Eastern reflector, 1 March 1907

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

BLOW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
A- if the legislature is desirous of
ii improving the jury system why
not abolish it altogether jurors
hi b. i artier
r ;
Miss Mattie Hill, of
came yesterday to visit;
friends here.
Miss Janie Kittrell, of Winter-
ville, spent from Saturday until
Monday with Mrs C A. Fair-
Very many people from Winter-
ville and Grifton came to attend
the entertainment last week.
We are I I i m a our little
friend. Mica Sauls out
purpose to fill space m the , a slight attack of the
house, ii has .
custom when a man is . . . . , I the -mire
ranged i the court . . ., Taylor
with an offense, a ; . . solicit the pat-
the culprit declares of the public. C. E.
for trial ind rs i
; honor Watches, clocks and anything
of Kilpatrick con-
ducting a cotton and insurance business
in the town of Grifton. N. C, has this
dissolved co-partnership by mutual
consent. Joel Patrick withdrawing from
said firm. ,
Dec. 12th. 1906.
W. H. Kilpatrick.
Joel Patrick.
l d Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
Overdrafts Secured Fund
Dr JOSeph Unsecured
Undivided profits 2.713.79
of Deposit 2,537.75
N. C.
era .-.
n e
I needing attention in my line
We . in the very
.-.,. else takes . .,,. .,.
e matter into his own I
. after hearing a few witnesses I work entrusted
. . he decides the case to suit him-to my care to give entire
self The jury is the l
Ma a inc . of I prisoner deprived of the greatest
Net . a on American
Mrs. Jack Smith.
Mis N
Smith I i, prisoner charged up I
g. in the bill costs a five dollar I seed
I solicit of the
people Ayden and community
accorded on American.;, . , ,
county taxed to death jewelry business Give me a
to for something it never C-E Spier.
tans cons
Lilly Co
Mrs. R. H. Garris, from the fee which he never received. If
t lent one day have one man reign
ii. v, . I let us know it, if we are to ad-
, . E to the customs of our
Carroll Hooks is visit- era than in the name of God
grandparents in the let us get at it
M. M Sauls ha the finest and
If ; interested in Cook
Stove, and Heaters it will pay
you s
that m
The has been
than bales of sold on
the here this week.
D u. Berry has moved
into the E. S. Edwards house on
the corner of Lee and Second
. car loads
id tor which we will
cay highest cash price. Don't
before seeing us- Y to
T- Co w Com-
came to us highly
mend a II sustained
their r For three con-
fer- i the; gave as en-
. of a clean and
nigh order, were both
. . d those
t brought to Av
Sales Feed and Livery
Nice Conveyances.
Prices to suit the time.
Dealers in Dry Goods, No-
Light and Heavy
Prices to suit the times.
Tripp Hart Co
Cash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
t 57,844.55
Cashiers u 124.25
if North Carolina,
I, J. H. i-l , solemn-
y Ii to b-t of my
belief. J. R. DAVIS, f
fore me, this day of Feb.
I 7-
J. v.
Freddie, the little t of
Brother John and Sister Mary
Sr th, passed away from this
world to the beautiful home love
o'clock, Si
m Little Freddie was
born Sept. 2nd, died Fob
9th, 1907. of pneumonia. The
family has our deepest sympathy
in the loss of their dear little
flower. We realize what it means
to loose one of our dear .
God best, and he doe;
all thing- well. Freddie
member of our Sunday school.
though being small her sis r,
May, a faithful member took her
with every Sunday the
weather b Favorable. We
hope that each member of the
Sunday especially, and
every one remember the
the bereaved family, and may
the loved ones left behind strive
to meet little Freddie in Heaven.
Brother Smith is a faithful teach-
r of our Sunday school, we
N. C.-r
of business Jan. 1906.
At the close of Jan. 26th, 1907.
and discounts
Furniture Fixtures
Due from Ranks and
Cash items
Gold coin.
ind other U S notes
capital stock 5-00000
I Time of
deposit 2.184.60
subj. to check
Loans and 5.2 i
Overdrafts n i
and Fixtures
Due from banks I bankers 25,828.51
Cash items 135.50
Gold coin 100.00
Silver coin 5.668.03
Nat. notes other 3,671.0 I
checks out-
i i
Capital stock
i of Pitt,
KW l W H
named solemnly
is true to the best of my
and belief. W H
I J. K. i i i r
n in is hip to the bust of my and be-
in f J. B. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to be-
this 2nd day
T. Cat son
Notary Public
T. J.
m , hi 2nd day
f Feb.,
ii Hun
Fish Bill.
, J.
. . victory i
.; of his agreed fish bill
by th The bill pro-
I. C. ; such a change in the
mesh of nets as to permit all
to pass through and stop get more fish.
wholesale destruction It also
prohibits the use of nets within
three miles Ocracoke inlet.
This is not altogether as good a
bill as Mr. Laughinghouse want-
ed, but it will be a help in
enabling up the river to
h most
attend were very much I M much on gun.
please To Messrs. Hooks and
this entire community
is r privilege of
op I . to attend am wit-
n ii inter ting and
n put
then i to
; iv been zealous and
in th efforts to
; and afford us
rt i perhaps never
have had to
W hope and
v. . the people of Ayden
-v to it that these young
i an n warded Tor
an They
in It.
Go i E E. new
. for beef, fresh meats,
S l of deeds,
of i county and
Mar pent the day,
Sunday with Mr and Mrs. R. C.
Br carry
a full line of Meat, Lard and Can
D buy before giving
me ;. trial. Frank Lilly Co.
b Emma Kilpatrick, of
Centerville, Mamie Dawson,
A, and Mrs- Ma
of Mrs. W. E. Hooks during the
pa week.
If y u need any Paint be sure
and see E. E. Co.
Cotton has been coming on our
one of those
N. J. Rouse, Counsel Gen. Han.
day. Little Freddie was loved
knew her- her face
she so bright
and active. Her Beat will be
vacant, at Sunday school, and in
the home, which can not be
filled. May the Lord bless and
direct the loved ones. Tho fun-
took place ill Ayden
tery Sunday i m. at at-
tended by a large but
owing to bad weather several
were prevented from attending
The pall bearers were Messrs. E.
G. Cox, F. Lilly, S. S Hodges
and F. Burney. The burial
S were conducted by Brother
R. H. Jones, assisted by Brother
T. H King Little Freddie's
memory will ever be sweet to us,
we fee that Heaven is
in that she
on before.
A precious one from us
W. Granger,
, A. 1st Vice-Pres.
lain Pens Sauls. and H.-D. Harper, Sr., 2nd JOHN F. STOKES,
M. . J. V. 3rd Tice-President Manager Branch Office. Greenville, N. C.
Foil lain pens on sale at Saul's
drug st re at from to
delight and a pleasure
Pen. Call at Drug
Store and secure this much need
W, B. Brown. Secretary
E. Hood. Treasurer,
J. J. ROGERS, Supt Agencies,
James m. Parrott,
It delight a i i
to say of the A, J.
Fountain Pens with
all size points for
cure one of excellent
M, Sauls.
All sizes and reasonable prices
the y best Fountain Pens at
Saul Drug Store.
Clansman at IT'S
on Return
to Greenville
Norfolk, Va. Feb.
returned to If birth-
place i. The play first saw
has gone I the light in the Academy of
I Music, Norfolk. 22nd,
l i There was a tremendous display
of enthusiasm on that memorable
occasion, but not anymore than
A voice we love is stilled; was evidenced tonight. The
A place is vacant in hour home I was packed with the
Which never can be filled-
God in His wisdom,
Has recalled
His had
the boon,
Hundreds were turned away
able to gain admission.
for political reasons
had been made against the
And though the body slumbers or the play. -Mayor
, attended
. . and said saw nothing
The soul is safe in Heaven. objectionable, in fact was
Little eyes so soft and gentle, much for himself. Th
Little soul without a stain, , VS
Little that smiled sweet-1 the of
form that pain; Negotiations are on look-
Little feet by angels guided to the presentation of
for a long at
, rapidly for the past To our Fathers mansion, fair, the exposition during
few days it reminds one very Sad and sorrowful the parting, c present summer-
for f the fall reason. Some But she found the gates ajar.
bales have been sold within
the last ten days.
Claude Dawson, of Grifton,
pent the past week with his.
Mrs. F. G. lain arr.
I , r fresh and cheap goods go
to E. EL Co., they always
have the best.
Ulla L. Hart.
Lorena A. Dixon.
I much to the
delight of the people of this sec-
will appear in Masonic
Temple opera house, Greenville,
on Tuesday night, 26th.
W. H. has gone to house- seat sale will begin Monday
keeping in new Cherry morning, 25th, at
house on Greene street. o'clock, at Reflector Store.
Total and Permanent Disability Protection.
Temporary Disability Protection.
A Policy pays an indemnity of per week for temporary
disability, or a year in case of total and permanent disability.
Suppose you investigate our policy contracts right away,
representatives are ever ready for a show down.
A few substantial purchasers wanted at once. No better contracts offered.
Communicate with
J. F. STOKES, Manager,
LE, N. C.
D. J. W Editor and Owner.
Truth in P to Fiction.
VOL. No.
The little things in life are
. Me by . lent Th
Academy. aggregate, tell most for
by W th. Jg An
Media, of . and
to Hate Been in Answer
displayed there, a little self-re-
on this or the
to a Prayer.
Wake Forest College, Feb. 23- a amount of pains
A few days ago I was shown on another occasion these are
a gold watch that has
had a peculiar experience, and
because of this the
possessor s faith in prayer has
been The affair
is an interesting one and I give
it below.
Two years ago Mr. T. Y-
of Chatham county, at
present a student here was in
school at Academy
and while there boarded in a
family. He bought a
size gold watch, a few days
later left the watch in his room, and
and afterwards it was missing.
A diligent search was made
not be found The
landlady, a Christian woman of
high standing, was very much
distressed that anything should
be stolen, as was thought, from
an occupant of her home, but
there was no clue to the missing
A few days ago Mr. Seymour
received a letter from a friend
of his at Creek and I give
a paragraph from it.
the past night about
o'clock in the Mrs
Martha Johnson, or now Mrs.
as she has recently
married, came to my room, rap-
on my door, and after com-
in she told me she was
lag i
so troubled over a dream she
could not sleep. She had
dreams of late. In this one she
dreamed where a lost watch was
and wanted me to help her look
for it. I dressed, all others
were asleep, and went with her
into your old room and tore oil
the plastering and laths in the
corner where she dreamed
your watch was. After
getting a hole large enough she
put her hand in soon she
believe that I have
found it. She pulled out a little
bag, pocket, and there it was
nicely fitted in one corner.
There was no sign a crystal
about it- We carried it out to
Prof. in the night, to see
if it was yours. He said that he
thought it Mrs. Martha
seems to be very glad that it is
found- She says that it s in an-
to The letter is
signed by D. B. Bryan
This is a, remarkable answer to
prayer Mr. Seymour says that
the children in the neighborhood
often came into his room at
Creek and that he thinks
one of them broke the crystal and
in order to hide his or her guilt
hid th- watch in a hole in the
plastering of the room. Char-
Shy One Bull;
The manager who would ad-
his forty minstrels,
in Mexico, and
then put on his show with about
what make such wonderful
changes in life and bless both
the doer of the act and the re-
The Progressive Farmer for
last week contains a list of
in behalf of
the rural carriers, men whose
daily visits mean so much to
many a country home. The list
should be read, and attention to
the advice given
though each item is small in it-
self to make the work
the service better.
You will be doing your car-
a great favor if you stamp
your mail before same
in box or use government
stamped envelopes with return
upon left-hand. This will
guarantee delivery or return of
letter. If you should not hap-
pen to have stamps or stamped
envelopes wrap mt in a
paper. Remember that in cold
weather, if the money is put in
the box loose the carrier has to
get off his gloves or to
get hold of these loose pennies.
Always stamp upon the upper
right hand corner
When addressing a letter to
one who is not a regular patron
of a rural route you
should mark on the envelope in
whose care the letter or package
In addressing your letter do
not write above the middle of
the envelope as the address
be partially blurred by being
struck with the post-marking
In regard to boxes, help your
carrier by having a good one in
a good easy place to drive up to,
and always have your mail
If you have visitors who are
expecting mail you should give
the carrier their
Don't forget to nail your box
on the post when your neigh-
cow rubs it off
Don't forget to haul a few
loads of gravel and put around
your box, so that the carrier can
get to your box miring
Don't be afraid to meet your
carrier a half mile and get your
mail while the roads are bad
he has to re-
. He will more than repay
you when you get busy with your
Any mail matter deposited in
box is subject to ordinary postage
Packages should be well wrap-
and securely tied, and all
valuable letters and packages
should be registered.
The mail boxes are
by the government- Any
tampering with them not inter-1
should be reported at
Major Graham Mad Because He Wasn't
Appointed on Conference
The senate chamber was
crowded yesterday at noon by
reason of a report that Senator
Graham, of Or was going
question of personal
privilege to the
ant-governor for not g
him on the conference committee
on passenger rate reduction, and
to threaten to resign his scat in
the senate unless he were placed
on that committee. The report
spread quickly and when Mr.
Graham was recognized there
Bis Engineers On Shore
Demonstrated by by
Huh Officials.
There has been so much talk
about the effectiveness the
block system, automatic and
manual, that laws have been and
are being placed requiring all
railroads to add the equipment
for the protection of the travel-
public. When the rubs are
observed, when
alive to their duties, there is
but a small chance of accident
The Lake Shore is one of the
great railway systems of the
country It has it.-, share f
trouble, but to ascertain the
was strained attention to hear all the management
that he say. The rumor recently decided to test the nun-
was in error as to the threat of which the signals
resigning his seat in the senate, regarded. At Connecticut Ohio,
but in other ways the incident, the other i party of hi
was more sensational than had officiate Stood the com pa-
been rumored. Senator Graham track and purposely
denounced the action of darkened the
lieutenant-governor as
ranted, an insult to the senate, l'S that the line . I was not
and passionately clear for traffic. a few
what meat doth trains
our Caesar feed that he one stoP-
grown so He declared course, had made
that he would be a coward if he to safeguard
submitted to the that
act which was done to humiliate harm- but the
him the Senate. From were naturally startled
start to the speech that
hot and dramatic. The Senator I without paying the least heed to
referred to his record when he The engineer of the
moved to impeach the Governor the
of North in the was complimented
ties, and said this was not the and promoted, but the names of
st time that he had refused to the offenders were taken and a
Le ruled by servant of the dispatch adds that all will
he characterized the from service of the
place of the Lake Times,
nor. He closed by reading a
resolution discharging the con- Organ to Save Woodpile.
committee. a number of years ago a
The crowds present expected luge in the eastern part of the
something sensational to follow, town of was very
but Major Graham did not ask much wrought up over the Intro
consideration of his resolution, musical instrument
After he had resumed his seat in their church service.
President arose as quiet- final meeting when the matter
as if nothing unusual has hap- was to be settled excitement ran
and recognized the Sena- high.
tor from upon a bill that One man whose reputation for
he had been advocating when honest dealings was not always
Major Graham had obtained suspicion made a
floor on a question of personal speech in opposition. A neigh-
privilege. And the proceedings whose back yard joined the
continued in tho usual way, speaker's could hardly wait for
soon the galleries and the close of the remarks. Then
Colonial tad Relic,
for the Cent Exposition.
Va. V b. The
p m E th
ion ,
way as latitude, a
history will be a . . ,. , ,. ,
ting a on
graduate institute for s u-. ,
equator some
m on i horizon due
if he traveled to-
w r I it, see it rise in
How it is by a Sailor's
or on Ship.
If the earth did not rotate,
says Prof. H. Turner
t. have taken inter- . . ,,, , ., , , , . f.
i . found in exactly
n j.
and the hall of
. institute for
d of American history. TI
re lyes of the original
c the private
from the homes, historical so-.
and associations and he the
must ins, have been searched for by traveling due
in this department, height to which
which rill bring clearly to the length
In ind of every observer the the t
. s of our nation's his-
. pivotal events of the But the rotation of the earth
viral eras; the factors, which o; on carrying him east-
combining germinated the seed w n that even if
I pi lilted at until it, he remained in the spot the
b a colonial grove which -tar would still rise and its
his developed into a mighty then indicate the
. of lapsed since he first ob-
Jamestown w served it, as he could readily
than any if he possessed a watch
exposition and as an keeping correct tone. If,
factor along this and with such a watch, he
many other lines it will be set on a the
surpassed. From the Virginia at any would due to
were vacant. Several of the
leaders of the Senate were soon
in the rear of the
Senate chamber and it was re-
ported that a caucus of the Dem-
Senators had been cal-
led for eight o'clock last night-
The public then understood why
no senator had replied to Major
Graham and that the matter
would be discussed behind closed
News and Ob-
jumping to his feet without wait-
to address the chairman, he
sir. if I had known the
was so afraid of an
organ I should have had one
hung on my woodpile years
ten men all told would not your postmaster.
Cape as easily as in the J Don't let your neighbor hitch
States- horse to your mail-box post,
Because the number of so that the carrier has to get out
produced a bull fight in his wagon to put mail in.
the other Sunday were j Don't forget to clean snow-
one short of the advertise from your box.
the manager was fined
There are but few editors in
our State who have not made f
and continuous fight
against the city mail order
house. This been done in
the interest of the home mer-
chant, and without money and Lowe and Ethel Carr.
without If the editors of Claude Vines and
the land had received regular ad- Ward,
rates for all they have
Wiley Jones and Jane Kit troll.
Fredrick Moore and M.
Christopher and
Edwards and Carr.
Will Moss and Adelaide
Church Cherry and Sarah
by the municipal authorities.
First Shad,
first white shad caught
Don't let your mailbox
lean halfway over.
Don't set your box in your
If you do. don't
lame the carrier if he hubs
your fence and tears off a dozen
or more pickets.
Don't put letters in box and
this far the river thin to raise
was a
said against enemies of
he country merchant they could
now be wearing diamonds. Now
the department store man
advertising space and
is willing to take all the average
country editor has for sale, and
at a good price. What other
class of business or professional
men would refuse business to
help their friends, especially as
many of said friends never seem
. o
Trips to Jr. Exposition.
number of Plan-
Life announces that it
will give four free trips to the
Jamestown exposition to persons
who get the largest number of
subscribers to that magazine by
July 1st. This is
to get a to the
greatest of modern
terms. Plantation Life is such
an excellent magazine that it
to n
State library will come the
traits of v i. governors and
old documents and
scripts; from the Jamestown
Island collection come the
silver service once used iii the
church and f every section of
the State will come colonial heir-
looms and war relics of many
Ii. the Carolina
exhibit will be the valuable col-
of the Guilford Battle-
ground Company, the Con-
display will be an
bit of colonial clocks, the p
collection of historical
pictures and the Guilford anti-
rues the latter comprising the
st pieces of furniture in
America, a thousand-leg table, a
Hepplewhite sofa, m hi e
chairs tables, etc.
setts will contribute a fine his
exhibit of portraits, I
laces samplers, silver
and books, manuscripts,
furniture and china.
Pennsylvania and Mary-
land will each send a valuable
collection of treasured
Each of the original colonies will
contribute largely to this
but it will not be confined
this territory by any cans for
from nearly every State will
come contribution- to this mos
interesting exhibit.
Among the special historical
exhibits will be the great
eagle which, as a figurehead,
graced the bow of Commodore
flagship, the
John Smith rock upon which
head of the colonist was laid
rescued by Pocahontas, the an-
of the Merrimac which
lost during the engagement with
the Monitor and which was but
recently recovered; the Lil
Bell; a tree from which Daniel
Boone once snot a bear; i can-
non captured at Yorktown and
thousands of other relics and his-
The collection for this exhibit
are being made by the
of the American Revolution,
the Colonial Dames, the Society
for the Preservation of Virginia
Antiquities, the Daughters of
the Confederacy,
Colonial Wars, the Sons of the
American Revolution t in-
various historical societies of the
several States.
a two
First, the rotation of the earth,
for which he cold make allow-
by consulting watch;
the second, his journey eastward
the length of which he could ac-
Nowadays the sailor finds his
longitude just in way, by
c a watch or chronometer
with hi -i on board ship. Bat to
that would
correctly at different
and in the other
varying circumstances of a sea
voyage, was regarded in Flam-
s as
t as the least feasible of
for finding lo
There i-. however, a
cl in t e sky which is
pendent of the of
there are . planet a
among the n .
A Former Citizen Here.
of the corr
to re
ii- too .
tor every
. are
--y move
tor convenient
ins A
; moon its.
month i c circuit of
the dial, and to read the time
correctly is thus sixty times as
difficult to as the ordinary
clock, which performs its circuit
ii twelve hours. To road seconds
from a clock we arrange
ism to the motions of
this hour hand
fort minute hand, for the
hand; and yet, though
the sailor is especially anxious to
read seconds, the moo-i pro-
him with a click moving
times slowly, rather
than times more
in spite of this
-rums defect the advantage of
. o the time given is
y . if can
only prop the
i . e clock, be.-ides
illy of reading
the when moves so
re t
if a grave kind in inter-
pr. indications. The
move uniformly,
I .; or
t . calculations;
but these require
well as
to provide a
starting point. But
d the
had not yet an his great
law, and it was only surmised by
that if sufficient ob-
of the moon were
made, some general law would
be four. r inequalities.
know now that can all be
deduced form Newton's great
law of to enable sailors
to read the clock.
It must have required immense
courage to set out on such a cam-
Linking, back on the
history of our Royal
we may say that there was
of saving time.
compliment or even list of rs. Get to work
ate and win one of these free trips
The Reflector was glad to have
a call from Mr. Gib Cherry, of
Pamlico county. He once lived
here but moved away years ago.
He said this was his first visit to
Greenville in twenty-five I no that
that he could hardly rec g. i.-. ,,,

A Young Woman Didn't Hi.
The story is recalled of a young
Virginia country girl dining in
ton some ago, in the days
when Dr. Holmes wont to dinner.-.
Seated next to her was a homely
little gentleman name
she did not lie to talk
wit In i how she
her t in lite i
c my father and
what do you asked
the little man.
the of the
Breakfast for one
should think you not
care to read more I
the . with a
ii in his tone.
fa I and
judges of .
and .-. cent
of m I we gel to the
end of the we generally
turn back to the beginning and
read over
The little old n in at this
and was ed be friendly, but
Miss was i displeased with
hi.-- e concerning the
that she met him with chilly
An as the guests went into
the drawing room her hostess
didn't seem to Dr. I
as i n I b
Holm Miss
. Tl ere was a tab -n an
r of wit
told, t .- i's; Peabody was
t r. at . place.
The rode in a
c. he got there he
was n el by Holmes, who had walk-
ed. Near by a statue i
ice. And Holmes
you I
Thai night he went l I mo
and said i,
got off a good juke to-
His wife asked him what it was.
was to meet him down
at the statue of Eurydice, and when
I he said quite happily,
you came in a carriage
And then the genial professor
wondered his wife didn't laugh.
Pictures of a That War
on Exhibition.
Dad Clark, once a pitcher of the
New York club, who was perhaps
the most unconscious humorist the
game ever known, could be
made to believe the tallest story
ever told, provided the teller
. hi . and this sublime faith
of Clark's in ed him to be
OP. inn c. I
One most notable eases
rein Dad got happened
n that genial
of go fellows, Parke
the New York catcher at
time, no hurriedly into the
when the fellows
v n to d n their baseball
. lot for i practice
wen, do you
the park this
i Co
i gathered
n nit r largest show window.
curious myself. I went
up to I the trouble was. and
what imagine caused the
street I i blockaded Why,
. than have
the filled with canned
,. . I on psi can is the
of i shouted Parke.
Dad a he be-
his street clothes.
i . in Siegel-Coop-
window you fat heads,
see v . popular of dis
punk outfit I'm do little hoy who's
dis park every day.
dollar in me
Me i s In
win de folks
f p
. IV ; .
. . i Of ;. ; tat red i
About Home
Do You Contemplate
Owning One
If so the first thing to consider is a good
lot in a desirable location and you can-
not better suited in a lot than the
Sam White Property.
No proper surpasses this for a desirable
home. Lots can be bought there now at
reasonable prices and on easy terms. There
is every indication that property around
is going to be higher, and the
linger you defer buying the lot the
it will
This properly is located only minutes
walk from business part the town.
See Sam White and let him explain prices
and terms.
Themistocles, the hero of
mis, was sent into banishment by
the practice of ostracism. This was
a purely Athenian device to
vent any citizen becoming too great.
When any man acquired such prom-
as to be unsafe to the state,
a number of citizens demanded a
vote, which was taken by writing on
shells the name of the too
citizen. If a majority voted
against him, he was sent into exile
not because be had ii anything,
but for fear he do
He stayed away from live to ten
years, then resumed
his standing as a citizen
of property or
was ostracized and went into
exile, where he soon of
Hi. correspondence w
Persians. Ho was about to be
arrested, but to Per lie
pained great influence at the Per-
c and an invasion
i f e, but i I, it is supposed
by poison, fore his could be
I hub w, -1 -hum. i
A panels a heavy cars
a tight parse
The LIVER U the scat of
tenths of all disease.
to to the root of the whole mat-
thoroughly, quickly safely
and restore the action of
LIVER to normal condition.
Give to the system and
flesh to the body.
Take No Substitute.
I Not Quite if
How often you can get a
nail or driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
tis a yo i could desire, and
we will sec that your tool
box dues not lack a single
useful article.
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Michael Angels.
was e
painter, sculptor and architect.
In order to
mint figures properly
he devoted twelve years to the stud;
of anatomy alone. His monument
to Pope Julius was grand
a scale that the church of St. Peter
in Home was altered with a view to
affording a suitable plate for its re-
The tomb was afterward
modified in plan and placed in an-
other church. His
required seven years to ex-
and was finished when the
artist was nearly sixty-eight. A few
weeks before his death the aged art-
was met one day in the street
walking through the snow with
great When asked where
ho was going, he replied, school
to try learn
Time. p. m.
HI me your gait was es-
teemed o of the finest in the reg-
mo. Miss
Lieutenant said
you marched
lieutenant may not be a
fancy he if. To my mind
i.-i nothing that makes a man
more presentable and really
a graceful walk.
curiosity is greatly aroused.
ask a favor of
t I would ii In
And she handed him
When you wart send
t orders to
and Weekly,
Oscar Hooker having with,
drawn from the dim of R. L,
Smith Co, composed of R L.
Smith and Oscar Hooker, which
has Heretofore existed and had
its principle place of business in
the town of Greenville, N. C,
the said firm is hereby
by mutual consent, from and
this date.
In the the said
Oscar Hooker lakes all the note
and which were
i acted their Greenville,
Farmville and S ow hill places
of business and all persons ow-
said firm debts contracted at
said p w II,
i lease make payment to sad
Oscar Hooker.
And said R. L. Smith takes
the notes and accounts which
were at lien Wash-
V paces of
business, and all persons owing
said firm d bis at
aid Washington and
.-e m , men t
to L
Witness our bands and
Hi's 7th day of
L. Smith,
O. Hooker.
R L having purchased
the interest of Oscar Hooker in
ail mules by
the firm of L Smith
the R L. will
to run Sale mid Exchange Stan,
at the same will be
to live the patrons the
former favor him with a
This the day of January
1907. R. L. Smith
Having sold to R. L. Smith all
my interest in the and
mules ed by the firm of R.
L. Smith and Company, he will
continue to run Sale Ex-
change Stables at the same old
stand, and I take pleasure in
commending him to the favor
and the public.
This the 7th day of
1907 o.
Offers advantage
D. W.
And Provisions j
for reaching the public.
Ties always on
Fresh kept ton-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
I a V L I I
North Carol int.
At close of business 26th, 1907.
All other Stocks, Bonds
and 10.000.00
Gold Com
rt notes
Capital aloe paid in
Bills payable
; j v
Due to k
Cashiers ck
f Pit.
of above bank, do
true to the best of my
C. CARR, Cashier.
A. M
R, O-
-i. f
,. I S
and to before
tins of Feb 1907.
The following resolution was Sod Special Message ts
passed by the great convention I Urging hat it be Established,
of the Southern Cotton On Tuesday Gov. R, B. Glenn
held in Birmingham. i special the leg
view of the fact that a touching a number of
great many farmers have adopted subjects One of these
the intensive system of farming was
increasing the yield per acre and , for n
new territory each j ear is being Carolina That of tho mes-,
planted in cotton that
has not grown cotton, thereby
increasing the production, there-
fore in order to maintain
and remunerative prices, we
urge and recommend a full re-
of per cent, of cotton
the Normal, would be of
benefit to the cause of education
No friction or ill-will seems to
exist against the Normal, but
only the kindest of feelings.
There is however one If
the eastern people i to
come as they do session Her
session, asking an re-
fused because of Normal,
then human nature assert
itself and friction will occur that
may prove injurious It is my
At the Close of Business, Jan. 26th 1907.
. .
Capitol Stock paid lo
undivided Profits
j out-
t M
of Pitt f
I, L. Little. the above-named
that the is
province only lay th facts
you. Your-, to decide w
fronted at the end of the courage enter prises and develop-
with equally bad. if not to
.-. ., growth of our I
and sworn to before
u 1st of Jan
bank., do solemn
e to the best of my
Come In and examine my
acreage for the year
further recommend that
he acreage so reduced be plant-
ed in food
are sure that unless the
farmers unitedly reduce their
acreage cotton that they will
be con
worse conditions than they were
in 1904, when cotton went down
to cents per pound.
Respectfully submitted by the
committee on
r. G, Hudson, Chairman,
W S Pharr, Secretary.
The executive committee of the
North Carolina division of the
Southern Cotton Association,
earnestly solicit the aid of every
farmer, merchant, banker and
men of the State who are in
in maintaining a fair
price for cotton, to their in-
to reduce the acreage for
1907 full per cent, from the
acreage planted in 1906.
We also call for help in our
effort to produce on y farm
in the State, sufficient food and
feed crops for the of man
and beast on our farms.
C. C. Moore, Pres.
N. C Div. S. C.
A. J.
T. J. W Broom,
J. H. Currie.
s relating to the school is
I was the petition asked
governor of the
two tilings I promised faithfully
to First, to see to it that no
backward step was taken in the
cause of education, but that
everything possible would be
done to advance the great work
begun by my predecessor, Hon.
C. B. cock, and second that
in all things I would try to en
should be
granted i then fore that
you will hear all that
may be j by the parties inter-
then give them the re-
lief asked for, if in your
it is a reasonable request
and will result in ultimate good.
The request strikes me as
Agreement for Eastern Training School
At the joint meeting
committee on education held in
ate chamber last night, the
report of the sub committee on
the Eastern North Carolina
training school teachers was
presented, and was unanimously
adopted. The bill approved was
the result of confer between
and the
of the bill, and
these who opposed the
to establish another normal.
The substitute is a part of
the high school bill
the . use by
Blount, lying the
of Superintendent
endorsed by the State
sup of county
the North
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints
Colors, and ant
, Ready nixed Paints.
There is no line in the world better
Una. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
If you use the Harrison Paints you need
never worry quality.
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart
G V-. T,
Gen. Beverly S. Royster.
The newspaper people of the
state ought not to forget Gen.
Beverly S. Royster, of Granville,
who so eloquently eulogized and
defended the editors North
Carolina from the implied charge
that they were bought an
owned by the railroads He
not only secured the passage of
his amendment leaving the law
relating to contracts as it now
stands, but said among other
cannot be bought,
subsidized or muzzled. They
are on a higher plane. They
have don., more than any other
class of for North Caro-
They stand for the moral
uplift and make fewer mistakes
than any otter class of our
His tribute to the said
the News and Observer,
warm, glowing and
Gen. Royster is easily a leader
in the house and one of the big-
men in the legislature- If
there were more of him down
there, there would be more
brains mixed up with our laws.
Under Gov. Aycock he was ad-
for four
He is a prominent Mason
has been Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of North Carolina.
He is a Baptist and in his home
town of Oxford he stands high
with his people. The most re-
markable thing about him is
that, although a very able law-
with a tine practice, withal
a highly educated man, he never
spent an hour in a college, had to
leave even the field schools
at the age of He educated
himself, and is a
man. The fifth
district has no bigger, better
man in it and the people over
there ought to be proud of him.
I He is a clean, honorable, able
Christian with the
therefore send you this special
message regard to these two
vital interests of the State.
from Eastern North
Carolina are now before you.
the establishment of a train-
school for girls, at some
east of Raleigh They stale with
great force the need of efficient
white teachers for their public
schools, claiming that out of three
thousand white teachers east of
Raleigh, over one third have
had any -h as fits them
to be teachers, say they
are making no war on the State
Normal and Industrial college at
Greensboro. On the contrary
that every advantage possible
should U given that institution
by the State, in order to insure
the better and higher education
of our but they claim
on account of expense other
causes, very few of Eastern
girls can attend Normal, and
that of those that do
per cent, in the cities and
towns and only per cent in the
rural districts. They likewise
show that the wester l girls are
afraid of the climate and will not
great merit. Our State is
large enough to keep up the the
Normal to its present high stand- .
ard and still have training high school B
schools scattered over the State, appropriation , for the
that will remedy the wrong now establishment i one to
Buff, r. through incompetent j four .
our public schools, county, the State tog as much
and though a man my he
i,. i . i i o- for each I being the
self, and deeply in love with the . . , .,.,, , . .,
vi j t ,. i i a being the
Normal and its great work in ., ., .
maximum .-am available from
nesting women. I can see no
menace to that institution by
ranting a reasonable
for a lust-class training
school somewhere in Eastern
Because Governor Glenn is a j
popular man with the masses;
because he is full of those gen-
and humanitarian impulses
that draw men to him; because
he has never taken a stand on
great questions on any other side
than the side of the Christian I
people and of the masses;
because a United States Sen-
is to to be chosen by the
next legislature and some men .
are standing with fear and
lest the Governor
be a candidate--because
things, certain newspaper men ,
instruction in tie
and county respectively.
Th appropriation for the
tern training school is
for building in the next
years conditioned upon the
of not less than
the town in whim or near which
it may be established,
illy the high school
appropriation for maintenance.
The school is to be for both
sexes and is t be located by the
State board of m, who
are to take into consideration
tie convenience and desirability
of the location and the amounts
offered by various towns for
bull ling and Tie
study is It
for entrance int the
freshman class of the
to training in the sci
newspaper men
are trying to belittle him by cit-
go east, thus causing a great, his bold stand for
lack of teachers in that
section. They here urging
the of a school of
a lower standard than the Nor-
and yet of i
than the country sen
any body cm boo is i man,
Lexington Dispatch
therefore ask for a
school where women
taught how to teach, as well as
be thoroughly grounded the
elements of a good practical ed-
Th y urge that they
have paid, and still are paying
a large per cent of the taxes
to properly equip and
support the State Normal, and
while not asking that one dollar
be taken from its appropriation
for their training school, yet
they do ask that the rest of the
State hear their petition, and
grant them some relief from the
conditions that now surround
Carolina is growing
rapidly, especially educationally.
The demand for teachers is in-
creasing every day, and our
country schools must be taught
by competent or incompetent
teachers, the only way to
insure competent teachers is to
have them properly trained.
Read my message to you at the
beginning of this session, and
you will see my estimate of the
usefulness of the State Nor-
and my earnest desire to
give it all that is needed to
it one of the foremost if not the
foremost educational institution
in the South but while this is
true, I can see no hurt to this
great college In having another
of a lower grade where
instruction in practical teaching
ma. be given, to the end that our
public schools in the east be bet
equipped with
I understand, they only
ask for this training
school, and this amount, in my
be advantageous-
spent the east a
and for the
of a Christian land We thank
God that we have a governor
that goes to to
v church, to the Y. M. C. A ; a
and who is at home b
the people and is a lover of
people, and who is not
ready to defend them politically,
but to exhort them religiously
to encourage i.; the
of both the Divine and
human The little jabs
cf at his speech-
es on religious topics and in Y.
C. church es and Sunday-
schools betray the moral
of the jabbers themselves.
They are not near so wise, even
in this day, as Gamaliel was in
the darker days when he refused
to condemn Peter and John lest
he be found lighting against God.
We are not at all concerned
about Governor Glenn's political
future. The people will see to
that. that he Ins
not yet told his most intimate
friends what he expects to do
with reference to the Senator-
ship, and a man of his type, who
has done as m i alias he has for
the party, should not he the sub-
of continuous assault by
those who are lying awake at
night trembling for fear he will
be a candidate.
have long
Lost Sow weighing about
pounds, white black spotted.
unmarked, live shoats
weighing about pounds, each,
three of them white- and black
spotted, and one brown
and black spotted, unmarked;
and black. marked slit and
in left ear, Bern gone
it-about three weeks. Any
leading to recovery will
be appreciated.
J K.
R F. D. No. N. C.
Two trios voting M. B.
keys for sale per trio.
of study re
in the public
ginning of a lated
plan for
and teach i the
State Ne id
College mi j
training teachers
was there sail cone
I; will not
Normal and Industrial or
its appropriation-- sigh News
and Observer.
Before buying your so- oats
see F. V. Johnston.
Notice to
Having qualified the Superior
clerk if Pitt county as
of last will and testament of J. M.
Fulford, notice is
given to all parsons indebted to the es-
to make immediate
the undersigned, and all persons
having claims against said estate are
d that they mus present the same
pi, the
or notice
be p i ad in bar of recover
This day of Feb.
I., A.
J. M. .
By mutual an. c o j will C,
E Bradley W. I. dong
u Bradly Best,
j dissolved
, Qr i i having out the
, ,, of w. L. B it and will settle all
that in no sense crippling ltd N. C.
,. the firm w II
. , i , P. E. II; y.
witness our hands this 20th lei.
1907 Bradly,
T, U Best.
Having purchased the interest of w,
I, Bast in the of Best,
and sold Best ail of tho
d optical line In the old bust.
II., will carry u complete line,
both Witch id I will
l, j , ,. . patrons of the former
firm to favor him with a continuance of
their patronage, He will carry on
department in same building with my-
E. Bradley.
This 20th of
r sold my interest In the firm of
to Bradley.
he will j we i y lino with
the exception the lines in I handle.
take pleasure in common in him to
our patrons and ask you
him a continuance of your patronage,
w. L. Bust
This Feb.
-aw -M
. .,

second at the at Green
N. C, Act of con.-r of S.
ram made upon application.
A desired port in and adjoining
is certainly letting
outside world know that it is
a the map.
in to
for a training school for
teachers in the east is not the
th Politicians, bat is to meet
necessity that confronts us.
burn and
are both in danger of getting
lost to memory.
Sampson county with a default-
rap sheriff to the amount of
is dearly for
A party of ninety-two business
of Chicago. St. Louis,
tn and Cincinnati, sailed from
Charleston Wednesday night for
a trip to the West Indies and the
Isthmus of Panama. We think
they are going to see things about
the canal different from what the
president did.
Some of the in
section of the
, . of the east pay a
seem to nave a poor en of
. ,, . the taxes
the sincerity rd nor
people in the
blind or prejudice.
Milwaukee might settle the
dispute over the for a
by putting a kg if
beer on it
State and they see no
I benefit worth mentioning
ever my call it. tn y
. . ., This movement for a training
the in
, p teachers never had in
motive of and costing slurs at
, , . it .-. motive to
v. i one more for ,
,,,,.,, ., Normal at
North other I
. ,. . ,,, nor to even in
now living. And it is n I because .
, , . , compel with It On
the people of the east have
The who says it is
easy tiling to get a million
ought to be willing i
few of u; how it done.
rights, and in their
to ask a of these
Here comes Cr n
Record which
friends of the
Normal did what
deemed best in matter
establishing r
kills the plan first c
but even this
an entering w
some day this same wedge will
he driven r. The
warts a Normal
i c . . or
section of the State, his one.
Other considerations are
tr of heaven But
let's say they will n r be
able th
r i f these high
there will and m r
j n I
f re i
making it more difficult to obtain
the Normal
We are no speaking from a
standpoint at all. but our
idea is h-t would be to
let those high wait a
while longer. W. are too apt
two birds while trying t
catch a i- words, zeal f- r
r th
T- i sight
all is to see the and of the poll,
in all th d i. These
gentlemen like dignified
man o is always two-third
he-o gets down in the
r a id h I thinks h is f i-
his most intimate friends,
when even a blind man knows
about his
The Charlotte falls
in line with The Record
backs it up
friends if the State Nor-
and Industrial College art
missing the services of the late
Dr. Charles D. in the
Legislature. He was always
to the needs of the
ion and always succeeded in get-
ting what he wanted from the
Legislature. The Greensboro
Record seems to think that, the
interests of the Normal are
menaced It looks like
friends of the State Normal,
some of whom are supposed to
be in Raleigh about this time,
have gone to sleep or sold out.
It strikes us that it is about tine
people up this way
understand the tricks of those
eastern politicians, but they m
unable to We had i
why the friends of
State Normal had not made
some of a defense of that in
against the onslaughts
of the eastern politicians,
not a voice is raised. Thing
would have different were
You brethren would do well to
cut out this kind of talk If you
knew the needs of the eastern
The two cent bill
its third reading In tin
the by a vote of to and
people of the east j is now with the s ban
f ii doing
Greensboro in-1 Congress trying to keep
but at the same time with our State legislature in th
All Pitt county sympathizes
with the people of Grifton in the
lire that visited that town Friday
morning, and especially with
County Commissioner I, Z.
who was the heaviest
laser Grifton has several times
from fire, but the plucky
people show a determination to
from the ashes and come
Senator Fleming has this week
introduced bills in the legislature
to extend the corporate limits and
amend the charter of the town of
Grifton. to extend the corporate
of work and gone to hold
night sessions.
rant must have some
insinuations as are ex-
. sod in the above utterances The present congress is
Greensboro and Charlotte the record of beating any of.
net to its predecessors in the way
among the eastern people
r the they over zealously
. of the
tune w to have it in
hard tor the newspapers may
never want the
papers to
Judging from the last issue of I them get elected c. more.
he Progress, wash
machine right sellers fa wisely
in that I a thing that net
and finding numerous in making ample
to their endless chain insane and
me In addition to a persons of the State.
rial on the subject The
as has another squib in Adv of the bill to
i as Lee county are
Is it false or is it real that in bi cause the
more the washing defeated it by one vote, but
men were out of
simply MO.
Those expecting the senate to
stand by the house in the rail-
road rat matter have been dis-
appointed, while those expecting
the senate to go contrary to what
the had done have got what
limits and amend the charter of they were for The
the town of Greenville, and to house passed a bill for a two cent
give Greenville authority to issue passenger fare, while the senate
bonds. All of which goes to one for a two-and-a-half
show that the towns down in the fare- what win th
c t; outcome of this is not to
of Pitt believe in going j- , r. .
. . thing is The
for adjournment of the leg-
is drawing near, and
., . two branches are quick
have witnessed i
get together on a rate measure
and failed to see in the session will end with nothing
it anything whatever that done in that direction.
fies the cry raised against it in
some cities and towns- There
was nothing objectionable about Complimentary to Mary
it. nothing that could be off en- N. C. Feb
she to anyone or stir up any evening the home to
race strife. On the it Steele
The Durham Herald w. says, , . the scene of one of the most en-
.,., , , , was a production of such excel- social functions of the
the people of the town are that , g of season, when Miss
willing to vote for a bond issue
for n ads. the people of the,
should grab at the
That should be true;
an opportunity to witness it.
entertained thirty
of the Pleasure at pro-
games, in honor of her
; Miss Mary Higgs. of Groan
Graham of games were
played, among which wore the
The people of the made a grave mistake in his old favorites, domino and trail.
We think Senator
a grave
country are th ones to reap the speech in the Senate attacking The for the evening.
Washington e are
for inf
We carrot answer as to
so far as the question
P lies to Greenville But there
. to be
man who hasn't got ens
i court and all of a sudden the advice how to raise
I I business d-
o of sight And
be added that there an ;
left who would
kicking for
by such a scheme.
West Virginia must be yet out
side the borders of civilization, if
one can judge from what trans-
and should be glad when the the failure to appoint who presented t to the guest of
o willing to be taxed to him on the conference committee l- the
. . gentleman prize, a handsome
to consider the railroad rate bill, burnt leather case containing
Lieutenant Governor Winston a of hangers
i -u o was
was entirely right Senator ed for the occasion and the color
Graham introduced the bill him- scheme, pink and white, was
self and went so far declare The
he would not support any other, games a course of refreshments
Having thus expressed his of and rake.
. , , , ,, . coffee and almonds etc. was
in advance he should not ed
have been appointed on the; Th affair was a very pleasant
m every particular. Miss
committee. is a young
I an who has won the friendship
of all who had the pleasure of
In the senate Tuesday the bill meeting her. mo.-e
bird to fund of the of to penalize
help build roads.
The introduced by
Jones to establish a
a dispensary in Bethel has
the h A feat-
this bill that would be a
good one for all dispensaries, is
one-third of the net pro
Math go to the graded school of
town, one-third to the gen-
fund of town and one
; telegraph companies was tabled. Observer.
That was a proper disposition of
The recent letter in the Raleigh it. and it never come Honor of Mr-
News and Observer from Dr L Mrs. J. Bryan Grimes
Crawford, of Greensboro, re.;
ex-Gov. Jarvis and the has been presented to the present Just return d from her
proposed Eastern training school. than to enact such law.
hows how much even a very entirely with Senator Mrs. George L. Morton,
smart man can say on , matter speech opposing
which he knows nothing, the bill had come to W. Riddick, Mrs, Alfred
is surprising that
a man conclusion that the penalty Winer Jet-man,
of vi n u i i rs Owens- H a
. i., m North had been Mrs. Hi
should assume to overdone.
about u-
He did not know of I The color scheme in tie dining
room was pink and white. The
would pa s
When he knows nothing litigation than j dainty bearing bunches
the re
A little reform in the govern-
printing bill is going to
an annual saving of
COO. How much would
from a general reform in the gov-
But Mr. Rockefeller
a nave
Charleston, the that thirty-two million and
From a copy of oil the
Sure, but in that event he
not have had the credit for
away so much.
conditions that exist, bill, and he believed it would of fees served
effect it
far in passing judgment. enacted into and Observer.
of that State
the Gazette published in that
sent us by a friend residing
account of the
t liter being dragged from his
office and assaulted by two
icemen and locked up in the
station house, without a warrant
or without any charge being
against him. From an
editorial in the same paper it is
inferred that the editor had been
exposing some of the rottenness
of the city Such
an assault is an outrage, and
might have been in
Russia The editor of the Ga-
is a North Carolina, Mr. J.
whose nativity
may account for his readiness to
expose corruption in high places
Messer, of Haywood
the oldest white man ii.
North Carolina, died
He born August 12th.
1792, making him year.
months and days old at the
of his death.
section of this great
would be that the contemplation.
Representative Laughinghouse
introduced a bill in the
Wednesday to allow Cr a-
bug bond. Thia town
The president has been keep-
real quiet for a longer period
than usual. But so many other
things have been going on that
the people have not had time to
think about him. He be
expected soon to break out again.
March 1st the Wes-
tern Union Telegraph
win make a
employees at
off c
make of the t reel JO i
cent happier each month
C. .
f .
F. S.
. W
the Cotton and
guanos in the South
in the
v. Se- that
on every bag.
j. . . .-
This is in charge of F. C. who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory
Oats, corn and hay just
A. W. Ange t Co.
to i B. T
Ox . B- for T.
ton Friday.
J. R. Turnage and
Mumford of were here at
the debate last night-
Mrs. cf
Stokes came in Friday night to
spend sometime at the home of
M Bryan.
Mr. and Mrs. R F. Tucker
went to Greene Friday
to visit relatives for a few days.
Miss Mellie left Friday
afternoon for Bethel where she
will spend Saturday and Sunday
with and friends.
of the
from came over to the
debate Friday night
For gentle ponies,
well broke. A- Kittrell.
Winterville, N. C.
The time of th year has
when you farmers are
to think about breaking your
land. Come and the
disk at
Barber Co. They do
excellent work.
About twenty-five of the
of Winterville of
Jr. O. V. A kt,
school Friday, where they
presented to that school a flag
and a Bible which represent the
principles of this noble order-
virtue, liberty and patriotisms
three of the grandest principle
that are able to be conceived by
the human mind.
Those who are exposed to the
cold rains and snows need to pro-
yourselves with good
coats, rubber boots, rubber shoes
and Get them at
Barber Co.
S. J. of Grifton.
was hero today.
We no i n hand f
lee of Bibles we fT-
the trade at very lo
The A. G. OX M Co. has
still on hand a full of
their Tar Heel Cart wheels.
Send us your order we assure
prompt shipments.
Prof. G. E was at
his best and delivered a most ex-
address in presenting the
Bible and flag. Prof. W. H.
was present also and
in behalf of the teachers, pupils
and community extended to the
Juniors their sincere thanks and
appreciation of the flag, and
Rev. W. E. Cox delivered an ad-
dress thanking them for the
We are looking for some largo j church
snows yet. Be prepared f-r morning,
by rubber storm.-. Sunday
coat, and a pair of rubber the inclement weather,
or These your He returned to Mon-
health as well added
Will Supply the
If there are young women w ho
are the of a n
and industrial school it seems to
J. R. Johnson went to that it be cheaper to
enlarge the one already have
than to build a new one
v hero else. Durham Herald.
But the trouble com s right
there, Those working u get the
legislature tr- make a large
appropriation to the
Greensboro school admitted pub
was present-
ed in opera house
Tuesday night to an immense
Owing to the late
I he special train bringing
thee of their ix-st
st i; be trans
and put up in time for use.
but oven with this the
play was thrilling and rendered
with good affect There were in
the audience a number of ex-Con-
soldiers to whom were
brought back vivid recollections
of the trying reconstruction
through which they passed,
and they were most generous in
applause given throughout the
drama. The play gave much sat-
The management of the opera
So the idea seemed a desire to
raise the and standing
of that school more than
to increase its accommodating
capacity. There is no special ob-
to the rank of the
Greensboro school being thus
raised and we hope it will get
the appropriation, but what the
east wants and must have is a
training school that will train
teachers that will teach in
the public schools of east.
The Greensboro does
not supply these, hence the lack
of teachers for the schools of the
east makes necessary the steps
the eastern people are taking.
the people of the community for
the liberal patronage given, Get-
ting here was
the ; venture that has neon
made for t he house and pub-
appreciation was shown in the
large attendance. It was an
that would have done
it to much
larger towns than
The A. G. Cox Co-, tie that the appropriation would
still receiving orders for their enable the institution to take
nice ard most up to girl more than it already has. grateful to
sucker buggies.
The debate given by the Vance
society Friday night was
one of the best ever given
this excellent society. The affirm-
was represented by J. D.
W. L. Gav and D R.
Jackson; the negative by W. A
C. F. Perry, and
R. T. Cox. The query
That the government
should own and control it i rail-
The contest was close
and exciting through the entire
debate but the judges rendered a
decision in favor of the
after much difficulty.
There were several of the old
pupils present always
make a pleasant reunion and
adds no little pleasure to
Among the pupils present
Misses Louise Fleming
and Nannie House of House. R
H Parker of Conetoe.
Moore, of mid Miss
Manning, of
Secure a at Bar
Barber Co.
Miss Nannie House returned
her home near House Monday
morning after spending a day or
two visiting friend here
Th- A. G. Cox has
o- a full supply of their
T r Heels Carts and would do
glad to supply your needs.
Rev. T. H. King filled his reg-
appointment at the Baptist
afternoon and
There was
The expert cutter and fitter
did good business for us on
Saturday. He left Monday
but we have a man who will
take your measure if you.
didn't get here in time.
A Baltimore when
on the charge of stealing
thirteen chickens, was asked
he did not know thirteen was an
number and ho had
n that number of chickens.
replied that he did so because
there were not in the
coon. That will take his
against luck the very-
next time he runs upon a coop
with thirteen chickens in it-
Wilmington Messenger.
Prof. Brother Dead.
A telephone message from
Louisburg Tuesday evening an-
the death of Mr. George
A. brother of our
townsman. Prof. W. H. Rags-
dale. The Litter was at his bed-
side when the end came.
pork Sausage at S. M.
For all kinds of feed Stuff at
lowest prices see F. V. Johnston.
com tort. A. w. Ange A Co., has
them cheap.
The boys last night wore in
excellent spirits when they
came in and were speaking in
the highest terms of praise
of the people for their
kind hospitality and
shown them while there.
She teachers and pupils of this
school may rest assured that
Winterville Council No.
stands ready to lend them a
helping hand if possible.
The wise man begins early to
build a reputation at his home
bank. Readily and steadily
deposits even though they
be small will establish a record
for him on the banker's books
and in the bankers mind be of
greater value in later years
than all endorsements and
his friends can give
him. Deposit your savings in
the Bank of Winterville.
suits of all sizes are
at cost at B F. Manning
The famous dress
shoe for ladies and gentlemen at
B. F. Manning Co.
The A. G. Cox M Co., has
just received a full Car Load of
the welded fence of
different heights. We feel sure
it would to your best interest ti,
call to see us and lotus q. S
you prices that will be
your i day morning.
A large shipment of best
flour just received at Harrington
Barber A Co.
Mr. and C. Manning
of Greenville spent Sunday here
visiting relatives-
Keep your horses, boys, and
chickens in a healthy condition
by giving them Pratt's food.
B. F. Manning Co.
The Pitt County Oil Co., is
putting in a dynamo for its
use. Mr. D- Job of Green-
ville is here installing it.
American Herbs is the thing for
indigestion and the purification
of the blood. A. W- Ange
can supply you.
An up line of large rugs
just received by A. W. Ange
Mrs. J. Bobbitt and Miss
Bessie Helen, who attended the
debate returned to
Several of our people went to
Greenville Tuesday evening to
see the
Mr. B. D. Forest returned
home Saturday after spending
several days her father's in
the country.
Miss Mollie Bryan returned
m Bethel Sunday afternoon.
Stray Taker. Up.
I have taken up one yellow and
black spotted sow, marked
low fork and hole in right
evening on Jeer and split in left. Now has
nix pigs. Owner can get same
by proving property and paying
costs. W. H. Roberson,
R. F. D No. Winterville. N. C.
of this
selected for the official pi-
of the Exposition, the
sweet toned
Those grand instruments
will be used exclusively
in the Music Hall and
other Music rooms.
This selection did credit
to the of the
Board of Governors.
You will show like good
discernment if you
select the
Write for particulars and
Piano with the
S ti
Call in and let us take your
measure for a Spring Suit
Fit and finish guaranteed.
At Business, Jan. 86th 1906.
Loans and SIS. 116.00
Overdrafts 287.81
Furniture fixtures
Due from banks and bankers 8,625.42
Cash items
Gold Coin 6.00
Silver coin 87.80
Nut. bk 1,107.00
Capital stock 86,000.00
Time of deposit 1,385.00
subject to 18,184.96
Total 818,986.61
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt,
I, J, j. Jackson, Cashier of the above named bank,
swear that the above is true lo best of
and belief. L. JACKSON,
Subscribed and sworn Correct
The Department Stores
me, this Mil day of Feb-,
Notary Public.
M . B.
A. O. COX,
The New Year
Miss Louise Pie returned
to her home near House Monday,
Satterwhite attending the debate here-
this morning to spend Sunday at I
home seed outs
and Mottle Wiggins Johnston s.
left to spend Sunday in Green-j
vi V. Johnston's.
Bl P V.
; no
no-th i
ll, cake Ca n k. ,
i tot hi- during
past year u may id.
It u visiting my
i LINEN at per yard.
MADRAS from to per yard.
The Waist
N at per yard
N lawn from Ute. par
J. B. j
Drop in down town an
line before it is can
male up ready for the Bales,
i let us show you our elegant
purchase now and have them
J. R. A, J, I
. , v

-ii v
. .
Last issue of the Progressive
contained men-
Three Store and De-
I The following poem was found on
I the street between Spencer and
K is to nave been
1.1 reD. mat unknown traveler on his
th Constitutional morning fire Visited the new from tho latter place to Spencer.
Amendment which we think business section of ton Tom Gray lay down on the bar-room
, impressed i destroyed three of the brick M ,,.,, h drink
I white voters s tores that were built only a few more.
The Con- ago.
Amendment of The about
St-u U
e it
To dream that he rode on a hell-bound
o'clock, from some Unknown U with was red and
rob might in tho A. L
reason Bro., and hail , .,
was i
this amendment provided such headway that it not b,
for t be checked This budding and
m , i rand contents; together with the
clause. d stores K. C Bra,
Brooks with their con-
H, he n i. tents were burned-
registered to the I of his By hard work the t re was
end of the eight checked at the thick wall between
years i i near at hand. store and ;.
But for this
las, i . re that will sit
years is now in
Th has been some
as to whether the
tin-. t extended or
But then ; no longer any
u point. In a
la; k the Democrats
controlling the Legislature, after
discussion voted to let the
date and all.
star la y now are in the
Constitution, one more
year the white man who votes
must prepare himself for the
high, of voting by learn-
to read and write. Tie
time will not be he U
fact to Cd with an educational
suffrage i and must
prepare himself for it or accept
the consequences And this is
well. With our present
facilities any white boy
n. himself engineer, j
Th, made such a motley
atheist, Gentile and
store. But tins
other buildings would also
been destroyed.
Individual losses cannot be
given at this time, but the total
loss is about with
Mr. Brooks was
the heaviest individual loser-
The Grifton Drug Co. also lost
considerably by moving stock.
but this was covered by
Appreciation of What Has
Been Done.
know do, and I am sure
Governor Jarvis does, appreciate
the kind expression your paper
h id of us in Friday's issue. As
Chairman of the Committee of
from Greenville and- Pitt
opportunity of any man in
town to what ha been
done In winning the
Training for the Bast
I desire to say that but for the
i . re.
Rich men in broadcloth and beggar in
young ladies with withered
old hags,
Yellows red. brown and white,
together, what a horrible
While the train dashed on at an awful
The h scorched their hands and
v. k and the country grew.
faster and faster the engine Hew-.
-anti crashed.
, . i- and brighter the lightning
Hotter and hotter the air became.
Till the clothes were burned from each
quivering frame.
Then in the distance there rose such a
veil , , ,
Ha croaked the Devil. e re
O. how the passengers shrieked
with pain. I
And bunged the Devil to stop the trainhe capered about and sang with glee
And laughed and joked at their agony. I
faithful friend you have done my i
work- u- i
Ami the Devil can never a pay day
You have bullied th weak and robbed
the poor, ,
And the starving brother turned
your door;
You have laid up gold where the canker
rusts. Stories Sanford Brought
MS; Out by Shooting Results in Objection
This man bought a supply of tobacco with-
out acquainting himself with the distinctive taste
of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering
qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at
less expense than cheap tobacco.
SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this
paper So that every chewer has had an
opportunity V get acquainted with the
facts and know that drugs are not used
to produce the cheering quality found in
the famous Piedmont country flue-cured
tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he
ought to chew. Still there are chewers
who accept other and cheaper tobaccos
that do not give the same pleasure.
Some day they'll get a taste of the
realize what enjoyment
they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS
long they'll feel like kicking
SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in S
cent cuts, and and IS cent plugs. Be
sure you get genuine.
, Panama Canst Erie Canal.
is digging
canal a thousand times quicker than
the Erie.
he L- u. .
less cost labor,
his ea I i an learn to read
, . , , ,,,,, I have hail the
write before he becomes
age. To say to the shiftless u
careless that we would take
of them while at the
time spurring the to
take advantage of ii.; school, by
reason of I educational re-
would help nobody
worth the hell would
,. i my appreciation of the sup-
encourage white ignorance, , ,
would of weakness
You have justice scorned
And trampled the laws of nature downCome to Greenville and Get Married. ;
I was made
paint at times
than if made by
n i for a couple of The I. ft M. gives the best job in the
to HIS WorK. . because I M. Zinc hardens
, p. , from across the border in White make. L. ft M.
rioted and murder-i Episcopal Church at j ; g t d The like Iron for yew
L. I., in which Mrs. .; a . requires gallons
i i- in quite a ., Linseed
Clarence I worships, man and young Oil t a mod-
. i and lied
And mocked at Hod
i ride
work nun
guns we carried never would
have won. desire to
fare, so carry lost last night the Rev. Isaac Peck took a carriage at the in L. M. Paint.
your rector for Mn Station and drove to hotel Macon. will repaint house tor
it is j , and , t , . . . S H I., Greenville.
due; ,. vestrymen, Wishing to lose time the
Why. the laborer alway expects while declared hunted up of NOTICE OF SALE.
f I If ll i-a I
s expects while declared
land you sate in the lake of fire, loudly that they were
worthy of our
Don't Side-line Your F g
port that has bee n giver, b
every man both in and
Greenville in this magnificent
and to to these men
t hat the committee has not gone
into winter quarters but is doing
at the same old stand.
A recruiting officer will be on
hand every day to enlist
for the battle which
is yet to come and in which
We a farmer who for-
regarded his a side
line to his business of grain
He raised a number
every year, they were very
yet he always
lo, . for taxes.
f repairs, etc .
Ba; Fireside. An old
gel . on him one day,
an their chats he
poi;. to him how he
an hunted up Register of
me iv, I-;. Williams and went with county- In Court
Where your shall roast in minister, considered it house for the Sallie E and G
you more and wise not to discuss his goingI Mr. Peck was at his mother-in-1 When the was
Of tie Keel and II P Keel.
Then Tom a with an cry. law's funeral when his letter of ;, identity
soaked with sweat and his .,.,,.,., and , , ,
hair resignation was accept parties as Frederick M
and By virtue of a decree made by
, . Moore, clerk of Superior court o Pitt
M. Blanche Lu both in the above entitled special
Then he prayed a he never prayed
,. . . .-,. It was last summer that
To U saved from drink and the devils
and prayers were not trinity's dove of was
its that all was not was sent for, and mar-
Petersburg E P-ding t. I land for partition.
M . i i i
t. pastor of the Memorial Baptist Monday, the is
r Pan I 1- to sell
first discovered that Petersburg, J. e.
day of March 1907,
I the court
the high-
honors than have have already
c me to her. To one and to all Greenville
would a word of cheer and
say that we will not cease our
efforts until there shall bees-
fact a training school
in Eastern tin other
church, a gift of Mrs to left on the bound train
Pitt County Staid the in memory her
Shoulder to Shoulder for Progress. I mother, the late Mrs. William
a of hogs- He
toll. I n t have a
on on I m that
was. . the best quality.
The i well and sold
well i and
topped the market
. . He advised him
to sell all and
buy e or four first-class
your.- bows i I raise pigs he
I Alexander
for Greenville and. Soon after Mrs. came
Pitt county The people have to live at Roslyn she became
together like men in the affairs of
With her wealth she was
of. He said
words in Pitt that shall
, every woman an opportunity
I and prepare herself well to
teach the thousands of boys and
girls that are and ought to be in
the schools of this great section
t beloved State.
W. H.
Chairman of Com. of SO.
We are not given to boasting
the legislature in behalf of the
training school for teachers in
Eastern North Carolina and they
will keep right on working to-
for schools, for bridges,
for good roads, and for all other
measures looking to the
betterment of the people. There
never before was such a spirit
of between the
people of the town and country
as now exists, and the continua-
. v pigs any
more, but ma
pro,; quality, intelligent and happy class of
and will you We fed like taking
I fit than the best
but we are proud of the f -t t
boys of this vicinity. They are.
with rare a healthy. in the rank of
D ed only to improve
our opportunities to be the
it clear off when we meet greatest county in North Caro-
them upon the and A
class is more welcome to our
fan beginning of office, many boys leave th
hi, P from the visit of farm where they have
that Id When he made substantial and good
. i . , , ,; and go the city where only
he one thousand succeed in
providing it with battle There are farmers
the . quarters drive their boys away,
and the best care, and There is no excuse for this.
the n easily be guessed. The farmer boy is entitled to his
As have paid One vacations, to several relaxations,
I make Pitt the
the State.
and let's
banner county of
Sunday morning, presumably to partition.
tho of 1907.
Julius mer.
return to Petersburg.
of Pitt county, North t in
book L-8 page the undersigned
Will expose to public sale before the
court house door in Greenville, to the
highest bidder on Monday the 4th day
of March 1907 at o'clock noon, three
Certain tracts or parcels of land lying
and being ill the county of and
State of North Carolina and described as
who a a small sum lying idle
can find a place on the
farm where it can I e employed
toga I it will
earn much more than three to
five per cent. Interest Ex.
Congressman voted themselves
percent, increase in salaries
to mo t the increased cost of
living brought about by
their legislation for special in-
The people have to
o,. g d bearing the In-
I i
Congress eel
burden of unreasonable
tariff taxes. Wilmington Star.
his visits to the city, good books,
magazines and Vis home paper.
To the observing one it is plain
to be seen that the old farm is
the best place in the world for
the average young man and
never fails to bring a happier
and more useful life than the
city. Young men, who till
the soil and earn your bread by
the at of your brow, we are
proud of our is
always out to you and will
always have a friend in this
paper. Come and see us and
give us the news from your
neighborhood. Gastonia Ga-
Favorable Report for
There never was better planned
or bettor executed work than
that done by the people of this
section toward getting a teach-
training school
North Carolina, The good re-
of this work is shown in a
telegram received from
th s morning stating that the
joint legislative committee on
education at a meeting last
gave the bill unanimous
The matter now goes to the
senate and house and there is
every reason to believe the
authorizing the establishment
of the school will
enabled to meet its needs as no
other parishioner could. A year
and a half ago she gladdened the
congregation with the announce-
that she intended to give
for a new church build-
and replace the
weather beaten parish house-
When she said that she had en-
gaged Stanford White to be the
architect of the building every-
body was sure that Roslyn would follow,
two of which One tract at a stake
have to Structures or , runs with
her people could boast line S. E. 13-1-2 poles, thence N.
Until June last all went to feat to a thence North
smoothly in the planning for the W. poles to the middle the
now Mrs and street, with the middle of the
Airs, . , s m W. feet to the begin-
the rector wire apparently in
accord. Then came the Madison j an undivided one half interest In
Square Garden shooting, with land I
its aftermath of sensational tea,
charges against White.
dent with these
became know
had objected
Perhaps he had objected to them
before the shooting, but Roslyn
Stray Taken Up.
NOTICE. I I have taken up three red and
. j white cows, one unmarked, wear-
yoke two marked smooth
ex. and delivered by A. L. Jack- in left car. SWalloW fork Ht
right Owner can get same by
Long on the day March 1906 and and paying
, recorded in the register
, bounded as Begin-
at a stake on Pitt street feet
, from corner of Pitt and Queen
disclosures it running N. W. a distance of ltd
that Mr. Peck feet to A. U Jackson's line, thence
to with A. L. B. i i a
r distance of feet, thence E, a
costs. W E. Nichols,
Near Race Track,
Greenville, N.
ever since has wondered why he
never heard of it until the
had been killed.
After tho discord between
Mrs. and the minister
was first discussed the Rev H
Hut ton, rector of the Church
of the Nativity, at vis-
Mrs. It was re-
ported that she introduced him
to friends as new rec-
tor Mr. Hutton denied that
then and wrote to Mr. Peck that
there was no ground for any-
saying that he was to be
his Trinity s vestry-
men said Mr. Pack was going to
stay at Roslyn and that they
would stand by him to last ditch.
Mr. Peck would not say any-
thing about his
nation. Nor would Mrs.
New York World.
distant of feet to street,
thence East fee with
to the beginning.
Also one other tract of land in the
town of Beginning at a stake
on Queen street feet from corner of
Queen and Pitt streets N-
W, feet to a stake, thence North
E, feet to a stake, thence S,
E, feet to corner of J.
To sufferers of Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Other
say a bottle and if
it we will refund
your say a
full 11.00 size free bottle of
and if it benefits then
use SOL until
entitles you
to a bottle SOL at ,
Only a limited number bottles
given away. Don't miss this op
to test
Steamer L leaves
Washington daily
m for
daily Sundays
K. feet to corner J t , at.
Norfolk for
Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia
the beginning.
To satisfy said dead in trust.
of sale cash.
This the 1st day 1901.
for Trouble.
lived in California years, and
am still tinting for trouble in the way
of, wound;., boll, cut
sprains, or a case of piles that
cf . i
in. Mi. .-
cum s every cats, I,
New York, Boston all other
points North. Connects at Nor-
folk with all point West.
shippers should order
freight via Norfolk, care Norfolk;
Southern Ry. Co.
Sailing boa's subject to change
without notice.
J. J. CHERRY, Agent,
N. C.
. I
. Vi i .
A I. , Supt.
Report of the condition
At Greenville, in Ninth
Car the of business,
Jan. 1907.
Loans and Discounts
U. Bonds to secure
Premiums on U. S. Bond
Banking house
Due from
Due from State
Exchange for 240.76
Notes other National
Lawful money I
Redemption S.
Treasurer per
Capital stock I
profits. x-
taxes paid
National bank
Time of
deposit 7,586.50
19.63 92,562.20
Notes and bills 5,173.02
North Carolina
County of
W, Aye Cashier of the above
bank, do solemnly swear
the is true to the best
Of my e and
J. W. AYCOCK. Cashier
and sworn to h fore me
of Jan.,
Correct Attest
I. W.
Citizen Extend Them an Ovation
As it was known that Prof W.
H. was to leave for
Grifton on Thursday evening's
train to participate in the flag
raising exercises at
school, and that ex-Gov. T. J.
Jarvis was expected home from
Raleigh on the same train, the
i citizens of Greenville planned a
surprise for these gentlemen by
of expressing appreciation
of the work they had done to-
ward inducing the legislature to
establish a training school for
teachers in Eastern North Caro-
A number of citizens went to
175.15 the station in carriages, and a
special carriage with committee
went by Prof. home
to take him to the station, the
same carriage to take Governor
to his home.
As the train came in and Gov-
or nor Jarvis was alighting Mayor
Wooten proposed
for him which were given with
enthusiasm- was followed
by three cheers for Prof. Rags-
dale was equally as en-
Governor Jarvis was escorted
And Bible Rest on
True to the principles of the
patriotic and moral teachings of
the noble order, the Junior Order
of United American Mechanics
believe the American flag
should float over every public
exhalation, mine fathoms into the
the Word of God should have a I ancient reign of night, what thinks
prominent on the desk of them s ho his
, , , , , . ., dogs over the zenith in their
in each school. In keeping with g
this principle, the lodge of that stifled hum of midnight,
order at celebrated when traffic lain down to rest.
of Its Pathos
and Its Tragedy.
my dear said ho
once midnight when he had re-
turned from the coffee house in
earnest talk, is a true
sublimity to dwell here. These
fringes of lamplight, up
through smoke and thousandfold
Contractor, Builder, Tile Setter.
Plans and estimates
on application. All work
Tern key job when ever de-
C Sweet to Eat
O A Candy towel
Washington's birthday by
a and a Bible to the
school near Centerville.
This is one of the best rural
schools in the county, and
located in as fine a section and
people as can be shown any-
where. They had a nice school
building which was destroyed
fire about a year ago, but not
undaunted by the loss the people
Came together and rebuilt on a
larger plan ever before. The
three cheers school now has three teachers
Miss Bettie right, principal,
and Mis Lillie Pair and
Morris is the
pride of all that section and a
credit to the county.
and the chariot wheels of vanity, j
still rolling here and there through
distant roots, are bearing her to i
halls roofed and lighted to the
due pitch for her, and only vice and I
misery, to prowl or to moan like
night birds, arc hum,
I say, like the stertorous, unquiet
slumber of sick life, is heard in
heaven Oh, under that hideous
coverlet of vapor putrefactions
and unimaginable gases, what a fer-
vat lies simmering and hid
joyful and the sorrowful
are there; men are living there, men
arc being men are praying;
on the other side of a
men are cursing, around
them all is tho vast, night.
proud grandee still lingers
in his perfumed saloon or reposes
within damask curtains. Wretch-
cower into truckle beds or
Established in 1866.
Cotton tors and handlers of
Bagging. Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Counsel From the South
When the cold wind dry and rack the
the skin a box of can save
discomfort. In buying salve look for
the name on the to
and be sure you original
Witch Hazel Salve. Sold
Clear up the complexion,
em. V beat
do do or two
Little Early Rim H
pills with a I hi that
i .
Jno. i. i i n.
Greenville, N,
like the well
is what . n of
. modern coup
From any opiate or . m t-tin
conform I .
Pure and Drug Law. So
Jno, i. an.
who ti ac-
l ac trow I he i h i from a
morbid of a I t
. is three on.
and . On the
and can eat a
m in-
is much you
take a little for i H-
after your meals. Li
what you eat; sold by Jno. L.
to the station where he was Jr., U- A. M.
ed by Prof. H. B. Smith and in- went in a body to honor with
as man who helped j their presence and present the
save the day in Gov-J emblems of patriotism and
Jarvis responded in a brief A large crowd was in at-
and the exercises gave
keen delight to all- The follow-
program was carried out in
the school building;
speech in which he expressed
of this demonstration
by his townsmen, but said he
could not take unto himself the
honor for the great achievement I
This, he said, be-1 Announcement of work of Bet-
to the delegation I termed Association.
of citizens of Greenville and Pitt j , , , ., . I Addresses and of
county who had gone there with E. Lineberry.
their claims and made such pro-; Address accepting H-
LAST CALL FOR TAXES. found impression on the
I will attend the following tare. Song White and
times and places for the purpose He said he now had no doubt, Presenting Bible-G. E. Line-
if the for --J I opting Bible-Rev.
taxes for that year and persons be established, though the fight W- E. Cox.
was not yet ended. However. of National
if the people of Pitt continue Following this the flag was
their earnest efforts as they raised over the building and a
have heretofore, he had every I shout arose from the multitude
reason to believe the unfurled its
would be located in our folds to the breezes.
At the conclusion of his re- j An elegant dinner w. s spread
marks there were calls for a the grove near the building
speech from Prof. but afforded a good finale to the
this gentleman had gone aboard exercises.
Dealer. Cash Bid tor
Hides. Fur, Heed,
Turkeys, etc.
steads, Mattresses, Oak
It was to this school that the shivers hunger stricken into its lair I
of straw. In obscure cellars rouge- j Table.-. Safes
languidly emits it voice of j and Gail Ax Snuff,
destiny to haggard, hungry villains,
while of state sit plotting
and playing their high game,
the pawns being men.
lover whisper; hi
that the coach is ready, and she,
full of hope and fear, glide down
to fly with him over the borders.
The thief still more silently sets to
his pick locks and crowbars or lurks
in wait till the watchmen snore I china
owing should meet me and settle
or costs will be added.
L. W. TUCKER, Sheriff.
Ayden, township,
Saturday, March 2nd. 1907.
Grimesland, township,
Saturday. March 2nd, 1907.
Stokes. Carolina township. Sat-
March 2nd.
Fountain, Falkland township,
Monday, March 4th. 1907.
Tuesday March 1907.
Bell's X Roads, town-
ship, Wednesday, Mar. 6th. 1907.
C. D. Smith's Store, Beaver
Dam township, Thursday, March
7th, 1907.
Bethel. Bethel township, Sat-
March 9th, 1907.
Grifton, township,
Saturday, March 9th.
Falkland, Falkland township,
Monday, March 11th. 1907.
Farmville Farmville township.
March 12th,
I have both these kind for sale a
reasonable prices. At my stables
opposite the court house can be
found at all times a lot of good
Call and see them
a good animal.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers
to X-
Ml H
N. C;
in Civil only
the train which was about to de-
part and could not respond.
Governor Jarvis was es-
to home
These two honored men have
h i leading spirits in the
for th.- establishment of
this school, and Eastern
Several persons from Green-
ville were present and speak in
highest terms of the occasion.
The editor of The Reflector in-
tended o be with the people of
Centerville that day, but sick-
among the office help made
it impossible for him to get away,
hence we can only give a report
North Carolina can never do of the exercises from facts told us
enough to repay the debt it owes by others
of appreciation
Adopted by Mt. Herman Lodge, F.
A A. M.
Pitt Association of Rural Let-
A meeting of the rural free
passing of John Quince delivery mail carriers of Pitt
Jackson brings to view the was held in the court
and beautiful that is in the
hearts of the advanced white
of our Southland.
The white man best equipped
for being the benefactor
is the man who knows him.
Could we burn this truth into
the hearts of white and black
alike, that the Southern white
in their boxes,
mansions, with supper i
rooms darning rooms, are full j
of light and music high -well-
hearts, but in the condemned j
cells the pulse of life beats
Ions and faint, and bloodshot
look out through the darkness i
which is around and within for the
light of a stern last morning. Sill
men are to he hanged on the
row. Comes no hammering from I
the Raven's Rock Their gallows,
must even now be
of two Legged
animals without feather lie around
us in horizontal positions, their
heads all in nightcaps and full of
the foolishest dreams. cries
aloud and sluggers and swaggers in
his rank dens of theme, and the
mother, with streaming hair, knee;
over her dying infant, whoso
cracked only her tears now
these heaped and
r. with nothing but ear-
and between
crammed i fish in
barrel, or . ball I . like
an Egyptian
Life Tobacco, Key West
George Cigars,
Cherries, Peaches,
pies. Pine apples, Syrup,
Meat Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat
Soup, Food, Matches
Meal and Hulls,
Seeds, Oranges,
Nuts. ; Dried
Peaches, Prunes, currants,
warn Tip
Wooden ware, cakes and
crackers, Macaroni,
i-r, Ma
numerous other go
Quality and chip fur
c sh. come see me.
digest Became i
lacks some of the ti I
the digestive re m
properly balanced. Then, too,
rood that and
painful indigestion.
relief, it
a solution of vegetable acids, i
and correct the
the National Food and Drug Law,
here by Jno. L. Woolen
hers. Such work
house on Friday, 22nd.
organization was effected
with C. L. Barrett, of Farmville,
president; C. T. Gaskins, of
ton, vice president; J. W. Brown,
of Greenville,
The meeting was enthusiastic out.
and all expressed themselves as
on under bi i o mo
But I ii am alone
with the
southern lady h- a letter writ-
ten after the close of the civil war
told her have
something strange loll you.
Mammy has been free sin o before
was horn. never know till
She goes on to tell how she
the fact. Tho account is
en from After the
I was wretched and exclaimed,
mammy, reckon you'll go
She it a a in-
had to humble myself.
While she was the secret burst
The Whole Town
at Your Elbow for
Per Day
man is the teacher, , prospects. The
leader of the . . .They know other and
each other. No member of the
to an encouraging talk from
Postmaster R. C. Flanagan, of
Greenville, which was much en-
joyed. J. W. Brown,
human race is more tractable,
docile and plastic- He is rich in
imagination, his reason and
faculties of mental life are
as strong as could be expected of
one in his state of development.
And the beautiful evidences
of esteem shown by you, Messrs.
Flanagan, Greene o, to our
late craftsman, bespeaks a fact
incontrovertible that for his j Only Two Democratic ex-Gov-
needs a sympathetic
hand, the guidance of an
life. You and your
gave this to John Q.
Jackson, and his life was that of
many In this Southern country,
be of duty,
we to tender yon by his
j ledge a vote of sincere j ex-Governor
Bran and ship stuff at Frank
Travel Together-
The only two living Demo-
I'd wanted to go. I con
pone time ago.
free. sot mo
A Telephone
your residence
That's AB f
For .-ates
If you are t-n fat it is your food
turns to fat instead of muscle strength.
If you are too lean tho fat producing food
that you eat not properly and
Lean, thin, people do not
Pepsin in tho stomach, while fat
people have too much Pepsin and not
Dyspepsia Cure
contains all tho digestive juices that
found in a healthy stomach, and ill
those proportions necessary to
enable the stomach and organ
to digest and assimilate all foods that may
be eaten. not only a
but it is a tis-
sue building tonic as well. cur
Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach,
Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart and
Constipation. You will like it
Digests What You Eat
Rests tho stomach, rebuilds th
tissues and gives firm
ft, M lb
or SO cat
at th, I
She showed Die her
papers in hand, which
she had worn for know ho
long in n oil ilk bag
never to use them.
All claims against the
partnership firm f Coward Wooten,
which wherein on the
19th day f 1907
lo the to P.
it, i
i rt of. no
limn bum, m i-. l
i; It
i . .-
v win V. Ill I
um, yet
. . had
. . j
; . i i q r
. I j . -J
M. Wooten, partner.
within twelve months from the date of
this notice. F. M. WOOTEN.
Surviving partner of v
TI- . 1907.
Got Foaled.
literally coughing myself to
and become to weak to leave
my predicted I
would r leave it alive; but they got
fooled, be to God, I was In-
l King's New Discovery.
It took I it one dollar bottles t
p poverty of completely cough and restore
style. The dexterity -f w of-1 me I writes Mrs.
ten i embroider n
What the Cay.
U always
f r ho than for
the manner in he lays it.
Hi i com
. i r
I. .-
hi ; ii i. n
i., it . . id hi
.- , I. .
Practices in State and Federal
of choice cut rt
era in attention patronage its
kindly i of his
Bull -to-k, Pol Winter .
. Shade trees
Phone 149.1 W. P
of North
Carolina yesterday Raleigh
or. the same car.
B. and i
Jarvis. Hi
ti i
your business had been hero a day
I and The Ranee- on an-l v
kindly o
C. H. W. M. i
C M E J. W. f Com
Raleigh, N. C.
their homes nM
and Greenville, respectively.
Raleigh Nows Mn
And those two are the kind t . t c.
who are the salt of the earth.
their won-
i i .
if ,
v red
i . pa-
ill Eve i or, i i
in i,, , i .,
t o., ind. n i
cures, and he t
is guarantee by
gist. i.
X of cough cold
and lungs.
Rising Crave.
A prominent ct. A.
K of i a, i a
i than three bottle at
i. i
from the grave. trouble u
Diabetes singe
Electric will cure me
permanently, fur it. ha i pad
. liver Compile
which troubled me fur
I Guaranteed at J, L. Wooten Druggist.
Price only
Hurry Marry Skinner. Jr.
II. W.
LAWYERS Greenville, N.
Practice in all
Livery and
fan furnish nice as
ii-, week
or month.

J M. Manager and Authorized Agent.
. C.
A- authorized cent tor Daily e Hardy and wife, of Greene
lake county, are visiting at H- C.
trip writing receipt
. e
this tab
Mil Wax well Die far Little Children.
Montreal, Que. Feb
Maxwell and sixteen
perished in a fire which
this afternoon in the
building of the
School. The school was
located in a brick two-story
building in the east end of the
u The pupils out at the graded
school observed Washington's,
birthday last Friday. and a by two
speeches, and other whose parents are
Oliver Smith enters and
claims acres more or less, of
vacant land in Swift Creek
From time to time we have in-
Haddock corner side column that
Isaac Mill's patent, up Long are few reasons, and Dec-
b i oil.
The lire started
r I sources of amusement were very
We an pleased t- learn that instructive and interesting. We
J. A. who has been con are informed the occasion was
fined to his room Tor sometime, very pleasant indeed.
is to be out Mrs G F Marion left Friday
If you are interested in Cook for High Point to join her
.- I Heaters it will pay band, Mr. Marion, who is in bus-
yon quality and prices there.
that i n arc making H, Ormond left ,
Several from here expect to day to visit relatives at
The teachers were
and work of getting the
ii out of the building be-
an. The kindergarten depart-
Isaac Mills patent, up Long are few reasons, and i
Branch, adjoining the lands of them u
Fred Haddock's and , pow any
mans money should be idle
This day of Feb. 1907. single day
. Any person or persons claim who owe
title to or interested in i . money they get to some
described land must We insist again-and
file their protest writing so only in the hope of
in the Town of N. C
withdrawing froS
j St d H
W. H.
i .-,
lay And this is i-v .
of persons
what money
I .
Mock, H
N. C.
B. Williams.
Entry Taker
at for several days
next Tuesday even- Richard Wingate went to
has been something morel G. and Gideon
than bales of cotton sold two well known traveling
the mark t here this week. finer, spent Wednesday in town
W. E. Ho ks l ft yesterday We are glad to know that Mr
. , . , . hi act-
his debts as fast as he can-
One dollar properly
ENTRY VACANT LAND. discharge ten one dollar
George Washington Smith i n- every day; and this
seated on the second and claims acres more o, makes it do the work of a ten
was b re that loss land in
occurred. The children j ten times A
is improving.
The Odd Fellow and
For fresh and cheap goods go .
to E. E. Co., they always lodges are in flourishing
, , ill. i . t I, I ti . . J .
nave the best.
man Smith has accepted a
posit,., with J. It- Turnage
car loads of
for which we will
Day highest cash price. Don't
ell before seeing us- Yours to
serve. f. Lilly Co.
There arc still some streets in
that a little repair work
upon them would not be very
much OUt of
Go to E E new
market beef, fresh meats,
Sausage and fresh
with an entire
new company and new plays will
be here 13th and 14th.
Merchandise Broker I carry
a full line of Mint. Lard Can
Don't buy before giving
me a trial. Frank Lilly Co.
If you d any Paint be sure
and see E. E. D. Co
The Disciple church
dedicated first Sunday in April,
Rev. C. v.- Howard, of Kinston,
ii g the dedicatory
; he church is a hand-
some brick building and is a
credit to our a
friend and the community,
k the debate at the
Sen st Wednesday even-
, We are
v. ho w re present
i . a high order and
. . ch credit upon the
. . pi d, as
we'll the faculty of this
U. . , of Greenville,
J. R Turnage has been to
Nov. i this week on a visit
conditions, they have to do
at every meeting.
I have bought the entire
business of Taylor
and respectfully solicit the pat-
of the public. C. E.
Moore is at home from
Oxford on a visit to his family.
II L. Sauls, of Fremont, came
Monday to visit his brother, M-
M. Sauls.
W, E. Hooks returned from
Watches, clocks and anything
needing attention in
will to in the very
and latest style C. E
Mr.-. B, E. received a
telegram yesterday morning an-
the serious of
her daughter, at
I all work entrusted
to my care to give entire
faction, me. C. E. Spier.
Sheriff L W. Tucker of
Washington Mills. Sallie Cox, W.
ii. Haddock and others.
Washington Smith
This 23rd of Feb. 1907.
the Ian ling found the
lower hall full of smoke. Into
this they refused to descend,
though the this time was
Huddled together on
the stairway at first they re-
treated to the rooms from which
I hey had come. When lire.
men arrived an ext ladder
was placed in position and a
large number of children were
rescued in this way u.
. . . . m things to do when
Assisting In the work -Mis.-, you are down and out is to
Maxwell. The lire by this come in.
was making its way upwards, Probably one reason why mis-
and the smoke was growing so loves company it because it
dense that even the experienced ls no drink alone.
fireman not stand it. Cap-
and then C can
pay and s, the circle
winch a dollar may make in one
Any person or claim- X If
interest in the fol- ;, State would
lowing described land must file J principle one year
their protest in writing financial of our
-m V or
they . HI be barred by law ; Put your dollar on the rounds at
j . to best.-
Scotland Neck Commonwealth.
Feed lid Livery
to mil the tint
in- Dry No-
Prices to suit the times.
Hart Co
Carson endeavored to get
Miss Maxwell to go down the
ladder but she refused and
to Creditor.
she was found lying on
the floor with a little ones beside
he. All those who perished
died from asphyxiation.
I building was unprovided
with lire escapes,
Greenville, has been i. our town
luring the week
Will Alexander tried his darn
to kick up the entire cement
walk in front of the drug store
Saturday morning and it was all
Miss Daisy of Richmond,
Becomes Bride of Rev. A. T.
t m or recovery.
This 7th,
Willis Dixon,
If P n toward.
ltd rt w N-
fry of put,
I J Ii. ti. I.,
U m U . h ,,
H HI, cashier.
if Wilmington.
TI wedding of Daisy
Hancock, daughter of Mr. W T.
Hancock, of North Twenty
ninth street to the Rev
N; C but more ,
city, took place quietly at o'clock
he patronage of the afternoon in the home
bride the Rev. Calving.
. , ;,
Notary lei
it -on in
to in .
F. went to Hookerton
and Hill Tuesday on
is firm and he informs
hi d . trip His
is a good firm and n for-
to the point as one of the
best b houses in our
W. has moved his
; to the house former
w . S. II
. re
having a banquet sometime In
April A big time is in view Ii
first year of the or-
. The order has
and is
with only nine
. h
the w
the om. unity.
w exchange corn
I Lean, Healthy Shoats
to pound.
If preferred I will pay cash mark-
et for same W. A. Harden,
ltd Ayden. N.
K. W. -Smith went to Green-1
vi Thursday.
It. vi. president of
thy Music of
Tennessee, has been spending a
pertaining to the
. business Give me a
. , CB Spier.
I . and Miss
Anna Belle Kim-ell spent
and Sunday at H.
n the country.
cons cotton
F Lilly Co
H, -M Sauls has the finest and
r supply of Fountain Pens
ever brought to Ayden.
Owing to the inclemency of
the weather Rev W-K. Cox was
regular services
in Hi i Episcopal church here
For the first time in a long
while there are one or two
cant residence in Ayden.
Rev. Mr. a
minister will preach in
nary Ba church here next
Mrs. W. J. Jackson after a
visit to her son, w. C.
Jackson, has returned to
home in the country.
Stancill Hodges and wife were
on a visit to relatives In Beau-
fort county last Saturday.
Miss Louise Fleming Of House,
spent tin with Miss
Lee Nichols,
In to a telegram Sat-
announcing the death of
an aunt in Nashville Miss Nannie
Nichols left Saturday morning
for that place to be present at
the funeral.
Blackwell, of the First Baptist
church. No Va.,
The announcement of mar
c mes in the nature of a
i. many friends of
bride, who is prominent in
i. a
Mr. King, who is now engaged
in educational work, was, before
he took it up, pastor of Fairmont i
Baptist church, He took his
degree Richmond
college, and also the master of I
theology degree at Southern
Baptist logical seminary In
Lou Ky,, and now pas-
tor of
ea in King a
Mr. and Mrs King, alter
return from a trip,
be at home at M Nona Twenty
th street Richmond
he most will be
pleased with one of those
Pens at Saul's. and
pens on Saul's
drug store at to
It is a delight and a pleasure
to say the
in having a first d
Call at Drug
this much need
id article.
Fountain Pens with any and
size points for sale at
Sauls Drugstore.
J H.
Loans and Discounts Stock paid in
alts Secured Fund
. I.
g g
H o
Fixtures Deposit
from Hanks 84,515.42 subject to check
ash Items
Gold Coin
Silver Coin
State of North Carolina,
County of Pitt. f
w the bank, do
ti true to the beat of my
and belief. j. K. DAVIS, Cashier
and sworn to be.
fore me, this day of Feb
Notary Public.
B. L. , S,
AT N. O,
the of business Jan. 1907.
Call at the Drug and
cure one of those excellent
Pens.- M. M, Sauls.
All sizes and reasonable prices
Misses Grimes, Blanche
Mayo. Elizabeth Jones and Ber-
came over from
Tuesday evening toad
I he and were
Tennessee, been spent a prices were
the past week in Ayden
Loans and discounts
Cash Items
Gold coin. i
bank V
ii id other U. S. notes
deposit o CD
subj, to chock
a is out-
State of North Carolina, Pitt
I. H of tho ., i u , ,
wear that the above statement , T
edge and belief. beat of my
H. Cashier
D. i. W Owner.
in to
VOL. Mo.
C, March 5th.
be of Eastern training
Hid Murder
Oakley, N- C. March
P. S. of Robersonville,
Two were hanged in was with us last Sunday.
F bra -y at Farmville, Va., Section went to
, One of these, Washington Saturday.
of North Carolina, I wish toM gone
of a number of burglaries he had
to nay a few words.
more needed at this time
than a training school in our
own locality. Every citizen
in this part of State
ought to become thoroughly
aroused and enthusiastic and
help support B
good mean
the and uplifting of
every one of its citizens. Our
people do not want to be the
illiterate class of people in
the State, in order to
vent this, we must fight faith-
fully for our as our fore-
lathers did in g our
Education of the children
so badly n today There
are two great reasons for
The tee make
mistake in teacher
from part of the State
or perhaps another State, whose
chief object is to teach for
not that she has
the slightest interest in
child, or even tries to pro note or
advance the child; thus, this is
one great reason we
need an Eastern training school,
s that we may educate our o . n
girls who understand and who
are in sympathy with the child.
2nd. Another reason that the
child doesn't advance as rap-
idly as he should, -o doesn't re-
th. proper encouragement
from the parents. Parents, you
who read this, think of it in-
quire about your children,
fest some Interest, and you will
great and marked
So many of our citizen enter-
th wrong idea concerning
our training The object
of this school is not to i age
any other school, nor by any
means to damage the grand and
noble work of Dr. Charles
Iver, memory w II ever
be loved and cherished, but it is
for this; to train and to educate
properly and thoroughly our
own girls.
So many of our are
greatly annoyed and troubled in
securing their teachers. Why is
this Because many of our girls
who are anxious to teach, are
not competent. Quite naturally
those living nearest colleges
have the best advantages, and
are more in demand. Feeling
their importance, they flatly re-
fuse to come East, saying that
our climate is unhealthful, thus
if we had a training school of our
own; we should be independent,
and could furnish our own
who are anxious, ambitious
and competent. It is now to the
every citizen of North
Carolina, as well as Eastern Car-
to become interested, and
educate your children, as the day
is now at hand when a person is
judged and valued what he
knows, and not by what he is
worth, and it should be constant-
borne in mind that the child-
bis covering
portions of West Virginia,
and North Carol a.
Among North Carolina towns
mentioned he said he broke in
four at Ayden. While
lie did not mention Greenville.
hi might have been the same
party a burglary
in this town, as it is recalled that
a house was broken into here a
few nights after the burglaries
in Ayden. This was followed
by reported burglaries at points
above here, indicating that the
of them was moving
up the railroad Robersonville.
Williamston, Tarboro. Enfield,
Halifax and Weldon and other
places were named by Ruffin as
towns where he had broken in
house.--, and alter leaving this
road he visited towns between
Weldon and Durham.
Uncle Salary.
The National Magazine under
a title of Sam's
salary of the president,
vice president and entire cabinet
for the year is collected from the
beer drinkers in one day.
January 1st the
smokers of cigars and cigarette
have provided for the salary of
the supreme court of the United
States, for the ensuing year.
snuff consumers
the public health and marine
hospital service.
tax on oleomargarine
and renovated butter pays the
expenses of th. national
I homes.
players West
Point military
tax on same
es paid percent of the Span
Bill Passes House Unanimously.
The following telegram re-
here a little past noon
today, brought more good news
to the people interested in the
training school for teachers in
E stern North
Raleigh, N, C, March
W. H.
Greenville, N- C
within last five minutes school
bill passed third reading in house
Alex L. Blow.
Nothing else is looked for now
but for the senate pass
the bill, and then the school is a
Did you ever notice that the
colder it gets the more inclined
is the door to stay open
more for its progress than the
people of surrounding
counties. Those of you who have
daughters whom you are con-
J L. Corey and wife, of Keels-
spent Sunday here with Mr-
and Mrs. J O. Williams.
J. R Williams spent
and Sunday at
The basket party last
week for the church was a
all denominations taking
part, and baskets was pretty
boys bid lively, and all en-
joyed it very much, ail
well pleased by having spent a
delightful evening and helped a
noble cause
Rev. J. D. Bryant his
Sunday p. m to a
crowded congregation. He
preached an eloquent i.
We are glad to state that W
E. Homing, several weeks
of sickness, to be out
Miss Mary Taylor visited at
many from
ville Stokes Sunday to
The weather is delightful; our
farmers are putting in good time
tilling the soil and planting
A. Hare
Did you ever hear anything
like this Does it tit your case
If so, there is f r improve-
When does your Lodge
are your
many have
petitions before tie
your Lodge in a good
your your in a
much are your annual
dues to the
T don't
are your duties as a
M don't
you suspended for non-
payment of dues, or are they
paid in
induced you to become
are you to a
Appropriation During Short Session
Approximate a Billion Dollars.
Washington, 4.-More
money has been appropriated
during the short session of the
digress, which pa-
at today th . during
any previous session
mount, as near as can be
mated, approximates a billion
battleships were
for th navy and
corps of th- army was
reorganized and enlarged A
service was
granted to the
can and civil and like
provision was made for army condition.
nurses. For riv r and barb
improvements the appropriation-
Increased were .
r. vie pr
dent and t h .
I of Hot ,.,, Bill.
March Th. -a
o Police and Officer I from the N.
who were . h rep-r .-
night by th h -the
Com Walker, at the tun- that Assembly on Tuesday
,. m
resisting the of h . training
contraband r, a o
Hospital in a Ph house went into consider.
precarious condition, really a i,,;
between life and death.
The attending
to hold out much hope for
t recovery of of t i
wounded man, it will
a be th can
i opinion of th
providing for
in it r i Car-
o I
Bl it, the
I. it w s a
b intro-
. c I rec .-d the
arrest of Walker, the m support senate
at Dunn last night about house , j
effected by and had received the
K. endorsement of the senate
M L. n . n
I Ill u
house of representatives Atlantic Ca
its members, ambassadors,
ministers and
office clerks and
The public made .
i f
i i Line in search
had heat his
s committees on
u but a small
a pr but in other re
ts, was of the
. pas- i freight f. hit had passed the
r an ticket for
. i j Inquires in b , ;
fir information from the Mr Smith
to educate for
of day will make the men j prepare to send them to the
and women of tomorrow- As our training school. and
so will our State be.
In order to enjoy good govern-
and prosperity the
of each and
should be
become interested and remember
you are living in a wonderful age
prosperity. Those of you who
child; haven't thought to this matter in
noticed and the proper light, consider it care-
fully, and although your
It is my earnest desire, that an may have been scant and
Eastern training school may be limited ought to make you
established at an early and the more anxious about
that Greenville may be the for children, realizing the time is at
town. No people will be hand when a good, thorough,
more t tn i o
id no
when a
Will a merchant who is wise
ever cease to advertise Yes
when the grow upside
down; when the beggar wears a
crown; when ice forms on the
sun, when the sparrow weighs a
ton; when gold dollars get too
cheap; when women s
keep; when a fish forgets to swim;
when Satan sings a hymn; when
girls go I on gum; when the
small boy hates a drum; when
no politician schemes; when
mince p e makes pleasant dreams;
when it's fun to break a tooth;
when all lawyers tell the truth;
when cold water makes you
drunk; when you love to smell a
skunk; when the drummer has
no these things all
come to pass; then man that's
wise will neglect to advertise-
rooms of congress regard-
the ship subsidy the
currency measure and the bill
the hours of
than any other pend-
legislation Ship subsidy
lied hard in the lat hours.
other two measures became laws
as the session closed
The immigration bill, one of
the measures over
the long session, was completed
under the spur of t u president
he might t the a
Japanese .- by riving the
imp . u. ti y
The r the ad-
mission o lie .- to the country.
A for the
of an a-
bank in the The free alcohol law la t
session was modified lac
distill the waste pr C-
of the farm to be debar, v d
and d for arts science.
The right of. appeal
cases was th gov-
a measure I to
strengthen tie anti-trust
by affording a
whereby the Supreme court
pi.-s upon the constitutionality
and construction of such laws.
An investigation was author-
regarding the condition of
women and child workers.
The inter State commerce
commerce commission was
to ascertain if the ex-
press companies of the
road rate law of last
by selling and
handling on consignment fruit,
vegetables and oysters.
Reed Smoot was retained by
the senate as a senator from
Utah, ending a four con-
The senate ratified treaties
with Santo Domingo and
The president was
to use his good offices to
prevent atrocities in the Congo.
The sen also launch d an
exhaustive investigation of the
him with a re-
Walker had shaved off
in a .
The bid the endorsement
f the governor, t.-e council of
state the superintendent of
his mustache and his face blacked.; instruction, and
He was taken in charge
Sheriff Watson, of this county,
and J. B. of Fay-
an t
for safe keeping-
Excitement was intense
all night, but all is quiet today.
Puzzle .- Clerks.
Cleverness is one of the
necessary for every man
who is employed in
for he meets with
kinds of freaks in the shape
letters peculiarly addressed.
jokers appear to think
I that all the postal clerk has to do
i; to solve ea
Recently at the Boston office
received ed
with a line
drawn under the
over the The letter
i went out the same day it was re-
and reached Mark Under-
id, Andover, for whom
j it was intended, and the postal
who solved the riddle did
not he had done anything
brilliant. It was all in his day's
work. Boston Journal.
Heartily Endorsed.
With all heartiness The
commends to the people of
the State the Richardson Trio, of
Charlotte, which is about enter-
e a tour- composed
of a delightful of gentle-
men, with Prof. Don A. Richard-
son at its head, and will not fail
to entertain any audience which
how to appreciate music.
Charlotte Observer.
Greenville is to have the pleas-
of hearing the Richardson
Trio in Masonic Temple opera
house Thursday night, March
he act-
i president of the State nor-
c at Greens
Mr Blount d the bill on
ii; ground that the establish-
of a training school in the
east might damage the Greens
b school, and several is-
normal graduates in his
e u bed written him and
u g id that he opposed the b ii.
Blount further explain d
t at tho bill hid the cordial
of if me
was so drawn i ti r i
all parties, .
not central G ire.
Tho bill pas- , i .
by an i -on r
i third re
Mr. . of All
i the bill j,,
said the -of east
were to it. had
always and far in
and all parties had agree . n
bill. Mr, of l
the I ill and said he
hoped it would pass without a
dissenting Mr. Remedy,
of Sampson, also spoke for the
nil, and Mr. Dilling, of Gaston,
in urging it said it ought to pass
the house unanimously. Messrs.
Haywood, and
Swam, supported the
bill, Mr. down
the House by he stood
at S. M.
The kickers on the farm are
not so hard to get along with as
the kickers in town. On the
farm there is the kicking cow,
and our long eared friend, the
mule, while in town there is the
old mossback who wants all the
municipal improvements without
paying for them. The cow may
be sold for beef, the mule traded
o r-u-, hut but a
f I rid of she Kicker, j
What is Love
Ask not of me. Love what is
Ask what is good above;
Ask of the great sun what is
flat footed for and was going
to vote himself u for
it. for the west aim t had it all,
and he thought it was time the
east was getting a little bit.
Mr Stephens withdrew de-
for a i- and the bill
passed its third reading almost
unanimously, amid loud applause
and hand slapping.
Cm Write OB Post Cards.
By an order the
issued a . months
go, and which into
rt M Is . cards
are at liberty to Bend a written
on the left half of the
front, tin- right half being re-
served instead of the whole face
of the card the address
This may done on any
Ask what is darkness of card, whether it be one of
night; the old which bears
Ask sin of what may be forgiven;, notice side for the address
or not; and without the
Ask what is happiness of heaven j
Ask what is folly of the crowd;
Ask what is fashion of the
Ask what is sweetness of thy
Ask of thyself what beauty is.
prepayment of anything more
than the rate applicable to post-
cards, which is one cent within
the United States or its island
possessions, and Panama, Cuba,
Canada and Mexico, and for
other counties two

Eastern reflector, 1 March 1907
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 01, 1907
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Joyner NC Microforms
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