Eastern reflector, 13 December 1901

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Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
To Mrs. J. J. Perkins we are in-
for organization of the
Sunshine Sisterhood, a society
which has for its chief object, as
its name implies, the scattering of
into the of those
of our members, to whom physical
suffering has entered unbidden,
and also to minister to bodily
Our object together
from time to time is to enjoy the
sweet solace of gleaning new idea
and thoughts, and of thoroughly
enjoying ourselves, so that we may
I the better equipped for the
duties which may await us.
the evening of the 2nd the
society met at the residence of Mrs.
J. J. After the usual
business of the hour, pleasure
alloyed held sway.
First on the program was a lit-
observation table, prepared
by the hostess. This was enjoyed
title of books and botanical names
that the objects represented. Miss
Lina was the successful
competitor that prize and looked
charming ab she would pass back
forth the table, in that
style peculiarly her own, to
inscribe her answers.
The next thing presented for our
Is one where health
With Impure blood there cannot
be health.
With a disordered there
cannot be good blood.
revivify the torpid and restore
Its natural action.
A healthy meant
Pure blood means health.
Take no Substitute. All
Loan Value,
i. Cash Value,
Paid up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically.
Is Non
Will be reinstated if arrears be paid nu month while you
are or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory entertainment was the
of and payment of arrears with Interest. conundrum. prize was won
second year No Restrictions. I by Miss Bessie Jarvis, and the
Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each look played
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid. .
They may be To reduce Premiums, or .
To Increase the Insurance, or
A. To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
of -tort bewitch
Greenville, X. C.
Brings Instant Relief Permanent Cure In all Cases
There is nothing like It brings
instant relief, even the worst cases. It cures
all else fails.
The C. P. Wells, of Villa, Ridge, III., says.
bottle of received in good
I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the
good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with
putrid sore throat and asthma for years. I de
of ever being cured. I saw your advertise-
the cure of this dreadful and
disease, asthma, and thought you had
but resolved to give it a trial. To my
astonishment, the trial like a charm. Scud me
a full-size
We want to send to every a treatment of
similar to the one that cured Sir. Wells. We'll it by mail post
paid, absolutely Free o Charge, to any sufferer who for it,
even on a postal. Never mind, though yon arc despairing, however
bad your case. will relieve and cure. The worse your
the more glad we arc to send it. Do not delay, write at once, ad-
dressing Dr. Taft Bros Medicine Co. East 130th St., N. Y. City.
Sold by all Druggists.
The marriage of the flowers was
both unique and fascinating.
prize lot this was also won by Miss
champion of
geographical match game,
which was next presented for our
enjoyment, was very exciting and
caused unbounded merriment.
The packing of my sister's trunk
was next on the program and Miss
Blanche with her usual
grace, was the last one to give up
contest, as she was the one
that left out nothing necessary, for
the journey.
At past o'clock we were
invited into the room,
where a most elegant supper was
served by our much loved hostess,
who left not a stone unturned, as
ii. usual custom, to give pleas
to those around her.
At a tote hour the began
but ere lot b to do so,
us pleasure run so high, and it was
reluctance we
drummer has done
than anybody else to heal the
breach between the North and the
said Dr. Charles D. Me
Iver, president of the State Nor-
College, who was a visitor in
the city a few days ago.
the civil war the three great
pulpit, the
press and the school
embittered and biased at North
and, consciously or unconsciously,
their efforts directed toward
fostering the feeling of enmity.
And the South was proud,
apologetic, uncaring for Northern
viewpoint and prejudiced against
all things Northern. Then came
the drummer. He found that it
was to bis take the
most sordid view of the matter
to represent to bis customers that
his people at the North were kind
disposed folk and sought friend
peace in spirit as well
as deed; and he also found it
policy to tell his employers-in
not so bad as they had been paint
ed. The tribe of drummers in
creased; and all stood for harmony
between the two great sections.
Backward forward, at all sea
sous of the year, they traveled,
carrying the message of brother
hood and good will. They came
from every part of the North
went to every nook and coiner of
South; their as peace
makers was insistent and
They encouraged the travel
of Northerners to the South and
Southerners to the North, while
they stood at elbows in pleasure's
name and tried to assist everybody
in being friends and in having a
good time. was an
envoy of peace and he has nobly
State North
Executive J
has received at this Depart
that at Pitt county,
N. C, on or about December Hind,
1900, H. Parker and
killed Alex Little.
it appears that
the said John has fled
the or so cot teals himself
that the ordinary process of law
cannot be served upon
Now, therefore, I, Charles B.
Governor of the State of
North by virtue of
in me vested by law, do
issue this my proclamation,
a reward of two hundred
for the and de
livery of said John II Parker
to the Sheriff of Pitt county at
Court house in Greenville I
do enjoin all officers of the State
all good citizens to assist in
Bringing said to justice.
,, Done at our City of
Raleigh, the 28th day
j f October, in the year
i of our Lord one thous-
and nine hundred and one and in
the one hundred and twenty sixth
year of our American Independence
By the
P. M. Private Sec.
H. is
nearly six feet high of spare build,
weighs about has
face, is almost beard
leas, has blue eyes, light hair, is
slightly stooped and is about
years old.
J. W. CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Begging, Tie and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
count.- hi hands of my
Wiley Hi own. the store
Brown, sad given him full authority lo col-
lee and for Mine. auk
those to me to call on him and MU
lie early
administration upon the estate
of June Tingle deceased bating Ibis day
been Issued to me by Clerk of
Court of Pitt notice U
hereby given to all persons holding claims
on said estate to present them to me for
on or before the 24th day of
r, 1902, or this notice will be in bar
of I heir recovery. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
settlement of Indebtedness.
This day of October
JARVIS A BLOW, Attorneys.
Steamer leave Washing
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line
Washington, N. C
Greenville, N. C.
Letters testamentary having day
been issued to me upon the estate Lewis
deceased, by the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Pitt county, notice is
hereby given to all persona having
against aid estate to present them lo toe
for payment on or the day Of
October 1903. or this will be plead In
bar All names indebted
to are notified lo make
payment to me.
This day of 1901.
JARVIS BLOW, Attorneys.
D. I.
The leader in good work and low prices
for per
Cabinets pr
AH other lines very cheap Crayon Portraits
made from any small picture
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to show
and answer questions. The very
heat guaranteed to all. Office hours
lo a. m. to p m. Yours to please.
Having duly qualified U-fore
court Clerk of Pitt county r
of the Will and Testament Mrs S.
in. Hanrahan deceased, notice i hereby
given Mall persons indebted to the
lo make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all person having claims against
the estate are to present claims
for payment on or before the 89th day of
November, or this not ice will be plead
In bat of recovery.
This day of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs S. M.
N. C.
Cotton Bagging and lies
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
you have sour stomach, Indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad
breath, dimness, Inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss
appetite, insomnia, lack energy, bed Mood, blotched or muddy cam,
or any symptom and disorders which tail the story of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive system, Win Cure Yon.
It will dean out the bowels, stimulate the live r and kidneys,
UM mucous of the purify your blood and put you
your feet Your appetite will return, your bowel move
your liver and kidney to trouble you, your in will clear and
and you will feel old time energy and buoyancy.
Mothers la medicine to com
and similar v.-ill Had an Ideal for
n regular without pain or a
aids relieves clear the Hauls, radars If vet.
sleep and well, happy end
like r U.
For Salt by
Some Advice on Keeping Portions.
can hold your position if
you to its mold so as to
fill ever crevice. Be e a cake.
At tint it in a soft, spongy dough,
is poured into a mold which it
but half tills. As it bakes, it rises,
and crowds every dent in the mold.
Not contented, it bulges over the
top; it makes a cake larger than
the mold will bold. So, young
and young woman, be larger
than your mold. After you have
tilled every crease crevice of
your work out at the top.
It is largest cake that brings
Always keep you promises.
Your employer will never ask you
to do more is possible. Re-
member that an unfulfilled promise
is as bad as an untruth. Live
Minn Venn- means. Never let a
pass that you do not put
something In the bank. Having is
flat basic principle in
the foundation of Dress
and plainly, for an employ-
AT marks a man as fool who
el himself with extravagance and
glaring colors. Never to win
the favor of your employer by
slandering your fellow workers.
Blunder always sticks. Show kind-
lo your fellow employees, but
do not let it lie forced for
that deserves no thanks. Resolve
slowly and act quickly.
Lee Pope accidentally shot and
killed Frank Kendall Sunday even
in the Shelby telephone ex-
change. They are white boys
about eighteen years of age and
boon companions. They were
ling a pistol, showing how Jesse
got the drop on the sheriff
and making other
pistols, when it was
discharged in the hands of Pope.
The bullet entered Kendall's right
lung, from the effect of which he
died in about twenty minutes.
E. E. Griffin,
Witch Maker
Opposite P. O., N. C.
Recently visited the market
and purchased the largest stock clocks,
watches, chains, rings, pins, etc., ever
to article for
holiday trade and present
Prompt attention to special orders Re
pairing lo done
or the Board County.
. r a . i
is statement of the
of meetings of the of
for Pill number of day
each member hath attended, number
miles traveled amounts allowed
as Commissioner for the fiscal
year ending December 2nd, 1901.
or Meetings.
R L Davis hath attended days,
O W Harrington hath attended day,
W G Little attended days,
Cannon hath attended days,
J J hath attended IS days,
L J attended
For days Com. ti
For miles traveled
For day Com.
For day a Committee
For S mile t-
For days M Com.
For days
For miles traveled
For day a
For mile traveled
For days
For mile traveled UM
For days as
For miles traveled
Pitt In court.
Tims. D.
The D. above
earned, will lake notice an action en-
titled s above has been commenced in the
Pitt y for divorce,
ard the defendant will further take notice
he required to be and appear at
next regular of the Superior held
for tho county to be held in the court
house in on the 7th Monday be-
fore first of March. 1902, it being-
13th day January. 1902 and then and
there to the complaint, which will
before said court, or
will lie granted accordingly to the
prayer of the complaint.
This 2nd day of November, 1801.
Clerk of Superior court
The complete in every de
payment and prices as low at the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
I. la l r- ti.
Will Aim a
-.- el four
Wholesale and retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hid., Fur. Seed, Oil Bar
E, etc. Bed
steads, Oak Suits, Ba
by Go Carts, Parlor
Lounges, P.
Key West Cheroots,
Peaches, Apples,
Pine Jelly, Milk,
Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Total allowed Board
North Carolina,
or Pitt. I
I, T R Moore, clerk of the
of for county
aforesaid, do hereby
is u as
of record In my day of No-
1901. T It MOORE,
ClerK Board Cora. Pill County.
State or
Put county. I
William J. Notice of summons
ts and Warrant of Ai-
T. C. J
The defendant, T. will take
notice that entire 20th day November,
1901, a Issued him
in tho action by the under-
signed, clerk Superior court of Pitt
county, returnable to I he January term
1902 of Superior court which convene
Monday before the 1st Monday
in March, 1902, it being tho day of
January-, 1902. Which summon w re-
turned by Sheriff of said county not ex-
and with endorsement,
T. C. not lo lie found
my The purpose of raid action,
to recover of
the defendant, T. the sum of
dollars damage which
alleges is due him, as damages for
violent and vicious commuted on
him by the defendant by which Plaintiff
received and painful personal in-
The said T C. defendant afore-
said, will also take notice a warrant of
Attachment was issued by the said under-
signed clerk on the 20th day of November,
1901, against said T. C.
directed the Sheriff of Martin
county and returnable to the January term,
1902. of Pill Superior court which convene
Monday the Monday
in March, 1902, It being Monday, the
day of 1902, and being the time
am place when and where aforesaid
summon is returnable. And the mid T.
will lake i re-
quired hi appear and or demur to
complaint of plaintiff in this action or
the relief therein demanded will be granted.
D at my in town of Greenville
November 25th, 1901.
Clerk Superior court.
. i
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
J. B.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
floor f.
is I than in j
, , . Meal and Hulls, Gar
bad that yon give, J oranges, Apples,
your employer or yourself Apples, Peaches,
value, if you try to work
Bight of dissipation; that
like is lo
and that a clean conscience
gifts, sound sleep and
and clothes one in an
coat of
to Get and Keep a Position.
James J. Hill, in December
j. v
after a I prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
silence, and Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. Cakes and Mara
Best Butter,
ard Sewing Machines, and nu
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Phone M.
Manufacturers of
Doers, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage
guarantee to give satisfaction In
styles and work.
Please send your orders to
Tl Co.
to rite
Mr C. General Agent for
North Carolina and of Well-
Known and
Life Insurance Co., of
to announce lo Its large number of
policy holder, and to the Insurable public
generally, of North com-
will now Resume In
state and from this date will Issue
splendid and desirable policies, to all de-
airing the very beat insurance In the beat
life insurance company in world.
If tho local agent In your town ha not
yet completed arrangements, address
Agent, Raleigh, N. O.
Paid policy
Live, reliable energetic wanted at
one to work for th
Old mutual
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
in Advance.
One Year fl, Six Months
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent
one year for or The
one year for 13.50 payable in ad-
No Ally-
The Eastern Reflector,
D. J.
For Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Trunks.
and Mens Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Gloves,
and a big line of Baby Caps, Cloaks, Mitts and Bootees.
Come to see us. Every day a bargain day and everything a
bargain. friends,
Mutual Life Insurance
Mr. Dan Abram, of Rocky Mount, N. C, took policy
No. in 1886, amount kind, ordinary life,
year accumulation period, annual premium total
IS year dividend payable in cash
and continue policy for 6,000.00
Full paid participating additional 2.604
and continue policy for 6,000.00
Withdraw total cash value 3,602.80
For an agency, or example of results at your age for com-
with any other company, address, giving date of birth,
T. ARCHIBALD GARY, General Agent.
For Virginia and North Carolina,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va
The pleasant days we have been having are now a thing
of the past, and only the pleasant memories of the same re-
main. Have you supplied yourself with all necessary winter
When you face facts all arguments halt. We give
no prices but all winter goods
ft SOLD.
A full and up-to-date line of Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Dry
Goods, Rugs, Notions, Dress Goods and Trimmings. Under-
wear the cold weather kind. Winter and season right for
Blankets and Comforts, yes stock right too.
Special Correspondent of
Raleigh. N. C, Dec.
Primarily and otherwise speak-
contest over that Beat in
United States Senate is beginning
to get interesting and the friends
of various aspirants and will,
and well-wishers
of their State, are discussing it
in the hotel
corridors and on the streets here-
abouts. This is true especially
and politicians other towns,
while ever and anon one can hear
a business man take a hand in the
W Watson and
Glenn, both of the same town
once law partners, I and
Lee Overman and Locke Craig
ready donning their racing clothes,
with their respective grooms hold-
their fiery steeds their mas-
to vault into the saddle; with
Jule S. Carr to some
published statements by a
a Georgia by re-
porters of the Car-
matter of entering his horse
time is called; with possibly
horse tied in the woods and a
champing of his bit and all a
to prance into race-track
which he teems to see through the
trees not far off and re-
that it is a fast track he
wants to get really, it
does look as though we are going
to have a most race on
the Democratic track
between these political
honorable and de
serving gentleman, all.
The Baptist State Convention in
session at and the
North Carolina Conference at Fay-
the Utter part of last
week, were largely attended and
much good work accomplished by
both. Educational matters claimed
a large share of the attention of
the Baptist and the reports read
showed up anent the work
done and amounts raised for home
and foreign missions. The
looked after straggling
robes of that denomination and
pot them on their feet again, among
other good things accomplished.
On Friday night last in the
Academy of Music of this city the
annual debate the Baptist
and the Forest
and took place,
and as usual was a hotly contested
Abate. proposition Re-
solved, That a compulsory
law should be
North Carolina. Wake Forest had
-mauve side judges
in favor of
of course, by
merit of the and
deciding the question according
to views. The utmost
good prevailed. Last year
Trinity won.
Building Only for School Purposes.
The following resolution was
adopt ed by the Board of Education
of nu at the December
Resolved, that no public school
house in Pitt county shall be used
for any other than that of
school purposes except by special
permission of the Board of
of Pitt county. A. G. Cox,
Dec. 1901. Chairman.
New Corduroy,
It comes in Black and White and all the
Leading Shades. Ask to see our yard wide
Taffeta Silk
at and per yard. Our stock of
Holiday Goods
can't be surpassed,
Your friends,
The Place to
get the Best
Goods for the
Least Money
then yon will
go straight to
Complete stock of fall and winter goods
now ready for your inspection, and our
cannot be surpassed anywhere. The
ladies should not fall to see our stock.
is commends Statesmen. Professions men thousands of
others in the world's II fire
nation In lifting the news report an; the
of current events In their Just proportion. on its
freedom from sensationalism Alt men and women
MM ts know what world IS II an necessity
is judge from received from hundreds Its editorials are
comprehensive, and saving lo the busy man or woman Its
important topic at by best-informed
writers Its other give the best of their best
It is profusely
These letter will all thoughtful men to
of II value to them
t now that Its Mr
I arr. a constant leader el the
Review of and
views nave been dale very indeed I think
me I could not have a very Important part my
access lo, because ill earnest library, and a
thoughtful men. no In public life B
widely their Ideas arc U. s.
given utterance in Its col-
I one and most
T do not a great deal o.
mi., very great rd bull lake
have found pleasure in saving the -Review
f there very Important mailer Indeed Bum
I should other. have which a, on
S. . ;
Send for o how can be had an
Our Line of
New Millinery
you will lie convinced a
prettier, more stylish display was
Made in
The trouble begins with a tickling the
throat and a little cough. Soreness
i n chest follows and tho patient won-
he is to bare an all winter
cold. ho doe wrong
or nothing, not if he use Parry
Painkiller, staunch old
that cure a cold in twenty-four hour
Perry Dael.
Pattern Hals, Ready-to-wear Hals, Sailors,
Baby Cloaks and Caps. The very newest
and latest styles in everything in my line.
Prices lower than ever. Give me a call.
Greenville, N,
Washington, Dec.
Almost with
opening of Congress Supreme
Court rendered its decision the
Diamond case,
declaring Hint the Philippine
Islands are an integral part of the
United States and that the
the tariff law do
not, therefore, apply to shipments
between the islands and the Unit-
ed States. This, of course, leaves
the trade absolutely free threw
the protectionists into paroxysms-
The President's message was
received with almost unqualified
approval by the republicans,
the democrats, while they could
detect the erroneous deductions,
which arc the inevitable
of the acceptance of pro-
fallacy, in every line that
dealt with economic subjects, could
not but admire frank, direct
expression of the individual views
of the Apart from
specific economic recommendations
and the message is an
admirable paper.
There is one recommendation in
the President's message which
should receive the cordial support
of irrespective
party, and that is his appeal for
Support of the Postmaster General
his efforts to remove the abuses
i la mail matter. Mr.
that although sec-
matter constitutes nearly
sixty percent of the mails, out of a
total revenue of the
Post Office received
only the
of that class of mail. He
on to say if the pound rate
were limited to the legitimate
newspapers and periodicals actual-
contemplated law no just
exception could he
An incident occurred
the oilier day. While standing in
the anteroom if the
reception room l saw a congress
man go up the President as he
and Senator Lodge out and
Say want to say a word for Mr.
who holds a small office In
my the Pres-
Interrupted, that infer-
scoundrel Mill there Yen,
knew him when I was the Civil
Service Commission. Yes, I'll re-
i he left the
amazed legislator and passed out
with the Senator.
Bethel, N. C, Dec.
Miss Daisy Tucker, who has
been visiting friends here, return-
ed to Greenville this morning.
Miss Roland James, of
who has been visiting relatives
here returned home Sunday.
Sherrod and John
of Hamilton, spent
Sunday here.
Mayo Reeves, of
spent Sunday night here.
John Peal, of
spent Sunday here.
Nathan Edmonson and James
Redmond spent Saturday night
Mrs. F. Gardner and child,
of Mount, are visiting rel-
here this week.
Alfred Tucker, of Greenville,
spent Sunday here.
Miss Bertie Brown, Oakley,
spent Sunday with Misses
and Mattie Grimes.
On Sunday about a mile from
Bethel, on James M. Manning's
farm, he discovered something go-
cotton patch. On
investigation it turned to a
bear. A crowd was railed sad
dogs put on the tracks of the bear,
Mr. shot the bear and the
crowd chased him for a mile and a
half. When the bear
creek he went soon than
and went in a picnic. They
shot five the first shot
wounding the bear. they kept
shooting, the bear started down
the tree, and when about
feet from the ground he fell out
dead. About IS buck shot went
through him. The bear weighed
and was the
meat yon ever saw. Monday
Mr. sent the hide and two
hind quarters to Tarboro.
There is considerable
over the fact that the A. C. L.
freight at Kinston leaves for
points north just a
few minutes before the arrival of
the Atlantic North Carolina
Shu from Goldsboro.
connection nude would be of great
to the traveling not
to of the pleasure given the
people of Ayden, Win-
and Greenville having
the Raleigh papers in the early
morning of day of publication.--
New Bern Raleigh Newt
Welcome at Sunshine
loaf is a
away by Allen's hung Only
who been cured of
and sore lungs by this can quite
what the is. Is
plum in Italian; Us effect In
and Take a
The man who compels himself to
like work he baa to do a gs
The frost is now on the
and the cost is the

o. j.
Mend the office; at .,,.
N. as Sound law
Mail Matter.
dated writer been me h
hi The and
i editorial
chars of
office also and all
of the of the Paper
During Twenty Career.
This is the of the
birth of Daily Reflector.
It is the general custom with news-
paper to have to say of
themselves on such occasions, and
believing that oar will be
interested a sketch of the paper
they helped to make, feel
like saying a little more than usual
on the subject today.
Nearly twenty years ago The
shed its
ray the public. To be more
exact, it was on the 25th day
January, 1883, that the Hist copy
of the paper was issued, and its
birth place was in the
that then stood the corner our
In April, 1685, i brother de
too the writer
purchased the entire barium and
became sole From that
day to this we have the
business while our read-
are perhaps well familiar with
our career, at Wast most of them,
they ill pardon us for this bit of
talking about the paper today.
Really, it is paper, so what
is being said is as much about
what they have done as what we
bare done. The place Re
the confidence of
the people and the liberal patron
age they gave it is what helped it
to slay here to accomplish
what it has.
January, 1887, had finish-
ed paying the debt incurred by the
purchase of the business and dis
placed the old hand press with a
cylinder power press. Other
were made from time
to time as meant would admit and
there were changes in
that need not lie
now. until the one in the early
part of 1894 when the office was
moved down to the building be-
low Five Points. It was
HOME Of THE 1901.
place the has delayed us
into that part it
they can provide other suitable
quarters, but after doing business
the corner for now nearly a
year The Reflector is feeling
very much at home. It is the
building location for a news-
paper home to be the
More might be said detail of
the of The Reflector but
perhaps this is enough. It
had its some of them
hard but by God's
help and a constant trust in Him,
they have been overcome one by
one. While The Reflector has
never come up to our ambition, we
are not ashamed of its career or
what it accomplished. It is
no great paper, ye it bat long ago
mentioned down the old saying that a
young mail cannot accomplish any
Winterville Department.
containing acre. more or
less. cotton or corn
cleared. Two good
and other hi
Adjoins the lands Cory,
Lewis and others
and may known as the James
B. laud. Apply to A.
G. Cox.
The Old Maids said they were
coming to see us, now
they won't. Just like Old Maids,
will they that's
the way they have always treated
Vs. and we don't like it either.
Never mind, you just wait
after Christmas am they are
coming to see
Mrs. Louis Smith, from near
and sister, Miss Minnie
Clay Root Neck, were
the guests of Mis Lizzie Holloway
night and Sunday.
The A. Cox Mfg. Co. have
recently constructed a log bunk for
the hauling of large and heavy-
logs that la a credit to the ingenuity
and progressiveness of this firm
The bunk will naturally meet the
approval of all mill and lumber
men as it will prove an important
factor aiding and making easier
the work in their special line.
Santa Clans our
mother's yard, on Third
streets, a portion of which she
used as a school room. The paper
was then only a small sheet of four
pages of four columns each, and
after continuing that size about I
mouth it was enlarged to seven
columns. It was founded by our
brother, Mr. J. R. Whichard, and
while the present editor, who was
then conducting a job printing
office, had no ownership the
paper, it was printed our job
press, and we felt more or In
identified with it.
Four years previous, 1878, in
co-partnership with our brother,
we took charge as owners of the
Greenville Express, a paper which
had been started previous year
by Mr. L. Thomas whom both
of us printers. Neither
tors and proprietors
per, but was blank paper
enough on for a weeks,
so we rented l he out lit the
paper going. This writer was
then less than old his
newspaper career dates from that
age. willing lo help
make an honest living stood by us,
and though there were many haul
struggles it was sink or swim, and
the determination was to swim.
We conducted The Express to
until the fall of 1881 when
some changes came resulting in the
writer getting out of the pa per and
starting a small job printing office.
A complication with outsider
then the paper led to
the suspension The Express to
be followed two weeks later the
birth of Tub Reflector on the
date above stated.
Tub for
about two years in the old build
where it started, when Boding
it a little inconvenient for business
the paper and e moved
down town, our brother in the
meantime having purchased a hand
press and some type for the paper.
Sometime 1881, when the hold-
both were considered about
In en out
month ill one time in his life.
Happening In North
James shot and killed
Pitman, Mitchell
They were brothers in-law
and their wives witnessed the
An epidemic has broken
out the horses in Hyde
and many of them arc
dying. The State Veterinarian is
down there making an
The statistical report submitted
to the recent N. C. Conference at
made the following
Members in the bounds
of churches,
value, parsonages,
value, new
received on profession of faith
by certificate, pas-
UH H If to ban with yea
ca. . u bouts m
thing in his home. This witter j friends, and the public
was horn in has always we wish to Mate that we
lived in Greenville, and baa never am carrying a nice and better
Of the town a Me stock of toys and con
ever before, and
we earnestly solicit your nation-
learned long ago that patient per- j Yours to please Herring-
and a willing .
work do go bile attending the meeting of
There were times when op- he Hoard of E tin at ion Is- Mon
, , ,,., day Mr. A. O. Cox bad the mi
to go Here,
. . fortune unintentionally ex
but loved Greenville and Put
to well and foil that the gentleman who has
path of duty us was here. Cox's hat thinks he is worsted
While thanking Cod for all the transaction will return the
prosperity and blessing we ran same Mr. Cox will readily agree to
never feel otherwise than grateful another swap.
J. E. Green, our clever depot
people for their support. , his
Looking over our list of days Martin
we find names that have Mr. of Charles
there since the first issue nearly ton, S. C, will attend to railroad
twenty years ago, and our here during Mr. Green's
columns year in year
Mrs. is again visit,
out show the confidence the bust j
men have in The Reflector. gill ,
usual the were with us if yon feel that your paper is a I. A. Jr., of Greenville,
by the time that month was up credit to your town and county, came down night and
they had become so attached to you have helped to make it so. spent Similar here with
. , i.- . i . Mrs. Button, after spend-
the evening edition that The on v promise we have to . .
J several the family of
t want They make for the is going light h. F. Keel, returned to her home
ahead doing the best we cm at all B yesterday.
times. Booming-The A. G. Cox
Co. already orders for be-
tween 1,200 and 1,500 cotton
Whereas it has pleased our
Heavenly Father to take our
midst our beloved brother, J. A.
we, as members of Zeb
Council, No. 1636, Royal
do hereby make fol
1st. That our lodge has lost a
good and faithful brother our
community a and true citizen.
2nd. That our deepest
thy is extended to the widow
3rd. That u copy these
lie spread on our minutes
and also a copy sent the be-
family, and to King's
Weekly and The Reflector with
instructions to publish same.
J. R
S. M. Committee.
W. A.
S. C. Dee.
Running Sores
need not become a fixture upon your
body. If they do it is your fault, for
will thoroughly, quickly and
cure these afflictions. There
is no guess work about it; if this
is used a cure will follow.
bow quickly a bur. or
Win I until you bare It Mexican
A a at toe lop.
Washington, Dec. North
Carolina members in the House are
most pleasantly situated and
are they in good company.
Mr. has as his near neigh-
Mr. of Florida,
while just one seat removed from
C. E Bradley is at him is Mr. Claude Kitchin who
bis week attending court. sits between Mr. Sparkman and
J J. and Abram Mr of South Carolina.
building on the 10th day of De-
just seven ears ago, that
The Daily
e. very tiny at
only started as a venture with a
promise to run one mouth, but as
showed this by their patronage
aid the paper continued.
There were plenty of doubts
about the ability to keep a daily
paper going town small as
Greenville, but it is here lo speak
Those expressing such
doubts were only underrating the
folks are made of. in April.
the advertising patronage had be-
come i eh that enlargement was
net on the
the following an-
other enlargement brought The
Daily toils present
size. keeping the career
of its child, the parent paper, The
run, was
changed from weekly to
Since that time the most
change in the career of the
paper has been one of location.
We desired above all things else a
home for the paper, a building of
was this de
sired, but Divine guidance and
help was sought to that end, and
believe from that source the
way was whereby our
hopes might be In HI I led. So
new century, the beginning of
year found us in possession
of the two story brick building on
the corner of the Elliott property,
near the House, which was
purchased from Messrs. Elliott
Bros , of through their
agent, Mayor W. H. Long. Home
Summons has been served
. planters for the coming
Governor Aycock in the for bright,
brought by the State of South of Black Jack,
the State of North was visiting here
Carolina for the redemption of C. A. Fail went to on
Carolina railroad Sunday and
bonds, . .,.,,, same day.
fore the United States Supreme of Ayden, spent a
,. o i f short while here
at on the 3rd of . ., .
. hut is a sextet a
next March. J combination of three or more
I pies of the same kind. We have
Andrew Carnegie has made an one in town.
to Mrs. Susan E. formerly
United States for the purpose of be hen
. ,. , . her family and will make
a university for higher future
education City.
The President will submit Mr.
Carnegie's offer to Congress a
Special message.
North Carolina week at the
P. We went to
this morning Old
for Cooling us this time say
they would bless us with their
later. Oh it made us
We haven't given up
hopes. Look out for wedding
Charleston E position has been cards,
changed from January to
April There will lie much
bettor weather in April in
January and no doubt the
lion will be better then.
the fraternal orders of town
equal, both working together occupying the upper story of the
way, the business was where we intended to
In the of
donations rent to the Or-
as published in the
last issue of The Orphan's Friend,
Greenville made the largest con-
of any lodge in the State.
The next of the Baptist
State Convention will be held at
Durham the next North Caro-
Conference at Wilmington.
Mayor's Court
Mayor W. II. Long
of the following cases in his court
since last
W. A. assault
deadly weapon, over to
James II On, assault with dead-
weapon, over to Superior
John and Mack Ed-
wards, affray, lined each
one half cost each, 06.76.
Daniel Robins, disorderly con-
duct, fined one penny and cost,
Baker to Greenville today
E. t. Ward returned home
Tuesday night from Ridge
where he has been
J. If. made a flying
trip to Stokes Sunday.
Mrs. Marina returned
from Stokes Friday where she had
visiting relatives.
The price of cotton is looking
it is here today.
N. Fulford, of Washington,
was here last Thursday.
Jesse of Greenville,
was here today looking after cot-
Just two weeks to The
little are talking about what
Santa Claus is going to bring them.
L. If. Boss caught a raccoon that
weighed twenty pounds dressed.
Good for Mr.
M. A. has moved into
Mrs. S. A. Cherry's house on
Third st
C. P. has moved
Mrs. L. A. in
West Greenville.
J. o. v. has moved into one
of Miss Martha
on Fifth street.
J. W. Perkins has purchased
and moved in the building on
Greene street recently occupied by
J O. Tyson.
To the and
Pitt Co.
I am now visiting the schools of
the I to ask that
the schools close not more than one
week for Christmas, and that this
time lie from Friday, Dee. to
Monday Dec. All persons de-
siring vouchers or orders signed
will bring them to
on Saturday for the next four
weeks. I will be in town only on
day. W. H.
Co. Schools.
I Lots of the minor poets are old
enough to vote.
The Superior Clerk of I'm
having Idler, of to
Hi.- on the 10th of
on the of J. A,
ii hereby
all Indebted lo to rouse
payment U the
ml lo a I of to
their properly lo U
within twelve is after
the date notice, or this will
plead Id of their recovery.
the 10th day of December, IDOL
on i
Just lack of Mr. Claude Kitchin
and speaking and touching dis-
is Mr. W. W. Kitchin his
brother, who sits between Mr.
Davis of Florida, aim Mr. Butler,
of Missouri. Mr. is in
row of seats just ahead of Mr.
Claude and is next to Mr.
Bartlett, of Georgia. Just a few
seats from Mr. and on
same row is Mr. Richardson,
Tennessee, minority floor lea
Mr. Small has a seat near
Mr. Claude Kitchin, Mr. Ball, of
Texas, being on the right and Mr
Snodgrass. of Tennessee, being on
bis left. All these North Carolina
members are in the middle tier of
seats on Democratic side. . r.
Thomas and Mr. Bellamy did not
fare so well in securing seat
are on the extreme right of
the speaker and near rear. Mr.
Thomas has Mr. Patterson, of Ten
tor bis near neighbor,
while just in front him is Mr.
Robinson, of Indiana, who will
probably be in charge of Mr,
the House.
proximity gives Mr. Thomas
opportunity for
Just behind Mr. Thomas is
Bellamy. Mr. Moody and Mi.
Blackburn have fairly good seats
on Republican side.
A ordered woman, about years
of age, Flora Barnes, was
dead from cold,
disease, by
son, Saturday night, on Shine
street near electric light power
There being no town fund
for such purposes she was given
the county
provided for her till this morning
when she was sent to her home
Pitt county from which she ran
away about months ago.
Free Press, 0th.
A t the last regular meeting of
the Royal following
officers were elected for the
S. Tunstall.
Vice T.
R. Corey.
B. Wilson.
C. Vines.
When book reviewer be-
coin.- ill, bis condition is, of course,
Driving a Needle Through a Coin.
If you had to drive a fine needle
through a nickel or a quarter dollar,
perhaps yon would not know bow
to go about it. Let us tell yon.
Thrust the needle through the mid-
of s cork so that its point can
barely be felt at the other end. If
part of it projects at the upper end
of cork, clip it off flush by
means of s pair of shears.
Now a nickel or a silver
quarter on two blocks of wood with
a little space between them, put the
cork on the coin so that the needle
point will be over tho strike
the cork a sharp blow with s heavy
hammer and the thing is done.
The cork keeps the needle from
bending, and as it is harder than the
metal in the coin and is bound to
move when struck, it will go
through the coin.
Naval For Kites.
Kites have been used great
success as s means to stop part-
ridges rising and flying from cover
where it is wished to keep for
shooting. The birds will not
when kites are flying above them,
fearing, doubtless, attack.
Tree Jewell.
The petrified forests of Arizona
were recently examined anew under
tho direction of the general land
office. The logs lie in the
greatest abundance within an
of eight square miles in Apache
county. In some places they lie
more thickly then they could
stood while living as trees, and it is
thought that they must have been
tarried there by swift currents of
water in the Some
sf the wood was examined
with a microscope and
to resemble the pins
the southern hemisphere.
The American
Modern office furniture, from the
desk to the doormat, is nearly all
American in every up to date Lon-
don establishment. One sits on a
Nebraska swivel chair before a
Michigan roll top desk, writing
one's letters on a Syracuse type-
writer, signing them with s New
York fountain pen drying them
with s blotting sheet from New
could never remarked
the differs from tbs
that's simple re-
is given on Sundays
One Point Ahead.
big best
tho magazines.
when you buy s big
you get a lot of
news, but when you buy a
magazine you don't get any news-
sec, Willie, your
little brother can all
A re you glad
I am. Now I can
get to stand up the
fence while I throw knives around
him, can't
Our Suits are so good
that we say to you, buy one
and you will get the
back if you don't like the suit.
If we make any sort of mis-
take, bring the suit back and
let us make it right.
Call it our generosity, call it
your generosity, call it fair-
call it anything yon like.
But do it.
By the way, is the
place where we can put the
most value into our suits.
a long story.
The suits tell it.
We do what we say we do.
Frank Wilson,
The King Clothier.
I. A. Sugg, Jr., to Ayden
W. B. went to Grifton
Saturday evening.
Rev. F. II. Harding returned
this morning from Grifton.
Mr. and Mrs. T.
visiting in Snow Hill.
Judge F. D. Winston, of Wind-
this morning to hold
W. F. Hines who has been vis-
his son, W C. return-
ed to his home Sampson county
Miss Maud the train-
ed nurse who has been attending
Mrs. R. M. left this morning
for St. Louis.
Tuesday. 1901.
Adrian Savage went to Norfolk
A. B. of Raleigh
Post, in town.
J. A. Crews, of Wilmington
Messenger is town.
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
The Eastern Reflector for
subscription and we request
you to settle as early as pas-
We need what YOU
owe and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
Nice Bibles and Testaments at
Reflector Book Store.
Elegant display of Mahler's
jewelry, at Mrs. M.
D. Higgs.
Dolls, Toys, Wagons,
Vases cheap at S. M.
Puff and side combs,
purses and all kinds of brooches at
Mrs. M. D. Higgs.
pounds fresh
Rev. B. H. Hearne killed a
Brand turkey Monday.
I is a crack hunter.
Mis. M. D. Higgs has received
her Christmas goods and has a
beautiful display.
cabbage plants for sale,
Early Jersey Wakefield, by D. R.
King, Greenville, N. C. if.
Mr. J. A. Andrews is having
additional rooms built to his
on Greene street.
Santa Claus, children's
friend, can find all he wants in the
way of toys novelties at James
China cake plates, salad dishes,
melon dishes, oat meal sets, caps
and saucers, etc., at Mrs. M. D.
Nothing beats a Parker
Pen for a Christmas present.
Get at Book Store.
Attention is called to notice
to creditors by J. A. Jr.,
Administrator of the of J.
All kinds of cut glass and silver
novelties, suitable for Christmas
and bridal presents, at Mrs. M. D.
James Long Is Santa best
place to get dolls, drums, wagons,
go carts, and almost every
able kind of toy. Large stock to
select from.
All the stores are putting on
holiday attire and present a hand-
some appearance. Santa Claus
can find numerous
Subscriptions to all magazines
at Reflector Book Store.
r desiring to give any for
presents should not de
o their orders.
Rev. D. W. Davis was taken
sick Sunday afternoon could
not fill his appointment in
Christian church at night. He
was well enough a leave for his
home this morning.
In list of officers of Tar River
Lodge K. of P. published Satin-
day, there was one error. Mr. E.
B. was elected Prelate, and
not Dr. W. H. Bagwell as was
furnished us by the secretary.
All are due us sewing
machines must settle by 20th,
as the business must be closed.
This Dec
S. T. J. C. Lamer.
Land Posted.
All person are hereby forbidden
under penalty of the law from en-
hunting, fishing, or in any
way upon my land
known as place
adjoining Fred James
Harris and the Sutton land.
S. G.
Service by Laymen.
Very enjoyable services
held in the Baptist church Sun-
day, and in the absence of
pastor Mr. J. W. Bryan conducted
morning service and Mr. M.
A. Allen evening service. Both
gentlemen made excellent talks.
It was as good as preaching.
Will Go Later.
Owing to of an-
other character by several of the
delegates to the Old Con
they will not be able to
have a meeting Winterville
until after the Christmas holidays.
They appreciate the kind
extended them from Winter
ville and will go down as early as
opportunity will permit.
came in
day evening from Tarboro.
B. W. Mosley came in Monday
from a trip up the road.
E. returned Monday
evening from a up the road.
J. Green, agent of the At-
antic Coast Line at Winterville,
came up this morning.
Elder J. M. Barfield, business
manager of the Ayden Free
Baptist, spent today here.
Revs. F. A. Bishop H. M.
Eure returned Monday evening
from where they bad
been attending the N. C. Confer-
Wednesday, December 1901
Rev. J. W. Hose, of Bethel, was
here today.
V. J. Lee come in Tuesday even-
from Norfolk.
Mrs. S. V. left Tuesday
Rev. F. A. this
morning for Wilmington.
Miss Sarah left this
morning for Wilmington.
R R. Cotten took the train here
this morning for Washington.
W. L. Cobb returned this morn-
from a trip down the road.
J. If. Blow, our Winterville
respondent, spent today here.
Dr. Louis Skinner has fitted up
office in build-
on Fourth street.
The wife of Mr. L.
died Sunday afternoon at their
home four above Greenville.
A husband and one sou survive
Factory to Consumer, No middle mans profit.
worth choice
P at prices.
Clothing, Notions, Shoes, Hats,
We earnestly request
those owing for The
Reflector to come settle or
send us the money. It is
a time that we need
now, and all who have
had the paper and owe for
it ought to be willing to
pay without waiting to be
Took off s Toe.
On Sunday Dr. E. A per-
formed an operation on the five
months old child of Mr. S. W.
Erwin. The child bad six toes on
one foot, extra toe, instead of
growing straight out like the
being turned downward. It
would nave prevented the child
from walking, therefore was deem-
ed best to remove the extra too.
Much Building.
Speaking about the trouble it is
to get carpenters to do any small
Jobs of work, a gentleman In a
position to know remarked that
any would be astonished to
know the amount of building that
is going on around town. There
is hardly a section in which build-
are not going up. Mr. W.
B. Parker says the lumber yard
and the sash door and blind factory
receive orders faster than they can
be filled.
Killed a Bear.
Mr. J. J. Carson, of Bethel town
ship, tells us of killing of a
largo black bear on creek,
in about a mile of Bethel, Sunday
morning. Several men were in
chase and they run the
about three of a mile,
when Bruin took refuge up a tree.
It took ten shots to bring him
down. The bear weighed
s J. P.
Mr. J. M. Blow, of Winterville,
has been mad a Justice of
Peace and was here today to qua
and provide himself with the
necessary paraphernalia to conduct
his office. We imagine there are
not many people around Winter-
ville who walk other than in the
path of but If any do
the law and overstep
of peace
will do a plenty for them.
and Suits, Price
Sizes to Years.
l M
Mens Clothing.
and Suits, Price
Odd Coats.
and Coats
Boys Knee Pants.
and kind, sizes to
Mens Pants.
and W Pants, now
These prices for cash s
No goods charged at these prices.
to Shirts now U
A full Hue from to c now going at
The biggest value ever offered.
to kind,
Shoes. Shoes.
shoes now
Ladies l pal tips
Big stock on hand.
You must see them.
and l kind now
Sample -Factor. Price.
bats for
All linen Window
Regular price
Bought Enough Goods For Ten Small Stores.
Clocks and Watches. j
watches now
day clock at reasonable prices.
All shades, all kinds, all quality. The Indies are
at the immense stock. Come to see us and
your neighbors, or tell them about us.
The and best line we
ever had. Special value.
from to
A Silk. Yards.
the cheapest to the best
All qualities. Don't fail to gel
one of the choice patterns
Yd. AH
Worth and now
Carpet., Matting, Oil Cloth
Biggest line town. All Kinds.
Ladies Muslin Underwear
Ready to wear. Ask our saleslady in department
to show them to you. Petticoats, Drawers, Gowns
Ac, at less than cost of material.
Simpson's Calico.
Others sell cheap calico. Watch
he colors They will run out lie-
fore yon have town.
Leather Couches, quality
quality quality Oak Suits; It's
Rockers, Backs, Carriages, Ac. Get prices.
Woman Hosiery.
Al sizes, colors and prices,
from mills. This is a rare
for ladies to get a
roll The Loom.
Barker's Mills,
it Bleaching, without ticket, yard
C T.
The Big Store.
Greenville- M C.

Have You Forgot
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork.
Yours to please-
Jas. B. White.
Loan Value,
Cash Value,
S. Paid-up Insurance,
Extended Insurance that works automatically,
Is Non
Will be if arrears be paid within month while you
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon satisfactory evidence
of and payment of arrears with interest.
second No Restrictions. Incontestable.
Dividend are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid.
They may be To reduce Premiums, or
To Increase the Insurance, or
To make policy payable as an during the lifetime
of insured.
Greenville, N. C.
N. C. Dec. 1901.
W. J. Nichols was in town Sun-
Sam Smith and Jim King came
down Greenville
Miss Cornelia Nobles returned
to her home Sunday after spending
some time with relatives here.
Miss Lizzie Anderson and her
brother Robert went out to their
home in the country Friday and
returned Monday morning.
G. T. Coffey and N. P. Neil, of
Washington D. C, are stopping
here for awhile.
S. R. Ball, of Baltimore, spent
Saturday and Sunday in town.
Leon Randolph, of House
was in town Saturday
Sunday night, buying brick.
Misses Minnie and Esther Can-
non spent Sunday in town.
Lawrence was in town
We are glad to know that the
Old was
in last week.
If you have sour stomach, famousness, constipation, bed
inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache,
cf appetite, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin,
any and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and an
impaired digestive Win Cure You.
It will clean out the cumulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen
the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put yon
on your again. Your will return, your move
your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin clear and
and yon will teal the old time energy and buoyancy.
testing the proper jive their for
cone and fad an Moat
It act-pa their regular without i-ala or griping, o general
clean the seated toucan, u
like U and for
Sale by
not only the . i f-n-
.- t, ,
lo TUB LA HO LA ID , t.
to I
I kilt of in
alt con
o At
the of
note, nit J,
waved in triumph o'er prices at
Millinery Store.
All kinds of hats at till kinds of Felts, velvets,
silks, ribbons, feathers, etc., in fact just anything necessary
to make a stylish hat, cheaper than ever before. Call and be
convinced that the Reflector advertisements tell truth.
fountain gen
The recent North Carolina Con-
at Fayetteville made the
following appointments for
r. A. Elder.
C. Beaman.
Grimesland and
F. Eure.
Bethel and
M. Eure.
W. Robinson.
Rocky L. Nash.
South Rocky
South L. Reid.
P. Tyer.
Wilson B. Culbreth.
J. Daily.
Spring H. Joyner.
N. Benson.
Aurora -P. Greening.
E. Holden.
Ocracoke and
U. Black.
Rev. R. B. John was returned
Elder of Wilmington
District, Rev. N. M. Watson was
returned to Chapel Hill, and Rev.
G. F. was returned to
am the Sana
Java at Mat to rat
canst the lest
a the keen appetite,
develop rum
Take No
An amusing controversy follower
the recent surrender of General
i t federal party of
laid claim to bis sword on the
ground he hut rilled it to them
as a souvenir in recognition of their
instrumentality in bringing about
his surrender. Thompson
of the Forty-second regiment con-
I he side arm as his property,
as it been delivered to bun when
Then it
was found that this particular
sword the chieftain had turned over
was not own, but one he borrow-
ed for the occasion. Finally the
federal party all claim to
the sword, leaving Colonel
son in possession of it. It now
comes to light that the real weapon
worn by in the war it
actually the hands of still an-
other officer.
A Life of
said to be
years old, who died the other day
n Dublin, lad., had met with many
accidents during her life. At the
age of C years she fell from n picket
fence and broke her finger. In 1852
she broke her ankle, in she fell
down a cellar and broke her collar
bone and three ribs, in 1885 in s
runaway while returning from
church she was thrown from s
sod her right hip broken, in
1888 lb slipped and fell on the
pavement, breaking her left hip;
in 1892 she her left leg at tin
knee, in she fell from a tree
breaking her arm; it 1808 fell
out of bed, breaking her light arm,
and in 1900 the broke her right hip
for the second time.
A Mark of Appreciation.
As a mark of appreciation of
the many kindnesses shown them
by the people of Greenville, the
Osceola Band will give a band con-
cert, with a few penalties, on
Friday night, Due 20th. While
the concert is free to all, an
be given those who
attend to help poor of the com-
enjoy Christmas. For this
purpose a contribution box will be
placed at head of the stain
receive whatever anyone may de-
sire to put in it, from a penny up.
fund thus raised will be turn-
ed over to Mrs. J. B. Cherry,
County Secretary of The King's
Daughters, for distribution among
the little children who are able
to have Santa Clans come to see
All who do not feel able
to to this fund are
as welcome to the concert as those
who do contribute.
In case weather is cold a fire
will be kept opera house all
day so as to have it thoroughly
comfortable. Seats will be
ed for the ladies
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
At am now in the
counts the hands or my
I Lave
more fur the of undergoing an op-
my boots and ac-
ands of my brother, Mr.
Wiley at i-tore Greene A
Brown, given full authority to col-
and receipt for same. I ask
Indebted to me to call on him and net-
up early
of North Carolina,
official information
has been received at this Depart
meat that at Falkland, Pitt county,
N. C, on or about December 22nd,
1900, John Parker shot and
killed Alex Little.
And it appears that
has fled
the State, or so conceals himself
the ordinary process of law
cannot be served upon
Now, therefore, I, Charles B.
Aycock, Governor of the State of
North by virtue of an
in me vested by law, do
issue this my proclamation, offer-
a reward of two hundred
for and de
livery of said John H. Parker
to the Sheriff of Pitt county at the
Court house in Greenville and
do enjoin all officers of State
and all good citizens to assist in
said criminal to justice.
Done at our City of
Raleigh, day
, October, in year
of our Lord one thous-
and nine hundred and one and in
one hundred and twenty sixth
our American Independence
By the
Chas. B. Aycock.
P. M. Peas all, Private Sec.
H. Parker is
nearly six fee high of spare build,
weighs about pounds, has
boyish face, is almost beard
less, has blue eyes, light hair, is
slightly stooped and is about
years old.
The leader in good wort and low prices
Nice Photographs per dozen.
Halt Cabinet per
All other lines very cheap. Crayon
made any small picture Nice
Frames on hand all the time. Come and
examine my work. No trouble to show
samples and answer questions. The very
best guaranteed to all. Office hours
to a. m., to n. m. Yours to please,
The following- is a statement cf the
of meetings of the Hoard of
for I'm county, number of
each member hath number of
traveled amounts allowed for
service as for the
year ending 1901.
R I, Davis hath Hays,
O W Harrington bath attended day,
W O Little bath
Cannon bath day
U days,
J J hath days,
L J Chapman hath attended days-
For days it Com.
For mile traveled 26.00
For day a- Lorn. f
For iv as Committee
For miles
Then you want the
the people who have cash to spend
They arc who read
For days as Com. Q,
For days at Committee h
For miles traveled
For days
For As Committee
Fur miles traveled 20.60
For days as Commissioner
For miles traveled 16.60
For as Commissioner Q
For miles traveled 21.60
at Reflector Office
and you attract their
and their cash in no better way
by putting your advertise-
in this paper.
The character of Abdul
must obi have runny
The of bis is Dr.
the Zionist lender, who re-
ports he is perfectly charming.
I mi spoke to with the
greatest kindness. I found him s
One forgot lie was this
might lie kept
in I found, with nil
late developments of modern
and evidently is fur from
those notions which
associates with tbs
bring you success. Don't
lag behind in the race
but let people know
what you are here for.
quickest and best
way to sell anything is to
it ill
an advertisement goes straight to
the people, they learn what you
sell and you reap the
We have just purchased a Urge
supply of bright and attractive
cuts to illustrate ad
you are at
to use them. If you know
just what you to say, we will
help you get up your advertise-
That is our business, to
help you talk to people.
The coat of an advertisement In
the easiest part.
Total amount allowed Board
State North
or Pitt.
T B clerk of
Board of Commissioners for the county
aforesaid, do hereby certify the
Is a doth appear
of record In my this 11th day of No-
Board Com. Pitt County.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Cotton Seed, Bar-
Turkeys, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
by Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail ft Ax
Meat Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches, Apples,
Pine Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Floor Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Magic Food, Matches,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware. and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Butter, Stand-
ard Sewing Machines, and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Gob
to see me.
Phone M.
E. E. Griffin,
Practical n.
Opposite P. O., Greenville, N. C.
Recently visited the market
and purchased largest stock docks,
watches, chains, rings, pins, etc., ever
brought to Greenville. Special articles for
holiday trade and presents
Prompt attention to special orders Re-
pairing to clocks and watches done
Steamer leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green
ville, leave Greenville daily at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays,
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
Philadelphia, New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore
and Line from
Washington, N. C
J. J. CHERRY, Art.,
Greenville, N. C.
Having duly qualified before the
court Clerk of Pitt county at Executor
of Last Will soil Testament Mrs S.
SI. deceased, notice it hereby
given to all persons indebted to estate
to make immediate payment to the under-
signed, and all persons having claims
the estate arc notified to present their claims
for payment on or before the day of
November, 1902, or this notice will be plead
of recovery.
This 29th day of Nov. 1901.
Executor of Mrs. S. M.
Pitt county In Superior court.
The defendant, D. above
named, will take notice that an action en-
has been commenced in the
Superior court of Pitt y for divorce,
ard the defendant further take notice
that he required to tie and appear at the
next regular term of the Superior held
for the county of be court
house in Greenville, on 7th Monday be-
fore Drat Monday of March, It
the 13th day of January, 1902 and then and
there answer to the complaint, which will
before said court, or
will granted accordingly to the
prayer of complaint.
This 2nd day of November, 1901.
C. moo it i-.
Clerk of Superior court
Stats or Carolina, .,
William J. Gardner Notice of
land Warrant of Al-
T. C. Britton.
defendant, T. will take
on the 20th day November,
1901, a was issued him
in above entitled action by the under-
of the Superior court of Pitt
county, returnable to the January term
1902 of Pitt Superior court which convenes
on the 7th Monday before 1st Monday
in March, 1902, It being the 18th day of
January, 1902. Which was re-
turned by the Sheriff of said county not ex-
end with this endorsement,
T. C. Britton not to in
my of said action,
alleged the Plaintiff, it to recover of
defendant, T. C Britton, the sum of
fifteen dollars damages which
plaintiff alleges it due him, as damages for
a violent and vicious assault committed on
by defendant by which Plaintiff
veil serious and painful personal In-
The said T C. Britton, defendant afore-
said, will alto take notice that a warrant of
Attachment issued by the said
signed clerk on 90th day of November,
1901, against the said T. C.
Britton directed to the Sheriff of Martin
county and returnable to the January term,
1902, of Pitt Superior court which convenes
on the Monday before lit Monday
in march, 1902, it being Monday, the
day of 1902, and being the time
and place when and where the aforesaid
summons is returnable. And the mid T.
U. Britton will take notice that he re
quired to appear and answer or demur to
the complaint of In action or
the relief therein demanded will be
at my office in town of Greenville
November 26th. 1901.
D. C.
Clerk court.
Cotton Bagging and Pies always
on hand
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince you.
D. W.
Whichard, N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low the
lowest. Highest market price
paid for country produce.
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Manufacturers of
Doors, Sash and Blinds,
Interior and Exterior Finishings
for Fine Modern and Cheap Build
We solicit your patronage and
guarantee to give satisfaction in
prices, styles and work.
Please send your orders to
notice to
Mr. John O. Drewry, General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of Well-
Known and Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of J.
announce to Its large number of
policy holders, and to the Insurable public
generally, of this com-
will now Business la
Mate from date will Issue
splendid desirable policies, to all de-
siring very best In the best
life Insurance company in the world.
If the agent In your town has not
yet completed arrangements,
State Agent, Raleigh, N.
Live, reliable energetic wasted at
once to wort tor the
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ons. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
One Year Six Months
Three Months Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions token u,
The Reflector office. The Semi
Weekly and
will be sent together
one year for or The Daily
one year for 93.60 payable in ad-
A nice present, our pretty Bugs at Cost.
Prize Soft Sole Shoes.
Big bargains for all in women and mens shoes.
Mens and Boys Clothing at cost. Can please you
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.
Mr. Dan of Rocky Mount, N. C, took out policy
No. in 1886, amount kind, ordinary life,
year accumulation period; annual premium total
year dividend payable in cash
and continue policy for 5,000.00
Full paid participating additional 2.504
and continue policy for 5,000.00
Withdraw total cash value 3,502.80
For an agency, or example of results at your age for com-
with any other company, address, giving date of birth,
For Virginia and North Carolina,
1201 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va
While every newspaper should
cultivate the beautiful spirit of
modesty, it must be permitted to
speak candidly about itself, as
on other subjects.
For instance, we think the
Post should lie pardoned
for the remarks it has recently put
forward on the virtues and
of the newspaper when it is
true to itself.
The Post makes bold to
newspaper today is the
greatest factor in civilization.
Takeaway the newspaper and you
would take away the greatest
preacher, teacher, assistant to
of criminals, reformer
public private life, patriot,
that it has been
for the wit of man to devise.
No other institution is, any-
thing like the same such
a dispenser of and light
and upholder of the bands of
lice. other institution is,
like the same degree,
such a help lo good men, such a
hindrance to bad men. For the
former the newspaper smooths
their way and makes their road
level before to the latter the
newspaper is a lion in path.
The people of America appreciate
this to the full; there is no need of
telling any what they
Down at the other
day a citizen who owned a
mortgage undertook to foreclose It.
Attorneys for the party who had
given the mortgage looked into the
matter and found Hint the
had failed to list it for
Thereupon the proceedings
came lo a sudden termination, for
under the law collection of
solvent credits cannot lie enforced
unless they have been listed for
taxation, so mortgagee will
have to wait until another tax-list-
and list bis mortgage for
if he desires to collect it. This
law is a good one. is not In-
tended lo and really does not en-
courage people in non payment
of their just debts of them
don't need any encouragement in
that but it is intended to
force men to return their property
for taxation to thus bear their
just of the public bur-
dens along with neighbors.
A man rich to own a
mortgage mean enough to
try to sneak of paying taxes
on it, deserves to lose about half
Xmas Goods.
Our Stuck is Complete. Call early and make your
selections from those Bust, White Classical
Bisque Figures,
Fancy China
Plates, Cups, Saucers, Glass, Silverware, etc.
All Kinds.
They are going fast. Don't gel left Inn lie in time
gel your choice.
j. p. mm k co.
Fountain Per,
The pleasant days we Lave been having are now a thing
of the past, only the pleasant memories of the same re-
main. Have you supplied yourself with all necessary winter
clothing When you face facts all arguments halt. We give
no prices but all winter goods
A full and up-to-date line of Clothing, Shoes, Hals, Dry
Goods, Rugs, Notions, Dress Goods and Trimmings. Under-
wear the cold weather Winter and season right for
Blankets and Comforts, yes stock right too.
The Observer heard not long ago
of the case of a young man, living
a small but growing Southern
town, who applied to n prominent
business man of another oily for
cant, the business was told
that be was the type of youth who
was content to work at about a
per month salary, or less, perhaps
always anxious to git from
his work at the earliest moment in
order to spend his evenings with
young ladies, being something
of u social high In the
town where this young
man lived there was not a
tent brick-unison or me-
when one was needed
be had to be imported paid at
least a day for bis cervices.
But the young man would have
considered a trade like
any one as his
dignity and position, so he kept
at what he was already doing
clerking in the country store.
Charlotte Observer.
I to be with more Christmas
I Toys than ever Millions millions of
beautiful presents toys of every
ion, Do not go and bin your
Christmas Goods
Q then go and regret it, come to the fountain
all your wants supplied.
Ed. H. Mm.
Having your own way is very
often devil's way.
The man who has too much
to healthy is not a
We have just added Supply to our business and
will roll anything in this lino very low, Bee us when In want of
Globe and Angle Valves, Standard Globe
and Angle Valves, Check Valves, Water
Oil Cups, Air Cocks, Hancock
U. s. Injectors, Cooks,
Pipe all sizes, Pipe Filling all sizes.
LINE OP Packing, Rubber Bolt,
Hell, leather Belt, Belt Bell Hunks,
An Thief.
Mi. K. U. Miller, wax
in town and related to
an incident goes In prove
every man i- not a
rogue at heart under
d circumstances and under
certain conditions, to
to his own use the mean- of
lie said in last May he
west into his mill one morning,
and found Dome one had taken
therefrom a nun of Upon
examination note
the loll
have taken a
turn coin, a little over a bushel.
I will pay back next fall; my
children are
Mr. Miller though
rogue had dune the work, and as
be had idea who was
matter was almost forgotten him
but not the man who look
corn. fen mornings since Mr.
Miller, upon entering tIn- mill,
found he had an
and it was accompanied
your com,
and more than
I'M, be hasn't least idea
who the honest rogue i. but be
says for bis own gratification he
will will give a bushel com to
OUt, He Hauls In look
the face of one man.
of u Cold
in,, i- he quite Hire win iv ii mill
it going to mm. In tho full mill winter
ii in ill, bowels,
pain ii-i
yourself with fears At lira
i cramp Perry
In warm,
Painkiller, SO
The Old Man's Letter.
William, I done thought
write you a letter yon
a Merry Christmas, en many re-
j en I ain't got no
I overcoat, en de one you a-
so fit me, en I
ain't got keep de
out, two
i you ill do me, cf you ain't
lone all up, en cf you
don't what you
seen de in, fit me
en some stand-
gimme courage
, preach, I lout; had a call
good flogs what
. yon roan
nut en not no
at dis time I will come
a close, you kin put it down
nobody ain't never needed
close what I docs, en tell
Miss Funny de man ain't
her. en .-he kin any en all
she kin think cf, you
please, h. Stanton in
Atlanta Constitution,
The Germans do some things
pretty well. The has
Instructed to hygienic associations
in Merlin to open in which
instructions hygienic and
matters will be given free,
doctors will employ-
ed to deliver lecturers, give in-
and answer questions as
to the best ways of preserving
health, the best food to be eaten
the best seasons,
and numerous other things in
people interested. The Idea
i lo leach people how to take care
of themselves, of their health
of Star.
Harvesting and Drain Tile
Garland Cook Stoves.
N. C.
The Place to
get the Best
Goods for the
Least Money
then yon will
HUNTING go straight to
Complete stock Call and winter goods
read for your Inspection, and out
surpassed anywhere. The
ladles should not fail to see our stock.

Eastern reflector, 13 December 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
December 13, 1901
Original Format
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Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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