Diener's People's Bakery advertisement

Diener's People's Bakery advertisement
A Diener's People's Bakery truck parked on the side of the road. Date from negative sleeve.
September 17, 1955
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Lou McGowan Aug 07 2022

How many years was Diener’s Bakery in business? My husband was related to Lucille and we loved the bakery items. I really would like to know the details so I can post this on my FB site. Thanks!

Nancy Edens Oct 21 2018

My grandmother, Tessie Allen drove the Diener's Bakery truck for many years. I would guess in the 1960's and 1970's. I always loved Mr. Frank's dinner rolls and of course the creme puffs. I also remember when he started selling donut holes. That place always smelled so good. I have many fond memories of Diener's bakery.

Tom Coward Jul 14 2017

I was born in Greenville, howevermoved away in 1975 and was livingin Wilson when I last visited Diener' s.I would always get six cream puffs anda Pepsi, Mrs Diener ask me why I didnot get a dozen, I told her that I wouldbe sick by the time I got to Wilson.2

Tom Coward Jul 14 2017

I was born in Greenville, howevermoved away in 1975 and was lickingin Wilson when I last visited Diener' s.I would always get six cream puffs anda Pepsi, Mrs Diener ask me why I didnot get a dozen, I told her that I wouldbe sick by the time I got to Wilson.2

Joel Shearon Sep 03 2016

Does anyone know where I can buy a pineapple cake like the ones Diener's Bakery made. Sure do miss them!!

Vince Newbaker Jan 19 2016

I remember the chocolate iced and glazed cinnamon twist, still warm. I've never had another doughnut that tasty.

cream puff lover Jun 05 2013

Brownie Bakery in Washington NC has cream puffs very much like the Diener's cream puffs.

Howard Clark Jan 08 2011

The cream puffs were the best thing on their bakery truck, although an "old fashioned" apple jack was also fantastic. I don't know why cream puffs have faded from popularity. The ones made like Diener's - were incredible.

Justin Pincher Dec 20 2010

Yum, old school bakery cream puffs *drool*

Leslie Rainey Mar 08 2010

I agree on the cream puffs. They were awesome. In the 90's my sister sent me a fed-ex package with 2 dozen cream puffs for a house warming gift. They were wonderful.

Anne Butler Shepard Mar 07 2010

I remember that the bakery had delicious doughnuts! this was back in the '50s.

Emily Anne Shepard Scott Mar 06 2010

If anyone has recipes from this bakery, please share! I would love to re-create treats remembered from a half-century ago!

Veronica Dec 19 2009

This was an awesome bakery everything as a child was so delicious. I truly miss their marvelous birthday cakes. They were absoutely awesome.

Jeff Feb 11 2009

Does anyone know the recipe for Diener's cream puff's we grew up eating those sweet delightful treats; now they have become just a memory. I think Dave started making them as a long time employee of Diener's after Diener's retired and called it quits. That didn't last long although the cream puffs were exactly the same. Sure would be nice to bring them back.

Marty Tschetter Nov 21 2008

This is actually "Diener's Bakery." The title "Diener" is actually located above the words "Peoples Bakery." Diener's was a longtime local bakery on Dickinson Avenue that closed within the past decade probably. I remember it in high school.

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