
supervise the General Election.
Section 7. Voting shall be by Australian ballot.
Any General Election in which the Australian bal-
lot system is not used shall be null and void.
Section 8. All students shall bo eligible to vote for
officers and faculty advisers of the Student I oopera-
tive Council, student members of the Student-h ac-
uity Committee, the college marshals the cheer
leaders, and the elective members of the staffs of
th student publications; all men students for offi-
cers and members-at-large of the Men s Judiciary;
all women students, for officers of the .omen s
Judiciary, all members of each house, for their re-
spective house officers; all women day students.
for officers of the Women's Day-Student Commit-
tee- and all men day students, for officers ol the
l .� - � Men-S Dav-Student Committee.
and Day-Stuueni - 9' The candidates elected in the General
Election shall assume their duties six week
to the close of the Spring Quarter.
b. The vice-president shall perform the
duties of the president in his absence.
c. The secretary:
(1) Shall serve as secretary of the
Student Legislative Mass Meet-
ings. .
(2) Shall keep a separate journal of
all resolutions passed by the Stu-
dent Legislative Mass Meetings.
(3) Shall record the minutes and
keep the roll of the Student Co-
operative Council.
(4) Shall post all necessary notice
concerning the Student Coopera-
tive Government Association.
d. The historian:
(1) Shall be in charge of the perma-
nent records of all student organ-
izations chartered by the Student
( ooperativx C uncil.
(2) Shall compile from these recorus
an annual report of all student
activities for the president of the

Rule, �f order-Revved
tary authority in all mattei
. i , i stitution and By-Laws of
Government Association.
K IE VI�Officers
of the Student Cooperative
Judiciary, the Women s Judi-
Committees, the Day-Student
hut-Faculty Committee (U
i landing committees, the siu-
, lassos, and of organizations
� -
se, aim v v r
the Student Cooperative
in the Student Cooperative
the Student Cooperative
shall meet the following
�ball have and maintain
their term of office an aver-
� and a clear student govern-
� :� cord.
lents, vice-presidents, chairmen,
hairmen shall pass a simple
parliamentary procedure before
duties of tneir respective
All officers shall take the following
ge: , �
1 hereby pledge myself to promote in
college the highest ideals of honor,
by my personal conduct and by rul-
ing to the Lest of my ability the duties

of my
RETICLE II-Nominations and General Election
s I. he Student Cooperative Council shall
nominating committee composed oi
branch of four members and a women-
of eight members, which shall function m
the following way:
a The joint committee shall nominate the
officers and faculty advisers of the btu-
dent Cooperative "Council, the student
members of the Student-Faculty Com-
mittee, the twelve college marshals, ana
VRTICLE VIII�Student Cooperative Council
Section 1 The officers of the Student Cooperative
Council shall be a president, a vice-president, a sec-
retary a historian, a treasurer, a first assistant
treasurer, and a second assistant treasurer
Section 2. These officers shall meet the following
requirements: . .
The president shall be an incoming junioi
or senior and shall have been enrolled as
a student in the college at least three
quarters preceding his election.
The vice-president shall be an incoming
The secretary may be any classification,
but shall be able to take and write up
notes efficiently.
The historian shall be an incoming jun-
ior or senior.
The treasurer may be any classification
but shall have served as first assistant
treasurer, shall have a thorough under-
standing of bookkeeping and accounting
principles, and shall be bonded.
The first assistant treasurer shall be an
incoming sophomore or junior, shall.have
L thorough understanding of simple
bookkeeping and accounting principles,
and shall be bonded.
The second assistant treasurer may be
any classification.
� o t�,p duties of these officers shall be to
Section 3. The duties o Student Cooperative
attend all ses sioi sot j Mass Meetings.
gfS&K! thesf'oSfhall perform the duties
indicated below.
�' Th(if'Shan be the official head of the
Shadlincal?dand preside over ail
BSttS� -
ShaU be ex-officio member of all
ffifB orarrchairman for
fhe8 organfzafion of the summer
3nl bthe.official delegate to
Si national or regional meet-
�2s of the student government
le treasurer:
ll) Shall have charge of all fees col-
lected by the Student .Coopera-
tive Government Association.
(2) Shall supervise the collection of
student activity fees for the sum-
mer school and turn them over
to the newly elected treasurer for
the summer school Student Coun-
Shall conduct all financial trans-
tions of the student fund.
Shall be in charge of the Budget
Shall serve as chaiman of tht
Budget Committee.
Shall make a quarterly report to
the student body, and, upon re-
tirement from office, an annual
report to the Budget Committee.
f. The first assistant treasurer:
(1) Shall assist the treasurer in his
(2) Shall be the assistant in the
Budget Office.
g. The second assistant treasurer:
(1) Shall conduct all financial trans-
actions of the Student Coopera-
tive Council.
(2) Shall make a quarterly report to
- the student body.
h. The faculty advisers shall act in an
advisory capacity only.
Section I. The membership of the Student Coopera-
tive Council shall be composed as follows:
a. Each class shall be represented by its
president and two other class represen-
tatives. If the class president is a man,
the other two class representatives shall
be women; if a woman, one of the othei
two class representatives shall be a man.
b. The president of each club or organiza-
tion chartered by the Student Coopera-
tive Council shall serve on the Student
Cooperative Council.
c. The editor of each publication shall serve
on the Student Cooperative Council.
d. The vice-chairman of the Men's and thp
Women's Judiciaries shall serve on the.
Student Cooperative Council.
e. The vice-president of each house com-
mittee and the vice-president of each
day-student committee shall serve on the
Student Cooperative Council.
Section 5. The President .of the College and the
three faculty advisers of the Student Cooperative
Council shall constitute an advisory board for the
Section 6. The functions of the Student Coopera-
tive Council shall be as follows:
To serve as the executive body of the
Student Cooperative Government Asso-
b To ratify by majority vote any legisla-
tion passed by the Student Legislative
Mass Meeting. Legislation originating
in the Student Cooperative Council
shall in turn be ratified Dy a majority
vote of the Student Legislative Mass
c. To refer to the Judiciaries any matters
of student conduct needing investiga-
d. To impeach and try any officer of the
Student Cooperative Government Asso-
ciation whose conduct does not measure
up to the standards set forth by the
Association. Such conviction shall require
a two-thirds vote of the Student Coopera-
tive Council. The penalty shall be re-
moval from office.
e. To elect annually all members of stand-
ing committees within two weeks after
assuming its duties in the spring and to
designate the chairman of each, with ex-
ception of those members of the Publica-
tions Board who by virtue of their office
are automatically members of said
f. To set the salaries of the editors and
business managers of the student publi-
ciations and the Treasurer and First
Assistant Treasurer of the Student Co-
operative Council.
g. To coordinate all student activities on
the campus.
h. To devote its energies chiefly to taking
the leadership in constructive activities
of the student body.
Section 7. The Student Cooperative Council shall
meet every Wednesday night and at any other time
that the president of that body shall designate.
a. Attendance is required unless an excuse
is handed in and accepted by the presi-
dent before the meeting from which the
member is to be absent.
b. One unexcused absence by a representa-
tive of a club, organization, or class shall
call for notification of said group. A sec-
ond unexcused absence shall forfeit the
right of the organization to a seat on the
Student Cooperative Council for the re-
mainder of the year. If the member is
an elective officer, the position shall be
automatically declared vacant, and shall
be filled by special election.
c. Three-fourths of the Student Coopera-
tive Council shall constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE IX�Women's Judiciary
Section 1. The officers of the Women's Judiciary
shall be a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary,
and a treasurer.
a. These officers shall meet the following
(1) The chairman shall be an incom-
ing junior or senior, shall have
been a student in East Carolina
Teachers College for at least
three quarters, and shall have
served on the Judiciary for at
least one year.
(2) The vice-chairman shall be an in-
coming junior or senior.
(3) The secretary shall be an incom-
ing sophomore or junior who can
take notes and type efficiently.
b. The duties of these officers shall be as
(1) The chairman shall preside over
all meetings of the Judiciary and
shall cast the deciding vote in
case of a tie.
(2) The vice-chairman shall per-
form the duties of the chairman
in her absence and shall serve on
the Student Cooperative Council.
(3) The secretary shall keep a perm-
anent record of all meetings of
the Women's Judiciary and shail
send out any necessary notices
for the Judiciary.
(4) The treasurer shall keep a record
of all financial transactions of
the Women's Judiciary.
Section 2. The president of each Women's House
Committee and the president of the Women's Day-
Student Committee, with the officers named above,
shall constitute the membership of the Women's
Section 3. The Women's Judiciary shall hold at
least one regular meeting a week; other meetings
may be called by the chairman at any time.
a. Two-thirds of the Judiciary shall con-
stitute a quorum.
b. Two consecutive unexcused absences for
a member forfeits her seat on the Judi-
ciary. Such vacancies shall be filled by
special election.
Section 4. The powers of the Women's Judiciary
shall be as follows:
a. To have original jurisdiction in all mat-
ters concerning discipline of women stu-
dents except those powers reserved to
the House Committees and the Day-Stu-
dent Committee.
b. To handle all disciplinary cases of women
students referred to it by any member
of the Student Cooperative Government
Association, the Student Cooperative
Council, the faculty, or the staff.
c. To hear any appeals of women students
from actions of the House Committees
and the Day-Student Committee.
d. To refer all cases for suspension or ex-
pulsion of a woman student to the
Discipline Committee.
e. To make reports in specific cases upon
request of the Student Cooperative
f. To report its general actions quarterly to
the student body.
ARTICLE X�Men's Judiciary
Section 1. The officers of the Men's Judiciary shall
be a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary-
a. These officers shall meet the following
(1) The chairman shall be an incom-
ing junior or senior, shall have
been a student in East Carolina
Teachers College for at least
three quarters, and shall have
served on the Men's Judiciary for
at least one year.
(2) The vice-chairman shall be an in-
coming junior or senior.
(3) The secretary-treasurer shall be
an incoming sophomore or junior
who shall be able to take notes
and type efficiently.
h. The duties of these officers shall be as
(1) The chairman shall preside ove:
all meetings of the Men's Judi-
ciary and cast the deciding vote
in case of a tie.
(2) The vice-chairman shall perform
the duties of the chairman in his
absence and shall serve on the
Student Cooperative Council.
(:) The secretary-treasurer shall
keep a permanent record of all
meetings of the Men's Judiciary,
shall send out any necessary
notices for it. and shall keep a
record of all its financial trans-
Section 2. The president of the Men's House Com-
mittee, the president of the Men's Day-Student
Committee, and two-memhers-at-large, with the of-
ficers named above, shall constitute the membership
of the Men's Judiciary.
Section 3. The Men's Judiciary shall hold at leas;
one regular meeting a month; other meetings may
be called by the chairman at any time.
a. Two-thirds of the membership shall con-
stitute a quorum.
b. Two consecutive unexcused absences fe.
a member forfeits his seat on the Judi-
ciary. Such vacancies shall be filled b
a special election.
Section 4. The powers of the Men's Judiciary shall
be the same as those of the Women's Judiciary found
in Article IX, Section 4 of this constitution.
ARTICLE XI�House Committees
Section I. Each dormitory shall have a House
Committee composed of a president, vice-president
a secretary, and six members-at-large.
a. The officers and members of each House
Committee shall meet the following re-
(1) The president shall be an incom-
ing junior or senior.
(2) The vice-president, secretary, and
members-at-large may be any
b. The duties of the officers of the House
Committees shall be as follows:
(1) The president shall preside over
all meetings of his House Com-
mittee and shall represent his
house on its Judiciary.
(2) The vice-president shall perform
all the duties of the president in
his absence and shall serve on
the Student Cooperative Council.
(3) The secretary shall record tha
minutes of all meetings of his
House Committee and shall send
out all necessary notices to the
members of his house.
Section 2. The House Committees shall meet at
least once a month and at any other time the chair-
man shall designate.
a. Two-thirds of the membership shall con-
stitute a quorum.
b. Each member shall be required to attend
all meetings unless a written excuse has
been presented to the secretary Before
the time of the meeting.
Section 3. The duties and powers of the House
Committees shall be as follows:
a. To handle all cases in their respective
houses which concern violations of house
b. To make a report of their actions to their
respective Judiciaries.
c. To uphold house standards at all times
and to promote the general welfare of
the houses.
ARTICLE XII�Day Student Committees
Section 1. There shall be two Day-StuJent Com-
mittees, a Men's Day-Student and a Women's Day-
Student Committee, each composed of a president,
a vice-president, a secretary-treasurer, and six
a. The officers and members of these com-
mittees shall meet the following require-
(1) The president shall be an incom-
(Continued on Back Page)


�l� � � t I
i .� m ��



The Teco Echo
Publish'(1 Biweekly by the Students of East
Carolina Teachers College
Entered as second-class matter December 3,
1925' at the U. S. Postoffice. Greenville,
N. C. under the act of March 3, 1879.
Rosalie Brown EditoHn-chief
Margie Dudley Charles Craven
Louise Thomas Harold Taylor
Maribelle Robertson Mary Sue Moore
Evan Griffin James Worsley
Margaret Lewis Betty Edwards
Coneiia Beems Keyhole Korrespondents
Sports Editor
Sports Reporter
Harry Jarvis Business Manager
Dorothy PearsaU Pat Edwards
Helen James Charles Cushman
Rachel Dixon Betty Batson
Bernice Jenkins
Ray Sparrow
Floyd Woody
Constitution Is Fine
Piece Of Work
AlUr many hours of hard work the
Constitution Committee is bringing- to the
student body the extent of their effors. This
new organization is something we can and
will be proud to be a part of. Each of us is
deeply indebted to this group who has so
willing given their time to the betterment of
our governmental system on the campus.
This constitution is worked out in detail and
warrents careful study. When it is present-
ed at mass meeting everyone will have a
chance to ask any questions and have any-
thing they do not understand cleared up.
Our hats are off to you, Bessie Fay Hunt,
for your splendid work as chairman of the
committee, and to the entire committee. You
have certainly done your part well, here is
to the student body doing as much.
structive plan of government.
�Herbert ReBarker.
March 31, 1943
Dear Miss. Hunt:
The constitution which your committee
submitted to the School Council on Wednes-
dav, March 24, and which will soon be pre-
sented to the student body, shows the result
of many hours of work.
Since the constitution makes provision
for a larger number of students to activity
participate in their p nernment, I trust we
will have a better mormed. a more under-
standing and a more cooperative student
I pledge my support and that of my
staff to any movement which fosters better
citizenship here on the campus, and in the
linger communities in which our students
may live or work.
Sincerely yours,
Ayivle L. Morton.
Helen Page Johnson
Jean Goggin
Cathy Hester
Lois Grigs by
Beecher Flanagan
Sherman M. Parks
Cathy Hester
Proof Reader
Alumni Reporter
Editorial AdHser
B us in ess A d riser
Tecnical Adviser
M mber
North Carolina Collegiate Press
The new Student Cooperative Govern-
ment Association is superior in many re-
spects to the former Student Government
Association. It affords a broader student
participation in governmental affairs. It is
more thoroughly democratic. It provides for
a more constructive student participation in
college life. It better coordinates and unifies
college activities. It more clearly defines the
functions of student government: It com-
prehends the student body in its entirety.
The students are to be congratulated for
having conceived and developed such a con-
I'm in favor of this new movement be-
cause it's, something that should have been
installed long ago. I hope it will stimulate
some school spirit.
�Billy Greene.
The new constitution can be hours of
work thrown awav if the students of East
Carolina Teachers College do not stand be-
hind, defending, cooperating, and encourag-
ing, as it unfolds itself upon this campus.
Let us unite ourselves so closely with this
new governing set up that we become a dis-
tinct part of it, any we reveal our love and
confidence by displaying a spirit that could
never die.
�Estelle Davis.
Camp Davis Rabbi
Assembly Speaker
That Judaism, along with 'the Christian
religion, has had a great influence on the
baste ideas in democracy was the theme of
Chaplain Ralph H. Blumenthal of Camp
Davis in a speech at the Assembly Mai eh 25.
Chaplain Blumenthal, a graduate oi the
i University of Cincinnati and Hebrew Union
College, had been invited to speak on the
contribution of the Jews to American
After saving that many Jews in Amer-
ican history who made contributions m vari-
ous ways had done so. not as Jews, but as
Americans, the speaker suggested that he
limit his discussion to the effect ol Judaism
on democracy.
American democracy, he said, is not
something that sprang into being, but is the
product of a long difficult struggle that goes
far back into history.
He then traced the appearance and de-
velopment of the ideas of liberty, equality,
and fraternity among the Jews in their
wanderings in the wilderness and recalled
stories of the kings of Israel rebuked by the
prophets for violating the right of the in-
dividual at a time when in other nations
kings were working thousand of slaves to
death for their own selfish pleasure.
Democracy was guarded, he said, not
only by the prophets, but by the "constitu-
tion of the land the Bible, in which the
rights of the monarch were definitely
Thu Judaism has made its greatest
contribution to democracy by the teachings
lof its "constitution
Chaplain Blumenthal closed with a hope
1 that this generation may not have to pay too
great a price to preserve its heritage
"Let us put forth every effort now, to
save it while it can be saved he urged.
In the afternoon Chaplain Blumenthal
spoke again, at the invitation of the YWCA
and YMCA, discussing this time "Current
Philosophies of Jewish Life
He was introduced at assembly by Miss
Louise Williams, chairman of the Chapel
Committee; and in the afternoon by Mi-
Helen stone, newly elected president of the
East Carolina Teachers College was
represented at the regional YWCA and
YMCA leadership training conference for
students and faculty advisers at Richmond,
Ya this past week end by delegates from
both Y's.
For the Y. W. C. A. the representative
were Miss Helen Stone of Reidsville treas-
urer, who was recently elected president for
next year; Miss Mabel Spence Watson of
Fremont, forum chairman; and Miss Anne
Audrey Stevenson of Palmyra, social chair-
For the YM. C. A. Sam Strickland of
Rich Square, chairman on general improve-
ments, and J. C. Shepherd of Lexington,
treasurer, were the delegates. Dr. W. A.
Browne, their adviser, accompanied them.
The conference theme is "The Respon-
sibility of Student Y W. C. As and Y. M
C. As in Wartime
The College. The War. and The Chris-
tian Association; Citizenship and Personal
Stability in War Times discussions were
lead by Miss Fern Babcock, Secretary for
Civic and Social Responsibility, National
Student Council. YWCA.
Christian Students Search for the Bas
Issues of the War and Peace Christian Faith
for Today and Tomorrow, lead by Mr. Her-
bert King, Associate Secretary, National
Council of Student YMCA.
Front Page)
! he vice-pre
large may
d ontinu
ing junior or senior.
udent, secretary-
d the members-at-
any classification.
I The duties of the officers of the Day-
Student Committees shall be as follows.
(1) Tin- president shall preside over
all meetings of his committee
;tiii -i all represent his commit-
tee on its Judiciary.
(2) The vice-president shall perform
all the duties of tile president in
his absence and shall serve on the
Student Cooperative Council.
(3) The secretary-treasurer shall
record the minutes of all meet-
ings of His committees, shall send
out all necessary notices to its
�mbers, and shall keep a record
of its financial transactions.
Section 2. The Day-Student Committees shall
meet once a month and at any other time the chair-
man shall designate.
a. Two-thirds of the membership shall con-
� �uii a quorum.
only ninety per cent of this
amount shall be appropriated
(2.) Any excess over ten per cent 01
the amount appropriated to an
organization must be returned to
the Budget Committee if not
used, and be reappropriated.
(3) All money must be spent for the
purpose for which it was request-
ed, unless permission to change
is granted by the committee;
otherwise, it must !e made good
and refunded to the Budget Com-
The treasurer of each student organization
desiring an appropriation shall present
to the Budget Committee before its meet-
inn in the fall a budget ot needs for the
ensuing year, together with a financial
report of the previous year.
All bills made by the organizations re-
ceiving appropriations shall be payable
through the Budget Office.
Each organization receiving an appro-
priation from the student fund shall keep
a record of the receipts and expenditure
of its group.
Section 2. Entertainment Committee.
a. The members of the Entertainment Com-
I eel
the til
Section 3. The
dent Committees
To handle al
required to aiteno.
: less a written excuse has
1 to the secretary before
e meeting.
id powers of the Day-Stu-
as follows:
minor case- of misconduct
among day students.
To refer all major eases of misconduct
among the day students to their respec-
tive Judicaries.
c. To report their actions to their respec-
tive Judiciaries.
d. To promote the general welfare of the
day students.
ARTICLE XIII�Student-Faculty Committee
Section 1. The Student-Faculty Committee shah
be composed of three students, chosen in the Gen-
eral Election, and three faculty members, elected
in the Winter Quarter by the faculty.
Section 2. The committee shall elect its chairman
and secretary.
Section 3. The records of the proceedings of the
committee shall be filed annually with the historian
of the Student Cooperative Council.
Section 1. The committee shall interpret disputed
ect ion
points in this constituti

laws, only when
such points are referred to it by the Student Co-
operative Government Association.
Section 5. The committee shah serve as a clear-
ing house for mutual problems of students and
faculty or staff.
ARTICLE XIV�Student Organizations and
Section 1. All classes, clubs, or organized groups,
and the student publications active at the time of
the adoption of this constitution shall be chartered
automatically for one school year and shall become
a part of the Student Cooperative Government
Section 2. Each such organized group shall hold
its election n� ; later than eight weeks prior to the
closing of the Spring Quarter and shall conduct
said election according to the rules set up by the
standing Elections Committee.
Section 3. The charter for each organized group
shall I� n i.ewed at the close of the Spring Quarter
by the Student Cooperative Council at its discre-
tion. Renewal shall be based upon the report of ac-
tivities and active meml ership and the financial re-
port made to the historian of the Student Coopera-
tive Council two weeks before the close of the
Spring Quarter.
Section 1. Anj gr up desiring to organize on the
campus must mak application to die Student Co-
operative C . tating its objectives and outlin-
ing definite plans for its activities.
ARTICLE XV�Standing Committees
Section 1. Budget Committee.
a. The members of the Budget Committee
shall be the treasurer of the Student Co-
operative Council, as chairman, two boys,
four girls, and two faculty advisers.
The Budget Committee shall meet as
(1) Within two weeks after the open-
ing of the fall term, each year,
to make appropriations.
(2) In a joint meeting with the new
committee, in the spring, to ac-
cept the report of the retiring
(3) At any time the chairman may
A quorum shall be two-thirds of the
members, including at least one faculty
The Budget Committee shall make ap-
propriations based on the amount ex-
pected to be derived from the regular
student activity fee for the current
school year, giving due consideration to
the distribution of expenditures for the
previous year, and shall submit the pro-
posed budget to the Student Cooperative
Council for approval.
(1) An estimate of the cash receipts
for the year shall be made, and
Section 3
mittee shall be one representative fron.
each class and three faculty or staff
The Entertainment Committee shall meet
as follows:
(1) In a joint meeting with the new
committee, in the spring, to book
two outstanding entertainments
for the summer quarter, one for
each term, ami to make tentative
plans for the entertainment pro-
gram for the following school
(2) At any time the chairman may
A quorum shall bo two-thirds of the mem-
The duties of tile committee shall be as
(1) To make a program of available
entertainments and submit the
plan to the Student Cooperative
Council for approval.
(2) To sign all necessary contracts
for entertainments accepted by
the Student Cooperative Council.
(3) To take charge of the advance
publicity and sale of tickets for
(4) To have charge of the calendar
of social events for the college
year in conjunction with the So-
cial Committee.
Social Committee.
The members of the Social Committee
shall be two representatives from each
class and two faculty advisers.
The Social Committee shall meet at least
once a month and at any time the chair-
man may designate.
c. The duties of the Social Committee shah
be as follows:
(1) To take charge of all social func-
tions given by the entire student
body of the college.
(2) To have charge of the calendar
of social events lor the college
year in conjunction with the En-
tertainment Committee.
Section 1. Publications Board.
a. The Publications Board shall be com-
posed of the following:
(1) The editors and business mana-
gers of the student publications,
who shall be elected by majority
vote of the student body from
candidates certified as eligible
by the Publications Board to the
Nominating Committee of the
Student Cooperative Government
Association in advance of the
General Election.
(2) The faculty advisers of the stu-
dent publications, who shall be
chosen each year for each publi-
cation by its outgoing and in-
coming staffs within two weeks
after the new staffs have been
(3) Two students and two faculty
members not connected with any
one of the student publications,
who shall be elected by the Stu-
dent Cooperative Council immedi-
ately after it has assumed its
duties in the spring.
b. A quorum shall be two-thirds of the mem-
c. The duties of the Publications Board
shall be as follows:
(1) To supervise all student publica-
(2) To determine the policies of the
(3) To certify to the Student Co-
operative Government Associa-
tion each year in advance of the
General Election those eligible
for editors-in-chief and business
managers of the student publi-
cations, each of whom shall have
had at least one term's experi-
ence as assistant editor or bur-
iness manager of one of the pub-
lications, or shall meet equivalent
To nominate candidates f o r
assistant editors and business
managers of the publications for
the ensuing year, from whom one-
half of the assistants needed
shall be elected by the student
To elect, in conjunction with the
outgoing staffs, the additional
assistants needed for the editorial
and business staffs.
To fill vacancies occurring on the
staff of a publication during the
year, subject to confirmation by
the Student Cooperative Council.
To furnish estimates to the Bud-
get Committee of the amount of
money each publication will need
for the year.
To meet at least once each
month, and at such other times
as the chairman may designate.
House and Grounds Committee.
The members of the House and Grounds
Committee shall be one student from
each dormitory, two students-at-large,
and two faculty advisers.
The duties of the committee shall be to
plan and execute a definite program in
the interest of the appearance of the
Section (. Point System Committee.
a. The members of the Point System Com-
mittee shall be one student from each
class and one faculty adviser.
The duties of the committee shall be as
To recommend to the Student
Cooperative Council for action
any necessary changes in the
existing point system.
To check all points held by each
student and to report violations
of the Point System to the Stu-
dent Cooperative Council.
To report any student holding an
office whose average has dropped
below a "3
Section 7. Elections Committee.
a. The members of the Elections Committee
shall be one representative from each
class, three students-at-large, and two
faculty advisers.
b. The duties of the committee shall be as
(1) To supervise all elections.
(2) To set up polls.
(3) To have all nominees certified.
(4) To post the names of the candi-
dates at least one week prior to
election day.
(5) To handle publicity.
Handbook Committee.
The members of the Handbook Commit-
tee shall be six members of the Student
Cooperative Council and one of its fac-
ulty advisers.
The Handbook Committee shall have
charge of editing the handbook for the
year following its retirement fron:
ing Entertainment and Social Commit-
tees who are enrolled for summer school
and any faculty advisers of these com-
mittees, in working out a program of so-
cial activity and entertainment for the
summer session.
c. To promote the general welfare of the
Section Each house shall elect a president, a sec-
retary, and six menibers-at-laree, in a house meet-
ing the first week of summer school, whose duty it
shall be to handle all disciplinary cases concerning
m mbers of its house.
ARTICLE Will�Amendment-
Section 1. Amendments to this constitution and by-
laws may be proposed by any member of the Stu-
dent Cooperative Government Ass elation.
Section 2. Such amendments, after being accepted
foi consideration by a majority vote of the Student
Legislative Mass Sleeting, shall lie posted on the
bulletin boards for at least two weeks before de-
finite action is taken.
Section 3. An amendment shall become a part of
tins constitution when it has been passed first by a
two-thirds vote of the Student Coop rative Council
and then by a two-thirds vote of the Student Legi�
lative Mass Meeting.
ARTICLE XIX�Ratification
The articles above and the by-laws which
follow shall go into effect when ratified by a two-
thirds vote of the- student body.
Section 1. All members of the Student Cooperative
Government Association shall assume the following
a. To refrain from gambling or being under
the influence of intoxicating beverages
while on the campus, and to refrain from
conducting themselves in any way that
would bring discredit upon the college.
To pay to actua
;t of any damage
done to buildings and equipment.
To refrain from using electric irons or
stoves, gasoline, benzine, or other in-
flammable cleaners in their dormitory
. In addition, all women members shall
assume the responsibilities indicated below:
a. To report to the office of the Dean of
Section 8.
ARTICLE XVI�Point System
Section 1. There shall he a Point System in order
that there may he a wider distribution of honors.
Section 2. The maximum number of points any
student may have in one year shall be ten.
Section 3. A seat on the Student Cooperative
Council shall give a student a total of eight points,
except class representatives-at-large who shall re-
ceive six points.
Section 4. Points for other offices shall be deter-
mined by the standing Point System Committee,
with the approval of the Student Cooperative
ARTICLE XVII�Summer School Organization of
Student Cooperative Government Association
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the president of
the Student Cooperative Council to act as tempor-
ary chairman for the organization of the summer
school Student Cooperative Government Associa-
tion or to appoint, with the approval of the Student
Cooperative Council, someone to serve in his place
as the temporary chairman. The responsibility of
the temporary chairman shall be fulfilled when the
organization for the summer term is completed.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the treasurer of
the Student Cooperative Council or someone desig-
nated by the president of the Student Cooperative
Council with its approval to collect all student fees
at the beginning of the summer term and turn these
fees over to the treasurer of the summer school Stu-
dent Cooperative Government Association. The duty
of this temporary treasurer shall be discharged
when such fees have been collected and properly
accounted for to the permanent treasurer of the
summer school Student Cooperative Government
Section 3. There shall be a Council composed of a
president, a secretary, a treasurer, and six members,
nominated and elected the first Monday following
registration for summer school, in the manner set
forth for the General Election.
Section 4. The duties of the Council shall be as
a. To supervise the collection and disburse-
ment of the student activity fees.
b. To serve with any members of the stand-
Women within thirty minute:
rival in Greenville.
To be in their respective dormitories at
10:30 p. m. except on the night of a
special function.
To keep their rooms in order and to have
them ready for daily inspection by 9:00
a. m.
. To file a request in the office of the Dean
of Women when wishing to have guests
(other than ahtmnae and mothers) in the
dormitory for any week end except that
of a college dance, when there shall be
no dormitory guests. The request shall
be filed the day before the guest is ex-
pected to arrive and the guest shall be
signed in in the "Guest Book" upon ar-
�. To have a general permit written by their
parents or guardian (if parents oi
guardian are willing) and mailed direct-
ly to the office of the Dean of Women in
in order to have the privilege of spend-
ing week" ends or day "off campus
This permit shall read as follows:
"My daughter
has my permission with your ap-
proval and subject to college regu-
lations to ride with relatives or
friends and to spend days or week
ends 'off campus
"Unless I notify you to can-
cel it, this permit may be used for
the period my daughter is enroll-
ed at East Carolina Teachers Col-
Parent or Guardian
f. To have a permit from home sent direct-
ly to the office of the Dean of Women
for each "off campus" permission if their
parents or guardians are unwilling to
grant a general permit.
To file "Off Campus" blanks before
10:15 a. m. on the day they wish to leave
for the week end visit, and to hand Sun-
day permits to the Dean of Women or the
Assistant Dean of Women for approval
before 10:15 a. m. on Saturday.
Ii. To leave before 8:00 p. m. when spending
the week end "off campus" and to re-
turn and sign in by 10:00 p. m and for
Sunday visits" to leave before 12n. and to
return by 10:00 p. m. the same day.
i. To make definite arrangements with the
Dean of Women one week in advance-
when wishing to attend dances, banquets,
and house parties at other colleges or
To spend no week ends in town unless
with near relatives,
k. To spend the first three week ends and
Sundays of the Fall Quarter on the
1. To sign out on "Special Permission" or
"Date Book" m Cotten Hall when per-
missions are granted from the office of
the Dean of Women.
m. To get permission from the office of the
Dean of Women when wishing to ride at
any time during the day unless they ae
riding to oi- from town with girl friends,
parents, or faculty member- and
have genera riding permits,
n. To fib- a slip in the office of the Dea
Women when calling in homes of Gr
o. To date only when the parlor hostess
someone so designated is on duty.
p. To file a date siip in their dormitory par-
lors if the hostess is on duty (if not. in
Cotton Hall off ire i when dating unless
the date is a morning church date, an
afternoon show date, or i
on the campus with a co-ed.
p. To return to the campus within
minutes after the close of tr.
r. To complete on or off campus walking
dates by 5:30 p. m. in the Fall and Wil
rer Quarters or by 7:45 p. m. during :
Spring Quarter.
s. To get permission from the parlor hos-
tess when wishing to go t tin- Collef
Soda Shop or up town for not more thai:
an hour during a parlor date and to sif
out on tin- dormitory "Date Look
t. To have an invitation extended . th
hostess through the office of the D
of Women when wishing to have dii
in private homes or go calling
without a date in the evening.
Section 5. In addition, freshmen members
assume the responsibilities indicated below; and
transfer women member the same respo ties
for the first quarter they are enrolled in ti.
lege: ?$&
a. To go down town only between the hours
of ()(� a. m. and 5:45 p. m. unless l:
ie church, when they shall return to the
campus within thirtj minutes after tne
close of the church, service.
b. To file a slip in the office of the Dea of
Women ami to be accompanied by an ap-
proved chaperone when wishing to
meals with or without a date and go to
the show in the afternoon down tow:
between the hours of 3:30 p. m. and 7:30
p. m.
c. To file a slip in the office of the Dean of
Women and to be accompanied by an ap-
proved chaperone when wishing to bav
dinner down town between the hours of
5:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.
d. To limit the week ends spent off campu
to three the first quarter they are enroll-
ed in the college.
o. To limit their dates to six a month tin
first quarter they are enrolled in the col-
Section 4. In addition, women members who are
upperclassmen shall assume the responsibilities in-
dicated below:
a. To be accompanied by someone, to sign
out on the dormitory register, and to re-
frain from loitering when going down
town or having dinner down town anj
b. To file town dinner date slips in the off he
of the Dean of Women, or with the par-
lor hostess on Sunday.

Section 5. In addition, junior or senior women
members who have an average of a "3" ami a cleat
student government record shall assume the re-
responsibilities indicated below:
a. To have the following permit mailed di-
rectly to the office of the Dean of
Women if wishing to have the privilege
of riding in the evening with friends to
stated destination:
"My daughter
has my permission with your ap-
proval and subject to college regu-
lations, to ride with friends in the
evening between 6:30 p. m. and
10:00 p. m
b. To get permission from the office of the
Dean of Women when wishing to have a
riding and dinner date from 2:00 p in.
until 10:00 p. m.
Section 6. Violations of these by-laws shall be
punishable in one of the following ways:
a. Call downs shall be given for minor of-
b. Social privileges shall be removed for late
returns and other abuses of social
c. "Campusing" shall be the punishment
given for abuse of town privileges or so-
cial privileges.
d. Restriction, which shall include removal
of all social and off campus privileges
and all social contacts with other students
on the campus or in the dormitories,
nail be given for major offenses.
e. Suspension and expulsion shall be re-
commended to the Discipline Committee
for serious major violations.
Section 7. The express "clear student govern-
ment record shall be interpreted to mean that a
member has not been restricted nor suspended and
granted re-admittance. A member who has received
one of the penalties mentioned above may have his
student government record declared clear by the
Student Cooperative Council upon his presenting
to the Council a good citizenship record for three
consecutive quarters on the campus following the
date of his punishment.




The Teco Echo, April 5, 1943
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
April 05, 1943
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