Eastern reflector, 8 September 1899

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N. C.
D. J. WHICH ARD. Owner.
Entered at the
Greenville. X. C, a.-
Mail Matter.
Wills Builders.
Mr. M. Barrow,
who St with the i
II p Greene
have last Ins-ii Consent
Bryan Replies to
Mr. Bryan has issued the follow-
of his position
interview printed in The New ;
Tribune of Sunday
-1 have stated at all Hates and
in all places the one
will in- before the country an-
bl is restored.
have repeated over and over
again ibis us art
alone, waiting I the aid
consent of other nation, and
Hi to l is the only ratio at j
which the mints can be opened.
-1 have never for one moment
thought a compromise desirable or
for candidates pledged to internal
tonal voted
candidates pledged to
dent bimetallism. vole
or independent, is
the single gold standard. We
have the gold standard lo day.
because tin- people want ii. ton lie
in Jewelry
the large cotton mills In
the four commissioners appointed
by the last legislature, was entered
before Judge Bryan, at Hill.
are lo keep all
the Bounty except the three
of the board of county
South, and who has been spend
tog several weeks with his
lives here. left for his home last
Monday. Mr. Harrow
ii.-over factories as town
builders, expressed himself
of having Louisburg
Brooches, Rings,
Beauty Pins, Olga
Silver Hearts for
invest in mi kind, elected by
We inquired of him why it Tile board of county
our moneyed men were SO has seven members.
slow in uniting and erecting a lac three elected by the people and
knowing as they do the by the legislature.
benefits to be derived The have a
He answered b saying it is in-
cause they were not able to in All which were
mediate and satisfactory Manila, election muddle have lees
along financial as well as other stopped and peace reigns it
Greene County. Free
The Reflector
Book Store
Has on hand a fall supply of
The Standard Bottles I
The prettiest and handsomest
line of Belt Buckles ever
shown in the town.
lines, which arises from a lack of
information, accurate knowledge
a to many advantages for future
development as well as many helps
in Ike wake of
these enterprises.
as lo
of the community and stir-
CLASPS, hack
New Fall arriving daily. Wait for our
n n
Worst in Year.
cause handful of English
great variety of Patterns in
to secure foreign aid in the
Republican are now preparing lo
make all contracts payable in gold
This will lessen the
legal tender money and make the
for gold more
The Republicans also
retiring the greenbacks in in
of national hank
lion ran money
lie forgotten while money
changers are I lo quote the language
used Mr. En
trying and
therefore is
master and all the n
The gold men know
our abandonment of the ratio of
lo l would lie equivalent to nil
abandonment of the money
they know an
of the money question
would lead to the surrender of all
that the part; gained
go convention.
money question, and there
fore the Republican papers are
praise the and
magnify the any
Democrat who will give out an in
to I.
plank, every platform is
every part will
Money Interest.
A prominent merchant declares
money expended for ad-
is the name as if placed
rounding country, This is proper
factories are established, he to be taken of advertisements
I. It gives employment to in newspaper,
hen of people, who Increase large-. there a valuable return
of merchandise resulting from in
and materials in a met
j. It opens s market, and a per- chant's
one, too, and gives eel- additional sales made ex-
of lusting lo and the
and here be remarked
that farmers of conn- of with
could not. for any eon public enables the tradesman
be to enlarge his sphere of operations
; or remove manufacturing in-; M ., to assume
from the county. Important standing in the
commercial world. The returns
for merchant's outlay in
far exceed in value the in
manufacturing In- received on the
so expended.
y Hum
Never spill when turned over.
per bottle- i c
. They open up bring with
them machine shops, repair shops
and various adjunct incident only
You may never but
Should you ever
I i ..,
after n I
The new
. n ii huts towards the Round-
lap . it tun m
i imp lifter a is
of the machine, is
The Republicans I a letter received l
r of In- Rec-
Baltimore, as
time ago you requested n-
give you our of the
Cot Ion cylindrical
pr.--. Al lime we were mi
in give i
,,., in- i.-. the nine we hid
and and. in
thereto, ii will meet new questions
as they
-The Republican is j
the dollar above the luau;
aim of the Democratic party is to h
restore a government of people
by the people for the people
a government which will protect
every in the enjoyment of
life, liberty the pursuit of hap-
A Doer of the Word.
from i . letter
in Asheville Citizen;
was, the
writer of a gospel
of live and not receive
if it lie read with such
Hire. In his day, as in there
an- more folks deceit
than making others believe in
them. There are of
hearers but few doers,
one me.
shall enter Into the kingdom
heaven, lull he Dial will
of my which is in
I know a mini, exceedingly devoid,
leads in public prayer, dares lo
stand as a religious
and h
mils him to do so, when I here
is not a in town who
will trust him I'm a
He has no respect for his
lull still he says.
And just such men
US Who keep of
who would, in all
and not only.
I wouldn't give a snap for any re-
that nut make pus
sensor of honest and worthy
confidence of his fellow man.
operated press. Now
h is closed, we can
the pro.
i- . particular,
is practical farmers. The re-
milts from sale of our have
been eminently and
in Ii I icy bill we had am i i
paled. The advantages lo
in I operator arc so many
lake up much space lo
enumerate them. Ii is
lo say who has lulled
their cotton on this press would
nu or hereafter patronize any
other. And why should
Their less
from one-quarter lo
one-half p.-i more than
they gel in bale.
There is
round here lo stay .
we would es
. are near a rail
mail. In gel in swim III
old adage of the
bird gelling the worm. They
will mil hill
their friends, the farmers, will gel
the cream the middlemen, Ike
commission merchants, have
enjoying and rich upon.
Id conclusion, the ad
vantages, will the halo Is
fireproof, waterproof,
and proof ii i a labor saving
am making hale lo
Ki i. Ark.,
Napoleon once said a ruler
could do anything with bayonets
except u. them. lien. Otis
might he able lo testify lo the
truth of apothegm.
Washington, Aug.
Weather has issued n spec
report mi the gale of August
17th. 18th,
us to shipping in t he
lions at Weather
lions i a. m of the
then- of
miles nil hoar. It in
I p. m., hen it was
ii mile-an hour, with
In miles
in hour. At hour an
. up-were blow n
and it i- that the wind
reached evens greater velocity
The hurricane was the -e
within the years. The
total loss alone
from lo
The which is
principal industry, has for
tin- -wept away, i
An tact i-
was so
miles an hour.
The Heroes
Only about five in
assembled N.
to celebrate departure
of seven for the m-ii-
overran the plat-
form and made II very
patrons of the road, other
than convicts, by blocking up
whole place and had free run
of the station, although there are
gates and fence-available for such
an occasion.
is such an occasion as
makes well wishers of the
race despair of them. To see
ii whole street full of women
out to sap lo a lot of
felon-uh leave like
With smiling faces i.-
lo make any . rejoice
day of
and Jim Crow law
has dawned at Item
w not only lo the material
strength of a low n. lo its
strength in many ways.
I, Speaking as to the Odell
Company, he said
the moral status of cot-
lion mill operatives CM lie largely
contact with them in
their daily life, the establishment
of churches and Sunday schools and
then giving these the personal help
advice and moral strength as la the
case with the mill referred lo.
reference to profits and
fit accruing to stockholders, be
I replied by saying cotton
establish and make
the value of all oilier proper
They secure a permanent In-
vestment of from eight lo twenty-
I five per cent and open the field for
outside capital to Invest, for capital-
are not afraid to make Invest-
where there are lac-
to insure their safely. In
regard lo mills he
replied that in the sec
lion, whenever competent
lo erect a mill.
only had to make it known, when
they once found a unanimity of
effort, and a necessary
of capital lo complete the plan.
However much may differ
along Other lines, they are always
united and come together on the
subject of a cotton mill for
know what it means lo a
county and State. He further re-
plied he had in mind some
if only have
him for boors
no argument would Is- necessary to
convince Times.
Give us a call.
Child Killed by Its Mother While
The colored people have
carrying on a big revival Deep
Creek church, township.
Last Saturday they reached
of religious fervor, and so
wrought up did wife of John
she leaped to
her feel and threw the infant,
which she held in her arms, high
in i he air. The child's head struck
a beach in its descent, inflicting
injuries from which died
day night. Sunday was buried
the presence of of no
Full Sheet Poster.
The Eastern Reflector
indication points to the
fad that the Democrats
who left party ill 1808 are
coming to feel duty demands
reunite with the party
in consideration of newer issues
they consider of greater
Is only a year and con
the news every week,
and gives information to the
those grow-
tobacco, that is worth
many times more than the
subscription price.
Steamers leave Washington on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri-
days A. M. for
water permitting,
Returning leave Tarboro A.
The prospects for an Too
Three years ago If had
proposed the
the even m a
gilt and with full consent, he
Would have bean regarded as HI
I'm a lunatic asylum. what
Way it more desirable for us to
expend our blood and treasure in
these islands, than it
President Cleveland
for beef rattle than have prevailed
for some J eon arc certainly good,
and should our
in returning to this source of
little helps on the
farm, and a few good bullocks for
market should lie the
results of every year's la
Doctors Say;
Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
arc invariably
by of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great driving
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
days, Thursday and Hat
Sailing hours subject lo change de-
pending on stage of water.
Connecting Washington with-
Steamers for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, and for all points for West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by I
Old Dominion s. boa
New York; Line from
Bay Line from
no. N. SON, ; H
Washington, N. v. v
Also n nice Line of Hardware.
I now ho found the
brick store formerly
S. ft. Schultz,
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, hams, should-
coffee, sugar, tobacco,
cigars, cigarettes, cheroots.
butter, mountain fall
cream cheese, sausage,
oat flakes, cotton-
meal and bulls, cotton seed
at cents per bushel.
to see
N. C.
i or
for ., .
lo W. R
Whichard, N. C.
The in every
and price as low as
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for produce.
wife had Ila M Mil
be Md the
I bad
com put ton but altar Mk-
I no
W MM Mg b-
I or m n.
MM Are., Pa.
or Be.
f art
S-l The Eastern
D. J. WHICHARD. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN . Year in Advance.
made in the history of the Greenville Tobacco Market was mode at the
All the surrounding counties were represented and the planters were all pleased with their prices.
They are learning that my method of having no drummers and adding the money to the price of their tobacco
is to their interest and they bring their tobacco to
Bring; me Your next Load.
Sole Owner and Proprietor.
Washington City, Sept.
hi- most substantial
Unit Imperialistic policy Is
. . iii is the
resell Wed-
of Mr.
This not an
one. By of
Ides, result was
as a of the Philip-
pine policy of Mr.
other issue was discussed for necks
daring content
only that, but
the of the re-
of money were
poured into the district by the Re-
publican Committee.
The Republican candidate was ac-
to be a good man. of
Herman descent, strong
the Gorman vote in
More than that, he was given the
appointment of
thus lo use for
advantage of a
couple hundred census
tors, to help him win.
The Democratic candidate was
handicapped. The district had
bean represented for a generation
by Mr. Bland, who his prestige
as silver leader hail secured
a life tenure of
nation. when be
died who for had
been unable lo lie considered for
election lo Congress, were
I lent to make the nice; there
was bitter contest for the
left ninny of the can
their friends
The district has been of recent
Democratic, by a
margin, and six years ago it was
carried by
shOWS II so
The Methodists of the
in one of the
a n,,,,
papers throughout the State this enterprises yet undertaken, to j
correspondents work- Administration -j m forced to effort to celebrate the closing of
the and with i pat.-h up soil of agreement the 20th eon-
and financial aid well, Aguinaldo get out of the thank-oiler-
have-lone their utmost to secure Philippines with as grace At least this is
I he elect ion of I he as and dignity as will sum lit proposed, we lie-1
an of the President admit. Asa political issue so promising is their
and his Philippine policy. will Boon as great is the
Democrats on this simple as Know was which will he raised will reach
i lie Arin
State of Ohio, City I
makes Oath
In- is senior partner of the
firm of Frank
opposed lo ism
years ago. is as
as and . every laud where
deliberation is all i- lo and ii exists in land
Concluding a series of editorial insure vigorous reject Ion almost under the sun, active
lo pull the can-1 American re. Work.
through to victory, the Twenty-eight hundred was
the leading majority given the Democratic
organ of West, upon his simple and the
the whole country watching ration militarism and Methodists are
the remit of a motion to and ism
Philippine policy, the J ally. This was a district that It Is a groat undertaking, but as
failure of a to go to ago sent a Republican to say, the numbers
Congress, beating have g. to
as I Hand, who for eight ballots was work in earnest, and arc
the leading candidate for the of success Post.
he with
drew in Now, an
feats his expansion competitor
with to span-.
A good many ans here
are will be Bryan's
majority for If this die
j stun . Mr. Tom I hi ii.
The worm bus, in it de Mr. Fred Oliver's have
march, I i at I he of Hie worms
Creek Mallard Creek, and i m,. i. in of Toledo.
spreading over acres of farmer, state and
is Mr, W. tacks millet first, he said will pay sum of
X. of Creek, thinks have been for
, . , ii u each and I
an inch long -small . in millet. the Hall's
he says, luau the same worm throughout Catarrh Cure.
which made its this, i i i I Sworn and
ll presence, day of
December, A.
. i A.
, , Rotary Public.
Hull's Catarrh Cure la taken in-
in This is
attack in this section
since time. It then got in the
and destroyed field i
field, The worm is called If every in
from fuel that it the hind, would up sign,
mi like the main this year and live lip
up first and then Hunks, lo it and except every
It moves lie off next year.
attacking cot Ion, corn, Credit n limits should be kept at
grass or in its Hit Ii. I fa mini is
and directly on the
mucous surfaces of the
system. PRANK
Toledo, O.
Sold druggists, rile.
Hall's Tills are
practically a vote for tin
proposition to
the and surrender
Hut this is what Hie
decided lo do.
as excellent
disapprove mil only of the weak
and which the
war against Aguinaldo has been
waged, but their opposition to
laking Asia into as-
and compel it ion
American This district
piled up the. handsomest
plurality it has given for
many The result was a
mortification to the Republicans
only in the district, butt
Senator Carter of Montana, for-
chairman of the Republican
borrow I hem. that an
in line, but turn Tin merchants who trim any other income tux will be enacted
in- neither In fight or left, j kind of mental,, their chances, for Stales, and then
One is People to keep mil of trouble must Republicans ill claim the idea
If the stated in the
arc and to In-
can lie-aid Filipinos,
and this nation would sutler
in acknowledging its
adherence to the doctrine that gov
never slops. While some of live within
worms arc eating tin land way lo do and to
crossing over i pursuing h .-old trouble is lo as
They lo j . ,. fie credit is
a ii-I lender of cotton, men, The cash
a- their II,
is a sample weakness of derive their Just powers
of the
Madame Henry her baud
and committed suicide to save the
the army, n Is a
huge in down or
States this season. Hula the conspirators
d by Mr. It. Manning who Dreyfus were consider
ate honor
reside- near Ha.,
. I to be a winner. It was weighed in
a clear whatever strength . , . .
town last week and bill
one-quarter of a pound of T
I 111.-
the West who see in land their own honor
I so deep their
j. r Cans
.-r. lion-
iv it'll is
i tho on la
grain until I here ii nothing let lo
I. mi; then do a lint t
thing else docs when has run its
course die.
Mi. Al-.-i-i
when struck
in ii destroyed whole fields in
Fan Creek and other lo in
Alter eating the
grain, turned the cotton,
lug bolls nil Hie stalk.
having oaten everything In
sight, worms then devoured
ii i- the and
lo do business, men
i n in. k
at Law,
Greenville, X.
consider accounts ft
ere iii-i-.
and that lime is.
long enough.- Mange. Va.,
I Mis, I-I-.
I be Houston publishes lei
from III Texas
giving the condition of the cotton
crop, result Is the Pool
says the crop in Texas will lie a de
crease from
crop lost year, due to de
expansion may have had a year
ago, it has none today. Mr.
strong In Missouri, as it was gen I went y melons this season
through the West and South weighed each.
west. It is fading rapidly, The pound melon sold in Val i. by
and the result of c
each other. Hoods,
fields looked like South t atoll n is in the race of
did alter Sherman passed these lb
through that Mr.
Civil Engineer and
Mills It. Kure,
s N. o
N. C.
was left. I I million bale crop Ibis year,
noticed incoming In them in News and Observer.
Dr. D. I.
predicts a Greenville, H,
Office over J.

D. J.
Entered at the Bat at
Greenville. N. C. Second Chan
Mail Mailer.
Several cases of yellow Sever
have eloped a I Kev Weal and
one case is reported in Sew h-
began to watch, whim found
thole cause such a
ante being me. I alas
nod . II. Bernard had
been wife's down
fall lier to me.
mu know ledge to a Bean
our Sin Will ration w-i Me
Be Sure
Find You
destroyed our home. A- at
my in proper
shape I left Greenville and for
nearly a year in
The Wilson boasts
over its original matter. Hut it
clip from the News
Observer a special telegram, bead
and all. dated Bent. moved up
the to Sept. I to
with the of the
palms it on it readers.
had any
W intimation that intended to
him lie. in his
soul, he lies when he
was heated his
personal He
also knows he lies when he -.-
that I did denounce him at
upon him the
home, There were
a copy of The American,
paper printed in Manila.
It is an S page paper. The
ii i Sept. I, ft sent us bears
Another in l It reach here shown
is the little two sou of Mr. the time it takes for mail to
Bad Mi. will from Manila.
Cot ten. of
with I
I . M. Bernard Is A
days last week. Saturday evening never to return,
he went to the depot to but ,, of
take the train to Ann found it hi
at the depot ahead ,.,,. bark. When I
of trail time he kept a seal en my wife's
which he rude out i-Mi suasion I allowed her to return
holding with f. to me took her away. We
colored, while several to Bed
colored men congregated around u,,.,,. afterwards
the vehicle. there a our resilience several
among this colored provided far her, there
a- I hey -a Mr. B. I MM ho would allow her to
paid advancing with a pistol i though my
He leveled the pistol not he restored. I brought
and You this section in April of
. you rained year and left her at her moth
A ,. i honor of his
near him who heard it
will so testify. Hut he
Sew York Cotton
for August were the
largest under the law .
Harry was killed the
explosion tank,
at Kan., on
A rod
out a head on the
Newark, at
Three hundred miners of
have struck the com
high for powder.
While trying to arrest Chin and
Darnell, at Sedan. Ky .
Marshal A. was killed
and Sheriff Ml.
El he
would no more a ion
for Mayor of Detroit Hi ii he would
u nominal ion
janitor of the
Rank, Sea
York, fatally shot the
side of his sleeping wife
The International
lion of Factory Hi
on the Lake. has
to meet next year
Minneapolis. Minn.
Beginning today Sew fork fire
men will he allowed time off duty
for three meals a day. instead of
two, as heretofore.
Mayor It. B. Boyle, of Atlanta,
Tex., is In jail charged with nun
for shooting his brother in
law. Albert
the nigger on him.
tumbled out the
and in a half running, half
attitude got Into depot
room, the door
shut behind him. lie called lo a
the outside hand in
and ii a- presumed the
that lo get a
pistol out ii. follow
on lo the
room, again
in Greene county. I hast
roaming from phase to
place. and
and health de
life was more of
and than can be
told, I l a man it Ii one
foot in the grave and pail of the
lime h id to r. in mi in a hospital.
la the last few mouths I have
wailing several
in the -nae n ,, after my find
against Bernard lo I learned
ruining his hone, and railed with my wife and
and ,, , i,,,, taken advantage of H
not need me to tell him the
In his Ida. k and
heart he knew
when he was Seeing,
h ear, he knew he was fleeing from
the of an outraged
As a further that Mr.
was not bf
personal and of
to make the assault, he
showed us a letter from his sou who
at and who has not
bean in in four years.
Tins attar was dated the
and in pail read M follows .
morning the
and that you had
shot Claude Bernard, it was
no more than I had
Write tell me all it.
ought to have
hag before you tried your hand.
The paper said that all they regret-
was on missed your mark.
U hat did do about and
when- i- now; I
was mad alien I heard about it
that ion did not kill
A. ;. I Mfg. Co. is prepared The ii ill eon lit of the Western
line to lie
One tank of pounds for . S
trial. and The Charleston CM
If you to a lot urges that the Indian
the matter right here. If you
haven't pistol perhaps can
borrow While was go I
in eras led out
side window, lumped into a
h and hastily down
ii low ll he closet
counsel mid short there
made ii before
w. II. I. a warrant i
peace bond The wan ant i
in hands of
ha BO
trouble all in finding Mr.
About he appeal
in her.- lier
and one other gave
testimony about as slated above.
The Justice required defend
ant to enter into a bond fill WOO lo
keep pea. o The I . Si
once given.
People gathered about the int.
in groups the mailer
freely, and while bulb cause
and result of the affair were regret
all. most general regret
heard was Mr. Sn had
land and in
of a and Sunday school,
see A. Cox. who has several
All who will are invited lo at
tend the meeting the
church at
week. Kid. of
Mount, who is doing the
is a plain and forcible preacher.
Bob who lived I few
in south of hen-, died Monday.
The funeral passed
yesterday .
from I got off
the tram here lo attend the burial.
A M Cm the
I. T. Manning Co. you
will now MB a marked change.
have a large and varied stock
of dry good- and
those who come Aral will have the
biggest stock front which to make
W. It. Tinker, a prominent far
miles of here, says he
name lie revived.
It you it out i
Hoots Pitts
U Liver II order,
On y
iii be
you and
tor haM of work. has
n the experience of it
will be HOOD'S PILLS
old by all medicine dealers. CU.
has need a pair of
m,,,,, A
The backbone of the strike at mu
the Lake Superior I nones pistol.
has been broken, the majority oft left
of the men going back to work iii I
the old schedule.
Three Illinois the
who In
and Lad
mi . -1
-When I returned lo Greenville
early had moved
lo Raleigh to eater of
District which lie now
disgraces and dishonors. Alter
his guilt In causing my wife's
and so
trouble me. I did not
him fare to face until Saturday
us he was
wailing lo depart on the train.
U him then I was s. oven mu
the thought of be
had caused me that I draw
pistol and shot at him. I
I h id In- fell immediate
y tumbling out of the back in
which he had boon
scrambled I could
have shot him again, bill seeing
him fall thinking him wound
led I fell sale lied without trying to
punish him further, no did net
shoot again I did desire lo
lake his life, lull I did
punish him for tin- terrible wrong
In-had done me and lo mark
destroyer of men's home-.
I understand I am
Hi.- sufferer this respect at
was all over bis
Tin. Hi. This is the story as
interviewed Mr. who has wronged,
to shooting the
saw and heard what
Q, they are
still in class order, and were
and they tell as emphatically .,, tis tax list.
did an use thanks to Mr. Tucker
ruining his home the time of the ,,, i, of history. We will DOW
also while standing , others.
wailing room door calling to for A. i. Col Mfg.
to collie out. Al the trial . .
that night before Justice
made the charge direct
W. II. T.
answer. Bernard showed Intense
excitement and appealed to the
lo keep from answering the
put lo him by
us looks like he had
he tiled bit
paid and asked
increase la wages, have
live per cent, advance. make for
mi- any wronged, and one could on-
to mailer l lie w deepest pity and
nothing the soil either before,
when or after he
Bernard also his
that -the act is not endorsed
III.- best the
hut only by a We do
not know who he would term
the people here or how
of than he saw to get their
opinion between the time of the
Opening the Season.
The Charles King Dramatic
Company will open the season here
In the Opera House on Hater-
day in that
thrilling drama,
Mr. King baa a wide reputation as
a dramatic artist the people of
Greenville will enjoys rare treat.
He is surrounded a company of
capable him in
an admirable style. will be
on sale Friday morning at II. M.
by Lee. your
seats spend a pleasant evening.
I am now one of the new
atonal prepared to supply all
your in the way of
Mint i-
l j
me a call when in
my line is and I to j of.
please you III and
price of
We bare just
nix building entirely new
We Carry
Dry Hoods, Notions. Boots,
Hats, Hardware,
t Farm Implements,
Meat. Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
etc., in fact
earned in a general stock.
We Also Sell
Ought to Have It.
It is perhaps not known by
many people that there i.
that different
a law re-
shooting and bis departure from have a map made of their
It was between and in live counties, showing the
o'clock that night when the trial ship lines, etc. ate. Such is the
For the third time within a few
months toll gale on Km I
and Clear Creek pike, in
destroyed b dynamite.
healing relate
All Papers
The News, order
keep pace w its grow patron-
age. has enlarged lo
eight page-. It is the leading
of the State and is
as large as any of morning
handsome paper just
published is the industrial edition
of If Bit till Free This
was a paper of pages, nicely
lust Winston
her many I.
is a splendid and is hut a
further evidence of the spirit
of co-operation among her
men that is accomplishing so much
for the development of the town.
The greatest paper ever issued in
North is
of the Raleigh
News and I
pages, and is not only the
largest ever issued this Stale
but Nation has never
passed II. Sketches of of
prominent towns of the arc
given paper, the descriptive
being made more
by splendid illustrations. It is a
creditable publication will
prove of great to the entire
Ai In- hesitated, re
the hid
come to be had
endured, bill after a moment re
ii was perhaps a
duly he owed I he public to make a
statement so hi know the
character of Bernard, and others
be warned against such an invader
destroyer of homes.
Then in response lo
Why did to shoot His
Attorney Mr. Ship
paid the following
be was the author of
the ruin of my once happy home.
I was led in and moved
to nine veal's later.
For awhile after moving hen- I
continued fanning operations
Which kept
perhaps half of lime. In later
years my engagements
were such that I was
often away home. How
Dot until ISM that I
my domestic relations, had
I cell In the summer
year I received an anonymous
note which gave my inti
million of wife's
This note said in if
would set a watch I could learn
some fads that should know. Unit
too Intimate relations be
and my wife.
like a chip
Bernard Makes False
ended, before next morn-
Bernard was waking people up
lo get a horse to leave town
so it does not appear be bad
lime for getting many opinions.
On the other hand, the writer of
an under of all
grams to Pram
about the matter, has had
ample of seeing those
whom we know a re the best
so far not a single expression
of disapproval have we heard.
however, the law having
repealed. Durham
Land Sale.
Canned Goods
m ,. o ,. I WHITE FLEMING,
are to Is-found here. I Alter two
moved Into one of the new
and can now In- found just across
I be street opposite J, Cobb t
till A NO.
Our prices on everything will lie
found as low as a good article can
In-sold You are cordially in-
to visit our store.
Highest prices paid for all kind
I of country produce.
Premiums have been paid
The people of wen
greatly amused upon the
daily papers Tuesday night and
seeing bow M. had
By power i-a
and my stock embraces the
Bawl of every thing.
miles distant.
rushed into print with false state-
on Saturday Bight. II
everywhere knew Bernard
a he is known in it
would a wash-of lime to refute
such as all do
not know how recklessly he baud
led truth his falsity should be
Tin I I had a
any or ;,,, x,
live to the made by
Bernard be gave us the follow
for publication i
-I do Intend i dignify a
duly w retch like
with a newspaper controversy but
I w ill nut allow him lo create
as he is seeking to do.
my attack upon him was
or by his per
or I
The adage that live
swim up is a modern
one with an especial application to
merchant- of this age of push and
real. Duly the go ahead
aspiring tradesman may expect lo
steadily upward Inward sue
making headway against the
competition and nil
that his course.
If he lie a sagacious man he will
have discovered ill the very start
of bis mercantile career that
a live news
paper is very lies help he can
gel order t secure extensive
I.- in .
Court, entitled Harsh Cos sod Hr-
n ex to
September Mm
Court In
public sale.
the following m of
had, to on N B
tad on
North Brown,
lamb fox
by first street sad Wast by
known us No. in
town of sad
lot J. U.
Notice to Creditors.
clear I'm I fell that my . . BOW MB W
r of l
Moving and Changing.
I. Woolen is moving into his
new drug store. He a
dial order for the furniture mid
tines his store and makes Hie
interior very attractive.
V. Johnson
In the new store ill the
Mm I. next to hunk.
It. A. Tyson is a stock
of gr s i-i in one of the
stores on side of
Si Co., have moved into
the office
pied by II. The
has Ins in the store J.
Tin Clerk Court
to the on tin-
lay of Aug. Hit- Ian ills
is lo
all to the Estate lo
iii lo the
sad in all to a please yon.
claims, to Ike
Asia of this this will
lie in liar
II day of .
J. S.
How in our
new store. Drop in unit we will
show We are just opposite
the Hank of and having
a much linger store than usual
are handling
Von will three
Joe and lo wait on you
tin Ism
Sale of make Assets
power in
a in a
Court, P. A. Wayne,
Wayne. B. Cox, J. Cox
the will on
Monday, Hie 2nd day r Motor. to-
lore the Boats door in
to for
. to Will
or panel of lead,
in Creek tad n-
hi a
lo the ca-
then up lo a Hi. in.
poll ll -I III- l-i-l
lack line, line
line lo a P.
A. corner, to Ike
with the
to P. A. other
with ii-
Weal III- poles to a -lulu in a
pine, t tones u
lb.- U -nit more it
When to prices,
will Ibid ours rock
t to us.
J. L. BRO.
Heavy and t
Newark. N. J.
Your Policy
Has Value,
Loan Value,
Insurance that
works mini
I, Will lie within
three years lapse it you are
in good health.
After Second Year
K. I I icon test
are payable be
of t he second and each
year, provided the
in i inn for the current year lie paid
They may lie used
I. To or
To the or
I, To Policy Payable
an during the Lifetime
Of I'll.
N. Q.
Hogging always
on has .
goods kept on
hail. Country produce and
sold. V w ill convince you.
D. W.
Bill, A
I fan,
I pay . .-ii at
is I
Market U i. ill. , N.
Ml H lour
To 1.1 n i,. .- My
lull or in Nu IV
or N
Now is the time to buy clothing
i n r ox i
am to reduce my of Clothing and will make prices
will move
black NOW 14.7.
m i. TOGO
. I i.
Allen Warren today
Miss ibis
A. M. this Burning
attend Northampton
and Nannie John
sin are the .
Mrs. II. Spain Sat-
in Ike
. .
for to
Mrs. Waller Pollard
a v
Mr-. Owen am,
today lo Mrs. j. w.
I Bryan.
K. A.
the veteran
o i
still ll.
M .
i .
ti a.
ii ii in.
, a
. ;
hut. it la. lab ii la
AM in
ii in i ran. h in.
if . i .
lb. ii i
vi. u . d a j j
lulled .
I S-M. went lo Bod
L IV today to spend the
lo , . . ,,.,.
i i i ill
BIS. in
U ill. Ill
That Hi. n Iii I.-
new rear.
People who hurry in
at i.
and sin
SI ore.
This is going to Is- another
week on market.
Pitt Superior will
commence on the third Monday.
A hogshead factory has
Keep good work going
the grass is gone from the streets.
roses now lading
there is no way of
lug IIi.-iii.
Sewing Machine
The cotton buyers are
I In ii to slick tint
that comes along.
This has haM a day I hat made
people complain heal. It
has oppressive.
Mr. S. T. White is receiving
congratulations his host of
friends. The heir is a line boy.
We have mil mentioned the fuel
for a few VILLE
A as much M
The gelling in their
new stores opening their new
ii busy scene along
main street.
A V B. S.-pl.
The Free Will
Monday nine, with
good a
in enter Prof. Davis
v. had charge of the school last
year van re-elected
hut hi accept just a
before was to
. Thus. K, of Ohio, was
It In lake
Mis. I n I. child
returned today a to
I relatives in
baa gone to ., .,,. ,.
charge sun ii,,,, .,.,,. , .,.
pan In -1 and pate,
i i. i n i .
Hi . i.
lb. fin I i
. Will, sill 1.111
Miss .,. morn
log for reek lad tie . ; i
there before lo Durham. t in
i ll i; i i iii.
Miss Man Alice Move returned
this morning b
Helen her home
for a v here.
S. and his III lie
girls Katie and Mamie Ruth spent
elected principal, and he did and re-
have time to his this morning,
which accounts for the small open- i
Miss U
f the primary department. Mr.
,. , . ., ,
Miss are a strong,
learn and children will get ,
., visit lo
it placed in this
school. 1- Fleming went to Washing
ed three Florence
ire enrolled, with ones Mrs. S. r. Hooker.
daily. This term bids
lair to eclipse any former
right and Ml
Prof. A. Manning is principal.
Miss Maude Mia. Mill
Man ii assist a u oilier I each
era will This
is best opening in the history
be by
far the Since last
session the buildings have en-
Improved. The College
is prepared give courses
and tan prepare pupils for any
or in
sou of Dr. Joe
.,., , , morning
I be clouds gave us go by I , , . ,
Monday evening so far as ruin alter an
concerned. But we got a six days. He a bright little
cooler more pleasant months old. The
The in river is so i of
that boat to anchor some the parents in their bereavement.
distance Monday, and o'clock the body of the little
send passengers a boat babe laid to rest In the Ayden
Parker is -playing W. con
with now, dueling the burial ceremony.
and is going to make the M , . , , .
messenger carrier we have
sent on his route.
Full good Farm, To
Pack House all
necessary buildings. Land adapt-
ed to all crops. Apply to Q. M.
Tucker, N.
Percy Lewis Will Proctor,
I little Iii i s i-l in short pants,
hail a scrap Tuesday evening
which Will used n knife, though
not set-i i i .
The infant mortality is bothering
the public mind, till kinds
explanations have been given for
II. Various causes
said to give spinal meningitis, and
water milk to give typhoid
fever. Then, the drugs
to i ii little ones are
ed for the permanent of
them. Doubtless this last has
caused many deaths. In the hands
of ignorant or persona,
remedies far stopping the crying of
babies are dangerous in the ex-
many of them being little
else than pi. ions In
or other powerful drugs. Grown
people have themselves to blame
in a or less degree if their
is poor; but pi i
manly the result of their
lives, nail secondarily
care; too often neither
give them a chance at life or the
pursuit York
W. Bryant, Saratoga, has
taken a position Pulley
How en.
S. of Chapel
Hill, is spending u fun days
Hi. A. Move.
Mi--, s. t, children
returned home Monday evening
from a v to
Louis Latham mid John While
this for Raleigh to at-
bind M. College.
T. I
morning for a trip to the western
pan of Stale on business.
Mis. L. II.
an ii ed Monday evening to visit
her mother, Mrs. J. I. Daniel,
W. S. doming, Cross
Roads, took tin- here this
morning for the north lo purchase
Miss Josie Herring, of Snow
Hill, who has visiting Mi
Roan Hooker, returned home Mon-
day evening.
Herbert Harris, who has a
lion with A. T. Co., left this
morning for Wilson, lie has bean
sick a goes home lo
lake a rest. All hope be will soon
be well again.
It. L. I is, of
Board of County
sick and mil attend this
September meeting of Hoard.
Smith, our popular lady mil
liners, left fur today
to buy their fall stock of millinery.
W. L. began a
of meetings at the
Monday night. Rev. Mr.
of Rocky is doing the
preaching. Both arc excellent
preachers we trust much good His place was Oiled
will W.
II. Harris c.
in bad with typhoid fever, and
,, , . . let
another able lo Is- up. ;
Mr. Robert died j . ,, returned
near here Monday with lever. from Court.
leaves a wife and one child, .
,,,., . , , Luther near
lost Ins baby a .-v
ago. Tail.
Mrs. K. House left this morn
to visit her mother in Edge-
The new woman i most eases
Hie tailor la always eager for
I In- mi
II may seem inn there
are no girl.
certainly ought to be
than Is the
all labels ll win
lull of soap.
Well. I
bicycle tire as the cyclist up
v. a pump.
When a gels i left over
mutton be isn't apt
to about being given cold
The Indiana has some I Ii
lilies aboard, bill in Admiral
son the New has
gun of the fleet.
nice am not
brother Wall
fast young am just ex It
able pick lie boss
Marks--Say. old i-an
I you
last night
maul I had lime lo
spend it
one good thing
about I papa. He
I. no
he was shivering
he was asking for eon-
sen, to your
suggestion has I sen to
provide jailers with
out His, and when crowds surge
around jail, lake a snap shut at
influential respectable
which all newspaper ac-
counts agree compose the mob
The would be a
more weapon than the
hot pin. Durham
The telephone ex-
change now him lite largest list of
subset it was established.
Manager W. S. Atkins has made
out a new directory and it
to the printers.
Louis let
Baltimore to resume
Miss Put rick
morning for Durham h
music -i there,
left Ibis
attend a
Do you lad like screaming-
before and during the monthly sick-
Arc you easily irritated Do
you get the blues and wish some-
times you were dead
Ii your answer is to any
of these questions, you should lose
no time in taking
and cure every
i will W
u. i
rat a it. .;
over this morning to visit
J. t. a
, of Mount, came
down Tuesday evening.
Miss of
who has bean visit Mrs. F.
returned .
S. L. Peal, who for n has
bean working for
left morning for Tarboro, In
lake a position in a printing
J. P. who was here
Tuesday, tells us he had just u
turned from Seven Springs,
there was yet a right crowd
at the hotel.
Mayor's Court
Ii. Move had only a
light docket this morning,
but one case u-adv for trial.
That was against K. W.
for being drunk and down on
street, lie plead the
charge on the promise of mil
doing so any he was let oil
on the payment of one penny and
costs, amount lug lo
The other eases disposed of since
our last report were
I. u Henry con
duel and profane language, plead
log to
Powell, disorder
plead lined one
and coats,
and disorderly, plead guilty, lined
one coals,
O, L. and It. I.
affray disorderly,
plead guilty, lined one
costs, US,, Hailey not guilty,
Forbes and
drunk, add
fray. Forbes plead guilty,
ion I both were
. lined and costs each.
making 13,30 each.
I he
I or the
I lie i 1.1.-I
. .
died a few I
The in v
i i
S ;. i-i
i lab
I .,
, MS V U U J
V i mi m i
I I H i II
o i I t SI l C l U V D Q
V ft L I I
is Complete
At prices that will suit you.
Jas. I White.
I i .
I . -ll.
ii an
tried to quiet three
prom were .
I In sire. I, before on
hen tic
-hot through with a
o. . i,
and came
Wean- told that a certain farm
in ho. a the aid
. f hi- cultivated h
In an unusual
-I hiking the bile
i inn in id Id
He for
it to do
when father was plow and
her hoeing, was
riding.- Monroe Journal,
The Ai tin Teal
. H Iii i;. I. have bought
line land
much ii tin-
riv.-i e. miles.
and ,. ii.-l it. bead
Wilmington. There i-
m lib in -i for
v. f
writes to the Kill
and Observer, and
citing the lit nil I- hue he. ii
in oil the
the and
i In if In
lie not lie
admitted all of
the Slate Normal and
College, with all rights mill
thereto, Mr.
Smith's point appears well taken.
The i- . i
I I. in.- div a
. to admitted
o. colleges on all fours
with their brothers we are unable
at tile to HOC
brothers should not be
to the privileges
Repair Shop.
lilt vi
Dry Goods,
is hi in DAILY
in a
pi in it mi. i. Yin FOB THE
hi; ms
ma it
Hi Out Prison.
a man
inn w as I ind In
Move tor a or
and nils lined.
the lo line he
was in cell
house. That Chief of Police ;
went house In
pill ill another
had escaped, The o . n
per ion of I lie w feel
above floor, .
little hole docs not hi,,.
The Season's Attractions.
Plot. full
term of the Male Oil Mull
vi an of Is.
was a line beginning
Mrs. Id School
I Ml-s ell I cache I . opened
; I I pupils prevent,
Prof, school in the
The c each of the
schools w ill In-
pupils could not be
opining .
t, Yon; OLD
And you 111-1 what you want
. W, raPS
O f
i can be found lo
of street. out for inc.
Dr. T. X. editor of the
tho pulpit Hie Methodist
church here .
were at
morning Ices. Mr
is a charming
both his sermons were excellent.
Our people
The poor of
people i little abort of criminal
negligence. Herald.
Cl I lull- mil
in. a
lo t a tails,
atom I
mil. None i- VI .
I ho new mi
m i -J ; x a.
a H

X. C.
D. J. WHICH Owner.
ii i
Greenville, X. C
Mail Hatter.
Post Office at
I. C, Bent. I.
The republican claim of a watt
over iii Ohio. this fill. his been a
pretense from first, and
U has grown day
It will Mr. Me
fore, Him in- did, .
to-his return to was
to hold a with several
Ohio republic ms. and of
the results conference was
a cablegram to Bus H
It in hum home from in
order lo take charge of the c mi
hi- ticket, Mr.
let Mr. as a strong
dangerous candidate he
knows ilia If Ohio goes democratic
year, ii ill boom
rapid I brightening
democratic prospect.
election of democratic President
will heroine well a
lie Is determined to prevent ibis
be can possibly do so, and in ad-
methods, which
will It worked ti the limit,
whole power of
remained in Washington, from
Saturday afternoon until today,
In- Philadelphia to
where In- hopes to put in some
good political licks and incidental
prevent a being
upon present of
the old sol
found Cine to
the capitalists who, for
. fish reasons, are to gel tin
government to mix itself tip in
revolution in Santo Domingo.
turbulent mob
of known exist
in any portion world. With
all anxiety to please these
ii i not believed that Mr,
will dare to wind
wish him has Iron-
la such countries as Spain. Italy .
Turkey the
is tilted to get limn
-HI to a . lo I.
ft um to sunset. front
o lie ran furnish a home
well enough the word
of Ins or his limit
of bis
Beauty Pins, Olga
Silver Hearts for
young man was
mill pond in
. The pond was drawn
for the purpose of recovering the
I Ii is
hill for against the lather of
the young man. the point was
Blade that did not over
mane did not cost W
to repair the and the owner, S T .
Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in
are invariably
led by the
Stomach Liver and
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the driving
in the mechanism of
man. and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all liver Troubles.
The Reflector
Book Store
Has on hand a full supply of
The Standard Bottles
prettiest and handsomest
line of Belt Buckles ever
shown in the town.
la a card published In The
News, say- it not cost lull
lull that his mill w as stopped
the were being made,
intimates is little enough
for fish he lost the other
damage sustained.
it sorts of
pie to make a world and sonic
are a good deal re
than Observer,
A great variety of Patterns in
New Fall Goods arriving daily. Wait for our
Keeping the Informed.
has been tersely staled that
are on goods by
desire a fact which the
merchant will keep in mind
in connect ion with his advertising.
The for certain lines of
wan- pi them at
a profitable figure; but it is
for tradesman In order
to let where their
favorite wares may obtained.
The in.-1 method of
fusing ibis information is through
of a wide
j circulated newspaper. The
merchant who lo
give lo bis
and bis
Sunday evening,
M., and at in A.
I Mm Rev. A.
i Charge.
day, morning and
j evening, Rev.
A. W. pastor. Sunday-
in. D.
every Sun-
day. and evening.
meeting evening. Rev.
N. M. Watson,
school p. in. v Harding,
Morion, pastor. Sunday
school p. -I. R. Moore
Ills Mistake.
is taken, us possible, this
pledged faith of led
I States can
w re given in
War Ibis
bill f . i
in U his -.- mill re
in a report made In
the Military of
ill have to continue for a
lime, is a-
cant. Thai sort of opinion from our
enough now. without ,.
for new ones. indefinite military of
The Sampson Nat this, ,,,. , present
Department, which has able over
in command ,,.,,, I; ,,. . ,,. ,.,,,.,.
,. ,,
on the part of the ad
South. If let alone, the South
the will solve the race
; problem. The ease of Mis Jewell
if Huston
nu par of a
worn in in a matter
have been lei alone.
-k SM
Never spill when turned over.
officers were entitled to
honor, will have him ordered
shore duty, re
in and will
also endeavor to prevent the
val of Admiral who Is
officer, in New
York, In- is from
South Atlantic, on the cruiser
Chicago, in time to participate in
ceremonies. if
lied with having done so much for
Sampson. working
to prevent Schley getting an
although be is
clearly entitled lo theses be
asked I'm-many mouths ago. There
are eligible to succeed
Sampson us Commander of the
North Atlantic
. and seems
likely. name may be con-
out of it.
Sen. Pita Lee gave the War He-
a little more than as
when it asked him and the
Ii i- now that
will take time toga
i I. Ne attend the
lion Admiral
dentally gain a little pupil
I'm- n- in
i well know a. Senator
gun, of several months
ago, came out In a speech
lug i in- nomination of someone
other than Mr. Bryan. Today.
Morgan says that Bryan Ii
inly logical nominee of the
Every one returning from
Philippines, who Is free to talk,
comments on there,
place in
hands the of
and civil affairs, ii
mil competent In
I both Ill- has
never -cm the filing lines, and yet
assumes men as
Law Ion and In re
treat be
other in
lo make reports on condition
under their jurisdiction,
by adding the following
lo bis
us of the island be taken as soon
that of
a decision regulating absolutely Ignorant of the condition
the same; a modern system of surrounding them. The only ones
jurisprudence be introduced, so who are defending in
that elective officers can in- voted are those who. for
reasons, are
a general election be or- reasons, arc profiling bis
tiered for a President of a Chief
Magistrate, a Vice President a
Congress of legislature, to of ha
two branches, and all strengthened himself with all
people, his
pal all of which action in lynch
regulated, and In a recent letter
himself forcibly on
the on the part
with the of affairs
of delegates in proper proportion
the different
shall meet as soon after the census
Prom Ibis lime on staled
lion Ohio this fall of
a John I j
Mi of the
for governor on the Ural ballot, and
w spare no effort to down
and their home
state, platform is explicit j
for silver, re-
favors tin- hide- I
of Ho- Philip
pines. Mr. is a wealthy
man. and a and j
bus a good fighting chance of car
Hi suggestion in
lated to startle one at Ural in its
originality, is a most excellent plan
I'm granting the license, the
can make
such as w ill squeeze
water out of the stock prevent
the monopolization Indus-
A parrot, a remote English
district, escaped from
settled on the roof of a la-
borer's cottage. When it had been
there n little time, the laborer
caught sight of It. He had never
seen such a thing before, and
after much in
at bird With its curious
beak and beautiful plumage be
fetched a ladder and climbed up it
with a view of scouring so great a
When hi head reached
the level i f the lop roof, the
flopped a wing at him and I
Vary much taken back, la-
borer politely touched bis cap and
replied. --I beg your pardon
you were a
You may never but
a. k. M. Greenville you ever wan
Lodge. No. meets first and
third Monday evening, I.
llama, W. M. M. See
F. Lodge, No.
Meets every Tuesday
I. O.
K. of P.- Tar River Lodge, No.
meets every Friday evening.
L. Fleming, C. C.; c. Can-.
K. of It. andS.
It. Vance Council. No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
Wilson, K. It K.
O. V. A. every
Wednesday night In I. .
l. hall. A. D. Johnson, Conn
A. t. Council,
No. meets every first and third
Thursday in Odd Follows
Hall. J. Worthy
Smith, See.
I, O. Conclave
No. a in. meets every second and
fourth Monday nights in Odd
lows Hall. B. Wilson
Smith See.
Give us a call.
Visiting C rd
sac Full Sheet Poster.
The Eastern Reflector
The Idaho. Wyoming and North
Dakota regiments have arrived at
San from and a
large number of the men say that
the Islands are not worth keeping
a-a gift, awl that It ma up to date
Complete Una of
name is added to the
long of those, who having
tin- bad an op
to the re
turn this that
the expansion policy of
is w
ft. HIS
Because of the patty
surrounding the mis In
it is a well known fact
whenever gallant soldier
Law Ion. or any of the other
generals, Is about
S. M. Schultz,
Prepared buckwheat, fancy Ponce
molasses, side meat, hams, should-
coffee, sugar,
butter, mountain butler, full
cream cheese,
nil Hakes, hominy Hakes, cotton
importance, he la tat
mediately recalled and and hulls, cotton seed
duty, and it Is owing to this
lag I hill. war is allowed to
Attorney General
w ill do nothing in the court I
No doubt, the attorney j
for Curler can Is- induced t
prolong bis
-lay to help out his
cents per bushel.
tune to see
Phone j
nice Hardware.
I can now be ill the
brick store formerly
occupied by J.
W. Brown.
J. R.
Is only a year and con
news every week,
mid gives information to the
those grow-
tobacco, that, is worth
many times more than the
subscription price.
Steamers leave
Mondays, Wednesdays
days at A. M. for I
water permitting,
leave at A.
M., Greenville A. M. on Tues-
Thursdays and Saturdays.
Sailing hours subject de-
pending on of water.
Connecting Washington
for Norfolk,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Ola Dominions, s. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay from Baltimore;
and Line from
mO. N. SON, Aft.
Greenville, N.
Paints Oils
Building; Hardware a Specialty.
The Eastern
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner IN PREFERENCE TC Year in Advance.
. .
ever made in the history of the Greenville Tobacco Market was made at the
All the surrounding counties were represented and the planters were all pleased with their prices.
They are learning that my method of having no drummers and adding the money to the price of their tobacco
is to their interest and they bring their tobacco to
Bring; me Your next Load.
Sole Owner and Proprietor
Blow to the Faith
Attorney Taylor, the
of the state medical
today an opinion ii
la illegal for faith
who assume the title of
to to the
where a fee
His opinion
is my opinion that it is a
of the law for an unlicensed
the title of a doc-
tor to prescribe or inn-sue
for the or relief of
eases, injury or deformity, especial-
where any fee is charged for
is perfectly obvious that the
of disease requiring
treatment by unqualified per-
son may be as injurious as the ad-
ministering of erroneous
or remedies, it is my opinion
that in enacting
the protection public from
the evil of or
notion where necessary us fully as it
did from wrong
so far, then, as Christian
Scientists, faith
tors as
and accept fees for
by silent or oilier forms of
prayers, or by moral advice, or by
profound thought, or by absolute
action, they unquestionably,
my opinion, violate the law.
the other hand,
magnetic healers who
themselves out as physicians
advise an ability to cure dis
or who accept fees for the
treatment by
for them medicines
simple laying on of hands, an-, if
unlicensed, violating the law.
the other hand, if they ab-
stain front claiming lo In-
and from advertising treatment,
but limply administer massage
another name, is nothing
in the law which forbids them
lo their I real name
they please, there is
law which requires .
to be undone who ;
massage, whether
mended by a physician or
tartly sought by BO afflicted per-
is liberty lo charge for his
ices what ever he deems to be
Chicago Tribune.
Looking; for Matches Barefoot
With a Snake In Room.
X. It. of
Creek township, had a thrilling
experience last night. Abo-it
midnight he was awakened by the
melodies of As his car
Caught strains he
they came from either the
band or Asheville
colored male and female
but on further investigation he
found that the music mas made
a huge rattlesnake that bad crawl-
ed into the house through a hole
that was made to allow the ingress
of the house cats.
There was no light in room
and the matches wore an the man-
tel. I; seemed Unit the snake was
between Mr. and the
matches, but after summoning all
the courage at his command, mud
he says it took more courage to get
onto the Hour with his bare feet
walk lo mantel than did
to lace an of in the
late he managed lo
feel way
lo the matches and light the lamp-
be that the was
a few feet to the let of him.
With the of
he proceeded to kill bis
which was four fuel long and hail
rattles and a is,
hardly to the
cut bole hi closed for the present,
One the dray
Tom Williams is blind, This
morning the driver in charge of
horse left the
and dray standing unattended
near the freight warehouse at the
depot. Not being able lo see,
hone became restless wander-
ed Off. He went high
embankment In rear of the depot,
then stumbled across the aide track
near factory, and
fell ill a deep ditch of Some
workmen the in
ran there in time to
keep him from drowning. Ii
several men lo pull the horse
dray out of the ill tab.
The Tar River Association will
meet at II A. M.
Tuesday the of October,
can only be
promised to those Who send
names as In-low indicated ; there-
fore the committee on hospitality
earnestly request that all who ex-
to the association either
as delegates or visitors scud their
at once to
Warren Plains. N. c.
tin for year end
lug August lust, I
Mu Considering the re I in-1 a
duct of acreage, estimated .
to lie per those win
cent, and the injury crop in able to help
State of Ohio, City of i
J, makes oath
he is senior partner Of the
of frank . Co. do-
business in the City of Toledo,
aforesaid, and
various sections, it does like children for that said will pay the sum of
the crop can mil exceed want the earth later on. for
bales, if it readies that man the total every Catarrh that
reports, i always when be Sworn to before me
Trains via
r. II. K.
of the old Atlantic and
Danville road, becomes
of the line, which is to be
known as the Danville Division of
Southern, Prom Danville to
Norfolk is miles, making
present mate, v la Raleigh, ii is
about MS miles. While is
known, it is expected all
trains to will eventually
go by Danville, thus gelling rid of
trackage arrangement h
Line people from Selma to
TAKE i ii -1 ii i To sic
Ha par
y it No u
Inn kind OB
Sold by
m ml r i- i-. t .
Mr, Hicks, weather
tells us is
mouth which season shifts
in apposite cuds little tar
rest rial sphere one look
for great and
the forces. The
Oral storm for
lies between the 2nd 7th.
purl of period a
warm wave will move mil from
western purl of
or whether the
watt- ill lie follow warm or
weather. The globe will
pass through a magnetic crisis from
will special pert ion,
will be lie nut
out of the normal order.
I We can also look for phenomenal
weather. Meteorological
perturbation touching
Severe dangerous
storms not
Look sudden change lo cooler.
storm period, 22nd i
marked storm condition, 20th
24th, and gales probable
land and sea.
i likely
reports, tutu .- . lo
will Is- ill hour of danger. in my presence, day of
than the runic is so It's December, A. 1880.
. worth striving for. j w.
Two ,.,.,,,.
, Hall s is taken In-
and acts directly on the
Rev. Dr. blood and mucous surfaces of the
engaged Rev. I. of people arc p. J.
Moody, ,. I .
series ,,,
Hall s Family Pills are the best.
It's made
id In s, I,, i
I, be held in ill
Tin . is believed, i- In
ginning of n which Mr,
is lo
Senator Carter of Montana, for
own of the Republican
National Committee that an
man w In, In- knows
income lax will be
for Hie I Stales, and then
i know who. other people the Republicans a ill claim the idea
think him. as their own.
the time a man succeeds
Mi Davis, sister the lop of the ladder ho is
W, II. and Miss lo enjoy ,
R, of A Idea of a minute's I I
have been Mrs. W, II. i rest I lo lean over back
v n neighboring w
Mo. I.,
I ruining Roth
arc Hit- same
mail tor hour.
are of same i
and are going the same I raining . am
school, i had met
HI I heir In Durham Dur I
hum Herald.
AM I ;
K, c.
i woman marriage is some
tiling cell and a
M. K
being oil of caused I,
grinds neither nor exceed
tine. Ills abuse of
power invested in the hand ii in a few days late,
executive has done to eon Highest temperature
the people that a change
he i iv. In ii Is i
desirable mil a
Engineer ind
Weather for August. .
Mi. Allen Warren gives Mills it. Kure,
the following report of n.-.
for August, He
Rainfall 0.54,
Rain part days,
Thunder storms
N. C.
Dr. n.
Greenville, N. C.
Office over J, o.
Cobb ft Sons store

Eastern reflector, 8 September 1899
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 08, 1899
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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