The City of Wilmington, the metropolis and port of North Carolina



¶ We take pleasure in announcing to our friends and customers that we have arranged to occupy our new quarters at No. 116 North Second Street on or about May 1st, at which time we will add to our already recently increased facilities, considerable improved printing machinery. Our plant will then consist of four Monotype Machines, three large Cylinder Presses and eight Jobbers, besides many other improved machines that go to make up an ideal printing plant.

Wilmington Stamp & Printing Co.

W. S. & P. Co. Wilmington, N. C.

Typographical Union Label


NEW HIGH SCHOOL J. F. Leitner, Architect.

The City of Wilmington.

WILMINGTON is the metropolis, gateway and port of North Carolina and it is situated on the Cape Fear River thirty miles from its entrance to the ocean. It is, however, but eight miles distant from the seashore in an easterly direction. The population of Wilmington at the present time is in excess of 30,000 persons. Wilmington is located in latitude 34° 14′ north and in longitute 77° 57′ west of Greenwich and it has an elevation of about 50 feet above sea level. Next to the river is a gently rolling surface on which the city is built, and this allows of good drainage. The climate is a most delightful one, not excelled at any point in the United States. It is the best adapted for the successful operation of any branch of industry at all seasons of the year. The average temperature is 63 degrees. The warmest month of the year is July and the normal temperature is then about 80 degrees, the mean temperature for this month ranging from 77 degrees to 84 degrees in different years. The humidity at Wilmington is much below many places in the country both North and South, and in the evening of each summer day, there usually comes a refreshing breeze which has a most revivifying and exhilarating effect. The average rainfall for a period of about thirty years has been around fifty-four inches. The greatest rains come during the heated season, and thus aids to stimulate vegetation, affording luxuriant crops. However quite a considerable quantity of rain is precipitated in the spring, and this is very beneficial to the truck, fruit and strawberry crops. There is very little snow, often none at all during the winter months, and even when it does fall, it is very seldom that it remains on the ground more than a few hours.


Recently the Commission form of city government has been adopted here and this tends to reduce the machinery and contributes to greater efficiency.

The city's net bonded indebtedness is now $1,034,650. It pays four‘ and four and one half per cent interest, and is considered a gilt-edged security. The assessed valuation of the taxable property is almost $13,000,000, but the actual valuation aggregates quite $25,000,000.00. The rate per $100.00 of taxable valuation is $1.30, and taking into consideration that this is levied on but half the actual value the rate is by no means exhorbitant and will compare well with many other Southern cities.

The city procures its water supply from the Cape Fear River. Elevation is obtained by a stand pipe into which the water is pumped up after being filtered. The water has recently been analyzed by Geo. C. Whipple of New York, a highly competent authority, and pronounced by him of a high grade of purity.

Wilmington has a highly efficient paid fire department which has been classed as among the very best in the South. It is equipped with modern appliances of the latest improved character, including four steam engines, a chemical engine and a fire boat for harbor protection.

The city is soon to install a more modern system of sewerage and the authorities are now spending about $400,000 in street improvements and requiring also that all sidewalks in the business and residential sections shall be laid with granolithic pavements. Within the past three or four years about a half million dollars have been expended in improving the water facilities, and water is now practically laid on to all parts of the city.

The school system here is one of the best in the country. Schools of all grades are available both for whites and colored, and these are provided with all modern facilities, and the staff of teachers is particularly capable and efficient.


It was in the year 1866 that the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce was organized, and during its career it has accomplished much good in the interests of the city. The main objects of the association are the promotion CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HEADQUARTERS
and advancement of the commercial, manufacturing and financial interests of the city, to bring about the abatement of all abuses generally affecting its interests, also to take as may arise, vigorous action in all matters pertaining to the encouraging of home institutions and industries and to endeavor to bring here new enterprises. It also strives to infuse life and energy in every branch of trade and commerce and to induce cordiality and friendship among business men. It extends every courtesy to visitors. The headquarters of the Chamber are located at 212 North Front St., and here it occupies commodious and well located premises,

where all required facilities are available. A black board displays telegraphic quotations, received from Liverpool, New York, Chicago, etc. of the current prices of cotton, provisions, stocks, coffee, grain, naval stores etc, also the Wilmington spot prices. These quotations are daily telephoned to such of the members who may desire them. The Chamber also prints and issues each day a “prices current” of the above, and this leaflet is distributed as may be required. To such as may contemplate making Wilmington the theatre of their operations the Chamber will render every assistance and will make suitable enquiries as to possibilities for success, advantageous sites for plants, etc.


The executive officials of the Chamber of Commerce for the current year are: M. J. Corbett, President; L. E. Hall, Vice President and H. B. Branch, Secretary. The executive committee, besides the president and vice president consists of Messrs. R. A. Parsley, J. W. Brooks, J. H. Rehder, L. Stein and C. W. Polvogt.


That there exists today favorable conditions for the establishment of certain lines of manufacturing at Wilmington is a fact that is apparent. Primarily, the port and other shipping advantages, as enumerated above afford facilities for the receipt of raw materials and the shipment of finished products which are hardly surpassed in the Southern Atlantic States. Furthermore this city is the center of a rich surrounding country—producing large crops of agricultural products and notably cotton, corn, peanuts, garden truck, fruits, vegetables, etc, which looks to Wilmington as its source of supply. Thus we believe that opportunities are here at hand which are of a more advantageous character than in larger cities further north where every thing is apt to be overdone, while at the same time the cost of manufacture and the maintenance of plants here is lower than in the above sections. Some further advantages are that the climate permits of outdoor and indoor work being carried on every working day, also the expense of heating is only an item during a few weeks in the year. Suitable sites with water front or along the belt line encircling the city are plenty

Wilmington compress and Warehouse Company.

1912Champion Compress and Warehouse Company

and are low in price. The Tidewater Power Co. can furnish practically unlimited electric power to any plant at very reasonable rates, thus obviating all necessity of constructing costly steam power plants to operate factories. It may be asked what could be manufactured in Wilmington to advantage. The reply is almost anything suited to local needs, and factories of this nature would immediately receive the support and patronage of merchants and inhabitants of this section of the South.

Manufacturing as at present existing here, although not assuming as extensive proportions as is desirable is, nevertheless of a highly important character and especially so in certain lines. First of all is the fertilizer NEW CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL
industry which we will refer to later on. The cotton manufacturing industry is of large importance. This also will be alluded to under a special heading. Another very important branch of industry here is the manufacture of lumber for home consumption and for export; also factories making sash, doors, blinds and every description of mill work and house finish. Also must be considered as important the characteristic North Carolina industry of turpentine, rosin and naval stores generally, and products distilled from pine heart. There are two cotton seed plants here turning out cotton seed oil and fertilizer material. Near Wilmington and having its business headquarters here, is a large concern obtaining from the fish called menhadden, fish-scrap for fertilizer and fish oil used for


various purposes. Also in this city are two large machine shops and foundries manufacturing saw mill and fertilizer machinery etc. In addition to these are a number of miscellaneous manufactories producing various kinds of goods.


Wilmington's wholesale merchants have the best of facilities for doing business, this city being the metropolis of North Carolina and the purchasing centre for a rich and prosperous surrounding territory. The development is such that the city to-day is the most important jobbing centre of the State and perhaps of the two Carolinas. This result has largely been achieved by reason of particularly good shipping facilities by land and water. Much also should be attributed to the high standing, PICTURESQUE COUNTY ROAD NEAR WILMINGTON
resources and character which are characteristics of Wilmington houses. The wholesale trade of this city is in the hands of men of ample capital, enjoying the best of credit and able to buy as low as the lowest. The trade has very greatly expanded with the increase in wealth and population of the surrounding country. The leading lines of goods jobbed here are heavy and fancy groceries, provisions, dry goods and notions, drugs and pharmaceutical preparations, boots and shoes, mill supplies and saw mill machinery, paints, oils, clothing, hats and caps, confectionery, building materials, lumber, naval stores, peanuts, etc.

As an auxilliary of the wholesale trade attention is due to the manufacturers’ agents and merchandise brokers transacting business here. The largest packing houses are represented and the leading flour mills, rice mills, coffee and grain shippers and first sources of supply generally. Through them the latest market quotations by telegraph are always obtainable.

Some idea of the importance of Wilmington's wholesale business may be gathered from the fact that the total of jobbers’ sales in 1910 aggregated $65,000,000, an advance of $20,000,000 over 1900 when the total transactions amounted only to 45,000,000.



It might seem at first glance that the number and magnitude of the retail establishments of Wilmington would be more than adequate for a place of its populations. The fact is, however that the city is the nucleus of a prosperous and thriving section whose inhabitants come here for supplies of all kinds, and this gives our merchants trade considerably in excess of the needs of the strictly local population. Again, the residents of this city are all well employed, adequately paid and doing well generally and they believe in circulating their gains within a reasonable limit. All departments of business find representatives along our thoroughfares and for attractiveness and conveniences of the stores, the diversity and NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURT HOUSE
character of the stocks, the enterprise of the management, for fair dealing and courteous attention Wilmington's retail establishments will compare favorably with similar enterprises anywhere.


The manufacture of fertilizers in and around Wilmington may be considered today the most important branch of the locality's industrial operations. Furthermore it may be said to have largely developed within the past few years and several of the most important plants of the kind in the South have been established here. The railroads which make Wilmington their terminals have very extensive warehouse facilities which are mainly used for the storage of fertilizer material. It is difficult to obtain the exact figures regarding the total quantity of fertilizers made in and near Wilmington, but it probably aggregates to about 300,000 to 350,000 tons annually.


The city of Wilmington is one of the most important cotton receiving and shipping points in the country. Indeed it ranks fourth among cotton exporting ports in the South. This city is the outlet for the cotton crop of North and South Carolina and adjoining States. The tidewater facilities enjoyed by Wilmington enable the cotton bales to be loaded into vessels

direct from the compresses, at the same time that the railroads bring here the staple from all parts of the territory above mentioned. The compress facilities are among the most important and complete in the country. The cotton that comes to this city is almost all exported, going direct to England, Germany, France, etc. The exports from Wilmington last year aggregated 410,308 bales but it is anticipated that this cotton season the number of bales shipped abroad will exceed a half million.

The production of manufactured cotton goods is represented in Wilmington by two important factories. Together these operate 16,124 IMPROVED ROAD AT CASTLE HAYNES COLONY, N. C.,

spindles, 724 looms and have a capacity for the production of about 28,000 yards of cotton fabrics daily. The class of goods made here is what is known as ginghams and cheviots. The products are of the best quality of their various grades and find a ready sale in New York and Northern markets.


The handling and preparing of peanuts for the market is an important item of Wilmington's trade. The peanut fields begin a short distance from the city, and stretch through the Carolinas. There are three varieties of peanuts handled here. These are the North Carolina, Virginia and Spanish nuts. The Virginia variety are those generally sold by street

venders and stores throughout the country. The Spanish nuts are largely shipped shelled, and are used by manufacturing confectioners for peanut candy etc. though they are also eaten as a nut, and some prefer them even to Virginias. The North Carolina seed peanut is largely shipped South and is cultivated by Southern farmers as food for hogs. They are eagerly eaten by these animals and are probably the best fattening food that can be obtained. Wilmington is practically the only wholesale market of any magnitude for the supply of North Carolina seed peanuts.

There are at Wilmington several important peanut buyers and shippers and in connection there are a number of peanut “factories”. The nuts THE JAMES WALKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
are cleaned, assorted, polished and as regards some of them, are shelled by machinery. The reputation of this city for peanuts stands very high as regards quality and facilities.


The Wilmington Trade Extension Association, a progressive young organization made up principally of wholesale and retail merchants, was formed primarily to attract trade from the surrounding territory by refunding fares of purchasers. About $20,000 worth of goods was bought on transportation checks during the first two months of its existence and the organization is forging steadily forward. Mr. W. B. Cooper is Chairman of the Association and it represents the trade interests of the city in general.


The banks of this city, while at the same time exercising very properly a reasonable conservatism, have never been lacking in enlightened enterprise that always stands ready to extend proper assistance to public and private movements based upon correct principles for the development of resources, the upbuilding of legitimate business ventures and the establishment of manufactures and commerce. The Wilmington banks are the Murchison National Bank, the Southern National Bank, The American National Bank, The Peoples Savings Bank, The Atlantic Trust and Banking Co., The Wilmington Savings and Trust Co. and The Home Savings Bank.

J. F. Leitner, Architect. Jos. Schad, Contractor.

The banking capital and surplus aggregated in 1911 $7,651,101 and the bank resources $14,591,230. The amount of deposits held by the financial institutions the same year aggregated $10,325,195.

All of the above institutions are highly prosperous and their officers and directors are nearly all residents of the city and are men of broad minds, ample capital and high business intelligence, identified with Wilmington's best interests and prepared at all times to contribute of their time, labor and means for its material advancement.


Wilmington is to be congratulated upon never having experienced the doubtful blessing of what is called a “boom” yet there has always been a healthful and active demand for real estate here. Outside investors can depend upon finding in Wilmington a lucrative means of placing money which will yield good interest. Building in this city and neighborhood LETTUCE FIELD—EAST WILMINGTON
has been active and especially so within recent years. Rented property is generally in good demand and pays from eight to twelve per cent as an investment. Investors from a distance who may be interested will do well to enter into correspondence with any of the real estate agents here.

Very favorable facilities are available for persons of comparatively restricted means to experience the great boon of owning their own domiciles. Desirable lots in and around the city can be purchased at low prices and payment accepted upon the installment plan. Residences can be erected through the medium of the various building and loan associations in operation in the city.

Wilmington is the nucleus of one of the finest agricultural sections of the South, and the country round about offers the very best inducements to the general farmer, trucker, fruit and vegetable grower etc. The soil is largely a sandy loam with a clay subsoil which aids to make the fertilizer stay on the ground and not wash away with the rains. The most favoarble conditions are here for truck raising. The principal crops raised in this vicinity are lettuce, strawberries etc. and in fact pratcically any

vegetable grown in semi-tropical climates. Wilmington is a good market and the neighboring cities and towns are also profitable outlets, but much of the crop of early vegetables, etc., and especially strawberries and lettuce is dispatched north, the conveniences for shipment being unexcelled.

Alluding to the strawberry crop of North Carolina we may premise that these delicious fruits are raised principally in the sections served by the Atlantic Coast Line. Under cultivation this year in the above mentioned locality there are 5548 acres of strawberry beds. The average yield is generally about 85 to 100 crates to the acre, though in some seasons this average is exceeded. From 1897 to 1911 there was shipped from this locality the enormous quantity of 5,459,120 crates of strawberries. The CABBAGE FIELD—EAST WILMINGTON
above only includes fruit shipped over the Atlantic Coast Line. In addition considerable quantities were dispatched by the Seaboard Air Line and other routes, probably bringing up the total to between six and seven million crates. The strawberries generally come in about April and last to about June 1st and this is a good time when they fetch the best prices in the Northern markets. They are shipped as far North as Canada and are rushed through by express and in refrigerator cars and arrive at destination fresh, cold and in best condition. Lettuce is also a big crop around Wilmington and is also shipped out in refrigerator cars and by express. It is generally ready for the market about March 15th.

Strawberry lands right adjacent to the railroad can be purchased for about $100 per acre. Further away the price is lower.

Of course the yield of crops varies with the locality, but the following estimates may be taken as averages. Thus: garden peas and wax beans generally yield about $100 to the acre. Two crops of cabbage can be raised in a season, each valuing about $150 to $200 to the acre. Irish potatoes will yield 200 to 250 bushels to the acre and sweet potatoes from 200 to 400 bushels according to the soil and conditions, and these rarely sell for less than seventy-five cents per bushel. Plums, grapes, peaches,

Le Compte and Kiefer pears grow well on the bottom lands and on the Sound and there is a good market for these right in the city. Radishes are a lucrative crop and are ready to ship in thirty to thirty five days after planting. Other remunerative crops are parsnips and salsify, and asparagus is also highly successful and is profitable. Peanuts are a staple in North Carolina and there is always a big market for them. Of course the above examples do not reflect the diversity and extent of the crops raised in this locality. They are merely instanced as exponents.

No man of ordinary intelligence who is willing to work can fail to make a good living on as little as ten acres of land. A man bought eleven acres of woodland a few years ago for which he paid $75. He cleared this land, cultivated it and paid for it. At the end of six years he had $7000 in the bank. He has since sold this farm at a very great advance over what he paid for it


The price at which land can be purchased in this locality of course, varies. Within three or four miles of the city unimporved land brings from $60 to $80 per acre and farms from $75 to $150 per acre. At a further distance of ten or fifteen miles away the price of uncleared land may go as low as $10 per acre.

In the neighborhood of Wilmington there are now some sixty miles of macadamized roads affording five different routes for cheap wagon transportation, thereby greatly aiding the farmer to reach a profitable market. There are good country schools and churches in the locality and the rural delivery postal system is largely in operation. We wish particularly to draw the attention of the Northern and Western farmer to the inducements here placed at his disposal. Within the past ten years the development of this locality has been remarkable and all that have settled here are doing well and a large proportion of the new-comers have acquired property and paid for the same within two or three years and many have good balances in the savings banks.

Inquiries relating to real estate and farming property should be addressed to the real estate concerns here, also to the Carolina Trucking Development Co., notices of which appear on other pages of this book.



Wilmington enjoys the possession of a port and harbor which ranks among the best and safest along the Atlantic Coast. However, it is only within comparatively recent years that this satisfactory condition has prevailed. Until about the close of the Civil War the greatest depth of water in the river at Wilmington was ten or twelve feet. Since that period and from time to time, much has been accomplished, the result being that July 1st, 1911 there was at the ocean bar a channel twenty six feet deep and 200 feet wide, and all the way up to Wilmington was a water way 270 feet wide having a depth of twenty four feet, and in addition, part of this has been dug to a depth of twenty six and twenty eight feet for a width of 150 feet. Vessels drawing twenty five to twenty six feet of water can now safely come all the way to the docks at Wilmington with high water.


Present operations under existing appropriations provide for a twenty six foot channel 300 feet wide across the bar, and a channel 150 feet wide and twenty six feet up to Reaves Point; and from Reaves Point to Wilmington the channel will be 150 feet wide and twenty eight feet deep, in addition to the twenty-four-foot channel on either side of the deeper channel from the bar to Wilmington. All of the above depths refer to mean low water.

Furthermore a bill has recently been introduced in Congreess to bring about more extended improvements on the river below Wilmington. This will entail an expenditure of $572,940, in addition to funds now available, with$80,000 annually for maintenance after completion. This appropriation however, is subject to the city disbursing $100,000 in constructing terminal facilities for vessels in the way of docks, wharves etc. There is very little doubt but that this project will ultimately be carried out.

An improvement long needed and soon to be erected at Wilmington is a new Custom House. Congress has already appropriated $300,000 for this purpose, and a bill has just been introduced asking that this appropriation be increased to $600,000

The following figures afford some idea of the growth and development of the business of the port. Thus, in 1900 there was registered here

the arrival of 261 vessels, steam and sail, amounting to 212,385 tons. In 1910, however, there came into port 276 vessels, not many more in number but these aggregated 374,667 tons, considerably over a third more than ten years ago. The above figures refer to vessels of 100 tons and over.

A few details relating to various commodities shipped and received at the port of Wilmington in 1910 will be of interest.. Lumber shipped from here aggregated 24,142,000 feet b. m. of which 22,610,000 feet went coastwise and 1,797,000 feet shipped foreign. Shingles shipped amounted to 7,500,000; gum logs, 2,500,000 b. m; cross ties, 308,344; cotton, Sept. 1910 to Sept. 1911, 410,308 bales; fertilizers shipped from port 6906 tons, fertilizers and fertilizer material imported 194,581 tons; fertilizer material shipped up-stream was valued at $1,140,240. Nitrate of soda imported GENERAL OFFICES ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY
amounted to 34,486 tons, valued at $1,160,952. Kainit imported 85,615 tons, valued at $485,623. Total quantity of imports of fertilizer and fertilizer materials was valued at $3,891,620. The receipts of lumber from above Wilmington amounted to 57,920,000 feet, b. m. There were 196 vessels registered and unregistered operating regularly on Cape Fear River with a net registered tonnage of 9072 tons.

The freight transported during the year 1910 was the greatest ever recorded, exceeding the tonnage of 1909, the previous maximum by 72,231 tons. It is anticipated that the completed figures for 1911 will even exceed the total of 1910.

Wilmington's exports for the year 1909 exceeded those of Norfolk, Newport-News, Portsmouth and Charleston combined. Her imports for the same year exceeded those of Norfolk, Newport-News and Portsmouth combined. Exports for the year 1910 aggregated 371,405 tons and imports 573,254 tons. Total tonnage 944,657 tons. The value of exports in 1910 was $27,404,766, the largest item of this, of course, being cotton.

Perhaps it may not be out of place to refer here to the system of inland waterways which it is expected will ultimately be extended to Wilmington. Up to the present time the system has been completed from New York to Beaufort, N. C. The canal to this point has about ten feet depth of water from Beaufort to Pamlico Sound; above that to Chesapeake Bay the least depth is about nine feet. From Chesapeake Bay this waterway runs through

the Chesapeake and Delaware canals and up the Delaware River and thence by canal to New York. A continuation from Beaufort entering the Cape Fear River at a point near Wilmington is under consideration. This, if carried out, will enable freight to be brought down to Wilmington from the North in barges at a much decreased rate than when carried in vessels and furthermore its transit will not be exposed to the peril of storms, which often delay ships using the outside route.

About the time that this book is published, or immediately after, there will be in full operation increased and ample improved marine railway facilities, by means of which may be repaired almost any vessel, steam or sail, that is likely to come to this port.

The haven of Wilmington is secure and land-locked and vessels lie close to the wharves to load and discharge. Towage and port charges are moderate and steam coal is not high priced and is readily obtainable.

A considerable portion of the facts and figures embodied in this article on the Port of Wilmington has been courteously furnished the writer by Capt. H. W. Stickle, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., stationed at Wilmington.


Wilmington's facilities for reaching the markets of the country and abroad with her products, and for bringing raw material and merchandise to her doors are particularly favorable. The city has unexcelled conveniences for shipping by railroad and also lines of steamboats connecting with New York and local points and direct steamship service to and from European countries. The two great competing railway systems, the Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard Air Line, through their thousands of miles of rail, and through the other lines with which they connect penetrate to every section and combined with the sea-going and coastwise facilities offer to the city direct and cheap connection with the whole continent and, indeed, the world. Thus is brought here, at economical competing rates, merchandise of every description and raw materials for manafucturing. Of the latter notably may be mentioned fertilizer ingredients. Hence is dispatched to countries abroad cotton, naval stores, lumber and other commodities.

The Seaboard Air Line has constructed within the past two years large terminal warehouse facilities for the storage of freight. Immense quantities of fertilizers constituents are brought to this port by sailing vessels and steamers and distributed to the fertilizer factories of Wilmington and the interior. The Atlantic Coast Line also has considerable terminal facilities, and it are now introducing enhanced conveniences of this character along the same lines as the Seaboard. The headquarters and general offices of the Atlantic Coast Line are located in this city, and in them are given employment to from 600 to 700 officials, clerks and assistants. Taking the above into consideration and adding men who work on the railroad and in the yards, there are altogether some 1250 employees who make their home in Wilmington, thus constituting a most valuable asset of the general welfare and prosperity of the community.

The Atlantic Coast Line is now constructing at Wilmington one of the finest passenger stations on the system. It will be used as a Union Station and the cost of it will approximate $300,000.

Reference should be made to the Belt Railroad owned and operated by the Atlantic Coast Line. This entirely surrounds the city, affording factories away from the water front equal facilities as regards shifting charges as if they were more centrally located.

This is a condition that should not be lost sight of by any who may be looking out for a favorable and cheap location for the establishment of industries.

AT WILMINGTON. J. F. Leitner, Architect.

Apart from the conveniences enjoyed by Wilmington in the possession of the above great trunk lines, we should also mention the Wilmington, Brunswick and Southport Railroad, recently completed. This opens up to Wilmington's trade Brunswick county and the lower Cape Fear section and gives this city direct and contiguous railroad connection to the sea.

The Clyde Line furnishes Wilmington with a weekly steamship service between here and New York, and this city and Georgetown.


As a summer resort and place of residence, Wilmington may claim to be unequaled in the South. In connection with the above, first we will allude here to the far-famed

Wrightsville Beach.

This is located on an island about three miles long and it is nine miles distant from the city with which it is connected by an unrivaled system of fast electric trolley trains. This island is about a mile distant from the mainland, and a trestle bridge allows the cars to land passengers right on the TURNPIKE BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND.
beach and at the doors of the hotels and residences. The beach being well out from the main shore there are no points of land to intercept the health bringing and exhilarating breezes of the broad Atlantic. This makes the resort free from mosquitoes and renders hay fever and kindred ills impossible.

There are on Wrightsville Beach two large hotels, the “Seashore” and the “Oceanic,” besides a number of boarding houses where good accommodations can be obtained at moderate rates. There are also here three club houses and over a hundred summer cottages. Wrightsville Beach is growing rapidly and every year witnesses the erection of new summer homes.

Between Wrightsville and Wilmington there is a splendid macadamized road particularly suited for automobile travel. As regards the accomadations for the general public to reach the beach, the Tidewater Power Co. operate a high speed electric road between Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach. They have about forty cars in service and the equipment is new and altogether of the most modern type. About, or soon after, that this book appears before the public, the company will have completed a number of improvements in connection with their road between the city

and the beach. These will include the construction of a concrete viaduct over what is known as the Banks Channel, also filling in a part of the long approach before reaching the Banks Channel. This will largely add to the strength and security of the road, enabling it to better contend against winter storms. The company run about 36 trains daily between Wilmington START OF CANOE RACE-—WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH
and the beach and these all connect with the steam railroads entering the city. The company have accomplished much towards popularizing this resort and in consequence the property between here and the beach is rapidly becoming more and more valuable for residential purposes.


At Wrightsville Beach is “LUMINA”. This is one of the finest pavilions of the kind on the Atlantic Coast. As its name indicates it is illuminated at night by thousands of incandescent lights. It has a ball room having a floor space of 6000 square feet, while its verandas give 15000 square feet of lounging accomodations. Dances are given here daily during the summer season and three is a first class orchestra. Proper

restrictions ensure decorum and good order, but “Lumina” differs from other similar resorts elsewhere, notably in the democratic atmosphere which pervades the place. Here all classes meet on the same footing without friction or disorder of any kind, to the mutual benefit and comfort of everyone. This good order is maintained without any outward show of authority and mainly by the knowledge that public opinion will not tolerate under any circumstances any breach of propriety. At “Lumina” BALL ROOM—LUMINA
there are no advertising signs, and the public is not importuned to buy anything as at some other resorts, where life is almost made a burden by the vigorous solicitations of needy chasers after loose nickels and dimes. Visitors from this city and elsewhere and also from the hotels throng the place in their thousands every day and night, and high spirits combine with the exhilarating breezes of the ocean to make the resort a happy and a delightful place.

Wrightsville Beach is replete with amusements, sports and pleasures. Aside from the dancing in Lumina and the Hotels and the ever-popular surf bathing, there are numerous contests or tournaments in the form of yacht races, canoe races in the ocean surf and on the Sound, foot-races, and nearly every kind of athletic sports. Sail boats and launches may be hired at reasonable rates. Excursions to the city are pleasant and popular diversions.

The beach is considered one of the most perfect on the Atlantic Coast and a thousand bathers are often seen at one time, for the protection of whom there is maintained in front of Lumina, the hotels and clubs a beach

patrol equipped with boats and life-saving apparatus. Yet there is but little demand for such assistance, for the beach shelves off gradually and there are no holes or cross currents.

Carolina Beach.

Situated 13 miles almost due south of Wilmington is Carolina Beach which is reached by the Steamer Wilmington to a pier on the river opposite the beach and thence by a railroad three miles long, all under one management. Bathing and fishing may here be enjoyed under the most favorable conditions.

Southport and Fort Caswell.

Southport, near the mouth of the river, abounds in memories of long ago and is a veritable Mecca in the present day, for fishermen and lovers of quiet seashore life. It is fanned by the delicious salt breezes, and huge PRIZE FISH CAUGHT BY WILMINGTON MEN AT TOPSAIL SOUND, NEAR

live oaks gratefully shade its streets. From the town can be seen, not far away, the waves of the ocean as they break on the beach, while the ships to and from Wilmington pay tribute as they pass and repass.

Laying two miles to the south is Fort Caswell, built in 1826, but most famous for its Civil War history.

We have spoken above of Wilmington as a summer resort, but we must also direct attention to the city's attractions as a winter place of residence. The location of Wilmington is excellent with its well planned

streets and its magnificent winter climate. At this season it is seldom that cold as it is understood in the North is experienced here. Cool days with a wealth of sunshine are the rule. The winter here corresponds in many attributes to the spring of the North. Quite a number of northern tourists visit Wilmington during the winter. Some come here for the quail and duck shooting which is excellent. Fishing is also popular at Wilmington and large catches of blue fish, drum or channel bass and trout reward fishermen. “Field and Stream” recently offered a number of prizes for the largest channel bass caught by amateur fishermen. The first three of these were awarded to Wilmington men, who made their catch in Topsail Sound adjacent to Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach. Another popular sport in winter time is golfing, the Cape Fear Links just outside the city being easily accessible by the electric trolley lines.


Wilmington is well endowed with churches of all denominations, there being about twenty five for white people, besides a number for the colored folk.


Of hospitals and homes we will mention the James Walker Memorial Hospital, one of the best institutions of the kind in this part of the country. Its managers are some of the leading members among Wilmington's well to do people.


Society organizations are well entrenched here. There are three lodges A. F. and A. M., a Chapter Royal Arch Masons, a Council Royal and Select Masters, a Commandery Knights Templar, a Lodge of Perfection, the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of N. C., the Grand Council Royal and Select Masons of N. C. and the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of N. C. There are six lodges Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Wilmington, one of B. P. Order Elks, and besides are represented here the Fraternal Mystic Circle, Improved Order Red Men, Junior O. U. A. M., a lodge of the Independent Order B'Nai B'rith, the Hibernian Benevolent Society and the Knights of Columbus. There are also several military organizations including the Wilmington Light Infantry and the Boys’ Brigade.

Besides the above we have here the Cape Fear Club and a number of others, including social, yacht, golf, gun and other clubs, several German clubs and social organizations etc.

We trust that the reader has gathered from the foregoing pages that Wilmington in particular and this section of the State of North Carolina generally, are developing in a conservative but progressive way that inspires A GLIMPSE OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH
every confidence. Located as the city is, with all advantages as we have enumerated them, it must necesasrily take a large share in the continuous and advancing prosperity of the South.




Transportation, Light and Power. Offices, Princess Street.

It was in the year 1907, that the Tidewater Power Co. was incorporated and since that period the operation of the public utilities of the city, such as the street railroads and the gas and electrical light and power have been noticeably improved and augmented. The Tidewater Power Co. operate under lease from the Consolidated Railways Light & Power Co. an organization which absorbed the interests of the Wilmington Gas Light Co. the Wilmington Street Railway and the Wilmington Seaboard Railway. The capital stock of the Tidewater Power Co. is $1,200,000, and the executive officials are: Hugh MacRae, president; M. F. H. Gouverneur, first vice president; M. J. Hyer, second vice president; Richard J. Jones, treasurer; H. Woollcott, secretary and A. B. Skelding, general manager. There are two plants—the electrical and the gas plants. Speaking first of the electrical facilities, the power house is one of the most complete and modern in the South. The equipment includes Improved Turbine Engines, manufactured by the Westinghouse Co. They have also, here, a very complete repair shop and construction factory, and recently they built at these works three new cars of the large suburban type. They have lately installed a creasote plant for treating cross ties, a process now in vogue by all progressive railway companies. The company are now operating about twenty-five miles of street railway, including the high speed electric trolley line between Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach. Under the heading of WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH in the first part of this work we have noticed the particularly complete facilities which this organization provides the public for reaching the beach. Also, in the same part of the book we have alluded at some length regarding the company's establishment known as LUMINA, probably the finest seaside amusement pavilion on the Atlantic Coast south of New York. As regards electric lighting the company supply about 30,000 16-candle power lamps. They also furnish electric power for the operation of all kinds of factories, elevators etc. At the present time they supply about 1000 horse power to various concerns in the city and their capacity in this regard is practically unlimited. The company own twenty miles of gas mains and have in operation 2000 gas ranges and 3000 other fuel appliances. They have recently installed at their gas works improvements to the value of $30,000—consisting of holders and gas manufacturing appliances which quadruple their former capacity. A few words here in regard to the utilization of gas and electricity for heating and cooking purposes. In the summer months especially, the use of these appliances may be said to be invaluable, avoiding all unnecessary heat of coal and wood stoves. In the winter, heat may be obtained from properly constructed gas stoves and ranges such as the company supply. They sell cooking and heating stoves and other appliances at the lowest cost, finding their emolument in the consumption of the gas or electricity, as the case may be. The Tidewater Power Co. in their various departments employ an average

of about 100 men, which number, however, is considerably increased in the summer time. There is no question but that the Tidewater Power Co. have accomplished much towards the wellfare and benefit of the city, and especially as regards the increased development of Wrightsville Beach. Thus, for instance, when they first took over the operation of the railway, only six cars were run daily to the beach, now in the height of the season, TRAIN OF ELECTRIC CARS LEAVING FRONT AND PRINCESS STREETS

some thirty six trains of cars are required to accommodate the visitors. Many houses have been put up within recent years between Wilmington and the beach, and Winter Park may be quoted as notably an exponent of this expansion. The development of the beach develops Wilmington and advertises the city throughout the South and elsewhere. VERANDAH OCEAN SIDE LUMINA-—WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH
The directors of the company comprise the following list: Hugh MacRae of Hugh MacRae & Co., Bankers; M. F. H. Gouverneur, a member of the same firm; M. J. Heyer, capitalist; H. C. McQueen, president Murchison National Bank; J. V. Grainger, vice president Murchison National Bank; C. N. Evans, president Southern National Bank and of the Atlantic Trust and Banking Co.; C. E. Taylor, president Wilmington Savings and Trust Co; W. B. Cooper, president American National Bank; Jas. H. Chadbourn, capitalist; Geo. R. French, of Geo. R. French and Sons, wholesale shoe dealers; G. H. Smith, president Acme Fertilizer Co; Junius Davis of Davis & Davis, lawyers; Oscar Pearsall,

wholesale grocer; J. G. L. Gieschen, merchant; Jurgen Haar, merchant; Eduard Ahrens of Ahrens Bros., wholesale druggists and C. W. Worth, capitalist; a combination of men representing the strongest elements of solidity, capital and business capability. The management of the business has been distinguished by energy, foresight and the pursuance of an enlightened and progressive business policy, which has resulted in making the enterprise a leading and most valuable asset of the city of Wilmington.

Wholesale and Retail Boots, Shoes etc. 108 North Front St.

The above named house enjoys the distinction of being not only the oldest established business in Wilmington, but also in North Carolina. It was established in 1822 by the late Geo. R. French who was born January 1801 and who died in 1889, respected and regretted GEO. R. FRENCH & SONS

Etching of Geo. R. French Storefront by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The firm of Geo R. French & Sons was formed in 1867, the copartners being, in addition to the founder, his sons W. A. French, G. R. French, Jr. and J. McD French. Connected with the business was also another son, Chas. E. French who later removed to Minnesota, where he now lives. Mr. W. A. French died in 1907 and Mr. J. McC. French about 1900, leaving Mr. Geo R. French the sole surviving member of the firm. Thus it will be seen that for a period of very nearly a century this business has been in the hands of only two generations of the same family—a probably unique record. The premises occupied by the firm comprise a four story building of 25 × 112 feet which is Mr. French's property. The lower part is used for the retail and the upper part for the wholesale operations. The firm handle boots, shoes, rubbers, leather, shoe findings etc. They carry foot-wear of all kinds—from the cheapest to the best and much of their stock is manufactured especially for the house. The stock carried is very full and complete, and is obtained direct from leading manufacturers in the largest quantities. The experience and old time reputation of the firm ensure every facility and advantage, and thus they are enabled to offer both the trade and public, the very best inducements in the way of quality, values and prices. The wholesale trade of the house is in North and South Carolina, and three or four travellers represent it within these districts. Prompt filling of orders is assured, not always attainable when ordering from more distant points. Mr. Geo R. French, who is now the sole proprietor is one of the best known residents of this city. Indeed the history of this firm is practically an index to the business enterprises and growth of the city. The first brick pavement laid in the small town of Wilmington was laid by the senior Geo. R. French, shortly after his locating here, and he was also one of the original subscribers to the building of the Wilmington & Raleigh R. R.—afterward the Wilmington & Weldon R. R. and now a part of the A. C. L. R. R. He was also a subscriber and advocate of the construction of the other roads leading from the city. He was an associate with others in establishing the Seamens Friend Society and for many years was its corresponding secretary and afterward its president. He was a firm friend of the schools and contributed liberally to the construction and support of the churches. In later years his sons following his example have been active in support of all enterprises for the growth and extension of the trade of the port. The firm was the first to employ a lady saleswoman in 1868 and they were the first to send out travelling salesman to drum the trade and extend the business back from the coast. They have been closely connected with all financial growth and one or more of the members of the firm have been on their directory. Through capital they influenced from Boston, the Bank of New Hanover was established and the senior was on its directory for the first year, when he resigned. They were also interested in other banks—the Atlantic National, the National Bank of Wilmington, the Wilmington Savings and Trust Co—one of the firm writing its By-laws—the Peoples Savings Bank, and for years Mr. Geo. R. French Jr., was president and manager of the Wilmington Sea Coast R. R., which was afterward merged with the

street raliway, and now forms part of the Tidewater Power Co. This road has done morh towards adverising the city, and through it has built up Wrightsville Beach as a summer resort. Through the efforts of Mr. Geo. R. French, the Seashore Hotel was built and parties located as residents on the beach. The firm has built several stores and dwellings adding to the improvement of the business houses.—they being the first to put up an iron front with plate glass. Many other activities have they put in motion, all tending to drawing trade from sections of this state and South Carolina, which had not and are not now trading in the city outside of this house. They have been contributors to the public schools, to sustaining churches and towards the uplifting and improving the conditions, mental and moral of the population, and in every way contrbutors to the uplifting and advancement of the trade and importance of this city and port. Mr. Geo R. French is one of the Board of Managers of the James Walker Memorial Hospital and the secretary of the Board. He is also a director of the Tidewater Power Co.

Importers of Molasses, Foot of Grace Street.

We question whether even the residents of Wilmington entirely realize the extent and facilities of the business now conducted under the designation of the C. C. Covington Co. The origin of the enterprise dates back to 1875, when the late E. P. Covington started St. Vincent 'Lasses Pure and Sweet
Etching of women in molasses barrel as a wholesale grocer. In 1884 his son Mr. C. C. Covington became a partner and the firm began to handle molasses in a small way. Later, they discarded the grocery business and limited their operations to molasses, fish and flour. The present company was instituted in 1902 and now the house restricts its dealings simply to the importation and wholeasle handling of molasses. Mr. C. C. Covington is president and Mr. W. L. Williford is secretary. The enterprise utilizes three warehouses, two of them being about 350 × 60 feet in area. One of these is at the Waterland depot and the other is at the foot of Walnut street. The third building contains also the office and is 145 × 110 feet in area. Vessels may be unloaded at the doors of these warehouses, and the product put into the cars direct from the premises, thus giving the very best of receiving and shipping facilities and the minimum of time and labor is required in handling. Strict cleanliness is also a paramount feature in these establishments. The C. C. Covington Co. are direct importers of West Indian molasses, their main supplies being obtained from the islands of Barbadoes, St. Vincent, Porto Rico, Antigua and the Leward group of the British West Indies. The quality of these molasses is acknowledged as the best. The product is received in cargo lots direct from the producers, and buyers from the house make periodical visits to the Islands. The C. C. Covington Co. do not enter into competition with the cheaper grades but through the efforts of this corporation the jobbing trade is supplied with high grade goods under the very best conditions. The product is of the best suited for select family use, and it is sold through jobbers to dealers in the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia and Alabama. The company have three travelling salesmen, but much of the business of the house comes direct to it through the mails. The stock carried is very large, varying according to season from 15,000 to 20,000 barrels and valuing from $300,000 to $350,000. The corporation indeed is the largesst importing house of grocery molasses south of New York City. We should like to call attention to one of the principal trade marks adopted in connection with these products. This is “St. Vincent ’Lasses, pure and sweet.” It pictures three buxom looking young women standing within a molasses barrel smiling “sweetly” on the world outside. It is a particularly taking and attractive device and is thoroughly characteristic. Mr. Chas. C. Covington the head of this business, has had an experience of nearly thirty five years connected with it. To his efforts may be attributed the renewal of a trade which had declined to small proportions prior to his taking hold of it. Today, through the efforts of this house, Wilmington may be regarded as headquarters for West Indian molasses throughout a very wide section of the South generally.

Offices Southern Building.

Engaged in making known to the outside world the advantages and attractions of this part of North Carolina as a most favorable field for farmers, truck growers and agriculturalists generally, is the organization known as the Carolina Trucking Development Co., which was incorporated 1905. The Board of Directors include the following gentlemen: Hugh MacRae of Huch MacRae & Co., Bankers; Junius Davis of Davis and Davis, Attorneys; M. H. F. Gouvernenr, of Hugh MacRae & Co., Bankers; H. M. Chase, vice-president Investment Trust Co.; Cameron F. MacRae of MacRae & MacRae, Attorneys; C. Van Leuven and J. C. McEachin. Of the above Mr. Van Leuven is president, Mr. Gouverneur is vice-president and Mr. McEachin is treasurer. Mr. R. M. Sheppard acts as secretary. Thus it may be seen that the affairs of this organization are in the hands CORN AND COTTON AT CASTLE HAYNE COLONY NEAR WILMINGTON
of gentlemen of unquestioned sagacity and probity and their connection with the undertaking constitutes a guarantee. The Carolina Trucking Development Co. are the owners of some 80,000 acres of lands located in eastern North Carolina, at distances varying from four to forty miles from Wilmington. They are prepared to sell the virgin land in large tracts, but their principal energies are devoted to the sale of small farms from ten acres upwards, thereby affording opportunities for persons of the most moderate means to make a home and a living on the land. The company offer special inducements of value to actual settlers. On these lands are now located the settlements of Marathon, Castle Hayne, St. Helena, Van Eeden, Newberlin and Artesia, all of which are thriving and prosperous. From 2000 to 3000 persons are now living in these newly developed colonies. The unsold portions of the property are in no way inferior to those already disposed of. The location of the property is admirable. There are close at hand the best of railroad facilities and many miles of good roads, enabling settlers to reach a market or ship their products with facility. In earlier pages of this book under the heading of REAL ESTATE AND AGRICULTURAL (see page 15) we have given some space to detailing what may be accomplished by farmers and truckers on lands in this section of North Carolina, also the yield per acre of certain crops, the character of the soils and other particulars demonstrating the advantages and opportunities offered to those who may contemplate settling in these districts. Therefore we need not recapitulate here. We may however, state that the Carolina Truckihg Development Co. have some of the best farm lands in the locality to

dispose of and altogether have the very best of inducements to offer to prospective settlers. The company have devoted large sums to the improvement of their properties and they are vitally interested in their upbuilding. They have opened up roads, established towns, caused stations to be built, donated ground and money for churches and schools, erected cottages, sunk artesian wells and have generally acted for the best interests of the settlers. Those who desire to investigate more deeply, will do well to communicate directly with the company, who will be glad to answer enquiries and will forward STRAWBERRIES GROWN BY THE KEVITT METHOD—ST. HELENA COLONY NEAR WILMINGTON
fuller particulars, printed matter, etc. upon application. We have mentioned already the names of the gentlemen identified with the ownership and management of this enterprise, which should inspire every confidence. Those, however at a distance, who may desire to investigate further are referred to the following: The Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, Murchison National Bank, Wilmington Southern National Bank, Wilmington, Safe Deposit and Trust Co, Baltimore, W. J. Craig, Passenger Traffic Manager Atlantic Coast Line, or to be brief, any commercial agency in the country or any business concern in Wilmington and vicinity. Unquestionably this corporation is doing great good in advertising abroad the advantages and facilities of Eastern North Carolina as a place to establish a home and to acquire a comfortable competence. It is hardly too much to say that this section of the state may be regarded as an ElDorado, not in the yield of yellow metal, but in its yield of golden fruit and corn, wholesome vegetables, produce etc., to feed its inhabitants, and to ship away for the consumption of hundreds of thousands of the people of the North and West.

Office Corner Nutt and Grace Streets.

The above named addition to the business interests of Wilmington was established January 1911. Even at this stage it has evidenced a degree of success that indicates permanence. The company manufacture and place on this market a regular line of Highgrade Fertilizers, including Nitrate of Soda, Potash and Kainit. The goods are suitable to all soils and crops and are sold to the trade throughout North and South Carolina. The gentlemen at the head of this enterprise are W. B. Cooper, president; I. W. Cooper, vice president and W. R. Surles, secretary. The long familiarity of the proprietors with the wholesale grocery trade and country buyers make them cognizant of the requirements of planters and farmers in this part of the country, and the fertilizers they offer may be depended upon for being the best suited to this demand, and the prices are right. Wilmington is headquarters for the distribution of high grade fertilizers and we are pleased to have to chronicle here of this addition to the trade.

Wholesale Grocers, Cor Nutt and Grace Streets.

A prominent exponent of the extensive wholesale grocery business of Wilmington is exemplified in the important house of the W. B. Cooper Co., which was founded by Mr. W. B. Cooper in 1894. It was incorporated December 1911, the executive officers being W. B. Cooper, president, T. E. Cooper, vice-president, I. W. Cooper, secretary and treasurer, and W. R. Surles, sales manager. At the outset the business was started upon a very modest scale by Mr. W. B. Cooper, but it has continued steadily to advance, and to-day it may be quoted as among the leading houses of the kind here. The company's premises comprise a building of 100×100 feet and another of the dimensions of 60×100 feet. The house transacts the business of a strictly first-class wholesale grocer, handling mainly heavy goods. The trade of the house is principally in the Carolinas and it is represented in these localities by three travellers. A specialty is made of Carolina and Texas rice and also of the house's private brand of “Bunker Hill” fancy patent flour. The house enjoys the closest relations with manufacturers and shippers in every department, and obtains its supplies generally in car-load lots, and the lowest current prices are offered to merchants. Another specialty is salt fish. The fish come to this city in schooners, are salted and packed and are sold generally through North and South Carolina. Peanuts comprise another leading line. The variety handled is largely the North Carolinan nuts, and these are shipped south to be cutivated as food for hogs. However, peanuts of all kinds are dealt in, and they are cleaned, graded and polished, and dispatched to large handlers in all parts of the country. The facilities of the house in all departments are of the best, and modern methods, fair dealing and consulting the best interests of patrons are characteristics of the enterprise. Mr. W. B. Cooper the head of the house is one of the best known of Wilmington's business men. He is also president of the Cooper Guano Co. and of the American National Bank. He is a director of the Wilmington Stamp and Printing Co. and is chairman of the Wilmington Trade Extension Association. He has also important interests outside of the city. Thus, he is a director of the First National Bank of Dunn, N. C., of the First National Bank of Waycross, Ga. and of the Wee Nee Bank of Kingstree, S. C. Mr. T. E. Cooper is Cashier of the American National Bank of this city. Messrs. I. W. Cooper and I. W. Surles devote their particular energies to the business of the W. B. Cooper Co.

Wholesale and Retail Paints, Oils, Builders’ Materials, etc., 23 Market Street.

The foundations of the above well known and old established business were laid as long ago as 1867 when the firm of Hancock & Daggett was instituted. Later, Mr. W. T. Daggett became the sole proprietor, and until January 1896 he occupied the store where the present business is carried on. In that same year, Mr. M. W. Divine of the firm of Divine and Chadbourn, who carried on a similar business opposite on Market St., acquired the proprietorship and amalgamated the two enterprises. Since that time the operations have largely expanded, and today the house may be ranked as the largest concern of the kind in this section of the South. The firm occupy a building of five floors, having an area of 12,360 square feet, and they have also a two story warehouse on Market street, near Water street of the dimensions of 25 × 125 feet. Thus ample accomodations are available for large stocks, which include paints, oils, greases, sash, doors, blinds, glass, varnishes, roofing paper, putty, builders’ hardware, painters’ and builders’ supplies generally. The firm are agents and distributors here for a number of high class specialties in their lines, such as the Sherwin-Williams celebrated paints, also the high grade goods made by F. W. DeVoe & Co. T. Reynolds of New York, H. B. Davis’ ready mixed paints, the Johnson wood dyes and other specialties, “Japalac” varnishes and stains etc. Specialties are also made of native pine sash, doors and blinds, and interior and exterior cold water paints. The most diversified stocks in all lines are carried, and full supplies are at all times on hand. Goods are obtained direct from manufacturers with whom the house for many years has enjoyed the closest business relations. The trade of the firm is mainly in the Carolinas and practically the whole of their outside business caomes to them by mail orders, thereby relieving them of the expense of employing commercial travellers. The lowest prices are quoted and the house is in a position to invite legitimate competion from any quarter. Prompt shipment is another notable feature of the operations.

The sole proprietor is Mr. M. W. Divine, who has long been identified with the best interests of the city. He is also secretary and treasurer of the Ocean Fisheries Co., is a director of the Murchison National Bank, of the Peoples Savings Bank and is president of the Chadbourn Lumber Co. The management of the business of M. W. Divine & Co. is in the hands of Mr. Geo. V. Harrell, who has been with the concern altogether for about sixteen years. He gives to the enterprise his close and constant personal supervision and attention in the interests of the house and its patrons.

Cotton Exporters and Owners of the Champion Compresses and Warehouses,
Offices Cor. Front and Walnut Streets.

We here present for the consideration of our readers a few details relative to the well known cotton exporting house of Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son which was founded in 1866, nearly a half a century ago. At that time the firm consisted of Mr. Alexander Sprunt and his son Mr. James Sprunt. The senior partner died in 1884, and then Mr. William Sprunt a younger son of the founder, became a member of the firm. Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son are cotton exporters, transacting a business of the largest proportions. They are also owners of the Champion Compresses and Warehouses, which are operated as the Wilmington Compress and Warehouse Co. The plant is second to none as regards completeness and conveniences. It has been recently enlarged and thoroughly overhauled, and its facilities augmented. There are five compresses of the largest capacity, LIVERPOOL COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING, IN WHICH ARE

and 5000 bales of cotton can be handled daily with ease. The trains coming in laden with cotton are discharged at the doors of the plant, and after being compressed, the bales are loaded direct into the holds of the steamers at the wharves adjoining. The utmost care and system are exercised in the handling. Every bale that is shipped must pass a rigid inspection by thoroughly competent experts. There are here conveniences for the loading of three vessels at one time. The whole establishment is admirably systematized, and every thing goes like clockwork. Every precaution is taken to guard against fire, including automatic sprinklers, and no one is admitted who is even suspected of having combustibles on his person. The number of hands employed during the season averages about 800, and this greatly benefits the city in giving employment to so large a force of men. The firm ship the cotton to ports in Great Britain and the Continent. They have branch houses at Liverpool, England and Bremen, Germany, conducted under the management of resident partners. They have also offices at Havre, France and at Boston and Houston. They have buyers in all important centers within the cotton belt, especially in North and South Carolina and Georgia. Of course the volume of business done by the firm varies according to circumstances

but the operations of the house have expanded largely during recent years, and the facilities are well sustained to keep pace with modern methods and requirements. The number of bales shipped by the firm will approximate from 400,000 to 500,000 yearly and this year promises to be a particularly good one as regards the foreign demand. As BREMEN BAUMWOLLBORSE(COTTON EXCHANGE)IN WHICH

an interesting item we may mention that when this firm first began operations, the depth of water was suitable only for small sailing vessels; now they can dock at their warehouses steamers drawing twenty four feet. This firm also are the pioneers of the foreign steamship trade of this city, having chartered the first steamer—the Barnsmore—in 1881. Now during the season an average of two steamships are dispatched weekly, the majority of these sailing under the British flag. Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son are the Lloyd's agents for this port and they are also agents of the London Salvage Association. Mr. Jas. Sprunt is British Vice-Consul here, an appointment he has held for many years. He is also Chairman of the Board of Navigation and Pilotage, and was appointed by the Governor of North Carolina. Although of course a busy man, he has yet found time to interest himself in a number of projects that are of real benefit to the community, and among others of these is the work of the Seamen's Friends Society, an organization which has been instrumental of much good to the seafaring men who visit this port. Mr. Wm. H. Sprunt is vice president of Jas Walker Memorial Hospital and takes an active interest in its affairs. Finally we will only further remark that this old established and time honored concern has done much to make the name of Wilmington well known in two hemispheres in connection with that great staple which gives employment to many tens of thousands on both sides of the broad Atlantic.

Wholesale Grocers, 216 and 218 North Water Street

For a period of exactly seventy years the above enterprise has formed part of the wholesale facilities of this city. The house was founded in 1842 by the late John C. Heyer, Sr. who died in 1887. In 1883, however Mr. M. J. Heyer became the proprietor and he continued to carry on the business alone until April 1st, 1898 when the firm of Heyer Bros. was formed. The members of this firm were John C. Heyer and Geo. H. C. Heyer, sons of the founder. The latter gentleman died about two years ago. The business has since been continued by Mr. J. C. Hyer under its original designation of Hyer Bros. The premises in which the enterprise is carried on are the property of Mr. Mathew J. Hyer and the firm have been in occupation of them since 1874. The business consists of a regular wholesale grocery business, handling a general line of heavy and fancy groceries which they dispose of to the trade of the city and the surrounding country for a distance of about 60 miles. They have two commercial travellers calling on customers. The house enjoys the best of facilities, and the stocks are selected with a due appreciation of the requirements of this locality, which the lengthened experience of the house assures. It will not be required

of us to offer here any personal comment concerning the proprietorship of the house but it is fair to say that its long time reputation invites the utmost confidence. In recording in this volume of the facilities of Wilmington, particular recognition is due to a concern which for so many years has been before the trade and public and which is entitled to rank as a pioneer of the important wholesale business of the city.

E. L. Einton, Proprietor, Wrightsville Beach.

In an earlier part of this volume we have devoted some space relative to the attractions of that delightful and healthful summer resort adjacent to Wilmington, known as Wrightsville Beach (see page 28) and we now wish to call the attention of our readers to the Seashore Hotel located there. The hotel is a handsome structure, three floors in height. It contains about 200 sleeping rooms and of these there are eighty provided with private baths, and all of them have running water. Every modern improvement has been installed
Photo of Seashore Hotel including electric lights, electric call bells, long distance telephones, etc. The cuisine comprises all that the most fastidious tastes could demand. Early fruits and vegetables are on the tables as soon as anywhere, and a specialty is made of sea food so appetizing and tasty in the summer time. A crew of men is specially detailed to do the fishing for the hotel, and these delicious foods are served fresh from the sea and prepared in regular sea-shore style. The rates are from $2.50 to $4.00 per day and from $15.00 to $22.50 weekly. The season lasts from June to Sept. 10th, and early application for rooms is desirable inasmuch as the house fills rapidly and many patrons come here regularly every season. We question if there is any summer place of residence that offers more attractions than does the Seashore. The location is such that the invigorating breezes of the ocean soon chase away all minor ills, there is no malaria, mosquito bars are conspicuous by their absence, as the pest never gets here, health and high spirits prevail and everybody is congenial. In front of the hotel is a steel pier 640 feet long and on this there are four buildings for refreshment and for the sale of post-cards and novelties. At the end of the pier is an octagon shaped pavillion used by the guests as a lounging place and in the evening are here often served what are generally known as “Dutch suppers.” Of course bathing, fishing and boating can be indulged in to perfection, the beach being particularly safe. The hotel also has at the disposal of guests a fleet of about six or eight launches and sail boats, which can be used for sailing, fishing etc. Excellent fishing can be obtained from the end of the pier, and even during the winter many residents of Wilmington come down to enjoy a day's fishing. Every thing is done by the management to entertain the guests. Frequent dances are given as well as concerts, and there is a fine orchestra of twenty-two pieces, which plays during dinner and at intervals during the day as well as of course at dances held in the fine ball room. The proprietor of the Seashore is Mr. E. L. Hinton, and the coming summer will be his sixth season. It is not too much to say that he is a general favorite. But few men are better known in Wilmington. He began his career

as register clerk in the money order department of the Post-office under the Cleveland administration. Then he became discount clerk in the First National Bank here. After that, in conjuction with his brother Mr. Joseph H. Hinton, he was a proprietor of the Purcell Hotel. His next position was Assistant Superintendent of the Sea Coast Railroad between Wilmington and the beach. Finally he purchased a controlling interest in the Sea Side Hotel, and his success has been pronounced and gratifying. All who may desire ideal quarters during the summer are certain to be satisfied and delighted by a more or less lengthened sojourn at this seaside home on the shores of the broad Atalntic.

Wholesale Grocers, etc., 118, 120, 122, 124, 117, 119, 121, and 123 North Water Street.

We here devote a meausre of our space to the enterprise now carried on under the title of the D. L. Gore Co. This business was instituted in 1877 when it was founded as Gore & Gore. In 1878 Mr. D. L. Gore became the sole proprietor and continued to operate it alone until 1900, when the present stock company was organized. The present executive officials are D. L. Gore, president; L. B. Rogers, vice-president and W. W. Love, secretary and treasurer. The business has steadily expanded and necessitated increased facilities from time to time. Now the firm own and occupy extensive premises and storage accommodations which give them exceptional advantages. Within the past year or two they have added to their original premises a warehouse directly opposite and on the water front, and which is also connected with the older establishment by a steel bridge spanning Water street. The newer structure is of two floors and covers an area of 65×135 feet. It is mainly utilized for the storage of meats, heavy groceries, molasses, salt, grain, etc., and altogether it has a capacity for the storage of 75 to 100 carloads of merchandise. Between the two warehouses is the track of the A. C. L. and there are in addition convenient and ample wharfage facilities. The new warehouse and the older grocery house altogether have a floorage area of over 50,000 square feet, giving complete facilities for the carrying and handling of the largest stocks. The D. L. Gore Co. are in the first place, wholesale grocers on the largest scale. They are heavy handlers and sellers of sugar, molasses, dry salted meats, flour, coffee, etc. and they are also wholesale druggists, carrying all standard goods. As handlers and shippers of peanuts they are among the leading houses in the South. The firm also transact a very important trade in mullets, which fish they pack on the premises and ship them throughout the Carolinas. Naturally an enterprise of this important character obtains groceries and other supplies invariably from first hands and manufacturers in car load and sometimes cargo lots. They enjoy the closest connections with these original sources. A noticeable feature of this house's business is that it is the only concern in the Eastern Carolinas grinding its own coffee on its own premises. This constitutes an important advantage, allowing dealers to offer their customers fresh ground coffee at all times, and a bag of coffee ordered to-day is shipped to-morrow, freshly ground retaining all its original flavor and aroma. The house has a capacity for roasting 10,000 bags of coffee annually. Peanuts are another specialty . The company obtain these direct from the growers, clean and grade them, bag them up and ship them to all parts of the country. A particular department of this branch of the business is the shipping of North Carolina peanuts. The firm are also very large receivers and shippers of salt. The salt comes here in cargo lots and is shipped away in cars. The house probably transacts a larger business on this line than any other concern in the Carolinas. They dispose of as much as 300 carloads of salt yearly. The trade of the house extends throughout the Carolinas, and also into Georgia, Florida and Alabama. They have four commercial travellers in addition to a regular salesman in the city. Their range of patronage is perhaps further extended than any other similar house here. Of the gentlemen conducting this business we may state that few men are better known in the community and to the trade. Mr. D. L. Gore is also closely identified with other interests of importance here and elsewhere. He is president of the Great Falls Manufacturing Co. at Rockingham, N. C. and is allied with other cotton manufacturing enterprises in the two Carolinas. In addition he is an important holder of real estate here. Mr. L. B. Rogers is a director of the Atlantic Trust and Banking Co. and is also a director of the National Wholesale Grocers Association, each state being entitled to one director, North Carolina being thus represented by this gentleman.

Commission Merchants and Manufacturers’ Agents, Nutt and Brunswick Streets.

The prominence of Wilmington as a wholesale market and important distributing center is best exemplified in the number and character of the houses here engaged in business. In this connection we now direct attention to The Corbett Co. who are large distributors of staple food products throughout North and South Carolina. The business s an old established one, having been founded in 1881 as W. I. Gore & Co., the copartners then being: W. I. Gore, Albert Gore and M. J. Corbett. This firm existed for about twelve years, and then the name of the house became Corbett & Gore. Finally in 1903 the present company was organized, its executive officials now being M. J. Corbett, president and Jas. J. Allen, secretary and treasurer. The company now occupy very convenient and well located premises, comprising a structure especially built for the purpose which is Mr. Corbett's property. The building is of brick of the dimensions of 60 × 200 feet. It affords the very best of receiving and shipping conveniences. It is located between the tracks of the two railroads serving the city, permitting of five carloads of merchandise being loaded or unloaded in or out of the warehouse at the same time. The Corbett Co. are commission merchants and manufacturers’ agents, handling meats, lard, flour, grain and sugar. They represent in this and neighboring localities some of the leading manufacturers and sources of supply in the country. Of these we will mention the Anglo-American Provision Co., The Klinck Packing Co., the quality of whose products are not excelled by any; also Volier & Spies Milling Co. of St. Louis, who manufacture the “Dainty” and “Empress” brands of soft winter wheat flour; “Gold Coin” the highest grade of spring wheat patent bakers’ flour, made by the Eagle Roller Mills of New Ulm, Minnesota. In grain the Corbett Co. represent the largest western shippers. The house's transactions are exclusively wholesale to jobbers only, and largely in carload lots direct from first hands to customer without breaking bulk. Sales are made throughout North and South Carolina by the company's commercial representatives, and also through brokers at local points. Large stocks are carried to meet immediate demands and promptness is an especial feature of the business. The house's long established connections with shippers assure the lowest current rates to purchasers. Mr. M. J. Corbett has been connected with this business from its start, now comprising a period of over thirty years. It is not too much for us to say here that he has always taken an active interest in the city's welfare and progress. At the present time he is President of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce and is identified with a number of the city's most prominent interests. Finally we will add that this house has contributed its full share in making this city prominent as a distributing center and favorable source of supply for the territory contiguous to it.

Brick Manufacturers and Dealers in Building Materials, Foot of Princess Street.

The building industry has, within recent years, developed much activity in this city, and prominently identified with it in the supply of materials is the well known firm of Roger Moore's Sons & Co. which was founded about twenty five years ago by Thomas F. Bagley. About eight years later Col. Roger Moore acquired the business and carried it on until his death which took place April 25th, 1900. On May 5th of the same year the present firm assumed control and the style of Roger Moore's Sons & Co. was adopted. The office of the firm is at the above address, and their warehouses on South Water St. front on the river giving them the best of shipping facilities both by railroad and water. Their brick works are located on the Castle Hayne road. Here they make a good quality of common brick and employ about thirty five men, the capacity of the works being about 35,000 bricks daily. Aside from the manufacture of brick, the firm are extensive dealers in building materials generally, including lime, cement, plaster, hair, shingles, laths, roofing and ceiling, terra-cotta pipe, metal laths, etc. The firm make particular specialties of “Blue Seal” Plaster, Higginson White Cement Mortar, “Monarch” Hydrated Lime, “Old Dominion” Portland cement, “Alpha” Portland cement, “Compo,” weather proof roofing paper, etc. The house obtains its supplies direct from the manufacturers in the largest quantities and they are enabled to offer the trade and public the lowest prices and the highest grade goods. Promptness in filling orders from the large stocks is an especial

feature, and the personal attention of the firm is given to every order. The trade of the house, while largely local, extends into the eastern sections of North Carolina, and mail orders receive the closest attention. The enterprise altogether may be quoted as one of the most useful here, and it has aided in no small degree to the growth and development of the city.

Wholesale Grocers and Commission Dealers, 214 and 216 North Water Street.

The advantages enjoyed by Wilmington as a wholesale center and distributing point are clearly emphasized by the number and character of the business houses which have jointly contributed to this result. The wholesale grocery business takes a leading position here, and a house that for nearly a quarter of a century has been identified with this industry at Wilmington is that of Messrs. McNair & Pearsall, which was organized January 1888. The firm occupy a three story building covering an area of 165 × 40 feet. It is admirably located contiguous to the railroad and particularly well arranged for the carrying on of the business. Messrs. McNair & Pearsall are general wholesale grocers, handling everything in the line of staple and fancy groceries in the largest quantities. While the general stocks are full and complete they make specialties of flour, rice, coffee, canned meats, molasses and water ground meal. The facilities of the house acquired and increased over a period of many years assure the closest connections with first hands, manufacturers and shippers in all departments, conducing to the best interests of patrons, at the same time that its well established reputation for up-to-date methods, liberality and fair dealing inspire every confidence. The firm are also commission merchants receiving consignments of naval stores and cotton. The trade of the house in their general grocery business in mainly in North and South Carolina and is represented in these districts by courteous and experienced commercial travellers. The members of the firm individually are Messrs. John F. McNair, P. Pearsall and H. L. Hunt, all of whom have always been solicitous to advance the well being and expansion of the material interests of the city and locality. Mr. McNair is also a director of the Murchison National Bank. Mr. Pearsall devotes his particular energies to the conduct of the business of the firm. Mr. Hunt became a partner about five years ago. We need only further say here that the enterprise may be cited as one of the leading mercantile concerns which have contributed to make Wilmington a prominent market and center of distribution.

Eagle Island.

A very important addition to the facilities and conveniences of the Port of Wilmington is developed in the acquisition and possession of the Wilmington Marine Railway, whichwill be in active operation before or about the time that this book will be before the public. Its establishment fills a requirement which has been long needed, and the plant and its methods of operation will be thoroughly complete and up-to-date. The Wilmington Marine Railway Company is a corporation, the executive officials of which are B. O. Stone, president; T. D. Love, vice president; E. P. Bailey, manager and R. R. Stone, secretary and treasurer. These gentlemen are well known residents here. The Messrs. Stone are of the wholesale grocery house of The Stone Co. and Messrs. Bailey and Love are the owners of the Wilmington Iron Works. The location of the Marine Railway is on Eagle Island, just across the river opposite Wilmington. The company have here 730 feet of river front going back 800 feet. The railway is the work of Messrs. H. I. Crandall Sons & Co. of Boston, who are the largest and most important builders of this kind of plant in the country. They have built about ninety dry docks or marine railways at various ports and they recently completed a 4000 ton railway for the Cramps at Philadelphia. Their contract here calls for hauling out of the river the largest sailing vessels that come to this port, besides also steamboats up to 1500 tons. The railway is so arranged that vessels are taken out on an even keel, which is a great improvement on older plants which can only operate at an angle. The railway will be 405 feet long with a width of 48 feet. The Wilmington Marine Railway Co., having plenty of land at its disposal contemplate constructing at an early date, adjacent the railway, storage warehouses and will transact a regular storage business. The above will add materially to the attractions and conveniences of the port, and will no doubt lead to increased tonnage coming here and to an expansion of the business of the city.

Real Estate Agents, 124 Princess Sreet.

Within a considerable period of years there hax been exhibited at Wilmington a steady continued and healthful demand for real estate investments, and very prominently identified with these interests here, is the house of Messrs. J. G. Wright & Son, which was established in 1890. The sole member of the firm is now Mr. Thos. H. Wright. The senior partner, Mr. J. G. Wright died about ten years ago. He was one of the best known and most respected citizens of Wilmington. Messrs. J. G. Wright & Son to-day transact a regular real estate business, buying, selling or exchanging real property of every description. CAROLINA APARTMENT HOUSE—J. G. WRIGHT AND SON, SOLE AGENTS
They have registerd on their books, very many desirable parcels of improved and unimproved property, residences, lots, manufacturing sites, water fronts, etc. either for occupation or as investments. The firm also make a specialty of renting houses, collecting rents, etc. and they control at the present time as many as 1500 houses in this city and vicinity, and they employ five collectors. The firm have had much success in developing property adjacent to the city, and they are prepared to undertake work of this character for property owners. Among tracts that they have recently developed and placed on the market are Taft Hill, Eastern Hill and Castle Heights, and they have now another desirable property which they propose to exploit in the very near future. They have the very best facilities for obtaining for out of town capitalists, desirable properties which are certain to appreciate and prove profitable. Another department is buying and selling mortgages and obtaining money on real estate security. Messrs. J. G. Wright & Son also operate the Co-operative Building and Loan Association, of which some 5000 shares have been issued. By means of this organization, persons of comparitively restricted means are enabled to own their own homes at little if any more cost than in paying yearly rentals. Messrs. J. G. Wright & Son are the sole agents and large owners in the Carolina Apartment House, a structure of six stories, which is in every way modern and up-to-date. It contains thirty eight separate apartments which are always in demand and seldom or never unoccupied. Mr. Thomas H. Wright is a very well known resident of Wilmington and vicinity. He is connected with a number of important interests here. He is a large owner of real estate and he is a director of the Peoples Savings Bank and is president of the Oceanic Hotel Co. of Wrightsville Beach. He is also Mayor of that place and has been largely instrumental in the growth and development of that delightful resort. Finally, we will add of the business of the firm, that its standing and character are of the

highest, due unquestionably to enterprise and to the honorable methods which have always distinguished its operations. The house invites correspondence and will cheerfully reply to all enquiries.

Office, 11 Garrell Building.

There is nothing of more vital importance in real estate operations than the validity of titles to the property transferred. A piece of property with an imperfect title is depreciated in value, and frequently costs the owner a lawsuit to remedy the defect. Therefore it at once becomes apparent that those who may be entrusted with the examination of the records and the preparation of abstracts should be in full possession of complete facilities and the business should be in the hands of men of untarnished reputation. Thus we are led to speak of The Carolina Title Insurance Co., which commenced operations here December 1911. The executive officials of the company are Wm. H. Crane, president; V. Sidbury, first vice president; A. W. Pate, second vice president; James Owen Reilly, treasurer and K. C. Sidbury secretary and manager. All of the above are men of standing well known in the community and prominent in legal, real estate and other interests. The functions of the company consist of abstracting titles to real estate, and also to insuring the said titles. They have arranged with the Secretary of State of North Carolina to prepare copies of the original grants, and from these grants thorough searches will be made, and abstracts furnished down to the present time. These abstracts will cover records of wills, taxes, liens, judgements and other incumbrances pertaining to each particular piece of real estate for which abstracts are required. The company will also have the geneology of all families who have been connected with the abstracted parcels. In a word it may be said that the records and methods of this company will make a transfer of property absolutely safe and secure. The company also issues a guarantee policy which protects the owner and his assignees from any loss on account of defect of title or incumbrance upon it of any kind. This is granted for the moderate fee of one per cent on the market value of the property. This company is the first of the kind having the powers it possesses to be established in North Carolina and it is prepared to transact business in any part of the state. The capital stock of the company is $100,000, and its directors and management inspire the utmost confidence as regards integrity, reliability and business ability. All who are interested in real estate cannot fail to realize the great utility and indeed necessity of an institution of this character, and in view of the above facts we are pleased to set before our readers the above few details with regard to it.

Wholesale Grocers, 210 North Water Street.

Establishing his present business in 1903, Mr. F. E. Hashagan commenced to operate on his own account with an experience of the trade extending over many years. Proir to that date this gentleman was of the firm of Vollers & Hashagen, and altogether he has been identified with the important wholesale grocery trade of this city for about twenty four years. At the present time he occupies a two story building of the dimensions of 45×90 feet. Here he carries full lines of staple and fancy groceries, and he caters largely to the local retail trade of the city. While not making specialties of any particular line, he makes a leading article of “Tidal Wave” flour, a particularly high class fancy patent of which there is no superior. Mr. Hashagan has handled this for many years and it has always given the highest satisfaction. In fancy groceries and bottled goods he handles full lines as well as in staple and heavy goods. His lengthened experience enables him to thoroughly understand the local requirements, and his large stocks allow the dealer to obtain supplies right on the spot at shortest notice. Mr. Hashagen is one of the best known citizens of Wilmington. He served the city a few years ago on the Board of Aldermen for two terms during W. E. Springer's administration as Mayor. He is also vice-president of the Southern Wholesale Grocers Association which covers fifteen states. It aims at the strict maintenance of the Pure Food Laws, and towards the protection of the retail grocer to assure that he gets a fair show, and other worthy objects. Alluding again for a moment to the business, we may remark that it has always been conducted upon a policy of fair dealing, and this along with all required facilities has enabled it to achieve and maintain a prominent position in the wholesale grocery trade of the city and vicinity.


Manufacturers of Fertilizers, Offices, Southern Building.

The well known and important industry of Wilmington conducted under the title of The Navassa Guano Co. was established in 1869, and for forty years and more it has enjoyed a reputation of the highest character, and has also extended the fame of the city as a producing and distributive locality. The comapny's offices are in the Southern Building and their principal plant is at Navassa about four miles distant from this city. Their property altogether, covers several hundred acres, and the works proper front some 1600 or 1700 feet on the river. The tracks of the trunk lines enter the works and open up the entire railroad system of the country. The plant as may be imagined, is thoroughly systematized, and its equipment includes the very best machinery and appliances suited to the industry. About 300 workpeople are here given employment. The capacity of these works is from 50,000 to 60,000 tons of fertilizers annually. The company have also another plant at Selma, N. C. where some 100 operatives are employed and which has a capacity of about 20,000 tons yearly. The Navassa Guano Co. are manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers, Sulphuric Acid, Phosphates, etc. and they are also importers of Kainit, Potash Salts and Nitrate of Soda. They manufacture from thirty to forty varieties of fertilizers all of which however are branded with the distinctive name of “Navassa”. They are particularly suitable for the requirements of planters, farmers, truck growers, etc. in North and South Carolina and Georgia, the territory to which the house caters. They may be justly ranked as the very best obtainable for the production of cotton, tobacco, corn, root crops of all descriptions, small grains, strawberries and other fruits, vegetables, trucking, etc. Special kinds are made for different crops and soils, and all of the products are intelligently and scientifically compounded. The products are supplied to the dealers who distribute them to the farmers, and merchants who naturally desire to handle the best so as to ensure the continued patronage of their customers carry these goods which have long been standard on the market. The executive officials of the Navassa Guano Co. at the present time are Messrs. E. T. Taylor, president and B. F. Dew, acting secretary. Mr. Taylor has been connected with the concern for the past fifteen years and naturally is conversant with the requirements of agriculturalists in this section. He is well known in this community and is also a director of the newly organized Home Savings Bank of this city. The company invite correspondence and will be glad to answer inquiries direct, or through local agents who are to be found, generally, in most towns and cities throughout this and neighboring states. See cut of works opposite page.

Foot of Castle Street.

The important building operations which have been characteristic of Wilmington within recent years have naturally stimulated the lumber trade, and a house which has contributed materially to supplying this demand is that of the Cantwell Lumber Co. This title was assumed in 1910, they then succeeding to the business originally established as The Bell-Cantwell Lumber Co. in 1905. The premises now utilized consist of yards and planing mill, the whole plant covering an area of about 200 × 400 feet, facing on the river, and with the railroad into the yards giving the best of shipping facilities. The company are manufacturers of rough and dressed lumber, the mills having a capacity of about 15,000 feet daily. Most of the lumber comes to the concern in the rough from the country saw mills, is dressed at the factory and is sold to contractors, builders and others, mainly in this city. The facilities of the company are of the best, enabling them to supply their trade at bottom prices, at the same time that they make a particular specialty of promptness. They can supply the lumber sawn to any sizes and they carry on hand as much as 100,000 feet to ensure the immediate filling of orders. Recently the concern has added a wood yard for the supply of wood for burning. The public may rely upon equal promptness in this department. The gentlemen conducting this business are Messr. .R. C. Cantwell and R. C. Cantwell, Jr. The first named is also Superintendent of the Water Works of the city. The junior partner is his son and this gentleman devotes his entire energies to the business of the Cantwell Lumber Co. Let us here add, in conclusion, that contractors, builders and the general public will find that inducements are here offered in the way of quality of product, reasonable prices, prompt deliveries and fair treatment.

Wholesale and Retail Lumber, Manufacturers of Mill Work Etc. Foot of Queen Street

As at present constituted the above enterprise was established in 1905, succeeding two concerns designated respectively, Fore & Foster and C. C. Chadbourn, and at the same time consolidating the two businesses. The plant now operated covers about two acres and includes the saw mill, planing mill factory, dry-kilns, lumber sheds, yards, etc. The works are thoroughly well equipped in all details, and the saw mill has a capacity of about 30,000 feet of lumber daily. The plant is adjacent to the river upon which it fronts 400 feet with a depth of water available of some thirty feet, and the tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line enter the yards, giving the very best of shipping facilities. About 75 men are here given employment. The Chadbourn Lumber Co. are manufacturers of rough and dressed lumber, mainly Carolina pine, receiving their timber direct from the forests, also buying cargoes whenever advantageous conditions offer. They ship largely to New York City and elsewhere, flooring, and roofers, and they are in a position to offer every inducement to large dealers in the way of prices and quality. In Wilmington and vicinity they supply mill work of all descriptions from their own factory and in this regard they may be considered as the largest concern, and are in a position to furnish contractors and others all kinds of mill-work promptly under the best conditions. The development of Wilmington and the increased building operations going on in the city and suburbs have greatly stimulated the trade, and to-day the operations of the house are three or four times as large as they were when the present company took hold. They are prepared at all times to submit estimates for anything in their line and have large stocks always available. The gentlemen at the head of this concern are as follows: M. W. Divine, president; C. C. Chadbourn, vice president and manager and J. P. Quelch, secretary. Mr. Divine is the head of the well known paint firm of M. W. Divine & Co. and is also the secretary and treasurer of the Ocean Fisheries Co. Mr. Chadbourn devotes his particular energies to the management of the business of the Chadbourn Lumber Co. He has had over twenty five years active experience of this branch of industry. The name of Chadbourn has always been identified with the lumber interests of this country since the first of the name came from England about the year 1600 for the purpose of building and operating a saw mill in America. Mr. Chadbourn's father came to Wilmington in 1844 and operated a lumber business until the time of his death which was in 1902. There has always been a Chadbourn mill in operation, either in Main or North Carolina, during a period of several hundred years, the operation of this branch of industry having been a tradition of this family. In addition to his connection with the Chadbourn Lumber Co. Mr. C. C. Chadbourn is a director of the Peoples Savings Bank and is a large stockholder in the Ocean Fisheries Co. He is also prominently interested in real estate and is owner of considerable property here.

Packer and Shipper of Fish and Oysters-—Market Alley

The oldest established representative of the above department of industry here, and taken altogether, probably the most important, is the business of Mr. W. H. Yopp who has been engaged in it for the past twenty seven years. At the above address he has suitable premises which are his property. Indeed the whole block from the river to Front St. belongs to him and is rented out for various purposes. It may not be uninteresting for us to mention here the variety of fish which are caught in these waters and which are more or less handled by this house. These are: mullets, grey trout or weak-fish, salmon or speckled trout, spots, blue fish, pig or hog fish, croakers, sea-whiting or king fish, sea bass, striped bass, flounders, red and black drum, bream, red mouth cat-fish, sturgeon and last but not least shad in season. Many of the above variety are disposed of in this and neighboring localities, but trout, kingfish and particularly shad are shipped north to New York, Philadelphia and elsewhere. The shad caught in these waters are very fine and large. They reach the northern markets at a time when they are practically unobtainable in those localities. Mr. Yopp owns his own gear, comprising mullet, shad and sturgeon ents, boats and shad skiffs, and employs sometimes as many as forty men. He is a large handler of oysters, and probably sells more of the succulent bivalves than all others here. The New River oysters are very fine, but they are all absorbed in this locality, leaving none for distant shipment. Mr. Yopp invites enquiries from large consumers of fish in the Carolinas

and in the North, and is in a position to offer every inducement to buyers including lowest current quotations, prompt shipments and careful packing. Mr. Yopp is one of Wilmington's best known residents and he has always exhibited an interest in all that concerns the city's welfare and advancement. The industry he conducts is an interesting one and is typical of the resources of the city and its marine surroundings.

HALL & PEARSALL, Incorporated,
Wholesale Grocers, Etc., 715 to 719 Nutt Street.

A house which has contributed very materially to the building up of the wholesale grocery business of Wilmington is the old established and prominent concern conducted under its title of Hall & Pearsall, Incorporated, which was founded as long ago as 1869 by Messrs. Jacob J. Edwards and B. F. Hall, under the firm name of Edwards & Hall. In 1875 the style of the house became Hall & Pearsall, Mr. Oscar Pearsall becoming a partner, and in 1901 the business was incoporated. Its present executive officials are B. F. Hall, president and Louis E. Hall, secretary and treasurer. Mr. B. F. Hall has been Hall &Pearsall, Inc.
Photo of Hall &Pearsall, Inc. building continuously connected with the enterprise from its start and Mr. L. E. Hall, his son, has been with the house for the past fifteen years. The location of the premises utilized is particularly favorable for shipping and receiving purposes. The structure is of two floors, and covers an area of 80×120 feet. It is the property of the firm and it is situated between the tracks of the A. C. L. and S. A. L. and the site includes private tracks at the rear of the premises, enabling merchandise to be loaded and unloaded direct into the building. The firm have also a warehouse adjoining of 60 × 30 feet, utilized for storing hay, salt fish, etc. Messrs. Hall & Pearsall, Inc. are wholesale grocers and commission merchants, handling a general line of staple and fancy groceries, making specialties, however, of rice, coffee, molasses, salt fish in season, etc., also hay received from the west in large quantities. Their supplies come to them direct from the shippers in carload lots, and besides their leading lines they handle extensively foreign and domestic salt, grain, flour, sugar, butter, cheese, tobacco, snuff, canned and bottled goods, nails, bagging, ties, etc. They also handle on commission naval stores, cotton, peanuts, produce, etc., and advances are made if desired and quick sales and prompt returns assured. The trade of the house is mainly in the eastern parts of North Carolina and South Carolina, where it is represented by three commercial travellers. It has always been the policy of this house to be in close touch with its patrons, a large number of whom have been its customers for years, and thus it is better in position to advance their best interests than are competitors from more distant centers. Of the gentlemen at the head of the concern we may say that they have always taken a close interest in the city's welfare and advancement. Mr. Louis E. Hall, at the present time, is vice-president of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. Finally we will add that the standing and reputation of this house during a period of over forty years are such as to warrant the full confidence and consideration of all with whom it may have established and continued business relations.

Wholesale Grain, Peanuts, etc., 20 and 22 North Water Street.

It was as long ago as the year 1845 when the foundations were laid of the business now conducted under the above named title. At that date it was established as Ellis & Mitchell, and it so continued until 1872, when the firm of Mitchell & Huggins was formed. In 1873 the designation of B. F. Mitchell & Son was adopted, and finally in 1893 the title of the house became the B. F. Mitchell Co. The enterprise is entitled to be ranked as one of two or three of the oldest established business houses in Wilmington. The company have extensive and convenient premises at the above address, which include a plant for handling and preparing peanuts for the market. The B. F. Mitchell Co. are large wholesale handlers of grain which they obtain direct from the West in carload quantities. They also deal in flour, making a specialty of “Snow Drift” and “Crescent”, highest grades fancy patent flour, manufactured by the Voight Milling Co. of Grand Rapids, Mich. The peanut business is a leading activity of the concern. They obtain the nuts from the growers, clean and “manufacture” them ready for the market and ship them to all parts of the country. Their facilities in this line are of the best, and their reputation with large handlers is understood and appreciated. Of the members of the firm individually we may state that Mr. C. J. Mitchell, the son of the founder has been connected with the enterprise from boyhood. Mr. H. G. Walsh has been with the house over thirty years as employee and partner. Of necessity, both possess a complete experience of every detail connected with the industy. Mr. Mitchell is also a director of the Atlantic Trust & Banking Co. and a stock holder in the Southern National Bank. With a career extending over two thirds of a century, this time-honored and prominent concern is certainly entitled to due recognition in these pages.

Ground Phosphate and Lime Fertilizers, Office 18 Princess Street.

The above named business was established about ten years ago, its proprietor, Mr. B. F. Keith, having for a number of years previously been engaged in the wholesale grocery business and also idnetified with the manufacture of shingles and considerable ownership of farming and timber lands. The plant of the B. F. Keith Company is now located on Cape Fear River near Acme. The actual name of the place is Neil's Eddy. Here are located the mills and special machinery such as dryers, crushers and bagging appliances. The basis of the product of the company is a conglomerate containing sea shell, fossilized fish flesh, phosphates and other substances converted by the processes of ages into a sort of soft stone. This substance is mined by the company and then dried, crushed and bagged for shipment. The analyses of this ground Phosphate Lime show from eighty to eighty five per cent carbonate of lime, and considerable quantities of phosphate from the petrified fish flesh. The substance also acts like Kainit, which makes it particularly valuabale as a fruiter, and indeed for all crops. It is a valuable stimulant for the land, and also takes away the acidity of the soil and decomposes all vegetable matter, thus preparing the soil for increased production. It can advantageously be used alone or with chemicals, cotton seed meal or any high grade fertilizer. A ton of it is considered to be worth more than any commercial fertilizer that can be made, especially for worn out lands. The company publish a little booklet which reproduces a large number of letters from well known farmers and signed by them testifying to the really valuable properties of this material. This as well as all particulars will be cheerfully forwarded upon application. Mr. Keith is also largely interested in farm lands, and in placing northern and other farmers on lands where they will almost immediately be able to carn a good living and soon after attain to competence. He is one of the largest owners of the Lyon swamp drainage district, now being developed into one of the finest tracts of rich swamp lands in North Carolina. This land wil be sold cheap and on terms to suit purchasers. Mr. Keith has also valuable farming interests in Pender, Bladen, Columbus and Brunswick counties. He invites enquiries from northern and other farmers, and prompt replies will be given along with all required information. Mr. B. F. Keith is president of the B. F. Keith Co. and his son B. F. Keith, Jr. is in charge of the works at Neil's Eddy. Mr. B. F. Keith, Sr. is one of the best known of Wilmington's citizens. He has now been Collector of the Port for the past ten years, and altogether may be classes as an enterprising member of the community, intimately indetified with development and prosperity of this locality generally.

Manufacturers of Pearl Hominy, Grits and Corn Meal, 314 to 318 Nutt Street.

The above well known and old established house was founded in 1886 and it is the only enterprise of the kind in North Carolina and indeed east and south of Tennessee, and notwithstanding western and other competition, it has always been able to hold its own in this market, due largely to the high grade and superior quality of its products. At the date mentioned it was instituted by Mr. G. J. Boney and later the firm of Boney & Harper was formed. In June 1900, however, the business was incorporated, the directors being now: Dr. Chas. T. Harper, president; G. J. Boney, the founder, general manager; H. E. Boney, secretary; J. T. Harper and A. C. Boney. The plant comprises a regular corn mill, both rolls and stones being utilized. The capacity of the establishment is about 4000 bushels daily. The company are manufacturers of Pearl Hominy, Grits and Corn Meal, all of which are put up under the “Diamond B” trademark and which are well known throughout this locality. It has always been the policy of this house to maintain the highest standard of quality in their products. They buy the very best grades of corn that can be obtained and this comes direct to them from the West in carload lots. Their methods assure, also, perfection in the processes of manufacture and as a result the goods are in large and permanent demand throughout this city and neighboring sections. Stocks are at all times kept on hand to fill immediate demands and merchants in giving their orders here can ensure being supplied much more quickly than in purchasing further afield. The house also supplies feed, cracked corn, corn chops, etc. We have mentioned that the management of the business is in the hands of Mr. G. J. Boney who inaugurated it in 1886. Thus he has had an active experience extending over a quarter of a century and he is entirely familiar with the trade and its requirements. The enterprise is one of particular utility to Wilmington and locality, contributing to make the city independent and self-contained in this very important item of its food supply.

Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters, 219 North Front Street.

Attention is here directed to the enterprise of Messrs. W. R. Dosher & Co. which was instituted about two years ago, and which since has attained to a prominent position in the trade. The firm occupy suitable premises which comprise a store and basement covering an area of 90 × 16 feet. The basement is utilized as a work shop, which contains the latest improved appliances and tools, enabling all work to be done promptly and efficiently. Messrs. W. R. Dosher & Co. execute everything in the lines of sanitary plumbing, drainage, pipe fitting, steam and gas fitting, etc. They employ some eighteen workmen, the majority of whom are highly skilled mehcanics, and one of the firm personally directs and supervises the operations. The house is prepared to furnish estimates and accept contracts for the plumbing, draining or heating of any description of structure from a cottage to the largest factory or public building. We will cite here a few of the most notable contracts which this firm have completed within the comparatively short time that they have been in business. Thus: the Cape Fear Apartment House, in which there are sixteen bath rooms, and eight kitchens, and they put in here altogether fifty nine fixtures. They installed the water mains, plumbing and drainage in the Seaborad Air Line's new warehouse, also the plumbing at Lumina, the Oceanic Hotel at Wrightsville Beach, the Grand Theatre and Bachelor Apartment House belonging to J. M. Solky, and the residences of Messrs. J. W. Brooks, Walker Taylor, J. Van B. Metts and E. Y. Davis. At their store, the firm carry a large stock of fixtures and fittings, bath tubs, etc. which aggregates about $3000 in value. The members of the firm individually are Messrs. W. R. Dosher and A. L. Dosher. The first named is a thoroughly practical man in all that pertains to the business and his closest personal supervision is directed over all operations. Mr. A. L. Dosher gives his attention to the office details. Both are young men of enterprise and push, who look well after the interests of their patrons. The business is a valuable acquisition to the local facilities, and in the disbursement of as much as $10,000 yearly in wages, it is contributing in a noticeable extent to the general good. The reputation of the house for reasonable prices and fair and square dealing has already reached a high plane, and all contracts entrusted to it are certain to be carried out in a manner satisfactory to all concerned.


The facilities of the city of Wilmington were considerably enhanced when January, 1905, Mr. Joseph H. Hinton acquired the property and became proprietor of “The Orton” Hotel. The house was built about twenty-five years ago by the late Col. K. M. Murchison. It was carried on under management for a number of years and later was leased “HOLSTEINS” ON THE ORTON HOTEL FARM
to R. W. Wallace & Co. Mr. Jos. H. Hinton occupied several positions in the house prior to becoming the proprietor. About a year before, he was manager for Col. Murchison but upon the death of that gentleman he purchased the property and has since conducted the house on his own account. Immediately after he began improvements and has continnued them to the present time. Among these improvements are electric lights in every room, an electric high-speed Otis elevator, an entire new steam heating plant giving steam heat in every room, also running water and local and long distance ’phones. He has lately installed new tile floors and marble wainscoting in the dining room and lobbies, and is now putting in a new writing room with the latest improved fittings and conveniences, which will coast about $2,000. The hotel structure presents a handsome appearance along the main thoroughfare of the city, contiguous to the electic street car line to all parts, the postoffice

and the principal wholesale and retail houses. There are in all 160 guest-rooms, 86 of them with private baths and toilets; the house affording conveniences if required for over 300 persons. The hotel is conducted strictly on the American plan, the rates being from $2.50 to $4.00 per day according to accommodations. The patronage of commercial men is particularly catered for, and convenient sample rooms are placed at their disposal. Knowing that a house of this description exists at Wilmington, “Knights of the Grip” make it a point to get here towards the end of the week so as to spend Saturday to Monday at the Orton. Also, in the summer season, particular attractions are available. Wilmington has an almost unrivalled summer resort on the ocean, reached by the electric cars, where an agreeable Sunday afternoon may be well put in. Mr. Joseph H. Hinton has had a life long experience of the hotel business. He has filled every capacity connected with it. He began as storeroom boy, worked up to steward, after became clerk, manager, and now proprietor and owner. He has been connected with the Orton for fifteen years. He was proprietor of the Purcell Hotel when only eighteen years of age, and he was then quoted and written of in the magazines as the youngest hotel proprietor in America. He ran the Seashore Hotel at Wrightville Beach when it had but 40 rooms. When he gave up the management of this house, the number of rooms had been increased to 200, thereby clearly indicating his success in operating it. Mr. Hinton has always been very popular with guests, who realize his ability and will to make them in every way comfortable, and that a house conducted by him cannot be otherwise than first-class throughout, equally as regards accommodations, fare and service.

Wholesale Dry Goods, 214 North Front Street.

The above well known and old established wholesale dry goods house was established in 1866 as Aaron & Rheinstein. In 1881 the title of the house was changed to F. Rheinstein & Co. The present company was incorporated in 1892. Mr. F. Rheinstein died in 1899
Etching of the Rheinstein Dry Goods company building and his interests have since been assumed by Mrs. F. Rheinstein who now fills the position of president. From almost the start, the house has occupied a rank among the largest and most important firms of the kind in the two Carolinas. The premises occupied are the property of the company. They comprise a four story building of an area of 155 × 60 feet. It was built for its present use and combines all required conveniences, including elevators. The Rheinstein Dry Goods Co's large stocks include dry goods generally, notions, underwear, hosiery and furnishings, white goods, etc., all specially selected for the trade of this and neighboring sections. The facilities of the house in all lines are of the best. Of course, all supplies are procured direct from manufacturers, importers and first hands generally. The stocks are heavy and the lines are always full, enabling dealers to replenish deficiencies at the shortest notice. The trade of the house is throughout North and South Carolina generally, and the company travel seven salesmen who are in closest touch with their customers. The house's long establishment and well-known reputation for fair dealing and business liberality assure the utmost confidence. It understands the markets and knows just what is required by the merchant, and when it is required and makes no attempt to load him up with unsaleable and unseasonable goods. Therefore it is to the interests of merchants to deal with a concern which, as it were, is domiciled nearby them, and which is bound up with their interests. Another fact is, that being contiguous to the source of supply enable orders to be more promptly filled and with decreased freight charges. As to prices, they will here be found as low as the lowest, the unsurpassed shipping facilities of Wilmington, both by rail and water, conducing to this result. As before said, Mrs Rheinstein is president, and the vice-president,

treasurer and virtual manager is Mr. L. Bluethenthal. This gentleman has been connected with the house for a period extending over thirty five years. He began as a boy, and has been a partner since 1881. The house has a branch office at 256 Church St., New York and Mr. Bluethenthal goes several times each year to the metropolis to make purchases and obtain novelties. We will only further say regarding this old established and well known concern, that its success may be taken as evidence of its modern methods, enterprise and the ability of the management, and this with ample capital and all facilities entitles it to rank today among the foremost wholesale enterprises of this State and the South generally.


Manufacturers of Astyptodyne Remedies, Front and Wright Streets.

An enterprise of this city established only about three years ago, gives every promise of causing the name of Wilmington to be widely advertised and become familiar throughout the entire country, inasmuch as it is manufacturing and placing on the market a line of natural remedies which are already standard, and which bid fair to become of national reputation. We refer to the Astyptodyne Chemical Co. whose works are located at the above address and which comprise refining stills and other appliances suited to the production of their specialties. They also here manufacture turpentine which they ship to all parts of the country. Speaking, however, more particularly of their Astyptodyne remedies we may premise that this distinctive name is based upon the words antiseptic, styptic and anodyne, hence—A-styp-to-dyne. Antiseptic means resisting or correcting the purtefying action of germs and microbes; styptic signifies astringent stopping bleeding, and anodyne allaying pain, and the remedies have all these characteristics combined, besides other valuable properties. Astyptodyne is a by-product of turpentine distillation, and it is made by a patented process. Its valuable curative properties were discovered by an accident. A workman in a turpentine plant operating in a North Carolina pine forest fell into a pool of molten rosin. His foot was immersed and was terribly burned. No medical attendance was within miles and the pain was agonizing. It happened that a barrel of this by-product was at hand, it was an oily compound and might sooth. The workman placed his foot in the barrel and immediately the pain abated, and ease at once supervened. This briefly was the means by which this valuable discovery was brought about, and another natural remedy of the greatest value placed at the disposal of mankind. Astyptodyne is used as a healing agent for all kinds of sores, ulcers, burns, cuts, wounds and bruises. It is excellent for throat affections. It is a local anaesthetic, giving almost instant relief in muscular or nervous affections. It relieves rheumatism and is a splendid liniment. It will be found of great value for skin diseases. It is also equally beneficial for stock, and horsemen very much appreciate its uses. Letters have been received by the company in large number from many physicians, druggists and all sorts and conditions of men and women, from all parts, testifying to the wonderful, alleviating and curative qualities of this remarkable natural remedy. A large number of well known medical men use it regularly in their practice. The Astyptodyne specialties include the following: Healing Oil, Cough Remedy, Mange Cure and Flea exterminator, “Skee-ter-go” for keeping away mosquitoes and healing the bites of these pests, Curative Skin Soap, Croup and Pneumonia Salve and Pile Remedy. These goods are now sold in eight states and in a short time they will be in demand in every state in the Union. Merchants will find it particularly advantageous to handle the goods as they invariably give staisfaction. The gentlemen at the head of this enterprise are: Messrs. Robert R. Bellamy, president; Walter J. Williamson, vice president; C. L. Taylor, secretary and J. M. Leasia, treasurer and general manager. The latter gives his close and undivided attention to

the operation of the business, which has before said, is certain to bring a high repute and distinction on Wilmington as the seat of production and distribution of one of the most valuable and natural curative agents ever placed before the public.

Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant, 16 to 22 SouthWater Street.

An enterprise of Wilmington which within a comparitively short period has attained to a position of noticeable prominence is that of Mr. J. W. Brooks, who September, 1st, 1907, succeeded the original firm of Brooks & Taylor, founded January 1st, 1899. In connection with the business extensive premises are now occupied, having a wharf frontage of 240 feet and including three large warehouses—always full of goods. The stocks consist of everything comprised under the general term of heavy groceries and among these the house makes a specialty of its own brand of flour “Belle of Wilmington,” a high grade fancy patent, manufactured expressly for this concern. All supplies are obtained direct from manufacturers and original sources in very large quantities and are sold to merchants at lowest current rates. The house also transacts a commission business receiving consignments of cotton, spirits of turpentine, rosin, etc., and advances are made if desired and the interests of consignors are well looked after in every available manner. Mr. Brooks is also the owner of a number of schooners and steamers which ply principally on the Cape Fear and Black rivers and between Wilmington and Seaside, N. C. The trade of the house is mainly in Brunswick, Columbus, Bladen and Pender counties and it is remarkable how the business has developed and continued to develop within recent years. Mr. Brooks is a native of Brunswick county, and perhaps no man in the city is closer in touch with his customers, he being personally known to the large majority of them. He has always made it his business policy to consider their interests as his own and to accord to them invariably, fair and liberal treatment. This policy has certainly been met with the appreciation of the trade. At the start of this enterprise, the first year's transactions amounted only to about $50,000, at the present itme it aggregates to over ten times that sum. We may also say here that Mr. Brooks takes the closest interest in the general growth, prosperity and development of Wilmington and contiguous territory. He is one of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, is also president of the Cape Fear Oil Co., of the Wilmington Produce Co. and recently has become president of the Citizens Bank of Shallotte, N. C.

Wholesale Lumber, Office 10 Garrell Building.

The lumber interests of Wilmington and the state of North Carolina generally, constitute one of the leading departments of business here, and many million feet are shipped from this city and section to all parts of the United States, and are also exported to foreign countries. A well-known house identified with lumber operations in Wilmington is that of the Wiley-Harker Lumber Co., which, as present organized it has been tranascting business in this city since 1908, at that time succeeding a much older enterprise which was conducted under the style of the Wiley-Harker-Camp Co. The company have yards at the foot of Castle Street, which with a frontage of 125 feet on the river and adjacent to the railroad enjoy the best of shipping facilities. The company are very large buyers of dressed and undressed North Carolina pine lumber, which they obtain direct from mill men in North and South Carolina and ship north to New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New England and elsewhere. The company are in the market to purchase lumber in any quantity and their large and favorable northern connections enable them to pay the best prices and spot cash for the same. They invite enquires and will be glad to get themselves in touch with mill men and others who have lumber to dispose of. The product is shipped from Wilmington and also direct from the mills to consumers by rail, sail, and steamer. The executive officials of the Wiley-Harker Lumber Co. are E. M. Wiley, president and Ben. S. Thomson, secretary and treasurer. Both of these gentlemen are residents of New York. Mr. Eben B. Smith, Jr. is manager of the Wilmington branch. He is a lumber man of some years experience. The enterprise altogether may be considered as of marked utility to the locality as through its operations are absorbed and marketed large quantities of these typical Carolinian products.

Department Store and Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Etc.,
615 to 619 North Fourth Street.

The well known and important enterprise familiar to the residents of Wilmington and the trade generally without the city under its designation of J. H. Rehder & Co. was established in 1887 in a very small way on the very spot where the present large headquarters of the house are located. At the time of its start it utilized only a portion of the present site, but additions were made from time to time and now the firm occupy a three
Photo of J. H. REHDER & CO. building story building 75 × 132 feet in area which is Mr. Rheder's property. Speaking first of the reatil business we may say that it comprises an up-to-date department store, subdivided as follows: dress goods, notions, underwear and hosiery, gents’ furnishings, clothing, shoes, men's hats, millinery, carpets and five and ten cents departments. Each of the above is under the direct conduct and supervision of a competent manager, who of course, is responsible to the head of the house. The concern goes direct to original sources and manufacturers for its supplies and these are bought for cash, thus enabling the very lowest prices to be quoted. The patronage of the firm is drawn from all parts of the city and a considerable mail order business is also transacted. While no particular specialty is claimed for any department, each branch of itself receives particular care. We desire however to call attention to the millinery department where ladies may find the latest novelties, and hats ranging up to $25 to $30 in value. The wholesale business of the concern became a particular feature about ten or twelve years ago. Now it transacts a very large business supplying dealers throughout North and South Carolina, in which districts it is represented by three travellers. It is in a position to offer merchants inducements equal to those of any of its contemporaries, wherever located. Besides everything in the lines of clothing, notions, millinery, furnishings, etc., the firm handles tinware, paper bags, candies, willow-ware, glass-ware and in fact almost everything required by country merchants, groceries only excepted. Prompt shipments may be depended upon and mail orders are despatched the same day as received. The success of this house must be attributed largely to the close personal attention of the proprietor to details, nor should be overlooked the faithful services and loyal support given him by his large force of employees. Mr. Rehder has always made it a point to keep “pegging away” and invariably to treat his customers right, and to sell everything on their merits without misrepresentation. He has, however, yet found time to interest himself in the general welfare of the community and he is now

on the Executive Board of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. He is largely interested in real estate here and he is one of the directors of the Southern National Bank and also of the newly organized Home Savings Bank.

Architect, 27, 28, and 29 Garrell Building.

The profession of the architect has an important bearing on the development of a growing city such as Wilmington, and this vocation is well represented by Mr. J. F. Leitner, who established himself in 1895. His offices are located at the above address and his energies are devoted strictly to matters pertaining to the professional architect's practice, such as preparing plans and estimates, and supervising the erection of railroad stations, public buildings, business blocks, factories, residences, etc. Prior to his coming to Wilmington, Mr. Leitner practiced as an architect at Augusta, Ga.; Columbia, S. C.; Chattanooga, Tenn. and elsewhere. Mr. Leitner has been in active practice alone for a period of about twenty one years, and he has met with remarkable success. We will instance some of the more prominent buildings which have been constructed from his plans and under his supervision. Thus, the Julian Mitchell School at Charleston, S. C.; High Schools at Brunswick, Ga. and Elberton, Ga; three schools at Fayetteville, N. C.; besides other schools in various places in this and neighboring states. Also the Union Passenger Station at Goldsboro, N. C.; a station at Waycross, Ga.; another at Plant City, Fla. a Union Station at Tampa, Fla. and the Atlantic Coast Line Station at Sanford, Fla. In Wilmington we will mention the Wilmington Savings & Trust Co's fine new bank building; the new Wilmington High School, the residences of T. M. Emerson, Jos. H. Hinton and indeed a very large number of residences here and elsewhere from Virginia to Mississippi. Mr. Leitner is now supervising the erection of the very fine eight-story, fireproof new bank and office building being put up for the Atlantic Trust and Banking Co. at the corner of Front and Market streets, and he is also now completing the plans for, and will soon commence the erection of the new Union Station and office building for the Atlantic Coast Line, in this city. Mr. Leitner is the official architect for the Atlantic Coast and he has erected the largest number of their important buildings and stations in various places during the past four years. The above are but exponents but they serve to indicate the extensive and important character of Mr. Leitner's work and his large clientele. He will be glad to enter into correspondence with any who may be interested and will cheerfully furnish plans, estimates and all particulars for doing work in any part of the South.

Garage, Automobile Supplies and Repairs, 114 North Second Streets.

This important addition to the conveniences of Wilmington placing the city on a par with larger centers in the South was inaugurated here March 16th, 1911. The premises utilized comprise a building two floors in height, and are of the dimensions of 125x40 feet. It was constructed especially for the purpose, and the garage is as thoroughoy complete in its appointments and conveniences as may be found in the Carolinas. The garage has conveniences for about thirty five to forty cars and these receive the very best of attention. A specialty is made of automobile repairs of every kind and this work is executed promptly and efficiently and upon a reasonable scale of charges. Another specialty is the carrying of a full line of automobile supplies and tires, and practically everything required by automobilists is procurable here. The company are now installing a paint shop and a vulcanizing plant and this addition will probably be in full operation about the time that this book is published. While, as before said, all supplies are carried, the house makes a particular line of Swinehart's and Diamond tires, which are of high quality. The company also let out automobiles which are rented at the rate of $2.50 per hour. Careful drivers are provided and cars are at the disposal of patrons at shortest notice. The president of the company is Dr. Z. M. Bardin, who is a well known physician here. Mr. G. L. McGwigan is manager. Both gentlemen give their close attention to the business to ensure the satisfaction of patrons. Mr. McGwigan is a practical man of several years experience of all that pertains to automobiling, engineering and details. Finally it may be said that this valuable acquisition to the facilities of Wilmington constitutes an important item of the city's growing advancement and advantages.

Sixth and Martin Streets.

It is with pleasure that we have to make mention in these pages of a new manufacturing enterprise of importance recently established in this city. This is The Carolina Metal Products Co., which was organized July 11th, 1911, and which will probably be in active operation about the time that this book appears before the public. The works which are located at the above address, have been constructed specially for the purpose and comprise a building of 50×200 feet. The structure is covered with the metal products which are some of the specialties of the company, thus illustrating incidentally the character of their productions. The plant is fitted up with the perfection of modern appliances suited to the industry, and within its limits it is as complete of its kind as may be found anywhere. The Carolina Metal Products Co. are manufacturers of corrugated metal culverts and general sheet metal products. A specialty is the utilization of what is denominated as “No-Co-Ro” metal. This metal is rust resisting, but when in the course of time, after long resistance, it does rust, it rusts uniformly and not in holes or fissures, and thus really lengthens the life of the metal, the thin uniform film of rust acting as a preservative. The Carolian Metal Products Co. are now the sole proprietors of this metal for North and South Carolina and from it they are producing specailties for which the metal is particularly suited, and they are turning these out right on the spot, to better supply the home demand. We will now allude to the Acme (Nestable) Corrugated Metal Culverts. These culverts by being nestable are very much more easily handled than others, requiring much less labor from the time they leave the factory until they are placed into the final required position. These culverts fill all the desired essentials of strength and durability, and last though not least, convenience of handling and installing. “Imperial” culverts are round riveted culverts of the very best quality and workmanship. Both styles of culverts are made of “No-Co-Ro” metal or steel as may be required. Of course we have here only space available to touch on the merits of these products. For further particulars, printed matter etc. we refer our readers direct to the company, who will be pleased to enter into correspondence on the subject. The company also turn out Metal Ceiling made in numerous patterns and designs, Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding to imitate stone, brick, etc., Metal Shingles and Metal Tileing—more lasting than wood or other material, conductor pipes, eaves, troughs and anything of sheet-metal for architectural purposes made either in “No-Co-Ro”, iron or steel. The executive officials of the company are: Theordore G. Empie, president and general manager; John P. Council, vice president and John H. Kuck and besidese these comprised as directors there are Messrs. M. J. Corbett and Perry Van Horne. The above are well known business men of this and other localities. Mr. Empie, however, devotes his full energies to the management of the business. In the establishing of this new enterprise here, its proprietors are contributing to make Wilmington a center of manufacture for home made products, to supply the requirements and demands of this and neighboring localities.

Wholesale Cleaners and Graders of Peanuts, 106 North Water Street.

The attention of our readers is now directed to the details regarding the above named firm, which was established in 1904. It has, however, recently acquired the business of the Wilmington Peanut Co. and also that of A. W. King, thus combining the three enterprises, which action has considerably enlarged their trade and scope of operations. Messrs. J.S. Funchess & Co. occupy at the above address a three story building of 92 × 22 feet, which is Mr. Funchess’ property. The upper part is equipped with the latest improved machinery for cleaning, assorting and grading peanuts. There is also shelling machinery, making the plant within its capcaity as perfect and complete as is to be found in this section of the country. The firm are wholesale cleaners and graders of Hand Picked Virginia Peanuts, also Spanish Peanuts and North Carolina Seed Peanuts. The principal specialty however, is Hand Picked Virginia Peanuts, which are shipped north to large handlers, and the quality, grading and condition of the products are fully equal to the best in every particular, while the prices will also compare favorably with any. The firms goods are identified in the market by their brands, which in Virginias are “Possum”, “Jumbo,”

“Strawberry” and “Cape Fear” These are all high grade goods. The firm invite enquiries and will be glad to forward samples and all information. As before said their specialty is Virginias, of which they are very large handlers, but they also supply Spanish peanuts shelled and unshelled and in these they offer the best inducements. In addition they ship large quantities of North Carolina seed peanuts south, where they are planted by farmers for fattening hogs. Mr. Funchess has met with much success in his enterprise and it steadily grows year by year. His business has always been based upon principles of fair dealing, enterprise and modern methods, ensuring for him the full confidence of his patrons.

Wholesale Dry Goods etc., 216 to 222 North Front Street.

The influence of Wilmington as a wholesale and distributing center was largely enhanced November 1909, when the firm of Einstein Bros. established their business here. The enterprise, however, although new to Wilmington was not new to the states of North
Etching of Einstein Bros. building and South Carolina, the firm for many years previously having operated a similar business at Kinston, N. C. To enlarge their facilities, however, the house decided to remove to this city, the gateway and center of the trade of this section. The firm were fortunate enough to obtain premises peculiarly suitable to their business. These consists of a building of five floors and basement, covering an area of about 70×100 feet which had been erected specially for the wholesale dry goods business. It is one of the best of its kind in the South with good light and every convenience. The stocks here carried comprise a full assortment of foreign and domestic dry goods, notions, furnishings, shirts, underwear, hosiery laces, small wares, embroideries, white goods etc. eminently suited for Southern trade, obtained direct from manufacturers, importers and first hands generally, and placed before the trade at lowest prices. The firm are also direct importers of “fabric” goods, through the Wilmington Custom House. They own and control the “Ebros” brand of merchandise and they have built up a large reputation for these products. The firm have their office in New York at 260 Church Street, where they have a resident buyer, and in addition one or other of the partners makes frequent visits to that city to obtain the latest novelties. The trade of the house is mainly in the Carolinas, and also to some extent in adjoining states. They have as many as ten travellers transacting a business which aggregates to very large proportions. They also do an important mail order business, shipping goods out the same day as orders are received. The business has largely expanded since its transfer to this city. The motto of the house is “Sell the right goods and sell the goods right.” Also not to unduly load up their customers with goods at wrong seasons to their detriment, a policy not always followed by concerns from other business centers. To gain the patronage of their customers and also to retain it is the aim and policy of this house. The members of the firm individually are Messrs. Louis, Adolph, Abe, Edward and Arthur Einstein, all young men who have been brought up to the dry goods business, with years of experience both in the wholesale and retail branches of it right on the spot; and they are thoroughly qualified to understand the popular demands of this and adjoining localities. Mr. Adolph Einstein is also on the executive committee of the Wilmington Trade Extension Association, a body organized to develop and extend the business of this city. Concluding we may say of this house that with all facilities available, the closest connections with home and foreign markets, sufficient capital and assured credit, this firm is enabled to offer inducements and terms which cannot fail to influence the current of trade in their direction.

Wholesale Dealers in Hats and Caps, 416 and 418 North Front Street.

We are pleased to have to chronicle here of the establishment in this city of the above named important wholesale enterprise which commenced operations in Wilmington April 3rd, 1911. It must not be imagined, however, that, because the business is a new one
Drawing of Southern Hat Company building here, that its proprietorship is inexperienced. On the contrary, Mr. Abe Shultz, who is at the head of the enterprise has had thirty-one years active familiarity of the business elsewhere, both in the wholesale and retail branches. Realizing, however, the increased advantages of a location here, he decided to establish himself in Wilmington, and even at this early period, his transactions have shown increased results considerably larger than he anticipated. He was also fortunate in obtaining particularly suitable premises consisting of a large three story building of 35 × 130 feet. Here the house has conveniences for carrying large stocks, comprising full lines of men's hats and caps, embracing felts, wools, straws, etc. These come direct from the factories in New York State and New England, and the goods will be found always up-to-date, of the latest styles and all qualities, suitable to all classes of trade. The products may be depended upon to be sold strictly as represented and they will compare favorably with any offered to dealers whereever located, at the same time that the prices will be found altogether right and satisfactory. As before said, Mr. Schultz enjoys a thoroughly lengthened experience, which qualifies him to entirely understand the wants of the public and what class of goods meet with ready sale. Another advantage which merchants within the trade radius of the city enjoy is that they are near to their source of supply and orders can be promptly filled with a minimum of delay and at lowest freight rates. Fresh consignments of goods are received by the house frequently and novelties are quickly placed at the disposal of the trade. The company invite correspondence and they will be glad to dispatch salesmen to call on dealers, and these will display samples and indicate the advantages and inducements that the house really has to offer. The enterprise is a new one here conducted under modern principles. Its prime object is to induce patronage by every available legitimate method, and also by fair dealing, promptness and consulting the best interests of patrons to retain it against outside competition from any quarter.

Wholesale Grocers, 221 and 223 North Water Street.

Prominently identified with the important wholesale grocery business of this city for many years is the firm of S. P. McNair & Co., which was founded in 1881 by Mr. S. P. McNair, the present senior partner. In 1910, the firm of S. P. McNair & Co. was instituted by the admission as partners of Messrs. C. O. McNair and A. B. McNair, respectively the son and nephew of the founder. In connection with the operations, two two-story buildings are utilized, one 40×70 feet and the other 40×60 feet. This affords every facility for carrying heavy stocks, comprising mainly staple groceries, making specialties of rice, coffee, molasses and flour. Of the latter the firm handle exclusively their “Gold Star” a fancy patent flour, made for the house in Michigan. It is a particularly high grade article, and is largely in demand within the circuit of the firm's trade, which includes North and South Carolina generally. The house employs commercial travellers, but they transact a large mail order business induced hither, owing to the old time reputation the concern has long enjoyed and to the complete facilities and valuable inducements and advantages it is in a position to offer. Of the members of the firm it will not be necessary for us to comment personally, other than to say that the senior member may be regarded as a pioneer of the wholesale grocery trade here, having been connected with it

for very many years. His present partners are both young men but they have been brought up to the business from boyhood. Mr. C. O. McNair has been actively connected with the enterprise for some ten years and Mr. A. B. McNair for about fifteen. Concluding we will further add that from the time of this house's inception, now some thirty years ago, it has been instrumental in extending the city's influence as an advantageious source of supply for the territory centering around Wilmington for 150 miles and more, and its claims to patronage are based upon its well tried and established reputation and character.

Manufacturers and Dealers in Paints, Leads, Varnishes, Etc., 21 Market Street.

We here direct the attention of our readers to the Atlantic Paint & Varnish Works a comparitively newly established enterprise of importance, which commenced operations August 1910. It was the opinion of its originators that a favorable field was here at hand
Photo of Atlantic Paint and Varnish Works for the manufacture of high class paints and results have demonstrated that their ideas were correct, and already the house has built up a large business which bids fair tomaterially increase. The company occupy well located and convenient premises, comprising three floors, each 45 by 95 feet in area. Here is installed a paint manufacturing plant which within its limits is as complete and up to date as may be found in the Carolinas. The company are bona fide manufacturers of house paints, colors in oil, varnish stains, flat stains, leads, enamels, etc. All of these are identified with the brand name of “Tenacity” and under that designation they are guaranteed, being absolutely pure and compounded from the very best ingredients. Being manufacturers the firm is in a position to supply dealers and the public at the lowest prices, the middle men's profit being eliminated. The favorable position of Wilmington and its low freight rates both by land and water contribute to enable the raw materials to be brought here economically, and the house to produce its specialties under the most favorable conditions. In addition to the goods they manufacture, the company also handle varnishes, glass, glaries’ supplies, brushes and everything required by the painter and house decorator. Their stocks in all departments are large, enabling them to fill orders promptly. The trade of the house is in North and South Carolina, and they have two commercial travellers. The executive officers of the company are P. W. Davis, president; Milton Calder, vice president; M. A. Curtis, secretary and treasurer and B. B. Freeman, superintendent. The latter had previously been foreman in one of the largest manufacturing concerns in this department of industry. Mr. Calder is cashier of the Atlantic Trust and Savings Bank. Messrs. Davis and Curtis are both active in the conduct of the enterprise, the first named gentleman being on the road frequently. Mr. Curtis attends to the official and financial details. In concluding this brief notice of this valuable addition to Wilmington's resources we may add that the business policy of the concern is based upon fair dealing and energetic and enterprising methods, and furthermore in introducing to Carolinian consumers Carolinian products of high quality they are contributing materially towards the influence of the city and locality as an independent producing centre and source of supply.

Distillers and Refiners of Pitch Pine Products and Sole Manufacturers of Spirittine,
Wilmington, N. C.

We here direct attention to the enterprise conducted under the distinctive title of the Spirittine Chemical Co., which was founded in 1890. The present executive officials are: L. Hanson, president and general manager; Louis Hanson, Jr., assistant manager and M. J. Heyer, secretary and treasurer. This branch of industry, however, was first introduced by Mr. L. Hanson, Sr. as long ago as 1878, and at that time it was entirely new
Drawing of Spirittine Chemical Company to the country. He was the pioneer in utilizing the liquids extracted from the pine and which by processes of disintegration and distillation at various temperatures produce these specialties. The plant of the company is well located, being adjacent to the river and railroad. It is thoroughly equipped with the latest improved necessary appliances, and the house has also another plant at Malmo, Brunswick County, N. C. The company are manufacturers of specialties distilled and refined from pitch pine. The leading specialty, however, is “Spirittine” Wood Preserver, which is an oil obtained from the destructive distillation of pine heart. It contains about fifty per cent of wood creosote and about fifty per cent of neutral insoluble oils. This oil will penetrate the wood thoroughly, filling all the pores and hardening it. It very greatly reduces the inflamability of wood treated with it. It is easily applied with an ordinary brush, dries in a very short time and does not interfere with painting or varnishing. Water and air are excluded from wood treated by this process. Water and air contain the germs that cause decay, and in holding these off the life of the material is very greatly lengthened. It preserves ships’ timber, piles etc., from torredo navalis or ship worm and other destructive insects which inhabit salt water. Nothing of the kind equals it for timber, cross-ties, telegraph poles, wood paving blocks, etc. It is used by nearly all the leading railroads in the country, and it is exported to Europe, South America and elsewhere. The company have received a large number of testimonials from railroad companies, ship builders and others, and they also obtained the highest awards at expositions held at Chicago, Atlanta, Buffalo, Charleston and elsewhere. Spirittine Paint and Paint Oils are other valuable products of this concern. These comprise the Spirittine Iron and Steel Coating and “Slacko”. Their iron and steel coating is made from the best metallic pigment, red lead and spirittine oil. It has very valuable preserving properties for iron and steel not found in other oils. It is especially suitable for steel cars, bridges and all steel and iron sturctures. “Slacko” is made from best carbonized spirittine oil, red lead and other ingredients. It is elastic and will not crack or blister. It is the best paint suited for canvas roofs, iron and tin roofs, etc. The company also produce disinfectant used by other manufacturers in the composition of various disinfectant products. The company invite enquiries with regard to their specialties, and will be glad to furnish all particulars, forwarding descriptive printed matter, copies of testimonials, etc. It is gratifying to make mention in this volume illustrative of the facilities of Wilmington—of the success and expansion of this useful industry which has contributed to make the name of the city well known throughout the country generally.

“Everything for the Mill” 215 North Front Street.

The enterprise known as the Hyman Supply Co. began business in this city in 1906, succeeding to and consolidating with the Interstate Machinery and Supply Co. which had existed for some time previously. The Hyman Supply Co., however, had for eleven years conducted a similar business in Newbern, N. C., which they still continue. Realizing, however, the favorable opportunities and facilities offered by this city, they decided to locate here and results have fully realized their expectations. The company occupy at the above indicated address a large three story building, giving them ample accommodations. The energies of the house are directed to the handling and sale of machinery and mill supplies of every description, including engines, boilers, saw mill machinery belting, pumps, pipe, roofing, fittings, etc. Among the specialties handled we may instance Houston, Stanwood & Gamble's boilers and engines, United Roofing Manufacturing Co's “Congo” roofing, Graton & Knight Manufacturing Co's leather belting and laceing, New York Belting & Packing Co's rubber belting and packing, and other goods of superior quality. The company having ample capital and carrying always large stocks in all lines they are enabled to fill orders without delay at the lowest prices and they are in a position to supply band saw mill outfits complete, and have fitted up a number amounting to thousands of dollars, Their business is by no means confined to supplying saw mills. Their motto is “Everything for the Mill” from a tap nut to a 300 horse power engine. Connected with their establishment is a thoroughly up-to-date leather belt shop, with an experienced belt maker in charge, and the firm do all kinds of repair work and make belts up to a width of 30 inches. They make a specialty of cleaning and repairing belts and make their own cement for joining them. The house invites correspondence and will promptly reply, furnishing all details, estimates, etc. The gentlemen at the head of this enterprise are: T. G. Hyman, president; R. A. Damon, vice president, J. B. Rice, treasurer and A. F. Patterson, secretary. Messrs. Hyman and Patterson reside at Newbern. Messrs. Damon and Rice give to the Wilmington establishment their closest energies and attention. The business in Wilmington has largely expanded since the present concern took hold. The patronage of the house is mainly in North and South Carolina and five travelling men represent it on the road; three from this city and two from Newbern. The company publish an attractive house magazine called “The Hyman Guide.” This contains mechanical information and advertising matter regarding the various lines of goods handled. It is issued monthly and has a circulation of about 3000 copies. It is an instructive and useful pamphlet and will be forwarded from either office on application.

W. D. MacMILLAN, Jr.
Automobiles, 112 North SecondStreet.

It is now about two years ago since the above business commenced operations here. Its proprietor, Mr. W. D. MacMillan, Jr., who had long been connected with the livery business which he still carries on, began to appreciate the tendancy of the times and that there was a good opening here for the establishing of a first class automobile sales business. He has since been remarkably successful and he has sold a very large number of machines. At the above indicated address, Mr. MacMillan has a sales room and here may be inspected a variety of makes of automobiles, all of which, however, may be cited as thoroughly reliable and good machines. These comprise the Packard, Cardillac, Firestone, Columbus, E. M. F., Flanders, Brush Runabout, and some others. The above have been selected by Mr. MacMillan as superior cars and best-suited to the requirements of his patrons, and taken all round calculated to give the best satisfaction. He has been particularly successful in making sales of the “E. M. F.” machines which give good results at a comparitively low cost. The concern caters to the patronage of the city proper and also particularly solicits enquiries from out of town parties. He is prepared at all times to send out cars for inspection and demonstration. Prospective buyers may depend on one thing, and that is that no misrepresentations will be made under any circumstances, and that cars will be sold entirely on their merits. His close connections with the factories assure prompt deliveries. Mr. W. D. MacMillan is a native of Wilmington and perhaps is as well and favorably known as any business man here. His popularity is an asset of value in his enterprise and assures the full confidence of all who may transact business with him.

General Contractor and Builder, Office 30 Garrell Building

Identified with the important and growing interests of this city and vicinity during recent years, should be cited the contracting and building enterprise of Mr. Jos. Schad who commenced operations here about seven years ago. The location of this gentleman in WILMINGTON SAVINGS AND TRUST

this city came about as follows. He came here to build a very fine residence for Mrs. P. L. Bridgers, and after it was finished its notably handsome appearance attracted universal attention and induced enquiries and also a demand for his services. This resulted in his making Wilmington his headquarters. Since then he has been remarkably successful and he is now a leading contractor in this city and state. Mr. Schad undertakes the erection of buildings of every description, from architects’ plans and he is prepared to submit estimates at short notice, and efficiently carry out all contracts. We will give here a few exponents of buildings he has put up in this vicinity. He built the Wilmington Savings & Trust Co's building—a particularly handsome edifice, the new Corbett warehouse, the City Livery Co's building, J. W. Woolvin's building, the new Murchison warehouse, the Mills Stable, Hall & Pearsall's warehouse, the addition to the Seashore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach, the L. H. Vollers building, the new warehouse for the Wilmington Compress Co. and also an addition to the Lutheran Church here. He is now constructing the new eight story bank and office building for the Atlantic Trust and Banking Co. and he also put up a nice bank building at Marion, S. C. Among other work now in hand is an addition to the Elks’ Temple. He has done a lot of work for the Government, including that recently finished at Fort Caswell at the mouth of the Cape Fear River. Besides the above he has put up any number of fine residences in Wilmington and other places. Mr. Schad came to this country from Munich, Bavaria about fifteen years ago. Prior to that he was engaged in building operations in Germany. For the first eight years in America he pursued his vocation in various parts of the country, first as foreman and afterwards on his own account. His experience has been of the most practical character, and this coupled to his close personal attention to all details, and his conscientious carrying out of all contracts have been prime factors of the noticeable success which has attended his operations. He invites enquiries from architects and all who may contemplate the erection of buildings of any kind either in this city or elsewhere.

Manufacturers of Naval Stores and Dealers in Tar. Office 111 North Water Street.
Works, Eagle's Island.

The business of the above house may be said to be identified with the industries of Wilmington for a period only a few years less than a half century. Not only this, but its operations are peculiarly characteristic of the state of North Carolina, where the production of naval stores has always been a distinctive branch of industry. It was in the year 1866 that Mr. Jesse Wilder established the enterprise. It was operated by him alone until 1872, when he associated with him his brother-in-law, the late S. H. Morton, and after the latter gentleman's death, his son Mr. G. L. Morton, who of course was Mr. Wilders’ nephew, came into the business and the present style of the Geo. L. Morton Co. adopted. The concern is the oldest established of the kind here and probably in the state, and certainly so when it is considered that one of its proprietors has continuously been identified with it for forty five years. The plant is located on Eagle's Island, opposite Wilmington. It consists of stills, pumps and other appliances suited to the industry. The products

comprise of spirits of turpentine and rosin, and the company also are dealers in tar. The basis of the products manufactured is the sap of the North Carolina pine. The naval stores here produced mostly go to New York to large handlers, and are sold to paint, varnish and soap manufacturers, ship chandlers, steel works, etc. The facilities of the concern and the lengthened experience of the management ensure the highest grade of products and the lowest current prices. Mr. Wilder is the manager of the business, Mr. Morton having other interests elsewhere. The first-named gentleman is one of the best known citizens of Wilmington. He is also an old war veteran, having served for four years with the Army of North Virginia during the Civil War.

Real Estate and Insurance, 118 Princess Street.

There are but few more inviting fields for real estate operations than Wilmington presents at the present time. The steady advance of the city and surrounding country unmarred by unhealthy inflation, makes real estate investments here safe and secure, at the same time that a steady increase in values is assured. The real estate business conducted by Mr. James Owen Reilly is the outgrowth of one of the oldest businesses of the kind here. It was founded as long ago as 1869 by Major D. O'Connor, and this gentleman continued to carry it on until April 1st, 1903, when he sold out to his nephew, Mr. James Owen Reilly, the present incumbent. The business has been continued by this gentleman according to the same high class principles which had been characteristic of it from the start. Mr. Reilly buys, sells and exchanges real estate of all kinds and has a very large list of properties including some valuable manufacturing and other sites, farm lands, etc. He also rents houses and takes charge of estates for non-residents, collecting income, paying taxes looking after repairs etc. Especially in store property is this an important item of the house's operations, and probably in this regard its business is as large as any here. His clients in this department are, in a degree, from a distance, some living in New York and elsewhere in this country and even as far off as Germany. Mr. Reilly invites enquires and he will be glad to enter into correspondence with any who may desire to invest capital where it will be safe and secure and will at the same time yield profitable returns. The house also transacts an insurance business underwriting loss from fire, accident, and liability. It acts as agent here for a number of organizations of the highest standing and reputation representing a total of assets aggregating $80,000,000. Of these we will mention the London Assurance, the Royal Exchange of London, the Prussian National of Germany, the Fidelity Underwriters of New York, the Williamsburg City of New York, the American of Newark and the Carolina of Wilmington. He also represents the Maryland Casualty Co. of Baltimore and the Standard Accident of Detroit. The above organizations constitute a very phalanx of solidity and strength, affording positive indemnity in case of loss. Mr. James Owen Reilly is one of our best known residents allied with the city's best interests. He is also a director of the Peoples Savings Bank and is treasurer of the Carolina Title Insurance. Co He is also secretary-treasurer of the Rural Building Loan Association. This organization has its office with Mr. Reilly. It was started about five years ago and has now some $80,000 capital. It has been very successful. Another similar organization of which Mr. Reilly is a director is the North Carolina Home Building Association.

Ice Manufacturers, Fourth and Grafflin Streets.

The above valuable addition to the local conveniences and facilities of the city was established about two years ago. The plant at the above address in entirely new and of course embodies all the latest improvements. The system employed in the manufacture of the ice is what is known as the “plate” system. The plant was installed at the works by the York Manufacturing Co. of York, Pa. The capacity is about 75 tons daily. The product is distributed to the public and consumers by the Central Ice Co. The quality of the ice is of the best, all water being filtered and thoroughly freed from germs or other delerterious constituents. The gentlemen at the head of this business are W. L. Parsley, president and R. A. Parlsey, secretary and treasurer, who are also identified with the proprietorship of the Hilton Lumber Co.

Office 411 Southern Building.

The Post Dater Stamp Co. was incorporated March 1911. It was established for the manufacture of, and for placing on the market what is designated as The Post Dater Stamp, one of the most improved office devices ever before the public. It is the invention of Mr. Thomas R. Post, who has perfected it after nine or ten years of patient application and experiment. It is now complete and embodies the greatest improvements in this line within the past thirty years. Of course there have been dater stamps before, but users of these devices have long looked for greater security in stamping tickets and other papers, so that the responsibility can be fixed. This new invention accomplishes this object, because
Photo of a post dater stamp its Detachable Autograph makes every individual responsible for his work, and entirely does away with mistakes and the risk of employees passing on errors, from one to another. All of our readers who may see these lines and are interested, are advised to enter into correspondence with the company, who will be glad to furnish all particulars, printed matter etc. Apart from the detachable autograph improvement, another characteristic and valuable feature of the Post Dater Stamp is its economy of ribbon length, which is a quarter less than in old style dater stamps. It also re-inks its own ribbon. It locks its wheels to prevent slips while dater is being used. It changes day, month and year from the outside. It is particularly convenient in its arrangement of cleaning type-wheels, etc. It has a continuous ribbon arrangement and its die is detachable permitting change to conform with requirements, and as before said, above them all is its Detachable Autograph, which is its distinguishing great feature and which is unique. The machines are small, compact and neat in appearance. In addition to the standard patterns other machines for special and individual use can be made. The standing and character of men connected with a given enterprise form a gauge by which to measure the value and utility of its productions, therefore we give here a list of The Post Dater Stamp Co's officers and directors. These are: Thos. R. Post, president and treasurer; Jas. F. Post, vice president and J. L. Hazelhurst, secretary. Mr. T. R. Post is the inventor of the device, and Mr. Jas. F. Post is treasurer of the Atlantic Coast Line. With them associated as directors are Edward W. Lane, president Atlantic National Bank, Jacksonville, Fla.; N. G. Wade, president Wade Tie Co. and N. G. Wade Land Co., Jacksonville, Fla.; W. F. McCauley, president Savannah Bank and Trust Co.;D. C. Love of Yates & Co., Wilmington; C. J. Shannon, Jr., president First National Bank, Camden S. C.; Thomas Branch McAdams, Cashier Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Va.; B. S. Jerman, president Commercial National Bank, Raleigh.

N. C. and Jos. B. Lacy, treasurer Norfolk & Western Railroad Co. Thus it will be seen that the above list represents the very best elements of financial and business ability and position in the South. Testimonials have been received from a large number of railroads, banks, brokerage houses etc., vouching for the merits and utility of these machines. As Daniel Webster once said, “There's always room at the top,” and the Post Dater Stamp has undoubtedly reached that elevation, passing on its way up, all other former devices of this character.

10 and 12 South Front Street.

The well known enterprise now conducted as the N. Jacobi Hardware Co. is in the sixth decade of its existence, having been founded in 1856 by James Wilson. In 1869 Mr. Nathaniel Jacobi became connected with the business and he carried it on alone for a number THE LATE NATHANIEL JACOBI.
of years. In 1888 the present title was adopted. Mr. N. Jacobi died in 1907. He was a man of sterling integrity and the highest business character. He was identified with many benificent organizations and particularly with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was the Father of the Odd Fellows’ Orphans’ Home at Goldsboro, N. C., and the building was called in commemoration of him “The Nathaniel Jacobi Memorial Building.” In a book published in 1908, descriptive of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, there is an Appendix consisting of tributes to him from various prominent members of the order. We will quote from but one in the Committee's report. “His life was singularly free from the sins and weaknesses that disfigure the lives of most men. It was an exemplary life, conforming to the highest moral and spiritual standard. It was a life ruled by the love of God, and full of charity and affection for his fellow man.” * * * * * * * * * * The N. Jacobi Hardware Co. have largely expanded and extended their business with the lapse of time. They now occupy at the above address a two story building which is 50 by 195 feet in area, also a two and three story structure at 9 Water Street, and another two story building on Dock St., the whole giving about 40,000 square feet of available floorage space. The firm are wholesale and retail hardware dealers and their stocks include besides hardware of every description, agricultural implements, guns, sportsmen's supplies, ammunition, stoves, paints, oils, glass, tinware, roofing, sash, doors and blinds, and builders’ supplies generally. All goods are obtained from the manufacturers, generally in carload lots and are purchased for cash, and the very lowest prices are quoted to the trade and public. While full and complete stocks are carried in all lines, specialties are made of the Jacobi axe, which enjoys a reputation of many years, and the firm are exclusive agents for Benjamin Moore and Co's paints, Spencer Kellog & Sons’ linseed oils, Syracuse Chilled Plows, “K. P.” Guano Distributors and Ledbetter's Cotton and Corn Planters. Besides their local trade, this firm transacts a very extensive wholesale business and have four travellers calling on customers in North and South Carolina, and altogether they employ about thirty salesmen, assistants and workpeople. The proprietors of this business are Messrs. Marcus W. Jacobi and Joseph N. Jacobi, natives of Wilmington and gentlemen identified with the city's best interests and advancement. Mr. Marcus W. Jacobi is also a director in the Murchison National Bank and he is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Odd Fellows Home at Goldsboro. He is also past Grand Master of the Order in

North Carolina and is a past president of the Chamber of Commerce, and is otherwise identified with a number of other local interests. Mr. Joseph N. Jacobi has travelled the territory to which the house caters for the past twenty years and is personally familiar with the majority of its customers, and he has always been a favorite with them. Finally we will but further say of this old established and reliable concern that it continues to contribute materially to the reputation and influence of the city as a favorable and advantageous source of supply.

Wholesale Grocers and Fertilizer Manufacturers. Nutt Street.

A leading exponent of the wholesale grocery trade of this city is that conducted under the title of Pearsall & Co. This house was instituted January, 1907, and though conducted under a firm title it is however incorporated, the president being Mr. Oscar Pearsall, with Mr. F. L. Pearsall as vice-president and Mr. Horace Pearsall as secretary. The president, however, had for many years previously been a member of the firm of Hall & Pearsall and only withdrew from it to establish his present business. Messrs. Pearsall & Co., utilize a two story building which is of an area of 60 × 100 feet, in addition to two other warehouses nearby, each of 60 × 150 feet. The shipping conveniences are excellent and with one exception they are the only firm which can ship direct from doors of their warehouses by both the Seaboard and Atlantic Coast Line tracks. They are also contiguous to the river giving them every facility of water shipments. The firm are heavy handlers of groceries, mainly staple lines such as flour, rice, coffee, meal, grain, hay, sugar etc. In flour they make specialties of “Uzit”, “North Star,” and “Lotus” all full patents, and “Pillsbury's Best,” a spring wheat bakers’ flour. In all departments their facilities are of the very best, their supplies being shipped to them in carload lots direct from the manufacturers. The trade of the house is with dealers within a radius of 150 miles from the city and the firm are fully in a position to offer the very best inducements, including prompt shipments, reliable goods and fair prices. Messrs. Pearsall & Co. are also manufacturers of fertilizers. Their factory is located at Fernside, three miles from the city. Here they have an important plant and employ from 25 to 40 hands. They make all kinds of manipulated fertilizers—high grade goods, suitable to all Southern soils and requirements. The raw material is here readily obtainable, enabling them to operate under economical conditions, and their shipping facilities are of the best. Thus they are in a position to produce and offer the trade a line of fertilizers that at a reasonable price give every satisfaction. As before said, speaking generally of the business, that although of comparitively recent origin those identified with its proprietorship have every experience. The head of the house is well known to the trade throughout the Carolinas, and was a member of the firm of Hall & Pearsall from 1875 to 1907, and for some years acted as manager. The younger members of the firm are his sons and they have been identified with this department of business from boyhood. With all facilities available there is reason to anticipate for this house an enhanced prominent position and enlarged operations in the future.

108, 110 and 112 North Second Street.

The above well known enterprise is the outgrowth of one of the oldest established businesses in the city. It was founded in 1870, by Capt. T. J. Southerland and in 1901 Mr. W. D. MacMillan Jr. became proprietor and changed the name to the City Livery Co. The premises utilized in the business are well located and extensive. Part of the property is of 58 × 200 feet and another portion is of 58 × 165 feet. The business of the house consists of a regular livery and boarding stable, also dealing in buggies, wagons, saddlery, harness, etc. In the livery business, the company have vehicles of all kinds, including ten coaches, fifteen buggies and about thirty horses. They have also a number of trucks and wagons for heavy hauling. Any kind of vehicle for business, pleasure, weddings, funerals, etc. is promptly furnished, along with careful drivers, and the prices will be found just and moderate. In carriages for sale the concern carries a good variety, and they make a specialty fo the vehicles of the Columbus Buggy Co., the Hackney wagons, Babcock carriages and others. They also carry full lines of harness, saddles and horse furnishing goods generally,

which are offered at low prices. Mr. W. D. MacMillan, Jr. is president and treasurer. He is also engaged in the automobile business as mentioned elsewhere. Prior to his connection with this company he was with the Atlantic Coast Line in their general offices here. Finally we will say that anyone who desires to hire any kind of vehicle, or purchase a carriage or any thing in the horse furnishing line can certainly do no better than in dealings with the City Livery Co.

Wholesale Grocers, 11 and 13 South Water Street.

The expansion and development of the wholesale grocery trade of this city must be attributed largely to the efforts, enterprise and ability of those who were pioneers in the business. Among such, undoubtedly should be classed the wholesale grocery concern now carried on under the title of the J. C. Stevenson Co. This house was founded in 1867 by the late J. C. Stevenson who died April 1907. Later the style of the firm was J. C. Steven- and W. M. Stevenson, and this lasted about a year, and then J. C. Stevenson again became sole proprietor. He continued it alone until 1884, when the firm of J. C. Stevenson & Taylor was formed. This existed until 1899 when Mr. Stevenson again conducted the business without a partner. After some four months, however, the present company was incorporated. The J. C. Stevenson Co. now occupy a two story building at the above address, which is 90 by 165 feet in area. The best of shipping facilities are here available, there being a spur-track adjacent and the dummy railroad is in front of the premises. The company are strictly wholesale grocers, in the most rigid acceptation of this term. They make it a point to supply the dealer only, and under no circumstances whatever will they sell goods to the consumer, a course not always followed by some wholesale houses. The stocks carried include everything comprised under the terms of staple and fancy groceries. Besides heavy goods they make a specialty of fine canned and bottled goods and table delicacies. In heavy articles particular attention is given to rice. The company are direct importers of Brazilian coffee, which gives them manifest advantages in this particular line. Another specialty of the concern is the celebrated “Cape Fear” brand of mullets, which they obtain direct from the fishermen, and salt and pack them under their own roof. In all departments they carry the best and most saleable goods, and full stocks to ensure the prompt filling of orders. The trade of the house is largely in this city and within a radius of 100 miles from Wilmington. Dealers have long realized that here they may obtain every advantage and inducement, including lowest current prices. Their close connections with first hands and original sources ensure the above, and they buy goods for cash and discount their bills. Their policy to supply the trade only, gives dealers the best opportunities to make a fair profit in their business. The president of the company is now Mr. J. M. Stevenson and Mr. W. G. Woodcock is secretary and treasurer. Mr. Stevenson has been brought up to the business from boyhood and has altogether been sixteen years with the house as assistant to his father, and as partner. Mr. Woodcock has been connected with the concern for a little over a year.

E. H. Sneed, Proprietor. 22 and 24 North Front Street,

There but few moderate priced hotels in North Carolina that are better worthy of support and patronage than is the Southern Hotel of this city. It has now been operated under the management of its present proprietor, Mr. E. H. Sneed, for the past three years, and during that period it has gained in popularity and business. The Southern Hotel is located in the very heart of the city, along the line of the principal thoroughfare, contiguous to all the business houses, and handy to the street car service of the city, the cars to Wrightsville Beach starting but a few steps from the house. The Southern Hotel has some thirty five large guest-rooms, with fifty beds, and can if necessary accommodate from 75 to 100 travellers. The rooms are cool in summer and are warmed in winter, and are clean, light and airy. The table spread here is considered as equal to the best at the price that can be found anywhere, consisting of abundance of good wholesome meats and fish; plenty of vegetables, well cooked and well served. The rates are $2.00 per day with special rates for lengthened periods. The proprietor Mr. E. H. Sneed was formerly in the furniture business at Wilmington, and prior to that was a commercial traveller for

many years, so that he thoroughly realizes the requirements of travelling men. For the accommodation of the above sample rooms are provided and all conveniences. To those who appreciate a good hotel at a moderate price we can commend this house. A porter meets all the trains, and at any hour of the night or day is ready to take the grips of arrivals and pilot them safely to the hospitable portals of The Southern.

Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in Lime, Cement, etc., Cor. Nutt and Grace Streets.

The business to which we now accord a brief space is the outgrowth of one of the oldest established enterprises of Wilmington. It was founded in 1853 as T. C. & B. G. Worth. Subsequent changes of title were Worth & Daniel, D. G. Worth and Worth & Worth. The latter copartnership was about 1870 the members of this firm being B. G. Worth and D. G. Worth. D. G. Worth died about ten years ago and B. G. Worth in 1910. The incorporation of the present company took place in 1908, but its present executive officials, with the exception of C. W. Worth, have only been connected with the business since November 1908. Mr. C. W. Worth, the president is the son of D. G. Worth, and he was a partner and manager of the concern for a number of years previously. At the present time Mr. D. D. Barber is vice president and general manager and Mr. E. A. Metts is secretary and treasurer. Mr. Barber was for seven years with McNair & Pearsall of this city and Mr. Metts was of the firm of J. I. Metts & Son, merchandise brokers here. The premises occupied in connection with the enterprise comprise a building of two floors of the dimensions of 40 × 100 feet, in addition to a warehouse adjoining, covering an area of 30 × 100 feet. The best of shipping facilities are available so that goods can be loaded or unloaded at the doors of both structures. Here a very large stock of groceries is carried comprising mainly heavy goods, such as meats, lard, sugar, molasses, flour, canned goods, salt fish, North Carolina seed peanuts, etc. Specialties are made of their own brand of “Queen” fancy patent flour made in Michigan, and other brands of acknowledged quality. They also control the well known Dunlop Waterground Meal, manufactured at Richmond, Va. The company also make specialties of lime and cement, notably the “Anchor” brand of lime and the highest grade Portland cements, which they receive in carload lots. Indeed in all lines their supplies are purchased in the largest quantities, and they are placed at the disposal of the trade at lowest current prices. Their patronage is derived mainly from North and South Carolina and they have several commercial travellers, but they transact a very large mail order business which comes to them, largely owing to the house's well established reputation which has been materially augmented by the modern and up to date methods characteristic of the concern during recent years. Now, as heretofore the house may be cited as one of the influential enterprises which have contributed to make Wilmington the natural source of supply for southeastern North Carolina and parts of the sister state adjoining.

Insurance, Peoples Savings Bank Building, Cor. Front and Princess Streets.

It is now about thirty years ago since the above well known insurance agency was established. At the outset, the business was carried on under the name of Northrop, Hodges & Taylor, and about five years later the firm title became Hodges & Taylor. This firm dissolved some twenty years ago and ever since Col. Walker Taylor has been the sole proprietor. The agency transacts the largest insurance business here and has the longest list of fire insurance companies, comprising some twenty five of the highest class American and European organizations of world-wide celebrity, assuring absolutely security and prompt indemnity. Aside from the large city business transacted, Col. Taylor writes insurance in neighboring localities, especially as regards important manufacturers’ risks a class of business to which he specially caters. Col. Taylor is also identified with several other important interests here. Thus he is a director in the Murchison National Bank, the Willard Bag & Manufacturing Co., the Peoples Savings Bank and he is president of the Mechanics Home Association. We desire to make mention here of The Boys’ Brigade of which Col. Walker Taylor is Commander. This is an organization of the highest merit and utility, and it was inaugurated by this gentleman about sixteen years ago. It started with six members. Now it has a membership of a hundred and twenty-five. A few years

ago a splendid armory was presented to the Boys’ Brigade by Mrs. Henry M. Flagler in memory of her father William R. Kenan who was formerly a resident here. This building contains a reading room, library and an auditorium seating 400 people, parlors, kitchen, baths, gymnasium, bowling alleys, etc. The boys are invited to join and they have responded with alacrity. There are no restrictions, but each boy is required to attend some Sunday school and also drills and periodical meetings at the Armory. The joining of the brigade withdraws its members from harmfull associations and benefits them physically and morally. Positions are also obtained for boys who desire them, and a membership in good standing is of itself a valuable reference. Once a year the boys are taken on an encampment. Southport is generally selected, and Colonel Taylor always accompanies the corps. The boys, generally recognize what has been accomplished for their good and have an affectionate regard for the gentleman who is responsible for the existence of the organization, and who continues to-day to take a keen interest in its affairs and progress.

20 Market Street.

The attention of our readers is now directed to the above mentioned enterprise which was established in 1906 by its present proprietor who is Mr. E. L. Mathews, but this gentleman, however, had previously an extensive experience of the industry. In connection
Photo of E.L. Mathews Candy Company building with the business, the whole of the building at the above address, comprising three floors and basement, and covering an area of 30×70 feet, is utilized. The house manufactures a general line of candy, including stick and broken candies, penny goods, etc. Specialties are made of “pail” goods put up under the firm title of the house. The Mathews brands are well known and popular in the market and are in demand throughout North and South Carolina generally. Their peanut and cocoanut specialties put up in pails, can invite legitimate competition from any quarter. Other lines include cakes and crackers, both fancy and staple goods, made especially for this house, also cigars, soda fountain supplies, paper, paper bags and confectioners’ supplies generally. Besides candies of their own make the house handles special high class products of other manufacturers which it can guarantee. Among these are the Delatour chocolates made by E. Greenfield's Sons of New York, who have been in the business since 1848 and whose products are standard. The E. L. Mathews Candy Co. are the sole distributors of these goods for this section of North and South Carolina. The business of the house as before said includes North and South Carolina generally, and entails the services of three commercial travellers. The proprietor Mr. E. L. Mathews devotes his closest energies to his enterprise and consults the interests of his customers equally with his own. The facilities of the house are such as ensure the lowest prices for goods of similar attractiveness and ready selling qualities and the result has been a steady growth and a healthy expansion of the business.

Wholesale Grocer and Dealer in Cigars, Foot of Walnut Street.

An important wholesale grocery enterprise of Wilmington, which in its operations somewhat differs from most others in the same line here, inasmuch as it largely confines its business to supplying the local trade, is that conducted by Mr. H. L. Vollers, who formerly of the firm of Vollers & Hashagen, has conducted his business alone for the past six years. At the above address he occupies a three story building of 66×75 feet, and in addition he utilizes a warehouse on Nutt Street, which covers an area of 33×60 feet. Here are carried large stocks, which comprise staple and fancy groceries, making a specialty of case goods, table delicacies, etc. Mr. Vollers in addition to handling large varieties in all lines, including flour, sugar, rice, molasses, etc. as well as fancy groceries, acts as special distributor in certain lines. These include the superior products of Curtice Bros. of Rochester, N. Y. whose “Blue Label” Tomato Catsup is in demand from ocean to ocean, as well as in foreign countries. In flours, Mr. Vollers specializes in “Colonial” a fancy patent of the best quality and “Silver Coin” a patent of somewhat lower grade. A particular department of the business is the handling of cigars, and he is exclusive distributor here for the well known and favorite “Cuban Blossom” retailed for five cents and “Mahler's Smoker” a Porto Rican cigar which also is sold for a nickel. The reputation of the house for supplying dealers with the best quality of goods promptly at lowest current prices is well established, and large stocks in all lines are always carried to fill orders at shortest notice, thereby affording merchants advantages not otherwise obtainable in ordering from houses at a distance. Mr. H. L. Vollers is one of the best known business men here, and he has always identified himself with the welfare of the city and its best interests. He is on the Board of County Commissioners, is a director of the Murchison National Bank and of the Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. Of the business we will but further say that its policy has always been distinguished by fair dealing and liberality and for consulting in every legitimate manner the best interests of patrons.

Wholesale and Retail Stationers, Booksellers, Etc., 117 Market Street.

One of the oldest established enterprises in the city is that of Messrs. C. W. Yates & Co. which was founded by Mr. C. W. Yates about 1879, the present firm dating back twenty years ago. The firm's headquarters comprise a three story building, which has altogether a floorage area of some 14,000 square feet. The business is both wholesale and retail. The stock comprises books of every description, including school books, college text books and literature of all kinds, and any book not in stock can be procured at shortest notice. Commercial and fancy stationery are leading lines, and particular attention is given to office supplies of all kinds. A noticably fine line of pictures is also handled, and the firm make a specialty of manufacturing picture frames to order. Also should be mentioned civil engineers’ supplies, drawing and artists’ materials, amateur photographers’ supplies, Eastman Kodaks, Waterman's fountain pens, etc. As regards office supplies, we may say that these include, blank books, loose-leaf ledgers and other office books Oliver typewriters, stenographers’ and typewriters’ supplies, including ribbons and carbons, Globe-Wernick elastic bookcases and filing cabinets, Edison Mimeographs, Neostyle copying machines, also desks, etc. In school supplies—another leading department—besides books the house sells school furniture, desks, chairs and other school requirements and apparatus. The firm also handle the Vudor Porch Screens and Hammocks, the Victor-Victrola talking machines and records, games, sporting and athletic goods, art decorative specialties, souvenirs, post cards, etc. The wholesale transactions of the house include Eastern North Carolina and parts of South Carolina, and it has commercial travellers representing it in these localities, although a large proportion of the wholesale business is transacted through the mails. The house has the best of inducements to offer to merchants, including large and varied stocks, low prices and prompt attention to orders. The members of the firm individually are Messrs. C. W. Yates and DeWitt C. Love, gentlemen long identified with the city's best interests. Mr. Yates is a director in the Murchison National Bank, the Atlantic Trust and Banking Co., the Willard Bag and Manufacturing Co. and the Delgado Cotton Mills. Mr. Love is a director of the Peoples Savings Bank, the Independent Ice Co., and is secretary and treasurer of the Wilmington Star Co. He

is also on the Board of Managers of the James Walker Memorial Hospital. Alluding again for the moment to the business, we may say that for a period of about forty years it has ranked as one of the most reliable here, enjoying the fullest confidence of the public and the trade generally.

Founders, Machinists and Boiler Makers, Foot of Orange Street.

This well known house has been in continuous existence for about sixty years and it is certainly entitled to prominent mention in these pages. Its founder was John C. Bailey who died in 1870. His son, E. P. Bailey, who succeeded him died in 1904. During the career of the house, it was conducted at different times as Hart & Bailey, Hart, Bailey & Co., Burr & Bailey, the Burr & Bailey Co. but the the general designation of the Wilmington Iron Works was retained throughout. The business was incorporated in 1902, its executive officials now being, Edward P. Bailey, president and T. D. Love, vice president, the first named gentleman being the great-nephew of the founder. Mr. Love has been connected with the business since 1907. The plant of the concern covers an area of about 250×200 feet with a water front on the river and direct railroad connection adjoining. The works include the foundry, machine shop, boiler shops and storage facilities, and about fifty skilled mechanics and others are given employment. The Wilmington Iron Works’ energies are devoted to mill, machinery and locomotive repair work, and machine work of every description. They make a specialty of the manufacture of fertilizer machinery, structural iron work and they also build marine and stationery boilers. They make brass and iron castings, and handle a general line of machinery and supplies. Their patronage comes from North and South Carolina and their work has a well established reputation throughout these sections. They are enabled to promptly execute work to complete satisfaction and at reasonable prices. Among notable contracts completed by them we may cite that they lately built a Steeple-Compound Balance Piston Valve marine engine for the U. S. tug “Coquette,” and they also constructed the boilers for the steamer “Grayling.” The firm furnished the complete fertilizer mixing plant for the North Carolina Cotton Oil Co. of this city and for the Georgia Cotton Oil Co. of Albany Ga., also fertilizer machinery for Pearsall & Co. of Wilmington and for the Latta Gin & Manufacturing Co. of Latta, S. C. In a word their facilities enable them to undertake anything in their line from the smallest job to the largest contract and to complete the same promptly and efficiently. Mr. Edward P. Bailey is also general manager of the Wilmington Marine Railway Co., recently organized and Mr. T. D. Love is its vice president. Further details of this valuable addition to Wilmington's facilities will be found on another page.

Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in Butter and Cheese, 305, Nutt Street.

A comparitively recent addition to the important wholesale grocery firms of this city is that of Brown, Toon & Co. who, however, were the successors to the business of W. E. Worth, established some ten years previously. The copartners are today, Messrs. A. A. Brown, W. P. Toon and J. F. Littleton. Mr. Brown had been for fifteen years previously with The Worth Co. of this city, Mr. Toon had been in the employ of the same house for thirty years, and Mr. Littleton was with this concern for a similar period. Thus it may be seen that these gentlemen enjoy a lengthened experience and are experts in the industry. Messrs. Brown, Toon & Co. occupy a building which is of the dimesnions of 80 by 40 feet. It differs from other wholesale grocery headquarters here, inasmuch as it is provided with its own cold storage facilities. The energies of the firm are devoted to the wholesale handling of a general line of groceries, mainly heavy goods, which they obtain direct from manufacturers and shippers, and their facilities and experience enable them to offer the very best of inducements to the trade. They also make a specialty of butter and cheese received from the West, handling the best varieties and qualities of these staples, of the higher grades. Their cold storage facilities ensure the freshest of stocks and enable them to carry large quantities on hand to promptly fill orders. The trade of the house is in the city and vicinity, mainly within a radius of 60 miles. The partners devote their closest personal attention to the details of the business to ensure the satisfaction of their patrons. Altogether the house is one that merits the full appreciation and confidence of jobbers and merchants, being in every way a reliable one with which to deal.

Wrightsville Beach

Wilmington possesses a very valuable asset in the proximity of Wrightsville Beach, one of the most delightful summer resorts on the Atlantic seaboard. This is located eight miles from the city with which it is in frequent and close connection by fast electric trolley
THE OCEANIC HOTEL line. Fuller and more detailed allusion to the beach will be found in the first part of this volume. We desire, however, to here direct attention to The Oceanic Hotel which is located on Wrightsville Beach. The hotel is a very attractive appearing structure, and it is replete with every modern convenience and comfort. There are 180 sleeping rooms, well furnished, cool, and comfortable. Some of these have private baths and are en suite. Electric lights are exclusively used, there are telephones in every room, and all are outside rooms, with plenty of light and air. The sanitary arrangements are of the best. We have elsewhere, on an earlier page, referred to the fact that the beach being on an island a mile distant from the main land, mosquitoes are not present, there being no stagnant water adjacent to serve as breeding grounds. Only artesian water is used here for drinking and cooking purposes. The cuisine of the Oceanic leaves nothing to be desired, and skilled chefs and a well organized staff serve the most appetizing meals, including fish, oysters, crabs, etc. taken direct from the waters adjacent. Everything is done by the management to make a stay here pleasant and beneficial. Besides the invigorating breezes of Old Father Ocean, boating, fishing and bathing may be enjoyed under the safest conditions. Wide verandahs on each side of the hotel offer delightful lounging places in unfavorable weather, or when one is not inclined for active exertion. The hotel owns a number of yachts and power boats which are at the disposal of guests. The Oceanic has its own first class orchestra, which gives concerts during meals and at other times, and plays at dances, which are given frequently. The Oceanic opens June 1st and its patronage is drawn from all parts of the South. It is desirable for intending guests not to delay the booking of rooms, as the hotel soon fills up to its capacity after the season opens. Those who have experienced the comforts, pleasure and invigorated health which result from a stay here often come again, there being no more delightful or healthful summer resort in this locality or indeed in the South. The management of the Oceanic strive in every way to make guests happy and comfortable and induce them to be regular visitors from season to season. (See page 23 for article on Wrightsville Beach.)

Cigars, Tobaccos, Billiard Parlor, etc., 18 North Front Street.

The above well known and popular enterprise was founded in 1907 by W. A. McGowan and H. J. Gerken. In 1898 Mr. W. J. Baxter bought out Mr. Gerken's interest and became a partner. In 1910 he acquired Mr. McGowan's share, and in 1911 Mr. W. M. Wiggins came into the firm. The business is incorporated, Mr. Baxter being president and Mr. Wiggins is secretary and treasurer. The company occupy a large and well located store in the very heart of the city, covering a space of 110 by 30 feet. Here a very large and particularly well selected stock is carried of cigars, cigarettes, smoking and chewing tobacco, pipes and smokers’ articles generally. All popular brands are handled and the company make specialties, among others, of certain brands of cigars for which they have exclusive rights in this city. Among these are “Ruy Lopez” and “R. A. Bachia Y. Ca” which retail at ten cents and upwards each, and “Portugese” and “Hoffman House” which are five cent cigars. They also carry the finest imported cigars and popular brands of domestic cigars, as well as imported and domestic cigarettes. They have a large line of fine pipes

and smokers’ articles suitable for presents, etc. The firm makes a particular specialty of their box trade in cigars and cigarettes, and they offer inducements in this department. The prices are very reasonable and full value is given. Connected with the business is a soda fountain where refreshing and pure drinks are dispensed in the season. There is also here a billiard parlor, with five first class tables. Mr. Baxter was formerly in the hotel business in Richmond, Va. His experience in this line brought him in touch with travellers and others who appreciate all that is desirable in the smoking line. Mr. Wiggins was in the banking business in New York and Wilmington before coming into this firm. The establishment is a favorite with residents and visitors, who give it their patronage assured that they will here receive fair and courteous treatment.

Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, etc., 209 South Front Street.

The hardware trade of this city constitutes a leading division of its business, and although perhaps not as extensive as some others here, the enterprise conducted by Mr. Chas. D. Foard is yet of no unimportant character. This gentleman transacts a business which includes both wholesale and retail operations. He established himself in Wilmington about a dozen years ago and started in the Seamen's Home Building. Later to accommodate his increasing trade he removed to the present location. This comprises a two story building at the above address, and here may be found a general assortment of shelf and builders’ hardware, manufacturers’ and builders’ supplies, house furnishing goods and tinware in very large variety, stoves and ranges, etc. Mr. Foard has had an experience of this business extending over a period of nearly thirty years. He was formerly an employee with the well known old time hardware concern of Alderman, Flanner & Co. prior to starting on his own account. He thoroughly understands the markets and what is best suited to his trade. He makes specialties of certain high class goods in particular lines. Of these we may mention the Alert-Cable ranges and Abbey & Imbie's fishing takcle which as they say is “fishing tackle that's fit for fishing.” In all departments the most reliable goods are handled and the prices will be found reasonable. Besides a good retail patronage in this city the house transacts a considerable wholesale trade with country dealers, and mail orders from out of town receive the promptest attention, and the best inducements are offered

Merchandise Brokers and Manufacturers’ Agents, 208 North Water Street.

The important wholesale grocery trade of this city owes no little to the enterprise and facilities of the group of business men here, generally known as merchandise brokers and manufacturers’ agents. Among such may be prominently mentioned the firm of Brown Bros. which was established about ten years ago, succeeding then to the business originally founded by Mr. J. H. Brown, some six years previously. The firm represent on this market some of the leading manufacturers and shippers in the country in flour, lard, grain, hay, bagging, cotton-ties, nails, fruit-jars, rice, sugar, starch, salt, etc. Among prominent houses we instance the following: American Sugar Refining Co.; National Starch Co.; International Salt Co.; Corn Product Refining Co., syrup, all of New York; the Ludlow Manufacturing Associates, Boston cotton bagging; Pittsburg Steel Co., and Carnegie Steel Co. of Pittsburg, cotton ties; Belfort Iron Works, Ironton, O., nails; Southern Cotton Oil Co. of Savannah; J. K. Armsby & Co., San Francisco, salmon, dried fruits, etc.; Griffin & Hobbs, San Francisco, dried fruits and American Sardine Co. of Eastport, Me. The house by virtue of its facilities is enabled to quote the lowest current rates, and to assure dispatch. The firm have in the city two large warehouses, which comprise a single story building of 50 × 125 feet and a two story structure 30 × 72 feet. Stocks are carried in certain lines to fill immediate demands, but sales are largely made in carload lots direct from the shipper to the jobber. The trade of the house is strictly with wholesalers in this city and immediate vicinity, and the firm enjoy the patronage of practically every jobber in Wilmington. Messrs. Brown Bros. are open to consider handling the accounts and business of strictly first-class shippers who may desire to find an entry into this market. The members of the firm individually are Messrs. J. H. Brown and W. H. Brown, whose reputation is of the highest character. Mr. J. H. Brown is a director of the Southern National Bank, and both gentlemen are stock holders in nearly all the financial institutions here. The

senior partner is also president of the Cape Fear Club, the leading social organization in Wilmington. As contributing materially to the welfare of the wholesale interests of the city, the above house is certainly entitled to due recognition in these pages.

Commission Merchants.
16 and 18 North Water Street.

It is now about sixteen years since the above designated enterprises were instituted here by Mr. C. D. Maffitt, and since then their operations have been very materially extended. At the present time the business is carried on at the above address, but in order to accommodate the constantly increasing transactions, the firm will soon remove to entirely new premises specially erected by them for the business. It is expected that these will be ready for occupancy about June 1st. The new building will be erected on the northeast corner of Water and Princess streets and it will comprise a four story structure, of 95 × 60 feet. It will be fitted up with all latest improved conveniences and facilities, including a wireless station on the roof, by means of which will be kept up a constant connection with vessels coming to and leaving this port, and also with general shipping. The warehouse will also have a room for the special use of masters of vessels, and for seamen who may wish to sign on here. The establishment will be complete and will be erected at a large cost. It will be headquarters for all shipping matters and information connected with this port. Speaking now of the business conducted as C. D. Maffitt & Co., the firm are licensed ship-brokers, custom house brokers and steam ship and vessel agents, and their vocation includes the chartering of ships, obtaining freights, etc. They look after the interests of owners and shippers equally and act honorably for both parties. They carry all information pertaining to the chartering of vessels all over the world, and keep records of their whereabouts. They also effect marine insurance, and occupy themselves with every thing pertaining to marine affairs. As the C. D. Maffitt Ship Chandlery & Supply Co., the firm are wholesale and retail dealers in ship chandlery of every description, and they are general contractors for steamships, sailing vessels, engineers, etc. Here is furnished everything in ship chandlery, including provisions and groceries of all kinds, tackles, blocks, ropes, cordage, sails, cables, chain, paints, oils, anchors, etc., etc., in fact every conceivable article required for the equipment of ships, from the lumber to build them to the holystone to scrub the decks clean. All supplies are obtained direct from manufacturers and first sources, and are offered to patrons at the lowest prices. The house represents leading factories and is special agent for a number of articles of high merit, among which are the celebrated Harrison's Town&Country Paints, made in Philadelphia. The firm also do an important export business, shipping tar, rosin, oils, turpentine, pitch and naval stores generally, as well as ship chandlery, to all parts, ever as far distant as China. In its lines the house is as complete as any on the Atlantic coast south of New York, and it is to-day the only representative of its trade here. Mr. Maffett is particularly well known in shipping circles both foreign and domestic, steam and sail: Prior to establishing himself here, he followed the sea. He rose from cabin-boy to first officer, and thus by actual experience he thoroughly understands what is needed for fitting out vessels for both long and short voyages. Mr. Maffett also is a Notary Public and he acts as information agent for the Revenue Cutter Service of the United States. Finally we will add that all transacting business with this house, have long realized that here they receive fair treatment and every courteous attention.

Wholesale Fruit, 110 North Water Street.

This enterprise commenced operations here September 1910, and it is of material benefit to the food supply of the city, inasmuch as it is the only concern in Wilmington which handles bananas in large quantities direct from the ports of entry where they are landed from the tropics. The company have suitable premises at the above address where large stocks of bananas and other fruits may always be found on hand. While they handle apples, oranges, lemons, grapes, etc., their specialty is bananas, which come to them in car-load lots, mainly from Charleston, and also from New Orleans. Being direct importers the company are able to offer inducements to dealers as regards prizes and quality which before were unattainable. A large business is transacted which is steadily growing,

and about 25,000 bunches of bananas are disposed of yearly. The fruit is shipped from here to various parts of North and South Carolina, and the company invite enquiries and will be glad to furnish prices and all paritculars. Promptness in filling orders ia s characteristic of the business. The proprietor is Mr. Angelos Procopes. This gentleman has only been a resident of this country for about five years. He came here from Greece, and started to work at Spartenburg in a retail confectionery house at a salary of $10 per month. After only four months, he began on his own account and later went to Charlotte and engaged in the fruit business. He prospered there, and then decided to come to Wilmington, which as a better trade center and having better shipping facilities afforded increased opportunities for doing business. Results have proved that his ideas were correct, and the house's success is of value in making this city a center of supply and distribution for delicious and wholesome tropical fruits of various kinds and especially for the favorite and popular banana

22 North Second Street.

The City Laundry is entitled to be classed as among the leading establishments of the kind in this part of the South. It was founded in 1907 upon a very limited scale and at first was operated on Third Street. The business continued to increase, and this culminated in the erection of the present thoroughly modern and up to date laundry. This
Etching of the City Laundry Company is contained in the new handsome two story building which is of the dimensions of 165 by 58 feet. It is the property of the company. In front of the building is the office, which is 24 feet wide, and at the rear the laundry takes in the whole width, which as before said is fifty eight feet. The entire upper part is also utilized. The rest of the front part of the building comprises two stores which are rented out to other parties. The appliances in operation are of the latest improved character, and they include press machines, a large ironer for “flat work” and a “conveyor” by means of which the work is carried automatically to the drying room. The whole establishment including the building represents an investment of $45,000. The energies of the company are given to doing every description of laundry work in a first class manner at fair prices, and every detail is carefully supervised by Mr. D. J. O'Keef, the superintendent, who is a thoroughly practical man of twenty six years experience in this country and Great Britain. Every effort is taken that no injury shall be done to the most delicate fabric, and no delerterious chemicals are used. A force of girls are employed in sewing on buttons and in making small repairs. Promptness is a

feature, and if required work received at ten o'clock in the morning is delivered laundried at three o'clock the same day. The City Laundry caters to the entire public and makes a specialty of hotel, theatrical and ship work. It serves all the leading hotels in Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach, and does all the laundry work for the military at Fort Caswell. Laundry also comes here from out of town, the company having about twenty five agencies in neighboring localities. The gentlemen connected with the proprietorship of this enterprise are J. H. Hinton, president; E. L. Hinton, secretary and J. O. Hinton, manager. Capt. E. L. Hart is also identified with the business. Mr. J. H. Hinton owns and manages the Orton Hotel here, and Mr. E. L. Hinton is the proprietor of the Seashore Hotel at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. J. O. Hinton gives his entire energies to the management of the business of the City Laundry.

Merchandise Broker, 116 North Water Street.

Merchandise brokers and manufacturers’ agents constitute an important branch of the city's distributive trade, and prominently engaged in this vocation here is the enterprise of Mr. R. H. Pickett, which was established in 1884, and today it may be cited as the oldest established continuous business of the kind here. Mr. Pickett represents on this market a number of the leading houses and first sources of supply, the most prominent of which are: The W. A. Coombs Milling Co. of Coldwater, Mich., who manufacture the well known “Rob Roy” and “Juno” brands, the highest grades of family patent flours; Oscar Frommel & Bro. of New York, wholesale produce, such as apples, potatoes, etc. Mr. Pickett has represented this concern since 1885. Others are: Geo. S. Hart Company of New York, the largest cheese manufacturers and receivers in this country; Gorton & Pew Fisheries Co. of Gloucester, Mass., salt cod fish and mackerel; Gibbs Preserving Co. of Baltimore, “Bull Head” catsup and jellies; Seaboard Rice Milling Co. of Galveston, Texas; Standard Rice Milling Co. of Houston, Texas; National Rice Milling Co. of New Orleans and other well known concerns representing staple food products. Mr. Pickett carries large stocks in certain lines to fill rush orders, but most of the goods come from the shippers direct to the jobber and generally in carload lots. Sales are made exclusively to wholesalers, and the close connections so long enjoyed by Mr. Pickett with shippers and original sources ensure prompt shipments, the best class of products and lowest current rates. The above has been long realized by the trade here and has assured the utmost confidence. Mr. Pickett is open to correspondence from high class manufacturers and shippers who desire to place their goods on this market, which is one of the most important wholesale grocery and produce centers in the South. Mr. Pickett is a long time resident here and he has always taken a close interest in the well-being of the city and locality.

Groceries at Wholesale, 220 and 222 North Water Street.

The enterprise now under comment and as at present conducted, was established by its proprietor Mr. Joseph H. Watters about a dozen years ago, but this gentleman has had altogether an experience of the grocery business extending over nearly a third of a century. For many years he was a member of the firm of Holmes & Watters. As a handler of groceries at wholesale he commenced operations on his own account at the time specified. His premises at the above address comprise two floors, each of the dimensions of 60×110 feet. Here a full line of heavy groceries is carried, consisting mainly of grain, hay, canned goods, provisions, etc. In addition to the above, Mr. Watters represents here the Apollinaris Agency Co. of New York for their celebrated table and medicinal waters, and also the Beaufont Co. of Richmond, Va., manufacturers of high grade ginger ale, and bottlers of lithia waters. The trade of the house covers considerable territory around Wilmington, also a large city patronage, and its proprietor has always made it a point to carry full stocks, and thus serve his patrons promptly and at lowest current prices. Furthermore anything which may not be considered strictly as staple is procured for patrons at shortest notice at regular prices. Mr. Watters has been a resident of this city since 1868, and it is safe to say few men are better known and respected. Before embarking in the grocery business he was for a time in real estate and later in railroad service. Today his enterprise occupies a prominent position in the large wholesale grocery trade of the city and enjoys the full confidence of those having dealings with it.

Wholesale and Retail Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Etc., 10 North Front Street.

It is now a little over thirty years since the above well known firm succeeded to the hardware business previously conducted under the designation of John Dawson & Co. Mr. W. E. Springer, who with his brother, Mr. J. C. Springer, now makes up the firm of W. E. Springer & Co., was with the older house for a number of years, both as employee and partner. In connection with the present enterprise the firm have a large store and basement with a two story warehouse in the rear, the whole covering an area of 55 by 175 feet. The stocks here carried comprise hardware of every description, agricultural implements, guns and sporting goods, stoves, ranges, house furnishing goods, etc. While the assortment carried in all lines is full and complete and of the best selection, specialties are made of certain goods for which the firm are special distributors in this locality. They are district agents for the Walter A. Woods harvesting machinery and they are also eastern agents for the Oliver Chilled Plows, also for the well known “Buck” stoves and ranges. They are in addition special agents for the Birmingham Iron and Steel Co's field fencing of which they sell large quantities. Other leading lines are Clark's “Cutaway” plows and harrows, the Remington and Baker lines of guns, and the “U. M. C.” ammunition. Besides a large local trade, Messrs. W. E. Springer & Co. transact an important wholesale buisness, and they have the best of inducements to offer dealers. Their trade is principally in North and South Carolina, where they are represented by commercial travellers. Of the members of the firm individually, we may say that they are both among the best known of Wilmington's residents. Mr. W. E. Springer is vice president of the Independent Ice Co. and is a director of the East Carolina Fruit and Truck Growers’ Association. He is also president of the Wilmington Star Publishing Co. Another important function filled by him is as secretary of the North Carolina State Building Commission, who are now erecting a new State administration building at Raleigh. We might also mention here that this gentleman was Mayor of Wilmington for two terms, respectively 1903-5 and 1907-9, and at the present time he is one of the trustees of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. J. C. Springer devotes his particular attention to the sales department of the business of which he has a complete knowledge. He has been with this firm from its start. He is very popular with the customers of the house whose interests he endeavors to serve in every available legitimate manner. He is also a director in a number of prominent building and loan associations and is otherwise interested in the general welfare. Concluding this sketch we may add that with a record of over forty years, this house has contributed materially to the growth and progress of the locality.

Clothing, Gentlemens’ Furnishings and Merchant Tailors, 212 North Front Street.

For nearly a half century this well known house has formed part of the trade conveniences of Wilmington. It was founded by Mr. A. David in 1865 and it was incorporated in 1890, its executive officials now being A. David, president; his son, E. E. David, vice president and L. Stein, secretary and treasurer. The company occupy their own fine three story building which abuts forty feet on North Front Street, extending back 125 feet. They utilize the entire structure except the second floor which is the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. The store is a most attractive one having a vestibuled plate glass front, a balcony, plate glass and hard wood fixtures, and a particularly good light to display goods. It is one of the finest stores in the Carolinas or indeed in the South. The transactions of the house are both wholesale and retail. Clothing of all grades is handled, much of it is made expressly for the concern by well known Northern manufacturers. Medium and high quality goods are however their specialty. Particular attention is due to the well known and superior clothing made by the celebrated house of Hart, Schaffner and Marx and they carry in addition other fine lines in clothing. The company are also large handlers of gents’ furnishings, hats, etc. and among these special attention is directed to Stetson hats, Manhattan and Eclipse shirts, Corliss-Coon collars and cuffs, Fownes and Myers gloves and a complete line of everything required for gentlemen's attire, shoes only excepted. A particular department is high class merchant tailoring. They carry a large stock of imported and domestic cloths and have the best facilities for supplying custom made clothing of the latest styles, best fit and workmanship at very reasonable prices. As regards

their wholesale business, their trade is mainly in North and South Carolina and they have two travellers. Thye are in a position to supply dealers under the very best conditions and being themselves in the retail business, they entirely understand the wants of the public throughout this section. Mail orders receive prompt attention and small orders to fill up deficiencies in stock are as cheerfully attended to as a dozen cases. Of the members of the firm we may say that they are among the best known and most respected residents here. Mr. Stein is one of the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The enterprise altogether may be quoted as a prominent exponenet of both the wholesale and retail facilities of the city.

Real Estate, 112 Princess Street.

Messrs. D. R. Foster & Co., using as their slogan “We Sell the Earth” have in the comparatively short time of six years established themselves as leaders in the real estate field in Wilmington. Starting in business in January 1906 and occupying almost obscure
Photo of D. R. FOSTER & CO. Real Estate Office quarters, through the untiring energy, the pluck and ability of its organizer, the agency has steadily grown until today it is owning and occupying one of the handsomest and most modern individual offices in the state, and has a clientele of most generous proportions. Though a young man, Mr. Foster has placed himself in the front rank of Wilmington business men and is recognized as an authority in his field of work. Early in his career he was impressed with the fact that a “satisfied customer is the best advertisement” and his patrons claim that he has done quite a bit of this class of advertising. The firm procured their new offices that they might all the more satisfactorily take care of the continually increasing business and they are now prepared to handle in a most modern way every branch of the real estate business; city and suburban property, manufacturing sites, homes, investments, building lots, business locations are all dealt in extensively by this firm. They buy and sell outright or will handle any proposition on a commission basis. During the past year Mr. D. R. Foster together with Mr. S. Seigler, Jr. and Mr. B. F. King, Jr. (both connected with him in the businesss) organized the “Manhattan Company” for the purposes of suburban development. Already they have built up several highly successful suburbs. The most recent development was “Manhattan”, and its success was truly remarkable. Located just east of the city and between the two most beautiful boulevards leading from Wilmington, every lot was sold in less than thirty days, and those of the purchasers who cared to do so were disposing of theirs at a profit. Six cottages were under course of construction within a week from the time the property was placed on the market.

Mr. Foster is also Secretary and Treasurer of the Peoples’ Building and Loan Association which was organized in June of 1906, and now has assets of over $100,000. Building and Loan Associations have contributed no little to Wilmington's up-building and the “Peoples” is recognized as being one of the most progressive in the field. Mr. W. E. Perdew is president and Kellum and Loughlin, attorneys. Its directorate includes some of Wilmington's ablest business men.

Building Materials, Coal, Wood, Etc., Foot of Ann Street.

From the period of its inception in the year 1902, the above mentioned enterprise has continued to develop steadily, and it now may be considered as one of the most important in the lines of trade it represents in this locality. At the indicated address the firm have several warehouses, yards on the river front, dock, etc. The plant extends for 136 feet along the water side, and covers an area of about 24,000 square feet. It is adjacent to the railroad, and with water communication has the very best of receiving and shipping facilties. The firm are dealers both at wholesale and retail in builders’ materials, coal and wood. In the first named branch their stocks include lime, cement, plaster, brick, including pressed brick, fire brick, fire clay, etc., also sewer and chimney pipe, roofing, plaster of paris, marble dust, and a builders’ supplies generally. Among specialties we may mention that they are exclusive agents here for King's Windsor Asbestos wall-plaster, and they make specialties of Gager's High Grade lime, “Walrus” rubber roofing, Hydrated lime for finishing, the best grades of Portland cement, all kinds of shingles, etc. Goods are obtained direct from the manufacturers, and the facilities of the house are such that orders are filled with promptness from the large stocks carried, and at lowest prices. Besides the large local business the firm supply dealers within the trade radius of the city and they invite enquiries and offer the best of inducements to out of town parties. As regards the coal and wood departments the firm handle the celebrated Pocahontas steam coal, the best steam coal on the market. They also supply Thacker's lump soft coal for grates, blacksmiths’ coal, etc., also wood for burning. Prompt filling of orders may be depended upon and courteous attention. The firm employ from fifteen to twenty men in connection with their business besides seven wagons and horses. The enterprise is an incorporated company and Mr. W. B. Thorpe is president and manager. He gives to his business his undivided attention to ensure the satisfaction and advantage of his customers.

Manufacturing Confectioners, Cor. Water and Chestnut Streets.

We are pleased to have to speak here of a new enterprise in Wilmington, which commences its career with all facilities available for doing business in competition with others of a similar character elsewhere. We allude to the North State Candy Co., Inc., which started operations January 1st, 1912. The proprietorship is made up of well known men of standing and ability in business circles in this city. The president is E. L. Mathews of the Mathews Candy Co. J. W. Brooks is vice president and G. L. Farmer secretary and treasurer. The directory, besides the above, consist of Robert R. Bellamy, wholesale druggist, A. G. Warren, confectioner and fruit dealer, W. I. Baxter president of the Gerken Tobacco Co. and J. Love Davis, who is with the Mathews Candy Co. In addition among the stockholders are a number of wholesale grocers and other business men of the city. The factory is a two story brick building located at the corner of Water and Chestnut streets. It has been fitted up with all required appliances suited to the business, and a practical man of large experience has been brought here from the North as superintendent. The company are manufacturing “goods of quality” particularly well suited to the requirements of the trade in North and South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia and Florida, the section of the South to which the company caters, and where at the present time they are represented by two commercial travellers. The company are manufacturing a general line of candies, making, however, specialties of stick candies, penny goods, mixtures and particularly “pail” specialties. They cater to the jobbing trade exclusively, and it is only a question of but a very short time before wholesale dealers will generally recognize the superior quality of the goods, their attractive and ready selling qualities and the prices at which they are offered to the trade. The goods are distinguished by their brand name of “Strawberry” which may be taken as a synonym of quality and excellence.

Wholesale Hardware, etc., 2 to 10 Chestnut Street Cor. Water Street

The origin of this well known house took place in 1873 when it was founded as Giles & Murchison. In 1895 Mr. J. W. Murchison became sole proprietor, and in 1899 the present firm was organized. Up to a month or two ago, the business was carried on at NEW MURCHISON WAREHOUSE—H. E. Bonitz, Architect.
109 and 111 Front St., but the firm are now in occupation of their own new warehouse which is a three story building covering an area of 186 by 66 feet. The structure is of brick with concrete floors, and is of the character genally known as “mill construction” and it is fire proof as far as is compatible with buildings of this order. Its appointments embody all conveniences, and allow of the carrying of the largest stocks. It is contiguous to the railroad tracks of the A. C. L., allowing goods to be loaded and unloaded direct into the premises. Messrs. J. W. Murchison & Co. are wholesale hardware dealers and they handle hardware of every description, iron and steel, cutlery, guns and ammunition and sporting goods generally, also agricultural implements, etc. The firm are agents in this locality for the celebrated Howe's scales, also for the products of the Chattanooga Plow Co., the Rex Guano Distributor, the Ithaca Gun Co's sporting guns, Penninsula stoves, Winchester Arms Co's guns and ammunition and other goods of high quality and utility. In all departments the stocks will be found full, complete and varied and are obtained direct from manufacturers and first hands generally. The firm now restrict their operations to the wholesale business, catering to the requirements of merchants throughout North and South Carolina and parts of Georgia and they are represented by three or four commercial travellers. The individual members of the firm are Messrs. J. W. Murchison, W. E. Perdew and John R. Murchison. As before said the first named gentleman was the founder of the enterprise and therefore has had nearly forty years active experience of its details. Mr. Perdew became a partner five or six years ago, but he has been with the house for a period extending over twenty four years. Mr. John R. Murchison is a son of the senior partner, and has recently been admitted as a member of the firm. We will finally say of this house that it may be quoted as typical of the expanding transactions of Wilmington as a distributing center and to-day with enhanced facilities it is better qualified than ever to extend the scope and volume of its operations.

Seventh and Brunswick Streets

The Idependent Ice Co. was instituted in this city in 1902, and during the ten years since elapsed it has practically doubled its capacity. It was established at the time, with Mr. J. A. Sripnger as president, Mr. Daniel Penton as secretary and Mr. L. H. Simmons as general manager, and these gentlemen still continue to fill these positions. The plant is one of the best of the kind in this section. What is known as the “can” system is utilized. The works have a capacity of 80 tons daily. The ice is made from distilled water, thereby absolutely assuring its purity. The distilling apparatus is the most modern and improved known. It was put in at a cost of $10,000 and it was manufactured by the York Manufacturing Co. of York, Pa. The works are also provided with cold storage rooms which have a capacity for storing about 4000 tons. The Independent Ice Co. have also become possessors of the ice factory at Second and Campbell Street, formerly operated by W. E. Worth. This has a capacity of about 30 tons daily. Both plants entail the services of about forty men which

number in the summer months is increased to sixty. They also run eighteen delivery wagons. The retail trade of the house is transacted through the Central Ice Co. whose depot is on Orange Sts. between Front and Water. In addition to their retail business the company also ship ice to various parts of North and South Carolina and some to Virginia. They are by virtue of their facilities enabled to quote the lowest prices and to guarantee prompt shipments. Another important detail is supplying ice to steam and sail vessels, and they also furnish large quantities for icing cars conveying truck and fruit to Northern markets.

Foot of Chestnut Street

The city of Wilmington for many years has been well served in the essentials of coal and wood for power and heating purposes, by the old established and well-known house now carried on as The Springer Coal Co. The business was founded by Mr. J. A. Springer as long ago as 1873. In 1897 the firm of J. A. Springer & Co. was formed, and the enterprise was incorporated in 1905. The office and yards are most conveniently located on the water front and an independent railroad track goes directly into the premises. There is in operation here a Hunt elevator for discharging coal from the vessels into the pockets, and also wood sawing and splitting machinery. Storage capacity for about 10,000 tons is here available. The company are wholesale and retail dealers in coal and wood. For the retail and local trade they handle anthracite, and Tennessee lump soft coal which are supplied to the public in quantities to suit, and all local orders are promptly filled. The house also supplies coal for foundry and blacksmiths’ use, here, and in the neighborhood. A specialty is the celebrated Pocahontas steam coal and they “bunker” steamships and steamboats that use this port. They also do an important wholesale business, and ship to North and South Carolina. Coal is dispatched to large purchasers direct from the mines to destination without breaking bulk at Wilmington. The facilities of the house and its close home relations with the mines assure the very lowest prices. The president of the company is Mr. J. A. Springer, Mr. Daniel Penton is vice-president and secretary and Mr. Samual J. Springer is treasurer. As before mentioned Mr. J. A. Springer is the founder of the enterprise and Mr. Penton came into the firm in 1897. Mr. Samuel J. Springer is a son of the president who is also president of the Independent Ice Co. and is a director of the Murchison National Bank, the Peoples Savings Bank, the Delgado Cotton Mills and is otherwise closely connected with important interests here. Mr. Penton is secretary of the Independent Ice Co.

Architect, 213 Princess Street.

The development of Wilmington and indeed of the State of North Carolina generally, within recent years has been noticeably remarkable. Building operations have been particularly active, and of course the services of the architect have been proportionately in requisition. The oldest established representative of this vocation in Wilmington at the present time is Mr. H. E. Bonitz, who commenced practising his profession here in 1894. He devotes his energies exclusively to the preparation of plans, making estimates and supervising the erection of any description of structure, from a bungalow to a factory, public building, church or hospital. This gentleman made the plans and supervised the erection of a large number of buildings in this city, state and elsewhere. We cite the following: the hospital at Goldsboro, the Y. M. C. A. at the Agricultural and Mechanical Art College at Raleigh, the J. W. Murchison & Co's new building in this city, also the American National Bank building, the Garrell building, Alexander Sprunt & Son's building, all at Wilmington, and he also remodelled the interior of the Opera House here, erected a particularly fine residence for Mr. L. H. Vollers and for many others here and elsewhere. He makes a specialty of churches and school buildings, and a large number of these all over the state have been built from his plans and under his superintendence. We will mention among these, Lutheran churches at Greensboro and Albermarle, N. C., and the Reform church at Hickory, N. C. Mr. Bonitz also was the architect of “Lumina” the well known and popular pleasure palace of Wrightsville Beach, a notice regarding which is given under the heading of Wrightsville Beach in the first part of this volume. Mr. Bonitz was also supervising architect for the Carolina Apartment House. He solicit

correspondence from any who may contemplate the erection of any description of structure and will promplty reply to all inquiries and furnish plans, estimates, etc. Mr. Bonitz is an architect of many years experience. He is a graduate of the Agriculturel and Mechanical Art College of Raleigh where he took his degree as Bachelor of Engineers. Prior to establishing himself in his own account he worked in the office of the late James F. Post, Jr., who was an eminent architect of Wilmington for a long period. All who are interested in real estate or who may contemplate building operations of any kind may with confidence bespeak the services of Mr. Bonitz in the full assurance that everything pertaining to his work will be carried out satisfactorily to completion.

Brokers and Distributors, Grace and Nut Streets.

In every important mercantile and wholesale business center, there are located a class of houses that are generally known as merchandise brokers, or perhaps more properly speaking, they should be designated as distributors. This applies to the business conducted by Messers O. H. Wright & Co. which was instituted here January 1st, 1901 by Mr. O. H. Wright, and which has been conducted under its present designation since 1905. This firm differs in an important detail from ordinary merchandise brokers, inasmuch as they carry large stocks on hand, and transact from their house here important operations with jobbers throughout North and South Carolina. The premises they utilize in this city are of an extensive character. At Nut Street they have a two-story wharehouse, 100 feet square, and another two-story building adjacent of 40 × 75 feet. They have also a warehouse on Water Street, which gives them yet further facilities. Messrs O. H. Wright & Co. represent a number of leading houses and original sources of supply. The principal lines of goods handled are packing house products, sugar, coffee, rice, molasses, flour, salt, starch, canned goods, dried beans, etc. Among leading houses we will note as exponents, the Cudahy Packing Co. of Chicago, packing house products, Proctor & Gamble Distributing Co. compound for cooking purposes; Federal Sugar Refining Co., New York, sugar; Louisiana State Rice Co. New Orleans, La. rice; International Salt Co. of Scranton, Pa., salt; and other original sources of supply of the highest repute and resources. Sales are made on a commission basis strictly to the jobber, and the firm have a number of commercial travellers representing them in the districts served by them. Goods are supplied to the trade, in some instances, from the large stocks always carried to fill quick orders, or are shipped direct from producers to customers in carload lots. The lowest current prices are always quoted to the trade. The business has steadily grown since its inception, and it is among the largest businesses of its kind in the Carolinas. The clientelle of the concern practically includes all the jobbing houses in this and neighboring states, in one or more of the lines handled by the firm. In addition to the establisment here the house has also a branch at Jacksonville, Fla., to which Mr. O. H. Wright gives his particular attention. Mr. R. A. Wright who is resident partner here, takes charge of the business in this city. The Jacksonville house transacts a very important trade throughout Florida and parts of Georgia. Finally we may say of the firm of O. H. Wright & Co., that with large facilities and the highest reputation it has long enjoyed the fullest confidence of the trade.

33 Garrell Building

The above named organization has now been in operation in Wilmington for a period of something over a year, and it has already developed a success which is highly encouraging. The company's efforts at the present time are devoted to the regular vocation of architects, making plans and specifications for the erection of any kind of public or private building and superintending the erection of the same. It will not be out of place here for us to mention some structures which have recently been built from their plans and under their direction. We will instance the City Laundry, the residences of Dr. F. H. Russell, Mr. W. A. Mahler, Miss Daisy Burbank and Mr James Taylor. These were all at Wilmington, others out of town include a department store for E. F. Adylette at Elizabeth City, First National Bank building and a department store at Harlan, Ky. and an office building for W. C. Hodges at Tallahasse, Fla. The house invite inquiries and will be glad

to enter into correspondence with any who may contemplate the erection of any kind of building and they are prepared to submit designs, estimates, etc. and to carry out the work to a satisfactory conclusion. The gentlemen conducting this enterprise are Messrs. E. F. Grossmann, president and C. P. B. Mahler, secretary. The first named was formerly with Mr. B. H. Stephens of this city and he has had also an experience as an architect in Germany. Mr. Mahler has been connected with the real estate business for some years and buys, sells and exchanges real estate of all kinds and has a large number of desirable parcels of real estate either for occupation or investment. Mr. Grossmann apart from this business is a designer of artistic advertising matter, such as signs, covers for books, etc. and in this regard he has built up quite a patronage in this locality. In this connection he is manager of the Modern Ad Studio at Wilmington. The cover of this book was designed by him and offers a characteristic example of his work.

310 North Front Street

The enterprise conducted under the above designation was instituted here August 19th 1909 by Mr. Frank Meir. It was incorporated, however, June 1911, with Mr. C. Martin as president and Mr. Frank Meir as secretary and general manager. The latter gentleman has had a practical experience of this branch of industry extending over a period of thirty five years, prior to his embarking on his own account. Mr. Martin is also president of the Peoples Supply Co., who operate an important grocery business here. Meir's Marble & Granite Works occupy a shop, yards and office covering an area of 60×175 feet. Here are all required appliances for carrying on the business. The company are bona-fide manufacturers of monumental work of all kinds, comprising mausoleums, monuments, head-stones, etc. and in addition they prepare and supply all description of stone work for buildings. In monumental work their products embody the desirable features of artistic conception, the best of raw material and fine workmanship. They have already executed a number of notable pieces of work such as a large mausoleum for Mr. Sam Bear, a monument for Capt. A. L. DeRosset, another for Mr. Thos. Harding, one for Mr. John W. Atkinson and they also supplied the stone work for the Mount Olive Methodist Church, also for the Clarkton Presbyterian Church and for the Pages’ Mill, S. C. church. In addition they furnished the stone work for Mr. Van B. Metts residence, and others. In addition to monumental and building stone work, the house also handles mantels, grates, etc. They invite inquireis and will be gald to furnish designs, estimates and all particulars. The prices will be found eminently reasonable and based upon fairness and moderation. As before said, Mr. Meier possesses a lenghtened experience. He is a native of this city and as a youth served his time with the firm of Walker & Maunder formerly in a similar businses. He was for ten years with H. A. Tucker and later went South and worked at his trade. It is hardly too much to say that he is a thorough expert in all pertaining to the industry as well as a competent designer.

Funeral Director, and Embalmer, 225 Princess Street.

For a period now exceeding forty years the above house has formed part of the conveniences of this city. To be exact it was founded by the late J. W. Woolvin—father of the present proprietor, in 1868. This gentleman died in 1889, and since then Mr. Jas. F. Woolvin has had control of the enterprise. In the conduct of his business he has accomplished much to elevate it from a mere trade to the dignity of a profession. He has been connected with the house since 1874 when he was but a boy of fourteen. At the above address is utilized the ground floor of a building covering an area of 110 by 22 1-2 feet which was specially erected for the business and which is Mr. Woolvin's property. Here every convenience is available, including a private morgue, and the premises can be converted into a chapel if such be required. A large stock of caskets and other funeral requisites may always be found here on hand. A specialty of the house is embalming, and of course Mr. Woolvin has had a most extended experience of this art. He was indeed the first man who ever learned embalming as a profession in the state of North Carolina. He has in his employ assistants who have been with him for a long time. Mr. Woolvin gives his closest personal attention to his business, which is entitled to the leading place in this department of endeavor here. With a sympathetic appreciation and due regard to the

difficult responsibilities incumbent upon it, this house undertakes all the details connected with obsequies, entirely relieving relatives of such matters, at a time when of a surety such details would be repugnant and troublesome. Apart from his business Mr. Woolvin has always taken an active interest in the city's wellfare and is a considerable owner of real estate here. Among others of his holdings he is the owner of the fine building adjoining his office which is in the occupation of the Tidewater Power Co.

John H. Hanby, Proprietor, Water and Chestnut Streets.

The Crescent Candy Co. of which Mr. John H. Hanby is proprietor was established here about six years ago, and since then it has developed much success, and it transacts an important and growing business. The premises occupied comprise four floors and cover an area of 40×70 feet. They are provided with the necessary appliances and apparatus suited to the business, and a considerable number of workpeople are here given employment. The company are manufacturers of candy, mainly what are known in the trade, as creams and hard boiled goods. Specialties are made of Creamed Peanuts and “Cafeco” mixture, which are in demand throughout North and South Carolina and parts of Georgia and Virginia. The trade of the house is of an important and growing character and entails the services of three commercial travellers on the road and two in the city. The specialties of the house are packed in galvanized iron and wooden pails and they are of the best and purest quality, attractive in appearance and delicious in flavor, and they are largely in demand by the public wherever introduced. The capacity of the works permits of the manufacture of about 2500 pounds of candy daily. The company also handle and are distributors for other products of the highest quality. Among these are Heide's of New York line of high grade goods, the New England Confectionery Co's attractive “penny goods” and Darrow and Rudden's fine chocolate drops and bon-bons. They also handle all kinds of cakes and crackers made in Richmond and elsewhere, and they supply paper and paper bags, show cases, stationery, soda fountain supplies and syrups, such as the Cleveland Fruit Juice Co's products, etc. These goods they receive in car load lots, and they are supplied to dealers at lowest prices, and the quality may always be depended upon. The house makes a particular feature of promptly filling orders, which is an advantage to merchants in this section, not readily procurable when ordering from a distance. Altogether the house is an important adjunct to the manufacturing and distributing facilities of the city aiding to render this locality self-contained in the particular lines of business to which its energies are devoted.

Merchant Tailoring and Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hats, etc., 102 North Front Street.

A leading representative of the business of supplying gentelmen's attire in this city, is that conducted by Mr. I. Shrier who first began operations here as many years ago as the year 1870. He started on South Front street in a small store, and gradually extended his business until to-day he occupies one of the best appointed and central locations in the city. The operations of the house comprise in the first place that of first-class merchant tailoring. At the establishment is displayed a very large assortment of fine and medium fabrics in the piece, as well as patterns from which selections may be chosen, to be made up into thoroughly modern and fashionable custom made clothing, embodying good styles, good fit and first class workmanship. Mr. Shrier represents in this regard the well known International Tailoring Co. of New York, the largest enterprise of the kind in the United States, whose facilities are upon a colossal scale and whose reputation is world wide. He also supplies his patrons with the particularly high-grade custom clothing produced by B. Stern & Son of New York. The above facilities enable Mr. Shrier to supply, his patrons with suits and overcoats made to measure at prices varying from $12.50 to $45.00, and to guarantee fit and complete satisfaction. Suits can be delivered if required at seven day's notice. The operations of the house in this department are upon the largest scale aggregating many thousands of dollars each season. Mr. Shrier also handles extensively men's furnishings, hats, etc. The house makes specialties of the celebrated Howard hats, the “New Columbia” shirts varying in price from $1.00 to $2.50, Onyx hosiery, which is of fine silk, and can be purchased at from twenty-five cents to $1.50 per pair; “H. and I.”

four ply guaranteed linen collars and other choice goods. Ready made clothing of fine qualtity can also be obtained at this establishment. Altogether, the concern has the very best inducements to offer the public in all lines, equally as regards prices and quality, promptness and courtesy. Mr. I. Shrier has been a resident of this city for forty years and has been identified with its progress and development during that period. He is also a director of the Atlantic Trust & Banking Co. and stockholder in other financial institutions here. He is interested in the Mechanics Building & Loan Association and the Hanover Building & Loan Association. He is assisted in the business by his sons Messrs. Louis Shrier and Marshall Shrier, who may be said to have grown up with it, also by Mr. E. L. Davis, who fills the position of manager.

General Insurance, 16 Princess Street.

The business of the above well known and reliable general insurance agency dates to the year 1882, when it was established by M. S. Willard. In 1894 the firm of Willard & Giles was constituted, and in 1896 Messrs. Clayton Giles and Clayton Giles, Jr. became the proprietors and the present designation of Clayton Giles & Son was adopted. Mr. E. M. Berry, who is also now in the firm, became a partner in 1908. Messrs. Clayton Giles & Son transact a general insurance business, representing some of the strongest and staunchest companies in the world. These are: The Home of New York; Continental, New York; Fidelity-Phoenix of New York; Sun of London, the oldest established fire insurance company in existence; Philadelphia Underwriters, Agricultural of Watertown, N. Y.; Delaware of Philadelphia; Georgia Home of Columbus; National Union of Pittsburg; Virginia Fire and Marine of Richmond; Carolina of Wilmington and Southern Stock of Greensboro. The firm also represents the Employers’ Liability Corporation, accident and liability insurance; the American Surety Company, bonding insurance; The Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Company and the New York Plate Glass Company. No stronger combination of high class insurance organizations could be assembled under any agency. Prompt settlements are distinguishing features, and the firm takes a just pride that never has a single claim been contested by them since they have been in business. Their motto has always been “None but the best companies represented.” As regards the personnel of the firm, we may say that its members have had an extensive experience in insurance matters and give to the business their close and undivided attention in the interests of their clients. With a long record of honorable dealing in the past, this agency affords the best facilities to the public of Wilmington and vicinity, assuring certain and solid indemnity as well as courteous attention and every facility.

Electrical Engineer and Contractor, Supplies, etc., 123 Market Street.

The useful enterprise conducted by Mr. J. O. Brock was established by him here about eight years ago. At the above address he has a well located store, and workrooms in the rear, the latter utilized in the constructive departments. Here is carried a full line of electric supplies of every description, but the main energies of the house, however, are devoted to the complete installation of electrical plants for public buildings, residences, etc. and electric engineering generally. The proprietor, Mr. J. O. Brock, has had thirty years practical experience in this line, here and at Durham, N. C. He may be quoted as an expert in all relating to the trade. He has been very successful and has installed electric plants and appliances in many public and private buildings both in North and South Carolina. As examples, we may mention that he equipped the new Catholic Cathedral and the St. John's Episcopal church in this city. He also installed a complete electric plant in the Masonic Temple Building at Raleigh, the New Watts Hospital at Durham, N. C., the new Rockingham Hotel at Rockingham, N. C., the Ricks Hotel at Rocky Mount and many private residences in Wilmington and elsewhere. The concern has the very best of facilities and can assure patrons honest work, prompt execution of orders and just and reasonable prices. He employs about a dozen or fifteen skilled mechanics and personally supervises all operations. His motto is “quality remembered when price is forgotten” and this is appreciated by all who have utilized his services. He invites enquiries from out of town, and is prepared to furnish complete specifications for all kinds

of electrical construction, wireing, etc. and estimates for doing any kind of work in this line. Nothing is too big and nothing too samll, and equal satisfaction is given in both instances. All work will be efficiently carried out to the full gratification of all concerned.

Department Store, 123 and 125 North Front Street.

In reference to the establishment and development of the above well known concern, we may state that at the start of his career Mr. C. W. Polvogt began as a bundle boy with M. M. Katz, an old established house founded as long ago as 1845. This was in 1879, and in 1886 Mr. Polvogt became a partner along with a son of the founder, the style of the firm then being Katz & Polvogt. In 1893 Mr. Polvogt became sole proprietor, the title of Polvogt & Co. being adopted, and in 1897 the business was incorporated as a stock company, the present executive officials being C. W. Polvogt president and manager and J. J. Windley secretary and treasurer. For some time and up until about seven years ago, the business was carried on at 9 North Front St., but the expansion of the operations necessitated removal to more extensive and convenient premises. The present location was secured, and the accomodations now include three floors and a balcony, in the building utilized, which is of 38 by 120 feet. The firm however, are now about to also take over adjoining premises. The principal departments of the house are dry goods and notions, millinery, ladies’ coats and suits, and the largest carpet department in North Carolina. Particular attention is due to the millinery and suit departments. The house has the services of two expert Northern trimmers, and a skilled modeler in the suit department, and these ladies pay periodical visits to New York so as to obtain the latest fashions. Mr. Polvogt, himself, goes frequently to the metropolis to make purchases. Also the concern has an office there located at 31 Union Square. The house transacts a strictly retail business, but the mail order department receives especial attention, orders coming from various parts of North and South Carolina. The stocks are very complete in all lines and there is to be found here the largest stock of carpets of all grades, including also rugs, tapestries, curtains, etc. The house makes a specialty of this department and has particularly good facilities for displaying the products, which they procure direct from a mnufacturers in large quantities. We have mentioned above that Mr. Polvogt, when he started on his own account, had but very limited resources, indeed but a few hundred dollars. His business has been built up to its present proportions by hard work, close attention to details, giving full value for money and above all giving satisfaction to patrons even at a sacrifice. This business policy has resulted in the full confidence of the public and a consolidation of a patronage which increses steadily with every succeeding year of the house's operations.

Wholesale and Retail Furniture, 15 South Front Street.

It is now about twenty years ago since the above named business was established by the late William Munroe who died about five years later. After his death the enterprise was carried on in the interests of his estate, under the management of Mr. G. S. Boylan until the present firm was formed about six years ago, the proprietorship consisting of Messers. G. S. Boylan and W. B. Munroe, the latter being a son of the founder of the enterprise. The firm occupy at the above address a two story building of 40 × 100 feet. They also have two warehouses adjoining, respectively of 38 × 65 feet and 35 × 90 feet. Besides, they have another two story warehouse across the street which is fifty feet square. The above gives ample accommodations for carrying large stocks comprising furniture of all grades from the cheapest to the best, as well as house furnishing goods, rugs, art-squares, hall and stair carpets, crockery, including dinner and tea sets, bedding, mattressses, etc. In cook stoves and ranges they handle the well known and superior “Crescent” and “Jewell” lines. In all departments the variety is very large and diffuse, enabling suitable selections to be made with pleasure and facility. The prices will compare favorably with any other house either here or elsewhere. The trade of the house is both wholesale and retail, the former with merchants in neighboring towns and cities. To these, particularly favorable inducements are offered including prompt shipments from the large stocks on hand, and low prices. In the retail trade in Wilmington goods are sold for cash

or on the installment plan. The firm procure all their goods from manifacturers under the most favorable conditions and in the largest quantities, and sometimes in carloads lots, especially those designed for their wholesale trade. The volume of the business of this house has multiplied several times. About twelve years ago the whole value of the stock and accounts on the books did not exceed $1,500. Now the stock aggregates from $12,000 to $15,000, and in addition the firm carry on their books some $25,000 in accounts. The expansion of the business and the success attained may be attributed to fair and square dealing, giving good values, promptness in filling orders,; courtesy and personal attention to all details on the part of the proprietors. The house is entitled to take rank as one of the most desirable of the trade conveniences of this city and locality.

Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hats, etc., Southwest Corner Front and Princess Streets.

Although forming part of the retail facilities of Wilmington only since 1907, the above enterprise is entitled to rank to-day among the leading houses here. From the start the business has continued to develop and grow in the favor of the public. The store is particularly well located and appointed. The assortment carried includes everything required for gentlemen's apparel, shoes only excepted. The stocks comprise full lines of clothing, men's furnishings, hats, trunks, bags and travelling outfits, etc. In clothing a specialty is made of fine goods, although the standard lines are not neglected. The house acts as distributors here for the particular high grade clothing made by the Stein, Bloch Co. of Rochester, N. Y., also Michael Stern & Co's goods and those manufactured by L. Grief & Brothers of Baltimore. These take rank for quality, fit and excellence with any in the country. The company also sell John B. Stetson's hats, the celebrated “Star” shirts, “Arrow” shirts and collars, and a first class line of superior and fashionable men's furnishings generally. Another leading line includes the trunks and bags made by the Seward Trunk & Bag Co., and H. W. Rountree. Most of the clothing and some of the other goods are made especially for the trade of this house and have an individuality of their own. The principle upon which the business is conducted is maintaining the strictly one price plan which unquestionably is the fairest to everybody. Altogether the facilities enjoyed and the advantages offered patrons are such as comprise superior goods, fair prices, full values and courteous attention. The proprietorship is made up as follows: A. A. Dock, president; W. H. Dock, vice president; J. S. Williams, secretary and treasurer and J. W. Fleet and C. R. Davis, managers. The two last gentlemen have been identified with the clothing business at Wilmington for some thirty or thirty five years and thoroughly understand the requirements of the public in this line. Mr. A. A. Dock also takes an active part on the conduct of the enterprise. Mr. W. H. Dock is in the lumber and naval stores business and Mr. Jas. H. Williams is of the Diamond Steamboat & Wrecking Co. Closing this brief notice we may further say of the J. W. Fleet Co. that with all facilities available in it is certainly in a position to attract and hold the permanent patronage of all who are fastidious in dress and who desire to obtain the best and most attractive products in this line.

W. A. McGIRT & CO.
Wholesale Peanut Dealers, 104 North Water Street

A house whose energies are devoted exclusively to the handling and preparing for the market of peanuts is that of Messrs. W. A. McGirt & Co., which was established October 1908. They have recently removed their business to their present loaction, which consists of a three story building 30 by 120 feet which has been fitted up by the firm with special and latest improved machinery suited to the industry. The house handles all varieties of peanuts, comprising North Carolina, Virginia and Spanish nuts. These are received in large quantities direct from the growers, are cleaned, polished and graded and are shipped to all parts of the country. A specialty, however, is made of North Carolina seed peanuts. The demand for seed peanuts throughout the South is increasing and has been brought about owing to the fact that these products are the best suited as food for hogs. They are economical, and fatten the animals quickly. The genuine North Carolina peanut is only obtainable from the Wilmington market. In this regard, as well as in all branches, Messrs. W. A. McGirt & Co. invite enquiries and will be glad to forward samples and all particulars. The trade of the house is largely with jobbers throughout the South

and is steadily increasing. Their large stocks on hand and their facilities enable them to promptly fill orders at the lowest current prices. The individual members of the firm are Messrs. W. A. McGirt and H. S. McGirt. The first named gentleman prior to embarking in business on his own account was for a number of years with the well known firm of A. W. King & Co., and Mr. H. S. McGirt was connected with the Diamond Steam Boat and Wrecking Co. Their industry bids fair to become, ultimately, one of the most important in its line in the South generally.

Dr. Chas. Harper, Proprietor, Front and Castle Streets.

What is now known as Harper's Sanitarium was opened to the public November 1910. It is one of the most useful and praiseworthy institutions of this city. The proprietor is Dr. Chas. T. Harper and it was built primarily for his own personal use. However, at the request of special friends of this gentleman he decdied to permit other members of the
Drawing of Harper's Sanitarium medical profession to avail themselves of its benefits and faciltites. Harper's Sanitarium at the present time consists of a two story building covering an area of 40×66 feet. However, Dr. Harper is about to extend its facilities by the addition of another story. The sanitarium is especially well appointed in reference to the uses to which it is applied, and it is safe to say that no similar establishment in the State excels it in this respect. It contains all modern conveniences and facilities for making diagnoses, X-ray appliances, etc. It receives patients who may be suffering from any kind of malady which is non-contagious. It must be obvious to all thinking persons that at an institution of this character, patients will receive much better care and attention than is possible at their homes, whatever may be their circumstances, indeed, oftentimes the misplaced affection and natural anxiety of relatives and friends are positive evils. At this institution every judicious attention is given, along with proper medical and surgical treatment, with skilled certificated nurses to watch every phase of the malady. Dr. Harper is a well known regular physician of eighteen years practice at Wilmington. His services are at the disposal of inmates, but patients if they desire can be attended by their regular physicians. The charges for rooms, attendance and sustenance are very moderate. At the present time Dr. Harper can take care of sixteen patients, but when the alterations and extensions are completed he will be able to accommodate about forty people. Dr. Harper now utilizes the services of five trained nurses, which number will be increased when the sanatarium is enlarged. In this connection we might mention that he is about to start in the spring a training school for nurses. Young women who desire to adopt this profession as

a life vocation, and who develop an aptitude for it, may attend here for three years, and after that time, if they qualify, they will be graduated as professional trained nurses. In concluding our notice of this institution we may say that should our readers at any time need its services, either for themselves or friends, they will at once recognise and appreciate the verity of our statements.

Wholesale Druggists, 110 & 112 Market Street.

The wholesale facilities of this city were largely enhanced, when in the year 1906 the above named firm inaugurated their business here. The gentlemen comprising the firm Messrs Eduard Ahrens and Adolph G. Ahrens, are the sons of Mr. B. H. J. Ahrens, who for a period of forty years had been engaged in the retail grocery business in this city. They were of the opinion that there was a good opening in Wilmington for a strictly wholesale drug house and they established their present undertaking, and results have demonstrated that their ideas were correct. The enterprise has developed a marked success from the start and increased year by year. The building they occupy is 30×120 feet and it has three floors and a balcony. It is most conveniently arranged for the handling and display of large stocks. The firm are wholesale druggists in the fullest conception of the term. Their stocks include drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, pharmaceuticals, etc., also ‘druggists’ sundries, toilet articles, perfumery, rubber goods, etc. They enjoy the most intimate relations with the bona-fide manufacturers and first hands generally, and buy in the largest quantities with a thorough knowledge of the requirements of their trade, which is mainly confined to North and South Carolina. They employ two travellers in these districts, and by thus judiciously restricting their operations they are the better enabled to hold their patronage in hand and foster it. Merchants also can thus obtain their supplies more promptly and at lessened freight rates. Messrs. Ahrens Bros. manufacture and place on the market a line of high class specialties, which under the title of “A. G. A.” have met with large popular approval. These are: Liver Pills, Nervine Bone Liniment, Female Tonic, Chill Tonic, Hair oil, Headache Tablets, and “Po-La-Staff” for keeping flies and biting insects fron off stock. All of these are made from private formulas and are valuable and dedependable specifics. The members of the firm are well qualified to conduct this business to advantage. Having been in the retail trade and on the road for years, they are conversant with the requirement of merchants in these localities. The goods they handle can be depended upon for purity, freshness and quality, and the prices are right. The house with a reputation now fully established, occupies to-day a prominent position in the wholesale trade of Wilmington, and this section of the South generally.

Offices, Nos. 409 and 410 Southern Building.

For many years the production and handling of naval stores has constituted a typical industry in North Carolina. In colonial times, quantities of crude turpentine, pine tar and pitch were shipped to England and as this was used largely in ship building, the term naval stores was applied to the product. Later the demand for spirits turpnetine for use in paints and oils and for rosin to be used in the manufacture of soap and paper, made the demand world wide, and Wilmington became the most important naval stores market in the country. Of late years the quantity dispatched from here has been less than heretofore, and to-day Wilmington ranks fourth among the distributing centers of Naval Stores. The American Naval Stores Company, with headquarters at 24 State Street, New York City, has a branch office in this city, and selling offices in a number of the important cities of the United States. At Wilmington they have four warehouses and a large yard on the Cape Fear River opposite the city, where they store great quantities of the products awaiting shipment. The company obtain their main supplies from wholesale merchants who receive shipments from their customers in the surrounding pine districts. Spirits turpentine, rosin and pine tar are shipped to New York and other Northern points and several cargoes of rosin are annually exported to Europe. Wilmington, having the best of railroad and shipping facilities, is a favorable point for the receiving and shipping of these pine tree products, perhaps unexcelled on any other part of the Atlantic sea

board. While the bulk of the receipts are shipped North or exported, a considerable quantity is sold to the trade in nearby southern cities, such as Richmond, Norfolk and Newport News. Mr. Frank A. Thompson is manager of the local office and Mr. Evander O. Toomer is cashier. These gentlemen have been in the employ of the company since its establishment in Wilmington, and are familiar with the business in all its branches. In this volume reflective of the business of Wilmington, we deem it necessary to make at least a slight allusion to this industry which is characteristic of what has been often designated the “Tar Heel State.”

Real Estate and Insurance, 207 Princess St.

On February 1st of this year were amalgamated two well known and important enterprises allied with the real estate and insurance interests of this city. These comprise the businesses previously conducted by Mr. H. F. Wilder and Mr. J. Van B. Metts. The first named gentlemen succeeded some five years ago to the agency established by Mr. J. M. Bunting in 1900. Mr. J. Van B. Metts’ insurance agency was one of the oldest established of the kind in Wilmington, having been originally founded in 1865 by J. W. Atkinson. In 1873 the firm of Atkinson & Manning was formed, and later changes were Atkinson & Son, Atkinson & Chadbourn and Steadman and Chadbourn, until in 1900 Mr. J. Van B. Metts became the proprietor. As regards the new firm, by the consolidating of the interests of Messrs. Wilder & Metts the facilities of both are enhanced and they stand to-day in better position to cater to the advantage and benefit of their patrons. The firm devote their energies to buying and selling real estate of every description, but largely city property such as residences, manufacturing sites, vacant lots, etc. They also transact a large rental business and give particular attention to taking charge of property, collecting rent and attending to other details for owners whether or not residents of the city. We have elsewhere discoursed of the advantages that Wilmington to-day offers as a field for profitable investments in real estate, and in enlisting the services of this firm as agents for obtaining the same, purchasers may be assured of fair dealing, and remunerative investments equaling quite ten per cent interest on the sums invested. The house invites enquiries, and will be glad to furnish all particulars. In insurance they represent a large number of the highest class fire insurance companies in the world, both American and European, including the principal North Carolina companies. Through them Messrs. Wilder & Metts are prepared to write insurance under the most favorable conditions, providing absolutely unquestioned and prompt indemnity in case of fire loss. They also write casualty, accident and bonding insurance. Their experience in insurance matters is a valuable asset for clients and they give to this department their closest attention. As regards the members of the firm individually, we will say that both are identified closely with the general interests. Mr. Wilder is secretary and treasurer of the Hanover Building & Loan Association and is a considerable holder of real estate. Mr. Metts is a director in the Cooperative Building & Loan Association and is president of the Wrightsville Beach & Development Co., an organization open to purchase and develop property on the beach or elsewhere in Wilmington and vicintiy. We might also mention that Mr. Metts is Lieut. Colonel of the 2nd. North Carolina Infantry.

Consulting Engineer, 511 Southern Building.

The vocation of the civil and electrical engineer is represented in this city by Mr. H. de W. Rapalje, who commenced the practice of his profession here about seven years ago. During the time since elapsed, his services have been in request in connection with some of the most important civil engineering projects carried out in this locality. For four years this gentleman was the engineer in charge for Messers. Hugh MacRae & Co. in connection with the planning and laying out of the colonies of Carolina Trucking Development Co. He was also one of the engineers associated with Major Lucas and C. R. Humphreys in the examination and report of the Wilmington Sewerage System. At the present time he is engineer for the Winter Park Garden Co. Mr. Rapalje solicits correspondence with regard to engineering work, such as road work, street work, sewers, land-platting, etc., from municipalities, land companies, real estate owners for new develpoments, etc., and he may be depended upon to carry out all work to satisfactory completion. This gentleman

has had some eleven years’ experience as a consulting engineer. He is an Associate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and an Associate of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

Foot of Grace Street.

An enterprise which now for a number of years has proved of large utility to the city and locality is that which is conducted under the title of the Cape Fear Machine Works. The business was established in 1904 and since then it has considerably developed and increased. At the present time the works are located at the foot of Grace street, but they are about soon to remove to new premises, at the foot of Church street, at the corner of Surrey street. There is here a frontage of 200 feet on the river, and the track of the Atlantic Coast Line is adjacent, affording the very best of shipping and recieving facilities. The departments include the machine shop, foundry, boiler shop, blacksmiths’ shop, pattern works and ample storage conveniences. The buildings are now approaching completion. The mechanical equipment is of the very best and is thoroughly modern. The Cape Fear Machine Works are in first class position to execute everything in the way of foundry and machine work, a specialty being made of repair work of all kinds. Particular attention is given to mill work and locomotive work. With the increased facilities afforded by the new plant, they will also make a leading feature of marine repairs of every description. Superior grade machine castings have long been a leading specialty. The patronage of the house is drawn from a radius of 100 to 150 miles from the city. Promptness is a distinguishing feature of their operations, and in cases of emergency, the Cape Fear Machine Works are both able and willing to step in and execute the work efficiently at the shortest notice. The prices will be found all that is fair and reasonable. They employ a force of from 30 to 50 men, most of whom are highly skilled mechanics who may be depended upon. The president of the company is Mr. C. W. Worth, who is also president of The Worth Co. of this city, and he is identified with a number of other important interests here. Further personal comment is not reuqired, but of the enterprise we may say that it is to-day one of the most useful here and with its increased facilities there is no doubt that it will still further expand its field of operations and utility. All who may extend to it their favors will be met with fair dealing and every inducement and advantage.

Dealer in Office Supplies, Books, Stationery, etc., 32 North Front Street.

The above well known business catering both to the utilitarian and refined requirements of the community, has long been a favorite source of supply with the Wilmington public. It was established by its present proprietor in 1899 and was carried on at 107 Market St. until about eight years ago, when the present store was occupied to accommodate the increased operations. This consists of a three story building of 20×100 feet, the whole of which is utilized. The stock here handled is noticeably large and varied. It comprises books and stationery of all kinds, fancy goods and sporting goods, leather goods, and particularly office supplies of every description. Here may be otbained everything required for the complete equipment of offices including blank books, loose leaf ledgers and other office books, typewriters, sectional book-cases and in fact everything needed in an office from a blotting pad to the desks and fixtures. Mr. DeRosset is agent here for the Fox typewriters, Yawman & Erbe Cabinets and Card Index systems, the General Fireproofing Co. “Allsteel” filing cabinets and office furniture, John C. Moore Co.’s loose leaf system of book-keeping—the most modern and complete method, Macy's Sectional book-cases, Waterman's Ideal fountain pens and other appliances and apparatus. Carbon papers and typewriters’ supplies constitute another particular line. Special attention is likewise given here to the manufacture of picture frames to order. Also amateur photograpers’ requisites, Mr. DeRosset being agent for the celebrated Eastman Kodaks and supplies. In the book department a large variety is carried and any book not in stock is at once obtaiend for customers. All current periodicals and magazines as well as New York, Baltimore, Washington and other papers are supplied by the house. Society stationery, including copper plate and engraved cards, invitations, etc. are another specialty. Sporting goods, games, post cards, wedding and birthday presents can also be procured here in large and tasteful variety. The patronage

of the house is not confined to the city, a large mail order business being transacted with contiguous localities. Mr. R. C. DeRosset is too well known in the community to require here any particular personal comment. It will suffice therefore, to say in concluding this notice, that his enterprise has grown, owing largely to his efforts to please his patrons by extending to them every courtesy and attention, at the same time offering them, in all lines, a class of goods which are most desirable and attractive.

Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Etc., 212 and 214 North Front Street.

The above well known and leading enterprise of this city dates back to November 20th, 1888, when its proprietor Mr. G. O. Gaylord first came to Wilmington from Beaufort county. He went into business at 117 South Front Street, and his operations at that
Drawing of G. O. GAYLORD DEPARTMENT STORE time were upon a very limited scale. After a few years he moved into the Morris Bear building on North Front street.He remained there some five years and as his business continued to expand, he decided to erect his present building which is of three floors covering an area of 49 by 182 feet. In addition Mr. Gaylord now utilizes two floors over the bank adjoining, each of which is of 34 by 120 feet. The stocks here carried are very large and varied, the departments comprising a general line of dry goods, including dress goods, silks and domestics, a splendid line of men's and boys’ clothing, house furnishing goods of all descriptions, carpets and mattings, crockery, trunks and travellers’ requisites, toys, etc., practically including everything required for men's, women's and children's outfit as well as requisites for the home, furniture only excepted. Particular attention is due to the millinery, and the ladies’ and children's ready to wear departments. The house has in its employ highly skilled and experienced milliners, who turn out trimmed hats which can invite comparison with the productions of New York, Philadelphia or elsewhere. The head milliner goes periodically to the metropolis to observe the fashions and make purchases. In all departments of the business the prices will be found most moderate, and this fact has long been a theme of favorable comment with the public. Besides the retail trade, the house transacts important wholesale operations, especially in domestics, dry goods, notions, trimmed hats, toys, and overalls of the “Head Light” brand—particularly high class products, and other goods. The trade of the house is well over North and South Carolina and is represented by two commercial travellers. Mr. Gaylord has the very best of inducements ot offer to merchants as regards prompt shipments and fair terms and prices. The whole of the third floor of the building is devoted to the wholesale departments. While speaking of the out of town trade, we may mention that a large retail mail order business is transacted. All information, patterns, samples, etc. are promptly furnished upon application. The proprietor, Mr. G. O. Gaylord is one of the best known residents of the city, identified with its best interests and progress. He is vice president of the American National Bank and of the Southern Mutual Home Real Estate Co. He is also a large holder of real estate here. Further comment of a personal character is not required, but we may say that the position the house occupies to-day may be attributed largely to the possession of ample capital, experienced buying from original sources, offering to patrons honest values, developing modern enterprise in every department and extending courtesy and every legitimate inducement to patrons.

Wholesale Dry Goods, 214 North Front Street.

The history of the above house really goes back to the year 1884 when it was established in this city by the senior member of the firm. It was not however until 1905 that the operations of the business were confined to exclusively wholesale transactions. At present
Drawing of M. ROSENMANN & SON building time they occupy their own well arranged and appointed wholesale dry goods house, which was especially constructed by the firm for the use to which it is applied. It is a four story structure of 30 by 203 feet in area, and all the floors are connected by an elevator. Messrs. Rosenmann & Son carry full and complete lines of dry goods, notions, etc., of every description and these they obtain in the largest quantities direct from manufacturers and importers, and the above coupled to other facilities of the most favorable character ensure that the lowest prices shall be quoted to the trade. The firm make specialties of the “Bear” brand of hosiery, a very reliable line, also “The Cape Fear” shirts, made in the North exclusively for this house. The business of the concern is mainly in North and South Carolina, and they have five commercial travellers. The members of the firm individually are Messrs. M. Rosenmann and his son Adolph Rosenmann. When Mr. Rosenmann statred in business here in 1884, it was in a very small way in the retail trade, and by working hard, “sticking to it” and by pracitsing rigid economy he has elevated his business to its present position. Having had a lengthened experience in the retail trade, the house is in a position to supply its customers with a class of goods which will sell readily and give satisfaction. Mr. Adolph Rosenmann has grown up to the business with his father and is familiar with all its detsils. The concern has entered into the field of legitimate competition with zeal and enterprise and to-day offers inducements in the way of saleable goods, fair dealing and attractive terms and prices that merit the support and appreciation of a wide circle of patrons.

Clothing, Dry Goods, Stationery and General Store Supplies, 28 and 30 South Front St.

An enterprise of this city which within a comparitively short period has largely developed is that conducted by Mr. J. W. H. Fuchs. The business as at present carried on was started by its proprietor in 1904, but this gentleman had previously conducted a grocery store since 1895. The premises he now occupies comprise a store of 40 × 80 feet with an annex fronting on Dock street of the area of 30 × 40 feet. He also occupies a two story warehouse adjoining of an area of 48 × 24 feet. Here will be found a large stock, including clothing, shoes, gents’ furnishings, dry goods, etc., also hosiery, grocers’ sundries, trunks and bags and general store supplies. The business is both wholesale and retail, the wholesale operations comprising, mainly, the hosiery, grocers’ sundries and general store supplies. In these Mr. Fuchs has the best inducements to offer to dealers in the city and the neighboring counties of Hanover and Brunswick, in which latter districts he sends travellers. Mr. Fuchs has also a merchant tailoring department, and takes measures and supplies custom made clothing to order of the best quality, fit, style and workmanship. They are cut and tailored by the well known house of Hamburger Bros. & Co. of Baltimore. Suits are made at prices varying from $12.50 to $45.00 and are guaranteed. Another specialty is the supplying of uniforms for police, fire, military or society organizations to order. In this department the house represents D. Klein & Co. who are experts in this line. The quickest deliveries may be depended upon in this department. Mr. J. W. H. Fuchs is a well known resident who has been remarkably successful since starting here. In addition to the business now under comment he owns a half interest in the boot and shoe store conducted under the title of Carl Strunch & Co. at 128 South Front street. He is also vice president of the Peoples Building & Loan Association and is director of the Home Savings Bank and the North Carolina Home Building & Loan Association. He is also prominent in several German and other social clubs and organizations.

Real Estate, 108 Princess Street.

Allied prominently with real estate interests in this city is the business conducted by Mr. W. M. Cumming, who in 1892 acquired the possession of what was then known as the Louis J. Poisson Real Estate Agency, which was originally instituted by Mr. Poisson about W.M. CUMMING

Notary Seal the year 1882. Since the time, however, that Mr. Cumming has been proprietor its importance has increased materially. The house devotes its energies to all branches of real estate business, and has inducements of an attractive character to offer, especially as regards city property. Mr. Cumming has on his books a number of desirable improved and unimproved parcels of real estate, including residences, sites for manufactures, building lots, etc. He sells lots for cash or on the installment plan in various parts of the city, mainly, however, in the souhteastern section. They may be acquired, if desired, by payments spread over a period of five years, at as low as $1.00 per week, there being, moreover, no interest or taxes to be paid during that period. A specialty of this agency is the taking charge of properties for either residents or non-residents. This includes the collection of rents, paying taxes, insurance, etc. and generally to look after the interests of owners and to remit to them the income derived from the properties. In this detail of the business as well as in buying and selling real estate, its operations are steadily and consistently expanding. Mr. Cumming is also the secretary and treasurer of the Mechanics Home Association and furthermore is secretary and treasurer of the Brunswick Bridge and Ferry Co. He is also Haytien Vice Consul at Wilmington and is a Notary Public. Finally we will say that Mr. Cumming—in the nature of things—has been prominent in all that pertains to the growth, development and advancement of the city and as an experienced real estate man of high standing and a good judge of values is eminently worthy of every confidence and consideration. Referring to the Mechanics Home Association, the business of which is transacted in Mr. Cummings office, as its name indicates it is a home institution. It was organized May 9, 1889, its first president being the late Nathaniel Jacobi. The president at the present time is Col. Walker Taylor; L. Stein is vice president and as before mentioned, W. M. Cumming is secretary and treasurer. The Association is one of the most successful in the state and it has made good profits for its members. Its managers and directors include a number of the best known and most prominent men in Wilmington, and actual results serve as a guarantee that its business is well and ably conducted. There have been no losses of any kind, and all its affairs are in thoroughly good shape. Up to the present time of writing forty three series have been opened and two new series are opened every year. The secretary will be glad to give all required information either in person or by correspondence, to all who may be interested.

Insurance, 17 Princess Street.

The insurance business now conducted by the above named firm is the outgrowth, development and evolution of two of the oldest and then best known insurance agencies; John W. Gordon and William L. Smith & Co. The former founded just after the close of the Civil War, in 1869; the latter firm in the year 1873. In the year 1872, Mr. W. J. Gordon was admitted by his brother, Mr. John W. Gordon, conducting the business as John W. Gordon & Bro., which firm continued in successful operation until 1884, when it was changed by the death of Mr. W. J. Gordon, and admission of Mr. Joseph D. Smith to John W. Gordon & Smith. In 1887 Mr. J. Hal Boatwright purchased from Mr. John W. Gordon his interest in the firm of John W. Gordon & Smith, consolidating with Mr. Joseph D. Smith of the latter named firm (who also fell heir to the business of W. L. Smith & Co.) creating the firm of Smith & Boatwright. This firm of Smith & Boatwright was eventually dissolved, in 1892, each gentleman establishing his own separate and distinct agency, as J. Hal Boatwright, and Joseph D. Smith. In 1894 Mr. Swift M. Boatwright was admitted to partnership by his father, establishing the firm of J. H. Boatwright & Son. Later in 1896, J. H. Boatwright & Son acquired the business of Mr. Joseph D. Smith, Mr. Boatwright's

former partner. During the past year 1911, this firm lost its revered senior member by the death of Mr. J. Hal Boatwright. Realizing the value of his name, not only in the community in which he lived but throughout the state and abroad, the surviving member, Mr. Switt M. Boatwright, continued the agency under the old established name of J. H. Boatwright & Son. The slogan of the firm of J. H. Boatwright & Son is, “Adjustment of all losses with cheerfulness and despatch.” They represent only the best companies and are rightly jealous of their agency, composed of sixteen of the leading fire insurance companies, domestic and foreign; The Northwestern Mutual of Milwaukee, Wis., for life; the Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York for personal accident, and casualty, including Plate Glass, Boiler, Fly-Wheel, Automobile and Employer's Liability; and the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company for Bonds of any and all description. Messrs. J. H. Boatwright & Son are loyal members of the National Board of Fire Underwriters; the North Carolina Fire Underwriters Association, and the Local Board of Fire Underwriters; Mr. Swift M. Boatwright having held the position of secretary of the latter organization for the past twelve years.

Producers of Scuppernong, Blackberry and other Native Wines, 7 and 9 Chestnut Street.

A particularly typical Carolinan enterprise is that conducted by the above named firm which was established in 1853 by the late Sol. Bear, who died in 1904. It is also one of the oldest established industries in this city. It is now carried on by the sons of the founder, who
Drawing of Sol Bear &Co. Wines building are Messrs. Isadore Bear and Fred D. Bear. At the present time the house utilizes premises as above indicated, but they are about to erect in the southern part of the city, at the corner of Front and Marsteller streets, a new “winery”, which it is anticipated will be completed about September 1st. The building will comprise a cellar and two floors above, the whole covering an area of 75×200 feet. A railroad track will run the entire length of the building, connecting it directly with the Belt Line of the A. C. L., giving the best of shipping conveniences. The new establishment will be thoroughly modern and up-to-date. Messrs. Sol. Bear & Co. are manufacturers of Scuppernong, Blackberry and other native wines. The Carolina Scuppernong grape is peculiarly a local fruit and it grows to perfection in no other section. As a wine grape it is famous, and the wine has a peculiar delicious flavor which is unapproachable. It is particularly wholesome and healthful and is rich in fruit acids. It is absolutely pure, and in no instance are these wines fortified by any added alcohol, such as is sometimes the case with some foreign and domestic products. There is present in these wines only that quantity of alcohol that comes in the process of natural fermentation. The firm also make from black grapes, “The Flowers”, the “Misch” and the “Thomas” ports, clarets and other wines, also the “Belle of Carolina” which is similar to a port but contains less alcohol. Other wines made here are Bear's champagne, port, claret, sauterne, hock, sherry, tokay, catawba and madeira. Blackberry wine is a leading specialty. It is not in any degree a “compounded” wine, but it is made from the particularly fine juicy blackberry grown in North Carolina. It is the finest blackberry wine made in this country, and it is particularly adapted for medicinal and family use. The house manufactures about 200,000 gallons of wine of the different varieties yearly, and it is sold all over the United States. It is disposed of to dealers, but in territory where there are no licenses it is sold to the public in case lots, the price being $6.00 per case and upwards. The house guarantees all its goods as conformable with the Pure Food Law. Good wine in moderation such as is made here, is not harmful, but it must be pure and unadulterated wine, and of course it must not be abused. Such beyond question are characteristics of the products manufactured by the old established and reliable concern of Sol. Bear & Co.

Merchandise Brokers, 231 North Water Street.

The above named well known merchandise brokerage business was instituted a number of years ago by the wholesale grocery houses of the city. Later on for various reasons it was decided to dispose of the business, and it was purchased by Messrs. J. E. Crow and C. C. Brown. This was about ten years ago. Mr. Crow died November 4th, 1908, and Mr. Brown then acquired his interests and took in his sons Messrs. T. E. Brown and J. S. Brown, the original designation of the Wilmington Brokerage Co. being always retained. The company at the present time are representatives in this city of a number of leading shippers of staple commodities. They are distributing agents for the Franklin Sugar Refinery of Philadelphia, N. K. Fairbanks Co. of Chicago “Gold Dust” washing powder and soaps, lard compound and “Cottolene;” Hard & Rand, New York, coffee importers—the largest in the country; Borden's Condensed Milk Co., New York; California Fruit Canners’ Association, who ship all kinds of fresh, dried and canned fruits; a large number of rice mills in Texas and Louisiana, and many other shippers and original sources of supply of heavy and fancy groceries, etc. All goods are handled strictly on commission and are sold to jobbers only. In certain lines, particularly sugar, Fairbanks’ goods and some others, stocks are carried to fill immediate orders, but most of the products are shipped direct to the wholesalers, and often in car-load lots. Every effort is directed to ensure prompt deliveries and the lowest current prices are quoted. The house is open to offers from strictly first class manufacturers and shippers who may wish to place their products on this market. References regarding the house's standing may, if desired, be obtained from any bank or wholesale firm in Wilmington. Mr. C. C. Brown has been a resident of this city for thirty five years. Prior to his embarking in his present business he was for a number of years manager of the Western Union Telegraph Co. here. He has always taken every interest in the city's progress and is connected with a number of local enterprises—real estate and banking. He is at present secretary and treasurer of the Wilmington Homestead & Loan Asoociation.

Manufacturers of Building and Monumental Stone, Brunswick and McRae Streets.

This is one of the most useful and progressive enterprises of the city, and its origin here is as follows. Mr. J. H. Niggel was at the time foreman with the Columbia Stone Co., and he came to Wilmington to erect the stone work on the resident of Mrs. P. L. Bridgers—which is one of the handsomest houses in the state. After completing this, he judged that there was a promising opening here for a business of the character he now conducts. In view of the above he associated himself with his brother C. J. Niggel and D. R. Innes and organized the present company in 1905. The latter gentleman's interests, however, have lately been acquired by Mr. J. H. Niggel, who is now secretary, treasurer and general manager of the enterprise. The energies of the concern are devoted to the manufacture and supply of everything in the way of marble, granite and limestone for building and cemetery work. The facilities of the house are of the very best, ensuring that it is in a position to furnish stone in the rough or cut and dressed to any size, shape or design at lowest prices. Promptness is also a distinguishing feature of the business. The company has recently acquired land at Miller and Dickerson streets, where they will erect a new and up to date plant this coming fall. They invite enquiries and will be glad to furnish information, estimates, etc. either to parties in the city or out of town. We will mention here a few of the more notable contracts filled by this concern in Wilmington and this locality. They furnished the stone for the Wilmington Savings & Trust Co's building, the Woolvin building, the Atlantic Trust & Banking Co's building now in course of erection and indeed we may say the building stone for every important structure erected here since the company have been in business. Also the Peoples Bank and the Commercial Bank and the railroad station in Florence, S. C., school house at Walterboro, S. C., Y. M. C. A. buildings at Waycross, Ga., Florence, S. C., Rocky Mount, N. C., churches at Hickory, N. C., Albermarle, N. C., and also the stone and marble work for the new Catholic Cathedral at Wilmington. The company is now working on three school houses at Fayetteville, N. C. and they have done school and other work all over the South. In cemetery work we will instance monuments for Ike Rhodes, Martin Rathjen, Carl Von Kampen,

Martin O'Brien, John H. Hanby and for the Woolvin lot. Mr. J. H. Niggel is essentially an experienced, practical man in all pertaining to his business. The enterprise is a valuable addition to the facilities of the city, aiding to make it independent in an important division of the building trade. Architects, contractors, municipalities and others are certainly advised to enter into communication with the company when contemplating giving out contracts of this character and entire satisfaction is sure to be the result of business relations.

Real Estate Brokers, 204 Princess Street.

The real estate business conducted under the designation of the A. W. Pate Co. was established here June 1907, and it has since considerably expanded. The sole proprietor is Mr. A. W. Pate who at that time came to this city and recognizing the opportunities decided to avail himself of them. Results have demonstrated that his judgement was sound, and his anticipations have been verified. The A. W. Pate Co. buy, sell and exchange every description of real estate and they have for disposal a very large list of property of all kinds and particularly city property, including dwellings, vacant ground, farms and small investments. As is well known, real estate in Wilmington shows a very healthy condition of affairs and investments judiciously made, under proper expert guidance, such as is here offered are certain to prove ultimately profitable. The A. W. Pate Co. invite inquiries from out of town parties and will be glad to correspond with them, and will demonstrate the advantages which this city and locality offers. They buy and sell on their own account, and also on commission. About three years ago Mr. Pate purchased a tract of land at Greenville station. This is now known as Seagate. It is near Wrightsville Sound on the electric trolley line. At that time there were only six or eight dwellings on the property. Now there are forty or fifty, a school house, church and post office, etc. The electric light is now installed, also telephone service and there is a new macadamized road. On this property there are still available sites for sale, either for cash or on the installment plan, and but few if any properties in this neighborhood offer better prospects for advancement in value. This firm confine their operations strictly to buying and selling real estate, and do not do a renting business. All who may be interested or who wish to purchase property, either as an investment or to acquire a home, will do well to place themselves in communication with this firm.

Office: 204 Princess Street

The above named organization established in 1911, is devoting its energies to the development of properties in the neighborhood of Wilmington, and notably to that which has been designated Lake Side Park. The executive officials of the company are A. W. Pate, president and manager, D. N. Chadwick, vice-president, and J. J. Loughlin, secretary and treasurer. These are young men of enterprise, and closely identified with other real estate interests here. Lakeside Park is about a mile from the city limits, on the new Carolina Beach road, and it will be also adjacent to the proposed new electric car line to Carolina Beach. It is in a southwardly direction and borders on Greenfield Lake. The company have a lease to operate a ferry line over this lake direct to Lake Side Park. This lake is south of Wilmington and is one and a half miles long by a mile across. It is full of fish and there is splendid duck shooting in the season. It is an ideal place for either a summer or winter home. Lake Side Park is on a beautiful level tract of land and it lies high and dry minimizing all danger of malaria. The company have divided their property into 560 lots and of these about 200 have been sold. The remaining lots are offered on the installment plan, and on terms to suit the purchasers. The tend of development in Wilmington is southward, and therefore it is practically certain that this locality will soon fill up and consequently the property will increase in value. There is now being spent some thousands of dollars cleaning up and grading streets, building wharves, improving the park entrance and making the place attractive. A country club is being organized and plans are drawn for a handsome club house building. Already some fifty members have promised to join. The property is contiguous to one of the finest macadamized roads in the State. No taxes are due on the lots until the purchase is completed, and there is an insurance feature that in

case of the death of the purchaser a free deed of the lot will be given to the heirs. The prices of the lots avarage about $100 at the present time, but there is no doubt that the value of them will soon practically double. Therefore our readers are advised to enter into correspondence with the company and make their purchases before all the lots are snapped up. Enquiries are particularly solicited from out of town parties who will find the aquisition of one or more of these lots a valuable investment. Every one who makes a purchase of a lot gets a chance to win a six roomed bungalow, which will be put up on the lot of the winner of the luckly number.

Dry Goods and Carpets, 29 North Front Street.

In reference to the various enterprises carried on in Wilmington we believe we are safe in according to that of Mr. A. D. Brown the distinction of being one of very few, if there are any, that have been continuously carried on by the proprietor for a period of some forty five years. The house was founded by its present proprietor in 1867, and was carried on by him alone until 1874 when the firm of Brown & Roddick was formed. In 1893 Mr. Brown again assumed sole control. The store at the above address comprises three floors and basement, and it has every convenience. The stocks include dry goods, notions, carpets, etc. A specialty is made of the ready-to-wear lines, and also of fine silks and dress goods for which the house has always enjoyed the highest repute. The sotck of carpets is also full and of the best selection. The house does not make a claim of being a department store, but it restricts it operations to the handling of the above lines, and in these the variety from which to select is very large, while the quality is of the very highest. The patronage of this concern is derived from the best classes here, who find a line of goods at this establishment generally obtainable only in first-class stores in larger centers. It would be futile for us to dilate upon the experience of the management, the head of the house having been identified with this branch of business for so lengthened a period. It will suffice to say that he entirely appreciates the requirements of his patrons, and is altogether in a position to satisfy their demands. This gentleman came to this country from Dundee, Scotland, as long ago as the year 1857. He remained in Boston until 1860, when he came to this city. Thus he has been identified with the interests of Wilmington for a period exceeding a half century, and it is hardly too much to say that no business man here is better known or indeed we may add, more highly respected.

512 Southern Building.

In representing the industries of this city, it is somewhat of a relief for us to turn aside for a moment from recording of everyday vocations of various kinds, and to speak of an occupation which altogether differs from others here. We refer to that of the Southern MADE BY HR Southern Map company Wilmington, N.C. TRADE MARK
HR Trade Mark Map Co., which first began operations in Wilmington, May 1, 1909. Mr. H. de W. Rapalje is the president and treasurer and Mr. H. D. Fillyaw is superintendent of the printing department. The Southern Map Co. makes maps, plans, tracings and prints of all kinds, including blue prints on paper or cloth, brown prints, and brown prints on cloth, brown negatives, blue line prints, blue line prints on cloth, brown line prints, brown line prints on cloth, and “black and white” prints. These are principally used by architects, engineers, builders and contractors. The company's equipment for the production of the above is equal to the best in the business, and it is furnished with electric light, so that prints can be taken under any weather conditions, or by day or night. Any number of each print can be furnished as desired, and all work is guaranteed, and is sent out under the company's own trade mark. This business is the only one of the kind in this entire section, and it is unique. The patronage of the house is drawn from all over the eastern parts of North and South Carolina, and a large mail order business is transacted. The company invites correspondence and will be glad to furnish all particulars, sample prints, etc. Mr. H. de W. Rapalje may be quoted as an expert in this business and he has had every experience. He is a consulting engineer by profession and is a Bachelor of Science in Engineering at Rutger's College, N. J.

Manufacturers of Complete Fertilizers Office, 23 and 24 Garrell Building

The city of Wilmington within recent years has become noticably prominent as a center of production for high-grade fertilizers. Here are located some of the most important fertilizer plants in the South, and a recent addition to the industry here, is the complete and thoroughly model factory owned and operated by the American Agricultural Chemical Co., and the company have also a number of plants located throughout the United States. That at Wilmington commenced operations November, 1911. It is entirely new, and it may be classed to-day as, perhaps, the best equipped plant of the kind in the South. It is located at Almont about a mile and a half fron the city, and it is well situated with regard to shipping facilities, having direct railroad and water connections at its doors. The company manufacturer the highest grades of fertilizers, suitable for all kinds of soils and all crops, and especially produced to fill the requirements of planters and farmers in this section. The goods are distinguished by their trade mark of “A. A.” which may may be taken as a synonym for excellence and quality. They own and operate their own sulphuric acid plant, which is a very essential part of any complete fertilizer works. The fetilizers are sold to merchants in North and South Carolina, and through them are distributed to consumers. Wilmington to-day possesses the best of facilities for the advantageous carriyng on of an industry of this character. Apart from its favorable location as a port, and its complete railroad facilities, including the new sheds recently constructed for receiving fertilizer material, together with the splendid deep water harbor which permits the receiving of all foreign and domestic materials direct to the doors of the comp pany's factory, there is also available the complete plant of the company, and the experience and knowleldge of the real requirements of farmers possessed by the management. The above unites to make the products of this company of the most desirable kind, and stimulates a demand for them which is permanent. The company's plant and offices are under the management of men of many year's experience in the manufacture and distribution of fertilizers in this particular locality, which ensures that their business will be handled with dispatch, and that all the products will go out in the best possible mechanical condition. The company employ a large number of men at their Wilmington works thus benefiting the city in the disbursement of considerable sums annually in wages. Altogether the industry is of material value to the locality, and in the production of the highest quality of products in its line, it is enhancing the reputation of Wilmington as a producing center of supply and distribution.

Real Estate, 114 Princess Street.

Identified with the progress and advancement which have been characteristic of Wilmington within the past few years, is the real estate firm of M. C. Darby & Co. which commenced operations about seven years ago. The firm are general real estate agents and they have at the disposal of the public real estate of all descriptions, a specialty however being made of city property. They also collect rents, negotiate loans, take care of estates for resident or non-resident owners, and they are also prepared to develop estates, and subdivide them and place them on the market. They are open to correspondence from out of town parties seeking safe and remunerative investments, and they are in a position to demonstarte that at the present time there is “nothing better than Wilmington dirt” to yield good interest for funds invested. There are no inflated values here, but a steady progress founded on a basis of sound prosperity. Reference may be made here to Love Grove, which was one of the properties which is being exploited by this firm. Lots are sold here at from $100 upwards. A number of houses have already been built on the property and more are about to be built. The firm of M. C. Darby & Co. is made up of Miss M. C. Darby and Mrs. Florence R. Strange, who are both well known in the community. They have been very successful in their chosen vocation, and this has largely come about owing to their energy, and also to their strictly honorable methods of doing business. Prior to going into real estate, Miss Darby was “Post Master” at Wilmington for four years and seven months and altogether was in the post office service

here for sixteen years. She was the only woman that had ever held the position of “Postmaster” in a first-class location in the United States. Mrs. Strange went into the real estate business with her at the time specified, and as before said they have met with a lagre measure of success and have made their influence felt in the profession. They have been largely instrumental in the development of Wilmington and its suburbs since they have been in business.

Real Estate and Life Insurance, 123 Princess Street.

The group of real estate agencies operating here, who are doing much towards the increased development of the city and vicinity received a notable addition to their number January 1, 1912, when Mr. L. W. Moore commenced business in his own account as a real estate operator. He, however, is by no means inexperienced, having for a considerable period previously been in the employ of Mr. H. F. Wilder, and there is every reason to anticipate for him a thoroughly successful career in his new field of operations. Although only commencing business with this current year he has already consummated a number of important deals. Mr. Moore transacts a regular real estate business buying and selling real estate of every description, including residences, business sites, investment properties, farms, etc. He has a large list of properties at the disposal of clients. Besides city property, he has for sale a number of farms around Wilmington, consisting of lands both improved and unimproved and including truck farms. The range of price of these lands varies from $5.00 to $500.00 per acre according to quality of soil and distance from the city. They are suitable either for occupation or investment. They are offered for cash or on easy terms. Mr. Moore also negotiates loans on real estate security and pays particular attention to rent collecting, and taking entire charge of properties, either for residents or nonresidents. He is in a position to find a farm or a home, and any class of property, and he solicites correspondence, and will demonstrate the actual advantages which Wilmington and vicinity offer in the way of real estate purchases at the present time. Mr. Moore is also the representative here of the Equitable Life Insurance Co., of New York, and he is prepared to write advantageous life insurance in this world-renouned organization. He is also the secretary of the Carolina Building & Loan Association whose headquarters are in his office. Mr. E. T. Taylor, president of the Navassa Guano Co. is also president of this association. Mr. Moore, prior to his connection with the insurance business was for eleven years in the employ of the Atlantic Coast Line, in the traffic department. He enjoys a large acquaintance with business men here, and may be relied upon for fair dealing and honorable methods of conducting business.

J. B. McCabe, Manager, 313 Southern Building.

As will be seen through these pages Wilmington's business, within the past few years, is assuming more and more a metropolitan aspect, and as a further exemplification of this fact we now direct attention to an enterprise which bids fair to be of the greatest utility to all progressive and modern business undertakings. This is the Carolina Audit & Adjustment Co., which inaugurated its career March 1, 1912. Their energies are devoted to transacting the business of expert accountants. Every live and up-to-date company, firm or individual that carries on a business of any magnitude or pretensions should have their books properly audited half yearly, or in any case at least once a year. This is the work of this organization, and it places its services at the disposal of all business concerns in this city and section of the South. None are too large and none are too small to need the aid of this concern. Accounts are verified, statements sent out, leakages, if they exist, are discovered, and generally the whole business is cleared up and commences anew with a clean slate. The company has also an efficient department for the adjustment of commercial claims and collections under supervision of competent attorneys. Our readers are invited to make request for special rates for auditing and adjustments combined. The gentleman acting as manager of this business is Mr. J. B. McCabe, who has had eleven years practical experience as an expert auditor and adjuster. He has until recently, been with the well known Cudahy Packing Co. as travelling auditor. He invites references to this

company, as well as other responsible concerns, if such should be required. Wilmington is to be congratulated in the establishment here of an enterprise of this character, as there can be no question of its utility and benefit to the commercial world, generally. The company operates throughout the Carolinas and invites correspondence and will be glad to furnish details and particulars, and Mr. McCabe personally holds himself in readiness to call upon any who may contemplate employing his services, and will, at the same time, further illustrate the advantages and benefits which he is in a position to place at their disposal.

Mrs. D. Rountree, Proprietress, Cor. Third and Market Streets.

It is about four years ago since Mrs. D. Rountree assumed the proprietorship of what is now known as the Colonial Hotel. At that time the house scarcely made aspirations to be considered as first class, but now under the present management it is entitled to rank among the better class hotels of the State. The Colonial Hotel is located at the above address, at an easy distance from the center of the city, the business houses, the street car line, etc. It can accommodate from sixty to seventy five guests, and the rooms have recently been renovated and the appointments of the house generally improved. Steam heat and private baths are available for guests, and excellence of fare is made a specialty of and is a theme of favorable comment with guests. The rates are $2.50 to $3.00 per day according to location of rooms and accomodations. The hotel caters especially for the patronage of commercial travellers, and therearehere commodious sample rooms at their disposal and every convenience and facility. Mrs. D. Rountree has had altogether an experience of sixteen years in the hotel business, and especially in catering to commercial men. For eight years she was proprietress of the Rountree House here. She personally supervises all details of her establishment and strives in every way to make the hotel homelike and her guests comfortable. Her efforts have been first of all to gain patronage, and afterwards to retain it and make it permanent. That she has been successful in doing so is best evidenced in the steady growth of the business. A porter meets all trains, and those who may decide to make a sojourn here while in the city, are sure to meet with every attention and courtesy and will be entirely satisfied with the entertainment placed at their disposal.

Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 6 and 8 North Front Street.

In Wilmington there are a number of important business concerns, which combine with retail trade important wholesale transactions. A notable exponent of the above is exemplified by the Holmes Grocery Co., which was organized Sept. 6th, 1900, succeeding the firm of Holmes & Watters, which can date back to 1879. The gentlemen identified with the proprietorship and management at the present time are R. L. Holmes, president, S. G. Holmes, vice president and D. McEachern, secretary treasurer and general manager. At the above address the company occupy a large store, and in addition they have a commodious warehouse at the foot of Princess Street, which they utilize for storage. As before said, the business is both wholesale and retail, and in the latter department they cater to the best class of trade and carry a large and diversified stock, including fine canned and bottled goods, and domestic and imported delicacies. Nor are staple lines neglected, and everything usually to be found in a complete grocery is here at the disposal of the public. In the wholesale department the company have the best of inducements to offer to merchants within a radius of seventy-five miles of Wilmington as well as the local trade. All lines are handled—both heavy and fancy groceries in all their various varieties. Among specialties we may mention Kirkman's Borax Soap and Soap Powders, “Point Lace,” the highest grade patent flour and “Point Lace” Meal. These are the company's own brands, which have gained an established position in the favor of the trade and public. The facilities of the house include the most intimate realtions with manufacturers and importers, and assure the best terms and lowest prices. Promptness in shipments is an especial feature of the business. Of the gentlemen connected with the management, we may say that they are among the best known of Wilmington's business men. Mr. R. L. Holmes has been connected with the house for over thirty years and

Mr. McEachern is identified with other important interests. He is president of the D. McEachern Co., is a director of the Murchison National Bank and is Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. With a record of nearly a third of a century the Holmes Grocery Co. is entitled to rank among those concerns which have been instrumental in building up the present important and growing wholesale and retail operations of this city.

Real Estate and Collecting Agency, 207 North Front Street.

The enterprise of the Hanover Realty Co., established about a year and a half ago has already achieved a noticeable position, among real estate and investment agencies here. The company have a large list of properties and they make a specialty of buying and selling city real estate, and notable high class property such as stores and sites on Front street and other central locations. They have at the present time quite a large number of choice parcels of this description for disposal. They also have some desirable farm property in the vicinity of Wilmington. They devote particular attention, also to Southport real estate. This prosperous town situated at the mouth of the Cape Fear River gives every indication of a speedy advancement. There is now a railroad recently opened between Southport and Wilmington and this will aid materially in developing the place. At Southport is one of the finest harbors in the country. The company have a quantity of desirable lands and lots for sale at Southport, and as an investment a purchase at the present time is practically certain to be ultimately profitable. The company are agents for the Greenfield Park Development Co. Greenfield Park is in the southern part of Wilmington and comprises 500 acres of land and 500 acres of lake. It is now in the market and is suitable for development and for subdividing into desirable building lots. The Hanover Realty Co. are also largely interested in the ownership and are agents for the Lovegrove Investment and Improvement Co., a new organization founded to develop real estate. In this connection is “Lovegrove,” a property of about seventy acres which is suited for factory sites and other purposes. The charter of the company permits of their acquiring and operating a street railway and other privileges in connection with the develpoment of this property. The Hanover Realty Co. also devote particular attention to the collection of rents for house owners and they take full charge of property for owners whether residents or non-residents. In addition they are in a position to take over estates and prepare the same for development and sale. They solicit correspondence from out of town and they will assist capitalists and others to make safe and profitable investments in Wilmington and vicinity. The executive officials of the company are L. J. Carter, president; D. B. Leonard, vice president, and E. C. Dollar, secretary and treasurer. All of them are young men full of push and energy endeavoring to succeed by enterprising methods and consulting the best interests of their clients. Mr. Carter comes here from Wallace, N. C., and he has had eight years experience in the real estate business. Mr. Dollar was formerly in the life insurance business, which brought him into touch with men of means and standing. Mr. Leonard is just entering upon his business career under auspices of a favorable character. We may also mention that at this office are the headquarters of the City & Suburban Building Association, of which Mr. Matt J. Heyer is president and Mr. L. J. Carter is secretary and treasurer.

Florist and Decorator, Ninth and Red Cross Streets.

One of the most interesting vocations carried on in Wilmington is that of Mr. William Rehder, who in 1903 succeeded to the business formerly operated by Mrs. H. Rehder since 1877. It is therefore also the oldest established enterprise of the kind here and probably in the State. At the above address Mr. Rehder has eight greenhouses, the whole having a superficial area of some 12,000 feet under glass. He grows all kinds of flowers, and the house within the lapse of years has earned the highest repute throughout this section of the South for perfection in this regard. Specialties are made of cut flowers, also of floral designs which are distinguished for the taste displayed in their conception and design. They are largely in demand in the city, and also through North and South Carolina, for weddings, funerals, entertainments and other functions. Goods are shipped

to patrons out of town and are packed in such a way that ensures their arriving at destination in first-class condition. The house also grows nursery stock and Mr Rehder has a large plantation—The Nursery, in the northeast section of the city, where he grows bulbs, trees, etc. Another specialty is floral designing and decorating, and the proprietor's services are often required in this connection, not only in Wilmington but from places out of town. Landscapes gardening also comes within the scope of his operations, such as the planting and arranging of gardens for patrons who have acquired new homes or who wish to make alterations. Mr. William Rehder may be said to have grown up with the business. He is a thoroughly practical florist, and apart from the experience gained while in his mother's employ, he took instruction with a large floral establishment in New York. The facilities of the establishemnt in all details are of the best, and promptness may be depended upon. The scale of prices will be found very moderate, at the same time that the quality and freshness of the products can not be excelled. The reputation of the enterprise, extended over a period of thirty-five years, assures the utmost confidence, and the public of this city and locality when requiring anything in this line can certainly do no better than in according their favors to this well known and reliable concern.

Capt. J. W. Harper, Proprietor, Wharf: Foot of Princess Street.

Any book descriptive of this city would be incomplete without some allusion to the steamer Wilmington of which Capt. J. W. Harper is master and owner. This steamer runs from Wilmington to Southport and stops at all lower Cape Fear landings including
etching of a steamer Carolina Beach. The trip is one of the most delightful in the country and a visit to Wilmington is incomplete without this excursion. In the summer time many people come here from all parts of the South and make a more or less lengthened stay at the hotels and boarding houses at Wrightsville Beach. It is safe to say that practically all of them make one or more trips on the Wilmington an essential part of their programme. The boat is a speedy, handsome and well appointed craft, and every convenience is provided for the comfort of passengers. In the summer time many thousands make the trip, and the ladies with their children find it a pleasurable and healthful way of spending a day. Some idea of its popularity may be formed from the fact that about 50,000 people patronize this outing during the summer months, and altogether about 75,000 passengers use the line during the year. A word or two here in regard to Carolina Beach, which already popular, is destined in the near future, to become one of the leading summer resorts in this part of the country. It is about thirteen miles south of the city, and is reached by the steamer Wilmington to a pier on the river opposite the beach, and thence by a railway three miles long. At the beach is a new commodious pavillion, which is one of the most attractively arranged pleasure palaces on the North Carolina coast. Boating, fishing and, bathing may be indulged in to perfection, and the beach is particularly safe there being no dangerous currents, eddies or anything of the kind to imperil bathers. At Southposrt good fishing may be obtained under the best conditions, and a visit to this quaint old town will well repay visitors. About two miles to the south is Fort Caswell, built in 1826, and famous for Civil War incidents. It now constitutes one of the leading coast defences, and is manned by a force of U.S. Artillery. The Wilmington makes several trips each day during the summer season, the excursion fares being only fifty cents to Southport, and twenty-five cents to Carolina Beach. Captain Harper is one of the very best known men in this locality. He has been running boats on the Cape Fear River for over thirty-five years. He is popular with his passengers and many who come to Wilmington make it a point to take a trip with him. We may note that in a number of cases he has carried on his boat three generations, grand-parents having made the trip in former days, then their children and now their grandchildren. An excursion on the Wilmington with Captain Harper develops into a habit. We advise our readers under no circumstances to miss it, along with a day spent at Carolina Beach, or in investigating the interesting historical associations indentified with a journey down the celebrated Cape Fear River.

Manufacturers of Lumber, Fourth and Grafflin Streets.

An enterprise which during a lengthened lapse of years has accomplished fully as much as any other concern here, towards attracting attention to Wilmington as a lumber producing and distributing center is the business now, and for some years past, conducted as the Hilton Lumber Co. The foundations of this house were laid in 1856 when it was established by Mr. O. G. Parsley. In 1879 it was operated under the designation of Parsley & Wiggins, and subsequently Mr. W. L. Parsley the son of the founder became sole proprietor. Finally, in 1894, it was incorporated under the designation of the Hilton Lumber Co., its present executive officials being Mr. W. L. Parlsey, president and Mr. R. A. Parsley, secretary and treasurer. The latter gentleman is a son of O. G. Parsley, Jr. whose father was O. G. Parsley the originator of the enterprise. The plant in this city covers some five or six acres. It fronts on the river for 1700 feet, and the tracks of the A. C. L. and the Seaboard railroads enter the yards, affording the very best of receiving and shipping facilities. The constructive equipment includes a saw mill and planing mill and there are also dry-kilns and large storage sheds. The plant is thoroughly modern in all its details, the appliances being of the latest improved type, resulting in the manufacture of the highest grade products of their class. At the mills at Wilmington about 125 men are employed, the capacity allowing of the production of about 15,000,000 to 16,000,000 feet of lumber yearly. In addition to the plant here, the Hilton Lumber Co. own timber lands where they have reserves of growing timber sufficient for their requirements for a considerable number of years yet to come. In the woods they employ about 125 men, and all facilities are available including a railroad. The company are manufacturers of kiln-dried dressed North Carolina pine, and they produce this from the stump to the finished product on their own premises. It is all high grade lumber and the facilities of the house assure the lowest current prices. The company ship their product to the wholesale trade, mainly north of Washington, D. C., and east of Pittsburg, Pa, and Eric, Pa. They also make considerable shipments to the West Indies. The house we believe, is the oldest established of its kind in this locality, its owners having decended from father to son and grandson for a period now approaching sixty years. It is a pioneer of the industry here and it has been continuously operated from the start. The gentlemen concerned in the proprietorship to-day, are well known residents identified with the city's welfare and progress. Mr. R. A. Parsley is also a director of the Carolina Insurance Co. of this city and is one of the Executive Board of the Chamber of Commerce.

Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 206 North Market Street.

The enterprise to which we now devote a measure of our space was instituted here October 1905, on but a comparatively small scale and with only a small capital, but it has steadily grown year by year until it has attained a leading position among grocery concerns of the city. At the above address the company utilizes a large store and basement, which are of the dimensions of 120 by 22 feet. They are replete with one of the finest assortments of goods, we will say, not only in the city, but in the state. Here at the disposal of the public are very full lines of groceries of all kinds, including the choicest canned and bottled goods, such as olives, sardines, jams, sauces, pickles, potted meats, tinned tongues and other delicacies, besides foreign and domestic cheeses, German and French delicatessen,—in fact anything and everything that would tempt a sated appetite or astonish an uncultivated one with gastronomic wonder. The ordinary lines of staple groceries are also handled, including, of course, fine teas and coffees. In all departments the facilities of the house are of the very best, the company handling the products of leading manufacturers and importers, obtaining their supplies direct from original sources, and the prices will be found altogether just and reasonable. Among other choice goods the house makes a specialty of the full line of condiments and other fine goods put up under the brand name of “Premier” by Francis H. Leggett & Co. of New York. Promptness and courtesy may be depended upon as characteristics of the company's business policy. As illustrative of the favors it has received we will mention that last year's sales aggregated to about $100,000 a highly significant fact. In addition to the retail the house also transacts some wholesale business. The company's executive and management are as follows: Cuthbert Martin,

president and treasurer; I. W. Cooper, vice president and J. Chas. Haar, secretary and general manager. Mr. Martin was formerly with W. B. Cooper, wholesale grocer, before embarking on his present enterprise. He is also a director of the American National Bank and vice president of the Clarendon Building and Loan Association and president of Meir's Marble and Granite Works. Mr. Haar has been for twenty years identified with the retail grocery business in this city and thoroughly understands its details and requirements. Conducting its business strictly upon methods based on fair dealing the enterprise of the Peoples Supply Co. is doubtless destined to yet further extend its sphere of usefulness.

Naval Stores and Lighterage, 105 North Water Street.

Although the handling of naval stores at Wilmington has not been as extensive within recent years as formerly, the industry still forms an important item of the city's business and an enterprise that has been identified with it for about twenty years is that now conducted as the D. McEachern Co. This business was established by Mr. D. McEachern in 1893, and it was incorporated about ten years ago. The office of the concern is located at the above address, and the plant is almost directly opposite on the other side of the river. Here the company's premises front 288 feet on the river, extending back about 300 feet. The company are extensive handlers of naval stores, which comprise spirits of turpentine, rosin and tar. The products come to the house both by land and water, and are shipped here by the country merchants throughout the State. The company are in the market for any quantity of naval stores and will pay prompt cash for the same. They solicit consignments, and prompt returns may be depended upon and square treatment. The products are shipped by the house to foreign countries, their trade however being mainly in Great Britain. They have their own customers in London, Glasgow and elsewhere, and direct ocean connection with European ports from the wharves of this city afford manifest advantages. The house is in a position to offer inducements to foreign buyers not excelled by contemporaries wherever they may be located. The D. McEachern Co. also transact an important local lighterage business. They have two gasolene boats and seven lighters. These are utilized for transferring merchandise from steamers to the railroads and to other vessels. They do a large business in transferring cotton, naval stores and a general line of goods. The gentlemen conducting this enterprise are D. McEachern president and John S. McEachern secretary and treasurer. The first named has long been identified with important interests in Wilmington. He is general manager and treasurer of the Holmes Grocery Co. and is a director in the Murchison National Bank. He is also chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and is president of the State Association of County Commissioners. Mr. John S. McEachern is his son, and he devotes his particular energies to the conduct of the affairs of the D. McEachern Co. He is fully conversant with all details pertaining to the industry. The enterprise is one that is sustaining the old time reputation of this locality in a branch of endeavor which is particularly typical of it.

Wholesale and Retail Boots and Shoes, Etc., 30 North Front Street.

Probably no city in the South of similar population possesses a larger wholesale business than does Wilmington. Some of the important concerns here combine a wholesale and retail business, and among these must be noted that of Messrs. Chesnutt & Freeman which about a year ago succeeded to the business formerly carried on as Chesnutt & Barrentine and which dates back its origin for about twenty five years. The firm occupy a building of four floors which covers an area of 100 by 25 feet. The store is utilized for the retail business, the upper part for the wholesale operations. The house handles full lines of boots, shoes and rubbers manufactured especially for it to fill the demands of the trade of this and neighboring sections. They supply dealers within North and South Carolina, also parts of Georgia and Florida, and they have two travelling salesmen. The facilities of the concern include prompt shipments, goods that will sell readily, prices that will compete with contempories, and fair dealing. Dealers within the scope of the firm's trade will derive the manifest advantage of being close to their source of supply

thus avoiding delay which often arises when ordering from a distance. Deficiences in sizes, etc., are thus filled up at the shortest notice and equal care is given to supplying a few pairs of shoes as for a dozen or more cases. In the retail department a large and particularly well selected assortment is carried, and ladies and gentlemen can here obtain the finest footwear as well as the standard goods common with all dealers. The individual members of the firm are Messrs. Geo. W. Chesnutt and J. W. Freeman. The first named has been a member of the firm from the start and he is thoroughly experienced in all that pertains to the demands of the locality in this line. Mr. Freeman prior to his becoming a partner had been in the employ of the house almost since its foundation. The concern has contributed materially to make this city the natural source of supply for the country radiating from it.

Dealers in Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Etc., 109 North Front Street.

In reference to the retail interests of the city, we here make mention of a very recent addition to the busines of Wilmington. This is the hardware firm of Messrs. Peck & Holloway, which commenced operations January 1, 1912. They occupy premises at the above address, which were formerly utilized by the hardware house of J. W. Murchison & Co., who now devote their energies solely to wholesale transactions, and sold out their entire retail business to Messers. Peck & Holloway. The new concern begins its career with all facilities available and will carry out the policy of the former firm in considering and advancing the best interests of their patrons. Messers. Peck & Holloway are dealers in general hardware in all its various forms, and they make specialties of builders’ hardware, agricultural implements, stoves, house furnishings, sporting goods, games, cutlery, guns and ammunition, etc. They are agents here for a number of lines of high character and utility, among which we will instance, Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co.s’ builders’ hardware; “Wear Ever” aluminum cooking utensils; Winchester & Remington guns, U. M. C. and Remington ammunition; “Reach” baseball goods, and others. The house also handles N. Z. Graves & Co.’s paints, oil, varnishes and stains and Cabot's genuine creosote shingle, and cement stains, both goods of high quality. It will be the aim of this house and the cornerstone of its business policy to supply patrons with the best quality of goods available at lowest prices, and also to extend to them every attention and courtesy The members of the firm individualy are Messers. W. M. Peck and D. F. Holloway. Mr. Peck was in the employ of the Hilton Lumber Co. before entering the present copartnership, and Mr. Holloway was with J. W. Murchison & Co for sometime previously, and altogether has had an experience of the hardware trade extending over twelve years. Both are young men of enterprise and ambition and there is every reason to anticipate for the new firm a full measure of the public patronage which so long had been extended to the older concern which preceeded it.

Wholesale and Retail Shoes, Etc., 9, 11 and 13, South Front Street.

Engaged extensively in the handling of boots, shoes, and kindred goods, both in the wholesale and retail branches of the business, is the well known and important concern operated under the designation of the Solomon Shoe Co. This business has been in operation for sixteen years, and during that period it has continued to steadily expand and increase the volume of its business. Speaking first of the retail trade, we may state that the stocks here at the disposal of the public are very large and varied, suitable to the requirements of all. While carrying general lines the house makes specialties of Hanan's, Thompson Bros’., and G. H. Snow's high-quality shoes for men, and “Imperial” “Brockport” “Dorothy Dodd” and Cotton” ladies’ fine shoes—equal to the best manufactured. As regards the wholesale business, the house does a large trade throughout North and South Carolina, and it has two commercial travellers within these districts. They have every inducement to offer merchants, including full lines of goods specially manufactured for them by leading factories in Massachusetts and particularly designed for the requirements of this section of the South. Orders are promptly filled at shortest notice and the prices will certainly compare favorably with those of any competitor wherever located. The long experience of the proprietors and their close touch with the public as retailers ensure

that they entirely realize the exact demands of the patrons in this line. The proprietors are Messrs. I .W. Solomon and J. L. Solomon; gentlemen who have been brought up to the business from boyhood. It is safe to say of this house that none in the Carolinas are better in a position to attract and hold the favor of merchants and the public, and they have long enjoyed the fullest confidence and consideration of all who have entered upon business relations with them.

Department Store, 9 and 11 North Front Street.

Within the past few years in Wilmington there have been established, from time to time, new enterprises which commencing under very modest conditions have rapidly developed. The above is well illustrated in the career of Messrs. Platt & Haar, who commenced operations in 1904 at 114 Market street and the enterprise was then known as the smallest drygoods store in the town. However, they soon were in a position to leave this distinction behind them, and the steady increase of their business necessitated larger and more convenient quarters. Thus they removed to their present commodious and well located premises, which consist of a building of two floors and basement, covering an area of 30 by 135 feet. Here they display a large and well selected assortment of dry goods, notions, ladies’ ready-to-wear garments, millinery, house furnishing goods—such as rugs, mattings, drapers, etc. and a particularly complete art department. While carrying everything in the above lines in fine and medium grades suitable to the requirements of all classes, we consider that some special mention should be made of their art and needlework department. This may be said to be as complete as any to be found south of Richmond. To better illustrate the diversity and character of the materials they handle, the firm have made up a quantity of artistic patterns showing the effects that may be obtained, and ladies can purchase the materials and make up the articles for themselves, with the guidance of these patterns. We mention the above as illustrative of the enterprise displayed by the firm in this regard. In fact in all departments the stocks will be found of the best selection, full, complete and up-to-date. The prices will be found particularly attractive. The business of the house is conducted on the strictly cash basis, and solvent and honest patrons do not have to pay higher prices to compensate for losses from delinquent customers. The individual members of this firm are Messrs. Robert C. Platt and G. Henry Haar. Both of them were for ten or a dozen years in the employ of C. W. Polvogt of this city, in the very store where formerly employees, they are now proprietors. Mr. Platt was floor man with Mr. Polvogt, and Mr. Haar was in the office. This combination particularly adapts them to carry on their present business as partners, and gives them every experience. They are both young men of ambition and enterprise, determined to succeed by close and constant attention to details. Although a later comer in the field of business and known as the “Infant Dry Goods House of the Town,” it is a child of sturdy growth, rapidly developing its full stature, and battling along legitimate lines, for the favor and patronage of the public of Wilmington and vicinity.

Wholesale and Retail Horses and Mules, 116 North Second Street

The only enterprise in Wilmington exclusively engaged in the above line of business is that which is now conducted under the name of the Kentucky Horse and Mule Co. The business was established by Mr. F. T. Mills in 1891, the change of title taking place at the commencement of this year. At the above address the business utilizes a two story building which is of the dimensions of 148 by 50 feet. The lower part is used for ordinary stock, and on the upper floor are box stalls for the better class of animals. Accomodations are here available for as many as 200 head of horses and mules, and often the entire facilities are utilized. Here at all times may be obtained horses and mules of every description. Stock comes to the company from Kentucky and elsewhere in the West, and they have a resident buyer at Lexington, Ky., on the lookout for likely animals suited to this market. The patronage of the house is by no means confined to Wilmington, horses and mules being shipped from here all over North and South Carolina and some parts of Virginia. Auction sales are held here once a month, and these are always well attended by buyers. The organization of the Kentucky Horse and Mule Co. gives increased

facilities to the concern and places it in better shape to handle a larger business. The president is Mr. A. H. Jewell of Lexington, Ky. and Mr. Ward Lukes of the same place is secretary and treasurer. Mr. F. T. Mills is manager at Wilmington. This gentleman has been a handler of stock for nearly thirty years, of which twenty five have been in this city and state. He has probably handled more horses and mules than any other man in North Carolina. He enjoys the highest reputation for fair and square dealing, and he has been trading with the same people ever since he has been in business. It is safe to say that any one who may require anything in this line, will consult their own best interests by transactions with this concern, which is enabled to offer inducements and advantages at least difficult, if at all possible to duplicate elsewhere.

Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Cor. Front and Market Streets.

Combining important wholesale and retail transactions is the well known and old established firm of S. & B. Solomon, who in 1879 succeeded to the business established by Mr. B. Solomon in 1873. It has thus existed for nearly forty years, and is a pioneer of the continually expanding operations of this city. The business occupies commodious headquarters at the above address comprising a building of four floors which is 50 by 120 feet in area. In addition to important retail operations which cater to the requirements of all classes, the house transacts a large wholesale trade with merchants throughout North and South Carolina and they have commercial travellers representing them in these districts. The house is in a position to supply the trade under the very best conditions. Its sales, at wholesale, include everything in the lines of dry goods, notions, clothing, hats, etc. and the stocks are very full and complete, and particularly well suited to the requirements of these localities. The proprietors of the enterprise, Messrs. S. & B. Solomon, have had many years experience, and being also in the retail business they are, perhaps, better qualified than many to understand the wants of the trade in these lines. Their facilities include the closest relations with manufacturers and first sources generally, and enjoying the advantages of large capital they are enabled to go into the markets and make purchases under the best conditions, and thus offer to their patrons the lowest prices and best values. Furthermore, they have an intimate acquaintance personally with a large proportion of their customers and know just what is suited to their trade, an advantage not always possessed by competitors from more distant centers. Of the members of the firm, it will not be required of us to allude any length personally. Suffice it will be to say, that as long time residents they are well known to the whole community, in the advancement and prosperity of which they have always taken a close interest. The enterprise may be quoted as a leading factor of the large local and outside trade, which has contributed to make Wilmington the most advantagious market for this section of the South generally.

Plumber, Steam, Hot Water and Gas Fitter, 15 North Second Street.

Prominently engaged in the above line of business at Wilmington, is the enterprise of Mr. H. E. Longley which was established July 3rd 1906, and to-day it is the oldest established industry of the kind in the city. At the above address Mr. Longley has a store and workshop, with warehouse adjoining, where all required facilities are available. The house's operations comprise everything in the lines of plumbing, steam and hot water heating, gas fitting, etc. The facilities of the concern are complete, enabling it to undertake the largest contracts, and to carry them out to completion promptly, efficiently and at reasonable prices. The patronage of the concern is not confined to this city and vicinity, orders coming to it from various parts of North and South Carolina and Georgia. Mr. Longley also conducts the largest plumbing establishment at Florence, S. C., to better accommodate his business in that section. Altogether he gives employment in the two establishments to an average force of about thirty skilled workmen. We will instance here a few examples of work done by this house. Thus, it installed the heating and plumbing in the Garrell building, the Wilmington Savings & Trust Co.’s building, Mr. T. M. Emerson's and Mr. J. H. Hinton's residences, the improvements at the Orton hotel and he is about to install the plumbing and heating in the new eight story building being

erected for the Atlantic Trust & Banking Co. The above are all at Wilmington. Out of town he put in plumbing or other appliances in the Ricks Hotel at Rocky Mount, also the Railroad Y. M. C. A. at Rocky Mount, Atlantic Coast Line's office building at Pinner's Point, Va., A. C. L. depot at Fayetteville, N. C., Elks’ Temple at Newberne, N. C. and the Railroad Y. M. C. A. at Waycross, Ga. Mr. Longley is a thoroughly practical man of seventeen years experience and he exercises over all operations the closest supervision to ensure efficiency. Prior to his going into business on his own account he was for eight years superintendent for M. C. Vandeveer of Atlanta, Ga. He invites correspondence from architects, contractors, property owners and the public generally, and he is prepared to accept the largest contracts, or he will give his attention to the smallest job, and will complete them equally satisfactorily.

Dealers in Lumber, and Manufacturers of Sash Doors, Blinds, Mill Work, etc.,
214 South Front Street.

The above enterprise was established about five years ago as the Brunswick Wood & Coal Co., and to-day it transacts a very important business, its patronage comprising this locality, and as far north as Richmond, Va., The plant now utilized by the company has been in its possession about two years. It includes a complete planing mill and saw mill, also a sash, door and blind factory, and every facility is here available. Since the company took hold of the works they have installed new machinery and appliances, and have added
Photo of Wilmington Door and Lumber Co. to the capacity, making it to-day one of the most complete plants of the kind in this vicinity. Here they manufacture sash, doors, blinds and all kinds of shop work in soft and hard woods, and they are enabled to supply contractors and others with every requisite for the building of houses, brick and masons’ materials alone excepted. Their facilities enable them to quote the very lowest prices, and to promptly execute all orders. The house is also an extensive handler of lumber, having in this department the best inducements to offer. The company employ from thirty to fifty workmen according to circumstances. The proprietors of this business are Messrs. L. O. Parrish and John R. Stephenson. Mr. Parrish is a man of lengthened experience in all relating to the lumber and mill trade, and he started as a boy in a small saw mill at a salary of twentyfive cents a day, and by dint of industry and determination has worked his way up to his present position. Mr. Stephenson is lately an acquisition to the business, and he is thoroughly familiar with all branches of the lumber industry

He comes here from the Camp Manufacturing Co., where he had been for ten years consecutively superintendent of one of their large mills in Virginia and more latterly was superintendent of their large lumber enterprise in this city. Since the business under comment was started it has largely increased and now is able to offer the best of inducements. Those who contemplate the erection of any kind of building, as well as contractors and others requiring lumber and mill work—here and elsewhere, will do well to investigate the facilities and advantages this concern is enabled to place at their disposal. The house invites inquiries and will be glad to furnish estimates and all required information at short notice.

Contractors and Builders, 33 Garrell Building.

The increased development of general business which has been noticeable throughout this section of the South within recent years has naturally stimulated the building trade, and a house that has participated in this advancement is that of Messers. Rhodes & Underwood, which commenced operations in this city about two years ago, although they have been in business now for some six years, beginning at Newbern, where they still operate. The firm are general contractors and builders, and they are in a position to erect any kind of buildings, including hospitals, schools, railroad stations, factories, residences, ect., from architects’ plans or otherwise. Among work of this nature which they have brought to completion we will mention, the Wilmington High School, (see illustration of this, back of title page), the City Laundry, Mr. Jos. H. Hinton's residence to cost $32,000, and other residences here. They are now at work on the improvements and additions to the Orton Hotel here, which include an additional story to the structure; also the the new building to be known as the Isaac Bear Memorial School. Other work executed by them is the Elks’ building at Newbern, N. C., the Moses Griffin Memorial School at Newbern, N. C., and the large Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.’s plant also at Newbern, and a large warehouse for the A. C. L. in the same place. They are now putting up a large freight warehouse and passenger station at Hartford, N. C., and they have done much structural work in various places for the Norfolk & Southern Railroad. The house solicits inquiries and correspondence from architects and the general public, relative to the erection of anything in the building line, from the smallest job to the most important contract, and they are prepared to furnish estimates and to carry out the same to completion to the entire satisfaction of those who may employ their services. The members of the firm individually are Messers. J. F. Rhodes and U. A. Underwood, thoroughly practical men in all that pertains to the industry. Mr. Rhodes prior to operating on his own account had five years’ experience, and was superintendent with East & Hobbs a well known contracting firm at Danville, Va. Mr. Underwood has been identified with the industry for twenty years, and also acted as superintendent with leading firms. They hvae been very successful and have established a reputation since coming to this city which has inspired every confidence, and which bids fair to lead to a yet further extension of their field of endeavor.




Ahrens Bros., Wholesale Drugs89Maffitt, C. D., Ship Chandlery & Supply Co.74
American Agricultural Chemical Co.99Mathews, E. L. Candy Co.69
American Naval Stores Co.89McEachern, D. Co., Naval Stores & Lighterage105
Astyptodyne Chemical Co.52McGirt, W. A. & Co., Wholesale Peanuts87
Atlantic Paint & Varnish Works59McNair & Pearsall, Wholesale Grocers, Etc.41
Bardin Motor Co., Garage, Etc.55McNair, S. P. & Co., Wholesale Grocers58
Bear, Sol. & Co., Scuppernong, Blackberry Wines, Etc.95Meir's Marble & Granite Works83
Mitchell, B. F., Co., Grain, Peanuts, Etc.48
Boney & Harper Milling Co.49Moore, L. W., Real Estate & Life Insurance100
Bonitz, H. E., Architect81Moore's, Roger Sons & Co., Brick, Builders Material, Etc.40
Boatwright, J. H. & Son, Insurance94
Brock, J. O., Electrical Contractor85Morton, Geo. L., Co., The, Naval Stores62
Brown, A. D., Dry Goods and Carpets98Munroe, W. & Co., Furniture86
Brown Bros., Merchandise Brokers73Murchison, J. W., & Co., Wholesale Hardware80
Brooks, J. W., Wholesale Grocer53Navassa Guano Co., The44-45
Brown, Toon & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Etc.71Northern Fruit Co.74
Cantwell Lumber Co.45North State Candy Co., Inc.79
Cape Fear Machine Works91Oceanic Hotel, The72
Carolina Audit & Adjustment Co.100Orton Hotel, The50
Carolina Cut Stone Co., The96Pate, A. W., Co., Real Estate97
Carolina Metal Products Co., The56Pearsall & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Fertilizer Manufacturers66
Carolina Title Insurance, Co., The43
Carolina Trucking Development Co.33Peck & Holloway, Hardware, Etc.106
Chadbourn Lumber Co.46Peoples Supply Co., Grocers104
Chesnutt & Freeman, Boots & Shoes105Pickett, R. H., Merchandise Broker76
City Livery Co.66Plate Ice Co.63
City Laundry Co.75Platt & Haar, Department Store107
Colonial Hotel101Polvogt, C. W., Co., The, Department Store86
Cooper Guano Co.34Post Dater Stamp Co., The64
Cooper, W. B. Co., Wholesale Grocers35Rapalje, H. de W., Consulting Engineer90
Corbett Co., The, Commission Merchants40Rehder, J. H., & Co., Dept. Store & Wholesale Dry Goods54
Covington, C. C. Co., Importers of Molasses32
Crescent Candy Co.84Rehder, Wm., Florist102
Cumming, W. M., Real Estate94Reilly, Jas. Owen, Real Estate & Insurance63
Darby, M. C. & Co., Real Estate99Rheinstein Dry Goods Co., The51
David, A. Co., The, Clothing, Etc.77Rhodes & Underwood, Contractors & Builders110
DeRosset, Robt. C., Books, Stationery, Etc.91Roesnmann, M., & Son, Wholesale Dry Goods93
Divine, M. W. & Co., Paints, Oils, Etc.35Schad, Jos., Contractor & Builder92
Dosher, W. R. & Co., Plumbers, Etc.49Seashore Hotel38
Einstein Bros., Wholesale Dry Goods57Shrier, L. Merchant Taylor, Furnishings, Etc.84
Fleet, J. W. Co., Clothing, Furnishings, Etc.87Solomon, S. & B., Dry Goods, Etc.108
Foard, Chas. A., Hardware, Etc.73Solomon Shoe Co.106
Foster, D. R. & Co., Real Estate78Southern Hat Co., Wholesale Hats58
French, Goe. R. & Sons, Boots & Shoes31Southern Hotel67
Fuchs, J. W. H., Clothing, Dry Goods, Etc.93Southern Map Co.98
Funchess, J. S. & Co., Wholesale Peanuts56Southern Realty & Development Co.97
Gaylord, G. O., Department Store92Spirittine Chemical Co.60
Gerken Tobacco Co., The72Springer Coal Co., The81
Giles Clayton & Son, Insurance85Springer, W. E., & Co., Hardware, Etc.77
Gore, D. L. Co., Wholesale Grocers, Etc.39Sprunt, Alex. & Son, Cotton Exporters36
Grossman-Mahler Architectural & Construction Co.82Stevenson, J. C., Co., Wholesale Grocers67
Hall & Pearsall, Inc., Wholesale Grocers47Taylor, Walker, Insurance68
Hanover Realty Co.102Thorpe, W. B., & Co., Building Materials Coal, Etc.79
Harper's Line Steamers103
Harper's Sanitarium88Tidewater Power Co., The29
Hashagen, F. E. Co., Wholesale Grocers43Vollers, H. L., Wholesale Grocer, Etc.70
Hilton Lumber Co.104Watters, Jos. H., Groceries at Wholesale76
Holmes Grocery Co.101Wilder & Metts, Real Estate & Insurance90
Hyer Bros., Wholesale Grocers37Wiley-Harker Lumber Co.53
Hyman Supply Co., Mill Supplies61Wilmington Brokerage Co.96
Independent Ice Co.80Wilmington Door & Lumber Co.109
Jacobi, N. Hardware Co.65Wilmington Iron Works71
Wilmington Marine Railway Co.41
Keith, B. F. Co., Ground Phosphate & Lime Fertilizers48Woolvin, Jas. F., Funeral Director83
Kentucky Horse & Mule Co.107Worth Co., The, Wholesale Grocers, Lime Cement, Etc.68
Leitner, J. F., Architect55Wright, J. G., & Son, Real Estate42
Longley, H. E., Plumber, Etc.108Wright, O. H., & Co., Brokers & Distributors82
MacMillan Jr., W. D., Automobiles61Yates, C. W., & Co., Stationers & Booksellers70
Maffitt, C. D. & Co. Commission Merchants74Yopp, W. H., Fish and Oysters46




Skilful and Experienced Chauffeurs in Charge of all Machines




How to be Successful at

What You are Now Doing


How to Get Well and How to Stay Well

The real secret of success in any line is good health. A sickly body is apt to be accompanied by a dull mind. Of course there are exceptions, as in the case of cripples and the like, but they are rare, indeed. No matter what kind of work you are doing the more brains you put into it the easier it becomes. . So, you see, that in order to be joyfully successful at anything, you must possess a healthy body and a fertile brain. Both are within your reach.

And Here's How.

It is mighty simple, too. In fact there are just three of our internal organs responsible for most every case of sickness we have. They are the Liver, the Kidneys and the Bladder, and it is now an established fact that when one of these get out of whack all three are more or less affected, and at such times, most folks, instead of taking a medicine that will act on all three of them, just take a Liver dose and then wonder why it is that they go right on and suffer with Constipation, Headache, Backache, Kidney Complaint, Weak Bladder, Liver Splotches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Rheumatism, Malaria, Chills and Fever, and in fact many other serious maladies. And last but not least—a weak and poorly nourished brain, and then work, be it ever so light, becomes a burden. But there is way out; I have a simple remedy that may be taken with safety by men, women and children, known as HALL'S COMPOUND LIVER and KIDNEY PILLS, which, I believe, when taken according to directions on box will relieve those already suffering and prevent those not afflicted from becoming so, because they act freely upon all three, the liver, the kidneys and the bladder in a most agreeable and satisfactory manner. Hence, you are in measure, assured success in health and in your work. These Pills cost only 25 cents per box, just a trifle of what you would lose from one day's sickness and if you will mail me your order to-day you will receive a box of them by return mail. Just send stamps or silver—we'll get it.



Fifth and Castle Streets, Wilmington, N. C.

Merchants Invited TO WRITE IN FOR WHOLESALE PRICES. We make an Extraordinary Rate

The City of Wilmington, the metropolis and port of North Carolina
The City of Wilmington, the metropolis and port of North Carolina : its advantages and interests, also a series of sketches of representative business houses / compiled under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. Wilmington, N.C. : Chamber of Commerce, 1912 (Wilmington Stamp & Printing Co.) 111 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. Includes index. Title on cover: Wilmington, the metropolis and port of North Carolina. Original held by Duke University Special Collections.
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Pam. Coll. 13402
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Duke University Special Collections
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