An African-American woman with children

An African-American woman with children
An African-American woman and wife of a Pitt County tenant farmer standing on her porch with six children. Date from article: "Annie Barnes, 'About 43', Says She Is Mother Of 31; Thirteen Now Living," The Daily Reflector, 9 May 1949.
May 09, 1949
Original Format
12cm x 10cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
Copyright held by East Carolina University. Permission to reuse this work is granted for all non-commercial purposes.
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Jeffery Roberson Dec 15 2022

Just right

Georgia Teacher Feb 01 2011

What is the mother's name? Wonderful picture of a happy and dignified Black family.

Jennifer P. Perkins Sep 26 2010

This is the clearest I have ever seen this picture. That is my Great-Grandmother! My Grandfather is William Henry (bright-smile boy, 4th in forefront). :-)

Shenninta Newman Mar 20 2023

I thin k this is my great grandmother Emma? Was that her name?

Zanele Ndlovu Jul 06 2022


african_american Aug 07 2010

my last name is also "Best". I wonder if Kent Best, the child in the doorway, is a distant relative? nice photo

William A. Barnes Sep 25 2009

The kids in the pic L-R are Kent Best(neighbor,, in door way), Christene, Richard Jr, Maggie Lee, William Henry and Cory Bell

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