Boys farming

Boys farming
One boy leads horses through the fields while two boys work behind him. Date from negative sleeve.
Original Format
10cm x 12cm
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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Henry N Howell Mar 14 2010

This is farmer along with two other men, mostly likely sons or neighbors planting (setting out) tobacco plants in the spring for harvest in July, August and maybe early September. The man on the tobacco transplanter is driving mules and is sitting on a metal water barrel filled with up to fifty five gallons of water to be used to drip a small amount of water as each plant is set by the two men on back. As a chain drive on the transplanter makes a clicking noise, the two men alternate placing a tobacco plant in an opening in the ground as a small amount of water is released for each plant. Looking closely at the picture, you will see a bar scraping off the top of the earlier prepared and ridged row to make a level surface for the new plants. A device on the transplanter beween the two men then pulls the damp soil back around the plant so that it may take root and begin its growth into a mature tobacco plant. Note the dirt falling from the front portion of the larger transplanter wheel. This was a dusty job for the men. The smaller front wheels supported the weight of the transplanter and the mules provided the pulling power.

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