Dr. Jayne's Expectorant

Dr. Jayne's Expectorant
The front of the card depicts a couple, the woman sitting and wearing a blue and white top, red skirt and a brown apron with a large dog sitting by her feet and licking her hands. The young man is standing, leaning over her, wearing a brown jacket and straw hat and appears to be asking her a question. The reverse of the card states that we "respectfully and earnestly invite your attention to our Dr. Jayne's Expectorant, as the most certain and valuable remedy for coughs and colds and for all forms of Lung, Throat and Bronchial Affections. It is not a Cure-all, but probably no remedy has ever had such an extended trial and none that has so triumphantly maintained its reputation as the very best of curatives for the diseases named ... It will also serve you efficiently in any Asthmatic Affection, Pleurisy and Inflammation of the Lungs; while in Consumption it will relieve the Cough and ameliorate most of the symptoms. For the relief of Whooping Cough it is invaluable, and for Croup, where prompt treatment is usually essential, we believe there is no remedy so generally effective." Also "as a Liver Pill, Jayne's Sanative Pills are exceedingly useful, promptly exciting that organ into healthy action and thus relieving the thousand-and-one disorders to which its torpidity or unhealthy secretions give rise. In this way, Biliousness, Depression of Spirits, Sick Headaches, Back-Aches, Dizziness, Hysteria ... are relieved and Jaundice and Common Liver Complaint averted. For Constipation or whenever a mild purgative is required, if taken at bed-time, they act with little of no inconvenience to the patient. For Impurity of the Blood, as evidenced by Boils and Eruptions on the Skin, they will be found very efficient." Presented by Samuel E. Adams, Monticello, Wright Co. Minnesota.
Original Format
trade cards
7cm x 11cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Laupus Library History Collections
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