Lairds Bloom of Youth

Lairds Bloom of Youth
The front of this card depicts a young blonde-haired woman in profile, wearing a big blue bow around her neck with a white cap with a blue ribbon on it. The caption across the top reads "Laird's Bloom of Youth Beautifies the Complexion". The reverse of the card states "Secret of a Beautiful Face; Every lady desires to be considered handsome. The most important adjunct to beauty is a clear, smooth, soft and beautiful skin. With this essential a lady appears handsome even if her features are not perfect. Ladies affected with tan, freckles, rough or discolored skin, should use no time in procuring and applying "Lairds Bloom of Youth". It will immediately obliterate all such imperfections and is entirely harmless. It has been chemically analyzed by the Board of Health of New York City, and pronounced entirely free from any material injurious to the health or skin. Over two million ladies have used this delightful toilet preparation and in every instance has given entire satisfaction." The price is 75 cents per bottle.
Original Format
trade cards
8cm x 11cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Laupus Library History Collections
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