The Teco Echo, January 25, 1941


t �y
Support Library
Society Plays
w a
Join Debating
Stage Is Set
For Elaborate
Social Event
?thda Ball Being
Held On Campus
lanuary 30
Number 7
Heard About These?
most anticipated
the year is the
Ban, ac-
r R. C. Deal.
iced that the
nee have been
one act plays to be sent
Presented by the Poe, Emerson, tragedj
and Lamer Societies will be
given Tuesday night. January
- in a contest sponsored by
iterary societies of East
Una Teachers College for
second consecutive year.
Mansions a one-act tragedy
Hildegarde Planner will be
presented by the Poe Society
with the cast of Rosalie Brown.
Eloise Owens, and Harold Tay-
lor. Martha Rice will direct the
The Emerson Society will pre-
le Bond P� e twee n
by Mae Howley Barry.
Axis Jamerson, Evelyn Brum-
mitt, Vvilda Royall. and Martha
the Windley compose the cast with
Caro- Sibyl Taylor as director.
the A comedy. Sing A Song of
Seniors by Lindsey Barbee
will hi' presented by the Lanier
Society with Edith V. Harris
directing. The east of charac-
ters are Dorothine Massey, Mil-
dred Liverman, Janice Lister.
Elizabeth Peal. Margaret Reed.
Francs Sutherland and Cleo
C. A.
A. May Inaugurate Aviation
At E. C. T. C. In Spring Quarter
ill be held in Robert
building Thursday
tO, from 9 o'clock
1 ickets for the
� ill be $1.50 and
tudents 50 cents.
1 . lb boya are ex-
na r the ticket sale.
r announcements
- will be made later.
I '� al will act as
ceremonies and also
t the Dance Com-
ith the chair-
- Blalock, president
Si . : t Govern-
� U r Rogers, pres-
� s S1 i� nt Gov-
Whitfield, pres-
ing Democratic
McHenry, di-
. istrial Arts.
iff and his corps of liams.
� isic makers will Bailey
n isic. There will
Senior Play Rehearsals
Follow Cast Selection
Students Attend
by Criss Humphrey
Ever so often, you hear some that he can no longer spell (if j him know if you see something
�lder person say. I do declare, ever) because there are so many you like
f .i�� i� U V �:j.i , . J I o .
Stroll toward Five Points, and
� al - $810. J. H.
� iperinten-
unty school sys-
. i m n. Jonathan
lenl f local Ro-
History was made in Wash-
ington January 20. For the first
time in United States annals a
president was inaugurated for
a third term. A number of col-
lege students went to Washing-
ton to witness the event.
Those taking the trip were:
Kathleen Lewis. Betsy Hutchin-
son, Sankie Hutchinson, Myra
Bell, Laura Hearne. Lois Wil-
Lois Greene. Mary T.
Julia Branch. Norms
Davis. Mary Arlington, Lydia
Mae. Jean Wendt. Evelyn Sat-
terfield. Margaret Eatman, Ce-
lia B. Dale. Nancy Darden. Bil-
�"� Manley. Virginia Worley,
ian Abee. Camilla Bissett,
An Inside Story
Of Duo-Pianists
no of a dozen
as the renown-
sts, Luboshutz and
tiated the new
� � ianos with
f th rverture to
Figaro Fri-
: �:� ; aration for
I- was the same
lality that pre- iam
� Wright
� � ight w hen
tncerl to more
I students and
Dorothy D a 1 r y m p 1 e. Helen
Wolfe. Katherine Jones. Frances
Phelpa, Mary Morris. Mrs. W.
R. Noe, Hampton Noe. Thomas
R.spess. Frank Brow n. Carl
Abee, Hershel Tyson, Mr. Ed
Hearne. Mr. P. A. Toll and Mr.
Paul Ricks.
The party went and came by
way of Richmond. There they
stopped at the capitol and St.
John's Church, where Patrick
Henry made his famous speech
for liberty. During the trip they
' stayed at the Ebbitt Hotel and
tourist homes.
Monday morning the primary
interest was the inauguration
ceremony. After lunch they
visited the Capitol. Smithson-
Institute. New National
audi- M U a e u m. Congressional Li-
he two- brarv. Union Station, and other
their points of interest. The students
than returned to the campus Tues-
Now that the cast for the
World premiere of Ramona has
been selected, rehearsals are in
full swing as mapped out by Di-
rector Clifton Button and the
nlay is headed for its public per-
formances February 21 and 22.
Elizabeth Coppedge, brilliant
senior, plays the title role while
David Breece, president of the
Chi Pi players, features opposite
her in the male lead. Alessandro.
Finishing the triangle is Ward
-Tames in the role of Senor
Felipe, son of Senora Moreno.
Iren Mitch am.
Complicating the plot even
more is the intriguing Marga-
rita, portrayed by Pauline Abey-
ounis, who is the one big prob-
lem in her mother's like�Old
Mania, played by Martha Whe-
Su porting these roles are Bill
Davidson. Lera Smith. Lydia
Piner, Merwin Frazelle, George
Heafner. William (Smut) Burks
and Fenly Spear, who is also
master electrician.
Director Britton states that
he is very well pleased with the
progress of the play and that
stage manage Jean Phillips.
Phonetician Ruth Bray and the
"rest of the crew are working
their heads off to put this job
over in a big way
I don't know what this younger mistakes; or under Miss Jen-
veneration is, etc. etc and; kins and trot along after her.
then expound for an hour on Some are placed in the science
how lazy and shiftless andscat department, and have such fun
ter-brained we are. But there; (?? as stuffing all sorts and
are many of us who aren't and kinds of animals and things,
actually wory hard�or should , "Things" so nicely expresses
I just say work?�to come to this what you don't know.)
institution. Yeah. I know, where Besides NYA work, other am-
do I get that "us" stuff. But bitious people who think enough I Daniels
anyhow, even it I am slightly of education, wait on tables in
lazy. I can admire those who the dining hall, work with Uncle
aren't. Sam in the P. O and others be informed of
For instance, there are ap- help us find our many (and I j wheres. whats, whos and hows
proximatel; 140 students doing do mean many) assignments in i of the world�and Greenville
alone. These stu- the library. All of these are un
Joe Staton will wave at vou
through the A&P window and
point invitingly at a crate of
oranges or a box of Ritz; on
Sats, you'll see Bobby Hollar
in Curtis Perkins�vou know�
"What Men Wear
At the News-Leader, Bert
work into the wee small hours
of the night so that we might
Even on our Campus, we have
ents are placed m the depart- der the supervision of the school i Lib Thomasson distributing
ments in which they are major- or government, but if you were Beachutn Drops and gums all
mg, to the best ot the Regis- to go downtown, you would have around at the Campus Building
trars ability. Those majoring Hazel Starnes help and per- basketball games, and in the
hi English are placed under suade you to purchase Blount dorms�drop in sometim. qirls
Dr. Turner, like that red-haired Harvey's latest models�that is, i Jarvis, 113. '
girl who goes un to unlock the if you could stop looking at her1 So you see, this younger gen-
English lab. and gather up Miss hair long enough. Or you might! eration is not quite as bad as it
turners books every morning wander in Brody's and see Bill I could be. I might even try to
before class: or under Dr. McDowell lounging in one of exert myself sometimes�you
Poesy, like Cliff Evans, who those red up-holstered chairs know, like walking all the way
grades spelling papers (with the and he might even invite you to down town, and going to a
help of the dictionary) so often look around at the shoes and let movie.
John H. Kerr, Jr' Addresses Big Group
Of Classroom Teachers Friday Night
Bundles For Britain
Grace Ross, chairman of the ary 18, a social was held at the
rial service committee of the Y. Hut at which time both stu-1 room teachers and school offic-
Representative John H. Kerr,
Jr of Warrenington, chairman
of the Appropriation Commit-
tee of the State Legislature, ad-
dressed an estimated 300 class
At a recent chapel program
President L. R. Meadows an-
nounced the possibility of a
CAA (Civil Aeronautics Asso-
ciation) course being installed
at East Carolina Teachers Col-
The course is supposed to
start February 1, but the air-
port and other essentials can
not be ready by that time. There-
fore Dr. Meadows says that
probably the College will be able
to offer the course by the begin-
ning of the Spring quarter,
March 20. Nothing definite has
been decided as yet.
Three courses will be offered
here by faculty members. These
courses are navigation, meteor-
ology, and civil air regulations.
Actual flying instructions will
be given at the Greenville Air-
This course will be offered to
the college students. The age
limit will be from 19 to 26. Stu-
dents not enrolled in college
must have had two years col-
lege training, and those enroll-
ed here at school must be of
sophomore standing.
Primarily this course is of-
fered to boys but two per-cent
of the students may be girls.
Other colleges in the state
which boost such a course are
State College. Duke University,
University of North Carolina,
and E. M. I. Such a course is
regarded as important in the
national defense program and
brings opportunities of flying
much closer to those interested.
Charles Marks Speaks
At Sunday Vespers
Charles Marks spoke at Ves-
pers sponsored by the Young
M-ns Christian Association Sun-
day. January 19, in Austin
In his speech Charles Marks
related his theory of life and
life problems.
The speaker of the occasion
was introduced by Norman
Wilkerson. Cabinet member of
the Young Mens Christian Asso-
V. W. ( A has announced that
the current project of the com-
mittee is knitting sweaters for
the war refugees. The Ameri-
can Red Cross furnishes the
wool, and the Y. W. supplies the
knitting needle s. About 30
people are now working on grey
sweaters of all sizes for men,
women and children. The pro-
ject was instigated at the sug-
gestion of Miss Mary Cheatham.
On Saturday afternoon, Janu-
dents and faculty members
gathered too knit. Instructions
were given to beginners by the
Everyone interested in this
project is invited to join the
ials at an educational rally held
in the College dining hall last
night at 6:30. � m
Similar rallies have been held
in various parts of the State
recently, and have given teach-
Dr. Frank Speaks
On U. S. Defense
knitting parties. Both needles' era and officials an oppor-
and wool can be secured from tunity to discuss educational
policies and also give them an
'he following: Helen Jo Brown
in .Jarvis Hall. Grace Ross in
Wilson. Sarah Potter Jo in Cot-
ten, and Virginia Worley in
Sophomores Entertain
Seniors At Dance
w hilt
an er-
ver make
� you practice'
the spellbound
ad been witness-
ractice hour.
very often, re-
in a chorus. "We
Chi Pi Players Enter
State Dramatics Festival
For the first time since they
were organized, the Chi Pi
Players have joined the Carolina
Plavmakers Association in
he program on Chapel Hill, and will take an ac-
in which the pia-itive part in the State Dramatics
icked the difficult pas- FestjVal to be held in the Spring
at the University of North
Those Who Cry For Mercy,
one-act play by James Whitfield,
has been entered in the judging
its must beat in the of orjginal college pro-
and Sky Fodder, re
wide ovation here
� - any lack of per-
r playing, it was
the tram's beautiful
I)cal musicians
- and chords, which
to be ever present in
tiona and on the way
the notes dropped
r wH-trained fingers.
ber was heard to say.
Jimmie Johnson
Writes Popular Hit
possess such
� t interview reporters ceived WOT OT,trpH
� � at the Luboshutz en- iast year, has been entered in
laaical music, and if the piay production contest.
1 a favorite it njfton Britton. director
. Beethoven. Their in-

�r than music is cen-
Key" who has been
Dlina Teachers
Who Cry For
, would be presented here.
Jimmie Johnson, trumpet
player with Billy Knauff's or-
chestra and Sophomore at East
Carolina Teachers College, who
aspires to make music his life
work, already has one popular
tune on the national air lanes.
Jimmie has written about 40
"Wistful Interlude the tune
written by the ECTC student,
gained its recognition when
nlayed last summer by Bob
Crosby's orchestra. Because of
the controversy between the
Fast Carolina Teachers College, American Society of Composers.
,1 rhno �- Cm Fort Authors and Publishers, Jim-
heir cocker spaniel, said that Those
from a pup to appreciate om with Sky Fodder. Plans
real works of music. f the locai presentation nae
- Key" dozes under their; completed.
� while Luboshutz and not been
ff practice their six
irs a dav. The team revealed
�heir pet was engaged to
uvitakis' dog. "Beomul
(which means flat). The wed-
g will take place in early
The next scheduled entertain-
ment comes next month, when
Allan Jones makes an appear-
e. He needs no introduction.
�tndeota have seen him on the
screen and heard him on the air.
Other contests entered by the
Chi Pi Player9 are costume,
make-up. poster and scrap book.
Joining the Carolina Play-
nnkers was described by one
member of the Chi Pi Players
A '�astelprogresin
mie now is sending his song to
Broadcast Music Incorporated.
Johnson wrote the music and
Ethelyn Brown of Columbia, S.
C. completed the lyrics.
A number of tunes will be
submitted to national music
publishers by the ECTC student,
as the purpose of Broadcast
Music Incorporated is designed
to gi song writers attempting
to scale the ladder of success
a chance.
Even though Jimmie's activi-
Membera of the Sophomore
class entertained the Seniors at
the first class dance this quar-
ter last Saturday night at the
Robert H. Wright building.
Billy Knauff and his orches-
tra furnished the music for a
large crowd of dancers. The
building w a s gayly
Chapel Schedule
Is Announced
According to Miss Sallie Joy-
ner Davis of the history depart- communities
ment. plans for the assembly
program for the winter quarter
insight into what the legislators
anticipate doing for education
in North Carolina.
Mrs. Luther Herring, presi-
dent of the Greenville unit, and
Miss Carrie Glynn Smith, presi-
dent of the college unit of the
Northeastern District of the
North Carolina Association are
making the arrangements, as
their respective organizations
sponsored the rally.
Besides all teachers in Green-
ville, Pitt Countv, and other
"That the output of fighting
planes in the United States is
for below the productive efforts
of the belligerent nations is
attributed to industry itself
said Dr. A. D. Frank, head of
the department of history at
East Carolina Teachers College
and an outstanding observer of
international developments.
He was addressing the Green-
ville Rotary Club at its regular
weekly meeting, using as his
topic, "Unpreparedness of the
United States Basing his ad-
dress on facts with authorita-
tive sources, he pictured the
United States as being "an-
other Nero fiddling while Rome
lv decorated have been completed.
with purple and gold strips of
paper draped across the room
making a colorful ceiling. Dur-
ing intermission, lemonade and
cakes were served.
Plans for the dance were
worked out under the direction! elude: A program by the Young
On January 31 the regular
monthly student program will
conclude the programs for
The February programs in-
An attempt to conduct busi-
invitations to at-iness, with no expansion, unless
rally were extend- assured of peace-time business;
and no participation by large
business interests because of the
lack of profits were the prin-
cipal retardations factors in the
national defense program as out-
lined by Dr. Frank.
Part of the blame for a slow-
ing down of the nations far
tend the
ed to county boards of educa-
tion, boards of aldermen, and
mayors of other cities and coun-
ties in the Northeastern Dis-
trict. Officials of the State
School Commission also were
extended special invitations to
The rally was the first of j flung national defense program
of Norman Wilkerson, president
of the Sophomore class.
David Breece Heads
Chi Pi Players
David Breece, who wras presi-
dent of the Chi Pi Players for
1940-41, was re-elected at the
first meeting of the winter quar-
ter held Monday night, Janu-
ary 6.
Since David was not enrolled
in school during the fall quar-
ter Lallah B. Watts, first vice-
president of the organization,
presided during the fall term.
With David's re-election, Lal-
lah B. resumed her office as
first vice-president. The other
officers remained unchanged.
fostering � ner8 College. It!ties are confined primarily to
Carolina i j on a music, you'll find him at sports
will put , . our mem events and social gatherings of
�?senePvJ"�E tlTshoot at Uhe school.
Notice Men!
All boys who come un-
der the jurisdiction of the
present draft are asked to
see Mrs. Roy Barret in the
Office Building as soon as
possible. Notice applies
to all men students who
registered under the Se-
lective Service Act, wheth-
er they are subject to im-
mediate call or not.
Democratic Club, February 4;
A program by the Debating
Club, February 7; a talk by Dr.
Wieman of New York City,
guest speaker for the Y. W. C.
A February 11; music by the
College orchestra and band, Feb-
ruary 14; a talk by Dr. Robert
Humber, February 18; a skit
from the Senor play, February
21; a student program arranged
by Vern Kuetemeyer and Wilda
Royall, February 26: and a
musical program by Miss Gor-
rell, February 28.
On March 4 the guest speaker
its kind ever held
North Carolina.
in Eastern
Practice Work
Plan Expanded
A new step in the develop-
ment of the practice teaching
system at East Carolina Teach-
ers College is being taken' this
term in the placing of seniors
in communities outside of Green-
ville to do their practice teach-
ing and live in the community
was likewise attributed to the
government and government of-
ficials. He stated that the gov-
ernment had not specified what
it expected of industry and la-
bor; and stressed the need of
concentrating the responsibility
on the shoulders of one man in-
stead of on committees.
Varsity Club Offer
Rollicking Comedy
will be a Jewish rabbi; and on j like a regular teacher, seven
March 11 the Young Democratic ' seniors having started to do
Club, will present another pro
This school year the Chapel
committee has been placing
emphasis on more student pro-
grams. The desire of the group
has been expressed as being the
matter of having a cross-section
of student organizations repre-
sented each quarter. The new
plan has done much to foster the
development of the different
kinds of talent among members
of the student body.
A survey of the programs
scheduled the remainder of the
quarter show much diversifica-
tion in talent offered. The pro-
grams include music, debating,
public speaking, informational
and other entertaining features.
their teaching in the Ayden high
school and five in Farmville.
Elizabeth Wilson of Crose-
nore, one of the seniors working
in Ayden, is teaching science
and commerce. Of the others,
all home economics and science
majors. Wista Covington of Dil-
lon. S. C, Mary Frances Irwin
of Shelby, Effie Lewis of Farm-
ville, Mary Little of Freeland,
Ellen Mclntyre of Red Oak, and
Alice Rich of Wake Forest, are
teaching in Farmville, where
Miss Verona Joyner is the critic
Ruth Askew of Warsaw, Edna
Kirby of L u c a m a, Esther
Koonce of Richlands, Nell Mi-
chael of Mebane, and Marie
See Practice Work on Page Four
"Applesauce" is a rollicking
three-act comedy to be offered
in Austin auditorium March 7
under the sponsorship of the
Varsity Club of East Carolina
Teachers College.
Bill Merner, Varsity Club
president, said that Bill Du-
dash, director, who was one of
the principal laugh-makers in
"The Milky Way success hit
sponsored last year by the Vars-
ity Club, would select his cast
on Monday.
Serving as technical adviser
is Miss Lena Ellis, member of
the faculty, who has worked
with other campus productions
Even though he refrained
from commenting on the play
at this early date, Merner inti-
mated the audience would have
to tie itself down, as the laughs
the play makes are equalled
only by those of "The Milky

JANUARY 25, 1491
The Teco Echo
Published Biweekly by the Students of East Carolina
Teactu rs College
Entered as second-class matter December 3, 1925, at the U. S.
Postoffice. Greenville. X. C. under the act of March 3, 1879.
James Whitfield
Pauline Abeyounis
Ruth Pollard
Mary D. Horne
George Laitares
"Mutt" Andrews
Mary Agnes Deal
Rose Carlton Dunn-
Emily Murphy
Jessie Keith
William Harris
Frances Southerland
O. D. Andrews
By Barbara Keuzenkamp
Spring hats are big news.
Large and small ones vie with
Sports Editor
Fenly Spear
Business Manager
Ellen McIntyre
Mary Long Ford
Mary Harvey Ruffin
North Carolina Collegiate Press
R$SOCided Colte&iate Press National Advertising Service, Inc.
Dwmbuto. of OM"g Puhlii6m � � " ��
Collegiate Di6est
420 Madison Avb Ntw York. N. Y.
CHIC�eO � KOITOK � Lot ASCfLIt � S. r���c.CO
Physical Education Majors Taking A Chance
Any high school physical education major at East Carolina
Teachers College who expects to obtain a teaching certificate is
taking a chance. The practice of the Physical Education Depart-
ment in forcing high school majors to do practice teaching in the
grammar grades is a strict violation of the State Department of I Italian counter-attacks in the Tepeleni sector of the'Albanian
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, meeting in extreme
secrecy during the same hour that President Roosevelt and the
United States embarked on another four year voyage to nobody
knows where, agreed upon war measures that will bring "the
blow of destruction against England in 1941" to crown the Axis
power's string of victories. It is reported that the blow will come
in the form of a blitzkrieg Spring offensive, ranging from the
Eastern Mediterranean to the British Isles, and that the Axis
blows will be speeded up before the United States can become the
"arsenal of democracy" and provide any great amount of aid to
German and Italian air forces have joined in an effort to
wipe out Malta and sever the Mediterranean at its narrow waist-
line. This besieged British fortress has already been subjected to
several spectacular mass air attacks for which Axis squadrons
have paid dearly with planes from their ranks.
Along with the hammer-blow bombings of Malta the Nazi
Luftwaffe has made its first bombing attack on Britains vital
Suez Canal region. This attack is regarded as the heralding of
an all out Axis offensive aimed at cutting the British empire "life-
line" to prevent reinforcements by way of the Suez Canal from
Australia and other empire points.
In an attempt to halt the Greek advance, carefully planned
by Pearl Edwards
Patricia Brooks, known to the student body of East Cai
Teachers College as just plain "Pat has been exceedingly
prolific in extra-curricular activities during her four yeai
the campus.
Pat, a Senior, is best known this year for her associate
Pieees 'O Eight, literary-humor magazine, of which she U
each other, while the majority Under Pat's guidance, the magazine, born a year ago.
are off-the-face and have filmy i received with wide ovation by the students from one ise u
veils. Many veils have delicate!next , . , � A,
, , � ,1 1 During her college career, Pat s enviable pf-rsonalov i.
flower borders and are the only offorts to he,p a fe�ow student astute wit, and scho, Mi,
trimming on the hats. Felt and j have won for her appraisal from both faculty and students.
straw are equally popular with! It has been Pat's conception that a student can be a
by taking an active interest in campus activities, ae he
heading an organization: and Pat's application of this belief
her the coveted honor of heading the Commerce Club ai
ship of the magazine, which includes her as a charter
its staff.
Pat is historian of Zeta Delta Chpater of Alpha !
Pat is historian of Zeta Delta Chapter of Alpha I
a member of the President's Club, on the Publicati
milans and toyas leading. Noti-
cable are rough straws in mus-
tard color, stitched fabrics hats,
and lacy Panamas in beige or
green. White hats are trimmed
in navy, royal blue or Kelly
Large hat have high rolled
off-the-face brims or straight member of the Young Democratic Club, and a mem!
Education: and if the proper authorities learn of this practice,
that was in progress last quarter and continued this quarter, they
are going to clamp down on the school. Recently a graduate in
physical education remarked that his practice teaching had helped
him more than any other phase of his college training as far as
actual coaching goes. But this particular student� a high school
major�did his practice teaching at the high school. He was not
subjected to a group of youngsters who had the privilege of accept-
ing or rejecting the instruction of their tutor. He did not have to
handle a group of students whose age range was far below that
of the more mature students he was assigned to handle after being
graduated from college. The Physical Education Department of
East Carolina Teachers College�one of the ten leading teachers'
college in the United States�has attracted a number of students.
Because of its rank, they expected to find trairdng not to be had
in any other college. This is a splendid picture. But what are they
receiving"? No student wants to pay hard-earned money for train-
ing that stands a possibility of not being certified by the State
Departement. Last quarter echoes of the students objection to
this practice brought the promise that something would be done
about it this quarter. After the students registered, the high
school physical education majors were assigned practice teaching
among the kiddies. The superintendent or principal taking a lease
on the services of his prospective coach will do so with the assump-
tion that he has had the required number of hours of practice
teaching under a high school critic. Perhaps nothing will be done
about the current situation, as the prospective employers of the
high school majors are in another community. Thev won't be able
to determine the training he has had or hasn't had from office
records. Aside from being unfair to the student, the current prac-
tice is unfair to those they will teach. It is being unfair to the
State Department. It is a condition that will tend to retard in-
stead of advance the objectives of the department. Educational
authorities throughout the nation are placing emphasis on physi-
cal education. As the demand for better-trained instructors in-
creases, there is going to be a greater demand for physical educa-
tion graduates of this school. If the department does not cope with
the standards that it is supposed to meet, then it is logical to
assume that physical education at East Carolina Teachers College
is doomed. The cost of providing high school practice teaching for
high school majors is small as compared with expenses of other
departments. If the State knew this condition existed because of
insufficient funds and failed to do anything about it. then we
could blame the State. The State has not been told of this. Some-
day matters such as these come to the surface. If this one comes
to the surface, it will submerge the Physical Education Depart
merit. Physical education majors are taking a chance�am
know it.
front have resulted in the loss to the Italians of their original posi-
tions along with great numbers of their attacking force. On the
front north of Kiisura the Greeks have also scored important
gains putting them in positions from which it will be easier to
reach their objectives.
The British have opened their final attack on the Italian base
at Tohruk. Libya, with Australian shock troops led by crack
British regiments smashing through to the inner defenses. The
assault is being supported by the Royal Air Force and the British
Mediterranean fleet.
British forces of the Middle East command have driven into
Italian Eritrea at two points along the Anglo-Egvptian Sudan
and are continuing their advance in contact with the fie t Fascists.
The Eritrean towns of Tessenei and Sabderat, fortified Italian
positions have been captured without a struggle.
Last Monday thousands of Americans saw a precedent-
shattering Presidential inauguration. President Roosevelt slowly
and thoughtfully repeated the Presidential oath of office for the
third time and in his address, reiterated his faith in the future
of democracy.
also the same
brown and tan.
New Constitution Now In Making
A new constitution committee, composed of some members of
last year's group, has begun the task of completing the new con-
stitution for the student body of East Carolina Teachers College.
About three vears ago the students realized the old order was
changing and would have to be reconditioned to cope with the
growth of the school. The committee has an important task, as
the needs of a college community continue to mount from ouarter
to quarter. It is not easy for any group to live under practices
and conditions in a world of tomorrow that were suited only to the
past. Since the student body deemed it necessary that a new con-
stitution be drawn up for consideration and possible adoption,
then the project should be carried out until it is completed. The
committee is composed of competent students, as such a group
needs vision and foresight. They've got to predict needs that
will exist tomorrow, as well as those that are prevalent today.
That s why the task before them is an important one. When their
task is completed, the final task will rest in the hands of the stu-
dents. It will be necessary to look upon the new constitution with
seriousness. You are living in a democratic college community.
A constitution tells you how you shall be governed. How you are
governed should be of major importance. The committee realizes
this. ou should realize it, too.
Digging For Dirt
By S. H. O'Vcll
Yes sir. there was one. two, three, girls from Gotten; one,
two, three girls from Fleming; one. two three, girls from Jarvis;
one. two, three girls from Wilson etc. . . . that know where they
should have been last Sunday night. I take back what I said a
few columns back about the council not meeting long�cause they
can find business when it just drops off. Anyway it ought to be
a lesson to them�everyone of them had to' stay up nearly all
night�heh! heh heh Not mentioning any names but have'you
heard any rumors about love up Gotten way'?�some stuff from
what we hear and makes good listening.�Matt Phillips is a tee-
total nut if he can't see something besides eyeballs in Katherine's
eyes�bad case, yes sir. bad case. After that leetle crack in a la
rag last time about the Pieees of Eight, Pat Brooks, the ed. had
only to say that at least they carry it along to read�I still say j the meeting,
the Teco Echo can be used to the best advantage. Dining Hall.
(gulp( (gulp) Quip: Quick, hand me some water to wash this
stuff down. Say, wow! didcha' ever notice Yvonne Alderman do-
ing the rhumba with a full pleated skirt.�Oh veah�a boy too
Wonder who Frances Roebuck is seeing the most of now�Harry
Riddick or Frink? You've heard Gene Autrv sing "Back in the
Saddle Again (corny, but) well Jimmy Smith walked out of the
campus building last Monday night with Bobby Gressner instead
of Arlene Mercer� Flash! he was back with Arlene later though.
aid n aldrop had better watch that key around Ruby White's neck
cause there might be an E. M. I. one around there if possibilities
flanged or scooped brims, many
highlighted with b a n d e a u s.
Small hats introducing high
crowns feature small brims or
are flower or feather trimmed
with veils. Outstanding are the
pastel blue smooth-feather calots
with high feather trimming.
The few turbans have high
front treatment, and the most
outstanding ones are figured or
striped in loud colors with
matching large bags.
Important are the large white
fine straws with crocheted treat-
ment, as the large white toya
with wide crocheted fiange and
bandeau. There are also num-
erous pompadour sailor berets
like the one worn by the Duchess
of Windsor, in navy, white, or
pastel blue felt.
Jacket ensemble s are. as
usual, very popular for spring
wear. The highlight is the fit-
ted three-quarter jacket in en-
sembles. Individual costumes
are numerous and so are con-
trasting accessories. Several
dresses have backs of one color
color and fronts and sleeves of
another color, as a brown back
and soft blue front and sleeve,
worn with a large matching
blue felt hat with a brown veil;
Commerce Sorority for the past two years.
The College will graduate Pat this year, but
she has developed will be a shine for posterity.
Parade Of Opinion
(by Associated CoUegiaU Prt ss)
FEED EUROPE? Britain's recent thumbs-down oi
can proposals to feed Europe's hunry has checked, but r. I
the red-hot argument raging here.
A representative statement of the case is found in tl
torial columns of the Harvard Crimson. The Crimson �
outside relief is urgently necessary. "The most promisii
posal made so far continues the Crimson, "is that of H
Hoover. His idea is to let the occupied countries buy I
here with their liquid assets now in this countrv. '
home in their own ships. Added to this would be the I
tributed by numerous charities. If at anv time it appeared
the food was going ot Germany, the shipments could � �
immediately. Negotiations would have to be undertake
state department with British and German representati �
the shoulders of the recalcitrant party would rest the
ity for whatever calamities mav eventuate fr m
A new and interesting slant is given by the Princet
which believes it would be to the advantage'of this countrv t
check famine in Europe. The Princetonian reasons thai
olution against Naznsm on the continent must be wa
powerful underground democratic movement organized �
ped by Britain and provisioned by America. Once the r
Europe who still cherish the ideals of freedom feel that
them stand not only the armed might of Britain but the -
Thiv' PSES �f heUnited S. e fierce indignal
� navy back with white front it, ��ainst heir oppressors will be trans il
id sleeves and red buttons and ! �,c aCtlon' ThilY w,n refuse to be crushed to earth, ar
r -
a :
.n ed will resume the fight against uniformed men
t At the University of Wisconsin the Dailv Cardinal
I viewpoint as follows: "Opponents of Mr. Hoover's plan
I that by not allowing food to pass through the blockade the
of revolution would be increased and the cause of freedom I
; that much more. However, the latter make two assumpdor
!S not be correct. They assume first that'the
, people CAN revolt. The Nazi machine and Herr Himml.
Plans for the banquet -feC
dance of the YDC to be held next
quarter will be mapped at a
meeting Wednesday night at
7:30 o'clock in Austin auditor-
ium. Each member who reads
this tell five others and there'll
be good attendance. If you like
the plans prove it by attending
The A. 0. E. is going to have
banquet March 6. All primary
and grammar grade majors will
be invited. Further details will
be announced later.
Unity Is Needed In The Teaching Profession
The General Assembly has met again. It has taken action
on a record-breaking budget. The salary of four State officials
was raised to the tune of $600. Various departments of State offi-
cialdom got their usual requests, but what did the teachers gef
When the State budget was pro-rated, the teachers' hopes rested
only in retirement. Considering this, their financial future isn't
too bright. Why are they subjected to a low salary scale when
their work is considered both valuable and neseccary by the legis-
lators themselves? There are several reasons. In many instances
the persons whom they name to wage their legislative campaigns
are not qualified for such a task, as it takes more than an easy-
going plea to get money from the State. When elections roll around
teachers stand in the background and say "the best man will win
anyway; my vote wouldn't do any good. Besides there's nothing
but unfairness in politics and I don't want to be a part of it"
They fail to affiliate themselves with an alumni association or
some other organization that would enable them to group thinking
and acting. The teaching profession ha?, got to use a little more
common sense in selecting "bread and butter" leaders. At election
time they ve got to decide what candidate will most likely aid
leir professional and financial cause. It is more logical to vote
EL JC .LCiau W.ho wil1 raise your salary than to tet someone else
ne. tor the best man and cause you to starve. Above all, the
sachers have got to stick together. To depend upon one or two
ersons to bear the brunt of salary elevations and other problems
SLA? t In North Carolina their are 23,000 public school
teachers who might influence the pay they get.
keep up. It alter Moritz after the appearance of the last paper
wishes to announce now that he is elegible�Ya' see Ada Rose Yow
didn t give him that lift that would have made his hair grow again
Jack r oley is going to have about two girls on him if he can't quit
getting them mixed up�oops no names pul-leeze! Then there's a
fight brewing on the campus betwen Lorraine Moore and Virginia
Rouse, the blond bomb-shell with winner take Jimmie Johnson.
Outsiae the staff room door stood a meek little girl with good in-
tentions, but the trouble she was trying to attract James Whit-
field . . lo arid behold!�the girl Anne Hollomon. Add to that
great family The Lovers of America, Arch Yow and Maribelle
Robinson Smut" Burks says that they ain't worth it as he also
repeats that those beautiful damsels of our beloved campus is
SfSTrW P�UMn- Marct Ru�M Just hopes and hopes
that Merle Slater s mom and pop were not offened by her being
late the other day�cause she did want, so. to see them.�Girl
Wanted�Anyono knowing the whereabouts of a girl with a dark
complexion, ong dark hair, brown eyes, weight 125, height 5 feet
4 inches, and with a general voluptuous figure, please notify L. C
Capps Room 10 Ragsdale . . . boy! you don't want a girl�you
want Venus di Milo�er something. Clifton Evans is concentrat-
ing his efforts now upon the well known Miss Mary Alice Black-
inrJ.ff WG Want t�1!0XT is what is Mary Bailev's attraction
m the staff room . . Didja' see Charlie Cobb, Phd, Pfff with
Betty or Barbara keuzenkamp�We couldn't tell which was with
whoGood for Superior Court-it keeps Mattie Lawrence Holli-
day and a highway patrolman together a little longer�He's beimr
transfered sometimes in the future.
An Easter Pageant will be
pi rented on April 13 under the
auspices of the Y. W. C. A. and
Y. M. C. A. No facts other than
that Clifton Britton will direct
the presentation, which will be
composed of five scenes, and
Rachel Farrior is in charge of
costuming, are known at this
early date.
Plans for the Chapel Debate
to be staged on February 7 by
the Jarvis Debating Club are
moving forward rapidly. Try-
outs for the query to be dis-
cussed, "Resolved, That the
Nations of the Western Hemi-
sphere should form a permen-
ant allegience" will be conduct-
ed Friday night, January 24th.
-era plan has to assert that
safe in a free country which would definitely suffer from a N
victory can conscientiously require the innocent people in
he thinks" beest�fmtarVati0n S?-that the f�rm �f "ernmen-
ne minks best mav survive.
itv studentrnfeng"TVS epressed in th Washington univ
ity student Life. It s the old question of ends and means I
fVTlTthe salvatl� of British Democracy and thus the del
of totalitarian anti-democracy, of the new revoluion-ju-
Twithte USe �f strvati?" a� a part of economic warf�
?hihfrenaffw1?l5ver FT P" w be 1Iou �
cmioren suffer while keeping alive the principals we cheri
Or should we be merciful, allowing Hitler to keep the cor
nations in line, helping him in the race with time Posriolv d
ng all chance of freeing these same children fnfrna i'
submission to the new master-race, and subjectTng even -
people (including ourselves) to the iron rule
It would appear from a survev of these and nthm- ii .�l
iSSTlSSUSCSSZ ST"15 "lod d
military advantage of the Nazis. " turned t0
h USt aJeW wordto sav we' as an organization, appreciate
the favorable comments and hearty approval given the recent
dance sponsored by the Woman's Athletic Asscjciatfon. HoweTer
E�J3 Z� take this opportunity to express our thoughts
n behalf of those people who came to the dance but were not
invited guests We might add that had these same pekSLn a
few minutes of their time to dress appropriately forthe oceSon
we would have found it less difficult to treat them more caTlv
aTteend�Pthehat, " " Wh� find �KK
attend the college dances in evening clothes will arrange some
other form of entertainment for that particular evening as we are
?n"oralTattire � danC�S h&VB eyene dre8sed
Nick Proctor,
Eileen Tomlinson.
Tins For Girls
New Wilmington, Pa.�ACP.
Women should select becoming
colors and not colors to fit the
current styles, according to a
Westminister college art pro-
Harold J. Brennan, head of
the art department, has advised
Westminister co-eds to observe
the following dont's:
Don't wear obvious, bright
colors; wear subtle off-shades.
Don't fail to look at the color
of a street dress by daylight be-
fore buying it.
Don't wear bright colors in
large masses; wear them as you
would a braclet or a handker-
Don't ask your girl friend
about your clothes unless you're
sure she will be frank with you.
Don't forget that texture is as
important as color in determine
ing the kind of clothes that look
well on you.
Small Groups And The Press
(Comment by the New York Times)
in, iVi rt I0" 194� PreSidGnt Butler describes the flourish-
ber of h u UmVerSlt'� PreSentS "� needs' and a num-
dlZ H ' ?Ch 2 the Part �f the versify in national
dense the rise of junior colleges, the decline of the classics, the
urgent moment of modern languages, international relations and
democracy makes the fruitful observations we expect from him.
From one opinion of his, however, we must dissent �
There are in all forms of social, economic or political organi-
IrdZl 1T8 min�rity r0Ups bent "P� �ing
bv �n T r 'nd!Vld"aIS �r SmaU min0ritv SP a'e stirred
by an insistent desire for controversy which leads quickly to that
publicity which is their dominating ambiton. If the activities and
outgivings of these individuals or groups can be directed against
a well-known personality, whether in public or in private life, or
against an institution of high repute, whether academic, religious,
industrial or financial, they are made happy in highest degree by
the publicity which so usually attends their performances. These
facts are coming to be pretty well recognized bv the American
people, and sooner or later the press will grow tired of giving to
these individuals and groups that publicity which means so much
to them.
Small minorities, as Dr. Butler seems to forget for a moment,
have their rights. Sometimes they turn out to be right in the end.
If they make trouble, that is sometimes part of their business and
duty. In a political, educational or any other kind of association
the majority vote isn't necessarily sacred or final. A minority
has its role.
The press is no mind-reader or heart-reader. It cannot im-
pute motives nor suppose that a member of the minority is more
eager for notoriety than a member of the majority. It cannot re-
port or omit opinions merely because it agrees or disagrees with
them, or thinks them sensible or foolish. As long as people say
such things and do such things as have to be reported for intruc-
tion or amusement, the press will keep on reporting them. It will
play no favorites. The responsible press will put nobody in or
! leave him out by request

life, or
ree by
ving to
i , much
It he end.
mm and
not im-
is more
Lnnot re-
lees with
)ple say
It will
iy in or
Appalachian Hands Pirates First Loss, 66-49
The Sidelines
George Lautares
Regulations Made For
Sunday Games In Gym
Pirates Get 44-37
Win Over WCTC
Regulations for the Sunday
I after noon activities in the
Wright building have been
I made and are as follows:
Vanity Club held its quarterly meeting from 2:30 until 5:00 P. M.
ting new members into the Varsity Club. The j � There shall be a commit-
after some deliberation decided to admit nine Itee in charge composed of onejeagers gamed a 44-37 victory
ganization out of thirteen eligible letter-winners, representative from the men and ove
four boys were denied admission to the Varsity women's student government
associations, w i t h Walter Ro-
gers as chairman. Rogers will
remain in charge all quarter.
The other two members will
change weekly.
8. The period will be for stu-
dents onlv
House Of David
Defeats Pirates
In Fun Fest
Peterson Leads Teachers
As Mountaineers Triumph
accurately known by fellow-students. How-
$ invited to join the Varsity Club, only two
accepted. Seven boys refused to join a club
� al caters to their most understandable line of
The touring House of David
basketball five handed the
I E. C. T. C. court contingent a
Coach Christenburv's Pirate 163-49 shellacking on the local
court. January 10.
The bewhiskered cagers of-
M.mdav'ViVghtJa'nuarv j fed the fans plenty of superb
ball handling in addition much
merriment. The visitors had
Girls Basketball
Practice Started
all. There are uncomfirmed and doubtless
rs that certain of the athlets who were ineligible
athletically . . . no one actually knows ex-
and some of them have a fondness when
ing the buck") are forming a clicque of their
int n -ted leader. However, there has been much
ition into this and no source has been found. ,
- i an listen lightly to any talk of there being a
b 11" on our campus.
the wholesale "blackballing" that the mono-
� ming addicted to. It narrows down to this:
John Christenbury came to ECTC in the Fall
� th him several boys to build up the "anaemic
� amely, the football team. The boys whom
i hin ' � re good football players. They gave the
� im that the school has known. However.
isj . envy, and ill-will instantly developed between
athletes of ECTC. and the "mountaineers"
Certain athletes who have earned their letter
. the football field became inseminated with
r � ' ing benched in order to satisfy the parti-
There were many bated accusations always
odium�the partiality of the new coach.
� . r ased the bond between the two campus fac-
� � : farther apart.
team had an unexpected successful season and
spread among the students. (Why didn't
grievance to the faculty? Instead of being
h other?) Then came basketball season.
i an unexpected superiority in their
�� and four of the "mountaineers" won poei-
� Again the rumors of impartiality began to
Pirate cagers, all letter men staged a grand
� � . � Christian College game. The reason.
i � � there. Does the faculty know why Wat-
nd D mp� v quit basketball? Some say that it was
- articipation in the ACC game, although the
a lead throughout the contest; others say
� semi-pro oufit. Well, I can dispell that rumor.
5 semi-pro basketball. Some of their fellow
� they were not given a fair chance to show
� - they could plav basketball. We do not know
� this is true; however, if it is, then some-
� � � about it. All of these factors have led up to
� � w exists on the campus. A situation that the
treated inadvertantly. Why doesn't someone
that has caused over one hundred men on
rd themselves as a member of one select group
. �. or agree with another select group, both
existence to partiality . . does it exist or
mprejudiced decide.
20. at Cullowee.
The Eastern Teachers were
ahead over the route, but had to
fight off a last minute rallv by
the Catamounts to winThe Pitches most of the game.
losers fought desperately in the . I he spectacular pot-shooting
closing minutes and pushed the Steinecke and Hamilton was
The ECTC basketball five
j dropped it first collegiate game
of the year when it bowed to the
! strong team of Appalachian
i Mountaineers, 66-49, Saturday
night, January 18 at Boone.
The victors held a slight 22-
20 lead at half-time, but put on
the steam in the final half to
winners to the limit.
Peterson, Jack Young, and
4. There shall be no dancing. Shuerholz tied for scoring hon- ; two-pointer
ors for the victors, with 10 each.
5. Only suitable indoor games,
such as badminton, ping pong,
shuffleboard, etc. will be played.
6. Walter Rogers will be re-
sponsible for getting the key
from Miss Morton's office and
returning it.
This Sunday afternoon activ-
ity program has been presented
to the student body in order for
everyone to enjoy themselves
during the dull hours of Sunday
afternoon. All students are ask-
ed to abide strictly by the above
Only the games mentioned in
the regulations will be played.
Those games are deemed suit-
able for Sunday activity, and
should provide all with health-
ful and enjoyable exercise.
Should this program meet
w i t h success it will probably
continue throughout the year.
Walter Rogers has expressed his
opinion that the project is a
worthwhile one. and that if the
students will cooperate with him
to make it run smoothly, the
play period will prove most in-
teresting to everyone.
The program will go into ef-
fect immediately for a trial per-
iod, after which the idea will be-
come permanent or drop into
Hamilton was the chief clown,
hi 11 ii nit' vivtuio, �i i ui x v cat. n. . ,
Bob Young starred on defense and. d a fine job. On one oc
for E. C. T. C.
The victory was the fifth in
six starts for the Pirates. A)
their only co
the current campaign.
Uegiate setback of
Pirates Outclass
Mars Hill Cagers
In the final game of a six-day
road trip, Coach Christenburv's
Pirates overwhelmed a fighting
Mars Hill five. 44-23, in Mars
Hill. January 22.
The victors jumped into an
early lead on baskets by Peter-
son and Schuerholtz. and stayed
in front for the remainder of the
game. At halftime the winners
were out in front by the score
of 20-11.
The outclassed Mars Hill boys
nut up a game fight, but were
overo m
of E. C.
The Womens Basketball in-
tramurals for the year 1941
season have started with a j ain an easy decision over the
record number reporting for: scrappy Teachers. The winners
pract ices. Miss Helen McEl-PH on a hot rally in tne last flV('
wain, coach, and Nick Proctor, j minutes to overwhelm E. C. T. C.
several tricks up their sleeves, J manager of the teams, have ar-j Big Lee Peterson Jed the gal-
and had the spectators in ranged two groups of practices 'nt losers, with 26 points.
!to accommodate the increasing; Peterson was right on his
number of players who have hf� twisting shot, and kept
signed up. There are regularise Pirates m the game for a
practices every Monday, Wed lonf , H16 , . , ,
nesday and Friday afternoons '� Holyfield. high scorer for the
at 3:30 P. M. and on Tuesday mountaineers was able to score
and Thursday nights at 7:30 only three points during the
P. M. and 8:00 P. M. All those first half However the Pirates
students who are interested jn re unable to hold him during
playing basketball, and who like;the f0 half, for he made 21
the enjoyment and pieasureP�!n:&: , ,
found in the association with Both teams displayed excel-
fellow participants are urged tont ball handling and it was a
come out ; tough battle from start to finish.
Beginning the first part of w B�?b "�, snaJW rE- C.
next week, games will be sche- � C- Bfuard, was
the feature of the game. Time
after time those two stars sank
casion. Hamilton scooted up in
the balcony and took a pass
from a team-mate and attempted
ichian handed the Teachers j a long shot.
Steinecke and Hamilton led
the victors, with 15 points
apiece. Shuerholz and Peterson
were best for the Pirates.
A full house greeted the House duled between the various teams star ot the game, ovatny Ap-
f David boys, and showed its and we would like to see the en- PaUacnian forward, thrilled the
ippreciation for their clowning tire student body out to watch ans w� superb shots made
1 . . trnm rmrlponrt
antics- by applauding vigorous- , us.
Iy. The Pirates have yet to beat
the House of David team after
several meetings with the ex-
pert outfit.
E.C.T.C. Gain!
Win Over Camels
.Most Unusual
All-Girl Group
from midcourt.
Led by Lee Peterson the ECTC
Pirates beat Campbell five,
49-38, in the Wright building.
January 10.
he iperior hei The Camels jumped into an
T C The Pirates re- early 9-0 lead and seemed head
get the ball on the re-1 ed for victory. The Teachers
bound, and they completely dom kept peeking away at the deficit
inated play during the game and when the halt-time whis
Rig Iee Peterson,
flashy I blew were on top. 27-25.
Score 43-40 Win
W. C. T. Cs Catamounts
registered a 43-40 win over East
Carolina Teachers College Li-
rates. Tuesday night, January
21. at Cullowhee.
The Catamounts were in the
lead during the entire game, al-
though Christenburv's cagers
were close behind all the way.
Gudger, W. C. T. C. center led
The game was fast and furi-
ous throughout, with the gal-
lant Camels sticking on the
Heads List
the attack of the winners, u
before the final

D its greatest margin over a Bulldog quin when
mtic Christian College on the local floor How-
� � rills came when Campbell College invaded the
; led by a stocky lad named Mitchell, a most
their first defeat of the season. A late rall b
the Camels off and ECTC won by a margin of Pefcerson was best with 12.
M1 it WM t ve Peterson and his uncanny over-head- Schuerholz ranked next with 10
the' Pirates. The House of David showed
AiperU ball handling and antics in their vtctory
ing 17
whistle. Gudger also shined on
defense for W. C T. C.
For the d e f e a t e d Pirates.
forward, dropped in 12 points to
take scoring honors for the vic-
tors. Schuerholtz scored 9 for
runner-up honors. Bob Young, heels of the victors all the way.
starred on defense for E.C.T.C. The losers were within three
MacMurray made seven points points of Christen bury s
, lead the losers. charges frequently during the
last half. Goals by Peterson and
Shuerholz with a minute to play
put the game on ice for the
Burlington. Vt. � (ACP) � Peterson and Shuerholz led
Books on international relations i the Pirates, with 16 and 10, re-
and English literature have gone : spectively. Mitchell, with 15,
to the head of the list in popular was best for the losers,
ity at the University of Ver- j
Increased student interest
in foreign affairs is evidenced
by changing reading habits re-
sulting from changing world
Montevallo, Alba.�(ACP)�
One of the most unsual all-girl
Sfroups ever formed on a col-
lege campus, the Hi Kappa so
rority for tall girls only, is en-
livening Alabama State Collegei
for Women.
The sorority, which welcomes
girls who are 68 inches or taller.
has some charter members who
are six feet in height�but none
taller as yet. .
At first the soroity planned
to eleci t hetallest girl president
each year by acclamation, but
soberer "democratic Instincts"
prevailed and now officers are
chosen in the traditional voting
Hallie Harris, supervisor of
janitors at the University of
Kansas, estimates that in 14
years he has climbed 5.880.000
steps, or a total of 742 miles.
Gifts For All Occasions
On Liberal Wait Terms
407 Evans St.
Gifts�Watch Repairing
� Fruits
� Candies & Cookies
O Everything That Is
Good To Eat
" It's In Town We Have it"
"Best Place To Eat"
For Smart School and Dress Wear
C. Heber Forbes
. � r this quarter are in full swing again and de-
� � This program, like any other, has to men
.a lent at large if it is tc.succeed. If you on
n . for practices and games. Consistency isax iU
�nb-ical development. It is not going to do you an
? 'e nffernoon in the gvm and the next in the soda
.1 munchingoughnuts. This is your pro-
eui make or break it!
points. The little Pirate guard
was outstanding on defense in
addition to his scoring.
E. C. T. C. missed a good op-
portunity to win .the game by
missing a total of ten four shots.
The loss evened th series be-
tween the two Teache. 's schools.
On the previous night the Pi-
rates took a 44-37 decision from
the Catamounts.
Delicious Peanut Sandwiches, Fresh Daily
In The "Y" Store�The Very Thing With
Your Favorite Drink
Duke university
B pi Graduate Nurse is
I iltcf three years. The en-
roquirements are intelli-
chararter, and graduation
an accredited High School.
rcnei k piven to those who
had coilege work.
annual tuition of 1X covers
t of maintenance, uniforms,
k. gfet.
M application forms, and
-�,n about requirement
V be obtained from the admis-
Q committee.
After a long class
pause and
Stationery Store
Soda Shop
You'll enjoy the relaxation of a
pause more if you add the re-
freshment of ice-cold Coca-Cola.
Its taste never fails to please,
and it brings a refreshed feel-
ing you will like. So when you
pause throughout the day, make
it the pause that r�fnsh� with
ice-cold Coca-Cola.
Bottled under authority of The Coc�-Cola Company by
Greenvilla, North Carolina

JANUARY 25, 14
x � � . j.
11W Murfreesboro, N. C; Ruth G.
It is tor us. the alumni of East Hardy in Beulaville, N. C Anna
Carolina Teachers College, to! Louise Tavlor in Columbia N
determine during 1941 to what C Mildred Gammon in Mars
degree oui Association will pro Hill School, Hertford County;
mote its growth: growth in the Yeneita Hearne in Roxboro, N
spirit of oneness to carry out C and Lessie L. Bateman in
the purposes for which our Candor, N. C.
Association was organized; -
growth in the knowledge of the
progress and needs of ur Alma
Matergrowth in active loyalty
to our motto of service; growth
in numbers and in organized
units. Let's of one accord accept
the challenge to work so that
our organization will be a con-
stantly achieving one.
At present, there are fifteen
chapters in our Association and
an active membership that is
growing. What will be the total
by Alumni Day. June 1941?
This actually happened. Believe
it, or make up one yourself, but
we did better than we had done
in two days! You know, atmos-
phere and tenseness. But soon
Willie came along and to the best
of his ability, which was very
confusing, announced that he
had to use our "stage" (and a
look that said we should be in . .
. . but you know the look). Next
we went up to the attic, I guess
you would call it. It was a very
small room way above the stage
where the pulleys are. Again we
popped back into character and
did better still. It is really odd
what a change like this did for
us. But of course this was too
good to be true, and the dust
from the stage began coming up
through the cracks and ran us
out again!
New Books
Mrs. R. G. Collier (Lucille
Cole), secretary of the Burling-
ton alumni chapter, reports very
fine meetings both in December
and in January. In addition to
having a party in December,
there was a bazaar which proved
very successful.
Franklin County
In November, a Franklin
county unit was added to the
group of chapters of the Alumni
Association of East Carolina
Dedicated To
Actors Only
For you who are actors this 1
, . i ine last place was a vacant
story is dedicated, for o dy you j room on the third floor, where
can appreciate the expe fence 11 scenery is mad e. After what
have just been throu 1. Wed-1'seemed liked hours we had
finished practicing for the af-
ternoon, and what an after-
noon You really must try some
of these places if you ever get
in a tight spot and can't get any
nesday afternoon should o down
in theatrical history. Until I get
to the point you still won't get
there, so here 'tis!
Our Literary Society, of
course, is named after the writ-
er of gruesome stores, Edgar
Allan Poe. Surely he never got
his characters in a much worse
predicament than his Society
got us in Wednesday afternoon.
Teachers College. Mrs
wTelir, SSS McMillan) done in the �Green r he
president. At the Chi Pi Player's social room)
Continued from Paie One
As four plays are now under- Smith of Mebane will be in Ay
way. the Nazi soldiers haven't den. with Mrs. Dorothy Dail as!
a much bigger battle on their critic teacher. These students'
hands than the casts of all of are teaching one class a day in I
these plays are having trying to their major subjects and will
get the stage to practice on. So have charge of a homeroom and
Lmil5 r?luch of our Practicing has been an activity period.
Mrs. Ethel Watters, of the I
January meeti'mr Mrs Davi� A1! l? r,a-v,er s socla' room) home economics department, and
signeda� prJSden and Miss lhhf� ��? become Dr. Charles W. Reynolds, of the'
Vivian LucaTWa? electedIto f�h This after- science department of East
serve. Mr. W I) Ja u. , nT we ided that we prob- Carolina Teachers College, will
elected ; , vinrMw MX COUAd do.better any where supervise the work for the Col
rather than in "that room
again. Off we went to find a
good and appropriate place to
"Get in Character" in. First we
looked all the classrooms over,
but the atmospheres hung heavy
elected as vice-president, an of
fice formerly held by Miss Lu-
Ay den
Members of the Ayden alumni
group met on Tuesday evening.
January 21. with Mrs. Clyde
Tyndall Jr. (May J. Eure).
Serving as hostesses along with
Mrs. Tyndall were Miss Beatrice
Cherry and Miss Christine Har-
ris. Miss Dora Coates and Miss
Estelle McClees were guests
from the College.
with Sharkesphcre, in the Eng-
h room : X e o p o 1 e a n and
lege, just as they do the practice
teaching for the departments in i
the Greenville high school.
These changes that have been I
made from time to time in the
student leaching program of the
College have been brought about
the steady increase in the
students graduated
George Washington were dis- number of
agreeing in Dr. Frank's room; each vear.
while Elizabeth just couldn't de �-
cided whether to marry Essex j The new $30,000 henhouses at
in Miss Roses; in another room i the Xniversity of Connecticut
we bumped into circles and tri-j are steamheated and termite-
angles (we need some good stage i proof, with electrice lights, hot
Averett; vice-president. Mrs.
Russell Everton (Camille Bate-
man) ; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Maxie Spencer; chairman ways
and means. Mrs. C. C. Lupton
(Beatrice McCotter) ; publicity
chairman. Hortense Boomer.
After the business hour, bridge-
was played at two tables. The
chapter will meet in February
with Mrs. C. C. Lupton.
Receipt Portions
According to information ob-
tained from the Placement Bur
Members of the Columbia triangle but these couldn't help and cold running water and au-
cnapter of the East Carolina us) the screen on the stage was! tomatic fountains.
teachers College alumni met Retting it's spring cleaning�I
Monday evening, January 13, at no go there, and so on with all
the home of Mrs. Maxie Spen- the rooms. Up. and Up we went
cer (Thelma Ireland). Officers until we came to the elevator
elected for the new year are as parked, with opened doors, on
president. Marguerite some floor up stairs.�Here was
a wonderful place for us to
learn to modulate our voices.
Martha Rice, our director step-
ped in first to convince us that
it wouldn't break. It didn't look
any too substantial to me but
Fll try any thing once, so in
stepped Eloise and I. Martha
stood on the outside and direct-
ed from the hall (not trusting
that poor elevator to hold up un-
der everythingPerhaps you
think this is just good stuff for
a feature, but my friend, ('cuss,
eau, the following 1940 fall grad Please James, I'm not stealing
uates have secured teaching posi- your "thunder" ;) you are wrong. 1
tions: Frances Cash in Belvoir
School, Pitt County; Sulou John- �
son in Bethel, X. C Margaret j,
� Royal Crown
� Nehi Orange
Greenville, N. C.
Giiliam Jarvis
C Elizabeth
in Windsor, X.
W. Everett in
Buy Your School Supplies
I Perfect Gift for
j Any Occasion
Beechnut Chewing Gum
Beechnut Drops
Greenville'8 Meeting and
Eating Place
An exceptionally well con-
structed Iron for general
household purposes. Pat-
ented Round Heel is Wrinkle-
Proof. Finely tapered point
and beveled edges. Chromium
$3.95 up
Only the UNIVERSAL Food
Mixer gives full power at every
speed. Its new direct drive
does away with the necessity
of a costly extra power unit
for heavy tasks. An easily
read dial you any speed
you want. Attachments are
conveniently used without
changing the motor's posi-
tion. Complete with 3 and
1-quart white glass bowls
and iuicer attachment.
Four thermostats maintain
any one of 3 degrees of heat,
ureen eiderdown cover. Wash-
able muslin slip for dry heat.
Water-proof cover for wet
$2.95 up
Carolina Sales
Third & Cotanche Sts.
For those who enjoy toasted
sandwiches, chops, crisp
bacon or waffles this Coronet
pattern with interchange-
able grids, will do a variety
of cooking right at the table.
Dial 3143
J. R. Gulledge, college li-
hraian, this week announced the
following books had been added
to the stocks and are available
to the student body :
Fiction: De la Roche, Mazo.
Whiteoak Heritage. Chrono-
logically this volume in the Jal-
na saga begins in 1919, just as
Renny returns from the war,
and covers the time between the
two books Young Renny and
Fuller. Iola. Loon Feather.
Historical novel of Indian life
on the island of Mackinac in
Lake Huron in the early 1800V
Hopwood prize novel for 1939. j
Griswold, Francis. A Sea Is-
land Lady. Chronicle of a South-
ern family living near Reau-
fort, South Carolina. It begins
with the Civil war. and con-
tinues . . to the 1920's.
Malmberg, Bertil. Ake and
His World. Study of a small
Swedish boy during his fifth
and sixth years . . For adult
Maugham. W. S. The Mixture
as Before. A new collection of
short stories.
Morgan. Charles. The Voyage.
France in the 188's.
Rawlings. Mrs. M a r j o r i e
(Kinnan) When the Wkippoor-
irill. Stories and a novelette
featuring the Florida Crackers.
z4eno. floETA ETA ETA GO
Smith. W. H. The Misses El-
Hot of Geneva. Character sket-
ches of some of the tart elderly
spinsters of Geneva, New York.
Our Normal Interests:
Brooke. Mrs. E. E. Career
Clinic: The Answer to Your Job
Colby. M. E. Handbook for
Youth. Tells about the various
kinds of help you can get free
or at little cost from govern-
ment agencies.
Boucher, P. E. Fundamentals
of Photography.
Pyle, Clifford. Leathercraft
as a Hob bit.
Stiles. H. E. Pottery of the
Murray. Arthur. How to Be-
come a Good Dancer.
Ford. James and Katherine
Ford. The Modern House in
America. From the preface:
j "The purpose of this volume is
'threefold: to call attention to
! the movement which we believe
I to be of deep significance both
j to architecture and to life; to
'show it in its international per-
spective but with reference to
America's contribution; and to
! make some of its potentialities
known to home builders as well
as to architects
Wakefield. Mrs. Ruth Graves.
Ruth Wakefield's Toll House
Tried and True Recipes.
Quinn, Vernon. Shrubs in the'
Garden and their Legends.
Ratcliff. J. D. Modem Miraclt
Men. Popular S u m m a r v of
achievements in medical re-
search and in improving and
preserving foods.
Paisley, Mrs. Eva (Wilson)
Sanctuary. Essays and -ketches
tilling of the author's experi-
ences in ten years spent in her
cabin in the Maine woods.
Van Loon, H. W. The Story of
The Pacific. Stresses discover-
ies, explorers, and native races
of the islands of the Pacific.
Arliss. George. My Tt n Years
in the Studios.
Havies. A. M. (lire of Plas-
scij. "A thoroughly documented
readable narrative, pointed with
acute analysis and comment
Saturday review of literature.
Long, J. C. Mr. Pitt and
America's Birth bright. The au-
Ihor stresses two major theses:
that Pitt's fight for 'liberty and
independency' against the total-
itarian tendencie sof George III
became . . the American colo-
nists' fight in 1770; and thai
Pitt was the real builder of the
British Empire of the nine-
teenth century.
Current questions: Aikman
Duncan. Th all-Ann rim,i front
Analysis of the mental and
social characteristics of the
The boot ii put I irward und.
the patronage oi th
for propaganda ana
Sapiens Virgilia 11
Ross. Poll h Profilt A
of the expei iencea oi
lean wife o! a polish
Sizoo, J. it. Sot I
tion immediately preceding the ia ,nr XH. t, mh .
Buenos Aires conference, per- lt U()jk � ,l
haps the one outstanding dis-
covery of all was the new feel-
ing of confidence in and friend-
Hness for iur own country.
Laski, H. J. The American
South American, and reiew of
the history of the relationships,
economic, social and political
between South and North Amer-
Freeman, L. R. Discovering
South America. On this expedi-
Drop Predicted In
College Attendance
Presidency. "A penetrating
studv and a keen estimate of the
presidency, indicating the tradi-
tions, conventions, and laws in
their relationship to the cabinet
and the congress, and particu-
larly to the people themselves
� Library journal.
Strong, A. L. My Satin
Land. The author toured Amer-
ica . . Everywhere she went,
she interviewed workers and
jobless and here records the
state of America today.
Richardson, Gerald. A P C
of Cooperatives. Survey of the
history and principles of the co-
operatives movement in Great
Britain. Scandinavia, the Unit-
ed States, Nova Scot! aand New-
Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor.
Monti Basis of h i m oera e .
"Mrs. Roosevelt examines the
sources of our growth as a com-
munal and religious society,
finds that 'the rights of all
people to some property' have
often been neglected, and calls
for an active moral awakening
based on 'S I rue sense of brother-
hood' in democracy � New
Lavine, Harold and James
Woehsier. War Propaganda and
thi United States. Review of the
propaganda used by various
countries to swing the tide of
opinion of the United States to
their Bide in the present war . .
Cincinnati, )hio i :�
spite of a slight inci
enrollments in the I
leg! s and unr. i �
1940, Dr. Rayn
president of th Ui
Cincinnati, pr
attendance drop in
Dr Walter
leader in the field of c
tendance statistic
forecast on the I
man enroling 11
per cent in 1940. H
is th.
Astronomers Are
Having Trouble
Minneapolis, Mir
It's a controver
even the ast �
inr trouble agreeii
Recently a I Inn � �
fornia student car: �
new figures to show �
Algethi, in the con
Hercules, is the larj
the heaven- The a
sophomore, George 11 Ii
said his figures! upset 1
ious the rj that
star was Antares, ii
stellation Scorpio,
According to Hei
Algethi is 690 000,000 i
diameter, about -
ger than the sun.
Choose one of these heavenly new
colors in rich wrinkle-resisting Gior-
iana Crepe to look new and Spring
likeAbsinthe green, Nassau pink,
crater blue. Dixie Clay. Stitched,
styled and fitted to Georgiana per-
fection. Sizes 14 to 42. And only
Delicious Ice ream and
Quality You Can
Washington Street
Dial 3123
Write This Down
I "Love Thy Neighbor"
Anna NeaRle "No, No Nanette"
happy "Tea For Two" romance!
You'll enjoy Chesterfield's right combination
of the world's best cigarette tobaccos. They
give you something no other cigarette can offer.
Chesterfields are MILD the way you
want a cigarette not flat . not strong.
Chesterfields smoke COOLER, and every puff
gives you that BE1TER TASTE that Chest-
erfield is famous for. Ask for Chesterfields.

The Teco Echo, January 25, 1941
East Carolina's student-run campus newspaper was first published in 1923 as the East Carolina Teachers College News (1923-1925). It has been re-named as The Teco Echo (1925, 1926-1952), East Carolinian (1952-1969), Fountainhead (1969-1979), and The East Carolinian (1969, 1979-present). It includes local, state, national, and international stories with a focus on campus events.
January 25, 1941
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