The Teco Echo, May 23, 1941

May 5

Best Of Luck
o All Seniors
And A Happy
Vacation To All
UKiNViiijv, n. C, MAY 23, 1941 Number 15
V iter, Lecturer, Educator
Is Commencement Speaker


Ii (H)l
T achera Coll
1 hi Reverend S.
at East
ege will
own as speak
R( i
Klanton of
who will preach the
�� s rmon on Sun-
morning, June 1. at 11
and Dr. Edgar G. Doud-
- cretarj of the Board of
of Normal Schools of
who will deliver the
ss n Monday morning at
' " I Nher features of the
� n - ncemenl program will be
Alumni Day on Saturday,
� th r cital i the de-
� men' I music on Saturday
vesper s. rvice on Sunday night,
the awarding of diplomas
oi degrees Mon-
11 :30 on nearly
memlx rs of the

morning ;
5 Rider
e Library
pastor of the
' Church of Wil-
a graduate of Wake
Southern Baptist
Seminary, and thej
' n Theological'
Commencement Dance
Next Friday Night To
Formally Open Program
join the
. . Teachers
is librarian
� acanl I y
ho died this
in State
tlC� Coll
I sin, and
sconsin, h;
�d as a
lb- ii

a graduate of
Normal School,
degrees from
ge, Applet on.
I the University
as long been rec- j
bade' in educa-l
a writer and a
The Rev. S. L. Blanton
Martha Rice
Heads College
Dramatics Club
List Candidates
For Graduation
Monday Week
East Carolina Teachers Col-
lege this year will graduate 161
Seniors in appropriate exercises
to be held in Robert H. Wright
Memorial Auditorium Monday
morning, June 2, at 10:30
The candidates for the A. B.
degree are:
Lillian Cobh Abee, Pauline Eliza-
beth Aheyounis, Eugenia Allen,
Gladys Pauline
Askew. Mary
Nell Atkinson. Mary Grant Bailey, I College
Reo Bass, Evelyn Lero Bazeinore lin ,of
by Cries Humphrey
There are 161 candidates list-
ed for graduation this year and
Commencement week-end be-
begins officially with the Com-
mencement Dance, Friday, May
0. Billy Knauff will furnish
the music, and the dance will
last from 9:00 P. M. until 1:00
A. M. Alumni, faculty members
and wives, seniors, juniors and
dates, and self-help students are
Alumni Day. Saturday. May
31, opens with Registration of
the Alumni from 9:30 until
1 :30 A. M. in Austin Building.
The Morning's Prop-ram follows
at 10:30. which will feature the
Women's Glee Club, President
Allen, Emma Ruth j Meadows who will speak on "A
Agnes Alston. Tula j Review of The Growth of the
and Mrs. W. E. Frank-
Portsmouth. Virginia,
a ue-
� � � editor-
uri Library
yea?' s
11-1 it I -
n East
1 6 r e,
��:� a at
awa h
c �llege
the new
by balh
dent L.
and S(
in the
� the
special features of Alum-
oii Saturday, wi!i be the
ation of the alumni
to some graduate of the
who stands out in his
field, announcemi nt of
officers recently chosen
lot. an address by Presi-
R. Meadows, luncheon.
enior Alb i; : Service
evening, when members
class of 1941 will be re-
into the association.
a varied
tra, wo-
Martha Rice was elected pres-
ident of the Chi Pi Players at
the last business meeting of the
year, succeeding David Breece.
Margie Dudley who was elec-
ted vice-president succeeds Lal-jbeth Coppedge
1 he mi is ri on a I
i1 at 8:30 iil tx
program with orch
men's glee club, and
voice taking
violin, and
J. C. Holland New
dent Of Alumni
iab B. Watts. Janie Eakes, the
incoming secretary. replaces
Wilda Royall who was elected
treasurer for next year.
Filling the office of historian
is Margaret Lewis who takes
the place of Jane Copeland and
replacing Margie Dudley as club
reporter is John Anderson.
Plans are being made for the
installation of the new oficers.
Miss Lena C. Ellis is advisor
to the club and Clifton Britton
is director.
The new president of the Chi
Pi Players is planning to attend
Summer school and likely will
iron preliminary plans rela-
tive to next year's activities dur-
the vacation period, along with
some stage work among the stu-
Doris Christine Blaloek, Rachel O. who will sing. Mrs. Franklin is
Blanchard. Mary Helen Boykin, Ruby j an alumna of this college. The
Dell Braxton. Mildred Louise Briley, j apex of the program will be the
Mary Catherine Brinkley, Apnes BrittJ presentation and acceptance of
Patricia Leigh Brooks, Alva Ruth; the Annual Symbolic Alumni
Brown, Dorothy C. Brown, Evelyn j Award. After the program will
Adair Brummitt, Elizabeth Bryan, J be the regular annual business
Margaret Geraldine Bullock, Lula: session of the Association in
Marjorie Cameron, Joyce Dolores which the new officers for the
Campbell. Linza Crate Capps. I years 1941-43 will be introduced.
Blanches J. chappeH, Mary Eliza- The new alumni�the class of
Wista Nell Coving- 1941�will be received into the
Two And
Classes OF
'31 Honored
Mrs. J. ( Holland (Alia May
Jordan) of Raleigh, X. C has
recently been elected to succeed
Mis. B. M. Bennett (Elizabeth
Stewart) of Forest City, N. C.
president of the Alumni
Class Of 1916
Hold Reunion
In Program
is meeting Teachers C
May 14, the Whitchurst
Carolina teaching in
ected the new c. was electee
X. (
urer. , .
Mrs Holland is a member ot
the Class of 1919. After being
graduated from East Carolina
Teachers College, she did further
study at North Carolina
College. She taught
"Loyalty in Everything" will
?ecome a renewed challenge as
the members of the Class of '16
r the publica-
ra for the Teeo
d Taylor. Mar-
rgaret Russell.
Margie Da-
�lie Robertson,
aff: Franklin
Daniels, Mary
of East Carolina
lleee Miss Martha,
u ' ; � t nresent meet during the 1941 commence-
who is at pi I'M iil , . . ,
i - . v�i,i X ment to celebrate their twenty-
Ident'Jrifth year reunion. It will doubt-
be of great interest to each
ton, Helen Elizabeth Davenport, I Association and get a hearty
Katharine Davenport. Lela Belle welcome to be numbered among
Davenport. William A. Davidson, Jr the gTOUp.
Dorothy Louise Davis, Mattie Evelyn The classes of 1941 and 1940
Davis, Mabel Deans, Mary Kathryn will have luncheon at 1 :00 in
Dobson, William J. Dudash, Florence the old dining hall: the two
Dudley, Nancy Dunn, Mary Elizabeth honor classes of 1916 and 1931,
Eaprles, Jeanette Earley. Estlle Marie: and other alumni in the new
Edwards. Julia W. Edwards, Mary j hall. Special invited quests,
D. Elliott, Sarah If. Evans, Janie members of the faculty and
Elizabeth Everette. Margie Louise staff, and their wives will eat
Fisher. Charley J. Frazelle. Merwin ; in either hall they choose. There
ii. Frazelle, Annie Eliza Garri Ed- j will be a short program for
wina Livingston Garris. 'each. After luncheon, there will
Phillip Woodrow Garris, Martha! be a reunion of the classes of
Irene Gaskins, Ida Maria George, 1916, 1931, and 1940 at special-
Myra C. Godfrey. Annie Thera God-jly designated places.
win, Annie Seville Goolsby, Edith Open House will be at 4:00
Mae Grant, Lorene Frances Ham- P. M. for seniors, faculty mem-
rick, Artis Bryant Hardee, Ernestine bers, and alumni at the home of
See Graduates on Pege Tito ' See Program on Page Tiro
Summer School
Session Begins
Thursday, June 5
The two-year and four year
classes of '31 will be honor
guests of the College for the
1941 commencement. All mem-
bers are urged to come back to
the campus � to be together
again in that same spirit as of
ten years ago, and to learn with
nride of the progress of their
constantly expanding Alma
Chi Pi Players Climax
Year In A Big Way
Grace Smith
was re-elected as treas-
the fourth
the State School for
e. and the Blind. Mrs. Holland is and
has been for the past ten years
aff for the associated in business with the
Clifton J. A. Wood Furnitureompany,
(I. in which she holds
� Fake. The
the Tecoan :
s. Laura Faye
1'otter. IaAs Ses-
ed Starling, and
used of
Purser. Merle I Incorporate
Maddrev. Jane the office of f'lar 1SH,l"
Through the years, Mrs Hol-
land has been a very loyal and
active member of both the gen-
eral Association
ite editors of the
jht are Burchie
: Chris Humphrey.
int business manager,
era of the Teeo Beha
d their duties this
i cee o 'Eight staff
gegin its new duties in the
JJ-The new staff of the Tecoan
- doing preliminary work.
Had Yours?
It makes no difference wheth-
vou to get
Just go
- fto �" A8u�tin m grt
er you
activity fee or
of the Tecoan wants J
vour copy right away
ment -
your copy toaaj
Greenville, �ess
member of the class to review
the past, to tell of accomplish-
ments both great and small, and
to strengthen the bond of
friendship with every other
member who is present.
There were forty-seven mem-
bers of the Class of '16. The of-
ficers were: president, Louise
Smaw (Mrs. D. H. Osborne) ;
vice-president, Lela Durham;
secretary, Alma Spivey (Mrs.
G. E. Fletcher) ; critic, Hattie
Turner; and historian, Sallie
Lassiter (Mrs. W. H. Sloan).
Miss Daisy B. Waitt was ad-
Though the Alumni Office
has not been able to keep ac-
curate information about every
member, according to obtained
information thirty-nine of the
class have married. A few are
still teaching.
Mis Waitt is planning to re-
turn to the campus to join with
her class in their celebration.
Mrs. D. H. Osborne (Louise
Smaw), president, is looking
forward to greeting each mem-
ber of the class when she re-
turns on Alumni Day.
Climaxing a successful and
outstanding year, the Chi Pi
Players presented Wuthering
Heights, adopted from Emily
Brontes' novel by Randolph
Carter, in two performances
Friday and Saturday nights.
May 16 and 17.
Ruth Bray and George Lau-
tares as "Cathy" and Heath-
cliff played the leads in the Eng-
lish Moorland tragedy.
Ruth and George were sup-
ported by Ward James who
played Edgar Linton, Jane Cope-
land who played Isabel Linton,
Irene Mitcham who played Ellen
Dean, Russell Rogerson who
played Joseph, and Billy Green
who played Hinley Ernshaw.
Clifton Britton, who directed
the play, achieved another suc-
cess in his fine direction of
Wuthering Heights.
The president of the Chi Pi
Players, David Breece, was
stage manager for the produc-
tion and supervised building of
the sets "Wuthering Heights"
and "The Grange
Members of the dramatics
club built the scenery, super-
vised the lighting and helped to
make the play one of the finest
ever produced at the College.
Ruth Bray designed the ladies'
costumes for the play and Mar-
igaret D. Moore designed the
j programs.
Alumni Luncheon
Admission to the annual
alumni luncheon at 1:00 p. m
Saturday, May 31, is by ticket
only. These tickets are compli-
mentary and may be obtained
by alumni when they register
on Saturday morning in the
Austin Building between 9:30
a. m. and 10:30 a. m. Faculty
and staff members may make
table reservations and obtain
tickets from the Alumni Of-
fice on Wednesday and Thurs-
day. May 28 and 29. Seniors
may secure their tickets and
make table reservations on
Thursday and Friday, Mav 29
and 30.
In the summer session of
Fast Carolina Teachers College , ' Xormal CIass has 186 on
the first six weeks of which will; ro1 Recently compiled statis-
begin on Thursday, June 5, with i tics about this class show that
registration, and close on Wedone half of the number have re-
nesday, Julv 16. and the second
six weeks of which will run from
July 17 to August 23.
vised addresses in the files of
the Alumni Office; sixty-five of
these revised addresses are mar-
ried ones. Twenty-two of the
Graduate work will be given 1186 have been granted the A. B.
special emphasis because of re- i degree from this College, and
quirements that are being set-1 forty-three others have register
up for work beyond the Bachel-
or's degree for superintendents.
time for work here
principals, and high school
Departments that will be of-
fering graduate work are sci-
ence, mathematics, home eco-
nomics, English, history, social
science, secondary education,
and administration and super-
The graduate work offered is
! ed at some
since 1931.
The president of the class,
Myrtle Kuvkendall. is now Mrs.
Walter Huntley of Smithfield,
X. C the vice-president, Paul-
ine McLeod. is Mrs. Ralph Bean
of Cherrvville, N. C; secretary
is Ruth O'Briant, Hurdle Mills,
X. C and treasurer, Flete
Rhyne, Gastonia. N. C. The
Tecoan representative, Kathleen
Ellis, is now living in Washing-
planned to care for both those; ton, X. C, and Teeo Echo re-
students who wish merely to j porter, Marie Trask (Mrs James
study beyond their undergradu-JHall), in Wilmington, N. C. Ad-
ate work without reference to risers for the class are Miss
further degrees. � Mamie E. Jenkins and Dr. R. J.
Superintendent Ray Arm- Slay,
strong of the Goldsboro Cityj The Senior Xormal Class
schools, one of the outstanding Prophecy of '31 is an account
superintendents in the state, will of what happened at the ten-
j give the courses scheduled for
! principals.
One interesting phase of the
Summer school sesion will be the
college credit tours sponsored by
Paul T. Ricks. This year's trip
will take the tourists through
New England and Canada.
year reunion, commencement
1941. According to this prophecy
one record broken was that it
was the first class to return one-
hundred per cent strong. To
what extend will this prophecy
be fulfilled? A most cordial
welcome awaits all who come!
'All Students Take Notice
Beginning in September the the first issue in September. I dents themselves in order to re-
Teco Echo will distribute each
ECTC was one of the schools in
week a free magazine to be P�� selected to be presen-
i 4.1. rT-i � i- ted in the magazine.
known as the ECTC Cavalier He,en Wolfe wm handle the
published by National Press, and:material from ECTC, including
a publication in which East Car- short stories, pictures, poems,
olina Teachers College will be jokes or any other thing of in-
represented throughout the terest to college and university
year. j students.
James Whiftield, editor of the The magazine is illustrated in
Teeo Echo, was named to the Natural colors and each wreek
Board of Editors of the maga- will honor some school of the
zine by Earl L. Aiken, president
of National Press.
Recently the president advis-
ed the East Carolina Teachers
College would be represented in
nation, as well
editors in the
ceive a true conception of cam-
pus life in the United States.
A survey of an introductory
issue included a wide array of
material that will prove of in-
terest to students and it is the
aim of the publishers to main-
tain this standard in all follow-
ing issues.
All publicity workers of the
various campus organizations
may confer with Helen Wolfe
representaitve I relative to the type of material
(that should be submitted for
as one of the
All material submitted to the
magazine will be edited by stu-
possible use in the ECTC Cava-

The Teco Echo
Published Biweekly by the Students of East Carolina
Teachers College
Entered as second-class matter December 3, 1925, at the U. S
Postoffice, Greenville, N. C, under the act of March 3, 1879
James Whitfield
Harold Taylor
Margaret Russell
Margie Davis
Smutt Burks
Margie Dudley
Jennings Ballard
Maribelle Robertson
Sports Editor
Mary Agnes Deal
Franklin Kyser
Mary Harvey Ruffin
Garnette Cordle
Business Manager
Burton Daniels
Rose Carlton Dunn
Doris Hockaday
North Carolina Collegiate Press
Associated College Press
Distributor of
CblleeSiate Dibest
Watching The World
Harold K. Tiylor
Still the flood of debate concerning the convoy issue is sweep-
ing the nation as the world crisis becomes acute. Millions of hot
words streamed out over the radio, at street corners, at country
filling stations, and in the schools of the nation. We all wonder
exactly how Great Britian stands at the present time, but none of
us know. We do feel that she needs our munitions and that she
needs the help of our navy to convoy them to her. The president a
few weeks ago came out in an open statement that he did not
favor an American convoy but since that time the public has been
talking. Now, since he has found out what the public thinks, he
may take a different viewpoint on the matter. Millions of letters
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representatrve
420 Madison Ave. New York. N. Y.
We Need Your Cooperation In Our Undertaking
Recently it became necessary for the Teco Echo to put a stop
to having the staff room used as an eating place for soft drinks,
candies, buns and other things purchased from the college soda
shoppe. We are asking members of the student body in a nice way
to cooperate with us. as the failure to do this may bring insults.
We want students to feel at home in the staff room and ap-
preciate visits by any member of the student body. Many of them,
however, felt too much at home. They spilled soft drinks on the
tables, threw their trash on the uoor, and left the room resembling
1 P In the first place sweets attract flies and flies are disturbing
and unhealthv. In the second place it makes the room unattractive,
and unattractive rooms fail to impress students and visitors And
in the third place we don't appreciate visits from students who do
not respect our working quarters. ,
We are determined to keep the staff room clean during the
coming school vear. If vou are not the type of person to help us
keep it clean, then we take this means of politely asking you to
stay out.
Twelve Years Without An Accident
Paul T Ricks, who conducts educational tours throughout
the United States and Canada, all of which are good for college
credit, is entering his thirteenth year in this type of service to
students and faculty of East Carolina Teachers College. He is
to be congratulated, as not one of his many busses has been in-
volved in a personal injury during this period.
Recently Mr. Ricks declared, "Ninety per cent of all accidents
can be avoided if the drivers are careful And that sums up his
attitude relative to employing drivers for his busses. When one ot
his drivers gets under the wheel of a truck he realizes that he
has manv lives in his hands, and that being careless in one split
second might cause the loss of a life or serious permanent injury
to one of the occupants of the bus.
The beginning of the Summer session will mark another trip
to Canada by students of East Carolina Teachers College. Each
one making the trip can rest assured that he will travel safely,
as safety is the keynote of Mr. Ricks' service. You are to be con-
gratulated for the splendid record that you have made, Mr. Ricks,
and may your busses travel through the years without an accident.
A Real Treat For All Members Of The Student
Body H ,
One of the policies of the staff of the Teco Echo during the
ensuing school vear will be to better serve the interests of East
Carolina Teachers College. Our first step in this direction was
working out details wherebv a nationally-circulated and beautiful-
ly illustrated magazine will be distributed weekly and free of cost
to all members of the student body.
The magazine, to be known as the ECTC Cavalier, will be
representative of campus life in colleges and universities through-
out the United States. East Carolina Teachers College was one of.
the schools chosen to be represented in the magazine. Editors ot
newspapers in the selected schools will supervise the handling ot
copy for the publication from their respective schools.
" Each week the magazine will honor some college editor and
also some college or university in the United States. It is illustrat-
ed on some pages in natural color and contains photographs, short
stories, college humor and other types of material that tend to
foster reading entertainment for the average college student. The
magazine is being edited by college students in order to add to its
nd telegrams have flowed into his office in the last few days,
many of them sent by the isolationist groups who are trying to
keep him from changing his mind about the convoys.
At last North Carolina's junior senator. Robert R. Reynolds,
whose isolationist record caused much opposition to his expected
succession to the Senate Military Affairs Committee chairmanship
has taken his place as the committee's chairman. He has lately
started switching around, speaking privately of the need for much
greater aid for Britian. . .
Since the morning of May 11. thousands of different opinions
about Rudolph Hess' strange landing in England have been argued
in this country. German spokesmen say that Hess was mentally
deranged, but the British say that he seems to be as sane as any
person living in Germany might be. It was generally believed that
Hess was forced to leave to save his neck when he violently dis-
agreed with Hitler concerning the Russian policy. Hess belonged
to the Nazi group which disliked cooperation with Russia, and
in the Moscow treason trial of January 1937 had been named as
the German who plotted with Trotsky to overthrow Stalin. Some
of these days the high-up Nazi will start talking and probably
wont know when to stop.
The bold governor of North Carolina. J. Melville Broughton.
lost no time in naming his choice of a person to succeed the late
Representative Lou Folger as National Committeeman. Brough-
ton named former Governor Clyde R. Hoey. and immediately
friends of Richard J. Reynolds, millionaire tobacco manufacturer
of Winston-Salem, announced that he was also in the race. This
is the first time in the history of the state that a governor came
out and selected a man to run for the position. A hot campaign
will be in progress until the state executive committee of 126
members meets this week to vote for the successor.
A war must be financed and even though we are not directly
in the war. it has caused us to increase the national debt,
which may within a year or so exceed ninety Billion dollars. With-
in the last vear the income tax on a salary of $4000 has increased
from -$70.40 to $312.40. or 393. Since 1929 the income tax for
married persons drawing this salary has increased 16,6069r. This
goes to prove that the small salaried man is being taxed as heavily
or heavier as the man with the big salary.
At its last regular meeting
Tuesdav night, the Forensic
Club elected officers and ar-
ranged to assist in Orientation
week. For the first time in the
history of the school, an exten-
sive program of intercollegiate
forensic contests Is being plan-
ned for E. C. T. C.
Those who will direct the
club's work during the next
school year are as follows: Jen-
nings Ballard, president; Mild-
red Beverly, vice-president;
Mary Gaskins, secretary and
treasurer; Cornelia Keuzen-
kamp, program chairman; Ros-
alie Brown, reporter; and Dr.
Posey. adviser.
English Club�
Edna Mitchell is the new pres-
ident of the English Club, suc-
ceeding Pauline Abeyounis.
Other major officers are Lu-
cille Harris, vice-president; Vir-
ginia Atkinson, secretary; Eu-
genia Becton, treasurer: Mary
Alice Blackham, and Mildred
Beverly, Tecoan representative.
The outgoing president ex-
pressed the hope that each mem-
ber would do his best to make
the club a success next year.
Following the business session
delicious refreshments were
FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1941
The final issue of the Teco Echo for the current schu ar
singly and rightfully honors Harriet Marshburn. presides
Council of the Women's Student Government Association ai
student who is noted for her congenial personality among a wi
drCl Harrfietebe?ame a student leader shortly after coming I
Carolina Teachers College, having served her freshman ell
sporetarv i
When she became a sophomore she was named seer I
the Women's Council, and her elevation to the presidency i
a deserving honor.
Not onlv is Harriet known a as capable worker on tl
Cast Carolina Teachers College, but also among her fell
dent government associates in other colleges and urn
the south This was proved recently when she was nan
tary of the Southern Intercollegiate Association ot Studenl
ernment. . m A. , T.
Harriet is a charter member of the oung Democi
and has been active in work of the ciub since it was
vear ago. .
Her aim in life seems to be put her best efforts ml
we are of the opinion that the best will come back to li
of Es
What Freedom For American Students?
Adoption of a "Bill of Rights" for college students was urged
in a report published by the Committee on Academic Freedom of
the American Civil Liberties Union, after a study of the degree of I Geneva Doll Moore, Margaret D.
Continued from Page One
Hardee. Elizabeth H. Han-ell. Belva
Dare Harris, Elizabeth Holliday,
Myrtle Inez Hopkins. Alice M. Hum-
phries. Mary Frances Irvin. Wm.
Ward James. Minnie Inez Jennings,
Annie Laurie Ktene, Eloise Kennedy,
Helen Lee King, Edna Catherine
Kirby. Mary Esther Koone, Joanna
Lane, Mildred E. Langlcy, Thelma
Langston. Margaret L. Lawrence,
Wilma Gray Lee. Mary Hines Leon-
ard, Dorothy Clark Lewis. Effie
Senora Lewis.
Kathleen Kola Lewis, Sarah Edith
Lindley, Reon Gladys Maness, Carrie
Mae Mann. Edna Marshburn. Ary
Elizabeth Mashburn, Mrs. Lauise
Matheny. Sally Mary Mahias, Evelyn
W. Matthews, Margaret McDaniel,
Ellen M. Mclntyre. Addie Lee Mead-
OT, Leon Meadows. Jr Lida Elizabeth
Meadows. Nellie Lee Michael, Irene
Mitcham, Bruce Mjodlin. Emily C.
Montague, Edna M. Montgomery,
To the Editor:
Do you remember the old admonition, " I here ia
in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us,
ly behooves anv of us to talk about the rest of us"
another sugestion. a Bibical one this time, which sug
remove the beam from our own eye before we get
mote in the eye of the girl who works at the next d
across the aisle in school.
But don't we love to gossip!
How we like to open the box and take out the fa
and count them one by one! It seems to make no diff
told the bit of gossip or how true it might be.
Gossip may so easily lead to slander and raisund
and wrong-doing. Of course, there isn't a law which fi
detracting from somebody's happiness through our w
is when a man takes a dollar that isn't his. Just the �
ly as much sorrow is caused by tongues that aren't contr
Remember the Master said. "Judge not. lest ye I � I
Next time you have a perfectly wonder piece f -
will make every one gasp in surprise, don't say it. Ai
the Scriptural explanation is true.
"He who holdeth his tongue is greater than he �
city A Gossip V
Dear Mr. Editor:
In the last issue of the T ea Echo, there appeared ai
letter which vehemently critised the recent Freshman I
tion. In my opinion, it is entirely up to the Freshman C
we choose as our president, and is of no concern of the ot
es. Janie Eakes possesses all the qualities of a good lea
been President of Student Council of Greenville High S
for the past year, she has served most capably as seci
Freshman Class. I feel that the recent attack on her int
entirely unwarrented and unjust. From personal exp�
know that Janie will execute the duties and res -
Sophomore President as well as any student on the can
As a candidate in the past election. I feel that I -
nounce this unprecedented action, and to Janie. I give �
hearted support. Margaret .
freedom permitted to students in 111 leading colleges and uni-
versiaties revealing, according to the committee, "an astonishing
degree of diversity in the colleges surveyed
In spite of "conditions increasingly favorable to student free-
dom in a majority of colleges the committee declared that most
colleges have no clear definition of student freedom, and no writ-
ten charter defining students' rights. Published as a forty-eight-
nage pamphlet entitled "What Freedom for American Students
w�n1 out to more than 1,000 colleges, the committee's report at-
tempts to set up certain standards for what it terms a "Student
Rill of Rights covering the following points:
1. "The policy of every college in relation to student activi-
ties outside the classroom should be set forth in definite terms,
and accepted by the college community.
2. "A college's stated policy should make it clear that stu-
dents are free to organize associations for political, religious,
social and other purposes.
3. "Student associations should be permitted to take the
name of the college and to use their names in all activities on col-
lege property consistent with the purposes of the various organi-
Moore. Norman Foerster Moore. No-
vine Moore, Violet Ruth Mooring
Peggy V. Moss, Evelyn Beatrice My-
rick, Mrs. Rachel McPherson Newlin,
Theodore Hampton Noe, Juanita E.
O'Brien, Hazel Virginia Ownes, Myr-
tie Parneli, Maude Evans Phelps,
Annie Elizabeth Piland. Lydia D.
Piner, Ruth V Pollard. Thelma Eliz-
abeth Rayford, Alice Lee Rich,
Madeline Riddick. Frances C. Roe-
buck, Melba Grace Ropers.
Walter Samuel Ropers, Bernard B.
Ropei Mary Rebecca Ross. Erline
Harrison Sawyer, Rebecca Scoville,
Rebecca Shotwell Shanks, Ethel Mae
Smith, Helen Grace Smith. Mavis
Marie Smith. Sarah Loucile Smith,
Themise Catherine Smith, Hazel Ruth
Starnes, Ethel Stephenson. Gracey
Stephenson, Hilda Pearl Stephenson,
May Frances Taylor, Rachel Temple
4. "The use of college property outside its primary use for ton, Susie Anna Tharrington, Eliza-
instruction should be made available to any registered student
organization carrying out its stated purpose.
5. "As a general principle no control should be exercised
by college authorities over the subjects or outside speakers chosen
by student erroups.
6. "Where thev are considered advisable, faculty advisers
reader interest.
Ymir first issue of the ECTC Cavaher will come off the press.
iour nrsi issue oi ui� ov. y. l ui mrnlina Teachers should be chosen or approved bv the students themselves,
in September and it is planned to have bast Carolina ieacners v , FF A , � j
College represented in that issue. Anyone having original material, 7. "No disciplinary action should be taken against students
such as poems, short stories and photographs, bring or send it to,for engaging m activities off the campus, provided such students
the Teco Echo.
Your Future Isn't Any Too Bright, Seniors
Soon some 160 members of the Senior class will march across
the stage of Robert H. Wright Memorial auditorium and be grant-
ed diplomas, which represent four years of hard work and sacri-
fice of both time and money. Rut the future they face is shrouded
by the darkest clouds in the history of the school for students em-
barking upon their life work. ,
Perhaps this assertion gives the impression of being some-
what strong, but an examination of the facts at hand will reveal
that we have put it rather mildly. The majority of this year s
graduates will enter the teaching profession, as the majority of
graduates of East Carolina Teachers College find jobs in the field
of teaching, but they are confronting a situation more grave than
any other graduates of the have ever faced�the European con-
flict. .
Many will be inclined to ask, "How is the war m Europe go-
ing to affect teaching in the United States?" Off-hand no one can
answer this question, as no one knows what the outcome of the
war will be. If the axis partners win the war our relations with
the countries South of us will become stronger, a change in the
economic setup and standards of living in the United States will
take place, and a change in the nation's educational system likely
will be realized.
If a graduating class ever needed courage, this year s class at
East Carolina Teachers College, and those of all other colleges and
universities in the United States need it. Your best tool in over-
coming any obstacles that lie ahead is your education. Your
knowledge will enable you to meet changing conditions. But a
possibility exists of your finding problems that may have to go
Come what may the staff of the Teco Echo wishes for each of
you all the success in your chosen field of endeavor hat life has
to offer. We hope you will maintain the same high ideals in your
future associations with others that the college has emphasized
during your stay here.
do not claim to be representing the college.
8. "College students should be permitted to publish such
newspapers or magazines as thev wish, subject to provisions for
registering with college authorities the name, purposes, and
0. "The boards or committees of students responsible for
each publication should be free to select editors without control
by the college authorities or faculty.
10. "The successful systems of student government should
be extended to all college
In spite of a lack of definite policy on the part of college
administrations, the committee declared that most colleges permit
students to form all sorts of organizations without discrimination.
A minority of colleges show some form of discrimination, pres-
sure, or prohibition against radical groups with national affilia-
"There is more direct control over the college press�via fa-
culty advisers, censorship, appointment of editors and the power
to remove them�than over any other student activity
Among the issues which have caused students to clash with
college administrations during the past five years, the survey
cites student peace strikes, opposition to compulsory military
training, activities of the American Student Unon and student
Iberal clubs, censorship of the college press, prohbitions against
the invitation by student? of radical or pacifist speakers, and
participation by students in strikes or poltical campaigns off the
The committee urged on all collej es the adoption of a form
of student government such as is in force at a number of the
schools surveyed. It warned, however, of "a practice which has
developed in recent years of using democractic machinery to con-
trol certain student organization through a disciplined and de-
termined minority. These tactics�associated almost exclusively
with students under the influence of the Communist Party�are
difficult to combat, for they exploit democractic procedure. The
best antidote to them is not repression, but a strong bloc of stu-
dents determined to resist minority conrol
beth K. Tomlinson, Edna Turnage,
Dorothy Rebecca Turner. Norma Lee
Tyndall. Doris Teaster Vaughan,
Zora Melba Waller, Agnes Watson.
Virginia B. Weldon, J. Helen Weth-
erington, Mabel Virginia Wilder,
Annie Allen Wilkerson, Ellen Powell
Williams, Sallie Virginia Williams,
Mary Lois Williamson, Elizabeth M.
Wilson, Martha Elizabeth Wilson,
Nancy Fleming Winston, Ruth Mada-
line Woolard, Ada Rose Yow.
Continued from Page One
Dr. and Mrs. Meadows.
At 8:30 P. M. a Music Recital
will be given by Miss Gorrell
featuring her outstanding piano
students. She will be assisted by
Mr. Dittmer, Miss Kuykendall,
and Mr. Rossell. All alumni,
faculty members, and students
are cordially invited to attend.
Reverend Sankey Lee Blan-
ton, Minister of the First Bap-
tist Church of Wilmington,
North Carolina, will give the
Commencement Sermon Sunday
morning, June 1, at 11:00
Actual graduating exercises
begin Monday morning, at 10:30
o'clock with an address by
Edgar S. Doudna, who is Secre-
tary of theof the State Board
of Regents of Normal Schools
from Madison Wisconsin. Fol-
lowing this, is the long-awaited,
thrilling moment for the gradu-
ating Seniors when they receive
their diplomas from the hand
of President Meadows. Good
luck to you, graduates!
by "Ho hin
Dear intelligensia�future pedagogues�greetings! A
as the noisy clatter of typewriter keys resounds in an en
room, your new columnist begins his first column for
about you. Ho hum. let's go to press.
Speaking of '�pressing' reminds me of a recent tour I
the various parlors on this old campus. Boy. it was a rhaj -
technique�everything from holding hands to (ghip!) pa1
Of course such campus notables as Jesse Gray and Rosa P.
carrving on in their favorite nook and near them we find '
�'Tab" Humphries and little Bob "Jitterburg" Whiehard
they're getting to be a case� wonder why the P. O. E. e
is silent on the affair?� . . . Hum, "Sit" Knowles would
quite a stir in any court room in her recent Council trial gi I
how about it Harriet? . . . From all reports the far
storms in the Midwest come because Pepsi-Cola is sw
country�damn, and we still can't even get an ad from thai
One Edward "Slick" Evan seems to be getting along fa
with one of the neatest numbers on the campus �litth
Gaylord; rather it looked mighty like that when we surprise
on a shady walk the other P. M. . . . Ancient Hampton S
the last leg of his lengthy stay on the campus and. though v
preciate the numerous improvements that his presence has I
about, we feel that we must warn all Farmer's Daughter-
he intends to raise and high water" before his man
the near future . . Ruth Hinnant and Charlie Futreti torn
of the evils in close association�they both broke out w
"Poison Oak Wonder who caught it from who? . . Oh yes
how it was caught . . . Another Milk. Gus" has become tlv
ing words of the Mighty Mite (a one minus under Ba
Burks. So far only the wine and song has attracted him�w
some little one whose "little and low built up from the gr
give him a nudge? . . . Oh. "Skippy" Spires we're really
sorry about he incident in the hall the other A. M. . . . The c
of the Pieces O' Eight reminds us of a crack that Will Roger-
made about parachute jumps, "there ain't no use to practice
thing that has gotta' be done perfect the first time. . . . Musi
white and the lady with the long flowing locks are getting t
a habit (rabit) . . No. "Dopey" Watson we'll remember and i
say a thing about your affairs with that cute little brown-
gal on the old campus. It would be tragic if the girl at Louis
found out about her�tsk, tsk, double trouble. . . Say this Y
Dankee, Wilson Schuerholz, just won't quit. Maybe he inter
wear out any resistance she might have and he seems to be
ting along fine�they're a cute copule . . . Thanks to Coach -7 :
a couple of the would-be-tennis-players almost got in fine shap?
by walking all the way home from Norfolk�"O. K coach, we'i
leave at five-thirty . . . It's rumored that Archie Yow is work-
ing hard in his boxing class this quarter� needless to say he
hopes to gain a pronounced victory in his return match with
"Killer" Wolfe (just call me Helen or hel for short) . . Blalock
and Sadie, G. have become quite an authority on how to get sun-
tans in wiffttry weather since Camp LeachSay, listen.
Moritz and Ada Rose Yow when are you two going to chapel? . �
Doug "Smash" Jones is certainly busy these warm nights�first
Helen Mishoe (hum, cute gal, that) then Frances Southerland
(Ah) or may haps a bit of Fleming. At least he shows good taste.
. . . Hey, Harvey Ruffin and Sadie let's hear the one about the
beach, the moon, the station wagon, and State College Oh
Yeah, that boy that runs around with Lena Mae wishes to thank
"Tabby" of the P. O. E for divulging his identity a3 the former
columnist dealing in dirt . and now, before Chris H. starts
typing My initials we'll sign off for the now. Goodnigh
"Ho hum

:RIPAV MAY 23. 1941
�'on and,
� w eUa
I eniiti,
d ere
ised tl
ough we
lut with I
� Bough
really i
. The cover
I Rogers on
practice any-
. �
letting to be
ber and not
t Loniaburff
this Yamn
le intends to
Is to be get-
( oaek John
fine shape
,ach. we'll
� is work-
to say he
tnatch with
. . Blalock
to get sun-
Say, listen,
chapel? - �
good taste.
ie about the
We . . - Oh
es to thank
�he former
s H. starts
page three
Bucs Defeat Camels In Season Finale
The Sideline
"Smut" Burks
tows Out
s greatest athletes of all times will bow out
inton. who has been outstanding
accomplishments on athletic
among that well-known num-
four year grind at our
Frazelle Hurls
Win In Debut
For Pirates
addition to hi
Mater, will be one
who have completed their
,d, who hasn't done so badly on his campus courses
one of the best all-round athletes to hit this
- while in action for the school have been of the
ior type, and he deserves all the credit and thanks
enjoyed his stay on the campus, and extend
wish for tremendous success in his
on nacK
lay, the
ive fought valiently in every
illations. Coach
son ovt �. Coach John Christenbury's nine i
�f it. Although not setting any woods on!
id in a gentlemanly an
season. Victories over A. C. 0. and Elon
� - of the past campaign, and Coach John and his
irtiest congratulations for these much-desired
th draft of the Coastal Plain. Christenbury had
thout the services of two of his most able play-
� and Norman Mayo. Hinton signed with his
Mount team, and Mayo came to terms with
eenies just about a week ago. Both games with
re played without these men. and their absence
Pirate hopes. Roth boys weild a mean stick, and
rts �f the 1941 nine. At least, the season was satis-
ing the opponents, and we hail the Pirate baseball
showing during the past season. P. S Johnathon
slough as a manager, and we must admit that his !
-� valuable to the welfare of the team. Nice work.
With Charlie Frazelle going
the route and holding the op-
position well under control all
the way. Coach Christenbury's
charges slammed out an li-2
win over the Portsmouth Naval
Base nine in a game played at
the Guy Smith stadium May 10.
Frazelle. making his "first
start of the year, held the Ports-
mouth batters to seven hits, and
didn't allow over one safety in
any one inning. He received
lusty support from his mates,
and coasted to an easy victory.
The Pirates got off to an
early start by tallying five times
in the opening frame. Two
walks, singles by Futrell and
aan-Vikei,Hint;i'n- anda C0UPle of micues
by the visitors accounted for
the winner's runs in this inn-
ing. Three more runs in the
fourth put the game on ice for
the Teachers.
Waldrop. with three for four,
and Futrell. with two for three,
paced the attack of the victors.
Futrell's double played an im-
portant part in the scoring
habit of E. C. T. C.
The game was the last home
game on the schedule.
Bucs Smash Out
Win At W. & M
Watson Shines
i Bovs
the consistent of at least one of the
very match, the Pirate tennis team has
itself too. They have emerged with a record of
s s, which ain't bad for a bunch of boys without!
finite organization. Everything that has been
lone by the players themselves, and they have done
� �f the matches were tin result of consistent cor-
n i mber of the squad, and arrangements for all ,
een in the hands of the team as a whole, with most-
Ip from Mr. Hankner and his department. And
been handled as well as could be expected. These
i any team on the campus, deserve credit for their!
just put them on the list of "true sportsmen of
Coach John Christenbury,
above ha s completed his first
year as coach at East Carolina
Teachers College and has mark-
ed up a record that can be look-
ed upon as successful.
Floyd Hinton
Ends Brilliant
Career In June
Out Loud
about next
s iccei-j
year's football team. We are looking
ill season with Christenbury at the
columnist is sure that the boys will produce again.
- most gratifying, and if the eleven shows up
ure that there will be no kick coming.
Netters Defeat
Louisburg Again
E. C. T. C. made its two vie- j
tories over the Louisburg Tro-
jans by taking an 8-1 decision
over the visitors in a tennis meet
held on the local courts May 14.
The Pirates had defeated the
Trojans in a match held at!
Louisburg earlier in the season. I
The Bucs put the match on;
ice by capturing the first" five
matches, and went on to take
three of the final four matches.
The visitors' only point came in
the no. 1 doubles. Holden and
Strickland defeated Evans and
Miller. 6-3, 6-2.
Summary of other matches:
. when we come back next year we stand a good
about eight brand new tennis courts sitting com-
there below the training school, and will we be
an! Finally the proper authorities have seen the
and have complied with the demand of the students.
� on the part of the school has been anticipated for
and when the courts are finished it will undoubtedly
. i int of the tennis situation at E. C. T. C. Adequate
� - have been long a booga-boo around here, and
courts th$re ought to be a definite change in the
as well as in the intramural activities. Tennis has
ly ,Uad on the campus for too long a time, since the
anded to its present size to be exact, and a revival
immediate result of the new courts. Since Mr. Deal
ttvie to construct the two courts back of Jarvis, there
ral radicals on the rosters of teachers around here
tennis is very secondary, and ought to be treated
thej have been all wet, and the new courts prove
il � that they have been fighting like fishes, for some-
In't ever understand. Incidentally, Prof. Deal went
� share the expenses of the original courts, and such
be acknowledged by all those who enjoy the game.
was up against the very factions that have barred
tl e start He, like us, has been helpless against such
� pe that he feels rewarded with the appearance
irts To you. Mr. Deal, we would like to informally
innovation, and we sincerely hope that you will sneer
: limes at your adversaries in your fight, and throw in a
ictory smiles at them to boot.
E. C. T. C. loses a great
athlete w hen Floyd Hinton
walks across the stage on grad-
uation day. Floyd, who hails
from Rocky Mount, has starred
in athletics at E. C. T. C. during
his four years on the campus.
His activity has been divided
between all three major sports,
and he has been especially out-
standing on the diamond.
Hinton's football playing was
cut short when he received a
knee injury in his second year
on the eleven, and since then
basketball and baseball have
been his specialties. Playing
forward on the court five and
first base on the baseball nine,
Floyd has proven himself to be
a fine sportsman and athlete.
His play on both teams has al-
ways been of good quality, and
he has been a mainstay on both
teams for several seasons.
The varsity club chose Floyd
to succeed Bill Merner as presi-
dent of its organization this
year when Merner left school to
accept a job at Rich Square
Led by Acting-Captain Dopey
Watson and Smith Burks, the
Pirate netters eaked out a 4-3
win over the William and Mary
(XD) tennis team in a tight
match in Norfolk last Friday.
Watson and Burks accounted
for three of the team's points,
and clinched the match with a
win in the no. 2 doubles match.
It was the second Buc victory
over the Braves this year. The
other score was 6-1 in favor of
E. C. T. C.
The Pirates captured three of
the five singles matches to give
them a jrood start toward vic-
tory. William and Mary got the
no. 1 doubles, but couldn't get
the deciding point in the no. 2
The victory gave the local
courtmen a record of five wins
against four setbacks for the
Kilgore, W&M, defeated Mea-
dows, 6-0, 6-3.
Watson. E. C. T. C, defeated
Walsh. 6-0. 6-2.
Burks. E. C. T. C.
Richardson. 7-5. 6-0.
Doumar, W&M.
Evans. 6-2. 6-1.
Hudson. E. C. T. C
Murden. 6-4. 6-1.
Kilgore and Richardson, W.
& M defeated Meadows and
Hudson. 3-6, 7-5. 6-2.
Watson and Burks, E. C. T. C,
defeated Segal and Brittingham,
6-3. 6-0.
Baucom Pitches JSo Hit Ball
Until Forced To Retire
Sailors Defeat
Pirates Twice,
11-2 And 6 4
Oak Ridge Wins
Over Courtmen
Meadows defeated
son, 6-4, 6-0.
defeated Strickland,
defeated Kearney,
defeated Carr, 6-0
Watson defeated Holden, 6-4, Further exemplyfying his lead-
6-2. ership ability. Hinton was elec-
Richard- ted captain of the 1941 baseball
In completing his college ma-
triculation. Hinton leaves be-
hind him a record that is unsur-
passed by any graduating athlete
that has represented the school
in competitive sports. He has
been in important cog in the
mechanism of every squad of
which he has been a member, and
his brilliant college career will
undoubtedlv precede a success-
ful life for the "Blond Bomber
6-4, 6-1.
6-2, 6-0.
Burks and Meadows defeated
Richardson and Mitchiner, 6-1
Hudson and Hyde defeated
Carr and Sellars, 6-2, 6-0.
Oak Ridge sweot four of the
singles matches and both doub-
les to annex a 6-1 victory over
the netters of E. C. T. C. in a
match played at Oak Ridge last
Tuesday. Dopey Watson was the
only Pirate to win. He was vic-
Itorious in the no. 3 singles by
counts of 6-1. 6-1.
The match was the final one
of the season for the Teachers,
and left them with a .500 aver-
age. They have won five and
lost the same number during the
spring campaign. David Watson
I amassed the best record of the
team, winning six matches and
dropping only two. Smut Burks
won five and lost three for run-
ner-up honors.
E. C. T. C. went down to de-
feat twice at the hands of the
hands of the Naval Base nine
during the past week's cam-
paigning. The scores were 11-2.
and 6-4. The games were run
off in Norfolk on May 16 and 17.
Without the services of Floyd
Hinton and Norman Mayo, the
Pirates were handicapped tre-
mendously. Both of these play-
ers had been leading the team
all year, and a revamped lineup
failed to stop the sailors.
In the first game Baucom
started, but was shelled from
the mound, and he was relieved
by Charlie Frazelle. who held
the Navy pretty well in check-
while he was on the mound.
Wilson Scherholz hit safely
thrice to lead the Bucs in the
first game, but his stickwork
went- for naught as the team
committed several costly errors.
The Pirates faced a rapid-fire
left-hander in the initial jrame.
and he had too much stuff for
the boys from North Ca-lina.
In the second game, Lefty
Dunn was the star hurler, and
listless support from his mates
slowed him down considerably.
The Naval nine got off to an
early lead and held the Pirates
down all the way.
W. B. Harris, subbing for the
absent Mayo, got two singles to
lead the attack of the losers.
Ray Sisk. first-string catch-
er was forced from the first
game when he was struck on a
finger by a foul tip. Sisk was
unable- to play the next game,
and was replaced by Walter
Rogers behind the plate.
The Teachers garnered only
13 hits in both games, six in the
first, and seven in the final
Wiley Brown's double in the
eleventh brought Rogers across
the plate with the deciding run
of a 3-2 battle between the Pi-
rates and the Campbell Camels.
The game was the season finale
and was played at the Guy Smith
stadium last Tuesday.
The victory was the second for
Coach Christenbury's charges
over the Camels. The first game
was a lop-sided affair, with the
Pirates coming out on top,
Red Baucom hurled for five
innings, and allowed nary a hit
during his stay on the mound.
An attempted slide into second
base caused an ankle injury to
the Buc twirler. and Baucom
was forced to retire from the
game. Lefty Dunn came in on
the mound at that point, and
was reached for only five safe-
ties by the visitors.
In the tell-tale eleventh frame,
Futrell flied out, but Walter
Rogers singled sharply to left
field, Harris walked, and then
Brown delivered his game-end-
ing double.
Rogers got a double and a
single to pace the attack of the
winners. E. C. T. C. got only
eight hits over the route.
Campbell 000 000 011 00 2 6 3
E. C. T. C. 200 000 000 013 8 2
Since re Co n g rat ida t io ns
To The
Class of tl
Greenville, N. C.
Call For That�
"If It's In Town We Have it"
Treat Your
Senior Friends
With A Refreshing
id Farewell
its about time to close shop for the year; so I'll just make
ry short by gathering up myequipment and checking out.
� of this last column, if you readers haven't figured it
is to pay due respects to all who have made it a success-
�� at E C. T.C. If I've left out anyone I hope they
thai I just don't have room for everybody's like his-
e been rying to include everybody in a general way.
to all of you graduating athletes, and a happy vacation
ne. Adieu.
We Have Enjoyed Having You In Greenville
Greenville Chamber of Commerce
Compliments of
Servce Station
�V Store
Staitonery Store
S A S L O W ' S
Co n y ra t idat ions�
Best Wishes
Warren's Drug Store
Complete line of
Stationery, Toilet Goods
Notions and Hosiery
Avoid Exams Nerves
Try One Of
"The Best Place To Eat"
Gifts�Watch Repairing
Call For Them At The
"Y" Store
When you lift an ice-cold bottle
of Coca-Cola to your lips, you
can taste its quality and feel its
refreshment. Thirst asks nothing
more. So when you pause
throughout the day, make it
me pau$m that rmfrmthmB with
ice-cold Coca-Cola.
Bottled uadar �uthorio- of Th� Coct-Coli Company by
Greenville, North Carolina


I if
FRIDAY, MAY 23, 194

CHAPTER REPORTS ville chapter has forty-four ac-
'Sfil.lfn as
fwr dollars
The Alumni Association has
seventeen organized chapters.
The last one to be organized was
an Elizabethtown unit. April 29.
Following are reports as far as
information has been received.
Reports on contributions will not
be completed until the alumni
meeting on Saturday, May 31.
Under the able leadership of
Edith Fornes Worthing on, the
Winterville chapter of East
Carolina Teachers College alum-
ni has held five meetings dur-
ing the year 194041. There are
nineteen active members and the
attendance has averaged around
fifteen for the year. Contribu-
tions to the State Alumni Treas-
urv have been about thirty dol-
lars ($30.00). The chapter has
been represented at all executive
meetings and also had a good
attendance at Homecoming. No-
vember 16. In December. Miss
McClees. the Alumni Secretary,
visited the chapter. After telling
something of her work, she told
of the Legislative program then
being undertaken for the Col-
lege. Mrs. Bruce Ellis Boyd and
Mrs. Irma Sermon Worthington
were instructed to write the
legislators from Pitt County
asking their support on these
measures affecting the growth
of the College. Miss Emma
Hooper of the English Faculty
of East Carolina Teachers Col-
lege gave some interesting views
on "Peace on Earth Goodwill
to Men. Through Art January
guest speaker was Mrs. John R.
Carroll, daughter of H. S. Rags-
dale, a founder of East Carolina
Teachers College. Mrs. Carroll
told manv intimate stores of the
early days of E. C. T. C. She
was asked to write this for a
permanent record. The candi-
dates for the Alumni Award
were presented to the chapter
in January and a vote taken. It
was also decided at this time to
have a social of some kind dur-
ing spring holidavs for the stu-
dents of E. C. T. C. from Win-
terville community. This meet-
ing in March was most enjoy-
able. The April meeting was
given over to distributing bal-
lots for voting for State Offi-
cers. This was followed by a re-
port from the nominating com-
mittee as follows: officers for
Winterville chapter for 1941 42
are; Aldah Parker, president;
Mrs. Mamie Liverman. vice-
president : and Blanche White,
Members of the Greenville
alumni group have held eight
meetings during the year. Year-
hooks were distributed at the
October meeting. The chapter
members have sponsored two
bridge tournaments�one in No-
vember and one in May. They,
serving as hostesses at horn e,
assisted by the Ayden and Win-
terville groups together with
other alumni in the county made
possible the first Pitt County chapter
Alumni Banquet, which was
held in February. The program
committee composed of Misses
Elizabeth Smith, Ruth White,
tive members. This year they
have turned in to the Alumni
Association treasurer a total of
one hundred five dollars: sixty-
dollars and ten cents
a eift and fortv-
($44.00) in dues.
Officers of the chapter are:
nrosiden. Mrs. Clem Garner
(Ruth Blanchard) : vice-nresi-
dent, Mrs. Gus Forbes (Mary
mmi Clark 1 : secretary. Eliza-
beth Deal � treasurer. Mrs. E.
E. Rawl (Josephine Little) : re-
porter. Mrs. Jethro Johnson
'Dorothv Willard).
The Charlotte chapter has an
enrollment of thirty members
with seventeen active members.
Meetings have been held month-
ly. Mrs. Bennett visited the
Tnup in October. A bazaar was
held at the December meeting.
ind two benefit brideo parties
ave boon sponsored. The meet-
ings which have proved very in-
teresting, are held most inform-
nllv. the usual procedure bcincr
the dispatching of business, fol-
lowed hv a discussion of inter-
esting items of college news and
a delightful social period with
refreshments. A special dinner
mooting is beine nlanned for
Mav. The officers for the vear
194041 are as follows: presi-
dent. Mrs. W. E. Love (Lola
Arnold) : vice-nresident. Mrs. J.
R. Harris (Vera Miller) : re-
cordine secretary. Mrs. H. J.
Stegall (Rosalyn Satterwhite) :
treasurer. Mrs. L. W. Rogers.
(Nancy Brantlv) ; correspond-
ing secretary. Mrs. W. T. Hard-
ing (Alice Best) : hosnitality
chairman. Mrs. A. S. Bvnum.
(Emma Cobb) ; ways and means
chairman. Mrs. L. W. Rogers
(N a n c y Brantly) : reporter.
Mrs. T. M. Sawyer (Glennie
Mangum). The chapter will
make a donation of thirtv dol-
lars ($30.00) to the Association
this year.
On February 22. the Ruther-
ford County chapter was organ-
ized. A meeting was held atrain
on March 29. A picnic is sched-
uled for May. There are eight
East Carolina Teachers College
alumni in Rutherford County.
Mrs. John Telly (Estelle Cham-
blee) ; reporter, Mrs. E. H.
Dicky (Sallie Pittman). The fol-
lowing committees were named
at the first meeting; ways and
means, Mrs. O. K. Joyner
(Christine Vick) and Mrs. J.
L. Marcom (Augusta Wood-
ward) ; social, Mrs. E. H.
Browning (Fannie B. Brown),
Mrs. J. L. Ferguson (Helen
Modlin) and Mrs. C. J. Thor-
oughgood (Zell Wester) ; scrap-
book, Mrs. J. G. Weaver (Mar-
tha Stewart) ; program, "Mrs.
M. R. Medlin (Sara Louise Nix-
on) and Mrs. J. L. Marcom
(Augusta Woodward) : year-
book. Mrs. R. J. Ray (Ann
Whitehurst) : dinner chairman,
Mrs. J. C. Holland. (Alia Mae
Jordan), Mrs. R. J. Ray (Ann
Whitehurst), and Mrs. J. L.
James (Warnie Ross) ; Christ-
mas bazaar. Mrs. W. A. Grave-
ly (Margaret Tyson), Mrs. J. G.
Weaver (Martha Stewart), and
Mrs. C. H. Baker (Carrie Mae
Ward) : nominating committee,
Mrs. J. M. Newsome (Ellen
Renfrow), Miss Pattie Jenkins,
and Miss Irene Fleming. The ob-
jectives of the executive commit-
tee for this year were: to in-
crease membership, and to work
for a more friendly spirit
among the members. A dinner
meeting was held at the Womans
Club in October. Miss Maria
Graham and Mr. R. C. Deal, at-
tending from the College, gave
interesting talks. There were
fifty reservations for the din-
ner, and forty-seven attended.
The chapter has sponsored" two
bridge tournaments�one in No-
vember at which reservations
were made for forty-eight tables
and one in May for members
only. The regular Christmas
bazaar was held in December.
The chapter has forty-three ac-
tive and paid members and fifty
paid members. Eleven new mem-
bers have joined the chapter this
vear. One hundred three 'dol-
lars $103.00) have been turned
to the Association this vear�
fifty-three dollars ($53.00) of
this was a gift and fifty dol-
lars ($50.00) for dues. Officers
for next year are: president,
Miss Ruby Garris: vice-presi-
dent. Mrs J. M. Newsome (El-
len Renfrow) ; secretary, Mrs.
IF. H. Shuford (Mae Renfrow);
treasurer, Mrs. R. J. Ray (Ann
Whitehurst) : and reporter, Mrs.
Mrs. E. H. Dicky (Sallie Pitt-
The Ayden chapter was or-
ganized February. 1940. Enroll-
be given as a gift to the Associa-1 North Central District of the
tion. One other meeting for the! Association. The chapter has 24
current year is scheduled. At this active members,
time the officers for the year In September, the Burlington
1941-42 will be elected and all chapter was organized. From
unfinished business will be set- the beginning the chapter has
tied. Since the chapter was or- had a one-hundred percent paid
ganized, the following people membership. In the early spring,
from the College have visited the president, Mrs. John Thomas
with the group as guests speak Sutton (Mae Hampton Keith),
ers: Dr. Leon Meadows, Mr. R moved to La Grange and the
C. Deal, Miss Annie L. Morton, I vice-president, Margie Caldwell
and Miss Estelle McClees. Missj
Frances Wahl visited the group
at the same time as Miss Mor-
ton, and Miss Dora Coates at
the same time as Miss McClees.
In October, when the Kinston
chapter was organized, Mrs.
Ned Carwile (Frances Harvey)
was elected president; Hannah
Turnage, vice-president; Mrs.
P. E. Shouldars (Leta Williams),
secretary-treasurer; and Gladys
Swindell, publicity director. The
chapter has held three meetings.
It has an active membership of
The Rocky Mount chapter has
held regular monthly meetings
throughout the vear. On October
28, a most delightful dinner
meeting was held. Dr. and Mrs.
Leon R. Meadows. Miss Estelle
McClees, and Dr. R. J. Slay were
invited from the College. Dr.
Meadows was principal speaker
for the evening. Mrs. B. M. Ben-
nett visited with the chapter in
November. The chapter has 17
active members. They have sent
a gift of twenty-five dollars to
the Association. Officers for the
chapter are: Mrs. R. M. Taylor
(Ethel Shelton), president: Mrs.
G. A. Haggard, vice-president;
Mrs. J. H. Hayes (Pattie "Far-
mer), secretary: Mrs. E. P. Ger-
ard (Elsie Horton), treasurer,
and Mrs. Turner Hinnant(Ruby
Daughtrige). reporter.
Roanoke Rapids chapter mem-
bers have enjoyed regular
monthly meetings that were both
strictly social, and those which
were turned over to business
matters. Miss Margaret Eakes
heads the organization with
Nancy Sperling. Mrs. G. A.
Gurganus (Julia Foley). and
Elizabeth Wilder serving as
vice-president, secretary-treas-
urer, and reporter, respectively.
At a recent meeting, members
present agreed to write other
alumni to urge them to join the
Association, too, they agreed to
give donations to be turned in
to the Association on Alumni
Day. One member. Virginia
Blount, is vice-president of thei
became president. Mrs. R. G.
Collier (Lucille Cole) is secre-
tary-treasurer and Nancy Hin-
son, reporter. The active mem-
bership of the chapter is 25. A
ten dollar ($10.00) donation
was recently sent to the Associa- j
tion. Meetings have been varied;
including a dinner meeting,
Christmas party, candy pulling,
bridge party and picnic.
The High Point alumni group!
has held regular monthly meet
ings. It has sponsored one sue-j
cessf ul benefit bridge. The;
meeting includes both a business
hour and a social period. Dur-
nig the year several new mem-
bers have been welcomed into
the chapter. Miss Ruth Modlin
is president of the unit; Made-
leine McCain, vice-president;
Mrs. R. C. Mullen (Edna Love),
secretary; and Miss Lillian Par-
rish, treasurer.
The highlight of the year's
activities of the Greensboro
alumni group was a banquet re-
centlv held on the Jefferson
Roof. The group has met four
times during the year. Serving
as president to the group is Miss
Alice Pope. Miss Alice Pope was
Ire-elected to the office for the
j coming year. Other officers are:
Mrs. Robert Barbee (Alice
i Whitehurst), vice-president;
Miss Lilla Pritchard, secretary,
treasurer; Mrs. Robert V. Mor-
ns (Margaret Smith), publicity
chairman; and Mrs. C. A. Jack-
son (Pattie Smith program
In Louisburg. an alumni . �
ter was organized in November
There are eleven acti
bers who have met several
during the year. The
hopes to have a membership in-
cluding all alumni in Franklin
County. Officers are: Mi - Viv-
ian Lucas, president; Mrs,
I). Jackson, vkje-presid
W. G. Lancaster (Ros
Johnson); secretary
and Mrs. R. B. Mitel
Mullen), reporter.
Only Kelvinator has it!
Miss Beulah Haynes is president ;ed in the �rouP are 27 members.
of the chapter and Mrs. B. M.
Bennett (Elizabeth Stewart),
In Goldsboro the East Caro-
lina Teachers College alumni
have held one meeting each
month during the regular school
term. There are seventeen ac-
tive members. Aims for the
year have been; to hold monthly
meetings, to enlist new mem-
bers, to contribute to community
projects, and to contribute to
the Alumni Association. The
group has contributed to the
Empty Stocking Fund and to
the Community Chest. In Jan-
uary a sunshine basket was gi-
ven to an invalid. In November
members joined in a
banquet to which Dr. and Mrs.
Flanagan, Miss Graham, Miss
Sammon. and Miss McCless were
invited. Officers for 194041
The chapter has met eight times.
Twenty-one dollars have been
turned in in class dues�twelve
dollars and fifty cents in June,
1940 and eight dollars and fifty
cents during 1941. The chapter
has enjoyed a most successful
year under the able leadership
of its officers: president, Mrs.
Staton Ross( Josephine Dixon) ;
vice-president. Mrs. Roy L.
Turnage, Jr. (Corabob Smith) ;
j secretary-treasurer, Mrs. James
Ray Pittman (Marie Moore) ;
reporter, Mrs. Sam Underwood
(Viola Gaskins) ; chairman of
ways and means committee, Mrs.
C. R. Tyndall, Jr. (May John-
son Eure). Each member has
pledged fifty cents which is to
and Estelle Greene have pre-
sented to the chapter members
the following as guests speak-
ers : Miss Emma L. Hooper, Mrs.
P. W. Picklesimer. Miss Ruth
Bray, Mr. James L. Fleming,
and Mr. Vester Mulholland.
Mr. R. C. Deal led the "Pro-
fessor Quiz Program" at the
banquet; President Leon R.
Meadows gave the Address of
Welcome; Mr. Denton Rossell
sang; and Mr. Lindsay Whic-
hard, Class of '40, served as
toastmaster. The men's quartet
and Mr. Rossell sang for the
Christmas program. The Green-
are as follows: president, Nao-
mi Newell; vice-president. Mrs.
W. V. Waestmoreland (Sallie B.
Noblin) : secretary, Mrs. Marsh-
all Helms (Mildred Sasser) ;
treasurer, Mrs. Paul M a g i 11
(Eliza Walters).
The Raleigh chapter of East
Carolina Teachers College Alum-
ni Association has had a suc-
cessful year under the leader-
ship of its members and the fol-
lowing officers: president, Mrs.
R. F. Noble (Mamie Cutler) ;
vice-president, Ruby Garris;
secretary, Mrs. C. H. Baker
(Carrie Mae Ward) ; treasurer,
To '41
Greenville, N. C.
Make Money Go A Long Way
Curtis Perkins
418-420 Evans Street
Greenville, North Carolina
Best Store
To The
Class Of '41
James Cagney
Olivia DeHavilland
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Mickey Rooney
(Do You)
Franchot Tone
Bette Davis
"The Great Lie"
with Geo. Brent
With All-Glass

Starts June 1st
Cold-mist" Freshener
A revolutionary NFW KIND of ttftigtt-
ator giving the MOIST cold that prevent
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longer! A marvelous new feature�the giant
"Cold-mist' Freshener with rwog � Ji its.
provides SUPER-moist storage that keeps
vegetables garden-fresh behind glass! Other
new features too includ ng �.ass
shelves! This big 64 cu. ft J
model only-
Other 6 cu. ft. Kelvinators from J
"OeUtertd in ycur in. fun u nh s car Protection
Plan. State and Local laxes I :
COILS in the
Extra: In a i :iuon to the
HiKh Speed Freezer
then- s a tepanrc I
iihriK coils conct .
in the � lit al tr.t I
COmpftai Bf�-trun
injt correct temperature
Carolina Sales Corporation
Ifs Chesterfield
in the clean white pack with the
liked by smokers everywhere
Just as you know you'll always find it
cooler at the beaches, smokers know they
can always count on Chesterfield for a
Cooler smoke that's refreshingly Milder
and far Better-Tasting.
Everybody who smokes Chesterfields
likes their right combination of the best
tobaccos that grow in our own Southland
and that we bring from far-off Turkey
and Greece. THEY SATISFY. 1M1, Ussarr & M

The Teco Echo, May 23, 1941
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
May 23, 1941
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