Eastern reflector, 9 August 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, we are the
to supply.
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
bushels good corn just in
Five Points.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
furniture Dealer. Cain paid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
Mattresses, Oak Ba
Carriages, Go-Carte, Parlor
suite, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples.
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly,
Flour Sugar, Meat, Soap-
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar,
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
S. M. Schultz
Yon may be poor or wealthy,
Just as your fate may be,
But if you are
Take Rocky Mountain Tea.
Drug Store.
Central Barber Shop.
Fleming, Props.
Located in main section
of the town.
Four chairs in operation and each
one presided over by a skilled
Our place is inviting, razors
our towels clean.
We thank you for past patronage
and ask you when
good service is wanted
Can Take a Trip With The Low
Rate Tickets on Sale via
Association of Engineers Au-
gust 1st to 6th.
Conclave of Pythias,
August 16th to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment G. A. B., August
15th to 20th.
St Louis, the Worlds
Fair. Season, Sixty day,
teen day and Coach Excursion
tickets now on sale.
Excellent Service
Convenient Schedules.
For full information as to rates, dates
of sale, limits of tickets,
schedules, etc., call on any
Ticket Agent of the A. C. L.,
or write
H. M. Emerson, W. J Craig
T M. G. P, A
Wilmington, N, C
Decoyed to Death.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
White Lead, Paints,
Colors, and and
Country Ready nixed Prints.
Williamston, N. C , Aug.
In the early part of Thursday
night, James Ed. Moor
George Dorsey. both white, and
living near Jamesville, quarreled.
Moore pulled out his pistol and
shot the ground near Dorsey's
feet. They then separated, each
going to his own home. Later,
about nine o'clock, Moore went
back to Dorsey's home with a
shot gun, concealed himself in the
bushes nearby and decoyed
Dorsey out into the yard by
throwing sticks and stones against
the house. had gone out
near the gate to see what was the
cause of the trouble when a gun
fired and the whole load
his body from his head down to
his waist-
He lived only a few minutes and
died his mother's arms. He
was about years
Moore was arrested by Sheriff
Crawford bet wee u midnight and
day Friday morning, and was
landed in at Williamston
about day that morning.
The convocation of the
pal church met at St.
John's church, near Grifton, last
week was thoroughly appreciated
and enjoyed by all who attended
it. Every service was well at
tended, and the and ad-
were excellent. One spec-
interesting address was that
of Mr. F. A. Boyle, of Jamesville,
on Sunday school work. It was
filled with sound, practicable ad-
vice based on the experience of a
life's work, and it was spoken
with an earnestness that touched
all who listened to it.
Instead of having night
dinner was spread on the
and the second service was held in
the afternoon. The pleasure of
having dinner the grounds at
St. John's can be fully
only by those who are
with the hospitality
of tie people in that community.
At the meeting of Covenant
Lodge I. O. O. F. held Tuesday
night, Mr. J. J. Cherry presented
the lodge with a lift ties portrait
of himself that was copied from
a taken of him in fall
regalia in The portrait was
presented with an
speech by Mi. D. C. Moore and
was accepted with the o
the lodge.
Yes we write our to
be read. We would not spend
our good money for
per space if they were not read
and the prices noted, and the
merchandise offered were not
Everything in the whole
stock has suffered the severest cuts. Our Mr. C. L.
Wilkinson is now in the Northern cities buying hit
Pall Stock and room must be made for
are now
To Only
Such Wash Goods selling
Is seldom seen. The wash
goods policy of this store is
shelves. All the colored
Lawns that were and
. . now
Mens Clothing reduced
per cents. We don't car-
any special line, but some
of all the leading makes.
White Shirt Waist Goods
that were and all
go our price . yd
Such price Silks, not every
day seen, all colors, in best
China Silk . yd
Black Dress Goods, must
leave the shelves, 1.00, 1.25
and our price
Fine Black Taffeta Silk
was 1.00 and now
and yd
Stock Collars, was
and now .
Ladies Shirt Waist Sets,
and now
Miles of Laces and
reduced half.
styles. BOO
summer corset 1.00 C B
Corset R G
sets Your choice in any
style of Batiste in
any make .
Ladies Vest that
were and now
Ladies and Mens Umbrellas
with steel rods, full inches,
was and now
Ladies Stock Collars,
Mens Furnishings chimed
in bargain lots.
Mens black and colored
Half now
Summer Undershirts,
kind, now . .
G. H
Madras Shirts .
bosom Negligee Shirts
was now . .
All 1.00
and 1.25, all at our price
Mens Negligee Shirts, 1.00,
1.25, 1.60 and 1.75, all at one
price .
Handkerchiefs, now
NOTICE. During this
Great Clearance sale it will
be impossible for us to cut
samples or send goods up on
approval, but money refund-
ed customers
There rs no line in the world better than
the Harrison line. It has behind it a
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
dealings. .
If you use the Harrison
never worry quality.
Paints you need
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
Have just a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Marriage Licenses.
Register Deeds R, Williams
issued only one marriage
week. That was Tor Henry j
Baker and Bertha Vincent,
The total number of licenses
tuned during July was of these I
being for whiten and for
Swallowed a Fly.
A gentleman town swallowed
a fly, Sunday evening, and for
awhile was quite a sick man. It
is heat not to try to exterminate
the by swallowing them.
By of a decree of the
or court of Pitt county made in
proceeding No. 1291 entitled J.
against Lula
Stokes et the undersigned com-
missioner will sell at public auction
for cash, before the Court House
door in Greenville on Monday. Sept.
5th, the following described
lands in, township.
One piece the lands of
Sallie Smith, C. P. Smith and others,
containing acres more or less. One
other piece being all swamp land, be-
ginning at the mouth of Second
Branch, thence a straight line to the
canal in center of Indian
swamp, then up the canal to the line
of John A. Smith land, then with a
line of his to the side ditch, then
side ditch to the beginning, con-
fining forty acres, mot or lets.
Both pieces being Inherited by P. A.
Laughinghouse, from her father Ca-
Tali Ind day of August, 1904.
F. O.
and Discount
Oven a 8,380.89
Furniture Fixtures 3,618.57
Due from Banks 73,225.39
Checks cash items
Gold Coin 5.828.50
Silver Coin 3,319.37
Stock paid in
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid
Cashier's checks out-
County of Pitt. J
I, L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
wear that the statement above is true to the best of my knowledge-
and belief
Subscribed and sworn to before
this 20th day of June, 1804.
Notary Public.
J. O.
n Directors
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
H. A. button is sick.
Harvey Keene left this morning
for Suffolk.
H. A. White went to
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Bland left
this for Suffolk.
Mrs. W. B. left this
morning for Portsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. H. left
morning for Suffolk.
M. A. Allen went to n
evening and returned
this morning.
Miss Carrie Gay returned Wed-
evening from a to
Misses Fleming Lil-
a iv visiting the Misses
Fleming in South Greenville.
Miss Virginia George, of New-
port News, came in Wednesday
evening to visit her lather C.
Mr and Mrs. O, T. and
little son, Charlie, Miss
and Robert Lee left Wed-
Lena Matthews returned
Wednesday evening from a visit
to Baltimore, Miss Mary Bragg
count pan led her home tor a visit
Moore left morn
for Bethel.
A. Cooper, Rapid-,
was here today.
C. D. Smith to Ayden
Thursday evening.
A. Savage from No
folk Thursday evening.
J. A. Lane returned from Par-
Miss Lizzie left th s
morning tor Nashville.
Mi-s left Than
day evening for
Miss Lillie Tucker went to Win.
Thursday evening,
of Km-
is visiting Miss Alice La u.
Miss Agnes of Eden
ton, is visiting Miss Glenn Em-hrs.
Mrs. W. A. Bo wen and child
left this morning It a visit
Scotland Neck.
Miss of Heidi-
ville, came in Thursday
to visit Mi.-s Allan.
Mrs. M. A. Allen and daughter,
Miss returned Thursday
evening from Reidsville.
Miss Emma Tucker,
who has been visiting her sister.
Mrs. W. A. Bowen, left this morn-
C Miss Sadie Perry, of Raleigh,
who has been visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. F. left this
Miss Jamie Bryan returned to-
day from Washington. Miss Eva
accompanied her home for
a visit here.
Miss Minnie of
who been visiting
Misses Carrie and Maggie Brown,
returned home Thursday.
Mrs. J. J. Laughinghouse,
Misses Martha and
Grimes returned Thursday
evening from Virginia Beach.
R. L. returned from
J. T. Harrell left this morning
fur Suffolk.
T. J. Jams Friday evening
of Richmond,
was here today.
It. L. Wyatt left this morning
for Rocky Mount.
Fred Cox returned Friday from
a trip up the road.
A. R. Forbes left this
for Virginia Beach.
G. B. Hadley of LaGrange,
came in Friday evening
B. Wilson, Jr., left Friday
evening for Morehead.
W. C. John sot. and O. D. King
to Friday.
Dr of
came in Friday waning.
J. I. returned
evening from
J. S. Norman returned Friday
evening from a up the mad.
U. C. Moore and son, David,
left this morning for Hamilton.
Mrs. A. J. and son,
left this morning for
Mrs. W. B. returned
Friday evening from Ports-
C. L. Hornaday sister. Miss
left Friday evening tor
Miss Lizzie Jones returned
Friday evening from Morehead
and Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. B.
and left this morning
Miss Gaye Johnson, of
who ban been visiting Misses Car-
and Maggie Brown, returned
home Friday
A Currituck Giant.
Mr. If, B. Forbes, of Camden
who is attending the sum-
mer school, teaching the
most ponderous country
has ever His name Is
Lewis of John
a fisherman
Ho is years old
pound-. , When he went to school
to Mi, Forbes be weighed over
pounds his mother told Mr.
pounds before he was weaned, lie
Virginia Bench, Norfolk and
other nearby place-.
He will not venture far from
afraid of an accident or
that be will get sick. Ho sleeps
an iron bedstead, and has a
Chair especially for
his use. He spends his time with
his father on the
Hill News.
Clean Up.
At this season when melon
rinds and other decaying matter
are plentiful, care should be taken
streets and lots as clean
as possible. may be
vented with proper care and
plentiful use of
Dr. H. O. Hyatt f
will be in at Hotel Ber-
on August 16th 17th
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
for the purpose of treating diseases
the eye and fitting glasses. Those
not able to pay a fee will be ex-
Busy Session of The Board of Aldermen.
The board of aldermen met in
monthly session Thursday
all the members being
Mayor W. R. Parker still be-
sick, Mayor R.
The was in session until
11.30 o'clock, and finding all
yet far from completion ad-
was had to Monday
The license tax of per year
boarding houses levied at the
former meeting, was amended so
as to apply in cases where not
more than two boarders are taken.
A complaint from
Hooker relative to damages to then
warehouse property by the widen-
of Dickinson avenue, was re-
to the street committee for
The street committee reported
that the streets were not good
as the was
waiting to work jointly, as far as
possible, with the board of inter-
It was ordered that notice be
that all of the
town be cleared of weeds and such
back lots and premises as
attention be cleaned by the 15th.
The market committee made re-
port Of of Stalls rented
in the new market, house.
The white and ed cemeteries
were both reported in fair
The lights were reported
fair condition, bin some of the
public well in had
The latter w-iv looked
alter, and an well
Oiled up.
The the railroad cut in
rear of Flanagan properly
were ordered repaired.
IT. L. presented
his additional in of
which was accepted, and
bis temporary bond
given was surrendered.
The treasurer also made Ins
monthly was ordered
C. Rountree, tax collector,
reported collections during the
past month of tit license tax-
es an. market
J. T. Smith, chief of police re-
port In and cods din-
lie past month, and J. G
assistant ice, reported
The following persons tendered
their official bonds were
accepted. J. L. Sugg, J. W
and J. N. Hart,
for each;
W. s. Atkins, dispensary manager
E. H. Foley, assistant
manager tor
License to restaurants
were granted to W. C. Hines
License to conduct a pool
billiard room was Z. V.
A communication was received
from the trustees of the graded
schools asking that a levy of
cents on each valuation tie
made for maintenance of graded
A street lamp was ordered to be
placed in front of the entrance to
the Masonic temple, the lodge to
charge of lighting same,
A communication was read from
Rough Ready Fire Company,
colored, asking for a donation to
enable them to send two
to the state association at
Wilson, was donated for
that purpose.
Accounts were allowed and
orders issued on the treasurer to
Jurors for September Term of Court.
The I loud
met in regular tension Mon-
day, 1st, all the members
present. There was little to
their attention outside of
business of allowing ac-
counts issuing the monthly
orders for paupers.
Tue following jurors were
drawn for September term of
Joseph us Jacob
Unborn, J. H. Cobb, B. F.
Crawford, E. S. Edwards, J. L-
Perkins, Joe G. Garris, S. G.
W. H. White, J. B.
J. B. Roebuck, Carson,
R. Williams, Jr E. T.
W. F. F. P.
John B. May, J. Mills, R.
H. H. J. I.
Nobles, B. E. Patrick,
Briley, Nelson, J. W. Gay,
C. E. W. E. Proctor, J.
A. Lang, Eugene Wilson, John
Noble, Jr., f. Joyner, W.
B. Bumpy, v. A. J. A.
Teal, W. E. Warren. .
The September term of court
designated for only one
wee;, a was sent to the
governor that it be made a
two weeks term.
Reported For Reflector.
Miss Minnie Tunstall gave a
very enjoyable party Thursday
night at the home of her parents
near the depot. Music and mer-
reigned to the pleasure of
all. At ice cream cake
were served on the lawn.
The following couples were in
Miss Minnie with C.
Miss of Mills,
with W. S.
Miss Josie Herring, of Snow
Hill, with A. R. Forbes.
Miss Janie Tyson with W. L.
Miss Mamie King with W. J.
Mis Mary with J. L. Car-
Miss Coward with W.
R. Parker, Jr.
Miss Jesse Leo Sugg with C. D.
Miss Mary Croons, of
wit, M. Phillip.
Miss Katie Tunstall with Dan
to Resign.
Ii is that Judge
George II. Brown, Jr., who is at
the of the
Judicial 111-11 id, undone of the
Democratic n minces for associate
justice the Supreme court, will
shortly lender hi- resignation
Governor take effect on
ST nun
It, highly bible the
hold an
nominate ., judge,
who b- elected full
trim, instead of at the expiration
of Judge Brown's term, as would
be the c if new judge were
appointed by the governor in
After the convention has mot
and picked the man the
candidates tor the honor.
Governor Aycock will doubtless
appoint the judge to
side for the period between the
date of the
1st. when he would be sworn
in after election.
Glad To See Him.
We bad the pleasure of a call
from our good friend, Mr. O. L.
Joyner, of Greenville, N. C, last
week. Mr. was In tho
city on business for his company,
the Tobacco Planters Mutual
Hail and Fire C
of which Mr. Joyner is
Mr. Joyner reports bis company
in a most condition.
He says this has been a great
for hail storms, and farmers have
been making frequent
Hail Insurance l .
more popular d
farmers everywhere are becoming
more impressed with their value
and importance. Mr. Joyner is a
tobacco dealer and
Greenville, where he does an
extensive business. He is
over the of t Farm-
Company, which he organized,
Mi. Joyner is one of the State's
most progressive in, and we are
always glad of an op port t
talk with
Carolina Club Officers.
The Carolina Club held its an-
meeting The
following officers were elected for
the ensuing
President Dr. L. James.
M. Hooker.
G. Ward.
Board of C. Ar-
W. H. D. C.
Moore, I. A. Sugg and C. W.
Primaries were held
count v Thursday to
for me
The result of the
as as
1380; Braswell
Sheriff Jenkins
Harris House Day
Cobb A second primary
will be required to nominate
son or Jenkins the leaders.
Register of 1286,
Warren Bourne
1234, Hart
1615, Lawrence 1229, Ruffin 1224,
Knight 1683, Vick
Pitt man 1567.
John H.
all run down; nothing did me
g until I got bold of
Mountain Tea. Now I am
strong and well; gained forty
pounds. cents, Tea or Tablets.
j Drug Store.

. R. L.
D. I.
f Greenville.
Norfolk Va
Pi ate V u ii
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
In stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carol in a.
Oh I'd like to be a farmer,
When the summer time so gay
Comes around with fragrant odor.
of the and the
In the field I'd like to follow,
In the furrow and straight
A I picked the nodding cabbage,
As I dug the date-
would cut the watermelon
From the watermelon tree,
And the corn from off the
would gather
Oh the joy of reaching deftly
the apple on the vine,
And of sweet potatoes
From the sweet potato mine.
I would like to be a farmer
In the country fresh.
And go winning with a winnow,
And go threshing with u thresh,
Where a gentle
Sends its fragrance from the trees
A ml the odor of the sweet-breathed
is waited on the breeze.
Where the squash grows in the hedges
I would like to go and
And just live in sweet contentment
All the blessed living day;
And I'd fish and hunt and frolic,
And I'd and run ard climb,
If I only were a
With a farmer's time.
Made Young Again
of Dr. New Life
Pills each night for two weeks has
put me in my
H. Turner of Dempsey-
town, Pa the in
the v fr Liver, and
vegetable Never
if ripe Only t Women's
We give you not only the best you can buy, but the money
paid can buy. Quality value combined argue for your patronage
Net Quite
How often you can get a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not a single
I Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J. R.
Steamer R. L. Myers leave
Washington daily, except Sunday,
at b a. m for Greenville, leave
daily, except Sunday,
at in. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York
all points North. Connects at
Norfolk with railroads for all
points West.
Shippers should order their
freight by Old Dominion Line
from New York and
Norfolk and Southern R. R.
Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
Clyde Line from Philadelphia.
Line and Chesapeake Line
from Baltimore and Merchants
and Miners Line from Boston.
Sailing hours subject to change
without Notice.
f. H. Myers,
Washington, N. C.
J. J.
N. C.
H. B. Walker, Vice President ft
Traffic Manager,
81-85 Beach Street, N, Y.
The Aims of Japan.
do you propose to d
Manchuria belongs to China.
All that we seek is to secure
an international guarantee that it
shall always belong to China, and
that China shall never fa it over
to any other power
the Russian
that will In; made inter-
national and exclusively
with its access to the
sea at Port Art
see; you propose to reproduce
in the far East the made
in the near East after the Crimean
War. Korea as
is without annexation,
and an international guarantee of
the of the Chinese Empire
in Mi- The railway is to be
the and Port Arthur the
Constantinople of the far East, with
free Recess f v trade, but hermetically
closed fur all purposes of war. And
do you think the Russians will ever
agree to
willingly, of said
the baron. possibly. Who
m This is an agreeable sort
Store to patronize. You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your best
interest is studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the
chase is completed there's not
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect. Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want some don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible varietY of fabrics
for selection.
Three Piece Suits
Mens Two Piece Suits
Nice Line Youths Clothing
can From
on the Aims of the
can Monthly Review of Reviews for
Hill's Indebtedness to Parker.
Much has been said about Judge
Parser h political obligations to Mr.
Hill. has been said about
Mr. II obligations to Judge Par-
It is all a matter of nineteen
ago, when Judge Parker was
thirty three years old, but the truth
is that Mr. Hill did not appoint the
man who n his battle in
victory that opened the way to the
States he was
besought by powerful delegations of
lawyers. If there is any political
between Judge Parker
and Mr. Hill on account of that by-
gone time, Mr. Hill, and not Judge
Parker is the debtor. It is a sign
of a chivalrous nature that Judge
Parker has never sought to better
his political prospects by calling at-
to the actual facts. He has
been denounced as Mr. Hill's
for no other reason than that,
You may be poor or wealthy,
Just an your fate may be,
But if yon are
Take Mountain Tea.
Wooten's Drug Store.
. J
nineteen years ago. Mr Hill named AFTER TWO YEARS PREMIUMS HAVE BEEN PAID IN TUB
him to fill a brief unexpired .
term- To limes who
Judge Parker and have had
of his strength
deuce, nothing can be more
false than the idea that Judge,
Parker is not in every sense his own ;
master. Prom B. A
I by -lames Creel-
man, in the American Monthly
view of Reviews August.
I i
Tablets L.
. t t
II . P
i Mill
p. ,
Moines, Iowa. For Mala by
Wooten's Store, Greenville,
By virtue of a decree of
or court of Pitt county made in
proceeding No. entitled J.
D. against Lula
Stokes eta's, the undersigned com-
missioner will sell at public auction
for cash, the Court House
door in Greenville on Monday. Sept.
5th, 1904 the described
lands in, township.
One piece the lands of
Sal lie Smith, C. P. Smith and others,
containing acre more or less. One
o her piece being all swamp land, be-
ginning at the mouth of Second
Branch, thence a straight line to the
canal in center of Indian
swamp, then up to the line
of John A. Smith land, then with a
line of his to the side ditch, then
side ditch to the beginning, con-
forty acres, more or less.
Both pieces being inherited by P. A.
Laughinghouse, from her father Ca-
2nd day of August. 1904.
F. O. James,
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
cf and payment of arrears with interest.
A after second year No Restrictions. S. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville N. C.
The On y Way
To get
Is send it to
m .

N. C, 1904
D. F. to
Our roller wash board is a
it is without a
and i to take
lead, try is to buy one,
to buy is to never be
without one
Milling Mfg. Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
best recommendations can
be famished tor Hog
Chaser. Write or send to J. H.
Ayden, N. C.
Lime, plastering hair, windows,
doors, blinds and side lights at
J. B. Smith Bro.
B. C. Pearce, of has
been here,
When you need a nice, light,
tough pole, my for your buggy or
carriage. Call us and make a
selection. Mfg.
Co. N. C.
The ladies have found out where
to go when they need the finest
quality dress goods, hires,
etc. and
As authorized for DAILY
and Eastern we take
great pleasure in receiving sub
willing receipts for
those in arrears. We have a list
of all who receive their mail at
this office. We also take orders
for job printing.
of ball today between
Remember you can
nicker zephyrs, piques
ether nice goods too numerous to
mention at J. B. Smith Bro.
Call see our laces
burgs, J. II. Smith Bro.
you know J. K. Smith Bro.
keep the most complete line of
bleaching and ginghams
in town. Their s tell me
bat it is so.
O. C. Bland came up on
the train Tuesday morning.
If you need anything in the way
of Crockery, Tin ware
Come to see us, Hart Jenkins.
J. M. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Just received spring suit cloth-; Go K K. Co's new
for buys. J. J. Hines. market for heel, fresh meats,
Sage, fresh fish.
Fancy candies, oranges, apple
and bananas at E. E. Co's.
If it doesn't give yon absolute
satisfaction your dealer will
pay you for returning it.
R. F. Johnson,
Dist. Ayden,
R. F. Johnson went to
Wednesday and returned
For can peaches, apples, n
apply to E. E.
Cannon Tyson wish to call
special to land plaster
We carry a splendid assortment
of body carpets in various
styles and patterns, which make
excellent ball rugs, at a normal
cost. Ladies cordially invited
to call and see them.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.,
N. C.
T. B. Carney and family have
from a visit down the
If you are in need of a nice pair
of Shoes, call for Royal at
Hart Jenkins.
W. E. Jackson C ., are
for the next days their
tire stock of summer goods at great-
reduced prices. Note these few
Pants that were 3.00
2.50 and are now
2.25 and 1.75. Shirts that were
and each are now
each. A pair of
both low and high cuts at
your own figures. Lawns, white
goods and all trimmings at almost
their value. and sec.
R. C. Cannon is preparing to
erect two brick stores on Main
Harrison ready mixed pain it,
pair double, single fold-
wire bed springs at J. R.
Do you want to know how it Nannie I
feels to yourself than
ever B. Hooks and
Pictures satisfactorily enlarged
Or no Charges made. Best colors, load, oil at J.
given, Hart Bros., Ayden, Smith Bro.
N. C.
I wish to remind my friends
I keen a very nice line of millinery Bro.
goods, and I that my
girdles, Millions new kid
will please you all. Give Die a
call, Mrs J. A. Davis.
Jesse Nelson and little grand
I are visiting in
Ask B. Cox about it. Life
Fire, Accident and Health
O. Building, Ayden.
ho. is visiting Mrs. O. . Noble.
Col Ion seed hulls, Hay,
Cotton Seed meal sold by Cannon
Mrs H, Pender, of Gates, is
visiting her brother, E. L. Brown.
Yard wide sheeting for at W.
Edwards Co.
Cannon Tyson bandies
ready mixed paints, the best.
Rock salt for stock, at J. R
Smith Bro.
E. E. Co. will do all they
possible to please you with
their new Hue of heavy fancy
We call special to our
new Hue of Tan and Ideal Kid
Cannon Tyson.
township the
best looking constable in the state.
Anyone that believe it let
trot their man and we
will compare.
Men and boy salts at cost at W.
M. Edwards Co.
First Class hand made brick, by
the wholesale and retail large
mi band, your orders
solid led J. A. Griffin.
Why tit f if a head-
ache, eye. ache Moans and burns,
when yon
el Of cue of glasses properly
fitted, by J. W Taylor, grad-
Optician, Ayden, N. C. weak
yes, in need of glasses, H-.
ways go bad to worse. A lit-
piece of properly
ed often work wonders.
Joseph of La-
has u visitor here
this week.
J. R. Smith says his firm has a
pair of shoes for every body.
come in car loads.
Our stock of ribbons is wide,
narrow, nice cheap, J. R.
Smith Bro.
Hug Chaser for Cholera
to cure if used in
lime, and satisfaction given or it
will cost nothing. For sale by J.
E. Smith N. C.
Rev. W. E. Cox will conduct
service in the Episcopal
Sunday night.
Call on Hart s for a bar
rel of Columbia Flour, none better
to lie had where.
Come to see when you wan
to buy Independent Manufactured
tobacco, we dint handle Trust
goods, Hart
-n ti. informing
Hie. ma; Us i
son is a over I am offering
special -i. n order
sell. M . i f inn's cannot be
excel v.,
shoe v, iii. i very is
mo o i., any other
h d when I have
other In,,. l know I shall
be i . please yon and -ell you
Mi V
Via i
Those desiring first-class work
in the enlargement of pictures will
do well to see Hart Bro,.
We use a fair patent sale,
shafts, black hickory singletrees,
2nd growth, ash bows, No. ma-
chine buffed leather, and put to-
by practical and
mechanics. We use
1st class varnish, hence we
are prepared to make the neatest
and moot durable buggy in Eastern
N. C, Milling Mfg Co.,
Ayden, N. C.
Mrs. Lula Boyd and Mrs. C. I.
Patrick were visiting in
new soda fountain M. M
Sauls will lie a daisy, so he in-
us, as also will his drug
store when complete.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. R.
There be no cessation h
the number of buggies run
out by Ayden Milling
Co. Employing only skilled label
allowing no shoddy goods to leave
factory we ate not surprised
at result and that too when
they pay their workman prices in
conformity with labor.
Naturally good and alone
must redound the credit of such
a firm. I roper appreciation all
around is generally recognized
Our young friend, Lee Thomas,
of Bethel, stopped over with us a
while one day this week.
Now we have of
wagon cart
wheels and will sell them as cheap
as one.
Ayden Milling Mfg. Co.
Ayden, N J
We are told that Gannon
Tyson keeps the best and
complete Hue furniture town
If yon need it pair of iv
is Lite lime In buy I hem at W.
New Wheeler
Wilson selling machines for only
W. M. Co.
Jim Griffin is smiling, the
air is full of and they are
good ones too. See him.
J. R. Spier, A. R. Holton, John
Pierce. Watt and Claude
are taking in the fair at Norfolk.
One lot of W. M.
Edwards Co.
Money properly Invested in
Ayden just now would prove
beneficial more than one
Ladies and Misses slippers at
costs st W. M. Edwards Co.
John Griffin, of Fortress Monroe,
who has been home on a leave of
absence returned to his com-
A nice selection of rugs at W.
M. Edwards Co.
Deputy Sheriff Leon Tucker was
here Tuesday afternoon. We like
to have written sheriff. Maybe
we will on,
All percales for at W.
M. Edwards A Co.
Cotton seed meal and hulls at
J. R.
We want your hams chickens
and eggs. J. R. Smith Bro.
Life is probably the most
thing in the world. You have
it how long mo one
knows. of the most certain
in the world is a good life
policy. See W. E.
Hooks and get one immediately.
With the Brooklyn Rapid Transit
company using college men con-
and the Kansas farmers us-
college men as harvest Hands,
the problem of what we shall do
with graduates appears in a fair
way of being
of are tile guests of Mis.
A big s
a repairs
It. ft Bro.
II ii t Cypress Shingles fur
sale by Tyson.
Prof. T. H King and family
have returned from summer
per day, near depot on
Transient custom solicited
B. P. Early, proprietor.
We hear the young men say the
cheapest best, lining clothing
is sold by Cannon
percales, and ginghams for
at W. If. Edwards Co.
s I ii re
in this line
I a specially, Work
on i f i. fourteen
II is ii I USed
, , Io on .
Write Io Dr B.
We have a reside ii of
Jars and Ayden months
Hill I
A Bro.
Miss Alice Hodges, of n,
is spending week with Miss
Blanch Cannon.
To make for fall we
will dry goods, shoes and hats
at greater reduced prices. W. M.
Edwards and
At the close of business June 9th, 1904-
Loans and Discounts, f
Furniture and Fixtures
Due from Banks,
Check and Cash Items,
Gold Coin
Silver Coin,
National Bank notes and
other U. S. notes 1,379
Capital stork paid in,
Undivided profits less
Dividends unpaid
Demand certificates of
in,, dun- thirty
new houses have been built, five
brick stoics elected a hand-
some new brick church completed.
Something over one hundred
have made their borne among
us and there is an air of growth
development all around that is
encouraging. If only our
men of would take more
there is no telling what
might be.
lot of shirts for
W. M. Edwards.
A few people of color the
excursion this morning. For ex-
nil shins and brass beat
while He
For next fifteen days you can
I buy a suit at cost from W. M.
A lot of hamburg edgings in
remnants. Ton can buy them
cheap at W. M. Edwards Go's.
N. C.
Dr. Joseph Dixon,
Office Brisk Beat Railroad,
Ayden, N. C.
Practicing Physician Surgeon
Hotel Annie,
Ayden, N. C.
Ayden, N. C.
Latest Hair
Shaving and

IV J. WHICHARD, Editor and
in the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Greenville, Pitt N. C, Ararat
STILL CIRCULATING FALSE REPORTS. I Plenty of hands have been brought
in to take the place of the strikers on
street improvements and the
Notwithstanding the
has been in
about a mouth, is being con
footed well and in strict accordance
with law, there are some of the
who continue to try to create
arouse it. Hardly
a day passes but what people
coming to town say they have been
told this and that about the
It is now said to be circulated
over the county that a record is kept
of all purchases made at the
and that monthly or quarterly
the names of all purchasers will be
Why any one should circulate
such a false report we are unable to
see, unless it is that they want to
deceive the people. To show that
the report is false we publish
following extract from the
shall be the duty of the man-
ager to keep a register, on which
be kept a record of the names
of persons t whom any liquors are
sold, the sold, price paid.
and date of sale; provided further
that said register shall be open only
to the inspection of the dispensary
board and its employees, and the
contents thereof shall not be publish-
The foregoing is clear enough for
an; one to understand. The law
r. ; only says the names shall not
HUSHED, but also that the register
can only be inspected by those
with the dispensary.
work goes right on.
Wilmington is to have
fair, but profiting by
experiences will confine the
coming event to side streets.
We had hoped peace was declared
between the two morning
dailies and that there would be no
more cross firing. That hope seems
Theodore Jr., sou of the
president, is the St. Louis
exposition and was bit of
cheap notoriety by being made
manager for hours of the Inside
Inn, the great world's fair hotel.
Judge Parker is rooted up now
for sure. In the Texas democratic
state convention ex Governor Hogg
in a speech made sneering references
to the democratic candidate for
president and complimented Moose-
The letter of Governor to
the Wilmington Chamber of Com-
in reply to criticisms upon
him for selecting More-head City as
the site for military encampment,
has bi u made public. And the
stand put.
Great credit is due the ladies of
the End of the Century Club for
their patriotic efforts in giving to
the people of Pitt county a free pub-
library of choice selected reading.
This enterprise has been engaging
the twenty good women who com-
pose the club for several months
now they have opened the doors
of the library room in the Masonic
temple free to all the people of the
and those who feel an inter-
est in reading the selected
there gathered together are invited
to come and enjoy the fruits of their
efforts us far.
There is no work more glorious
for good and men too, to en-
gage in than uplifting the people
who are, and are to be, the good
the land and country.
The library is the handmaid of the
school and the college. am de
lighted to help these good women of
club in this enterprise and it
gives pleasurable pride to fay
that the ladies are pleased at the en
they are receiving at
hands of the good people here
and elsewhere-
Not long hence they expect to
occupy larger and more convenient
quarters where a large and
library will be open to the good
people of the great county of Pitt,
and all who may desire to be inter-
The good offices
of the people are invoked to enlarge,
and beautify and continually
the library. A visit to their
will give some idea what is in
the near future. You are invited to
to go you are solicited to aid in
that great cause, and in doing so
you are casting your bread upon
the waters that will return to you
bless you.
Isaac A.
We long to surrender the notion
that all boys and girls should be
sent to one college. We have seen
not a few that should not have been
sent to any college. There is a
large class of boys who will learn
will develop more rapidly at work
than at school. Send them to school
and they will become loafers. There
are others they are who
take classical or literary ed-
and who have no use what-
ever for it, but who may
mightily by or
cal training. We are glad that
farming is becoming popular again,
and that young men are finding out
that is at once one of the
greatest, most fascinating and profit-
able studies. Likewise there is
great practical and educational value
in the mechanic trades, and many
young men will find preparation in
them more likely to make men of
them than the mere study of books.
We do not hesitate, therefore, to ad-
vise some parents to put their boys
to and others to give them a
strictly practical education in the
A. and M. Re-
It Was a Finisher.
Too rain.
The news has
Fairbanks, too.
been broken to
Too much wet weather has
the flavor out of cantaloupes.
Some office seekers must be afraid
their chances are growing weaker.
Circuses are out early this season.
John Robinson's show is already in
the State.
Next Saturday will be the last trip
the steamer will make to
Ocracoke this season.
Mr. Bryan sends word to Judge
Parker that lie is heartily with the
ticket and places himself at the dis-
of the democratic national
to do everything in his
lo insure party success this
tall. That is coining around right.
Instead of coming to a settlement,
the meat packers strike in Chicago
is threatening to spread.
The only and best surest way
to get a start in the world is to do
what you can get to do and do it the
best you can. Don't be afraid of
work. Men do not hire you to look
at it. If they wanted to do the work
themselves they would not hire you.
Some people are looking for a snap,
the two Charlotte afternoon papers The are all taken. Don't
to see which can bring out the waste your time looking for them.
The wife of Gen. Nelson A. Miles
died Tuesday night at West Point,
N. y. The country
There seems to be a race between
Our neighbor town Washington
is in the throes of a contempt case
The chief of police of that was
ordered to jail for contempt of court
upon refusing to p a fine imposed
upon hi in by a justice of the peace.
Steps were a writ of habeas
The board of internal improve-
are negotiating to put in a
system of sewerage along with the
waterworks for Greenville. That
is right. The two should go
as the value and usefulness of one
will be greatly enhanced by the
other. The citizens should approve
and encourage this effort of the
best cartoons.
is raising recruits to go to
the aid of General At
Just take an honorable job of any
kind do it a little better than
your employer expects and stick to
it until you get something better.
If you try any other plan you will
rate the art taking his men struggle along in poverty all your
off he will need more. Sun.
Not days ago a we'd known
lady of Mount distinguished
for her good looks and talents, was
with a party on an excursion train.
Near her was over enthusiastic
Republican who suddenly remarked
n a loud v In this Camp
are The lady who is
an ardent Democrat at once an-
are mistaken, there is
at least one respectable person in
this The Republican's
was a little daunted, but
to please the ind at the
same time maintain the honor
his party, he are all
right yourself, Madam, but the
down my way are going to
vote the Democratic ticket this
for the said she;
am so glad to know they are getting
better than some white
I his was a finisher and the
sunk into a silence so profound that
you could hear Mount
We Know Them.
The woods are full of They
are to be found in every town and
village where there is a
newspaper printed. Their chief loaf-
place is the- newspaper office.
They drop in on the editor and
manager at hours seasonable
and unseasonable. They generally
come in to have a grievance of their
own aired through the columns of
the They insist on instruct-
the newspaper men how to con-
duct tho paper. They want the pa-
per made spicy don't
you put more life in your
they ask. And when the editor
comes u; sift the matter he will find
that they want him to
generally a public official
about a matter in which the public
has no interest and which concerns
no one except themselves. And
when the editor tells them that it is
none of his fight; that if they want
a public corrected to go
in to the proper authorities
they get mad and declare the editor
Bethel N. C, July 30th. 1904.
There are some things in regard
to the candidacy of T. G. Britton
who offers to represent the people
of Pitt county in the house of
that the voters of the
county ought to know. He is a
young man of exceptionally good
character and would not only render
efficient service as a legislator, but
his amicable disposition,
strength and high moral char-
would easily put him in front
ranks of the and most
law makers of our State. Mr.
Britton not only graduated with
honors from Chapel Hill, but per-
he has the highest
of faculty.
Pitt county has reasons to con-
herself upon having such
a representative, and especially as
the success of any people largely
depends upon the character of their
representatives. As Mr. Britton,
however, is a comparative stranger
to some of the voters of the county
I feel that the foregoing facts are
really due to ill concerned
Fools These Mortals
Wilkes county contributes to the
Federal five or six times
as much as it does for the State and
county. It is the State and county
government gives us protection
in person and -property, preserve our
aged and infirm and shelters them
provides homes and cares for our in-
sane, assists the old veterans who
fought through bloody years, trains
up our children in the schools and
prepares for citizenship and
usefulness, protects our -churches
and encourages all material and
moral progress. And what do we
get from the Federal Govern
A number of political postmasters
and enough revenue officers to run
Republican politics. And still Re-
speakers go around and
the administration
for spending money to care for the
poor and insane and to give our
children an education; K hen their
Roosevelt administration collects
has no backbone and threaten us five times as much for furn-
get up a joint stock for
the purpose of starting a paper
which will after the interest
of the
If the editor i foolish enough lo
take tip the fight of such a
thinking he is acting for the good of
the public he is very apt to find
he has allowed himself to be
ma e a tool of been with
the bag to hold, while the men who
got him in the scrape are either dis-
Among the most interesting de-
in the compact abstract
of the census of is that relating I
us political revenue officers
Great Heavens, fools these
mortals Chronicle.
Nearly all the North Carolina
newspapers seem to be exceedingly
prosperous. They are flourishing
and showing marked energy and en-
From the weekly up to
the best daily all seem to be enjoy
playing a remarkable degree of in-, health vigor. It is a
difference to the welfare of the
or have joined sides
with the parties they wished roasted
in the press and are the
editor for his hasty
Bethel N C, Aug.
I see the name of Theo. G. Bat-
mortality. Pneumonia takes the ; ton for legislature. I wish to
lead in fatality, with consumption a
close second. Next come heart
say that he is a young man of fine
character and well qualified to
disease, diseases, diseases his county,
of the kidneys, apoplexy, cancer, old should be glad to see him a
ago, bronchitis and cholera member of the next legislature as I
in the order named. It is worthy believe he is a young man beyond
of notice that the statistics indicate reproach who would conscientiously
a greater number of deaths from
whooping cough than from suicide,
and a greater number from suicide
do his duty by his own and every
other county in this great state. The
voters of Pitt would do themselves
from scarlet fever. Measles proud to send Theo. G. Britton to
and whooping cough are not
the legislature. So let the
apart in mortality, and each them this by
more than appendicitis. Diphtheria
kills more than typhoid fever.
general that whooping
cough doesn't amount to much is not
sustained by the census figures.
Parents who purposely let their
children catch whooping cough and
other diseases will do
to take Landmark-
nominating this most worthy young
lawyer for the legislature.
J. J. Barker
I find nothing better for liver
derangement and constipation than
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets L. P. Andrews,
Iowa. For ala by
Wooten's Drag Store, Greene ,
splendid sign, showing that the
of North Carolina, from the
mountains to the sea, are in a pros-
condition and are reading the
newspapers, thus informing them-
selves of what is going on in State
and nation. here is scarcely a
paper that comes to our table which
has not made some kind of improve-
during the past year. We
hope to see a increase
along this line. It shows a healthy
condition of affairs all over North
WORD that word Is
It refers to Dr. Liver Pills and
Are you constipated
Troubled with
Sick headache
ANT of these and many others
Indicate Inaction LIVER, , .
You Need
Ms Pills
Take No
This department is in charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory-
N. C, Aug.
Wire Machinery foe
bale, Cheat
The A. G. Mfg. Co. are off-
their machinery making
wire fence at an ext low
price. Owing to recent changes
made in the location
they are compelled to use all of
r other business and
will have to build extra room or
-discontinue the making of fence.
This is a good opportunity for a
farmer to make his fence for his
-Jam cheap. All for
furnished also
wire can be bought cheap if
A. Q. Cox Mfg Co.
N. C
T. N. Manning and Co., the
place for fruit jars per doz.
A well selected drug-
gists sundries also a full of
kept at the drug store.
Mr. Milton Hall of
was here to the of
Mrs. Back.
If you are not a patron of our
store come and get acquainted with
us, examine our stock learn
oar prices, B. T. Cox Bro.
Co., have
just received bags corn. It is
going fast.
Corn, Oats Hay for sale
cheap for cash, O. A. Kittrell
We had a little mad dog scare
evening. A dead dog the
G. A. Kittrell Co., are ex-
a shipment of seed Rye in
-a few days. See before buy-
G. Chapman and Co's
white wine vinegar for pickling.
It is splendid.
John L. Cox is on the sick list.
Groves Chill Tonic eta bottle
while present stock lasts. John
Shitty Son.
See Taylor for a fresh
loaf of bread.
If need of a good barrel of
flour or pork see Kittrell and
you want ice and lemons dost
fail to get them from Kittrell
Mrs. Moseley and
daughter Mies Jennett, of Bethel,
are visiting at Mrs.
Fob horse power
boil-r and one power en-
Both good running re
pair. Terms very reasonable.
See or write A. G. Cox C.,
Winterville, N. U,
See those and skirts
at A. W. Ange Co.
All kinds of soft cool and
refreshing. H. L. Johnson.
Miss Bertha Dawson came
from her northern tour Friday
T. N. Manning Co. are carry-
medicine that; will cure
diseases of the hf art in any state.
Fruit jars gallon size
quart size H, L. Johnson.
wish to notify the
public that I grind every
lay at my mill one mile south of
Frog Level on Sam place.
Purnell Tripp.
Boarding J. D.
Cox. Board l per day. Best
in town.
Latest styles and very cheap
at H. L. Johnson's.
I am now prepared to furnish
brick at Lowest market prices.
Ola Manning.
Mrs. Buck after a loop
illness died Thursday night at
was a member of the
Baptist church. The funeral
vices were conducted by her
pastor, Kev. The en-
tire force of the A. G. Cox
Co., attended the funeral in a
body. She was buried at the
Boyd burying near here.
The o; the people is
with the bereaved family.
See those pants at H. L.
Johnson's they are cheap and good
fountain pens a
specialty at Dr. B. T. Cox
drug store.
There is a splendid assortment
of T. W. Wood Sou's., garden
seed at the drug store.
J. A. Wilson, of Greenville,
was here Friday night,
Kittrell have j re-
a nice assortment of cutlery
if you want a nice knife them.
bight wood Cart
Hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co.
One pair of good, well broke,
young mules for sale, or trade for
a good horse that will weigh about
A. G. Cox.
N. O.
C. A. and A. P.
See H. L. Johnson for heavy
light groceries,
Shoes, Hats and Caps st your
own price at A. W. Ange and Co.
John has returned
Washington and Greenville.
For nice shoes hat's go to
A. W. Ange Go's and save
A. Ange Co. pays highest
prices for eggs and sells goods
J. W. Smith, of Greenville, was
here night.
The Winterville MTg Co. are
now building a nice lot of pews for
Spring Hill church near
It is a big contract and they are
soaring no pains to make it a tip
top job.
The MTg
shipped to a lot of their
improved school desks. They are
A tug line of boys ready
clothing. Bails to
A. W. Ange and Co.
Our Mr. Harrington is in the
northern cities purchasing our fall
goods. Look out for ads
Harrington, Barber Co.
Wait For
The Big Excursion
Sept 2nd
after tobacco is cared
and fodder saved. The
biggest excursion of the
season. Separate cars for
colored people. Go and
carry your wife, sister,
daughter or sweetheart.
Special accommodations
for Ladies
Tours truly
Rather Be Senator.
City, lows, Au.
would rather be a United States
Senator than declared
William Jennings Bryan a few
days ago to a friend this city.
Mr. Bryan had been asked whether
he would a candidate for the
before the next Neb-
legislature, which be
this fall.
Have Reverse.
Aug. is report-
ed here that the Japanese attack-
ed the position at An-
and on August
and were repulsed with heavy
The casualties
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified before
Superior Court Clerk of Pitt
county as last will and testament
of W. W. Tucker, deceased, no-
rice is hereby given to all persons
indebted to the estate to make
mediate payment to the under-
convenient and up to date. Schools signed, and all persons having
a lot of desks should claims the estate are
with them Their I to present the same for pay
prices are at the bottom
Main Street, Winterville. N. C.
W. E. Cox came in on e
Wednesday evening train.
For good tobacco and cotton see
A. W . Ange supply.
We now have on hand a nice
line of dress goods at remarkably
low figures, come, see and be con-
Toon truly
Kittrell and Taylor.
Wood Kittrell returned
Kinston Wednesday.
For boy's and youths clothing
see A. W. Ange and Co. they have
them cheap.
Dinner pots. Wash pots and
on or before the 18th day
July, 1905, or this notice will be
plead in bar of recovery.
This 18th day of July, 1904.
W. E. Tucker,
Executor of W. W, Tucker.
Congressional Convention.
At a meeting of the Democratic
of the First
Congressional District held in Ply-
mouth on the 11th day of July,
1904, it was ordered that a Demo-
convention of the first con-
district be held in the
of Edenton on Wednesday
17th day of August, 1904, at
P. M. for purpose of
a candidate for
in Congress from said
district and for a Presidential
elector, and for such other
as may properly come before
the convention.
The Democrats of the several
counties composing the first dis-
will take notice accordingly
and send delegates to such
By order of the committee.
W. B. Rodman,
were here Friday night
glass ware tin wood
willow ware. Harrington Barber
to attend the Masonic meeting.
The A. G. Cox MTg Co. have
j use built another large addition
to factory, nuder toe
of their
buggy man, this department of
their hat rapidly
at present th outlook
seems to be more promising than
Mrs. W. J. Kittrell and Mies
Anna Belle, of are visit,
L. L. Kittrell.
We have on hand a
price son.
Fruit Jars both and Waif
gallon also rubbers
cheap Harrington Co
Fine line window
received R. G. Chapman Go.
Tasteless CASTOR OIL sold.
Taste as good as Maple
cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. C. 3-22
At school building Friday
Aug, an entertainment will
be by the Sunbeam society,
the proceeds which will go
toward their library.
Admission fee for adults
.-ml Sets for children under ten
years of age. Begins at eight
w- carry a complete Ire of heavy.
fancy groceries, prices light.
Barber Co.
R. G. Co., say to
make room for tall stock that all
summer good will lie hold at a
Prof. F. C. returned from
Jones Wednesday.
All kin drugs at A. W.
and C.
Winterville High School
Monday, 1904.
Get prices on nice Lawns
at R. G. Chapman Co., they say
they be sold.
Old Sol is getting in some hot
work, and still it comes us all
alike. fret and stew. It
wan just as hot season
all through It, There is a
penalty for work in a
tread mill. What you need is
green fields, limpid waters, golf
sticks, and an outfit of Summer
Underwear, Negligee Shirts,
of Blue Serge, Stripe
Flannel Outing Coat and Trousers,
Wash Vests, Straw Hat. etc., etc.
Here you will find the correct
styles, and some very purse-com-
prices. We're not only
To-Date, but we're a date ahead.
The King Clothier.

is u
The undersigned,
Tinted .
before, the Clerk of the
having this day
having duly
Superior Court of Pitt County, as ad-
of the estate of Alien
Warren deceased, notice is hereby
given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them to
me for payment.
on or before the day of July
or this be plead in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate arc requested to make
immediate payment to me.
This the 13th day of
E. B.
Administrator of Allen Warren d.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging. Tics and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
A sudden attack at night of
some form of Bowel Complaint
may come to anyone.
family he provided with a
bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam.
Warranted by J. L. Wooten,
Louisa Hargrave,
t Summons
The defendant, Hargrave,
will take notice that an action entitled
as above has been commenced in the
Superior Court for Pitt county, for
divorce, and the defendant will take
notice that he is required to at
the Superior Court for the county of
Pitt to V held at the court house in
Greenville on the 2nd Monday after
the Monday In Sept, and ans-
or demur to the complaint, a copy
of which will be deposited in the clerks
of said court within the first
days of said term or the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de-
in the complaint.
hand and seal this July
1304 D. C. Moore,
Clerk Superior Court.
Great Department
Would Take no Chance.
At one of the hotels the other
night a traveling man well known
for hit connection with the sale
divers wares to the merchants of
north Texas gave his views on and
experiences with the superstitious
of the colored race.
It appears that that neigh-
east of Greenville be had
occasion to hire a buggy to go
across the country, and with the
buggy was thrown in by the
livery stable a who, the
traveling man says, was about the
color of The two
across the muddy roads for
miles, and all w is well when
suddenly the rose in the
he shouted.
The drummer looked barely in
time to see an cotton tail
rabbit cross the mad like a streak
of Cray. The prepared to
get out.
are yon demand-
ed the drummer, catching at the
Hues as they The got
out. The he turned
of bis ragged pockets out,
backed up to the place which the
cotton tail had crossed and walked
across line backward
Then he climbed into the buggy
he said.
let no rabbit me no bad
luck dis trip. No,
We very finest and Cheese that
can buy and keep it on cold storage. Always sh
pure delicious. Fancy and Heavy Groceries
all Kinds.
Why They
An cu recently sent out cir-
letters to a large number of
married men, his subscribers, ask-
why they married. Here
are some of the
I didn't to do it.
Because I did not have the
I have now.
That's what I have been trying
for eleven years to find out.
I yearned for company. Now
we have it the time.
I thought it would be cheaper
than a breach of promise suit.
because Sarah told me five other
men had to
That's the same fool question my
friends ask me.
wanted a companion of the
opposite sex. N. B She is still
The old was going to give
me his foot, so I took his daughter's
Because I asked her to have me
and she said she would; think
she has got me.
Because I thought she was one
among a thousand; now I think
she is a thousand among one.
I was lonely and melancholy,
and wanted some one to make me
lively. makes me very lively.
Boston girl who coughed up a
ex- penny and was cured of
ion will be of envy to those
who have coughed up young fortunes
to doctors and never got cured.
Atlantic Journal.
A Test,
To a life, Dr. T Q.
of No. Pa., made
star. Mug test resulting in a won
cure. He writes, a patient
was attacked with violent
caused by of
the stomach. I had often found
Bitters excellent for acute
stomach and liver troubles so I
them. The patient
gained from the first, and has not
an attack in
Electric Bitters are positively
guaranteed for
trouble-. Try them Only
at Wooten's Drug Store
We have Just received a beautiful pattern in
China. Look in our north window and
how you like it. Will have in a few days
China Dinner Sets. If expect to get a fine set of
China, wait and sec ours buying,
The color line, which president
Roosevelt has revived so effectively
is visible to him now from his own
At Bay the
J dent's summer home last Saturday
j Rev. James T. a colored
j preacher, went into
white barber shop and de
I a share. This was
him but he persisted and left only
I under threat of being clubbed out.
j A dispatch the subject to The
New York Commercial
pastor's tempt to
shaved in the best barber shop in
town was regarded by the
living iii bay, of
there are several hundred, as a
test and they w greatly stir-
I red up over the incident, and some
of then are of the
i matter before the in one
f way or another.
here say the j
of the town have been morel
forward in demanding t, hat
want in the last two years than
Office opposite depot.
DR. G. P.
next door to Post
Complete Furniture, Groceries.
We Highest Prices Cotton,
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
You can find everything you need in
in House Furnishings at
Great Department Stored
before. The minister's at-
tempt is regarded by many here a
a carefully planned effort the
part of the to give
to the declaration of a more
liberal polity toward them, a- set
forth in the Republican national
It i not a bad but a wholesome I
thing that the President's race.
policy and that of his party should
have been brought so closely be-
fore Observer.
Cold Comfort
what we are after, and the possession of one of
our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and
butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty
soon, aid made it easy for you to own one.
There is n j need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else in the hardware line.
i -a. . I w i; k
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us. We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros.
Greenville, N. C.
Up t the present time President
Roosevelt has failed to show any I
symptoms of the nervous I
with which it was expected he would
be seized when of his
nation for the presidency. Some-1
body must have it to
Teddy before the notification com-
The evening star is the
ling messenger the sky sends forth
to herald the approach of the army
of shadows, which come to slay
the sunbeams, and bury their
glories under shroud
William Fountain, n. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C.
on door east of pot oBos,
Cut this out it to
Please me your illustrated Hand Book No. II.
c o
r- to
E u o
E m

J. A. Ala
was twice hospital from a
case of piles causing
tumors doctors and all
remedies failed,
Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him. It
conquers kills pain.
at Wooten's drug Store.
A Summer Cold
A summer cold is not an-
but if not
will be probable result
by Fall. One Minute Cure
the out the
heals, soothes
strengthens the and bronchial
tubes. One Minute Cough Cure
is an ideal remedy for children
It in t to the taste anti per-
harmless A certain cute
for Croup, and Cold. Sold
by J L.
What is universal is an evil
for it so God would not permit
Death therefore is not evil to a
Christian, but a glorious bless-1
ed privilege, inasmuch as it is but
a re-birth into that purer and j
sweeter holier state, where
shine in brilliancy the
of immortal
A Perfect Painless Pill.
is the that will the sys-
set the liver to remove
the bile, clear the com cure
headache leave a d taste in
the mouth. famous pills
for doing such end
effect are DeWitt's Little
Karly Ki Hob Moore, of La-
other pills
I have used gripe sicken,
while DeWitt's Little Early
are simply Sold J. L.
Every democrat, no matter what
his former shade of opinion on the
money question, has an
tic word to say for St.
platform ticket.
I The Name
When yon go to buy Witch Ha-
Salve look for the name
M en every box. The pure,
adulterated Witch Hazel is used in
making DeWitt's Witch Hazel
which is the best salve in
the world for cuts, burns, bruises,
boils, eczema and The
of DeWitt's
due to its cures, has
caused numerous worthless
to be placed on market
The gen nine beats name E. C.
DeWitt Co , Chicago. Sold by
J. L.
Spend as much tune in counting
blessings as you rt- in worry-
over your trouble, you
will soon tie rich.
A Sure
It if said that in sure
except death and titles, hut this
is not altogether true. King's
discovery for consumption is
a sure fin all lung and throat
trouble. Thousands can testify
to that. Mrs. C. B. Van Ai el re of
W. Va fays
a severe case
am even j
Bean of, but no relief. One
Dr. King's New
then me
It's in fallible for Whoop
Cough, Grip,
Consumption. Try it. It's
by J. L.
Trial bottles free. Reg
The truest index of a big man-
hood is the disposition to be fair,
just and
, A Sweet Breath
is a never failing sign of a
stomach. Wren breath bad
the stomach is out of order. There
no remedy world equal to
Dyspepsia Cure for curing
indigestion, dyspepsia and all
Stomach disorders. Mis. Mary S.
Crick, of Plains, Ky , writes
have be-n a dyspeptic years
tried all kinds of remedies but con-
to grow worse. Ky the use
of I began to improve at
once after taking a few bottles
am fully restored in weight, health
and strength eat whatever
I digests what you
eat and makes the stomach sweet.
Sold by J. L. Woo ten.
If It Comes From
The Price, are All
La Drop Stitch, Full Bleached Taper
Ann and Neck, Silk and Leslie Finished
Gauze Vest TEX CENTS
Hundred to make your
from. Boat Load Just Received.
Our entire line of Thin Goods.
Batiste, Crepe De Chine at
Special Low Prices.
Trunks and Ban and Valises. If
you are going for the summer or
school see our line.
and Negligee Shirts all go
at the ridiculous low of
Clothing Special Clothing Special
Severe Cut in Entire Line of Spring Summer Clothing. Thin Coat and Pants.
id-sillier Clearance
Doz Fringed Bleached Tow-
els, Good size- Hive Price
Ladies Congo Crook
las worth while they last,
Bee Hive Price
La Kid Oxfords worth
Bee Hive Price
, yards Scotch Figured
worth Bee Hive
price d
Organdy, Dimity.
. yards fine figured Organ
and Dimity Lawns worth
i-2, Bee Hive
and laces f-W off
These Prices will last as long as we have the Don't You will have to
Hurry before they are ell gone.
Bee Hive Cash Store.

Ayden, Aug. 1904
amount of valuation of
Wholesale retail Grower and
Dealer. paid
Hides, Fur. Cotton Seed, Oil personal property as listed
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed- the town of Ayden for 1904 is
Mattresses, Oak Baits, Ba j personal
Carriage., Go Carte, Parlor
Lounges, Safes, P . . .
and Ax Snail, I over 88.000, yet to
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che- j be listed.
Henry George Can
Cherries, Peaches, Apple
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap
There are rumors of more brick
stores, out we cannot ye; tell for
the wind mightily and the
Lye, Magic Matches, Oil. has formed no
Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar, shape.
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies. Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prune, Currents, Glass
China Ware, Tin and
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Beat Butter, New
Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Come
see me.
S. M.
Can Take a Trip With The Low
Rat on Sale via
The increase in valuation of real
personal property over last
year in in exceeded
by one other in the county
that by a very small margin.
Oar increase was something over
Parker Resigns as Chief Judge.
If. Y., August
ton B. Parker to be chief
judge of the court of appeals of
this state at 3.30 o'clock today,
his resignation was filed in
the office of the secretary of state
at Albany. A new chief judge,
who will serve until January
THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE, will be appointed by the governor.
At the November election the
people will vote for a chief judge,
Richmond, National K ho will serve 1919.
Association of Engineers Au-
gust 1st
Louisville, Biennial
Conclave Knights of Pythias,
August to 20th.
Boston, National
Encampment G. A. K., August
15th to 20th.
St Louis, the Worlds
Fair Season, Sixty day,
teen and Coach Excursion
tickets now sale.
Convenient Schedules.
For full information as to rates, dates
of sale, limits of tickets,
schedules, etc., call on any
Ticket Agent of the A. C. L.,
H. U. W. J
T Id. A
Wilmington, N C
Had Pleasant Dance at Washington.
Friday attar noon a party
people left here for the pa-
below Washington to attend
a dance. Arriving at Washington
it wan found that the rains had
made it too wet for dancing at the
pavilion, the men of that
town arranged for a dance in Elks
ball in honor of the visitors, and
they report a delightful time.
The party was chaperoned by
Mrs. M. H. consisted
of Miss Myrtle Moore, of
Alice White, of Greensboro,
of Misses
Mary Higgs and Nina James, J
J. Butt James, T. M.
Hooker, Charlie James, C. S.
Forbes, C. W. Harvey, Robert
Howard, Vick, Hill Home
and Fred Forbes.
A Cure at Last Obtained, After
a Searching Investigation,
by St. Louis
A few months ago the attention of a
few philanthropic gen
of Si. Louis wan directed to an
entirely new method of combating that
most dreadful of all diseases, tuber-
commonly called consumption.
Out -I
cured have shown such
that their ultimate recovery
shut question of a few
So astonishing have been the result
and In cases pronounced
incurable by old methods that n
formed and Is mi
spared to furnish a coat
his cum to all
PI e of its f stun h
I loots u.
rounded by and relatives, and
in great many Instances,
Incipient or early stages of the
disease, pursue their dally vocations
and still completely cured.
Patients receiving the same treat-
here In St, have complete-
recovered as rapidly as those In
Colorado, New Mexico Texas
The wonderful results in
been accomplished by the n
and the company which controls this
marvelous . device bare located
their main at tn Seventh
street, St. Louis. They ham also lo-
a factory on and
a laboratory has been built at Hill-
side, Mo. The cure will he known as
the Lung lure, and Mr.
P. Benson, the discoverer of the
inhalants which u-ed, will person
ally have charge of the of the
.,. Mr. will
meet all who call at the of
company on Seventh street, and will
answer all communications from
who are unable to make a per-
the St. Louis Globe
Free booklet on request.
417-19 N. Seventh St,
St. Louis, Mo.
Special Term of Court.
Governor Aycock has granted
the request of the commissioners
of Pitt and issued an order
for a special term of court for one
week Sept. with
Judge Council presiding. The
regular term begins Sept. 19th
but is for one week, so that
this order of the governor will ex-
tend the term to two weeks.
Rocky Mountain Tea
A Buy for i o.
Bring. Golden Health and
A for Constipation, ;
ml Troubles. . .
Bad i
and Backache Rocky Mount;. .
form, cents a box. i m.-
. Company, i. .
Folks Must Eat
No matter how low the price
of tobacco, and we are the
to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
Seasonable Prices.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
by its honest
bushels good corn just in
W. J.
After A. T. Co.
is a probability that the
democratic congressional commit- j
to will inaugurate an attack on
one of the big without
awaiting the action the j
The trust question is
so-called tobacco trust, and
spirit the proposed
campaign, is Congressman
Wesley of
Congressman has
an investigation of I
trust methods, especially
in Tennessee Kentucky, and
has gathered information bearing
on the trusts in Ohio, West
and Connecticut also. Much
of information is jet
The feeling at headquarters
is most favorable toward the lend-
of the aid the
committee to and his as
Yes we write our
be read. We would not spend
good money for
per space if they were not read
and t he prices and the
were not
Everything in the
stock has suffered the severest cuts. Our Mr. C. L
Wilkinson is now in the Northern cities buying his
Fall Stock and room must be made for
are now
To Only
A Beautiful Sermon.
A preacher
day delivered a brief but very I
sermon. Here it
word to you ail. Port
praises and love the air. I
People stoop to the dead who
never stoop to kiss I heir living;
they hover over in
but fail to throw
their arms around their loved
ones who are fighting the
stern battles of life. A word
of to struggling
soul life is worth more than the
roses of Christendom piled high on
casket The dead
smell the flowers, but the living
win; scatter them broadcast
pathways therefore, and
out the thorns before it is
too late.
Such Wash Goods
is seldom seen. The wash
goods policy this store is
clean shelves. All the colored
Lawns that were and
. now go
Clothing reduced
jg per cents. We don't car-
any special line, but some
of all the leading makes.
White Shirt Waist Goods
that were and all
go at our pi-ice yd
Such price Silks, not every
day seen, all colors, in best
China Silk . yd
Black Dress Goods, must
lave the shelves, 1.00, 1.25
Fine Black Silk
was 1.00 and now
and 1.05 yd
Stock Collars, was
and now .
Ladles Waist sets,
was and now
M of Laces and
reduced half.
Corsets- many stylos.
summer corset 1.00 C B
Corset G
sets Your choice in any
style of 1.00 in
any make .
Ladies Vest that
were and now
Ladies and
with steel rods, full inches,
was and now ape
Ladies Stock Collars,
Mens Furnishings chimed
in bargain Tots.
Mens black and colored
Half Hose, kind,
kind, now
G. H
Madras Shirts .
was now . .
All Straw Hats. 1.00
and 1.25, all at our price
Mens Negligee Shirts, 1.00,
1.25, 1.50 and 1.75, all at one
price .
Ladies and Mens and
Handkerchiefs, now
NOTICE. During this
Great Clearance sale it will
be impossible for us to cut
samples or send goods up on
approval, but money refund-
ed to all dissatisfied customers
The following points can now
De reached over the Hues of
Atlanta, Ga.
Baltimore Md.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Charleston. S. C.
Chase City. Va.
Columbia, C.
Danville, Va
Nashville, Tenn.
New York. N. Y.
New Orleans, La
Norfolk, Va.
Petersburg, Va.
Philadelphia, Pa
Suffolk, Va,
Blood in the Cup.
S. Aug.
Frenzied and hull crazy after a
spree, a
middle aged man residing
n with bis wife,
a woman, upon hi.-
return to Carolina Beach, early
tonight, and drawing a caliber
pistol, Mr. Ellen in the
dead. Then the pistol
upon himself he sent u bullet into
his throat. The wound of Mrs.
Ellen may prove fatal, but that of
the husband is slight.
And all other important and in
points east of the Miss-
Gen. Marian
purchased the interest
of my father's estate the River-
side Nurseries I will continue the
business my name. to
receive a continuance of the liberal
patronage giver him.
ltd-w E.
Mn. Hiram Sanderson,
baby was never
our physician advised Hollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea. One pack-
ago made her strong, and
healthy. Thanks to your Tea.
Wooten's Drag Store.
Loans and Discount,
Furniture A Fixtures 3,618.57
Due from Banks 73,225.39
Checks cash items 3,525.03
Gold Coin 5,828.50
Silver Coin 3,319.37
Stock paid in 125,000.00
Surplus, 20,000.08
Undivided Profits less
Expenses Paid 12,097.95
Deposits 226,973.38-
Cashier's checks out-
County of Pitt. j
I, L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do
swear that the statement above is true to the best of my
tad belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier.
Subscribed sworn to before
this 80th day of June, 1904.
Notary Public.
J. O.
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and
and Friday.
L. I. Moore went to Washington
O. D. King went to Washington
Cobb spent Sunday in
Ben Savage ante in Sunday
Tom Whitehurst spent Sunday
in Bethel.
J. J. of Kinston,
today here.
W. H. spent Sunday
in Farmville.
Mrs. Edwards is visiting
Mrs. K A. went to Rocky
Mount today.
J. Z. Gardner went Ayden
of Goldsboro.
came in this morning.
W. H. Paine returned Sunday
evening from Wilson.
S. J. Parham returned Saturday
Dr. W, II. Bagwell left
day evening Raleigh.
Skinner returned
day evening from
Miss of Hill,
is visiting H. L. Carr.
Mrs. returned
evening from Richmond.
Miss Ins of
is visiting Miss Mat tie
Miss Kate Brinkley
Saturday evening from Hobgood.
Mrs. O. F. Manning returned
this morning from Springs.
Mrs. Nathaniel Warren and
children to Farmville Sun-
Mr. Mrs. Zeno and
son, it, Mils morning tat
E. A. Coward returned this
morning from a visit in Greene
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wyatt n-
turned Sunday evening from
W. L. Cooper, of Graham, who
has been a
Mis Rosa Hooker
Sunday evening from a visit to
C. E. went to Kinston
Saturday evening and returned
this morning.
Mrs. H. L. Coward and Miss
K Coward left Sunday even-
for Ayden.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Moseley
returned Saturday evening from
their bridal tour.
T. H. Bateman rand daughter,
Miss Louise, returned Saturday
evening from Norfolk.
Dr. W, H. Cobb, of Whitakers,
after a few days with D.
left this morning.
W. B. James came
day evening from a trip across
the sound and left morning.
Miss Myrtle Moore, of
who has been visiting Miss Nina
James, returned home today.
. ,.
Min Florence By of Sara-
toga, who has been visiting Mrs-
W. B. Parker, left this morning.
Mrs. J. S. Barr Miss
Miss Annie of Snow
Hill, arrived this morning to visit
Miss Lillie Wilson.
Mrs. J. F. Brinkley and
spent Sunday here I Mire Kate, left Monday even-
with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Forbes, j for Seven
Miss Agues of Eden-i Julia White, of
ton, who has been visiting o baa been Mia
Glenn Forbes, returned home to-; White, left this
day. I Mary and Jean
, . ,. , . arrived Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, of Ala-1 .
. , , to visit Misses Ethel and
arrived Sunday evening
j n d Margaret
to visit Mr. and Mrs. K B.
, Mary of
. , , , . who has been visiting her
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and v .
. , , . . , Mk. P. B.
and C. A W bite returned . . .
Saturday evening from Virginia
E. T Stewart, of Washington,
Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Griffin, left this
Miss Herring, of Snow
Hill, who has been visiting Mrs.
E. G. Flanagan, Saturday
Miss Maggie Savage spent Sun-
in Tarboro. Miss
Evans home for
a visit
Mrs. Eva Satchwell of
who has been visiting her
sister, Mrs. W. B. Greene, left
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. of
Williamston, who have been visit-
Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
left this
Rev. A. T. King returned Sat-
evening from
Grove, Va., where he had
assisting in a meeting.
Mrs. E G. Cox and little
Katie, of Ayden, came up
from today
the day with Miss Lucy Johnson.
Miss Bertha Keel returned
evening from Elizabeth
City. Mi Mary Andrews ac
her home for a visit,
Written for Reflector
Burt James the pitcher,
He's good one there's doubt
And when he that ball over,
It is one, two, three, out.
Oscar King is the catcher;
He's a friend that's true and
So he throws to second.
The runner will have to slide.
White is the boy for batting;
Though may he be,
when pitcher throws the
He will find out as you see.
left this morning.
Mrs. E. a. Harden and Miss
Harper, of Wilson, who
were Mrs. H. L. Carr,
Miss Maud Lanier returned
today from a visit to Penny Hill.
Miss Lacy Parker
her home for a visit.
Harry left
for Raleigh.
Dr. W. W. of Grifton,
spent today here.
Dr. H. Bagwell
today from
Ah in Dupree returned Tuesday
from Norfolk.
W. S. Bernard name home I I'll say no more now;
day from Chapel
R. Ii. returned this
from Beaufort.
Old he plays on first
He will surely make you pleased
For when a ball is, thrown to him,
It will stay there,
he plays field;
And Forbes on second base;
But when the tries to slide
He tags him the face.
There is Anderson in left field;
You can bet he is not blind;
So when you line a ball to him.
lie will have it up in time.
Old Blow covers short stop;
And White covers third;
But those two boys tire justs good
As any birds.
Much Business With Aldermen.
The board of Aldermen met in
adjourned session Monday night,
and bad so much business
them that after in
some past ad-
had until tonight
to finish the in hand.
A petition was presented from
the Red Hawks Fire U
colored, for a donation of M to
defray the expenses of
to the meeting of the state
association at Wilton. To.-
was granted an on
the treasurer issued for that sum.
A was read
Volunteer Fire Com-
the election
of A. J. Griffin chief of die tire
depart Forbes as-
chief. elected.
The committee on tie depart-
was empowered to have a
platform erected upon which to
dry the fire hose after
The office of chief of
the department was ab dished.
The ordinance committee made
its report recommending the
to be adopted for the
eminent of the town. It was
during the reading of these
that adjournment was
ordered until tonight.
Bemuse I've said enough;
But when it comes to baseball
We right there with the stuff.
H. L. Coward returned
this j
Miss of
is-visiting Mi; , Tunstall. i
Mr. O. L. and
and spent j have from Wrightsville.
Robert Howard, of is
his lister, Mrs. J.
land Neck, is visiting Miss Helen
Miss Helen Perry, of Raleigh,
Is bur sister, Mrs. J.
Glasgow Evans family of
are Mr. and Mi.-.
ton mid Misses and
Mrs. II. S. Hardy is visiting in ,., ,,., ,.
Mrs Moore
aliases Mary
of tire visiting
Valeria and Fannie
Secretary of State J.
Grimes and Mrs. Grimes came in
Tuesday evening from Raleigh to
visit Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Laugh-
B. D. Harrington leFt this
for the fair at St.
At Parmele she was join-
by her father, R. R. Fleming,
M. Cherry family returned of
Monday evening from Virginia
The Aldermen Adopted Ordinances and
Levy Taxes.
The board aldermen were again
Miss Mar Walker, of Scotland
Neck, who has been Miss
Vincent, home
this morning, accompanied by
Miss Vincent.
the country
J. F, Cobb returned Monday
Celling from
Mrs. J. It. Moore returned Mon-
day evening from Raleigh.
B. returned Mon-
day evening from Nashville.
L W. Lawrence and daughter.
Miss Annie are visiting at Aurora.
Miss Bet tie Warren returned
Monday evening from Washington.
The of the
i-i open to lie public Mondays
Fridays from to seven, p.
This a library
. . ,, . I having no endowment, donations
Brinkley, of Scot-i .
from the public are requested.
We would like to furnish the
room attractively, so any one de-
n chair, library
table, art window
or g would add lo the
of the m, en do sound
it will
At present I he library is in the
Masonic de but we
hope soon to into
quarters, h u and
a library I hat will be a edit to
the town.
We would like la to tho
that this does not
belong to the Bud Century
club lull ii is the property of
town, named in honor of the club
whose were the
tors, Club Member.
. e
; I
Miss Jessie Lee Sugg and broth-
Julius, Monday evening
for Kinston.
Dr. E. A. and family re-
turned Monday evening from
W. E. Hooker and John
returned Monday evening
from Norfolk.
Mrs. R. J. Cobb and daughter,
Miss Irma, returned this morning
from Morehead.
Circus Coming.
New Bern say
and circus will
soon be in this section, as the A.
N. C. road has been asked for
ates to haul circus.
Woman Dead.
Pa., August
Mary Murphy, the oldest person
in the state, if her age is correctly-
reported, died today, at her home
in a suburb of Mi-ad-
ville, aged nearly years.
Mrs. Murphy van interviewed a
few months ago was
born in Dublin, Ireland, on Christ-
mas day, 1770. and came to
America in May, 1870, when I
In my one hundredth year.
Handsome Drag Store.
J. W. Bryan is moving into his
new drug store on Brady's corner.
New modern furniture and fixtures
have been pat in, and it
handsome store.
in Tuesday
the Work
levying u.
town. The
printed book form Av
as as done.
levy of wan as
For maintenance of graded
cents on each val-
and rt each
For on grilled
-1 each
and cents on each poll.
For lores t
bond on
cents etch poll.
For general cent a
each valuation and
poll. this levy cents
on valuation
co-is eon poll is far the
p of a system of sewer-
With water
works put in by the board of
On this latter levy, which
made at tho suggestion and re-
quest of the board of internal
a yea and nay vote
was called for. Aldermen Ruck,
Lanier, Bowen, Hooker and Carr
fur the levy, Alderman
Allen voting st the
Alderman Cobb not voting by con
This makes tie total tax levy of
the town for all purposes 1.26 on
each valuation and 13.76
each poll. The total tax last
was respectively-J
but this year the school tax is ins,
was twenty-eight years old when created Cents, and the tax
cents for interest on improvement
bonds is added. The tax for
purposes last year was
the Irish rebellion took place in
1798, and my first husband was a
soldier. I was years
I old Robert Emmett cents, and that is reduced to
executed for t reason, September j cents this with the amount
for sewerage included.

Eastern reflector, 9 August 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
August 09, 1904
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Joyner NC Microforms
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