Eastern reflector, 2 April 1901

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Have You Forgot
W r
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Shoes
Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware
Come to Bee me
Flour or Pork.
tot your
Yours to please
Get a good
Victor is
for homo,
Every b l with a
made in all sizes con-
and general use,
guarantee to be lire
range from up.
L. SUGG, Act
Greenville, C.
Happening la North Carolina
Four cages of smallpox hare
found in house near Rocky
Governor Aycock has appointed
H. M. Justice Judge of one of the
new districts, the 14th.
According to the Southerner,
Tarboro is much excited over mad
dogs. Two were that town
Sunday and a boy was severely
bitten by one of
The storm Monday extended
pretty much over the State. At
Winston and in county it
developed into u
considerable damage.
Three confidence men were or-
rested at They were
; trying to make a
j trade with Paul of Wei-
beset a trap which lauded
t hem.
A carload of bananas refused by
the consignees was sold at Char-
Saturday, for freight charges.
Fine ones went as low as ten cents
a bunch. Somehow Charlotte gets
the beat of whatever comes
The State Printing Commission
has awarded the contract
for the State printing to
wards and E. M.
of Raleigh, they
being the lowest bidders.
The Alderman Charlotte have
decided to accept the offer of An-
drew Carnegie to give to
establish a public library there on
condition that the city provide for
annually to support the
Books in
on the
As the depositories tor Public
County. handle the bi designs-
State for the public schools and can supply what-
ever need- we also have
ml and
tablets, fool's paper
crayons, colored crayon, ink
of Our
writing b inks
slates, its
i boxes, et;.
Every cotton planter should
write for our valuable illustrated
It is sent free.
Bond and address lo
GERMAN KALI works, j Si. ft V.
pencils cent, plain lead pencils cent,
rubber tipped lead pencil l cent, a nice tablet with
pretty cover l cent, H assorted crayons, with metal
t. in nice wood cents, pencil, slate pen
i ii. an pen, an rule, in nice wood box, S
As Educator.
i-. A great big wide let rents,
ink on the market, cents, Copy to in cents.
White crayons, gross in box. cents. Good fool's cap
piper cants per quire.
for the Business Man.
We carry a nice line of double and single entry ledgers.
long day ks, journals, counter books, memorandums,
books, receipt, draft and note books,
Made b the Va.
When some people lose their
minds they don't miss much.
You are not obliged to believe
all the evil things yon hear about
Your success is a crime which
many of your can never
The average girl looks out for a
man with a fine his bank
The only a man wants after
he gets the money he needs is
more money.
There are too many people in the, been definitely decided, but it is prob-
churches who want to deadhead
their way to
If all the people who give good
advice would follow it themselves
the world would be full of angels.
It is said that marriage is a lot-
tery. We call the attention of the
postmaster to this matter.
There is one class of joiners who
are not affected at all by any labor
strikes. We refer to the minis-
We are glad to know that it is
no longer fashionable to call people
arc only taking the
Harrowing a man's
won't help toward cultivating his
will r,
The historic commonwealth of Mas-
will have a most Interesting;
exhibit at the
lion at Buffalo.
It la U-lug collected through the co-
operation of various societies, such m
the Sons of the Revolution, Daughters
of the Revolution. Sons of the
can Revolution, Daughter of the Amer-
Revolution, the Society of the War
of 1812 and kindred The
chairman of the Massachusetts ran-
American commission. Mr. Walter Gil-
man Is a leading spirit In these
societies and Is anxious that the wealth
of historic material possessed by Mas-
should be adequately
at the
The matter of a building not yet
able that the old Providence House,
which was one of the historic
of Boston, will be reproduced a home
for Massachusetts exhibits at Ki-
The curse so cruelly inflicted
upon South, involving greater
injury to the than his white
neighbor, is gradually but surely
working its way back to its birth-
place. The Philadelphia Record
the question of the policy
of disfranchising illiterate voters
is quite another matter. There
arc very strong reasons for such a
course of action. In Pennsylvania
we do not hesitate to disfranchise
citizens who are so or
or impecunious as to neglect
the payment of their taxes, be
they ever so well qualified for the
judicious exercise of their right.
There is much mote solid ground
of public policy in
ates away from the ballot box.
the matter home to
ourselves, would it make for better
or for worse home
Philadelphia if the sodden colored
vote the Seventh ward should
be sifted by such a test of literacy
and illiteracy as would be develop-
ed by making the right of the
to vole dependent upon his
ability or non-ability to read the
names on the printed ballot
position In Buffalo. This building was
typical In Us style of the old fashioned
Boston architecture and. In addition,
possessed o special Interest from Its
historic associations. It formerly stood
on the Washington street sad of Prov-
court, portly on the site of what
Is now Clark's Tavern.
One of the members of the
commission to the Ex-
position, who recently returned from
the Trench fair, secured there
valuable exhibits, which will
transferred to the at
Buffalo. Ex-Mayor Frederick
of and City Treasurer B. T.
of returned recently
from a visit of a few days In Buffalo
very enthusiastic over the prospects
for the success of the Exposition and
are anxious to have the good old Boy
State well represented there.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Three One Each,
Now Only Cents a Year,
and absolutely free The
Paragon Monthly, New The
Farm Journal, Philadelphia.
Including Farm Journal and Para-
Monthly, now only per
year; per month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
Satisfy Your Appetite at the
Next door to
Everything New and Clean.
Oysters. Game, Good ti Eat.
Regular from to o'clock.
Steamer My res leave Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville dally at
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and Boa-
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion S. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
and Line from
Washington, N. C.
Greenville, N. C.
Soup, kinds meat, kinds
Vegetables, Bread, Coffee and De-
all for cents.
B. W.
nave all kinds and
papers and
A rural patron some time ago
told the that the Standard
Is the cheapest thing he buys. He
Bottle of best it is worth more in educating
his family than all the school books
be buys. Those they study for u
months and lay them up,
but read the Standard all the
year round it is a continual school
fur them. Two grown members of
I the household could not until
he began taking the paper, but
soon learned to read it. Along
, this line is the following clipping
from the Anderson Intelligencer.
A school teacher says that
who have access to
at home, when compared with
those who have not, are better
readers spellers, excel-
lent in pronunciation and read
more understanding; and obtain
practical knowledge of geography
in almost half the time it requires
tor others. The newspaper is de-
an important factor in
modern Standard.
card and
I he Famous fountain
And when it comes to
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
Bilious and Intermittent Fevers
which prevail in dis-
arc invariably
by derangements of the
Stomach Liver and Bowels.
The Secret of Health.
The liver is the great
in the mechanism of
man, and when it is out of order,
the whole system becomes de-
ranged and disease is the result.
Liver Pills
Cure ail Liver Troubles.
The magnificent buildings which
to house the of the fan
can Exposition at Buffalo nest Rum-
mer are fast progressing toward com-
and will soon be ready for the
which are on Hie way from
all quarters of the continent
The. scene upon the grounds of tho Ex-
position, In the northern part of the
Including part of the fa-nous
ware Park, Is n busy one, mid every
day sees some progress made
In the construction work. Condition
have been very favorable to rapid
work, and the
bids fair to break the record In
the matter of swift construction of Ex-
position buildings and their entire com-
before the time arrives to open
the gates to the general public.
notice f o
Mr. C. General Agent for
North Carolina and Virginia, of that Well-
nod Popular Company,
Life Insurance Co., of
to announce to its large number of
policy holders and to the insurable public
generally, of North this e om-
will now Business In this
and from this dale will issue its
and desirable policies, to all de-
siring the very best insurance In the best
life insurance company in world.
If the local in your town has not
Agent, Raleigh. N. C.
Paid policy holders 182,508,188.05
Live, reliable energetic agents wanted at
once to work for the
Old mutual Benefit.
Bagging and Ties always
on has t
Fresh goods kept constantly v
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince yon.
D. W.
A good story comes from Wash
Senator of
chairman of Democratic
National is a member
of Humane Society, and wears
a badge entitles him to In-
the of any
animal that appears to In- ill treat-
ed. A day or two ago. as he came
down from Capitol, he inspect
a team that was -landing by
the curb. you shouted
driver; arc you doing
I here feeling about that horse's
neck am an of the
Junes, mildly, I want to see
if this collar lits this
snarled the driver,
that collar don't fit that horse any
than your collar fits you,
you just ran and along and get a
cop have me Sena-
tor Jones passed on.
The Confederate of
Chattanooga, , have begun a
movement for the erection of an
elaborate monument In
of women of the
South during the civil The
plan is to receive voluntary
contributions the different
camps of order, and already
a liberal sum has deposited in
a bank for that purpose. It is
definitely stated that only free of-
are desired, d no enter-
or other schemes for
raising money shall be in
will ,
run w
i, above reward for m v
i Sick I,.
. we eat
. . rim. ts I ; In I.
Hie direction are
H boxes
Ml. . i.
never fall to
la oil
imitation. stall.
u. CO., Clinton and
Chicago, III Fur sale by
I c
L. H. Pender,
Tobacco Flues, Tin Hoofing, Ac.
Expert Gunsmith employed. All
kinds Gun and work
drat class. Re stocking of gnus a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
He A in c i I n .
The state of Connecticut ll getting
together a large that will rep-
resent her farm, fruit and dairy Inter-
at the Exposition
next year. II. of Hart-
ford Is the commissioner in of
the work, and he Is twilled by n com
composed of N. chair-
man. New Haven; Professor C f.
Phelps, secretary, agricultural station,
J. A. I'm-
lessor A. O. Col
E. II. agricultural
station. New Haven;. II. Noble, dairy
commissioner. Hartford; II. C. ratter-
son, master of slate grange,
There goes a said the girl,
hasn't a thought on earth except
dress. know that superior man at-
tributes this particular weakness to
nil It's a canard, as of
course are nine out of ten of male es-
a refractory button on
her glove
that woman who passed us Is, without
doubt, the most dress crazy woman
have ever met. She knows no topic
save of no other
spends one half of her
at her dressmaker's, and the other halt
Is used In exploiting the of
the Goodness only knows
when she manages to get anything to
eat. She's dead to every feeling. I be-
except that which bus to do with
what do you she said
Saturday I met her as we wire going
out of a house of A young
woman whom we both knew had died,
bad at the Com-
down the steps I my friend,
but the feeling of sorrow was two fresh
inc to anything more than
a nod of recognition, for half a
we walked side by side. Then I said.
dear Clara able well
week ago, now and she's
answered Lay friend blandly,
but wasn't she beautifully
Really, It was a treat to see
of V
A small In the mis n I
school of I f church pro
entirely Minor of era
mane a-i.-d the leach
as good old days
when orthodoxy used
was tin- reply,
bow did lie make
of .
who mode
The small i,. u re-
plied el,. , . i lb n d.-.
lo foil I . I I'll tOOl
out I . ;.
Wholesale retail Grocer and
Furniture Dealer. Cash paid for
Hides, Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar-
Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed-
steads, Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba-
by Carriages, Parlor
suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P.
and Gail Ax
Meat Tobacco, Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
Cherries, Peaches,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap,
Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil,
Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar-
den Seeds, Oranges, Apples,
Candies, Dried Peaches,
Prunes, Currents, Raisins, Glass
and China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, Cakes and Crackers,
Cheese, Best Batter, Stand-
ard Sewing Mach and nu-
other goods. Quality and
Quantity. Cheap for cash. Com
to see me.
Phone W
of administration, with the will
annexed. this day issued to me
by Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt
county, upon the of b. K. laughing-
house notice is hereby given lo
ill n If said es-
lo present them to mo for payment
on or before the 27th March
in will be plead in bar of their n-
All lo said
Isle arc notified to make immediate pay-
This day of March, 1901.
with tin will
Q oner
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low at tho
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
------DEALER IN------
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
By . of the powers contained in two
decrees made at the term
and the March If nil of Pill
court in entitled S. T.
Hooker E. Dixon el ah,., the
will to public sale for
cash to the highest bidder, the court
door in of Greenville, N.
on UM 3rd day of 1901
lit being of th first week of
Hie April term of Tilt Superior the
follow lug tract of land to wit;
certain of land in the
of in ad-
joining the lands of James II. Mills, Robert
W. b. Clark the
land Lime the said E. B. Dixon
and lying on the North side of Cow Swamp
and being as the lauds
I by K. s from Ml. A.
tho that descended to said
E H. i i v n from his father H. Dixon
ml by the said John B. Dixon
from one
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
in Advance.
Year SI, Biz Mouths
Three Sing. Copy Be.
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. Subscriptions taken at
office. The Semi-
Weekly Reflector, and
will be sent together
one year for or Daily
one year for payable in ad-
The Eastern Reflector.
m t m
new, neat clean.
we ask is fur yon to see our line.
U seen it. Sec it today.
Val Allover
to match all edgings.
or bargains we are headquarters.
U will Silks, Pine Apple Tissues,
America's in Threat the Czar.
London, March 20.-A dispatch
. . to the Telegraph Com pa-
are twenty years in. . . .
, , , . Pans slates on the highest
advance of other nations
in the of bridge
sign and The steel;
of which a bridge is ;
about half of its cost. Steel
is now made the United States
at much less cost than other
country. In Britain, labor ii- so
much hampered by
ism that It is admitted by one of
the leaders that the cost of labor
in making steel the United
States m not one half of what it is
This be said also
of the labor employed
The market for bridges is fur
greater in the United States than
elsewhere. The States have now
miles of railways, and it
Has been estimated that there is
p average of one span of metallic
bridge for every three of
railway. This gives bridges
every existing Hue, without
including those required for new
Hues. The increase the
States of the weight of cars
engines has resulted
economic changes. The average
rate of freights on American rail-
ways was in 1867 a little over five
dollars per ton. Now It
ninety-five cents. Any one
figure the saving on millions
of tons of freight moved in 1900.
These larger cars carry double the
paying load of the old ones that
they have superseded, more
powerful engines draw more cars
in a train. This increase of weight
of rolling has led to the re
of the old bridges by
stronger and heavier ones. This
demand has brought into existence
many bridge building
and they can well afford to equip
themselves with the best labor
saving accurate-working ma-
regardless of first cost, as
they know it would if ever
lie idle. European bridge build-
are not in this position. Trains
have not increased weight us
they have la America. The old
bridges answer their purpose,
the demand has chiefly con-
fined to new ones. Bridge build-
is merely nu adjunct to other
business, possibly tho owners
are wise in not investing
capitol in special C.
Clark, in The Engineering
for April.
burg. Several notabilities, the
dispatch further says, are
a plot against his majesty.
The Russian press was not allowed
to the affair.
The Birmingham Post, which reasonable just the employ-
The Housing of Factor
It is by a grave oversight that
the manufacturer has not oftener
considered the employee's
parallel with his own in building
up his works Within city limits,
this i- hardly possible;
but it is growing more and more
common for large works to move,
or lo be established, rural and
semi-rural where laud
and taxes are low there is
room to spread as growth of
business may demand. Under
these conditions it has alto-
too least in the
United the proprietor
to make the best arrangements he
could himself leave his
to get what they could
after his bargain closed.
II is not at all uncommon for a
site to be given lo the owners
of the business, free of any charge
and often lice of taxes for a period
of years, in consideration of their
locating a certain place. The
neighborhood gains from the in-
creased population and
ed chance of employment for its
own people; but employees
practically pay the bill for the site,
for all ground nearby is advanced
greatly value, houses are built
in certainty that they will
needed by incoming
army of workers, and land-
lords and lodging-house keepers
put up their prices to I lie limit.
a case of this sort, certain-
seems as if it would be only
We an still the forefront of the race
We offer you the selected line of
General Merchandise
to be found in any store County. Well bought choice
elections, the creations of the best manufacturers of America
and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, Spring, Bummer
Winter. We are at work for yours our mutual ml
vantage. It is pleasure lo show you what you want lo
sell you if we can. We oiler you very service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well
established business built up strictly on own merits.
When yon come market you will nut do yourself justice
if you do not see our Immense Stock before buying elsewhere.
us and the following lines of general merchandise.
will kink
of my millinery department if
one will in- trimmed to suit your
Mrs. is m
the hat you desire i- on hand
tastes n
Huts, Silks, Braids, Flowers, Ribbons, and everything
in the milliners line.
Goods and Notions,
Halt and and Satins, Ladies
Jackets and Capes, Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
I lie ,
The in Mi Doctor Versus
Much of opera
live work of today i- worth
praise; on the other baud,
n large percentage of
J. C. Wed.
evening from
where he had as one of
escort sent by the Odd Fellows to
accompany the remains of Mr. I.
closely in with Joseph
says news received in high
quarters London indicates that
the is a very nervous
owing to the condition of toe
horizon. It is said that he
fears the result of the policy of his
in the Far list, while
troubles and
against bis Hie, of which there are
more have published,
have completely unnerved his
His medical advisers have strong
o cruise,
but war has refused to follow
their advice. Those behind
scene in Russia take a very grave
view of the present
think it is the of more
Thanks From the King.
The Secretary of State received
from Sir Julian British
ambassador to the United States,
the billowing
have the to inform yon
that I duly forwarded to the Mar-
of the resolution
sent to by you on behalf of
State of North Carolina oil the
of the deeply lamented death
of Her Late Majesty, Queen
and Empress of India. The
King was much pleased SI
tribute to the memory of
the late Queen, and am instruct-
ed to convey to you His Majesty's
most sincere thanks for highly
appreciated mark of sympathy.
have the honor to be, sir,
The Shad Was Marked.
Two men, Jim Willis, and Will
were arrested yesterday
held under bond, charged with
stealing shad from the nets of Sam
Morgan in river. The
theft was detected a clever
by Morgan. He suspected
that his fish were being stolen and
took a shad from the net and put a
number pins tho fish and also
a in mouth for
He then replaced in
net. Tho mentioned
brought shad to tho market
Berry who died Monday at yesterday the marked shad
Falkland was carried lo Wash j ,
for burial. Bern Journal.
to act as a trustee of the tacit
confided interest of their men,
to secure for them same
advantages they get for them-
selves. In this there would be no
paternalism, but simply the re-
which an active partner might
show for unrepresented
simply regard which, it is now
recognized, a controlling stock In-
should show
in The Engineering for
It was lately discovered that
two small islands belonging to the
Philippine Archipelago
at the lime of the treaty of
Paris. This was done through
geographical mistakes. We have
settled the matter, however, by
transferring one hundred thou-
sand dollars United Stales
money to the Spanish government.
This Filipino business is costing
the people of this country just half
a million dollars each day,
occasional hundred
thrown In to pay small island
which was overlooked. The in-
habitants of these islands will not
i i it I out fifty years that we have
bought and paid for
American Co.
relics St Less Cost to
Control trade.
We have a circular letter
American Tobacco Co.,
work is ill advised, superfluous and
and soon as the more after ibis date the
intelligent people of the of American Beauty Cigarettes
realize that such is the case, lie per M. This will en-
Men's, Women's and children's and they will again turn for advice able the retailer to sell this brand
the intelligent In packages of
they will admit him again to the Soliciting your order these
family council to Cigarette, we remain,
Harness. Horse Blankets Dusters,
Flour. Meat, Sugar Coffee, Scad Is,
Pin--.,, Castings and Plow Fixtures, Nails Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and in line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Square Pealing.
Your Friends,
him lo shield them from the mi l-
treatment our times,
deliver them into
and safe hands. And If the
future family practitioner is to re
gain lost ground, again aspire to
reach plane in the practice of
general medicine which i
bis, and again lo lull
confidence his ii must
be bis own individual
educating himself to be
come a diagnostician. In view of
the complex character which
feature of some of
How Success Is Turned to Path
An writer recently
is plenty of room at Use
top, because the ordinary man,
who has climbed up half way or
one quarter way, becomes so well
pleased with himself that he
down to admire his marvelous
climbing never get any high-
The w in
A writing from
gives fuller details of the
terrible tragedy there last week.
an of which we gave at the
Near Godwin, at
Miss Oliver is leaching school, ll
will soon end for the term and she
is preparing pupils
at the public t
occasion. She was with skill and
children in
I has been quite the
rage here for some time but
have just discovered that it may
be made more useful than ever.
Some afternoons ago a young lady
bad a young man and
she pulling him to
washing the windows. We have
heard of young ladies
young before but this is a new
service she was to put hi-ii to and
if hypnotism be used to make
some people work then the half of
the blessings it will bring have not
been Progress.
A in New Jersey
is making flour out of sweet
toes, A for
that purpose has jolt been char-
If this flour takes we will
have to put up sonic mills down
this way, where the sweet potato
is fun ml in all glory.
This also explains why it is Ilia
advertising campaigns which ingenuity drilling the
Mart out with a great flourish of and plays.
trumpets and half page displays; Two of brightest children in
don't bring fortunes to school Rhodes
The advertisers stop to pal years old, and his sister,
themselves on the backs Oilier , Miss looK leading
throw them- in the play. In one scene of tragedy
selves for having the remarkable
ability to arouse such an amount
of public interest,
that do business in-
definitely on the results of their
unfinished campaigns. This is a
costly error. When their
ceases both they and their
goods are forgotten, wiser men
take their places the public
mind. The public, it may be re
marked, never goes out of way
to remember former advertisers.
H Isn't compelled to do so. There
ere always present advertisers In
sufficient numbers to supply its
and thus the need of re
is obviated.
There are of advertisers
who have scored an initial success
and then suddenly slopped sue
This was they
either slopped advertising or at-
tempted to cut down advertising
expenses. It's the advertiser who
isn't Satisfied with bis success
that is eventual winner.
Profitable Advertising.
Master was lo point a pis
unloaded, his sister,
lire, she was to fall as killed.
When the lime came young Rhodes
took aim, pistol, his
fell as I he called i
she fell dead.
knows pistol bad been
loaded, when Rhodes
tired the ball took effect, putting a
bull lb rough sister's neck,
she died in n few minutes,
The emotion I
produced can better be imagined
described. The teacher was
almost prostrated, the
with grief, the family
and the whole in tear-.
The an Ton. Co.
This i- the latest war of the to-
trust on the Wells White-
head Tobacco Co. They thus offer
cigarettes less than absolute
cost in destroy competition,
properly amount charged their
cigarettes living exactly the cost of
Intel revenue stamps on
package, cigarette Including
of thrown in.
Will have the desired effect
is a iii crippling the independent lac-
ex think not. With the
may seem u her-. popular against these
task; bill I nm convinced combinations legitimate
nil medical men .-ho are fitted competition believe the great
by mil mid proper for Carolina Brights, the
for their work will in reasonable In by The Wells
lime become Whitehead will con-
elans, and will of for- limit-, The public realize that if
precise indications for j the Independent arc driven
treatment, provided off the the price of the
for laboratory bedside owls will be advanced, and
Instruction be offered and sought, I therefore looking the mailer
no wast- from u selfish standpoint alone it.
experimenting with thousands will be to their to buy
of old and new useless dings Carolina Hi even at a higher
the endeavor to n com- price, lint their strong sentiment
sympathy the
to the deal will alone to lead
various symptoms of acute aid buy them.
-From Wilson News-
lion the Doctor lo lie
cent Progress in Medical
by Augustus Collie, the
can of Reviews
for April.
ours a
Carolina I- a
Ii i- long, i. Hue,
I miles. I'll.- it
put t in , it lick
and Hi
e other cud Cher- asked
Marriage C c
The Indiana legislature just
passed u las providing for the up
marriage commit
composed of two women who
art i-i-. two physicians of
one allot . ll shall
be the duh of this commission to
prepare ii act questions lo be
holding thumb on string
at the runner i in
i; put in Luke
York. II has
. in- miles I ii. and
water ore i -total i square
miles, h is rivets an
ii n-1
lakes ii i- us well watered a
is in union. I
license clerks
Raleigh a I'm
mayor who does
want the office, but who
his administration affairs would
be Of to the city.
motives should have
their Herald,
justices or clergymen who
perform marriage ceremonies. The
i i i- lo compel candidates
fill in. in pass an
lion as lo I hi ii mental
ii I interest
ii. . I be
ore, how cm i, hereafter
w ii wain to marry
on will evade Ibis ordeal go-
is largest with lug Stale. The idea
Cum- is u few
I Ian young people will care to stand the
over b i- square miles examination
has and, is
is very small
w iii average over
Attention Is culled lo the. notice
lo creditors J, A. Hudson ad-
-1 Hi Hudson,

W. C.
at the Post Office at
Greenville, N. C, as Second
Mail Matter.
Tuesday. 1901.
Again conies the report that
is captured, unless
it is denied again the day
or to he may be captured sure
enough this time. The says
that General bagged
insurgent leader has taken
to Manila.
And ; Happenings la North Carolina
like Tarboro, has re-
a wick ago THE excited by mail dogs.
Ike graded school at High Point
i in stated some good
had been I relative to
because of the death of a pupil of
There is a calling of
again in the cotton growing
to get the to agree to re-
duce the cotton acreage. It may
malt as such have
In the everybody think
cry body else is going to cut down
the acreage this particular
everybody puts in a larger crop
than ever. If cotton don't come
down to cents next fall will
be the fault the tanner.
manufacturing enterprise
Greenville. We are able
this news today, the facts being
tarnished as by Mr. P. M. Hodges,
the secretary of the new
scarlet fever.
The Slate will have an
encampment at beach
in July or August, three regiments
A has been organized going in camp at the time.
to build and operate a door; the
that the Impeachment trial
has become a of past
about only interest the public
feel it is to know how Sen-
voted. They may
and Mind factory, with a paid
crease to Tho
the have held a
meetings to talk over the mat
Friday held a
meeting u which organization was
effected. The following officers
M. Hodges.
L. Little.
A. Andrews,
s. fair, J. R. Moore, R. W. King,
V. B. West.
Several commit ten
ed. one to select site, and one on
constitution bylaws and char-
Time is a good opening in Green-
ville for such a factory as and
the men are in ii ho will carry it
We hope it be
quickly followed by other enter-
The recent agreement entered in
want to I to by a large number Hie cotton
I manufacturers of North Carolina
End the Impeachment rial.
The impeachment trial against
Chief Justice and
Justice Douglas, of the
Court, that has been in pro-
for two weeks before the
Senate, came to close today, the
result a verdict of acquittal
the Judges.
received the
following telegrams this afternoon
announcing the
K. C. March
Stale have formed an association, Judges acquitted every charge.
to control the price of ice and lessen majority for acquittal on four
cost of manufacture. Vote on first article to
for conviction.
Mormons are making many con-
at Mount Olive, Wayne.
One day this week persons
Raleigh, X. C. March L'S.
left that town for of Judge acquitted,
the converts are among the poor I en for conviction, twenty-three
acquittal. Constitution required
two-thirds to convict.
This termination of the case was
boot as looked for, but at has
I a hard fought contest and at
, traded great interest throughout
I the State.
A couple of Durham young We hope the State may now
pie wen- principals have a long rest from political
in all its Re
and ignorant.
A Charlotte mail ate bananas
in minutes, Tuesday He
said lie had never had of
the fruit before, but he seemed to
get his till this lime.
at last account.
marriage Wednesday night. The
young lady jumped out of the win-
of her home into lover's
arms, they drove about six miles
in the country and were married
the public road at o'clock.
Hector b.
a Bind Concert
Hire. Five articles were voted on
has attracted much attention. In
separately, the vote on
one as
Ii -t
commendation of the agreement.
the most remarkable thing of its
Bray, Bur- employers have voluntarily re-
roughs, Foy. the horns labor and nth-
James, Justice, Lindsay.
Miller, Morrison. Mm
ton, Scott. Smith. Thom-
as, Travis, Ward,
Candler, Currie,
Henderson, Leak.
London. Long. Marshall.
Miller, of Robe
Improved the conditions
but never before
j to
bi ii . uh ml ii shortening
of the of labor, restriction of
the employment of children and
If l i- true, to
the II i of North i am
The band, of Greenville,
came yesterday afternoon on the
A. C. L. freight and gave a con-
cert the opera house last night
Jack, X. C. March a good-sized audience, the re
Bid of Ayden. failed being a little over
till his appointment here Sunday i The Osceola band bl the
night. The cause was such unlit I of being the best in
weather, and judging from the
Miss Lucy formerly a magnificent music furnished last
teacher of Ayden Seminary, took night, they deserve it. Etch
charge school near piece played Was heartily applaud-
the audience thoroughly
Dixon little
Mills, went to Washington
Saturday returned Sunday.
enjoyed the entire performance.
Mr. J. W. rendered a
cornet solo entitled
son, Sugg U-longs the honor i
Democrats voting guilty
were Brown, Currie,
Glenn, Henderson, Leak, London,
and Sugg
Maybe, Mo v be.
That was a sad case printed In
The Danville Bee yesterday of
where the North Carolina lather
came to Danville lo get his
who had gone astray. She bad
been a good gill at had been
a member of the church and v
day d she bad Ii It b
and stopped in Danville, and eh-we
to become n woman of town.
All the lime she was living
beneath roof of red
windows which floated scarlet
Hag of sin she wrote to her people
letters full of cheer and hope and
told how she was prospering as a
sewing girl. Finally eyes
the old people wen- opened by a
The father bowed j
down and found his j
married daughter with a child six
weeks of age and be took her
his arms and in lied back -1 s,.
her where innocence
and virtue and love and hope
How many fathers
have done what old man did
Many doubtless, but all.
as be carried his sorrow in
and returned with the soiled
polluted daughter, maybe,
somewhere beyond this world f
strife, a white-winged angel saw
what the old man did i
i the shall be
And what about the man who is
the author of the downfall of
girl I Doubtless be is being
with open arms society
and regarded as a line fellow, as is
usually the case with such.
ought lo lie
clothes doing the
Ii is was
that such a man should
not lie countenance by people of
sin-h a wise and policy
In promising lo adopt
i ii- hour system, Carolina
are t the p i-
lion of ll leaders of
ill- i
.-i yen a it i- report-
some young man In
i i bad disc the lost
ii ; copper so a- In
. us steel, But Ibis
m his -i . mi
lost. Now rep rt
i . in tie, Washington.
; bat .; I and her two
sons Ii uh , disc rt and
in make a
, make it.
th It a chisel made of it w ill
rough lie Ii armor
j I he boy w v.
i ii j. nod tin ii mother help
I id tin Tin i- n In it
j and we shall sec if u woman
in ; a
auditor i ii j
. -i i machines,
which I i ago were license I,
Ii legislature art-
. I i by
lie . They
i i ;. i i
range lo only Mi-
ll lei led in the
ate, of a was
in I i t I he auditor re
nit i- excellent
i p of sheriffs lo
look such main. u there
arc lid lo been over a bun
d much in the
Quite a large crowd attended the Tramp, accompanied on
burial of Mr. Redding Hudson last the piano by Miss Bruce Forties.
Wednesday. He died suddenly j It as so much appreciated they
Monday evening. to a clamorous
little live year old son of core.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore was. The solos of Mrs. Travis Hooker
bin led Monday . He lived only a and Mrs. J. B. Cherry were enjoy-
few days after seriously ed more than part of con-
burned. I cert. had to respond
Wedding are echoing in encores, and when Mrs. Cherry
neighborhood of Black Jack. sang a coon song it brought the
We are glad to state that Mr. audience to such a pitch of
Jesse Mills, who has been serious- that bad to respond to a
ill with mumps, is able to lie en-ore. The
out again. n the piano were all fault-
Mis and rendered by Miss Bruce
in last Sunday from I Forbes.
The following composed the
Little Miss Becca Mills came Meat. Ola Forbes, leader;
evening from an extend- c. s. Forbes, A. A. Forbes, Sr.
ed visit papa's. We were A. A. Forbes, Jr., J. W.
Wilkinson's Stock Had.
Wednesday evening a
large lamp the More of Kicks
Wilkinson fell and much
damage to their stock. Mi. J. A.
Ricks, the was
chasing goods. Mr. C. L.
the other member, had just
closed the store a few minutes be-
fore the accident to go to bis sup-
The cause of the lamp falling
was due to pulling out of the
hook by which it was suspended
from the ceiling. It was the
lamp the portion of the store
occupied by the clothing depart-
where the
lamp hung were the counters
drawers tilled with clothing. The
lamp fell right in the midst this
stock of clothing and instantly
there was a big There were
many- people passing along the
street going to the and
fire was quickly discovered.
The store was broken and
crowd rushed in to put out the
fire. An alarm was given and for
awhile there was great excitement.
So much oil and clothing burn-
made a dangerous looking tire
for the time Owing to its
prompt discovery it did not take
many minutes put it out, but in
this short time great damage was
done, hardly a garment in the
clothing department escaping in-
jury and much of it Icing burned.
Kicks Wilkinson had about
worth of on hand,
and to at it now it has the
appearance of being practically a
total loss. The stock was insured.
During the excitement
took advantage of the situation
and robbed the drawer of
what money was it. something
The building, which belongs to
Brown ft Hooker, was somewhat
damaged about the floor, ceiling
counters. his is covered by-
Our Mr. Ricks
Is in the Northern
Markets basing;
Look at store tor
best to be had
when he returns.
lbs fellow who has never had a
rival in love isn't much of a
in.-n l have lo be
to his lighter away
she is m
glad have back.
Josh Mills, of Greenville, was
here today.
and Dixon went oil
a flying trip o Beaufort county
We are glad to say
Dixon. after suffering right badly
with a rising in his hand, is tome
D. Dixon who has
been on M extended visit to W.
i. returned Mr.
and Mis. w. accompanied
him home.
Mad Cattle.
Some time ago a cow and a calf
belonging to Mr. Robert Leonard,
who lives near Lexington, were
bitten by a dog. Last Saturday
the cattle showed every symptom
of hydrophobia and became
so they had to kill-
ed Sunday morning. Mr. Leonard
had the cattle buried. Another
COW acting and a
watch is being kept upon her.
The doe that did the biting es-
Leader in Styles.
My store was thronged with visitors on spring opening days and it
was declared that I have the
Handsomest Millinery
that has been shown in I have the most complete stock of
everything ii. the milliner's line.
HatS in variety and all the shapes.
Anything that lie desired Flowers, Ribbons and Ornaments.
Wash Silks for Waists. Beautiful Baby Caps. I also
have a b lot of Pictures and Frames. Be sure that yon call
to sec my stock.
Mrs. M. D. Higgs.
Tin- i
has been propounding
do a rabbit wobble its
A preacher
says it Is it no bill lo
This is re-
to The Observer with the
request to-end
i our but
was submitted bi The
Norfolk I The
t- a squelcher
and i- respectfully referred to our
Norfolk contemporary,
Vim are never quite conscious of
how many disagreeable lodgers
there are In that many
mansion yon call your
linger or envy or hate knocks
at the presto out come
trooping snob a lot of unhappy
and suspicion, and all
a perfect army of
mies to peace and happiness.
Helen Moody, the
J. II. Far-
Woodward, David James,
Ernest Forbes, Seth
Hooker, Hooker, Henry
Jno. Home, Forties Ken-
The following came to take
pail in the conceit. Mis. Travis
Hooker, Mrs. J. B. Cherry
Miss Bruce Forbes.
Mess. Harvey Jones, Tom Hook-
Moore. I. A. Tyson, M.
II. Mayo, of Green-
ville, and Dr. Geo. It. Hadley,
of were in the city to
attend the Free
Press, 28th.
Judge Cook,
makes the com-
plaint that he not enough
work to do. His honor declares
that there has not been u criminal
case his department for a month,
that as a consequence he is
from ennui. its
new lei Francisco pays no
lees to public i it is
said that a large falling in the
number of prosecutions
has resulted.
No in the world
has so nun has
Czar. They
en, and all selected from among
the medical celebrities of Russia.
There is a physician In chief;
then come ten honorary
two a chiropodist and
honorary chiropodist, two court
physicians and three for
The End the Club.
tin Tuesday the Club was most
charmingly entertained by Mrs. J.
L. Fleming at Hotel Macon. The
was called to order by the
president and business of
transacted. Members were
urgently requested to mark with
pen and ink when the magazines
and are received and passed,
as failure to do so will subject
to a line.
After the business was disposed
of the hostess distributed papers
composed of questions the answers
being the names of II
The result of the contest was a tie
between Miss and Mrs.
and was drawn by the
After partaking of delightful re-
the club adjourned to
meet at on April tub.
A. H. Brown and R. P. Driest,
of Maiden, Mass., who have been
visiting Preston at Cotton-
dale, took train here this
morning tor their
with hyacinths.
ire pretty
Attention Ladies
My friends and will find me at the old stand
With the largest stock of HATS, CAPS
all the newest things in the Milliner's line to be found in
Greenville. Mrs. Ella Greene will be
with me again this season. Her taste and skill as a trimmer
is unsurpassed. We guarantee to please customers both
in work and pi ices. Come see goods. New Dress Patterns;
for Spring.
Strong may up a
fellow's courage entirely too
ii very pinch like blossom-
of a flower. Its and
depends entirely
upon care bestowed upon
i;. purest. mothers
have tendered care.
should spared worry
and anxiety. should eat
nourishing food
will h a
their health beauty
at well as that lie little
nut to he absolutely ors
of a short painless labor they
It ii
t. which
. It give
I in
lo he
the v
prevents nil of i
wt When
M m t. it no
at the
Tilt in CO.
None genuine unless
Red Cross is on label
Don't a Substitute
Night Sweats and Grippe, and
all forms of Malaria.
We have returned from the
Northern Markets where w
bought the most complete line
of Millinery we have ever
handled- Call and see our
Pattern Hats, Flowers Mouse-
It Yours to serve.
Don't Pant for Pants.
4- Save Panting.
Every Pair Guaranteed.
Everything about them warranted.
From to
Sold in Pitt County only by
If there is a CROSS MARK
in the margin of this paper it
so to remind you that you owe
Eastern for
and we request
yon to settle as early as pas-
We need what YOU
owe us and hope you will not
keep us waiting for it.
This notice is for those who
find the cross mark on their
New lot Dice tablets, ruled
unruled, at Book
The gentlemen of leisure are
whittling corks in readiness to go
after the tinny tribe.
Blank of sale of personal
properly by administrators for
sale at office.
If the town electric lights
the use of dangerous lumps
be avoided. Vote for bonds.
The Daughters are
much for the
meeting of their State convention
here April to May
The Greenville Supply Co. are
preparing to build a large brick
warehouse on the corner of
son avenue and the railroad.
The highest praise tins
me by those to whom I have
sold Standard Ma-
chine. M.
The fifteen cotton of the
State are the order named as
Mecklenburg, Wake,
Wayne, Halifax, Pitt,
land, Wilson.
Special Terra.
Governor has ordered a
special term of court for Pitt
beginning Monday, May 27th,
and continuing two weeks. Judge
W. A. has been assigned to
hold this special term. It is for
the trial of civil causes only, and
is to take the place of March
term that could not be held.
Jefferson Hotel Burned.
Friday night the Jefferson hotel
at was destroyed by
All the guests were saved
but there were several narrow
escapes. The fire in
the blanket room on the fourth
floor and is thought to have
caused by a defective flue. The
Jefferson the finest hotel
the South the pride of
Its is a
great misfortune.
Drank Whiskey and
The seven-year-old daughter of
P. E. Barnaul, in
county, on Tuesday morning told
her mother she was going to get
drunk to sec how it felt. Soon
she was found lying in the
yard speechless, she having drank
a pint of whiskey, which she had
hidden in an outhouse. The
were summoned, but could
give no relief. She died in a few
An Elopement.
A few days ago there was some
excitement a few miles
try about the elopement of a white
woman named Baker with a
man of ginger cake hue named
Savage. It seems that Baker
moved from near to
this community about the first of
the year. A few days ago Mrs.
Baker, the both became
missing nothing more has
been heard of
Neck Coin i m ii
The twelfth animal
of the North Carolina branch of
the International Order of the
King's Daughters Sons will be
held at Greenville. N. on
April and May 1st 2nd.
All circles in the State are earnest-
requested to send delegates
at to notify Mrs. J. B. Cherry,
Greenville, in order that arrange-
may be made for their en-
Tried To Bum The Town.
Charlie the who
came here a few weeks ago
laundry under tin- sign
Lee, Tarboro, for
be worked, was arrested Saturday
night and placed the lock-up.
He poured oil about in places
his own shop, on the steps of Keel
bar was the
act of putting a match to it when
he was discovered prevented.
It is said he was erased by drink
and Neck Com-
Register of Deeds T. R. Moore
issue marriage licenses to the fol-
lowing parties last
J. II. Stocks and Cox.
Abe Pitt and Runts Knight.
I Shock and Val-
During the mouth of the
total number issued WM
which were for
for colored.
C, March.
Owing to the extreme scarcity of
labor we would advise all
lo arrange their rows so
every eighth row will be five feet
wide, by so doing you tan use
a tobacco truck and thus house
your tobacco with much less
cost. There were some trucks
used sections last season
for housing and we find in
every section where the truck was
used there will lie a great demand
for them this and orders
for several hundred trucks have
already been placed and many
more will doubtless come in yet.
If you will lay out your rows as
staled above it will take no extra
and but little more land,
and if you do not use the truck
you tote your tobacco a long the
wide row much better, and if you
are scarce of help you can use a
truck. We arc going to be bead-
quarters for tobacco trucks of best
style. A. G. Cox Mfg Co.
A has struck us. We
neither think, manufacture
nor do we of anything to
Write about. These arc dull times
the old tow u and were it not for
the many pretty girls and gallant
lads that crowd our streets morn-
and evening. e would sigh
for pastures new, as it is, want
to stay here a little while
The girls spare us.
good cart hubs
wanted by the A. G. Cox, Mfg.
Since the boys have removed
many of the stumps and had a gen-
cleaning up, the appearance
of the college ground is very much
improved. There is more to be
yet boys if you intend to make
it what it ought and should be.
The oldest man in the county.
we suppose, live but a short dis-
here. He is Mr. Green
and is M years age.
He is still a lively old gentleman.
He has lived bis descendants
of fifth generation.
The popularity of the Winter-
ville Wire Fence is steadily grow-
During the past week large
of fencing have been sold
in this and adjoining
Kev. J. K. Faulkner la absent
in attendance upon the union meet
of Neuse Baptist
which met in yes-
Mr. Faulkner was expect-
ed preach the opening sermon.
There arc more pretty girls in
and around than
other two places of size in the
Mrs. Dr. A. of near
was here yesterday on a
shopping tour.
Misses Mary and
are visiting
the family r. v.
Sirs. Hardy Stokes, of near
is on a visit to Mrs.
J. D. Cox.
Mrs. A. Cox Miss Annie
left this morning for La
to attend the U meet-
now in session at that
C. Cox is still paying highest
cash price for cotton seed.
Josh Manning, who went home
on business the of week, has
returned and resumed his studies
at the college.
Our prices
No Editors in Hell
An editor died and slowly wend-
ed bis way to hell. The devil met
him and many years
hast thou home the blame for the
errors thy printers have made III
the paper. The printers have
deviled thee on Saturday eve for
wages when thou hadst not a red
to thy name. Men have taken thy
paper without paying a cent, yea,
verily, and cursed thee for not
issuing a better one. Thou canst
come In this place there
will be a continual dunning of de-
subscribers is full of
the sad wail lags of the
town killers will be like unto an
brass baud playing a
in rag time. Heaven is
your Dispatch
Have you tried the library past I
at Book Store Nothing
style papers at
tor Book Store.
Read This.
The balance of the J. Boyer Co., Med
if Pa., stock of high grade
Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes,
Read This, g
placed on department tables and the prices
A commercial world. Nothing
must in and are th
Spring Goods,
in this sale
room low prices will move them.
The sale now going on.
J. Boyer pi ice
Men Shoes
Hover price
J. Boyer price tic
to customer.
The Grandest Display Ever Seen Here.
Men Hats.
I. to
Ladies Shoes.
I. Buyers price 1.50
Big New Store.
Artistically arranged, with color blended with color,
showing the prettiest and largest store Greenville
Remember this big sale is now going on at , Sheeting.
price Cc yard
Big New
IA Grand Chance For Genuine Bargains.
Mens Suits.
Mens Pants.
Mens Neckties.
Worth THIS LE O fig,
, Bedsteads.
Percale Cuffs.
Everything Marked in Plain Figures.
Make no mistake but come and get the rare
bargain offered you.
Ladies Shoes.
Our Terms
Goods sold for cash. Nothing sent out
on approval. Spot cash over the counters.
This sale for consumers only. Polite and
attentive clerks.
Percale Collars.
kind Tins
Table Oil Cloth.
Worth THIS e
Linen Collars,
null and
nils SAM-; i L
To mere only. ;
The Entire stocks, the J. Boyer stock and our immense stock
y Spring Goods just received, are now M
Thrown Together and Being Sold at a Low
ST Every department crowded and jammed and we have cut the prices to move them. They are going
and you want to be among the first before they are picked over.
C. T.
if Big New Store.
The Money Saver.

M. J. B. Potter, R. I years old, writes, Sept.
Celery Compound
.- I bud to
a old chronic and
taking Celery an I
complaints. I it i I
ounce of prevention is worth a pun I
it k- ens in ell. Panic's O
. on of poor health- I was suffering
is In 1891 I com-
i was gelling the of my
i i Believing that an
I ; I
. .
a iii ill- spring and fall, and
ii w of and have
i pounds of d id ll lo its
Strong, vigorous nerves keep he liver and kidneys active. The ills
of old caused by the U these nerve are
vented by Paine's Celery Coin mini.
Have You
a 11.1 , IV.
up line i-
Dry Press Shoes
Hats, Shirts, s,
door to
n Everything New and Clean.
Game, Anything ti Eat.
i from o'clock.
to fur
id. meat, kinds
Coffee and De
all fur
Up Against
A Frenchman
superiority recently began
a course English lessons with a
teacher of language.;. After toil-
conscientiously through a goad
exerciser, the following
between the pupil and his
aster was
find the English very
Jo you pronounce t-o u-g-bf
is s-n-o-u-g-h, is it not
no; is s n u ff.
As a matter of words ending
in somewhat
see; a superb language
T o u-g h is cough
is I have a very bad
, it is not cuff.
well; and
And d g is
then, what about
ho u g
is pronounced
I suppose the
thing the farmer uses, the
p is or is it
or Fine language
No. no; t is pronounced
I shall soon English,
am sure. Here go.
and now is
another u-g-n ; that is
no, my that's
b-o-u g-h is
that happens to lie
Yes, wonderful language. And
I have just en o u g-h of that's
can be
enough Pot-
ash and your
profits will be
large; without
Potash your
crop will be
i i
I ops, or. Ire.
Bethel, N. C, March 1901.
Mrs. M. O. Blount left here Fri-
day for the market lo
purchase spring and summer mil
Rev. W. A. Avers, of Hertford,
came up Thursday and returned
has a pet male pig-
eon which took a chicken hen's
nest that had two eggs in it
set two or three days, some
broke him up. He has been
miserable ever since.
Rev. F. A. Bishop held quarter-
meeting here Sunday.
Rev. Jas. W. Rose held services
at Hamilton Sunday and returned
Miss Essie who left
here a few days ago, has accepted
a position a store
We wish her much
lawn of spent
Sunday with Robt. and fain
of this place.
IN 1864.
J. ff. PERRY CO.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging, Ties Bags.
Correspondence and shipments
Tried Friends Best.
For thirty years Tint's Pills have
proven invalid.
Arc truly the sick man's friend.
A Known Fact
For bilious headache, dyspepsia
sour stomach,
and kindred diseases.
world weighs acts;
L. H. Pender.
Tobacco Flues. Roofing,
Expert Gunsmith employed. All
kinds Gad Locksmith work
firs I class. Re stocking of guns a
Agent for The Oliver Typewriter
Get a good
The Viol i
Every sale with n
proof. Prices range
i i
. s .-
V i- retail Grocer and
. H Dealer. Cash paid for
III-, Cotton Seed. Oil Bar
ii . Turkeys, etc.
Mattresses, Oak Suits, Ba
Carriages, Go Carts, Parlor
Lounges, Safes, P.
I. ii i and Gail ft
Meal Key West Cheroots,
American Beauty Can-
lied Cherries, reaches. Apples,
Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk,
Hour, Sugar, toffee,
M Blood, Matches, Oil,
Hull Bert Meal and Hulls. Gar-
I n Oranges, Apples, Nuts,
Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches,
Currents. Raisins, Glass
China Ware, Tin and Wooden
Ware, fakes and Crackers,
Mill, Beat Butler, Stand-
am Sewing Machines, an-
mi runs other goods. Quality and
Cheap for cash. Com
to -i me.
Phone U
when you need
The Reflector Office Can't Be Beat.
i i a . tor
w mo
. i. in.- I
l i , u.
, i. ii.
v.- i.,.
, Iii. buses pill.
I ill. i
i Mi M. in. Cot, .-Union
. ill-
J . P
One by one I he props of
legislation as the most suitable
means of obtaining revenue for the
support of the Government are
toppling under the w of
is more and more
dependent eternal taxation.
Sugar has heretofore been the main
source of customs revenue. It is
ii heavy but even
sugar is threatened by the growth
the sugar industry. The
growing of sugar beets
on the irrigated arid lauds in Cal-
Colorado and
co the One saccharine quality
of the product so obtained have at-
special attention, and
no doubt, lead to speculative
Investment and large addition to
home . Every ton sugar
from native grown cane or
bests diminishes to that extent the
of importation, and in
Hie event of trade with
Rico, Cuba a d the Philippines it
would not ;. necessary to draw
soy part of our supply from for-
wanes. We should have
sugar in
Ill- , . Fact.
business facts
which regarded as
is no worthy
at a reasonable which
cannot be sold by the right kind
of advertising; that the
which has a large circulation
is the best medium of publicity,
and an which
weighs motives.
buy diaries,
them, and spies read them.
If have an object in life the
petty jealousies gnat bites will
pa.-s unnoticed.
Until a woman has met an
man she has yet to fathom
The world and the go arm
in arm, while the devil loiters
If you in the swim your
third delights to claim you,
otherwise they revile kinship
from afar.
t is more creditable to speak a
saving word at the right instant
than to do charitable acts that ring
through a city.
To be loved is pleasing, but to
be honored is rarer.
To be too clever is a bad move
when a woman would attract a
man. A
woman suits man.
Peace hath more victories than
To row is no harm; the dis-
grace lies in forgetting you did.
invented music, and Satan
the steam piano.
Straws show which the mint
julep goes.
In poker a great deal depends
upon a good deal.
Politeness is cheap enough for
body to have some.
The plunder isn't the only man
who is to pipe dreams.
It is the ambition of every
man to live up to her photographs.
You can't make light your
trouble by burning up the gas
Even th In your bonnet
may have a sting.
The trouble with poet
is that he is all write.
The people who want the earth
are naturally people.
Tapers, One Each,
Now Only Cents a Year,
include absolutely free The
Paragon Monthly, New The
Farm Journal, Philadelphia.
Including Farm Journal an Pant-
goo Monthly, now only per
per month by mail.
Address THE TIMES,
Richmond, Va.
notice to rue
Mr. Audit fr
North Virginia, of that Wall-
Known Md Popular
Life Insurance Co., of
to . number of
policy Men. and to public
will now in
from tins date will
nod policies, to all
very heat in
life company the world.
in your not
N. C.
Paid policy
reliable at
once lo for the
Steamer leave -Washing-
ton daily at A. M. for Green-
ville, leave Greenville daily
M. for Washington.
Steamer leaves
Greenville Mondays, Wednesday
Fridays at A. M. for Tar-
leave Tarboro for Greenville
Tuesdays, and Saturdays
at A. M. carries freight only.
Connecting at Washington with
Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore,
New York and
ton, and for all points for the West
with railroads at Norfolk.
Shippers should order freight by
the Old Dominion B. S. Co. from
New York; Clyde Line from
Bay Line from Baltimore;
Line from
Washington, T. C
N. C.
Restore Vitality, toil
Cure Lou of
all effect f
f A tonic -Mid
the pick to pill
It stand to reason that
voting or
to pa la
fin of By nail
8.60, with our to MM
or refund money paid. Send for circular
a -i J copy of our bankable bond.
Low of Pot,
of Of
b our bankable
cur In or
Cotton Bagging and Ties always
on has i
Fresh goods kept constantly en
hand. Country produce and
sold. A trial will convince on.
D. W.
N. C.
The Stock complete in every de
and prices as low as the
lowest. Highest market prices
paid for country produce.
By mail in pi. ,
u 00-00 our
bond to
en tee
money paid.
Jackson at. Mi
by J L
of this
by of the
Court of Notice in
given to nil persons
to me
for payment or iii- of
ii r notice will lie in
of recovery. All
in i are lo
payment to me.
This day of March 1801.
of will
I, this beta
by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Pill
upon of L. K.
i given lo
all cs-
to present than tonic for payment
nu or hi ire 87th cf March
will plead hi bar of their re-
parsons to es
lo make pay-
Of with a .,,
Legislature of Minnesota
-ii ii bard on end
ad fir bidding the sell-
h git away lo any one j is and which
cigarette, cigarette paper or is the most
fortune will ever need advertise j
for true and loving
yet of men taken in
by this method appears lo be
legion. One of these rich and re-
young persons torus out to
be six youths of Syracuse
N. Y., who were sharp enough to
line their pockets before their mat
bureau was broken up by
an official investigation. About
letters u day it is said, were
delivered to this particular bu-
a II of these were answered,
the applicants being not that
the approved
Tins I of March, loot.
will annexed of I. K.
substitution for both or
a penalty of tor each of-
; Star,
by of the in two
at the September term
the March term of
court In die cause S. T.
Hooker against K. H. Dixon el the
will lo public sale for
cash lo the bidder, court
bout in of N. 0-
the of 1901
of lira week of
the April term of lite
described tract of land to wit;
certain tract of land situate In the
of Pill and in township ad-
lands of James II. Mills,
W. I., and others-being
orthography and composition j.;.
that the arrange side
for a continued for Wag u the lauds
I sent by return mail. A. the
boys arc said lo have operated tills ; s. man B.
scheme several weeks without in- John Dixon
it is containing one
Also a nice Line of Hardware.
Norfolk, Va.
Cotton Buyers and Brokers in
Stocks, Cotton, Grain and
ions. Private Wires to New York,
Chicago and New Orleans.
The Commoner
Editor Publisher,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
One Year Mouths
Three Sing. Copy
No traveling canvassers are em-
ployed. taken at
The Reflector office. The Semi-
Weekly Reflector and
will be together
one year for or The Daily
Reflector and
year for 18.00 payable in ad-
lag too also
. Band
Patent WASH
The Eastern Reflector,
lira a M
March Proclamations.
in neat and clean.
we ask is for you to see our
U Inn seen it. See it today.
Val Allover
to match all edgings.
or we are headquarters.
find Bilks, Apple Tissues,
or said election it shall be report
ed to the Mayor win, shall
T. Th. of The polls
Greenville to Issue Bonds be opened at eight o'clock a.
for Parsons Making j m. on said second Tuesday in April
improvements and shall be at six
said Tows. o'clock p. m. on said day, all
i persons whose names are found on
The General Assembly of en
do titled to vole at said election for
Section That the town of or issuing said or I
through its properly Those desiring to vote for shall guy designate under their
vote a written or printed ticket on Installing
and putting operation in said
Town such a of electric
Aldermen of said Town each
every year at the same time that
other taxes are levied to levy a
sufficient special tax upon all the
taxable polls, property
subjects said Town to pay
said interest as the same may lie-
come due and payable. The Board
shall cause said special tax to be
levied, collected and accounted for
as other taxes are they shall
cause the same lo lie set aside for
the special purpose of paying said
interest and it shall Is used for no
Sec. that said bonds shall
be sold ii. -mil manner us the May
and of Aldermen may
prescribe and the sale shall be
direction, but no bond
shall be sold for less than its par
value, and the Mayor Hoard
shall publish in a paper published
in town of a state-
showing to whom at
I What price said bonds were sold.
j Sec. ti. That If Graded Schools
, shall be established In said Town,
the sum of live thousand dollars of
the proceeds of the sale of said
bonds shall be turned over to the
director of Graded Schools lo
used the erection of suitable
buildings for Bald Graded Schools.
Sec. That the proceeds the
sale said bonds, except the sum
conditionally to the
Graded Schools preceding sec-
lion, shall he used by the Board of
bonds. Aldermen or by such, per- as
We are still in the forefront of the race
We offer you the beat selected line
General Merchandise
constituted authority, fa hereby
and empowered, if a ma-
of the qualified voters there
of snail so rote, to issue interest
the words and those
desiring to vote it shall
i vole written or printed ticket on
of five thousand dollars in I which shall be written or printed
the manlier aim for the purpose the words The
Registrar and Judges of Election
shall immediately after
of the polls count the votes cast and
snail make and sign duplicate re
turns thereof which shall be sealed
hereinafter named.
Sec. That the of is-
suing said shall first be sub-
to the qualified voters of
said Town at an election to be held
for that purpose on .
Tuesday April 1901, which J to
shall be conducted in all re. I the Clerk of the Board of Alder
and poll books, and one copy to
lights, such a system of water
work.-, sewerage and drainage,
and in building such
and in making such other
improvements us said Hoard may
select and adopt for said Town.
And said Hoard may contract for
the material for said plants and
other improvement or for the
to be found In any store in County. Well bought choice
selections, the creations of bast America
and Europe. Seasonable all year round, Spring, Summer
Winter. Wears at work for and our mutual
vantage. It is our pleasure to show you what you want and lo
sell you if we can. We oiler you very service, polite
attention, and the most liberal terms consistent With a well
established business built up strictly on its own merits.
When you come to market yon will not do yourself justice
If you do not see our immense la-fore buying elsewhere.
Remember us and the following of general merchandise.
Mrs. is charge of department and if
hand on.- will he trimmed lo sun t
tastes while
Hals, Silks. Braid
iii milliners line.
I;. l
i and ever thing
Goods and Notions,
Caps, Silks and Satins, Dress Trimmings
Jackets and Capes. Carpets, Mattings and Oil Cloths.
. A. D
D. ii
President I be Sen
I loose of
the second UP of the same or they may
as are elections for
men of said Town except as
cause the same to lie erected tinder
Immediate supervision of the
Board or otherwise as they may
deem best, but in any and all
Bed by this act; The Board of AI- The Mayor and Hoard events the Town be the sol
shall at a meeting held on
or before the Thursday in
March appoint a registrar and
two Judges of Election for each of
said of said Town. The
Mayor shall, at least twenty days
before the election issue his
giving notice of said
and designating therein the
persons chosen to conduct the same
and the exact place in each ward
where it is to be held. In order to
be able to accurately ascertain the
number of qualified voters in
Town an entirely new registration
for said election is hereby ordered,
and it shall be the duty of the Reg-
in each ward to register all
persons by law to be reg-
as a voter said ward and
this he may do for convenience at
his bomb at any other place in
said Town, but it shall be the duty
of the in each Ward to
attend his registration book
at the place designated by the
Mayor his
Thursday, Friday Saturday
next preceding the election from
o'clock to sunset each day, for the
purpose of registering all persons
of Aldermen shall meet eight
o'clock on Wednesday night next
immediately succeeding said
at their usual place of meet-
and in the presence of such
persons as choose to attend, pro-
count said returns,
and if all the returns are in, they
shall make and publish an official
announcement of the result of said
election in which they shall certify
to the whole of registered
votes, cast for the
number cast against said
If for any cause the returns
have not been made, the Board lie
fore making declaring the re-
suit shall complete such
return. The Mayor shall after
result has declared In
Board, issue bis proclamation re-
said result.
See. That if a majority of
the qualified voters of said Town
as by said registration
and elect ion shall vole
then the Mayor Board of Al-
of said Town arc author-
and directed to to be
prepared and issued, interest bear-
lug coupon to the amount of
entitled to register and who have j five thousand dollars, said
not registered. it shall shall be the
of live hundred dollars each,
shall be by the Mayor
countersigned by the Clerk of
Board of Aldermen, shall run for
thirty years shall bear interest
at rate of live per cent per an-
See. The on said
bonds shall lie payable at such
time and place as may be
in said or coupons and
to provide for prompt and reg-
payment of said interest it
be the of the Judges of
to with the Registrar
in their respective wards
day the election for the
purpose heating
contests and challenges as
to registration. The registration
books shall be open to inspection
at all times they shall lie final-
at sunset on
immediately preceding the election
If vacancy shall occur at
time for cause the position
of or Judges of duty of the Hoard
of the properly, and
other improvement shall have
sole and exclusive control and
management of lbs same, and said
Hoard is lo make any
contract or agreement with any
which would, any way, in-
this ex owner-
ship control.
Sec. in erection, op
and maintenance of said
plants and improvements the said
Hoard may take, use occupy
and condemn such private proper-
in or out of said Town us
become necessary. And when the
j property owner and the Hoard can
not agree upon the amount of the
damages lo be paid for the proper
so taken or the con-
be determined as is
provided for the Charter of said
town, except that the Town may
proceed at once to take and use
such private property without
waiting for the determination of
such proceedings, Inn Town's
title to such properly or its right
to permanently occupy tho
shall not become absolute until
the final judgment of the Court
complied with.
Sec. That the said Hoard of
Aldermen shall have power to
fix the terms and conditions
for use of the lights mid water
supplied by said plants to
firms or corporations, in or
out of the corporate limits of said
Town and lo prescribe all needful
rules and regulations
the use of or damages to the same.
Sec. tO. This act shall be
from and alter its
In General Assembly rend
three this the
Men's, Women's and Children's and
Harness, Horse and Dusters.
Flour, is,
Plows, and Plow Fixtures, Nail;, and Rope.
Headquarters for Furniture and everything in that line.
We buy strictly for Cash, but sell for Either Cash or on Approved
Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing.
Your Friends,
A in.- smaller con-
-hi. rs lee, Including saloon and
in n, a ho no
future delivery, are
complaining in i of
of Hie Spring n id Sum
of an increase in the price of lee.
While tile is per-
haps over I cuts pi r
i orders, I be ex-
expense is hardly noticeable,
the consumers arc beginning to
complain say we no war-
rant the pan of the factories for
an inert .- b The new
I schedule as a w bole may lie
I able ii comes in trade at
large, bin small consumers
I not the temptation to
u Star,
ill tick i- m. OF
the State of Carolina, do
hereby certify and
attached six in he a
true copy from records of ibis
In witness whereof, have lure
unto set my hand and affixed my
official seal.
Done office Ibis
null of March, in
Bin N
of Stale.
The English Lou Flowers.
in England, except
poor, will have
says in
Everybody's Magazine.
than that, the people will have
gardens even in bean . the
city. Dismal rows of brick wails.
numbered regular Intervals to
indicate possession space
by families, may flown
fin bid. I I v upon the street j but
enter one of houses,
out of a buck window, and nine
limes mil of a garden will
smile up you. Such u garden, I the commission of the crime by bis
extending entire length the associates.
brick row, will be possessed .
by all the occupants. similar U the Review of Reviews for
oases in desert or city life April Mr. Kenyon I.
ed corners. Small open squares a
The i
pardoned two
, William Cox,
convicted in of
and William Alexander,
of Mecklenburg who was
convicted of in
sentenced lo ml. The death
commute I in life
. A J cock
I el-.,
ill. M
ion of
sunder and oilier
Defend ml was never and
it is believed was persuaded Into
If you want stoves or ranges constructed
scientific which are economical, durable,
and convenient, wall us beautiful artistic, look
for the
Had mark, which is shown every genuine
Stove or not be deceived
by worthless Imitations and
all others In yearly sales and p
Sold Exclusively
and large driving parks, alike
i lit landscape architects
who understand
charming business, much
cultivate while in
c casing the
and mind of people,
Americans not, as a rule,
learned to sacrifice some less
ii i .
have i culled
luxuries, A small of
garden, growing pi mis
for her drawing window
b fresh the ill
I able arc
Heron n ii- life even
English small
mean., whose other expenditure
be Kb .
lo parsimony
judged in i-b
With Jon Jefferson
Joseph re
took one of the
if The Home Journal with
N. C.
Mm. -to bring I be teach-
n p o schools
into r and c.
In mil number of I he
It. i- L. II. tells
is been mu New York
Slate lo stimulate in
. among
an I pupils of rural Huh
arc full of encouragement
in, A.
and M. I baa by
the Ac idem i
cal s of
lo deliver an on the
I hill
lion i inns, i. upon sociological
is. in. head f a college
Us ;,, d
the I. v, in . ii;.,. his an-
the i
Is more
sense and to
him one of bis News,
trips on coast Florida,
I, photo-i The now i,, which will
a side to
Is w its
graphs tin a
port, will
ill at his
be given in be n
weigh gold

Eastern reflector, 2 April 1901
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
April 02, 1901
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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