Eastern reflector, 22 January 1904

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

W. K. Parker went to Everett
T. H. Tyson,., of Norfolk, was
here today.
R. B. Gotten, of Bruce, came in
Wednesday evening.
V. J. Lee, of Norfolk,
Wednesday evening.
J. A. and J. J. Rogers,
of spent today.
John Vincent went to Norfolk
today for treatment the
R. Flanagan returned Wed-
from a trip up the
man Edwards went to Ayden
H. M. of Norfolk, is in
the city.
Berry Simpson left Wednesday
evening for Kinston.
T. H. Tyson went to
Thursday evening.
H A. White returned Thursday
evening from
J. Randolph returned Thurs-
day evening from up the road.
Mis. W. R. Smith and child-
returned Thursday evening
Miss Lillian Care left this morn-
W. B. James left this morning
for Wilmington.
was troubled with
consumption for many years. At
last she was given up to die. Then
die tried Cherry Pectoral,
and was speedily
D. P. Jolly, N. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it,
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until you have
b If you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
I SI. All
your do. r. ho It,
do a It lie tell, nut
lo it. don't It. fie knows.
it with Mm.
CO. M.
R. T. Wilson Co., of
New York, sum up the cotton crop
of 1503 at hales, just
bales more than the crop of
Mr. Daniel J. Sully, the leading
New York boll, sums crop
of 1903 at bales, and
offers to bet that crop
does not reach 10,000.000 bales.
Up to Jan. 8th, 1904, there had
been, according to New York
exchange receipts from all j
mill takings and all
had been brought into sight,
bales, against j
to same date last year,
bales more this year than j
It is apparent to any person who
can estimate any proposition, that
with a rise in price, to-
her with the most
season for gathering the crop, that
a. greater percentage of the
crop has been marketed than when
was lower a year ago by
cents per pound.
Then I ask, where will the cot-
ton come from to make a crop of
even bales I say it is
not in the country and cannot be
counted on. With no
practically on hand at the close of
the fiscal year, Sept, 1st, 1903,
there is a greater demand for cot-
ton than the differences of ft or
even cents a pound. Cotton will,
sell for more than IS cents per
before the year is closed,;
C. Drewry, s t and then not go
of Raleigh. into a great deal of
v, war. You will see
A. F. Clark too his family to v r or Mm s w
today to make that city fit
Grand Officers.
recent meeting of the
Masonic Grand Lodge at Raleigh
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing
Grand Lidded
of Charlotte.
Deputy grand master
of Windsor.
Senior grand warden lion.
Junior grand ward X.
Hackett, of
Grand treasurer-
. Raleigh.
Assistant grand treasurer- Leo
of Raleigh.
Wilkinson Co
Great Inventory Sale.
Entire stock of Dress Goods, Trimmings
Clothing, Shoes and Hats and Furnishing
Goods will be closed out in the next thirty
days at off. --.-
Hamburgs and Laces at Half Price.
We must clean the shelves for New Goods
Visit our store and see how far a dollar bill
will travel. .
Thanking our friends and patrons for past
favors, and soliciting your future patronage
we are .
Your friends,
C. L Wilkinson Co.
II L. and family,
who have been
lives here, returned home
of this year.
have been greatly
management of
it E. G.
. the bull And when it is
ii .-. of America, to be remembered that nearly,
to a hustler. Ad- every class of business men
with Eastern
Miss Laura came
up on the boat today and will
make her future home with
sister, Mrs. Ci. Latham.
Rev. J. C. Troy, of Durham.
pent last night here and we were
glad of a Chance to shake at the
with him. This was his first visit j
to Green ii;. and he says he was j Society of the MeMo
dist Episcopal church held their
Life Ins. . Was N O.
A Delightful Evening.
Reported for Reflector.
Thursday evening, from eight
agreeably surprised to find so
many of his old friends here. He
is now traveling and he will
come this way often.
Saturday, January
H. went to Suffolk
Harry Skinner returned Friday
evening from Raleigh,
. Reuse returned Friday
i from Raleigh.
R, Williams returned Friday
evening from Raleigh.
E. Higgs returned Friday
m Baltimore.
Lee, Norfolk, who has
been here a days, left this
from a business standpoint, on the
hear side the cotton mill men
down t the merchant who buys
from the naturally,
want buy it as low as they can,
and their talk conversation is
bearish, the cotton buyers
more sought out by the producer
for opinions they have more
to do in sentiment than
annual reception. Mrs. Move in
her charming manner met the from the
i re ail
slated by J. J a the
B. Hadley. H. I, W-If be
Junes. object of
the ladle the
the church in closer and y,, for ,,,
the business of most importance . , ,
reduce t he average price below
was the election of , .
, . ,,,,, and this cannot be
The following were . . T
. n a- m , . by the South in one year. I
President, Mis. C. . . ,,. ,,,
vice-president, Mrs. Wiley Brown, .
secretary, Mrs. E. A. Jr.,
treasurer, Mrs. F. James,
Miss Nina James and I i
B. W. Hadley added very much
with selections of vocal and In-
music. Delicious re-
Marble and Granite
and Agents for Wire Fencing.
Main office and electric i
Macon, Ga.
Branch offices Sod Mount
N. C, and Sumter, S. C
prices address Rocky
Mount Office.
. .- .
R. J.
C. V. York.
L. H. Pender.
trust the farmers will take warn-
Isaac A Sugg.
Three R in a Jail.
m, Al. Jan. 14-
prisoners were cremated,
two fatally burned and two others
were during the
Mi- evening, which was one most hurt in burning of
delightfully spent by all. the town jail at Pratt City today.
All but one of the victims were
were fifteen men
the all
who h-.- ii visiting
B. Wilson, left this morning.
J. H. of New York, and
W. W. Hassell, spent
Friday night here with Mr. and i
Mrs. W. It. Smith, and left today.
Broke Nose.
Thursday afternoon Mr. George
Clark engaged doing some
carpentering work in the Imperial
tobacco He was using
two tall with heavy plank
upon the top of which
work the ceiling. He
came down to the floor and was
moving one of these benches when
a plank slipped and
down endways struck him square
across the nose. His nose was
badly mashed broken.
bat women in the
. how low the price except John Kelley. A
of tobacco, and we are the ensued when the fire was
to supply discovered, and the prisoners were
Seasonable Eatables but not until three,
Seasonable Prices. had
Lumber Co.,
Contractors,. Constructors and
Factory situated by the railroad just North of the
Imperial Factory.
All kinds of lumber,
scroll work.
All machinery new and up and the host
Plans furnished and contracts taken for erection of
Tinning, Slating, Guttering and all Kinds of sheet
metal work. Our in shop is on fourth street, opposite
marble yard. Mr. R. L. Wyatt has of
our tinning and slating department. You will hi m
a master his trade.
We ask for our share of the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only
are offered. We don't call
shoulders hams. Everything
goes by its honest name.
Five Points.
Policeman Chris who
discovered the fire end hearing
the cries of the unlocked
the doors, was overcome by smoke
and nearly lost his life. James
Smith and William Young, both
whom are expected to die, are
accused by the other of
setting fire lo the jail. All
prisoners were recaptured.
Will Observe Birthday.
The Daughters of the
will meet with Mrs. T. J. Jar-
vis on Tuesday afternoon, 19th, at
o'clock, to observe the
of the birthday of Gen. R. E.
read heifer,
both ears clipped and
Party finding same will
me, and be rewarded.
David Hyman, House, N, C.
The City Hay Grain Co.,
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn and Peas for cash.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
On Cotton and The Manchester
That was a beautifully virtuous
assemblage of the federation of
master cotton that met in
Manchester, England, on the 14th
inst., to discuss and resolute on
the baying and selling of cotton
futures by members and non
of federation. The
lotion set forth the present
been curved by the
using in tie n-a kit
raise artificially I he r
Now this is a pretty cry of
it u
master ; ton u i
they an
to it, to i .-
i. in the -f t
f h f I
virtuous master of Mm
Che it was tho highly proper
thing lo do, and while millions
farmers were only getting what s of the Manchester
made the government, Hester,
the there would be no
reason for master spinners to
lute because was hither
than they had figured while fol-
lowing Mr. Neill's inflations.
they might from law of
ply and assimilate the
prices of raw material with
their manufactured out-put. Such
spinners as these are
who want all to come
their way. or there is something
The farmers of the South
a of W. p.
el Bully I i the h Id,
i man position I.
I f i the I i Br, and i
c n they r i I In .
V i two h .
r-H I i
. I
I v .
int. an
ill US lit -r II
willing y sought
I by ii. The
these master spinners would give
for the raw cotton, these sweet
scented, heroes of
virtue were filling their pockets
with the profit. It was nil right
sand the sugar water
the but
Messrs. Brown Sully and
other-, who were more informed
of the real situation of demand and
and supply, took the up
and held it up lo the eyes of the
farmers and caused cotton r., go
Up to a price equal to the
high master
spinners hold up their hands in
holy horror and say
They are on to disgorge
their plundering of the past, by
a simple act of a normal
price for the present raw material.
But prefer to hold a
high church Sunday meet
and tell the scholars it has
just b.-en discovered in this year
Of grace, 1904, January 14th, in
city of Manchester, that buy-
selling cotton futures Is
wrong, mighty wrong.
mighty wrong.
But boys could not swallow
the dose at one sitting, so they
all with one accord unanimously
to take a week and think
the matter over, and find out in
the meantime, if they could do so
much repenting in one week and
square up their accounts with the
and while wash their
puritanical things they call con-
sciences. What a pity their meet-
was not called while Mr. W.
J. Bryan was in Europe, that he
might have been advised with on
such a great reform movement.
Doubtless he would have been
more than glad to have offered
some of his spare advice to this
august assemblage offered a
resolution that hereafter they
would run a cam-
against the great evil of
buying and selling cotton futures.
If such federations and agencies
discountenance and not use
methods as are promulgated
by such men as Henry M. Neill, of
New Orleans, who has become lo
be the paid agent to
publish unfounded statements of
big crops, for the one purpose of
depressing prices to an abnormal
figure, in the interest of cotton
spinners to he passed the
21st of January will he gay read
for the lambs thee fellows
fleeced for the past ten years
When the real truth is known
of amount of crop of
year, then there is a very strong
prospect of the staple getting to a
speculative point in the market.
These day reformers may
resolute aid when
they dance, he assured they will
pay fiddler.
The cotton farmers of the
have begun to learn it is not
unconstitutional for to sell
for mote than cent- per pound,
and when they have learned
the port receipts have much to do
with tie ruling prices of cotton
they will find out something of
the estimate of the crop before
rushing their crops into market
in October, November and
and thereby glut the market
and reduce the price below its
merit. The real demands of the
world for cotton is growing rapid-
In more scarce than since
the civil war for making it; and
there will he no low price cotton
in several years to cine. Cotton
is king indeed. Isaac A Sugg.
The Foolish Cow.
Farmer Jenkins had a handsome
cow, of which lie was very proud.
She gave more milk than any other
two in the country, and the
old farmer declared he would not
take a bucketful of money for her.
Well, they had a big cow show, a
Country fair, and Former Jenkins
decided to take his cow there and
win the prize. Now, what do you
suppose that cow did Why, she
simply made up her mind not to
take the prize for fear she would be
brought at once by somebody and
taken away from her good home at
So, when all the cows were brought
out the fair and Farmer Jenkins
wanted to show what a wonderful
milk-producer he owned, his cow
would not. yield a single drop of
Hannah Sappers and Miners at Work.
The Hanna boom is beginning to
alarm friends of President
Hitherto they have regarded
the cheers for Hanna as so much
use Postmaster Gen-
Payne's admirable phrase. So
many Oho, were
pledged to Mr. Roosevelt that his
nomination was thought to be as in-
as the procession of the sea-
sons. But the sappers and miners
of Mr. Hanna have never rested
night or day; they have had plenty
tools and though
they have succeeded in well
underground, an occasional
explosion bas i y .
t they are air. r the on
Ti i
ring is V,
that home . I i. .
railway , forcing
bed of protectionists,
learning at financial in-
in New York and
with which he maintains such a do-
intimacy, are makings dead
set for Hanna. The tradition of
Pennsylvania politics is not one of
the lofty idealism, of the sacrifice of
the people; and Senator Quay is not
only bred in the tradition, but lie is
in the faith by a per-
susceptibility to financial
Should he waver in his
adherence to Roosevelt the outlook
for a renomination would grow black.
Hanna are cropping up
here and there throughout even the
west. Mr. Roosevelt's Gibraltar;
and Mr. Hanna himself, by with-
holding the call for the national con-
allows the movement to gain
York Evening
Post, Ind.
January Term in Session.
Judge M. H. of
missed the morning
train, but was here in lime for
court to he opened at p. m.
Business began at once with the
drawing of the grand As
the names were called several were
excused for sufficient reason to
the court. The j my as sworn con-
of the following T. R.
Moore, foreman, . r. Lewis, J
I'm starting on the new year well-
I haven't thus far lent
To any red-nosed hanger on
A solitary cent;
I haven't bought a dollars worth
Of common or preferred
That tumbled down moment
Secured it, my word
I haven't unto one
Fair little agent's pleas;
Not once have I loft home
My wallet or my
Andrews, D ff. Whitfield, lo eat a meal,
L. Tripp, Q. ell knowing what would follow
Bullock, J. Ii U ,.
Di I should feet.
My on the run,
; . .
Ii the yea s new.
H. A. .-.
C. B B.
i ii g, Bellini r ;
.- The
of the
Call F r C
Washington, Jan.
following official was
for the assemblage
democratic national convention
St. Louis, July 6th
Washington, January IS.
democratic national
commit in the city
of Washington on the 12th id
January, 1904, has appointed
the sixth of July.
as the time, aid chosen St.
., place
convention. Each -tie is entitled
to representation then in equal to
double number of senators
and representatives in the con-
of the United States, and
each territory, Alaska, Indian
Territory and the District of Co-
shall have delegates.
All democratic citizens of the
United States who car unite
us in the effort for a pure aid
economical constitutional
government are cordially invited
sending delegates to
the convention
James K. Jones, Chairman.
C. A. Walsh, Secretary.
d bi Tea
J. H.
Sunday, j leads
A. a. Jr. failure to list
taxes, pleads guilty,
suspended upon payment of cost
and taxes.
Rives, Carrying concealed
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
Augustus Forbes, failure to list
taxes, pleads guilty,
suspended upon payment of cost
and taxes.
Joe Smith, failure to list taxes,
upon payment
Blown, carrying con-
judgment suspended upon pay
of costs.
Dave Perkins, assault with dead
y w upon, pi ads
Pneumonia seems to quite
our neighborhood at
present. Several cases having
resulted in death.
Rev. Mr. Pate filled his regular
appointment here Sunday. Our
people are very much pleased
with him.
Mrs. W. J. has returned
from a visit to her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. Patrick, of Snow
Jesse I. Davis, one of the oldest
highly respected citizens i
of our community, has sold his
farm to A. Den-on and will in
the future make Ayden his home.
We very much to loose
Mr. Davis from our u
The High School has
p-.,, of costs. lot of new to
Capt. Orren William Dead.
News was received in Greenville,
Tuesday night, of the death of
Capt. Orren Williams, of Tarboro,
which occurred that about
o'clock. Capt. Williams was
one of oldest and best
m-----, vi .-.,
and would rely upon Always do your best.
truthful, actual statements as Constitution.
He had for years been
milk, to the great ,. . . J
. . ,. , , , in insurance business and was
Then, in anger, he called a butch- . . . . .
j u , , well known throughout state
and sold the cow to him, and
butcher straightway killed her and
sent her meat to market.
will it easier
to bow gracefully and speak pleas-
in society if they practice
at home.
Ben Jones, earring con-
weapon, pleads guilty, fined
and costs.
Anderson Hester and Dock
with deadly weapon,
pleads guilty, fined each and
Howard and Chits.
on. plead guilty, fined
Vine-. with deadly
weapon, pleads fined
and costs
Howard, carrying conceal-
d weapon, pleads guilty,
payment of
Chas. Anderson, carrying eon-
weapon, guilty,
suspended upon
of costs.
Jim assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Charles Dawson, assault with
deadly weapon, not guilty.
Richard White, carrying con-
coaled weapon, fined
John Jones, assault with deadly
weapon, fined and costs.
Charlie Clark, simple assault,
pleads Suspended
upon payment of costs.
Daniel assault with
deadly weapon, guilty, fined
ard costs.
Ric Leggett, carrying con-
weapon, fined
and costs.
Babe Harrington, assault with
deadly pleads guilty,
fined costs.
i months in jail
to be assigned to roads.
library. The has increased
in volumes a goodly number this
year. Let the good work continue.
is a great factor in
and elevating a neighborhood.
We justly feel proud of our neigh-
i mod.
Carolina Co. Enlarge.
The and
Tile Company, which recently
changed corporate name lo
Brick Company in-
creased its capital stock to
elected the following officers.
It. Harvey, president; W. G.
Jones, general superintendent, and
C Felix Harvey secretary
They have bought the plant of
the and Tile Manufacturing
Company, at Hyman's
have also purchased acres of
land at Robersonville will es-
a at that place
to supply the constantly
demand for their product up
the Line railroad. The
named plant will cause a
Saving in freight shipments to
that section of the state, as hereto
fore all brick had to be sent out
from the Clarke branch
the Kinston plant and freight
rate constituted a great part of the
The at Robersonville will
have an output of to million
brick per making the total
capacity the Carolina Brick
million brick
ally. No change will be made in
Johnson, larceny, pleads policy of the concern nor, at
in the price of pro.
Free Press.

The Farmville Branch of the Eastern Reflector is in charge of Rev. T. H. who is
authorized to transact any business for the paper in Farmville and territory.
Miff . M
W. G. administrator of H. deceased.
to notify the public he has charge of the stock of
goods owned by said his death, and s offer-
them to public regardless of cost. The k consist
of a fall lino of DRY GOODS,
HATS, CAPS. . hardware and groceries nod
nice W. G is Mfg
Co. All suits made to order to fit the individual. meas-
is taken and a good tit guaranteed. We can furnish these
goods at percent, less than inflow charge.
If you want bargains come early to
W. G. Store,
Farmville, N. C.
General Merchants.
No need of further when we can supply your needs in
Cry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Hardware,
Furniture and Groceries.
of Richmond Stove Cook Stoves and Heaters.
Car load lots Hay. Corn Cotton Seed Hulls and
Meal. Fertilizers aim
Manufacturers of BuggieS, Tobacco Flues and Tracks.
Farm Wagons, Coffins and Caskets always on hand.
In season we operate a Manger Cotton
Leaders in Fashions. Full line of
trimmed and hats, flowers,
ribbons, Cheaper than ever.
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
Fancy Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Fruits, To-
and Clears. Everything cheap
for Highest price for country
and Surgeon.
Farmville, N. C.
Branch of the Reflector is in charge
of G. E. Bradley, who is authorized to transact any bust
the paper in and territory.
Happenings in 1903
, to recover the amount.
Good, Fresh Groceries
If you do come to see us, We keep every-
thing in the grocery line and sell it to our
at the Lowest Possible Price,
D. W.
And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and
Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con-
in stock. Country
Produce Bought and Sold
D. W.
North Carolina.
T gentleman to manage business
it this county and adjoining
for of solid financial
landing. straight cash
and expenses paid each
Monday direct from headquarter.
money advanced, position
I, Chi
digests you
strengthens and sweet-
ens the stomach.
cures Indigestion,
and bowel troubles.
accelerates the action of
the gastric glands and
gives tone to the digestive organs.
an overworked
stomach of ail nervous
strain, gives to the heart a full, free
and untrammeled action, nourishes
the nervous and feeds the
that Is making so many
tick people well and weak people
by giving to their bodies all of
the nourishment that Is contained la
the food they eat.
IS. trial u, Mil far
, c a
A Great Year Ahead for
Mr. of Charlotte, not
only to the honorable office
of grand master, distinguished
vices and the highest Masonic ac-
bat his superior
business qualities will stand
in stead the present year.
Masonry is to do big things in the
this year. We are to build a
temple. Also, we are to take
steps to care for aged and infirm
These are missions
worthy the cause of Masonry,
thy of the efforts of those who
bowed before the altar. Let
us see to it that neither of these
fail. shall hear more noise
than was heard in the erection of
ancient and the
limy bu well. Bat if
ii II ax re laid and
loyally to the order, and its
like the grown and loving
sympathy of the brotherhood, its
success is sure.
The for those of the
fraternity whose are now
the west, is a divine conception
worthy of the history and noble
traditions of order.
lodge is called from
the refreshment of a most
stimulating session to
real work which shall make the
above noble undertakings a glorious
The more uniform and universal
the effort, the more certain the
final consummation. Lei no other
do your and thus get your
W. head critic St- a woman
1-1 u- i, to commit suicide
in the Chicago Normal school, was , . .; . J
, lowing six copper cents, but the
placed o. trial by school pow-j method was found to be to cheap.
en, charged with the inability to r. Vs-i,
J New York society opposed to
street flirtations small
A rt in Berlin decided in toM by young
favor of a wife suing for divorce j we to immune
strength of the fact that; the masher,
her husband wears a wig, and Mrs. James M. of Chicago
that she did not know it at the; n bills in
time of the ceremony. I and she hasn't found it
The National i
.,.,,. , A was Riven
of condemned ,
, , , . . B lease for a by
woman's shirt waist. ,. ,. ,
that her nine children in
Through a mistake on the part the they had
of Cook County officials Mis.
Hetty Green's tax of on a
piece of Cook County laud was
paid by a neighbor, and under
technicalities of the law Hetty
won when the neighbor attempted
J. J. Satterthwaite
N. C.
Invite you to make their store
headquarters and while there to
inspect their complete stock of
and learn their low prices. We
can supply all your needs in
any line of goods.
We are selling Lawns and other
summer dress goods at about
half price, to make room for
been playing all morning.
Charles Daniel, a policeman
Mich., who had gone
through the perils of weapons and
of disease in cam-
when walking his beat at
night was struck by a huge icicle,
which tell from the eaves of a
building, and killed in his tracks.
Lillie Pei of Chicago,
ed to have been suffering for days
from a sore throat, was relieved
by a physician, who found
band from a piece of candy stick-
close to the root of her tongue.
A young woman near St.
tin, France, suddenly awoke after
a continuous sleep of years
dying next day.
While J. Farrier of
Ala., stood at a bay window
the with which to
pay the premium on a lite
policy he drop-
j dead of heart disease.
Six Killed at
boiler at, S. E. Sullivan's
saw mill in James City, just across
the river from exploded
this morning between and
o'clock, killing five men and one
woman, all colored. The woman's
body was horribly mangled.
The of the explosion was
not known, as the man in charge
of the boiler was one the victims
of the horrible disaster, and the
coroner's investigation has not
been held This will be done to-
night. It lb presumed that care-
on the part of the fireman
in letting the water get low in the
boiler the explosion.
Sullivan's saw mill is a small
affair in the colored settlement of
James City was run with
help, only white man be-
connected with it, and he es-
caped injury.
The loss is not very
great, estimated to be about
Free Press, 18th.
N. C.
After thirty years of successful business am
better than prepared to supply all the
needs of the people with a complete stock of
General Merchandise
I can furnish anything wanted, from a cam-
needle to a steam engine.
I handle fertilizers and gin cotton in season.
The manufacture of the Davenport Braxton
Fertilizer will begin about Aug.
15th. It is the best invention of the century.
Logger with some experience, with two bunk
wagons and one ox cart.
la the place to get Clothing. Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
I Hats, Groceries, Hardware, Furniture, Crockery, etc., at
full line of Drugs and Medicines. Highest prices paid
for all kinds of country produce.
Winston Salem, N. C Jan.
Safe crackers secured two thou
sand dollars in silver from the
bank at Rocky Mount, Va , early
this morning. Parties arriving
here this afternoon on the Norfolk
and Western train from
report that the robbers tailed to
get three thousand dollars in green-
backs, which was in the sate. The
safe was blown open by the use of j
One of the clerks in the bank
was sleeping in an build-
and heard the explosion. He
arose and went to the bank to in-
The robbers heard bin
coming escaped. The clerk's
presence, it is thought, prevented
the men from getting the paper
John drunk, fined
and costs, 12.95.
Henry Forbes, assault,
penny and
Acid or can i
. . . r , . . I W . f. drunk, fined
sate for a lack of potash in i ., , .
and costs,
fertilizers for
grain and all
other crops.
New op
V. H. I ill.
The boys have
j flying early this season.
The day so for this year have
busy with the farmers
merchants making Contracts
for supplies for the year.
James L. Blair Dying.
St. I Mo. Jan
so the Dispatch, from
k H st-
, J,. r . general counsel of the
l J I
How often you can pet a
nail or screw driver or
lacking. Have a good
tool box and be prepared for
emergencies. Our line of tools
is all you could desire, and
we will see that your tool
box does not lack a single
useful article.
Of Course
You get Harness,
Horse Goods,
J R.
. ate
, , little h.
i- ,;. i . . Blair
. .,. .,, .,,
What Becomes of the Pennies
Twelve million cents
j .
were issued in 1903 through the
St. Louis branch of the United
Slates Only were
The record was not unusual.-
Less than one penny in a thousand
finds its way back to the treasury
to be exchanged for a newer coin.
Dimes, quarters, halves and
even nickels come back In large
quantities, but the copper cents
for the most part go astray.
What becomes of them Treas-
officials cannot tell.
The most plausible theory is,
that the pennies are simply lost.
Americana are such
people that they have not time to
keep track of the pennies,
they find their way into the ash-
into sewers, and
to the great rivers and even
the sea.
In China or India it would be
different There the t
this city, is thing. M
was taken with a congestive chill
the night of the instant
Perry, are with him.
Yard Conductor Killed.
Wilmington, N. C, Jan
While attempting to uncouple
some moving cars attached to a
shifting engine on the lower At
Coast Line yards this after-
noon R. J. Rhodes, a
tor, aged about twenty five years,
caught his foot between the main
tract and a guard rail with Hie re-
Steamer It. L. Myers leave
Washington dally, except Sunday.
at a. m for Greenville, leave-
dally, except Sunday, that he was thrown under the
at m. for Washington. wheels. One truck of a flat car
Connecting at Washington with ,,. I
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, , .
Philadelphia, New York g g
i. r. l. e-ii-
N. C.
Practice in all toe courts. Special
attention to collection of
and other claims. Prompt
to all business.
Attorney at Law,
Greenville. N. C.
all points for the West with rail j WM
roads at Norfolk. he died three latter.
should order freight t.
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
He Wm
As the grand jurors were being
called in court, Monday
several names were
were excused because of being
sick. When the number was
nearly completed Attorney F Q.
James arose addressed the
your Honor please, I
wish to offer an excuse for one
man in the box. The man is not
sick himself, but if he serves on
this jury there are several others
who will be sick before week
i out. He is the manager of a
mill where several people are em-
ployed, la his ab-e mill
will have to shut down and the
men upon him be de-
of their
the be re-
plied Judge Justice.
several are dependent
upon a man is not in-, that
should suffer s. his being
retained upon the
Wholesale Grocer
Dealer. Cash paid
A Marriage.
At the home of Mr J. F. Tyson.
in Carolina township, bis daughter
Miss Bessie Ethel, mar
to Mr. John Williamson, of
Mi. N on
at o'clock Kev.
J. E. of Bethel,
After the marriage they were
by many friends to
they took the morn-
I rain for Mt. Olive, their
home. It was very sad in-
deed for friends to give up Bessie
and say good bye, but we
trust the great Giver
of all gifts, will bless her her
loving companion and gently lead
them through the
of world and last receive
them in his home in glory. B.
J. f. k EB.
Norfolk, Va.
Correspondence and
court house door I u Green- Key V
sell at sale to the highest
for tin- i,. ,
lauds situate to Swift
pm to One Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
piece in on Swift Creek, ad Coffee, Meat, Soap
a. Williams and wife, Food, Matches, Oil,
way's .;. will lams Apples,
Notice of
Notice is herein given that on
lb- January.
Hie of and
style of I'm County Buggy
Go, was dissolved mutual
consent. The Interest of Charles
Cobb was purchased by H. C.
Edwards and the latter
all of firm and
will coo tin the business under
the same name of Put County
Buggy Co. All persons indebted
to the firm either by note or ac-
count Hie requested Income for-
ward and settle with as early
as possible.
This of Jan.
Gables Cobb.
Baring sold my good will and
in Pitt County Co.
to H. C. Edwards, I wish to thank
all my friends for their patronage
in and ask con-
the same to Mr. Ed
who will all en-
to please then good
work. i
north decrees
to a law-blue
Dried Apples,
a large fin rot the ,. ,
i ox, Jr., patent; .;.
w.-st thence i , st
Sam Ami I
I ;,.
II ;. .
Married on the
The following from the Savannah
Press will lie of interest to our
readers who have the per-
of the company.
an audience that filled
every seat in the Savannah
Mr. De proprietor
of the company, was wed-
to Miss Mabel the
night of the h. The ceremony
American and Italian Marble
N. C.
First Class work reasonable
sent upon application.
. alto n
Folks Must Eat
L. M. one of the lies
known citizens of Caswell county,
early hi-
in His death
resulted from a shock by a mes-
sage from Tenn.,
Stating that his son and only
who is in the hospital there, was
was performed by Justice Wick- the of
Jesus never worried about
social standing; he sought
outcast and fallen.
So i
Z if
a a
M a
p m
u u.
S c
II . ail
g I
a a
ham at the conclusion of the even
performance. It was
and simple, but met with the
of the large audience, which
evidenced its delight with
j ed applause.
Dr. H. o. Hyatt will be In
at Hotel Berths January
26th, and 27th, Honda ,
Tuesday and Wednesday for the
purpose of treating diseases of the
ye, ear, nose and throat and fit
glasses. w
Weal's death is hourly expected.
Miss Amy Morris Bradley, one
Of Wilmington's most highly es
teemed citizens the mother of
public schools in Wilmington,
died a short time ago in the little
cottage beside the school building
in which her life work has been
carried on. For more than a
quarter of a century she has
labored in that community in the
cause of education.
poles no th . poles
to n sum; .-.-l
thence north west poles
to the
piece the shove .
I and I lie o i . I. ,
J. J- x mi l;. u. ft I.-
Jr., by Grant from th
Noun Carolina dated
28th I is.
This the 15th
No matter low price
NOTICE TO of tobacco, we are the
of Superior Court of Pitt
County having issued litters of ell
to me. the Ci-.- n;
alter Evans notice
hereby given to nil persons d ., i. f i i
tot e elate to make pay- Goods only
the and to ail are offered. We don't call
said estate lo . ,. , ,.
claims properly authenticated, to the hams. tiling
undersigned, twelve its
alter of this no ice. or this f
notice Will be plead in bar of their
This the day of January 1901.
of the estate of waiter Evans.
The Stock in every
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market prices
nu a
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
Wires to New York,
William Fountain, H.
Physician and Surgeon,
N. C
Office one door east of post office,
street Phone
Dr. James,
Five Points.
Even an empty con
much food for thought.
Big Lot of Meat.
Last week Ml. G. T. Tyson, one
of Beaver Dam's and best
farmers, killed hogs that
in weight a little over
That is a big lot of
Having been closed down
for needed repairs will resume op-
Monday, Jan. 4th
nuder new management with a full
force of competent workmen. We
make and sell at wholesale and
retail, Sash, Doors and Blinds,
Mantels, Porch work and
all sons of Interior and Exterior
Building Trimmings. solicit
your patronage, not as a favor but
only on merits.

D. J. Editor and Proprietor
Entered id the post office at Greenville, N. C, as second class matter,
Advertising rates made upon application.
A correspondent desired at every post office in Pitt and adjoining counties.
Greenville, Pitt County, N. C, Friday, January 1904.
is the very keystone of our
is Moon Justice than Col IA Mine
in evidence
at this term of strong article to The
mi the ton situation that is attract-
lie is called a
Cotton is about some more
and the bulls are correspondingly ,, M ,.,.,, fa fa
will jet go higher. Then
are other men make the rotten
Mr. Bryan says he is favor of nation a Study otiose-views are hr
the for the presidency but
he doesn't tell his mime or
where's his
with his. We notice that th J
Sneak thieves are tilings ha
can a sneak be Sold
If tins an not just like
temperance people want next
legislature will have work cut
for it in Herald.
The will never turn
Newspapers are both tins vehicles
. , , , . lion. Take this and it cannot i . r u ti , UP did- and
We have hear I no better charge; and victims of peculiar . . . , . . ,
Chronicle has loose hold as long as the gov-
Mr. P. Charlotte, who will stand it, and the
. ,, . i for it as
says that cotton to have , ., , ,,
as they are able to to the polls
, be conceived lo what depths of de-
delivered fr mi the in
., , P , . gradation the succeeding generation
county than that of Judge M. H.
, ,, , . . would fall. Because of the hurt es-
to the grand jury at the
e . , . , teem placed upon the virtue of re-
present term of Pitt court.;
. man. the law nays the man who
was clear, strong, practical,
, . ,, , violent hands her and robs
live red m a manner that was c
,.,.,,,., , . of this shall die. It is a certainty
Burning and without ostentation, and,
received marked from that the man goes through a
large assemblage in the court j trial this crime and is found
room. will hang.
Judge with speak- Men sometime, take the-law
of the necessity and origin f own hands. Lynching does
the grand jury and outlined the I not proceed from barbarism or a
duties the men composing want of civilization It is-because
While they were to the high estimate-placed on
quire into all infractions of the law,; and a- against it so arouses
sometimes. It is little wonder that
editors often get gray or
early in life. If ours had not been
red it might have been both ere
It is said the corporation
solved the problem of eon-
at Selma between
and Atlantic Coast Line By or-
the latter to run its Plymouth
train, tint has heretofore stopped at
Rocky Mount, through to and
and vote. Durham Herald.
this did not imply that they should
assume the role of spies or go from
man to man in search of violations.
All men are born equal, none
having any priority from birth but
men that they forget themselves and
become violators the law. Every
man feet that he is the guardian of
the virtue of woman, and he
sees the brute has laid violent
hands upon her he forgets. It says
each coming into the world with the
recognized right of an equal chance- to that he is afraid to
with all others to make the best trust next grand jury, to trust
himself. The president occupies bis
the next court.
A Washington correspondent of a
Brooklyn paper says that
Gorman Has eliminated himself
the presidential race
that Judge- Parker will be a
candidate than any-other
to it is ha
hope of getting
for Mrs.
office because it is the of the; arc J of
. , . , the OW if that was-
people he should do so. and his BOB
hi, Horrid as. is hasten t tin-
The the virtue of a woman, and
has no more right to
than the son other man.
expresses the it will be
fully years the staple
again sells for prices. His
views are very the same as
Col. so many people
have left the farms an gone to the
town as so make labor so scarce that
a larger crop than at resent cannot
be cultivated and harvested, and
even a larger cop be made
the increasing demand will more
than offset the supply and- maintain
a high standard of prices. With
these concisions the outlook for both
the farmer and business- men are
most promising.
The French Panama scandals
to high.-heaven. The
can Panama scandals before a.
shovelful of has been excavated.
rate, our will lay the
scandal in the shade News
the price of food in general
the Herald,
comes high, but we must
t necessarily. People arc in
the of saying they must live,
so that
they to live. is only a
time. There i an end
to I things temporal, and the time
will come to each mortal when he
will no longer say that he
And what business had Mr.
sell who is said to be to
go borrowing money from a poor
who to give half her
for the privilege of holding her
President Roosevelt made a ten
strike when he sent that of
condolence over the death of Gen.
Gordon. It was manly and it
sincere, no one denies this. With
all his faults ho is just that kind of
a Record.
men composing this grand jury are is death, it should
not there th that j in a lawful way.
are better than others, but because The writer called the
they are as good as any. court room in midst of Judge
While all arc born equal,, Justice's excellent d re-
some through education and
more the discharge Other things that he said
of high duties than others. Every a m
man should end to give his are in the foregoing. It
a hotter ed h. hid him- that amply repaid the
self if t . lo at- one calculated to inspire in
his men a higher respect for the law
path through life easier and them broader
useful. True some men are mined of the duties and
by education, hut this is the of true
not the rule, and is no has certainly made
argument against education. As
say that men should not of
live in the World because some
are bad.
In referring to the fact that they
should present no on- through envy,
or malice, he said if the oath
of grand jurors hid to he re-
written this
a no one who would so present a
fellow in-iii was t i oil a jury.
talking a
that i worth
a , .
A a
Still while there is life,
h- goes on The man who
i is entitled to a
The be fire
association it is better to burn than
. . i ii . i j-
our men will
idea be-easy to omit As Chicago seems a good
be a great off from a
the is burning hereafter, perhaps it
the here-they- want t
Tho most active persistent
candidate for the democratic
nomination at the present,
time is-W. It. Hearst, th-. York,
editor, who is also a member of con--
All sorts of attempts
I being-made to boom but
are a few who think,,
if he should succeed thee
nomination, which is hardly
the part would
a slaughter to an open grave.
Hearst is of extreme school
one of the is to be
should be Mr Bryan himself
who is far superior in every way,
says the proverb, as;
keeping up lively
in the
intend to retire I
like t is
the pine ate
of their own.
There aw a m
The party, while
dragging in the
when it domes handy, has
made a of it since
under the
In a few days mail that we assume the right to g. on
in the United States
for thirty days. to fur-
the other of the world to
Up is now so re-
a basis of weights, by the battered old
the government pay the
for of the mail
for next four- years.
old as lie feels, a woman as old she the. ho m give
are bat two of the civil i u when-
. , , i. i else
saying for the a
that will look as yon as a humbug;
Certain not. cannot even
fed. Keep the spring of
heap track little we- have-
that she is again tor the
purchase of the Danish West Undies.
Germany manifests a disposition to
her contempt of the- Monroe
Doctrine, and waits am
does all the- public money; to show m that she-will take
We don't know, and we .,,,, .,.,.
. . ,. i of and balk the years, by and , more apparent year,
he very principles of hie, . ,. ,. , ,, and tell w acre it a goes, ls M
, , ., , , ,. at least in a measure. that com- kn parts of the
ion, and of tho gulden rule taught i . . when all Cite public money
The four crimes- -murder, bur
are aware that youth it really whole
can be conserved. The fault some rivalry an J
evils sf smoking
has grown to an
. among boys. A days since
a boy named Fred lay dying
The Richmond see of
f the is that A. good many both
arson and ties deny that the -merit
which if man is proven guilty baa any real merit, and insist the lot bf North Indiana.
shall lode., u. b u th, seems to b a happy his last words wish I
were mentioned. Alter .,,. ,. , . , one. he n throw
. ., , . time Hat as goodness is to have the of- . . .,.,, . . . .
murder Judge Justice said the law f . . of which it in all the.-a who or smoking
, i there are other Keep nit. Hi opinion is held by t the state but the state i i .
hod wisely made different degrees I ,,,,, , and warn them against
As to manslaughter, he said , the body and active; this is to member of both houses, refuses to take the loan, because U; till over the country
but they think the people believe in J it is not needed, and the sheriffs i contact with
throughout the state are who
of this.
life after committing this keep both young. Take a moving
metes out just punishment to your friends,
sometimes community, in the busy world
around you. And age, do
him. Even a good man
slays another without willful intent,
but no sooner is it done than the
blood of his victim cries out against
him and his ghost follows as a shad-
ow to haunt him through life.
The virtue of our women, he
not say that your usefulness is end-
ed, and that you will give the world
over to younger hands. Who knows
what great task you may yet
the system, and when it comes to a
they are afraid to abolish
Wall street is still wrestling with
undigested securities, and the
leaders are troubled with
such fine collection of taxes wrecks through this in-
such prompt settlements that the It would if
would keep a dose watch over
their boys, and if they are given to
tho habit of smoking cigarettes,
Just when a man is most in need an break them of it.
treasury has all the money it
of his nerve is time when he is
most likely to lose Bee.
even if it requires the adoption of
This department is in charge of J. M. Blow, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
Sid Higgs and Air. of
were here Saturday.
Mr. Scott, of Roanoke, Va., was
here last week nu business with
G. A. Kittrell Co.
Misses Lena and Bertha Dawson
came Saturday from a
trip South.
The firm heretofore existing
under the firm name style of B. F.
Manning Co., has been dissolved
by mutual consent and will here-
after be known and styled R. G.
Chapman Co., N. C.
Miss Nettie Garris went to
Greenville Saturday.
Saturday is a day of general
repairs and our people come and
go. Thrift and enterprise keep
them home the remainder of the
time This, with a spirit inter-
mingled to do good keeps us abreast
with the times. Sunday they o
to church and rest,
For Rent or house and
lot located between Joseph US Cox
and A D. Cox on Academy street.
Apply to C. A. Fair.
Mr. at the Drug Store
will pleased to show you their
line gold and fountain
May Galloway and Mrs.
Charlie Galloway were visitors to
our town Monday. They paid us
a special visit.
Jesse L. Bunch,
bad business with the A. G.
Mfg. v, here Saturday.
Cox Board per day. Best
House in
Miss Tucker and Mr.
Byrd, of Institute will be mar-
evening at the home of
the bride's lather, Mr. L.
Tucker, at o'clock. Elder Sam
Moore, of Bethel, officiating
Mrs. M. D. Higgs aid
v, Greenville, spent
Sunday us. It was a pleas-
ant visit lo us ended only too
A, G Cox Mfg. Go. have just
received another car load of wire
fencing and can furnish yon fence
from to high at prices
ranging J-2 to
per yard.
Thud and Ora Manning are
making preparation for the
brick during the coin-
T. X. Manning has e in
grocery Main and
Railroad streets.
Last Saturday Cox
Co. received orders for over
Economic back bands. Every day
are making large shipments
of these goods. There seems to be
practically no to the demand
High prices are
estate, nod yet, owing to good
prices received by our farmers,
I hey are not over anxious to sell.
A large number of our people
tended services at Bethany and
We vote F. O. Cox, a clever
fellow. For the last two weeks
his feats on persimmon beer and
the good old rutabagas and sweet
potatoes at our boarding house
made us think of the good days to
come when we are in a more de-
A. G. Cox Mfg. Co. have a nice
lot of coffins on hand. Prices
are very reasonable as heretofore.
attention given all
From the way A. G. Cox Mfg.
Co. are carts we predict
that farmers will make a great
many more composts this
than usual.
If you want your horse
if your harness or own shoe
reed repairing, and for genera I
blacksmith work call and see W,
L. House on Main
We now have a lot of porch
column timber. If you are in need
of them why not let us fit you up
Prices are light. Winterville
The Missionary Society held its
meeting in the Missionary Baptist
church Sunday Interesting
papers were read by Mrs. F. C.
and Mrs. F. O. Cox. An
excellent address on missions was
delivered by Rev. T. H. King, of
Ayden, which a song was
rendered by Misses Myrtie Proctor
and Ethel that complete
captivated the entire audience.
We were glad to be of the
A. G. Cox also made an
interesting talk.
G. A. Kittrell Co. are paying
cents per bushel seed.
One of our leading farmers has
been giving wire fences test and
that the Electric weld is the
be.-i fence be ever saw. A. G
C-x Mfg. all styles iii
and buying
P. Manning, Jr., of Ayden,
spent Sunday with his friend, Mr.
Job and Abram Dixon,
Black Jack, were with J. S.
Harper, Saturday and Sunday.
Rev. W. E. Cox preached
the Episcopal church
G. A. Co. will give
you 1333 lbs Cot seed meal in
exchange for a ton of cotton seen
or give per bushel.
If in need of cotton seed
meal corn, hay or anything in the
feed see G. A. Kittrell Co.
Richard Wingate, M. G. Bryan
and J. M. Blow are attending
As some move out and others
move in the departed are missed
and the arrivals are welcomed.
We grow help
Dealer in
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Hats and Conn-
try Produce,
Meat, Meal, Flour and Lard
Candies, Cakes. Crackers and Cheese
always fresh. Tobacco Snuff and Ci-
Apple Cider Vinegar,
and Vegetables, Rice, Hominy
and Canned Goods. Green and Roast-
ed Coffee. Toilet and Laundry Soaps.
Winterville. N. C.
A Full Line of Millinery
Several young ladies can
employment operating sewing ma-
chines on underwear, work
is light, neat
Whole families get employ-
Apply to.
The Cotton Mfg. Co.
X C.
load expected I.
hi rive in a few days. See them
before buying
A. Kittrell Co,
e have a nice line hats
both old and young, also trunks,
valises, at prices
think very reasonable and
always to serve you and save
your i- y possible.
Harrington Co.
were the hands
we yesterday grasped the
streets of our old home, Greenville,
and cordial were
accorded us by old friends from
every section of our native home,
the good old county of Pitt. It
made us feel our friends are not
few, but are as numberless as the
leaves and sincere as the truth,
God bless them all.
We are pleased to see young
friend Louis Manning one of Tun
force. Treat him well
and you'll have a good boy.
Is the parent of
Indigestion and mil
Rheumatic Symptom.
Th. Safest and Surest knows Is
Dr. s
German Liver Powder
This not a mixture, but I veritable
scientific one of
innermost secrets. If you
r we will tend you FREE OP
i sample of
Liver Powder together with our
booklet, which contains authentic
testimonials from patients who have been
cured by this wonderful Do not
delay, but send you r lull address at once to
The American Co.
Evansville, bid.
For the Smartest thing in a salt,
Ira For an Overcoat that's right up
For a Hat of Correct shape and be
coming style to fit face,
For anything in a
that's just right and priced right,
For an all round satisfactory Clothing House
To Tie to Year in and Year out,
A Large Wrecked on Lockout
Beaufort. N. C, Jan.
schooner Joseph W.
Brooks, lumber laden from Ba-van
for Baltimore,
outer Shoals
o'clock Sunday morning. Heavy
seas boarded carrying
yawl which contained I
the captain and crew's personal
i and deck load, leaving j
them i in Mercy j
She Retried and with
tuck to the jib
daylight The
Lookout life saving station crew I
rescued Davis
vessel and is a
R. J. C. V. York. L H. Pender.
The Building
Lumber Co.,
Contractors, Constructors an d
Factory situated the railroad just North
f the
of lumber
new up to date and of the best
Cotton and corn for
by P.
N. O. Ai-iii limited
I One
non one acre
tor l-ill over ii
seed cotton, and I made from
corn to per acre
after spring crop of
have a limited cotton
seed to sell. Price of corn to
per bushel. Cotton seed
per bushel. 1- 4-wk D. W-
in the gate hi d
row is the way Never be afraid
of being called if it is
that kind of narrowness.
scroll work.
Plan- Furnished and contract taken ion of
Tinning, aid ail kinds
work. in la on for rib. street, opposite
yard. Mr. It. L. Wyatt has charge of
j our tinning and department. You will find him
a master of his trade.
We ask for our share f the public patronage and
will do our best to give satisfaction.
for Pitt County
to work for the Eastern Life In-
Company of America.
Liberal contract to a A it-
with references,
Life Ins. U. N. O.
U. will
Dr. H. U. will be in
Greenville at Hotel Bertha
and e
Tuesday and Wednesday for the
pose of treating diseases of the
eve, ear, nose and throat and fit-
ting glasses. w
. .-

. n
J. Proctor Bros
If lumber to build a ho
furniture to
In it, clothing
fa four family, ms
v table, n
your farm, can supply r u i
Oar mill now
in full blast and we are I
pared to gin cotton, grind corn,
. and, do all kin
of turned work for balusters
house trimmings. ala
do general i i
an l
Grimesland, N. C.
Anything wanted in the way
Dry Goons, No-
turns. Shoes. Bate,
and Hardware can be found
,,. r i- some-
thing to eat, Bonn thing to
wear, or some article for the
or farm, you can be
supplied. Highest prices paid
for cotton, country produce
anything the farmer sells.
i rm
stimulate the TORPID LIVER,
strengthen the digestive
the bowels, and arc u
equaled as an
Id malaria districts their virtues
widely as they
peculiar in freeing .
system that poison.
sugar coated.
Take No Substitute.
I Office opposite depot.
DR. G. F.
next door to Post Office.
in the World.
Apparently, the hardest thing
in the world to get people to
the fact that all eon
must give their Dames
when they in their articles.
Almost every paper keeps a notice
I like this standing in its columns,
while others continually refer to
The mu i-
the one eat
,, it- people send in
IT. W. I contributions without a scratch to
a. O. indicate who their authors are or
Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy whether they are sent in good
cries. and Cigars. The faith. This thing Is a mat-
only Soda Fountain la to. u. All j ,.
the popular drinks. Hot Peanuts
every day.
. w .
Cold Comfort
Is what we are after, and t possession of one of
our s will re sweat mill;, cream and
butter, drinking water and many dainties that
would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
If you have you will want s Lawn Mower pretty
and we've it easy for you to own one.
There no need to borrow a lawn mower when we
we machine with best steel knives at such
a satisfactory pi and guarantee it to do the work.
Water Coolers, lee Cream Freezers, Hammocks and
everything else the hardware line,
i. . .
Marriage Licenses.
I wk of Deeds E.
Williams issued licenses to the fob
J. H. Williamson Bessie E.
J. A. and
Charles Joyner and Dora
W. B. Smith and Had-
H. Leggett and Blanche
Louis A very and Sallie Had-
Complete Line Go thine, Dry Goods, Hard ware Furniture, Groceries.
We Pay Highest Prices for
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
Marcellus Wilson and
Crandall and
John Hodges and
Dan White an J Whit-b-
Robt. Phillips and Hannah
you can get honest at living juices.
large stock before you buy and be satisfied
Suits, Overcoats, Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Under
wear, Crockery Ware, Hardware,
and everything yon wear. Everything is-in
your and every thing you use in your I i
Millinery Goods a Specialty.
Our goods are here and we are ready h you.
Everybody sees buys, and everybody tries
goods becomes our customers. Just us a trial
and save yourselves money.
We beg leave to announce that we are
Wholesale and Retail
While Lead, Paints,
Colors, Varnishes and and
I Country Ready Paints.
There is no line in the world that excels
the Harrison line, it has behind it a century's
reputation for honorable wares and honorable
d s. . .
If you use the Paints you
never worry about quality,
We trust that you will favor us with your
orders whenever you want good paint for any
purpose. Have received a car load and
can give you Special Prices.
Baker Hart.
Comes Back to See Us.
Mr. Alex. of New
York, is town hands
with bis any friends, having
me in Monday night to spend a
few tie lived in Greenville
for several years and is perhaps
best remembered as the popular
salesman at M, K. Lang's store,
lie was also for a while in the to-
business, being associated
with L. in building
and conducting Eastern Ware
the second was built j
on ibis market. Mr.
twelve years and
located in York. He engaged
in fur manufacturing and has
much success, his
ranking with the largest in his
line in that city. We are glad to
sec him down way. He says
Greenville bus made
progress since he last saw the
St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium,
Most equable on salt by proximity of
Gulf Stream. equipped with every modern for the treat-
of disease. A full corps of Specialists In every department.
department for cases of confinement. Most approved X-ray apparatus. Thor-
system of Turkish and Russian Baths.
Ward Rates, per week; Private Room Rates from to per week.
For etc., address
The President, St. Vincent's Hospital and Sanitarium
By of decree of the
court made in a certain
proceeding I herein pending entitled
J. Stancill and others against
N. W. Stancill and dated
190-1, I on,
Monday, February 15th 1904
sell at sale before the Court
House door in the town of Green
j to the highest bidder, n certain
tract or parcel of land situate in
township, Pitt County,
adjoining Locker Swamp, Tar river
the land formerly belong-
to P. A. Atkinson, the lands of
Richard and others, con
tabling acres more or less, and
bring the lands upon which Jesse
It. Stancill resided at the time of his
Terms of sale cash.
This the 15th day of Jan. 1904.
Alex. L. Blow.
. r I
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended insurance that works automatically,
. Is
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while you
re living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions, Incontestable,
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each
year, provided the premium for the current year paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
J. L,. SUGG,
Greenville N. C.
The fresh half-sole that a moth
applies to her offspring's
trousers contradicts theory
there is nothing new under
the son.
read heifer,
both ears clipped and
Party finding same will please
notify me, and be rewarded.
David Hyman, House, N, O.
Able Sermon.
In the absence of the pastor the
pulpit of the Baptist church was
filled Sunday morning by Pi of. T.
H. King, superintendent of I
graded His subject was
in grace and
and bis sermon
and edifying. Mr. King is a
Speaker of much force, and as a
teacher be in work
at Ayden. is
in men I
her citizens.
Killed Schoolmate.
Archie student
three miles from Washington, N.
C., wan killed on Fri
day evening of week.
shoot was done by Ruffin
student of the
school. Both of the young men
ace Windsor, S.
were out bunting together, and
returning were engaged in
playing and commenced to snap
the guns at each other. It was
the same old gun not
thought to loaded. When with-
in a few yards of the
school pointed his gun at
Bridger- and fired. load
struck Bridget in temple,
tearing the f his he He
died in a minutes. The young
were bosom were
room mates at school and lived in
the town. They were about
the age, Sixteen.
The who did the
prostrated with grief,
as is the entire school.
is a poor man and is work-
bis way through The
family hoy killed las
at Windsor. The
body will be taken to to-
morrow morning, by
Key. N G. Hughes, principal of
school, and two his school
A touch of black and white and a dash of red, green and brown,
and you have a successful costume. Winter demands brightness we
have it in big shipments.
Great Reduction.
Every Overcoat Goes In this
fig .
How it
Reflector had
hardly gone around town before
our one rang. Upon an-
In- call the voice at the
ether e-d recognized as com-
from a is and he asked the
question. Greenville full
diphtheria Upon as-
contrary, also that
there re hut two cases in the I
town being of a week's
s- d that to far as
there I only total of five
cases r- in all the weeks it has
been talked she
-it- graded school
was bad and now the
on- it that all the Sunday
school- suspended is enough
to pie who know no I
better town is deluged
in a terrible epidemic, and that
all towns ought to
State Democratic Executive Committee
U ill Meet in February.
Senator Simmons, chairman of
the democratic state committee, is
quoted as saying that he expects
lo issue call of a meeting
of committee, probably the
last of February, to fix time
and pines for the state convention.
It is understood that the con-
will go to Greensboro again,
and if It follows the usual custom
in democratic campaign years, it
will part May.
This only name
to the national
but will also nominate a full
state ticket from governor down.
y Sun.
The devil hates to see a man
up for fear he will
nil subscription.
Pairs Boys all Wool Knee
Pants worth double at
per cent, reduction on the en-
tire line of pants-All Grades.
Special inducement on the entire
line, nothing but high class Millinery
sold in our store. Everything new and
Tailor Made
They are the
Season's latest ere
We are the
cheap Fur house.
They fit well, hang
well, handsomely
made. Prices
range from
11-4 Size
Pull Blankets
Full Blankets
Heavy Fleece Shirts and Drawers
La Fleece Stockings
For the coming holiday season watch for big announcement of House Furnishing Goods, Couches, Bookcases,
Frames, Easels, Rocking Chairs, Hall Racks
W. Main St

i r. BOA -y
B. I. Wall, of Washington, i
Cleveland Moore, of is
Dr. W. E. Warren, of William-
is in town.
Secretary of State J. Bryan
Grime returned to Raleigh today.
E G. came over this
H. returned Sunday
from Baltimore.
E. M. left Sunday for
Wilmington where will go
Mrs J. F. of
arrived Saturday evening to
relatives and left today.
Mis Kate of Wilson, who
has been visiting Miss Shep
pa d, returned hi tn n day.
f i
have used Hair Vigor
for thirty years. It is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
hair from splitting at the
J. A.
Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair-
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent, the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
bottle. All
its when it ceases either
to with or
If your supply you,
send us one dollar will express.
yon a bottle. Be sure th-
of your nearest express
J. C. CO. Lowell, M
n. W. Had
i. . . h
ail. her pa re . .
even .
Fire at Tryon.
S. C. Jan.
As the result of a fire at Tryon,
N. C, this morning two store
buildings and one dwelling house
were reduced to ashes. The stock
of goods in each store was burned
up, as was the majority of the
household i in the dwelling.
Good Office-.
without L. W. Lawrence
as crier and W. B. as
officer of the grand jury would seem
unusual. Sheriff Harrington has
both these excellent officers assist-
him at this as they have
many courts.
Trying Again.
Register of Deeds Williams
us that a i an procured a
a mouth ego
tailed lo gel married,
end cot a n it
Greenville's Great Department
This great White Sale starts out with a
New and Superb stocK of Special January
Merchandise, such as has never before
been here, in Excellence, Variety
or Values presented.
Thousands of yards of Crisp, pretty
white goods are here in Patterns that are
varied and mast desirable.
one no
i me ;
c i ti
Is full of beautiful new patterns. Torches
2nd Val Laces in match sets all widths end
ill . t.
; I I
. . D
. Col.,
i i
He leaves
i i
y ill and
a v and several children and
and an mother.
i r of,
. Davis today, after a
V. Cox, of spent
day hero Monday.
Kev. W. E. Cox. left Monday
evening for
E. d. Barrett, of Ki who
has en here for a days,
hi home Monday evening.
will begin to manufacture buggies
H. B. Hardy, of the Raleigh at an early day.
Hew Observer, is town, i
Court in Greenville this week
i .
at the home of Shir-
Her son was w th her win i
she died and will leave with the
s tomorrow for Greensboro,
W. P. Hart went to Kinston j Ala., where they will be interred.
Tuesday night to see his son, Mrs. Hobson came to Boulder
is still very low. summer for her health. She was
mi . , c u . years of age.
Ayden Milling
are increasing their capital and
J. C. Lanier, who has been sick
several weeks, to be Old
His many regret to
that J White is again
his bed wit Ii sickness.
J. M. Blow, manager of THE
has several townsmen as
i. w
Davis delivered
of Widely Known Priest.
Pensacola, Jan.
rector of St, Patrick's
parish, and one the widest
known ministers in the South,
died here today of e-
after an illness of about one year.
two splendid Sunday.
His congregation will build a
church here at an early day.
Mr. paster I
Methodist tilled his
talk i bout, it is
to give yon any idea of their must see
them to appreciate them. We have them all widths and
prices, in match complete; and we have bountifully
provided for little folks in our selection.
Greenville's Great Department Store
W. L. went to Tarboro
C. S. Carr has returned from s
visit to
Mrs. Susan Proctor, of Wash
is visiting Mrs. ,,. ,,,,,,
Mrs. Baltimore, is I to the habit of carrying pistol are
visiting Mrs. J. J. turning a risk of being it to tin-
In g of the reported con-11
of two buggy
here, made
. Co. have con-
A large nice mule for sale, and application has
Smith and Bros. i letters of
under the firm name
Warning to Carrier. Buggy Co. The stock-
meat, came up today to see ho J of the names,
looks. appointment here
morning and night. ,
, Co.
In imposing a ore of
offenders in for carrying
are E. G. J. j-.
Lang, E. A. Sr., E. A.
Jenkins left
morning Tarboro to visit
Miss Katie Lee Mills, of
ville, has
Blow, left this
weapons, D- Gardner and W.
B. Smith. The business will be
carried on present plant of
the John Flanagan Buggy Co,, on
roads for a term months, and
thing they I now y will
find themselves in the road gang.
Elisabeth, City, Jan.
View Hotel was totally de-
ployed by tire Friday night at
Th. o
j young men. who bad not
all been together in several years. The loss is about.
Cobb, who has j Q the partially insured, The Elizabeth
and were talking over the happy City Marble Works and Miles
been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Fan
Jenkins, returned home
incident of then boyhood days.
junk shop were badly
morning with no insurance. The
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. of I What impressed the reporter most j
Newark, N, J., came in Tuesday in passing, was the of the, work an
evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. three, and a little inquiry
Mr. will take his that their weight is . ,.
annual hunting trips while here, The young men are Mr. m CO.,
Manna Issues Call.
of New York, who
tip . st Mr. B. L.
Mr. Flanagan
Washington, Jan. j Another thing that can he
Hanna issued the call, that they
for the republican national con- all men in proportion to their
to meet at Chicago, at
June 1904, to select can-
for president and vice
president. The call makes the
usual provisions for the number
of delegates, four at large from
each state, and two from each
congressional district,
with alternates.
If a boy be properly trained he
will love work better than idleness.
If he not trained, but allowed to
drift, nothing but an inherent
strong, character will save him.
Hay, Grain, Cracked Corn,
Bran, Cotton Seed
Meal and Hulls.
Get our prices and see our stock be-
fore buying. We want to buy your
Corn and Peas for cash.
Great Inventory Sale.
Entire stock of Dress Goods, Trimmings
Clothing, Shoes and Hats and Furnishing
Goods will be closed out in the next thirty
days at off. --.-
Hamburgs and Laces at Half Price.
We must clean the shelves for New Goods
Visit our store and see how far a dollar bill
will travel.
Thanking our friends and patrons for past
and soliciting your future patronage
we are .
Tour friends,
C. L Wilkinson Co.
Female Seminary Burned.
Jan. 18.-The Oxford
Female Seminary was burned
afternoon. Eighty young lady
students all escaped. The value
of the property was in
F. P. Hobgood
is president.
Hit Explanation.
J didn't hold his
answered Mrs. Corn
it wasn't six weeks be-
fore he knew to much more about
how to ran the business than the
man that it that they got
jealous and discharged
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner.
and Friday.
VOL. No.
Splendid Institution for Women
Swept Away.
A special to The
from Mr. Andrew Joyner, states
Education Says is
His Curse.
Miss., Jan. In hi
cheers, the to beat, and the j abroad, and so they in
pipes to play. through their
In the darkness of the early j forest, they were that
morning of the twenty-seventh, in their own groves they could
Colonel led attack. win easy victory over British
He was challenged at the bridge So we see that in this
by the Carolina sentinels. ; the beginning of North Carolina's
We mast remember that the j battles we to determine end-
Essay read before Pitt
Association, by j --s
Mabel of Winter that
that the State Normal and Indus- inaugural address delivered ,, mM in . .;
trial at Greensboro, was joint Session of Mis-- remained the troops trying
which had served as pets, to over come and rule good
and Campbell Old North Stale,
in the early dawn February,
at o'clock this
were asleep in that
. .,,. , . r I toe tendency of the
the time OS- j , . i.
but all of them were saved. I white women is nothing
No particulars came m. to bow me if tie
fire originated.
; racial for social In
., Carolina History.
During the Kev var,
rushed forward, and Colonel Moore showed such
1776, was the igniting over. It was a terrible wisdom and patriotism, at this
grandest battles on record. moment when our people saw particular time that he made
This wonderful battle owing I these barelegged Scotch j general. the ram.- of Gen-
This is serious loss to the terms bravery by both is furiously upon Moore, of battle
state, as this normal school cursed the nod troop,, the them, bat the Bridge a ill hi
urged an amendment loving Worth they were cool, de- every true North Carol
that will-place j Creek they were And Case well,
the of the Ashe v ill ever be
fund sorely within the this battle e find And the deadly were plied and honored for very in
one of lineal institutions
the South.
Alice Blow, of
a pupil at the also
Senator v L. Martin on Fear brave as ft memorable
Blow, that all the girls are j h of th but ,, ,,.
It is cause for gratitude that Be Governor e of the first to tali. SCH
a race be
best and wisest Ha , his bead
j Moore.
lives were lost,
being pierced by twenty six Entertain-
Actual Cotton. morally h news that;
farmer and Campbell likewise fell, the The colored citizens were treated
merchant, ; t tine as that J K place m deadly end frightful j to the of series of mid
county, walked out of which was, ,,,. the
Heath a check rapidly, third by as he had colon d school of C M
in his Hand,, and he that, to 1880.; to ere is principal at th colored
never paused he had startling facts revealed by i A were on
AM ton belonged to Mr. among lie
of wealth but
in- was a a v n p
r, only every mean
i . v, as
; The program is reported as t
of Scotch fought . ., , ,
lives in a found to Sew -w and join of Ken.
and there never beans super- i. 21.7 per cent. r r. c n
was found-in the black J mot at R.-i. .,.
Louisiana, and be
boy, he has made; ho most f his C it k. But be
opportunities. As a farmer he yet the
is ;
of the Methodist and Ber,
W. A. Taylor, of
me as- delivered t ad-
people. never
well a. ho
am u is. c rear, , ,, , .
as,, he -v is four and w half w h and of IT u
Last yr J.-; tin, .- criminal, for, u. ,.,.,, , y- been the ,. our
as thick as lie is in the to the bride .,
H I be South, Mississippi I A,, W .,,,. ., Md are
. a saved particular y, I he is ;., ff dig hi . , m , along the line that on,
H,. year. sea tee must show
buying, cotton.
; old ail-.
flying every were
gratitude to those who are
to hem. E ,
it Every V Pk up a newspaper ; . and then.
and P t blackened with ape Fear
he could make by j i the Americans had to e
he buy i a up from three aid 01.0 of ill
didn't the want impress with men enemy
g. j-there more killed
cotton to cent and aspiration r social haste to join I III- ti wounded. Most off Item
the stale.
Way to Look at
is de-
he didn't get palpitation gr falling from ,
t heart like the big mill men., be free education in, led enemy i- bridge of two logs into the deep
Dint I
lie told goods Jar cm ton. vogue, winch . he is levying he .-
end ed every that tie white people be v 1770,
i-; th- the same
and in this of is him.
city. cotton at.-.-t little for this ten After it became dark he left his
over . he offered to sell nor the ft and quietly
and could no of their race. Nor do I cautiously ti e bridge. He
chaser, but when cotton wear to wish to be understood as the timbers m bridge
net I--
as to the
cm let a
except two log look-
up u position to help Lillington
cents he shook his bead the them for J am not
price was tendered him. nor sin I inspired by
Saturday Heath Brothers of this for but lam aim A she, who had already put
offered Mr. Orr attention to a most J themselves in the best place, to
all his cotton, and he at f prevent passage the enemy.
with the offer and urns given What shall he done The Loyalists expecting an easy
his check. Mr. Orr is the mast J but ii
refreshing that has been, own that
seen on the. local cotton j character Of the education for the
a twelve-month or more. His to be changed. If,
cotton its price years of earnest effort and
slid year nut
I here taken eight or nine .
H things about him, b he dune
hundred soldiers, who r,. .,. . , ,,.
were disarmed and dismissed. I
, , . get with and 8-iv
General and
r their chief men taken
industry and sagacity, and he
will be generally congratulated
over his Ob-
of fabulous sums
Victor unanimously agreed that
his camp should U- assaulted.
force at that time
amounted to about a thousand
At one o'clock the morning
Cotton seed and corn for sale
by W. P. Washington,
N. C. Also a limited of
seed potatoes. One
gathered from one acre in cotton
past fall over pounds of
seed cotton, and I made from my j which to build, or can-
corn to per not make a
after spring crop of cabbage. I The governor that
have a limited cm ton of
seed to sell. Price of to . , . . .
per bushel. Cotton seed demand the repeal of
bushel. 1- Amendment.
of money to educate bis head, the army
only succeeded making Of began their march,
out of him and impelling but it was within an hour of day
bin usefulness and efficiency before they reached the
laborer, wisdom would suggest I western bank of the and
that we make another experiment I found that Caswell his force
see if we cannot improve him I bad position on the
by educating his baud and heart. I site Bide.
There must be a moral substratum I The orders were directly given
to reduce the columns, and to
form the line of battle the
verge of the woods.
The rallying- cry was
George and the
The signal for attack, three
They gathered of the spoils
thirteen wagons, with complete
sets of horses, about fifteen hundred
rifles, in excellent condition,
three hundred and fifty one
hundred swords two medicine
and a box of guinea's and
other gold coin.
Thus we see this battle of
Moore's Creek was one
the m. st victorious battles of the
Revolutionary war.
It thwarted the schemes
Governor so dispirited
the Scotch that years
were to elapse before further
came from them.
it to inspired the North
that almost every
man was to turn out at an
hour's notice.
North Carolina had men enough
of her to crush domestic in-
and repel enemies from
sens it to his brother man for a
dollar or two, as the ease may be,
is as justly entitled to it as the
man who bushel of wheat
for a dollar. farmer
afford to raise wheat and give
to his fellow man, neither can a
man edit a paper and give it to
his fellow
Much Plowing.
People traveling along the
country roads say they never saw
so much plowing going on for the
time of year as at present. The
farmers are busy people in
ration for next crop for which
high prices are
Again let us admonish them not
to overlook food supplies when
planting time comes.
is the gate and
row is the Never be afraid
of being called if it i
that kind of narrowness.

Eastern reflector, 22 January 1904
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 22, 1904
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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