Eastern reflector, 22 July 1891

A whole year only
in to gel it yon must
-----FAY X IN X ADVANCE.------
Intent lint can be surpassed no
where in this section. Our work always
Senator has
col Ion cm in is put
The customs l Mexico
will soon go into effect.
aw Bar
ill the World's Fair.
in are
polled lo In-
for Governor.
A destructive.
overpaid Missouri and Kansas.
The receipts id the N York
custom In use
shows that, th-
Catholics Matter in Una
has a
proclamation the now
has been made duel of the new
arrived at New lie received
a warm welcome.
Governor Boise of Iowa has issued
an the relief suffer-
I lie floods.
There are no less young
men taking ions for en-
I hi
The Lulled Slates steamship
Alert has sailed from Victoria
V , the sea.
William S. Tyler, now
In-- ear, has instructor
at College
The Alexander
Clark, die-1 at his past in Li
a, interment.
The statue
Chicago, cu-t bronze at
a few days ago, is lo
the largest port i in
Point Tuesday
transferring several thousand acres
laud mid water
old graveyard m
v, been dug and
to be rich bodies.
to last accounts had
taken out.
The Eastern Reflector.
D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Proprietor.
TERMS Per Year, in Advance.
Bears mid cougars are reported
so numerous Or., I bat
ilia children go crowds, for safe-
ft oP
being armed
the case of Mrs. Sarah
who died hospital,
German hospital, the coroners jury
decided that her demise was due to
I be transfer.
Two female M. are among the
summer physicians appointed, by
the New York Board of Health to
minister to the sick poor ten-
Washington's exhibit at
World's Fair are lo include a
-a It is
now news out near
It reported from Colorado that
two tamers have found famous
far which prospectors
teen far years, tit
consists of a tush streak
almost solid surer, estimated to run
from to in value per
A Crack Advertisement is not
the that
mikes th noise. a
good stolid announcement of your
in plain language,
will a better effect on
average mind titan toe
style. pays-
revolution in the religions
word goes It seems that every
man is trying to slap, what is cull
ed square in the
and deal it a death blow. The
of the age; the
creeds; I he dogmatism of a few
all conspire to keep the
world a of
One id great of the
new theology is the brilliant Thus.
Dixon Mew York, but a
birth and education.
A. C- is a
or abilities and never
the but lb
as a
A. C. c
some ago lo
and To the
of all sensible Tim-.
the billowing tin-
wish it lo
stood theologically A.
is one man and am latter. He
is my dearly beloved in the
flesh, but for his i
language Tails to
This narrow minded
assault on Beecher is to deeply
Ward Beecher is the one
man to whom I owe chiefly the in-
of my w a id
Christ. regard him is the j
st man America ever
and the teacher and j
love r with ism
ale of a disciple, lie is
lo me a constant source of
and power. library con-
his works
all could buy. An
by Beecher adorns wall,
and his statute stands my
desk. is one of my t
ideas. I feel sure he will be a
man the
than he wan in the
A. C. Dixon's lei ch
is so profound it passes
it it
his attacK would be a
without excuse.
lies his
Cm.-e the man, but
system of modern i
an exhibit ion.
Ii u. I hope lo
more sec a lie ,
I it with an
haired and the
do promise my Father hi a
to do my little part in
world of such a
It to be r j
both A. and I
arc arid
4- t-. is
loyal to theology and
is to Beecher. What does
such wild, reckless dashes and
flounce- mean. Why should the
son of Thomas be disturbed by the
of ;
that i guardian ;
angel of body J Such an i
unjustifiable onslaught a i
Will hot tend to crown this young j
disciple of Beecher with very
talk in-
that Thomas is drifting to
some haven he knows of.
Would a sensible man say Beech- ,
is to go there T
I- be so infatuated with
k. i-B j
in other it seems to
make where- this meet-1
shall take place. If Thomas
cannot greet Beecher ill heaven he
would be glad to greet nun In bell.
Oh Thomas, Thoma, why will
thou to the dead carcass of
Henry Ward f Is it that
Thomas is looking the
Plymouth pulpit Has he no in-
ward call to the church over which ;
Beecher reigned as Lord and king, j
Would not Thomas be allowed all j
the latitude desired pulpit
sphere Beecher things
to ail men I Would not young
disciple fill the plane, most
conspicuous ability Why not
nominate him and have him
ed at once. Lyman Abbott re
tire and give place to this champion
of the new
But we ask the question in all
earnestness, where T hum as Unit-
Where will land He
seems to champion every man who
departs from the established teach
of the He the willing
advocate of all innovations in
We have no desire to
place brilliant light in an
enviable attitude. But
we think it only a question of lime
when this brother will
land into He is now id
tributary stream that- rapidly
down to great
unbelief. We trust he
before be reaches water where
so anchor reaches bottom.
V.-r. Information fro
is u diamond in the rough.
He is a sort of ancient patriarch; a
fanatic who sees good in everything, no
matter how trivial. lie prays and sings
and assumes more religion than he
feels, lie is a farmer by nature and is
satisfied with his calling.
ambitions are to horse
in the colony and to know how to ride
him, and lo have tho finest rifle in
colony and lo know how to use it. The
Boer loves English civilian and
him, but the
soldier lie is a tail, fine looking
men of mankind, albeit a little greasy
and dirty, with a long beard that
razor boa never touched. The
of Waldo's father, which Miss
has drawn in The Story of
mi African perfect type that
you see quite frequently.
are quite content to
have the Transvaal remain under
Boer government. In fact, would
hate to sec it otherwise, as those who
live there feel very harshly toward
England for not having come to their
assistance when they were
of the diamond fields, Mr.
said that the mines
have consolidated by that won-
genius, Cecil Rhodes, the
great friend of Salisbury and
Boom alike. Rhodes has amalgamated
all of the companies into one vast
that controls the output of
world. Tho Brazilian mines were
bought out by it and closed down be-
cause they did not pay. of
per cent, of tho diamond supply
from India, the remainder comes from
the fields. The white stones,
called the Brazilian stones, that are so
and costly, camp from the mines
in fields called
Cecil and his associates made
the calculation that world's month-
supply of diamonds was
Thereupon they limited the output to
and put tho price up one-
third. They contemplate a further re-
and an added cost.
Mr. exhibited several
mens of diamonds in the rough, which
It Is necessary to have a permit to carry
in the Transvaal. He also showed the
Among bis curious collections
s a large specimen of what is called
is, tho matrix of the
diamond. It is a blue stone in which
the diamond is formed. When first
taken out it is as hard as diamond
Itself, but exposed to tho outer
and the rain it grows soft,
into dust and yields up its treas-
the rough diamond, that comes
forth its wonderful
The climate of the Transvaal, Mr.
is simply perfect, and
in addition to the vast store of
treasure which she has accumulated,
has made the soil such that tho rarest
vegetables and plants will grow in
A Word for
Maximilian was not the royal
some would have us believe. He woe
visited at by a large delegation
of representative Mexicans, who ten-
him the scepter, and ft
was only after mature consideration
counsel with the leading minds of
Europe that he accepted
crown- When Defrayed at
by Mexican perfidy condemned
be shot, through tho intercession
American officers he was offered hi
what of and
said the emperor. are Mexicans,
traitors to their country, and must
I Then die with said tho noble
Austrian, and the next day witnessed
Urn most scene over enacted on
this execution of
emperor of Mexico, and bis two
faithful generals. In tho light of his-
Maximilian will regarded an
unfortunate prince,
i would have been the happiness
his people had ho succeeded in
the Mexican empire. Menard-
ville Record.
An anecdote is told of a physician
who was called to u foreign family to
n of Incipient con-
for pills wrote the direction,
o be three times a day,
any convenient The family
looked in the dictionary to get the
meaning of the prescription. They got
on well till they got to the word
They found it was defined at
wagon, carriage,
After, grove c come to
the a that the doctor meant
that patient should ride out, and,
while in tho vehicle take the pill He
followed the advice to the letter, and
in a few weeks the fresh ah and
secured the advantage winch other-
wise might not
A Ba-
Mr, near Win-
ford, has a hen's egg that is somewhat
Of a curiosity, Besides being the
it has from small end a
growth about one inch in length and
the size of a lead pencil, which is folded
back- toward the larger end, resembling
the arm and band of on
Atlanta Constitution.
is one thing about
us, Jack, that I like. arc sensible
lovers. We don't use that baby
and we never will, either,
will we
The young woman who writes her
address on the eggs before
she sends them to market has received
a It came from a man who .
proposed that hereafter she send strict-
trash instead of the stale ones
she bad been in the habit of selling.
She no wonts be-
fore they are hatched.-ft
Mr. th Bear.
Mr. Barnes, one of the early
settlers of N. II., stood
looking out of his cabin door one
day in early spring, when he saw a
large bear passing along the upper
edge of snow covered clearing.
He ran for his gun, but found it unfit
for use. Ho seized an ax, therefore,
and in considerable excitement started
in pursuit of the bear.
As Mr. came up, bear
stopped and looked at him. He raised
his and brought it down with what
he thought stunning effect; but Bruin
lifted his paw and struck the ax from
the of his enemy, and then fell
upon him. bitting him severely in the
leg and thigh.
It was a dangerous
with the bear and wholly unarmed.
When the beast opened his month for
another the unfortunate man, in
desperation, pushed his band between
tho Jaws and ran his arm down the
Meanwhile Mrs. Barnes had run to
the nearest neighbor's, Samuel East-
man, who seized his gun and hastened
to Mr. relief. lie arrived very
opportunely. Mr. Barnes was
with the bear, but was growing
faint from loss of blood.
Not daring to shoot for fear
wounding bis friend, Mr. Eastman tool
tho ax and dealt Bruin a blow on tho
thigh. The animal turned, and then
without ceremony lumbered off toward
the woods, where he disappeared before
Eastman could lire at him. On the
following day, however, tho bear was
tracked and
Mr. Injuries were so severe
that months elapsed before he was able
to perform any Com
Colored Fired.
For the production of red, green,
low and blue fires, one-fifth part of the
is shellac. As this is a
constant quantity it is apparent at once
that the shellac has nothing to do with
determining tin. color, serves, the
purpose that charcoal does in tho man-
of gunpowder. It holds the
other elements in desired form, and
regulates the rate of combustion.
Another fifth part of these several
compounds is the chlorate of potassium.
is used for the detonating effect.
to startle beholder with crack-
ling sound, and with the scattering
the fire. Of itself it would give a whit
light, and would burn with intense
It imparts to the rocket
Tho remaining throe-fifths are
give color to the name. They differ,
of course, in four compounds.
producing red fire nitrate of strontium
is used; for green, nitrate of
for yellow, nitrate of sodium; and
blue, ammonia sulphate of copper. As
we find nitrates used for the first three
colors named, it is plain that the effect
is determined wholly by the re-
of strontium, barium
sodium. It is equally true that blue k
the result of tho burning of copper.
Violet and purple, are com
To produce the violet, lime
and copper and are burned to-
For purple, and
are burned with fast little
The fumes of are par
harmful, and all these sub
stances yield that ought not to be
freely breathed. Very
could be obtained using
and other similar elements, bat
their use would be dangerous to health.
Western Druggist.
sir, I am a crack walker, said
a gentleman in a down town hotel.
Several of his friends turned around
and gave him a look that was mingled
with surprise and inquiry. One of them
said quickly, on earth crack
The reply a
man . a woman who cant slop on a
crack feeling nervous and
lightened over it. Of when
of us goes over a brick sidewalk the
cracks don't count, bat on a crossing
a big we so arrange oar steps
as to a ad the cracks,
began it years ago com in
just to occupy my mind, bat it
long before I had the habit so
firmly fixed upon me that I am afraid
will never get over it. Now, let me in-
step on a crack and the
cold sweat will stand oat on me like
What do I
step over the spot again, carefully
avoiding the crook. I don't know
whether that, docs mo any good or not,
but I know always feel better after it.
It always seems to me that I shall not
have good look if I break my habit. I
know lots of men who are crack walk-
and I have board of some of them,
getting into such a state that they were
farced to, place themselves under the
fare of a Globe.
. Steam, by m Hew Process.
It is said that a new method of gen-
steam has met with remarkable
success in England,. The invention k-
adaptable to any ordinary Cornish,
Lancashire or marine boiler. The
for perfecting the
consists of an air tuba placed on
floor of the furnace, perforated on each
aide, hi communication at the outer
end with a hot receiver or air diffusing
pipes, where the air becomes highly
heated and delivered by a large
of jets into
the fuel chamber. The air is obtained,
by means of a fan driven by a small
engine. New York Telegram
why is George
Brown absent
his stater's got a Bat ain't
one of my sisters is cot small-
pox and one do measles, I
come nil do
Mar Powerful Than
more powerful
quinine In counteracting fevers is said
to have been discovered-in Mexico.
is a plant called the tho
root of which contains a substance
analogous to Liter
I of nm Famous
I Recalls Noted Events.
Ts write a history of the
I be to write the. history of Prague
during tho past five centuries. This,
indeed, were well worth the doing, for,
though the Old World is rich in his-
cities, are more interesting
j than this wonderful old town, with its
. stately buildings, its quaint old
and gardens and Its memories
i of Illustrious men and
Haas and Maria Theresa
her Implacable enemy, Frederick
the Great. How many times these and
others scarcely less have passed
to and fro the
Trap-no was the favorite city of that
splendid monarch, Charles IV,
stepfather of the empire, but tho father
of Ho established her
university and beautified the
town in many ways, laying the
foundation of in 1357,
For work went on, and
when Anally completed, In 1507, It was
Justly regarded as a triumph of en-
skill of the age.
Even today few bridges ore worthy
of more admiration than tho old
with, its grand old Gothic tower
and it.- sixteen noble arches spanning
the As time
on statues and groups pf were
grouped on tho buttresses of tho bridge.
Tho oldest of these, a large stone
fix, with images of the Virgin and St
John, was built with money wrung
from the Jews. Short services were
held before the
curious group, showing
suffering souls in purgatory,
orated the dreadful visitation of the
But the most interesting of
the statues is that of St. John of M.-m-
of bridges and the
saint whom all delights to
honor St. John, so tho legend tells
us, was confessor of the lovely
Queen of Bohemia and refused to re-
veal tho secrets of he, confessional u.
her jealous, husband. Tho cruel
commanded him to tortured, and
afterward he was thrown from the
at night the rushing
Whereupon the body of the
good priest, instead of sinking, con-
to float until taken from
water, while brilliant
over it. The represents an as-
figure holding a crucifix and
around the the five
One lingers at the One old
tower at tho entrance to the bridge. If
by some spell like that used in the Ara-
could unseal lips of
the figures who look down
so calmly from their lofty station, what
tragic tales they could tell of the many
times the of battle has surged
across bridge. During the stormy
days of tho Thirty War It was
the scene of many and for ten
years the heads of twelve of Bohemia's
nobles swung in iron cages
from tho tower. Later citizens of
Prague rallied to its defense against the
Swedes and bold it three long
months, till peace of Westphalia
ended the war. When Frederick the
Great invaded Bohemia it was tho scene
of a bloody struggle, and as lately as
the revolution of a famous
was built there by the students.
But tho days of the are
numbered. Three of its arches were
carried away by a swollen river, and
tho collapse of a fourth render Ha de-
inevitable. Begun as the
night of the Middle Ages was
to, roll away, and finished in the dawn-
light of the Reformation, tho old
bridge falls just as Twelfth century
opens before the on
Nature ant l
In the expulsion of the seeds of the
balsam the contract of some
object is of advantage. The
seed case consists of one cell with five
valves, and, if touched by accident
when ripe, it at once bursts open, the
valves coiling themselves violently, and,
springing from the stalk, scatter tho
seeds in all directions. In the poppy
and snapdragon a still larger share of
the work of releasing the seeds falls to
an outer agency, for hero the
consists of a which opens along
the top by valves that leave small
pares through which tho seeds fall oat
when am she
wind. In all of various methods
of the expulsion of seeds it would seem.
that they were due to. mechanical
causes, and depend In most instances
except upon a certain
condition of dryness in themselves, and.
the state of the sum at-
Mr. Wilson Noble considers that
there are on the average nearly forty
j of sickness for every death., and
that each ease of illness lasts on an
average 181-2 days, which means a
loss of labor. This
computation does not include extra
cases of illness occur among the
working classes from exhaustion. If
only half these oases ore taken into con-
it will be found that each
year the work of a thousand men for
one hundred years is lost through 111-
London Tit-Bits.
Tho past week witnessed
more indications of a very
summer and fall than had been seen
some months. new BO
many contracts let many plans
future operations. Following
alter tho announce-
week of regular steam
ship from Newport News to
in today's issue that Norfolk
follows in the same week, and that
arrangements have been made, for
lines from that
Thus the
bids Mr to keep up with
great development.
Among the industrial matters in
this week's issue I he.
Hie losing of build-
contracts the erection of
Ky, amount
mg lo ii
miter works engines at
815-1,000; a muck bur
and nail mill I, m Hour. a
machine com
West Virginia; a to-
a cotton mill
West Virginia-, a
company, three
phosphate companies, with
and stock
in Florida; a mil.
iii up of the iron pipe work-
tho blowing of a
option on rec furnaces st
iron laud,
capitalists at
n electric, light and
water company at Arlington, a
Va; an light and
potter company at S. C; a
building company in
a bobbin Shot.
company at High Point, B. C.; a
a coal company,
West Virginia; a
compress company at, Columbia, -S.
8-5,000 I urn her company
Florida; a mining
in West. a power
house at ; a brew-
at I. Va.; a
works a
carriage a
company W. s. Virginia; a
company at
burg, Miss; com-
at and a
buck Kentucky. All
point to en early
Of confidence in financial
this soon lead lo heavier
investments In the South limn have
ever m a more
in all lines of develop-
this sect ion.
When the new cemetery
at City, S. IX, the remains of
little son of Mr. Eugene
were disinterred for removal. This, I
believe, was first case of
man observed in the hills.
I alter on were found to have
been transformed solid rock,
plainly preserved every feature, even
to tracing of the veins in
temples, wrists and hands.
Deadwood the remains of that famous
frontiersman, Wild were also
found to be petrified. These, things
may sound and unlikely,
to those residing in the east, bat
In the Black Hills region it is an open
secret that not one corpse in a
tarns to
The Publication of Laws,
of State
desires us to State that the
delay in getting out laws this
year is caused by the fact that the
paper contractor a contract
with a machinist to put in
ed works in his mill lour weeks
time, and consumed ten
doing so, thereby the sup-
ply of paper weeks, by
the at the time of pas-
sago of the law in ii ii tho pub-
laws to lie pi in ninety days
the adjournment the
lure. average size of
the volume was about page
large typo. The volume of laws for
1891 will be 1,600 pages pi
type, four times tho
of printed matter. The distribution
of laws will begin about the
middle of I his mouth.,
Tho Hew Party Hot
An extended canvass by the
the new party is not en-
by farmers of New
gland and New York. men in-
were all prominent far-
While some favor more
independent political than
heretofore, neatly alt
idea of a special party. The
bill, and tho loaning
of now issues paper by the
land are looked
as wild schemes. Free coin
age of silver bus a small following.
general is that
farmer's movement in this section
of the country will consist more in
independent action through old
parties than in forming any new
party.- Ex.
Hero sad There as Gathered
From our Exchanges.
The engineer corps has commenced
sin along the Dismal Swamp
Canal route the Charleston
and Norfolk Railroad this
The Assembly at Here
head City d a resolution adopts
War lot Southern lade.
as a permanent name fr
the struggle between the
Si ales.
Richmond and Danville
road has con the Western
North Carolina to Murphy, the
sent Cherokee, lite extreme
western county of North Carolina,
trains are now running to that
J. ,.
of Cameron, tells the Carthage
that he killed a water i
few days ago whit h measured
feel in and or inches in
diameter, and a horn its hack
Kin-ton Work has
on remodeling I he A.
N. C. pot. It will he enlarged
made nice and convenient. It has
long been ., mid we tip lint
to the present progressive
The cold
weather has cotton with lice.
In places they arc numerous
kins, a colored living
R. farm, near Mildred,
shot himself in
the brain.
present writing Me. A.
wears the as champion Km
wheat grower. On acres
inside of I he
of he raised thin year
of as line wheat as we
have ever seen, his average being
bushels to the ace.
A in
gave a group of an ex-
for them lo solve in
He said. H lot
of sheep at a head,
them at and made in the
Alter they bail all
it Up be
before I sold
The Max loll Union on
alt- in Sunday, the Mr.
lames of county, left
his pistol on a window sill, and
some one passing it off
When it struck the tin weapon
was the hall his
son in breast, pass-
through his heart and killing
him instantly.
Weldon We learn that Ike
Board of North
has to grant
nay license to retail in the
After the expiration
licenses now in force prohibition will
prevail unless the
law the 0010-
s gr nil licenses up-n
with the
hut. Court,
hi Mere, has construed law to
give larger
than the bare language
would imply.
Winston There slam Is
three miles west of Durham, in sight
of the Carolina an
humble, cabin. In
this cabin Johnson met Sherman
more than a a century ago
and with him the of
hit surrender to him. The
cabin is now owned by Mr. It. T
Duke, of who contemplates
having it to Chicago
World's Fair fer exhibition.
Special Notice.
In adopting the Advance Sys-
for this year Tim will
be continued to no one for a longer time
than it is paid for. II you find
just after your name on the margin
subscription expires two weeks
from this
it is to give you notice that unless re-
newed In that time Tub
will cease going to you at the
of two
one of of
Ion list of between
can girts and Is of th
eldest daughter of Edward
now the wife of Mr.
of Russia, secretary of legation at
ens. Twelve or thirteen years ago, as
an of tho Russian legation,
young foreigner met and at once fall
desperately in love with Mist Baals.
The young carried on their love-
under the rover of
darkness, in Wash-
One night the watchman went ht
rounds, as usual, and, thinking
square to be empty, can-fully kicked
tho gates and departed to his I
Unconscious of this fact, the
roused from their absorbing com
and prepared to leave the i
Their consternation at finding
wives imprisoned in no wise laB-
by discovery
that not a soul seemed to be stirring en
tho streets who could come to
Tho was no help for it The only
way out of the difficulty was to
the massive iron spike fence.
great difficulty the young lady climbed
to the top, when, to her horror, as
her feet sought to secure a resting place
in the descent, tho gruff voice of a
shouted menacingly in then-
Rapidly giving directions In French
to Miss to proceed with alt speed
possible and ran for home while he
engaged the Intruder in conflict, Mr.
successfully tussled
the fellow until, happy in the
edge his Instructions had been
carried out, ho himself Into
of tho officer, knowing that, as a
member of n foreign legation, be
liberated immediately upon arrival
at Dispatch.
The Hots Scandal.
We read in public all
parties in county
belong to That
seems impossible lo believe.
families do not carry
guns and kill innocent, men,
ambush. Them been some
members of first families in vi
and it never to them
to take law into their own hands
and off a shot gun at a supposed-
man and then take to their
heels. Members of first families arc
seldom seen running away from an
enemy. They arc generally gentle-
man and ladies.
It is deplorable from many points
of view that the brothers Miss
Maggie herself a young lady
of good and hitherto high
standing among her friends, should
have so widely thoroughly ad-
her misfortune by attempt-
to publicly right her wrong and
that, by murder. Under no
chance could such a plan
It simply makes two wrongs
where there was but one before. If
Michael was so bad that he
deserved to be killed by the
brothers, would have been cruel
to force a union between him and
their there could lie no con
genial feeling or sympathy between
such a and a lady of refine-
As this deplorable affair stands at
present, it has boon made worse by
the lawlessness brothers.
One innocent man is dead, three
must be put on trial for their lives,
scandal, so far from being
is past curing, except by
time. affair is greatly to
be deplored, but its lesson ought to
be of service In every community
where there are lawless awn.
A Sorrow of Or. Mars.
A prominent clergyman of
tho relations between clergy-
men, told tho following astonishing
anecdote, lie said that no clergyman
who has ever been pastor of a Mew
York church was more popular, in bis
day more famous, or had a wider repute
as a pulpit orator and public speaker
than Dr. was
a and Horace was
one of his parishioners.
Dr. was smitten with a
disease, and it was publicly an-
in the newspapers. He had
some heart trouble, which did not
vent friends from seeing him, but H
was known it end his life in a
brief time. Ho boil boon sick for
five weeks, when one day the Rev. Dr.
called. Ho was shown into
room and found the
clergyman lying upon a sofa.
When ho saw ho into
tears and Dr. was surprised.
I can't help
tears, but they express gladness
rather than sorrow. Do yon know that
you are first clergyman of all those
who professed friendship for
who has called to see mo or oven sent a
message of sympathy to me In my
Not a single clergyman has been
so considerate, and I tell you it has
been a bitter sorrow to mo at
Two days later this great orator
dead, and the only religious
or sympathetic call he had during
his final illness was that of this Baptist
Is it sensible la it reasonable
la if. economy, to suffer and
worry others with a headache
will relieve you
teen minutes. It costs only fifty
cents a bottle.
Tarboro A colored
man living on the. farm of Lieut.
John W. while on her way
home Wednesday from this place
a dog cart, was thrown out and cut
severely n bottle that she had in
her hand. mule dodged out of
the road and she was thrown violent-
lo the ground, sustaining a pain-
N. C.
attention given to collections.
k. c.
Prompt careful attention to
Collection solicited.
K. . L. JAMBS,
N. C.
Practice in all I be courts.
a Special
A W,
N. C.
in all the Courts.
If. U.
N. C
Office in Skinner Building, upper I
opposite Photograph Gallery.

have the letter pub-
Mr. John
i Office at
f Announcement.
or advertisements, and m
trouble payment i
I h i I
iII ii Kin
line for each insert
Legal Advertisement such M
. .
to avoid
for any space
made by application to office
in person or by letter.
Copy N v
handed S by o'clock or, Tuesday
morning in order to receive prompt in-
the day following.
The a
Will he found
through which to reach the public.
When President Davis last
December a year ago the different
cities of the Sooth sot up their
claims to be the final vest-
of the great chieftain.
Numerous petitions were present
to Mrs. Davis and family from
various places to let the
dent be buried there
New Orleans was selected as n
temporary grave and Mis. Davis
for a, year to consider the
matter and consult with her
that time she received
many petitions and from
all parts of the Booth. Neatly
eighteen mouths elapsed before
she made her final decision. A
special deputation from
on her in Sew York
and set forth claims
to he final resting of the
Booth's beloved leader in her days
of darkness calamity.
A few days ago Mrs. Davis
made public her decision. Every
place that petitioned sot forth good
reasons pal she considering that
as Virginia ha A bean the scene of
actions and
the point, decided to
the body over to the care of
the citizens of Richmond to rest
there the day of
Mississippi presented strong
bad given to the
country and bestowed on him
honor she and was
tho place of his residence, and
therefore had good claims to
the final renting place of ins earth-
remains. But Virginia was the
place of his great career. It was
there ho guided tho destinies of
the South in the four years of
equal struggle. There he display-
ed his great qualities of states-
he won tho
dying of tho soldier in the
gray, and it is fitting and proper
that he should be permanently in
the ex-capital of the Confederacy.
Two chieftains were never more
beloved by any people than
son Davis and R. E. Leo wore by
the South. In the great war they
linked their destinies with the
South, and by they gave
the their lives for its
independence, the one in the ox
office guiding the affairs
of State, tho other in tho field
leading his men to victory, and
comforting them in defeat. They
stood by her in war, they stood
by her in peace, and in down-
fall they cast their destiny with
those whom they had led.
Lexington, Ya., is Gen. Lee's
resting place but he
ought to lie side by side with
Jefferson Davis in Richmond.
The world has recognized Gen.
Lea's ability and generalship, but
it not yet awarded to
son Davis the recognition which is
due him. It w ill be done and ho
will be found to be second
in America.
Ono of the most uncalled for
things we have seen is the attack
of Rev. Dixon on bis broth-
A. C- Dixon. It shows a
of notoriety more than of the
Christian truth. The Christian
world so far as the two men are
known does recognize and has
A. O. Dixon as a safer
leader than Thomas Dixon. The
attack grew out of a remark made
by A. C. Dixon about Henry Ward
Beeches. I Bra. Thomas Dixon
says he regards Beecher as the
Greatest man world has pro-
and if Beecher is in he
wants to go there too. We guess
if be gets there with him he will
have much as he do with-
out enjoying his company.
, Patrick, Secretary of the Snot hen
and it i
in full for the benefit el
Th far
a Pat county day, and th n
at mill ail who can
no m. and w. with
h- Ham of the pr
meet the
our people. Pitt
ate sorry to say. baa made no
an at the
exposition and wit s done will
be dean bf the
a The
i, y
, a lull I.- .;
be the
. We do not sec ho Put
nth her acreage of idle lauds
I oat are of
and ; many
can let
in the
want oar waste place.-
up, our more
and this is the to accomplish it.
Lei looking for know
bat advantages has
and the that be
held out to them.
The to
do its towards Mich under-
taking In addition to there
a large and creditable display from
Pitt this special Pitt county day,
there should be an industrial
the of several thousand
for among the
people who will be present ti-om
If the business men
enterprising citizens the
want such a
have it. The is
ready to serve then with whatever
they desire. All the help we will
want in an is that
the business men take enough ad-,
space in the industrial is-
sue to defray near the
actual expense, incurred in
it out. they can see
S Newest U Latest Styles Lowest Prices
i. T
carry the largest stock of
of any store in Greenville. Look over this
J. B. Cherry.
J. R.
J. G.
We beg i and j we now have th
most stock we ever had. To our lady friends
we wish to that our stock of Dress Goods will com-
favorably with line in town.-------
Boy's Suits
Men's Suits
Nice All Wool Pants
Thin Coats
Flannel and Silk Ladies Slippers
all styles and sizes j; Low Quarter button shoes
Latest styles and best brands of
Gent's Wool Hats
Ladies Oxford Ties
Children's shoes
and Ladies shoes
Nice Check Muslin
White Lawn in all styles els.
Mulls, Nun's Veiling and many
other fabrics.
to pf yd
nice brown domestic
Silk Mohair coals and G s Wool H
Gent's Low Quarter Shoes Straw Flats
All we ask is that you call and examine our stock and prices
In Wool Fabrics we have Hen-j, In or Men and
Cashmeres. Albatross Hals we have nice styles
and in die leading and will sell at to please
Spring and
November. The visitors will expert steamboat
see what the h has to offer exhaust, lightening flash But
whistles of various fowls
Do net wait until Take
this work op at
I is
t Display i now
In fact he seemed to
being get music out of almost everything
ranged in the of The he touched. The orchestra were
Permanent Display
will be
round so
all the year
is sent at once doing
kept applauded and it is
worth a trip to Morehead to hear
and you I them.
your section great good; an
add to it Horn time to time as
you make .,,,,
The to
people of each in the South
to tree of
cost, at the S later-State
awake can afford to kit
out. It will cost bat very little to
collect the articles for exhibit ten,
railroads are
and all southern
tho exhibits free. AM
that is necessary i to direct to
his will pay them We
not wish to make money out
the special edition for
anything the cost will satisfy
as. We know advertising and
budding up section will help
and along with others we be
if anything la to be done this
the time is here to
We are lead to with any
the business men this mat-
that man can
accomplish nothing banded.
There be a coming together
and acting together if the best
are to
that Greenville and
towns the
together this
give such as
would be worth thousands of
The is at. tho service
of Pitt county.
S. Ci July 13th,
D. J. ,
Pitt Co., N.
Dear to name
October 19th, as Pitt
and we hope that will be able
to cake special charge of this
of the Exposition, that your
county may be fully represented
and shown to the very best
On that date people ought
to arrange so that each who at
from your county should wear
badges with the name of your
county printed This would
show enterprise on tho part of the
people, and think would be of
a special advantage to you.
prominent gentleman will be named
who will deliver an of
come, and we would like for you to
name some from town and
county to respond to tho welcome
address. Several towns the
have asked that a special day
be named for them, and we thought
it would be to tho interest of
people to have a day named for
your Will you please take
this in hand, call the at
of people to it f If
cannot time to it such
attention as you is
please name some party, after con-
with people, who will
take the proper interest so as to
make a success that will reflect
credit upon county.
Yours truly,
Jno. T.
In this connection we publish the
following extract from an open let-
addressed the people the
by Mr.
If a merchant has goods to sell he
does not expect a customer to
until he sees the quality and
If the South has lands, water
powers, minerals And timber to sell
they not be sold unless they am
advertised, and unless what they are
capable of and the
is shown to those who desire to
The cheapest menus
is to have a dozen columns of
one of county papers de-
voted to the advantages that
county can offer to land buyers; and
to ten thousand printed,
and to for distribution
among the large number of visitors
who will attend the Dis-
play, which is continuously open to
our whole
This season at Morehead is the
best and most pleasant in tho his-
of that famous and delightful
summer resort. Its has
long since escaped the bonds of
North Carolina and rapidly
spreads throughout
union of States. The
predicts that at no distant day the
Atlantic at Morehead
tho most widely known and
best patronized of any resort and
the Atlantic Coast. During our
late visit an examination of
the register showed that
were present fifteen
different States. North Carolina,
South. Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
Alabama, Mississippi. Louisiana,
Arkansas, California. Tennessee,
Now York
Virginia Maryland. There
were several families from
phis, Tenn., aggregating up-
wards of fifty people from that
and Alabama had a
largo representation.
Tho success with which this re-
sort is meeting reflects credit upon
the excellent management. The
proprietors, Messrs. Foster Bros.,
natural and know
For those who participate in
dancing the spacious ball room
feet square affords
for that pleasure.
The above arc some of tho
attractions at the Atlantic.
Outside t h e i e is abundant
sport at fishing-, and bath-
The catch of trout is
y large think nothing
of bringing a hundred or two.
The boats down are splendid
and numerous. No need ii ave
any fears going out with such
clever captains as P. E.
J. It. Alpha
Truly Morehead is a delightful
how to please their guests, in
this they an unsurpassed co-
in the person of Mr. Camp-
bell, the head clerk.
Tho Atlantic has a frontage of
about feet, the main
being three stories high. It has
three hundred rooms, all fitted
with gas, water works and
bell connection with the office.
Tho main dining room has a seat-
capacity of and it requires
from forty to sixty waiters. Bo
sides this there is another largo
dining loom for children and one
for servants. The de-
is in tho hands of a chef
from New York who is assisted
by twelve of the best cooks that
can found. Tho ranges and
kitchen paraphernalia is simply
immense. A meal for five
people can and
served in two hours.
A splendid feature at Morehead
this is the
music. One of the finest
that comes South is engaged
and conceits three times a
day are delightful The
consists of eight persons each
of whom is a skilled musician.
Mr. Chas. W. Whiting, of
go, is manager and solo
Mrs. Whiting also plays solo
cornet; Mr. Thad. of New
York, fist violin, Mr. Wm. Bucking-
ham of Washington City second vi
P. Whitcomb, of N. Y.
Mr. J. P. Jayne, New
York, bass; Mr. Chas. Perry, Phil-
trombone; Mr. Goo. A.
Parks, New York,, trap drums,
xylophone and bells. The last
named is almost a musical won-
his parts requiring the use at
different times of double drums,
xylophone, bells, sleigh bells,
tambourine, castanets, clogs, sand-
Chesapeake and Ohio Bail-
road Company recently closed a
with a steamship com-
for a regular lino of ocean
steamers to be run directly horn
Newport News the
ports. This is another stroke for
Southern development, and we
predict will lead to such an
between several South-
ports and steamship
for tho same business. The
Chesapeake and Ohio contract
will furnish a direct outlet for
western grain to foreign ports.
The Atlantic Coast Lino and the
Seaboard Air Line could made
arrangements and
direct outlets for tho South
and Southwest at Norfolk and
Wilmington. Other lines can do
tho same thing, all our South
Atlantic and Gulf posts can be
made direct shipping points to all
parts of the world. Not only can
this be done, but tho time will
come when it will done, and we
the clay is not far distant.
the decree of the caucus as n-
Secretary Busk is to the
annual encampment of the G. A. It.
at Detroit next month, he is
expected help fix up things for
Mr. Harrison with the old soldiers.
Look out for a break between tho
and the people.
They long suspected most of
the Misrepresentations concerning
Mr. Blame's health were the work
of Mr. Harrison but it was
the other day that they
in one of the fakes
one saying that
bad placed his resignation
hands because in- ex-
to get well in
the author.-hip mighty close
to it having been
telegraphed from here by the
respondent who the In-
Journal, the paper which
used to edit, and which has
for years been regarded as Mr.
personal organ. This
respondent is known to on the
cl.-.-i terms with it
is charged by the
inspired lake
dispatch, which the
dent did dare to wire his
own paper although it was sent to
several other in the West.
To say that the are mad
is to draw it very mildly
One man with
gone to.
Bar the facts that ho
ha.- rad about the
attempts of the Harrison crowd
to create the that Mr.
is a mentally and
that gentleman,
Prof. through
our neighborhood not day-
ago working in the of lits
school at Lie
next very
Smith who ban been
sick with typhoid fever for several
weeks It improving. Mr. Smith
says has been dangerously sick
and has at last until tony
think him out danger mid now
his family seem to want to perish
him to
dent knows experience
that he enjoys hi- meals.
In Cotton Fabrics we
Pine Apple Tissues, Swiss
Zephyrs. Salines. Batiste, Out-5
Cloths, ins. Lawns,
Ginghams, a full line of White
Dross Goods, In nil of these
you will find beautiful
styles. No prettier to be found
in town.
our customers.
We invite comparison of
prices of the following
Motions, Furnish-
Goods, Trunks, Valises,
Hardware, Crockery, Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Provisions, and all
kinds Implements
and Furniture.
SI v
We carry the largest and best
stock of Furniture in
Blotches, liver p
H. It. D. right in--.
Drives away incipient
Clears the from humor-;
Ailing one, he.
Try tho worth of O. It, t.,
width la the great Golden Dis-
of Dr, Pierce, a wonderful
and blood is
remedy for
bronchitis, i.- and lung
guaranteed to it . In
time, or money n fund d.
Block of Shoes and
pew i-
we can suit yon bulb , a
v and One of the lend-011
Shoes with us is
Toe with Common Sense Heel. We have nice line of Mat-
is n long felt want with the we at low
In Men and Boys Shoes . ,., . .
have in stock nod to r-t-K-o ii we have
carrier by us.
and to lore him to grant the use
of as a Presidential can-
winch would of itself put an
cud to Harrison candidacy at once.
Sena or Call, of Florida, Is in
Washington. He says that op-
are at several
sch by which they bops to
keep him out id kin scat in the
a . . l . n bis electron
was tut be isn't alarm
ed, as In- that he was legally
elected and hasn't tho least doubt
of being to establish that fact
before a legislative or legal
The of cash in the treasury
was completed this week, and some
foolish republicans are dispose. to
A Liberal Proposition.
Who has not heard of that paragon
family papers, the and pop-
For a
generation its name has been a house-
hold word ha become a synonym
for all that is excellent, pure and
in journalism. It is delightfully cu-
without resort to sen-
without being
prosy or pedantic. Combining the liter-
of the .
j tin. bright, breezy .
I the Ii leave tuns
by the average reader. It i-
looked a visitor
every family who road It, while
regard it a- and
would on no account go without it. An
circulation of
pat week attests It wonderful
the fact that there are
those who are with its
passing merit a home paper, the pub-
offer to in
for tho year, over
months, for only i a of to
for or a of I
reader at
We will send j i ion
i for the rest ill i
year 1891, for
to this
the and St
We inn of
selling goods a profit.
We do not claim, sell goods
We Lave
So r r the tat two years i
find them Io be the beat line ever
bandied by This spring
have a complete line of at cost, and back
these Shoes and when our friends i up our we will
are in need of good shoes honest goods for
will be pleased to them. honest money.
See Us Talk With Us Try Us
Town Tax Sale.
have ibis day levied on tho
lots or parcel of land in Bethel,
and will sell the same on
day. the 8th day or 1801, Car-
son's Store in the Town of
our Regular Correspondent.;
Washington, July 17th,
I was for
said a member of the Democratic
fraternal Committee, recently,
after looking carefully over the
field, I became convinced that
Campbell's hold tho of
tho State made tho most
available man, that is to say the
one who could under the peculiar
surrounding the
Ohio this year, pole the
most votes, and now that h
been nominated I trust that every
democrat Ohio will
the national Importance the
election in that Slate lay ail
objection to the candidate
work as bard as he how
for the success of the democratic
party. The adoption of the free
coinage in the platform leaves
the Alliance no excuse tori
putting a third ticket in the field,
and if vote as they have talk-
ed Campbell should receive their
support Of course I cannot say he
will; but anyway I am
that we elect Campbell and the
legislature, if all of tho democrats
of the State can be to
Secretary Proctor is on one of his
visits to tho War depart,
over which he is supposed to
preside. It is not known bow long
be will remain, it is safe to say
that he be here for a few
days, as it isn't probable he
has any intention of breaking bis
record by remaining for any
Representative Crisp, of Georgia,
whose of the next
Speaker of the House taken
such a decided upward spurt recent
Is town this week. He
confidently but not of
his prospects, and has
nothing bet good words for his
competitors In calls
friendly He says
that whether he or one of the other
candidates gets the prize there
shout because tho total reaches,,
more for getting j
that there are liabilities
amount the
shape of gold certificate, silver
silver Treasury notes and
United States notes
to which
puts a very different on the
Representative of
Tax o-l
Keel. J S,
James, W J, c
Moore, John, e Main.
e Main,
J. S., e Main.
Teel, T I
e Main,
ma, says if the democratic party
the South does not wake up and do
some lively fighting it will be
lowed lock, stock barrel by tho
. t-. w no soreness or bard feelings as
the and Exposition prop- blocks, whips. pop one them cordially ac
to held during October and and pistol, anvils, car .
were kind enough to publish my
last notes, hero come again.
Whenever an presents
itself we never fail to speak a good
word for and
are to -s how much
we appreciate its weekly visits, ex-
occasionally when it docs not
get here, for which error we have
no idea you responsible.
Crops growing as fast as I
over saw them. It may be that
is growing too fast to form
well, but should the seasons
favorable from now on doubtless
an average crop will harvested.
Air. J. S. Norman has the prettiest
field of tobacco it ha bean our
pleasure to see, there a per-
and taking the whole
field together it is both largo
uniform. Ho and other far-
in the section are now busy
curing primings.
Mr. J. C. Cobb returned Sat
Morehead City
where h spent several days. He
says the truck g in local-
have cleared more money this
year in any one year for
years past, perhaps since the
war. I heard Mr. Cobb mention
one farmer whose profits were
Would this not be a profitable
lesson for some of cotton far
to study
I do not t that even
eon county very much surpass
us on the crop this
year. They seem to be almost in-
exhaustible. I saw one recently
that measured two In cir-
Miss Ida the
daughter of Mr.
was visiting Mis
Nichols week.
Andrews, K W Main,
I Shaw, i.
Stilley, J, w Jam 1.20
Hunter, W W. o Main, 1.20
Jenkins. M O, e Main,
I Ward, Robert, w Main,
J J.
J W, w James,
Manning, Tarboro,
Town Collector.
1.00 2.00
1.00 1.70
1.00 1.71
1.0.1 J.-
Ladies ire know tall well you bow gt prices
utter tho reduction en priced b-st year Spring
Goods, so we now make It
lion on tho following goods
Edging, Swiss
Embroideries, India
Linens, and Check
Teasel Summer
Cashmeres, Ginghams,
lies, Percale,
For Sale.
One half of n town lot in
upon which is a
with outhouses and well.
Apply to
J. I.
Or ft Blow.
If Is to notify all person that
was employed by me for Eleven
Months from 1801. Ho left
me without cause on the Nth of June.
1801. Said Lee Cash
me in county and to
Pitt county. All persons will take no
not to employ him under penally
law without my permission.
June 30th, 1891.
Attention, Men
New II. P. vertical and
Engine, fitted up for tram road purpose,
hauling logs. Term easy.
Apply to
Greenville, N. C,
High School
AUGUST 12th, 1891.
and all the many in a
stock. at the
eta Ginghams at
Ginghams at
at els.
Teasel at
Teasel at
Hamburg at
Hamburg at
White Goods at
p eT. A-
ale and Ii
tin Load Car load Corn, load No. Hay,
Car Load Side Meat, Load St. Louis
bills Heavy Mess Pork, -T Sugar.
Sugar. Gail Ax Snuff, nil
Rail Road Mills
i Toto Rico Molasses, Boston Lard.
Star Lye, Gross Matches.
j- Also full line Starch,
Cakes. Crackers, Canned Paper, Paper
Special prices given to tho wholesale on large of the
above goods.
Less New Building-a
Mm. Hall, Superintendent etc.
OF Open it. 1891. fop register.
W. T. B. BELL,
Paten Wire Tobacco Hangars
Board, Including
lights, fuel,
One's expenses for month
need be but little over
More than pupils enrolled last
live from
Tilt county.
for the fall pension are very good,
Tor further
L. D,
are movable. can he properly Spaced m and
Down on the Wires when Simplest. and Beet n Marl
Stick Wire S .
XV Tobacco and
TOBACCO M CO., Houston, Co., Vt.

We offer
various styles wash
Ginghams, Ginghams
Ginghams. Gingham,
Ginghams, GINGHAMS. Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Ginghams, Ginghams,
Our Summer Stock.
Mens, Youths, Boys
At Greatly Educed Prices.
will feel the effect
O of. our reduction sale
Greenville, N. C
Local S par ks
Don't Fail to Come.
The boys have gone to camp.
Cart, for by J. Lamer.
Jars and cheap at
the Old Brie Store.
fall styles or Shirt, Collars
and at C. T.
They go to now on every
trip of the steamer.
For Macbeth Pearl top Lamp
Chimneys go to J. B. Cherry Co.
Fresh Boss Biscuits for the well
sick at the Old Brick Store.
Point Lace Flour is always uniform
in quality at the Old Brick Store.
The soldier boys will be back
home Friday evening.
Ointment will cure
any skin disease on man or beast.
Tobacco Knives and
sale by J. B. Cherry Co.
good Telegraph Poles wanted.
Particulars will be given at. this
goes tin; tobacco warehouse.
Let the organization tor a second one
wax and Hides, at Old Brick
you read the directions
wrapped around Sugar Coated
This section has had excessive
rains the past week to the
detriment of the crops.
has weak eyes or
yon read the directions
wrapped around Sugar Coated
Yeast i
Thanks are tendered Mrs.
Harris for a basket of green corn
sent the Saturday morn-
The J. C. Lanier dwelling house
is for Apply to Matthews
W hie Hard.
A nice line of Plaid and Stripe
Black Lawn just received by J. B.
Cherry Co.
The recent rains the river
enough for boats to go to
Tarboro again. The Myers went
All work dune by Hie
Iron Works is B.
Cheapest Bedsteads, Bureaus,
Cradles and Mattresses at the Old
Brick Store-
Go to Congleton if yon
want a good smoke and get a
den -Seal Cigar.
Congleton Tyson keep a flue
of California fruits and other
fine canned goods.
To-day there will be a
celebration at H.
of this will deliver U
Fob Tobacco
Sticks and one dozen Baskets at
half price. G. T.
The Latest Improved Brown Cot
Gin in the
D. Haskett, Agent for Pitt county.
Why I Cos flue
grade Celebrated Coffee
kept by Congleton Tyson. Give
it a trial.
Bead advertisement or Alexander,
Morgan Co., Cotton Factors and
General Commission Merchants on
third page.
On the day of the Norfolk
Mr. J. L. Sugg wrote accident
insurance policies to the amount
If you something nice go to
Congleton Tyson's and get some
or their New Spring Butter just
rived to-day.
A line of Plaid and Stripe
Black Lawn just by J. B.
Cherry Co.
Alexander, Morgan Si Co.,
highest prices, sales
and return. Try them and
be convinced.
Master J. B. Cherry brought the
Reflector a hen's egg that measures
inches in length. It is the pro-
duct of a Brahms.
If yon want highest market prices
for your Irish Potatoes and Other
produce, ship to Alexander, Morgan
Co., Norfolk, Ya.
To avoid tarrying over stock to
another season Mrs. Fannie Joyner
Will now begin selling spring
and summer millinery at reduced
ladies gold watch,
with chain about inches long at-
The finder will he liberally
rewarded by leaving it at the
We are now ready repair all
kinds of Machinery. Castings
made to order. Cash price for old
iron by the Greenville Iron Works,
A. B- Ellington, Proprietor.
Miss had the
fortune to lose a gold watch on the
street last Thursday. It had
been recovered at this writing.
Girls em-
given to girls who arc
not afraid to work. Good wages
pan be to
Knitting Mills, Tarboro.
N. C.
The assignment of Latham
Pender will not interfere with the
Tobacco flue trade. Farmers are
requested to come for their flues as
early they and flues are
Sample Copies Sun
our great Southern
Weekly, should be taken in eve-
household. The price is only
a year, and a present which is worth
that amount or more is sent for
every yearly subscription. A
copy will be sent free to any
address. Write at once to
J. II. Seals Co.,
M Li I lie Cherry is still very sick.
Miss Tyson is at
Hon. L. Latham left for
Mr. John has in
town part the past week.
C II. James, of Grifton, was
in to see us last Wednesday.
Mr. j. L Fleming leaves to-day to
a days in Wilmington.
It F. Taylor will r. reach in
I he Methodist Church Sunday night.
Miss Maggie Satchwell, of
is visiting Mrs. J. R. Moore.
Mayor F. G. James is spending a
days at Wilmington and Wrights-
Mrs. I. A. Sugg and Master Char-
lie returned home Monday from
The family of G. A.
I. ft last week to visit and
We to hear that Miss
Moore is quite sick with
typhoid fever.
Prof. W. J. Matthews has been
spending the past week in the central
part of the State.
Mis. J. Miss
of Scotland Neck, was
visiting hero last week.
Rev. K. It. John, Pastor of the
Church, left yesterday on
a visit to Chatham county.
Miss Lillian Lynn, Virginia,
who was visiting the Misses Forbes,
left for her home on Friday's
Mrs. J. F. Joyner has been spend-
some days with relatives in Kin.
She returned home Saturday-
Next Sunday Rev. A.
assisted by T. J. Taylor of War-
will begin a of meetings
Belle of
and Doughty, of
Hamilton, are visiting Miss Nannie
Fleming near Greenville.
Mr. Ernest A. who has been
spending the last few weeks with his
parents near Greenville left Monday
on his return to St. Josephs, La.
A. White. Mrs. White
and Miss Lula returned last
week from a pleasant trip to
Springs, lite and Morehead.
We were glad to sec Mr. C. G.
Joyner. of Baltimore, in town Fri-
day. He is one our young men of
whom Pitt county is justly proud.
Editor II. A. Latham, of
Gazette, made us a brief call
Monday evening. was returning
home from a visit to Panacea Spring.
Mr. S. M. Is at
ton attending the meeting of the
Lodge K. of II. He goes as
the representative of the lodge here.
Mr. C. W. Thurs-
day evening Virginia where be
had been spending a days. His
will remain in that State
sometime yet.
Mrs. F. Sugg received a telegram
Monday announcing the
death of her mother near Goldsboro.
She went to Goldsboro to lie present
at the
Mr. Richard Hester, sou of Mr.
Henry Hester, who has been at Louis-
burg since the family moved to Pitt
the first of lite year, came down last
week to join them.
Mr. R. J. returned home
Monday from to remain
until Saturday when he will go back
to join iii family. He says every,
thing is there.
Mrs. J. A. received a
telegram yesterday that
her father was at the point death.
She left on Hie evening train for ids
home in county,
Prof. John will move his
family to Hamilton to-morrow, where
he will take charge as principal of
Hamilton Institute, The
see them leave Greenville,
Mr. Ed, B. Hartman, of West Va.,
agent of the Knights and
Life Indemnity Co., has been
in town the past week. He has
written up several of the craft while
Mr. and J. Cherry, Mr.
and Mrs. C. T. Mr. R. J.
Cobb and family, Mrs. Dr. Frank
Brown and children, loft on steamer
last Thursday for
Ocracoke. There were also several
parties from Wilson and Henderson.
Mr. W. A- Davis of the firm of
Davis Sf Gregory, formerly of Oxford
but now of Richmond, is spending a
few days among the farmers of Pitt
county. We were glad to have a call
from him. He says he will guarantee
good prices for all Pitt county
co sent to their warehouse this sea-
Foreman, is taking the week
ofT with the soldier boys at Wrights-
ville. He plays the drum for Co.
and is a with we can
tell you. He makes the step
lively when they march to music.
He deserves a good time, and will
have one if anybody else does.
Last week a car load of lumber, for
the tobacco warehouse came up from
Mr. Asa mill near and
was placed on the site for the building.
It was Mr. who brought
the first sample of cured tobacco to
the this instead of
Mr. F. M. Smith as stated in lust
. b L t
a party from Greenville more,
than a went to Grifton on
the excursion Sunday to be present
at the dedication cf the new Disciples
Several experienced curers
from and Vance counties
have come down to Pitt to help our
farmers en re their crops. Many more
wilt come down the next few weeks.
The thanks to
the young men of Q rift on for an
to the editor and wile to attend
an ice in that delightful
town last Friday evening and
sorry we could not
Koonce and Abbott
were managers. The, occasion
not have been, than a
The steamer Myers will take you
from Greenville to Washington, and
the steamer Alpha from Washington
to Ocracoke in absolute comfort and
safety. Faro tor round trip only
93.50. Excellent fare at Ocracoke.
To parties wishing to visit Nag's
Head the W. W. road will sell
trip season tickets from Green-
ville to Plymouth at We do
not know what the rate is from Ply
mouth to Nag's Head.
about thirty
strong, in command of Capt. R.
Jr., left Friday morning for
the encampment at Wrightsville.
The Reflector hopes the boys will
have a pleasant time.
The servant problem is perplexing
some of our citizens just now. We
arc told that at an early day a meet-
will be held and steps taken to
import such domestic help as may be
needed. The servants now are very
To-morrow there will be a Sunday
School picnic at Smith's school house
near Cobb's store. The Reflector
received an invitation to attend and
would be there but for the fact that
we contemplate leaving in the morn-
for Ocracoke.
We are requested to announce that
the steamer Myers will not make a
trip through to Tarboro Friday, as
she will have to remain here and lake
the Washington Light Infantry back
home upon their return from Wrights-
Yesterday morning Mr. Allen War-
of Riverside Nursery, brought
the Reflector a bouquet of
flowers for which we return thanks.
He also brought two very large
toes one of weighed pounds
and the other U pounds, Riverside
keeps in the lead.
A Question.
The is passing rapidly
sway. Soon autumn will be here.
Many trunks will be and
thousands of boys and young men
will say goad-bye to the folks at
home, and go off to school. Many-
parents are asking themselves this
Where shall I send my
son to Hundreds, of them
have answered the question
to themselves by sending to
Davis School. A larger number of
boys and young men attended Davis
School the past session than attended
any other school or college in North
Carolina. Davis School has an able
faculty of thirteen Professors, and
oilers a full course of study. It is
located at N. C, a
location for and
health. The charges are very low.
At Bast.
The funeral Mr. J. D. Pearce,
whose death was announced in last
issue the took place
Wednesday afternoon at o'clock,
services being by Rev. U.
B. John. A largo number of friends
of the family followed the remains to
the Methodist Church, where
vice was held, and then to their final
resting place in the church
In the course of the sermon Rev. Mr.
John spoke with feeling of the happy-
conversion of deceased, which occur-
red about two weeks prior to his
death, and of the unmistakable
he gave of his acceptance with
God. The fears that he once had of
were all removed and its com
was welcomed as a glad release
from his pall bear
era at the funeral Messrs. L. C.
Latham, M. Bernard, W. L,
W. J. Matthews, W. B. Wilson, R.
L. W. S. Rawls and J. E.
That Excursion.
There was excursion to Norfolk
last Wednesday, and the disappoint
ed ones heaped enough upon
the fellow who run it, if the w
had been brick bats, to have buried
him a mile deep.
J. A. Sanders, of
ed a train to run an excursion
to Norfolk and return. He
advertised that there would be special
cars for Mb and escorts,
cars for white
cars for colored people, water in
coach, a refreshment oar, end
a special officer appointed the
Governor to keen order, all for the
low price of the round trip
from Greenville, These wore draw,
cards, and the way they drew
was a wonder. He put them in the
and of course they drew.
The people were just
such an excursion and for two weeks
before hand nothing was talked but
going to Norfolk. Those who had
money enough to buy a ticket put it
aside fur fear it would got away from
them somehow, and those who did
not hive enough got a move on them
to get it, and even the small wage
earner with no surplus at all deter-
mined to go though it. necessitated
short rations for a week. A few
days before hand Sanders earns
to survey the field and -it did not
take him long to that he
was bagging a crowd. An idea
struck him that he could add a few
dollars extra to his receipts
for the day by polling on sale scats
for special cars in only
allowed, at an ad-
of on the regular
price. This was a winner and the
tickets went like hot cakes.
Finally the long far day sf.
rived and everybody happy, for
awhile. As i-he train
down the before one
coach was left at three at
Greenville, and eight were carried
through to Though the
train was booked to
a little were
around tho depot by sun
rise trying to get seats. of
those holding special tickets man-
aged to get in one coach and filled it
comfortably then had the doors
guarded to prevent en-
The coaches rap-
filled up with a promiscuous
crowd until there was no standing
room. There were still hundreds of
others who
man peace until
the train arrived from be-
inspired with hope that some
the cars would, in and
they get On n
train arrived it was packed
than the coaches already here, seats,
aisles and platforms full, some even
crowding on the steps hoping to find
more room when Greenville was
reached. And it was said that a,
or two people bad been left
at who not even get on.
It was evident that no more could
get on here and a flood of disappoint
swept over the crowd. People
had driven as tar as twenty mile i
just to go on that excursion, but it
was no go. the train all
on board that it con Id carry, and
many more than it ought to carry, it
was decided to make no other -stop
between here and and then
only to couple on the car loft there.
When the train pulled out from
Greenville it was estimated that three
hundred disappointed people
standing around the depot. At
House station fifty or seventy-five
more were waiting to get on, the
train rushed by and there was an-
other disappointed crowd. The
same thing at only the
number left was many times larger.
At the Junction, and Goose
Nest the same scenes were repeated.
The estimate was that at all the
lions fully five hundred got
left, if not more.
And everything was not a bed of
roses for all who wore or
enough to get on the
cars. There was no officer along to
preserve order, and everything was a
jam. Instead of the being
kept supplied with water the thirsty
passengers had lo pay ii cents a glass
for it after tho first supply gave out.
The excursionists seemed to enjoy
themselves at Norfolk and Ports-
mouth, but with many the fatigue
and discomforts along the trip more
than counterbalanced the pleasure.
The authorities of the railroad found
out how tho train was overcrowded
and compelled Sunders to procure
extra coaches at Portsmouth before
the was permitted to return.
Even this did not give room enough.
Several of the excursionists got left
in Portsmouth.
For the Reflector.
ii. n. o.
I listen in the silence
And a voice comes back to me,
A strangely familiar
As a sound from the tar off sea.
I look into the silence,
A shadowy form I see,
All clothed in shining raiment
A form to me.
I step Into the
I feel it closing around.
And at the threshold
Of a world of mystical mud.
My heart is a world of
Its doors encrusted stone,
Its my better angel
To lead to a higher homo.
ti u .
N r ha fur
Band. ft
mil Art.
Fur with
a. c. DAVIS,
Having qualified as executor of the
last will and testament or Mrs. Luisa S.
Hill, late of Pitt county N. C, is
to notify all persons having claims
against tho estate of said deceased to
exhibit them to the undersigned, or
before the 9th day of July 1892, or this
notice will be plead in bar or their re-
All persons indebted to said
estate will please make Immediate pay-
This July 9th 1891. J. N. Bynum
I i
Too much rain has Stopped
so I advantage u
opportunity to give you a
items from Beaver Dim.
Mr. Charles who for
nine, mouths has been confined with
a troublesome disease, has, are
glad to e, so far u to
able to got out.
tobacco farmers are busy
building barns and earing primings.
Hurry up your warehouses in
The Will Baptists at
Grove are building a now
worship. It is feet
when completed will lie the
finest I'd Will Baptist church in
tho county. They hope to it
apart to the worship of God by
the second Lord's Day in
On last while
a colored man who lived at
Mr. J. H. Cobb's, was out bunting
he stopped to rest on the fence. J i
attempting to set bis gun down the
hammer struck a rail,
the load IN bis side, lie died Sat-
morning. People cannot be
too careful how they handle a gun.
II-- was a peaceable, in.
colored man re-
that the accident
Judging from the present
Beaver Dam will not have to
depend the Great West
coin next year. Some disease is
killing our bogs, however, we
are afraid that it will make such
havoc as to necessitate having meat
to buy. All oar crops arc
well, considering the unfavorable
season. are decidedly above
the average. Watermelons
grapes ripening.
Spring chickens are ready the
cook and if you would like to feast
on such things just to
Mr. J. T. is teaching
in District So. lie has
gained the confidence of both
parent and pupil, which proves that
he is the right man the right
duly 1891. SAM.
We continue to have of rain.
Our convalescent.
Most of our tobacco farmers will
com an. lice to cure tobacco this
week. Some thorn say their to-
is better than it was
last year.
We regret very much to learn
the serious if not fetal that
happened to air. J. on
Saturday evening, lie was on
tho wagon with several other boys
hurrying home out of the rain. They
were up holding to each
other and as they turned a sudden
bend in road, wore all
thrown out be very son
A. D. assisted
Rev. U. D. is holding n pro-
meeting at Great
interest seems to be
the meeting and we hope much
good will accomplished
Miss Mattie Brown, from the
North side Tar River is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Alfred
Miss Mary Smith, front near
Greenville is visiting her man;
friends this place.
was a day long time to
he remembered by oar young
that the
Ta-; WM a crowd
and every one seemed to
Mr. J. W. Chandler, Push,
Va., is to arrive this evening to cure
tobacco for Kid- Fred
Mr. Chandler a very nice
man and we welcome him again in
midst D.
Pitt County. Court.
Notice is hereby given that I have
day issued letters declaring R. J. Cobb,
O. F. Evans, G. T. Tyson, John B.
Jacob J. It. J. A.
K. Oscar Hooker, James I
Little, W. J. Allen, O. L.
Joyner, B. F Patrick and their
ates and successors a Corporation under
the name and style of The Greenville
Tobacco Warehouse Company, for the
set forth in the articles agree-
and plan of Incorporation, which
have been filed and recorded in bl
office, with all the privileges powers
by of Hie Code or
North Carolina and the laws
The main business proposed to be
by the Corporation is tho general
of buy ins, selling, storing,
marketing and otherwise in
The place of business of said Corpora-
Is Greenville, Pitt county. North
None of the stockholders of said
are to be responsible to any
greater or further extent than the assets
of the Corporation, and individually lo
the extent of the shares of stock to
which they have subscribed.
Tho authorized capital Block of said
Corporation is fifty thousand dollars to
be divided Into two shares of
twenty-live dollars each.
This nth day of July, 1891.
Clerk Superior Court.
Mechanic Arts
will begin its third session on September
3rd. 1801, increased facilities and equip-
in every department. The past
successful year
of its practical value, and its young men
are already in demand for responsible
positions. Total cost, 8100.00.
County Superintendent of Education
will examine applicants for
address. ALEX. Q.
Raleigh, N. C. President.
For Young Ladies,
Fall Session opens September 7th,
A thorough preparatory course of
study, with a Full Collegiate Course
equal to that of any Female College in
tho South. Standard of Scholarship
usually high. Facilities for the study of
Music and Art unsurpassed, Depart-
of Telegraphy, Type-Writing and
Short-hand, Beautiful lo-
cation. Moderate charges. Steady in-
crease of patronage. For
Wilson, N. C
Pipe, Hollowware, Tin
ware. Nails, Doors, Sash. Locks
Butts and Hinges, Glass, Putty-
Paints and Oils,
-Having just purchased two big lots of-
Sample Notions.
Comprising everything in the notion line, we propose to sell
We are now making an extra effort to close our entire sum-
mer stock, which we propose to do, at less than their
value. Also propose to sell our entire stock of
at cost to make room for fall stock. Bo sure to come to see us
when in need of anything in the way of Dress Goods, Notions,
Clothing, Shoes, Hats,
Yours truly,
In front Old Brick Store. C T
JOHN F. President. . A. L. Sec.
Soliciting A Rent.
Is located at the landings of the Washington
Greenville Boats and at the depot of the
A Railroad.
Will be ready for by September
Having made with largest Leaf Tobacco in the United
Stales to have their Buyers at our sales we can obtain here M good
for your Tobacco as any other market in the State. How convenient
Hi is will be for our county friends to ship their tobacco by boat
one day and the sale in person the next day. Those of
our friends living within a miles can load their teams
and drive to our Warehouse where they will find first-
class accommodations for their teams.
and consignments solicited.
The door will c charge of a competent manager and auctioneer of several years
Our Pitt county friends can obtain any information of Mr. Alex at
T. C.
MUST w a,
The Season is waning and we will sell these at a rather than carry
We on the same list. Somethings in this line arc a job and we can give yon
bargain that will please you.
We will also soil Straw Hats at reduced prices. Don't forget us when want
something In this line.
-Ladies desiring a perfect fitting Corset should try a-
------294 C-B a la
The Increased stove trade this
season is the best evidence that
the I sell is the stove for
the people. public are in-
to examine my stock be-
fore purchasing-
For Sale and Rent.
have the following property for
sale rent,
One two-third lot with two story
house, four rooms, good
house, and stables for live horses. For
sale cheap; or rent per month, with
Two good budding lots in
ville. Desirable locations.
One house and hid lot, live rooms,
garden and stables, good well w,
One house and lot. rooms be-
sides cook-room and dining room. Two
story house, well of water,
For gale or lot
in single story, six rooms,
cook-loom dining attached;
Rent for month.
acres of the Fe-
male Institute, properly on each
side of the railroad
Good location for dwellings and
The two coiner stores In the Tyson
Building, also several rooms in the upper
Story of same bu
One house on Pt Street owned by
Mis. P, Has eight rooms,
yard and garden. For rent per
mouth. Nicely finished house,
We make the collection of rents a
H yon contemplate buying,
ling, or renting, call see us, or
respond with us.
Prices of any the above
made known on application.
Estate Agents
I Greenville, N. C,
Guarantee highest market prices, quick sales and prompt return.
All kind, plied in
At lowest current rates.

N. C.
pun TOSS-
battle ax
right well good
This i-f hearted
bravo as bravo
eyes sparkled with a flame
Lone cone by. Urns days
But proudly still tho doth
II.- as then, a crown of
lib glance doth banish pain.
lib royal large and
Hi, royal hands
Dot may coax and soc;
doth scepter falL
II is rt Is tender, strong and
Despite, its moods of and
With nerve to dare and will to do,
ho hates; but lies to none.
Meek, willing Glares his nod obey;
They smile with him, and with him
Kith him they dance, they sin, they play
And vigils hold, he doth sleep.
I bis beck and call,
his fret horns, bring;
Hut he. is worth it all-
God darling boy king.
II e I hat other monarch's name,
Whose spirit flashes in his
He has hi if not his fame
Oh. can yon now his surmise
Good Housekeeping.
A Wrinkle la T
an till Selective.
The ingenuity expended by
in their efforts to got other
property, and also to regain their
liberty when they are captured, is a
constant source of interest to said
an old the other day.
of the thief who was
going up to Sing Sing, is an
ate example of this. He unlocked the
that bound him and bolted
off to a cab that was in waiting for
him. Now, where did he get the key
to the bracelet Ho was
searched before he was led out
of the city prison, and the theory is
that a relative who kissed him
as he was about to step into the prison
van slipped the key from her mouth
Into his as their lips met A pretty
trick, wasn't it
Hero is another one that came
A Scheme to Get Credit.
nave struck a snap which I think
should said a St Louis
drummer the other day. several;
years have had no end of trouble with I
my tailor and other creditors, who for j
some unaccountable reason seem to
prefer cold cash to gilt edged promises. I
wanted a couple of new suits, but
I have tho ready cash with which
to get them, and I know that I would
experience difficulty in buying them
from my tailor and paying for them
with good intentions. Still that is ex-
what I did.
found an old bank book that I
before when I had had
bank account, and now did a
bookkeeping on the side.
deposited a f w hundred dollars one
day, Mid against placed several
checks the next day, bringing the
account up to date. As tho result of
my handiwork the book showed a
slight balance of about in my i . ;
favor. The book itself I placed in tho
pocket of one of my coats which
I sent to my tailor to repaired.
week later I called for the coat.
Whew, what a change was noticeable
in my tailor He was all smiles and
the way, Mr. he said,
you want a suit or two I have
ah elegant line of goods in stock, and I
am sure I can please
no; I I replied,
with a yawn. like the suits well
enough, but I guess I'm too p to get
why should I waste to
finish this story I got the suit eight I
months ago, and the bill for
hasn't been presented I
A Story by Secretary Foster.
I remember once here in Washington
was my congressional
having participated in a dinner.
There were six of us, and I may men-
General as one of the
party. After discussing tho business
that brought us together, we began to
discos ourselves a little. It so happen-
ed that three of us were what is known
in this country as made men.
The other three were born of rich par-
The self made man is always
liable to be egotistical. Tho man who
has been successful in business will per-
haps tell you that he began life on a
shilling. One of the self made men
stated that he had never to school
more than six weeks in his life, had
been governor and state senator.
A gentleman who was quite wealthy,
came from a rich family,
ranted the man by
here, I'm sick and tired of you i
self made men. You had to labor for
a living, while I was reared in elegance
and ease, my bills paid and a
house given mo after I had married.
You, confound you, were compelled to
work to do which makes men,
and I am here, your peer,
standing my
What Happened He Him 1-
to Order an
heard n story about V. I. Armour
other said a board of
man. It was regarding an incident
that occurred some years ago. It
about the time that gorgeous turnouts
became fashionable, and Mr. Armour
had Just purchased a costly carnage
, and a pair of steppers to draw it
was tho caper is now,
for that matter-to have a real
ported coachman. To sit behind a
I had driven a
; carriage was tho wild ambition of South
Well. Mr. Armour was right
up with I he procession. He imported
an Englishman who was
i as to side and legs, and who
had been employed in the
by the Seven Dials or some
equally important personage.
i course the new man had not
, brought his master's livery with him,
and his wardrobe when lie took
session of tho Armour rems was not
In fact was
shabby. When the great pork packer
ended his drive behind the it
J ported coachman he looked at the lat-
with an almost akin to
j contempt and culled him to approach.
you any better clothes
than ho inquired.
not your honor. Wen
Hi was at wore grace's
I couldn't brought that
with mo; your honor pleases
thought your honor would find mo in
your honor's
haven't got
your again. ,
Hi would your honor
would give me said the coach-
don't care whether it's livery or
not, but you must dress Yon
can't drive my carriage in togs like you
have on now. continued Mr.
Armour, down to this place and tell
that man to make you clothes
and ho gave him
address of Matthews, the fashion-
able tailor.
week or so later a bill from Mat-
thews came to tho office. Tho clerks
road it and whistled softly, and passed
it from one to another to admire. That
carte to the limit There was
a that was charged at A
top for A for
And there were gloves and
breeches and waistcoats and more
till tho bill footed up about
had not come to
tho office, and the speculated as
to what he would say and do when he
saw that bill. All agreed that it would
something out of the common. And
it was, but not as we expected it The
was younger and more
then than he is now, and
necessary he could inject a great deal
of into his utterances, as
many a clerk in the office knew.
bill, with others, was laid on
bin desk, and when he came in the boys
stood around in silence and expect-
waiting the explosion. Tho
finally reached bill.
Ho kind of started at first sight of the
figures, but then an amused expression
and later a broad smile came on his
here, Favorite, come here,
raid he, calling to him
two chief lieutenants and holding up
the bill for their inspection. When
they had inspected tho bill a moment
in silence tho laughed till his
sides shook, and said, with an air of
satisfaction, the kind of a coach-
man to have; he knows his
Tl V of a children's
one of fashion in this city
of heart is certainly
a, parallel among her set
tell lier name, because she
obj to having her kind
known. She is a true Christian
at even if she does dance a great
away and own a for
lady give a lot of m
to the Institution f the
ho replied, d.
give money to us, but she labors for us.
She She cooks for us con-
day there are pies and
cakes puddings sent in to the
her. and I have proof that
are all made by tho lady he elf.
she ever Hods time for it . I is
more than I can explain. Only i
moments ago received
custard four suet puddings and
observation the other A six sheets sponge cake, with this
. . I. I . . J
woman went into a jewelry store and
sat. down on a stool before tho counter
to look at some diamonds. was
eating an apple at tho time. Presently
clerk missed a fine from the
she was examining, and as he
was accustomed to the ways of shop
lifters, he accused her of the theft
protested vehemently at this
insult, but a policeman was called in
and she was searched. The was
not found and then tho woman began
to threaten a suit for damages. In
order to avoid an unpleasant scandal,
the proprietor was about to offer her j
fifty dollars, when tho
had been questioning the
at the woman's actions in the shop
and had learned that sin- had been eat- ,
an apple when she entered. That ;
aroused his suspicion. Where was that j
apple The woman bad made a face
MM it had thrown it out on tho
sidewalk. Then the clerk remembered, j
her said the policeman,
will not bring any So the woman
wont away without any money and
vowing The policeman
sent the clerk to follow her. Sue was I
soon joined by another woman, and j
before long they got into a quiet corner ,
and the second woman the
half eaten from her pocket
gave it to its original owner. The.
clerk continued to follow them, and ho
toM the first be met what I
he seen. This officer arrested j
woman the apple was taken f mm ;
her. Pressed far into it was found tho
diamond that had been missed from
the York Tribune.
do you conceive to be the
chief of man, asked tho
returned the professor
thoughtfully, all depends. If you
going in for scholarships, should
note saying that she had just baked
them all and hoped tho children would
just will enjoy them,
won't said the listener.
refilled the superintend-
see, they won't cat
Won't eat
No That's the only trouble with
this good, charitable No one can
eat anything she York
f would protect yourself
from Painful. Scanty,
you must use
April, 1888.
Thin will two members of my
niter for
effect is truly wonderful.
P. F. V. S
it with
H tin
. .-
Truer, S-M
r. P. T. n
j ,
Why another discovery by Alfred
in way of helping the afflict-
ed. By on or the
above named barber, you can procure a
bottle of that is
for eradicating,, and mil and causing the
hair t lie soft and
glossy, only r application a
week is am; a common hair
brush is all to after the
vigorously for a few minute with
the Preparation. Try a bottle and be
only BO
N. U.
r of f- I-
Bale Wooten's Drag store
B. .
with aw In we
are ready to serve the pimple in that
All notes and line
mo for services have been placed
the Mr.
We keep on hand at all times a
stock of Banal l all
kinds and can furnish anything
from the Case down i.
We arc
up with all and can I
services to all who
Has Moved to next Door Court House
is well tho best put
hut We keep up Hie times and styles
MM material used all work. All styles of Spring me you can from
Storm, I lorn, King
Also keep on hand a full of ready
die year round, Ml will Mil as as
Special Attention Given to REPAIRING.
A Great Chinese Remedy.
The of tho Chinese
physician would be of much of
it value did it not contain sea horse.
Sea is a general cure all, and if a
Chinese druggist was unable to supply
hi-i customers with any other remedy
would still have implicit faith in
their ultimate recovery if powders of
that curious fish were frequently ad-
Even Of
In a fashionable not many blocks
from Madison
calls a who was
giving the touches to a sump-
repast, do you me such
a small portion of cheese
J want more than
am but
against re rules of place to more
of at a time,
object to
replied the waiter, tapping the point of
his nose with his index finger.
The gentleman cots his cheese in
While sipping his and
smoking his cigar ho calls for la carte,
pays the amount of his indebtedness
and leaves a nickel on the silver
for tho waiter.
is a small re-
marks the modest flunky.
replies the gentleman,
would give you more, but I understand
the other customers object to large
York Herald.
in which contain
ATLANta., G.
Broad Assertion.
We have a suitable
for in the and take
the privilege of that we be-
it to be the and
for hanging tobacco leaves
In barns and a much tobacco can
he put in the barn by using our hangers
as by any other plan now before the pub-
Its. using our haulers you pan use
any kind of tick from round polo to B
common split with perfect
hanger free any
say if for football honors, the We will furnish a hanger f
fool h the end to
I -Electric Bitten has done
for me than all other medicines
combined, for that bad reeling arising
from Kidney and Liver John
Leslie, and of same
place, Electric Hitters to
l best Kidney and Liver medicine.
new J. w.
Gardner, same
town, is just the
thing for u man who U run down and
don't care whether be lives or ho
found new strength, good appetite and
tel just like he had a new lease on lite.
Only a bottle, Ht J. L.
Any person con-
or tobacco sticks will do
well with Mr, A.
of N. C
Printers and Binders.
N-, C
We have the largest and most complete
establishment of kind to be found hi
the State, and solicit, orders for all classes
road or School Print-
or Binding.
us your orders.
and ail business In the S,
Patent attended to
for Fees.
arc opposite the S. of-
engaged in Patents Exclusively, and
ran obtain patent in less time than
more remote from Washington.
the model or drawing is sent we
advise as to free of charge,
and we make no change unless we ob-
refer, here, to the Poet
Supt. of the Order Did., and to
the I. S. Patent For
terms reference to
actual clients ii. your own State, or
C. A. Co.,
Washington, D. V,
Thanking the people Of this and surrounding
merit a c-ii.,, . nice of the same-
T- X.
fur past favors we to
The salve in His for cuts.
sores, salt rheum, fryer
sores, tell.-r. chapped bands,
corns, and all eruptions, and
cures piles, or no pay required, it
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or mow refunded, cents per
For sale by L.
For Shaving, Cutting and Han
K. E.
A. I.
, known world and
It in
Whether was a dead
or not is a point, but he certainly
did not know how to put up
bores. art of to .;,, effects.
those or he delicious and re-
have designated j freshing. In
Scott so signally lacked, was proved Cookery,
by him in its perfection. What he
could we told, was
being bored. anathemas which
he heaped unfortunate bores exceed
in exquisite
A whole museum might be filled with
bores alone. lie. obtained
access to tho immortals, and they bored
him. To his acrid humor Charles
Lamb was something less, almost, than
a bore. Coleridge, whom he had not
been disinclined to revere, was a bore
of the most oppressive kind.
hobbled about with writes tho
reverent Thomas, with a kind
of solemn emphasis on matters which
of no interest. Nothing came
from him that was of use to Lie that
day, or in fact any
Wholesale and Dealers in
A Sonly Always n Hal
Union St. Norfolk Va
Smith's Shaving Parlor.
A- SMITH. Prop.
Greenville, N. C,
seen your
and he gave me a
lovely. Everything is
brighter now.
course it Is. Brightness
is sure to follow the raise of tho son.
Hat Going- to Caught
expect you to pay in ad-
do yon mean
offense, sir, whatever;
but the last gentleman who ate hero
got a bone in his throat and died with-
out paying, and the boss took it out of
A True Bachelor.
babies, Mr. White
asked tho young mother tenderly of
the bachelor who sat at the
foot of the table.
know, replied the
bachelor promptly, between two mouth
a roll Moon.
t of February, 1868, was
fin mouth the
history. January had two full
moons, and so had March, but
had none. This had not occurred
since the creation of the world, and
according to some astronomers the same
thing may not occur for a period
omen praise P. P. P., for
and nervousness
and female
Complaints. Try the great and power-
P. P. P., and recommend it to
your neighbors, and yon will know you
have done a good deed.
Spring medicine is now wanted, for, if
you and feel badly, P.
P. remedy to take and get
strong and invigorated.
Danger in Machine Oil.
Take how you let any machine
oil or lubricator in contact with a
cut or scratch on your hand or arm, or
serious blood poisoning may result. In
the manufacture of some of these
machine oils fat from and de-
composed animals is used. All
know how poisonous- such matter
is. only safeguard is not to let
any spot where the skin is broken be
touched by any machine oil or
Washington Star.
Taffy for a Dinner.
Did you over give a dog taffy That
is what amuses Broadway loungers and
the noted white bull terrier of the blind
man on the corner. A wag and the dog
and blind man and the taffy drew
a great crowd the other evening. Tho
half masticated stuff stuck in the bright
animal's jaws, and his efforts
to bolt it or to get his foot on it or to
dispose of it in some way were comical
and caused intense delight among his
audience. His dilemma did not
vent him from all be could get.
Just as he had securely stuck his
teeth together a passing poodle at-
his attention and he made the
usual jump, tho length of his tether; but
his powerful jaws absolutely refused to
work. They had lost their snap. The
poodle stared at him with impudent
amazement, while look of pain and
humiliation that passed over the
face was almost human in ex-
Samson waking up to find
his hail neatly harbored was nothing
to York Herald.
Tho Deadly Tarantula.
Tho poison of tho species of
tarantula is of a fearful
dreaded than that of a rattlesnake
and unless only slightly scratched and
heroic measures used tho result is fatal.
Many deaths are on record caused by
these spiders. The most prolonged
suffering was that of a San Diego
an. A tarantula sunk its fangs in her
hand during the night. The flesh was
cut aw.- y with a razor and medical as-
summoned at once. Her life
was prolonged for a time as well her
sufferings. For three months she
under the effects, her hands eon
creeping and crawling along the
bedding in horrible Imitations of the
motions of the
Cowed the Old Man.
Father a great
mind to thrash you.
Little a man of size.
Take mat
Father trembles at tho thought and
sits- News.
and Schedule
No No No
April daily Fast Mall,
Ar -10 am
It am
ex Sun.
pm pm
Ar Wilson
Av Magnolia
Ar Wilmington
is p in pm am
No No No
daily dally daily
i am
5-5 pm P pm
An Important Feature.
suppose everything is set-
in regard to tho marriage of your
Well, yes; every thing but
desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Dr.
King's New Life Pills.
Salve Electric Bitters, and have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or that have given such universal
faction. We do not hesitate to
. tee every time, and w stand read y
P. P.
cured, even in worst forms results do not follow their use.
and you win be strong These remedies Won their great
in a Short time by the
of P. purely on ,
f A Remedy
el ERUPTION, kc , I
Sling in la .
mi-nine Ira en .
Sen Impaired
In cur. II .
Street ate .
turn . co., ca. , i
B. B.
Botanic Blood
v Fayetteville
Ar Selma
Ar Wilson
Wilson am
Ai Rocky Mount
Ar Weldon
Daily except Sunday.
Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road
leaves Halifax 3.82 I. M. arrives Scot
land Neck at 4.15 P. M. Greenville 6.02
M., Kinston p. m.
leaves Kinston 7.00 a. m., Greenville
8.10 a. Arriving Halifax a. in.
Weldon 11.25 a. m. daily except Sun-
Local freight train leaves Weldon
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at
7.00 . , arriving Scotland Neck 10.08
Greenville Kinston
o M. Returning Kinston
10.00 a. m. arriving
noon, Scotland Neck 3.20 p. ., Weldon
p. m.
Tram leaves Tarboro, N C, via
A Raleigh R. R. daily except Sun-
day, P Sunday M, an Ive
N C, P M, P M.
Plymouth 7.60 p. m., 6.20 p. m-
leaves daily
Sunday 0.20 a. in., Sunday 0.00 a. nit
Williamston, N C, 7.40 a in, 0.68 a m .
arrive Tarboro, N C, A M
Train on Midland N C Branch
Goldsboro dally except Sunday, A M,
C, A M. Re-
turning leaves I C AM,
arrive Goldsboro. N 0.10 SO A M.
Train leaves Rocky
Monet at P M, arrive Nashville
P Hope P M. Returning
leaves Spring Hope A M, Nashville
M, arrives Rocky Mount IS A
except Sunday.
Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw
I for Clinton dally, except Sunday, at
A M Returning leave
ton at s and P. connect
at Warsaw and
Southbound train on Wilson A
Branch Is No. Northbound Is
No. Daily Sunday.
Train No. South will stop only a
Wilson, and Magnolia.
Train No. makes close connect Ion a
Weldon for all points North dally. AI
rail via Richmond, and dally except Hurt
day via Bay Line.
J. R. Transportation .
the easiest
i the i. towels.
sharp razors, and sail . v
in every . Call and be
Ladles on at then-
their year's will And
their Interest to get our pile's before
In all its branches.
RICE, c.
buy direct Manufacturers,
you to buy at one A
plate stock of
the Opera House, at which place
I have recently located, and where have
everything in line
with all the improved appliances;
and comfortable chairs.
Razors sharpened at reasonable figures
for work outside of shop
promptly executed. Very respectfully,
The Tar Company
J, s.
N. M. Tarboro.
Capt. R. K. Washington, Con
The People's Line for travel on
The Steamer Is the
quickest boat on the river.
been thoroughly repaired,
Pitted up specially for the comfort,
and of Ladles.
A first-class Table with th
Washington Monday,
Friday t o'clock. A. K.
and Saturday at C o'clock, . m.
daily and
Mils Lading given nil
a- r. em, I. i.
K. t-
Manufacturers of Hall's Patent
Pianos Organs Furniture
Baby and Mattings
Largest House and Largest Stock in the South.
No matter what Piano or Organ you want write to for rate
and and will save yon money.
Opposite Main t., Va.
to the of and a of the following good
diatom not to be excelled In this market. And to be
pure st goods. GOODS of all kinds,
HATS and S mid LA
and CHILDREN'S I'll and HOUSE Fl
Gin and Mill Hay, ROCK and
Agent Clark's O. T. Spool Cotton I oiler to the trade at Wholesale
Jobber prices, cent per dozen, less per cent for Bread
ration Hall's Star White Load and pure Lin-
seed OIL Paint Colors. r Wood Pumps, Sail and Wood and
Willow Ware. Nail- Give a and I
hand and sold at prices to mi i k
inter. goods are all bought and
sold fur Laving no risk
sell at a Hose margin.
S. M. S
N. C.
A Preparation most 110-
tent known to the
cure of This Preparation has
been use over fifty years, and where-
aw known has been in steady demand.
Once Mad a family it becomes the
bold remedy. t has been endorsed
, over the
cures where all
country, .
other remedies, vim .
the most experienced
for years failed. This Ointment Is not
just gotten up for the purpose of making
money, but is of long and the
high reputation which It has obtained Is
owing entirely to it own as but
little effort has over been to bring
It before public. One of tills
Ointment will sent to any address on
receipt of One Dollar. Tho usual dis-
count to Druggists. All Cash Orders
promptly attended to. Address all or-
and communications to
T. r.
Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor,
T, H.
Cobb Bros.,
Cotton Factors,
We have Lad many years ex-
at the business and are
prepared to handle Cotton to
the advantage of
All to out
will receive prompt and
careful attention
n to
and cuts of college,
lea, machinery, made to order from
New York City.
Blood Cure.
In more than t-
cure for Scrofula.
the Blood,
t-------- .
for j sample j.
A locality.
arc not, and besides
Bad Policy
Yet there many conservative women
who never try new they wait until
an article has become the standard in its
it can To
women want to say that
has reached that point; it is now a
in millions of homes
throughout the land.
its cleansing
properties that it i
modern soap-that it has no equal
for ALL washing and cleaning
it. effect a saving
of time and
by away with
worst of the
docs away with the worn
of the wear, and besides
IS absolutely harmless
fabric or
Peddlers and unscrupulous air
offering imitations which they claim to
or same as IT'S
re Asides arc dangerous. is never peddled, but mU
by J I
New York-
A make
on my Corsets
Brushes. Curlers, Medicine, Samples
Write now. Dr.
or Scrofula,
, and all
and Liver.
t Cos
botanical put up In
I sent by mall at one-third can of
IS . P
-1 have opened a----
Greenville and Invite my old
and former to me a
can all your In the of
a cut,
shampoo, or anything else In the
Tonsorial line solicited.
I have to tho new stables
Filth Capt.
where I will
keep on u line Hue of
Horded and Mules.
have and fancy turnouts for
the livery and can suit the most
I run in connection a Y-
and solicit a of
patronage. Call
Greenville, V.
Views Animal.
Family Ate., taken at
Short Notice, copying from
to life In Inks, Crayon or
Ii cad quarters for lino
and tee us.
R HYMAN, Manager.
N. C.
Now Ready
To show the of lot of
-A 1ST
over brought to Greenville.
a good
Draft or it Rood Work
Mule don't fail to me.
I can at
reasonable prices.
Hy Peed
have been enlarged
now I have ample room to
all horses left in my
Host attention siren,
Greenville. N. C.
,. PT IV I

Eastern reflector, 22 July 1891
The Eastern Reflector was a newspaper published in Greenville, N.C. It later became known as the Daily Reflector.
July 22, 1891
Original Format
Local Identifier
Location of Original
Joyner NC Microforms
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