WWII Diaries kept by a U.S. Navy Electrician's Mate

WWII Diaries kept by a U.S. Navy Electrician's Mate
Included are 4 diaries covering the period of January 1944-November 22, 1945, kept by Frank M. Frazitta. The first diary (January-April 1944) covers training time in Norfolk, VA, and time in barracks at Algiers, LA, and beginning service on USS WISEMAN. The 2nd diary (March through October 8, 1945) and the 3rd diary (October 8-27, 1945) cover the time when the WISEMAN was providing power to Manila, Philippine Islands. The 4th diary (November 2-22, 1945) covers the remainder of his time on the WISEMAN in Manila and the trip to San Francisco, CA, on board the USS AUDRIAN. One last diary (1943-1945) is a 1942 pocket diary in which Mr. Frazitta recorded the ports of call for the USS WISEMAN, a listing of funds withdrawn, and his war service itinerary.date: 1943-1945; creator: Frazitta, Frank M.
9cm x 15cm
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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