Eastern reflector, 19 September 1902

[This text is machine generated and may contain errors.]

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour
Yours to
Jas. B. White.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
Heaters Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
That the place to get the best
Fruit Jars
s, f. w W W
A woman jumps at a man's con
The proper study of
Congeniality the balm for
many a broken heart.
The almighty dollar a
multitude of
Many a has gone crooked
of a straight whiskey.
A man may be the
and still relish a
A judge frequently charges the
jury more than lie expects to re
That lines is
evident from the devil's solicitude
over new acquaintances.
l bachelors and mature maiden
ladies very Intelligently on
the proper trailing of
everybody else has given it up as a
bad job.
Any adequate appreciation of
what woman owes to art is Impel
mi long us it may not lie per
where woman leaves oil and
art begins.
Same years ago a bold, bad man
perpetrated this
is a saloon different from a
and answered it by point
out saloon usually shuts
UP at o'clock, It is reported
that poor fellow died of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Confections,, I Xi .
Mrs. L. Ii. WHITE,
Blackjack, X. C.
Ski line ;. I and. Prices low
Country bought Ii r cash or in
I gs
is at our store. We have them in
different styles and sizes at prices
as low as the lowest. Then as
usual we are headquarters for the conscience.
Best of Every tiling
III appendage fa
table from lib, .,
,, ,, proximity with a twine
and arc sure so have the
BUTTER and CHEESE ON ICE. boa of shot had
I become attached. As the casual
watched the trio, through
I the dost of a beautiful landscape,
and noted the half-surprised, half-
aggrieved countenance of the
canine, and the large rents in the
atmosphere, dis
beveled summit of the high places,
be was almost persuaded that
communications corrupt good
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks. Cotton, and
I'm ate Wires to New York.
Chicago and New Orleans.
American and Italian Marble
Dissolution Notice.
Ire Fence Sold-
work and prices
ii i on t.
Notice to Creditors.
no d that i . II.
s. M. Jones, partners
doing business r the
nun .
Mfg i hate thin I ;
ii.- .-. .
All p. claims
the said Th I o
present mi., to s. J,
Ii i.-. . and all s i ion in-
James. Tip- I i i 11----ill
ii i . Ii. Jam r the
in . but s. M. hi
for ii
ll .
This All
i .
Notice to Creditors.
ill. i In
. Court
i the v. ill mill Ii
w I . . used, and
letters having duly.
mi. I nil per-
sons i i th. stale
the William to
i -i III III Ill
mi or before
July, or this will U
r. v . ill i In to
Sin. i Ii Pitt
n- id Hid
of of John
. i mil. . .,.,, In-
i to make
. . .- . i. to the and l
s Foremost .- . .
mi Mm i -tali- i to present them for
The Observer -i-t
, or
Take tare the
Tin- or woman I
whose stomach
. function is never sick.
i the
positively and per
ii troubles,
i- the
tonic that i-
making -ii people well
weak people b to
lit. s ail the in
ii,. i i at. K. . II.
Hi Mi-.
mi i mi. I consider it tin- bent
ever used fur dyspepsia and
I was up by
id j saved life,
u mi. i Jno. L. Wooten,
J. P CALDWELL. Editor.
ill OBSERVER Receives the
largest telegraphic
delivered paper between
Atlanta, and
it- special sen i s the
I Cam
-i- or more pages, and is
to a extent made up of;
original matter.
printed . I I i.
J i i ;
i I
Charlotte, N.
I,. i tic blind, but it never
In- hear p footstep on the
. . -J.
c of .
I . . Co i
Tl. i
; I
T unit. .
n ii
. I.
Jo i.
I nil
. Mil-
-i i please i
is l Tim. i i ,
j. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and of
Bagging, Ties and
Pilot Mountain, Sun-
day after a
of several years. Some -i years
while Mr. was
iii; with a threshing machine, he
Sacked a rye beard his ind-
Two or three years later it
came out through his pro-
sore, and this,
after years of suffering, at
canted death.
accident u a
Ulcers or
Rye en Sores
need not become n fixture upon your
body. If they do it is your fault, for
will thoroughly, quickly
neatly There
is no guesswork about i I; if this
is used a will follow.
I until with Mexican
h at t.-p
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, Ocracoke and
all points for the West with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde from
Bay Line Chesapeake
8.8. from Baltimore. Mer-
Line from
July 1st the steam-
Guide will leave Washington at
a. m. Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
for Belhaven,
and and will leave
coke at B a. m. for
Belhaven Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
Greenville, N. C.
J. E. District
Washington, N. C
All Must Be Taxed.
The tax commission given out
the following opinion the mat-
of the Income
view the fact that the re-
view of the tax lists of the State
SO far made the State tax com-
mission S the fact dis.
Inequalities in as-
have been
In that while many persons
employed In various capacities by
the government neglected
and refused to list their incomes
for taxation, other Federal officers
have listed their and, in
that while some of the judges of
the State have listed their Incomes,
others neglected and refused to lit
theirs, the tax commission deemed
it proper to address a letter to the
county acre In each
in the State, calling their
attention to these irregularity's,
and advising and directing
to examine the tax lists their
counties correct the same by
adding thereto the incomes from
all sources except incomes derived
from property taxed.
BLUSHED 1875.-
S. M.
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Bead, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Safes, P.
and Gail
High Life Tobacco, Key West Che-
roots, Henry George Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Apples, Silts,
Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M. Schultz
Lingering Summer Colds.
Don't h ii cold run this season.
r colds arc the hardest kind tn
cure if neglected along
tor months. A this
hill pull down the strongest
One Minute Cough Cure will
hi the attack at once. Safe
t once. Cures
iN. bronchitis, all throat
and lung troubles like
It. L. Woolen.
Beware Knife.
v i prof
of late than it
. i. t be except
In for
Win h quickly
fur cuts.
burns, bruises, wounds,
it no so
. bleeding
fir Witch
Halve in n
Soothes basis. I.
One Farm. miles from
here, i acres, cleared.
Good land for tobacco, corn,
cotton, etc. Splendid dwell-
two tobacco barns and
tenant Louses.
Second Farm, miles
from here, acres, mostly
cleared, with tobacco bums
and tenant houses.
Third Farm, about
half cleared, with good tenant
houses, barns and
orchards. half this farm
is low ground, is good
There is every indication that corn for
the cotton crop will be short pasturage. place for man
throughout the country, and it is wanting to raise beef, cotton,
hoped the farmers will not run a dairy, as well as for
a hurry to sell their notion this general farming. A nice live
room dwelling, live good tenant
seven tobacco barns
a back three large
Orchards in bearing and vine-
pasture and list land.
Ali these farms on Free
Delivery and in a healthy com-
lesson. It i
that with a short crop if farmers
will hold any considerable
quantity of it, they trill stand a
Chance of getting better prices la-
on in the season. And
one ought to desire to see the far-
do well, both in the amount
of products they and in the
prices they get, the country's
prosperity rests upon the farmers,
after land Net k Common
from Northern Wood
sic In ii j- cure for
16.00 REWARD.
light red cow, solid
slightly darker on DOM
limns oil three of head
bolted when left, inch
around Will calve about
Boding said
will notify.
i. formula is i
lated on bottle
ii i- simply Iron
form. No cure, pay.
n a
Don't Treat Symptoms
s rat will never
tern but the next meal cl
by the system.
after the cause. Stimulant rat will never cure indigestion.
They may temporarily relic e the tern but the licit meal clogs i I
food should be digested. The nourishment health strength It contains
should lie by the system.
purifies, cleanses, st sweetens the stomach.
This new discovery digests all classes of food and assists
the stomach and digestive organs In assimilating and
transforming it Into the of nourishment, that is
taken up by the blond and fed to the throughout
the body. cures indigestion
and dyspepsia, thus the cause of all stomach
troubles. gives such strength to the body that
it Is invaluable In all diseases.
wt-h to think for what fur writes Clifton
f , I It
Hostel What You Eat.
r . , ., much
the trial
little Bills fr ii
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build-
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction
prices, styles work.
Please send your orders to
T-liB rim- Co.
N. C.
every Ban-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
Wednesday evening
Rot. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Bun
lay, morning and evening.
Wednesday evening. Rot.
II. M. pastor. Sunday school
a. m. L. H.
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday-
school a. m. E. B. an-
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Sunday-school a. in., W. B.
Brown, superintendent.
every Wednesday a. m.
Christan Preaching second,
and fourth Sunday in each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. Sun-
day school P. It., W. R. Par-
regular service
A. F. A.
Lodge. meets Bret and
third Monday evening. R.
W. M., J. M. Sec.
E. River Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening.
W. H. C. 0.1 C. L T. M.
Hooker, K. of R. and
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. meets every Tuesday
evening. W. Atkins, N. G.,
D. D. Overton. So-.
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J.
S. Tunstall, Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Ball. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No. meets every second and
fourth Monday in
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. S. Smith Sec.
nice Hardware.
Hugging and Ties always
Fresh goods kept en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
N. C.
The complete in every de
ind prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market
paid for country produce.
Dr. D James,
Dental Surgeon,
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt county made at March
Term 1901 a certain cause rein
entitled re probate In
form of the Last Will and
Testament Tho. J. Sheppard. de-
i will,
Monday, October
at o'clock m., before the Court
House door in Greenville, sell at pub-
sale to the highest bidder, for
cash, the following
laud to the estate of the ale
J. Sheppard, situate In
township, Pitt to
One tract lying west of the
Washington Branch of the Atlantic
Line Railroad, adjoining the
said Railroad, the lands of the heirs
of Mini. I Hill and the lands of J. U.
Satterthwaite, containing US acres,
more or less, and known as a part of
the John s. Smith land and a part of
the Langley land.
One tract lying on the east side
of said railroad and immediately be-
tween said railroad and the county
road leading from Tarboro to Wash-
and adjoining the land of J.
Little on the south and the land of
Daniel Hill's heirs on the north, con-
more or loss.
One tract lying on the east side
of the county road leading from Tar-
to Washington, and hounded on
tho west by said on the south
by the road commonly called
the on the east by a line
running from a pine on said Griffin
road, known as and Little's
corner, a north-west course to a pine
stump on the side of a little branch,
known as corner, and on the
north by Alfred land, con-
acres more or less.
One tract adjoining the last de-
scribed tract, laud of Alfred Jen-
kins. M. A. the high
mark of mill pond down
to Pollard's land, thence with
Pollard's line to Bryant
line, thence with line to
the high water mark of said mill
thence with said high water
down to the Griffin road, with
the Griffin road to the acre tract,
containing NO acres more or less.
One tract beginning at Sheppard's
and Little's corner on the road
and running with Little's line to
H. It. Fleming's line to tho Tarboro
Washington road, thence with said
road the Sheppard mill race,
thence with -mil to a
point distant from the
mill yards parallel
with said dam and feet
thence across the mill
to high water mark of the mill pond,
with tin- high water murk of
said pond to Griffin road, thence
with road lo the beginning, con-
acres, more or less.
One tract lying on the
Ida of tin- mill pond, ad-
joining said mill pond lo the high
mark thereof, the lauds of
II. heirs of CO. Per-
kins W. Roebuck, containing
more or less, and known as
part of the Home Place.
One tract adjoining the lands of
Joseph Crisp, Warren, the
heirs of James W. Rollins and others,
containing acres, more or less,
and known, as the tract.
i tract adjoining the lands of
Warren, Ransom Mobley suit
others, containing acres, more or
less, and known as the W. E.
ard tract.
i. The mill mill scat as
the including the
covered by the pond to the nigh
water murk, mill dam and mill
root the road, with
rights and privileges connected there-
This the September,
Twice a Week
Ricks Wilkinson
WE hove from the north-
markets with the most at-
tractive line of
Shoes, and
that it has ever been pleasure to show.
That we are in style and the quality
we shall leave that for yon say, after you
have investigated.
We made a complete while
and feel sure that we thought of all
your wants. The quality of our
Is tho best, while the prices shall be
Autumn Showing
that ray display of Pattern Hats last
season was pronounced the prettiest in
town. Let me tell you here I will have a
larger assortment, grander styles and lower
prices than any preceding season. My line of
and Hack Hats will be
largest ever shown in Greenville.
MRS. ELLA GREENE will be with me
again, which is a guarantee that my hats will
excel in style and any sold elsewhere.
Wait and see my complete stock before
from On
Washington, D.
is the text of a
letter which Senator John T.
of Alabama has recently made
public and which is likely to at-
tract attention. The
Senator, stating in a lengthy
ion to the Sherman law, is a
graduated tax on all business
with an exemption, in
whole or part, to as can
establish, to tho satisfaction of the
government, that they are not en-
gaged in any agreements or
nations that are intended to con-
the prices, or the cost of trans
of commodities that are
of the descriptions that enter into.
or foreign commerce.
power thus exercised Is
simply taxing power and is not
connected with the
power of Congress to regulate com-
between the states or with
foreign countries.
is the application of the
principled of taxation which are
well nettled, to corporations which
have agreements that
violate the purpose for which they
were created, to the injury of com-
trade the general
The proposition the learned
Semi tor is simple and easy of
plication. No constitutional , .
would be required, and Will
no change of the precious tariff
The People Arc
people of North Carolina
have accustomed to sensation-
., ,.,. . . N. C.
political campaigns. They ,, .
. . . outlook lot Hie new
been conservative save when there .
Temple, which has been decided
Sept. 18th, 1902.
We invite you to visit our
stores on the above named date and
inspect our display of
The newest arid most desirable
Latest Styles in Dress Patterns for
Ladies and Children, to
B. Bro.
opened in one store of the Phoenix
Baker ft Hart formerly with a full line of Clothing Dry
Goods, Hat, Furnishings, Notions, etc,
Everything in stock is brand now and we are selling at
Prices to Astonish You.
us a and be convinced that we can save money.
B. Bro.
schedules. If tho President is in
earnest his desire lo the j
pernicious trusts the scheme Should ;
recommend itself to him, and to
tho his party as
A simple tax bill could
promptly enacted which would
bear heavily every corporation i
but from which could j
be secured on proof that the j
was not acting in viola-
of spirit or tho letter of the
law or contrary to the interests of;
the people. The of proof,
would rest the corporations and
in efforts to secure the pub
so strongly advocated by the
President, would lie secured. The
offered to the Fifty.
seventh by Senator
to prove that it has the inter
of the people rather than those
of wealth at heart, is ex-
President H. hot just re-
turned from I is trip through the
south where he joined the Brother-
hood of Locomotive
spoke enthusiastically of his ad-
for organized labor.
There is little reason to believe,
however, that the working man
who has to pay a ton for his
en i cents a for his
meat will regard the President's
action as entitling him or his
party to tho support of labor
classes. The verbal
that the President is his friend
will do little to alleviate the
of the man who knows that,
as a result of republican
his family is cold and bun
Senator Jones of Arkansas pass-
ed Washington this week
and spoke of the
of the fall elections. He
culled attention to the fact the
passage of the law was
followed by a rise
prices and that in by a great
democratic victory. He predicts
that history will repeat lie
said that all over the United States
the high cost of living was proving
a serious hardship to the poor man
and that the poor man knew that
he was suffering hardship as
a result of republican policies.
Under these he
naturally vote the democrat-
ticket. Jones pronoun
President proposed
constitutional amendment
and stated
President was well aware the
real was the trusts and the
tariff and that no republic in Con
grass enact legislation which
reduce the tariff or correct
the trust evil.
Cordially yours,
J. B. Cherry Co.
was u man to elect, they
have been in the habit of opening
j every and allowing the warm
of patriotism to gush even
las a Texas oil well. Who dues
remember the mighty
the people of the
the never to-be forgotten cam-
have marked the last
quarter of a century The blare
of horn, the roll dram, the ex
campaign cry, the tramp of
processions, the outburst of
sioned eloquence, the terrible ex-
of all
this is so familiar to us all.
But a change seems
over our
is so quiet now.
campaign has opened. Mini-
political meetings all over the
Sate have been advertised, but
when the meetings were held the
element did not mate-
It seems that the people
are slaying at home
Are they indifferent to
the issues No- Will they fore-
go their rights franchise No.
Are they thinking Yes, us
before. They have come to the
conclusion that the time has come
when they can best study
at issue and make up their
minds, not amid the beating of
and Bashes of red-light,
but before the altars Of their con-
science where the only questions to
be answered arc. Is it right
What whom docs
need Christian
The Only
We have just added Steam Supply to our business and
will sell anything in this line very low. See us when in of
Jenkins Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water Ganges,
Oil Cups, Air Cocks. Steam Hancock
U. S. Injectors, Cocks, Steam
Pipe all sines, Pipe Pitting all sizes.
COMPLETE LINE Packing, Rubber Belt, Gaudy
Belt, bolt, Lacing, Hooks,
Example For Men.
According lo the report
of the Charleston Exposition,
was spent for advertising.
Commenting upon the fact the Co-
Slate have
never known en exposition so
poorly advertised except by news-
papers which gave their services
j to the without seeking coin-
lends lite Citizen
to the State
might have added,
this failure
was, more than
cause of the poor upon
exposition its
When the exposition closed the
News took occasion to remark that
financial failure of the big
was due, entirely, to
the ii
advertised, this -opinion was
vouchsafed long before
Were obtainable. It is some
faction to learn that that opinion,
is borne by the
Many business men draw a
from Ibis shining
erect city, is t
The preparations for a great
Slate Fair next month are going
ahead with the encouraging
indications of a gloat success.
Send for premium-list,
you make exhibit or not, lie
sure and put in your appearance
Lawyer Lindsay Patterson, of
Winston, against Lawyer w. W.
is the size
the for Congress that Is be
made new Fifth District,
Mr. Patterson having been selected
by the independent or Dem-
at the conference held at
Greensboro last Thursday. The
general expectation is He-
publicans will endorse Patterson,
The Christian Advocate
has been enlarged to a 16-page pa-
per, magazine form. Dr.
able, devout plucky ed-
is making the
one of the nest religious papers of
The Republican Convention cf
the Fourth has
been called to meet in this city
September 26th,
At annual meeting cf
Appalachian Bark Association,
held at s ago,
Mi. B, P. Hayes was elected to
the Presidency Dr. Ambler
re and Treasurer.
The chamber of Com-
will probably go Ashe-
ville in a short lime to have a
meeting to boom the park bill.
towns in
Georgia and North
Carolina will be invited to attend.
Col. Pearsall, private secretary
to Governor has issued a
statement to the effect that all
for as
State Engineer, succeed
lamented Joseph should
be made to Superintendent of Pub-
Instruction v. who
is ex of the State
Board of Education, by whom
Capt. will be
chosen, and not to the Governor,
who has no power in
this case.
The Weed.
Denting Harvesting machines. Sewer Pipe and
Garland Cook Stoves
themselves; other evils.
They foster A
patch of weeds in a vacant
J an creates Irresistible
in the careless
t brow out tin cans among them,
I empty among their
I garbage
I Hie germs of contagion nod
Besides, are nasty, they arc
a pint of the weed system. Nice
customs them. A town to
lie clean w sun
must lie cleared of pestilent
things. should cut the
weeds. Then I hers will be
tin cans, heaps of ashes
of rolling garbage to mar the
impair health of
a fine town. Kansas City Star,
Justice Gray Dead.
Lynn, Mass. Sept.
Horace Gray, of tic United
States Supreme Court, retired,
died this morning, of
paralysis, He suffered the attack
February and never rallied
any great extent. He
four years old. He recently
succeeded on the supreme bench by
Holmes of Ibis
handed his
lo the president mouths
ago, and last had suffered a second
stroke of apoplexy and felt that ho
could again undertake court
He retired on his salary of
year. With one
his service in the Supreme
twenty years, was longer
than of his associates.
lice Gray Is survived by a
widow. She was of
late Stanley
Docs your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth It's
your liver Pills are
liver pills. They cure
All ,
V I i In- or .
brown or bl k II.-

D. I. Editor
Entered at the at N.
C, class wail matter.
The Boy Congressman
ban probably lost his grip.
The Charlotte News has added
another column. Congratulations
over there.
The had another
engagement, and knocked out
Carter the sixth
They are even alter
now. A
trust is the latest combine.
A Cleveland county farmer kill-
ed an eagle that measured seven
feet one inch from tip to lip.
It is to be presumed that
his forth
encyclopedia Petals on Punch-
will utilize a suggestions
from the Hon. Heavyweight Black-
If a man who sits up all night
order to sleep well next morning
to add a little wisdom to his
precaution, the life insurance com-
might give us lower rates.
II Hon. D. Boy pro-
poses to administer corporal pun-
to every editor who quotes
remarks about him or
the possibility of his election,
book maker may be expected
to take advantage of the
for expansion.
According to press dispatcher.
President had the mis-
fortune to hear a sermon u
reference was made to I he danger
of trusts. The preacher thought
they were a menace to the
Well, some of the rest of us hear
things from the pulpit sometimes
that do not exactly accord with
our personal preferences.
The local editor of the Elizabeth
City Tar Heel who, a
was arrested the city laws
prohibiting smoking
town, and was put in prison for re-
fusing to pay his line or give bond,
was tried the court
Monday. The jury returned a
verdict guilty in one minute
alter taking the case. Au appeal
was taken to Supreme court.
Two Anson boys, broth-
went out turkey hunting be-
fore light Monday. While they
were separated one of the
climbed a tree to yelp the turkeys
to him. The other boy heard the
yelping and followed the sound
until he within range, and
seeing an object up the tr-e
thought it was a turkey and
at To his horror his brother
fell out of the tree and died almost
The break today showed sails
factory decline in bucks compared
lo those of last week. which
buyer and the seller are lo be
congratulated. With a normally
supplied market the factories and
leaf dealers will be able to
in a few days, any surplus
tn k, and. a matter of course,
quotations will show a correspond-
improvement. If the man who
has tobacco to sell will watch the
market closely, and avoid big
breaks, even if he has in hold
a few weeks, he will lie amply-
repaid for his trouble and pa-
The only people much
that they do not tell are editors
and milkmen.
And a New for the Milt
which had
shaping the destiny of an humble
citizen resulted Monday afternoon
in the loss, by Larry Moore,
of an energetic utility man, by the
Chief of Police of a round of am-
munition, and by the town,
of one John Daniel, col-
and foxy.
Mr. Moore had bonded
out of the and bad further
contributed to his general well-
being by directing him through a
course of such physical exercise as
supposed to be needful to a
mar, of and brawn.
was duly appreciative,
but his store of surplus energy was
more than equal to these light till
He became a great
walker. The bracing night air
was agreeable. soles were in
some demand, and John bethought
him of experiment. Why net
substitute some of the surplus
belting of factory town for shoe
soles f Done From
standpoint, under the starlit skies,
the experiment a great
He no longer envied Edison
Marconi. Great possibilities
were themselves to his
fertile imagination when,
day, exclaimed the
scientist, from the depths
of Mr. Moore's kitchen
have said Capt. Smith, peeping
mischievously over the window
sill, at bobbing wool.
The Captain apparently
John to accompany him down
town, but, upon request, allowed
him to return to the room fur his
coat. then the wily
resources came into full and
impressive play, which the crack
of the Captain's tire arm seemed to
stimulate, rather than depress.
With at first the house between
him and the Chief, then a rap
idly Increasing number of acres,
be furnished the onlooker with an
exhibition of that will go
in local chronicles as
best Good by,
John. If you are running today,
yon will be fortunate to have a
pair soles in your pocket
On Monday in the
Co., assisted by home
talent, gave a delightful concert.
The following program was
and every number was ex-
I mental
Miss Bonner.
Violin Allen. Pat-
rick and Forbes.
Instrumental Solo
Mr. Lanier.
Vocal Solo the of
Mr Forbes.
Miss Homier.
Instrumental York
and Mr. Lanier.
Misses Allen, Patrick
and Forbes.
Vocal Basil-
Mr. violin
to. Miss Forbes.
Instrumental Solo
Miss Bonner.
Vocal in the
Mr. Forbes.
Miss Bonner.
Forbes, Allen Patrick.
Vocal as a
Instrumental Solo
Chariot Mr. Lanier.
Accompanist -Miss Bruce
Black Hair
have used your Hair Vigor
for rive years and am
pleated with It. It certainly re-
the original color to gray
Helen New Portland, Me.
Hair Vigor has
been restoring color to
gray hair for fifty years,
and it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
a Mile. All
your cannot supply
end will
a bottle. n sure slid ale
J. C AVER CO., Lowell, Ma.
lo Check Whiskey Traffic
A meeting was held in the
church, Sunday afternoon,
looking to the organization of an
Anti Saloon League in
The meeting did have the at-
that such a movement
merited, but those present showed
an that means some-
The meet was presided over by
H. M. Eure, D. J. Which-
aid was secretary.
were made by Revs. H.
M. Eure J. X. Booth, W. F.
Harding, W. H. and F.
A motion was adopted to organ-
were enrolled as members.
Permanent organization was de
to a meeting to be held at
o'clock next Sunday afternoon,
in the Methodist church, and a
committee on permanent
consisting of W. II. Bags-
dale, I. X. W. F. Harding,
W. T Lee D.
was appointed to at that
A com m it lee on program tor the
next meeting, consisting of F. C,
Harding, Ii. E. Harris and C. M.
Jones, was also appointed.
There are many people in Green
villa who ought to be interested
In this they should
be present at the meeting
Fresh Gossip From Near-by Vicinities
I am greatly disappointed at not
receiving certain lines of my
and goods in time for
opening announced for 17th,
and goods were
from New York Aug.
Maid, and by mistake went to
Greenville, S. They were re
shipped from that point Sept.
but as yet have not here.
This statement i- made so my
tend the opening may
know why certain goods arc not on
display. However, the opening
will take place advertised,
The Big Store.
Mayor's Court
Mayor II. W. has dis-
posed of the following cases in his
court since last report.
W. X. Height, using vulgar and
profane language, penny
David and
fined and costs, 3.20.
Evans, riotous
conduct, lined costs.
Forties, drunk and
disorderly, lined i l and costs SI.
Forbes, assault with
deadly weapon, over to
Ernest Pierce, firing off pistol
in town, fined l and costs,
Ernest Pierce, C. C. W , bound
over to Court.
Shade Adams, drunk and
fined and costs,
Shade Adams, escape, hound
over to Superior court.
Frank Nobles, riotous
conduct, lined and costs,
Shorty Ward, riotous and
conduct, SI and costs,
Dis Hopkins, riotous and
conduct, lined and costs,
John House, riotous and
conduct, fined Si and costs,
Sam Bryant, running a livery
without license, fined costs,
113.55, Appeal to Superior court.
Got Hit Go-Cart.
Folks get much happier
here than B. is now.
There a new girl at his house,
and for some weeks he has been
collecting Cigar bands lo get a go
earl for the Miss. The
of was
cured, mid the was received
Monday. Several friends assisted
him collecting the and he
wishes to them for their in-
Winterville Department.
by Our Correspondent and
Reported for REFLECTOR Readers. P
The baud was out on a general
serenade Monday night.
Mi-- is the
Misses Chapman.
Mr. Bryant Ellis, a very old
gentleman, living a short distance
from here, died last Saturday and
was buried Sunday
Several boys from High
School spent a short while in
Greenville Saturday.
Our young friend, Gal
of was up to
sec us Sunday and we arc pleased
to learn be will enter our school
within the next or two.
We honestly believe the A. G.
Cox Mfg. Go's, wagons have been
heard of everywhere, even way-
down on the Ganges river
several other places, too, they
are taking, for they are constantly
going orders are coming in for
more. Old man To be says
take it, if Joe Blow don't quit
advertising we'll make all
in Pitt county up into Tar Heel
Advertising tells and
good things are b-. to go.
Prof. Lineberry went to Bull
Head Saturday and returned Sun
Mrs. Sparks, of Kinston, who
has been visiting her son, J. W.
Sparks, sometime returned to
her home Saturday.
Hurst have the contract
for building a large church at
Reedy for our Free Will
Baptist friends.
Those three pretty girls driving a
N. C. 1902.
Mrs. John Ormond, had
been Washington, start
ed to run home last Sunday morn
and bad only gone a short dis-
when she was taken sudden-
ill and had to return to the place
where she had been on a visit.
Her barely succeeded in
placing on the bed, as she died
almost instantly. The intelligence
here was a shock to her
numerous friends.
Are they to keep com-
The students, we mean, to
the Winterville High School. Only
new ones Monday and several
more since. Eleven rep
resented with bright prospects
the 12th to be heard from.
There are quite boarding pit
pile. I tell you, Mr. Editor,
things are alive down here we
swap places with the best
looking man that lives
else. Just now, this is good
enough for us.
Miss Fannie Roach, of
left on the train yesterday morn-
for the N. I, College at
n. A. White Mr. Steadman,
of Greenville, called yesterday.
Rev. T. Manning has accepted a
position as assistant Postmaster at
this place and will move bis family I sorrel horse, Sunday, who went
here at once. I hunting grapes
A small child living about seemed to lie having a nice
three miles from here was right time. Don't guess who
severely last Sunday by they were, for we are not going to
falling the lire.
Marriage License,.
For the first half of September
Register of Deeds, T. It. Moore,
issued the following
Bond and Mattie Spruill.
E. B. James and Josephine Bar-
James and Susan Unix-
H n. Craft Olivia Sea-
Art ford Hopkins and Daniel
James H. Harris Susan B.
James Daniel
Jackson and Pauline
The Liberty Warehouse.
A full page advertisement in this
issue has something to say
what the Liberty Warehouse is
doing. It is the talk of both town
and country that the Liberty sells
more than any other one
house Eastern Carolina.
It took work to get such a
as this, and W. T.
Co., are noted for their bard
work in the of the tobacco
Go to the Liberty any
gales day and yon will see evidence
of this.
The Liberty has a
and corps helpers
and they make feel at home
when you go there. All of them
work to reputation of
the house and keep it in the lead.
At the Big Store.
Following an interesting crowd
today, the reporter
found himself in of the mas-
show windows of the Big Store.
These always repay a
glance, even season's; but,
as accessory to the tall opening ex-
they have taken on the
orators hand with an artistic
effect that the eye and
invites inspection. Behind these
windows one finds, upon entering
the store, a display in keeping
with the window display. Only
the hand and the eye of artist
could have provided such a feast
for the shopper.
And stock Say, if you want to
get a look, better hurry.
When that delayed shipment gels
in, there won't be much room left
for the crowd. Mr. and
his clever corps of assistants are to
be congratulated.
Other men's pains are easily
New Firm
At the Railroad Store
The mail infelicities of
Mrs. Henry Boyd, colored, gave
policeman Dudley an opportunity
to the strong arm of the
law in behalf Monday.
left for parts unknown before
the aim c old reach him.
he be apprehended ho will have to
answer for very cruel treatment of
his wife.
R. If, has purchased a
half interest in the mercantile
business of L. M. Savage, near
the depot, and the style of the
new will hereafter be
We invite our friends the
to call on in
Heavy Fancy Groceries
and Family Supplies,
a full of is on hunt
lowest prices, also make a
specialty of Hay, Corn and Oats, aid
other Iced stun for stock.
Your patronage solicited.
New Firm.
B. M. has purchased a half
Interest in the mercantile
of L. M. Savage, near the depot,
and the firm is now Savage e.
Both are young men of tine
and they will succeed.
Bead their advertisement this
Near the Depot,
We V.
en or photo tor
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce,
Fruits, Candies, Tobacco and Clears.
Agents for Wilbur's Cattle and Poultry Food.
Fruit Jars.
for YOU hack the and get your dollar.
A dollar with a
dollar's worth of
every time. It It
Three Times
the Value of
Any Other.
One Third Easier,
One Third Faster.
Agents wanted in all
tin occupied
W heeler Wilson Mfg Co.
Atlanta, Ga-
S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C.
III fill.
Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Won
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an the lifetime
of insured.
J. L,. SUGG,
Greenville, N.
Farmers of Pitt and
Surrounding Counties.
Let me have your attention a
moment I have purchased the
Planters Warehouse
and will have of it this season. I
have been identified with the Greenville
Tobacco market almost from its start, and
am with every detail of the
Tobacco business.
It is my purpose in conducting the
to ran it in the of those who sell
their tobacco on my floor, knowing that
the more I help the farmer the more I
help myself.
No effort will be spared to make every pile sold
at the PLANTERS bring the highest price.
Knowing the value of Tobacco, having
ample capital to carry on the business,
assisted by the best helpers that can be
procured, I can make it to your interest
to sell at the PLANTERS.
Plenty of room to take care of your
team, and all the farmers who come to
stay over night will rind ample
Bring me tobacco if you want best prices.
, A Wonderful Echo.
At a watering place in the
Pyrenees the conversation at table
turned a wonderful echo to
be some distance off on the
Franco Spanish frontier.
is said so
of the
soon as you spoken you hear
distinctly the voice leap from rock
to rock, from precipice to
M as as it passed the
front the the Spas
An Odd Pair of
An sight on the
streets yesterday was a in
which were two Iron Gas
ton One of the
was totally blind and the other
had both of his arms cut at the
elbows. The blind was
the mule which was hitched to
the Wagon, while the handles
would direct how to pull
the reins. They had a loud of
produce to sell. These two
live together and are well-
known characters in Gaston. The
sightless performs all kinds
of labor while the one with
no hands by his side to
him. They are not
but neither could get along with-
out the
Won't Pay The Tax.
It is announced today that Judge
and Federal officials
will appeal lo the courts against
decision of the State Tax Com-
mission in regard to the income
tax. The that
if interpretation of
the word Is good,
of his creditors could touch
his salary, nor could he spend it
himself without violating the law.
Attorney General of the
State gives it as his opinion that
Judge Cornell's salary cannot be
taxed, a lawyer has yet
been seen who has I tie-
idea that the can be made
to pay this lax.
Senator Simmons did not Ural
list his Income from salary, hut
made a Holt it was exempt,
lie still thinks it is, but did nut
wish to continue make the point
and so Hated
Journal, 8th.
r. Has Or.
From I
Major it. now
la command of the States
In who Just
home by
Is known tho army as In
in Cuba, at hill, where
lie divested of his uniform
and fought th trenches with the
Chalice will leave Manila
about SO and will relieve General
On- humane of establishing In
of th city
for Two of these have
opened, one at
and another at rein.
At these every convenience
has been
stead Lard soft
lounges are provided for the- little
trained nurses are con-
They Were Hie
Oliver Hazard Perry
the first representative to appear in
the house with a new spring suit of
clothes. It mus a check worsted
which Representative Dick said was
louder than the speech which
Of Kentucky was delivering at tho
time. members crowded about
on In; attire. He took
their gibes good until one
believe that suit makes more
than red
bile when it is going down
avenue, mid tho
sounds like a machine gun in ac-
see rejoined New.
congressman testily,
dollies mine, and I am
The other representatives moved
at this sign of ill temper and
talked of introducing a resolution
that the millionaire's
clothes disturbed deliberations
the News.
A Glance at Future.
of the command of de-
of tho east, with
at Governors island. New York.
The meteoric rise of It.
foe from a private In the ranks of tho
to a major generalship
baa attracted attention of
world. Before the out break of I ho
Spanish war Central was a
major of a cavalry regiment and
commandant of the school of
at Port
From a humble country home Or-
well, General has climbed
up tin- ladder lo his present high
Iran, of major general command.
lug tho United States army in the
and he was the private In
the regular army lo tie to
an exalted He will be sue-
the Philippines by
Through his tact bravery during
tho charge at Kl and In the cam-
III China, v. here he was also
command of the States forces,
mime has become pleasantly
In his
After the china campaign
In command of Philippine de-
pertinent, lie then made a tour of tho
Islands to study and
mended Changes In the civil govern-
After civil war General
won fame as an Indian lighter and was
the Idol of his men. one of his favorite
commands when In a hot chase after
was. me. men. and
man that's killed III make a
Minister Wu Ting Tang Dr.
Mary had till nit ill a
reception in Washington last win-
which the Chinaman had
rather tin- best it.
Ii tin- initial meeting Ilia
and spinal inflexions
Were barely completed when the
doctor stopped k a pace
drawing rather anatomy
up lo the uttermost semblance of
dignity that she could command.
with an expression, of utter
upon her
eyed big Chinaman most
severely for a moment.
With a. look of at
attitude, lo winch popular
diplomat is mi little accustomed, lie
Mailed ill for what was
Coming, tor Dr. .
was portentous. Ai last she let him
have ii. a look that might have
annihilated one less a
do yon wear Mr.
The minister, smiling as
only a Chinaman can,
Because it the of my
country, And then, after
n slight pause, to give his words all
till- possible, in
We make the Ar-
and make the
may sneer at
Ami hirelings defame her.
The fame of the
does wherever you name
The City Mayor and all other
city authorities, as w.-ll u
musical the teachers, the
critics all music
loving ,. cordially In-
visit temporary
quarters Ham White's
department, where the tone
tin- creation will be
echoed. The sale of this
positively close Oct. 1st. Store
open evenings
Very respectfully,
Factory Representative.
ii i hi i
most woman has
Just succeeded in Inducing tin
School to a new
For Mrs. been
in work.
charge crippled
of site
called tin the board
to the of compelling
Largely efforts
of board ON engaged in
ft decree f the
or Court March
. mi in u therein
entitled re in
lot in lit.- I Will
of J,
i will,
it in., before Hie
House in m-II
n bid id r, for
the following
land to the
Thus. J. Sin iii
Pin county, t.
tIs- Atlantic
of Daniel Hill and I a ml .-i II.
more or less, and known a-,
S. Smith laid and a ran
tin- loud.
J. tract lying on side
of said railroad
and the
mud leading from lo
and land of
B. Little on south and of
Hill's heir- on tie- north. in
morn less,
i lying on east side
of the road leading from Tar-
the weal mad; on
by tho public road
a line
running from a mi said
road, known
a north-weal course i a
on aide of a little branch.
a- on the
by Alfred land,
more or
I. adjoining the last de
scribed the laud of Alfred Jen-
kins, M. A. the high
mark of mill pond down
to Frank Pollard., land. with
line to
line, with to
tin nigh water mark of -aid mill
-aid water
down lo road, with
tho to the acre
containing acres or I. c.
A. i beginning
and corner on the mad
running with hue in
II. R. line to the Turbo
mad said
I I miles from
here. j
lain tobacco, corn, I
cotton, etc. Splendid dwell-1
two barns and
Furniture Department
tenant houses.
Second Farm,
from here, mostly
cleared, with tobacco banns
and tenant houses.
Third about
half with
I in every line
Beat and line Boards
line of in town.
Beat lino of ever on
line arrived.
orchards. half this farm
is low is good
corn land, for
place fur nun
winning in raise beef,
or rim a dairy, as wall for,
general farming. A nice live We the Celebrated
room dwelling, live good tenant B ,
houses seven Is BUCK
back house, three large
orchards ill bearing and Made.
pasture and list land, teed or Money on
All these farms on
Delivery and in a healthy eon.- we and we
will please yon.
J. M. BE
N. C.
j . I i -r. . i nm tut
Only one kind of PRINTING-the Best--- at
THE REFLECTOR Printing House, Greenville.

me Liberty or give me death
.- .
This is what a great man once said. Now everybody
who has Tobacco to sell says I'll e the
And there is reason such a choice, for it is an
disputed fact, known to everyone keeps up with
sales on the Greenville market, that the
leads both in quantity sold and in prices obtained.
When a farmer drives to the TY with a load of
Tobacco he has the assurance that his interest will be
protected and that the best work possible will be done
him. None go away dissatisfied. We a most
courteous force of book-keepers and assistants, who are
glad to see you at any time, and in MR. W. T. BURTON
we the finest Auctioneer in the South.
Always remember your
. .
Greenville, N. C.
Proprietors Liberty Warehouse,
When the leaves
begin to turn
AND the blow
from the north the man
who cares to dress well begins
to think of a New Snit. There
is good sense in thinking about
it, for, though often wrong,
the world is apt to judge a
man by his clothes.
well, but dress
Get the most for
our money aim to sup
ply the Clothing want of every
We cater to all classes
fits bettor Man.
have tho trade of the rich
man. is for Md,
the trade of poor
better for man between
two, and letter for us we serve
ell. Our new Winter
suit- are ready. The Single
or Double Sack Suit i here.
The Suit Every late
cut and freak of fashion is here.
Satisfaction every time, or we don't
want your money.
Frank Wilson,
If there i. a MARK U th
margin of paper it i to remind KM
that you owe The
for UM e to
early M e need what
YOU owe and hope not keep
waiting for It.
This antics la for who And the
mark on their pop.
Snap Shots at Home News Pat
In Pew Words for Readers
The county canvass by the
will soon be In order.
Just and
seed. M.
Laundry la doing
floe work, and save your
A . t mt cotton seed
for cash or in i x for meal.
This is the week of the
when the nights are the
moat beautiful of the year.
Any loafers now are such from
choice. There is work around
Greenville for ail who want to
At Co's is an at-
tractive window containing a dis-
play of products from Riverside
This Is strictly on the A
marriage is scheduled on
son Avenue for the 34th. Don't
tell anybody.
Don't fail to hear Sam Jones on
the 24th. Seats now sale at
Burch's. Reserved seats gen-
admission To cents, children
GO cents.
Mrs. L. makes mi an-
today U
to the ladies. Her
Hock of fall will be
tier than ever.
There are more Piano
used in colleges and schools of the
to Carolina than any other two
makes St. Mary's col-
Raleigh, them; Elizabeth
college baa of them.
The many of
Female throughout the
State will be gratified to
this excellent institution has
had a tine for the fall term,
with bright prospects for a pros-
Trinity High School,
N. C.
We have been using
incur school for years For d u I
of tone and volume,
they have no superior.
S. C, Nov.
Dear is all that
can be desired in a piano. I was
Dora and with out and ex-
to die one.
Yours truly,
M. we
purchased of you for
gives perfect satisfaction.
They have a pure, rich tone,
celled this respect, as in all
by in market, in my
opinion. are exceedingly
and durable. We lice
the instruments so much that we
use exclusively our col-
I would not hesitate to ad
vise a friend to purchase n Stuff.
C. L. T.
Mrs. M. D. Hires, referring to
her recent trip to the
markets, expresses herself as
being better pleaded with her trip
than ever before. With the very
able assistance of Miss Bessie
Jarvis, who accompanied her, she
is confident of having secured a
stock will bear the criticism
of most fastidious, and afford
her patrons the very choicest
of the Watch for her
spring announcement.
Charlotte, N. C, Nov.
Ghats, M.
used in my office at Col-
gives every satisfaction. Its
touch is good throughout, and
tone is round and full. Also of
that singing quality, which is so
much appreciated by all
Tours very truly,
Director Music, Elizabeth
College, Charlotte, N. C.
Rock Hill, S. C, Nov.
C. M.
Dear have used
piano teaching a large
class hours a day for past
several years, even after such
hard usage it has proved a
satisfactory instrument. I
recommend it as the finest in-
I have ever tried for use
in schools and colleges.
H. Caldwell,
Supervisor of Music Graded
W. M. Lang, of Farmville, was
J. IV, Fleming left this morning
for Raleigh.
Miss Jesse Lee came on
the morning train.
W. M. Hancock returned from
A. C. Bynum spent Monday
I in Greenville.
L. M. Savage left Monday eve-
. for Seven Springs.
J. J. Laughinghouse was here
last and today.
L. Arthur returned from Nor-
folk Monday
It. Home, of Farmville,
spent night here.
Mayor II. W. left this
Miss Mary came in on
Monday evening's train.
Senator Willis came
in this mornings train.
District Attorney Harry Skin-
left today for New Bern.
Mm Grimsley left for Lit-1
Melon Female College this morn-
Miss Lillian M. of
Washington, arrived Monday eve-
Rev. F. A. Bishop returned
Monday from Tarboro Rocky
Miss Mary Bernard left this
morning for Washington City and
New York.
Mrs. J. M. who has
been Mrs. R. W. King,
returned home Monday.
Misses Mamie and May
way and Miss Cox this morn-
school at Littleton.
Miss Florence of New
York, arrived Monday to take a
position in the millinery depart-
of C. T. store.
Misses Eva and Mable Williams,
who have been visiting their sis-
Mrs. J. R. Hollis, at New
Bern, returned Monday evening.
Wednesday, Sept.,
John S. Harris, of Falkland was
here this
handsome new residence of
Mr. Page, of
township, was destroyed by fire
about o'clock night.
Not many particulars have been
learned at this writing. One re-
port says th it a large part of the
furniture was and another
that the furniture wits saved. The
loss Is about with about
insurance. The origin of the
fire is attributed to a defective
On Saturday afternoon about
one o'clock Mr G. B. Ellis, an
aged citizen of this died at
his home near In his
82nd year. -Tho funeral took place
Sunday. He leaves seven
two of whom, Mr. G. H. Ellis and
Sirs. M. A. Mutton, reside in
Cable Concert.
The Co., gave a most en-
Monday night, at
their music room near Five Points.
There was a good attendance
all were charmed with the wonder-
work of the Simplex
player. It plays any music with
perfect touch an I expression, and
it is remarkable that a piece of me
mechanism could be made to do
such work.
Cotten was at the
Macon House today.
Miss Mary Higgs goes to Peace
Institute, Raleigh, today.
Miss Smith returned from
New York Tuesday evening.
Mrs. W. B. Hicks returned to
Tuesday evening. I
Mrs. Abram Joyner and Miss
Alice Atkinson were in town today.
Mrs. It. B. Cotten accompanied
her guest to the depot this morn-
Mayor H. W. Whedbee return-1
ed from Tuesday
Miss Allen left this morning
for the Baptist Female University,
Mrs. Thomas Greene
county, is visiting Mrs. R L.
Miss Mamie King, who has been
visiting friends Farmville,
returned home.
Master Henry Gray left this
morning toe school tor
blind, at Raleigh.
H. A. Kittrell, one Farmville
township's prominent farmers, was .
on the break today.
Misses Harding, Mamie
and Nora Blow left today I
for Normal, Greensboro. i
Mrs. Johnson, of Orphan's
Friend, is looking after tho
local interests of that paper.
Misses Brown, Elmer Cot-
ton and Glenn Forbes left this
morning for St. Mary's, Raleigh.
Miss Nora Johnson, of
Neck, came in Tuesday evening to
take a with C. T.
Mrs. Mattie of
Petersburg, who has visiting
Mrs. R. R. Gotten, at Bruce, re-
turned home today.
A Splendid
Miss Lillian Bonner, of Wash
who is here this week to
play for Piano Co., is an
accomplished musician. She plays
with artistic touch and expression.
French Pattern
Everybody is invited to attend
this Grand, Great, Gorgeous Dis-
play of High Art Millinery,
Don't forget the day and date,
September 17,18 and
Wednesday, Thursday and
Muscles aching, bones breaking, strength
failing. That's Malaria The remedy
Malaria and Ague Cure.
C. T.
The Big; Store.

Have You
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
stimulate the TORPID LIVER.
strait the
the bowels. Ml ere mo
equaled as
Id malarial districts are
witch- a they
peculiar In the
Take No Substitute.
A Brandy For Judge.
Don't fail to see me
before you buy
Guns, Shells, Stoves,
Heaters, Pumps,
Locks, Hinges.
And anything else in the Hardware Line.
Your friend.
That place to set the best
Fruit Jars
is at OUT store. We them in
different styles nod sizes at prices
as low as the lowest Then as
we are headquarters for the
Best of Everything
in the Grocery Line
Get your table supplies from us
and yon are sure so have the best.
The Republicans the sixteenth
judicial district this State held
at Murphy on the
12th inst., and, according to the
a Revenue officer, a brandy
ganger, for Judge of the
Court. The name of the nominee
is Dean Sisk. and paper just
mentioned says be is or years
old, has had law license for four
or five years, and has never tried
a ease of consequence. Recently a
Republican judicial convention
met at Blowing Rock
J Turner, of Mitchell, for
Superior Court Judge, but he had
the graM to decline. It is such
cases as these that make the case
of the Republican party in North
Carolina hopeless and that must
give to the and
right-minded gentlemen in it
and are some Of
course that party does cot expect
to elect any judge this year, but
then it may; it didn't expect to
elect in but then it did; and
whether it does, a decent respect
for the opinion of mankind ought
to suggest to it not to affront the
people by offering notorious-
until men tor judges, of all of-
Goods, Groceries, Confections,
etc., go to
Mrs. L. H. WHITE,
Black Jack. N. C.
Nice line cf jowls on hand. Prices low
Country produce bought for cash or in
exchange for
American and Italian Marble
Wire end Iron Fence Sold.
work and prices reasonable
designs pees fit on
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified before the I of
the Superior Court of Pitt count j as
executor of the will and testament
William White-bead, deceased, and
letters having been duly
to me, I notify ail per-
claims against
ill said William to
then for payment duly
on or In fore the 85th day
July. or notice will be plead
in liar of their recovery. All persons
indebted to said estate are urged to
make payment me Immediately.
This the -1st day July,
R. J. Executor.
North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper.
The Charlotte Observer
TOMPKINS, Publisher.
J. P. CALDWELL, Editor.
Dissolution Notice.
All are notified C. H
James and S. M. Jones, partners
trading and doing business under the
firm name and style, James
Mfg have this day
mutual consent, dissolved
ship. All persons having claims
against the said The James Mfg. Co.,
will present the same to M. Jones
for settlement, and all persons owing
the company will make payment
to C. H. James. The business will be
continued by C. H. James under the
same but s. M. Jones ill not
be responsible for any Indebtedness
This August
s. M. JONES.
Take tire of Stomach.
The man or woman whose digestion i
perfect whose stomach performs
function is never sick.
cleanses, purifies and sweetens
stomach and cures positively and per
all stomach troubles,
and dyspepsia. It Is the won-
tonic is
making so many sick people
strong by conveying to
their all of the nourishment in
the food eat. J. II.
day, of
has cured me. I consider it the best
remedy ever use, for dyspepsia
stomach troubles. was given up
physicians, saved lite.
It aft r meals. Jno. I. Woolen.
a Tough Armor.
By virtue of a decree of the
or Court of Pitt county made March
Term 1902 in a certain cause therein
pending, entitled re probate in
solemn form of the Last Will and
of J. de-
I will, on
Monday, October 1902.
at o'clock m., before the Court
House door in Greenville, sell at pub-
sale to the highest bidder, for
cash, the following parcels of
land belonging to the estate of the late
J. Sheppard, situate in
township, county, to
One lying west of the
Washington of the Atlantic
Coast Line Railroad, adjoining the
said Railroad, the lands the heirs
of Daniel Hill and the lands of J. II.
Satterthwaite, containing acres,
more or less, and known as a of
the John S. Smith land and a part of
the Langley land.
One tract lying on the east side
of said railroad and immediately be-
tween said railroad and the county-
road leading from Tarboro to Wash
and adjoining the land of J.
B. Little on the south and the land of
Daniel Hill's heirs on the north, con-
acres, more or less.
One tract lying on the east side
of the county road leading from Tar-
to Washington, and bounded on
the west by said on the south
the public road commonly called
Griffin road; on by a line
running from a pine on said
road, known and Little's
corner, a north-west course to a pine
stump on the side of a little branch,
known as corner, and on the
I north by Alfred land, con-
acres more or less.
One tract adjoining the last
scribed tract, the land Alfred Jen-
kins, M. A. the high
mark of Sheppard's mill pond down
to Frank Pollard's land, thence with
Pollard's line to Bryant
line, thence with line to
high watermark of said mill pond,
thence with said high water
down to the Griffin road, thence with
Griffin road to the acre tract,
containing MO acres more or less.
One tract beginning s
and Little's coiner on the Griffin road
and running with Little's line to
It. It. Fleming's line to the Tarboro
held in Greenville on the 1st day I Washington road, thence said
of September, aSS-,.
Registrars and Judges of feet distant from the
were appointed by said Board to mill dam. thence yards parallel
hold an election in Pitt at with said dam and feet distant
Precincts designated on the
next after the first with the high water mark of
day in November 1902, in said pond to the Griffin road, thence
dance with chapter Acts with said road to the beginning, con
Boom Your Town.
Says an Every
should believe in the town he
lives in, and if he doesn't think it
a little better in most respects than
neighboring towns then he should
move out. When away from home
do not neglect to give those with
whom you come in contact to
that you live in a town,
populated by enterprising, go
ahead, progressive people, and
one that is instead of
If can truthfully in
commendation of the ability of
your professional men, the square
dealing methods of your merchants
the superiority of your schools,
etc., let nothing prevent you from
exercising that privilege. It will
not be necessary to mention the
drawbacks, if there are any.
Stranger seeking a location are
ways greatly influenced in favor of
any place where the citizens are
enthusiastic in
its inhabitants appreciate
the excellence and virtues each
other and will collectively spread
abroad their faith in the
future greatness of their
own locality no city or town can
expect to attain prominence over
its rivals. When rightly utilized,
talk be made effective in many
directions, this is one of them.
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily et A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Connecting at with
Steamers for Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York Boston,
Aurora, South Creek, Belhaven,
Swan Quarter, and
all points for the with rail-
roads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line and
H. Co. from Baltimore. Mer-
and Line from
m in c July 1st the steam
Guide will leave Washington at
a. . Tuesday, Thursday and Sat-
for Belhaven,
and Ocracoke and will leave
coke at a. m. for
Belhaven and Washington on Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday.
N. C.
J. E. District
Washington, N. O
L. Mas-art Is
r A s
IS tat
PI a
At a meeting of of the County
Board of Elections for Pitt county
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans,
U 1868.
J. I. k CO.
Norfolk. Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
18.00 REWARD.
light red cow, solid
J color, slightly darker on nose
horns cut oft three inches of head
tail when left, inch strap
OBSERVES Receives the j around neck. Will calve about
largest telegraphic news service 36th. Any one said
delivered to any paper between will notify, C.
Washington Atlanta, and
its special service is the
ever handled by a North Caro-
of or more pages, and is
to a large extent made up of
original matter.
ER printed Tuesday Friday
per year. The largest paper
in North
Sample copies on application.
Charlotte, N. C.
One trouble the world is
that there arc so in people in it
who are content drift the
Cotton Buyers,
selling or disposing of your
cotton SEED. They are prepared
l. pay highest market prices or
meal in exchange, and will keep
hand at Greenville a full supply
M. and Hulls for the trade,
Washington, Sept. B.
Jr., assistant postmaster
here, has invented a nearly
that is
To what extent he has succeeded
is attested by the fact that the
United States government has
carefully examined his
and him aid in his tests.
On a trip to Washington a few
weeks ago he w-ts treated with eve-
courtesy by the Navy Depart-
From an explanation given by
the it seems that the in-
is a combination of
thought a formula
a decided hardening over
day battleship steel armor
Postmaster Respass is
up for election to succeed his
who does not desire the office
longer. He is a capable, system
man and will probably get the
Should his invention show up
well in the tests it will make Res-
pass very man and rev
this country's naval
Beware of the Knife.
No profession has advanced more
rapidly of late than surgery, but it
should not be used except where
necessary. In
example. Ills seldom needed. DeWitt's
Basel Salve cures quickly and
permanently. for cuts,
burns, bruises, wounds,
Accept no counterfeits. was so
troubled with bleeding I lost
much blood and says J. C.
Phillips. Paris, Witch
Salve cured me in a short
Soothes and heals. Jno. L.
The girl who marries a rake to
reform him generally spoils a good
wile for a good
Don't wait for op
seize common
and make them
to wit-
Beaver Dam D.
Smith, Registrar; O. T. Tyson,
andS. V. Judge of El
Precinct D. J. Holland,
J. J. Hathaway Jr. and I,,
Judges of Election.
Registrar; n. Manning and B.
Whitehurst, Judges of
Carolina L. Per-
kins, W. J. Little
and Slade Judges
way, Registrar; J. J.
house B. W. Tyson
Cox, Registrar; A. R. Holton and
E. E. Hail Judges of Election.
R. Registrar; H. E. Ellis
and C. A. Fair Judges of
Falkland H. Smith,
T. L. Williams and
Henry S. Tyson; Judges of
Registrar; J. J.
and B. F. Judges of
Greenville Precinct-- W. L.
Brown, Registrar; L. C. Arthur
and W. J. Fleming Judges of
E. Brad-
Registrar; M. T. Spier and
Fleming Judges
of Election.
Swift Creek
Moore, M. C. Smith and
Iredell Moore Judges Election
The present Election Precincts
in the county were adopted with
the following to
Precinct No. and No. in
Greenville township were
dated and it was ordered that
township shall
one Precinct with its polling
place at the House in the
town of Greenville.
Precinct No, and No. in
Swift creek township were
and it was ordered that
Swift town-hip shall con-
acres, more or
H. One tract lying on the north
side of the mill pond, ad-
joining said mill pond to the high
water mark thereof, the lands of W.
H. Rollins, the heirs of G. G. Per-
kins and W. B. Roebuck, containing
more or less, and known as
rt of the Home Place.
. One tract adjoining the lands of
Joseph Crisp, Redding Warren, the
heirs of James W. Rollins and others,
containing acres, more or less,
known as the Holliday tract.
S. One tract lands of
Stanly Warren. Ransom Mobley and
others, containing acres, more or
and known as the W. E. Which.
Of ard Had.
The mill and mill scat known as
the including the
land covered by the pond to the high
water mark, mill dam and mill
Judges of race to the county road,
rights and privileges connected there-
This the 8th day of September. 1902.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
At Book
Tarboro as
I It
Main Line-Train leaves
leaves , d m,
m. Returning leaves
arrive p m leave
i p m, arrives
leaves Ben
s m, Mai ton OS, a
Springs Park ten a. m.
Oops Mills U am,
m, Hop. Mill p n Bed Springs tH.
p m, arrives
with train
at If ton with th Central
Railroad, at Red Springs th. Red
Springs railroad, at
the Seaboard Air Line and
Hallway at with the Durham and
on ways Hoed
Waldon J It P a. I H D .
Scotland Meek at is p m.
a m, I SO a m.
at if a b, so a m.
s a and let p n, arrive Female Its
a as and p m. leave I It
ass and at pas, was ass
and lie
Train Tarboro Sail
st in p Its f
K p m.
C Karat
Ta m a as.
Trans leave
at I as a all
. Hops
. IS pas. II a as.
It a av p . lead .
on lot
Lingering Summer
Don't let a cold run at Ibis Mason.
Summer colds are the hardest kind to
cure and if neglected may linger along
for months. A long sledge like this
will pull down strongest
one Minute Cough Cure will
break up the attack at once. Sate
sure at Cures cough-,
croup, bronchitis, all throat
lung troubles. The children like
it. John L. Woolen.
A Disappointment.
Wholesale retail Grover and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
High Life Tobacco, Key Che-
roots, Henry George Clear, Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour Sugar. Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Glass
and Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, New
Royal Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
S. M.
Clinton I at a and lit
Clinton at a as
boo pi
don for all point. all
J. R. Manager.
T. M. Truffle Manage
nice Line of Hardware.
J. E.
When Yon Into a Drag Stare
get a bottle Painkiller, examine
it carefully to Hit Is made by Perry
Davis, and be to take
something as because It
Is a few cents cheaper. There it only
one Painkiller,
Large bottles
The man who gets sleepy after
dinner ought to give up the idea
that he is an ornament to society.
Von Know
When you lake Grove's Tasteless Chill
Tonic cause the formula Is plainly
printed OB every bottle that
is simply Iron and in a
form. No cure, no pay.
If a in in does not know a bar
gain when he sees it, at least he
he sees
Ineffective liver is
but you want to know s the lull for it when
purge, strain and break the glands of I
the stomach and bowels. DeWitt's, It.
Little Risers never disappoint.
They cleanse the system of all poison Prescription far Malaria
matter and do it to gently
that one enjoys the pleasant effects. Chill
and Is a bottle of
are liver. Cure I It iron
biliousness, torpid liver and prevent and quinine In a tastiest form. No
fever. Joan L. Woolen. cure no Pay. Price
The concern of Jas. E.
Jr., At Co was on the 16th of August,
1902, dissolved by mutual consent.
The affairs of the concern will be
wound up by John E. Hughes us
Liquidator. All having
claims against the concern will pea.
sent them to him for payment, and all
owing said Arm, will please settle
with him.
By W. L. Pros.
Notice to Creditors.
Superior Court
Having duly before
Court Clerk of Pitt co
hi ii of last will and
of John Flanagan, no-
hereby given to all persons in-
to estate to make
to the undersigned, and all
persons having claims against said
estate are notified to present for
on or the 21st day of
190.1, or this notice will be pleat
n tier of recovery.
This 21st day of July,
MARY w. i
of the of John
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on hand
goods kept constantly as
hand. Country produce
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
o i e
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low the
Highest market
paid for country produce.
Dr. D James,
every Bun-
day, morning and evening. Pray-
meeting evening
Bar. J. N. Booth, pastor. Sunday-
school a. m. M. A. Allen
every Sun
lay, morning and evening.
meeting Wednesday evening. Bar.
H. M. Sure, pastor. Sunday school
L. H. Pender,
J. B. Morton, pastor Sunday-
school a. m. E. B.
F. H. Hard-
Minister. Morning and even-
prayer with sermon every 1st
and 3rd Sunday. Lay services
every 2nd and Sunday.
Sunday a. in,, W. B.
Brown, superintendent. Litany
every Wednesday a. m.
an -Preaching second,
and fourth In each month
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
D. W. Davis, pastor. Son-
day school P. M., W. B. Par-
A. F. A.
Lodge. No. meets first and
third Monday evening. B.
W. M., Sec.
K. Lodge, No.
meet every Friday evening.
W. H. O. C. L T. M.
Hooker, K. of B. and S.
I. O. O. Lodge,
No. every Tuesday
evening. W. B. N. O.,
R. A. Zeb Vance Council, No.
1696, meets every Thursday even-
W. B. Wilson, J.
S. Tunstall. Regent.
A. O. Council,
No. meet every first and third
Thursday night in Odd Fellows
Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy
D. S. Smith
I. O. Conclave
No meets every second sod
fourth Monday in
lows Hall. W. B. Wilson
D. Smith Ken.
Poverty been called sale,
even poverty most look up its
own bread and cheese or
Many people In
Pitt Co mil
read only one
It's the only
way to
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J.
That's Where
H E.
Ricks Wilkinson
After Months of
our stock of
Men's Clothing,
Hats and Haberdashery
for the Fall and we
assure that never in history of
our have able to
a superb in
It is none too early for a
Cool mornings and make It
to hive a little protection
both for comfort and tor tin sake of
sour health. Our range from
to including the short,
boxy styles and the longer and more
conservative shapes preferred by
we call your especial to a
superb assortment at the popular
price of
fabric and style.
Long-wearing, fashionable and perfect-fitting in every detail; the parts
which are out of tight are as good as those that can be Our prices
range from to but have a remarkably line collection
which we have marked.,.
Autumn Showing
that ray display of Pattern Hats last
season was pronounced the prettiest in
town. Let me tell yon here I will have a
larger assortment, grander styles and lower
prices than any preceding season. My line of
Ready-to-wear and Rack Hats will be the
largest ever shown in Greenville.
MRS. ELLA GREENE will be with mo
again, which is a guarantee that my hats will
excel in style and beauty any sold elsewhere.
Wait and see my complete stock before
you buy.
Latest Styles in Dress
Ladies and Children,
Patterns for
firs. L. Griffin
B. Bro.
Have opened in ons store of the Phoenix Building
Raker Hart formerly with n full line of Clothing Dry
Goods, Shoes, Hats, Furnishings, Notions, etc.
in stuck is in-w we are soiling at
Prices to Astonish You.
us a call and convinced that we save money.
B. Bro.
Gov. Aycock Pardon Granting.
Aycock discussed with
a Post writer yesterday the matter
of criticisms by the people of any
of the pardons he has in the past
or will in the future grant, the
discussion being brought up
by the criticisms about
on the pardon he granted
one Tom who was serving
a term for assaulting a 13-year old
girl with stick.
He said that the facts in this
case were that he received sworn
statements from the girl and her
mother the blow inflicted by
Rouse was purely accidental,
urging the governor to grant the
pardon. The statement was made
by the mother that the girl would
gone on the stand and
to this effect had it not
that she was sick at the time of
the trial and could not go to the
court house
Speaking of pardons in general
the Governor said that he wants
it distinctly understood that the
reason he all
for pardons to be advertised by
posters at seat and in
some county paper where the
for the pardon was convict-
ed, is order that any who object
to such a pardon may come forward
and state their objection. When
an application has been duly ad-
every one considered
by the governor is necessarily so
advertised;, no objections are
filed, the Governor takes
it for granted that there is no ob-
in the county to the grant-
of a
Our Ready to Wear
is more complete than ever before. Beau-
new style Jackets for ladies, misses
and the best materials
latest cuts. You should sec our
Carlo Jackets.
that challenge comparison in style,
fit and price are our offerings this
-all best goods and finished
with the new Slot Seam.
Beautiful Fur Scarfs, Huffs and
Children's Sets.
We will be glad to have you take a
look. Yours
J. B. Cherry Co.
The John Daniel, whose
hurried departure from Greenville
was noted in issue, was
one of the incoming passengers of-
Wednesday evening's I
wore a good pair of bracelets and
walk the depot to the i
jail evinced serious effects
the remarkable of last i
day. Mr. W. whose
logs had trailed John to the rail
road tank Monday, notified
authorities nearby towns,
and was Informed Wednesday
morning that his man was the
of the Tarboro police, i
Chief Cotton, of had put
his force on the lookout, yes-
morning, when John show-
ed up near the depot, John Mayo,
who looks such mat tern at
point, persuaded him from
boarding the Norfolk-bound
made it convenient him to
to with Mr.
who after him
day morning.
A New Era in Farm Life.
If news is that the A.
M. College at is so
crowded that further
can be received, then this fact is
one of the most promising
turns for the future of North Caro-
With all its tiring
this from the very
necessities of the case remains
essentially an
Slate. The A. M. is the
State's school for
An educated
class means the speedy and
gent development of the State's
greatest soil. Five
hundred students the
and Mechanics College
the dawning of a new era in
the farm life of North Carolina.
Winston Sentinel.
Lingering Colds.
Don't let a cold run at this season.
Summer colds are hardest kind Io
rare and If linger along
for months. A like this
will pull tin
lion. One Minute Cough Cure will
up attack at Ball
at once. Cures
croup, bronchitis, all throat
lung troubles. The children like
John L. Woolen.
The Only Department Store in
Bethel High School
A strictly dial class Fitting School
for young Men and Young
Thoroughly equipped, Strictly lion
Denominational, and Co educational.
Prepares for College, for
Business, and for Life.
Between this
Hook-Keeping, Commercial Law,
Shorthand, Typewriting and Music.
course is under experienced
and fully competent teachers.
Tuition, 1.00
Board at 10.00 to 17.00 per month.
BETHEL HIGH SCHOOL is situated in one of
the most beautiful and locations in
county. Fall session opens September For cat-
and full informal ion, address
J. W. SHERRILL, Principal.
Division of School
la noticeable a number
county in
eastern Carolina have passed
instructing their
of the Legislature to
their influence to have that body
pass, foe submission to the people,
a constitutional amendment pro
tiding for a division of the school
fund to the school taxes paid
by while people shall lie applied
to white schools only, and the
paid by shall lie
plied to schools. Some who
do not division of the
regular luxes favor a
which will permit white
to vote extra school taxes sole-
for the support of their own
schools, without being compelled
to divide the schools,
as now required by the
The scheme to divide the school
taxes according to the races is said
to be very popular in eastern
North Carolina, it is much
more popular throughout State
than many people permit them-
selves to believe. In our
a measure providing for a
division of the school taxes as pro-
posed would carry overwhelming-
We are not discussing now
the justice or wisdom of such n
measure. We are stating facts as
we see
It is true also the
to vote extra taxes for
is due in some measure to the feel-
against paying more taxes
education. Many people
i are willing to pay what they
ire paying now would refuse to
tote another cent is be
applied solely to their own lace;
and we think it more than
de an effort lie made In
Legislature to provide
some white
people who so desire may vote
extra taxes on themselves purely
the benefit of white children.
Is one where health abounds.
With impure blood there cannot
be good health.
With a disordered LIVER then
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid LIVER
Its natural action.
A healthy LIVER means pure
Pure blood means health.
Health means happiness.
Take no Substitute. All
Tor chief the Supreme Court
of Wake.
For Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court from
of Wilson.
For Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court from the West,
For Corporation Commissioner,
of Wake.
For Superintendent of Public
of Guilford.
For Congressional
of Beaufort,
For Solicitor of the Third Judicial
A advertisement walk Into the
every day will lot wonts known
1.1 people.
A advertisement will bring custom-
for your goods, find tenant
employment or in fact till any reasonable
want yon may have.
THE REFLECTOR goes Into the homes of the
people and is read for what it them, hence
the place to tell your wants is in THE REFLECTOR.
The cost of advertisement in THE REFLECTOR
is the easiest part.
Cannot Vote Under
The Observer is in receipt of the
following from a friend at Cart-
A which is having
some discussion here Can a
in ii lit whose lather was a white
man register under the
father Now it Is s gen-
accepted that most inn-
an from the fact
their and their mothers
were while. Would this general
application be sufficient grounds
for a general mulatto
If not, could a mulatto whose
mother was a but whose
father is unknown register accord-
to Is the harden upon
for registration to
prove that his father was a White
and could vote prior Io
Your subscribers would
to have give sonic editorial
answers explanations to the
above it is certain
such would be of to many
people throughout this
people renders it the logical me-
through, which such
can do the most good.
Assuming that the mulatto was
the Illegitimate sou of a white man
must be assumed, as mar
between whiles blacks
is and was unlawful i the mulatto
could not vote as the law not
recognize that an Illegitimate has
any father and unless said
mulatto Is otherwise he
cannot get in
As nearly all
were slaves prior to
emancipation presumption is
that grandfather of any
ti was disqualified from voting
prior to 1808, and the burden
rests upon In show to con
before he Bin II lie entitled to
For Senator.
For Representatives,
For Superior Court Clerk,
For Sheriff,
O. W.
For Register of Deeds,
For Coroner,
For Sic
D. cox.
For County i
The Fight Resulted in Many Conversions.
The pastor of the Methodist
churches on the Stokes circuit, In
reporting the meetings held this
Circuit, says the devil
upon the scene during the service
one night at Just
before the hour a fierce
tight broke out in front of the
church door. Fists, rocks and
knives to the
of blood, the instigator of the brawl
being carried from the place with
a frightful stab the side. All
was excitement and terror, men
rushing about and women talking
excitedly. The pastor
and lbs Independence of your I Point of dismiss-
the crowd without service
when one of the brethren arose
and addressed such burning words
Io the people about the
of sin and his own trust In
Cod, and people were moved
shout after shout went up to
glory of Cod. Penitents came
and dropped at the altar were
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some-
thing to cure your bilious-
and give you a good
digestion. Pills are
liver pills. They cure con-
and biliousness.
Gently laxative.

Eastern reflector, 19 September 1902
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
September 19, 1902
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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