Eastern reflector, 1 May 1908

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
VOL. No.
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
One Dollar Per Year
Interesting Exercise, by ITEMS OF EVENTS ABOUT
One of Them Chased and Brought
Down by Shot.
Mien court took a recess for
dinner, Friday, there was a bunch
of six prisoners, all colored,
whom Sheriff Tucker and his
deputies started to carry from
the court room to the jail.
It seems that two of these
as has been learned since,
had planned together to try to
make their escape, it being
agreed that one of them should J
trip the officer just before reach-
the bottom of the stairway
the officer fell both of
them would run.
There being so many prisoners
as to require the of
more than one officer, interfered
with the attempt to escape being
carried out exactly as planned.
But the two who had
and Bible Presented to School.
The exercises of the
school at school house,
three miles west of Greenville,
taught by Misses Theresa Cook
and Melville Gibson, took place
Monday night and today. Mon-
ti night there was a most in
concert by the pupils,
embracing vocal and
music, recitations,
drills and plays that reflected
highest credit the school
and was much enjoyed by the
This morning there were some
musical selections and
of prizes, followed with the
annual address by Prof. E C.
Brooks, of Trinity college. Then
during an intermission a picnic
dinner was served on the school
In the afternoon, under the
of Council
HON. W. W.
made the plot, John and V M., a fag and Bible
Jesse Wade, managed to place
themselves in front of the other
prisoners, and just as they reach-1
ed the bottom of the stairs and
landed in the hall on the first
floor they broke to run, Wade
making for the hack door and
Teel for the door
deputy Sheriff S. L Dudley
made chase after Teel and after
running through by the old Pug
factory out to street
he saw the prisoner was getting
the best cf the run and would
escape unless something else was
done, so he three shots at
him down
through his hip. and is a bad
wound, though not necessarily
There being so many other
prisoners to guard at the mo-
no officer could chase
Wade and ho mad; his escape
He is an ordinary looking dark
about years old. about
feet inches high, weighs
about pounds, has scar on
one jaw and gold cap on one or
more teeth. Sheriff Tucker will
give a liberal reward for the
rest of the and delivery to
were presented to the school and
the flag was raised over the
The people of the community
take much interest in their school
and have reason to be
proud of it.
Negro Captured in Wood Near
Wharton's-John Ate
at One Sitting.
An aged man was cap-
in the woods near
ton's this morning in a
condition, and brought here for
keeping and investigation of
his condition. The man's name
could not be learned, be was
unable to give it, and he had to
be brought here in irons- The
man is at least years old
Washington Messenger.
Eating eighteen eggs at a fit-
ting nearly as fast as a cook
could fry them, three at B time
to start with, John last
night established a record which
he claims no man can equal in an
equal space of lime. This morn-
he was hungry and had his
usual steak breakfast He has
eaten seven young chickens in a
day, he Rec-
It is announced that the open-
prayer for the State Demo-
convention at Charlotte
Gardner X April
Several people Card-
went up to hear
nor Glenn speak on prohibition
ac Ayden.
We had a fine rain
and it was needed down
this way.
People are now
their ground and plan cotton.
J. A- Gardner made a business
trip over to Friday.
We people down this way are
living high now, we are catching
all grades of fish.
M. was frightened
by a large moccasin snake Friday
while fishing his He w
the net, fish and snake all away.
We are to see Gardner's
bridge being repaired. J- A.
Gardner has the contract f
He Think. Every Editor, at the Hon. W, W. Kitchin, of
Convention Like to Carry one of the Democratic can-
Charlotte Home. dates for governor, spoke to a
L mp very large audience in the court
Charlotte, N. C April After an
Baptist minister and side, mere
. i i . . . n- , t were triad to. see n
Commoner, Mart Levy Taxes the Zion s Landmark- , ; ,. w
Four Special interest attaches to this a
That the county commissioners for the reason that it was Rev-
Will hi liable to indictment for Mr Gold who offered the open,,
prayer the last Democratic
convention which met in Char-
in 1855.
The editors of North Carolina,
at least a considerable bunch of
hem, are doing Charlotte to a
turn, and the is
making the job a very easy one.
The press Association has had no
re delightful than
t is. and they have not been bet-
received a more
welcome than Charlotte is be-
stowing .
The first day's session of the
association was of unusual inter
st There were three
He Sty he will have it welcome, by Mayor Ha k,,
by the 28th. we ail appreciate its for the city, by Mr h K.
being Used the bridge was ton for the business f
getting in very bad snap . I Mr. W. C. Dowd for the
K P S Moore had business w These were fittingly
at Friday. to by Maj. H. A.
G L Moore and A. M. Batch- don, of the association,
in the , f j Then the association took up
school Thursday night. its regular program, first hearing
said something fine. I the admiral address its
A good many of us went over Mr. A- Johnson, then in-
to hear Rev. D H. Petree sub-
by Rev. J. Atkinson,
Messrs. J- Z. Green, R F.
and H. C. Martin- The non-
side of journalism in the
by Representative J.
J. Mr.
spoke for an hour an I a half and
was frequently greeted with
Owing to the late h
which cl
not refer to it today
general way. He
attitude of certain i-n
in the ard aha f the
Southern Railway and the Amer-
Tobacco Company again
nomination, end
that the railroad ard trust had
tested him and could rot control
him, hence were t
they could to defeat him.
Mr. Kitchin in
between natural and
natural monopolies d
of the people in lie
i to I
f the
-f the corporations.
to rise.
that everybody
failure to comply with the man-
provision of the
tutor of North Carolina, section
, SO .-
running man and article if they fail to levy
down. Only one shot struck a tax on prop-
this passing entirely j pt -n r, counties
in their respective counties
to maintain at lease a four.
public school term, is by which two thousand-
Driving Out the
The temperance victory in
Stokes, of
spent Saturday night
G. L. a young man
working for J. A.
Rose Hill, N. C, April 1908.
The farmers are very busy set-
ting out tobacco this week.
Dee Moore and wife, of Greene
the feature of a lengthy special
letter being sent out by State
Superintendent of Public In-
J. Y. Joyner to the
commissioner, county
boards of
He asks the latter to see
to it that the necessity of a levy
of this special tax is fully
pressed on the commissioners
and that the commissioners be
furnished with accurate
mates of the amount of special
tax necessary for this purpose.
He gives instructions in detail
as to the method of ascertaining
the amount necessary.-
loons are to be closed in the State
which contains the powerful in-
of big distilleries and the
influence which a great
Chicago wields, not the only
big victory won in the North-1
west last week.
In Michigan fourteen counties
held special elections to decide
whether they would shut up the
saloons. Ten of the fourteen
counties banished the saloon.
Colorado thirty five towns voted
whither the saloons should be
driven out. Of the
nineteen said
The result of the elections in
Nebraska gave victories near
all of the towns with than
The saloons must go. The
fight is on, not only in North
Carolina and the South, but in
the North and West also. When
Kentucky and Illinois, the two
biggest whiskey
Saturday night at his home
won in the neighborhood Sunday.
Miss Annie Dixon, of n,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. M O.
like Gardner.
Miss Viola Stokes was vis. v
MiS Ada Moore Sunday.
if i e
stands by the people
opposed to Ha
not say that his comp n
are with the bus
nay that corporal ops
are with his competitors, it
they can defeat him
put it to influence all;
rants hereafter a d
them rs i e done
Mr Kitchin made a e m-
prison of the claims of himself
Mr. Craig for the of
paper or the he people, tut i
entire i i W-
State was so m some
of these essays that Mr Josephus
Daniels made a short but pointed
Israel to that point showing that
the strictly partisan paper was
no less filling a high and
mission than is the
whiskey out of most of its
ties in spite of the big money
these States draw from all part-
Strong Pita for Prohibition.
,,,,. u. One of the best appeals we
county, were visitors at F. A. i have heard for prohibition was
Haddock Sunday. made by Rev. J. E in
Louis of Beaufort his sermon Sunday morning in
county was in the neighborhood Memorial Baptist church. Ab-
for the sake of others,
Mrs Susan Cox, after spend-j and denying ourselves rather
sometime in county, than lead others astray, was I
returned home Saturday. I strong point in his sermon, as of the county, it is pretty certain
We were pleased to see so many j was also his argument that that the time has come to see
at Sunday school Sunday evening, cannot save the the handwriting on the
Come again and lets make our drunkard of today but is the hope
Sunday school a success. of the rising in saving
Eddie Moore and Griffin boys from the evils of
visitors at J. A. Moore's key. His plea to the women to
night. I be active in the cause of
Our public school taught was hearer
Mi-s Lillie Corey will close Fri- such a sermon should at once
day May 1st. That night Rev. recognize his duty in the great
T. H. King, of Winterville, will now before the people.
peak on temperance in Rose
Hill church. Everybody is
invited to come.
Oscar Evans and Tom
went to house
Sunday to hear Rev. Calls Little
reach. They said ho preached
a good sermon. -He will preach
again next fourth Sunday morn-
at o'clock.
Our farmers are bending their
tacks now setting out tobacco
Willie A. Tyson, of Greenville,
spent Sunday here with friends.
Henry Page went to Green-
ville Saturday on business.
W. M. is all smiles. i
drive a fine toy.
An important feature of the
day wan an address by Hon. A.
L third assistant post-
master general, on the new
postal regulation affecting news-
papers and general features of
the postal law bearing up n it.
His address was indeed
and the he is making
to lid the postal department of
Cox Mill, N. C, April much abuse of the d aim
postage privilege will have the
co-operation of North Carolina
editors Mr. was
The pleasure features of the
day were a car in after-
noon over the entire city and
Suburbs and which
splendid development pro-
could be seen. At. night
there was a delightful concert by
the young ladies of the
but. these and
other interesting things seen and
learned about Charlotte will be
ice in
Horne. Ho took a;
made by friends of t g for
the nomination and i-
fully. . .
The was
Mr Kitchin arid-
id to his cf
Pitt county.
When we stop to think r th
men that North i
has produced, the of
J. Jarvis a
the st and able of
There has never been a
period in our history h t bis
advice has been sought tor and
his I ; d. G v-
Jarvis has been
able man In the Legislative
the United States
saloons have been weighed
in the and found want-
Misses Bessie Moore and Lillie
Carroll spent Saturday night and
Sunday with Miss Helen Had-
Dr. B. F. Dixon.
Will speak on prohibition at
the following time and
I Bethel tin Methodist
Let North Carolina on 3rd. at a. m.,
twenty sixth May roll up
majority so big as to let the May 3rd, at
It gives me to
ate and at the bar hi i career has
been crowned with
success. As governor of the
state he was all that the state
could wish for, as a
he has been even in re use-
From his home at m
t be still sends messages r-
to his people and the
carry with him a memory of a hear them
most pleasant sojourn in her been bless d b . . e
and a heart Idled with may Ins
mentioned more fully later.
Charlotte is a great town and
every editor here would carry
home with him if he could,
while that is impossible he
pride that we have such a town
in North Carolina. D. J. W.
doom of the saloon be heard all
over the and
Marriage License.
this announcement and to invite
men and women in town and
country to hear this eloquent
I apostle of a righteous cause.
of Home Entertained. . . J. Jarvis,
went to the county home church
last Sunday afternoon. d 1908 at o'clock,
the chapel there b
and recitations that gave . ,
out and full of
and cheer to the last hour when
the sands in the hour lass re
fuse to flow any longer. Our
State has been better d
because Governor Jarvis
mo.--------- r- -.- Men and women are
Register of Deeds R. tad this and godly
the following licenses
last report the inmates always use.
J. and For anything in the way cf
, teams repeat their visit feed stuff see F. V. Johnston
Charles that others will follow the ex- depot.
For Register of
In answer to many who have
asked me if would be a
date for this office, will say,
I am. All I hive to offer in my
behalf is my past record as a
Democrat. Thanking any and
all in advance for their support
in the primary. J Tl
I r-ext session September 1908.
We have just received the cat-
of the University of North
Carolina for the session 1907
1908. It shows an attendance of Photograph.
students. The faculty We are in Winterville making
The University cute little
following depart- Will remain about
electrical, and mining you will miss them. All other
engineering, law, medicine, and at reasonable prices
The University has grown
steadily in strength and influence
and stands today for all that is
best and highest in education and
training for useful manhood.
The summer school for teach-
begins and the sum-
Remember we can stay here but
days as our work calls us
elsewhere yours for good work.
Carolina Photo
t d
A new lot of bran at F. V.
Johnston's. Phone

His View of to; Subject -Would Hive
The Legislature Pas a State Law.
Pardon me for call-
the attention of the farmers j counties and if they wish to ship
and Will wishers of the progress oat beef cattle they have to
of our State to importance of overcome opposition because
the stock or no fence law, as it they come from a section where
soon be time to begin to I the stock is permitted to run at
make selections for our large and to avoid this
t the tap of young a RECORD OF THE CIVIL WAR Deafness Cannot be cured
pine which completely application, as they cannot i State of North Carolina.
As it is at present
ties that have the no fence law-
arc discriminated against and
put to expense to keep up
the fence between adjoining
OF INTEREST TO THE OLD VET- the diseased of the
CD There is only one to cure
i and that is constitutional remedies.
List of Officers in the Confederate
Army of 1861.64-Fifth
Alfred Iverson Jr. Ga. 1862.
Sidney D. Jackman, Missouri,
Henry R. Jackson, Georgia,
Our State be advanced or
retarded just in proportion to the
class of men who we send to
represent us, if we are wise in
making our selection, we will
prosper in proportion. If we
important matter
the peanut
we will suffer as we have
in past-
What we need Is men who are
honest find will dare to do their
nation it is to every county's
interest in the State to Jno-K. Jackson, Georgia, 1862
work for a general law ; Wm H Jackson Tennessee,
throughout the entire length and
breadth of North Carolina.
B. F. Keith.
Date of Meeting Changed.
The date of the annual meet-
of the stockholders of The
Farmers Consolidated land, 1864.
Wm. L. Jackson, Virginia,
Albert G Jenkins, Virginia, 1862
Micah Jenkins, South Caro-
Adam R. Johnson. Texas, 1864
Bradley R. Johnson, Mary
Deafness i caused by an inflamed con-
of the lining of the
Tube. this tube is j made to Gov. of North
County of Pitt.
Notice is hereby given to the
public that application will be
inflamed you have a rumbling sound or for the pardon of Curtis Taylor.
convicted at the April term 1907.
of the Superior court of Pitt
county, house breaking and
larceny and sentenced to work
strove, forever; nine cases out of ten I on the county roads for a term
caused by Catarrh, which is nothing I
n inflamed condition of the mucous .
Imperfect and hen en-
Deafness is the result,
unless the inflammation can i.
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing I be de-
but a
We will give One Dollars j
for any case of by
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cu-e. S for circulars, free
f. J. CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist,
Take Hall's Family Pills for
April 1908
J. Paul Attorney for
Taylor. 4-12 ltd
Pretty Girl Couldn't Get of Pullman
Car Door.
Notice To
Company changed April George D Johnston, Alabama,
ere was
Pa., April
a win ill
duty and nothing that 18th ft April 20th, on account 1864
thy can do to advance the inter- of April 18th being on Saturday
of our State more than to which will make it inconvenient
give us a stock or no fence law for many stockholders to attend.
for the State- It is a well date of holding the Annual
known that the scrubby j meeting will be on Monday the
tank-, and the piny woods rooter instead of Saturday IS.
in which they Stockholders will please take
permitted to run at large, do not notice.
enough to their Formers Consolidated Co.
owners to for keeping
their fences their
t. say nothing the timber, the
v t, that is destroy ed,
i.- they are to
fat c h worth one to
got it so it can b put upon the
then bring the
owes ; rice.
I hereby announce that I have
removed for the practice of my
profession from Falkland to
Greenville. Residence -n Third
street next door to J. L. Fleming.
Office. Dr. Big former office
where can be found all times
For County Treasurer.
Y find an milk and j when not professionally engaged
in the territory where tea
stock is permitted to run at large
and with few exceptions you will
find that the so-called i
rarely make enough meat
their own use, while you will find I beg to announce my
In th. haw self as n candidate for the posit-
W the section nave as of the county of
Stock law, almost every farmer put, subject to the notion of the
with one or two selected Democratic of the
supplied with milk out- county. C. T.
hogs in pasting or lot d w
keeping fat on as little as it;
would lake to keep them from j a woman seldom laughs at a
dying if they were allowed to man's jokes unless she has an
run in the woods. The to grind,
without disease the latter the
distributors of disease, destroy- Dyspepsia has helped thou-
his neighbors Stock without of people who have had stomach
, . , . trouble. This is what ore man says
reward or profit to owner. c. DeWitt Co., Chicago,
One of the greatest drawbacks 1897 I had h dis-
r . ease of the stomach and bowels. I
are confronted with today is could not anything I ate and In
Securing immigrants from of 1902
,.,. , and the benefit I received from
Northwest in our present mode bottle all the gold in Georgia
of letting our stock run at large, could not buy. I soil use little 05-
,, , . . , . , as I find It a fine blood
I have Had some of the best farm- and a Rood ionic. May you live
erg to Say that they would not prosper. Yours very truly.
. , , C. N. Cornell, Ga., Aug.
have a farm at any price where 1906. Drug Store.
the is permitted to run at
large as the expense of keeping He who attempts to butt
up his fences and waste of through a crowd makes haste
with his stock liable to catch
disease from those at
the expense too Kennedy's Laxative Cough
great for farming to h
It is only an imaginary to well to take. Unlike all
evil in the thoughts of those
who think it would work a hard- promptly yet gently on the bowels,
th man tn through which the cold is forced out of
snip upon poor man to at the same time it
prove this let any Of those Who allays Always use
doubt it go into a territory where
they have the stock law and see I
if they can find any one who
would go back to the old style of that will work if it
letting the run at
and I am sure they they will be
convinced that it is all To have perfect health we must
l . j .
Robert Johnston,
Carolina, 1863-
A. C. Jones, Tennessee, 1865.
John Jones, Virginia, 1362.
John Jones, Virginia, 1863.
Wm. E. Virginia, 1832.
Thomas Jordan, Virginia,
James H, Kelly, Alabama,
John D. South Caro-
K. King, Georgia, 1864.
Wm. W. North Car-
James H. Lane, North Caro-
Walter P. Lane, Texas. 1863
Alex R. Lawton, Georgia, 1861.
at the East Liberty
on the Bail-
road the other morning, The
Pacific express was
Letters of administration upon the
estate of Jesse L. Smith, d ceased,
having this day been issued to me by
the clerk of Superior court of Pitt
county, and having duly qualified as
such notice is hereby
I given to all persons holding claims
against said estate to present them to
mi- for payment, duly authenticated,
on or before the 10th day of April 1909.
i or this notice will be plead bar of
their recovery. All persons
to said estate are requested to make
neck immediate payment to me.
This the 10th day of April.
Jesse L. Smith,
live minutes
away after it had
oil to let oil young Pitt county, North Carolina, this is to
, , , .- . notify all having claims again.-;
who had came deceased to exhibit
when they thoroughly in-
for themselves.
If we are given the no-fence
law in ten years will see all
of our waste places in the
belt of our State with a growth
of long leaf pine that will be
capable of producing turpentine
and rosin by the patent box sys-
that would bring the own-
more revenue each year than
the land would bring today upon
the market, besides it will re-
store our seasons which are be-
coming a problem owing
to the fact that it is either too
wet or caused by
traction of the forest by careless
lumbermen, often followed by
fire for the benefit of a few cat
tie that are not worth what is
perfect digestion, and it is very
net to permit of any delay the
moment the stomach out of order.
Take something at once that know
will promptly and assist
digestion there is nothing better
than for dyspepsia, indigestion,
sour stomach, belching of gas and
nervous headache. is a natural
and will digest you eat.
Sold by Jno. L. Wooten's Drug Store.
A man ran sit up all hours of
night with u girl and never get
bored until after they are
The kidneys are and sensitive
organs are very at any time
to get out of order. DeWitt's Kidney
and ladder are prompt and
thorough and will in a very short tune
strengthen the weakened kidneys
sissy troubles arising from inflammation
of the bladder. Sold by Jno. L.
Wooten's Drug Store.
A cut or s little cut, small scratches
th j bud well as root up and Drug
lute in
New She had on her new
Easter hat, and it was a dream.
It was as big around as a dining-
room table, and that's what
caused the express to
leave five minutes hue.
The young woman put on the
hat before the depot was reach-
ed, and when the train stopped
started out of the Pullman
at a brisk gait. Suddenly there
Was a grinding noise and the
young came to a stop. lie
isle along the
Notice to Creditors.
Having qualified as administratrix of
Dr. W. H. Bagwell, deceased, late
North Carolina, Pitt county.
In the Superior Term, 1908
W. B. I
vs i Notice of
The Tennessee Co. Summons,
and B. H. Vance
The defendants, The Tennessee
Company and B. II. Vance, in the
above entitled action will take notice
that a civil action entitled as above has
been commenced in the Superior Court
of Pitt county by the plaintiff, W. B.
against the defendants, The
Tennessee Company and B. H.
Vance, for the recovery alleged to
be due to the plaintiff by the defendants
arising out of claim damages for
breach of contract for the sale of cot-
ton seed meat; and the said defendants.
The Tennessee Company and B.
H. Vance, will further take notice that
a warrant of attachment was issued in
aid action on the 4th day of March
against the property of the de-
to sacks cotton seed
meal, which said cotton seed meal is
in the town of Greenville, in the
State of North Carolina; and the de-
the Tennessee Com-
B. H. Vance are hereby
that they are required to appear
at the term of the Superior Court
Pitt to be held in the court
house in in said county in
the State of North Carolina, to be held
on the 7th Monday, after the first
Monday of March, it being the 20th
day of April 1908, and answer or demur
to the complaint of the plaintiff which
will be filed in the office of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Pitt County
the first three days of said term of
the or the plaintiff will apply to
Court for the relief demanded in the
This the day of March 1908.
Clerk Superior Court of Pitt County.
them to me or to attorney, F. C.
James, within months from this
date, or this notice will be plead bar of the pow r of sale con-
of their recovery. All persons indebted in a certain mortgage deed ex-
to .-aid estate will pleas make and delivered by
mediate payment to my said attorney, and wife Katie Beach to W. L. Ran-
Tl the 14th of April, I on the day of December 1806,
NANNIE D. . in Register Peed
Administratrix, of Pitt North Carolina,
F. C. Alt.
Alabama, v wide enough tor
the hat when it was on top
Edwin G. Lee, Virginia, 1864. tho young woman's
Carolina, 1865.
Jas. H. Lewis, Kentucky, 1863.
L. M. Lewis, Missouri, 1864.
Lewis, North Caro-
St John R. Louisiana,
Robert D- Lilly, Virginia, 1864.
Henry Little, Missouri, 1862
Thomas M. Logan, Car-;
Armistead L. Long, Virginia,
Mark P. Lowry, Mississippi,
Robert Lowry, Mississippi
B. Lyon, Kentucky,
P. Mabry, Texas, 1863.
Wm. W. Maryland, i
Robert P. Arkansas,
Wm. North Carolina,
James P. Major, Missouri, 1863
Geo. Tennessee, 1862
Arthur M South
Carolina, 1863.
Humphrey Marshall, Kentucky
John Marshall, Texas, 1865.
James G. Martin, North Caro-
John D. Martin. Mississippi,
John Virginia, I
1864. j
Wm. Tennessee, 1865
Thomas H. Arkansas,
Benjamin Texas,
Henry E.
Samuel South Car-
James M. Florida,
James A.
see no date.
Hugh W- Georgia,
William R. Miles. Louisiana.
William R. Miner,
top of
lead. The
shouting that the
train would have to and
I there was all kinds of excite-
Then t he porter started
I to the young woman from
hut it wasn't any use.
one of the male pas-
acted upon. The to the
Note to
Having duly qualified before the
i,., cleric of Pitt county as ad
I -i the estate of Joshua
I deceased, notice is here-
by given to all persons indebted
estate to make Immediate payment to
reigned, and nil .
I claims the are not-
to present the same to the under-
I for payment on or before the
mi day of April, or this notice
I will be plead in bar of their
This 1908. R. L.
Administrator of Joshua Henry
L page-16, the undersigned
will expose to public sale before the
Court door in N. C.
. ., high el bidder, on Monday May
, at i o'clock p. m, u certain
tract or puree of land lying and being
v Lin county of Pitt and State of North
Carolina and described fellows, to
One tract of land bounded on the
north by land of J. C. Taylor, on the
east land Manning heirs, on the
South by land of Fannie Drill y, and or.
the west by land known as the AM Pine
land. Beginning at a number of pines
the South west corner, thence north to
a a north east course to
the run of en a corner at
. ash trees, thence down the run of
creek t. Fannie a corner,
1- with Fannie line to the
hi ginning, acres more or
,. , , , , n i One tract of land beginning at
Having duly qualified before a a COrner of lot No. in the
of I county vision of the Henry deceased,
executor of the will and t. i-i, thence North degree East
ion. which of John I lo a pine, thence North S degrees
is he given to ah persons indebted ; poles to the creek, thence
with the run of Creek to
s given to all persons
he estate to make Immediate . . .
I to the undersigned, and all per- lot No. , thence
; sons having claims against said estate
rat pins, alter that they present j acres more or less.
maneuvering, the hat came the same to the undersigned said deed. Terms
, . , meat on or before the day of
nil, as did also the varnish oil March. 1909, or this notice will Del me of April 1908.
sides of the ear. The hat pie
. . , . This March 31st, 1908.
was then tipped the Harvey A. Moore, JULIUS Alt.
young woman got out and the m
Pacific express away. The
hat which caused all the trouble
measured inches from stem
to stem.
the line
To satisfy
of sale
The School Closing
. Season .
la nearly on hand and per-
haps you expect to install a
Piano in your parlor upon
your daughters return from
college. Write us about a
certain and special Piano
we are now offering at
This Piano is guaranteed
for years and will fully
measure up to any
Piano offered by the small
dealer. Term per
month, per quarter,
every months. Write
Chas. M.
G. G.
Greenville, N. G. Box
Notice is hereby that the
board of elections, for Pitt county
have this day changed the voting
in Beaver Dam township, from i
to Arthur, in
By order of board this the n
day of 1908.
J. G.
J. N. Hart, Sec.
My wife Julia Baker, having left my
bed and board and absented herself
from home, all persons arc hereby
warned under penalty of law not to
provide her with shelter, food or em-
or in anyway harbor her.
This day of 2nd April, 1908.
Administrators Notice.
Letters of administration upon the es-
of J. W. Potter, deceased, having
place this day issued to me by the clerk
May's I of the Superior court of Pitt county,
notice is hereby given to all persons
claims against the estate of
said J. W. Potter to present them to
me for payment, duly authenticated,
on or before the 10th day of April 1909,
or this notice will be plead in bar of
their recovery. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment to me.
This the day of April 1908.
William Fountain,
of J. W. Potter
Jarvis Blow,
I will give liberal reward for
information of strayed heifer
yearling, well grown, 1-year old,
pale red and white spotted,
marked split in each ear.
S. Page,
ltd Stokes, N. C.
Stray Taken Up.
Young heifer about y
marked slit in right ear. O
get same by proving property and pay-
charges. W. ft. HARRINGTON.
-9 ltd
A Twenty year Sentence.
have just completed a twenty
year health sentence, imposed by Buck-
cured me of
piles just twenty years
writes O. S. of
N. Y. Salve
the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds
ruts in the shortest time. at
Jno. Wooten's drug store.
Plenty Trouble
i caused by stagnation of the liver and
I bowels, to get rid of it and headache
Florida and biliousness and the that
jaundice, take D-. King's New
Pill, the reliable that
M. Moody. Alabama.
1865- . .
Subscribe to The
Note This Change at
On account of the fact that the
Oxford Orphans give an enter-
at Farmville Thurs-
day night, April The date
for the prohibition speaking by
Mr. King and Mr. Plyler has
been changed to Monday night
May 4th. Our Farmville read-
will please note this change
ind circulate it.
Notice To Creditors.
Having duly qualified before the
Court clerk of Pitt county as
administrator of the last will and
of B. M. Williams, deceased,
notice is hereby given to persons in-
to the estate to make immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all
persons having claims against the es-
are notified to present the same to
the undersigned for on or be-
fore the 9th day of April, 1909, or this
notice will be plead in bar of recovery.
This April 9th, 1908.
T. L. Williams,
Administrator of B. M. Williams,
I Not Quite I
i l How often you get a
J thing
nail or screw driver or
. i lacking. Have a good
fool box and be prepared for
I emergencies. Our line of tools
a desire, and
, will
not lack
useful article.
that your tool
Of Course
You get
Horse Goods
s-------- of
J. R,
Incident to the Work of Digging the
Panama Canal
Washington, D. C, April
Incidental to the work of dig-
the Panama Canal, the en-
are preparing to pick up
a village that was so unfortunate
as to establish itself in the path
of progress.
This is the old town of
which has buildings and a
population of It is on the
site of the Gatun dam and will
be carried off two miles and set
down along the Panama railroad.
In the commission's way of do-
things, the moving of a
is about as amputating a
The church and parsonage have
already been shipped to their
new home. The native school
is about to be moved and the
ore taking down their
houses and them n
freight cars on which they will
be hauled to the new site at the
expense of th- commission.
Th only difficulty is that the
natives who had lived in the
present location long before it
became the Gatun dam site, don .
carrying off their houses
place. If they don t
the will, dolt tor
them, f h now is the
one where the sewer and water
been installed b fore toe
town. Everything is now ready.
When the ate set do n
th.- town be full fledged
with well paved streets and all
Whooping Cough.
Remedy in j f
to toil you that It
Lithe lies-
-W F.
any safe and sum. raw by
Druggists and In Patent Me
Large for Cotton.
On Friday Mr. W H
gave a check for 17,882.99 for
about bales of cotton
chased that d y. For time
of year it u as a large check
to be paid for cotton.
Beautiful Home of Popular
Couple in
N. C, 21.-
So Tired
It may be overwork, but
the chances are la-
With a well conducted LIVER
one can do mountains of labor
without fatigue.
It adds a hundred per cent to
ones earning capacity.
It can be healthful action
by, and only by
Trade Report.
Richmond, Va. April 1908
Saturday will say
for Richmond and
Trade conditions generally con-
about as they have for the
past few weeks. In shoes, dry
goods and notions some filling
in orders are noted. Jobbers of
groceries and provisions report
ordering fair. Slight increase
in demand for lumber is noted
and sale of manufactured wood-
en ware shows an increase. North
Carolina jobbing centers trade
conditions are about the same as
at Richmond Shipments of
strawberries to northern mark-
have commenced, this crop
will be well up to the average in
quantity and quality if existing
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert weather conditions continue Re
request the of your
at the marriage of their daughter
Mary Parsons
Mr. Carl Denver Parker
Wednesday evening.
May tho
nineteen hundred and eight
at nine o'clock
at St Peter's
Washington, North Carolina.
tail trade in the large towns and
cities shows improvement, but
in the rural districts trade is dull
especially in manufacturing lo-
The planting of cot-
ton continues and farmers are
preparing tor a full average of
tobacco. Building and con-
work show more ac
Favorable weather con-
are reported throughout
the district. Collections
A Woman Tells Hew to
I have a vary sufferer
from dreadful rheumatism,
for u number I have tried
from f them until two yea-a
ago, when hi a bottle of
Pain I found relief
re had all we bu
kepi on it end soon bit like a
different woman my
many of my tried
can j u how wonderfully it l
a. Cole, s
Saw Chamberlain s
Balm is a The f
from pain v it affords U bU
worth limes cost. It marts
r .-. . .-1 a by
Druggists and U.- rs in Med-
Cured of Rheumatism.
Wm. of
Tenn , had in his left arm.
The strength seemed to have gone
o of the muscles so that it wan
for says. applied
Pain Balm wrapped
arm in at night, and to my
I found that the pain gradually
left me and the retained. In
three weeks the rheumatism has
and las not since
troubled rheumatism try a U H
of Pain are
certain to pleas d with th relief
which it affords. For -ale by all Drug-
and Dealers in Patent Medicines.
should be taught f
The man who went out to
milk and down on a
in the middle of the pasture and
for the cow to up
to S id the brother to the man who
in every kind or condition j a store and wouldn't
of weather. If hears its parents i because he re-------
cursing and bemoaning a rainy j that the purchasing public would
day the child's plastic mind back up to his of business
quick to receive the I when it
Rarely a over has so
witnessed a prettier home
wedding than that of Mb
Borden, only daughter of
Mrs. William H. Borden, of this
city, and Mr. E- Ehrlich Smith,
son of the lat Bishop Coke
Smith, of Virginia, which was
solemnized at the palatial Borden
residence on James street Wed-
night o'clock.
Rev. Dr. F. D. Swindell, of
son, a former pastor here, as-
by Rev. E. H. Davis, pas-
tor of St. Paul M. E. church,
The commodious residence had
been rendered a veritable dream
land of bewildering beauty to its
adornment of cut flowers and
growing plants and myriads of
electric lights. The front par-
on either side of the spacious
hall were us d as reception rooms
and here were displayed the
bridal many, so
varied, so lovely as to exhaust
enumeration and beggar
mute yet eloquent tribute
to what measure of esteem the
young couple are held by their
immediate friends, not to speak
of the wealth of gifts from
of their respective
It was a simple ceremony with-
out attendants, other than the
sweet little flower and ribbon
girls, cousins of the bride, little
Misses Claude Aycock, Mary
and Ethel Miller-
After the ceremony the bridal
pair were showered with cordial
congratulations, and were also
with conventional
rice throwing they took the
northbound train at o'clock
for a bridal trip, after which
will make their home in
Norfolk, Va. where the groom
holds a responsible position with
the Roper Lumber Company.-
Raleigh News and Observer.
that a rainy day a disaster. Exchange.
How much better to expatiate
in presence w the blessing
of rain and to the en-
of varying
moods, which ether young
Happiness come from
within in order to respond to
that which comas from without,
just as there must a
car and temperament to enjoy
Cultivate as an art
or science.
of business
wanted something.
Death Was On His Heels.
P- of Skippers.
close call in th- spring .
attack of pneumonia tut
me so weak and with such a fearful
cough that my declared con-
had me, and death was or.
my Then I was Denuded to
try Dr. King's New Disc-very. It
h me immediately, and
two and a half ho. ties I was a well
man again, I found out that new dis-
the best remedy for coughs
and lung in all the world.
Sold Under guarantee at L Woolen s
and bot-
B Headquarters For Farm
Supplies and Hardware.
WE carry a full line at all times of the best
quality goods only. Don't fail to call
on us. We would call your attention to our
Agricultural implements, such as Plows,
rows, and High Grade Cultivators both riding
and walking, which are great labor savers.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We also carry the Highest Grade Lime and
Cement that can be purchased. We might
also call your attention to our line
which we keep complete at all times, and can
truthfully say that there is nothing better
made. It your house is to be painted see us.
and when you call then we will tell you all
about our wire fencing, rubber paper, Iron
Cotton and Corn planters.
Guano Mowers, Rakes, Cook
Stoves, and High Grade Ranges. The best
Cutlery and lots of other things too
to mention. Now, word to the Wise
is Give us a call. You will find
us in the Forbes building neat to Bank
h id
y U
Tobacco Guano
Pros, and Gen.
Organized h 1866. reorganized and
In WM with authorized of 550.000.
Manufacturers of Hi-a
. . r
n. f service the people of Pitt.
h a for you.
market. us u trial and be convinced.
If spring or wheel breaks with fair and reasonable
one year from date of purchase caused by
and is the
chaser, we will replace the same free of charge
Wt haw for sale the best made by of experience
ft E Co., at
for all our work sold by them is sublet to our guarantee-
Greenville, North Carolina, U. S. A.,
Roller in Ditch.
The steam road roller that is
being used on the streets,
a ditch street Friday.
It was nearly an all day job to
get the roller out of the ditch.
He Got What He Needed,
years It looked as If my
corns, Mr C.
of Mill Creak, Ind. Tar. was so run
down that life on a
It than ray rec-
. and got what I Beaded
I had one toot in the grave
but Electric Bitten it back on the
and I've been well ever
HI under at J. L.
Wooten's K.
General Hardware
Sole Agent for
Lead and Paint, Jewel Stoves and Ranges.
Implements sower
Edge Tools.

D. J. WHICHARD, Editor Proprietor
Entered as second matter Jan. 1907 at the at Greenville. N
C . under Congress of March 1879
to to
think f storms
reception and smoker at night .
States southwest us in the last
for the largest crowd of The manager of the
ever assembled there and will New Bern Sun forward to
take care of them handsomely. prove that women are not as
and clerks
North Carolina is indeed a fa- as men. He gives a reason
voted section. In winter it is fr this during the past
free from blizzards, and in sum-; . lady
mer the visits of the tornado are to get married and leave,
practically unknown. be the Sun is working a
in the parlors of the
The Reflector has only told Club where the editors
part about recent gathering and Charlotte's professional and
of editors Charlotte. The businessmen spent a pleasant
second of the session proved hour together,
of no less interest than the first. The progress of Charlotte has
E. Hale spoke of the been wonderful, yet it really
means of preventing freight dis- looks to have but fairly begun,
North Car- there are so many things under
and advocated the deep- way. Buildings are now in
of the Cape Fear of erection that will call
from Wilmington to an expenditure of three mil-
ville. A resolution was adopted lions dollars. Thrift is in
renewing allegiance of the deuce on every hand,
press of the State to the inland. has contributed some
waterway project. Thus it to Charlotte
be seen that the editors in their Reflector is glad to note
meetings do not confine them- their Mr. W. F. Hard-
selves to bat jg very prominent in the
cuss those matters that look profession of the city, and
the of the State. P. Harding is
The new officers elected for of one of the city's best
the association were J. Another young man
as, president; W. C. Dowd, J. originally from Greenville, Mr.
Z. Green and Dr. i. O. Wilson, is editor of the
son, vice presidents; J. B. He left
rill, secretary and treasurer; J. Greenville when only nine
M. Julian, J. F. Hurley, ;,.,,. after completing his
historian; R. M. Phil poet, education decided to cost his lot
There were two pleasure
of the second day after
business had completed.
one these an automobile
ride r mt ii mile
few days. In Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi. Louisiana and Texas
nearly half a thousand people
perished and the property loss
was enormous. How thankful
we should be to escape such
matrimonial bureau on the
There is nothing to he gained
by keeping the stores open late
Saturday night. If the mer-
chants would have some uniform
time to close early no one would
be hurt and all would lie better
prepared to enjoy Sunday.
Greenville should not
with her present achieve-
The Eastern Training
School and the street paving are
the result of united enthusiastic
effort on the part of the citizens
of the town and county. That
same energy and effort will
bring to pass almost anything
Along with the clubs and
other organizations Greenville
might have a musical
There are a number of
good singers among our people
who could do much to encourage
interest in music of a high class.
There is much good material
among the candidates for the
county offices. Pitt is already
doing what Mr. says
is a panacea for all political ills
her business men go into pol-
Now President Roosevelt de-
that he will
val bill unless it suits him. The
fly sat upon the axle of the wheel
and said. a dust I do
adopt such methods to attempt I
to defame the character of men
speaking prohibition as they season seems to
did in Wilmington, it is entirely j early this year.
in keeping with the principles of f Louisiana,
the whiskey dealer. A business mi Alabama were swept by
that wrecks homes, makes Friday left a disastrous
and orphans, tills jails and a hundred
insane asylums, would not heal .,,,
tan- to try to nun character. destroyed,
even i h r. of the
g roads. T
ride v u i ;
to ill who In n
in the town in the
Charlotte i making much
or For the
State convention in June.
auditorium i- magnificent, large
i ; four
l I ii
, o n .
in her
or seen country thousand. The city i- looking
Two res arc given for the
failure in Raleigh to the
recent election The liquor
and those who oppose the
There is a
suggestion in this for those
g for j who want i sake advancement
bet oar county improvements.
Las; Sunday the Charlotte
News gave the opinion of some
of he the sale of
liquor, declares government.
it the st curse in
sire evil,
county make few fellows Wash-
wan ; ; .--.
run . North Carolina
. and to speak
trip n i .-;, IS -m . to what
Di mi
Thai going to do with regard to
According to the Charlotte pa-
the addresses at the
are excellent. That is
just what we expect of news-pa-
per men. Charlotte is giving
them a royal time.
Sometimes when an attraction
is advertised for the opera house
there is doubt in the minds of
some as to whether or not they
can afford to go. When the or-
come all are glad to greet
It would be a good idea
have a stay-at-home year in
Greenville. It is more
than many places and if our
people Would stay at home we
could make it attractive for
The ladies of the ore or-
to do temperance work
in and county. They,
have been heard from but very
If they are going to
anything they will have to begin
A glance at the pages
will convince you that the ed-
are away.
Pay your bills promptly. You
have no right to buy what you
cannot pay for, and if the mer-
chants are promptly paid they
can serve the general public
cheaper and better.
Raleigh papers did not get
here till last night. Perhaps a
complaint would do some good
as there is no reason why they
should not get here on the early
Church going is an excellent
habit to acquire. Besides the
worship, there is a refining
influence about it that you do
not get elsewhere.
We may expect many laws
forestry now. But
did you ever stop to that
most of the
in the die wealthy .,
Bryan drew large crowds to
hear him in New York this week.
I is preaching on the Brother-
hood of man.
This is a day for spring
try. d sire
to write do make your poem
h I M h l-------- -w
To Southern ma, woman. JEFFERSON is the Weal c and or Southern progress. To J
safety and absolute security to the perfect patriotism and business
in security behind the policy contract means not volume of in in force regardless of security.
Condition Dec. st, 1907
Reserve 1.00
Income j
Surplus to policy
The JEFFERSON has for
dry one dollar of liability, as- j
sets to the amount of
over eight times stronger than
the Southern company next
in strength.
in fore March 15th, 1908, in North Carolina on ,
Jefferson Standard Life Insurance
Strongest in South
Brown, President.
P. D. Jr. V.-P. Gen Mgr.
C. W. Gold, Sec Sup. of
Charles J. Parker. Treasurer.
. i
W. E.
Albert Anderson, M. D. Medical
T. B. Womack, General Counsel.
David Parks Actuary.
. g. BORN W IT
Paper roofing, rubber roofing,
and tobacco barn at J-
K, Smith Co.
The directors will hold a meet-
to-night and let out the con-
tract for building a tobacco ware-
house and a prize house. The
warehouse is to be feet
and the prize house of
dimensions. The land on
which to build has already been
purchased and work will begin
at once so as to be in readiness
for the coming season.
See our line of books and
v for holiday presents.
J. R. Smith Co.
The Oxford orphans were here
last night and had a crowded
house. The receipts amounted
to There is a nice class and
they are smaller children than
usual. All of are neat and
nice and one can readily discern
from deportment the re-
fining influence by which they
are sun
Carload cotton seed meal and
Hulls at J R Smith
John Randolph, of Greenville,
was hero yesterday.
planted your gar-
den is question
one is asking. Woods Seed arc-
for the South. You will
find all
body likes at-
It will please your
friend to take her a box of fresh
candy- M. M. Sauls re
a magnificent assortment
at prices from to 1.50.
Repairing neatly done on bug-
carts, plows, also
shoe your mules and horses. J
R Smith Co. Dixon.
Car load of hard and soft coal
by J. R. Smith Co.
M. M. makes the best
cold drinks that can be made at
the lea cold the year
round- Try one.
Elias Turnage left on
a business trip to Kinston.
Car load of fine and coarse
salt at JR Smith Co.
There were services in
Episcopal and churches
A great many of our
are attending court in
this week.
To be a w the Superior
court of Pi-t county a man has
J. R Smith Co. Dixon are
doing a nice business at the old
doing a nice business at mm Ma-
Ayden Milling Manufacturing. by
Co- site. They will buy your m-little boy is naturally so
cotton seed wood, and logs, will little girl is so easily
repair you. cart buggy and wag- frightened. We to cure
or most any kind of or to So fond par-
lumber you may send, arc heard to pay
so have a nice lot of Coffins and i a shows some special
caskets- Ed Garris is the form of fear.
It is
nerves play. The strong-
est man will into an How th. Bet
heap I the vaccination i , Mm,
lancet or be reduced to abject faint-1 Ta. Mr. win-
the of -young
my advice today about
his UP f-
of fact. I . . u was darn.
manager and will take pleasure
in waiting on you.
Lime cement, plastering hair
and a full line of hardware at
J. R Smith Co.
lucrative law. ,, was darn.
A sad tin, oft
moon to on.- of the keepers, who gM
off two of ins will
. . . . ,. .
Yet, according to Clara Louise
who writes in
on to Keep Your
Child From almost all
are born without fear, and
fear is carefully instilled into them
by parents and nurses.
Nature, she says, generally hands
the child to parents physically
perfect, and still more often she
by Aloud hands him over full of optimism
I and faith. is too good
The following will for is his natural attitude.
I a clever puzzle as a test Then comes perhaps his first fall.
I of the ability of people to pro- Straightway the anxious mother
Bounce readily and correctly many rushes to him with a cry and
common , him u,, such
an interesting inquiry took place words that he screams with terror,
court of over and and so the instilling of fear goes
some time on. , ,
begins too many of
parents make to
My pipe's
blew Cu
hand m g a gnu. The fingers
had t be ilK mediately amputated. tom
All the stood around to transferred the mound or
the o and to en- m from bar lap to a choir, mm
them, in, who showed great the match- to her
carious that even
one bore the sight but Lord
Raglan, who h ad seen battles
He fainted an. to retire In
action he is to fa
for his sang
was given toward proving
for the privilege and a heinous incident had taken
for making a during a public pageant, it
o r , rather
of in appearance, having an
A. G. Cox and G. H- Dixon, of hair, like an
Winterville, made us a Albino, represented Thalia and sat
call Saturday. n a pedestal erected on one of the
fucker and wife, floats. The direct-
the remarks parent make to their
children, says this author. Chris-
parents constantly disobey the
Bible, which is full of to
while professing to believe the Bible
undermine the child's native
by teaching it that the world
deuce by teaching it ,. , other p
x , th- it course down the mail when b with and u j;
fresh at spent Sunder with I of the onlookers was and v.;, ,,,,, c
Don't of W. B. to conduct of one become, as
Windows, doom, blinds, locks, of the who had fixed her slouch, stoop
It is an odd yet no doubt
the correct one, that the cast, area
of Europe bus probably had more,
to do with the commercial and
of that
than other c n Investigation
will show that F. a mile of
coast for miles
its land arm. the Americas,
which no next, have
square of to every mile
of Asia a
Africa qua re to each
mile of coast. The low order of
culture tiling on dark
continent, its history ii as
r port urn
the c of
continued Mr.
In his hip chair.
Ascot to BO and at once.
I told him What I have always be-
the traits In o man character
like matrimony. Nothing. I
those seeds of of self
Ho dormant in even the
of married man
himself in the protection care
I that h- must eternally lavish
wife and
of bachelors l hove transmute.
i I
. such solid and
Mr mi had a slapping
ha i. he
I I to
J. It. Smith
of the spectators who mm .-. i. .
eyes the tiara, set with jewel, of feeing hie. a,
in the form of a carat, which Thalia to do, upright,
.,., , wore upon her he;
t., N. who seemed to he
weeks ago et to anybody R. of
. . . . .- . ;
.;. i I
. . rt
Atlanta Constitution i Smith Co, Dixon.
an H. A. W-
head as she sat in
her wonted
lance and
, This person was afterward shown
Wilson and to a maniacal laundress whoso
agency with art Fleming,
agents enlargement of
picture.-, and who swindled them
out of something over has
been apprehended and is now in
our lock-up awaiting trail Being
a and a right ob-
Hail Fleming may net
I I it withdraw the
. ti
Mill pelting, valves,
J. R. Smith Co-
Saturday our police a rested a
whom they thought
wanted by Sheriff for
murder. learned later he
was the wrong man and Sunday
he was released-
Smith Co. Dixon want
to buy good seasoned
oak lumber hi inches thick.
Jesse Cannon will keep open
the books
every Saturday from now
out in the of J. M.
Dr Perkins National Herbs for
sale by J R Co
hi I butts,
Fear, disaster, sickness should not
be talked . i the presence of
Even they may not
to in it at the
it into little minds. is
a disturbing. distorting influence.
mock goddess. vagary
this reptile turn her servile eyes,
full of rapine, on the beautiful
maiden it is hard to say, but sud-
under pretense of right,
something on the ground, she pro-
a hiatus in the crowd and
thus obtained precedence of all.
with her appear-
the van drove past. She -hen
filled the air with gross raillery and kind
or and detestation and hideous
there from Greenville were her. , all by the
to hear r
la the State of Ha
Cox Cotton Planters
Bands and at
J R smith Co
Mrs. N. A. B rick, Kins-
of her son, J. F. Bar-
Bring us your . and
small lots of scrap cotton in
the seed. J. R. Co.
Rice, of Kinston,
a flying trip over here Monday.
Do you go to bed tired and get
up tired Take a bot tie of Sauls
Sarsaparilla Ced.
Just received-A car load of
for top dressing.
E. Turnage Son.
The prettiest baby caps and
cloaks in town at J R Smith co.
Gardening seems to be the or-
of the day.
of the new line of Buster
at M. M. Drug store.
patterns kept on hand,
latest style.- J. R. Smith Co.
Carload of Portland
a hair at J. R.
A full hue carpenters
ad mill J. R- Smith
Perkins native tablets at J. R.
Portland lime and
plastering J. Smith Co.
J. R. Smith Co- Dixon, are
selling wagon, and carts made;
here in and
ton. workman-
I Pneumonia Cure J. B
Smith Co.
i Found a for sunburn
and freckles. All kinds of harm
ace and
Back talcum that can be pro-
cure a-
W. H. Smith has purchased
We interest of A. D. Cox in the
Carolina Milling
Co. and will conduct the bus-
at the sane place- Ail
work promptly looked after. Mr,
Cox will still with the
mistake of the anxious mother who L.-M
is that her
Is ill.
Mire you feel all
Haven't you a pain
Ii not take ran hi
from Banks
I f .
. P I d tr i
. o expenses -1 I
.;.; ,;,. i ,.
It need not take .
to make ,,. certified ch .;
healthiest ii not ,
ill, . .,.,, ;
kind and ,
b to so
lack of probity and the gen-
predilection of politicians tor
nag ,.
Then she besought her audience
to hear her dilate on the
the Alps, ruins of I ii
female franchise, the and
her patron Faint. She was evidently
demented, and the flow of her
she raised a pestle which had been
hidden under her shawl and threw
it i visor n the
head. flaccid nth
her who i a swath as
a tribune on th following
a t row it over
the old ha . so her of-
,, ., .,;, man and I
in a pan . n
And fresh elements
f ., i,
h .
Another tiling writer
m w y
;,,. t , it of,
c must intro-.
i w,
I. Ca e
. h. ;
the above u
Subscribed and sworn t- he-
fort me. this
Notary Public
in ii. know I i.
. C -Hi-.
J. R.
, Designs in .- tag
She makes a j -7.
John of Grifton, toilet lotions at Saul's
yesterday. Store. best
to were
l and
I .
became as docile a land, the
pathos the -r lay in the way
he the or In t
the e an Ii .
I. ,. own b in
. vaccine, rho e .
shown by a arm,
. . . in the matter
p, had produced on
, era eon m
and u
otherwise play, lot
have his us sh
these en and their
, how sin
to know if pirates had gone.
Opening display latest
Schloss models in suits.
tree i the
Taken Up.
One black and white cow, .
swallow fork in the left ear and
under cut in the right also a calf
red color. The owner by coming
forward proving property and
paving cost can have same.
This 13th day of April, 1908.
Will Stocks, Ayden, N. C.
4-15 .
A colored with black
spots on her. Smooth crop in the
left and slit in the right
Taken up about or months.
She has now found pig. Owner
can have same by coming-for-
ward, proving property and pay-
cost of this advertisement
and trouble for caring for same.
This March 14th, 1908.
Reuben Wall,
v Ayden, N. C.
obsession which
cable death of the An in-
of her I
and she was then sent an asylum
as a victim of acute homicidal
In stamp collecting thing
that counts is rarity and not
the age of a specimen. It frequent-
happens even nowadays that a
stamp has an exceedingly brief
or is for some reason sud-
and the result
is an d scarcity of
j mens, followed by a rapid rise in
market value. Many a stamp
collector has enriched himself by a
patient of market
ties acting promptly on dis-
. if
of the Ordinary,
tho man
be emporium,
have balm for
replied the
customer, have
Just as good, but want
what want
You are mistaken, my friend,
the pill dispenser. haven't anything
Just as good, but I have
that is far News.
be sure of-
Dr Joseph Dixon
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Bank Building
.-. AYDEN. N. C.
covering a
husband squanders lots of
money, doesn't
lots of it. .
squandered a dollar on
gars did he not V
the for a
that for Port
Soothing the Author.
Actor-In the first net last night
when is to shoot me, his
didn't go off. This sort f thing spoils
my play. Manager it doesn't make
difference whether he Shoots yon
or not. The audience appreciate the j
situation. They know you are not I
worth the powder would take to
shoot and find It very appropriate
that gun misses
Unkind Deduction.
Mrs. going to Rive .,
big party on my birthday.
Who will be Invited Mrs.
Just my friends. thought
you said that you were going to
a big York
. ;
behind .
everything SCHLOSS
Label. is certainty and
style is the better
than in to measure
. clothes and 0-.- prices are as low as
, , , , i, Come and see them whether you arc ready to buy or not.
You don't have to buy unless you want to. Also a splendid showing of
things in mens and boys selected for best
Spring trade.
tine Clothes Hi
when stud-
led excites doubt; when thoroughly el
Stored. It It-Bacon.
Goods, Notions, Pants, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Mat-
lings, Floor Oil Cloths.
Heavy and Fancy Groceries.
We are making a specialty LACES, usual 1-8
10-cent qualities, now going at and cents.
We cannot be surpassed on India Linens, Lawns and all
White Goods,

Greenville's Department Store
Has lust Returned
from New York, we are daily receiving
shipments of
Dress Goods
Novelties in Ladies Hand Bags,
Belts, Belting and Belt Buckles.
Oxford and lit.
Hosiery in all the leading shades
AU INSTANTLY. Simply add boil-
in per at
Prohibition and the Grand Jury.
As an illustration at the way
effective prohibition operates is
lit for comment the recent ex-
of county,
one of the oldest and most
prosperous counties in the State.
When its Criminal Court met
the the Grand Jury
met in due form only to return
with the following
congratulate the citizens
of county upon the fact
that not a single case has been
presented to us at this term of
court that would warrant a bill,
that we attribute same
largely to the of State
Here is concrete evidence of
the fact that taxes that are paid
by liquor have to be balanced
by the taxes paid for crime, as
well as being in themselves a
tax upon the citizenship, the in-
and the happiness of the
A fair exchange better than
of kind.
by J. W. At Co. Cotton Factors.
; cotton;
Strict ling 3-S i S-8
I 1.4 101-4
i Low lo 1-8 1-8
Low Middling lo
1-4 to 3-8 1-4 to 1-4
Strictly 81-8
Prime .
Low Grades 17-8 7-8
Early R or--, the
famous a I .-. Sold by
to see
Department Store
We will send sample showing
how B, B. B. Cures above Troubles
also Eczema and Rheumatism.
For twenty-five years Botanic Blood
Balm B. has curing j early
sufferers from Primary,
or Poison
and all forms t Blood We
solicit mos; obstinate cases for B.
B. B. cures where all else fails. If
you have exhausted the old methods of
treatment and still have aches and
pains in bones, back or joints,
Mucus Patches in mouth, Sore
throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots
Ulcers on any part of the body. Eating
Sore , are run down or nervous, Hair
or eyebrows falling out, take B. B. B.
It kills the 11- i -on, makes the blood
pure and rich, healing every sore and
completely charging the entire body
into a healthy condition. Itch-
humors. Risings or pimples of
all leave after killing the poison
and the blood with B. B. B.
In this way a flood of pure rich blood is
sent direct to the skin surface, the
Itching stops r and every humor
or sore is healed and cured.
is pleasant and safe to talk; composed
of Pure ingredient. It
fies enriches the blood.
Druggists, per large bottle with
directions for home cure,
Col ton Buyer, Brokers
in Stocks, Cotton. Grain
and Provisions,
to New York. Chicago
and New Orleans. I I
Dr. B. F.
Will on prohibition at
the following time
Bethel Methodist
Sunday, May at a m.,
Greenville Methodist
Sunday, May 3rd, at p. m.
I, gives me pleasure to make
this and to invite
men and women in town and
country to hear this eloquent
of a righteous
J. Jarvis,
Pitt county Anti-Saloon
Cobb Bros
and Brokers, Norfolk.
July g
Oct s
May June
May 1-2
May Corn 5-8
May Ribs
July Rita s
May x
5th Series I 5th Series
5th Series j
Begins May, 2nd. 1908.
o to i M it it.
; Jill,
The best drink of coffee- Gold
Medal- at S. M- Schultz.
Western North Carolina
of the
is Time to go There.
-lied. Boat-
south.-n improved
train service affords excellent
and a.
New o rough train, with and
Car mi Sunday. March
1903, between Ash-
ville, N. C, via Raleigh, Durham,
and Salisbury, on following
5th Series. 5th Series.
Rev. T. H. King and Rev. M.
T. Plyler will speak to the
of Farmville and surround-
country a o'clock Monday
night May 4th, Men and
worn in from town and country
are cordially invited to hear these
Godly men discuss a righteous
J. Jarvis,
Pitt county Anti-Saloon
6.46 a n
8.45 .
9.56 ;.
12.20 pm
p .;. Ar
n Ar
;,. i-
Eastern Time
Raleigh Ar m
Durham Ar in
Greensboro Ar 8.10 pm
y Ar
.-. Ar m
. ton m
Morgan ton
10.30 a in
8.00 a
Summer Tourist fares will soon be on
salt. Fur information at to rates,
schedules, etc., call on any Agent of
this Company, or the undersigned.
P. A. Charlotte, D. P. A.
Free Blood Cure
This coupon cut from Green-
ville, N. C. Reflector is good for
one large sample of
Blood Balm free in plain
package. fill in your
name and address on dotted
lines below and moil to BLOOD
BaLM CO, Atlanta Ga.
State name of trouble
Spring Cleaning, Spring Cleaning
The prevailing rage now, in domestic
life, is Spring Cleaning. While you are
at that, get out your spring dresses,
suits, etc., and have them cleaned up-
to-date and ready to wear. Also have
your winter clothes cleaned and treated
with my special chemical solution to
prevent moth eating, and pack them
away until winter. RIGHT NOW IS
Yours to please,
. , Ladies and Gents Tailor
4th St., opposite marble yard
men of char-
and ambition, who can sell
things, to investigate an
opportunity tor
on their earning capacity. If
your services are worth
to a day you should and
can get the money. This is a
business notice co business men
and will not be lo any
who do not mean business. Ad-
dress W. A. B. Hearne, Box
Greenville, N. C. d w
New Shoe Shop
On February 1st I will open
a Shoe Shop in the building
on 5th street opposite Hotel
Bertha. Shoes made to or-
and all kinds of repair
work. Save your orders
and work for me.
N. C.
kinds choice cot flowers m
Special attention
Balk stock, jar
, Hedge
plant E. d Shad tr as.
DR R. L.
At New Market to front of Nor-
folk and Southern Depot.
for tin Reflector.
Some Greenville People
Fall to Realize the
The constant aching of a bad back,
The weariness, the tired feeling,
pains and aches of kidney ills
Are neglected.
urinary troubles follow.
Mrs. C. C. Eastern Ave.,
Rocky Mount, N. C, think a
deal of Kidney Pills
received much benefit from their
use. I suffered for a long time from
dull pains in my back and loins and
on arising in the morning.
I was so lame and sore that I
could hardly stoop to pat on my shoes.
If I made a quick movement or per-
formed any work that required the use
of the muscles of my back, I was re-
warded with sharp twinges throughout
my body. I had no strength or energy
and felt generally run down, but was
at a lose to know how to obtain relief.
Kidney Pills were finally
brought to my attention and believing
that they might help me, I procured a
box. Since using them I have been
free from backache and have had no
trouble from the kidneys. My advice
to any one afflicted with kidney com-
plaint is to use Kidney
For sale by all dealers. Price cents.
Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the
take no other.
Report of the Condition of
at Greenville
In the State of North the of business Feb. 14th.
Loans and discounts 136,556.45
Over drafts secured
and unsecured 2.061.17
All other stocks, bonds
and Mortgages 2,400.00
Banking house 4,200.00
Fur. and 3,872.32
Due from Banks and
Bankers 63.755.20
Cash items 4,906.95
Gold coin 433.50
Silver coin, including
all minor Coin cur-
National bank notes
and other U. notes 9,784.00
Capitol stock
Surplus fund 25,000.00
Undivided profits,
current expenses
and taxes paid 17.144.80
Time certificate. 20.970.27
Cashier's check
State of North Carolina, County of Pitt,
I. James L. Little, Cashier of the above named bank, do sol-
swear that the above statement is. true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. JAMES L. LITTLE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 25th day of February
Notary Public.
Correct Attest
J. G.
Rip Van Winkle
after his sleep of twenty years was
justly surprised at seeing the
that had been made during his
slumber. Just so, but not more so
than is discovered in our
Modern Plumb-
We're not only awake, but we're
alive to the importance of keeping
abreast of the times. Work, ma-
and all connected with plumb-
done here is reliable. Give us
your business.
C. A. Dickens
Moore and Long
Hot and Cold Baths
Electric Massage
A specialty- Electric
Massage and Hair
tonic given to ladies
at their homes.
Greenville, N. C
To The Ladies
Do not forget those pretty
Pattern Hats at
Your dress will not be com-
without that Hat.
. at th.
court house, bakes
rolls, and pies. Or-
in town.
N. C.
H. A. White,
Greenville, N. C.
Your letter containing checks
from two of the companies in
settlement of loss on dry kiln and
lumber received.
On February 6th. my kiln was
burned and the prompt adjust-
made by you on February
17th. enabled me to quickly be-
gin operating my mill again.
The handling of my loss by
you was pleasing to me.
Please write another policy on
my new kiln, and send it to me
by return mail.
Yours truly,
R. R. Fleming,
This one among the
many letters I have from
policy holders. My long ex-
in the business of Fire
Insurance hat equipped me to
handle your loss
Moral Get the beat your money
can buy.
H. A. White. Insurance
Greenville, N. C.
Hotel Greenville
J. W. HIGHT, Prop.
I wish to inform the public that
my hotel is now ready for and
hotel entirely re
modeled, thoroughly renovated,
lights, hot and cold baths, trans-
rooms, ideal home for ladies, and
traveling men. Building opposite
Court house and polite servants. Phone
No. Call and see for yourself.
Yours to Serve.
J. W. Hight Pro.
W. C. D. H.
Civil Engineers and Surveyors
Greenville North Carolina.
a specialty.
and land surveying
lee on Third street
Chickens, Turkeys, Geese and
Ducks for sale at Rainbow
Stables, in front of market
Local Time Table
Effective January 27th. 1908.
Between Norfolk, Va. and Raleigh, N. C.
Ex. Sunday
A. M.
Ex. Sunday
A. M.
Norfolk, Va.
Ex. Sunday
Ex. Sunday
A. M.
Ex. Sunday
Notice is hereby that I have levied on, and will on Mon-
day. th 4th day of May, 1908, sell at the court door in
Greenville, the following described real estate for taxes due the
State and for the year,
L. W. TUCKER. Sheriff.
H. C. G P A
Norfolk. Va.
m I
F. W. O P A
Goldsboro N. C.
Effective April 3rd, 1908
For parties ten or more traveling together on
one ticket two cents per mile per capita; minimum per
capita fare fifteen cents. ,
These rates are open to the public and apply between
any point on the
Passenger Traffic Manager
General Pass. Agent
Wilmington, N. C.
Get The best for Comfort
and Borden Felt Hat-
ad a piece Bern-
stein Iron Bed have no equal.
Opposite Center Brick Warehouse.
General Merchandise.
General Merchandise
Taft Vandyke
House Furnishings,
c. s.
General Merchandise.
Pulley boweN
Home of Women's Fashion. Greenville N. C
Name, Lots. Acres and Cost.
Sally 1-2
J. O. Briley, 1.30
W. O. Hathaway. 1-4 acre, Hill.
Harvey Stancill, acre. Bell's Roads.
acres, Bell's Cross Roads. 1.30
W. A. Turnage, Bell's Cross Roads.
Lots. Acres and Description. Cost.
Andrews Bryant.
Henry C. Howard. lot. 1.30
W. J. James. acres. Andrew.
lots. acres. Home. 1.30
j. s. rotary, lot.
W. J. acres. 1.30
Name, Lots. Acres and Description. Coat.
T. C. Crisp,
and Description. Cos-.
H. A. Boy,
to acres.
K. W. acre.
lots, 3-1 1.30
W. S. Hudson, acres.
Jackson 282-3 1.80
John A. Stanley, I 1410
Name, Lots, Acres and Coat.
A. D. cox. lots. 1.30
Mrs. E. COS, lot, Winter-. Kl. 1.30
John Cox I lot, Ayden. 1.30
H. Dew. 1.30
J. A. acres.
J. A. lots. acres.
acres. 1.30
B. B. Jones. 1-2 acres. 1.30
V. S. lot. Ayden. 1.80
Mrs. Lewis, lot. 1.30
J. H. Manning, lot, Winterville. 1.30
CriS Moore. lot. 1-30
T. C. lot. Winterville. 1.30
John A. Nichols, lot, Winterville. 1.30
R. L. Rouse, lot, 1.30
Isaac House, lot, 1.30
Benjamin Smith, acres. 1.30
L. B. Williams, 1-30
Name. Lots, Acres and Description. Cost.
C. L. lot. acres. 1.30
Blount, I lot. 1.30
Mrs. Susan Eaton, lot. 1-30
Gabe lot. 1-30
Robert May, lot. 1-30
Henry lot. 1-30
Ed. Tyson, lot. 1-80
J. M. lot. 1-M
Name, Lots, Acres and Description. Cost.
John Brown, lot,
Haywood lot, Read street. 1-30
Annie Bullock. lot, Arthur. 1.80
lot Arthur.
lot. residence. 1-30
James lot, 1.30
T. J. Cox, acres, Hardy.
Commercial Knitting Mills, acres, Plant. 1.30
Allen Car. lot. MS
Dudley. lot, Twelfth street. 1.30
George Dudley and wife, lot, Sheppard.
George Dudley, lot. Perkins.
Frank Evans, lot, B. Lane. 1-80
Fleming, lot, Read street.
Forbes, 21-4 acres, More.
Martha Forbes, lot. Read street. 1.30
J. Frank Greene, 1-4 acre, Mill. 1-30
W. B. acres, Brown. 1-30
Nelson Hopkins, lot. B. Lane. 1-30
Hopkins. 1-4 acre, Arthur. 1.30
Julius lot. E. street.
J. Robert King. lot, Eleventh street.
John King. Jot, Clark street. 1.30
D. R. Little, lot.
lot. residence.
Bridgett Latham. 1-4 acre. Patrick.
Andrew Moore. lot Pitt street. 1.30
Miles lot. Perkins. 1-30
J. R. May. lAne.
Phoebe Nobles, lot,
Wiley P. lot Pitt
lot. MS
William lot. Read
Mrs. B. P. lot. residence.
Robert Spell, lot,
Peter Spell, acres,
John Shivers. lot, Washington
Sarah acres,
1-4 acre,
lot First
Tax and Cost.
Tax and Cost.
Tax and Cost.
Tax and Cost.
Tax a
t Cost
5.1 S
Tax and Cost.
Tax and Cost.
Name, Lots, Acres and Description. Cost.
Name, Acres and Description. Cost. and Cost.
Ed. -1,386 acres, 39.16
Robert lot. 1.30 1.88
Slade Perkins, acres. . 1.30 9.54
Lat Williams, acres. 1.30 4.15
Lawrence Ward, acres. 1.30 14.01
Lucretia Woolen, acres. 1.50
Mrs. L. Short, acres Timber Land
Name, Lots. Acres and Description. Cost. Tax and Cost.
F. F. Brooks, for 1906,
Beach, acres. 1.30
J. F. Brooks. acres. 1.30 11-02
Jacob Coley, acres. 5.60
Croom. acres. 1.30 7.82
David Daniel. acres. 1.80 4.79
Harding Heirs. acres. 1.30 MM
Mrs. Nancy Oliver, 2-3 acres. 3.00
W. H. Patrick. lot.
John F. acres. 1-30
J. W. Stewart, acres. 1-30
J. B. Smith. acres.
G. W. Smith, acres.
Henry White. acres. 1-30
Is headquarters for all
kinds of Stationery, Etc.,
All the News
all the Time,
Per Year,
Cents Per
who is wide awake to;
hit interests U
j ways on the alert for more.
BUSINESS and better bus- j
Now right here,
j desire to that the best
and way to
part of the
is to at once begin
the columns of your
Newspaper Its sound,
common business sense.
and the sooner you adopt
the advertising method the
longer you will continue
The Eastern
This is
Wholesale and retail
and Furniture Dealer. Cash
paid for Fur. Cotton Seed
Oil Turkeys, Eggs, OaK
Bedsteads, Mattresses, etc.
Suits, Carriages,
Parlor suit Lounges,
Safes, P and Gail Ax
Snuff, high Life Tobacco, Key
West Cheroots, Henry
Cigars, Canned Cherries, Peach-
es, Apples, Apples, Syrup,
Jelly, Flour, Coffee,
Soap, Lye Food, Matches,
Oil, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls,
Garden Seer's, Oranges, Apples,
Nuts, Candies, Dried Apples,
Peaches, Prunes. Currants,
Raisins, Glass and
Wooden ware, Cakes and Crack-
Macaroni, Best But-
New Royal Sewing Machines
and numerous other goods.
Quality and quantity cheap for
cash. Come see me.
Can be found on Fourth street
prepared to clean, press repair
Mens Clothing and Ladies Skirts
AH work done promptly, suits
made to order when desired.
Tour patronage Solicited.
we making To-
Flues at
Flues will he sold strictly
for cash Positively none
sold on credit to anybody.
Place orders Now
Brick Stables
Greenville Livery Co.
I. B. PEED, Manager
Dealers in
V-r C Will
We received our first shipment
and are ready for your orders. lb
block at f 1.00, One-half block at
Less then one-half block i cent per lb.
New Blacksmith
Horse Shoeing a Specialty
J. C. Griffith, a practical horse
will give this branch of the
work his special attention.
Shop in the rear of Livery
Stables h front of the court
E. A. Kline.
First- Class Vehicles, Good
Your Patronage Solicited
In Front of Court House.
Cotton Factors and handlers of
Bagging Ties and Bags.
Correspondence and shipment
Harry Skinner. Many Jr
LAWYERS. Greenville, N Q

In of F. C. NYE I
, Agent The Eastern and Rates on Application
buggies The earn planter D- Chapman, of Greenville,
log. if you want a nice the fertilizer cue. spent Sunday night here with
dare buggy you had corn any de-, fa. parents.
better give him ear call s. Think of th. The A. C. Cox Mfg. Co. have
men drew I by is machine. now or file for future shipment
straw hats are open. cm at Harrington Bar for more than riv
to, Barb r Co,
c Handy Tobacco
of the Juniors Win- to show what
was a attended the People think of our truck.
Pat Guard Speech.
All the three candidates
governor are upright and. honor- j
i able men. They are men of
impeachable private character,
are men of conspicuous
i vice ability- If any one of
them is nominated the
party will have a standard
bearer, of which it will be
and who will lead
it to a single victory-
How little, does it become
the friends of any candidate to
belittle or any other can-
Only one can be
fa. C. April
F. G. Whaley returned from
Suffolk Monday night
Dr. and Mrs. Ricks spent
Registrars, Poll Holders and Polling
The board of aldermen held a
special meeting for the
Monday in shopping, j purpose of naming the registrars
Miss Mary Belle Ricks is I and poll holders and selecting the
spending a few days in Green- j polling places for the election to
with Miss Mamie Ruth be held in the several wards or
the first Monday in June, and the
following were
First ward-J. D. Garden,
registrar; Charles Cobb and J.
at school house last r exercise of the public
night. exercises begin at school at school
eight conducted j pr the a lib
by M'S Maggie in the afternoon, Rev.
pg, readings t. making the address
recitations by indentation The boys
i of the can ; i pleasant day indeed
tn. . It vat formal v i
. in resting and entertaining
m it . . t mod
. . .- i
haw Just received
hats at prices to
A W.
I tor v H
A.;. Cox
N. C.
is Lucy Bell and
were driving a
. i to school here morning
i the
ks they entered the cam-
bit broke be be
lit- but bu not
i i hi rt ; re i . . re-
buggy torn to
.-. OS.
The town Winterville ,. Id
annual convention the
J. D. Cox, of
came in Tuesday night.
James Alford several . , , ,.
days last week with relatives White, poll holders; polling
and friends at his old hone house
and somebody will have to Nash county, returning ward-W. D Pruitt
eat some crow if a better guard F. B. Barber returned J. J. and M H
is not placed the speech from he went White, holders- polling place
Let every man do to attend the exercises, Window's on Fourth
all he can for his own candidate of the Aulander graded ;
every honorable way. and 1st P. H. Harrington ward-R A. Tyson Sr
contest be fair bat Monday from a C. D Rountree and
lei us also remember that we are tour- He would not tel what P-B holders; poll-
Democrat that a business but store on
word spoken be easily thinks he fixed it r nil right G. Bowling.
Concord Times.
in the
cm- ,; ;
in I i teach the church
i , t. night.
mi a.-d of Pitt county, Our line of new spring pants nomination of officers to be elect
i . . nth campaign, just o A W, Ange for the ensuing
V. c n t important Co, XI I were to
en I , ; ,. . beams Baptist R-G-
a rare treat -x.
by there d . ,, ,;.,; A G ,,., L. for
. to the county horn, w. own
i tho
. . . -1
T A- and
T. K poll holders; polling
place, store on Five
i Dara Trial Si
u Vt i .-k .
. rim U to her home et after
s Dr. Gaston G. Bell, of Oriel.
was the of lira. J. place, office
Joyner in Taxation, last week j
Miss Olga Harrell. of
, registrar; L. Coward and
It Kilpatrick, poll
R .
lo i o-
ti p s
R .
Roads Fri-
. made a
j is.
at u i e o Kisses
.;. six.
tic Hunt him not
. tan season
pr and cheap-
est of pants ever
re. i Winter
. . ; r . inspection,
C u i
i, I
i to be cons up I the
. .
e i . . t to
i as o r- i t
i . ch a ever beard
i Mr, Xi .-. .
support in our town and
singing from
i oxford asylum g.-. a de-
.,. I Lineberry at the
o. prohibition to last night to a large
y report nearly The receipt
g d for
. . I . . A
o i who lorn
. as this,
still g G ii I
. cf rum bouts i
. . Prices are .
. i
G. and J. D. C
i . i
Is, i
i- i -lit
peep e of ii . ii
i ,;.; u
scribe to the J ;. I
thought the echo
to tie end of the i
toe high
i i
Hera the
chap, tun It. U
. i i u
C U cl . I .
So by L
I B. Duke,
night ii
home after
several days with Mi i. J.
D- Adams a. family have
tn wed Pine street and . W.
and family i the
in which lived on
Mulberry street.
the money. This is a
notice CO business men
will be interesting to any
not mean business. Ad-
A B. Hearne. Box
G N. C,
Man Pile
k-, j-.
P ; G. 1.1
mi prohibition
;.; I f straw ha
receive for quality
Barring w, Barber Co
Rev, T H. King left Friday
i y ft i
mind the fain- . ,
tar Heel wagons and carts Go to Bryan Winter
by the A. tor
Rev, i-;. Cog, of
ton, spent little while last week
here with relatives.
We have placed our for
The of i
-us, A. g. A. ii .
minstrels, i a here i u
piles. i .
sold i.
, On
t .
represents the Co.,
of Greensboro, It is one of the
l Charlotte
Mr. J. Benjamin Higgs who is
And Provisions
Southern the
Mack Manufacturing Company
.- 11- n
evening from Goldsboro to h
his r appointment Sunday. fl lot and
The lime is almost at hand u. in position to furn
when farmers will need such flues the to our
.---- .
colored ,
known among the colon u now wing unloaded in
This the min J . i. . in to do the street
mt as cotton planters
customers and friends.
and towers. So place
.; with A. C.
To the Democratic Voter.-; of Pitt
We the undersigned citizens of
j Farmville township wish to an-
A. C. Cox Mfg. Co. that we will present the
Cox Manufacturing Co for N. C. j name of Mr. Stephen C. Wooten
then you will be were regular services at Ito county,
to- i your supply in ample time. church Sunday after- on for House of I
P. the from the noon conducted by N. C young man
orphanage will be character, a
Tl, .- i April They To horse he
States here, has closed a contract
d.-r e and Mr Allen a shipment to Char-
ill , nil i t J .- ,
for the paving city is
now doing. Mr. secured
r a
of ma
both of these order.; over strong
to I e man nu ho u competitors.
Cotton n and
. i
H in stock. Country
Bought find Sold
D. W.
North Carolina
m excellent have plenty of good feed,
aim we a ill kinds of the best to had, at
to heart. Produce Co., next
We arc now ready to take w door to
tor the famous handy to I For lot of fine Jumbo
They will be peanuts, hand picked, especially
same price as heretofore. for seed at per Also
G C Co,; a lot of the Improved King Cot-
; ton seed pounds in seed
makes a five hundred pound
We handle the castings for the at per
following plows,
Han n
. and
and a
kl in the of
Nice line cf always
II. L. Johnson.
the party. He is a worthy and
deserving young man, and ha
by his own efforts made himself.
The people of Farmville town-
s-hip have for many years in
past supported every
ticket put forth by the
self, and for this reason we be-
that Farmville township is
entitled to this recognition at the
hands of the Democratic voters
of Pitt county.
We earnestly ask tho people of
Harrington C.
R. T C x went Greenville I
Fresh b i d different
kinds at a. W. Ana A Co,
We have a line of Pitt to give their influence
g. fresh. H. L. supp n to the whom
Ed Nell en is erecting a cottage we place in nomination.
near the girl's dormitory I Respectfully signed,
Nice corned hams are T J- Harris,
m i J
Mr, Meggi. Butt, H, L Johnson. .
and returned home Fri lay.
dressed at Mr. Builder, let us give
the Carolina Milling Mfg. y J prices on them.
R H. is away A W.
a few days in South Carolina in I corned herrings at
tire interest of the A G. Cox I Barber Co.
of dry T A. G Cox Mfg. Co.
notions in.
Barb r Co I sheet,
Mr. and Mrs G. B. they be in
to Greenville Friday even- Position to furnish their custom-
Bargain on doers and
I A. C. Monk, W. J.
G. L. Lang, T. R.
J. C. L, A Joyner,
T. L. Turnage, B. Turnage,
W. J. Turnage, B S.
C. E. Weeks, M, Smith.
F. M. Rollins, Joyner,
C. V. Newton, R. L,
The Great Cotton Fertilizer
Is known wherever Cotton is grown and Fer-
used, as the greatest producer of-large
See that the trade mark is on every guarantees
against imitations and insures you are getting the genuine
Royster goods.
Our are now busy set-
ting out tobacco.
R. G Chapman went to Green-
villa this morning.
and many friends with to-
flues. Let us have your
orders as as possible and
l cough your head or when you
Mm a remedy
La It la
for an pleas-1
ant to tale, i a i e lex iv
phi. i in
, h, , .
then you will be sure hi all
w hen needed . .
over many Cough, Lung and Bronchial because H the.
aid by as a cathartic on the bowel. No opiates. Guaranteed to give
refunded. Prepared by A.-
, ii An
or a -o
D. i. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner
Truth in Preference to Fiction.
VOL. No.
Delivered by W. C.
ad Diplomas
Under a law passed by the
last legislature the school a;
Farmville became a high school,
and the closing exercises of the
first year as a high school took
place Friday. A number
of people of the town and
rounding country, and even some
distance, were
and the occasion was one much
enjoyed. The exercises reflected
great credit upon both
and pupils of the school.
Friday morning there was an
interesting musical program fol-
lowed with the annual address
delivered by Hon. W. C. Doug-
lab, of Raleigh. Mr. Douglas
spoke along educational
and concluded with a red hot
prohibition speech in which his
argument for temperance was
most convincing- band
furnished music for the day.
The debate for the K. L Davis
medal and the exercises of the
graduating class took place at
night in opera house.
The graduating was com-
posed of David L. Turnage,
Joyner, Thomas E. Joy-
and Misses Bertha Joyner,
end Lucy Barrett Diplomas
were presented each of these
in a most appropriate speech by
Mr. Stephen C. Wooten, follow
ed with a to his pupils by
Prof. E. If. Rollins,
the school- The de
tor the Davis medal were
members of the Athenian Liter-
society. The judges de-
J. Lloyd Horton win-
of the medal with David L.
a very close second.
The medal was presented in a
fine speech by Rev. H. H. Am-
of Wilson.
During the school
had the largest enrollment in its
history, and during the coming
summer more room will be
by the addition of two recitation
rooms and an auditorium x
feet. The building will then
consist of eight large recitation
rooms and there will be a
ponding increase in the teaching
force Farmville High school is
doing excellent work under
Rollins and splendid
and the people of the com-
are justly proud of it.
Farmville, N. C, May
There was a big crowd out
last night to hear Rev. M. T.
and T. H. King,
speak on the of
Both of these gentlemen
made eloquent speeches, and
won votes for the cause
Miss Annie Perkins, one of
the teachers in the Farmville
graded school, left yesterday
morning for her home in Green-
ville. She is an excellent teacher
and we hope she will return
when the school opens in the fall
Miss Bessie Poe Law, one of
the teachers in the Farmville
high school, left this morning
for her home in Her
work in the school which has just
closed, has been above criticism
in every respect, and her many
friends deeply regret that she
will not come back to Farmville
next year. She will not accept
the position.
G. L. Lang went to Greenville
Roy Bailey went to Greenville
Revs. M. T. Plyler, Greenville, and
T. H. King Speak-
Farmville, N. C, May 5th
The prohibition campaign op-j
here last night in the Christ-
church. Revs. M- T. Plyler.
and T. H. King of
Rev. Plyler opened the meet
in a earnest and con-
speech. are
some conditions of
upon which we are said
he. industrial activity.
hence we welcome the mill
factory. Second, educational ad
vantages, hence we foster our
educational institutions. Rut
with these, we must have
strong moral and religious
mer. therefore this whiskey
problem must be solved and it.
traffic prohibited. the bus-
world is against the liquor
the railroads, the great
labor are all
opposed to it. Second,
the religious world is against it.
Every church has declared
all the preachers and religious
leaders are on one Third, j
the home is against it. Hardly
a home can be found has not
Buffered. Fathers and
are for the protection of their
homes children
This is the first time the
pie of Farmville had
opportunity to hear Mr. r.
He made a Strong appeal. His
speech will I par its
Rev. T. H- King, of Winter-
followed with a strong and
eloquent talk. He Drought with
him a map illustrating
of North Carolina where
there is a sale of liquor
He showed that seventy-five
per cent, pf the State pro
th in
North said he,
sell liquor publicly. three-
fourths of them are east of the
Wilmington and Weldon railroad
within a radius of miles
the good old county of Pitt is
right in the He stated
that the drink habit cot North
Carolina last year twenty million
dollars, ten times as much as it
pays to educate its young man-
hood and womanhood, seven
times as much as it spends for
food. said he
dollar spent for whiskey is
lost to the legitimate channels of
trade, for everyone realizes how
strong drink destroys the energy,
life and vitality of man. There-
fore that means that forty
millions, counting the twenty
millions spent for liquor,
the liquor traffic in North
Carolina. This forty millions is
measured in the degradation of
manhood, the poverty it brings
to our homes and the numerous
crimes it causes man to commit.
Eighty percent of the crimes
committed in North Carolina
are caused by intoxicating drinks.
Listen, men of Farmville, you
have here a growing and pro-
town, the eyes of all
Carolina are upon you. therefore
in the name of Heaven, go forth
to the ballot box on the 26th of
May and register your will
against the liquor traffic and
show to the world that you arc
against such an
These two strong speeches will
show results on the 26th day of
May- The people of Farmville
predict a majority in favor of
prohibition in Farmville town-
At the
Jams Makes Welcome Address.
Tuesday night at eight o'clock
the Conference was
called to order by the president,
P. Hall, of Kinston, in the
Christian church. Devotional
service was held by the
minister. D. W. Arnold,
prayer by Mr. A. B. Wade, of
T. J. Jarvis was
to the audience by the
minister. Go.-. Jarvis delivered
the address of welcome to the
Annual Address Will be Delivered Vet. for and Wee
Mrs. R. R. Drinks. I
It will be of interest to the Some days ago tho editor of
people of our section of the State this paper addressed Elm B
that Mrs. R. R. Gotten Elder P D. sat solved. Mr J.
is to make the annual address fee and the
the graduating class at Greens
Primitive Baptist h- city hall
Female College on asking his views upon
day. May 20th. Those of us who the pending St ford and f
with Mrs Cotton's proposition he this we. k m far. e
both as a writer and I knows Oder Gold h-v- brother , he
speaker will whatever . .
college on the pleasure which and for what he conceive, to be .
awaits them, and feel sure that the light, and that h doe. the officers h-re need a worry
will on that occasion so tor any ac. tn-. a. .
as it hung on the words of that noble old to print
wisdom and superb rhetoric while
he portrayed the beauty of the
the From my the deceased tho night of
of the I have considered the letter
es of com a written U lira aid
sacred will told her about plan and why
welcomed the and o,, Sunday evening by Rev. J L be was to
visits to the hearts and home, g- , . . ch up a
and fr sermon on . -ale
Veil ten, -eider . letter, but have , M
Ti-p of y
hi hearers as the with which Mis. Gotten will w , , ,, , ,
Di tore J , . . . . love to m a held to the suicide ll wry
of nil and as stated above ,
greatest or an . , i very man i. evidence before the
calling should be adorned by Mi Patrick, the . rs ;.,. . t c . .
humble life, being filled the I living of the of, It i. d to eat
humble life, being we
and fullness of God. will present the Bibles
The earnest and Wednesday evening the
family knew i. tho
whereby brother far. ;.
dent made to
hie thoughts with the adduction, the music department will be J
i and she uM
said so then, instead of
, ., the people to mar
witchery and alluring -i to ti--- or aid the to
beauty and It eS
poetic fancy, or adorn the tar and many other ; in to and
of his with sparkling section of ,. . d. ,.,
of brilliant metaphors, tend the , . sh. .,,;.,
But gave discourse that which promise to be
was strong and power for it more than ordinary interest. j J it Run w -1 q.- . r.,
was armed with the One of the most imp.
of L j prohibits of the day
with the insurmountable ,., about which tn; general public
B . .
of unanswerable
and clothed with the
beautiful hind of eloquence, the
eloquence of truth, of facts, of
and of earnestness.
It was an ad
One Change.
The annual meeting of the
p. i-. GOLD, of owners of timber
N. C. May in different parts of
In this letter Eider Gold in o
the chief reason from i
will actuate good men i-i refusing the Northwest, th.
stockholders of tie Home
and Ass. was
held Tuesday night in the
i o the manufacture tr K-.-.- Fie
. . a goo, Every Just, elected U
dress o force and power, for hi. attendance and much ; r d ,. u
masterly array of fact, had the was manifested m what the ab- M do m .,,.
sweep of an don a is doing. , prohibition, care, plans include a
mountain It had the rush In calling the noting to order terminate the of b
of the waves when are H. A. White of . .
It had the force of a the growth the association
S C. Wooten went down the
road this morning.
old reunion will
be held next Tuesday, 12th, and
it promise, to be a great day for
swim when forests are
It was a tornado of logic in the
unbridled sweep of massive
It was an irresistible cyclone
of overwhelming argumentation
in its undisputed march to con-
and in every utterance
he reminded us of some power-
Vulcan hammering out
truths that will outlive the ivy
that will grow upon the tomb of
time and glow with the of
its own eternity of beauty amid
the sunbursts of the
splendors of immortality.
This morning an organization
was instituted by which better
work could be done among the
Disciples of North Carolina.
Some splendid addresses were
made during the Tonight
there is to be rendered a most
interesting program.
The ministers in
are J. A Hopkins, Winston-
Salem, Messrs.
Walker, Outlaw and Morton,
Wilson; Hall. Lewis,
Marshburn and Howard, Kins-
ton; A. B. Wade, Belhaven; Geo,
Moore. Swan Quarter; E. E.
Moore, Grifton; H. H. Ambrose,
Farmville, D. W. Arnold, Green-
during the past year and
for future development. He
was followed by Mr. H. W.
Whedbee who showed what the
association is doing for
ville in the building of homes and
that it was worth more to the
evil of drunkenness Of course tho work done by tho
it will not do that. It will lessen United State. Fore.-t Service in
the evil and remove temptation,
but no human law can make men
good. Elder Gold, while looking
at the question as it is and not
by any false hopes,
adds, I cannot give my vote
of conscience should be
It was worm more me -.-
town than any other institution I what might seem to
here. He urged the stocK-1 a the great of drunken-
holders to aid the officers and
directors of the association by
speaking a word for it at every
opportunity and influencing
to become int rested and
take part in it.
The report of Secretary and
Treasurer N. G. White showed j allowed
that during the past year the to Observer-
amount of business done was
There are now 1511
including th fifth series
which began May 2nd. A de-
tailed financial statement of the
association will be published in a
day or two.
The following were unanimous-
elected directors for the
ensuing H A. White. C.
T R n.
C. Moore. H. W. v bee. D- J
Whichard, B. W- Moseley, R. C.
Flanagan, R J. Cobb. C.
Laughinghouse, S. T. White and
C. C. Vines.
guarding against and extinguish-
Organizations of similar kind
and for a like purpose are at
work in Oregon and Idaho. In
the latter State, a portion of the
expense is loin by taxation and
paid from the State treasury. A
He then quotes the Word western railroad company which
of God in support of his view i holds large tracts of timber has
and concludes with righteous taken steps to guard its property
admonition to Let every man I from fire, and during the short
vote in this matter right time that its plans have beau in
to him, or not vote- Bitterness met with most
should not be encouraged but .
encouraging success.
Similar work h done on
the other side of the continent-
Forest owners In Maine
gone to work in the same
way to control the
The best drink of coffee- Gold
S. fa. Schultz.
Stephen C. Wooten for Legislature.
To the voters of Pitt .-. .
Farmville township having great enemy, fire. organ
strongly candidacy j are in other parts
of Stephen C. Wooten for our count how
next representative, we .
citizens cf it is now realized that pro-
township desire to against fire is of the
with Farmville in their endorse-1 greatest
respectfully ask that, is safe to say that fires
the voters of Pitt county nominate ,. , , destroyed
him next county convention. nave
Mr. Wooten was raised among i more timber than lumbermen
us and we can recommend him have cut- When timber was
to the voters of Pitt county with abundant, the waste passed
Abner Eason. J. C
G. W. Jefferson, D. F. Lang,
J. L J. R. Owens
A new lot of bran at F. V. i a. J. Jefferson, J R. Dozier,
Johnston's Phone G T. Puckett. Dr.
most unnoticed, but now that
a scarcity is at hand actual
wood famine threatens in
near future, the owners of r-st
lands are waking up and
action to save what is left.

Eastern reflector, 1 May 1908
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
May 01, 1908
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Joyner NC Microforms
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