Eastern reflector, 14 April 1897

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. V
In Spring
And all other
you should read .
It is the paper for the
he Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year, in Advance.
be told through
polished a piano- bus
ed, and finely man It
measure lie when
when i
The above Is but one of over
bargains to be in our now
Ii contain ail kinds
Carpets. Baby He-
are dealer double our
Drop a for our
money in which we
mall free of ail the
manufacturer.-aid will make the
profit you are Low i your
local dealers
Julius Hines Son,
Buttons, the
keepers pot at, i deep dis-
grace. lurer does he
neighborhood will, but i
confined within the narrow hounds
of the yard. Other
had the
freedom of the bar room and
could depart as be
pleased On Saturday two pet-
roan of ii- place dropped in to
to Lave a quiet Naturally
enough, in tho course of
recent treat was discussed.
this was in progress But-
tons quietly entered the
There was a difference of opinion
among the trio as to the
which tho knock-out blow was
deliverer, Finally one of the
patrons volunteered to
the affair the of
hie friend- Just as he assumed a
pugilistic attitude. Buttons, who
Lad apparently much inter-
in the conversation, con-
that he could show just
hi w the thing occurred. Like a
run, be hot forward,
probably intending tr deliver the
famous blow on the nearest
patron. Tho blow landed not
on the heart, but it was a
knock-out blow all the same.
the rescue
by throwing the playful animal
out, but it just cos, him a bottle of
his best whiskey to alleviate his
sufferings- Even the
whisk has failed to effect a tho-
rough cure, for the poor man
since has frequently shows an
giving his
Seat a in a street MI
Philadelphia Record.
Found Over
Quark tie
Who lived township,
near Deep Cut, died February
at the age of years. He left a
will taming J. S. Norris as
tor. Norris went to the
premises today to make an
and round among other
a oyster cans,
snuff boxes, rotten bags, etc,
stored kitchen and
other odd corners- The contents
of these proved to be of interest,
being over in gold, over
in silver cur-
the were
foreign many were mutilated.
Mr. Norris deposited his find
the First National bank of State-
e today.
Professional Cards.
is making a move to i-slab-
Tin- Lodge Odd F.
m els in May
t Ii number cf ll a
Southern Winston,
was u The Journal is
There was a wreak Wednesday
C V- V. railroad at Pilot
The conductor. W
Sad Walter
were both killed.
A named
County, bring a drunk, gave his
toil-y a Settle of whiskey
Bad I to winch it It
shortly vii iii into spasms and
that year M
i New to whom we ma h; r f.
Gain this His lather
an Indian, his mother
man. H i j urn ii Star.
learned that a very dis-
occurred near Kent
three year old
wan riding on tho log Through
cause the little hoy Cell off the
cue In wheel pasted
him. crushing hi- skull and killing
him II
and h
Mr. Jones, of the drag m
Jones A Son, in speaking
of Or. Kings New Discovery, fays that
winter his was attacked with
Ls and her case grew so
that at
could do nothing for her. It
d to develop into Hasty
ion. Dr. Kings New
in store, and selling lots of it, he
took a home, to the surprise
of all she bag in to set better the
first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles
her sound and well. Dr. King-
New Discovery for
and is guaranteed to do tins
good work Try It. Free trial tattle
at . drew -tore.
What a Trained Nurse Hun Be.
takes an intelligent, refilled
woman with a strong will and
sound sense to make a
the a large training
school writes in the April Ladies
be able to I away to enrich other people
the her
Besides the drains which North
Carolina is trout the
purchases o
outside sources, much of
which might saved
the farmers staking their own
nun and the Life and Fire
i i, which takes a
million dollars annually out of the
State, many minor
drains which sap our resources
and are a tax upon the
of our
It is not what ft or nation
makes that makes them or
wealthy but it in in their savings
North i is full of
rt son ices which
development to give her people
present prosperity.
But what is it these
stay he
made o up their varied
wealth to the efforts of our people
if after these developments Hie
made unit wealth secured, is
away by our buying
from outside places that
be made at homo I
It is by looking these
drains upon our by
and by the little-
things that our will
will it if our
farmers great crops, it
the money these stops to
pay the- th i pi educe
W hat does and
our people ii they pay one million
dollars more each year they
receive from their the and life in-
And it is also our mat
tors that drains occur. Our people-
send for all of articles
that may be purchased home
Millions of dollars sent away
for articles should
be manufactured within our owl
It is drains, one all.
that so constantly absorb what
our people make, the State's
vast resources are being sent
To the People
Pitt County,
Our energies have Relaxed. Our
forts have never ceased to the best
selected stock of
Tho Claim
the Tariff Taxes.
other sections.
She must be dig-
and of betraying alarm
More her patient. She must he ready
to act any
but slow to assume authority that be-
longs to bee superiors. She must be
a cheerful, nature. With
then attributes, joined to the practical
arranging a sick room,
preparing the bed, removing
lanes, the giving of medicines
well as understanding their
a cooking and a desire to
do her duty regardless her surround-
of any criticism,
would he s model nurse. There is,
some theoretical training
text books and lectures to be
gone through, but without the other
no an can n i e a
AT l O K f-AT-L a W,
X. C
in all tic courts. Collections
a specialty.
Harry Skinner.
II. W. Whedbee.
I to Skinner.
N. C.
B. F. Tyson,
N. C. N. C
X. C
Practice in all the
u. D. L. Jambs,
N. C
O Bee over J. C.
Cobb Store.
E. f. C. Harding,
Wilson, X, C. Greenville, N. t.
Greenville, X.
made short lime.
V. Long,
N. C. Greenville,
O and Co Law
in all the Courts.
are a good story down
a correspondent from
N. J. deals with the
rel three brothers
May County. Some years ago
the brothers a revival and
professed, religion in a neighboring
church. They were taken in on
A days ago the time arrived
for their admission to full membership,
and the in the
of the congregation prepared
call out their names. The only
brother was William, or
he is generally called, lie sat in a
seat and seemed
called the minister. Hill stood
up and began to speak. He stammered
very badly. G Gabe h has g g
gone stuttered Bill. There
was of among the
Hill arose again
announced that J Jim's out
The sensation
he clergyman went on with the list,
however. sad be.
Hill scratched his head, looked up at
the ceiling. C C Gross it said
The Journal, one of the
conservative newspapers the
country, declares that a moderate
the which the
tariff is expected to raise
the Government will cost the people
in advanced
While one the
I he taxpayer for the use
of the Mr. has
so arranged his schedules that the
protected shall reach their
hands into the taxpayer's left-hand
pocket and take from it six dollars and
hall. Protection comes very dear
There is a need raying, of
stopping these various drains
upon the energy and labor of the
people of North Carolina, if there
is to be any accumulation of
wealth in this State. U no
need so much labor and so little
accumulated wealth.
W is wanted is more saving,
more thrift and
venting by these means
only will wealth and prosperity
come to our
from which to select, your purchases. We
confidently believe and unhesitatingly
that is the spore of all stores in our
from which to buy your goods for the
coming year. sold on time at close
credit prices to customers approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of gold, silver or
When cuter into our possession
they are again converted into the et bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit of our many
friends and customers. Do not hesitate qr be
led away but no straight back to your
friends who will take care of your interests
and work the harder to make of you a
stronger customer and better of
straight honest dealing between man
and man. We are the friend of tho poor
man, we arc the friend of the rich man. we
are friend of you all. Comet o see as, we
will serve you to the best of our ability. Po-
lite attention, best of service and honest
forts shall be yours to command at the
th i moo h avers, musicians
sod of the Com-
on and Moans
y that lbs duties on
imports an paid by the foreign
producers, as they proclaimed
the HOBOS of In -1
week Or do regard this
m rely as useful
to be c inculcated in the
of the vulgar lest I he
of the grievous protective
tariff and it off for-
The belief that
not pay the duties on
I imports, but that by some
are upon
who produce II cm,
i Is us with reason
the dread of
at labia, be-
a on Fri of
the of the
over left
It is us sill as the belied that on
old can evolve the
Ho Was Net
Jab Mai his. of the
was s good soldier,
one day when
Van tr. from the
geld of Gettysburg threw
his the ground,
himself by the
bi dashed if walk
I'm up I can't
was the picture of
up, exclaimed his
captain the
are following They'll
get you
help M
Tho people rad this
I'll not walk another
of the from a greasy pa k
ids or tho
a coffee
tho body of
and too
to a thing so
m the theory
do pay the taxes
Mid I'm
am St Mat p. alms and
to the people to U i i
own undoing, if they
lint the pay
tho duties on why de
take coffee and tea
fir flee lift make
the duties on a I imports high
ii only to support the
but to give every
man tho a pension out
of the residue of levied
upon the
,. . a-
The story is told . colored
preacher who was very much op-
posed to and was very
loud in his exhortations against
it. Secretly he loved music
of the violin and the dance bad
an irresistible charm for him.
On a certain night a ball was to
given and the preacher went
so far to threaten to expel any
of bis flock who dared attend the
ball. But on the night of the ball
the violent was seen sit-
ting in one corner of the hall,
patting his foot and swaying bib
body to the music of dance-
One of his friends Ventured to
express surprise at feeing the
parson at the ball, but the preach
defended himself by
I hates
mightily, but. de shepherd,
and look my
flock, got my eye onto
one ob pop-eyed,
niggers, you see
don't make smell
brimstone for all dis next
N C. B. L.
The N- C Building Loan
Association with headquarters at
Charlotte has gone into the hands
of receivers- It operated at various
in the state as branch de-
of the business- Since
the per cent law it is found
impossible to operate with a profit
and the board of directors vised
a closing of business. There
will be no losses probably. Indeed
the association would probably
have continued business if it
had not been for the branch
Press Visitor-
. i, m
The Montgomery
ed at Tampa Saturday night.
There has talk of a
expedition leaving Tampa
and the Montgomery probably
w; kept there as a
The Injunction Case.
N. C, G. -In
the United States circuit court here
this morning Judge Simonton, after
hearing read the bill of
by the in tin
-suit of the Southern vs.
; nor Attorney General
and the president and directors
North Carolina railroad, wherein u
permanent injunction was asked, re-
straining from any
calculated to annul the ninety-
nine year Of the Carolina
railroad to tie Southern
a continuance of the hearing until
Tuesday, June 8th, at Since
the issuance the temporary injunction
at Lynchburg last month Governor
has removed the old board
directors and named an entirely new
board, and upon Agreement of counsel
the latter is to be mads a party to the
suit at the next hearing.
There was a formidable array
counsel in the ease. Hon. John
an Mr.
Washington ; Mr. Henry Crawford,
New York, and Mr. F. II. Bathes, of
representing the
Judge Judge Avery
II. Day representing Governor Russell,
Judge Shepherd represented the
general. Mr. James H. Manning
Judge the
old hoard directors and private
stockholders of the road.
The answer of Governor
was a defiant nature, while
hat the old hoard of directors
mainly a rebuttal the charges made
by the governor.
case tho Trust Com-
of New York, the
and defendants in the
suit engaging litigation
ed to impair the value of the
securities, was also continued, the
restraining orders in both cases
in effect. The trust company w tin
guarantor of the bonds the Soothers
The best
The best philosophy
The best golden rile.
Tin- best
The best ll-gov-
best and
The best a smile upon
the brow childhood.
The best sunshine
from a way.
The best war against one's
The best laughter an
The best the
true and the only memory's
The best a ray
of into a gloomy heart.
The best biography-the fife which
writes charity in the large letters.
The best which
moM joys and divides the
most sorrows.
of the lacerating rocks persons
The best a
treaty peace with one's own con-
The best a
bridge faith over the river of
who medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
the true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This does not stimulate and
contains no nor
cant, hut acts as a tonic
acts on and bowels,
adding strength and tone to the
organs, in
is an excellent appetizer and
digestions. Old People t
exactly what they need. Price and
per bottle at John .
They now fill teeth with
A woman with a tooth
full of el eye full
lire will boa balmy object for
a man to meet on top landing
Saturday with honor of he from balancing oldest best known
the victories of the Spanish troops his books at a. in Virginia, died
in island Observer. m
th-.- Keynote
and de-
lo any and u
man who confidence hie
own affairs finds failure
him a short writer
to his Bible
Class tho April Home
lies for work usefulness in
every sphere of life. It was
certainly doubt caused
the Meant slate of depression in
economists differed
views tho
causes of this fooling of insecurity
they generally agreed in
attributing the reverses to
the lack of assurance business
circles. Confidence is essential
to success in every pursuit of life-
this selfsame truth is no less
evident in Spiritual than
it is in temporal The
life is useful
to the Church of as to fed
is the one which is as.
sured of its own salvation, Dis-
trust unbelief
and care to any ; but joy
rest come with the
edge of forgiveness favor
done for.
Confederates passed along
Of or the cost of the hill, and lost
sight of poor,
In u moment there was a fresh
rattle of musketry and a renewed
crash of shells. Suddenly
appeared n the crest of th hill,
moving like a and fol-
lowed by u cloud of dust. As he
dashed by officer
yelled ;
thought you
wasn't to walk
us he
hit tho dust with renewed vigor,
don't call this walking
above story to mind
one that i told on a Confederate
was duly
Carolina. Au was
war matters, and re-
k. ii
duty, do yon,
now suppose they should
en you with shells
musketry, what would you
man form
camp, sir
fur Hi great leavening
oration to the
Always for small
Stealing a
is simply a
We read in Charlotte Ob-
that Mr. an
is stirring Monroe.
It is said the is being rev-
spiritually, old feuds
are old paid
and other given of a
We are
always to hear of a re-
of and of people
being better, but the point
in the above which particularly
us is that old debts
being paid. If Mr- School field's
power is such that ho can make
people pay we here-
with invite him to this way
and hold a
he gut through at
Statesville, Clark,
send him to Louisburg
Franklin Times.
Brother Thomas puss on
to Rocky Mount
Do not pass as hf.
Adam was not an man
while ho bachelor.
music in the
about midnight.
Tho who holds spite
must bi lefts in a queer
Tho is the of
Only of these for
Tho crow is the of all
never shows the
This life is a game of hide and
seek ; it you would will, stand on
God excludes no from
or happiness simply on
account of poverty.
To Hod us not
to believe of the bid
said about others.
The friendship does not
prompt you to assist a friend is
worts labeling as
and is
motto of the servant girl who
uses to start
Once m a time a good name
was considered better than great
but that was a long lime
The moving season is now ripe
and house bud-
Pasturage for cold will
tho new
Why is a man William
to be happy
than one with a different
Because his wife will
always have her own sweet Will
The New York World
enduring king
for a night day, George
of No. West
died yesterday in
Hospital nicotine
poisoning, caused by
Young began tho habit
way, experienced
Initiatory sickness, after get
which he cultivated a
taste for that grew
upon him rapidly- That
years ago. After having
school he went to work as a
in his Mali
there was always a
supply of cigarettes.
His noticed George's
fondness for
-Hid older to bleak him of
sale in
his The son when
able to go out himself, would
pro every chance visitor into
his to secure them.
the father grew
more vigorous in his restrictions,
Rev. Dr. E- M. Peterson, of
There is a country America
where there is scarcely a tramp
and where no railroad is in a re-
where laborers
are all employed and wages are
increasing. That country is not in
he but Mexico. In
the latter country they have the
coinage of silver, while here, by
silver the
volume is prices
Inn of thousand-
people the verge of
Men are the United
Stales Hint going to Mexico.
would not i mi if Were
of do
elated that tho gold standard
moans chronic hat I ho
not taken at his weird by men
who thought they understood the
money Now these mas
are beginning to believe
but this failed. Then a
physician warned the young man
that to continue the vice would
be to court death. This, like the
of his father, passed
Unheeded in the desire to inhale
rolls of paper and to-
and a short time ago the
habit took such n hold upon him
he smoked as as six-
teen packs a day.
It was noticed a few days ago
that the young man was acting
strangely. His further, noticing
the boy's nervous manner and
inability to attend to his daily
flairs, watched him closely, and
then called in a physician. The
after looking at the boy,,
shook his head and made tho
same observation that had been
made many times before; that the
young would die unless
means wore adopted to
him of the vice.
The climax yesterday
morning. Deprived of his cigar-
broke into a
and to preserve th
of those in his home, it was
to call the police. When
patrol in came to tho rescue
he saw that there was nothing to-
ho but to send tho young;
man to the hospital so
wan called.
refused to go, but be was
bundled aboard, raving. On the
way to the hospital he made re-
efforts to break away, and
before tho
hospital it. was found necessary to
call in sot vices of throe patrolmen.
the strength of
tho three was unable to restrain
him, ho they to shackle him.
In the insane pavilion
raved and raged, calling upon the
attendants the in ad-
cots to give him a single
or ho would die. As
tho day progressed be
more and more violent, at
length his very left him
weak almost unable to
He failed rapidly
and Into last night he died.
be surgeons said that his
was undoubtedly due alone
to ii me of cigarettes.
If to Its
source, i h ad buck to our
ens, in fact, t of good health
is good rooking. cooked,
are if cooked
they an- digested than u raw
Mat . It you are a victim of faulty
look is. it you lunar from
p-l. hi ran. m cure must be looked
digested food,
a food will tin time .-ml
die of other food. a
preparation virtually the
organs, thereby restoring them
to their strength.
The Digestive Cordial, is priced
by the Winkers of Mount Lebanon, is
just such a preparation, and a single
cent bottle will convince yon of Its
If doesn't keep it, he
will hi to get It through whole
ale house.
it the bast for
It In
I Oil.

Greenville, N. C.
I J, WM.
Entered at the post at Greenville,
N. C, u second class mail matter.
Wednesday, 1897.
Our Regular
Hon. W. Bryan was
enough to be in Washington this week
Jo make an argument for the people
Nebraska in a railroad case before the
U. S. Supreme Court, This gave
an opportunity to participate in the
democratic jollification which has fol-
lowed the news the
victories in and in Chicago. Mi.
told an immense democratic
meeting addicted by him over
Alexandria, and attended by many
prominent democrats from both
Congress that the grand MM met
steadily on to victory,
closed his speech by There is
in the
United States today than there ever was
before. More people are seeking to
make this government t it ought to
be, and the crusade that was started
will go on and on; will gather strength
it goes, and will be instrumental in
bringing to the people of this country
blessings for generations to
The administration and King
are sore over the
able rebuke given them by the result of
the Ohio elections They try to make
of the by saying that only
local issues were involved, but they
know better, and everybody else knows
better ; knows that the administration
and worked for republican
success, which it would considered
an endorsement. Senator Jones Chair-
man of the National Com-
says am not at all
disposed to attach to much importance
to purely local elections, do believe
that the result in Ohio is largely due to
the dissatisfaction with the National
and State government of the republican
party. There is no in my mind
either, that the cause of has
made tremendous strides since last
November, and I believe that more has
accomplished for our by the
very logic of events than was done by
all th
There is a little wrangle on between
the administration and republican
members of the Senate com-
to bear upon them to report
tariff bill not later than the 19th of
this month, while they insist that they
cannot get the bill in condition to report
before May 3rd, if so Ma
Humanity is the one power that is
strong enough to fuse all the discordant
elements which to to make up H
into solidity in an effort to relieve
The joint
for the relief f the
sufferers from the in the
River and its tributaries and in
the Red River of the North, which
became a law this week, received tin-
unanimous vote Congress.
The Senate has been talking
belligerency again, and has a
the President to
endeavor to save the lite General
It would be difficult to a more
rigorous bit of that-
Senator reply to the r. quest
the New Orleans Board Trade
that he should vote for the
tariff bill, as may be Seen fro-n the
following extracts my political
views change so a to convince me that
this great country, with its vast re-
sources, its free, pushing, enterprising.
inventive population, needs protection
countries with not half its
resource, with oppressed
with debt, crushed by distinctions
or tyrannous government, without the.
skill and inventive genius of e own
people, I will hand in my resignation
as out of with democratic
principles. I take it that Louisiana is
democratic yet, the
temporary split in the democracy
the sugar
planters to republicanism, or rather to
The letter closes with this
description of the tariff bill will
blight the budding promise of increased
export of American manufactures. It
will cripple the export of our cereals
flour, fuel and raw material ; it will
enormously to the of toiling
masses of our people, it will create
greater discontent where discontent i-
already threatening the peace
stability of society. And it violates
the cardinal, cherished
of democracy. I will not vote for it.
I will vigorously oppose
is the appointee, who gets
the praise of his political us
. that members of his own
party, and they are es few as they are
fortunate. One them is Benjamin
who has for the second
time been appointed
Patents. Arthur first him to
the place. Inasmuch as
ability to a higher is
it is believed
has put him in charge if the Patent
Office for the special purpose of
existing abuses in the practice
of patent attorneys, and raising the
practice to a professional
his as a lawyer and experience in
the patent branch especially fitting
for the task, and that after he has
he will promoted to a higher
Th Country Paper.
For many years the
newspaper bas been
item of the stock-in trade of the
professional sharing
space With other staple
be relied upon to furnish
material for a joke at such seasons
as there was a dearth of novelties
in the market
Most of the jokes having for a
the country weekly
and country journalism bare
originated no spirit of malice,
but because subject bas a
humorous viewed from the
elevated plane of met-
journalism and because
humorists to live, and in
order to do so must main
chance. That is why the subject
has been worked to bed rock
That most country newspapers
are important factors in
affairs, no one at all
with the subject can for a moment
doubt. North Carolina bas a list
f which any might be proud
from many of her small
country offices men have
to positions of national
fain a- If the
town is the preparatory
school for the balls of
in no degree do country
newspapers the place of a
fitting institution for a wider
sphere of usefulness.
are, as a
honest in tone, and allow
no fear of consequences to in-
them when they feel like
whatever is considered
worthy of criticism within
jurisdiction. Their office is,
to the local news ;
and when they done
well. The
that John Smith bas painted bis
hen may be a news item
of as much importance within
circumscribed limits country
newspaper's circulation as would
be the publication in New
York Herald of the fact that Mr.
Van was contemplating
patting of new sails on his
million dollar yacht. It is simply
a question of locality- A three-
legged stool would be
Gut place as a piece
of furniture in a fashionable met
church, but is
the utility of which B
unquestioned u a g
The country boy who goes to
city and takes, his place
grows up among with the
men whose business capacity
helps to shape the course of
events, always, unless he is some-
thing less than a
many pleasant of bis
ton, and he takes the
paper that was his local paper
when he was a boy, and be reads
it carefully, then he takes it
home from the office and reads it
again, from old familiar head
clear through the advertise-
No part of it is missed ;
and if is the right kind of a
man, be reads between lines
more than appears in cold type.
leading a newspaper of this
sort is, as compared with
perusal of an up to-date metro-
sheet, like drinking from a
spring that is of some
mighty river.
High up I solitudes the
volume of water large, but
the water is pure; down, the
wafer is likely to become more or
country newspaper
institution that bas fol-
lowed the the
in the onward march of
civilization, and its influence for
good is a matter that is too
taken into
The Democrat Sweep Chicago.
Chicago, April
election to lay resulted in u decisive
victory for the democratic party, its
candidate, Carter Harrison, having
more votes than all the other
At midnight the figures
gave republican,
democrat, ; in-
de t, The democrats made a
clean sweep all the town officers in
north and west town, also in the
south town, although the republicans
hive r. fighting chance to get an asses-
in part of the city. Of the
four aldermen, returns point to the
election twenty-six democrats, four
republicans four independents.
Harrison guinea heavily in the banner
the thirty-
by against for liar
Ian and for Sears. This ward
gave a majority of
last fall. The Third. Fourth and
Twelfth always republican
strong he Ids, were also by
It was apparent at midnight
that damson had beaten Sears, the
regular republican candidate, by from
to votes. At the last
mayoralty election vote was
against for
In the presidential election
for Bryan.
democrats had an en or-
their campaign was handled
Wall and as the republican ranks were
hopelessly split, the result never in
much doubt, although Sears
and all claimed that they could
not be beaten. The of re-
publican machine not quite as
hop as they claimed to be and it is
on excellent authority that Sears
was quietly traded for Roy O. West,
the republican candidate for city at-
The was fought for
the part on strictly local issues,
democrats bad a silver
plank in their
White in North Carolina are
still white. When the new penitentiary
turned most of the
on the farms and
replaced them by m gnu s, the other
white men threw up jobs also.
honor to them Two years hence,
when the people of the State gird up
their for a mighty battle to remove
the men now disgracing the
ME will be as brave sons
who would not help in the
of their race. There will a day ct
reckoning, bye and bye,
reward well as of punishments
Raleigh News and
The decision of the Supreme Court
of the United States that fine type pro-
visions in ocean steamship contracts
is in the direction sub-
justice. Doubt if called
upon the c would the
decision as to the fine f
of all oilier is to say,
they must be brought directly to
the those into
In insurance, buying railroad
feints, in sending telegraphic messages
in other mailers people enter
into without having any
ii I this. often without
opportunity to quaint themselves
them, in such cases the chances
are all again the customer and the
only surprise is under the
arc more
and more lawsuits than there
England's Dependence on United
London, April
was called in the house of com-
mons today by Henry
to the wholly
production of food
supplies in the United Kingdom.
In relation to its and in-
creasing population, Mr.
announced that the
deuce of United Kingdom
upon foreign imports for
necessaries of life and the
which might
i in the event of war
demand the serious attention cf
the government- Speaking to
motion, he expressed belie
that the reserve cf
never exceeded three sup-
ply and frequently sank below a
week's supply- France, he
ed out, was self-supporting, and
Russia the United States
were not only self-supporting but
able to make large exports.
be continued, was
practically self-supporting and
Great Britain atone lived
band to mouth drew he;
principal supplies of wheat from
and United Slates,
which might possibly at some
time be hostile to Great
Mr- her remarked
that should harvest in
America fail and Russia refuse to
supply Great the hitter's
would be most
The speaker called attention to
danger done to commerce
of the United Stales by the Ala-
and remarked that many
such vessels be set to pry
upon British commerce time of
war. He did net desire action
which would raise the price to
consumers. but he hoped the
government would the
seriously and proposed
that state be erected for
keeping supplies.
Sir Charles radical, con-
tended that Russian exports of
wheat to Great were
decreasing be asserted that
half of Great Britain's food came
the United States.
n-------; . I
contribute a men ; there-
fore, be
Resolved, That this Convention
recommends that people of the
Diocese shall unite in erection
a church in R a memorial
Vestry of Church the
Good Shepherd thinking that the
time has come to begin this Memorial
Church, at a regular held
Monday, March adopted
unanimously the following resolution
Resolved, That we undertake
erection the permanent church for
the Good Shepherd, to be known as
the Memorial, to cost
not less than nor more than
and that the building opera-
are not to commence until
in cash is in hand. The
of the architecture to Gothic,
material of outer walls to North
Carolina Granite, woodwork f North
Carolina Tine, the capacity
pews to be not less than and the
size, proportions and style finish to
be that indicated in the and
sketches furnished the Architect, sub-
to the the Vestry.
The diocese being thus committed
to assist m the erection Ibis Memo-
rial we appeal with confidence
to the Churchmen th.-
and to the friends of Bishop
Lyman throughout the entire State,
he was for some years the
and to his personal friends and
admirers to give us Sub-
aid in this
As the church is to occupy a very
prominent location the Capitol city
of the State it is desirable that the
building shall lie of such a character as
to be an mt to city, a credit
to the Church and the State and a
worthy of the Revel end
The of the Church the
Good realize a present
a new larger but
being, with, a very exceptions,
people very moderate means, and
though willing to asses i then selves to
extent their ability, are nimble to
complete the building within a reason-
able tune by their unaided efforts. e
therefore appeal to you t such help as
you to give.
An offering -will be presented for this
object on next Easter and we would he
glad to have your contribution by that
We would like to be in funds to begin
work very soon
Contributions may be sent to any
the undersigned.
It H. Battle,
C. G.
F. T.
Finance Committee.
I of the appeal for
the erection the of the Goon
Shepherd in Raleigh as a memorial to
Bishop Li man. and commend it heartily
to the liberality our
give me pleasure to do what I can
accomplishment i f this end.
Bishop of North Carolina.
N. C, March 1807.
is old story if a
green captain drilling a green
company, about the time of ,. on
Em run
Very soon after the death of
late Bishop the Diocese of
North Carolina it was d by bis
friends that a church should be built
in the city of Raleigh as a memorial
of him.
This suggestion took shape at Con-
held Winston in May of
first Convention alter his
death, and following preamble and
resolution were unanimously adopted.
This Convention has by
unanimous vote decided that, at some
future time, a church shall be erected
as u of the lie v. T.
Lyman, D. LL. D. D. C. L., late
the Diocese of North Caro-
lie family and friends
of L man have expressed their
willingness to contribute
of a permanent church for the
congregation of the Church of the
Good Shepherd Raleigh, to be a
bishop Ly man ; and
This is to
which Mrs. Ly man, who was a large
and contributor to the Church
in No lb Carolina, as well as to that
individual congregation, belonged, and
to which she and the were de-
attached ; and
A large number of the
Church people in North Carolina
have already expressed their desire to
Proposed Snow Railroad.
Meetings have been held at both
Greenville and Wilson to hear state-
from Snow Hill business men re-
guiding a proposed railroad from Snow
Hill to some place offering
to take most stock in such a road.
Neither meeting was largely attend-
ed, but committees were appointed to
solicit funds for i
At Greenville Mr. W. Sugg said
it would cost about to build
the road and northern capitalists
to subscribe, half the amount
necessary. The commissioners of
Greene county bard ordered an election
upon the question of that county
stock in the road.
According to the above statement
would have to be from
some other source.
The Free Press situation
Th- of
is divided between
Wilson. A railroad
paint would be of great benefit to
Snow Hill, would all the other
places, but would injure the. place to
which the. Toad ran less than th. other
From a business point of view,
the road is to be built, Kin
should want it to come to
The Snow Hill people are managing
the project very one
town another. We hope they
breaking late
at a certain stage of the proceed-
a drill-master, who was
overlooking performance, ex-
on captain
You bring your men from a
right shoulder shift to present
I retorted
the captain, I'll if I
The old story is
a letter the Fall
River Herald, of the 1st,
from Mr- A. B. Sanford, a cotton
mill man of that who was in
Charlotte recently, and whose
letter opens with this paragraph i
While Northern
has arguing spec-
as to what his Southern
competitor would be able to ac-
while many people
felt no fear of any danger
the South would be able to com-
much to my
I find from a personal inspection
during the past ten among
some of mills in the South,
that they have the
problem of cotton manufacturing,
are now making and
been making for sometime fabrics
and yarns equal to our New Eng-
land Bills, and for less cost, selling
them to our customers, supplant-
our productions, to an alarm-
and from
obtained bob of I find
that they are enabled in their
ed mills, by good and cheaper
labor, to make a profit, even on
present depressed market prices,
while our own New England mills
cannot manufacture without a
Mr- Sanford adds that this is a
hard fact to face, but that it is a
condition and not a theory,
he goes on to say that the stories
told in the North and East about
the inefficiency of Southern mill
operatives won't do. He
the operatives in the mill districts
of the South, over which he
traveled extensively, native
American who
quickly adapt themselves to the
work, are eager to learn, happy
and The help be
finds is abundant, reliable, capable
and per cent- cheaper than at
Fall River and in New
Fuel is cheaper here than there,
the raw material is of
taxation it is
In North Carolina, South Car-
and taxes ore very
low. mill which I visited,
having invested, pays
tax of only per annum-
Such a mill in Fall River will pay
tax- All the large mills
are paying almost no tax to speak
Here are two very notable ad-
The mills recently built
now under construction by our
leading mill architect, located in
the Piedmont belt, are tho equal
of in New
in design, construction and equip-
of machinery, nothing over
looked to make them complete.
The climatic
are to be in many sections,
as good as our Now
States, North Carolina especially
possessing very fine atmospheric
conditions, both cool and moist,
and tine spinning is being earned
on very successfully in that
State. There are within miles
of Charlotte, N. C, mills,
containing and
44.000 looms. It is estimated that
goods are
by the Southern mills per
week now find their way to
Northern markets, supplanting
amount of goods formerly
Friday night , should be a
of very serious thought to all
our citizens, especially to the property
holders. It was almost a n that
the lite checked, inasmuch as the
fire en was out and
could be done with it. For the first
time the history of we now
hive a cistern with plenty of water.
But a supply of water U of very
value less we engine in good
working order and which ca i hi relied
on v doubt at all limes.
It is absolutely necessary that
engine and hose should always be kept
in good working condition. This can
only be done by frequent drills of our
fire company, when the whole
should be thoroughly tested.
Inasmuch us we have a engine the
citizens have a volunteer
company to manage it, prop, r
ion should be made by our
to enable the company have such
drills at least once a month.
Our town cannot afford a regularly
paid fire department, but it can mid
it ought to pay the numbers cf the
lire company for the time it would lake
to at a fire drill a month,
as also for their work while at fires.
This would be a recognition of the pub.
lie spirit the members of fire
and wool I, in
compensate for tin lots
Th re is mi better way of spending
the which is raised by
by the
ency lire service.
By all means let us in in this
matter at once, an now while it is
freshly us, let us present it to
town council, and request them to take
prompt action. Let us not wait for an-
other disastrous lire to occur, and then
find too Into that our engine will not
Spokes, items, Hubs, Building Materials, Paints,
Oils and Stoves.
Bottom Prices.
and Honest at Rock
Love often sails under the Rag of
The appropriate color
this season will be yellow.
bad act i a hut I on
thread of life.
Every kind word is a
message from heart.
Our watch loses lime, but prob-
ably because the
Tramps sleep on the
roadbed, with the of
for n
or brunettes have the
worse tempera asks a correspondent
That depends on which marry.
An Illinois man hitches up a
and makes him run a lawn mower.
This is putting butler to a new use.
The small boy that hangs around
the parlor and makes faces at his sis
beau should be punished for con-
tempt of court.
There arc some things we all should
kn and strain eyes to see j and
Owe the see and know
better of we'll be.
You may talk of the signs the
of the coming days you may
sing, but sitting o . a red hot
stove is the sign of early spring.
will slice in gelling a road and would
be glad to have it come to New Bedford,
we the road could not possibly be Lowell other
made to pay more than running ex-
therefore it would he foolish tor
people to put money in its stock, ex-
Your boat judgment requires
you to make an immediate pro-
visions for family.
By insuring today, estate
is in value at once.
A few Jays sine an i agent
; an invitation to a new
d beautiful house built a
Alter taking a peep at I lie whole
top to bottom,
do you insure it
Mice it might
of it, are you
your life insured
, won't you
not Insure your life
well a your house
really. I never the
matter Just in that light before, and will
give It early
Best time to insure MOW.
Best Company to insure the Mu-
Benefit Life Insurance Co., of
Newark, N. J- Represented by
Sugg, Greenville, N. C, ,
It is very clear we cannot
Massachusetts more ad-
verse against our in-
for the Southern mills
can dividends, while
competitors are selling
in air goods at cost. in proof
of this, many of the Southern
corporations have been
steady and continuous dividends
daring the hard times of the past
We find no joy in the fact that
the Massachusetts mills are
no money, but it is agreeable
to the testimony of a
mill man fact
the South has manifold
over it manufacturing
cotton and is working them to the
Easy to Take
to Operate
Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In
tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
You never know you
have taken a rill till It is all WM J I
C. I. Hood e., W
Proprietors. Lowell. Mass.
The only to take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Cotton and Peanut.
Below are Norfolk prices of
and peanuts for yesterday, as furnished
by Cobb Bros- A Commission Mer-
chant of Norfolk
Good Middling
Low Middling
GO 10,7.-.
Land Sale.
By virtue of a decree of the Superior
Court of Pitt County made on the 1st
day of April, 1897, in a certain special
proceeding entitled, Cannon,
administrator of the estate of
Bland, Jr., deceased against Mary
E. Bland and will on Mon-
day, May sell at sale
before the Court House door in
following tracts, of land In
Swift Creek township, Pitt County,
One tract on which said
Jr. resided at the time of his
Heath, as the Cox
u the south by the lands of
I. U. Cox, on west by . the lands
known as the op the north
the lands of J. J. B. Cox and on the
east by the lands of V. H. Cox, con-
acres or leg, subject
Inn to the dower right of Mary E.
Bland, covers the entire tract.
One other tract adjoining the lands
of E. S Meyer
Fred Harding, Ii. Cox and others,
containing acres more or less, and
known as the
And interest in one other tract
situated in Craven county adj lining
the lands of Berry Nelson, J. I. Bland,
J. and others containing
MOO acres more or less and known as the
Bush Terms of sale cash.
This the 2nd day of April 1897.
of Bland. Jr.,
HIGGS, Ores.
D. W.
N. C.
Representing a Capital More Than a Halt
Million Dollars,
Win. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Baltimore. Md. We respectfully solicit the account
The Scotland Neck Bank, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Neck, N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C. Checks and Account Books furnish
R. R. Fleming, N, C. on application.
. nave
ii. i
an by which Farmers
. -Ax.--, Pinup
BOOM. and the MM -f
I'll HI A I t .;. Unit
i ii
I will the best goods obtainable and
will sell them at the lowest prices possible. I
will do ail canto obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H,
Next door to Griffin Jeweler. THE LIVE
fine It
-to be
Owing to the death of one of our firm
during the past year and in order to settle
his estate we find it necessary to close
out our entire stock of
and to close out as early as possible we have
marked everything right down to
such a stock at the low prices the good
Will be sold you can get genuine bargains
early if you want the benefit of these
The stock will be out as fast as
I Am Open Again.
ready to show people a beautiful
------line of------
Everything new, neat and stylish.
Equitable Life As-
Sad of United
t of all Life
want experienced agent to
insurance. Liberal contracts
be Apply In person or by letter
with reference to
Agent, Va,
PER a few
Ladles and Gentlemen who will
Above salary guaranteed See
W. C.
N. C.
I am in the lead.
In fact all my stock will please you and the
low prices will make you wonder how such
goods can be sold so cheap.
You have only to call in to be convinced.
H. M.
The Low Price Man.

The King Clothier,
Come in and look at. the largest line of
to Grand Lodge.
Ai I lie lust meeting of Covenant
No I. O O. F., C. D.
van appointed as delegate to
the meeting of the Grand Lodge
convenes in Charlotte, May F.
M. Hodges, alternate. W. H.
recommended as District
Vice Deputy.
Beard Inches Lot g.
Mr. J. B Johnson tills us that he
just in I n of himself
taken send to his in Chicago
will make some of
Windy City's inhabitants
he picture
of his long beard. Mr John-
sou's is inches long he let
it hung out full at the time of having
the photograph Ordinarily he
fold the heard under his vest to
keep it out of the way.
I have ever had. All makes, colors and prices.
A perfect fit guaranteed.
Folk Miller.
A large audience was the Court
Friday war Folk
were delighted with bit
me From beginning to end he i
the well amused and many
sided ached. I
in perfect
the jokes and of
very while the old
plantation took tie gray heads
in the audience buck to limes
one Man entertain
audience better did Mr. -Mill
Called for 20th.
Swift Galloway and G. W.
Sugg, of Snow Hill and It. J Davis,
of the committee appointed
by the Snow Hill Railroad Company,
were Wednesday night to confer,
with the business men Greenville
relative to bringing the proposed rail-
road to this town. A meeting was held
in the House, hut the attendance
was rather discouraging, very
the leading business men
these, present.
in a few words
the object the visit the committee
and suggested that the meeting
an organization.
Dr. C. J. was elected
Goods, Shoes,
is superb and your inspection is invited.
the Dollar.
of the Qr villa
church have lull of
rejoicing, not just cause.
It s known their of
worship was erected lour years ago the
little members have
along with a building debt upon
The debt now all removed, Mr. J.
B. custodian the fund,
toil paid the list dollar the
church We feel like both re-
and congratulating them
this been
this b is for it will be
dedicated Mi the Sunday in
Local Reflections
Straw hats are
Soda are
A mumps.
A moving pay his
Eggs are being overworked as
Fresh Curr inter
S. M.
April, 1806, gave us some
hot list weather of the year.
W. C Hints Co. are in a
soda fountain at their stoic.
The In J who is kept in school these
-j strange to say, is put out.
nuke, at
Fountain an
A county man sold in
Louisburg u ham weighing pounds.
Tenn , a million
fire people lost their
Three persons were received by let-
far in the Baptist church Thursday
At New eggs selling
cents a dozen herrings
In some places Irish potatoes are
coming up. The bug gels there by the
the does.
Some of our dry goods stoics are
making spring displays that vie with
the millinery stores point of beauty
The academy building at Apex was
burned a few ago, believed to be
Corn planting is about over the
farmers will now turn their attention to
getting cotton seed in ground.
The Supreme Court given a new
trial in the Tucker vs.
up on from this
Registration books in the
wards of the town will he open every
Saturday between now and the election
first Monday in May.
Business without is like
machinery without oil; it may run for a
the friction will soon wear it
Every lime a new bicycle tunics to
town we think there is another
of better reads and street.-. May
the number continue to increase
A new lot of the
Fountain Pen at Reflector Book Store.
r outfit to the
pen in world
The prize fights among colored boy
that have taken place here lust
afternoons, are a violation of the law.
and the promoters are pursuing a good
to make some fees r the
i tor.
the hard limes would be re-
if people who can would make
effort to pay their debts. One man
holding back what he owes keeps some
body else from meeting an
just like the payment of one debt leads
to the others.
People up in Wilkes county must
think that they don't have to pay any
taxes. The Wilkesboro Chronicle had
to publish a column supplement to
hold all the names of the delinquents
advertised by the Sheriff. The list
looks like it include nearly every-
body in the county.
The law concerning the collection
should be changed. It should
compel to collect the taxes In
the season. The spring season is
the most of the year for
paying taxes. In the fall everybody
has a little something they could pay
A teacher the pupils who
have access to newspapers at borne, are
better readers, spellers, better
grammarians, and read more
and obtain n practical
edge geography in half the time it
requires others. All which speaks
well for the educational powers of the
Try on Names and See How
They Sound.
Burgess came in
J. J.
J. B. Cherry, Jr., left Friday even-
lug for Morehead.
C. T. returned Wednesday
evening from Hew York.
W. R. Smith has moved into the new
Griffin house in Forbes town.
John Cherry returned
Richmond Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Dr. Charles Laughinghouse
visiting her parents at Snow Hill.
T. W. Hawkins, of Littleton, came
down Monday evening to attend court.
Mrs. R. W. King and children re-
turned Thursday evening from a visit to
Mrs. J. J. of
is visiting her farther, Dr.
C. J.
O. Wilkinson, who has been on the
tobacco market for sometime, left Wed
evening for Oxford.
Mrs. C. P. Spruill. of who
been visiting her parents here, left
evening to return home.
Miss Carrie who is leaching
p ear her, went Friday
, evening to remain until Monday.
r lake has another
egg t the Reflector collection. A J. Blalock and wife, of Durham,
Thin one U a dock egg. There is arrived here Friday evening. He re-
nothing remarkable about the size but returned this morning but Mrs. Blalock
its peculiar shape is where the curiosity remains to visit her father, A. A. An-
com in.
our people have been re Dr. W. who has been at-
minded of the approach of the summer lending Virginia Medical College at
season by receiving through the mad a Richmond, arrived here on Wednesday
ticket good for a glass of coco cola at train and out Jo hi
It's fine drink. fathers in
For the first ten days in April eleven
applicants obtained marriage licenses
from of Deeds Perkins, two
being for white couples and nine for
C. E. Smith and Annie
John T. and
Grimes and Delia Harris.
Wan en Dawson and Maggie digs.
Boston Hardy and Ida Griffin.
J. and Sarah
Henry and Little.
Ed and Minnie Short.
W. II. Dunn and Mary E.
Anthony Taylor and N.
Anthony and
She Changed Her
Every row and then the old adage
many a Is verified.
A young man and a lady this
alter tho u, mil
sparking stage greed t unite
their hearts and fortunes. The young
man went o work, built a house, fur-
it, stocked the pantry with a
supply provisions and all things
in readiness to receive his bride, when
on the eve of the day set for the wed-
ding he received a note from the young
lady that she did not want to get mar-
To take a serious view of this incident,
a person who will trifle with the
of another in such manner as this
n great to answer
man aid h. T. King and D. J. Which-
a-d secretaries. Upon taking the chair
Dr 01.-gun spoke forcibly of the
advantage .; railroad from Snow Hill
co Greenville would be to both towns.
Galloway spoke for the p
Hill. He many
years they bad desired a three
limes charters had been granted fur
load, and this lime
mean business. In their to get
connection the outside world they
wanted the assistance of and
of Greenville especially. The road
Would be built to some
on Wilmington or the
Atlantic Carolina roads.
towns me for tic road
to go I Greenville is
point because the advantage
of water transportation.
Upon request the charter the pro
load was read by L. I. Moore.
is a very liberal one.
G. W. Sugg it would cost about
to build the road and north-,
era capitalists had agreed to
the amount n The
of Greene have or-
election upon ion
that taking stock the
ILL. Davis stated that he thought
to could be scoured
A. A. Forbes spoke very earnestly
of the benefit the road would be to
Greenville. He alluded to some enter,
prises this town had lost by
and said he did not see how
Greenville could afford to miss securing
this railroad and let it go elsewhere.
Upon motion a committed seven
consisting Alfred Forbes, R.
King, II. T. King, D. J. shard, L.
Moore, E. A. and A. A.
Forbes, was appointed to solicit sub-
scrip ions and report lit another meeting
to be held at neon on Tuesday, 20th
April j,
T R Bullock, of Bethel, was here
Several farmers in this section have
and coin up and looking nice-
while a good many have finish-
ed planting corn.
Tobacco are plentiful but the
acreage will be deer; this
Quite u large crowd was Urn
but for some cause no
preacher was present and there was
Maggie J. H.
Fleming, of House,
here Saturday Sunday
Mrs. Whitley and daughter,
Washington, are visiting Mrs. A. B
M. J. Moore and son, W. D. Moore,
returned a visit to w
W. A. R left pi spend
a week his moth r in Plymouth
J Taylor and Henry Davis are
pending a d, at their home in
On Sunday an awful wreck occurred
on the railroad Harrisburg
north of Charlotte. The
wreck was caused by a collision n
No. the northbound mail, and
No. the southbound local
Three men were killed and six others
injured, some them so terribly that
there is no hope of their recovery.
There were on the fast
mail bat none of them went hurt. The
Charlotte Observer, its usual en-
got. out a lull sized edition
Monday morning lull particulars
of wreck.
Every expectant mother hat
a trying ordeal to face. If she does not
Spring Goods
Arriving Daily at
C T.
Mrs. J. L.
me up Saturday to visit tie.
J. H.
Glad to see Berry House and
Rawls, Sunday. Mr.
Home recovered from a
at lack of mania.
lire pained to Hole death
Mis wit Mr. M.
A. Saturday
morning. She Was years
and had b on a consistent number t,
the Christian church for some tune
was a good wile, devoted
midland by all who knew her. A and pain.
children an h large mint
her of in be,
V. T. M. is in the
ready for it,
no telling
what may happen.
Child-birth is full
Nature is not given proper assistance.
Mother's Friend
is the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly
plied several months before baby comes,
it makes tho advent easy and nearly pain-
lees. It relieves and prevents
relaxes the mus-
relieves distended feeling, short-
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and
without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is good for only one
purpose, to relieve motherhood of
v. hen j o i are and lifeless
need to enrich and pour
with Hood's
SI per bottle at all stores, or sent
by mail r. or
-J- i-
tar will be sent to address
Northern Markets
buying more for
Come see us and save money.
C. T
Look over this list of
if you
would not
of them
like have some
MIL I i CO.,
The jury for the second week
s composed of D. C. Smith, H. K. Ellis,
F. Ward, U. Gay, B. F.
J. C. C M. Smith, J. A. lint
thews, W. I. Fender, W. L. Robertson,
B. V. T, F, Ivey
Smith, W. R. Parker, W. B. Kick a,
A few matters on the criminal docket
were completed this morning before the
civil docket was taken up.
Jesse James, assault with deadly
weapon, guilty, sentenced
jail. This is the case in which James
stopped A. C. Hart on the
and treated him There
were other cases against James in
which judgment was suspended.
Sentence against Simon Tyson,
in jail, was out and
judgment upon payment of
As the tobacco season draws to a
close the boys are getting off one by
one to spend a few months ion
M- L. made
two or tin attempts to shake oil the
dust of but could not get
further than the water tank.
day he took his umbrella along and de-
that he would drive clear
to Danville, but the boys are betting
that he will not get further than Raleigh,
Billie Corbett also had the boys
weeping over him the came as he
pulled for Durham. Billie was all
broke up and showed that he hated to
leave. We are not allowed to tell too
much, but there are some
behind who are also broke up at
away and will he glad to see the
first cf roll around, when he heads
back toward Greenville.
The Board of County Commissioners
held their usual monthly meeting on
The total an mini allowed
was amount paid out
county purposes in
Creek and stock law
in Greenville stock law
J May
Edith Wiggins, M Heath and Martha
Tripp were added to pauper list
monthly allowance.
The Sheriff reported he had laid
out a a public road in Greenville town-
ship though the lands Shade Cox,
Mary Harder, M. D.
others, as ordered March meeting.
T. W. C. Moore leased
cents taxes oil personal property.
Beaufort County Lumber Co.,
was released luxes
to them.
Land C. A.
acres, was reduced in valuation from
Property West was ordered
to be placed on tux list and
collect same.
R W. King was allowed for
traveling expenses to Wilson and return,
being certified by the Commissioners to
be paid by the State.
The price paid for board for prisoners
n jail was reduced from cents to
cents per day.
J. presented receipt
showing that he had settled the hire
of Gray contract was can-
The pay of the Chairman of the
Board was increased from to per
The following were appointed to list
the State county taxes for
F. Boyd.
G. Chapman.
B. Moore.
Swift Johnson.
R. L.
S. Tyson.
Beaver II. Manning.
L- Stancill.
S. L. Ward.
H. Langley.
In Feeble Health
to do Work Nervous
and Tired-All These Troubles
Cured by Hood's
For the past four years I have been In
feeble health, and tor two years past,
owing to of climate, I here not
been able to do my work. I was nervous
and had a tired feeling and was under
treatment of
grew worse. husband Insisted on my
trying Hood's I finally
consented, and began taking it the
June, The bottle did mo so
much good that I continued with It, and
after taking toot bottles and one bottle of
Pills am to do my work,
mid the tired, nervous feeling is entirely
Mrs. G. N. Hosea, Ga.
A General Horse
Premier Brand of Extra California Pears
Cherries, Plums, Apricots, and Peaches,
Mince Meat, Apple Butter, Preserves,
Sweet Mixed Pickles, Sour Pickles, early
June Peas, C lives. Celery Sauce, Royal
Baking Powder, Cream Baking Powder,
which is as good as Royal for less money, and a
thousand other good things. Phone No.
Also a nice line
Purifier. Sold all six fur is.
Hood's phis a-
can now be found in
the store for-
Come to see
We opened in the old Moore store with a
Millinery and Cress Goods,
which are offered to the for their inspection. See the lutes
and at low Got
bats at
Mrs. J. S. Tunstall Co's.
I have bad 1-1
Dealers, Hue Makers
and Bicycle Dealers and
offer their services to public- We are orders for
Tobacco Flues
and assure you we will us host of Flues
for the least price. All our work is guaranteed and we are ready to
anything in our line a lo a bicycle. We
you to come and see us. Respectfully,
A man named Perkins, who
is in a condition, ha
placed in jail for safety until lie can be
admitted into the State hospital.
While being detained in the Court
House tor examination he cut a out
one the in the
Cards are el
Miss Jennie
ton, to Mr. J. Jordan, on ilia
Every Day is Opening Day
as is receiving some-
thing New Daily.
All the latest
Be sure to go to
If you want anything in
line call and me. can save you money on
FINES SHOES of Eagle brand.
A. White's
Old Stand
Opened a Grocery s m lo T White's have a full line of
to select from Everything fresh and low down in price. A
u extended to all. Come see me, will make it pay yon-
I Fashionable
j Designs.
Silk and Wool Dress Goods
In beautiful pat-
terns for cos-
These at remark
low prices.
Come see thorn.
variety of
our Spring and
Summer offer-
was never
Come see them.
Clothing, Hats and Shoes.
Perfect fit guaranteed. Foreign and Domestic.
Emporium Spring Fabrics.

is the sum, which may possibly
added to our tax- list by the lute de
of the United Supreme
Court by
in vs. Foe. That MM
holds that property an
company liable to taxation by a State
is not merely the tangible property it
has therein, but it addition pro-
portion its total capital as the
done in such bears to the
entire business done throughout the
The same is held to be
as to railroads, telegraph,
car and other com-
doing 1.11
To illustrate how this works. he
Southern Company new
b ides its on gross r
a property tax only on the
it has in Carolina, con-
cf a horses, and
MM. this it must pay
in audition a tax upon a pro-
capital. II has a
of and does one-tenth
its business in Carolina this will
add to our tax We
these figures for
merely, we do not know either its
capital stock or the per cent of its to
business which is North
But let us turn to other
which we more about.
There is the Western Union Telegraph
Company with its
-20,000,000 on it pays or
per dividends, though its actual
physical, tangible property i i probably
worth not more than the
balance being water. It levies upon
the people of North Carolina rates
high enough to pay proportionate
part on the capital,
but pay taxes to the public only
on their pol
When Latter Them
to a
If there is object of dislike to
Bow Ml
Decorative Trifles.
The pretty crinkled paper so much
a worm t is o stingy man. n vogue and which has been so
by do not mean that the fair used for lamp shades Is the
sex anxious for a man to spend host of material for photograph
than he can afford, but they
do feel that it is due to them -when
they are invited out to have the
frames, which, when they are com-
not only effective, but
have nothing tawdry or cheap look-
privilege of they want j in about I hem, though only made
from a menu without being prompt- of cardboard and paper. The stock
ed by host to what he i in trade must include crinkled paper
in different shades. Small rolls,
called the may be
wires and
in North Carolina, at only
while probably one fortieth
their is done i.; North
If so they are taxable not only
or. the property, but
on one of their
capital. This will add to
the lax list of he Slate. In
way, the Postal Telegraph Company
and Hit Palace Car Company
will largely to the
Then tin re is the Bail.
read system. When it to lay-
taxes they insist paying
oily upon tangible
property in the State, but when
it to levying tolls on
on being high
enough to pay the pro;,
part of interest on their
bonded indebtedness and u div
about one-fourth of the track of
the Southern system is in Caro-
it is thus that the
North Carolina receive
of per
the which collects, by it ,
tariff, dividends many per
not only on die but on
which has heretofore
taxation. It is i this way
wealth is u,. in Keith
Carolina, carted to New York and
and a fair of m
capital ill gathering this is
not taxed in North in
London or New York, either, for that
Justice Fuller puts
it in the Company
is it that of wagons,
etc. produce
earnings in a The answer i
And in like manner, aid
with like it may beaded how can
the bare of the
in North Carolina which is
earn n
on but to pay o i one-
of b
enormous they are i
pay and the expenses ruining
and most of their capital exempt
taxes no wonder a id their
rolling in wealth, while ,
people are gelling so poor a
or a MM is a d
inducement, by the corporal ions,
to offer the Legislature, to
vote against any in of
better for the burden beaten
and m alt I. producers.
The railroad commissioners era,
they will lake decisions
United States Supreme Court for
largely increase am
taxes fail hf wealth
may admit of consideration in the
of the Express decision
the large Life aid re
s ; in the Stall,
but with their hen
not taxable on a part
to the amount
done in this Tic
wealth earner have borne tie m
of taxation long i is
time the wealth
should pay their
en a vast machine to
its lingers within the rs of our
to up and lake home
it is a pro part
the for that purpose
should pay taxes to government,
whose it evades and whose gov-
it while gathering up its
. ,, i, i a hi -v
vest golden rT. ., i .,.,
. . . WORKS,
The man doesn't have to say,
must or you mustn't
take A woman is quick to
the saving keynote when
he will you have
think I will have a and
though she may loathe
she fools it her duty to say,
then, I will have Some
mean know that they can easily
a woman this way, and it
would serve them just right if their
guest were to say, for my
part, I prefer terrapin, frosh
mushrooms, a and
Oh, no, we never do say that. We
are guided by the inflection in the
man's and take whatever ha
wants us to, whether we like it or
not Now, don't object one bit
to a man being economical. It is a
praiseworthy trait, but for goodness
sake don't have him practice it when
he takes a woman out to luncheon,
dinner or supper. If he really can't
afford anything she might ask for,
ho has no right to invite her. Let
him do tho elegant frequently
and do it right when he is about it.
Tho woman of the world will per-
order a more extravagant meal
than ho would desire, but she won't
break him if he entertains her but
once in decent style, instead of
or four times in poverty stricken
fashion that makes his guest want
to pass her purse across the to
him to help him out of his difficulty.
There is no pleasure in eating under
such circumstances, and a woman
would feel much pleased with
a man if no such suggestion were
made and thus escaped an
of his meanness. Let it be
said right bore that the really
man is not tho to get into such
a predicament. He knows ho can't
and he stays out of trouble by not
inviting you to a swell
and then looking pained if you order
something beyond what he had ex
It is tho man who wants
make a show of being a
who too of ton
by episode of this sort
that he is not.
boy will know how to or Jet
ho grows said a young
mother tho other day, have
write out tho menu for him every
time ho takes a young lady out.
won't be any will yon
about it, but lie will select a
dainty little meal that will
her from the embarrassment of
but won't be up of the
cheapest things in sight, and
therefore, give her ft chance, if she
not for his choice, to make
a change in one or more dishes with-
out feeling that she is an up to date
Jack Sheppard who has an
happy victim into h restaurant
to rob
Sailors have an idea that rats will
forsake a doomed vessel, and sorer,
curious instances, tolerably
authenticated, have been reported
or the rats leaving a vessel which
to disaster. It is a
well known fact that rate frequent-
desert a about to and,
which are on the point of
in. Miners have boon
warned of coming disaster by tho
flight of tho rats and left the
to tho impend-
accident. both these it
is probable that the were fright-
by tho settling of tho beams of
the or of tho pillars and earth
in the mines. It is probable that
their senses arc acute
those of and the
by tho of the earth
and rocks in a would ob-
served by thrill ions before it
The of this
pleated to learn that there i-i at least
dreaded d that sci- baa
been able l cure in all its
is Hall's t Cure is
positive cure now known to
the f Catarrh being
a co disease, requires a
Hall t
Care is taken infernally,
the blood
the system, destining the
foundation of the disease, giving
by i ding up the
and nature do-
pr. have
tiny- Her Hot Hull
case tint it f cute. Send for list
J. . Props
Toledo. O.
bought for a penny each.
sufficient for the flowers, while the
largo rolls, which are much broader
and used for covering tho
frames, cost each, a glue pot
end glue, plenty of
boxes come in very
glasses cut by tho local glazier,
inches by 1-2 inches for cabinet
sized photograph, and lastly a
few yards of different colored baby
ribbon all tho materials that
are necessary; hence for a
lings n large quantity of these
tic frames may be made.
Take two pieces of cardboard and
cut them the size you want tho
frame to be, say by
inches. These will the front
and back of the frame. Tho front
must a small oblong part cut
out a little smaller than the size of
the photograph, so that the name of
the photographer, etc., shall not
show. Cut it n little to one side of
the frame and also about two inches
from tho bottom. Now, cover the
board with white or dark green
crinkled pap r or any other color.
The paper should be cut larger than
the and overlapping
portion glued to the reverse side, so
that the glue will show. After
neatly cutting paper lit the
in tho oblong par where tho
photograph has to glue it
carefully at I lie back, and then it
will be ready for the glass,
also glued on at each car
While the front is drying tho
lack must covered in the same
manner and a curd-
board cut, say 1-2 inches broad,
and also covered. Ibis piece must
bent back a little, about two
inches from top, and fixed on
the back with two fasteners
to form tho stand. The front and
J are then ready to glue together.
In doing SO be careful to glue them
St the side and the lower
part at the bottom
must . left open to slip the photo-
graph in.
Now we to tho flowers.
made in three shades of
trope crinkled paper have the effect
of violets, those in blue of
other tints i-a made to
suggest various blooms. Cut out a
great many small rounds of paper,
snip them all Then, after
smoothing them out, take o
each in tho middle, and with u
dexterous twirl of the thumb and
linger the flower is
careful not to crush paper, or
the flowers will look tossed. To
make the stalks, which wonder-
fully natural looking, cut several
rather narrow strips of dark green
paper the wrong way of the crinkle,
us they twist better, about or
inches long, the top part a little
snip it times to make
three points, and it will form the
calyx. Take hold of it. with tho left
hand first finger and thumb and be-
to wist it from the other end
the right hand finger and
thumb until it is within an
inch from tho tip or part.
Then put the merest of on
stem of each flower and twist it
It is to together
in the bunches with of
ribbon, perhaps a big one on the top
or wide part of tho frame, with
of the flowers hanging well
down the side, and a small bunch at
the corner of tho bottom part. To
keep them in place glue. The
Cowers nicety of touch,
as the tiniest drop of gnu. them
sufficient The frame is then com-
and the time required to make
is about a of. hours, or
even less when several are at
the fame .-
us i ,
s cur dyspepsia.
care torpid liver.
is a feeder and re-
to liberal
On corn lands the yield
increase; and the soil improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
A of this plan costs but
little and i, cure to lead to
profitable culture
i .,.
-P . .
While the of being
untried by stress of battle,
sinless open her still orthodox
way there lived Just across
on tho manor of sinner of
a gayer do
Tho castle of Star dates from the
fifteenth century, Louis
there as of
and was given lessons in how to be
a king. Diane the
most as Francis I gal-
called th
fortress into a and gave to it
; , accepted for tho appropriate-
airy name of the do
There lived long aft-
her butterfly days wore
There, she received tho visits
of Henry II, her dead lover's son.
And in a way, although the Castle
of tho Butterfly is a silk
now, she there still, just as an-
other light lady beautiful. Queen
Joanne of Naples, lives on in nearby
Provence, for Diane's legend still is
vital in the countryside, and old
people still talk about her as though
she alive among them and call
her always, not by her formal title
of the de but
by her love title of belle dame
d i A. in
Century. m
The Golf
A drive that went like a rocket
in the air and far, a
approach and two easy puts
the hole in four. He
his ball in the for the
but it luckily bounded
over the bunker. His shot
lacked good direction, but an ideal
iron approach landed the ball
tho green, and he holed out
Hands also tipped his drive,
but he had tho poor to go
straight into tho bunker. Ho was
o it in the first attempt being a
failure. An approach shot that
brought into the
took eight to make
of a Game.
The next of
which meets at Mon lead
bids fair
occasion of tho kind h Id in
North Carolina. Th work of Hi
session has Oil a
different system, nil will Le
A Kills a Man for
a to Hie
y C
mi that of la bin
Ga April id,
operator employed
conducted differently f
any session vet be d. room The Telegraph,
most important Killed L.
is in depart- y manager At-
work, half of each day and at the lime of
will be devoted to the study an Cooper's
tho taught in I n his been m-
and ,
emphasis being to met hods
of teaching these subj most
hilly. Each subj be
handled by a teacher of
ability and
There will be informal
and the opinions experiences
cf all can be heard discussed-
There will also be classes it
Elocution, Vocal Music
Drawing ; and on School
Law and Civil Government All
of these departments will be
presided over by teachers from
this and other States
who ate in thorough
our Southern people,
who fully understand the
Special departments tire
organ zed for the
and oilier school officers,
presidents and
and high school
principals and teachers, p
teachers. Each d will
be in charge of a committee
pointed especially to prepare a
that will interest and
instruct those engaged in
particular work.
The Convention will be
is ex-
to be more interesting and
profitable than it has been
to make it heretofore.
will discussed that will
interest all classes of teachers
and intelligent The
educators and
them, some of the leading
and men and editors
Of the State. So that question
of education and its and
effect upon the professions and
interests will Le
Tho r
lip such a nature b
to instruct and entertain
Te pleasure feat will
be after
and the part pf the
gram will be complete.
Hotel same as
and mil d rates will less
than ever offered before.
noes in for
was lane
f. lb
I mien began and in the
who hail
-M -II e
to s. e
It often not to a great
length time for a i-hang-i
meet lo lake IT the pie,
y live
Pr an I hi-
of the hut one yet
we see m
week in several cities gave him Ir
the I there has
c and y have
hugely In
own Slate, Ohio, bu IV carried
ft i very ii was
very same the
in n
ail.-r I Ian II KIM , .
majority, in
I city giving
o-e.- Bryan in r. All
In slow that I hit an
Cure All
Liver Ills.
of the killing was U
the wife of Bird
the lady
at once of tin-
been pill upon her
he promptly started oat in
of insulter. was not until near
M that he him and
stead, known In the i
e us . Howard, was I. by
Mr. inside tent, which is
pitched a throw of
c hall. Mrs. id pointed out Hal-
stead or Howard as tin nun who in-
putted her and her sent the
of a i. lo his
killing him instantly. It id
d lo the i hi l is
up lie-
. -S --Th enroll, r's
homicide I o'clock ii
the case el Charles who
instantly killed L. W, an at-
e Cooper's circus, had
grossly insulted wife.
probability, will be rel used today.
was promised lo along th.
election hut it came not.
Then with bis
ration, I hem has he. n no
of .- realize
that they have only higher taxes and
r times to hope from the .
party, and seem desirous i
showing their disapproval of -n a
at the very
A Strong Fortification.
Fortify the body against disease
by Liver Pills, an I
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, jaundice, bilious-1
and all kindred troubles.
The Fly-Wheel of
Your Liver Pills are
the shall ever
grateful for the accident that
brought them to my notice. I feel
as if I had a new lease of life.
Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col.
Liver Pills
Tim modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common everyday
ills of humanity.
who may out ;
n specialty
and cur
ed more casts Hum an f
living Physician; lit
We have heard of
cured by
him. He
vain able
work on
with r.
e to
. v. r
n cure u i
and obtained and nil Pa-
i r
if lo or not,
On fa d i ; J.
S A V . i with
Min in b.
V. Id , I
i Om. IT OFFICE, D. C.
D iv AND
especially for as veil u
man, for m in tin
cans, of
Lambert, Franklin o., Ti i n.,
Maren ,
. kinds but
on.- Black
the or cattle in
the the year. will
leaping time.
------Consisting of------
Flour, Lard,
Meat, Coffee
which I
celling so low
that it
Come son
I will
you fair
D m
. . 1----1 --J v-V -U-
i Coca n one lib
c anal, at
Neck week, wag attended
no in any man
in Carolina, ho the
tin which be bat
affiliated two rascals
than any other,
number. rail is
the in if, am Harry Skinner
wen an l the
de id Carolina in th Oort
and he
in lie
not long lo Ilia
who Still has
with him a
snoot v- m with area
w clear e the
with silver, it-g upon
faded cheek. Those dear bands,
worn with toil, gently j
steps in
and smoothed your pillow in
sickness, reaching to yon
i t; e
of an old-fashioned mother.
It floats to you the perfume
from some wooded blossoms- The
music of other voices mat lost,
but tho entrancing memory of
will in for-
r- Other faces fade
and be bat's will shine
on. V- hen in the pauses of
a life feet wander back
to old
yell worn
in the followed
by her
of childish and
comes over yo-i, and yon
to the
shine ii
more o
in and an I
be to know ow many a
lay. course
arc better layers than Others,
so no statement be Hut a
eh writer repute
u l-
M ovals or and
a hen cannot lay more
in her whole hie, and in a
tire over nine
alter birth If t
yen birth
Third y alter birth
Fourth year lifter birth
Filth I nth
Seventh year it
year after
Ninth after I i h
This table slams a
eggs in
our Ki t.-rs p
it is
tin r
window last where years
you knelt by your mother's
knee, Mow
lies when has
. has the pen
those snored hour,
words, bi r
tho abyss of s
best salve in World for
Chi Main, torus, all skin
cures Piles or no
It is to give
s. I i or in
price cents per box. For
Spanish cruiser
Maria Theresa has u
lo New she will
represent at the ceremonies
attending tho
Gin lit tn nu me
We lest received a be
hearse and thy nicest line of
and wed,
lie and cloth ever brought to
We at-, to Jo t
Personal alien ti on to f on
funerals bodies en-
trusted to our will
every mark
prices ever.
We do want monopoly but
be found a any and all
times in John
Boggy build
W H,
Vie late
and denier all
kinds of
Ail kinds l d
skilled and
stun ii
Mr wt
--------DEAL K
Wilson P. M,
r Mi -2 M II
on i Tit a
8.6- p, u. 4.10
in., arrival Meek at j. p
p, m., 7.43
in. Hi-turning, leaves Kinston
m. 8.2 a. m.
Branch, leave
p. w
Parmele in., and 4.40 H;
p. in., fa- in i. a.
p. . Washington
11.50 a. m., oral 7.10
ml Neck
Fran e-
at p. in., P, M ;
P. m., p. m.
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. work
prices reasonable.
to I rep lira tiler they an
as are then pan
but Irving
Fire destroyed stares at
football game Saturday
England by a .-cote of lo
General Carlos who
arrested for participation the
bail and is now reported lo be in
applications for
appointment o treasury de-
that of ES-
to be nit aye i of the at Char
N. a
o III., Hot. la,
Co., Louis, Mo.
last roar,
already In all oar ox-
ll year. In the
Ca CO.
--------i L AT THE FRONT H A LINK--------
YEARS taught best Is u
Hemp Rope, , fanning every
necessary for Milk-is, general a well a
Hats. Ladies Dress I have band. Am bead
Groceries, jobbing for Clark's O. N. T.
ton, mi k. i-p attentive
Life, Fire
N. C
All Risks placed in strictly
at current
i no
Iran on N. .
daily, Sunday. a
an a. m. Kc
a. m. Ht
at 9.30 a. in.
Trains on Flor
., III pin,
p m, Kiwi ,.
ii m. I Mini a m,
Latta 7.50 a m. daily except Sun-
Train I
aw for Clinton r pi
ii. m. p,
Clinton at a m. i m.
Bakes connection
Bits SI It Mount
Norfolk and It for
all points North via Norfolk.
T. M. N Manage-.
I. K. I
on Ta-
and A. M.
Returning leave A. M.
i i are set to stags
of M River.
l i
Norfolk, hilt In
Inn. Ni-w York and Potion.
order their
la Dominion
Sew ink.
n y Nor-
folk A t C
Baltimore. Miners
J J. K

Eastern reflector, 14 April 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 14, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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