Eastern reflector, 9 September 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Farmers Consolidated Tobacco
derived from the business arc returned direct to the farmers.
is a business owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
any of our floors you a e guaranteed the highest legitimate- market
price at all times and under all circumstances,
BECAUSE--The enemies of this organization ere uniting and combining every
fort within their power to prevent its success and development.
BECAUSE-So certain as night follows day we know we can make and save you
money by selling with us,
BECAUSE-By co-operating on this plan a better and more perfect understanding
can be reached end maintained between seller end buyer, kindlier and
friendlier relations established and on account of such, and more
satisfactory prices for your cam be had.
THE FARMERS, formerly run by Joy in r THE formerly run by Coward, Hooker
Co., and THE ran by M Dowel. II. A. who
or a number of years has been led with the Star as no better one ever sung to
the bids of will have charge of MR. S. B. who was one of
the firm of Foxhall at be will have charge of that house this year,
while Mr. 0.1. Paupers. All gentlemen will follow the different wiles and
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
County Commissioner Meet.
The board of county
met in regular session
Monday, Sept. with the fol-
lowing members J. J.
Elks, chairman; J. R. Barnhill,
J. W. Page, W. E. Home and J.
R Spier.
After the minutes of the last
meeting were read and approved,
the board turned to the head
general business, and proceeded,
issuing orders to paupers
A petition for a public road
Swift Creek township was present-
ed as follows; To begin on the
Kinston and road at the
old school house near Elm Grove
church and to extend to the pub-
road near Cicero Smith's house.
The persons over whose laud said
road will be laid out and establish-
ed having already had twenty
days notice, the order for laying
out said road was issued.
following jurors were drawn
for special term of Pitt county
Superior court, commencing Mon-
day Sept.
H. L. Carr, J. H. Bullock, Ellis
Johnson. J. S. Williams, Adams
Gaskins, J. W. Allen, G. H.
W. A. M. Joyner, J
A. F. C. Martin, F.
Bowers, G. W. Edmondson, J. H.
Smith, C. R. Galloway, M. D.
Moore, Madison Adams, E. C.
other items of business
having been transacted motion
the board adjourned.
Superintendent Resigns.
Mr. M. A. Allen, who been
superintendent of the Baptist Sun-
day school here for nearly three
years, tendered His resignation
Sunday morning because his
is to be changed from Green-
ville to Danville. It the
of much feeling in the
Mr. Allen could not sup
press his emotions upon severing
his relations with the school and
his parting words touched the
hearts of all present. Several
members of the school also spoke
N. C. Sept. 1904.
When shall we organize a Par-
and Glenn club.
Mrs. Jane Jarvis returned to
Fodder pulling is somewhat on
its last legs now.
J. R. Baker went to William-
Saturday and returned Mon-
C. E. Bradley spent last night
in Greenville with his family-
He that pouts from a of
his own can not expect ranch
remedy by repeating the dose.
Cotton is opening rapidly, soon
we will hear the hum of the gin,
the toot of the steam engine, and
the next thing somebody will want
to sell some ten cent
J. J. Satterthwaite, B.
and D. O. Ross went to Norfolk
Monday on the excursion. Every
thing went well, so says the boys.
For three room
house with two lots town limits.
W ill be sold cheap. Apply to C.
W see passing through
to Greenville from Martin
county. This is showing what
the Greenville market is doing.
Some new patterns in matting
and rugs just received.
C. E. Bradley Co.
J. P. Moore had some parties
before him last week for failure to
work the county road It was. the
tune of five dollars next time boys
or take company with a shovel.
Meeting of the Board of Trade.
The board of trade held their
regular monthly meeting at Pa-
ham's warehouse Monday. A
large number of the members were
present, and business of
was transacted-
Mr. M. Allen, president of
the board having decided to leave
Greenville, offered his resignation,
which was accepted with deep re-
A committee was appointed
to draft suitable resolutions of
feelingly in expressing the at Mr. Allen from
a. delightful reception was
given by Misses Nellie
Skinner at their elegant last
evening in honor of their charm-
guest Miss Pearl Fort of Pike
ville. The large verandas were
brilliantly lighted, and the
parlors we. e handsomely de-
with ferns and potted
plants. A very interesting feature
evening was a doll marriage.
Mr. T. J. Moore acted as Priest
for the occasion, performing the
ceremony the most charming
Those taking part in the
Miss Lottie Blow,
Miss Pearl Fort, maid honor.
Miss dame of
Misses Elizabeth Thomas, An-
Nina James, Mary
Higgs, maids.
Misses Irma Cobb, Bertha Pit-
rick, flower girls.
Miss Bessie Patrick, organist.
Cary Mayo,
Ben Higgs, best man.
W. I
James, A. M, Moseley,
Walter Wilson, Harvey
and Mrs. W. H.
Jr, Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Moseley, Mr. and Mrs. K. O.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Mrs. Morgan. Misses Ada
en, Pat Lottie Skinner,
Misses Moore, Winnie Skinner.
Smith, Jones,
Harry Skinner, Garden Wooten,
Archie Wooten, Tom Hooker,
Will Hooker, Dick White, Fred
For bet, Major Fleming,
Latham, Stewart Carr.
After the marriage and many
delightful games, the most deli
refreshments were served
and manner.
of the school in parting with turn.
We have never seen a school arid
superintendent who were more
devoted to other.
The recent rains
have already
our midst. Mr. K. O. a
most excellent gentleman and cap
able business man was
president of board.
done much damage to the crops
and bridges, and still it rains.
Killed at Durham.
The sad news reaches friends
here today by wire of the death of
Prof. J. F. Bivins, Headmaster of
We learn from many of the flinty School,
people ii is u great i week prof Bivins
difficulty to cross the streams that, Fannie of
are generally only small branches, Durham, and was returning from
and besides the abundance i f mud, Virginia Beach where he had been
of War News.
The flag of Japan flies over
Field Marshal who led
his famous second army into Port
Arthur during
war of and who in that
struggle also captured
Wei and by dint of
incessant fighting, in which his
men were spared neither because
of casualties nor because hard
ships holds sway-over Yang,
and General through
whom Russia believed its arms
would be secure, is in full retreat
northward, while one of his aides,
General with his com-
the First Siberian army
corps, numbering men, is
cut off to the westward of
The Russians are concentrating
at but the dispatches thus
far have given no intimation as to
whether or not they will make a
stand there, or even if the Japan-
are pursuing their foe in flight.
This last blow to Russian arms,
though it is spoken of in St.
Petersburg as the logical
at Russian plans, doubtless
will be taken much to heart by the
subjects of Emperor Nicholas, who
after a succession of defeats and
retirements by their army, had
expected a finality the struggle
at Yang in their favor.
In the loss of Yang by th
Russians, the Japanese probably
will gain except in the way
of a strategical standpoint, for the
Russians blew up the magazines
and set lire to the enormous
quantities of my stores and pro
visions there before
a number of bridges have
been washed away.
it would be wise for
those who have prayed so diligently
for to now pray for the rain
to hold up for awhile.
New Methodist Church
building committee of the
his bridal tour.
on which he was riding was
pulling Durham, he fell from
the and was instantly killed.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses were issued to the fol-
lowing couples last
met in i be office j WHITE,
of Jar vis Blow last Leon S. and Addie L.
evening. Every member of the
Com . present.
A plan for the new was j Ward Lula
the new church was
adopted by unanimous vote
was agreed that work on the new
begin at an
Ivey G
and Car-
All Eyes on the South.
With enormous cotton crop
in its history prospects for a
great yield of corn, the south is
reasonably sure of a prosperous full
winter. Twelve million bales
of cotton is a conservative
writing. The puce for fall
months is really we
Peaches brought into Georgia
alone nearly three million dollars,
and the smith's melons and
tables have netted two or three
times as much. The sooth's cotton
will give us half a million dollars
there will lie very corn
to buy next winter.
the west, corn prospects are
line, but wheat will be per cent
short. Bo the west will barely
hold its own.
In the east, the presidential
campaign and a slow iron and steel
market are depressing general
Last winter the South's cotton
money went a long way to avert a
general panic. Now it looks as if the
south will again furnish the money
and the prosperity for the nation.
The Railroad Record and Com-
Carrier, August, 1901.
Fruit jars, jelly tumblers and
stone jars at M. Schultz.
Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char-
New Lawyers. N c be Greenville
Harry Skinner, Jr , II. Hotel Bertha Monday Oct. 3rd
Wilson, of this were among i of Tuesday Oct. 4th
the before the Supreme for one day only. His practice is
to Ear, Nose and
Bile hand Brooks
Pi in running
Older, K- L.
Route Greenville, N. C. court last week who obtained limited
to practice law.
Democratic Ticket Elected in Arkansas.
Memphis Tenn., September
Early re urn- from the state
election in indicate the
Selection for Governor of Jefferson
Davis, the democratic
over Hon. Harry Myers,
can, by the usual large democratic
The democrats easily
elected their entire ticket,
and the interest centered in the
vote in large towns, where
regular democrats were opposed in
by independents.
Returns me necessarily slow, us
many voting places are remote
from railroad and
In county, where
trouble was because
a bitter tight, and
where a pistol duel was recently
fought K between Sheriff P. M.
Williamson and former Sheriff
Werner the election passed off
quietly. Partial returns indicate
an overwhelming majority for
Lewis sheriff, as against
Capt. Bowling Improving
Capt. William Howling, living
near who has been ex-
ill for two weeks is reported
as being much better.
Capt. Bowling lived t see
eight generations of his family and
there are now five generations
Ho has a great grand son
in Durham now. This makes
five generations. He remembers his
treat grand father, grand father,
and his father, this makes the eight
generations that he remembers.
He has many friends hero re-
there hare been numerous in-
as to his condition. These
will be glad to hear of his improve-
Dixon left Monday event
for Kinston.
Victor Cox came from Win
C. W. Hearne returned from
Beaufort Monday.
B. W. Mosely left this morning
for a trip up the road.
W. C. returned Monday
evening from Parmele.
L. E. Fountain, of Tarboro, is
in our city on business.
Miss Annie White left Monday
evening for Winterville.
W. J. Thigpen returned Monday
evening from Wilson Mills.
Miss Ray Moore, of
is visiting Misses Bessie and Ber-
Rev. J. M. who has
beer spending some time in town,
left this morning.
Mrs. Mollie Fleming and
Mrs. Sam Flake, went to
House this
Mrs. W. H. Snell, of
Mount, at rived evening
to attend the mar-
Miss Maggie of Has-,
sell, came in Monday and is
her cousin, Mrs. W. R,
F. H. of Washington,
who has been his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Co well, re-
turned home this morning.
D. J. editor of The
left Monday evening
to attend the conference of editors
which c in New York this
On Thursday the editors
are to visit our president,
Mr. Parker, at
E. A, t day
from LaGrange.
Victor Cox to den
Tuesday evening.
D. B. Dudley left this morning
for a up the road.
Throat, fitting glasses. Herald.
Joe Cobb left Tuesday evening
for Kinston academy.
Col. Harry Skinner returned
from Raleigh Tuesday.
Miss Helen Mayo left this morn-
to visit relatives in
Mrs. D E. House left this morn-
for a visit to friends at Bethel.
Burton, of
is visiting her brother, W. T.
Mrs. Alice and Mrs. J,
H. returned Tuesday from
Misses Bet tie Tyson and Annie
Perkins Tuesday evening to
attend the lair at St. Louis.
Mis. Mamie who has
been visiting Mrs Win. Johnson,
returned to Halifax this morning.
Henry W. who has
for some time been employed by
The left today to ac-
a position in Beaufort.
Little Daughter Dead.
Presiding Elder Bundy, who
preached in the Methodist church
here Sunday sight, on his return
home Monday found his only
daughter seriously ill. Two hours
later died friends
of Mr. sincerely
with h in this sudden in d great
I have just returned from
more where I bought my tall mil-
and notions. Opening Sept
1901. Mrs. H. L.
Grimesland, N. C, next door to
Dr's office.

I Greenville
m k.
Norfolk. Viv
Buyers and Brokers in
Sticks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wins New
Chicago and New
Sine Township ha
for i-
K the
of the time. Some of mi
I people tie in remind tin-
Ayden in precinct So.
they tin
for the f team
I we Hie Hie expecting ti-
I in lime.
w have a
t lie u
W give you not only the best you can buy, but the money
paid can buy. Quality value combined argue for your patronage
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in st ck. Country
Produce Bo slit Mid Sold
v lire elect I he will
mi t service
Mi. Fernando Tucker is
, Hie glad to fur our next
D. W.
N or t h C a r r i n
No appetite, loss of strength,
nervousness, headache, constipation,
bad breath, general debility, sour
catarrh of the stomach are
all to Indigestion. cures
Indigestion. This new discovery
the natural Juices of digestion
as they exist in a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonic
and properties.
Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In-
digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous
remedy cures all stomach troubles by
cleansing, purifying, sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes
lining the stomach.
often you can yet a
nail or screw driver or Bu-
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
Our line of tools
is all , desire, and
we will that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course f
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
Gives Health to
Bottles only. times
trial site, which
B. Co.,
J. R.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at a. m for Greenville, leaver
Greenville daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
and all points North. Connects at
with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R. and
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Lino from Philadelphia.
Bay Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
Mid Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
T. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
fl. B. Walker, Vice President
Traffic Manager,
N, Y.
Sale By
Greenville, N. C
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and wk are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pare Goods only
are offered. We call
its honest name.
good corn just in
Five Points.
New Fall Catalog
Issued August 1st, Is the most
helpful and valuable publication
of its kind issued in America, It
tells all about both
Farm and Garden
which can be planted to advantage
and profit in the Fall. Mailed free
to Farmers and Gardeners, upon
request. Write for It.
Wood Sons,
This is an agreeable sort of
Store to patronize. You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your best
being studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the
chase is completed there's not
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect. Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want vests, don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible of fabrics
for selection.
Mens Three Piece Suits
Mens Two Piece Suits
Nice Line youths Clothing
to m
A Boy's Wild Kile For Life
With family around exacting
him to die, d a sou rising
life, miles, to net Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, W, H. Drown,
if I Mil., I III lilt
asthma, but
wonderful medicine gave
relief and cured him. He
new v every
night Like cures
Consumption Pneumonia. Bron-
Golds Grip
prove its matchless for all
Throat and
bottles aid Trial
free at
m n
One of the most remarkable cases
of a cold, deep seated on the
causing is of Mrs.
Gertrude E. ml ,
who was entirely cured by the use
of One Minute Dough Cure. She
coughing and straining
so weakened me that I run down
down in weight from to lbs.
I a number of remedies to
I used One Minute
Four of ibis
remedy entire-
of the cough, strengthened my
lungs and restore I me to my nor-
weight, health
Sold at Store.
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Will be re-instated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
S, To make payable as an during the
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
i IN
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and tint of one of
our Refrigerators will injure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you you will want a Mower pretty
soon, and we've made It easy for you to own one.
There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
E. G. Cox is again at Ocracoke.
Our roller wash board a
it is without a
and is destined to take
lead, to try one, is to buy one,
and to buy one, is to never be
one again.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. R. Smith Bro.
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, for your buggy or
carriage. Call on us and make a
selection. Ayden Milling Mfg.
Co. Ayden, N. C.
Ben Smith went to Greenville
The ladies have found out where
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, laces,
As authorized agent for Daily
and Eastern we take
great pleasure in receiving sub-
and willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job
Remember you can find la
nicker zephyrs, piques
ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. R. Smith Bro.
Call to see our laces and ham-
burgs, J. R. Smith Bro.
Do you know J. R. Smith ft Bro.
keep the most complete line
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their customers tell me
bat it is so.
Miss Ida Tripp is away on a
visit of several weeks.
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin or Grey stone ware
come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
or no charges made. Best
given, Hart Bros., Ayden,
I wish to remind my friends that
J. M. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
One lot of calico at W. M
Edwards Co.
Ladies and Misses slippers at
costs at W. M. Edwards Co.
received, fine line of bar- Go to E. K. Co's new
and can fit beef, fresh meats,
or price.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples
and bananas at E- E. Co's.
If it doesn't give yon absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F.
Dist. Ayden, N. C.
Miss Clyde Cox left yesterday to
her duties Greenville.
For peaches, apples, corn
apply to E. E
Cannon Tyson wish to call
special attention to land plaster
We carry a splendid assortment
of carpets various
styles patterns, which make
excellent hall rugs, at a normal
cost. Ladies ate cordially
to call and see them.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
J. W. Moore has come back from
a lengthy visit to Washington, D.
W. C. Jackson Co., are
for the next days their en-
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 3.00
2.50 and are now
2.25 and 1.75. Shirts that were
each are now and
each. A few pair of shoes in
both low and high cuts at
your figures. Lawn, white
goods all trimmings at
2-3 their value. Come see.
Harrison ready mixed
J. R.
I keep a very nice line of millinery
I know that my Tessie j colors, lead, oil at
girdles, new kid belts Smith ft Bro.
will please you all. Give me a Mr. Mayo, of Conetoe, alter a
call, Mrs I visit to his sister, Mrs. Burton,
Ask E. G. Cox about it. Life I has gone home.
sage, and fret-ii
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
stock always on hand, orders
solicited. J. A. Griffin.
Why suffer from intense head
ache, eye ache smarts
when you can be permanently
ed by one pelf glasses properly
fitted, by J. W grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. Weak
eyes. Then need of glasses,
ways no fix in bed to worse. A lit-
piece of properly
ed will often work wonders.
J. R. his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body. They
come in by car loads.
Our stock of ribbons is wide.
Darrow, nice and cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
Miss M. Jean Morrison arrived
Friday and left for
more yesterday where she will
purchase of millinery which
will up in one of the new
stores of R. C. Cannon.
Come to us when you want
to buy
Tobacco, we handle Trust
goods, Hart Jenkins.
I take this method of informing
the public that as I be Summer sea
son is about over I am offering
special order to
sell. My. line of pants cannot
excelled, and the Edwin
shoe which I exclusively is
by any other make.
Give me a and I have
shown you my dry goods, notions
other hue goods I know I
be able to please you and sell you
J. J. Kines.
A big cook
and heating stoves repairs for
same at J. R. ft Bro.
Large stuck of furniture consist-
A nice selection of rugs
M. Co's.
Those desiring first-class work
in enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
manufacture seats for
the trade, that are simply the
smoothest seat on market
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Miss Ella Hart came home Sat-
evening from an
visit to friends.
perhaps just at this E.
G. may not be s
busy as a Wall street broker yet
It is plain a an Insurance man be
gets there. He is not only a
but has found it to
assistance. His companies
are first class and every body
realizes the fact, hence Mr.
is to be congratulated being a
and having something
goo to bustle.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
Now have plenty
wagon and cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as y one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N. C.
We are told that Cannon
Tyson keeps the best and most
Hue of furniture town
came over from
Kinston Sunday and spent the day
with W. F. Hart.
If you need a pair of pants now
is the time to buy them at W. M.
Edwards Co.
Owing to the storm Sunday i
night were no services
the Episcopal church.
New up-to-date Wheeler and
Wilson sewing machines for only
at W. Sf. Co.
For next fifteen days can
a suit at cost from W. M.
Edwards Co.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
Sure cure for In
and for tale
by J. R Smith and Bro. is pro-
be the best in the mar-
and is guaranteed to do all its
Harvey Ox, or has
accepted with the Ayden
of steads, Mfg. Co.
pair double, single and fold-
wire bed springs at J. R.
Smith Bro.
Fire, Accident Health
P. Building, Ayden.
Cotton seed hulls, Hay, Oats and
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
Mis. J. A. Davis returned
day from the northern
markets where she bought a line
of millinery, the nicest and the Cannon Tyson.
Mining res
Straw, and Button at J. it.
Smith Bro.
i One of for
at w. M. Edward.
at W
All p for
St. Edward Co.
Cotton seed meal and bulls
J. K. S Bro.
D. C. Potter, a member of the
and hoard of n of
Do you want to know how it j
feels to think more of yourself
ever See W. E. Hooks and
And out.
Hart Cypress Shingles for
Rubbers at J. Smith ft Bro.
latent styles ever
brought to Ayden. She took
special pains this selection and
the ladies may rest assured the
reputation she has long borne for
good taste and sound
will be fully sustained when her
Yard wide sheeting for at W .
M. Edwards Co.
Call and examine our line of
high grade buggies. You can be
easily convinced of the superiority
of material and
Ayden Co.
Caution handles
ready mixed paints, the best.
Ruck salt stock, at. J. It
Smith ft Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible can to please you with
their new line of heavy and fancy
We call special to our
Tun and Ideal Kid
shoes Caution
Men and boy suits at cost at
M. Edwards Co.
Call Hart ft Jenkins for a bur
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to be bad anywhere.
Dr. Joseph Dixon and family
are sojourning at Beaufort.
county, who h- s been
To room for fall stock Everett has returned to his
Will shoes and b t- home.
greater prices. W. 33.1 Mis Parker to
Edwards home last week after several
George Bro days visit to friends here.
Tin-1- s. in mis line bred white
Carolina Work Plymouth Rock
per day, near depot on West Ave- j Guaranteed. j for , ,., see chickens and
Due. Transient custom solicited A lot of Lambing edgings in O. A. Fair,
Early, prop-later. buy then. Ayden, N. C.
cheap at W. M. E I wards it Co's
Little Mis May Smith not
only apt fit girl but just now i-
extremely as wt II.
percales and for I , are ever
at W. M. Edwards ft Co. and never tire of relating
Prof, King delivered a sermon the smart sayings and cute
In Baptist Sunday of little Miss Lee who bin
that being very highly charge of the home and
He had a large is the kitten eye-ball of the family
right many visitors from where she has recently made her
being present. I abiding place.
The public to know that
a first-class
stock of DRUGS, an
up-to-date line of STA-
all kinds
TOILET articles, best
quality of RUBBER
goods and the best
Also carry Garden Seed
Dye-stuff, Cigars, Cigar-
Chewing and
Tobacco, a large as-
of Pipes. Hard
Rubber and Elastic
Best stock of Brush
es of all
Dr. Joseph Dix
Office Block,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Office Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Tonsorial Artist,
Latest Style-s Hair
Shaving and
We hear the young men say
cheapest best fining clothing
by Cannon Tyson,
At the dose of business June 9th,
Loans and Discounts,
Overt rails,
Furniture and Fixtures
Due front Hanks,
Check Cash Items,
Gold Coin,
Silver Coin,
National Hank notes and
other I. S.
Capital stock paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Demand certificates of
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel
They save stock, They save The save neigh-
They save worry, They save time, They are
guaranteed, They are best steel. They have the
only hinge Easy to build, No expense
for repairing. Last a lifetime. The American Is
the best square mesh on the market. Car load just
received. Come to see us
. i

in post office Greenville, N. C as second matter,
Advertising made application.
A correspondent at every pout office in Pitt and adjoining
when the people of our
will fail to treasure highly
their intelligence and greatly
their moral character.
Hut the people of this generation
will soon pane, and their places will
he filled by the
i to fiction
Pitt County, N. Friday, P, 1904.
The editors go tip to to-
Now be patient, the editor
rill return in a few days.
Judge should be
to keep his bands off it further.
face, and when the breach
wide enough they expect to throw
themselves- into the and de
Beat us in the election. I
regard the defeat of the
party at this time as a calamity that
we may not get over in several years.
Fellow let rue urge you
favor it. No true democrat
will take sides with any such move-
V learn that the National
League, the headquarters reading these books,
which are at Chicago, is making a m them they are gathering
When we consider this fact we atop wrangling over a question
are pained to note the class of liter-
that is sought and craved by
the young people- The vast
of trashy novels that are found
on the counters, in the shops, in the
dub rooms and c en in the homes of
our community should cause every
thinking man to shudder. The boys
Now that we have the Watts law
in in our town, let us keep
it- . .
Don't you know there's going to
something doing when the editors
are turned in the Waldorf
The lax; gang of loafers,
constantly hanging out on our
streets, should be compelled to
work or cooped.
If President Roosevelt had all the
books he has written in his poses-
we wager he would demand a
much price for them.
movement to have the presidential
term lengthened from four to
reasons for the
ed amendment to the Constitution
are presented by the league. Of course
the reasons are good ones, and in
some respects the amendment adopt-
ed would prove beneficial. However
if the present administration should
be affected would favor a shorten-
of two years.
The men who think all the country
people arc to V. n,
and want barrooms el to their
homes, is very ranch
There are j who will some
day look back to this campaign of
and See the wisdom of Tub
Reflector in insisting that
should stand by the platform
and uphold the principles of the
Ed. well and in-
colored carpenter of Char-
was permanently injured by
troops on the way the
This n only one of the many dis
orderly deeds committed by troops
to and if
commissioned officers in charge are
not enough concerned to
troops vs
t it is time for steps
taken to put a atop to such
In the Superior court of
county several persons were
indited for selling in the
town the
charge hang that was large-
made of whiskey. The defendants
all plead guilty.
So far, the great Democratic par-
has made no mistake the men
named for offices. From President
Parker on down the line, good men
have been named.
Now, let Pitt county keep in line,
named good men, continue
to do so and then elect them.
A great event in New York this
week is the meeting in conference
of editors who are supporting Park-
and Davis While there the ed-
will be given a banquet at the
and will also have
an excursion up the Hudson to
where they will meet
Parker. At this writing The
is hoping to be there.
A treat people have an idea
right of itself succeed, and
wrong will sf itself fail, but this is
a mistaken notion. The great
of right mast be upheld and
Supported, and the base tenets of
wrong must be bravely opposed.
to earth will rise
when properly aided and not
before. Of itself it can do
nothing. Right and wrong
are principles, and as such they
or fail in exact proportion as
they are defended or opposed by in-
In every department of the
ties of men great possibilities lie out
before us, and our duty is to make
the best of these possibilities. Each
individual should realize that he
has a part to perform, apart which
he only can perform, and with man-
courage he should contribute his
part toward the success and progress
of right and truth.
At present every lover of sobriety
and truth in Pitt county has special
reasons to heed these facts.
Democrats be careful how
they lend encouragement to the
movement that is on foot to
the primaries and county convention
One of the best ways to judge the
intelligence of the j. of a town
or community is by the literature
the people road. Their morals also
can be correctly estimated by the
means, no good man wants
had books, while no bad wants
good books.
The people of oar town and
have been justly noted for
in the interest of a wet ticket, and
Case of failure to do so, will bolt the I their intelligence and high standard
convention and get out an of morals. We are glad that we
dent wet ticket. There are men at work are located in a town and
with that very purpose in view.
They are opposed to the Watts law
nod are not going to support any
where intelligence is appreciated
and where moral character has
and may the time never
expressions, ideas and
building characters unless,
something is done, will not meet the
demands of their time.
Then let us make effort to
rid our community of this evil, and
place in hands of the young
such as will instruct
and help them to place a true value
on moral character.
Which, M. C, Sept. 3rd 1904
Please allow space to
word A. G. Cox says in
of J. J. for
I have closely
with Mr.
ally and I know hem He true to
every interest of the people. I have
stood by him year after year is
court-bases and heard him plead
with the other fer law taxes
es means sf security rigid
in the administration of
our and I be-
the time coats when we
in our legislature to guard the in-
of the people against the ex
that seems to be creep-
in some branches of the
Put I regret that Mr. Cox in en-
Mr. should
drag in a matter that has done so
much to divide our people. He in-
that who
approve or endorse the Watts bill
has a thirst for alcohol or
with those who do thirst.
am opposed to the Watts bill be
cause I believe it has caused temper-
to lose more ground than good
like Mr. Cox will be able to re-
cover in ten years. I have studied very
closely the temperance legislation in
the different states in the Union and
I find that every effort along that
line causes a division in sentiment,
not only among masses bat
among our wisest statesmen. This
division of sentiment does not arise
entirely from our sympathy for or
against temperance but from the
beet method of bringing it about.
There are thousands of good men in
North Carolina who are opposed to
the Watts bill not because they are
intemperate or believe intern per
but because they believe it
defeated the very purpose for
it was enacted. And there are thous-
ands who believe it will be the
means of saving our boys from
drunkard's and will bring
peace and happiness to home
miserable drunken
husband end father. This being
the eta a I am
tired of Tn
every man out of the Democratic
party who does not believe in the
Watts law and I em tired of
Dollar Dally doing the earns thing
by those who differ with him, and
his almost dally abuse of two of our
honorable Our political
enemies are watching the breach in
our lines with a broad smile on their
upon which goad me can differ and
be honest their We can
and must carry Pitt county by such
a large majority this year that the
most will never
show his face on the field of battle
again. Mooring.
Mr. Mooring gives good
in the foregoing, but in intimating
every man out of the Dem-
patty who not believe
in the Watts he make a charge
against paper that is net correct.
The tried to do no
such thing as read a man out of the
party he not believe in
a thing. But here is what
did say, and what it says
gain and Max who
In quoting what The Re-
say the whole
be given. We de believe
Mr. Mooring or other good
will of a having
a voice in the primary who goes
with mind up not to
support any man nominated who fa-
the Watts
use i
with Mr. B. Bethel
township, he said that Mr.
Fleming s was not fully
appreciated some townships, but
let us make mistake, but
J. L. Fleming, of Greenville
county, and we- will have,
a Senator of whom we shall be- just-
G. ft. Buck.
N. C, Sept.
Will you allow me space in your
paper to a rumor I am in-
formed has been over the
county to the effect that I would not
be a candidate- this year, I wish to,
state that the is false, and that
I am a candidate for
far the House of Representatives
from the North side of the river,
subject to the action the Demo-
party Pitt at the
t be held Sept 15th
J. B. Little.
Creek and Townships
N. C, Sept rd.
Please allow in your Re-
to say a few words in regard
to J. L. Fleming as senator. We
am in Black Jack that
there is a strong sentiment
the county for Mr. Fleming for the
senate, and we trust the county will
go solid for him on the 10th Inst.
I have known Mr. Fleming for a
long while, and have always found
him to be in every respect,
while as a lawyer he ranks very
high. He it a man of great
and ability, and I should say
he in a man worthy and capable of
an office.
J. L. Fleming is known through-
out and Black Jack, and I
do not think that there is a single
man but say that he is worthy
of such an office. I heartily agree
We see- in your paper the name
of H. L. Blount for the legislature.
We the undersigned second the
nomination of Mr. Blount for the
for the next term.
G. W.
W. A. Sermons
Shade Cox
T. J. Cox
Jessie Williams
J. F. Cox.
W. E. Cox
Henry Harris
D. Wilson
A movement is on foot to erect a
monument to the memory of the
author of Daniel Decatur
Emmett, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio,
the city of his birth and death.
Upon the of the death of
Mr. Emmett, which occurred recent-
the Mayor of Mt. Vernon, at the
request of the lodge of Elks of that
city, who had charge of the funeral,
appointed a committee of prominent
citizens to act as a memorial com--
mission to solicit and receive sub-
to the fund for the
Those desiring to subscribe-
to the fund should send
to the Secretary of the
J. D. at Mt Vernon, Ohio
who will make acknowledgment, of
the same.
Loans and Discounts 1183,309.34
Overdrafts 3.239.39
Fixture 3,618.57
Doe from Banks 73,225.39
Checks Anther cash items
old Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 8,319.37
Stock paid in 925,000.00
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
County of Pitt.
James L. little. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
that the above is true to the best of my knowledge
and to before
ate, this 20th day of Jane, 1604.
Notary Public.
locked MILITARY. commended by Arm
Ml Pupils of increasing
h a. east, a. V. n. . . K. C
This department Is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is to rep.
resent the Eastern Reflector in and territory.
Carroll left Saturday
for Gold Point to visit
There is the best selection of
inks, library paste and
the drug store of Dr. B. T. Cox
brought to Winterville.
Protect eyes by buying one
of eye shades at the Drug
price rents.
Corn, Oats and Hay for sale
ohm,, for east, O. A. Kittrell
and Co.
Try K. G. Chapman and Go's
white for pickling.
It it splendid.
See Taylor for a fresh
of bread.
In need of a good barrel of
flour or eve and
Mi- Slash Holland, f
Title, fain to enter Hie
If you Me and
Ml to get them
All kinds of soft
H. L.
f. N Ob. are
log that will
the hart in
wish to notify she
public that. I grind every
day at my one mile south of
Frog Level cm S panes.
Miss Mm Tripp, of
E r T. .
now band
line of drew at
low see and
and Taylor.
The democratic primary will be
held in Ayden Saturday Sept. 10th
1904. All should at-
The Winterville Mfg. Co., puts
up nice proof kitchen safes.
They are and convenient.
Get your dealer to order you one.
We w your egg. Highest
price-, Harrington, barber Co.
G. A. Co., will be on
this as grape
will pay the highest
I desire the
o patronized our
I expect to run some more
next G. A,
See the Furniture at A. W.
Co's. Prices right.
Taken small
black, male unmarked. Has
been with my hogs about weeks.
C. J.
Trunks and valises cheap.
Harrington and Co.
Robert's Chill Tonic eta size
now only
H. G. Chapman and co.
I take this method of announcing
that I am a candidate for
in for town-
ship, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary, and If elect-
ed will do my faithful duty.
F- B. Tucker.
The Winterville Mtg Co. are now
busy on a big lot of wash boards
a lot of saddle blocks for economic
back and a lot of thane fa-
kitchen safes.
In of the rainy weather the
A. G. Cox Co. are shipping
wagons buggies almost
every day.
Main Street, Winterville. N. C.
Boarding J. D.
Board per day. Best
house in town.
Cooper and Albert Cox
went to Flat Swamp Sunday.
Latest styles and very cheap
at H. L. Johnson's.
John of Black Jack,
has been visiting at John Harper.
tee those nice pants at H. L.
they are cheap and good
Penny candies a specialty at the
tore of B. T. Cox Bro.
Taylor have just re-
a assortment of cutlery
if yon want a nice knife see them.
Light wood Cart
Hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
Fine line f window shades
received by K. G. Chapman Co.
of Ayden,
Spent here.
Dinner pots, Wash pots and
crockery and
warn tin wood and
willow ware, Barber
at Co.
Den. Jr., went
few a complete line of
Mies drew goods and trimmings,
notions, nets and umbrellas, rugs
window shades. Will take
in showing one and all
and .-
of , in Ra.
w sneer he,
to for
1-2 gels.
J. who has been visit-
relatives near here left
day for his borne
For Mm and stoves see A. W.
Ange Co.
Jerry Nichols who has been
visiting relatives here went to
Selma Monday
lat light-
wood cart hubs. A. O. Cox Mfg.
For A splendid pair of me-
males. A. G. Cox.
Second baud buggies cheap. If
you wish to a second hand
boggy cheap see the A. G. Cox
Mfg. On.
See H. L. for heavy and
For Lime fee A. W.
Ange A Co.
is visiting
her sister,
near here.
The A. O. Cox Co. are pun
ceasing a lot of fine timber for Tar
Heel cart wagons. They are
also a large supply of
these to they can fill a big
Get Run soda sauna.
T. Co.
Picture picture frames.
Harrington Barber Co.
We s complete lire of heavy.
I fancy prices light.
a Co.
ft t Co., say to
ail i for fall that all
me-gratis will sold at a
is . .
in position to first
raw cheap, having
H. L. Winch lo do
Is now in New York
his selections of Fa
and Winter
Wait for his return be
fore buying.
B. F.
door frames, porch
columns, bracket and all kinds of
at rock
Winterville Mfg. Co.
L. L. Joe S. Ross and
A. D. Johnston went to Green-
If you want a Cook Stove
or cheap see A. W.
work, able to save and
work up nearly all of our timber,
of the reasons why we
i an save our customers none.
Winterville Mfg.
Car load flour just received.
Harrington, Barber Co.
For framed pictures and photo-
graph frames try ft
The King Clothier.
ii an
School book-, pens,
pencil and school supplies of
Jerome Smith left i Hods can be found lit the drug
Oak City.
For Pent. One wood shop with two months ago
blacksmith plainer month old heifer. Color,
Also horse engine j unmarked. Of
and u horse boiler j you will please notify
ed for work. The wood shop
about x ft. is near a rail road gloves, heaters and ranges. All
and is a nice place for
Apply to A. G. Cox Mtg. Co
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup.
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. C. 3-22
lowest prices. See our stock
before purchasing and save money.
Winterville Mfg. Co.
the on Cox Co. are
perfectly keeping a continued horn with
their machinery, cutting and j
J i-
paring timbers for guano
cotton pin liters, and other things
that are by them.
CL Wilkinson Co

Department Store
buyers have returned from the Northern
markets and our new FALL and WINTER GOODS
are arriving by every train and boat
expect in a few days to have the most
complete elegant stock yet shown by us.
Every different department has carefully
locked not one slighted. The display of
good things to eat, to wear and to beautify and
ornament the home will be well worth your in-
A Fe things in BELTS,
and SHOPPING BAGS have come in for early
Full which you should see at once, Ba
to get some of the new styles. We will an-
nuance of our very shortly.
Cherry Co.
Township, Sept. Is .
I see in paper today a
lint of names asking people to
nominate J. J. for
the legislature. town-
ship will present the name of
Henry L. for one of the
the lower house.
He is a son of old Dr. J.
who every body in Pitt
county knew knew as one of
the very best men in the county.
Henry is, as his father was, a
splendid man, reliable and a good
will make a
representative of the people of
Tobacco Sale for August.
sales of leaf tobacco on the
Greenville market for the mouth
of August, as reported C. W.
Harvey, secretary of the board
amounted to
pounds. The sales for August,
1903, were pounds, show-
a difference of pounds
in favor of this year. The average
price paid August was
Our school opens Sept.
daughter and sickly.
I Give b
ed, and
Tea or Tablet-. Drag
Office opposite depot.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post Office
Complete Line Clothing, Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Price for Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Do You Eat
Good, Fresh Groceries
liver Conducted in
eel e artistic the Kohler and Camp
bell, H We B as. arid other standard makes can be seen
an id. needs no Introduction, the
. of every II reaps the harvest of years of constant
inti lit d h i. or in the Piano field. The Kohler
Bros, are best medium grade
Piano hi r the price offered. In purchasing the
Si w. o . it actually being the only
high . e P no on Me direct from the factory
ti i me, Thus cutting out the middle man's profit. Terms
to i discounts offered to and music teachers.
We invite all prospective buyers. We also have on hand
slightly used upright Pianos, modern in every respect, used
from to months, years guarantee following, each at
prices ranging from to 8200.00. We also hive
slightly used Organs at bargain prices.
i for an early call, we remain
Y. w yours,
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
Life Tobacco, Key
Henry Can
Cherries. M-bes, Apples
Apples, Hymn, Milk.
Ly, Foot,
Meal ;
Beads, Nut
Dried Apple.
and China Ware. Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Bent Batter, He
Sawing and
other Quality ant
Cb for
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. O.
A St a u
A Cur for At-
c at
t-i a .-.
. , I
end a
L It c i.
Prick .
To my friends and patrons I wish to say
J am now receiving an elegant line of
new Fall will be better
pared, to suit all the people in styles and
wives than ever before. Mrs. Greene will
be with me again. Announcement of open
Mrs. L. Griffin.
Now Is The Time
To Take a Cheap Trip Via
Richmond, Va and
Fountain Tun
Austin, Texas, and return
14th to 19th, account National
Baptist Convention
Tenn., and return,
account In-
Association Fire
San Francisco And Los Angeles. Cal.,
and return, September 5th-0th
and 19th-20th, account
Conclave Knights of
Grand Lodge
L O. O. F.
Season Tickets, Day Tickets, IS Day
Tickets to the Worlds St.
Louis on sale every day.
Coach Excursion Tickets or. sale every
Tuesday in August,
Rates and Other Information given
cheerfully by Ticket Agents
and the Undersigned.
H. M. Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. F. A
N. C
I Hancock Co
Mi K
A guaranteed cure
all the
Tot use in hot or cold Tor
r application. internal
and constitutional remedy.
the complexion,
the growth the hair and
vents it turning gray.
Liquid Ointment
Prepared especially
Scalds. Open
Sores. Chafed Parts,
Raw Surfaces, Boils.
Piles, for
Tice and Hands Sal- to
and Skin W
Liquid Co.
Baltimore, Md.
I r
Tobacco has Prices
are Higher. We are well equip-
for selling your tobacco to
fine advantage. We have com-
men and one of the
est and best lighted houses in
the State. Sell with us, we'll
please you.
They bad just moved into the
house, and they surveying
situation. she said,
this carpet was don't,
responded the husband,
wish it was
H . K Arrest
J. A. Ala
was twice In the a
severe e of
Aft- r
failed, Anne
quickly further
ac-he-s and pain.
King's New Life
Fills each for two weeks has
put me in
i. H. Turner of
Pa the best in
he word Liver, Stomach and
Bowels Purely vegetable Never
Only Wooten's
has world u- lamp for marvelous
It any
lotion, t Cute,
Coins, Burns. Sores,
l Haul-, Skin
tit earl.
Scratch who is
the Watts and you w ill find
n or r liquor man
times out of
What Is Life
In the last nobody
knows, do that it i
under law. Abuse that Jaw
even slightly, pain results.
living of
Headache Liver trouble.
Dr. Slug's New Life Pills quickly
It's gentle, yet
thorough. Only at Wooten's
A Power For
The pills r-potent In their
action in effect
DeWitt's Risers. V.
S. Ga.
a bilious attack I took
one. Sinai as if, was it did me
more good blue must
or any other pill I ever took and at
the same time was pleas-
ant. Little Risers are
an ideal Sold by
Drug Store.
suitor represented
one of the best families in
said Mrs. he
answered her heard
about that family it's a
good one He misrepresents
Washington Star.
What's a Name
is in name when it
comes to Witch Hazel Salve. B. C.
DeWitt A Co., of Chicago,
some years ago how to
a salve from Witch Hazel that l- a
specific for Fur blind, bleed-
itching and protruding rile.-,
eczema, cuts, burns,
all skin DeWitt's Salve
bas no This has lire
to worthless counterfeits
fr DeWitt's, the genuine,
at. Wooten's Drug Store.
Fearful Odds Him
Bid milieu, and destitute.
in brief the f
an old soldier by name of J. J.
Havens, O. For years
he was troubled with Kidney dis-
ease and neither doctors nor
gave him relief, At length
he tried Electric Bitters. It put
him on his feet in short order and
now he on the toad
t Best on earth for
Liver and troubles and all
forms of Stomach and Bowel Com-
plaints. Only Guaranteed
by J. L. Wooten, druggist. j
A stomach weakens the
man, it cannot
the food he tale into nourishment.
Health strength cannot be re-
stored to any sick man or weak
MM without first restoring health
and to the stomach. A
weak stomach can not, digest enough
to the and revive
the tired and down limbs and
and . of body.
Dyspepsia cure digests what yon
at, cleanses and the
gland., of the
cures indigestion,
stomach troubles.
Sold at Drug Store.
On Aug. 26th, 1904. Sale begins at O'clock
sharp. To convert our stock into Cash, we
will further notice offer cur
La Fine Sunday Shoes
price per pair
Box writing paper
and envelopes to match,
Calamity price per box
I new pr t
calamity price
yards best calico
light and dark colors.
choice at calamity
Large white
Red striped,
calamity price
yards wide
worth and
at this calamity sale
Hats, Hats, th en-
line reduced per
ant. and per cent.
During t Is greatest of Ca
lam sales to secure the
matchless bargains don't
forget hat this is a spot
Or you will miss
These Bargains
las, oil. 3.0
Hairpins, large h s
sizes to box, d
best bleach
you know what
they are, worth
calamity price
Spool cotton,
Stitched, Lace
each, calamity prise
Men and boys
Sunday shirts, calamity
calamity price
rags pore Co,
calamity price
Feather stitched Braid
calamity price
j. o
Cut and slashed prices seen all. over the
largest stock in Eastern Carolina
26th, 1904

i mi ii
Consolidated Tobacco Co.
J v r
derived from the business are returned direct to the farmers.
BECAUSE- owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
farmers, ,.
BECAUSE-On any of our floors a e guaranteed the highest legitimate market
price at all times and under all circumstances,
enemies of this organization are uniting and combining every
fort within their power to prevent its success and development.
certain as night follows day we Know we can make and save you
money by selling with us,
I co-operating on this plan a better and more perfect understanding
can be reaped and maintained between seller and buyer, kindlier and
friendlier relations established and on account of such, and more
satisfactory prices for your can be had.
THE FARMERS, formerly run by n-r THE R, formerly run by Hooker
Co. and THE JEFFREY, run last year by MR. H. A. TIMBERLAKE, who
, B number of years bus been connected with tin Star as auctioneer, no better one ever sung to
the bids of will have personal charge of MR. s. F, who was one of
the of year at The Jeffrey will have charge of that house this year,
while Mr. O. L. will be at t be Farmers. All these gentlemen will follow the different sales and
. ,
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
Sept. a. m.
Japanese column
numbering approximately men
while marching night on a
road in the valley between Long
Hill and Division Hill met a fright-
disaster through the explosion
of an electric mine,
The mire was carefully
laid by the Russians three weeks
ago. It covered nearly a mile of
available marching space. The
explosive was placed at the bot-
tom. The rock placed
and on top of these cay was pack-
ed so carefully that the ground
gave the of not having
been disturbed.
The indications of Japanese
activity in this put the Russians
on their Near midnight
the out-post and re-
ported that the Japanese were
The Russians with
held their fire for sometime. Sod-
The hearts of the people of
town and community
to learn of the death f toe of our
aged and most highly esteemed
citizens, II A. ton. Mr.
was found dead his bed when
called early this morning by His
wife, having of heart failure
during the night.
For forty eight years
has been a citizen of Greenville.
During much of that time he was
in our to and was
known his and loved
for his
He was active member of the
Baptist church, and was a type of
the old fashion Gentle
man, with a high souse of honor,
and knew not it was to stoop
to thing low.
M.-. Button was seventy
years old and bad been very feeble
for several months. Only
day he superintending some
they threw a searchlight up j work being on his premises
the valley. The Japanese opened when asked regarding his
with a rifle fire. The
waited until apparently the whole
Japanese column was in the danger
zone. Then the mine was exploded.
force of the explosion
knocked a number of Russians
health, he replied that he felt bet.
than he for several days
The deceased leaves a wife aid
one daughter, the daughter being
the wife of of our editor, D. J.
arrived at Weldon safe and
Mod, and shall go Into the school
room on the 12th inst, with the
ever recurring sense of that awful
responsibility which haunts the
mind of every
teacher. But in spite of myself I
cannot be interested in the
outcome of Saturday's primaries.
regret exceedingly, sir, that my
is such that I cannot par-
in same as is my want. I
shall pray, however, that justice
shall prevail and that worthy men-
men allied with no questionable
be chosen as
tort. Being from the
county I have candidate to
to the voters I shall content my-
self by that the enclosed
stamps induce you to register
my name for the time being, as a
subscriber to your most valuable
paper The Eastern
and shall expect to receive copy of
the first issue after receipt this
letter. Yours in haste,
John F. Stokes.
Principal Weldon High School.
A Beautiful Horn
Last evening at nine o'clock at
Chicago, Sept. strike of
the butcher workmen, which had
the home of Miss Lelia Cherry, a demoralized the meat packing
beautiful marriage was celebrated, industry throughout the country
the contracting parties being Mr. for the two WM
Lawrence Hooker, one of Green- declared off tonight by
vale's most successful business, President Michael J. Donnelly, of
men, and Miss Delia Erwin, one Meat
of our most charming
ladies. Rev. W. E. Cox, the
language of the matchless
and the sight of Japanese Whichard. Also a number of
rifles, legs anus hurling grandchildren survive the
the lighted space made ed.
by the searchlight was an awful I In the death of Mr. ion, we
spectacle. ; feel that our town and
Some rocks landed the lost a good mid useful man,
Russian lines. land to the bereaved fatuity
There was one appalling mo- extend the heart felt sympathy
during which the garrison The and thee, the last week
itself was stunned into a death jut large. j All report a nice time.
like silence. The searchlight ,, went to
N. C, Sept. 1904
Miss Barnhill is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Chas.
Miss Dollie Is on the
e sick list
Several of friends went on
-of the Episcopal church,
pronounced the vows.
The bride gowned in a
creation of white and
real lace, over white taffeta,
on the arm of dame of
honor, Mrs. Snell, of Rocky Mount
the parlor, to the strains
of wedding march,
which was superbly rendered by-
Mrs. J. B. Cherry, where she was
met by the groom with his best
man, Dr.
The bride was given away by
her friend, Miss Lelia Cherry,
with whom she has residing
for some time. Miss Cherry,
dressed a handsome gown of
black chiffon black taffeta,
received guests in the
front hall. Miss Rosa Hooker re-
in the sitting room, where
t many beautiful presents were
displayed. Miss Bettie Hooker
received in the dining room,
where elegant refreshments
of Norfolk, were served
by Rosa Erwin and Emma
The decorations consisting of
ferns, palms, and bride roses
coldly lighted up the road and
hillsides, strewn with dead. i
The follow day the Russians
dead but to
their dismembered mutilated
condition, the were
able accurately to the
of killed. A few Japanese
escaped however.
The information is
contained a small sheet d
September by the Port Arthur
a breakage in the press
having made it impossible to issue
a lull edition.
A Chinese arriving here at mid-
night confirms the above to the
extent of saying that he the
report that Japanese had
killed by a mine, but he did
not learn the details. the
Expression of Regret. i Greenville Monday.
It is with genuine feelings of Carl and Guy of Grain-
profound regret we of spent Saturday and Sunday
the intended removal from with Henry and Ernest
; midst of our friend and to
M. A. Allen, and while his I Greenville
promotion to other fields of larger m ,
young , Workmen of
This Mr. Donnelly telegraph-
the members of the national
committee, asking their
consent to an announcement of the
end of the struggle and tonight,
received favorable
from eleven, he declared that the
strike the members of his or
would end at midnight.
The of the members of
the affiliated unions at the stock
yards quit work in sympathy
with the butchers, will officially
lie called off tomorrow at
a meeting of the conference board
of the allied trades. This was
decided upon at a meeting of the
body of the allied
held tonight. The general body
was at first in favor continuing
the strike, but Mr. Donnelly, who
was present, announced that the
men were and order
to save his union from being
entirely disrupted he would order
bis men to return to work in the
morning no matter what course
might be taken by union. v.
As the other unions had
grievance of their own, but had
gone on strike to aid the butchers,
there was left for then
but to follow the lead of Mr. Do-
and they, too, decided to
unusually beautiful and artistic.
The color scheme in the front the strike
hall, red and green; in the parlor, j
blue white; in silting
and the
usefulness is a matter of
and pleasure to his friends,
we can only choose these feeble
to faintly express our deep
and serious loss. We
Mr. Allen n gentleman of highest
I character and frank open conduct.
I We know that wherever he ma
i go he will soon become well and
favorably known for his many
manly excellent parts.
representatives of the board
of trade it is our duty and
to take this m-ans of
of August Ti a ill, regrets in loosing him
disaster befell the Japanese j we know that we voice
near Redoubt No. it is reported, of the
but no details have been
Biltmore Exhibit.
Burial Service.
Asheville, Sept.
are being made on the Van-
estate for the sending of
the Biltmore farm exhibit to the
St. Louis exposition. The
it will be in charge of Reuben Gen-
try, one of Mi Vanderbilt's
and will consist of Jersey cat-
Berkshire pigs, fine poultry
and farm It is expected
that the exhibit will bi sent to the
exposition shortly after the return
to Biltmore house the middle of
this month of Mr. and
Dr. W. H. of Char-
N C, will be in Greenville
at Monday Oat. 3rd
and until of Oct. 4th
for one day only. His practice is
limited to Eye,, Ear, Nose and
Throat, glasses. and W. B. Wilson.
both town and
when we wish for him the fullest
measure of success and happiness
in the Held to which he has
been elected.
Ola FORBES, Committee.
The funeral our
esteemed citizen, Mr. H.
an account whose death was
published yesterday, took place
this morning.
The impressive service was ton-
ducted by Rev. A. T. King, in the
Baptist church, the choir render-
suitable music.
Immediately after the service, a
lie of sorrowing
and friends accompanied the
corpse to Cherry Hill Cemetery,
and there paid their last respect
to one whom all knew would be
Saturday night Sunday with
relatives near Greenville-
R. I. spent
night at E. E. Dad's.
W. A Nobles was here awhile
A number i from this
neighborhood attended church at
Branch Sunday.
R. I. Corbitt will begin a
meeting at Bethany Sunday f,
j The Republican Vote in Vermont What
Was Expected.
The Associated Pi gives out
Mr. R. Howland, the lessee of J he following statement by Chair-
the Atlantic North Carolina of the Democratic
Railroad gives out the formation I National Convention,
that the present Hotel republican majority in
will be entirely turn down, and re-
moved to A syndicate
is now being; at ranged and organ-
Beaufort to conduct the
hotel there, Mr. Howland
j desires that I be hotel shall be
and as elaborately
las possible.
result in Vermont is not
surprising in view of the
efforts made by the republic
cans and the quiet campaign con-
ducted by the democrats. The
administrate.;. concentrated all its
force and upon that
Much Interest Being Taken in the Pub-
Since the last report the follow
donations have to
The Company, a handsome
sign giving library hours.
Mr. J. B. Cherry, a set of
Mr. G. W. a set of
volumes of poems etc.
Mrs. W. B. Brown, the
of rent for the library for
Mrs. J. B. Cherry, the amount
of for the for August.
All donation money, books,
etc. will be cheerfully
accepted by the management, but
the lady want the pub.
lie to fully understand that
the people of the town
to use the books of the library and
no pay is expected. The library
Is in every sense a public one and
greatly missed midst.
The pallbearers C. T. to book
J. N. Hart, W. Li, . . .
Brown, J. J. J. O. fr of day-
Mrs. M. H.
It being Mr. desire slat-, holding the last week two
for Morehead to have an hotel hundred meeting.
suitable Mr an resort, j was proclaimed throughout the
a suitable one will be erected at state that the had prom-
that point, This is to be some the candidate for governor to
smaller the hotel, i attend his Inauguration in case he
but is to be thoroughly equipped j obtained a majority of
with all modern improvements, view of the efforts, never
with a attachment. An j made before by party in a
of New September it is remark-
is to charge of it, and patron- Able that the administration did
age will be sought the year round.
With Again
C. W. has accepted a
position with The
Mr. Hearne was with Re-
several months , but
resigned his position to accept a
position at Beaufort.
not succeed the re-
publican l, it
did not even
can vote. That does
while in it
and in 1900 it was
S. J. Sampson.
daughter pale and
We are glad to have Mr. Rocky Moon-
back with us, for we know some- Now e . cheek-
. and happy. cents,
tiling of his ability by hrs former Tea r Tablets.
I have just returned from
more where I bought my fall mil For Sale Brooke
and notions. Opening Sept j Press, in
Mrs. H. L. Boyd, R. L. Nichols.
Grimesland, N. O., next door to , No. Greenville, N. C.
Dr's. office. 8-26 ltd

Eastern reflector, 9 September 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 09, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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