Man; Tobacco tips (4 Negatives), July 17, 1957

Man; Tobacco tips (4 Negatives), July 17, 1957
Man; Tobacco tips (4 Negatives), July 17, 1957
July 17, 1957
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
Copyright held by East Carolina University. Permission to reuse this work is granted for all non-commercial purposes.
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John Tucker Jan 17 2011

The lady on the left is "looping" or "tying" the green tobacco on a stick, that will later be hung in the barn. Most barns held around 500 sticks of tobacco. The young man on the right is "handing" tobacco, relatively easy, mindless work, but had to be done. hands would be covered with tobacco tar. The "truck" of tobacco has its canvas sides down so the tobacco can be handed to the looper for tying. Men are there for the picture, but this was usually work done by women and young children.

Sarah Bailey Smith Jan 31 2010

This is the Mills Family from Black Jack. Same family as previous picture but from a different angle. Reba, Lonnie, Saltie and Lonnie Ray Mills--I do not know the others.

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