Tobacco curers

Tobacco curers
Gas tobacco curers in the grass produced by the Florence-Mayo company. Date from negative sleeve.
August 31, 1957
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Kim Hinshaw Nov 03 2012

This is actually a set of kerosene burning curers. The circular chimneys sat on a round "bowl" that held an asbestos wick which soaked up fuel whose level was controlled by a simple float and needle valve "carburetor" located outside the barn. My family held a dealership in Yadkin Co. NC from 1937 untill production ceased in the middle 70's. I helped install a ton of these things before bulk barhs took over. They required close monitoring because they were not thermostatically controlled but were very safe and economical. Beat the heck out of curing with wood.

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