Perry Davis Pain-Killer

Perry Davis Pain-Killer
The front of this card depicts a young child with a red bow in her blonde hair, standing with her left arm around a baby. Her right hand is holding up a small kitten. The words "Perry Davis Pain-Killer is in most houses and should be in yours" appear at the bottom. The reverse of the card states "How much suffering could be prevented with a little foresight? Accidents happen and sickness comes to all. Yet very many people never think of providing themselves with means to promptly alleviate the sufferings from either. An inexpensive and thoroughly reliable safeguard is offered in Perry Davis Pain-Killer which for 49 years has stood unrivaled as a Household Remedy and Traveling Companion. It is used externally as well as internally and is just what is needed for Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains and most people know that no other remedy is to be compared with it as a cure for Coughs, Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia in Winter and all Summer complaints in their season. Protect yourselves with a bottle at once and be sure you have it with you when traveling. It is a Medicine Chest in itself."
Original Format
trade cards
9cm x 14cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Laupus Library History Collections
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