Eastern reflector, 22 May 1889

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The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Eastern Reflector,
D. J.
thy of consideration. As before, least a fair portion of it, by
suggested, I have given much. ships carrying the American flag or
thought and attention to the j not For one, I say, yea. I believe
of our trade with that the time has come when the
and to the best menus to be j people hasten the
and give it as my of, a merchant marine
Wednesday j of , liberate opinion that it is possible i sufficient for their growing demands
free, i greatly to our exports to and creditable to them as a great
.-- M J
the support and encouragement
from the American people it so rich-
deserves, and the measure of
success it promoters shall desire.
I have the honor to be, with high
regard, obedient servant,
i that country. The proper means I people. Whether they build
runs are assembled to make the to be used to do i I venture Co j or buy ships is i question about
suggest may be formulated men may honestly differ.
Such laws as foul Tyranny's
three j While I would say build them,
The of Union and Beau- of goods am not prepared to denounce as a
fort arc suitable to the trade; second, traitor the man who buy them.
The iron. unlimited by I facilities have them we should, and the
We've a very bail but an to that
The member from Orange is gifted with f
not Hesitate to Democratic -to d
men and Measures that are pot consistent . There
Price. per year. f
Gov. Jarvis's at Mill.
Baltimore Manufacturer's Ml Arrangement for the trip having
Elsewhere publish in full the j previously been made, last
calm, clear statement of our present morning found a band of five,
trace relations with Brazil, and of embarked, hying
Jarvis. things that must be done j ourselves away to the scene of
preparatory to reducing the i in a Picnic
balance against us by supplying mill, about midway be-
of country with and Falkland.
The writer, Hon. Thomas Nothing transpired during the
Jarvis, while for six years of sixteen miles, that
I Governor of North Carolina, a be or any interest to the
New , May grand record for executive ability j readers of the Reflector. We
The subscriptions the accurate business foresight. bad u one would
Entertaining Comments
Thoughts for Reflection.
Select for Leisure Bonn.
Truth subsists eternally, and fin-
ally triumphs over its enemies, be-
cause it is eternal and strong even
as God Pascal.
Nothing useless is or
Each in its place is best;
And what seems hut idle show-
Strengthens supports the rest.
II. w. Longfellow.
Wealth is like a viper, which is
harmless if a man know how to
take hold of it; but if he does not,
it will twine round his band and
386.50. ; determined to do whatever was
The temporary arch toward the establishing of
which was built for the Washington , more intimate more extensive
Centennial, proved to be such an;
artistic success that the proposition
We should waste no moments weak
If the day were but one;
We noticed that the farmers were If what we remember and what for-
getting on very well with their work , . . ,
, , o Went out with the sun;
commercial relations between our trip. Some were a We should be from our clamorous selves
empire and tho United States. The behind and
nun the true principles of the party. The we can
If you want a wide-a-wake not commend, to be attached to the first protect our merchant
i j ail American
brave, I sous who have had no opportunity here.
And will not allow ; inform themselves on this point. I will not take up your time with
lo wave.
The people of Brazil, like other any reflections on the third
A from Bert we as to
A justified freely gave, their likes and dislikes ; they the importance o f prop. met spontaneous
Which we be valid for kinds goods, and like American banking facilities approval from all sides. The
A then people will nave most they prefer to buy to doing a fair share the trade with a stands now certainly a i c we wore driven to a large grove tablets of eternity. For every false
where a long table on one side of word or unrighteous deed, for
while a majority were through
planting were beginning to plow
en net
to Year.
G. Fowl.-, of Wake.
M. Holt,
Secretary of Stale- William S
W. of
W. of
of instruction
Sidney M. Finger of I
F. I avid- J to poison the opposite side,
on, of Buncombe. l from
are able.
to it enduring marble has to Secretary
embodies tho results of bis
The i observations and the practical con- j
to which they lead. The A few past eleven o'clock
set free,
To work or to pray.
To what the 1- would nave us be,
If we bad but a day.
Mrs. L. Dickinson.
From Franklin
. Who sets health
We have a good
food on the
most beautiful sight.
help to admire us perfect
Chief Justice Bf. II. Smith, of
A. S. of
Make-. J. Davis, of
James K. Shepherd, of Beaufort and
Alfonso C. of Burke.
First H. Brown, of
At the of there
ship a few.
The from in Ran-
The from
his foe
The of Halifax patches our
suit their own fancies, and an- the three Americas and the West
other's. It may be that some of India Islands. New York is the
these notions are not founded upon great money center our great and appearance,
reason, the estimation of others, country, it is likewise the home we add
hut when they exist, respect must of noted capitalists electric lights with which
be paid to them if one expects to in guised It would be s at night the
crease his business with those in one coming from the is
sensing them. For instance, Brazil unpretentious Tue of
has a warm climate, the people suggest to those that aB the site for The three fundamental
there do not use as heavy clothing they might find Brazil other serves ; as essential to a success-
Tho moral law is written on the
of eternity. For every false
or deed, for
the oppression, for lust or vanity,
is that in all essential partial
coincide with those ex road, and two platforms on . , ,
other, and a large crowd of people a.
pressed by Messrs. Hughes,
and other gentlemen Sphered on side to b
prominent in tho We found out that this
the Commercial was Place for
few minutes bad joined the merry
crowd. At half past eleven,
commenced all who could
get partners in the
as is needed the United American States profitable bring prominence an effort to obtain a fair share of mg those
from Wayne.
The on cotton goods, which is fields for the establishment of an , forgotten portion of the city. ; trade from Brazil are The not
high and makes a considerable I American bank, and yet at the risk i Washington square, once the mg of goods suited to the tastes g, themselves as they
part or the cost to the consumer, is i of being called presumptuous, of ; of the people. Send-; At hall past twelve, all
levied and collected on the weight of venture to suggest that it is so. deserted by most of its prominent j them in American ships at were re
Third District- II. G. Connor, of AMI- The from and the goods; hence,, light
Beaufort f from H part of the Cost to the
levied and collected or. .
I trust I may permitted to ex-1 of by-gone days who have j short intervals. i them to
press the opinion that the Spanish- moved op-town until a banking system adapted to, The from a
American to cross the Harlem I the trade. filled to their utmost with
organized and commenced its work invade the quietness of Upon the first proposition the good things brought for
at time the history West Chester. delightful walks enlarges at some length and dinner. At one o'clock din
of our country. We are just are and con-, eludes with a suggestion that merits was announced and the
the first century of to make Washington square j special attention. It is that a cot-, was invited to partake of of
have own preference for colors, as an organized, independent most ton mill built at the South for those dinners that one doesn't get
patterns and widths goods, and and what American heart the great memorial of the thin fabrics It was as nice as any
Fifth District John A.
Sixth T. kins.
Seventh of
Eighth a. Armfield. of
Twelfth .
of Buncombe.
is. Vance, of
Matt. W. Ransom, of North-
Home of District
Thomas G. Skinner, of
Second P. I heat col.
Third W. of
Fourth of
K ash.
Fifth W. of
Rowland of
A. Cowles i
Ninth G. Ewart of
Court A. Move.
Sheriff J. A. K. Tucker.
Register of II. James.
heavier goods. The under-
stand this, unit they manufacture,
out of our cotton, goods specially
The Moore need not to
For the man at his right ever to
be true.
We've a from Pitt brandy
lie was plucked the Use where
good Democrats grow
suited to climates- Not
only ibis, but the people of Brazil
hen true love bestows its sweetness,
When true friendship lays its hand,
Dwell all greatness, all completeness,
All the wealth of every land.
The least flower with a brimming
cup may stand and share its dew-
drops with Browns
We walk amid the currents of actions left
The germs of deeds that wither before
they see the sun.
For every sentence uttered a million
more are dumb;
Men's lives are chains of chances, and
history their sun.
Great Ideas travel slowly, and
for a time noiseless, us the gods
whose feet were shod with wool
Jas. A.
P. Graves, of
of ; of the bachelor we'll not
M. Shipp, of
the number of yards apiece. The does not beat with Jot
word do waste time trying and at the spectacle
Because of for the to persuade the Brazilians that these present. We have had
A. a. . . , , ,
.---------notions are foolish, hut they proceed it is true,
arch is permanently erected at this used that tropical country.
historic spot, which is the very com j land buys American cotton and spins
our avenue, it j and weaves it into textures that
these differ-1 A worthy to mark meet the tastes of those people. We
epoch prove an exceeding j can do same, and do it at less
one could ask for, and there was
plenty left for a great many more.
After dinner dancing was resumed
and the crowd seemed to enjoy
themselves even better than before
With A as as to is to be lamented,
goods. What I have said of cot-; led in a bloody, disastrous war; attraction. arch is to be cost. This is an eminently until five o'clock, when they
fabrics is more or less of they all been settled set. mounted by a statue our be-; proposition. It meets also one of to disperse.
or North classes or merchandise, and I tied forever, so that every Washington and is to cost j needs suggested by President Hick-; To simply say we enjoyed our-
Late United believe applicable to all the Central heart may rejoice the fact that; to be sub man, his address to the cotton mill self would not express it. It was
to Basil, to the
Baltimore Manufacturer's Record.
following letter, received from
and South American countries, close the first century of our I men at Augusta. It shows how a
I am correct, it is then national existence as a united Plan establishing a flower j glut of goods may avoided by in-
that the American pie with one aspiration undone ties market in Now York is re- i traducing a fabric, and one that
should understand the wants of his tiny. Ingrowth and development, The idea, which is taken Southern mill operatives could make
-To do this he must have everything that goes to make up cities, is to have the as readily and as well as they do
lion. Thomas J. Jarvis, addressed the placed a great prosperous people, we and plants restricted i those on which they are cm-
to Mr. S. Esq., stand out and alone, for Grand Plaza at Union Squire ed. The consumption of these
secretary and ac furnishes nothing that from to o'clock. I light goods in Central and South
one of most enjoyable occasions
of our life, and we hope this may
not the last picnic that may
have the pleasure to attend at By.
C. L. W.
can Commercial Onion of Hew York,
curate way cannot be over a parallel to us. Great as . people engaged the culture America is enormous,
and read at the annual banquet This work, understand, has been the in our flowers could make the Plaza the annual output of all
last week, merits thoughtful read- organization to have undertaken our home market for the sale of their j mills of the South. control of
and methodically ; I wish great has been the genius us farmers and truck I that trade would of itself keep every
it the most success, people in inventions their do at Washington and spindle continuously running
When the American manufacturer production, find our- other markets.
our The foreign exodus already
f begun. The prospect is that an nu
Country Life.
K. C., 89-
Daring four years service
save to the South the immense
profits that now swell the riches of
Governor Jar-
Brother Daniels, of the Advance,
shows his interest the welfare of
the rural citizens by advising them
not to to town to live.
That is pretty good advice, pro-
he can make his country
leaders believe it. This he will
Cox. commercial, with that
Public School country. I am
usually large number of Americans i vis hopes and believes that one mill i do advice He
of the required character d oat after awhile that it takes
of F. W. Brown.
F. Beans.
H. Lang.
Chief T. Smith.
Asst R. Moore.
Ward. U. X. Boyd
2nd Ward. B. Williams. Jr., and Alfred
3rd T. I. and M.
K h Ward. W. X. Tolbert.
to each other's we are at the very out-, Europe this summer,
tastes and wants, as may be if set as we enter upon our second is estimated that at least
happy to say that our Raft- efforts of with the alternative of cur- thousand will visit Paris
are as peaceful, as Commercial Union are properly tailing our productions, or of find, and London.
as could desire, the lo . outside of our The quick time made
but regret to say that our com. . increased trade with country. The first alternative we steamer City of Paris, on its
relations are such as, in of for we not from to New York
humble are calculated steamship facilities are sen the opportunities for the week, is causing a great deal of but for those of all other nations
to excite the Bride pleasure of , trade j at and re- speculation. The In Secretary Blaine sent to the I except as the
American I think I am , ., ,. . , . k., invited ;,
safe saying that the people of
built. In that hope
Its success would
lead to the construction of many
more. Let us have more
the only to make fabrics
for the markets
both precept and
right much of latter, to con-
the public of ad.
The editor of the Advance, per-
haps, has never spent a day m the
country, save when on fishing or
N c
Any Entrusted to us will
Promptly Attended to.
Practice in tin; State and Federal
A W,
N. C.
N. C.
South America, I wages. In fact, we of I time made by this steamer was Atlanta Cotton Exposition samples. . cs. I TAMES M.
these at present we do not have. the Sooth propose lo enter field days, hours minutes, the, of the cotton goods used in nil land,
Brazil buy from each year less Al we do not them enterprises more ever made. The advance-1 that bad been obtained under M
than one sixth of the amount we
Baptist-Services every mom- do so under conditions as favorable
Greenville Lodge. No. MM, A. K. A. I
M., meets 1st mid
as obtain in Europe. Brazil
is not a country to
very groat and profitable extent
Brazil, for of that country can largely, and to become competitors has been made in ocean instructions by the American con-
There were many hundred
varieties of cheap textures
that no American mill ever made
But English fact
on the
exactly what they wanted, had
made most of them, and were buy-
our. for that purpose.
Third buy speak from observation. The with our of the North, is by comparing
Rev. buy more is no fault from Brazil to I have in first century of our ex this time with that or first
lei D f Rector , amp lo in oar es- , w. m
i the United Slates is sufficient, but bad a comparative steamer that crossed the Atlantic,
and night Meeting every and believe they really the Slates j of this And just here j sixty years This was
,. . t. ii. -u. inadequate. English let me ask this pertinent steamer sailed
steamers leave for New
once a and
but they do return direct. They
discharge their Brazilian cargoes
and it is not likely that it will . , , ,
., ., , , the New load
j be. M some the smaller in- mm
may and grow, E th
Ma n. M. king, W. the conditions are favorable to
G L. Sec. i
Greenville R. A. Chapter. No. meets j up great manufacturing
It is fact that Central from Savannah, Ga., May 25th,
South America consume large and arrived Liverpool June
quantities of cotton fabrics. The 20th-twenty-six days later, The
cotton out-of which these fabrics this quickening of time We of the South were long
are made is grown largely in crossing the Atlantic will, my to have it so. We let Eng
every 2nd Monday . Ma- w as to make t
ionic Hall, F. brown, II. P. I . . r ,
Covenant Lodge, No. I. O. O. T. foreign- goods,
night. D. There is huge for for-
every Tuesday
No. K. of and this demand
meet every first and third Friday will be greatly increased by reason of
A. L. of U., I of the slaves and
night- C. A. White, rapid influx of immigration.
States. Tell me a j opinion, be to decrease the
mill might not be pot up where this the cost of passage. It
goods for What we I cotton is grown, specially j remembered that such mag
need up a trade with and adapted to the of
is steamship to goods suitable to the demands of Alaska
It is true we have an tropical climates, which not for a day, but will very
American ship from New York to be a successful competitor with be able to do service for year
Brazil once a month; but I submit j English mills I believe that it can to at tho same time,
that in this age of progress and rush, b-j with good results, and that the newer greyhounds of the
i it is not possible to do much of a it will be done.
set the price for
staple, and were thankful if they
did not it below living rates of
properly served, with
He has only seen, it may be, the-is G. JAMES,
side of country life, and even j
that, with all its sparkling ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,
not him to change
from town to Mount
There is much truth in what you
say, Brother Stokes, but this much
we do we have often seen
men who made good farmers come
to town to live and become drones
on society. They had farms of their
Practice in all courts. Collection
a Specialty.
Greenville, N. C.
mat much mat- ; i . .------- , i .- i
ting palaces as the I production. We virtually conceded and so long a, they tilled
Baltic and other. I to them the markets of world tor work which they under- Cm
r .,. . That . made a Irving their
an enlightened, However that may be, is it
will continue to rob them of
their laurels, of their custom,
A. U. to p. m. Money ,.
Oder hours a. m. to P. M. X almost
inviting profitable field of for- i., clear to the mind that by the record. The
commerce i largely,
a month. In the beautiful productions will be largely
. of the Eng- excess of home demands, and
from to p. x. cans, I can yon they
H p. w- . i . . .
Bethel mail Son-; it with a -a
i at at u. p u. to this time no con- , ., , L
, wrIed effort ,, I daily, bat American
, . . , . occasionally. This must be changed
la and
coming going
a I- K. depart
daily test for their i . , , ,.
departs at p. . , . e , , change f
j we succeed if we try Ii av iD
that e must look elsewhere for
markets Is it not equally
that Mexico, Central and South
America and the West India be far distant when a
up to us these markets London will be as cheap and
table effect of this competition.
therefore, will be to make the fare
as the quicker steamers
can make more trips in a riven
time older sisters. The
their textile products. That was
when the South cared only for its ,
agriculture. Now times arc . to them
J. The great mill companies was
Augusta and of other Southern for work hard
cities secured strong footholds economically to keep out of
in China, m Japan and in other debt. As soon as they came to
r B, town to live their farms went down,
foreign parts. increase
be these lines, bat oar best for-
customers await in
Civil Engineers, Surveyors
and Architects.
and N. C
ling on . Mission.
I that my that important
may, my
k so, I truly say that I convenient to Yorkers; so consume in own mills
and South America. They are not
only willing but anxious to boy of
us if will make what they want.
Let as get ready to gratify then,
to Chicago.
The eleventh exhibition
relations with that conn try. i hail with
Central and South American States i that ft number gentle-
j no possess a or I Ben in the great have
; looks to of Artists,
at Avenue Art
market. tone, Kw York. City, this week.
may be
mortgaging was resorted to and
ruin was the result.
That the advantages which town
life offers are not to be overlooked,
we know. Tho of social
intercourse, the benefits good
schools; and are all ad
vantages we miss
in still we the
most tat any man
can do who understands farming is
to on the farm and rill
The town is a good place in
And they to live, is no more the
Kt the to
the balk ct cotton from our fields,
and eventually this country,
not will set the price of
snowy staple.
Greenville, N.
V inter new management. Hot and
cold .-. Good rooms and at-
servants. Table always
ed with best the market. Feed
stables in connection.
51.50 PER
Polite waiters. Good Rooms. Best
table the market afford. When In tin
city stop at

Eastern Reflector,
a J.
Price. per year.
democratic, but
rill Rot Hesitate to Democratic
and measures that are not consistent
with true principles of the party.
It a paper from a wide--wake
Ike State send for the
United Slates celebrated the
of two of
grandest events in human history.
The were the inauguration of
President Washington, es-
of a constitutional
of the people, the
people, the people. The story
of that pageant been
told all over the land and t lining h-
out the civilized world. The history
of a century progress been
I unfolded, and its glories have been
are three millions,
one fifth fighting men, and we call
no man shouted Patrick
Henry in that inspired speech that
will go ringing down the ages.
are sixty said the el
in bis masterly
the crowded
that memorable
f be then in the South there and can famish cereals to New York capitalists at the earliest
feed all its people, and grass and opportunity. why shall not
at ax
was no
Mail Matter. t been a
j for showing the progress of any sec
j of the Those three
days April May were
to national thoughts. The
States, our common country,
I was celebrated glorified. All
wherever homes in this
broad laud, were gladly thankful
that we were American citizens.
Col. Address.
the Easiness
S. C.
Your f
visit i
uttering invitation to
ville that we might confer to- of a of
which every
on subjects m
is interested, but which
localized are supreme importance
was exceedingly gratifying
Not the
to you,
to me for many reasons
an enormous gain the number of
wage earners to be housed, led
clothed, their wages paying rents to
capital, swelling the profits of
tradesmen, and making home mar-
for farmers. Did you ever think
how greatly the trade of your mer-
chants would fall off if the cheapest
labor yon have here got neither
money nor store Did you
ever think what happen to
this town if some plant should be
grown in another country that
a textile equal to
cotton, that be sold at a less
price than planters
possibly make you
is impossible It's not
a fair Perhaps not,
and yet such wonders are occurring
every day as science pursues its dis-
that, problematical and
impossible as it may seem, there is
no telling what will be discovered.
But I only asked the question to
have you think about it, before ask-
another. If your merchants and
tradesmen largely derive their
and their profits from paid
from the agricultural
community surrounding you. and
from your own citizens engaged in
all avocations, will yon not receive
additional business from every new
farmer who settles in your vicinity,
from every field hand to whom
sovereigns. So the time being
we forgot local interests and
joined with all the people in the
National The
is over, the pomp ,
least of was that it bat a memory, but have to pay wage
held in remembrance made are ,
course- Did you come all the way
ho pays wages, and from every
I weaver girl, bobbin boy, and every
a new
it was
thought that your ; us a prospect brighter i
. answer I
some of you whom I met here five
years and than ever before this
at that time have always been a , , century. ,
But let me ask you one
thing more, Are you people of
. Greenville going to erect and start
these mills and factories, or are you
intending to wait until some one
from elsewhere accidentally hears
of your beautiful and his-
town, and comes here and in
vests Now, he frank with your-
selves, not with questioner. It
is none of his business. Answer to
yourselves to each other, not
what wet but what will we dot
You know the ancient fable of
The wagon wheels got stock in the
mod. the picture I used to
admire as a boy, they must have
townsman. Governor Jarvis,
would at last have the chance to
fulfill a threat he made years
and pay me off for a detention for
which I was not responsible,
though I was the
responsibility of bis sole keeping.
Since my coming here, he his
late staff officer, Col. Hairy Skinner,
than kept that old time
vow, and here in your
release him from all
to it.
Your invitation intimated a
You advice.
In find that yon have but fol-
lowed a historic
When the troubles began that
preceded the American Involution,
the free holders of Pitt county as
Oct. 4th. 1774, and appoint-
ed nine of their number a standing
Committee, invested them with
arbitrary power to act for the
welfare. The first business of
that committee, alter it had duly or-
and entered upon its re-
was, at a meeting
held November 3rd, con-
sider the unhappy situation of the
inhabitants of the town of
the miserable distress of its
and to take prompt measures
for contributing to their relief. No
thoughtful reader of the. concise mi
of that meeting can fall to
that the characteristics of the
than ever gladdened any nation.
to- ray vision, while the glory
shines upon all our air land, its
light rests upon the South,
flooding every mountain, valley and
plain with brightness.
My fellow citizens, do not think
me visionary, or yielding to poetic
fancies that will not stand critical
examination, but will like a child's
bubbles, after their rainbow hues
delighted yon, dissolve and
I am blowing no soap bub-
These are of truth and
They are great
based upon solid
Mr. ever as deep as the wheels of
more greedy for facts than is the the supply trains did in
That famous person never probed j
all things submitted to him with
equal assiduity, and equal
of purpose, to ascertain the exact
truth. No statistics ate given in
the quarterly the annual sum-
of that great and most in
flu initial organ of Southern progress
between The
teamster fell on his knees be-
sought the aid of Jupiter. That
sensible god is said to have dropped
out the cloud, and, poised in mid
air, to have answered, up, put
your shoulder to the wheels. Then,
if you don't get out. of the rut,
will help Jupiter, ac
the tenth Census.
learn from that reliable journal
me give you a few figures
the first three mouths of this
year the sum total of capital invest-
free holders or Pitt County were the j all new industries in the South
same in 1774 that they are exclusive of projected or
constructions, exceeded three
hundred million of dollars. Think
of it Not three hundred thousand
that have not been most carefully cording to that most reliable or
examined and verified. All such chroniclers, bad to soil his
statistics can be relied upon even i robes. The teamster obeyed, and
more confidentially than those given all went well. But, citizens,
in the several elaborate reports of j the South has had its
Now what do we shoulders to tho wheels. The mar-.
These men had the com age of their
convictions; they were very much
in earnest; they knew
that the
cause or Boston was their cause
as, their broad philanthropy
by their patriotism.
They went system-
and unitedly. Then, with
the same cautiousness that still
holds good, they provided such
forms and vouches as were essential
but millions. Who can realize what
that means Let us go a step be-
In the eighteen months end-
March 31st of this year the sum
total of capital pledged for all new
industries in the South
that time, a year and a
half, mind exceeded one billion
to a thoroughly honest and accurate; live hundred million dollars We
Having done this
they this com-
win be thankful to any per-
son or persons for any advice that Every dollar of it is accounted
may be or service to the committee
in Therein was display-
ed, as it has been in all the years
that have followed, the modesty of
the people of Pitt county, and or
North Carolina at Able in
council, vigorous in action, were I he
founders or this great common-
wealth, and these qualities have
been transmitted without any weak
more than a century,
to this generation And so also the
We could have better
evidence of this than has been
en by tins Association,
its members men of
international Tame, who
Save helped to place this grand
state in the lore front of Southern
progress, who have been are
among national who
have represented the States
in lands, has the
precedent of the committee
of substantially
this Committee will be
any p or for any
may to
I in
As one of the or per
am regretting greatly
that the and witty
and hard working, indefatigable,
practical Patrick,
r two not
to advise and entertain yon.
However, being alone, and feeling
that as a descendant n long line
New d-rt the
has been placed me to repay
of the obligation the free
or Pitt County aid
do all
power to perform that duty.
cannot grasp the full meaning of
this tremendous of capital.
It sounds but it is not.
in tho published lists. These fig-
represent money into mines
of all kinds of ores and metals, into
quarries of granite, stone and
marble, into purchases of forests,
furnaces, coke ovens, rolling mills,
saw mills and wood working
or all kinds, into tanneries, ice
machine companies, new hotels,
glass making, fertilizer
and a multitude or
tries so numerous you would weary
or listening to their specification.
In this vast aggregate no mention
is made o f the enormous
during the same period for railroad
building, or of very large sums
employed in purchase farms
erection of residences,
stores and in city and
country, by And yet
all these last, as well as others,
have added enormously tho
amount of assessable property in
State, have
by just so much burdens
of tax paver. I do not
to say, that believe elev-
census will show an average
all the southern States
of at least tire herd red per cent, in
the capital employed in
since I am sure
that values cf farm products, of
live k, and of farm implements
and tools will be greater by at least
two fifty percent- than
they were 1880. I think that for
every person then employed me-
and work
in the Southern States there will be
t least ten, and
additional railroad of all
will increase
more than four i- ode. If my con-
and right, I tin
it May the it bey are below rather than above
progress it has made has
been due to energy and courage
of its own people. yet in it
they have but the fable
true. Jupiter is money. It is
not our God but our servant. It is
tho grease on our the oil
our bearings, that enables vehicles
and machines to run without
Now, in every town In the
South that has grown rapidly,
far I can now recall, there is no
some man or
have taken the initiative. They
have done what they could, and
have taken pains to the world
informed what they were doing.
Their energy, push,
attracted attention. Capital said,
fellows know what they are
about. They are tho right
or stuff- can be made
so capital, that would never
have heard or the spot, but for
these Southerners, and that would
never have gone had it not
been that were intelligently
and industriously at work, just
went there and invested. That is
the history of Atlanta,
Birmingham, Chattanooga, and
scores of towns with whoso names
and fame yon are familiar. Green-
ville can do the same and with like
you say, we
iron, no coal; are not a
Atlanta had ad-
vantages we cannot Well,
what of it T All such talk is child-
unworthy the sturdy
manhood Pitt county. Tarn
picture the other side op and look
ac it for a moment. Here are ad-
vantages none those iron towns
possess. are A beau-
delightful climate- -A soil
will produce almost that
grows, whether for food or for
tile purposes. A river that never
fail, and a railroad close to
doors that will soon bring you with-
in twenty-four boors of Boston,
eighteen of New York, fifteen of
Baltimore, and four of Norfolk.
That railroad is to be extended
through one the richest, it is
the tracking regions of
North Carolina. Yon are in the
midst of a country containing the
over which ancient
Hebrew prophets went into joyous
in corn and Tine and on
which smile of God
rests. You live in a country that
raise annually
other food for their stock if it were
increased many hundred fold be-
the present. Around yon is
and clay for all the
of this century, for
manufacture of all shuttles
and bobbins the mills of New Eng-
land have during fifty
years. You can guarantee cheap
fuel and cheap living to all comers.
Yon have a beautiful town site with
room enough to expand it to a pop-
of souls without
crowding. I don't mean that
town plot, with its present metes
and bounds is sufficient, but on this
side of the Tar there is plenty
of room for expansion. Nature has
dealt bountifully with you. Yon
question that. Ob, but
some of you doubt, do you f Let us
compare notes a little. In my
els in the South I am continually
hearing remarks like we
only bad tho money you Yankees
had your
this, that, the other
All stuff and nonsense, men and
brethren. The South, without
skilled mechanics, workshops, tools
or practical knowledge in the me-
arts, because or the
of tho war, performed won-
that astonished us of the
North. Ingenuity to the fore
in inventions most remarkable. I
need not enumerate all I saw- at
the time, and all I have read
and heard. You could doubtless
tell mo a thousand incidents new to
me. It was the marvel the age
that your people accomplished all
they did those fearful years, just
as the progress of the South
the decade of which this is the last
year is the marvel of Nineteenth
But permit mo to offset
what I have said of the advantages
of Greenville, by a statement about
a New city. Those you
who have journeyed over tho New
York, New Haven Hart ford Rail-
road will remember that midway
the latter two is a third
city called Fifty years
ago it was a puny village in the
midst of a New England farming
community. There were a few small
factories on the tiny brook which
ran through the village and fur-
them each the small
of power sufficient for their
modest wants. Such fuel as was
needed for their forges was brought
in tho form of charcoal from the
woodlands of farms.
These petty manufacturers made
but few things, coffee mills,
and machinists vices, and others
that could be sold to the hardware
trade. They kept themselves afloat
through, hard times on the savings
of the better years, and gradually
enlarged their establishments and
outputs. Now is a city
eight or ten times as large as this.
The goods made in its factories go
to all parts of the civilized world. It
employs thousands of operatives at
high wages, has banks with large
stores carrying, in the
principal ones, more capital than
all employed in every kind
in Greenville, turns out more
millions value or finished goods
annually than is done in nil the
mills factories this
yet every pound or its coal for
stem- is earned from
its gas coal from Nova
Scotia, its lead is bought Galena,
HI., it uses tin, Pennsylvania
Alabama iron, Colorado silver,
and even its glass sand is carried by-
railroad from a distance. Not one
raw material used in that busy hive
of where millions of wealth
have accumulated, where
of thousands profits are
annually made, is a native product,
all are brought long distances.
Need I pursue the comparison It
is only fable over
Now men and brethren, I have too
long trespassed on your courtesy.
Let me close with a few
that I hope yon will find of
some practical value.
Your distinguished fellow citizen,
Jarvis, addressed a letter to the
officers or the
Commercial Union who bad invited
him to speak at their first annual
on Trade
with Brazil. How can they
be distinguished
townsman bad been away from
homo so much of late, that be
delightful society and do-
joys of Greenville to a second
trip to New But he wrote an
admirable letter to his would-be-
hosts, which has been printed else-
where, and I hope it will
here, by wide awake
splendidly managed local
paper, whose bright young editor is
Secretary of organization.
In that letter Governor Jarvis
suggested that a cotton mill in
midst of the fields where the cotton
was raised, could make the lighter
weight goods that were needed in
Central end Sooth America, at
cost and consequently at more
profit than the same goods could
made in European mills which new
those countries. This
was so obvious, sod so op-
that have no question at
all but that it will he adopted
acted upon by New England end
Greenville, in which ancient historic
town lives this distinguished citizen
of North Carolina, why, I ask. shall
not Greenville take the initiative
this movement, and so honor the
man she delights to honor, at
same time gain the profits to be
derived from starting the move-
T One cotton mill engaged in
a new line of work, whether in New
England or in North be-
comes the nucleus of many. Take
the lead of this then, to the full ex-
tent ability, and what you
lack, I assure you, if you do foil
part according to your means, will
be forth coming from elsewhere.
But men and brethren, do not stop
there. If yon are determined to
make or Greenville all that can be
made or it, that God and
nave freely provided for your
favored then remember that
as vigilance is price
so continuous doing is es-
to the highest In
no or irreverent sense.
in earnest sympathy with tho
spirit that prompted original
utterance. I beseech you, ye
not weary or well In the
first place, sustain heartily, by
paid subscriptions, by-
liberal advertisements, and by kind
words of your excel-
lent local paper. No man except
one with as many years connected
with the press as have been can
understand the trials, tribulations,
ambitions and hopes editors in
small communities. I hear com-
plaints from to time, from
citizens of North Carolina who
ought to know better, that the press
of this State is narrow and has
too little Whose fault
is it t Not the editors forsooth, but
the peoples. Every business man,
every professional man, every
in this State, ought to do all
his individual power to exalt its
journalism. While there are weak
brethren here as well as elsewhere,
have never met in all my inter-
course with newspaper men in near-
every State and Territory of the
Union, so many editors, in any one
State, the secular, religious and
agricultural press, worked as
hard Tor their respective com-
and States, as I have
found in North Carolina.
I say this with-mt party or sectarian
reservation. It it true, and
editor in the knowing it is
true, ought to exalt his calling and
stand up for his brethren,
however much they may disagree in
political or religious ideas. Per-
haps this is asking too much
human nature, but it
is demanding no more than
ought to be admitted by every com-
that it is a and a
to support its decently con-
ducted local newspapers.
No town, village, no
manufacturer, no can re-
expect success, who
does not advertise. Tho American
people been trained into a be-
lief that nothing la of any account
in this country, that is not
mentioned in the papers. The only
exception to this rule,
prove lovers and sweet-
Greenville would grow,
ville must join the great
can procession of advertisers.
And now and brethren, I
have too long trespassed your at-
I thank you Tor you
I you for your patient
listening, most earnestly hope
for immediate and continuous
Has been reduced from
And not depend on borrowing not
trying to make one Planter do
the work of two Planters, but
buy a planter this season
and save tho risk of
a stand of cotton
which may
more than
to the of Pitt sail surrounding counties, a line the following
that arc not to he excelled In market. And to be and
pure straight good. DRY GOODS all CLOTHING,
and HOUSE Ft
kinds, Gin Mill Hay, Rock Lime. and
Harness, Bridles saddles.
Agent Clark O. N. T. Spool Cotton Which I oiler to the trade at Wholesale
Jobbers priors, per dozen, Ion per for t ash. Prep-
and Hull's Star Lye at Prices. White Lead and pure Lin-
seed Oil, Varnishes and Faint Colors. Cucumber Wood Salt and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nails a specialty. me a call and I guarantee satisfaction.
Tell not to delay but examine
now and see if his old planter
needs any repairs, if so
order them at once or send
tho Planter, to me or leave
it with Mr. Alfred Forbes
with full particulars
and it will be taken
to factory, re-
paired, and re-
turned at a
Builder's Material.
Tell him that I can furnish him
Timbers that lie may need, either
dressed or undressed. Also I
can furnish him with build-
Brackets and
for porches
and piazzas, in fact any
or trim-
that he may
need to build a
nice house,
Will Grind Your Corn.
And further that I can grind hi
corn good Meal and that
I will convince him of
the same if he will
inn bis corn
to grind.
Spring Display
Foreign and Domestic Novelties.
Together with exclusive styles from our own
workshop, which for beauty, elegance
workmanship equal any that can be found
yield the palm to none.
All kinds placed in strictly
At lowest current rates.
By complying with the you
will greatly oblige
Yours truly,
J. D. Williamson,
Has Moved to One Door North of Court House.
continue of
My Factory la well equipped with best Mechanic,
but keep up with the times and
material used in all work. All styles are 11-0
. put up nothing
st improved
you can from
Greenville, N.
The Tar River Transportation Company.
FORBES, Greenville, President
J. B. Cherry,
J. S. Greenville,
N. M. Lawrence, Gen
R. F. Jones, Washington, Gen
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer Is the finest
and quickest boat on the river. She has
been thoroughly repaired, refurnished
and painted-
Fitted up specially for tho comfort, ac-
and convenience of Ladies.
A Table furnished
best the market affords.
A trip on the Steamer r.
not only but attractive.
Leaves Washington Monday,
and Friday at o'clock, a. m.
Leaves Tarboro Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday at o'clock, a. M.
Freights received daily through
Bills Lading given to all points.
I. J. CHERRY, agent
Greenville. X. C.
Brewster, Storm, Coil, Barn Horn, King.
Also keep on hand a full of ready
year round, which we will sell as as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
just re-
turned from New York
City with a full line of
White Goods, Laces
Embroideries, Swiss
a Specialty
Fine the
firm patron-
feed by Morris
Shoes, Hats,
We bought low tor
cash and will sell at
Be sure to call.
FroM Not to
John L.
Greenville, V. C.
Toilet Patent
to., kc.
The classes will so arranged that
new pupils can enter tho first week in
John Puck kit.
C. G. Associate Principal
Miss Met a Primary De-
Miss M. S. Cannon, Vocal and
mental Music.
Mrs. K,
Primary. Academic.
Classical Mathematical. Mu-
sic. Painting and lira wing.
Large, Comfortable Buildings.
Healthy Location and Good
Plenty of Well Prepared Food
Boarders. A Corps of Teachers,
all being graduate of first class
Music equal
in work to any College in the State.
New Pianos Organs.
A Unary nearly volumes,
purchased recently for the School.
Moderate, from to for
Board Tuition and Terms
for Day Pupils tho same as advertised
In who do not hoard
the Principal should consult hire,
before engaging board elsewhere. For
fur. her par
Thanking the people of this and surrounding counties past favor hope
merit n continuance of the same.
My Northern Dress Maker Trim-
mer,. Miss has and I am
prepared to execute In the latest styles
and fashions any work listed to my
the latest designs have
so arrived and will be pleased to show
them to you. My price are lowest A
and guarantee not to be undersold by no , H
T n Watches, Clocks, Jewelry end Sewing
repaired and warranted.
It want something nice the way of
J o w
Sewing Machines,
. I
J. C C
C Co
W. Book Keeping
Water Mis.
Tl. ha, leased these
in for e number of years and put them
in thorough order, begs leave to inform
the public that h-is
Corn and a
guaranteed to all patrons.
I Inform merchants that I am
prepared to them good water
mill st prices delivered.
Customers wanting to buy at retail can
be at my store Id
where will also find a select stock
of General winch will be
sold at lowest prices
B. Fleming.
Of Interest to ladies.
W. w II Md c cat cf All
We arc receiving Spring and
Summer Goods, and hope that
yon will not fail to give
us a call. We have a
specially attractive
line of
at cents per yard, which you
will find to be equal to any
you will find at SB cents.
A line of
at cents. And
many other things that we
will offer at special prices
We call especial attention to our
Cobb Bros., Gilliam,
Cotton Buyers,
Commission Merchants,
The and
plow, and the
cotton plows. We will
also offer the trade
LARD'S which
has mere merit than anything of
the kind ever put on the
Yours truly,
Greenville, N. C.
I have elegant line of
Hint embrace the very latest styles and
My goods are new and I car-
complete stock. A competent as-
ant been and all
ton can be suited. My long
In the and the many
patrons hare served,. attest
to give
K. C,
have several years ex-
at the and are
prepared to handle to
advantage of shippers.
All business entrusted to our
hands will receive prompt
careful attention.
Tho bad health of Mr. p. D.
has compelled him to discontinue the
management the carriage business for
which has left a nice stock of good
material bought cheap for cash, on my
hand. I will close out the at a
liberal discount, or will make easy terms
with the purchaser, or I will also
any good reliable man to
carry on the carriage for me.
There Is better opening for a carriage
business In the county than at this place.
I have also a large stock of general
merchandise for sale cheap for cash or on
time, such Meats Floor, Com, Ac,
bought In large lots also a nice lot of
New Orleans nice
selected stock of Shoes Hats Straw
Goods, nice lot of Clothing, ladies
Goods, In fact everything that be
found In a General
May 0th, N. C
i to all. Your
On Monday the 3rd day of Juno, A. D.
1889. I will sell at the House door
In the of Greenville, to the highest
bidder, for cash, land In Pitt
county containing acres,
or and bounded as Situated
in Greenville township, adjoining
I of John Patsy Brooks,
Franklin Edwards others, known as
from to
sundry executions In bands tar
collections II. and
have been on as
the property r-f B.
A. K.
May j R. W. S.

M. B. Lang's Column.
In a few weeks the store which
I now occupy will have to
extensive repairs. In
order to enable the work-
men to work with more
rapidity, I shall have
to reduce my
To do this I shall offer
to those who can avail them
selves of the opportunity.
I shall offer for the
my entire of-------
Dark nights.
Snakes are out.
Cherries arc ripe.
Heavy Sunday-
Magnolias are blooming.
The gator is dead. Drunk, your
The shad and herring season has
about passed.
Superior Court Washington
next week.
Co to Feed Store for
your seed peas.
Fulton Market Tickled Beef at
the Old Store.
say seasons are good
and they hopeful of a largo crop.
will buy Point Lace, the
Flour at the Old Brick Store.
The late rain has made a rise in
the river and put a stop to fishing
with hook and line.
The Cash will be paid for
lbs. Beeswax at the old Brick Store
Culley shipped several bottles of
his bald head preparation last week.
Many items and some correspond-
is crowded out of this issue.
Mrs. C. D. tree is quite sick.
Col Hairy Skinner is in
Miss Nannie King returned home
last week from a visit to Wilson.
Mr. J. A. Andrews has been
among the sick for the last few days.
M. J. D. Tucker and family re-
turned Saturday from Warrenton.
Mrs. W. B. Smith spent last week
her friends at Scotland Neck.
The family of Mr. A N. Ryan
left last week for a visit to relatives
Mr. Leon Ponder, a tinner from
Tarboro, is doing some work in
Rev. J. and wife
have been spending the week with
relatives here.
regret to know that Mr. J. B.
Johnson is in very bad health.
Misses May Harris Lizzie
of Falkland, spent
day in town.
Miss Josephine Purvis of Martin,
is her sister Mrs. V. L.
Mr. L. K. Purvis and wife, from
near Hamilton, spent Saturday
Sunday with their daughter, Mrs.
V. L. Stephens.
Kev. J. W. returned
Friday from the Baptist
Convention at Memphis.
We were pleased to have a call
We have been requested by
yard committee of the Masonic
Lodge to warn against
passing the premises and
breaking and destroying the flow-
Several cases of depredations
have lately been reported, and the
committee say if it Is not stopped
the law will be applied to the
The Lexington Dispatch, Mr. T. B.
Eldridge's paper, has just
its eight year. Our brother says
he has experienced the ups and
downs familiar to country
per lite, and are glad to know
that by staunch to
and faithful to its
section the Dispatch is electing
with success.
The past week our citizens have from Mr. W. Keel of
been enjoying peas and ink N. C.
This is no
nap for
wary, but
must be done to
Strawberries hare been as cheap
as cents a during past
Cabbage plants for sale, both
early and late, apply to Allen War-
Mrs. Ada Moore killed a large
moccasin snake on her premises Sat-
Several light cases of
around town. Dysentery the
pal trouble.
T. M. Moore wants to close out a
stock of goods at cost. See ad-
Bushels Seed Peas at the Old
Brick Store.
Allied Forbes. Executor of
Irene Forbes, deceased, has a notice
to creditors in this issue.
See notice to creditors by Win. L.
administrator of David O.
Clark, advertised in this paper.
The Sunday night caused
small congregations at the churches. I
Our good friend. Mr. John
left for New York last Wednesday
for the purpose of making his home
that city. He has been in Green-
ville several years, is a clever
man we regret lie has left here.
Kev. L. L. Nash, a former pastor
here preached in the Methodist
church Sunday and Monday nights.
He has many warm friends here,
among whom himself wife have
been spending a days.
Elder Latham, who
lives four miles from town, has been
very sick for two weeks at the home
of a friend in Beaufort county. He
was taken sick while to one
of his appointments. We are glad
to hear his condition has improved.
We were glad to have a call
Monday from Mr. J. L. Hudson of
Fla. He left Greenville
about three j ears ago, and has since
been living in the land of flowers.
On Tuesday of last week, 14th, be
M to of
and left the same day with
his bride to visit his father here.
The Baptist church was not opened, i Will spend the summer
i in
German and Pearl Millet,
Timothy and Cloves-, The meeting conducted by Kev.
Will be treated alike and no
goods will be reserved. We
cordially invite those
tn the above lines to examine
our prices and see that we
mean business.
Seed for sale by E. C. Glenn
The article on page concern-
the picnic at Mill was
written for last issue but crowded
Just Received Famous
Lunch Milk Biscuit. The most pal-
at the Old Brick Store.
Miss Higgs began her dancing
school on last Thursday night and
has a large class. See advertise-
The ordinance of baptism will be
administered at the close the
service in the Baptist to
The barber shops have been
provided with bells to
who sometime congregate
This week the Reflector office
will receive a beautiful line cards
tor invitations and such. Scud in
Where will you spend the sums
mer Mrs. Sue Roberts, of Beau-
fort B. C-, board at low rates.
See advertisement
Something more than four miles
j of track has been laid tins side el
Will be sold proportionately the A. K. coming on
w. Don't miss s towards Greenville.
per lb for Sweet Scotch
Of all kinds and styles.
On our first page we publish a let-
written by J. Jar-
vis to the Com-
Union, and the editorial
comment made upon it by the Man-
Record, of Baltimore.
I he Commercial
Union is an association formed
the city of New York for the
pose of promoting and developing
the commercial friendly
with America, Brazil
and the West and Philippine
Islands. The association held a
banquet during the late centennial
in New York invited Got. Jar-
vis to be present and respond to the
toast United States
Circumstances prevented
his attendance, but he wrote the
letter referred to which was read
before the assembly at the banquet
and afterwards published in the
The ability
of the will at once
upon reading.
Mr. S. T. of Bethel, writes
that our correspondent did him
an injustice last week saying he
was an Independent candidate for
Mayor. The people that town,
regardless of party principles, held
a convention and nominated IV. A.
James for Mayor and S. A. Gainer,
J. L. S. Ward, J. K. Bunting, W. J.
Rollins and S. T. Carson for Com-
missioners. After the
was some at the
in which it it had been cal-
led and Carson was several
times solicited to run as an
dent candidate for Mayor instead of
on the ticket as a Commissioner.
Tins lie refused to do and insisted
that everything should go on quiet-
as it had started. However, on
the day of election several of his
friends decided to vote for him for
Mayor, not for the purpose of
sing Mr. James, but only as a com-
to Mr. Carson, who was
elected a Commissioner as
by the convention. Mr. Carson
writes us a long explanation of the
matter for publication but as the
paper Is very much crowded
week we make the above
of it which about covers the ground
and which we hope will
satisfactory to him.
We make no apology devoting
our entire editorial page this week
to the speech of Col. B. S.
of New York, before the Business
Association of Greenville, which
was delivered the Opera House
last Thursday night. There was a
large audience present the
closest attention was paid the
It only requires that the people of speaker. His address was an ex-
Greenville shall stand together pleasantly delivered
But a Stubborn Fact
K. C. Glenn at Bethlehem closed
last week. Fifteen conversions and
thirteen accessions to the church
was the result.
We see from last weeks Washing-
ton Gazette that Mr. Isaac
died recently in Birmingham, Ala.
For some time he was a resident of
Greenville and liked by
our people.
Barely enough water the river
last week for boats to get through
to Tarboro. Steamer Greenville
only made one trip through, the
Myers managed to get there all the
work together for the world to see
that there is life in this community
and that we mean in the
progressive move now upon us.
name in this column
sufficient guarantee that all
mises made above
Our carrier was sick last
day and the Bail Boy and. Barney
had to take the Reflector to town
No complaint has come
is an evidence of their work having
been well performed.
We see how a man with any
decency at all can let his
account ran to several
try to sneak out of
Snuff. lb bold in Pitt Co., which I by leaving the paper in the
a of its superiority, at I post office. ,, t takes all kind of
the Old Brick Store.
people to make a
The large alligator that was ex-1 Our Bad Boy desires to return
here the first of last week thanks to Misses Ella and Lela Keel
died Wednesday night. The for an to the
cf that stock company exercises of the School,
Milk is for sale at very J N be June
pi ices by Miss Leta
Gowan. See advertisement and
schedule of prices another col-
Our calls at-
to another matter this week
at works to the detriment of Pitt
interests. He says Mr We have been informed by the
Page, formerly of town- Postmaster the office
lip, is in now. lie moved would be removed at an early day
place last week to get employ- j to the old store Fourth
for himself and family in one
the factories recently built there,
Business Association should
and get a factory of some
ind in Greenville so that Pitt
men who have capital to invest
do it at home those want-
E employment may not have to
lave their to find it.
placed on the site for the construes
of the new residence to be
erected by Dr. Ernul this
shows a remarkably beau-
line of samples from which to
make, selection His work
stands the every time and gives
Farm work has been very much In the speech of Col. which
versified in our section the past publish elsewhere, a splendid
I tribute is paid to the press North
Some of our farmers have been I doubt the brethren
and chopping cotton,
Miss Lena with a class
eight orphans reached Greenville
yesterday and the class gave a con-
Genera Items.
me, good have been rec-
anting and some putting in i
t and preparing to plant.
To-day the order is reversed, and
will appreciate it.
There was a better attendance at
the drill last Friday than for
several meetings past, there being
twenty-six out. We hope soon to
are busy opening trenches increased.
i the water run out of their fields, j The Academy grove was
the heaviest rains of the fully illuminated and there was a
fell bare yesterday and las
The crop, which been
well, has rust very bad
is by some of
this wet spell almost
B. F. Page of Tacit township
family to Tarboro last
eek. He has a large family, most-
girls and has moved to get work
iii of the factories.
has lost a good citizen
id his family by not being able to
Pitt county young
man who has just entered
Mr.------would you like to study
elocution i
No ma'am. care to sturdy
anything but the English language.
cert in the Opera House last night.
We went to press too early to make
any comment upon the entertain-
but are willing to vouch for
its being a complete success.
Mrs. W. F. Andrews died at her
home near last Friday
night. On Saturday her remains
were through Greenville
and carried to the home of her
lather, Mr. John Proctor, two miles
from town, from whence the
took place.
and it was filled with good advice
and sound suggestions which we
hope to see our people take action
upon. Col. was introduced
by Hon. T. J. Jarvis, President of
the Association. In his remarks
Gov. Jarvis spoke of his acquaint-
with Col. He said
their first meeting was during the
war when a company over which
Gov. Jarvis was captain were taken
prisoners at Island and
placed on board a vessel in the
keeping of Col. who was
then a captain. That was
not an agreeable acquaintance, but
one that proved far pleasant
was formed at their next meeting
at the exposition at Atlanta in
and this was renewed more intimate-
at the exposition at Boston in
At both these expositions
North Carolina made large exhibits
of her resources and Col.
was found to be interesting himself
very much in this State. Since then,
Gov. Jarvis went to say, had
shown greater year by year
in the State and had been
mental in directing much capital
man settlers to borders.
He was a lull of information
and could tell our people just what
they needed. At the close of Col.
speech, which we publish
in full, he was asked a few questions
by gentlemen in the audience
to securing other enterprises
t those he mentioned, also to the
best method of disposing of
plus lauds and inducing capital to
come among us.
Combination Worsteds In all styles
which we will close out at cents per
yard. have several pieces of White
Lawn at cents. Only a few pieces
of Seersucker left which we will close
out at cents per yard. yards fig-
Lawns at cents per yard.
yards new style at cents per
yard. yards Hushing and Gilt in
colors from to cents per yard.
Over yards Flouncing from to
cents yard. more of those cheap
Corsets at cents. Mrs. Cleveland
society society time
since without her bustle hits not put any
change on the sale of our
All of our Calico will be sold at 5- cents
strictly. A big lot of Miss-Fit Clothing
which will be sold at panic prices. NO
pairs of Sample Shoes to he closed out.
These goods will be sold exactly as
advertised. Our stock of Straw Hats
will be sold at half
Greenville, N. C.
A customer walked into the new
drug store on Saturday, and seeing
a lot of sponge asked the proprietor
what it was made of. This reminds
us of who was stand-
around when some of the brick
stores down the street were being
built, and seeing the workmen
some granite window sills in
Where does that
stuff grow and what time of the year
do you have to cut it
Corrected weekly by S. M-
Wholesale and Grocer.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as
tor of the estate of A.
deceased, notice Is hereby given to all
persons indebted to the estate to make
payment to the
and to all creditors of said estate to
sent their properly authenticated
to the signed within twelve months
from I he date of this notice or It will lie
plead in bar their recovery. This 2nd
day of May. 1889. E. T.
of I. A.
Bulk Sides
Bacon Sides
Bacon Shoulder
Pitt County Hams
Sugar Cured Hams
Brown Sugar
Irish Potatoes
S. A. Salt
to G
IS to
-----with privilege of------
Can be bad in Beaufort, X. C, at 820.00
per month. Address.
Beaufort. N. C.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as
tor of David C. Clark notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to
said intestate to come and make
immediate payment, and to all creditors
of said intestate to present their claims
for payment within twelve months from
this date or this notice will be plead ill
bar their recovery.
May 1889. Wm. Smith,
of David C. Clark
Tucker ft Murphy, attorneys.
small, red Cow. with white hips and
crooked tail. Ear marks,
low fork in right, over slope in
left. Was in the neighborhood
of X when
last had information of her Where
Any one knowing of the
whereabouts of said cow will confer a
favor by reporting to
Greenville, N. C.
In the burred writing up of the
first meeting of the new Board of
Councilmen and the work they
did last week, we inadvertently
placed the name of Alfred Forbes
Treasurer when it should have been
It. bang. The latter was elected
he will
attendance the occasion and a good
the lawn party given by the ladies make,
of the M. K. Friday
We recently heard a young man
who had attended a big meeting
and seen a great many preachers
while there, remark, that Mr.
a very smart man in his
estimation, for ho heard him tell as
many good jokes as any one could
are entitled to the best that their
money will buy, every family
should at once a of
private taught by Miss I family remedy, of Figs,
at Brier j Swamp, closed i system costive or
Friday. For sale and fl hot
20th. ties all leading
In the words of that illustrious
and able orator of the re-
times, Patrick Henry,
know of no way of judging of the
future but by the And
by the past and the reports we
have been hearing what are we to
look tor next It is nothing but a
marriage a miles the other side
of The river Boy
Everything is wet in these parts.
Considerable sickness the
mumps being in order.
Pennie and Mrs.
Fannie Cobb are both quite sick and
several neighbors have
It is with sorrow we chronicle the
death of Mr. Howell Joyner which
occurred recently. A good man has
gone to his reward. He will be sad-
missed by his many friends.
Messrs. Cobb Hazard
Kittrell had a narrow escape from
serious injury on Wednesday.
While returning from a fish fry
their boggy was upset near
giving a few
Further on they were
the creek and come near getting
drowned. They lost a lot of herrings.
Miss Nannie Gardner,
by her brother Mr. J. j. Gard-
returned to bet home in Wilson
this after having spent two
weeks with the family of Mr. W. H.
The revival at closed
I last week with several accessions to
Mr. Glenn is the man to
soften the hard heart of
May he live long he. means
The Ladies of the
church will be prepared to serve
Ice and Strawberries, at
Banal prices, in parsonage
to-morrow from to of converting many
o'clock. P. If, Give a call. j R W.
After the 1st of June, for the summer.
will deliver milk at the following
to regular customers by the week
Gallon per day, SI
i .
Milk delivered twice each day
Prompt weekly payments will be
Dancing School.
There is nothing nicer than a nice
school well conducted, and with
music that would charm the savage heart,
such as is by the band at my
school. Bois and girls embrace
this opportunity of learning how to trip
the light fantastic toe. A good dancing
school not learns them how to
dance, but makes a young lady or a
young man and prepares them
to enter
have a
have more,
dances. Tl
are invited
sty free from the
by awkwardness. While
school, would be glad to
teach all the latest
Be who my
i account of age or size
visit my hall in the Skin-
near the
ii. At molt elegant form
or THE
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to
cure Habitual
and the many ills de-
pending on a weak or inactive
condition of the ,
It u the most excellent known to
use U Bilious or
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
to are requested to come
forward and settle their accounts at once
by the of June. I also offer my
stock of Dry Goods and Shoes at cost. I
also offer tor cash groceries very low.
I remain yours.
T. M. Moore.
May X. C.
Notice to Creditors.
Having duly qualified as Executor of
the Last Will and of Irene
Forbes notice is given to all
persons indebted to said testatrix to
come forward and make immediate pay-
i and to all persons having claims
against said to present them to
the undersigned, properly authenticated
within twelve mouths this date, or
this notice will be plead in bar of their
of Irene Forbes.
Murphy, Attorneys.
May 17th,
C. . P.
Cotton Seed Lard,
Are headquarters for all needed in the
HARDWARE line. Our stock cannot be
but if you want anything in
Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Stoves
and Cooking Utensils, Carriage Material
and House Cutlery
We can save you money of these goods.
which will sell at Factory Trices.
WE are now fitted up first-class are prepared to man-
upon short notice any kind or style of
also keep a nice line of
Come and see us. Flanagan's old stand
R. GREENE, JR. Manager.
will have weekly arrivals of the very nicest and
Fruits Confections.
I keep constantly on hand a splendid assortment of
All your wants in the goods can supplied by
Tennessee Wagons, for sale.
GREENVILLE, N. C. Mar. 1887.
We are to our as customers and the public
illy need. Hardware. Mechanics tools Stoves and Tinware, Sash. Doors,
and putty. Axes, floes. Shovels and Rakes, Plow Casting of every kind. Wheel
Barrows. Barbed Fencing, Cooking and Beating Stoves and stovepipe of every
size, and Iron. Cucumber and iron Drill pumps,
are agents for the best cook stove now in use. The is our
leader and gives entire satisfaction. cheaper grades are good and well worth
the money asked for them.
One year ago we started in business and had for our motto sell for
We still cling to that as our motto, realizing the fact that it is best for merchant
and customer. close attention to business we have been rewarded by increased
We thank the
larger share in tin
and our customers especially patronage and ask a
J. B.
J. It. MOTE.
For sale by all Grocers. Send for Illus-
or how to provide a good dinner for Four
Persons for One Dollar.
An excellent Cook Book of pages
containing one hundred Dinner
Bills of Fare, with instructions how to
prepare each one. so that the cost for
four persons cannot exceed one dollar,
also additional recipes.
This valuable book will be given free
to any one Bending or presenting the
tickets, representing the purchase of
twenty pounds of C. O. P. COTTON
SEED at our Branch Store, No.
St., X. Y.
Each pail of our Lard contains a ticket,
the number on which corresponds to the
number of pounds in the pail.
Gotten Oil H. Y.
Broker, Greenville, N. C.
Can now be seen at my store. have
the latest styles and newest patterns, and
an experience of several years at the
business qualifies me for doing all work
satisfactory and well. I also do
at moderate prices. Will be glad to have
you cull and examine my stock.
For we have free Buggies now. Ah
you free to buy where you please, but
if you want to save money you come to
my Factory on 4th street, rear of J. B.
Cherry Co's. For convenience we
have also an entrance through B. F.
Keel's Stables on 3rd street. I give
That you ever had in your life for
. to less money than any one
i else In the county can give you. Why
for my expenses are less and I pay the
spot cash for goods and save the dis-
counts, and if you don't believe It you
come and see. Having had years
experience in the business I guarantee
perfect satisfaction or no charge.
a specialty. Don't forget the
place OR 4th street real J.
far bestowed upon us and beg for a continuation of the same, offer
you to-day a line of goods that cannot be excelled in this market for durability and
worth. have now stock a nice line of Ladies Goods, embracing the
Double and Single Width Cashmeres,
English Satin Stripe Worsteds, All
Wool Albatross, Nun's ,
both plain and fancy, All Wool
Cotton Mohair Dress Goods,
Lawns in endless varieties, Piques,
both Lace, Stripe and Plaid, Per-
and Ginghams, Cheviots
and Chambrays, Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions,
A nice lot of White Goods kept constantly.
Dress Linen and Piece Linens,
will i
A line Piece Goods and Pants that
astonish yon in and price. Notions in endless variety embracing a
line too numerous to mention. Hats for Men, Boys and Children. Gent's fur-
Goods, Shirts. and Collars. Suspenders, Hosiery a nice line of
Scarfs. Shoes, to lit all who favor us with their patronage, we pay special care to
this line and our Shoes both in quality and price. A large lot Ladies
Slippers from cents up. We especially call the attention of the Ladies to oar
line of Slippers and think they will not do themselves justice if they buy before
Hardware, Nails. Cutlery,
Hoes. Plows, Shovels, Trace Chains.
Grindstones and Fixtures,
Crockery. Glassware, I
Wood Willow ware.
Harness, Bridles and Whips.
; and Smoking
Tobacco, Groceries
Rice, Lard
Gail Ax and Rail Road Mills Snuff, Chewing and Sm
and Provisions. In this line we Tea, Coffee,
my. Pepper, Spice, Soap, both laundry and toilet. Star Lye
Starch, best grade of Kerosene Oil. Meats of differ-
the very we can
and Ball Lye, Matches
kinds. Flour which we buy low and sell low for the cash.
rel of good Flour come to see u. we are rock bottom on ii.
If you need a bar-
Window Sash Doors of different size
stock of Furniture of any house in Greenville,
sizes in stock. Also the largest
embracing Suits, Bedsteads,
both and single, Lounges, Chairs of different kinds, Tables, Cols, Bed Springs
and Mattresses, Bureaus. Children's Cribs and Beds and Cradles. What we have
not got i- lire w. have from several of the best houses in
country and will order anything you wish at moderate prices. Don't forget our
celebrated Climax Stonewall PLOWS when you want one. We carry Castings
for these Plows In stock.
SEE I'S when you come to town, we guarantee fair and honorable
I treatment, will appreciate your kindness and We can and will
sell as low as any one who sells as goods as we do.

the latest and greatest
tin in the way of soap.
It miraculous dirt-re-
ard labor-saving
f qualities with perfect harmless-
; the finest and coarsest
arc alike washed more
d better than with any
other or compound. Pearl-
inc does away with the most of
the rubbing, hence it saves the
most of the wear. It is the continuous rubbing on a
board which wears out your clothes, rubs off the buttons
and so much the wearing. It cleans paint,
china, windows, glassware carpets without taking up.
Over one million families are now using Pearline. Its
popularity is unparalleled.
IV. j sad some unscrupulous are
imitations which they claim be
V V V inf. or IT'S FALSE
they are not. and besides me is never peddled, but
by all good grocers.
by JAMES New York.
found a fresh supply of I
Light Canned Fruits
Confections, Tobacco,
which will lie fold
PRICES. me a tali.
MT. R. It.
mid Schedule.
No No
daily Mail, daily-
daily ex Sun.
Weldon pin pin Mm
May .
Ar Mount
A r
Ar pm
ex Sim.
A r i
Ar Mel
I their year's supplies will it to
their interest to get our prices before j
is complete
in all its
always at Lowest Tricks.
we buy direct from Manufacturers,
tiling you to buy at one profit. A com
stock of
always on hand and sold at prices to suit
the times. Our goods are all bought and
sold for ASH. therefore, having no risk
to run, sell at a close margin.
S. If.
Greenville. N. C-
They said I would erase to love her,
When her freshness showed decay;
were wrong, for as the river
its channel more away.
Deeper grew my love, and
Seamed her beauties in display.
She grew grew dearer
Dearer every day.
la. loved her her beauty.
Had her heart been simply clay.
Then might mine have its
Hut her truth's resplendent ray
Filled my soul and drew me nearer
To where sweetness lay
Still the older, still the dearer-
Dearer every day.
Age has laid its hand upon her
realize US Nay.
Her youth's bloom my heart
Year her illness tray,
And it be mine her.
So her winter shall he May.
Slid the Older, still the dearer-
Dearer every day.
Dill claims to have the fol-
lowing from the tomb-tone of a railway
Interred in Hollywood
tery Richmond, Ya.
Until the breakers are turned on time.
throttle-valve shut down.
He works to pilot in the crew
That wear the martyr's crown
On schedule time and
Along the homeward section.
lie lands bis train at Gods round-house.
The morn of resurrection.
His time is full. DO wages dock d.
His name on pay-roll.
And transportation through to heaven.
A free for his
From Palace to Convent.
the nestled down,
And, plucking on tiny bud,
peeped through her of brow
Its beautiful crimson hood.
Then sinking the dew from It bonny head,
lifted i t up to her lips.
And whispered his with a cheek as red
As the blown on Its fragrant tips.
lore, X lore P and her voice grew bland
As the breeze from the gentle south;
lore, I a strong brown hand
Was laid on her smiling mouth.
love, you love and the brown hand t wised
Through the waves of her sunny hair;
lore, they sang the telltale
Through the locks of the whispering pair.
The shy wee daisy was borne away
From the fluttering girlish bread.
And the rough smith smiled as it coyly lay
In the crease of bis open vest.
as though It were gracing the loneliest place
In the forge where he toiled;
It smiled through the smoke with its sweet
Till its leaves were all smeared and
Up went bis sledge with a right good will.
Then down with a merry clang;
Louder, and louder, and louder still,
As he whistled the tunes she sang.
He tossed bis crisp locks as he fondly
happy this toiling will be.
When you, love, ore tending our own
And waiting, my daring, for me I
the lights and shadows of forty year
I see you with wrinkled brow;
Ah, lovelier far though your face appears
More grave and more thoughtful than now.
I steal to window, and softly tap,
While you smile in your low rush chair, ,
In your modest kerchief, your snow white
And your halo of dear gray
A rush of wind, and daisy lay
the dust on the smithy floor.
Never to welcome the soft eyed day.
Or the song of the blackbird more.
But the blacksmith lifted thing.
I thought that this,
The most common flower of the field, could bring ; an all
Such a vision of perfect
Fanny Forrester in Journal
Possesses many Important Advantages over all
other prepared Foods.
Makes Plums, Laughing, Health, Sable.
Regulate the Stomach and Bowel.
Sold by
Baby Portraits.
A of beautiful baby printed
on fine plate paper fay patent photo process, sent
free to Mother of any horn within a
livery Mother wants these pictures; at once.
Give Baby's name age.
One thousand dollars will paid
to any chemist will And on an-
of S. S. S.
one particle, of mercury, Iodide of
potash, or any substance.
Soldier Who Can but Who Don't
Know Right from Left.
Turkish soldiers arc recruited from
In I contracted blood
which soon developed into its sever,
est secondary form, with blotches
totally disabled me for more
than a year. The doctors treated
mo all the time without benefit.
The disease steadily owing worse
and worse, I was unable to work for
It's Easy to Dye
Warranted to color more than other
dyes ever made, to give more and
durable colors. Ask for the and take
no other. colors; cents each.
Fer Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE
Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only Cents.
Tombs, Fencing fa I
I would respectfully your
t ion to following address
to remember that buy a,
this homo cheaper than any other in the
country. it is the most reliable
and known having been represented
for over forty years in this vicinity, j
That the workmanship is second to none
and has unusual f for filling or-
den promptly and satisfactory.
Very respect fully.
Refer to w. BATES.
Nor walk, Conn.
Or write direct for price.
Vet in tatty to
I have just received a nice line of
the half starved lira can sell very cheap. Violin
of perpetual privation have trained to take Swift s Specific, j Guitar and Banjo Strings also for Bale
Special attention paid to all watch, clock
and repairing.
Greenville. X. C.
Wilson I am -T pin M m
Rocky Mount Si
Ar Tarboro H
Tarboro am
I pm
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax for Scotland at
I. M. Returning, leaves Scotland Neck
A. M. except Sunday.
Train leaves Tarboro. N C, via
A Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
0- P M. Sunday M.
N C, M P K, P M.
leaves Williamston, X C, daily
except Sunday. A M. Sunday A
M. arrive Tarboro. N C, U A M.
A M.
Train on Midland N C Branch leaves
Goldsboro except M,
arrive C. a M. Re-
turning leaves R A M.
X C, A M.
Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky
Mount at P M, arrives Nashville
P M, Spring Hope IS P M.
Spring Hope W A M.
A M. arrives Rocky Mount IS A
M daily, except
Train on Clinton branch leave.-
for Clinton except at GOO
P M. and II AM Returning leave
ton tS A M, and M. connect-
at Warsaw
Southbound train on Wilson Fayette-
TiMe Branch i No. Northbound is
except Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only at
Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connection
Weldon for all points North daily. All
rail via Richmond, and daily except Sun-
Cay via Bay Line.
Trains make close connection for all
points North via Richmond and Wash
All trains run solid between
ton and Washington, and have Pullman
Palace attached.
J. R. Transportation
T. M.
Atlantic N. C. Railroad
News and Observer
The fact that Miss Kale
Philadelphia's wealthiest and
I charming belles, has renounced
the pleasures of society to enter a
is creating considerable
talk in the fashionable of
that city. Miss Drexel is a of
j A. J. the rich banker,
together with her two sisters, Miss
; Lizzie Drexel and Mrs.
DeV. constitute the
for life of a fortune of lo,
Miss Kate Drexel has also
a private fortune of and
her Income is estimated at
per annum.
That young girl possessed of so
much wealth having enjoyed
her whole life time everything that
money could should decide
to gaiety and pleas-
and live the secluded life of a
convent does seem somewhat
and is
so the fashionable world to
wonder why she did so. Although
arrived and now for no reason is assigned for Miss Dies
it is said that she is
HP . T Th 1-T T naturally religiously inclined and
IV J I contemplated taking the
at Keel v King-sold stand. Will sell them of years. life
I in the convent presents rather a
contrast that she for
at reasonable terms on time. I bought ,. . . . , , , .
my stock for a-h and can afford to sell rises at live o clock in
as cheap as anyone. Give me a call. the morning, dons a plain
made of cheap black material, a
Forsyth, Jan. 2-,
them for just the kind of soldiers After taking seven bottles was
key who can live on next -ii not .
to nothing, who care little what they i c not
wear, and who, never having had symptom the disease since. This
money, don't expect it simply for was sixteen ago.
lighting. Sometimes they are i
paid for mouths at a time, and their
food is poor and insufficient. It is
ways a puzzle how they are equipped, j
Tho system by which military
ice in is recruited is have taken Specific for
There are about or secondary blood poison, and derived
who eligible for , . ,. .
service between the ages of It acts much better
and law mentions than potash, or any other remedy
mails only, but if Turkish
subjects, must also serve, though the
latter can buy themselves out of the; M.
D. J. Editor Proprietor.
Sis is pees
i ID,
tn, m to
from any
men or
will .
ten trial.
to ail.
Be sure to me, and save Solid
-Mt this U
Re-elected April by a
obtained, and all the r. s.
or in the Courts attended to
We opposite the IT. B. Of-
engaged Patents Exclusively,
less time
more remote from Washington.
the model drawing i- are
as to patent ire
and we make no change we ii-
W i refer, here, to the Port Master, the
of Order Did., and to
is of the S. Patent
advise and reference in
clients your own State,
i . o .
;. ; n
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis-
eases free.
Drawer Ga
land service on paying of i
our money.
are four classes regular
acting or standing army,
called the or reserve
the army of the
led its or reserve, the second army of
the and the or .
On entering the army as a recruit
the new arrival stays from one to w. p. suit. Druggist, Ind.,
years in the standing army, the next can recommend Bit-
four in the then seven with ten as the best remedy. Every
the and six with the territorial ; bottle sold given relief in every case.
army. If a recruit has a horse of his ; took six and was cored
own rind keeps it at his own Rheumatism of standing.
he gets promoted at once to the I Abraham Hare, druggist, Ohio,
class cavalry, without active selling medicine
service. ever handled in my experience,
The Turkish empire is divided la Electric Thousands of
seven military districts, and each of era have added their so
these is divided again into eight verdict is unanimous that Electric
i i . .-L-r
MM .
bl. m.-. . . I
tree, it r. i. J ,
Mi pain.
. r
. ma. EH
tonic, i
from la
fries Remains Jane,
l .-11. the hair.
r I . t Gray
. .
. i
A ear Mad
sale by.
into brigades, regiments, lat-
Three big larger beer breweries in
Per Year,
New spa per ever published in
Greenville. It
and gives More Reading Matter for
the money than any other paper
published in North
The gives a variety
and LOCAL, will devote it-
and all full with one in New York, and one
cavalry and and engineers. . , . , , ,
While peace exists the alone Albany were last eeK
aid Hip, ard I self to the material advancement
Have just procured several
Vehicles and will take passengers to any
at rates.
Sale, Feed
i cloak or mantle of the same cloth,
and a tight fitting black which
she must wear at all times during
the day. She then joins her
. companions at and spends
three an hour in the
chapel in prayer and meditation.
The convent chaplain celebrates
mass at After this a
Having associated B. S. plain food is served in the
with me in the Undertaking business we Then Miss sweeps
are ready to serve the people in that i
capacity. All notes and accounts due ; out her own room, ranges bed
for past services have been placed in duties all over the
the of Mr. for collection.
keep on hand at all times a nice
stock of Cases and Caskets of all
kinds and can furnish anything desired
from the Case down to a
Pitt county Fine Coffin. fitted
building. When this is finished, as
she aspires lo be a choir sister, she
repairs to the study hall and receives
special instruction for two hours
in she intends to
on taking her final vow.
once in a long while the of per- ,, M of York, and cured by
merit, but more often it is ob-
by intrigue or actual purchase, Albany Brewing Company.
All tho generals and staff are
appointed by the sultan himself on the very.
recommendation of the minister of ; Fluid post-
war, but that functionary, no matter ; lively removes Hair in Two
who he may be, is never above the minutes, permanently without pain or
reach of proper arguments, and ad- injury to Cupids I
are obtained nine times Res the complexion. Edison's Electric
out of ten the influence of women. Balm makes the Hair
is military school which j circulars for Stamp,
was founded by a French gentleman,
who also introduced percussion caps
into Turkey, under the reign of Sultan .
modeled after Saint Fifty of New York's best-known
in France. Now at least one; , , ,. j
officer in a hundred can rend and i
write, but the rank arid tile arc in the pilgrimage to the of
densest ignorance, and absolutely do Men's Benefit As- i
not know their right hand from their ; . , . , , , . i
left. There is also a school of artillery, which assembles at the.
lowest St. N. Y.
In Effect A. M. A Dec.
No. No.
.-, re
New Dene
up with all conveniences and can render m ,, ,. ,, . r,
satisfactory services to all who patronize the afternoon is
spout at work and partly at
study. Chapel service is held
again at eight o'clock. At she
goes lo her dormitory, and in fifteen
lights are extinguished.
This Is repeated every day, mid
would no doubt seem dull
to the ordinary society
Important to
la on- reading.
to C Oh,
r- of Warn, A.
,,, . , ,. w in
. i I . i I. t . c-
City am t
East. Going Want
No i. No.
Mixed Ft. Mixed
Pass-Train. Pass Train.
am p m
Bests la
J Grange
Caswell SO
Core Creek
Clark's 1244
Morehead Depot am
Tuesday, Saturday,
t Wednesday and Friday.
. r. .- i I Ill
. . l-r.-.. son,
II . n.
A. A
A Happy woman.
woman like the
est nations have no that
writer, George Eliot, but no
i woman can hf happy who is suffering
j so to the sex. Dr,
Favorite Prescription will soothe
troubles and restore health and
or once more. The roses will bloom
again on faded cheeks. It is n
positive cure for the most complicated
and those schools have done much to Palmer House, Chicago, this week j
raise the standard of the army. m
In civil government the is . . .,
chief, his power is absolute until Foster, the oldest
bis enemies want a change and be is Ex U. Senator, in
induced to resign, or, in other words, v v. . ,
is put to death. But while he lives his
power is limited only by tho laws of I
nature. Next to Hie in national
importune is the grand vizier; after ; a reliable woman wanted to introduce
him is the or minister ; t ladies in this county. Dr.
of war; then the minister of public Nichols, celebrated Spiral Spring Clasp
Corsets retailing at and upward.-.
Mo more broken steels; warranted
or money refunded. The
greatest invention of the age. Sells on
sight. No experience required ; sample
and outfit absolutely free. Agents
to weekly. Send
postage for sample, and terms.
West 14th Street. NEW YORK.
your for a.
Send your name and get a
is called to the as its
large and growing circulation
makes it an excellent
through to reach the people
i . m i i no
I t pa
The is the only New York news-
paper the tulles;
of the National Administration and the
United Democracy of New York, the
political battle ground of die Republic.
Democracy, pure and
simple, is good enough for the Stab.
Single handed among the metropolitan
press, ii has stood by the men called by
the great Democracy to redeem the gov-
from twenty-five yews of
and corruption
and despotism to the South. For these
four years past it has been
in its to the administration
Cleveland. It is for him now
for Cleveland four
years more of Democratic honest
national and of continued nation.
For people who like sort of De-
the Stab is the to read.
The Stab stands squarely on the
National Democratic platform. It be-
that any tribute exacted from the
people in excess of the of a
economically administered
is essentially oppressive and
The scheme fostered and championed
the Republican making the
government a million
from the people locking
them up in vaults to serve no purpose
but Invite wastefulness dishonesty,
it regards as a monstrous crime against
the rights of an citizenship. Re-
publican political jugglers may call it
taxation St a it's
for it is robbery.
Through and through the is a
great newspaper. Its tone is pure and
wholesome, news service
Each issue presents an
tome of is lot north knowing
the world's history i yesterday. Its
stories are told in good, quick,
English, and
reading they are.
The Stab Is as good as the
best class magazine, and prints about the
same amount of mutter Resides the
news it Is rich in special
articles, stories matches of current
literature, reviews, ail criticism, etc
in its columns ; Will ton's
letters are of its choice
Many known men and women
in literature and art are represented in
Its columns.
The is a large
giving the cream of news the work
over, with special features which make
the most complete family newspaper
published. The farmer, the mechanic,
the business too much occupied to
reads daily paper, will get more for his
dollar invested in the Stab
than from any other piper. It will lie
during the campaign,
will the freshest most re-
lad news.
. B. i
day for one year
Daily, Sunday, one year 8.00
t. day, months
Daily, without Sunday, six months 3.00
edition, one year 1.51
Weekly Stab, one year
A free cop of the Stab to
the Bender of a of ten.
Address, THE STAB
Park Place New York,
C. II.
x. u.
j Culling and Dressing Hair. and obstinate cases of weak
I back,
; sensations
chronic congestion and
AT THE GLASS FRONT pale and tender-
the Opera at which
I have recently located, and where I have
works; then tho or
minister of marine, and after him the
minister of New York
First Prayer In Congress.
The first prayer in tho congress of
the United States was made in this
A convention from all the states
in tho Union, except Island,
met in pursuance of a resolution
passed in congress recommending that
course, in the house at
in May, 1787. Washington was
elected to preside. It was
at first lo amend the articles of
confederation under which until then
the national government had been ad-
ministered. But after consultation
and debate it was derided to throw
The Steel Chicago,
ton, and now at.
the Brooklyn Navy are being
titled out for a two cruise
around the world. The squadron
will be commanded Commodore
Walker, with I he Chicago as his
flagship. The Atlanta is disabled
.-- oar
A Scientific Standard Medical Treatise cc
Impurities of the Blood,
Untold Miseries
iron Folly, Vice, or
MM victim
in my line
the appliances; new
Ml table chairs.
, sharpened at p
for work of my shop
antic promptly executed. Very respect full v.
tad City
Hotel H A
For Sale.
will sell my Center Bluff property
of two of land with
more house, large warehouse and tenant
house on reasonable terms.
Center on
Train connects with Wilmington A
Weldon Train bound North,
a. in., and with
it Danville Train West, leaving
Train connects with Richmond ,
Danville Train, arriving at
p. m. and with Wilmington and at a
Train from at p. m V
Train connects with Wilmington and , N. C.
Through Freight Train, -i. -.-. ii .
and Te,
Danville Through Freight Train i trade to I be merchants
of Greenville. Do the merchants
L. I in return ever fry to draw
Gen. Albeit Sidney Johnson, in
of West Virginia, has written
n letter of thanks to the polite and
hospitable treatment to the
of that State daring the
Washington Centennial.
Another wonderful discovery has been
made and that too by a lady t his
Disease fastened Its clutches upon
her and seven years she withstood
its severest tests, but her vital organs
were undermined death seemed
For three months she coughed
incessantly and could not sleep. Slip
of a bottle of Dr. King's New
for Work, the Married or Social
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess tills great
work. It contains royal
embossed, full gilt, only by
mail, post-paid, concealed In plain wrapper,
Prospectus Free. II apply now. Tho
author, II. M. D;. re-
from tho National Medical
tor the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL V. Parker and a corps
of Assistant may consulted,
by mall or In poison, M tho opt of
, , ;
tend with At one. time any chance of j ,,. daughter's I
union and unanimity seemed so small ; ,
that several members proposed a final; -Young man, can yon support
adjournment. At momentous a family
crisis Dr. Franklin arose and,
over the old system and pro-
to form a new constitution. This
convention embraced almost every , j ft
really great man in the nation.
We, in our piping days of peace, hr
have no conception of tho obstacles the .
the constitution had to con-1 Boston Stem Parent
very desirable location fur i f and was so
I I a relieved on taking first dose that
she slept all night and with one bottle
has been miraculously cured. lier name
is Mrs. Lather Thus writes W.
C. A Co., of N.
a free trial bottle at Drug
The National Convention of
will be In
recognition from tho presiding officer,
has it happened, sir, that
while groping so long in tho dark,
in our opinions, and now ready
to separate without accomplishing the
great object of our meeting together,
we have not once thought of humbly
applying to the Father of Lights to
our understandings In the
beginning of the contest with Great
Britain, when we were sensible
we had daily prayers in this room
tor divine protection. Our prayers,
sir, were graciously heard and an-
Young Man
wanted Sarah.
Edison's Electric Spavin Cure
removes Spavin,
Splint, or Curb in hours without pain.
Particulars, illustrated circulars and
on receipt or cunt
Went St., N. Y.
The count of money in
the at New York is
Cr. Franklin then moved completed. The amount is
for baldness,
falling out f hair. eradication of
dandruff is before the public.
Among the many who have with
wonderful success, I refer yon to the fol-
lowing named gentlemen who
to the truth of my assertion
Mu. O.
Greene, Sn.,
Any one wishing to give it a trial for
the above named complaints can procure
it from at my place of business, for
Greenville, March C ,
that prayers, imploring j The lorn a I transfer was
tho assistance of heaven, and its bless- , , . .
on our deliberations, be held in Assistant-Treasurer
this assembly every morning before j Monday.
to i . .-------
This resolution was at adopted.; The Public Sell of New York
The historian harmony i,,;, . . .-. i r n
prevailed via-1 City line the Gold
Printers and
1ST. Q.
We have the and complete
of the kind to be found in
tho Slate, and solicit Jen for all
Of o E. a i 1-
road or School Print-
or Binding.
Send H- your orders.
Ate was guidance of Wis- Medal the best mm . in the
i Civic and Industrial Parade. Wash-
Greenville, N. G.
have the
Chair in the art. towels,
sharp razors, and satisfaction guaranteed
In every instance. Call and be con-
Ladles wilted on at their
Cleaning a
Be What's
another new discovery by Alfred
In the way f helping the afflict-
ed. Hy calling on or addressing the
above named you can procure a
bottle of Preparation that is Invaluable
for causing the
kinkiest hair to V perfectly soft and
two or application a
week is and a heir
is all to lie used after robbing the
for a few minute with
Preparation. Try a be
m j
b Die
i i
lite, t i .
copy. ;
. . . i .
. .
r 11-
. . .,
Edith V
. r, . ,,., ,.
i i .
. I i
. In-
. I x. m
i. i lo
, I IV, w In-
I v. x r
c I
n i
. in f
A r . . i ,
Mi u
nil fail i Inf.
Dealer Hay. Corn, M, a. Oats
and Mill led.
pay CAST micas for
I Corn
i I pay f ash for my and can
to nil t
Call me at the store of J. S.

Eastern reflector, 22 May 1889
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 22, 1889
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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