The Teco Echo, March 6, 1942

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Number 10
National Symphony
Presents Concert
Here March 4th
ra of Greenville
,1 man often call-
most rt-markable
� conductors in
States on March 4.
Kindler raised
egin the National
Orchestra's concert
� the program was
S �� phony in
ch was presented
ments. Particular-
ly was the massive
first movement.
: string plucking
-n Horn solo in the
ncert was opened
' . rturt. Di
and closed with
�� re popular class-
� na by Tchaikov-
ach by Bach and
Pictured is Savonne Mathews, senior from Kipling. N. C.
who was recently chosen 1942 Varsity Club Sweetheart by the
members of the Varsity Club. Savonne is the third student to
hold this honor and will be sponsor for the Varsity Club in all its
Dr. Handler's bound-
and the enthsusiasm
rit, as well as through
genius, this conduc-
the amazingly short
years developed a
players into an inte-
. nic organization.
3 not only with
. but combines the
ith with the confi-
f maturity.
National Symphony's
development � it
.bliely rated among
� ading major sym-
rtras of this coun-
d even Dr. Kind-
lescribe his organization
- y �
as borne as large a
responsibility for
ra's artistic achieve-
I r. Kindler himself. To
he insisted on play-
ild Bfive more to the
than instrumental
He demanded their
I i , m Paqe Four
Savonne Mathews Chosen
1942 Varsity Sweetheart
H. V. Kaltenborn,
ews Analyst,
Here March tSfi
H v Kaltenborn, who is of-l
'(.? nnken of as the world's!
�nosi outstanding radio oom-j
mentotor and news analyst, "ill
'(.r-t'o-o n ;1( Robert H. Wright
Auditorium on Wednesday eve-
ninr. March 25th. under the
tnsnice f the Greenville News
1 eader. local newspaper.
After his one hour address on
the DTaent world situation. Mr.
Kaltenborn will eive his audi-
ence the privilege of asking
questions for one half hour.
Having traveled extensively
in foreign countries and having
lived in many of them. Mr. Kal-
tenborn knows every habit and
phase of living in the countries
now engaged in conflict, which
enables him to put across to the
American people the important
factors of the war.
Besides Mr. Kaltenborn. the
city is looking forward to hav-
ing here the Governor, State
Congressmen. Attorney General
of North Carolina, and the
United States Controller of
Currency. Honorable Josephus
Daniels has sent his congratula-
tions to "the city and institu
Members of the student body will go to the polls Tuesday,
March 10, 1942 to elect the student government oficers, editors
and business managers of the three publications, representatives
to the publications board, and house presidents for the coming
Rules regarding the general campus elections have been
announced by the Womens Student Government Association and
re as follows:
H. V. Kaltenborn, noted
radio commentator and news
analyst, who will lecture at the
Robert H. Wright Building
Wednesday night at 8:00
o'clock. This lecture is being
sponsored by the Greenville
News Leader and tickets to the
lecture may be secured from
their offices.
Freshman Class
vokes Nominations
For 1943 Officers
1 The polls will be held in
front of the "Y" store in the
j Austin Building from 8:00
A. M. until 5:00 P. M.
i 2. Each student, as he is pre-
I sented a ballot must have his
j name checked off the official
i college roll.
3. 11 is requested that no one
! be allowed to loaf around the
I polls, and that the balloting be
1 done in a business-like manner.
The following members of
'the Election committee will be
'A Doll's House'
Recent Production
Of Chi Pi Players
Members of the
class met last Tuesday night to
nominate officers for the com-
'V Vm Thf?n�frCerS SFJIta charge of the polls: Dorothy
elected March 10 along with the Rallantino. chairman; Frances
'Sutherland. Dorothy Dalrymple,
and Mary Harvey Ruffin.
Tomorrow Night
� r "he Senior-Sopho-
dance and party have
dieted according to
Senior class
Savonne Matthews, pretty
blonde senior from Kipling,
N. C. was recently chosen 1942
Varsity Club Sweetheart by the
members of the College Varsity
Club. Savonne was presented to
the student body as Varsity
Sweetheart at a square dance
held February 21st. Her ident-
ity was kept a secret until the
night of the dance, at which
time Charles Futrelle announced
her as the 1942 Sweetheart and
presented her with a certifi-
cate making her an honorary
member of the Varsity Club and
the sponsor for all its social ac-
tivities for the year.
Savonne who first made her
appearance in this world
nineteen years ago. is majoring
in Physical Education and
Science and hopes to finish her
college career in June. She
transferred here two years ago
from Louisburg Junior College,
where she was chosen the most
popular girl in her senior class.
When asked how it felt to be
the sweetheart of thirty one
boys all at one time, she flash-
ed vour reporter one of those
beautiful smiles and laughing-
ly said. "Wonderful!
Junior Plans
For Spring Prom
Well Underway
Members of the Junior Class
have already begun making
plans for the annual Junior-
Senior Prom, to be held this
year Saturday. April 18. 1942
in the Robert H. Wright Mem-
orial Auditorium.
Several orchestras are now
some under consideration and already
a large number of student have
signified their intention of at-
tending the dance by signing
up. In addition to the Dance,
the Juniors are giving a party
for those students who do not
enjoy dancing.
Joyce Dunham, president of
the Junior Class, has appoint-
ed the following persons as
chairman of the various com-
mittees to work out the details
of the dance. Decorations, Anne
Povthress; Orchestra, Norman
Wiikerson: Figure, Margie Da-
vis � Refreshments, Adminta
wouM be" carried SaTonnThas proven herself to pure- PrograrnVirgU Ward;
he decorations. Instru- be a very versatile individual in Invitations. �J�??fc
al in carrving out the plans that she does everything from Chaperones. Jane Curnn, and
n the following commit- playing on the girls varsity bas-1 Party C ommittee, Lucy War
rmen- Invitation com ketball team to being chairman , ren.
e. Rosebud Gaylord; Music:of the decorating committee for
.4 Doll's House, Henrik Ib-
sen's famous problem play, with
a cast of experienced drama-
tion upon acquiring such a great lists, was presented by the Chi
speaker and i n t e r n a t i o n- i Pi Players Thursday and Fri-
al figure day nights, February 26 and
In addition to Mr. Kaltenp, in Austin Auditorium,
horn's address, the North Caro- Denton Rossell. teacher in the
lina Symphonic Choir, under the music department, took the role
direction of Mr. Lewis Sidney of Torvald Helmer. Ruth Bray
Bullock, will appear on the pro- was Nora, his doll-wife. Sup-
gram The program is sponsor- porting them were Dr. Mere-
ed by the Greenville News- dith N. Posey of the English
Leader for recreational and edu- faculty and Richard G. Walser,
cational interests. Tickets are dramatics and English teacher
given free with each threeat Greenville high school as Dr.
months subscription
to the
Practice Teaching
Program Expanded
To Nearby Towns
Rith Knowles, senior ciasa ij bw. - "r u f Una
� - I- ,as decided by the;they are a swell bunch of boys .
, that the theme of St. I one especially.
Rank and Nils Grogstad.
Mrs. Linden, friend of Nora
ami loved by Krogstad, was
played by Miss Agnes W. Bar-
Nurse Anna was portrayed by
Miss Stella Grogan of the col-
lege infirmary, the porter by
William McHenry of the indus-
trial arts faculty, and Ellen, the
maid, by Hazel Harris.
The roles of the three Helmer
children were taken by Lenna
Rose, Billy Laughinghouse, and
Douglas McLeod, as Emmy,
Ivar. and Bob.
A Doll's House is the story of
other campus elections.
Candidates for the office of
president are Harry Jarvis and
Mary Brown, while Charles
Cushman, Ann Morris, Willie
Mae Daniels, Alice Wiggins and
Dorothy Johnson are competing
for the office of vice-president.
Those running for Secretary
are: Betty Batson, Rebecca
Willis, Dorothy Denning, Flor-
ene Home, Camille Jernigan,
Mary Windley, Frankie Taylor
and Ruth Alford. In the race
for Treasurer are: Forine
Clarke, Joyce Watson, Carlyle
Oglesby, Frances Lewis, Eu-
genia Marshburn, and Robert
Other officers to be elected
at this time will be representa-
tives to the Men's and Women's
Student Government Associa-
tion and representatives to the
three publications.
The new officers will go into
office the last two weeks of the
spring quarter.
Polls for the Freshman elect-
ions will be held in front of the
"Y" store next to the Student
Government polls.
Chapel Programs
With the steadily increasing
number of practice teachers at
East Carolina Teachers College
practice teaching facilities have a man whose wife is only a doll
expanded until this term, in adto him. to be pamnered
ittee. Helen Wolfe: Deco-
q committee. Savonne
hews: Chaperon committee,
ne Warren: and Refresh-
� committee. Sue Foy. Music
the occasion v. ill be furnish-
Billy Knauff and his
Approximately five hundred
� are expected to attend
affair which will be held
8:30 until 11:45 P. M. in
the Wright Memorial Building
on March 7.
he com ng Senior-Sophomore
dance. In between her work on
her manv and varied activities
she is usually seen about campus
with that smiling mountaineer,
Flovd Woody.
This vear is the third year
that the Varsity Club has chosen
a sponsor for their organiza-
tion. The first Varsity
dition to Greenville High
School, six High Schools in
neighboring towns are coopera-
ting in the program. Greenville,
Williamston, Robersonville,
Chocowinity, Aurora, Murfrees-
boro, and Goldsboro accommo-
date twenty-eight student teach-
ers serving as apprentices un
olayed with. They are apparent-
lv happy until a crisis, exposing
Those running for the vari-
ous offices are as follows:
Candidates for President of
the Women's Student Govern-
ment Association are Bessie
Fay Hunt, Estelle Davis, Mar-
gie Davis, Inez Stephenson, and
Nell McCullen.
Nominees for vice-president
are Jane Vann and Margaret
Russell; secretary, Frances
Newby, Joyce Watson, and Eu-
genia Marshburn; Treasurer,
Aileen Haynes, Elizabeth Craw-
ford, and Virginia Cooke;
Chairman of the campus com-
mittee. Dorothy Pearsall, and
Catherine Kyzer; and day stu-
dent representative to the stu-
dent council, Christine Hellen,
Frances Tunstall. and Laura
Ruth Tucker, Mary Emma
Jeferson, Bonnie Davis, and
Merle Slater are nominees for
representatives to the Publica-
tion board.
Ann Poythress and Janie
j Eakes are running for editor
of the Tecoan and Lois Ses-
� soms and Dorothy Davis for
business manager of the Te-
Nominees for Teco Echo edi-
tor are Maribelle Robertson
and Rosalie Brown for Teco
Echo business manager, Harry
Jarvis and Garnette Cordle.
Burchie Smith and Mildred
I Beverly are candidates for edi-
At the regular chapel period
on February 24 Dr. A. D.
Frank, head of the history de-
partment, spoke briefly on the
sneeeh of President Roosevelt
Fagreed with the j ofP-es OWit and Mary
president when he said that the Jordan is candidate for busi-
nation should not be too opto- ness manager,
mistic now for we cannot hope Those running for house
for an easv victory. Before we, president of Cotton Hall are
can hope for victory we must, Katherine Morton, Dorothy Sas-
be willing to make the necessary ser, Zalia Carowan, El si e
sacrifices. "We must realize Cherry, Sue Parker, and Betsy
trickery makes her I stated Dr. Frank, "that in these Rollins,
e din she s happy mher doll times it is impossible for the Ranolda Lee Willie M a e
role leovernment to tell us all that is Daniel, Arline Mercer, Ovelia
The play closes with the j going on, for if they did it
wife's leaving to grow up and might endanger all of us for
to educate herself. i at the same time we would be
Mr Rossell, who took the giving information to
Price, Sarah Hunter, and Dons .
Hockaday have been nominated
for house president of Fleming
See Elections on Page Four
Association Post
Held By Meadows
President Leon R. Meadows
of East Carolina Teachers Col-
Sweet- j etre was elected a member of.
hxrt was Jean Wendt and the the executive committee of the r00m teacher, helping to direct
5er Sperilnced TritTterl I same' role" in" a summer produc-1 enemy, "In conclusion Dr. Frank
der expenenceu itacners dramatic stated that " at present we are
The expansion program hasi lce, to his credit, among on the defensive but when we
most affected the home eco- IgJ?1t roles !ro on the offensive side of this
nomics department. Nineteen of th.opeiaticioies k
the student teachers in neigh- h. who i agor!m5st'wait and have faith in 0Ur
boring towns are home eco- J 'M ,agt-
nomics majors
The plan by which these ' Mr Waiser, who is president
home economics girls work in- f)f tne North Carolina Drama-
eludes, besides regular classL Association, is well-known
duties, assistance to a home
second Frances Roebuck.
Prof Writes Article
Commerce Club
To Give Dance
According to Merle Slater,
president, the Commerce Club
will give a square dance in the
Campus Building Saturday eve-
ning. March 21. 1942
The October issue of Science
Education published an article
on "The Scientific Articles in
a Popular Magazine" written by
Dr. W. S. DeLoach of the E. C-
T C. Science Department. The
article dealt with all the scien-
tific material appearing in Life
magazine during 1940. Dr. De-i
National Association of Teach
ers Colleges for a period of
three years at the annual meet-
ing of the association held re-
cently in San Francisco, accord-
ing to a news story in the At-
lanta Journal this past week.
As vice-president, Dr. Meadows
had already served on the ex-
ecutive committee during the
'past year.
Perhaps the most important
by the association
Iach stated that. since "tt�w� �$���l�Z�l
general public edfet Georgia! &
ThoSe AlasssTi&M y�-
e'oT divulged the, newspapers, magazines, r
some extra-curricular activity,
making home visits, and super-
vision of home projects in the
In the fall of 1940, twoj
neighboring high schools served
as student training centers with
five girls practice teaching in
science, commerce, and home
In the winter term twelve
girls taught in the two schools,
living in the communities for
the first time.
The present program of the;
home economics
with the' supervisal work in
other towns began when
through the allocation by
in North Carolina for his di-
See Chi Pi on Page Four
Christian Groups
Hold Vespers
On the Assembly program �
March 3rd was a short talk by Reverend Perry, pastor of
Dr. Brooks, college physician;the Jarvis Memorial Methodist
and a French play presented by j Church, was guest speaker for
the students
b partment.
of the French de
Guess Who?
Well, the charming little
gent in knee pants and his dog
that you saw in the last issue
waS( none other than Joseph
Staton, now an East Carolina
Teachers College Senior
and!the dog was Fritz, famous
in (jlreenville for his ferocious
attitude. And since we're speak-
half of the stu-
about it and we'll give you
free ticket to the movies . . . .
It's a date then. We'll be wait-
band for the occasion.
This will be the third square
dance held on the Campus and
is expected to be as successful
as the ones held previously. In
our interview with Merle Slat-
er he only said, "Just pack up
vour troubles in something and
come on down to the campus
building Saturday, March 21st,
and we guarantee everybody a
good time
fini W �Z nTwha!asSub�ecnt? I "vent" these institutions from
Ctot emphasis wafS meeting the standards of the
Placed Dr. DeLoach found that, association.
lf. ing of Fritz,
department dent recognized the dog before
they recognized Joe. We hope
Joe didn't mind being second.
the! ThOse who won tickets for iden-
TeS jerSment to the Citifying the picture w� Junior,
lege of George Dean funds, Helms and Mildred L.
in Life, the articles were classi-
fied as astronomy, medicine,
and natural science with physi-
cal and biological sciences lead-
ing, and little or no emphasis
being placed on anthropology,
b a c te r i o 1 o g y, biochemistry,
chemistry, and geology.
Dr. Meadows has just re-
turned from a three-weeks'
trip to the west coast to attend
the meeting of this organiza-
tion and that of the American
Association of School Adminis-
trators. Mrs. Meadows accom-
panied him on the trip.
College was able to add a new
teacher in Home Economics
Education, Mrs. Ethel R. Wat-
ters. resident teacher-trainer in
the field and supervision of the
practice teaching of the depart-
In addition to home econom-
ics, science is being taught in
Murfreesboro, and commerce in
Avcock and Sophomore Carol
Leigh Humphries. Charles Fut-
relle turned in the picture.
For this issue we have another
male student and he hasn't
changed a bit in all these years.
If you know him, . . . . and of
course you do , just drop
by the staff room between 1:30
and 2:00 o'clock Friday after-
noon, March 6, and le� us know
the weekly vesper service held
in Austin Auditorium Sunday,
February 22nd. The service was
sponsored by the college Y. M.
C. A. and Y. W. C. A.
Mr. Perry used as his theme
the "Quality of Our Lives Dur-
ing the course of his speech, he
drew a comparison between the
life of Christ and that of Me-
thuselah. The latter lived over
nine hundred years, while the
former lived only thirty-three.
In spite of the shortness of his
life. Christ contributed more to
mankind than Methuselah.
Mr. Perry pointed out that
we should get the most possible
out of our lives. To get the most
out of life we must get all of
everything put before us. Ap-
preciation of good books, art,
and music contribute much to a
full life. Mr. Perry closed by
sayincr that a person should look
for the best in life and that if
he were perservering he would
find what he looked for.
Guest speaker for the vesper
services, March 1st, was the
Rev. John Armfield, rector of
St. Paul's Episcopal Church,
who spoke on "Organized Reli-


The Teco Echo
Published Biweekly by the Student of East Carolina
Teachers College
Entered as second-class matter December 3, 1925, at the U. S.
Tost off ice, Greenville, N. C under the act of March 3, 1879.
Mary D. Horne Editor-in-Chief
Margaret Russell Margie Dudley
Margie Davis Maribelle Robertson
Jennings Ballard
Jimmy GlANAKOS Sports Editor
Charles craven Associate Sports Editor
Mary Agnes Deal Business Manager
Franklin Kyser Harry Jarvis
Mary Harvey Ruffin Rose Carlton Dunn
Garnette Cordle Doris Hockaday
(athy Hester Helen Page Johnson
Photograph Fenley Spear
Editorial Adviser LOIS GRIGSBY
Business Adviser Beecher Flanagan
Technical Adviser Sherman M. Parks
North Carolina Collegiate Press
PhSOCbled Gofle&iale Press National Advertising Service, Inc.
CalUtt Publishers Reprttentative
Diitribmor of 410 Maoimmi Avi. NiwYowlN.Y.
Cblle6�ale Di6est �����.���. �-�.
Interest In Elections
Editors and other staff members of the campus publications
are to v selected March 10th. At the same time, members of
the Women's Student Government Association will go to the polls
and elect their officers for the coming "year. We wish to commend
those who were responsible for the mass meeting at which time
the candidates were introduced. The discussion which followed,
even though it was a little late in really getting started, was an
encouraging indication that ECTC students are taking an in-
creased interest in campus affairs. This expression of opinion
concerning student elections was ,we believe, sincere, and truly
the student's honest opinion. This is the inly truly democratic
way to conduct an election. Every side has a chance to express
their views, and members of the student body have a chance to
acquaint themselves with all candidates.
In the past, too many offices have been more or less "in-
herited" here with the incumbent saying who shall be his suc-
cessor. In other cases, elections have been to some extent popu-
larity contests. This has not been the case in every election, but
there is plenty of evidence to show that it has been true in many
instances. As a result, in the past we have had a few students
elected to twice as many offices as they could possibly hold suc-
cessfully; and other organizations have had mediocre leaders
because the students were not interested enough to select good
ones. It is time for the students to try even harder than ever be-
fore to elect candidates on the basis of their qualifications for
that office. Investigate for yourself and then cast your ballot
on the basis of intelligent reasoning. DO NOT FORGET TO
Six More Days
And Some Minutes
And Then
Overheard: six days, two
hours, ten minutes, then the
good Iord only knows what. In
case you haven't done much
visiting during these perilous
days, the latest method for re-
cording time is to string a
month of paper dolls across the
room, and eliminate one a day
as a milestone. Wonder if this
unique style could be any means
be traced to a practice of some
our students who believe in
stringing 'em?
The last one to leave is a
sissy, or is he the one who re-
members to sign out? Anyway,
all evidence points to the belief
that E. C. T. C. will be a dull
spot from noon March 12th un-
til March 19th. The only com-
plaint we've heard comes from
New River. What will all those
marines do that week-end? Oh
well, there are enough of them
(8000) to worry about that,
why should we?
A word from the wise: Be
sure to make those seven days
count (for better or for worse).
Eat, drink, and ride, for tomor-
row you may walk!
We grant you this March
wind may be plenty strong, but
we warn you; we accept it as
no excuse for anyone getting
swept off his feet. In other
words, we are expecting every-
body back next quarter hale,
hearty, and happy.
Same Old Question Again
Bombs Or Cigarettes, Or?
By Margie Davis
You've heard the old saying,
"Believe nothing you happen to
hear and onlv half of what you
nots" going to be placed? Oh
well, here's hoping that we will
suffice to remind you that next
Friday is Friday 13th, and any-
thing can happen. Beware of
the Ides of March!
Help Wanted�And Needed
From many sources comes the feeling that the East Carolina
Teachers College Department of Music must have additional
physical space, as well as a larger faculty and "better equipment
Especially do the music majors realize the need.
The lack of space in which to work effectively and the lack
of instructors to accommodate the requests of students are not!sPiratlon in store for you.
Gee whiz, where is that list)see?" Wel1- since a nalf of a nalf.
of "Thou shalts and thou shalt'is a fourth, you might want to
apply that figure to the news
you read in a paper called the
Teco Echo.
Our most humble apologies,
dear students, but it's those
orange buckets again! Dearie
me! I feel like a merry-go-
round !
At first, a rumor was swept;
or may'e "dusted" around the1
campus, that those orange buc-
kets were to be used for incen-
diary bombs. All right, all right,
we accepted that�though I
shall admit�a few smiles were
exchanged�B-U-T�Miss Arly
V. Moore emphatically stated
Old Tecoans
"Versatile" is an overworked word in
the writer is to be entirely truthful that is tl
to describe Joyce Dunham. Of course this is no1
that can be applied to this campus personality. T
of others�industrious, unassuming, capable,
tious, conversable, and intellectual.
Since Joyce embarked on her career al 1
it evident through the way she has ���ii
she has the makings of a true
leader. As president of the Jun-
ior Y Cabinet and of the Junior
class, Joyce has shown that she
knows how to maintain the top-
notch offices and yet work well
with the group regardless of its
size. Her widespread interest in
the arts, music and literature,
and her knowledge of ECTC stu-
dents has been a valuable aid in
her work on the entertainment
Perhaps the featured one's
most favorite interest is the lan-
guages, namely, English, French,
and Spanish. These are her ma-
jors. This is outgrowth of a
strong like for these subjects in-
culcated in her high school days
at Wilmington High. Since last
year she has been a member of
the Phi Sigma Chapter of Sima Pi Alpha,
language fraternity. This year she acts as seen b
the local chapter.
Joyce must have a way with money for sh
of the Woman's Student Government As-
her conscientious performance of duty in this
to her nomination for the presidency for th
Believe it or not this issue's "cornered"
quotations and poems. In case you're hard up am
look her up in the library where she has beei
her freshman year.
She must have what it takes for she was
the pages of "Who's Who Among Students in An
ties and Colleges
adje �
re di
If you would like to secure one
or several copies of TECOANS of
former years to complete your
file, for reference, or to send to
a friend, you may be able to se-
cure the copy de.sired at the of-
fice buildinp. We have on hand
for distribution the number of j
copies indicated by years as list-
ed below. They were turned over
to us by the Tecoan staff. Please
come and get the copies desired
at once before they are disposed
Yr. No. Copies Yr. No. Copies
1923 165 1928 3
1924 8 1932 19
1925 14 1933 50
1927 11 1934 23
February 27, 1942
Howard J. McGinnis, Registrar.

As you know, plans are under
way for the Easter Pageant.
The old version is to be pre- ,
sented this year instead of the those containers were to be uarf
new one as was once planned.
Persons who had parts in the
performance last Easter will
have the opportunity to take
them again this season. Tryouts
for all untaken parts on March
4th decided who will complete
the cast. Those of you saw the
pageant last Easter remember
how impressive it was and you
who haven't seen it have an in-
so that cigarettes could be -
extinguished and chewing gum Junior and Senior Girls
wrappers could be discarded. At a recent call meeting of
Very well, this statement the Junior class, Miss Mary
was acknowledged also, and all Robertson, our college nurse,
previous ideas and claims on gave a most interesting and
the subject were dropped. challenging talk on the field of
Now, in just a moment, 1j nursing. Her topic was, "Do
shall let your eyes rest upon a! You Want to Be a Nurse?" Miss
last statement and one which I i Robertson outlined the numer-
assure you is entirely authenic. j ous advantages of holding a
Mr. William McHenrv of the!nursm� position and the great
To the Editor:
It seems that by the time young people are
live away from home as we do at E. C. T. C. 31 1
have more respect for each other than we hav
ring to the noise that is made in the dormil
o'clock each night. I speak only of Gotten Don
heard girls from other dormitories say the same.
Some people don't realize that some of us havi
during the day and are ready to go to deep
understood that some E. C. T. C. student- seei
hawks, but if they MUST be up until the we
can't the? remain up without so much noise V
at the other end of the hall (and making her hear
is much trouble as taking a few extra st-
her room. Radios are another item that should
We all enjoy them, but there is a limit to all thin
down at a reasonable hour! We know that th
come on late at night, but we must remember that
sibility that our next door neighbor might not
hear them as you are. Another annoying unnec 3SJ
which is made by slamming doors. Most doors h
will close without so much force. Slamming room
of ill-breeding and can be overcome!
These are a few points that I have wanted I
can be avoided. I hope this will be construct
sure that I am not alone when I say that E. C. T. !
would be much more pleasant to live in if the si
show a little consideration for the "fellow next door1
�Just Another Member of ti SI

is '
. mark
I an:

only retarding immeasurably student development but are: It is one thing to have some- Tndustrial Arts Department had nee( f�r all types of nurses in
definitely lessening teacher enthusiasm and efficiencv. Each one get
quarter dozens of students who seek private instruction have to
be turned down because the teachers' schedules are so overloaded
that they can find no time for additional pupils. It is not fair to
these students that really want to better themselves in their
music activities. The ones in authority should investigate this
matter and make plans for supplying an additional teacher, or
teachers if need be, in order to provide adequate instruction to
the students. Though students and faculty members are proud
of many of the educational advantages available in the school,
they should be ashamed and embarrassed that the music majors
are suffering thus.
The fact that teachers and students having classes in Austin
are continuously disturbed throughout the day by voice and in-
strumental students, emphasizes the now-existing need for action
Nine practice rooms cannot accommodate satisfactorily forty-
odd music students taking from one to three courses requiring
the use of practice rooms which are open only nine hours a day.
Not only are the students cramped for time, but they are further
inconvenienced when teachers knock on the door and ask them
to either tone down their vocalizing, or their playing, or move to
another practice room. Though perhaps the noise is annoving to
those nearby, the students who have to pay quarterly to use these
rooms have a perfect right to stay on until their scheduled time
is up.
Perhaps the best solution to this problem is to house the
music department in a building all its own. However we realize
that this would necessitate a building problem which is practical-
ly impossible in this time of crisis. Though the best solution is
mentioned, there are other workable suggestions for remedying
this situation. Is the entire third floor of Austin in use? Has any-
one thought of the possibility of transforming the space there
into additional practice rooms? Practicing there would minimize
the disturbance of other classes and would alleviate the necessity
of evacuating the practice rooms on the dot of the hour Of course
the remodeling would call for a change in the school budget but
is not this young, though promising department worthy of addi-
tional funds with which to operate?
It seems that now is the right time for the administration to
join hands with the music department and see that immediate
action is taken. The situation is certainly worthy of such atten-
tion If this is to be a Grade A college each department in turn
must be Grade A.
up and make a long
speech about keeping
thirty five of those five gallon tne present crisis. She urged all
paint cans put in the various'wno were interested to please
There Are Many Ways To Lick The Japs
Defense efforts have not been in vain on our campus, but it
seems to us that one very important matter has been given little
attention. Every week end brings a number of men in the ser-
vice to our campus seeking entertainment and relaxation. How-
ever they don't always get it. We would not say that they are
boycotted or shuned, but just politely ignored.
There are two types of girls involved in this situation. One
of these girls is so arrogant and egoistical that even when the
future of her country, her life, and happiness is affected, she can
not shed her royal cloak of behavior to the extent of volunteering
a friendly hello or an encouraging smile to men in uniform. She
does not dare lower herself so much as to dance with the service
men that come to the campus building, searching for compion-
up the moral and being coura- buildings, to be used for in-l ive tne idea further considera-
cendiary bomb fragments. If tion.
you need enlightments as to just v D C
what an incendiary bomb frag
geous in war times when one
knows that that person will
never have to serve, and quite
another to listen to a boy who ment is�all
is in service, with all its doubt
ful consequence, talk of faith
and courage. That is what Char-
les McAdams, president of the
State College "Y" did in his
sneech at the Friday evening
Vesper service. After a pep
talk like his, all of us should
feel equal to saving more dimes,
knitting more sweaters, and
saying more prayers for the
lads in camp. If we are to ex-
pect them to win this war we
can't afford to forget to keep
the home fires burning.
Girls, what is happening to
you during Sunday night ves-
ner hour? There has been a
considerable drop in the atten-
dance lately. At first you were
generous with your support.
Have you lost interest or is it
just that it's near the end of a
quarter? If the speakers are
willing to dedicate part of their
time to us, we should appreciate
it enough to go listen to what
they have to say. Each one has
a message that is worth hear-
right�I'll tell
facts as they were
you a few
told to me.
1. A lighted fragment burns
at a temperature of 2000 de-
grees F. which is rather warm.
2. If picked up in a shovel
and held only one half a minute,
the end of the shovel will drop Forensic Club
Merle Slater, vice-president of
the Young Democratic Club,
presided at the latest meeting
held on Friday evening, Febru-
jary 26, at 6:30 P. M. Plans
'were discussed for an amateur
program to be presented dur-
ing spring quarter.
All students who are interest-
's. If picked up in the hand, e in forensic work are asked to
you may find yourself minus a
few phalanges.
4. A fragment placed in wa-
ter will continue to burn there-
by causing a steam explosion.
5. The only way a bomb frag-
ment may be extinguished is by
covering it with sand.
I quote Mr. McHenry who
"It is not a new idea and it
is not a beautiful idea, but if
ever the occasion may arrive
whereby the buckets must be
used, I hope the sand in them
is clean enough to extinguish it
I am not saying it can happen
here, but I am saying�it
might happen here
ship and relaxation. She doesn't dare risk a chance of being
"stuck" for more than one piece by breaking on a Marine It is
most unfortunate that such idea constitute the make up of some
of the American college girls, and especially some of those on
our own campus. She doesn't seem to realize that all men are be-
ing armed now. Men are being drafted or enlisting from every
walk of life. Movie stars, the President's sons, college boys
brothers, cousins, and uncles; all are in this fight.
On the other hand we have the loyal American girl. She
realizes that there are many ways to be patriotic and to help win
this war. She hasn't blotted her character or disgraced herself
when she acts courteous and friendly to the service men. She is
helping with the morale. Girls can encourage these boys to do
the best job of what is ahead.
From now on there are going to be an even greater number
of service men on this campus. Why not try to make their days
away from the monotomy of camp life entertaining. You can do
it�and believe you, me you'll be doing a great job for Uncle
bam. His nephews aren't much good to him if their morale is
low. Yo� can build it up�and we think you will
meet tonight, Friday, March 6
in room 109 of Austin, at 7:30
P. M. o'clock.
Science Club
Interesting and detail ma-
terial on fossils, was presented
to members of the Science Club
at a recent meeting held in the
new classroom Building on
March 3, 1942 at 6:30 P. M.
Lanier Society
A social presented for all
members of the Lanier Society
was announced by the president,
Estelle Davis. The partv was
held in the "Y" hut on" Tues-
day evening, March 3.
by Uno Who
Oh, here we go round the campus again, oh h
the neck in other words, boys 'n gals, here w .
again and it seems that somebody does read this
all. Of course this is strictly confidential and all,
that letter Norman Wilkerson wrote advertising for i Vw-
he got one . . and oh, boy . . what a girl! She- I -� xvr-
Texas way�namely Dallas. You know Sheridan an Ginger
Rogers hail from there. "Wilk" keeps wonderinu an ;ine
his fingers crossed over a rabbit's left hind fool th ve
up to the standards. By the way, any of the real wart w
to "advertise" for you.
Several issues ago we suggested that Billy (Kid) Gn
make a choice and stop keeping all the gals in suspense. Well, it
looks like the rest of us women can let our hair string and leave
off our best "face cause William has made the decision, ana
the winner is none other than Ellen Maddrey. Nice catch
that statement can be taken either way.
And now, folks, here's a scoop what is one! Dot Dalyrmple
and Charlie Marks are sho' co'tin these days anil Polly Parrott
and Norman Mayo make it a foursome. Nice for a game of
bridge, eh Dot?
Speaking of bridge, reminds me of another card game which
is fast becoming popular in the parlors of this institution. "SpanK
Tail Hearts and what I've seen of this peculiar game . �
I'd hate to be the loser in some of the rougher sessions!
"Would-be. Varsity Club Sweetheart Delia Strickland, and
"Manteo Red' 'seem to be that-a-way. Yes, it could he.
"Any irons today? Any irons to give away . . " seems to
be the theme song of all the girls' dorms these days. And WJ
about the "December 7 attack Council pulled last Wednesday
Lose any sleep, you naughty girls?
Seems that ye oP Teco Echo Staff room is the ideal place for
the budding of these tender young romances . . for example-
Doris Brock and Walter Mallard.
Incidentally that's not all the staff room's good for either-
There's always a game of bridge going on midst all the dirt ana
debris. Of course, we are not referring to the guests. Or are e
Getting back to bridgethe editor has declared that there
will be a bridge tournament in the staff room next week and thai
the proceeds will go towards founding a fund to pay for janitor
P. S. You get all the advance seum free. 1
Bob Young and Nancy Wynne must have met in a revw
ving dooranyway they've been going around togetne
Pleasant's Drug seems to be the regular Sunday night hangj
out for some of the more serious couples. I wonder why-
could be the privacy, eh, "Tuck"? nrV-
Next Tuesday, March 10, is 'Lection Day. DONT FORW1
This Collegiate World
By Associated Collegiate Press
Texas Tech's Prof. Truman
Camp figures his occupation has
received the wrong listing in the
telephone directory.
It all started with this mys-
terious telephone call: "Got any
cabins?" inquired a voice over
the wire.
"Cabins?" the professor em-
claimed. "You must have the
m��V�? 4850�Camp Tru- history of E. C. T. C. After all, it's up to you
Dr. Camp looked himself up
JJ Let's have some hot campaigning and politicing . � -J&�
and help make this election the best in
Do yon know why they "died with their boots on"� � �
:� u r � , , �� keeP from hurting their toes when they kicked the bucket.
Hsted riSt WWJj�f r? " ?7' sPeakin�. of toes, guess I'd better get to heck out of hj
Diril Jov liS? .Sfn fflbefore I 8tep oa �M�dy's toes, or worse still, before anybody
uixie, joy, Texas, and Comfort steps on my corns.
nd ij

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iS2L6- ika
MARCH 6, 1942

4 Dalyrtm
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I neW-
ta Or are
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and together
day night hang;
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�ON r feeep
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before an'bo4J
Jimmy Gianakos
.1 Peek Into The Past
issue we write ftnia to another chapter in ECTC
and look wonderingly to the future's offerings.
i era looked surprisingly good in closing the
� i hanging up nine wins against a like number
.i t
uk Young. Floyd Woody. Wiley Brown. Dopey
Harris, and Clyde Mann all came
ow start to pull the team out
hion after a si
can t
boys have shown
mi up somew here
predict for next season, but with
under Coach Christenbury. we
near the top.
rime For Another Horsehide Season
sight to see those Pirate bats in
will call out his baseball candi-
Coach John
Pirate Basketeers
Complete Season
With Nine Wins
Final tabulations indicate
that the 1942 Pirate basketball
team rolled up 647 points in
copping nine wins. Their op-
ponents matched the Pirate's
victories with nine wins also.
Leading the Buc scoring
parade was big Jack Young,
junior forward who paced the
team with 170 points. Not far
behind him was Dopey Watson
with 164 markers. Third high
scorer was Billy Greene, who
as a sub scored 82 points.
Although this year's addition
didn't come close to last years
high scoring machine, which
averaged 52 points per game.
they, nevertheless, looked good,
at times. It was decidely a .500
ball club which although slow
Preparation For Baseball
Practice Gets Underway
Girl's Basketball
Team To Play
Final Game Tonight
game battery
ibove can well be called a preview of the opening
mates for Coach John's baseball aggregation. On
- -
days and get down to the task of preparing in getting started improved con- the left is Ray "Swamp Root" Sisk veteran catcher from last
I encounters, siderably during the latter'year who returns this quarter in fine shape to spark the spring
killer" task ahead is to develop a new hurling
i made doubly hard because of the lack of veteran
Pirate roster. ECTC hail its best season, howeve.r
uch circumstances, and who knows, we may be in for
is I Hir team afield appears to be okay, and with a
aid do very well. Probably the weakest link is in
- department, but this should work itself out in due
iting the season will be the
t" Feller under the harnes
tion. More than likely he
i1 fana will probably get a g
appearance here of Bob
3 of the Norfolk Naval
won't pitch over three
d idea of why he has
the big leagues for the past five years. Another
will be Sam Chapman, the hard hitting outfielder
Iphia Athletics. Recently hi' appeared on the cam-
All-American Chit Gladchuk. Gladehuk played center
ston College Football team of two years ago. They were
for a visit by Don Brock, our former basketball
� er they made a formidable looking trio.
And Dashes
- some talk of making Roland
to the campu
better known as "Pro-
milding addicts, football trainer next
know something about aiding sore muscles, any-
rn on hi- door reads. "Plea knok the janitor down befo
The new shower room in the gym is a reality now
5 spacious as we could have hoped for . . . The !
ists Oak Ridge which is looking
? ����m in many years, and that will have to
owner of the school of Oak Ridge stresses
ther sport, as he used to be a big-
part of the season. Biggest set campaign. Gassing
back of the year was the double j
deft at suffered at the hands of!
Atlantic Christian. The first j
game was very decisive, but thej
return match on the local court
was one of the most thrilling
games of the year.
The contest wasn't decided
until the final thirty seconds!
when Columbo sank a crip to
pull the Bulldogs ahead. The
most talented club to show here
was the Naval Training Station
quint which featured many all-
conference college players.
The basketball picture is con-
siderable brightened when the
high scoring Bees' total is add-
ed up. They came out on the
short end of only three games
while winning ten. In a twenty
minute session with the varsity
one night they played them
a standstill.
up will be Dick Gauldin, transfer from
Brevard College, who set up an enviable strike out record in
Junior College circles. Gauldin will be expected to share the major
burden in the present hurling plans but there's a possibility of
an old back injury slowing him up to some extent.
Westinghouse Apprentice
Takes Final Pirate Game
I a
forward to
This Week's
Outstanding Athlete
! Greene
The touring Westinghouse
Apprentice helped ECTC close
the basketball season February
20th and managed to win the
game 45-28. j
Antoleach. towering forward,
led the visitors with sixteen,
points and sparked his mates
with a fine floor game.
If the Pirates had kept up
10 their first half pace, it might
have been a different story.
Their fast breaking play before
intermission slowed up the Ap-
prentices and as the whistle
blew they held a bare two point
170 margin, the score being 17 to
The Pittsburg team complete
Little Hope Held
For Tennis Team
In Coining Season
There has been .iome "Red
Hot" basketball playing this
season among the fairer sex of
the campus. Strict competition
and good sportsmanship have
been the leading factors in the
series of games that have been
played between various "lady
teams" on the campus.
Due to the large number of
participants, the teams have
been grouped into afternoon
and night teams. Jarvis Hall
ranks top in the afternoon divi-
sion, while Cotten I holds the
bag for the night games.
The teams and their captains
are as follows:
Afternoon Division:
Jarvis Hall, captained by
Esther Parker.
Fleming Hall captained by
Pearl House.
Night Division'
Cotten Hall 1. captained by
Virginia "Sit" Knowles. who
has hit the basket quite fre-
quently in every game she
Cotten II. captained by Sue
Fleming Hall, captained by
Eunice Herring.
Jarvis I. captained by Mar-
garet Wood.
Jarvis II, captained by Sav-
onne Matthews.
Wilson Hall, captained by
J "Droop" Mishoe.
Dorothy "Swish" Dalrymple,
Cotten I Ace, takes honors for
high scorer of the night games.
Dot has been quite consistent
Everything is in readiness
but the weather, now, and with
a little cooperation from that
department, ECTC's baseball
candidates will be called out
soon to limber up those stiff
It's very unlikely that the
squad will not start organized
workouts until after spring holi-
days but in the meantime several
of these boys plan to take ad-
vantage of the extra time to get
in shape.
Mr. McHenry, ground super-
intendent will have the playing
field in its best condition in
many years. Most of the work
was finished after the football
season and the entire field was
leveled to afford the best drain-
Several of the games will
probably be played at the Guy
Smith Stadium in order to ac-
commodate overflowing crowds
expected for important games.
Chief interest lies in the local
appearance of Bob Feller and
Sam Chapman of the Norfolk
Training station. Several other
military units are up for con-
sideration by the schedule
makers and local fans may have
the opportunity of seeing quite
a few of baseball's brightest
stars in action here.
In commenting on present
prospects. Coach Christenbury
emphasized that his chief worry
lies in the pitching staff which
at this writing is a question
mark. Several holdovers from
last year who have demonstrat-
ed some pitching ability may be
converted into hurlers in an ef-
fort to bolster that department.
What with some mighty ex
cellent tennis courts to practice
on. it would seem that a good
racquet team should be forth-
"Tlh.S. however J�
mustered for intercol-1
rather doubtful whether a team
is seiao
m that you will find an individual so talented, or
d in the many different things that our own
Physical Education
G. H. S. Caps Crown
one of the best all-round
leader in a great many other I cornel
. which seems to be the present encouragement
� C. Young l
tea n h- cam'us. Bob is a
is tivities. When it's Bridgi
pastime among the stu-
Boh always gets the
He ha acted as
tain of the Pirate Basketeers
ast two seasons, and
treasurer of the YMCA.
lea playing Bridge.
ikea to spend his extra
stening to good music
the radio, especially by
MJller'� orchestra, and on
evening! If a Charlie
arthy. He also looks for-
: to all the dances, and he
� kssea a good movie. The
:ve of all favorites Is none
than "Gone With the
Before coming to East
Teachers College, Bob
� led Brevard Jr. College for
IX TthletiS anT'academics. After graduation there he
�� ed by the city of Brevard for a yearSuperintendent
� Public Recreation; however, m the fall ot 1940 he resigned
TSSJfUSSffm to keep scrap-books, and Bob makes
his fa onte hobby. Besides the scrap-book, he has a collec-
of trophies and medal, he has won at various county, state,
"rtrTr?nothing like a juicy steak for
With spring
it will
'anv old time
When it comes to eats,
km C P T next quarter and enlist in the L. 3, Army Air
Corps after getting his B. S. degree in June
Here's luck to you "Pawnee
just around the
not take much
to get the stu-
dents out and stirring around
these days. A person just na-
turally becomes more active
when the air he breathes doesn't
freeze his pipes and he has to
sleep through psychology in the
process of thawing out.
The physical education de-
partment looks forward to this
time of the year and rightly so
since it is the only season when
it can expand its recreational
needs to meet the needs of the
student body.
The men will get the major
share of attention since the
government is requesting that
schools furnish inductees in the
best physical shape possible.
With the lack of time and equip- j
ment necessary to build up new
recruits to the army level, it is
undoubtedly a great service ren-
dered for an individual to report
for doty with the armed services
in his best physical condition.
A great many ECTC students
will join the armed services in
the course of another year, in
fact a few will leave before the
present school year is over. It
is doubly important therefore
that they keep themselves phy-
sically sound.
ly reversed their first period
play and ran away with the
ball game in the last half.
Leading the Pirate efforts
was the consistent play of Jack
Young who served eleven points.
The rest of the Buc scoring was
well divided as Mann dropped,
in six. Watson five, B. Young
three. Harris two, and Brown
Although the Westinghouse
team was highly favored, the
Pirate quint was expected to
make a much better showing,
than it did and it was a big dis-
appointment to the fans to have!
the home team lose their final
In a preliminary game More-
head High stopped the Bees
winning streak in a thrilling
encounter by the score of 20-28.
The contest was close and well
played throughout and the lead
changed hands several times in
the final minutes.
will be
legiate competition. Departed, I
practically intact, are last years
ranking players which number-j
ed Jimmie Dempsey no. one,
David Breece no. two, George
Lautares, Dopey Watson and
Leon Meadows.
Past tennis squads here have
cut a note worthy niche in col-
legiate circles and its more re-
tors have often been thrilled
this season with the accuracy in
those difficult shots she has
made. She will be chosen, with-
out a doubt, on the Varsity.
Esther Parker has been the
big gun in the afternoon games.
"Parkie" captains the Jarvis
Hall sextet and really deserves
the credit as high scorer.
Much credit goes to Pearl
House, who has been in charge
Watches � Jewelry � Silver
Watch Repairing
,n.iof the games this season. "Pork-
le has played great basketball
Expansion Program
sidered that organizing respon-
sibilities rested upon the play-
ers themselves.
Dr. Hubert Haynes has prov-
ed invaluable in the past years
in building up court teams and
his efforts are rewarded with
some very outstanding victories.
Last spring the Williams col-
lege squad of Massachusetts on
a southern tour ran up against,
some stubborn opposition from
the ECTC weilders and were
hard pushed to win. Th north-
ern team is perenially one thej
nation's leading tennis teams
and may show in this year.
at her guard position along with
her job as manager.
Tve varsity team is to be
chosen today and divided into
two teams, Austin and Wright.
These teams will plav tonight
at 7:30.
Greenville High School's
Green Phantoms of basketball
completed another successful
season, as they triumphed 33-17
over the Goldsboro aggregation
in the college gym last Tuesday
night, capping the conference
crown for the fourth consecu-
tive year.
Greenville and Goldsboro fin-
ished Lo tie for first place in the
conference standings necessita-
ting a play off on a neutral
The G-Men played air-tight
defensive ball during the second
half in allowing the Earth-
quakes only four points while
racking up nineteen themselves
Fresh Candies
Jimmie Gianakos
Bill Lucas
Cascade Laundry
Dial 2155
x �
y, x

- b

OS v.

e S
- �
� JS
� a
� m
3 ;
X .
� x


i. �
u a,
E �
B pg
- x
- DC
� 0
"9 L
s r1
s 2
New Spring Dresses In Silks and Cottons
1 tl U11C. -�
� DIAL 2861
Dickinson Arm. �
Blount-Harvey Is Chock Full Of New Spring
Save Money By Shopping At Greenville's
Best Store
Th� taste-good, feel-flood rofroshmont of ice-cold Coca-Cola
is everything your thlrs cauW ask for. It's all you want and
you want it all. Nothing �ver equal the quality and goodness
off hSe roof nVeg.
Greenville, North Caroline
You trust its quality

V �
ating Committee-
This is the year for electing
the six district vice-presidents:
f the general Association. Mrs.
Holland has recently ap-
nointed the following alumni to,
serve as a nominating commit
tee: .Mrs. O. K. Joyner( Chris-
tin Vick), Raleigh; Mrs. J. T.
button (Mae Hampton Keith).j
La Grange; Mrs. R. G. Collier!
fT.ucile Cole), Burlington; Miss
Vivian Lucas. Louisburg. The
committee will meet at the
home of Mrs. O. K. Jovner on
Saturday. March 7. at 11:00!
a. m.
This year members of the
Rait lVh alumni chapter are
anning a tea in honor of all
visiting East Carolina Teachers
College alumni who are in Ral-
eigh for the annual meeting of
N. C. E. A. The tea is to be
held in one of the rooms of the
Hugh Morson High School, on
Friday. March 20. from 5:00
p. m. to 6:00 p. m. Alumni are
most cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. F. Y. Hont�
(Bessie Willis)
In Sept ember '41, a Johnston
inty chanter of E. C. T. C.
umni was rganized. Mrs. F.
W. Hoyl (Bessie Willis). '28
A. R was elected president.
Mrs. Hoyt has held teaching
- �ions in Farmville. Xahun-
and Williamston. X. C. She
- also been employed in
Oimbel's in New York City.
Mrs. Hoyt is now living in
Smithfield, X. C. She is active
in the Woman's Club and the
Wilson's Mills Christian Church.
During her stay at East
Carolina Teachers College, Mrs.
Hoyt was religious chairman of
th�- W. C. A. for two vears.
summer president of the Y. W.
C. A. '27. secretary to the stu-
council, editor of the Teco
Echo, a member of the English
( lub, cheer leader, and a mem-
ber of the Emerson Society.
Fra ' i '� mty
Members of' the Franklin
county chapter of the East
Carolina Teachers College alum-
ni met in the home of Mrs. Clif-
ford Dean on February 18 at
7:45 in the evening. Mr. Ray
Pruette served as host. The
president, Mr. Pruette. presided
and took charge of the pro-
gram and social activities.
Chapter members are learning
College songs and keeping up
with current events of the col-
lege campus. Contest prizes
were won by Miss Aillene Bas.
Mrs. Roger Mitchell. Mrs. Susie
Jackson and Miss Vivian Lucas.
Johnston count if�
On Monday evening. Febru-
ary 23. at eight o'clock, mem-
bers of the Johnston county
chapter of East Carolina Teach-
ers College alumni met at the
home of Mrs. R. E. Batton
(Clyda Woodard). The group
made plans for contacting a
larger number of the Johnston
county alumni. Chapter mem-
bers are working to make a
complete list of all former stu-
dents of the college who are
now located in the county.
Plans are being made for the
March meeting which will be
in the form of a dinner. This
meeting is scheduled for the
nineteenth and will be at the
home of Mrs. I. W. Medlin. Dr.
I .eon R. Meadows, president of
E. C. T. C. has been invited to
speak to the alumni on this
Sport Coats
"Things Men Wear"
Xorthampton county�
On Tuesday evening, Febru-
ary 24, the members of the
Xorthampton alumni group
held their regular monthly
meeting in the high school cafe-
teria at Rich Square. New of-
ficers were elected as follows:
Mrs. W. W. Grant, Jr. (Lillie
Mae Floyd), Garysburg. presi-
dent: Mrs. India Quinn (India
Elliott), Rich Square, vice-presi-
dent: Miss Marjorie Griffin,
Gaston. secretary - treasurer.
Miss Iris Flythe, retiring presi-
dent, presided over the meeting.
At the regular monthly meet-
ing of the Elizabethtown chap-
ter of the East Carolina Teach-
ers College alumni held recent-
lv in the home of Mrs. Cecil
Edge (Annie Cross). Mrs. Mil-
ton Fisher (Mabel Collier) was
elected to head the alumni group
in 194243. Other officers who
were elected are: Mrs. Cecil
Edge (Annie Cross), vice-presi-
dent : Miss Frances Person,
secretary-treasurer; Miss Mary
Ellen Matthews, reporter.
Plans were made for a ban-
quet which is to be held in
March. An invitation to attend
the banquet will be extended to
all East Carolina Teachers Col-
lege alumni living in Bladen
county. For the occasion, alumni
hope to have guests from the
During the social hour. Miss
Bonnie Mae Hall, bride-elect,
and Mrs. Allen Lucas (Margaret
Smith), recent bride, were given
a surprise towel shower.
Mrs. Allen Lucas and Mrs.
Cecil Edge were joint hostesses
for the meeting. Chapter mem-
bers welcomed three new mem-
bers: Mrs. W. L. Johnson (Alice
Morgan). Mrs. C. D. Ingold
(Myrtle Galloway), and Miss
Rachel Hurst.
A ltd en�
Members of the Ayden alum-
ni chapter met on Fridav eve-
ning. February 27, in the home
of Miss Vallie Sumrell. Miss
Blanche Hart served as asso-
ciate hostess with Miss Sumrell.
During the business hour, plans
were made for a bridge tourna-
ment to be held in March at the
time of the regular monthly
meeting. Members decided upon
a nominee to be submitted as a
candidate for the 1942 symbolic
alumni award.
After the business session,
bridge was enjoyed. Defense
stamps went to Mrs. G. G.
Dixon (Julia Elliott) for high
score and to Mrs. Stancil Sum-
rell (Mary Worthington) for
second high.
The E. C. T. C. alumni group
held a very enjoyable meeting
in the Home Economics Cottage
on February 24. A nominating
committee. Mrs. Mamie Cope-
land Liverman and Rosalie Bul-
lock, were asked to have a slate
of officers to present at the
next meeting. The secretary an-
nounced that a list of prospec-
tive members was ready�this
list to be divided among the
membership committee and a
concerted effort was to be made
to help reach the goal of 1000
active members by commence-
ment. Mrs. Stancill was asked
to present the chapter's candi-
date for the Alumni award at
the meeting to be held at the
College. The program commit-
tee presented Mr. Eli Bloom,
who rendered his laugh-pro-
voking account of a wedding.
Games were enjoyed for awhile.
The social committee, Mrs. Mil
Just Not The Athletic Type
But Very, Very Artistic
Student: "Miss Powers I
know vou won't like this draw-
Ten Commandments
A La Frosh
dred Stroud McLawhorn and ling. Honestly it's the sorriest
Hester Gist Ward, served re piece of work I've done this
freshments. year. Why there's nothing
Miss Powers: "What's the
matt;r with it? Why don't you
like it? I can �ee a dog and a
flov -�and. oh�there's a nice
loo1 Ing sunrise, too. Can't you
I. Xever do today that which fjnd anything in it? I like it
can be put off until tomorrow. Sf) troeft a conversation in an
By tomorrow someone may have , art �,ass in secoml fi00r Aus-
done it for you. ; tm
II. Don't expect to graduate Miss Pmvers vvho joined the
from East Carolina Teachers fmtv ()f the art department
College in four years. Rome wg fiU Rfld wno hais frnm
wasn't buil in a day California, has already made a
III. Don't trv to make straight
big hit with the students. Al-
phony and, tin 1931, ninety- I)rotv,s�r
seven people agreed to support When
him by contributing to an or- young, h(
chestral maintenance fund. The uft�
"which was
' ill w
" could;
beginnings were meager, but
once the symphonic seed was "Thej K�'
planted in the Xation's Capital, I touch th ueted t,
Dr. Kindler made it grow. an jn.stn. kj
As the orchestra was perfect
ed, the following grew. This
year the orchestra has more
than 7000 subscribers to its
maintenance fund and audiences
in Constitution Hall average
nearly 3500 music lovers.
Miss Powers
two's this quarter. Haste makes though born in Wisconsin, she
waste. has spent most of her life in
TV. Cut chapel and classes oc-j California. After graduation
casionally. After all you don't! from Xorth High School in
come to college to listen to Minneapolis, Miss Powers at-
a lecture on not getting married j tended St. Cloud College. Min-
for the duration. nesota to get her R. S. degree.
V. Don't do your assignments, j She received her Master's de-
Paper is scarce and your coop-jirree at Columbia University,
oration would be greatly appre-1 Although this may sound un-
dated by the taxpayers. j believable to us
VI. Go night-riding and get it's true that Miss Powers be
shioped. A change of environ-jean her teaching career in a fornia, but you'll just have to
Continued from Page One
reefing and acting.
The rest of the cast are new-
comers to the stage.
A Doll's House was the one-
hundred ninety fifth production
of Director Clifton Rritton, whoj
AXf) Mi
"Quality )
ilieves in beans of all kinds.
I When asked what she does in
J summer she rather demurely-
answered that she divides it
Southerners, between Xew York and Cali-
fornia. Her parents live in Cali
one room school house where imagine the main attraction in
she plowed through 10 foot Xew York. Although she may
ers' They will admire vour high "novv drifts and built her own give you the impression that she
fire when the therometer regis- is Verv serious and reserved,
tered 30 degrees below freez- underneath she is witty and a
ing! She has taught every grade truly interesting person.
from the first grade right .
through college including a1 CVjiDirrTWTxr
graduate school. How's that for; o I lUfliUiN I
variety0 Refore coming to;
E. C. T. C. Miss Powers was Continued from Paqe One
Supervisor of Art in Quantico, spiritual cooperation and will-
on the campus. Rirds Virginia. ingness to become part of a
ment will do you good
VII. Quarrel with the teach
VIII. Snub all upper-class-
men. It will make you very pop-
IX. Don't read any assign-
ment. Time is valuable and life
is short.
X. Don't associate with the
of a feather flock to gether
and . . heaven forbid
for six years has made a name! F jTTzp T'YTWdottv
for himself and East Carolina!1-71 lj ' -NKSIT
Teachers College in the field of
Continued from Pane One
Candidates for Jarvis house
"resident are Lorraine Home,
Dorothy Shearin. Rebecca Wil-
lis. Worth Lanier, and May
Wilson Hall nominees for
house president are Virgil may be obt
Ward. Helen Flvnn, Frances � commit!
Radcliffe. and Melba William
son. ����-
SCHOOl DUl " ' The DiDlomiLSTNG
. .
����� uded afterT,
trance requ r
pence, chai from an Preferences
have had c
The annual 1 .
cost of m
books, etc.
inform I
From Capitol to Campus
When asked what were her closely knit ensemble. He treat)
favorite sports, she stated with his players as personalities and
a twinkle in her eye that she receives from them something
was allergic to sports, the "just far greater than mere mechani-
not athletic type But she loves, cal response. Indeed, the or-
to watch a good football game
and likes basketball. As for par
ticipation in sports, golf is her
e of the Ramspeck amend- ne;l rest approach to success shej
irings 85 per cent of fed admitted. She likes Katherine
Nehi Bottling Co.
Greenville, N. C.
"The Home Of Values"
The Civil Service commission
faces a tremendous Recent
ment brings �r per
eral jobs�an all-time high�! Hepburn. Bette Davis, and is
under commission scrutiny, simply cr-razy about Charles
Workers in non-war agencies
must be funneled inton at-war
agencies. Countless new work-
����������� �"������- �
Boyer. Her favorite radio pro-
grams are the Ford Sunday eve-
ing program. Lux Theater, and
ers must be found and dovetail- s,ne, admitted a wee bit humbly
ed into the government army.
This means thousands of po-
tential jobs for college people,
whose specialized training is
eagerly sought. Often the gov-
ernment is stepping in, through
civil service, to give college peo-
ple on-the-job training�"maj-
ors" in lines where they are
needed most.
An example is the recent move
to enlist college women for
"men's work As laboratory
aides in army arsenals, they in-
spect gauges used in testing ord-
nance materials. Co-eds who
wish such jobs should have at
least two years of college work,
including some physics, chemis-
try and trigonometry. The goal
of civil service ia 100 girls a
month for the next 10 months.
Initial pay, $1620 annually.
For Best Buys
Fruits and Cakes
that she gets a kick out of Fib
her McGee and Molly and Jack
Benny. She has no use for
Tommy Dorsey and "swing
but she'll take Andrew Kostel-
antz's Semi-classical and classi-
cal "I like some popular songs,
too she added.
Strange as it may seem she
loves to putter around in the
kitchen and there's nothing
that'll whet her appetite as will
onion soup. Next to onion she
likes beef tenderloin and crush-
ed strawberries. She laughingly
added that E. C. T. C. really be-
and Nights
You Can Always Meet Your
Book On Our
Shelves 50

500 Futura
Quality Tissues 23 c
Stationery Store
United States
� II


was '
V .meni
As: f
ed I
S uccj
! asj
i mmi

ts el
i Ml
; orotl
and Sul
' torotl
and W
for tnj
� ear
and fi
and i
ter M

The Teco Echo, March 6, 1942
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
March 06, 1942
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University Archives
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