Eastern reflector, 26 May 1897

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In Spring
And all other
ye should read
It is the for the
Steel Ted.
in. i n. 4- In. wide
All sizes arc
lib mt Tin
i ; I hem double
price; our money-
m D-Op n j now for
Baby atria
. The
m all
for your
d by with the man u lac-
The Eastern Reflector
D. J. Editor and Owner. TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO
per Year, in Advance.
A human heart from
re three years ago will
brought into the
S Court here
row and submitted evidence
an case. is the
of Fred Moms, a
Pennsylvania oil opera,
tor, whose has the
Fidelity Casually
of New York, to recover a
insurance p will try
to prove that Morris committed
suicide. Mrs. Morris will try to
that her died of
f. . u ova e,
heart, mot I rare In
a Piece cf Hi
Wok oZ
in a
barb is chair lost a the lip
of his nose in one of our
shops other day. Thu man
, . it. dropped into the shop lo
Au appreciative lei tho H , ,
.-, . get a slave, and as his face Site
Gazette, remitting , . , , , ,, . .
. being fell asleep, ill,.
Ins to that paper . , ,
barber to shave
lug customer Suddenly
i believe the newspapers out tight
doing more to our u his fists, at
people end get them on a higher dream and foe. right
piano than any other cause. r and drove its
Where there is a f silt rear- the end of his
up children newspapers i him with a
the usually tel a
the man picked up the piece
if his i an to tho nearest
A a Ii. vital to
Piteous themselves
indebted o this request-
ed to mil settle. All
indebted to c BO.
know i g it me lo call
and All i
not wishing lo cat
read to in
place long for u- lo catch
th m. Ail th it are
indebted are requested to call
become indebted. Iowa,
Hi Final Statement.
a to pay
a visit lo an Yorkshire
of the old type, who was lying on
his deathbed, and after a few
words the worthy
minister if the
had on his h
hoped ho would ease his
and confide it to his pastoral
ear, that he might peace.
answered the old
I only had to live
my over I'd more
with bait with
To the People of
Pitt County.
have never relaxed. Our
Tim of the
la iii of
Saturday, the
yens a
a fair, but m
oases or other the
d upon first lore did run h. At
by lost in i, rate they did u n . d lid
promptly to the from their lives drifts
till, meal and
Th- rs are too views
f average
made great fores
of The Other n p
resents as fig mo
living in heroic man
hi out of many great to
bit country m i
arts have never ceased t; the best MI
out of strong
Tho view is
W. several
is went miles up the Cape
Fear Tuesday. ore
day caught
and SO large perch and
ban hes of cat Hilt y
out Tuesday and
i. The surgeon itch-d for hive
Parents ought to gel a paper , f m a pleasant time. Mr. Lock-
to get a Bible first a
piece f nose on
for each of their
it sent
This tie to Opera- as his leg.
g to Wing place, News
which to select
SC Stock Of ,.
; modesty has him to be
by many Be
a . of
to which he without
U; yet he failed
lies to the heights o his op-
of self to the of tin
I people of the he led in
which to select your pure lases. be sot
confidently believe and unhesitatingly claim- a
that ours is the store of all stores in our
from which buy your goods the
coming year. sold on time at close
credit prices lo customers approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of gold, silver or greens-
back. When they enter into our possession
they are again converted into the best bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit of our many
friends and customers. Do not hesitate or be
led away but co straight back to
Time went on and married
but to another was th.
man left a widower. Twenty
seven or twenty eight years ago
lbs Inly i,. question lost brr
led, aid there is a fair show f says that he saw at least five
v. j hundred snakes, many of tin in
four live fast long and is big
going up the
that school teacher tea en a and who i near
years ago loll the editor of drop the I ,
paper that he found, i- hie monopoly the willow trees into tho boat, and WHO Will
teaching that children of cotton by the would a big tight to get
who read newspapers were process, which bay existed rid of then. Fayetteville
better informed alt some quarters, may be set at
more easily taught rest by the statement in the
those who did not; and so Record that it rig.
impressed was he with this that the
he made it a habit to advise American Cotton Co. proposes to The Japanese are now making
his pupils to read operate its compresses of their finely
if parents ii; with local plan- crisped or grained paper. Ate
b-is to be ton throughout the the paper h is been cut to u pat
persuaded to become South. The plan of tern, the different parts are sewed
he urged tho to I that has been upon will together and hemmed the
papers themselves . liable dinners places r-. are
by any means I p of the benefits of to be are strengthened
u to pay for i invention on s with calico or The staff is
time may slier the operative basis with a mark-it for very strong and at the same ti
generation of editors is
dead, but e believe will come
the true value of newspapers
will be
as Factors
is now appreciated b. many
ii is true, bat there is yet a
class the pale- Thu
Last night, K-
On mes, a popular . man
X. V., was shot
tired at him, ail passing through
iii but
t Davis has been r
on suspicion. father
Cry mes are applicants for
A a , am it
s young Davis to
put his father's opponent out
the way.
professional Cards
Bras in all die courts,
a specially.
Barry Skinner. H W.
to skinner.
M f
Galloway, B. F.
till. N- V. N. C
Greenville, C
in all the
take care your
the harder to make you a
customer and better friend
straight ward, honest dealing between man
and man. We are the friend of the poor
man, we are the friend of the h man
are friend of you all Come us, we
will serve you to the best of our ability. Po-
lite attention, best A service and honest
fort shall yours to command at the
it was good to
be alone the old suit Was recently
renewed, the courtship this time
being by
p Tho k of
glowed kindled tho heart
of long ago was soon
revived, the was a
marriage without the for-
of sighing and waiting.
O i the of Mr.
V- Jones, of comity, was
nulled marriage i
of his love, relict of late
Dr. Perry, barren
county. They met by
in Henderson
t where
Torn was his v was performed. The
as a public mu i, and six and I he is
has been will an sixty , ix Gold L.
mo to the youth of the
who study bis noble la The
the hope of learning to be doe not a lib
selves, in their day and politically, an
some to a few days
the f the with
If Yon Want
to bay r . I, let your
wants told through
The people read
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated u
and all form, of mints.
We are righting Fr.
tendency o men, to-
day, to use the Md
which he
sticks to his friends. Tim Sena
tor seems lo be entitled to ill the
its Treasury to further their that is doe on that
gnu, this trait f a good sticker,
is an has,
tug protest, it him am unit of
be o hi. but he doesn't
the his people, and
admiration of the There
can be no doubt that Washington
was a man. study
f bis hie will make it evident.
Mug his mental endowments to
the o
of s
he justly became war,
first and first in the
o his
their assured. very fl a
will begin at the intro- ha- been worn a hours it will
compresses, interfere with the
an the the body no more than do
j garments made of fabric. The
president of the New is not sized, nor is if
York Exchange, impermeable. After wet
and accurately gag s the ii to teat,
the new process, an is mad to
independent standpoint, sup- tear it by baud it presents almost
ported by practical experience, I as much as the country at large some fifty or
he says that is used for making years ago the
that cotton packed in
bales the
adopted by this company
i a d
The of secret
in the States
the pi i- bus been
remarkable. view of the to he of her
which these mystic brother- he'll, The other day Ml
You often hear of trouble with
the r law, a
comes f om out near
wherein a in law Into
trouble. It appeals Unit Mr.
on one of
the road his son Joe Jones
Your Kansas girl is pluck th other side, just opposite,
all business from solo of a few days
ago turned
hoods were regard-d the
bring higher prices all the
world over than that packet in
profits all
u won way.
The is tho modem
Death lurks around many a ; house
form and there is no telling ii put to
get her have a time
of it.
what shape
overtake any of us. The
us that at Jackson, Mich., a
few ago. a father, playing
leap frog with boys, fell
against a stove broke his spontaneously.
neck. over a year ago, a
self father, who strove
to was rolling off the low
front porch of his s;. for
the amusement of baby, when,
like the man. he hit
wrong and broke bis neck. It
us all one ti no or
but there are degrees of
humiliation attending
The dead beat is a vegetable
that no
no sign that a fellow has
the scarlet lever because be wants
to paint the town red-
lie who promises tartly to do
great things, will fail
to form little
The on the now
k U. In James,
N. C
E. V-. C. Mare inc.
Wilson, X, C. Greenville, N.
attention given to
j on time.
W N. C Greenville, N. C,
Attorneys Counselors it i-a
In. all the
Charles Lam once said I
think for So
modern housewife might say
think for
Of course they do not
individuality of thought
have not yet
attained that perfection. But
have advanced so far that
in many cases it is easier for a
woman to find her actual
needs by turning to the daily
newspaper than by overhauling
her and her wardrobes.
An exchange says a genius of
an investigative mind turned up
i beehive to learn what its
occupants were doing. He
out. Ho says were
chain lightning and bad two
tons on hand, which exploded be
carols forth its the
who no feeling tin
cans to
; off of his own yard onto the I
of his son. Mrs- Joe dopes turned
it back nod forbade the mun
meddling with if He did
not the
started from
to Seneca to take the
examination for teachers,
presented by the last had been i; , , ,,, .,, . ,.
by he floods her team
In the away. y,
lions of the United States her head, however, an, ,
Canada, according to the Be managed ,, , .
available are after
members. The of U J-taM
is the Odd o-h the me the buggy .,. J
051.141 members Wow the
enrolled. Next comes the If a- came up. to her armpits,
sonic fraternity with a the bank, she drove
to think that this in
any way with for tho
buys who hustled for him and
helped to make Senator, in
Which he differs very much from
same other gentlemen as
soon as Washington
in the Senatorial become
forget the ante election
services rendered thorn, and deem
it dignity to do
anything to help the who
did a great deal to help them, nu.
the cane of special friends
or Of members
their Is. The con-
is to Senator
who acts on the
that one good turn deserves
Mother, and becoming u
Senator does not release a mun
from obligations incurred when
be needed friends. Whatever
may be of the
system, devotion to friends a
commendable trait, and Senator
has shown that in
respect he ix a We
don't like his polities, but we do
like fidelity with which he
sticks to the fellows who stuck to
a Negro.
the o with
1.1 view of the
growth of American Odd-
hurriedly into Seneca, borrowed
some dry clothes from a
to the
fellowship, which now examination,
list of In bore
country, it is to know e had
that the brotherhood originated of old Turkey-
Mil-, only s-
would be picked bare.
years a small
members in 1819, j hey had elopement at
the mys lo circle has grown Ind., the other day,
It BOW tho entire con- with her
The flea it is a silent bird, it
never sings a song, but many a
man's disgust is stirred, by
thing going
Trust however pleas
ant, though her eyes with kind-
gleam, pop the question in
the ere she sees tho sign
of cream.
The husks and hulls of life are
j and crushed and pass
away, their essence remains,
a bane or a balm, a
an odor which are
stored the cellars of memory.
The nest salve In the for Cu t
Fever Teller, Chapped Hand
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
and cures Piles or to
It Is to
fore could get the hive.
Guess he will quit prying in cents per box. For sale
where he is not wanted.
and cumbers upon its rolls
y I members.
A writer in the Philadelphia
Public Ledger states that since
the independent Order of
in this country has
disbursed in charity
What Is true
is also true in a greater or less
degree of other secret
the c
afford to o without them-
Make It
If are not read
it is the limit of the
must be made interesting-
pay as well the
columns as op the editorial
page. The lack cf judgment and
in the advertising
A wild about years
old, a horrible object, wan c i
ed miles north of
by some farmers. His
hair was matted solidly to his
with crude turpentine,
In-, head look twice its
i norm size. The part of
Ex-Postmaster General his body naked and was
is also among with coarse hair, lie
He has ,,., wore a pair pf abort
,, . . pantaloons, of
seen the which was ; ,,,
to follow tho election inside of tho other and quilted
of in a together with
before the Men's had evidently so years of
League of Philadelphia lost M-
, . , , , . . . and wore no other
day threatened Re-
. with a political
party. I his is but ore of the
manifestations of the limes.
He ran when he saw
the hunters, but they overtook
, his he has
discontent on account b ,, ,
tho business is even I than a his talk being
than it was last year, i inarticulate and his
August Bush, aged gave her
children the slip and ran away a change for the a minimum-
H J , . . . . . nun
with him and married him.
young people determine to
many they will find some way to
Within the past six years six
out of then Spanish generals in
Cuba have died of wounds or
disease j colonels,
sod majors and
near to subaltern officers have
gone the same in that brief
time. These ti are from
official reports of the war depart-
wherein it is also stated
that have died in
better the next eighteen
alive with vermin.
His body is
He will
but drinks water and
the Republican party will j Routine place to which he is
be swept off the earth tho eon- chained like a confined beast. It
elections of
Charlotte Observer.
The can breathe a
now, baying gotten two
off its
and Florida. It is re-
markable what can be
is believed be escaped from
bondage before the war. and has
lived in the swamps like a
wild animal. He will be held and
Is it ed
country With d r
that takes the Bath their th
vitality their and make,
developed in races for the V
No. H is lad of
North must have bet-
Public Schools. Her people
are poor because they have no
education. They strong
arms and abundant natural re
sources, but generation upon
generation of the children of the
plain people rises up unequal lo
the of developing
not lack of
power and industry, but
Because they are ignorant
then fore
unappreciative of
their opportunities. North Caro-
will only never be strong
industrially financially, but
she will never make u of
her strength count politically or
religiously so as a largo
proportion of her people are
practical to the world of
without and to the
v. ii Id of opportunity within them
and helm,, them. a gen-
of her have boon
invigorated with education, the
whole chin actor of our H will
bu changed for the b Intel-
it, it is their duly humanely
not to patriotically or
it. This
duty falls first upon the editors of
North Carolina papers. If they
will plead for a vote in favor
local taxation in the August
will do more for the
public good than any one now
dreams possible- ho duty falls
with equal force upon preach-
the the men,
and noon every
indeed not citizens only, but upon
every intelligent woman, too.
Tho work renovating,
in or Public School
system has Five
years more of constant effort will
witness the glorious achievement
of a good and adequate public
school tho reach of child
in North Carolina; and in that
achievement there will be a clear
prop In a North Carolina,
new strength, new happiness,
new in wealth, new in government
religion, new but none the
less rich in her glorious past.
With such a vision before uh, men
and let us fight the
battles against darkness,
against prejudice, against cove-
sure of the light of a
brighter day whose dawn the eye
of faith even now
i l, these latter days. If the
Senators were elected by the
pie there would be less these
squabbles and more satisfactory
battle or by by
columns is so many ad maladies, by yellow
to attract attention and draw and HI hate been sent,
trade. Farm your space diligent- to for
IV. thoughtfully. Make itself la armed against , ,
it pay Gazette- Spaniards.
The Boston Herald that,
a would make a good
advertiser because it is
with one insertion. A friend
that it would make a
because it presents
its bill before the job. Now let
others tell what the mosquito is. OiL
There lots humility this
world that is mere
a thing II a
he the
knows how to hide
Whenever you make a
make a servant friend, and
till then.
in literature
generally begin bi writing poor
poetry, and end up bi writing
The grate error that
make they think to
others to diminish
exactly the reverse the
It would be absolutely
to banish all out
the world. The majority
mankind would be tor
a job.
It safer to bestow on a needy
friend one dollar than one
He will look upon the
dollar and upon the
hundred us yours.
The habits a snob are sum-
thing like the wearing a tile
., , hi boot; they are painful to the man
Doctors It In wears them, and to
who see them
-I nil. other In
The remedy is artificially digested
food such as the Shaker Digestive
dial, Instead the already
the Cordial a
rest by the system
am digesting other taken
with It. So -ii strength return.
Is not Idea rational V the cordial
Is palatable and relieves Immediately,
No i Wk I lo decide on it. value
A in ten. trial bottle does that.

N. C.
D. I mil ad
at the port office at Greenville.
N. C. as second class matter.
is to receive R
three songs in London. Time has
damaged voice but bas not affected
her popularity. No singer is
like as M Mi woman
who is verging fast toward sixty-
Twenty soldiers of the I State
army are to ride from Foil o
St. Louis, a distance
bicycles, their In
mine, so tar as Ibis on-
whether the be;, lo th ill be
used in war.
Crop Bulletin.
The ending Monday, May
was very favorable for
and the crop prospects have de-
improved throughout the
The drought was broken by warm
generous rains on four days of the week
averaging nearly 2.00 inches over the
Slat; and was too heavy with a little
hail at only a places. The
was above the to the
13th after which it turned and
growth checked. The
was for transplant
tobacco made good progress
A very nice week, for
growing crops which have improved
materially. Warm first if the week
with fine rains from 12th to 13th.
cooler and 16th. Land now in
good condition for cultivation The
farmers are about up with work
rain has turned crops green and
them to growing nicely. Corn looks
better but the stand is rather poor, cans-
ed chiefly by ravages of cut worms.
is being plowed. Cotton replanting
Each omnibus and each street ear in done, it is coming up better and
the street car i .,,. stand. Chop
the built a . r- w, continues. Some sweet
number of person. ; ,.,; arc set out. Irish
is indicated upon the exterior doing w-ll, but much in-
IF out Our Regular
Washington, May, 1897.
Whether is a government by, of,
and for the people, or a
by, of, and for the sugar is a
question that will soon be
Not satisfied with holding the people
of this country
eight ten million dollars a year
through the sugar schedule the tariff
bill, the trust is seeking to prevent
either the administration or Congress
doing anything that ill help Cuba.
Although Mr. has teen re-
ported to be opposed to sugar
schedule tariff bill, he acting
with the to an expression
of the almost universal sentiment of
the country in of through
Congress, and by the aid of Deed
so far succeeded.
live and the oilier Democrats
and in House made a
stout fight to pass a resolution
in favor of the recognition of ll
belligerency of the Cubans at the
lime the In,
feed starving citizens in
made, bat most they could d was
A Good Anticipated.
The New Orleans Picayune regards
the worst of the flood in the
Valley us over, and takes a hope-
view of the outlook. It says
the crop a favorable, Ev-
en in tie the Mississippi val
which have been under water there
is now a prospect that the water will
recede enough to p unit a
crop being planted, in the
valley though late, is
doing well, with every indication of an
increased acreage. In the territory tar
mediately tributary to New i the
all promise very well and ll e
sugar cane crop never was better, as
there is rot only a larger sewage under
than last year, but the cane
is making progress, is
also doing well, with a larger acreage
planted in I be river which
ways furnishes reliable
hide, and n it is
DO in re
are permitted to any
On Monday President
sent a message to Congress
calling attention to the destitution
of Americans in Cuba urging
an appropriation for their relief-
A bill as at introduced
for this
Governor R- L- Taylor, of
Tennessee, has, it is said, decided
to resign about the first of
and will again his
lecturing tour. There is no finer
speaker in the South than Gov-
Taylor, and his salary as a
hugs. Peanut planting near-
completed and some befog dragged.
Grains and riot look
have bat arc still ordinary.
Strawberry about over.
Why he Was Anxious.
There was a
in the opera house lost night,
I away down on seats there
to frighten the H.-publicans into holding a shiny silk hat
all their absent members and in before with an express-
compel many to anxiety and watchfulness upon
honest convictions in
to please Mr. nod -a
trust. Republicans talk
Of the Acreage Eastern
North Carolina.
O. I.
Since the first of last October many
speculations been lite as to what
the probable decrease in the tobacco
acreage in Pill, Greene and
would be ibis year. Daring
the marketing of the crop in the fall
and winter months low price at which
. ,,, of i it sold, and the frequent expressions that
is greater than that . .
planters were heard lo use in reference
to the coming crop to
chief executive of his State
For the first cabin of a big Atlantic
liner there must be spoons,
finger bowls, salt cellars,
tumblers, cups and saucers,
various kinds and
napkins. In the outfit the cabin there
will be required at least blanket
pillows. sheets, bath towels
and other towels.
Inventors invent many
and they also invent many
almost warrant conclusion that a
reduction be made in
the tobacco crop. Conservative
men who arc flow and guarded
in d openly their
intention of c their
considerably, with the ad
assertion that unless prices were
for lb next crop, it would
be last, i venture the assertion
out of every farmers who
grew tobacco last year of then were
i at the result of prices,
and with such a of affairs is
no wonder farmers were request in
questions about them, as patent their expressions of discontent and
attorneys know. Messrs- C- A
Snow Co- have a
little book in which they
or to anticipate answer about
every question that an inventor
ever invented. The book will be
sent free to any address- Write
A- Snow A- Co.,
D. C
It is getting to be a dull day
around the State capitol when the
Governor does not pardon a
criminal, and some days he turns
them loose in pairs. If we
remember in his cam-
speeches alto in his
inaugural address the G
had much to say about respecting
the law, yet his course in
goes a long ways in creating an
opposite among
people- This one man pardoning
power to be abolished.
certain as to their future course with lo
as their main dependence. Then
conies the Marketing of the cotton crop
which if possible on the whole sold
more disastrously low the tobacco
crop, and hut for Ibis and the fact
every farmer had gone to
expense to prepare for tobacco
believe that K-stern North
including all the territory east of
W. iV Y. would have been
or tons
of salt are or in
T year, which is valued at from
to The largest
amount is made in Alameda county,
says San Francisco
where it is recovered from salt
waters the bay by solar
The water is allowed to enter large
vats at high tide, and those being
rounded by it is there by
the gates being closed. As
the water is d awn from
one vat lo the liquor
becomes so concentrated that the salt
out of it. This coarse salt
is i hen ground to various degrees of
fineness to suit different purposes.
Some men are employed during
the busy season.
on the hundred
Mr. William L.
that at cents
pounds the which
Trust would under Aldrich
bill on imports of raw sugar
in 1896 to
would be assuming that
imports arc not likely to be decreased.
says Mr. the
amount that bill will co the
American consumers to pay
in excess of what they would have to
pay to foreign refiners tor
of sugar, and it roust bl
one to
to show the lull protection or m unit to
be by law from consumers for the
benefit of the entire rt-fining of
the A study of
ii res shows what a stake the
decreased at least Hi per cent,
when farmers that should
cut and the
acreage into cotton, it meant certain
in the fall, for cotton
four or even five cents a means
simply two cents a pounds worse
than no cotton at all, and that believe
am not up on cotton is
about the basis on which the cotton
crop is now being ti a more
an more frightful c. million confronted
the farmers. their tobacco crop
in many instances tailed even to pay
expenses, but when turned to cot-
ton that crop no consolation and
while prices of tobacco last year were
discouraging it was I he crop that
had proved remunerative, aid the
crop was the poorest that had ever
n grown in the CM and the
presented itself for discus-
was whether they should act upon
their first impulse and cut their
off and put it into cotton or take the
more conservative course and
better. . wailing u the crop is all
in the ground, and getting I he most
able ions, I am
led t the conclusion that Um tobacco
acreage in three counties above
named which embrace the greater part
or tobacco belt, will not be decrease,
to exceed per cent and probably
not over If
If the farmer in the east make a
crop this year and good
I see no reason why
should not firm-is
probably plant as much next year as
With the increased
soil, and the of
farmers to maKe their tobacco b.-l
the probability is there will be just as
many or probably more p made
this year than last.
A patient was brought
into a London hospital recently,
on being told that his leg
fractured, breathed a of
and paid it devout tones
God, it isn't
Air. having a robust
Cuban policy, but when thy
knowledge that they don't know what it
Is. In is considerable
cause Mr. has not taken
into his as lo his in-
towards Cuba. The Senate
will probably act, anyway, I lie
House can do nothing as long as it
wears the muzzle.
Mr. T. K. well known
editor and publisher was in
Washington this week conferring with
prominent silver men in Congress. He
reported the silver sentiment In
to be greatly on the
owing to the eyes of merchants and
been opened by
the continual fall in and said
silver feeling in the large towns-
always strong, increasing rapidly Mid
will make itself felt in the next Con-
campaign, skilled labor is
more than ever in favor The
shoemakers Lynn. and
places are almost lo a man bi-
There he at least six
silver in the next
delegation, and the
are pretty good that the next la-
will c a silver
and honestly that i
Massachusetts warn to vole tomorrow
she would her on side bi.
the gold
Ml, V men, Mr. said,
had given up hope any
the bill.
The presence ex Senator
and Bob in Washington
at time earned some lo
start a story bad taken lb
job of agent for the tighter.
Although he denies there an-
s for that is after
he lo
see that there is an invest if
his face.
Before the began a
friend who sat immediately him
and had noticed his leaned
and asked him what trouble was.
fee, said the man
with h--t
way ; I've been in politics now for ten
years, ard I've been cussed ard abused
and called sorts of hard names
I'm just longing t hear ad-
dress me in a decent manner once more
When tins on
the stage, he's going to say ; W ill some
gentleman kindly loan me his half and
I'm going to jump and give him
mine. It'll make me feel good for
month to be spoken to in way. I've
been looking forward to this
for two w You'll excuse me now
for I'll have lo jump when he
-peaks; for I sec one of our aldermen
silting in row with his old
derby in his hand, and I'll be. a
he's up to the
goon be asked, it
is mated by New York
to charter the and
Mortgage Bank Company of the
United an institution
which m to loan to
farmers in all parts of Hie United
at per cent. The
which is to resemble the
of France, is to
have a capital of in
shares of each. Loans will
be made up to per cent, of the
value of laud mortgaged. In
consideration the mortgage
borrower will not get but a
bond bearing 8.65 p r cent, inter-
est, which bond will, it is thought,
be salable at a premium. The
loan will be repaid in quarterly
installments, which, at the option
borrower, may be so
small as to extend over seventy-
five years. At the end of the
term upon there will be
nothing to pay, since each
payment will include a small
contribution to u fund.
The charter, drawn up by J.
R. Dos of New will
also authorize the company to do
a general trust and banking
The government will not
be asked to subscribe to the
pane's Capita stock, but will
on the contrary, be secured the
right to obtain at any time an
advance o at the cur-
rent rate of This pro-
to look to the
of special relations between
the government and the bank,
distinctly resembling those be-
tween the
and the Bank England
in a strictly businesslike way,
such a relation might not be
without advantage to the govern-
men, especially after it goes out
of the banking business, but at
present it seems to be imp
to exclude politics from such
The the root
Mil evil.
by tears.
When a man is dead why continue
heap abuse upon
Pride often builds Beat ill which
hatches out its
The voter who Boat r
who Votes cannot live without
Sin and misery not lovers, but
they wink just as if
A Chicago lo run
a bas- loll but father
became a
Home people are never
With the
the ship.
HOOK is the dearest place on
when lag Wile to keep ahead
her neighbor
The spits on the sun do not begin
the disturbance by
the freckles on the
Not one American won an in a
can walk live it be
on a shopping excursion.
Contentment is the true r's
The poor rich that have
and the arc without
age o
cs, Hubs, Building Paints
Oils and Stoves.
An ate to
are not revived
in Carolina t will lie
fault of Gov.
He has every
imaginable to lo law
their own by him-
a block to its pro-
A it
Folks like to be humbugged.
At any rate the public
powerfully easily ed by
sharpers. The
day a fellow landed this
and began to offer for sale a
soap. Each cake was
wrapped in foil had a
small red band it,
studied as sweet as a
tn dude a club
By the label
the soap was guarantied to re-
or cure from the
falling out of the hair t
toe-nails- The price
was two for a At
an his
sale; amounted t day.
The soap he bought of a Winston
broker at Si a
gross. Cutting the two
ho made sold
new sugar trust scandal. He gives hi at juts a cake, just
in tho i language
Senate cannot lo let
matter rest where it is. We
ignore the charges that have
Th- principal thing for us to cut
is what influence were back of the
adoption of schedule by the thinner
As far as speculation
by StOW is concerned, I
know no reason why a Senator has
not the same right to his Honey
and gamble in stock's as other m.-i-
provided he docs not do it in secret
and advance information which i- no
accessible to tile public, and p
is not a lime when his MM in the
Senate would influence the
the says he
will wait a reasonable to
some older Senator oiler a resolution
ling an before
but lite
lion be p;
on will get u
ordering it adopted.
No far, e was ever enacted in
in i the
the broker,
this week, lie is supposed lo
be in as a but
is about
lie has a titled up and
an his are
at a swell hotel, and he has a
wait r from I hut hole u.-lulled to
wait him. lie receives
and them all the time, and
can do about anything he could do in
hotel except to leave the j This is
an injurious farce, too, because it in-
creases belief, already too prevalent
that there is one justice for the
and her for
for his deal, the
original cost of the song. This
is a fact Those
who bought the soap got fooled
Hi publican.
State Treasurer Worth
dealers in and or-
that, the i ow revenue
J must pay tax
magnates playing for, and how I for each instrument sold
well can afford to subscribe to I or red for ale I be State,
campaigning funds and to g-ease misdemeanor,
palms speculating Senators in I by tine and to sell
return they shall b allowed to or offer to sell the-e
the sugar schedule the without having paid the license
rs. tax.
Do Y-u
The famous, celebrated
of the Turkish Army, was
a Confederate soldier
belonged to
of Va.
He was a dashing, dare devil, who
1801 left the army i i disgrace.
his schoolmates he was con-
a bully a
of Egypt he
himself as a lighter
and at tho attention of the
tin of Turkey.
He was a West Point
married excellent Virginia
lady, but alter going to the
be became intensely oriental
harem and all career
up He left the
Army for
went to Mexico aid gained a
commission, got wealthy, return-
ed to America tired of quiet life
to Egypt. tho
Turkish Army, rose to
gained great distinction at the
battle i f in the
and is chief
adviser of
In America ho is as Char-
S and is now
years old.
Scarcely a day
renewed emphasis to
depressed condition of
pledges of better time
the present
Even the most
devout follower of Mark
the late is sorely
perplexed over existing troubles,
is curious to with the
balance of mankind, what has
become of the wave of
idea of the restless
reeling exist, in
this immediate section of the
country over the depressing out
future may glean-
ed from the fact that a in
Dublin, Georgia
being to secure work, took
steps to put the
gang, an thus, at hast, be
assured of food.
Does the case of tho n
the pangs of hunger,
doubt, have their
been induced to crimes
fir tho very same
While various explanations of
the and poverty which are
the masses of
people may be it never-
remains that up to
present time the party
power has utterly failed to re-
deem i's pledges I that the
country is better off since than
tho In view of
the confident predictions made
made the K publican boss list
fall, when lie dwelt such glow-
terms upon
font of the long-
public would like
know the
to Bare
n Church
Every mall
of article in ;
c i. a blasting, because i
his family, I
human family and
to the and
which have been placed out doors lo
be utilized for the benefit
A of women
many solely for love a certain
and perhaps larger
marry for reasons in which love
and the desire in have a home of
their own and money
are mixed up. Another
section marry purely from reason
usually of a
Two herds of cattle in Wake
are being examined for
The Episcopal con
in session at Raleigh,
adopted resolutions providing
f the purchase of St. Mary's
male school there, for
in cash and the balance
in years. The property be-
longs to the estate of the late
Dr. J. M. Hayes, ore of
well known physician, was
in bed at his home in that city early f In future to
Having out
m of Silas A
brick I will sell all
now on hand very I can
i . notice at any on
Um within one
hundred miles the towns o
and N. C. Address all com
Saturday rooming.
Tho R F. of
Church, Oak Park, says be
does not propose to have the
more advanced
Church, has ordered that
hereafter women will
during services. He
believes that the Church of the
future will have a dressing room,
where ladies can leave their hats
s and a check room
overcoats umbrellas.
do not a my people in a
spirit to remove their
he suggest it as a
matter of courtesy, first to the
Church, next to their pastor. As
said in public, I have two
reasons. the one
is that -oilier people may enjoy
privileges of the
other, that the assembled
may look more home-
like- The women have accepted
edict u spirit of
The is
well, I express
my gratitude t women
of the choir who led the Of
there are of the
who will never a
custom there is a of
As it is fashion
able to church n
bonnet all the ladies will adopt
Liver Ills
sour .-t
by Pitt. their work
easily and t Z t I r.
Host after dinner pi h
rents. All Is. I
r. I. Co., Lowell. Mass.
The only to take with Hood's
Notice to Creditors.
The Clerk of the Superior Court
y in on
of May. on the
Of I.
hereby given to all persona Indebted
the t make payment
and in all
of estate t present their c
properly ate I, to the
within twelve mo the
of this of notice will
be plead In bar of the
Tin- the day of May.
S. AT,
of the estate r. ll. Blount.
On Monday of June
I sell at Court House
in to the
for cash one tract of
land in I'll county about
acres as Sit-
to I. A. adjoining
the lands n Han, Mrs. Kate
Spivey, K. B. II.
Kt Stocks,
Joseph Hardy c men with the
homestead I,, a.
ton, thirty three and one
third more or all Wee Is
and the excess
-tea I L. A. an
x in my fur collection again-i
is. . which has
levied on -aid land as he property of
said ii. A. We
This III day of April
S. M. I, S.
Fair Dealings
Bottom Prices.
and Honest at Rock
i. S. i; Chi-.
Mai. HARDING. Cashier.
a Capital More Thai, a Hall D. W. Harder
Million Dollars, Gr N. C.
Wm. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank, Baltimore. Mil. We solicit
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland firms, individuals and the
Neck, N. C.
Biggs. Scotland N. Account Books furnish
R. R. Fleming, N, C. application.
We have a plan b which Farmers can get
or bi
A i In
I j
M. H.
N. C.
I will the best goods obtainable and
will sell them at the lowest prices possible. I
will do all l can to obtain and hold your pat-
and see me.
; M. H.
do w to Griffin Jeweler. THE LIVE
Dealers, Tobacco Blue Makers
and Bicycle Dealers and
offer their to We are order
Tobacco Flues
assure we will as th- bust of Elm a
or the price. All our work i are to
repair anything in our line a to bicycle We will
you to come and see us.
What Kind
fast black, with double
heel and toe. i
What Sizes-.
From; the smallest to the
children, misses, la lies and
He I t Hie
the t
I. A. In-
land In
i o n 7.1 sores
n In town,
known mi th.
an execution in my
which been levied oil Mid
as the property I. a. white-
W. U.
, . M
The small tea pail.,
Where w .
H. M.
The Low Price Merchant.
P. in
and examine

We Hit Hard
profits on every-
and during; the
past week have
the pleasant experience
of away from
our store hundreds of
delighted patrons. Most
of them had never
ed with us We
please our old
customers and want to
make some more new
ones. It will be to your
interest; to step in and
let us quote, prices on
Clothing, Notions and
Gents Furnishings.
If MS.
Which Aim. N. C . Hay
J. L. Ms Mil
iii Oak Sunday, two mile limn
wile of Col.
Mrs. J. It. who Inn. been
very sum is improving.
K. Washington, rat in
Miss Ida lingers is visiting
I'm If.
Kit-Sheriff Warren spent Saturday
here h Ids son Dr.
J. II. and Miss
were oil
poll s r the line
ii bet
U the
Hire. Work also need
the lino from to
All tin- town, trill be era-
netted before a great while.
A. Sugg, dead. I sudden
excellent brought sad-
and sorrow to
Though no. in tor Town
sometime, she Ml well enough to be in
town to see friends no lunger ago than j another meeting a night or two
hist Wednesday. She bad u They elected J. C. M tax
Thursday was very K tor, W. . Mines baring to
the next day. but on Saturday morning also elected Brown
The Ml Sunday of j
morning .,
wen two extra
the school.
Put it O it.
Mr. T. v. a
lowed t t
ha turned the on it
the lire out in
hi, C, May Slat,
C College
will place on June 3rd aid
4th. Mr. Washing-j
ton mil the
W. I. Wilson and J. A. Andrews
were Wednesday.
was thought to be growing batter
I In the afternoon those
by her she I
I go to ill a i-hurl alien,
tell i in Jesus, ind
suddenly yet and u
called that rent prepared tot he pro-
as i-
J. L. Daniel. Mr, ,
stand, be ti
men as a print l watchman.
I lace
pie cf
It e. was M
daughter Mr
Charles r our
. Mr. C D. She
The nm-g hi in of Mrs.
and the pi.
c pi.
Mr. Kendall, preached in Married to A Slug
Suits made to Measures.
Dress Goods, Shoes
Gent Furnish
is superb and your inspection s invited
The King Clothier,
Thursday seining.
preached at ,
J. L
were her-
goods to our
Mi. will
Prof. Hood has
principal of C. C. College next
Work en th- Baptist College is
greasing finely, it be a handsome
building when
X. C, May 24th,
At the home o the lei lath-r, Mr
Worrell Moore, evening a
after eight o'clock, Mi. H-
and Miss
W- II.
i K q. officiated. We ex end our
be-l v s.
town talk.
A Way.
B. I. It wife returned
is s
Traps at V ed M j-
Th, young n who so h . wild
pins down 1.-.
ll Lint ice ere .
w II cold.
h I.
There i- an i, ;
II- A. While
e piling from Oil Point.
Mis. . ,
b . lather, . L. el.
J. t. Smith
taint and
Mrs. S William-;
J. I. was all smiles
day evening, its
J. W. Carson and wile, of Bethel,
spent night lure visiting the
N. V. May
Mr. J Mrs. T. T, Cherry, Co-
were in town Sunday.
Mrs. M. K. Bo id, of r.
I week with sister, Mrs. M.
The husband a seven
her. While intending
I in religion
joined church at the
ago and the r
her lite was a
was a denoted wife and a
true friend. one
the husband, children and
The services were held in I he
church Sunday at
conducted Bare, P. C,
and If. n
look place Hill
C pail were
Mess s. W. M. King, A. A.
E. A. L. I. Moore, L. James,
Z no Moore and W, II,
The in
a page edition on the J,
was n line paper
great value t,. and
he Slate.
The Durham Sun has a J
st p forward by adding the
press s e.
It. U. Melton,
y ft weeks here
and l since been doing some
tot, J. Ha
pile given
this at l r home. The
, Accept.
who elect
lax c by t Town
makes ill.; nine
be, it live. still ,
The Council-will
Minis id try
Tl is
h a
r I leak.
A lour lagged was bate
his tiring
. pr. I
county .
cl to
home in to lake a
r told the
w. j,
Mrs V.
we. k,
J. went lo
P. ; J. are
running a in
U. L. Smith . pd J. Cherry, Jr.,
y evening
lb-.- Lame
A cut and a both
no tar you Lay east
I. Hooker Co .
it looked like we would
nigh., but re was
M W. F. a id children left
I N to visit her
HI bin
Wan has been
rebuilding the
h-ll t as
one home.
evening from I ho
ram an. College,
a j
-Miss Florence William--, who u
will. lime b re
i ascription of I, Kl . who ls
the next will her
his wheel to the drew, this for
For Hay. Grain, and cow I, c.;
of all i-o to V. C. Now
Feed Store, Greenville, N. f.
iii- re are potato bug- and potato
Give a do- pans
tomorrow. Heller not listen
A. Sugg, Jr., home
by lac death
P. G. W. G. J. J.
an Ev II. and A. B. Unit
excuse staying away Iron, , ., i
The near Dancy
were lulled when corner was burn-
d ks ago. Tod the de id
were cut down.
has git en
Thursday They re-
a e
Prof. F. F. had charge
of ll e in
the Presbyterian church, fa Tuesday
last week his
in he made
is merit that
Hood's the
among It is the
ah I nerve
so nice to live ii. the
Airs. -You
we raise all our own
l-s buying A man . I and with
Mr, T. C, Manning bad lo
ill r- house put up the sir
near lb-G House upon which to I chopping and corn
MM the 1- lie o. is no of A disturbance
the past week by
I. A. , a
J. U Jenkins ha a very sick sol.
Col. A. Only arrived here
Morning and the day working for
pip-r. The Tobacco Up
the school in
Methodist Sunday evening and
delivered a mice lecture same
The Camp
co Veterans will meet
a, the College grounds Greenville.
on Wednesday, May J ;, to
X and to
to the reunion at
IV,,., -23,,
baskets full some-
thing order
A, Com.
B, F
Mr. A. J. showed us an egg
has very much of shape of an
incandescent light be
hen lain this peculiar
is prophesying that we are to have .
lights. We boon
will that hen.
Two and Two.
Last week the
lour marriage licenses, the firs
two named being v bite and
the last two colored spaniel ;
James and Millie
G. F. Baker and
Josh Morion Minnie
Hell and Sellers.
People at the
could but notice end vase of
occupied the l the pulpit.
were there by the
ins never been in. re
than the
. ill is
low Conducting here. II,. preaches
powerfully and the Spirit is gnat.
he work. N. M.
Watson die Hie
church, at every
sen ice and he is a power the
the of d
have united in
the work result is many souls
are I. big brought
Mr. K.-om p inched
an able sermon on Seoul Com.
There w
co at th. ten ice.
was a devoted lo g and pray-
and we do not believe Christiana
the town ever spent a day
Four services were during day
and re at
of At o'clock Mr.
o I lie the town at
the win re the
Sunday schools had
Mr. also made talk-
The other services were c
The church till.-1 with
men at the
hem at in wain n held
n meeting the
talked plainly to men n b.
o and
Sunday crowd the
church ninny seeking .-land
room the doors,
Meeting will e until
or Friday, with
and P. M.
creel, in
Month, and be also
s. the held S. often as hi m W-
Aid have ,.,,
work lo a f
while Mr. n was hare.
A Fad
Friday morning about o'clock,
Mr living
i miles
a w-ii. Mr.
bad . in i bis work having
in w. II.
and rang j
r- mm
the They
well fa, ha I
taken Ai,., m
amount. a U
n in. All
,.,,. r. I ,
Went out iii
and shoes
The children saw
d to the
b en in pr for tome ii.
the act . , u,,.,,,.,
she a Mr.
Edwards, this town,
pi the
and Of
great tho
effort be to ward-off and
her We joyous and happy.
I You want a Nice
C T.
Where the prettiest lino of Spring
can be h
------A beautiful line of------
Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes,
lo from.
C. T.
Sets lb prisoned free;
When tin- babbling the rills
will, song bird's symphony ;
I hen, it to we
For balmy April
Tells the are nigh
When we trees,
,. And our throats are and dry.
Ilium's soda
Fan. 1.1 up bis bank account.
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
At my store you can fresh Bread.
Rolls. Pies and Cakes, also Candies. Fruits, Nuts
all kinds, Materials, and a nice line
and Fancy Groceries. Call and see.
were there
Nurse lies
he ii
I then.
J. C. bat corn h. Rafter In
gen that is
don't make any report, and thee i- S. II.
danger of hit if you go by
A was heard say he was
sleepy to go to That may have
been an excuse church, ., the-enter niece
was a,
r. is having a
built in on n lot
Mr. Allied Forbes.
but keep
dying some day.
Mr Josh Mil s
Where is it, A, Five T
hat w A read Store,
where you can get Hay Grain. Meal, The eighth annual North Carolina
ship stud at lowest cash Stale ion Order
price. Corn and SO cents bushel. King's Daughters Sons will
No. in 25th,
E. C. Manager. 27th MM.
If you want brick
mini L- P. in this issue.
The brick are known be
hardest North Carolina A
of Ibis fact is that Atlantic
Coast Line presets them to all others
tor their foundation work.
Cotton and
Mr r-
Below are prices of
by Cobb Bros- A
Low Middling
u in
Tc-6 Bail.
St. was a
snap or in-- Bean Eaten today
went to on the
Strength hitting. m
four beggars la Collins put up
is home run The Brawns
ed well with
Score. Hi. on, II.
were defeat d by the Bads today in an
exciting game. was again
put out by
Louisville, May in
mad MUM of hits and
today, but the bits
l timely and the two
plays were Jones and
did work with stick
f core. C; ft.
Cleveland, May if No We,
i rounds,
May 211-,
inning when the game was well
won by sent two
men to bases bulls, single
the red three
bigger scored the three runs fixed
tho scare. who gone in to
bat for Wheeler, had to pitch the game
out. He hit one better, gave a base on
balls and then made a wild throw, let-
ting in the winning run. Score.
burg C; Philadelphia,
Won Lost Per Cent
Th- is to
Haiti.- Jones for an invitation to
Mi. I,. I. Moore, of t
ITS the lit,
We are also I Miss
fin-an invitation lo the
y ii of
y, Va., May
Miss is member of the
in music.
The is indebted lo I. A.
f,. invitation to the
Mr. U the commencement
We a. knowledge an
to the ex
of I,
allays all
pares the
system that Childbirth is easy
and the time of recovery short-
many say after
than before It in-
safety to life of both moth-
and child. All who have used
Mother's Friend they will
be without it again. No other
remedy robs confinement of its pain
If yon want anything in
call and see me. I can save you money on
FINES SHOES of the celebrate Eagle brand
-A whose wire
ii sh.- ,. u tho
SUB, there were but four to I
wan he
In Feeble Health
to do Her Work
and Tired AM Tho Troubler.
Cure-.-- by Hood's
For past four years I been in
feeble health, for two yearn
Owing to of I Hot no,
been able to do my work. I not
and a tired feeling wan under
q I continually
My on my
Hood's and I finally
taking it tho
June, The first bottle did mo so
much good that I continued with and
bottle o;
am able to do my work,
and the nervous feeling is entirely
Mrs. O. N. Suwanee,
Sarsaparilla Tr
Bold nil six
. . ll
Mood j ac
sat I of MM riOT-
upon remaining
voluntary testimonials
A General Horse
Also a line
A. White's
Old Stand
a lo S. T. White's have a full line
o select from Everything and low in price. A
to ail. Come see me, will make- it pay you-
I can now be found in
brick store for-
W. Brown.
Come to see
New York
Mr. lulls OS that
inches across
corn high. He says crops
are the he ever had this time
the year.
Our hue WHITE GOODS was never
batter. We are white Silk,
white white white
white Lawns, while Swiss, white
white white Kill,
while Hose, while Pass, while
Bel's, white Corset, white white
white Liters other
white articles too numerous lo mention.
Lang's Cash House
is now invited to our
Notions, Hats, The best and most d
assortment new styles now awaits your
inspection. We lead the trade. We challenge
the country for bargains. We guarantee sat-
every time.
Emporium of Spring Fabrics.

So to
The of the Interior at
Washington under consideration S
will hereafter furnish
some the Fort Logan cavalrymen
with a novel variety active in
the summer and bill seasons. It is
that a detail regular army
be told off to guard the herd
whisk s in Lost Park Col. There
are forty of these rare
least but if immediate
U not to protect them
against i lie depredations of
they will be exterminated.
Late last fall one buffalo was found
dying at a remote distance from its
fellows, been a
of times by rife It was
put out by
and its stuff. .- is now
among the ti lam. h the
rooms of the Sta. So-
This incident -I very
that several heard had
been killed during tin
mer. No trace of the
the killing b
nor could m n de-
rived by the State Game n
guard against them in A
deal of KM
thereat among sportsmen and
who are in preserving
Colorado's rapidly dwindling
A.- a result the scheme to use cavalry-
men was concocted, and James A.
Miller, clerk cf the Court,
was delegated to communicate with
on the subject.
This action Was taken by Mr. Miller
on the 5th of last mouth, and
day h-i received Congressman
a reply to his letter,
a statement from the United State
Adjutant-General's office to I be
that the military buffalo warden pro-
was under consideration by the
United Slates Department of the
Ought to tear D an
tho St, tie don't
make I
tint tie. m pr n hi in the
Si. ion -a ll. in
ain't I'll r. I
to you n an presbytery,
want to know-
Is he a fer hi
hid An
Is ho tho kin we turn to in oaf
A stocky oak to lean upon a
Hie full an
the water in,
Er he leave the women folks to an
dig like
n he mounts the pulpit does lie
a God love
An point poor to
lead above
Does mi-mi to a rule for manly,
upright life
Er to
Good deeds is nut fer me. By gum,
it makes
To think days on i But them
gosh all
Small later doctrine.
but the
The Scab- an blood
J. L. in Quoting
Atlantic and North Carolina
The dispatch from
was published a Wall street
news bureau
new development has taken
place regarding the Atlantic North
glowing cl
recent n stock-
hollers the a of Governor
It is Hated on good
that a has been made in
the to the purchase
of the of tie- AM North
Carolina owned by the Stale,
and it has been ed that a
committee has gone to New York to
to borrow for this
pose, Governor indicated
his approval of the sale, if the
can be
The presence this in
New been known for several
day.-, but it is Dot thought probable, in
view of the antagonistic
old colored woman who washes
for of mine said to
who i the other
. I mo, but could you
lot mo have a dollar in advance I
Rent's due, an my old man's out
of work Why, Caroline. I
thought your husband was doing
well a
pot out of it now. mi-
do rain him
deed h
V. by, did ho spend
money for open and conn-it lick
hotel where he got his new job
has a band music all
through dinner, an Battled pool
don't understand you, Caro-
it. honey; he
couldn't it. man was
marked music. Nobody knows
how colored people love a tune
colored people
couldn't keep his feet still
when played anything lively,
an it was ail ho could do to keep
from bis hands round when
he was order.
head waiter spoke to him halt
a dozen times, an he tried bis best
to keep quiet.
night before last, when
was a special tine party of la-
dies an gentlemen was
a-wait in on, dona
up a lot glory
camp hymns, jest's fool
mine was in de with
a big tureen soup.
don't remember
what happened, but de udder boys
say ho a yell, his hands an
feet went up, an ho commenced Ca-
like a crazy man, de soup
fly in de place.
was put out, of an
mighty bad he feels about it.
he says his
he was so.
ye, I'll work dis
out for you. Next job lie gets it
won't be where has a band,
in New
York Recorder.
The Fleets.
In many localities off the Scotch
coasts and the coasted Norway the
lie at some distance
the Governor the Legislature of from ti and tho start must
the State North Carolina, as well as made with the ebb tide, some-
other Southern States, toward r times in the middle of the night.
road properties and that AH of a
. , Start together, and to one
m can be sorrow, d on any
reasonable t. mis looking to
aw of in North
York 18th.
unaccustomed to the sight the
; to boats put-
c a
la 1882 of
who net quite I, no
street no works, no sewer-
ting off from a harbor like
mouth is a sight never to be forgot-
Needle makers are more subject
to than men of any other
occupation. Next come
lithographers, grinders, tobacco-
watchmakers, stonecutters,
glass workers, hairdressers,
painters, painters, shoemakers,
glaziers, hatters, carpenters, ma-
S Moot country town, ready I
J ; butchers, charcoal burners and,
last of all, miners.
In the population of Charlotte
age, no building,
no lights, no pants factory
try to
to put on city
D baa the best
The trailing arbutus is mentioned
by two or three Latin writers of the
electric street time of Virgil as symbolic of
It now has cotton mills, come. At Roman feasts, particular-
pants factories, a and n houses, the arbutus
building, two new
a new Lutheran a ,.
hall, new house,
complete water works and
system, two parks, a Y. M. C. A.
b every old church remodeled
; built anew mid many new ones
five hotels, km,
two cotton compresses, lour,
b aiding and loan two
ion works, several supply machine
a settlement of wood
and machine a roller
flouring mill, a leather belting factory
cord factory, two laundries
cotton. j
many other things expected to be
found in a heal-by
was sometimes hung above door
to indicate a welcome to the guests.
In the mountain regions of this
country, where eggs and all other
articles are sold by weight rather
by measure, ten medium sized
Send address to IT. E.
Co. Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. Kings Hew Life Pills. A
convince you of merits.
These pills are easy In action are
effective in the cure of
Constipation and sick For
Malaria and Liver trouble-,
proved . i art
to b,; perfectly free
every a and to hi
purely vegetable. They do not weaken
by their action, but by tone to
stomach and hovels greatly invigorate
the system Regular Me. per box.
Sold by John I. Wooten,
In this Slate a dog is not law
property, unless it s
ed for and the tax paid so
which tax is not
be stolen impunity. The
thief cannot be prosecuted, and
most of tin m who know this, take
any take a fancy to.
Some one stole Mr John Hahn-
dog a few
days on and he had a white man
by the name of Wm-
for it. was
before Mayor Wright as be
could cot be held for stealing
d p. lie was charged with steal-
up he and was
bound over to court in a bond
Ho, with a last
In this gray hour you It
. To as we to yon;
Parting It dying, too,
to heart
la but a for death.
Tomorrow we shall say,
today d j
room up
Tho lonely look It wears; I
For all tho and dim
With want of only V
What household things shall stand B
Hallowed because your hand
Has touched hall
help in that or
treasure even trivial said
As memories of the dead.
You will bear with you thus
of as;
writing now and then
Of r lands men.
Your tidings from afar shall reach her
As from another sphere.
Just as if you. last.
That greater sea had passed
Those winds and waters yearn
Outward and turn.
And. through the waste of silence Ion.
You called from the unknown.
Even death Is nothing more
of a door
Through which men pass away
As into UM day.
And who we it not, blinded by the
Cry, are lost In
Thus ever, near or far.
but are;
Yet thorn wt- bid
Find death is not to die.
la you, departing our daily
from life to
hands, and now farewell
But by
Life here,
we but and st.
A. Si. John in
Walter a Dramatic
soda Ir Colonial
novels to
and shortest way of
a fortune, ho who puts the world j nut tree- A hOT
of writers in possession of a plot is on a
clearly a of Hie
kind. Now is a a
a writer in The American Sports-
man tolls a remarkable story about
a i j
In front of u window where
worked last summer a
novel. Tho ii; facts are
true; in it novel
must always be the
tum of undoubted fact. Tho
to watch her In fact, we
look right into tho nest.
One day. When there was n heavy
shower coming up, thought we
would if she young
during the rain. Well, when tho
public opinion, eta., are doubtful j fit drops foil, she came and took in
lull t. . I.
i ; . of
Are For.
The benefits massage are so
known it needless to
no person should
be denied the invigorating effects of
laying on Many
parsons are kept from the curative
effects of massage by the thought of
expense, skilled masseuses
high wages. To enable the home
attendant or friend in some
to place is the aim of this
The most know
tho body, with the location of nerves
and muscles, that ho may be
able Io such us need it special
Massage supplies to tho feeble the
they pro unable to obtain
otherwise and includes a of
movements of limbs, fingers and
toes, us well a strokes of the
masseuse's hands. Those, some-
what violent, should not be tried
without the the physician,
and no direction for their use is in-
shaded in this article.
The strokes given in massage are
for or for the purpose of
rousing blood vessels and other or-
guns to action and may be light or
hard, the same variety of stroke be-
varied to suit tho patient. No
rule can be given for this, is
is something given only by
and experience.
Massage must never given to
weary, and the masseuse should
have a hand firm, but soft, flexible,
sensitive and strong. Even
may this kind of hand,
and will make it full of
healing to the sick.
masseuse must stand or sit is
n position comfortable for herself, or
otherwise will be unable to give
comfort. It is rule to rub the
limbs toward the body. Beginning
at tip of fingers, rub with steady
toward shoulder, varying
tho according to the wish of
tho patient, and covering tho whole
arm. Starting with tho toes, rub
toward the thighs. The rubbing of
tho abdomen is in a circular course.
On back it follows the course of
the backbone and must have some
to it.
This is most important for tho
because choose his view,
The story belongs to tho j
can war of Independence As is very
well known, t hero was large and, I
in one parts, a powerful minority ;
of colonials who were the
war. Among those was one Richard
of New Jersey, who bold
a captain's commission in tho
service of the crown. In the
year 1788 ho was with his company j
at Now York. One day he heard of
she death of his wife's half brother,
one Philip White, also, himself,
a and a soldier in tho king's
At Christmas time Philip White
was so rash as to cross tho enemy's
lines in order to visit his mother
and sisters. Ho was found in the
house, taken out and hanged by one
Buddy for a spy. This j
which he considered sheer i
murder, mad.
her bill one of two or throe large
leaves growing by and laid this
leaf over tho nest so as completely
to cover it. Then flew away.
On examining leaf we found a
w. h.
a f
doubt I and cur
living III
success is
We have of cases
him. lie
work -ii
this dis-
he sends
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret of health is
the power to digest and
of his cure, free to any sufferers I . r e
who may Ben-1 their address, i a proper
We advise cue , r J
can never be done when
the liver docs not act it's part.
On the 7th D,
I will tell door
in tin town Io ill highest
for cash one trail of I n I in
hole m it, -of at
was ii that the f was
to or hooked
; over the old bird came
back an I and
was dry.
Wat In n
lore mad
Will you be mine
bis is in sudden, Mr.
I must have time to
It over b-fore J answer
give yon much; T
jar goes in minutes.
know th is
s Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
south to jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
ox s
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
u J U a u The modern standard Family Medicine Cures the common ills of humanity.
tie on Road at
a stake, thence with the said II t i
Hue to the main i an of swamp
wit I rim of
to the Kin-ton Road,
road to tin- containing in
seres, nine or less. part of
Cox land he deeded to hit
son, II. and on the
toad from ii X Reads to
to satisfy mi in my
mid which
been said laud a- the prop.
of II. ex.
W. II.
By S. M. Daniel, S.
w. M. Repine, editor III,
rays wont keep
, . D-. for
Chance shortly afterward pat and olds. Ex-
into his power as a prisoner of j with ninny others, bet
banged him on an got the tree until we
apple tree. coos for cw No
,, , j i . s i i . ; remedy can lake us place in oar home,
V he said primly. And ho M , ,, ,.,.,.
reported at headquarters that Colds
he had exchanged for It h kite to experiment
Washington immediately demand- other remedies even II they urged
ed the surrender of as a
murderer. This was owing this remedy bus a record of
to tho representations of the united cures and besides h It
loyalists. Washington then caused ewer fails to satisfy. Ti fee
all tho English officers in his hands n
to cast lots for hanging. The lot fell
gentle cathartic
upon one Charles a young
of great promise, A
somewhat distant fixed
for his execution. Washington
fused to Rive way. Then tho young
prisoner's mother in England appeal-
ed to tho French minister,
her appeal was published
and produced a profound effect
in Europe and America. Washing-
ton yielded, and was released.
Ho died as General Sir Charles As-
gill, K. C. B., in aged
The yielding of Washington was
probably due to bis tardy perception
of tho fact the death of this youth
would have a murder of re-
Not Mart.
A lazy man is seldom so very lazy
not to be able to invent some ex-
for his inactivity. Harper's
Round Table tells a story in point.
Patrick was tho captain of a
that plied between New
York and on the
son. One day his schooner was load-
eel with bricks, ready to start for
New York, but Patrick gave no sign
of any intention to get under way.
Instead of that, he sat on deck
smoking a pipe.
Tho owner of the brickyard, who
was also owner of tho schooner,
and who had reasons for wishing
tho bricks landed in New York at
the earliest possible moment, came
to followed by do-1
retaliations and certain to , w of
create a war of savages rather than j m Hail
civilized brings. whoso Pat-
memory has been defended by Ma j
grandson Mr Denison w
of the Loyalists,
went over to Canada, where ho died
schooner under sail, going down
at an advanced age in the year
Hero I think, is a plot Strong T j, her,
enough for anybody, of J; n
weak imagination and feeble I g th .,.,,,
respectfully invited not to a enough it for
meddle with
Sir Archibald F. R. S., in
a lecture the Glasgow- Geo-
logical society on Latest Vol-
canoes In the says
that the subject is one which had
occupied him closely for the last
and more especially for the last
years. These islands of ours
were especially fortunate in the
wonderfully complete record which
they had within their borders of
the history of volcanic action. He
With all tho motions, in a general j that there was no area of
treatment tho arms ore taken first, equal dimensions on the surface of
then legs, chest, abdomen, back the earth where the story of
from one end to the other of the , action had been recorded so com
and with such wonderfully
Rubbing with the flat hand is the voluminous details.
ordinary method known to every
is also rubbing with the
tips of the fingers, which is very
soothing when done lightly and of-
ten induces sleep when practiced or
the head and wrists.
An invigorating motion is given
From the earliest geological times
they had an almost continuous rec-
of volcanic eruption along the
western bonier of the European
There were once native
volcanoes along a great valley be
the outer Hebrides on the
by resting tho of the band on west and the mainland of Scotland
arm or body, placing tips of fingers
firmly on skin and drawing to-
ward tho base of baud, working in
this manner from wrist to shoulder
and from foot to thigh. Tho hand is
never flat when doing this, but bent
to give purchase to the action of
tho fingers.
It will found that the motion
of the flesh, which is
most precisely that of kneading
bread, will give both stimulus and a
restful sensation to tho invalid. On
the limbs this is taken from side to
side, not and down, as the f
but it in that it starts at the
wrists and working upward.
Last of all, and often omitted save
in cases of sluggish circulation,
comes percussion, is slapping
the entire body from band to
from foot upward, the bead be-
omitted. This may be done with
the entire hand flat, or with it bent
so only the fingers, thumb and
base of hand touch the flesh, and
most done carefully, as even gen-
blows on tender are of-
ten not beneficial.
Practice will make these hints
plain and enable any one with a
sound body and sympathetic nature
to aid in curing the sick or in
their sufferings more easily
borne, and there are many women
and children who will take massage
from those they love who will not
take it from a more t killed masseuse
is a vigorous feeder and re-
to liberal
On corn lands the yield who is a stranger. These notes are
,.,,,, . . -l written to those who long to help
increase. and the soil improves Md who
if properly treated with fer- massage save rubbing, which soon
containing not under wearies both persons
By using these four motions a be-
can give an boor's massage
without becoming greatly fatigued,
and their benefit is marked to the
sufferer. New York Ledger.
-f plan costs but
little I to lead to
h . i., Sum,
. I, . . ., . x , I h will gladly
u lit- I- . i. write
So Easy.
, don't-you think a
i ought to save at least half the
but how can he, with bis
creditors how bug . for. it-ail
s. Mm time Record.
on the east, and they attended from
the south of through the
line of the inner Hebrides far north
into the isles and beyond them
into Iceland. The present Icelandic
volcanoes were tho lineal descend-
ants of those which were action
in this country in tertiary times.
Tho story of- volcanoes in
country was to lie found by the side
of volcanoes in Iceland and of
most prominent features of
modern volcanoes in that country
was that they did not form
like Etna or Vesuvius. Their
dominant feature was the
of great rectilinear fissures, but
there were also cones. Every one
who had sailed along the shore of
the Clyde was familiar the
dikes that rose up sometimes with
singular prominence along the
shores of and the Cum-
greet, wall-like masses of
black rock through the sandstone.
These dikes marked some of the
during the
early volcanic
The eruptions appeared to have
with the formation of these
fissures. They had in
Mull, Rum, and
The inner Hebrides were
merely fragments of what may
boon originally a plateau
extending from in the south
to the north of The
overflown of basalt could l
in layers in old river
and these layers bud beep re-
least four limes in his-
of plateau, as shown in the
This is said to be the way
ard was played in
you say
but I
pared especially for stock, as well a
for that purpose i wild m t u
can, holding one-bail pound
cine -5 cent.
Lambert, Co.,
used kinds of bu
------A Hue of------
Ac, Ac.,
which I am
selling so low
that it causes
Come sen
and will
treat fair
D W.
Caveat, and all Pitt-
l f r
C. B.
IS l
Scott model or
Vi if or f-o
A Pamphlet, How M I. with
mom ii th b. countries
cut free.
D. C
.- -j-,. -.-.-.
I -i-l
lA. M. r. to
i H
one package of Black
roil, V for all the Others I ever saw
Is for in
at rear,
i; cure bad
r. cure flatulence.
The pup will
pleased to learn that i at least
one dreaded that science hi-s
been able l i in stages
stint is Catarrh. t Cure is
only pure new Ki own to
a disease, a
is taken internally, acting
upon the and e of
the the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient by building up the
and assisting
its The have so
in its powers that
Dollars any
case it to cure, for list
K. J. .
Toledo. O
Sold p-lee We.
Hall's family tin- best.
We have t a n
hearse and tho line of
fins Caskets,
and cloth ever to
We Jo embalm-
n ah .
attention to con
funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receive
every mark of
Oar lower ever.
We do not monopoly
can be a any and all
times the John Flanagan
one-fry Cos building.
. their year supplies will Bad
all it-
we bay from
, i to bay v. on i pro i . V a-
j c- c st ck of
a I Way SOD sail
the times, bought
sold for CASH
run close
s. ;
Newspaper u,
Vie late
. Mi
.-i d bare
V . J
r, tit
A. M
i i.
r ii
A. M. S IS I II Vi . M I
A. M
i lO
n Mt
r Tarboro
Tin lion
Hooky Mi
P. M,
and in nil
kinds of
Ail kinds of done
We labor and good
mil. i end prepared to
iii i v work.
k CO.
Wire and Iron Fencing
Sold work
prices reasonable.
r YEARS best If cheap
Rope, Building Pumps, Farming ever
necessary for and general how purposes, a well
Hats. Shoes. Ladies Dress Good. I save Am
rs for and jobbing agent for Clark's O. V. T.
and keep teens sad
on I ;
aves p. at.,
m 7.56
. m.
8.42 a. ,.
11.40 am
. .
i 8.20 a. in., and i.
K In a. in .
11.13 a. in., i,
3.-D p. m.
p. in,, .-
u. in., and 7.20 u, . Daily
leaven C, via Alba,
A k. dally except
p. I i S M
7.4 i P. m.
Plymouth except
ID., a
I 10.15 u. m
Train on N . f. leaves
except a
at arriving Bel
leaves g w. a. m pi
fives a. ,,
Trains on It
i., leave ii in p m, arrive
8-1- f
leave m. a
a m, except
Trail and. leaves War-
i i a. hi. ,,. m g
m. i m.
Train No.
points dally, all rad via
at Bo. Mount
Norfolk and It tor
all points North via Norfolk.
Old Line
0.1 Ills., u., i
Median; Co., St. Louis, Ms.
In all ex-
of It years. Io the drug bars ;
afore me, and I'll chop champ i
out- Pearson's
Fife, Firs and taint
N. C
All Risks placed in
at lower current
Steamers lease
leave at A M
I Met t
of on Tar River.
at with
Shipper, their
few . , ,,,
U Net
folk A Steamboat
Baltimore. Mi

Eastern reflector, 26 May 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 26, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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