Eastern reflector, 27 January 1897

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U ,
The Reflector is
pared to do all wort
of this
Plenty of new mate
rial and the best
i of Stationery.
all Chary, W will mail to
anyone our advance illustrate I ea a-
for It contains
of lire. Carpet,
a, Baby You
save man's trading
the manufacturer, a are pay-
lo ill dealers double our op
a now tor
Julius Nines Son
Baltimore, Md.
tees ii all e Collection
W I t I B K
p B. W-
Eastern Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Owner TRUTH IN PREFERENCE TO FICTION. per Year, in Advance.
The Change.
January 12th, 1897, b the dale of
the ending and the beginning . f two
political ems in North On
that date reins of the cut
of Commonwealth passed
i it the hands one
into those her. Sue a
change, it the history i
ground of reason, is as the
changes it the seasons Look about
Tax Bate be Increased.
It appears that the rate of tax-
this State will have to be
from cents to
tents on the hundred dollars
worth of property.
The report of the State Auditor
a total assessment, as per
of returns for 1896, of
and property is
This shows a
Seldom has a man pastor in taxable values for the
a church twenty years; in does a
maintain a successful
long; seldom do s a
or any maintain i's
twenty yearn,
in mind sire for
So long as c IS p
so Ion ail. p , w
divided in their so long as the
people are divided, so long will there
be so long as there are patties,
so long will there be changes, tot the
desire of the people new in-
mobilizes a majority of them
of, The assess-
of railroads, the
ht 1890 was
makes the total assessment
of the real and
for 1896,
1895 it was
or Ida
Congress should give the col-
grower.-, the tobacco growers,
coin, wheat, and barley
growers, pumpkin per-
producers, the live stock,
and all other agricultural inter-
Two Papers for
We have made
Reflector and
North the
above amount, is
campaign year and you
should take the two
leading papers.
Bf C. N
York, Doctor .
The chair must fit I
or he's
The office must be large enough
to the clerks, or they can't
work to ad vantage.
A cf milk be car-j
safely a quart measure.
The place of business
better be a little too large f r the
glues too small For the
flu be
Highest of all in Leavening U. S. Govt Report
Absolutely pure
A Vivid Illustration of the of
the Liquor Habit.
into opposition to affairs us they arc. I
he who while it. is at it
Snow I ill. N- C. X. C.
N. C
in all the
Dittos over C.
Cobb Son's Store.
E. Y. C.
Wilson, X. C. S. C
attention given to
on tune.
V . H. Long,
W X. C N. C,
Attorneys and Counselors at Law.
es all Courts.
It is a political maxim that
would receive I lie sup-
port of the people must either lead
them into changes or I. How
swiftly in their s ; lo changes
there must be. To North
change Inn It is until it is
lore, unfair deliver
Every one who lows his Stale will
hope good, and work for good. If
good comes not, need Win y;
there is retribution. Pi
wrong is the birth throe f
tight. If other e- were lacking,
there is that G h a it
the Written large
have been the very making el the pro-
of the Be-
Tue manufacturers are the salt of
the earth, but they not all of
it. The farmers, laborers, trades-
men and professional men supply
a few grains of it All of them
are to a slice of the Re-
publican pumpkin pie while it is
being passed
men who believe
in thy attaching to the
numeral will interested
this story A certain young bus-
Ma of jumped
aboard a trolley car at
to into the city- He
handed conductor a half
and received return two
dimes and a brand-new quarter.
K ho said, up
coin; you
give me an old quarter for this
Or give me some other kind of
the matter
it's a counterfeit said the
c inductor, with an indignant
gleam in his eye. t but I'm
superstitions about these new
replied the other,
I wouldn't carry one if
it to The conductor began
to have doubts of the passenger's
sanity. Thou the
took the trouble to explain.
you look closely at this
aid He, will find that upon
the obverse there are
So much for that. Sow
turn it over, here we have a
whole nest of In the first
there are other stars
here. Then the scroll which
holds its there
are letters forming the motto.
I, So take
the shield on the eagle's I
There are perfect horizontal
upon that- and
The eagle holds
one claw arrows and in the
other an olive branch with
leaves. words latter
contains letters. See
mean old
A New
what does amen
said Phillip to his older
brother, who had reached the wife
age of six.
teems mustn't touch it.
Phi lip. was the unhesitating
exclaimed the boy's
mother, who bad overheard the
and answer, do
you tel your little brother that
old me so, an-
no; think what you are
saying. I not have told
yon urged the astonished
you return-
ed the little fellow, very
Bib in- liter was nuzzled
until she remembered that she
said. means, so let it
lie election id a United Suites Sena-
tor now out the way, it is ex-
that the Legislature will get
down to a considerable
which will he the changing o
State officials. There will he a general
i the natural result the change
administration no any-
thing else. The turning-out of every
Democratic official possible is a
mate result the pa-sing of party
from the the Stale
Yet, white the right the
present administration to make
the voice of humanity is heard
protesting against a change in the
management of ill asylums. The Ob-
server that when the Demo-
came into power in the late
Win. J. editor of the Charlotte
Democrat, made a prompt vigorous
fight against the removal of Dr. Eugene
from the superintendency of
Insane Asylum at
Dr. Grissom was a and
there were capable Democrat who
wanted his place, yet humanity prevail-
ed over partisanship and Dr. Grissom
was not removed until his own
caused him to retire.
The same arguments that prevailed
then are now. It would be a
grievous wrong to the unfortunate in-
sane of the State to take away from
them the people they have learned tr
love; who have their cases in hand, and
who are gradually bring them back in-
to the to-put them in charge
strangers, totally with
habits and conditions. would
be a change that would undo the pa
it lit aid work of years, and
that would be a crime against
people. It would not be
move cruel to tear a babe from its
r's arms it into the arms
of a stranger.
Let all the other hi changed,
but when it comes to disturbing the
lite of the inmates of tin- Stall's
the administration should pause.
V humanity triumphed over
in so it should do now.
lit-- asylum doors themselves should be
a protection for these unfortunates
against the for office,
else, but leave the asylums
and their sacred
Charlotte Observer.
To Plant Trees
Dr. John C. president of
Trinity College, has addressed postals
of the college inviting them
to send young trees to he planted
he grounds Dr. writes
hat one thousand will be planted
the name of the send- rs.
It is desired that trees from all
of the State should be planted, so that
Trinity students may see North
trees growing around them.
For this r a-on, each friend of the
is to take up two or three
trees from the forest ship them to
I College the first of
they may be planted on
Arbor Day. Every friend can make
-i.- small contribution to their great
Playing With Words.
Nearly everything is subject to
a river
will foam at the mouth
There are no corns on the foot
of a
No bracelet is ever an
arm of the tea-
Even the has a stein
of doing things.
Roses are books within whose
is found the honey of
Don't stalk through life,
the does that.
Don't brag about your be aid
such a common thing as
barley has a in ard.
Nature and are kin.
Even some gardens have
Don't say lady or
if they are friends of
yours they are supposed to be
Don't strive to outdo your
friends or neighbors in either
dress or house- Probably your
husband's means will not permit
of it and it will cause
for a
ask for lady's or
man's furnishings when shopping;
it is men's and women's.
Don't say is a nice
the form is is a nice
Don't stamp your feet to get
them warm; it does good
it is unladylike.
Don't forget to say
to a salesperson after
waited upon. y because
thy to earn their
this way is reason why they
wouldn't appreciate courtesy.
is a little thing. Do it.
Don't wear your most elaborate
gown shopping; plain cues are
in the best taste-
say isn't
aren't; there is BO such word as
to get on a street
car or elevator ; let the others off
To the People
Pitt County.
Our energies have relaxed. Our
forts have never ceased to give the
selected stock of
from which to select your purchases. We
confidently believe and unhesitatingly claim
th t ours is the store of all stores in our
from which to buy your goods for the
coming year. arc sold on time at close
credit prices to customers of approved credit.
Goods sold for cash at figures that tell of the
wonderful influence of gold, silver or greens-
When they enter into our possession
they are again converted the best bar-
gains we can buy for the benefit of
friends and customers. Do not hesitate or be
c d away but co straight back to your
friends who will take care of your interests
and work the harder to make of you a
stronger customer and better friend of
straightforward, honest dealing between man
and man. We are the friend of tho poor
man, we arc the friend of the rich man, we
are friends of you all. Come to see us, we
will serve you to the best of our ability. Po-
lite attention best of service and honest way of for the I to mud off w
fort shall be In command at the crushed -he life of. those who
ran m, yours to command u rue ,.,,, ,,.,,
pie's Stow.
or there will no it on .- ;.
There must be room, room
g is meridian i
and must be t
bandied as are any other
Too of ft
Too little of it means on
I i v-
is as foolish have little
advertising space as too fl tor
It is as that the ad-
space be large I
as it that the be large
to the demand-
A complete stock will bring
more business, while
stock will away
advertising space
A I w years ago a noted wild bear
gave n performance with his pets
in i Me I the hading I
III his lions, tigers, leopards and
j h i u. through their par. the
awing the audience his
net nerve and his control over
At i he closing act of the
i the performer an
boa So in length
I He had bought it when it was two or
, three Jays old ; and for years he
hail d daily. that it was
pi harmless and
idly under his control, lie had
, seen grow a tiny reptile, which
he nit. n in his bosom, into a
curtain rises mi Italian
woodland scene. The weird strains
the Oriental hand still through the
I t s.
A rustling n rise is and a huge
is seen winding its way through
the undergrowth. It stop-.
. is erect I its eyes sparkle. Its whole
U j body seems animated. A man
from the heavy foliage. Their eyes;
times tis many ,.,
the business.
There ate
es the public seeing a
large of
of ha f the
If the can stand it,
and it ally can. twice as
much advertising will pay more
twice as much profit.
a higher
must sea
Advertisement, and
may a small
Liberality advertising, us
well as every other of
man is victor. The serpent is under
the control of the master ; under hi-
and direction it a
At a signal from the man it slowly
approaches bin and begin to coil
heavy folds around him. Higher and
business, reduces the chances.
The doing of a thing as
should be done ma; not result
they rise, until and
blended into one. Its hide-
head is reared aloft above the mass.
The man gives a little scream, and
audience unite in a thunderous
I burst but it frees
their lips. The train scream
wail of death agony.
While the legislators are giving lo The arc I lie as.
them, elves s the valuable s for taxes of some of the
Records Carolina, pal residences of the fashionable part o
they might n the who I In-city of New
take special in North Carolina Gerry, and Fifth av
and in all t nil concerns history, re- line, Astor
murks the Wilmington I Filth and street,
m j ; man-ion, Seventy
e lie- second street and
at Washington in full ; II. O. Fifth
accordance will, its own programs, i, avenue and Sixty-sixth street,
will do a smashing business now, that mansion, Filth
is, that will break up j W. K. Vanderbilt
who is lot protected by some sort o and
connection, direct or indirect, will. i W. C. Whitney, Fifth me
pay, and if the
thing, the better
way must
Tue New York raid, both in
its home and foreign hat
started afresh as to the
probability that many persons
entombed alive.
Nothing could justify the pro
of so a
upon the public, except a hearty
belief in the danger alleged, and
a hope that agitation of
the question may result in more
care being taken to avert ft.
It adds a horror to the
King of Terrors, one think
that he may possibly close his life
within the counties of a coffin
five feet below the surface of the
earth. But we have never taken
much stock in the story
of men women buried alive.
Usually, the evidence upon
to establish the fact is of the
of undertakers who have had
occasion to disinter many dead
bodies, and who have said that
in the of their long
they have never seen any proof
that any one of these bodies had
been buried alive. So far from
to their the proof
quite conclusive the other
Of course, we concede that men
women have been
ally buried alive, but in
e-u times such cases have been
i In times of
epidemic, or from other
causes, burials are very numerous,
and very hastily made, people
may be buried alive, but it cannot
occur otherwise. Yet
many who, in their
lion--, are by the fear of.
harried into their graves
cold, untimely, and who make request
such calamity. And
direct that
not a few, we
heard lone after bone crack, as
those powerful lightened upon
better. if Mail's had bu
must, but remember that you had is ,,. 2.- v.,
economics on your
t, the people may
not are economizing
hen you cut i ere and there
side of your but the
world knows you are doing .
cut the
your advertising space-
combines Die-
ii ii ii-
wasted in my what
ought to have been a part of the last
decided at the polls, the
hat elected gold-bug b-
ard to the Senate. It is to b hoped,
that the constitutional amendment re-
quiring the election of United
Senator the people soon be
adopted. The Legislature
to State matters and not so
much in and acting on things
bearing on
and street,
Fifty-seventh Fifty eighth streets
C. P. Filth
avenue mil fifty-s ; change experts, the situ-
has so
A few years ago, of the Indian
corn used Great by far
the greater part came from the
and Black Sea
tries- But the two enormous
crops of coin in this country in
1895 and 1800 have such a
radical increase in
exports of grain that, according
to the New Fro Es-
ts slave
enslaved him.
In this horrible in portrayed
tin- whole story of intemperance. The
man who has taken the first glass of in-
liquor has taken the of
intemperance in his bosom. If
throttles monster now, it is
done. Hut if he permits it lo live-
feeds and nourishes it. he may control
it for even years, but it is
ally growing stronger, and some nay its
folds will encircle his
soul mid bear ii. to those regions woe.
worm not St the fire
ti not
The unchangeable is;
drunkard shall enter the kingdom of
suspect, are moved thereto by the
fear of premature burial. We
are not quite sure I hat one who
awakens from a deathlike sleep in
ii fiery furnace is much better off
than lit who awakes in a grave;
but, possibly, the preparation for
incineration affords
. i ii that for do
he j not.
A Neat Trick P on
Some of the Wilson merchants were
treated to a little per
for lust week. A traveling
was the artist. He would enter the
store, purchase some article of slight
value and in payment a large bill,
requesting at the same time that the
change be paper and part
silver. The merchant
would comply, laying out the change
upon when just as the fakir
was about gather up his change
he would apparently discover that he
had piece of silver in his pocket
which he would produce, and adding
to the pile on Hie counter he would de-
the return of his bill, the due. But be abandoned all hopes
Sequence in Dreams.
Dreams are things. Ah lit a
week a West Philadelphia
dreamed hail lost her watch,
and in the she looked HI the
place where sir; always put her
piece, to, discover that was gone.
This, of course, led her to believe that
someone had actually stolen it, and that
she was not dreaming, but was merely
in a half sleep. Win. this carting
suspicion the crestfallen woman
told her brother of the affair. The bro-
had to visit various pawnshops
and station give a careful do
of the cosily article, and was
kept hustling around about three or
four days, vainly endeavoring to get a
expecting no evil
hand over. The would walk
on, when, en counting out his money,
the merchant would lie was
one the bills he had tendered as
change. The light fingered agent had
slipped it right before his eyes, without
being detected. After making two or
three hauls a watch was put upon his
and he was caught in the
recovering the lost treasure. In the
evening of the. very day that her broth
d die search fancied
loser had another
dream. This time she dream id that he-
tore retiring she had hidden her watch
in a shoe the bottom the closet.
Alter rising next morning, merely out
curiosity, she went to I he
in her dream, and to Ii
A. L. Barber, house Filth
and Sixty-eighth now
by ex-Governor Norton and re-
see W, C. Whitney,
known as Fifth
avenue and Si street
The principal h and t -s
are assessed as folio ti Fifth Av-mm
part by S. V.
; same, part owned Louisa M.
Gerry, II
The. Cowman
House I-
House, Holland House.
Grand Hotel, Imperial
Hotel, Hole, W.
in Thirty fourth Street, John Jacob
Astor, Sew
Ho el, W. Astor,
Manhattan Hotel, Windsor
Hotel, Hotel.
Hot-. Savoy,
Grand Hotel,
Seventh avenue,
eight and streets, K.
Navarro. Grenoble,
William Osborne
avenue and
seventh street, William Taylor,
tor, Hotel;
Marlborough Hold,
Hotel, F. T. Kinney,
Astor House,
St. Denis
formerly A. Stewart's man-
Metropolitan lid.
University Club,
w .
act and locked Head there beheld the
fight time-piece.
fir as the cf maim
from i he United States is con-
United States ha been tending
about bushels each week
to ports,
of ibis is used in bread,
but tie chief a ml for it is
for and distilling
Grandest Remedy.
Mr. It. B. of
Va, that be had eon-
up to die, fought
sought all medical treatment that
procure tried all
dies he d hear bin got no relief,
spent many night- sitting up In
was induced to try Dr. New Dis-
was cured by u-e Of two
bottles. For past three years h i been
Some little I attending t. and Dr
King's New Discovery is th
remedy ever n add as it has so
for him and also in his
Dr. New
Is guaranteed Coughs,
and Consumption. Trial
bottles tree at John L. Drug
Ne York is a great money
center which boasts of an
t i of mote than
India is one of most densely
p ed of the world
year ate ,
against deaths, showing hot banks low. And yet it is
during yo us ordinary health-M h past year over
the made homeless in
of over one million. The that city and that it was the
great mass of the inhabitants are hardest year experienced by
poor, the production of food the poor. Extreme
stuffs in the most favorable sea-
is not largely excess of
consumption. The past year
a year of scarcity a
famine now prevails in some
of adding vastly
to the difficulty in staying the
ravages of the Ninety
per tout, of victims
misery of the
admits of no adequate
this day generation,
when arrangements for burial are
in the hands of skilled
directors and embalmers, we may
be sure that the danger of
alive is much less
ever before. Certainly, fitter
one has been embalmed, there is
possibility of his being buried
alive. Tie character of the em-
i totally precludes
that idea.
Nor. in country district
where the of men skilled
in the details of burial are not to
be is the danger in question
great. It in the
country that a bony is buried until
unmistakable of death
have appeared.
The Herald may gather here
and there evidence of premature
burial, but the cases are
a few out
millions. Yet, as none of us wish
to share the fate of these unhappy
few, cannot but wish that
every precautions should
be observed- Usually, we may
adopt, as competent adviser,
or funeral directory
though the process of
herself has pro-
a safeguard better than any
ii i-
The efforts of the Herald to
The salve in the world tor Cuts.
Brahms, Sores, Salt
hi Corns, and Bra
wealth and
extreme poverty side by side. . this whole question before
In Year Book f-r
published Loudon, Mr- Joseph
Jacobs compiled
that the existence of
about eleven million Jews in the
world today. More than
those Jens subject the
Autocrat of oil the A
great of the has
been witnessed all over the world vegetable, act
. . , tone lo the nerve in the
however, and probably most gently the Liver and
America within recent Kidneys, aid- these organs in
public may arouse dreadful
. noon the part of
end, will
good results, and
c; i o to be exercised
, i ever
to Know,
It may worth to know that tho
very beat restoring the
d i nervous system to a healthy
view is This
all in
Is pronounced by
. throwing off Impurities In the blood.
years. his varied social improves the appetite,
status may be, and I
Jew bus flourished in who have tiled It
t assessed or in. refit, , e increase of and
. . cents per For sale Hold for. or
k John l, women. .
lacker Athletic Union and cures Pi s. or Hiatus may be, Wandering v Is digestion,
Club. i n It HP flourished in those who have tiled It as the Very be
As a rule, real estate is not ass or be of nerve tn
, ii i m v u . cents per sale Ho d for. or per
or its full value in New York t. . i . TO.

Greenville, N. C.
at the post office at Greenville,
C, class matter.
. .
The Senate opened at o'clock, the
Lt. Governor presiding.
Dr. Carter prayer
Scales, fixing as a quorum com-
third the members
Hyatt, Jas. I. on
to the sale and
number of
pages now employed.
to amend section of
the Code, granting from Maj-
or's court court, and to
amend chapter laws
1895, relating to for
to amend chap-
laws 1835. and to prohibit
the sale of liquor within I Mt.
Pleasant Wilkes
Anderson, for the relief J. G.
Grant, of Henderson county.
in regard to
Anthony, to appoint H.
Justice of the Peace.
Mitchell, by in favor of
I. Moore, to pay him balance of
fees claimed on property
sureties of sheriff of Wake county.
presented resolution from
citizens of Plymouth against any
in charter of that town.
Clark, to prohibit sale of
in any -church in No
Carolina. to amend chapter
regard to
e stock in Halifax county ; also in
regard to salaries of solicitors. Also to
amend section the Code in re-
to farm products, to amend chap-
laws of 1895, prohibiting hum.
Cannon Dickson,
Grant, Henderson,
Person. Ramsay, Rollins,
Wilson, Sharpe of
Anthony, Barringer, Justice,
Parker of Ray, Scales.
Alexander, Clark,
Hardison, Lyon, Maxwell,
Parker Randolph. Patterson, Rob-
Shaw, Utley, Walker.
is at home in
Rowan very ill with
A bills and resolutions were in-
in both ranches bat the
work the day was the
ting and for
the chairman of committees to remain
at present.
mi an I
Water Com pan. to have its
at are now in
t said the men who
officers MM Virginians are now
dead. The present officers are North
Carolinians and want the in this
Stale. Passed second a d third read-
a in Co
point five from the Senate and eight
from the House to amendments
to the Election law and the
Government. He said there were some
in the election imper-
should be cured.
went over to confer with Grant and
they had whispered
Rules and passed second and
third readings.
The House to its last ad-
was called to order yesterday
afternoon at o'clock by Speaker
roan, Representative Green opening
prayer. There was no business
done with the exception of some com-
and other current announce-
vote for-United Slates Senator
was as follows
For i
For Thompson
Not voting
For Pritchard
For Thompson
Not voting
Adams, Al-
Alexander, Ai Arlington,
Babbitt Bailey, Black-
turn, Brown Bryan
Chatham Bryan of Edgecombe,
Bryan Chandler,
Crews. Currie,
Dancy, Daniels,
Duncan, Elliott, Freeman,
Green, Hare, Harris
I Harris of Hyde Hod-
Howe, Lusk, Meares
Pear, Petree, Pool,
Sutton, of Cumberland, Sutton
of Hanover, Wemyss, White of
White Randolph
Wrenn, Young.
Bunch, Conley, Creech,
Dixon ct Cleveland, Duffy,
Ferguson, Gallop, Jam.-s,
Lawhon, Leak, Lyle,
Murphy, Nelson,
Parker, of Wayne. Pearson of Burke,
Ransom, Reid, Smith, Walters, Watts,
Barrow, Carver, Cathey. Chapman,
Craven, Grumpier, Dixon of
Drew, Fagan, Ferrell, Foster, Hauler,
Holmes, Johnson, King,
Morton, Person, of Wayne, n of
Wilson, Price, Ward,
Cox absent, Pitt.
present, of Rich-
. Jones
Reynolds absent, Mont-
The of Cabarrus
The Senate was called to order at
by the
Prayer by ex-Rev. T. W. Babb.
who has been here since the opening o
the session lobbying tor Pritchard.
Justice, to repeal chapter laws of
1895, relative to divorce, and to amend
chapter laws of relative to
sales by trustees and mortgagees.
Walker, in relation to the probate of
Maxwell, to place the name of Junes
R. Smith, of Wayne county, on the
roll in grade one.
Sharp to incorporate the town
Wilson county.
laws an additional
cause of divorce.
Hardison, to place W.
county, on die loll
in gr. de two.
Early, to Bertie
The House was called to Order at
o'clock, Speaker in chair.
Daniels, for the relief f R- W.
ex sheriff Dare county.
t place the name of Louis
Grady, of Lenoir county, a
private -r in Company I. from the
. N. C. Cavalry in the late
war between the States, on the pension
to he
of Marion,
to amend section of The
Code, relating to appeals assign-
of widow's
Allen. pay J. A. money
due by county for teaching
district school No.
Young, to compensate clerks tab.
to designate the duties and
fix the compensation of the boards of
county commissioner.,
Harris of Halifax, to repeal section
chapter Public Laws of 1895
relative to election expenses.
Elliott, to incorporate the Burial So-
No. N. C.
of New Hanover, to
active belonging to regular or-
fire companies the city o
Wilmington, the amount their city
of to sending
c to the penal and charitable
and educational institutions of the
to pay vial in
capital cases section 1739 of
Babbitt, to repeal so much chapter
entitled act to cut-
and mill logs in
lies Hyde, Pamlico and a
relates to the county Pamlico.
son, to the town ct
Wilson county.
House was called to at
o'clock by
Rev. Mr. Glenn opened with
the bills introduced were
Barrios, to repeal the act
allowing two additional
Hancock, to charter
Hare, to it a to steal
any book, or other J re-
d of election.
and in to
work for the d the tax on fruit
to ill divorce law,
so that a man is in jail, his wife
A resolution was introduced
Dr. J. L. M. Curry to address the Leg-
next Thursday. Col Lusk
called Dr Curry Met he
said if the Doctor was going to
on anything we were interested in he
was willing ; not, he would
said the Doctor was a prom-
man, had written a hook on
-southern literature and Ml a
Cunningham said he had written a
book on Spain, also.
added he was also ex-
carried of election, to he
county scat. This not to apply to
ties here such officers have already
been paid.
to amend the to
suits, by striking out words
one or more and
disinterested a ml by the
affidavit one or more practicing
Chapman, to require the or in
of deeds etc., in m utter
they are registered.
Bill reducing tees passed
second and third readings.
Bill to allow Clerk to appoint
ties and they allowed to take pro-
bate of deeds. Several counties were
added, end the bill, on the suggestion
Lusk, was referred to the com-
for a general bill.
Thai guardians, is
executors who who misapply funds, be
for embezzlement, passed sec-
and third
To exempt directors from jury
duly, passed second and third
by consent, introduced a
bill to amend the Code
cal Association.
Murphy, moved o adjourn until
Amended by to
alter the
at adjourned to meet at o'clock
Senator Cameron, who has only a
w weeks i.-u and who
considers himself politics
and who consequently doesn't care
whose political toes he treads on, is
doing some very plain his
late Simon Cameron, he has
an the
certain Republican
have turned on bis Cuban resolution.
He is especially bitter against John
who he says him be-
fore he was compelled to accept the
position Secretary State in
that he was his
and who has since then used
his Senators who wish
to be solid against the
W. Jan. . o'clock
P. M . HI tin- home of the
Mis. K. Mr. I.
P W II I Ml--
Wire l a
their Elder F.
After was lied
Mr. invited la
he had a sumptuous
pared tor
bride and
hi d valuable presents
John T. Smith glass Mi-
Lucy Pippin pair Miss
Rosa cake
Broadway let cups, saucers and
plates Miss Ha syrup pitcher,
Mi-s picture C.
L. and wile work basket, L.
bowl and r, Mi-s Nellie
w i null i i . I .
solutions so industriously it the box, Miss
resolution was now brought to a vote ,, , ,.;
would be debated. ,,;,,. ,.,, ,.,,,
A Washington real estate
about John Sherman and how-
he acquired some his wealth
may be only a coincidence, but it
minded me a former transaction of
lord spoon Mrs. R. A. W
set tea spoons and table
spoons, P. II. bowl. Mis Alice
Atkinson pickle Mis- At-
pickle Smith
wily Sherman when I , j, s. -j,.,,,,,. . .,.,,. .,
plates, linen table doth,
The Senate Opened at o clock,
Li. lit. Prayer
offered by Senator I
A to amend the charter
the Carolina Mutual Fire
to provide the supervision
of schools He was a
mutter great and moved
that copies b- printed. Scales sec.
the print, t.
Scale-, to t
law of 18.15, amending charter of
Southern Stock Mutual
permit the company to
pass by-laws that will control the
Justice, tor the relict and
tax collectors. them to collect
arrears of taxes from 1891,
time it that h
to be the next Secretary of State
he took out u permit the erection f ,.,.,,.,, ; .,, .
a block dwelling in I . .
Washington. When he became Seen-
the under Hayes In
built a block of houses in an undesirable
Ease Washington and .
were ell sold to the
I can course, Mr.
Sherman made cm-; ,,, ,
Headquarters for.
Spokes, Rims, Building Materials, Paints,
Oils and Stoves.
The I II -.-tor Book Store Ins more
ill.-- peas with
Minister to Spain under Cleveland.
Col. Lusk asked if that made him ; that it shall not
There w. re several passages etc. This is
when Dockery made an orderly of us many
the whole making ,
the day next Monday. Hancock, j to 1.11 end
ever interrupting to move no to concur j j to returns of es
wanted a commit- . es.
hills particular
rear nearly
buy mid. a
price, but you can imagine how
when the real estate
handled property approached a . ,
Treasury with a pi to Jo
buy one of these which murder-d David in pin
body knew belonged o the Secretary j dam ibis port,
Of the Treasury, and gave him a hanging around the m
hint to tin- that that . ., , . ,,. ,
,.,, , . , , . Mill- s-v.-ii
would not likely to discharge a I
clerk who his houses.
I shall keep my eye on house.
Mr. Sherman is now built. I
have a to k whether an T ,
Will be bough, by State j
. . In- 1- to alien . Due mil ire
is to having be
om n t on his hand- than at
period since be became the autocrat of Thursday
II. . .-. j
since inc -i mill, mis
the House. A petition I A. J. will begin
d by members the a series to ill
has been presented to him him A. A. M. The lecture-, will
to his arbitrary rule against n and the
hills In
So Dr. I was invited to make
next Monday.
Reynolds called
the to order at noon, i by
Mr. Belts, of
presented a petition U
veil the killing partridges except by
mission land owners.
to amend section 1,367, of
The Code, relating to depositions by
Scales called the attention Sena-
tors to the edition
Greensboro a very
been placid on
and hoped they would ex-
it carefully.
Hill to amend chapter laws
1891, that neither
nor chewing tobacco Mid all in
any form shall not be to minors, as
is provided in lb case cigarettes
said ibis was his hill it
to pass.
Hill to appoint II. a
the peace, a lawyer and this
is was
clerk shall not , old
Mr. Alexander to prevent forfeiture
A goods sold on installment.
to and void
all trust; combines. On in lion
copies wire o printed-
the printing copies
bill to establish a Reform School.
introduced the following
That our Senators and B
in the Congress of the United
Mates be and they are hereby instruct-
ed upon all occasions and at every op-
to vote the fie- and
limited coinage of silver at a ratio of
to of any international
or foreign agreement, whether the same
be in the nature an independent bill,
or if the same be attached us a rider to
any other species of legislation.
At the clerk lead this resolution, Lt.
Gov. Reynolds, Grant and
broke into a broad grin, as much as to
say talk of silver now We have
elected our gold and it is too
ate now to instruct him.
to make the bill a
order for next Tuesday at noon
accepted by Carried.
to prevent discrimination be-
tween different kinds legal tender
Anderson, to appoint a
five, Reps , Pops., and Dem., it-
the Senate so
that no committee shall be composed
more than ten members, four
paSt upon any objection to evidence in
any deposition upon the ground that the
same is immaterial, or
and such objection sh ill be
passed upon and by
judge or court upon the That
act apply to all depositions and
any trial a justice the
Newsome, to abolish
criminal court and the records over
to Superior court,
Parker, of Randolph, to incorporate
he Company.
to amend chapter laws
, f relation to canal liens.
Shore, to prohibit timber or r ob.
in the Yadkin river.
Utley, to pay J. M. Turner lie
learning public school in St.
to incorporate tin- L -i Bank
Mitchell, to levy a special tax for
Nash county.
It to the and
distributing dead bodies.
Early a amend
chapter 21-i, laws of in relation to
to establish a scale of lets
clerks of Superior courts, extending
chapter laws of to all
ties in the State. chapter
scribes fees for all work done by clerks
in Pitt than in most of
t he
The House was called to order at
o'clock by Sp Dr. Dixon
Among hills introduced were
Harris, to repeal the act to amend the
charter Wilmington, ratified March,
1895, and declaring all laws and clauses
of laws concerning Wilmington existing
at that date in lull force and save
that there shall be elected by the
voters each ward, one alderman
and the shall appoint one
and the alderman thus
shall elect a mayor.
Lawhon, to protect cultivated ground
the ranges of poultry, by making
it a misdemeanor to allow to
go on or remain on such ground
one day's notice by Its owner.
Meares to pay registrars and judges
of elections each for services last
trick appointing by the
He said be bit-
to appoint by the Legislature, but
now the laws their by
the people.
At o cluck the House
prayer was offered by Rev.
met and
Dr. Levi
Hills and resolutions were introduced
as follows R. solution by Duffy, to
push the case if vs
Young from Wake, and lo allow a sub-
to complete
Cathey, to allow Swain to
i special tux.
Nelson, resolution instructing Sena-
tors and Representatives to vote tor the
tree coinage silver ratio
requiring Craven
to illegal tax col under act
March HUM.
to allow to
bonds and n
Daniel- i i i .
Cook, to place the J n in
the hands of the naval . . .
to authorize sheriffs to make
lax titles.
Hauser, to the railroad com-
mission act, lo the com
by popular vote, t make the
rental of IV m to
yearly ; p
fare and cents p. n ii ; to make
telegraph -s o per words
cent fur each additional word ; .
bill to suppress and combines, by
imposing penalty forfeiture of char-
by those out of the Stale, and
those in the State when over
tine or ; ids resolution
the governor to gel
ion us to the total salaries railway
official; mid salaries
While, lo make the
i.-t registers deeds alter
the in in
Young, lo aid the Carolina
Dancy, lo cHow county
to levy a special tax.
public building bills and to
a lime to be set the
of those bill- now on the
calendar, lie d plainly
to Committee presented the
petition that he didn't wish to grant the
r. quest, although he took it
II he grants the request,
there will be plain sailing for him, and
hot much Mm v for the bills to
the Senate the remain
lime session j if h- it,
there may be a lively row.
almost two thirds I In House
easily the so
The mi n he's House
on declined lo follow
the wishes of Speaker Reed one ruing
the Free Homestead bill The bill
been reported to the House Justus
was amend d by the Senate and the
House will be given an
vote on the Senate amendments,
it done when the bill
came back the Senate had not
ordered the bill n f
lo the C e. The e nun
refused even to accept an amendment,
exempting from the operation the
bill the lands which the government is
selling as trustee to Indians.
Representative Virginia,
one in.-i prominent young
democrats in the has this to
say a w the
lure the Democratic party
will no the D.-m
It is today stronger
and more compact, more aggressive
buoyant than any part
ever was e. Without
or a Vast majority
the voters this country today are
in d it. Having d
I I'm in present administration,
i- is hi near the and
I the interests of the manna Th i i-
will continue its aggressive
t for hi gold silver as legal
lender money mid against special
lo trusts, combine-, and corpora-
Those who failed to act with
us iii last Unction will most tin m
return to the party. have already
done so. Cut concessions in principles
or will lie made, though, lo gain
the these. their
of patronage and discredited as
loyal those who do not
return w II not be potential for evil in
the future. The. proposes
beat no retreat from the advance
grounds is has
should d.
fully world. It
retains lend in th bowels
produces biliousness, liver,
tongue, k tr mi- ail s
Tills S I I
cure all
Prepare. bf I. i I . I. Mast.
The to take mill
Barker too and so
country business location in Eastern
Carolina. Address J. Bryan
Pitt Co., Mi C.
To Reflector Readers.
To those of our table
who pay up for y- 1897
or a
lone in a will in
out v lo
Homo Journal, of
Tenn. This devoted
to Health, Homo and h
a monthly
have only a limited
j b r to i away on above
yon wait until
your neighbor in
the last one we have left.
If you want lo take
of this offer you only have
to pay up
for this or us one new
Tor a year.
Those who have already paid
up for the year h this
notice is made will receive the
Health and Home Journal
to Ore
II h-fore -u-
court Clerk of I'm county as
Stokes, t hereby give.
to M t th i estate to
make if to he under-
and ail persona claims
the the
same for payment m or h lore the l
day I-is. or
be pit ad in I r
January I W.
It. If.
of Stoke-
m INn hi
on the market get the old reliable
Farmers Alliance,
Pair Dealings and Honest Goods at Hock
Bottom Prices.
We have a plan by which Farmers can pt
I t.- 1.--. build a P- I
r- purl m I
o L
es a
m I
S. M,;. , i HARDING.
. . . . , .
of Than a Hall f-
Million Dollars, N.
Win. T. Dixon, President National
Rank. Mil. W the
The Scotland Neck Bank Scotland of and general
Scotland Neck, If. At t
H. Fleming, N. C. application.
Horse Exchange.
For Horses Mules
to Dr. old stand, rear of Hotel Ma-
eon. have just returned with a line of
from Richmond, at prices to suit
Call at once, to see ray stock before buying
elsewhere, it will pay you.
I a Livery in connection and have neat
turnouts polite drivers.
E. C. WHITE, Manager.
For Buggies, or Norfolk Traps
I save you cent Nothing but first-
class vehicles hold and guaranteed
a. stock
Owing to the death of of our firm
post year and in order
e we find it necessary
out our entire stock of
FORBES UPS possible
and to close out as early as possible we have
marked everything right down to
From such a stock at the low prices the goods
will be sold you can get genuine bargains.
Come early you want the benefit of these
stock will be closed out as fast as
See us buying, we can save you money.

The King Clothier.
I. ii of a inn ii. who wanted lo
T , ; all
I av wade citizen,
like Row is
W. S. came in Saturday even-
of is in
J. S. end M. Jones are
C. M. returned
lo go u another town because be could
not get a U live in. In
this way Greenville loses. town
more dwelling douses, must
i In in or other cases like
It. Greene, who returned
while in that he practical in-
in embalming in all its forms.
i lie purchased embalming tools and
It. returned . . ,
Saturday evening. J city he. M Mi
I u large stock of and
mi i
stork tie latter part of tins
week and will at the John
J. Perkins returned from
Wed., evening.
we were writing about last
week The prices are remark-
ably low and the goods are go-
fast. We are selling off
the entire stock of Clothing to
make room for spring goods.
This is a bona fide sale, and if
you need anything, it will be
money saved for you take a
look. The proof of the
ding is in the of the
bag. Come and see them.
for boys and girls. Every pair
sold under guarantee.
The King Clothier,
Local Reflections.
cigar is e id pulled up.
Several printer hunting jobs have
town this week.
pay ell in
Tie auction of watches i
making work for the jewelers.
learn that Mr. Ed. of
Three murderers were lynched
near La.,
As a rule, men are
well heeled.
The Atlantic line put on
a Florida special.
Many a chap who thinks he is dead
in love discovers it was only a
The Greensboro Record a
handsome industrial edition on
When a man writes with a pen
sometimes can't get an inkling of hi.-
J. moved his shoe shop
to bis brother's store at J. Brown's.
old stand.
Billie says he believe it was
warmer hist summer than it la this
King's Weekly has put in Cylinder
press and paper enlarged lo six
The kid to know-
why chop down trees, and then
them up.
of New York, was Wed-
B. W bite is his of
in the Mare between those
The man who has the
amount of gas is not the one that en-
lightens the world most.
The hotel often to put
op with a many things from the
guests who put nil with him.
Do reckon will ever
have number opera house Our
is missing all the amusements.
A. B. Ellington is a display of
wall paper in his re showing how
the paper appears when put up.
Wonder steps will be taken this
year to get a tobacco or cotton factor
Greenville. The town needs both.
men seem to hub any
i had rerun
A number small enterprises might
be established in Greenville and they
t wonderful help o the town.
One of of Jason
Far township,
Saturday, and. died Sunday
to use money
to speculative
r there will be fewer bank
crowning is her
says the
-aid her cooking is sometimes very
The Greenville Telephone Co., is
preparing to exit ml its line to Snow
Hill and give us with
that town.
The tobacco Warehouses had
fair breaks ibis week. There is still
tobacco in the county and it comes
in every day.
are selling leading
brands fertilizers tobacco and .
Save to See their
advert 1st men I.
Some people are never -d. Tell
them how to live happily on a small in-
and they want you lo
the income.
The Well on Evans near the
building is being worked on
again. It seems hard to git good water
there or much of it.
Governor II has offered a re-
ward Of for arrest of John
Keel, who killed David Crandall, ill
this county, on Christmas day.
Drummers continue to arrive in
much to the delight of our
hot keepers. We all love to tat the
around. It is an evidence bus-
The poet long gentle
K. turn to gladden men,
Nor thinks that when it conies it
time again.
just received his first
stock of spring -Uppers in ox blood,
tans, and Columbia
black. They are beauties and will de-
light the
any of your new
ti- but they
are very distant to give
; you any presents, then
arc too
kin put a polish on a
says Brother Watkins, bit
change his De painter
kin make a common plank like a
line walnut board.
Dead men are soon So
are dead advertisements. The business
in -n who advertises one month in the
year reasonably expect to
long remembered by the purchasing
and Printer.
It M. Wright, Surry county, a
very old man, does not know a letter
or note in the booK. He cannot sing,
or even raise, or pitch a tune, yet when
he sleeps he sings some very beautiful
in a melodious voice.
Sam Jordan Nelson and one of his
sisters have been adjudged insane and
were taken to the at
Monday i Both of them have been
ail their lives. W. II.
ton and his son, took them to
Jas. B. White has launched out
bis own hook and has opened a first-
grocery on Evans street, next
lo S. T. White's, where he says he will
keep everything fie inner man.
Everybody knows Jim White
bis cleverness bring him good
trade. . We that he will be
Thursday evening.
XI. B. and wile returned from
Friday evening.
Oxford g.
J. A
evening from a trip I he
XI. Tuck, r and W. K.
r. tin i v from u
t north.
if Ii. a--
rived evening to visit the
S. W. iV .
veiling to his
Hi. E. It.
I. who Was
her T. returned to
h F i
II. v. e
I iv where
In been acting
Miss Annie Ar.
arrived evening lo
Mrs John Pi was
Mrs. Emily Harris, retained lo her
home in Friday
Jessie who h-s been
via ting at Cook
the train h. re morning for Dunn.
Presiding B. It. Hall came in
on Friday train and held
. i Iv in Methodist
church at
Mi-s And who has been
visiting family E. O.
hit on evening's train
W. E. Lewis, lot anally, of Greene
county, has moved here and
the G lions.- next to the
O. Ii- has mi
bis place in the
for the the last few days.
He is home with grip.
Joyner returned Friday
evening from He r-ports
the of as
she being able to sit up.
J. W. Waters, who several years ago
lived in Greenville, then in Falkland
and later in town. He is
representing E. C Co , of
Chi ago.
We learn of I be very sad and sudden
death of It. A. Parker, of
Tuesday under
unusual circumstances.
On night some one placed
anonymous note on Parker's
gale th. substance of which said that it
he did not leave the neigh-
days he would be a dead
man. was
the first discover mid read this
note m and being a
delicate and having already
undergone some excitement and fear
some trouble her husband had
recently had about stock and his having
to lake matter into court, this shock
was more than she bear. She
was prostrated from reading the threat
on her husband's lite, and was taken
which she never
and during the day.
This is a sad case indeed. It is not
n who was the author of the
white cap letter, but possible t-e
party should found and nun
It is thought that the reading this
white tun note having such fatal
upon Parker was due to her
of danger to her husband
out the trouble hi
stock and his being prosecutor in a case
in recent term of i Superior
Court in which J. A. was de-
Some one had killed a hog
belonging to Parker and hauled the
animal in a curt to a creek. The
curt was tracked from field to
where the bog was thrown out and
back, whereupon he was indicted for
the act.
The evidence brought out in the case
was such that the jury found a verdict
of guilty against and Judge
in ordered that judgment be
suspended over him. upon
costs. In the trial Walston plead his
own case, and after it bad ended he
told one Judge he was unable to pay
the cost and would have lo go to jail,
and importunities to the Court were
such that the Judge instructed the
Clerk to recognize Walston for the
and let him go, adding he not
pay the cost will pay it
Since the above appeared in laTE
Daily Reflector of Thursday J. A.
has made the following
which he says he makes because
he was the party with whom Mr. Par-
bad the trouble over bis stock.
Mr. am informed
that the note was placed on Mr. Par-
gate on Saturday night, at which
time Mn. Parker it the
point death, and that the died
Monday without having any
whatever of the
Bring Back That Mule.
is distressed
over in a valuable mule. II
the animal Thursday fr
luge sum of cuts. The a
was lie stable and not lung idler
was down in the cost
him cents more to gel that
back on Ids A generous supply
the animal and for
it looked like Jim would
ready to run a crop this year, but upon
out in
showed up A lib i
reward ; tor of
N. C, Jan. 2.1,
W. B. Cherry and wit.-, of
are visiting relatives.
W. A. James, of who ha-
ii.-iii pending a few days lift
his Sunday morning
William Staton is a new
piece lo one his on
Samuel Earner, who has been down
a weeks, return d Sun-
At the residence of the bride's lather
Mr. G. W. Edmondson, at o'clock
P. XI. on Wednesday, January
Samuel S. Moore was married to
Beulah C. Moore,
l Grimes played the wed-
The attendants were
D. A. Mimic and Lizzie Ed-
J. I. Nelson and Lizzie
Mi, John I, an I Mi.-.-
Nelson, Dr. R. J. Nelson and
Miss Edmondson,
and Fannie Bell, Baker
and Highsmith, Mil-
ton and Mi-s Daisy Suitor,
L. J,. and Mi-s Bettie
After the marriage the
bridal party and large crowd
quests partook a
and all seemed to enjoy the en-
The bride an j om
were the recipient many handsome
and visitable p m the folio ring of
which are only a partial list I
D. A- set silver tea
Lizzie Bug.
Lizzie Edmondson,
Pearlie set break-
fast plates.
Edmondson, water set.
J. T. Nelson, bowl and pitcher.
XIIi Mangle Nelson, set knives and
XI. Blount, clock.
Bettie Manning, butter
J. II. Manning, spoons and
J. XI. steak dish.
Lula Cochran, water set
S Cochran, steak dish.
Joseph Warren, set china plates.
Jimmie .-leak dish.
Miss Mary H and brother
Sadie and Beverly,
pickle dishes.
Maud James, butter dish.
Lizzie Grimes, butter dish.
Dr. K. II. Hargrove and wife, bowl
and pit her.
B. A. Beverly and wife, linen table
Baker m and towels.
Grimes, set napkins.
Vannie Staton, set glasses.
Daisy Staton, linen towels.
Ward and wile, set dinner
Bettie glasses.
L. H. breakfast
Dr. R. J. Nelson, tea set.
Miss Fannie Bell, glasses.
Miss Nina Grimes and brother,
Dr. R II. Hargrove and wife, linen
Robert Keel, shade lamp.
Robert Staton and wife; shade lamp.
Cherry brother,
t -r table.
Dr. It. J. Grim, s and wife, rocKer
J. It. Bunting, rocker.
Mr. Camp,
join their host of friends in
wishing them a long, joyous,
i us and through lite.
Fresh Carr i
at S. M. Schultz.
Apples cheap, id cents a peck S.
M. Schultz.
And Lit His Life in the Fire.
to Be fleet
N. C, Jan
son set fire Friday
night to the lockup at in w
he was a prisoner, aid
burning th and
him- i it.
i wanted -i. n and
killing some ago In. the con.
with whom he I, d I a over
a pair He was captured
locked up at about
on about o'clock night
I in- one and a while
In b II from the smaller one.
the couple lo
in-ill- in and wile.
As entered the room preceded by
At t W.
at th- he home of the bride on
son avenue, Jew
and MiN S. Novella were united
J marriage by pas-
of Hath list A dub-
We Extend Thanks
in .
N. C,
at a small station n
mil. s here, n loan i
Lee a u
It s ems that so I had, ill
XI. J. G. Maya and J. W. Higgs
march r by
Annie he bride
in an i while satin dress
ml th groom rote u suit of black.
Ml i- one of our most popular
you g ii d a r of large
morning, his mother ,, j. u, t , c j
cause, Pi this n. an .,,. ,,,,
against Le u. the ,,.;,,
So young went to ,,, ,,. j, . p ,,,,.;.
ho. s, called j, . .,,. ,,,. r
la lei out received. We never
aim at more elaborate display of
Both the jail .
We had a good trade during holiday and
still have a lull to select from.
show you the latest in
Dress Goods, Shoes,
Notions. Hats,
prices that are way down. Come and or
and we will give you m re goods for a
bill than any house in Greenville.
. I
d take place iii
. ,. ,, , ,,, ,,,. in A the couple
W . C . Jan.
., on a but owing to
Ab-ii. I i i.- i I Mer
. ., i the groom for a week
the freight had one
, , , ,. . , , , ,, , the change was made to a ed-
the -at in L
c-Hi -1
. ,,., their
train No. I Hi.
.,., , 1.11 V Hi home IS.
I hie. cars lb-- material were
,. , , . . iii.- brother the bride, the
a the train
. , . , . , . . , . I-- in. I i- to
is lying bull in a iii n t. a
, , , , I II . lake l
I h entire log train jump-
ed elf b. lore the collision an no one
except I About light
back sprained in the en--f lire heard n the street,
blame is died to anyone a-i Ly out aid found that
train ha the freight In pass were on
and not knowing the material train w. re. All th Ii were on
coming started to cross the Ir promptly and in a of time
as material train pulled u. the Ham s were extinguished and no
done to speak of.
AT the was very
Sam Allen, one die
N. Jan. 22-d. bad been on a trip in the
O-i Wednesday, and the time
hoc e the bride's above mentioned In pill up hi I
E. Ward, a- i o'clock P. Ii-i All the others bad left the stable, and
la J. II. Page were married i. got down to doors
D. C- Moore, The attendant i ., ,,;. fl,.,. popping in
w. re S. C. and Miss Mary n in loll, , ,
A- J. and m., i,,.; saw a
W. P. W and E In . id ,, , , in rm
son, M and -Miss
L. L. Ward and Miss ,, n M ,,.
lie Ward, C. P. Page and Nanni. through the ceiling
After the lo
bridal p an t d Wen ., i-,,.,. of f was
to the home of W f later would
Page, E-q, where a it and j u been beyond all human power to
All goods fresh and of the best. An up-to-date
Bakery in connection and you can always get
fresh Bread.
If we had a penny for every broken
resolution this glad New Year, Van.
not be able to attend oar
through life be a happy one.
Happy in one We Jr.
.-top the lire. i he being loci-
ii. a row it frame in
the would have
en a disaster had lire once gained
Th tire is s. d lo have
d by I he explosion or o
a lantern that Ind been left binning on
During this week the
Heeds issued marriage s, I
, , t the
eight for white and eight
S. S. and E
Oliver and Annie Carr
J. L. Smith and Little.
P. and Fannie
George Owens and Molly
J. K. and S. Novella Higgs.
Ed Smith and Alice Baker.
Brown Emily E. Cobb
Julius Clement and
s Greene a id Bettie Chapman.
Usury Harper and Abbie Strong.
Wm. and Street.
Sutton and
Pitt and Forbes
I and Sarah
Atkinson William A.
Thank the Stranger.
We are told that a stranger in
a few days ago, after looking over
copy of The Daily said
it was the best piper be saw pub-
in a town the size Greenville
This gives an idea of the
their home paper makes lot the
town. .-
The rain Wednesday almost
filled up tire cistern. is a
good water in it now.
Is essential to
health. Every nook
and corner of the
system Is reached by the blood, on
its quality the condition of every organ de-
pends. blood means strong nerves,
good digestion, robust health. Impure
blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,
or other diseases.
way to have good blood is to take Hood's
This medicine purifies, vi-
enriches the blood, sends
the elements of health and strength to
every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates
a good appetite, refreshing sleep
and cares that tired feeling. Remember,
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier.
S take, easy to operate.
Arriving daily, come and see them.
r rT ST.
O g P
e S. I o
e- s a e P
H o
en . c
o g
O co P V
Q ,, as O
a S
r s
These three what we to be the just
put due every at of ours.
three we shall vive v.- an we are in
In nil departments
will o lines of
Notions, Clothing, Hats,
A fine Vine of hurl
As pretty a o shoes yon ever saw.

Peddler a
best in
the world.
you any bet-
yes Bore are
The slanderer inflicts wrong by
calumniating absent, and he who
gives, credit to the calumny before
he knows its truth is equally guilty.
Wickedness, when properly pun-
is disgraceful only to the
offender. Unpunished, it is
to the whole
K. I
of a Hemp.
We weighed anchor en Oct.
when to
sent off two boats in search of seals.
On this occasion one of the boats,
being swamped in the surf, was
mediately crushed against tho rocks,
its crew having a rather narrow es-
cape from drowning. One of the
men fought bravely in tho breakers
for an hour, without relinquish-
his grasp on his rifle.
With scrupulous care now
a letter upon which
of us carefully inscribed his
Having placed it in a small
bladder had been given to us
for the purpose by the Norwegian
; in Melbourne, consigned
it to the waves and leaned over the
; bulwarks to tho mail depart
i Much to our chagrin, a large alba-
hove in sight, and our
message had gone many yards the
huge bird gobbled it up First
Landing on tho
by C. E. in
Dated s
Weldon Ar. M. V.
Rocky Mt Wilson Selma Ar. Of-I
Wilson Goldsboro Magnolia Ar M. OS P.
A. M
trains going
Gold t- Ox A-
Rocky Mt
A r Tarboro
Ar Weldon
P. M P. M.
Train on J Neck
eaves Weldon 3.65 p. m., Halifax 4.1
p. m., arrives Scotland Neck at 4.55 j,
to., Greenville 6.57 p. m., 7.45
m. Returning, leaves Kinston 7.2
a. m., Greenville 8.22 a. m.
Bali x at a. m., 11.20
except Sunday.
Trains on Branch leave
Washington 8.00 a, in., .-ind MM p . m.
arrives Parmele m., and 4.40 p.
m., Tarboro 9.45 a. m.,
Tarboro 3.30 p. m., a. id
and 6.20 p. m Washington
11.60 a. m., and 7.10 p. m. Daily ex-
Sunday. Connects with
Sooth n Neck Branch.
Train leaves N C, via
Raleigh R. R. daily
day, at p. m., M
Plymouth M., 5.25 p. n.
Plymouth daily
6.00 a. m., Sunday a m.
Tarboro and
Train on Midland N. C. branch
daily, except Sunday. a
m. arriving a. m. Re
turning leaves a. m ,
rives at 9.30 a. m.
Trains on branch, Florence R
leave p m,
p m, Clio 8.05 p m.
leave a m, 6.40 a m,
Latta 7.50 a m. daily except Sun-
Train Branch leaves War-
u v Clinton except Sunday.
and 8.50 p. m-
eaves Clinton at 7.00 a. m. and 3.00 m.
Train No. makes close connection
a. points daily, all rail
also at R Mount
Norfolk and R for
or all North via Norfolk.
T. M.
J. R. V.
Article Worth a
A buff pallet, exhibited
at the fair
Garden, in January, was val-
The costliest paintings of modern
times have proved to be
and Millet's
M. gave francs
for and
francs for
Mr. Henry Hilton in paid
and presented- it to the Met-
Museum of Art. That was
the highest price ever paid fur a
modern picture until
was sold at the sale for
francs. Of cone
sales of two great pictures men-
broke even this record.
The shah of Pen has a
pipe worth
The most costly book in the wot Id
is declared to be a Hebrew
now in Vatican. In the year
1312 it is said that Pope Julius II re-
fused to sell this Hebrew for
its weight in gold, which would
amount to This is the
greatest price ever for a
In the year a tulip was
sold in Holland for It weigh
ed grains.
The costliest meal ever served, a
far as history shows, was a supper
given by one of the
most lavish of all the Romans of
latter day, to a dozen guests.
The cost of this supper was
which would amount to
or nearly A
feast given by a
Roman emperor of those degenerate
days, to bis brother Lucius, cost a
little over Suetonius says
that this banquet consisted of
be knows can't act a bit and different dishes of fish and
looks upon a salary tho first season l different fowls, besides other courses
as positively nauseous. is proportion.
county. South Care-
lira, it labor in
report for
1896 I bat
miles, at an expense
for th year of less
the purchase f two
road inn h- to haul
Son A
who can't wen
perhaps never more numerous
they now said one of our best
critics a little time since.
have pretty charming
figures and can smile most bewitch
What more can the most ex
In like way
writing in 1875 to a country man-
ager, my experience
provincial managers I should say
that a young and pretty woman who
can't act, and who knows can't,
is an acquisition, particularly when
wants no salary for her
Now, such a my son asks
to offer you. Tho lady is
off the stage and has the advantages
I have named above, and ho gives
mo bis word of honor that so far as
to come to your theater and
show her insufficiency or anything
else the may require. Sh
may a genius or a duffer.
doesn't know what she can do, be-
like tho man who didn't know
whether ho could play on tho fiddle
or not, having never tried. She
wishes, at any rate, to put her foot
on tho stage, which generally means
her foot in Will you
her a trial If turns out
worth anything, pledge myself to
her at earliest possible
opportunity. If not, you are
come to her so long as you find her
Packing- Supp.
The bag has displaced both th
hogshead and barrel in the ship-
of refined and raw sugars.
There was a time, so very long
ago, when a thing as shipping
sugar anything but a stave made
vessel was of, but now it is i
just other way. Tho bag has be-
come popular because it is cheaper,
and continues to grow cheaper,
while receptacles ad-
in price at about same
ratio. Even molasses has gone back
on the and that sticky com-
is being carried in bulk.
Philadelphia Record.
fortunately for his ex-
did not very long,
else that would have bean exhaust-
ed, as well as the game preserves of
Libya. Spain and Britain and the
waters the Carpathian an-1
seas. One dish ah me the table
of the Emperor cost
The largest sum ever asked or
offered for a single diamond
which the of
agreed to give to Mr. Jacobs,
famous jeweler of Simla, for tho
diamond. This is con-
the finest stone in world.
The costliest toy on record wan a
broken nosed wooden horse which
belonged to Napoleon Bonaparte,
and was sold a few years ago for
The costliest cigars ever brought
to this country were a box of
brand specially made for the Prince
Wales in Havana, the
price for which was
Sen to Fees the Weal
Point Examination-
Among the thirty members of
States A
j a Wen Point who were re-
I discharged as re-nit of
I the am examinations,
Geo M Leo, of Virginia. Lee
is a sou of Gen. Lee,
c ;, l i- i. Lois
old, and was admitted lo
We- fall.
the military academy
Leo was a cadet at the
institute, a Lex-
V- He is the first
member of the Lee family
has ever attended
who baa DOt made, a
tactics, studies
; Him grandfather, Robert E
ice, the of the Southern
received his
training at West Point,
was graduated in bis class,
father, Lee,
also took at the tame
A Case Without Parallel.
A woman, whose
we did not learn, was killed at
For tome
reason the was tired of
life and d lo
went lo a well and
g tome it nod
a tone around the cross beam
and her neck for the
making those
boards fie m over the
the woman fell into it. Tin
; rope and sh was
jutted to bottom of the well.
When taken out the woman was
us d ed a
while. A piece of the was
around In r is supposed
o have assisted her
o b learned no further pa.-
of the
Tim. s.
A I--i
said she in a tone of
bitter rebuke, as I can
you are going to
never contented, Maria
returned her erring husband.
made me up horses, and bore
you complaining about dogs. Do
I object to your cats and your
No, madam I would scorn
with your I bog
of you to respect my for
Probably a woman would be a
bride to her husband longer if she
would continue making company of
Most women begin to save
their jam for visitors when they
have been married three months.
Boston Post.
Thin la l
Love makes the v., go
world seems to go round, but
loves makes your head swim. That's
the explanation. Boston Tran-
apiece, a popular cigar among
some of the rich men in New York
id a special Henry day which comes
bi a handsome BOX, wrapped in gold
toil, and retails for apiece.
The largest price over paid for a
cane was bid at an auction in Lon-
don of the walking sticks which
were once the property of George
III and George IV. It was Cr
and was given for a walking
stick of ebony, with a gold top, en-
graved and with a crown,
and also containing the hair of the
Princesses Augusta Elizabeth, Mary
Sophia and Amelia, and inscribed,
The Gift of the Princes- Mary,
The costliest mats in the world
are owned by i he shah of Persia and
the sultan of Turkey. The shah and
sultan each possesses a mat made
of and diamonds valued at
over The largest mat
ever made is owned by the Carl ton
club of London, and is a work of
A man tells
an of
dent in county that is a little
out run. At ill.- last
of the
on the f count ticket
had two sous each, all
i IO vole out-
i t s x mi., were Strong Demo-
overt of I hem voted
against father.
their supplies will And
their Interest to act oar prices pal
Our-t is j
n all
costs cotton planters more
than five million dollars an-
This is an enormous
waste, and can be prevented.
Practical experiments at Ala-
Experiment Station show
conclusively that the use of
will prevent that dreaded plant
All results its use by actual
on best farms in the United
told m a little book which we publish and will gladly
Bail tree ts u in America who will write fur it.
Nassau hi., York.
don't you think a man
ought to save at least half tho
but how be, with his
creditors howling tor it all the
Views Men.
Once it was said that man is
a hero to his valet
Mary Gay Humphreys. has another
reading for the saying in
Magazine, for shows how
roan is no hero to his
The mystery of men's lives in the
out of which illusions arc
spun, has always had a greater in-
in determining tho of
women than is readily admitted.
To transmitted through ring
finger the electric thrill of business,
of clubs, of stirring move-
the life of men, gives any
woman vantage ground over others
if her sex. Hut in tho actual com-
of business,
of affairs, the wear and tear of daily
life in and elevators, this
mystery vanishes. A couple of type,
at luncheon will illustrate
badly situation yet too new to
fairly reckoned up. Over and
fork they will match as
snail boys do pennies.
tint of hours the boss is only a
man of whose necktie they may dis-
approve, or of the way wears bis
hair, or perhaps of bis grammar,
and it may be be appears greatly to
he advantage of some young man
at a neighboring machine.
Poisons i red i f oil
in the
of goat,
chili , and ft-
are prevented by
ii-c at Ilia Digestive Cordial, a
prepared by
Lebanon, X Y. It
is in ii an I bas power lo
taken wit . it. Thus it
mis s and Anally
. is u-i-s of
Ii acts i d
weight l-ll. w-. he
dose. i. ken immediately alter eat
lug, abates pain and so
u. rove its cents.
I, i. it be.-1 in -d for
d en it in pi
r iii
A little while ago we read from
some doctor were
the greatest, and
now a New York
who oat ins
y to cud
bat should always be
Now are for
to that ice
be boiled watermelons
j r AM I r.
TONIC and bur
w this r-tr.
f II tho ;
u. I-.
Trade the Bill.
Tl e is iii in
dent good faith that in
bill we bad
heaviest foreign trade of our his-
who make it are
to themselves
others they at
reality I tin-y
anticipation of the pas-ago
of bill. era
crowded Ibis market with
products until total of our
imports for 1892 was a
dollar a head of population. This
mowing out 1892 a
volume of our exports
a head of population,
next when bill had been
ii operation Ion enough to
check imports, exports dropped
to loss of over a
head. The percentage of
cultural products exported in 1892
reached Manufactured
11- and products of the mines
were thus less than a
of tho whole. Last
the W bill the gain in
of in i mi fa-i a red goods
so that faun
pi ml ii- Is i e only of
the total.
Our heaviest years of
were 1880, with for each
head of our 1881,
with a head, and 1892, with
a head- In total foreign
trade 1893 was a bond pop-
below 1880 aid below
1881, while 1893, a year,
only in foreign trade
O the of was
a bead below the
The threat of bill
as- d exports by
As soon as the law
operation it began to
oppress imports, of
to down exports so
This is what the show
hey are
A lady was at din
net the other day quite
an old ard a few
Tin-children were allowed
coins, in with
i I be lb is
stood Midst to allow he
priest to leave the room In
advance. He, however, pushing
the through door-
way, said,
firs Glancing next at ; s,
as if her to precede
h. was met by a wave
band from the bitter, who said
next V
it a
day, you
the busy little
bee mode
long have you been
to be a
bettor time than yon seem to have, if
Detroit Tribune.
Irresponsibility of United States
Inn paper contributed to the
New York Herald of
Representative Tucker, of
presents some strong
lo the election of United
States Senators by direct vote of
the people.
of Tucker's strongest
arguments is that under the pres-
method of election the United
States is
small degree either to the
who do or to
Legislature he is
before the Senator's
of six ears the
which elected him also
expired While the
moral still exists the
political body that possessed the
power to hold bun to a strict
accountability is dead when he
up for a
w legislative body has its
place. Thus tho Senate of the
United States, while holding
groat and , legislative
power, baa little responsibility to
the people.
This n one of main reasons
why the I majority
States S prefer the
mode of election.
son is that the legislative CAUCUS
can be much more easily
lated than ballot box.
has become of your back-
asked the idle person of Barnes
guess f worked him
replied that eminent tragedian.
the goose by his BOld-
John the
hotel keeper, pride s himself on
discovery to the outer world of the
superior excellence of Is-
land turkey in firm is -s and sweet-
of flesh and of flavor.
These celebrated birds are the
of ancestors imported front
England, and the hue of their plum-
age has given them other name I
Catarrh Can Cured.
I At
In y the seat Hie
n blood or
in order to cure i
yon in list tats in n
arm Cure N taken and
nets on the and
Hall's Catarrh Cure is i quack
It i v on., of the
best physicians in for
year-, a id is a It
is of the best t Diet known,
acting directly
of lie two
ingredients is what produces such won- j
results in curing
S J. ICY CO Prop Toledo.
Sold by
--------A line of--------
modern stand-
Family Medicine Cures the
of humanity.
and UM
from t
bend model, draw mg or With
n. i- or r. r,
the S. Bad
sent free. A
i d. S
i r. with
t-e U. S. foreign countries
Op. D. C.
buy from s en-
to buy at one profit. A seal-
a head a privet to suit
K having
ran, we s
The i
of th-
w II
The are as
Primary r per mo.
t ii. i
Comet For tho
o'clock church wedding,
When the bride wears a traveling
gown and there is to be no
calls for afternoon
dress on the part of the bride-
writes Walter Germain in
The Home Journal.
should, even if he is going right
from tho church to the train, wear
frock coat of black, light trousers,
The work and discipline gloves, light four in hand or
will as heretofore.
a continuance of past
W. H.
cure ban breath.
one gives relief.
cure constipation.
ascot tie, top hat, just as If the
wedding were to be a large after-
With Poor.
learning a lovely skirt
but, bf course, I don't let any
Dee me. I practice in a room
all by
I Yon follow tin
Australian l ml let system.
f v.
I r . , I h.-s
h I I hi-
a ft k. w
have heard
W of so standing
of his absolute car,, free to any
who may P. O. and Express address.
We one n.
rot W. n. PEEKS. F. H, Tack
It Known To Min.
In a free the people
u i to of the
n- them.
corporations are
cf tho people
and agency
that gave them life can fix and
their If we pay
too high railroad nit.-s. it is Bole-
because the people,
the U I c, do not reduce
them. We cannot
other own-
of these railroads to
stop tho of money
are so lavishly paying into their
of the Governor of
the great St.-no of
with two millions of
ult- is and some
tout too much So.
b t we pay numerous railroad
officials 50.-
besides giving them
palace cars paying
private secretaries,
servants to wait on
The in pi.- can stop this
reduce ad salaries to
for and
others in
people enough to lower
The S Railway
by declares a
dividend on of
watered a d other roads
are d as wall. Besides, th
pay the rent on tho North
railroad for thorn and
tho use of road
free All these are done
gel fare and freight
i In- tho c too
ll to lower rates. How is it
those who have to pay these
pared especially for Well a
for is sold in tin
cans, m pound of
cine tor cents,
Lambert. I o., Venn.,
March -ii
Viv. all kinds bill
I w d one of
for the I i saw
It is the horses ore tile in
the sprint of the year, and will care
H. H
Will open
Oct. 2nd a Homo School Gil s
years of ago. i-
bar limited to lO. Address
Mrs. A-L
Norwood P. O O
A; the late store
kinds of
Ail of repairing dons
Vie use r good
and pr area to give
so low
it causes
see me
you fair
Tail's Pills
Cure All
Liver Ills.
Secret of Beauty
is health. The secret is
the power to digest and
a proper of food.
This can never be done when
the liver does not act it's part.
know this
Liver Pills are an
lute cure for sick headache,
sour stomach, malaria,
constipation, torpid liver, piles,
jaundice, bilious fever, bilious-
and kindred diseases.
Liver Pills
Dominion Line
P. P. P., Great Remedy, Save
a Man From Becoming a Cripple.
Mr. Asa a well-known
of Florida, was
afflicted a terrible nicer. Medical
skill seemed unavailing In Mopping the
of the terrible The
was swollen Intensely
Bathe ulcer eaten its way down
to the very All medicine- and
treatments having failed to effect a
cure, Raid the must
off. n-hen it that
and a crippled man. he tried I. P. P.,
Remedy, and there-
bull was wonderful.
Jacksonville, Ha., ,
Two years ago the worst nicer
on leg ever saw. It had eaten .
down to the bone, and my whole leg
below my knee, and foot was
swollen and inflamed. The bone was
swollen and painful, and discharged a
most offensive matter. My physicians
said I had necrosis of the bone, and
my leg would have to com., off. At
this stay. I commenced to take P. P. I.
and to bathe my leg with hot
soap rods. It began to Improve at
once and is to-day
a sound useful leg.
-I think V. P. P., Great
Remedy, is all a man could ask for as
a blond a- have known it to
core so eases of blood poi-
in remarkably short time.
The body covered with sons-two
bottles of P. P. p. made n positive
permanent cure. This Is only one of
thousand similar cases.
Catarrh yields to P. P. P.
Thai smothered Feeling- st night,
heavy feeling in the day can and
should be removed ; P. p. p. will do it
if yon only give it a chance.
Indigestion and constipation fro head
in hand. Headaches and total loss of
appetite urn the results. Regulate
yourself and tone up your stomach
with r. P. P.
Sold by all druggists
BROS., Apothecaries, Sols Prop-rs,
and Iron
sold. work
prices reasonable.
Steamers lea Ore
villa and Tarboro In
on Par River Monday.
and Friday at A. M.
Returning leave Tarboro at A. H.
Tile-day-. and
In same days.
i stage
of water on Tar River.
Notice to Creditors.
The undersigned baling been duly
Appointed and
of Put as the
administrator of
in hereby given to
of raid
the on or in-fur
he 1st day of February, 1898. or this
cc. lie plead In bar their re-
very, notice Is Riven to In-
cited to the estate to u
i hi the day Jam
of II a i icy
YEARS has me that the best Is ll I
Bona. Building s m. and every
ii g for Millers, Mei bulls. as well a
Hats. press r bare hand. Am head
for Heavy Groceries, and for Clark's O. N. T.
aim keep and
Life, Fits aid Accident
N. C
All placed in strictly
-lean for Norfolk.
Philadelphia. New York and
Snippers should
marked via Dominion r-m
York. from
A Baltimore Steamboat
SON. Agent,
n It
Ore-iv r.
vii Ml. of ow, r vested III me
as by a decree of
Court made at Mm eh Term,
. In case M.
W. ii. Is. Perkins
and J. P. Vs. I,. Elliott and
John trading as
shall oiler for sale, at
Co rt dour in in the
highest bidder ion the Ml day
Of a certain tract of land
in s deed in W. Q.
Stokes wife to
. an- I iii Book Ii
page in the Regis t r's
county an I described in the pleadings
in the -hove ease follows.
lining the lands of Alfred Smith
mi of J. B.
rick on the west, Ian s Cal-
the north, and the lands
I. K. Inge n en the east con-
seres m or less
aerosol land conveyed W.
O. stokes and wile to I
by deed d January 1802,
in Hook . page MU and re
leased from the operation of i c afore
said de d In trait by John on
by deed release lo
W. O.
ind in page
f mis
Win. II.
R; Ci
Daily in
North far. Jan.
Daily of
its in tie State.
Silver repeal
of the Ten Per Cent. Tax on
Daily ousts
order their i
Administrators Notice
this q milled before R.
A. of Court, of
t con administrator of the es-
tut Carson,
notice Is hereby given to editors
of Id estate to present I hell
duly a ed, to me for pa
on or before the nth day
or will be plead In
of their All o
said are re to make
tin day I f
J. II.
T. Carson,
cf Estate.
and by firms f of the
ed tales circuit for
em I of North faro
entered in the the
Bank Norfolk, x
. I s noon on
day. I, the C. nit House
door in , county. North
expose lo i sale a certain
tract of in n.-t. and
townships c hundred
am more or leaf the
Alfred K C. Cannon,
rs an l on
both side of the road from
Cross Ho I Adam's
the-v v
Terms Dec.

Eastern reflector, 27 January 1897
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
January 27, 1897
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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