Letter from J. Leonard Bates to Joseph Steelman, September 28, 1960

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Letter from Prof. J. Leonard Bates to Joseph Steelman, September 28 , 1960
University of IllinoisDepartment of HistoryUrbana, IllinoisSeptember 28 , 1960Dear Joe

Just a note to say hello and to express my thanks belatedly for what you tried to do in the case of Ralph Stone. He has a one-year appointment to Southern Illinois and probably will be looking again this spring; so if a position should open up at Eastern Carolina you might keep us in mind.

Apparently the political situation in North Carolina was pretty good a few months ago. How is it now? Will Kennedy come through? What did you think of the great debate? I thought that Kennedy "clobbered" him.

We are all well, and I trust the same is true of you and family. We have had the excitement--and the work--this summer that comes from moving into a larger and better house.

Best regards,Len

Letter from J. Leonard Bates to Joseph Steelman, September 28, 1960
Letter from Professor J. Leonard Bates, University of Illinois, to Joseph Steelman, dated September 28, 1960. The letter briefly discusses John F. Kennedy's recent debate and the political situation in North Carolina.
September 28, 1960
Original Format
21cm x 27cm
Local Identifier
Location of Original
East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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