Rare Chance for Capitalists!

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For Capitalists!

For rent or lease, one of the finest farms in Eastern North Carolina, situated 3 1/2 miles from New-Berne, well known as "Camp Palmer." The soil is particularly adapted to Truck Farming, and also to cereals and fruits of all kinds. It extends South from Trent road to picturesque Trent river, over 200 acres cleard land, having over one mile front on the river, with a landing where any steamer or vessel crossing Hatteras can take off produce to markets either in New-Berne or Northern ports; being only 4 miles to New-Berne. Seamers pass every day. Has one of the finest ranges for cattle, hogs or sheep; particulary adapted for a dairy farm and henner. Suited either for Winter or Summer range. Also, a fine Race Course, one mile track.

Any one wishing to engage in either of the above industries, will find it greatly to their advantage to lease.


I have also fine TIMBER LANDS. Terms easy. Possession given 1st November, 1883, if desired. Application can be made to Mrs. Virginia Harrison, New-Berne, N.C.

Rare Chance for Capitalists!
Broadside (circa 1883) offering farm for rent or lease near New Bern, N.C. The property, known as Camp Palmer, is over 200 acres of cleared land with over one mile frontage on the Trent River, and includes a river landing with access to river steamers and a one-mile race track. Property is offered by Mrs. Virginia Harrison of New Bern, who also has timberland for sale. Printed at bottom of page: Richardson's Print, New-Berne, N.C.
Original Format
20cm x 26cm
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Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Dale Sauter Sep 11 2012

Original broadside (circa 1883) offering a “Rare Chance for Capitalists!”  Offered for rent or lease by Mrs. Virginia Harrison of New Berne, N.C. is Camp Palmer, “one of the finest farms in Eastern North Carolina.”  She also states she has “a good cotton farm” and “fine timber lands” available as well.

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