Eastern reflector, 31 March 1897

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The Reflector is
pared to do all
of this
Plenty of new mate-
rial and the best
of Stationery.
he Eastern Reflector
D. J. WHICH Editor and Owner
per Year, in Advance.
Ho. a. Oak
poll In Ilk. a ; . six
K-m four I c r- n Ct-
e-L an- It
i- . . . , aid
feel Special Price,
The is hut KOO
to be found lit our new
i w . c rum -n f
it he-
. . . H In lied a. etc Too
are In In dealers, d our
a far our great
money which we
mail i h the
if j u will make the
bi i. fit arc your
local dealers
Julius Mines Son,
s aid
Wealth and Poverty Mingle en
the Young People do
g Bit hop's Pal cs A
War Incident Ur canny Grave Yard
Stories Military and
Free and cf a
Two Pipers for
e made
to furnish-
above amount.
should take the two
leading papers.
After leaving
in our last article, we
This present-
ed .-8 busy a Sun. iv as
on weekdays, and not
hundreds of children of both sex-
SB, some of grown,
may seen In tiling
only covering to Mm
being a short garment ml I be
t. Even the moot
seen our
American seaside resort
the blush on use I in
There are many beautiful
boat M outcry, notably the
several of them con-
located through the
I tin scats a e the t-
el Mi en
SI is the i
frost in of malice.
they can dew-
The In d eagle is the only bird
that shows of a
spring time of life is when
you sit on your wife's bonnet or a
tack pointing heavenward.
if a man Las a scolding wife he
bat little bear below, nor
that little long.
D depressed
tune. Tis the blackest storm
First love and a first
come but once in a man s
and neither usually has much
latest mint drops will be
the dropping of
oat of the depart-
at Washington.
The oil fashioned master
differed from lightning, because
he struck several times
pi ice, if it
A fashion paper us that
is to be a change in the
spring sly es of pan-
That's just what we want
change in especially
in the
Rain drops kiss the lily and
linger its ala-
baster lips, until the sunbeams
the lily's heart- the tears
of tho cheeks of
grief. Hope brushes them away
and ii a sweet balm in the
cup of
interest. Thousands of people
were here and
selling, their wares,
some bells to attract at-
tract attention, and all
kind if noise- The
market occupies tho
of a i-q late, beside this being
full of fillers the entire space
out to and even in tie
. , on side contains
steady, and rs full
of to sell, some cf
thee awnings and
right cut the sun. I
Those n ho
had a blanket pie id out
thing s fur sale right on
this mi Some had
full stocks of dry some
bed grocer e., some
table, some jewelry, some l
M grand, but in appear
call to mind the
beautiful parks
In the throngs at tho cathedrals
and r, and so far
as they had be-u seen on the
the morning part of the
day, we had noticed that the
women, with some ions,
were still Comment-
To the People
Pitt County,
Our energies have never relaxed. Our
forts have never ceased to you the
selected stock
I w I
Of I'll ; if
The i t
tell us An
would offer u their its
j ea f if they hap be
is p down give us the
n v
I Another very g
J was large
j to be teen. are
were visible
These Were of two classes with a
marked distinction
---the g army regularly
pi .- the goto aid
e j really i A more
I run, mini n in
l be j o
tug to
write -at.
gr.-i re i-h f
his last d to
see a fight.
These fights take p in an
a large arena d are gov-
by a la There
ate p nuts in favor of the In I
guarded by the judges
j consist of the
of tho State, Hare of the
city and two or throe other
that tie
limy hay-, a high
or or
o this we ass. d a guide if
this the prevailing custom
the wore
their sad all
men wore sombreros. e
wait until evening
custom the r
a c to so
set vice in the
j,, j
say of the trade
co-no h the penal
n ca-i the
I offender
in a for Ire or
going to salt mines
I ye ., ff the places
sanction such
are by.
whom all the
signals am given. At the
sound of bugle a gate swings
open and the company of lighters,
of six
two sad
They parade arena
Absolutely Pure.
, pm
U. lbs cheap
At York
lit. choice of gr at pomp, salute
and of
wild, boisterous mob of
some sugar cane, some
fruits, some confections, some re- comes out
some old junk,
And so we did.
live pigs, pottery, some
lot sun had barely dropped
behind the
to cast a shadow o'er the city
before Monterey seemed trans-
formed into another place so far
las population is concerned. The
plaza in front of our hotel rapidly
filled with Iv dressed
men sad stylishly ed women
that almost
These the
walks fat hour
with elegant equipages. There
were now visible silk tiles and
suits that would have done credit
to any of our popular clothiers,
kindling wood, some coal, some
peanuts, some the hard-
est looking pies we ever laid eyes;
on, too. Well, we take a
whole column naming
there not mention half of
them. It put the American city
department store in the shade for
As now divided
into .-mall for better
sights, wended oar
way and among this mar-
we attracted much
attention seemed objects of
as groat to tho Mexicans
as they were to us. They
wanted to us something, and
when we we would look at
in the nail mines. Because of I boll. The animal has been kept
this custom of sentencing
to army, about
are c i to- State
of These worked
mi-j in several days
M tin- fight, starred
from which to select your We tighten take
confidently believe and H
,, C II t J been retreat to pi of another
that OUrS IS the Store all Stores OUr kn than S open lushes a
from which to buy your goods for the;
coming year. Go sold on time at close
credit prices to customers approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of gold, silver or greens-
When they enter into our possession
they arc again converted into the best bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit our many
friends and customers. Do not or be
led away but cone straight back to your
friends who will take care of your
and work the harder t-o make you a
stronger customer and better friend
at ii- ;,
A few words to pries
and financial conditions Mex-
may be of in--,,
readers well real
luring the free and
arguments cf the lust
to arouse vie
u-ii and now further
the cf ban i. the
sheets o the and
o c lured by
the a U-it-by at
in sight,
The first of the fight Is
between the and the
bull, tho only
the bull v In his progresses.
p to strike a blew,
flu- must be done from in In
over the bead, the to be
thrust the
hats that any our milliners
have been delighted to f u-
,, and dresses the very acme of
tide , . . . ,
,, ., . . , c, . fashion. To entertain the crowd
they jabber some , , , , .
, a splendid band the
at and look amazed that we . , . ,
in the of plaza and
rendered popular airs. Such a con-
between this gorgeous dis-
amazed that we
did not understand it. ow
thee who anticipate d that we
didn't know it a l was thoughtful
Professional Cards.
Greenville, N. C.
in ail the courts.
a specially.
Berry H. w.
to Latham ; sinner.
Greenville, X. C.
Q B. F.
N. V. X. G
Greenville, X. C
in all
K. II. L.
N. C,
U lice over J.
Cobb A
John K. T. C.
C Greenville, S. f
W. A
Special attention given to
am of
11-r lie on short time.
H. H. Long,
X. C. Greenville,
O an it v
ST. C.
Practices all tie
I as
Mayo, is to notify all
of the Eu. Mayo, to present
to the ed or before
day of February. or this
notice will V plead in ear of their re-
All persons to
Ed. M will
mediate payment. B. I.
of Ed. Mayo.
This Feb.
Having as Administrator n
Mary Mayo, this is to notify
the es-
ate of the said Mary Mare to present
on b fore day of Feb.
or notice will be in bar
of recovery. All persons indebted to
said Mary Mayo will make immediate
, K. J.
Administrator of Mayo.
Feb. i
play of wealth and the poverty of
the thousands of peons also
But, mind yon, this and
delightful music was as much for
I the enjoyment of poor as the
. , rich. the was
enough to snow a coin represent- to
the price. But guide bad sombrero and blanket were
Waned to be about M in evidence the silk
making quick purchases, they bat dress coat, the
we were Americans and maid to get as
honest dealing between
rounding boulevards were gay . in,
and man. arc mend of d-
man, we are the friend of the rich man, we I
are friend of yon all. see us, we
will serve you to the best of our ability.
lite attention, best of service and honest
forts shall he yours to command at the
Monday morning we were Mexican, Armando
early to in a full day a had this of war
sightseeing in Monterey- The
first trip was out to the Bishop's I was dramatic M Le inter.
on suburbs j,
city, where are the ruins
country, was frequently pointed
to as an example, the gold
telling that while an
American dollar was wort h two
Mexican dollars everything was
v at bin t , h twice as high in as in thus
We not find to
be Of course in our
would double prices on vs.
When they found out we were on
to their trick it was an easy mat-
to get things at our price,
so to speak- The market
I incidents were so interesting
that many of us made several vis.
its there before leaving Monterey.
The streets of Monterey, as
previously referred to, are very
narrow, and on many of these the
sidewalks are barely feet wide
houses are very quaint
of design- Except in the
are built of e,
solidly together, with no space or
alleys between them. Most of
are only one story high,
one seldom being seen above two
stories. The walls are from two
to four feet thick and even the
floors and roofs are of stone or
cement. The only wood used
about a is the shutters
to door- and windows and the
girders that support the roof or
upper floor. Being thus con-
they are practical. fire
proof, it is well this is so, for
owing to the scarcity of water the
city has no means of fighting fire.
There are no porches to the
houses but frequently where
there are upper stories a
cony hangs over the sidewalk-
All the windows are protected by
strong iron gratings giving the
appearance of a prison. The
building are all very much alike
and the only yard about
is in an open court between
the rear wings.
is be-
hind the American in point of
much pleasure from the
as did her beautifully
dressed sister. Those who wanted
to rest occupied seats arranged
for this purpose.
After supper we drew over to a
seat on the to be in closer
with this panorama, and
while sitting there a
spoke English quite , ex-
plained some of the social customs
of people. He said that in
Mexico parents were very guarded
of their daughters and did not
allow them of
out ac will like they do in America
If a man stared at a lady in
public enough to displease her
could cause his arrest and
punishment tor If a
young and young lady were
seen out on the plaza together
twice in the same month it was
equivalent to a betrothal, at least
the public looked them as
being engaged. If a young man
calls on a young lady they have
to bit in the room with her parents
and are allowed only minutes
private conversation. If they
become engaged limit is ex-
tended o minutes, and if they
get any further private
be must stand outside the
window and talk to her through
the bars.
All this may or may not be
tine, but that kind of custom, we
thought, would not agree with
the States boy, even if his
girl could stand it- Put Bob
George Woodward, Jim
or a dozen others that
could be named, to talking to
modesty. For in the their girls through iron bars, and
V they'd the bars two inside
bath, where in the morning be- . ,
lore sun has become too week
wont we reached the
conclusion that with perhaps
the summit repaid the fatigue, , a view
many times over- On one from
nest ed the almost oat a a
by hills and mountains, and on northern i buy as much of Mexican
the other away stretched and some very as an American dollar
fertile valley. Back I of
of the palace the rise are of, , here U a difference
and higher they reach bury dead come A S
range of mountains beyond. and erect monuments I the other side of
In the war 1847 this palace, a m, but the goto
massive stone structure, bee use place with little
of its commanding prominence
overlooking both the city and them. Among the latter
was used as a fort by
Mexicans to protect Monterey
against an attack from the
cans. But it was here that Gen.
Zachary Taylor, in command of a
regiment of United States troops,
showed that army
was better skilled in military
exploit than those of Mexico.
Gen. Taylor was seen marching
his regiment up the valley towards
Monterey, but was careful not to
bring them range of the
guns in fort. the
regiment turned to the right and
disappeared among the hills, the
Mexicans thinking this meant
they retire to the mountains
and make no attack.
way among the hills the
or no ceremony or mark of
class burials often take place
without a coffin, a shallow trench
being cut in hard earth, the
body placed therein a few
shovels full of dirt thrown over it.
When coffins are need it is no
uncommon thing for robbers to
visit cemetery night
following the burial- remove the
remains front the and put
back in the excavation, and
take the coffin to be city to sell
again- There is so much alkali
the sod a body once ex
posed to it is eaten away
or the flesh burned off leaving
nothing but the To save
the trouble of digging new graves
in the bard soil it frequently
occurs that the undertaker scrapes
American soldiers bravely march into en old grave and if the body
ed and tugged their guns to the
top of a hill overlooking the
palace and planted their artillery
on the summit. Then before the
Mexicans were aware of it death
dealing missiles were being
into their midst. Gen.
Taylor's men literally
captured the from
this vantage ground
has all decayed tho bones are
thrown in some out of the way
corner and another body placed
there- Deliver us from ever
having to be buried in Mexico I
During the day we visited
many other places of interest
tho I
Civil College, the lead-
city, and so on- At each of these
border. A few examples may
illustrate this In the United
States sell for cents a
pack. very same cigarette
sent from this country and sold
in Mexico brine cents cents
in our mating the
on both sides lite the same-
Bat cigarettes if Mexican
of have death
weapons as yet, but the n
are armed a steel pointed
lance about feet long. The
horse are either or
blindfolded, leaving them at
mercy of the bull
They are spurred toward the
he makes an attack, when
the rider displays skill by
catching hi in bull's
and warding the
charge- There is science
and much bravery connected with
this and frequently the bull is
skillfully turned aside. Hut when
rider fails to or held the
bull the spectacle is g.
tie rushes on the horse a. with
his long horns literally
bowels the poor brute. Sometimes
the rider is dismounted in which
case he runs for his life leaves
borne to be killed by the ball.
advantage either by
horsemen or bull is wildly
Whether the are killed
or not, this stage of tho fight
ceases after a few mi and
another sound of
lecture, made just as wall and of
purer can be bought for the from the ring
cents our Then the take the bull
Again, over there Mexican and sport with
bought at for 2-i by striking ban-
that are as good as can be j two at a throat, in the
found anywhere in the United M he charges on
ates at or In this j tum a very daring and
case the odds are largely in
to the heart. If he
heart the lung or
makes a other i
of the body, he is fined.
i to the beau wade tie
bud a dagger in t
brain to spark of
lib that may be left, the
drag out team to take the
One might
this performance
blood thirsty natives.
lit-1 i i-. They keep their
s and their bolster-
exhibition has been six
reM detail and sh
killed- A bull that
win not charge a horse upon en-
g is ruled out
from the arena, and if the cum-
giving the exhibition fail-t
six fighting bulls a
fine imposed.
H t f except lo
a no one iii I have any
lo see a boll light. It is
and repulsive is the
However, if a
bing is possible a united effort
be to get our
s of barbarity within her
We turned our back on Monte
V Feb. 23rd,
set our fates homeward,
making stops at New
Orleans and Birmingham on
Other incidents our
S trip might be written
about, but perhaps enough baa
been and this article brings
to a
of Mexico. Once more; our
party stopped at a hotel whose
regular rate is per day close to the bull's
oar aim there is not a
hotel the United States that
gives better ace for
the same money that we got there
Other comparisons were made but
these are enough to
now we will tell about tho
Then i a Dr.
for I o
-ii it and
Be not t to sell
tut. He will
but in to
In- may claim
-In to be hast s good. You
want Dr. New be-
yon it to i-e and
z do or m W
t or
ion fur C Throat
Cheat an l Lungs, there Is thing no
good a U Ir New
Trial free at Jno. L.
size M cents a d l.
a reach u of the
and serfs of North re-
now in n on a visit
the They are said to
be seas in the
.-. while hundreds at
the of for
their mail- They line
. holding in hands
from to
are in the While House
before it is in the morning, ard
are on hand lo put the president
to at night. Four of them up
with private
. k. an that may appear
North u-en. Every avenue
to an that can
a man is guarded by at
I- ant North
w; ken, and more are having
the -eat of war on every train. In
tin- two Iron
tin- -tale the candidates are packed
in layers like herring, no salt
being lit however, to keep
as as when they left home,
dangerous feat, as the bander-I N republicans who never
I in a by real
ti . . ; for lo
p. .- . a- d have not
more than one republican
M and never vote
are about two feet
hence the must be
horns when the is made-
After this goes on for a few min-
longer the chief of met-
advances to the front of the
mission to kill bull. n
is given, the selected
do ho r w.-b
a . A fin Citizen.
bull tight. The Spanish love
blood brutality that has and Hag and goes
always been a characteristic of, out to bull, the other
those people has been hired tars being at
through heir u and to go to his rescue in case
sill exists among -ho people of the bull advantage of
Mexico. Certainly almost every
of him. The s ayer is allowed
American has or read to strike the bull the animal
Our guide on this trip to the our party met with every courtesy about a bull tight, has charged him three times,
Bishop's Palace, a intelligent mark of respect- fact we have a conception of what it which he watches an op
Is it ha filled this
that take- flesh off their the
reel their blood, and makes
i. in Vet emaciated and
No- U is c of
i d and other
The remedy is an digested
food as the Shaker Digestive
dial, of the already
the Cordial gives It a
chance to rest by nourishing the system
and digesting other taken
w ill. It. So flesh strength return.
I s not the Idea Ion f I he
U and relieves
No mo to decide on Its value.
A cent trial bottle does that.
I. Is the b i med
a In place
of Castor

Greenville, N. C.
at the post office
IS. C, M second class mail matter.
The last number of the Hickory
Times paper established in that
town by J. R. hard, came out
the editorial management
M. Mr. is a son
the beloved Dr. I. D. and is
a man of intellect aid ability.
The material M in him for a
Mr W. S. who has just
retired as President of the Atlantic
North Carolina railroad, has made the
best President that road ever had. In.
his wise administration the road l-M
greatly improved and
to a paying property.
Mr. Chadwick has always been a 0-
man and he conducted
the on business methods
Beaufort Herald, in of
the recent wreck off and th
seventy-eight lives, makes a wife
suggestion relative to the construction
of an inland passage from Beaufort to
Norfolk. It is well known that the
treacherous shoals adjacent to Batten
is the most dangerous section of the At-
antic coast, and the record cf disasters
there is much greater than anywhere
The construction of this inland
The civil service law which
en the republicans end the offices
was very viciously by Senator
others m the debate
which preceded the adoption a
of Senator Allen's
tor a i investigation the
pursued by the Civil Service
Commission, and the end is not yet.
Senator Got map was the only democrat
who took part in the de-bats and he
merely took advantage the
to nag the
republicans a little about their
to get at the offices. If it comes to h
direct vote the repeal of the present
civil service Were are pie
democrats who will vote
they knew that it mean the
replacing of every democrat in a
office by a republican,
has beer, introduced.
A to repeal
passage would enable vessels
the dangerous over Hatteras shoal-
and loss of much property and
many lives be saved. Congress could
make 1.0 wiser expenditure than in this
direction. Every Atlantic State c c
should be interested in it.
Our Regular
Washington, Mar. 1897.
Whether the administration will
make any use of the decision the
S. Supreme Court sustaining the
man law and
railway pools and agreements within it-
scope, is a question that many men in
Congress are in. It
was maintained by Mr. Cleveland's two
Attorney and Harmon
that nothing could be done under the
Sherman law because of the decisions
of the courts against it validity.
that the highest has reversed
those decisions and Ike law
valid, there is an for this
administration to itself of the
charge of being too friendly to the
trusts, by vigorously prosecuting them.
if it isn't to do so.
The number two
got some very hard knocks in the
House this week, and the outside pres-
sure was so heavy that Mr.
was compelled to announce that the
and Means committee had de-
to strike out th it clause of the
bill placing a duty on hooks and
instruments few educational
and add an putting
those articles on the free list, as they are
at present. The democrats of the House
made the most of the almost number-
less unjust and tor
made by the bill in favor of tin-
against the many, hot the
made by
received the most attention,
the opponents and friends of the
bill, because of his position a the,
ranking democrat of the Ways and
Means and on He-
count of his long in
matter, he had been requested by
Representative Baily to make the
leading against the bill. In
statement the burden of
taxation by the bill was on
luxuries, Mr. said
claim that the increased bill den is on
luxuries is not sustained by the tacts.
Arc coarse shawls and knit goods
luxuries And I beg with all defer-
to ask whether in the -State
Maine a clean shirt has become such a
rarity that it is with the
ask him when, amour;
the sugar that sweetens
tea and becomes a luxury when
trace a to
not only is the bill itself
higher, out the different schedules
avenge above those of the
Mr. also called at-
to the fact that foreign govern-
merits are already preparing to resist
Ibis new assault upon commerce. He
also reminded the republicans that a
purchased u--h as they ob-
last November, would not be
allowed to stand.
Senators and have
Had an excellent to ob-
serve the sublime check and
individual a bobbed up in the
and secured the
Consul General to one of the
paying positions at the disposal
bit cousin, Mr. It seems
that in seeking and obtaining this
had ed
an order of
lo.-t consular lees,
which has resulted reducing the
income of Consul General to London
from a year to
about When Os-
found i hi-- out he was indignant.
there are people who say
the reduced income of the office
about six or seven times as much as lie
has ever been able to earn in private
life. B that as It may, Os-
applied to Mr. to
have that order of Secretary
set aside and old scale consular
lees resume., but Mr, loured
the scandal that would
action on his part, sod said he
do it unless it to
be done. This week
Ibis been personally canvassing Senators
and Representative to gel their support
for what would be practically milking
him a present of something like
a year. He hasn't received much en-
A tanner friend the
asked us what we thought of the future
of the We could give
satisfactory answer. Thus far
prospects are gloomy enough. K asked
what the future of North Cart Una
we would have to reply, that it was
dark and desperate if the plunderers
ind incompetents are to remain in
charge of the State sad destinies-
There is a wide-spread conviction, and
it is hourly growing, that unless lb-
and the men of character
and patriotism get together and combine
heartily to turn out the set now
aging and Carolina will
get a complete set-back, cease to
make any advance in any
The last body was so
so utterly incapable, so in-
different to North Carolina and her
multiplied interests, so -o
so vicious, that people of sense
of all parties feel the shame and
disgust. An old and esteemed
in years
and recently wrote to us
about the condition of the
State. He sees the danger and distress
following the political power now in
North Carolina, and like a true pa not
he is deeply anxious to see a change.
He writes in hope that the
be at work at to
will arouse
help redeem the State,
will net do to give up, but we must
resolve that the Stale shall l
from Republican domination.
peed the day To the
from misrule and extravagant
corruption th- honest, men
not politicians all
the parties must to
North Carolina the rule and ruin
gang. Nothing else will save the State
and keep it in upward grade el
An esteemed patriotic
encloses us a letter to him written oil
the 10th in., by that progressive end
citizen, Colonel Julian
of with permission to
such extracts as may to us proper
and judicious. The is in reply
to one our had to Col-
Carr. Evidently not line was
intended for any eye but his to whom it is
written. But having the opportunity
to reproduce a we do so in IsM
hope that it will stimulate others to
and help to set in motion
pulses and influences that may do good
to the democracy and to
the Colonel Carr writes
yourself I am perplexed an
troubled over the present con-
affairs in North ; Ion
like yourself, I dearly love old North
and my de.-ire and purpose
has been to do what in my power to
elevate and develop our dear old Slate-
But I find myself painfully distressed
that have tall -n in evil places,
and the Hunting for a
of pottage have i good
name well nigh a byword
and reproach among the sisterhood
States It may be that it is best
that we in the Valley
of Desolation. may endure
for a but joy in the
the incorruptible Democracy will yet
redeem the State with such rich
heritage, and lead a stricken people
back to Land, ignorance and
vice ran lead only for a season.
and intelligence or hit
and will prevail For several
reasons I prefer not to enter politics.
wish is to serve in private station ;
but have the
State must and shall be redeemed
We have teen the worst, for I am
persuaded that an and
people who love justice and respect
will, when opportunity
presents itself, hurl from place and
power, those who serve for pie and
The part true man is to
be up and so I hove drawn
blade and t away my scabbard,
and upon the nuked blade,
Ninth Carolina shall be
These are animating, stirring words.
Let every true, loyal North
n, born or resolve
with Carr to strike for
and victory to i store
Io those who will govern in
. ho f twenty years
s to the Sim upon a high
plane prosperity, and bring
and to all. Let there be
an vigorous effort
for the restoration i
good just and wise and benevolent
and uplifting
Hon. Harry Sinner, of
North Carolina, has what w re-
as a scheme for
the, establishment of bi-
Mr. Skinner is a
Populist, and the scheme is worthy
of him. he idea is as old as the
hills, but Mr. Skinner is as happy
over it as a child with a new toy.
He never heard of it before,;
evidently. The theory has been
disproved many a titan
Mr- Skinner ever saw the light of
The Great is that of
that of our own
interrogated the Landmark about
it during the last campaign- Mr-
Skinner's plan is to issue
valued at cents each,
and calling for redemption by
the government, the bearer
guaranteed fifty cents in gold and
fifty cents in silver. This ft
very attractive proposition, and,
according to Mr. Skinner, it will
be difficult for even
standard men successfully
it- the silver
we are told., gold
surely appreciate,
the combined value of the two
metals equalizes the face value
of the bi-metallic certificates, and
keeps its face value at
One hundred cents what
Suppose that you dollar
composed of fifty worth of
gold, the bullion value of the two
components being exactly equal.
Then that silver declines
twenty per cent, in value com-
pared with gold. Then the
cents worth of silver is worth
cents in gold, whereas the
worth of gold is worth 62.5
cents silver. TL-is makes the
great bi dollar worth
in silver and cents
in cents in nothing.
The theory by which the
scheme could be made to work
would be for gold to advance
per in potatoes, for
whenever silver declines per
cent- in the same
is reasonable, to say the
least- Skinner
would do well to polish his scheme
with a little more thought- It is
to relieve hoped that he will not
in meshes
There be some cruelties that are
intolerable- One of these is this
above, inflicted by our esteemed
contemporary, the Norfolk Land-
mark, brain of the Hon.
Harry has just conceived
lit forth; from that
Jove-like front there has just
forth a lull-panoplied Miner
the born child of a
that has long
been the of all
populist platforms. Harry Skin-
as all the world
the title of Father of the
The sub-Treasury
was the firstborn sou of his
thought. The child was comely
find good to look upon.
said it was just like its father-
That was compliment enough-
For awhile all the Carthage of
Populism looked upon the sub-
plan as the young
the Smile Wu on the
things happen
that would day throw
off the Roman yoke of Wall street-
Bat day somebody said
something about bet-
The sub-Treasury plan was
good, of course, but there might
be From
that day I he sub-Treasury plan
pined. It sickened and died from
sheer jealously of a yet unborn
Then the
Hairy Skinner was i
ti his heart But as he was
the of
he determined in his
being that it there were to any
he would be
e father of that, too. And so he
is. Ho has just
of Practical
Hence, we say it
ably cruel in our con-
temporary to discount this half
white half yellow kid of
or to discourage
father In the lull of pater-
in the room now ard At
the last lam of court J. A.
was convicted of an offense and could
not pay the He put such a
plea in his own behalf M died Judge
Robinson's tender heart and he ordered
that be n his own
sidling ho does not
pay costs I will pay it
When court was ready business
Monday the Solicitor was the
and upon reaching
case asked, has th cost in
this case been paid m. came
the prompt reply. At a began
to play over the bar and and all eyes
looked towards the Judge. Hi Honor,
however, appeared quite busy over
desk and never even look- up, but he
evidently remembered the cost incident.
The Solicitor had willed and as
the kit fr came forward I he litter be-
came so audible that the Judge
h is head and smiled too.
approached the bench and
delivered another lung plea
for further time. Until September
court was offered, but he.-could
not by then- December court was
suggest d, w hen pointed
ma to the jail, saying, ,
send me to jail and I
it way quicker than any
At this the audience laughed,
when looked around
and don t under-
stand the feelings you
cause you to laugh at a
don't added Walston as he
about. But it was Winston's
manner and that provoked
not bis declaration of
poverty. The assured him that
he should not he sent to jail, told
to home and return Wednesday
he would be instructed what to do.
Judge possesses a tender
and frequently shows evidence
tern of Pitt Superior
Court convened Monday morning with
Judge W. S. Robinson on the
Grand Jury is composed of T.
11- Foreman, M.
J. T. Lewis, Mack
ins, W. Tripp
L. B. W. J. W.
II. Moore, James G. Wilson, W. R.
Smith, David Bert Bell, J. H
Moore, H. C Cotton, B
U. R.
The the first week is
composed Aug. It. s.
T. L. Turnage, Craft, Jas-
States, S. T. Carson, N. S-
T. R. k Lemon Johnson, F. ML
Hodges, J. I Levy
P. T. John II- W
Jr., J. B. Robert D. O
W. S. y is of the
Jury and S. If. Daniel Curt Crier.
In bis to the Grand Jury the
Judge pa d his respects Io the recent
pugilistic mill at Carson, He said
that there was wiping
from Statehood for permitting such a
in bur borders, and
to God it would M He
congratulated Carolina that no
such spectacle could be witnessed in
State. Judge son's
have moral order in
them and are
The following KM on ate
locket have far .
Tear, You're so Tail.
The shore girl has ad-
vantages the tall one. She
has to g through life looking tip
and nothing is so to
eyes us that. Her
more and she shows her hair-
There are curves of cheek, chin
and throat that look their
est to a man that must glance
down at them-
A small girl is more easily held
and more easily
nicer to have to lift her face up
by the chin, it is more
and satisfactory to reach
down to the lips-
It is comfortable, when you
hold a girl on your knee, to have
her head just come to your
in. toad of having it hang
as it were- Ev-
thing about a small girl is like-
to be a
expectedly tiny hand, the dis-
morsels of feet, the little
head, the little
A ail girl can be fascinating
even She can be so
delicious when she pouts,
of sits well
a big woman- Then, too,
man love is inclined to
names, he wants to call his
Hew Consider
girl, when a man
too. to become his
ought to put some
writes Hum
ti girls Profession of
in the April
Home Journal. your-
self that yen love this man well
enough, not only to be happy t
with him, but, if need be, to
fer with him- Decide tor your-
self if this be the ma i of all
others in whom yon will
ideal for com-
means m much m
as friendship. Then,
you must think of the
Ask yourself, too, whether this
man brings out in you all that is
best, he that
which is and in you
or whether ho you into
making light of that which is
good. this man
is the one with whom you
would be willing to grow old
this man the to
the . whom you would, without
submit questions that
trouble your conscience.
Headquarters for.
girl whether she weighs I too, you must ask yourself what
Yet he is
to. the appropriateness of whether thin is
title when g yen to a real I one whose you
honored In
A man feel big by com- of any material wealth ho
at least. A really Urge posses , but became f Ins being
man does not object to an boo Faints out
almost , beside all there things, ask yourself
girl of his heart, and it is almost
necessary to the short man's
vanity that he shall seem big to
the little creature he is going to
It is very fetching to have one's
girl say, my neck
gets so tired; you're so
Don't you know what that means
Well, get a bit of a you
will out. On the whole, the
small girl has best of it-
Kansas City Star.
question upon question,
as to his but as to your.,
and then, if you give him the
loving answer that ho wishes, try
to become thoroughly acquainted
. Implements,
Spokes, Hubs, Building Materials, Paints,
Oils and Stoves.
Fair Dealings
Bottom Prices.
and Honest Goods at Rock
. ;
. .
plan car
i i I v.
,. I
There it person living who
an not done many things he or
she afterwards regretted, but an
exchange its readers that
they will never be sorry.
a pure
For doing level best-
For being kind to the poor.
For hearing before judging.
For thinking before speaking.
For standing by your
For stopping your ears to
For being square in business
For an unfortunate
a lift.
For promptness in keeping
j par promises.
two plead guilty,
Upon of costs.
weapons, u in jail.
Dudley, assault with
pleads guilty, judgment
upon pay-Beat of costs.
Kit-. Manning, carrying
upon of costs.
Deck assault with
weapon, pleads guilty, judgment
pended upon payment costs.
Church Moore and Alex. Bailey.
affray, plead Moore
in jail,
Spell, assault with deadly
weapon, guilty, judgment suspended
upon cut of costs.
Joe Daniel and Adam
Outlaw and Williams guilty, judgment
upon payment M costs ; Joe
Daniel not
John mid Sim
with deadly weapon, not
on the I O e was
arraigned before eon t
I the with
which lie . -J Keel no
counsel to r him and
way Mr. K. G. Jo Jake
tin- OHM and conduct the-
was ordered and the case was set
in morning. A
crowd was ii. room during I he
of the
Miller will give one of his 111-
Pray. April
Miller is a great success, for knows
the tell a story and
give true better than
any man
A Western paper otter-
ed to the three
who came nearest guessing the
electoral vote- An operative in
one of the mills at Mt. Holly
saw the offer and sent his
Several days ago he
received a letter from a man who
signed himself S. Be
said to the Mt. Dolly
are one of the lucky numbers, so
I herewith enclose you a check
for a thousand dollars, which you
get cashed at any of th
The check was out on
one of the Commercial
National Bank's checks,
the same m in the regular check
ft a copy of a check-
It was presented Tuesday., with
the letter from the man
at the Commercial Dank. Cash-
examined it and t
once it bogus. The
Mt Holly man is a thousand
off he was before
he got the check, for he
was before he got the check,
then he didn't have a
dollar to lose. A, any rate this
ought teach him others a
something for
Mobile WM greatly excited Fri-
last by by a public whipping
administered to Edmund P-
n front of
his home, on Government street,
the leading residence of
Mobile, by Ins brother-in-law,
who is closely related to
s inn, of the beet
lies in Alabama, surprised his
friends relatives in
by a very respectable
young lady eighteen years cf
age, but not Known in the
world. They went to New
Orleans for a short stay, after
which they came to Mobile to
reside. After several wet-ks of
his wife to home,
saying that he not love her
and had her only to spite
his relatives. morning
at four o'clock, the young
woman was made to get out of
bed and return to the home cf
her brother, hence the whipping
Williamson paid no to
to the pleadings of Gaines, but
whipped him until he could hardly
-----DEALER IN-----
I will cat the best goods obtainable and
will sell them at the lowest prices possible. I
will do all can to obtain and hold your pat-
Come and see me.
M. H,
Next door Jeweler- THE LIVE
D. W.
N. C.
MONT.-. a few
and ., can-
Abo salary guaranteed
M. C.
Mr. Bryan's book has sold
in tits month were
duo from th in royally.
Mr instructed them to
forward to Mr. Warner,
Mr. to Mr.
to Mr, ant
for an were to lay. Ill-
gives half the- money hereafter Io the
r in- it and has appointed to
receive and the fund a committee,
of the following person.;
Senator James K. Jones, of Arkansas
i- Henry M. Teller, of Colorado
Senator William V. Allen, o Nebraska;
and lion. A. A. J. Warner, President
of the National Union.
G. Market.
per lb
Corn Meal
per dos
to I'D
to M
to ii
Below are Norfolk prices of
tor yesterday, an furnished
by t Commission; Her-
of .
Good Middling .
Low i
Ordinal y
Pi line
Coloring Eggs.
Easter eggs can be- colored with
line dye. should be diluted to the
shade and the- eggs boiled in it.
Green, the color of hope
lion, is particularly appropriate, huts
variety is pleasing red, pink, blue, pale
yellow and purple. Eggs eon be- boiled
and painted with a
single spring flower, as a primrose, or a
butterfly, also a symbol of ill.
Tin y be arranged
moss. German that
the Easter are laid by hares, so
of this little animal are
often placed on them, or near their.
mount on wire
be made to hover over the
Much in Little
Is especially true Hood's rills, for
cine contained so curative In
so small space. a whole
chest, always ready, at- g
efficient, always Mt- I B
u. V S
or fever, cure all Ills, T
Sick Jaundice, constipation, etc.
The Fills to take with Hood's
the United
States, t. o all
want experienced to
insurance. Liberal contracts will
be given. Apply in person or by letter
with reference to
I, V-
By virtue of the power con-
In a executed and de-
livered by Archibald Cox. to W. H. ox
on 30th day and duly
of Pitt county; In book
page la. undersigned Will
to public sale, before the Court
House door In to
the highest bidder, oil Monday,
following real properly.
In Swift
county, the lands W,
Cox on the north, by Prank Hardy on
east, by the Nelson west
and by lands of Archibald Cox on
the south acres, being
the name conveyed lo Arch Cox by his
father. W m Cox, to satisfy said Mort-
gage Deed.
ThU -5th day of February 1897
W. H, COX,
a Capital of Wore Than a Hall
Million Dollars,
Win. T. Dixon, President National
Exchange Bank. Baltimore, Ml. We respectfully solicit the accounts
The Scotland Neck Bunk, Scotland of firms, individuals and the general
Neck, N. C.
Noah Biggs, Scotland Neck, N. C. and Account Books furnish
. . Fleming, N, C. rd on application.
As Spring Comes
H. M.
be O.
Owing to the death of of our
during the past year and in order to settle
his estate we find it necessary to close
out our entire stock of
and to out as early as possible we
marked everything right down to
such a stock at the low prices the goods
Will be gold you can get genuine bargains.
early if you want the benefit of these
stock will be closed out as fast as
1ST. O.

The King
f ,
Some this Way and
Mi i. e Proctor is quite sics.
Joe Burgess U in town.
airs. B. M. is visiting in
G. Mayo is spending u few
Swift Galloway, Snow Hill,
is at court.
K. W. King returned
Thursday evening.
Miss Coward left
J. W. Wiggins returned Friday even-
a trip to Mum.
f Annie
Neck, is visiting
H. State Evangelist
Christian Friday
V. T. this
New to purchase spring and
Mrs. J. II. retarded Friday
evening a visit relatives
F. I . and wife, of
bead spending a day or two with
Mrs. W. Kit M
evening a v sit to relatives at
and H
Horn day, Greene
are Mrs. ii. F. Sugg.
home art mug.
Will returned winy
evening Wilmington lie
been to -land a civil Service
J. J. It. it Cohen re-
evening an in
sue If n Slate in Halifax
been here her
Z-no returned b
t. even
Ii i in and ibis n-
j mg to visit bis sister who
is quite sick.
of Springtime.
B hold ti e organ-grinder,
mi poorly -lad;
His a reminder
all t bat's lone and ;
Thomas Cat's sad wailing
Maria by his side
Down by the garden nailing,
In the darkness deep and wide.
III. Bailie Gotten, of Falkland,
accepted an invitation to make an ad-
dress before the
Greensboro Female College,
in May. She goes to Washington
April to work the National
School, outlined in her before
the of Mo
A Bargain For You.
At the burn New
station was a pile of
stems which were used j, bed-
ding and absorbent. They cost a
while their value as com-
pared other manures, is
by New Yorker to be Mixed
with straw, they make a good bidding-
There is a bargain for you pays to
what waste products con-
man who finds out first reaps
the of a low price.
he A. C.
March newly
directors of the Atlantic and
North Carolina railroad met to-
day. Mr. Robert Hancock, New
Bern, was elected and lie
was instructed to make formal demand
for of mad at
did not give out. much as In
it is rep I
F. Roberta is to be d i
r H
Gr Begin Move in
There is unquestionably going to be a
built from Snow Hill to some
point on the Wilmington Weldon
Atlantic North Carolina roads.
There a-e given pouts to be ion
and Greenville. Heretofore every pro
bus been to have Snow Hill the
objective point. The charter granted
by the recent makes
Hill the beginning With the
any mint on
lb- two roads above mined.
and dark
Already Goldsboro and
bidding have
the read to those towns,
is more preferable pint of con
than either of the to
Logically and from every business view
this road to
come here.
The in Spring Jackets.
sleeves of the new
A. in the
Hone Journal, are decidedly
nailer, the being
mediately at the top.
revert are not exaggerated,
rather simple tout collar and
being and these are very
often laced with
are ripple ; instead
the smart is, the semi-
fitted across
and does no suggest to much lull-
To run this r ad from Snow Hill via
Farmville to Greenville would add much
to the building up Farmville and
much more to the of
villa. B. side this, advantage to
Snow Hill in coining here, where the
hi competition could b.-
had, Would prove of untold t
to vii also.
clothe are
The colors in vogue arc faro, tan, light
blue, cream while,
as a matter course, and all the
obtains very generally, and have
the braiding
being done by hand so that a .
a narrow to the
waist, and a broad lo the hips. Short
Empire coal, entirely covered with
braid, put on lengthwise, are
ivory, pearl rod
I gilt are aged, the ivory and th p
being round bullet shape, while tin-
gold are Mat and of
gold Large
; there showing coloring and
ii to be hoped that to be popular, but the newest
his will bu serious show the By closing, not
y sided by tie- people of
and the generally, as lo cine
it would be worth many r.
lo us.
Our people already th-
of not securing the rebuilding tin
Greenville i Ci s. plant here.
and loan to the town in
re really us
as if th,
Tin- brought up
crowd I people to attend court.
and secretary and that Mr,
be s
It is stale I that Mr.
nick the retiring will turn
over the road when is made,
but under MeS-
A wide fat friend
The laziest lawyers often work with
a will.
short cake is
An upper Ml the
Dees man who colors pool
You can bear the
One the signs of Spring is
r tackle will soon be
off the rack.
Good enough i- r all practical trade
gal boat is a very-
popular little craft.
The newest jokes are ones that
are always era. k-d.
The Home Visitor says Winterville
S to Lave a cigar factory.
sorrow lo
the In art of the man.
It is the prophet was b
let bis voice be beard.
All sailors are not pugilists but a
good blow vi ill send them to the ropes
Mos everything in market quota-
showed a downward tendency to-
A room is added to the
of II. H. in Forbes-
A protracted meeting will begin in
church the second
in April.
t seems bow a plate
will make heart warm up
lo a young man.
may now get on a
He is now in that gentleman's
class apparently.
The high winds will prove a blessing
by drying off the land so farmer
get in some work,
The recent nays
brought out the tennis players on the
court near the cemetery.
J. F. King has just received, a bps to
use in connection with his livery.
makes four now in her-.
A days of wind and sunshine
will show a marked improvement in
the condition of streets and roads.
the Christian church, will begin a met-
lap- the Sunday May.
-The Guards, at
bad nutting a b-W Hays ago and M
new members M added to the com-
An ode I sing lo gentle ;
sing the lowing of the kine,
There's garlic in the butter, and
The goat is on the bock beer sign.
are Joe most numerous
to along these
to bud.
Frost mil the grip take
their vacation together.
has three mayors and
three Boards of Aldermen.
W. B. Kicks has the agency in this
county W. J, Bryan's book
First It is a work that ought
have many purchasers.
W. J. Gibson is in town representing
the Sun Lite Assurance Co., Canada,
and we learn doing good work. Bent-
icy is assisting him.
The up-to-date new man,
She does the best she can
With bloomers, manly vests and shirts,
To be a sell-made man.
A. II. is canvassing the
em counties selling the Tobacco
Transplanter. lie best
things a tobacco farmer ever invested-
do you think of the
modern pugilist
Marion a brute. He should
be kicked good hard by a
I'd like to be the one to
Mr. Leon H. Fender received a tel-
Tarboro, Tuesday after-
noon, announcing the death of bis
mother, Mrs. M. M. Fender. She had
been in poor health some
Charles the colored man who
hot James colored
man, in New during the late
Fair, was guilty of murder in the
degree on Friday, and was sen-
to be hanged May
colored, who was sen-
to be banged at Washington
tor committing a crime a little girl,
temporarily escapes the penalty through
an appeal to the Supreme Court. It is
not believed that court will
. me lower court.
The tire bell tower was railed today
en the near the Court
and reach, s almost to the the
building, it strikes us that tower
rather near the aid
for that house should get on and
burn ruin the bell.
Honesty purpose and conscientious
ct duty, carry one much
in the long run, than
of genius even, unaccompanied by sin-
motives. It is the plodding man
rugged honesty that sticks and stays
and succeeds
land Neck Commonwealth.
Gov. appoints M directors
on the part of the State tor the North
Carolina railway, Dr. K. M. Norment,
who will be president; V. S. Lusk,
Charles A. Cook, H. N. Batten.
Gilchrist, J. S. Armstrong, A. W.
Graham and John Graham. Not one
of these on the line of the North
That feeling is due to
blood. the o with
Hood's and be strong and
Fresh Can Bonn package
at S. M.
a Still.
J. H. and J.
ferry, the revenue service, yesterday
morning blockade still out in the
woods near They broke
up still and poured out about
gallons ct beer they also found.
discovered no one in charge of the
still but an th.- opinion that was
operated by people up the count r
By Telegraph to
I. urn Buyers and Commission
June 7.01 7.05 7.01 7.03
Aug. 7.06 7.11 7.06 7.08
Your beat requires
to make an; immediate pro-
visions for your family.
By today, your estate
is increased in value at once.
A few Jays sine an insurance agent
an to inspect a
and beautiful house built a
Alter taking a peep, whole
top Co bottom,
insured f
do you insure it
it might
it, ate you V
your life Insured
won't you f
why not insure life as
well as your house
really, I never thought the
matter that light before, will
Rive early
Best time to Insure mow.
Best Company to Insure the Mu-
Benefit Life Insurance Co., of
Newark, N. J. Represented by J. L.
Sugg, Greenville. N. C.
o Our P
It-1. K C
Si the Baptist
in, preached sermons
ii aid
people, regardless
were ill lie is
speaker and his ct
such a character as to draw closest
attention all through. His morning die-
course was of a missionary
subject being Open
he showed Christians the many
presented the privilege they
have tor working to spread the Gospel
of Christ. At the of this
be asked for a collection for the cause el
missions and over was
The sermon at night was about the
love of snowing to be x
perfect He left Heaven and
to earth and touched every phase of
humanity. He felt our poverty, endured
our suffered our temptations,
participated in our sorrows,
tie for all that He might be the
Savior of all. It was a grand sermon.
At the Methodist church was
closed that congregation worship, ed
with their Baptist brethren.
Mr. While was well pleased with his
visit here and expressed himself as
delighted with Greenville and her
should awaken our people , i
necessity o,
every opportunity that is presented
.-ii by and let other
t seem-
of the Mother shapes the course
of unborn generations- goes
sounding through all the
ages and enters the confines of
re tin- read when pr. With what care,
to fore, should Expectant Moth-
One thing is n-ad i.- guarded, how great the
to be built town
m r
all lire, u-
Only s were is
u-d of D-els I i.-c
one and
couples. were as follows,
first mini d being white
W, R. Baker and Molly Port.
John Dixon and Dora Bland.
Ah-x and Annie Woolen.
Bethel, N. C March
W. F. Harding, of Greenville, spent
Tuesday here on legal business.
J. R. Bell, of Mount spent
Thursday here. His many i
to see him.
W. Wilson, of Greenville, spent
Rev. D. R. returned Friday
evening, alter being two weeks
M. O. Blount from New
Friday evening.
J. L. White, the and
operator, returned
last after a few weeks
James R. Carson has taken a position
as clerk with F S Gardner.
Dr. J. D. Bullock has moved his
stock of groceries from railroad
in the store of J. R. on main
At the residence of the bride's father,
W. R. Ford, in Bethel township, on
o'clock, P. AL, Ford was
married to W. R. Baker, of Facto,
Its D. C.
The J. R.
Baker with Miss Maggie Ford, j, j.
Ford with Miss Maker.
alter the marriage the bridal
party left tor the home the groom.
and prosperity them
through life.
He's There Now.
Tim lion, Hurry Skinner
in- right Not long ago he was
somewhat of a Democratic free-trader
but in the House but night remade
a protection speech in support the
bill. We have hopes he
will the way before long to
gin on the Republican platform with
both Tribune.
Washington i.- n
place for congresses. One for old maids
is a new feature on the
Greenville won't need to be represented
in that as they me all young hero.
effort be to ward off
i make her lite joyous and happy.
sea, and so
pares the
system that Childbirth is made easy
and the time of recovery short-
say alter
than before confinement. It in-
safety to life of both moth-
and child. All who have vised
Mother's Friend say will
be without it again. No other
robs confinement of its pain.
uses tad to as
Bottles to I
sad h,
by receipt of O MR
Book to
mailed in val.
Spring Goods
Arriving Daily at
C. T.
T. M. b in the
Northern Markets
buying more for the
Come sec us and save money.
C T.
d. H.
can Bell first-class goods at such mar-
low prices as
Good at cents a pound.
Good Chewing Tobacco at cents a pound.
Granulated Sugar at cents a pound.
Salt and Sweet pound.
and everything else in the Grocery line just as
cheap as the above articles. It is because we
buy for the spot and sell them
for same kind of see us.
We lead others try to follow.
ED. H. CO.
Merit the
Intrinsic value rt I IX
B Cl
Merit in neons the power to
cure. Hood's possesses actual
and power and there-
fore It has true merit. When yon bay
Rood's take it according
to directions, to purify your blood, or
con any of the many blood diseases, you
are morally certain to receive
The power to cure Is U You are in
trying It make
blood pore, rich and nourishing, and thus
drive out the germs of disease, strengthen
the nerves and build up the system.
A Horse
s the best. In One True Blood
Prepared only by C. Hood St Co., Lo well, Mass.
Also a
Hood's Pills
I can now be found in
the store for-
W. Brown.
Come to see
If you want anything in the
line call see me. I can save you on
FINES SHOES of Eagle brand.
it Grocery next to S. T- White's and Lave n ft
to select from Everything and low down in price. A
to all Cone fee me, will make it pay you-
Our New Summer
W have opened in old Moore store with a
Millinery and Summer Dress Goods,
which are ottered to the public for their inspection, lutes
styles in and at Get you
bats at
Jars. J. S. Tunstall Co's.
J had experience.
l Mr. J. A. u
t an of and Ht grave
regard Greenville a good his wife, in Cherry Hill Cemetery. It
is of pure white marble, the tablet being
i wants two copies covered by a bearing the
dated May lion- On the summit are two doves and
We will pay cents each for a broken rose. The
the first two good, copies was by J. C.
the date that are brought us. Co., and is among the handsomest in
Only two copies are wanted.
Dealers, Tobacco Hue Makers
and Bicycle Dealers and
Respectfully offer their services to public- We are taking orders for
Tobacco Flues
and insure you we will as make the best of Tobacco Flues
the least price. AU our work is guaranteed and we are ready to
anything in our line a to a We w
you to come and see us. Respectfully,
f. Kill X CO.
. N.
our Goods are
A big new
had better styles.
to suit all.
So come and .
This Spring
we were
beauty and value any we
overbought before. Our foresight
in buying while materials win
low in price and while
was dull, gave us the goods
at prices much less than value.
We are able
to offer new
stylish, de-
not to be
that may be
worn with comfort not on-
in the spring, but
out the entire
the styles and general
character of these mate-
rials excel anything here-
displayed, end the
prices are exceedingly low

Their in
the MM
Another Fight-
Decline-- Bay He Baa Re-
tire d From the Bing-
San Francisco,
and Robert will
never meat in the prize ring tor
championship battle. This question
was practically decided this morning
when the two pugilists met in the bar
room the Baldwin hotel and
over the plans quietly and dispassion-
There were no threatening
and no loud talk.
Corbett waited all the morning tor a
meeting and when Hob arrived from
Sacramento Jim asked he would
take a don't said Hob.
They walked to the barroom and both
ordered They were
immediately surrounded by a curious
you asked Corbel t.
I feel all answered Hob.
arms a little sore and arc and
my thumb is very sore. The doctor
says it is
injured my left thumb iii th
said Corbett,
you on
was hurt the second
said Bob. I swung on your head
and landed too tar
I tell you, Bob, people told me you
were slow and easy. I wish men
told me had in front cf you
on 17th. You won and beat me
fairly and
replied can
assure yon that you are the cleverest
man I ever met in my
want to fight you said
must talk to my an-
Julian overheard the remark, re-
plied Bob had done enough fight-
has fought more than any
man living a space of seven
said Julian, he will net
fight again can rule. His wife
wants him to retire, and he will do
I am to understand that there
is not another chance for me said
don't think replied Julian.
all Corbett
n a very down-hearted way,
should like to have one more try. You
fought twice, why not give me
I have said Fitz-
I am going to settle
The conversation then tamed to past
fights. Corbett showed his left hand
which was considerably swollen, and
right thumb is still ban-
The crowd had now become so thick
that Corbett asked Bob and Julian Jo
p to one side, to talk privately con-
a second fight, and moved
to one in whispers. Their
conversation was very short, and
disappointing to Corbett,
his i -j.-.
Try Electric Hitters as a remedy
your troubles t ll not, pet a now
and get relief. This medicine has been
found to he adapted to Hie
relief of all Complaints
a wonderful direct influence, in
strength and tone to f
you Loss of Appetite,
Headache, Fainting spells, or
Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable.
or Doubled Dizzy
Bitters is the medicine you
need. Health and
by Its use. Fifty cents f
at Jno. L. drugstore.
There was a time, within the memory
many now living, the
code was ally recognized MM duels
frequently fought to Settle. i
differences. Some the most
prominent men in the nation were at
times mixed up with or participated in
there honor, so
Alexander Hamilton, one of
greatest was slain
Aaron Burr n a duel. Andrew Jackson
killed Dickinson in a duel, not
tar from Clark just MRS the
Kentucky border. Out of a duel fought
n two of their friends a quarrel
arose between II. and
Andrew Jackson and on the public
square at Nashville, they had a light in
which was severely wounded.
after his removal to Missouri,
fought a duel with Mr. Lucas, and
finally slew Lucas under
circumstances. Scores of instances
might be cited of duels between men
prominent in public life, about the
middle of the present century, and
before and afterwards.
One of the qualifications
a newspaper editor in some parts of the
South, prior to the late war was skill in
handling pistols. Such en-
counters between rival editors in those
were quite h
only in the last twenty-live years
the practice has gone out date. To the
credit the men who participated in
those they had respect for
the principles of fairness. The
was decried and rendered discreditable
because it was brutal. Men not have
to kill each other in order to settle
their differences.
It cannot be said that pugilism tar-
tan a love of fair play or anything
the Kind. It requires only the
a bull-dog to become a pugilist.
enable pugilists to ward
blows, and this is called science. If
science, it is purely animal. When duels
were fought in former days, the men
who gathered there as witnesses, and
and surgeons did know how to
be gentlemen in social life. Some-
times they culture. Not
so with pugilism. There was no re-
at Carson City last
day. woman who figured as the
wife of one of the participants that
affair, distinguished herself nil the
by exploiting a volley coarse
profanity that seems to have been
shocking even to the thugs gathered
there on that occasion. whole
affair was brutalizing and most of those
present w.-re the very lowest order
men. The themselves
expressed their contempt tor other.
exhibition was revolting to
opinion grew so pro
against the once common
of that it has been
abandoned. Public sentiment
made pugilism impossible in most the
States, in all of it may be
Nevada is not a a rotten
Knoxville Journal.
Hon. William L. Wilson will deliver
the. annual address at th i
cf the State University, June 1st.
Dr. Abner Alexander,
county, has been elected superintendent
of the Eastern Hospital, near Golds-
Early in April sixty New Jersey ed-
will visit that portion of North
Carolina along the line of the Seaboard
Air Line railroad.
Andrews, editor of the
Press Visitor, is being a
candidate for Mayor in at the
coming election.
At s
left arm was caught in the machinery
of a roll-.-r and torn almost from
his body, it was amputated.
Victor son of Hon. II,
Dockery, has been appointed steward
of the penitentiary. The be-
tween Gov. Russell and the. Dockery
family seem be more pleasant
they were six months
The new State Board of
has elected J. M. of
county, Commissioner Agriculture ;
J. L. Ramsey, editor of the Progressive
Farmer, secretary of the
department, and J. H. Young, colored,
cl chief inspector.
A revival is at Market
Street M. E. church, and we are inform.
of a disgraceful at
meeting on Sunday night. It is stated
that some young men sprinkled
form around and ruined a young lady s
dress with the horribly retelling stuff.
Wilmington Messenger.
Do you want good times. Then ad-
Many a goad cause has been won
enthusiasm of its adherents,
and many a good thing has
brought to pass simply through
in it resolutely incessantly
The who goes
a long and sorrowful face, who
like a lover when the
of business is scares away
from his an
The business man who. when
to wrings his hinds, and,
almost with tears in his
dear sir, times are so hard and
business is so that cannot afford
to put one cut in hides
from the after very
articles he has for sale;
draTS his curtains and his doors
to the pubic
man who at a door with-
out km eking, trusts to luck to
have it opened to The men
stocks his shelves with the best in the
market and then does not advertise,
simply trusts to the chance of
stumbling on to the bargains h- can
give them.
Br. Will
The will of Dr.
of this city, died recently in
Japan, was to probate
day by Register of Wills In
disposing of his estate of the t
devises to the library of the
College his copy of the
translation of Essentials
Practical as a curiosity.
Oilier medical books are bequeathed to
the Woman's Medical College-, nod a
of his library to the Bryn Mawr
College fir Women. In a codicil the
bequest made to Bryn Mawr College is
revoked and given to
New Garden, N.
A Lady's
There is a good lady in Concord who
has false teeth. The other night j
before retiring, she took the teeth out
her mouth and placed them beneath
her pillow. Next morning when she
looked for them they were gone, Every
nook and corner of the bed beneath
and above, was ransacked to find
teeth, without avail. The sorely
tressed lady informed her landlady of
the fact and asked her to have mush
prepared for her diet, as she would be
Io masticate any solid on
account of the loss of her teeth. She
partook heart y of the soft food at
breakfast, went shopping, and at the
noon meal the same diet was prepared
for her, but she prevailed upon to
take some very and
meat, and was told that sic could out it
up very line and partake of it III at way.
She consented, and placed it in her
mouth. It was for her to
solid and, to her astonishment
she found that her we're in
her mouth, and had been all the
She bad placed them in her mouth at
night and was not of the fact
Concord Standard.
The readers of this Mar will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded that science has
able in all its stages
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
the positive cure now known to
the m-1 Catarrh being
a disease, requires a con-
treatment. Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
the blood and of
the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient by building up the
constitution and nature in do-
its work. The proprietors have so
iii its curative powers that
i One Dollar
case that it fail to cure. Send for list
W, J. . Props
Sold by druggist price
cure dyspepsia.
T Doles cure torpid liver.
am sour stomach.
San March
knocked out an English
named Campbell in Bald-
win hotel this morning.
After bis exhibition at a local
night, the
and W. A. Brady, Corbett
ager. returned to the hotel and
the night discussing a return
Along towards morning
ed up to the bar and, addressing the
said the was
not a true fought battle, and that
best did win.
jumped toward the stranger and swung
bis left with knocking the
intruder down.
Corbett was at the Baldwin early to-
day, watching for his conqueror. He
wanted an interview, was not la-
When told that Corbett in
quest of in he champion dodged
door and down the street.
Corbett says if he can't meet Kit-
be won't meet Jim
has an to manage A big athletic
club in York at a
Should his slow prove, a failure
is to take the job. lint he has
made his mind to go back on stage
for His friends are
him to go direct to New York and
an engagement.
Reed Declines to
Washington, March
Reed is not disposed to regard the pop
in the house us a separate organ-
About ten days ago the pop-
presented a petition to Speaker
Red, reciting the tact that at the last
election they bad cast about
votes, elected governors in five states,
elected members of the
present and requesting therefore,
they have a representation on the
ways and
appropriations, banking,
a Vigorous feeder and re-1 elections and others. Mr. Reed has
Special to Charlotte
March E-p-
Harry the
leader from
has concocted a bill,
presented it to which
he claims will solve financial
problem and practical
Hie bill pr for
the issuance of
eaten of various
which shall have a positive value
cents on the These
certificates are to be to any
person who may deposit II
grains of gold and 1856
of silver a ratio of to
T certificates, to
their face value, are
able for public and debts,
and when received for public tax.
es .-ball be re-issued and on its
face guarantee the beater shall
within twelve months, at any
United States depository, receive
cents worth of gold and
cants worth of silver, according to
the market value of the bullion,
as declared by the Secretary of
the treasury-
The bill further provides that
the Secretary of the Treasury
may issue said certificates in the
same proportion against any gold
or silver In the and
when so issued shall retire, in
equal n, tho prose tit out
gold and silver
It is also, provided, that
the shall be
into the Treasury to be converted
into a sinking fund for
purposes. In case of a de-
in the price of silver
Secretary of the Treasury is
to purchase silver in
open to meet the
Mr. Skinner says he has sub-
his bill to many of the
leading and Demo-
in both houses
of and they admit that
it is one of the simplest and at
the same time practical
that has been made in con-
with the money question.
It carries out the very spirit of
the Republican it re
to for it pro
for a one hundred cent
half gold and the other
half silver. If the silver
the gold will surely
and thus the combined val-
of the two metals equalizes the
value of the
and keeps its face value
at cents- any
stances the holders of the
can demand of the gov-
in gold
cents in
When the question comes up
for consideration, Mr.
says it will be difficult for the
single gold standard to
oppose it.
Senator and other Re-
publicans who are in
carrying Republican
promises in behalf of
have examined the bill and they
declare that it will challenge the
thoughtful consideration of every
one who in a
currency system.
sued a to a
is how on Buncombe county
roads for year for currying
is from Philadelphia,
thereby hangs a romance, a
crime and the pardon.
Thorns lived in the French dis-
the City of Brotherly Love.
Miss Mary Boyd is a missionary
in th i section. She frequently
Thorns in his work,
and, it is said, became very fond
of him.
But her love as soon
to a rude shook. Scarcely cut
his the young
with another wife and
came to There he
a wild life and was arrest
ed carrying a gun in
his pocket. Then the court got
even with him for tunning away
with the other wife by
giving him twelve months at hard
on th; roads.
Hum Boyd heard of Thorn's
she at once
forgave all and from that day to
this she has never wavered in bet
effort to have him pardoned. She
got the people of
to write the Governor letters
that the young man be
released. these was a
from listings, of
Tho of
were oleO v sited by the
plucky little woman and letters
from twelve secured
saying that Thorns could not live
if kept on the road.
So his pardon was sent to him
yesterday. Today he will be sot
free. Will he grateful to the
woman to whom he owed his
freedom Observer.
especially for stock, as well a
man, for that purpose is sold m tin
cans, holding one-half pound of
cine cents.
Lambert, Co., Tenn.,
March 1892
Save used kinds of but
not give one of
all the others I ever saw
It is the thing for horses or cuttle In
the spring of the year, and will cure
every time.
The fouler number of The Ladies
Home Journal is very and
brimful and entertaining
reading; A leading is several
articles appropriate to the Easter sea.
son, and in addition Id this
inept pf I lie journal is fully up to
the it would be a Valuable
publication it contained nothing more
than helpful hints and practical
on the every day problems
l home life. Send to Curtis
Publishing Company, Philadelphia, for
a copy.
The best salve In the w rid for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Salt
Boles, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains, and all
and cures no
it to give
perfect money
price cents per box. For sale I y
Jno. L.
Colored The
Negro Not in as an
The new
board of directors of the colored in-
sane n met in this today
an in secret by
fleeting Dr. J. K.
The session was a long doubtless
a turbulent one, in the
el of Dr. Ah. Alexander,
superintendent. Dr. Alex-
is a a while man, a
member of the legislature,
Williams, colored, Charlotte,
D. J. K. Person, of
county, Were placed in
and received votes on th; and sec-
; but on the third ballot Dr.
Alexander won.
A resolution was then introduced to
the effect that the p
and other of the asylum should
be colored, men, whereupon n discus-
arose, and the
a Io. is
In the
subject to the call
the Person, at sonic
And this is what the colored brother
ii. out the pro mites pie for hi
votes in the late elect ion and in the
Hut it
s Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
are invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure all Liver Troubles.
------A line of-----
-----Consisting of-----
Flour, Laid,
Meat, Coffee
Meal, gar
which I am
selling so low
that it
Come see me
I will
treat yon fair
We just received a now
and the line of
ins and Caskets, wed, met
lie ever brought to
We i prepared lo Jo embalm-
in ab its
ducting funerals and bodies en-
trusted to our care will receive
every mark of respect.
Cur lower than ever.
We do not monopoly but
invite competition.
can be found a and all
times in the
their supplies will
at to get our prices before pm
n all Its
we buy i en
; one profit,
c c of
and sold at to salt
the times. Our are all bought and
sold having
. M .
the late store
princes of this j well to liberal to
now the value of primers ink, an i tie Q , . j. u
. . corn and
fortunes have are , .,, . ,
increases and the sou improves
if properly treated with fer-
containing not under
huge fortunes they
founded on the nick of i t.
liberal us
on of iii. in and ht- will nil
that dollar
him r St.
Io you want good times f Then
for them. And keep on ad-
Do n M overdo it, but de it
.- and within your m and
brains the work. Change your
advertisements and
and the n suit tail to be ,
to yon ham San,
A trial of plan costs but
little and is sure to lead to
profitable culture.
All about malts of its me by
on best farms the United
told in little book which we publish and will
to any farmer in America will write k.
will stand for congress at St.
Way to Cure
I cholera broken
out iii Mecklenburg county. I send
you u prescription that is said to be very
effective in its cure. Very truly,
Eugene D. D. I.
N. C.
For Hog Take i pound
i pound Cape aloes,
blue l ounce black
Grind and a- ix well.
Directions For a large hog. give one
a day for three days ; then
is by the Lon.
don Gulden Dr. John Bull
was the first professor of
organist of Hereford
to Eliza-
beth. Join, Like n true
traveled for improvement,
heard of a famous musician at
St. ho placed himself under
him as a bat a circumstance
very soon convinced the master
be was inferior to tho scholar. Tho
musician showed John a song which
be bad composed In parts, tolling
him at the that he defied
world to a person
of adding another part to
bis composition. Bull desired to be
left alone to -be Indulged for ft
short time with pen and ink. In less
than three be added parts
more to the son, which the
Frenchman was so surprised
that he swore in great ecstasy
be either devil or John
Ball, which boa ever since been pro-
in England.
Weave of Brew.
Mr. Moody has n popular and very
telling way of tho errors
which are so rife in the theological
thinking of persons
of salvation by grace,
is well a man can't
save himself, for if a man only
work his own way to heaven yon
never would hear last of it.
Why, down here in this world, if a
man happens to get a little of
his fellows and sen-apes a
dollars together, you'll
him about his being self
made telling how he began
as a poor boy and worked his way
op in the world. heard so
of this sort of thing that I'm
and tired of whole business, and
I'm glad we shan't have men brag-
through all eternity bow they
worked their way into heaven.
Variety of Trees for Orchard.
wish to set s peach orchard so that I
will have throe or four trees hearing all
the from June Will
please advise me as to what varieties to
. H., Burlington N. C.
Answered by W. F.
X. C. Experimental Station.
I would the following
Alexander. Rose.
York. Choice, Favor-
Old Free, Craw
s pone day. Repeat this until hog is
st., ; and
last of
i pros- already this In all oar ox-
of In tho
an gave such
Tonic. truly,
a co
Prof. W. H.
a specialty of
Epilepsy, hat without
doubt treated and cur-
ed more coses than
living Physician; his
success is astonishing.
have beard of cases
Of so standing
J cured by
him. He
publishes n
work on
with a
large bot-
of bis cure, free to sufferers
may send their P. O. and Express address.
We one a to address
trot W. H. I. D., Cedar Tor
to Creditors.
The undersigned having been duly
appointed and qualified by the
Court of Pitt County a the
administrator of Joyner, de.
ceased, notice is hereby given to the
raid to their
to the undersigned on or before
the 1st day of February, 1898, or
he plead in bar of their re-
notice Is also given to those in-
to the estate to make t
this the 6th day of
of Joyner.
J A Blow,
He Oldest
Pally Newspaper in
Too Daily o
its Glass in the State
N. C
Favors Free Coinage o
of Silver and
of the Ten Per Cent. Tax on
Slate Banks Daily
per month.
kinds of
Ail kind done
We use and wood
material and are prepared to give
yon satisfactory work.
N. C
Wire and Iron Fencing
sold. First-class work
prices reasonable.
has taught best is
Hemp Rope, Building Pumps, Farming Implements, and every
necessary for Millers, Mechanics and general house purposes, well a
Hats. Shoes. Ladies Dress Goods I have on hand. Am h
for Heavy Groceries, and Jobbing agent for Clark's O. X. T.
and courteous and attentive
N. C
All Risks placed in strictly
at current rates.
The modern stand-
ard Family
cine Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
and Trade-Marks obtained U Pat-
for Fees.
patent in time
remote from
Scad model, drawing or with
We if or not, l
fee not due till patent is secured. S
A Obtain
cost of same in the L. S. and foreign
sent free.
, Washington. O. C.
Kit V i v It
r. U
v Tin
v Mi
v Wilson
; El
P. M.
P. M.
-V Selma
v V
s I
A. M
A. M.
A W , ,.,
. M.
op -Neck
Halifax 4.10
. arrives Scotland Neck at 4.56 p
., Greenville p. m., 7.4
. in. Returning, leaves Kinston
8.22 a. in.
Trains on
8.00 a. m., p . in
a. m. and 4.40
., Tarboro 9.45 a. m.,
3.30 p. m., Parmele 10.20 a. m.
and 6.20 p. m arrives Washington
11.50 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Dally ex-
Sunday. Connects with trains on
Train leaves i a room, N C, via
It. K. except Sun-
p. m P. M;
Plymouth 9.00 P. M., 5.25 p. m.
Plymouth daily except
a. m., a m.,
Tarboro 10.26 and
Train on Midland N. C. branch leave
daily, except Sunday. 8.0 a
d. arriving a. m. Re-
leaves Id 8.00 a. m,,
rives at a. m.
Trains on Latta Florence R
leave p in, Dunbar
MS p m, Clio 8.09 p m. Returning
leave am, Dunbar 6.80 a m,
arrive Latta 7.50 a m daily except Sun-
Train B leaves War-
Clinton except Sunday,
and 8.50 p, m- Returning
at i . m. m.
Train No. makes
it dally, all rail ya
also at R Mount with
Norfolk and R
lie all points North via Norfolk.
General Supt.
f. M. Manager.
I. I
Old Line
Steamers Green
ville and T touching at all land-
on Monday, Wednesday
and A. M.
leave Tarboro at A. M.
In days.
These . are subject to stage
of on Tar River.
Connecting at Washington with
steamer for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Sew York and
rs order their good
via Dominion trim
New York.
from Merchants
JNO. Agent,
J J. Agent,

Eastern reflector, 31 March 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
March 31, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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