Student handbook : Greenville High School

Student HandbookGreenville High SchoolGHSGreenville, North Carolina


Photo of Greenville High School


School History6
Foreword—By J. H. Rose7
Our High School—By V. M. Mulholland8
Grading System9
Requirements for Graduation14
College Entrance Requirements15
Absences and Tardies18
Library Code19
Lost and Found20
Finance and Auditing Board20
Student Cooperative Association21
Awards and Contests28
Honorary Organizations29
Beta Club29
Quill and Scroll30
Black Maskers30
Green Lights31
The Annual32
Just Us32
Student Store34
Traffic Committee34
Safety Patrol35
Glee Club36
International Correspondence36

Cheer Leaders41
Faithful and True Hearted42
Dear Old Greenville43
The Old North State Forever43
Fire Drills44
ScheduleLast Page





Home Address




1939-40 — Home Room — 1940-41

History of Greenville High School

The first public high school in Greenville was established in 1903 on Evans Street in the same building with the grammar school. This building accommodated three hundred students from the first through the tenth grade. Five teachers composed the high school faculty. Latin, English, mathematics and history were the subjects taught.

In 1915, a separate building was erected for the high school. It was located on the site of the present building with Mr. E. S. Peele serving as the first principal.

Few outstanding changes were made from 1915 to 1927.

On Tuesday, April 12, 1927 the original building was totally destroyed by fire. It was immediately replaced by the present building and in a short time an auditorium-gymnasium was added.

This building is in use now. It houses a student body of approximately seven hundred students and includes both the junior and the senior high schools. The seventh grade was moved to the high school building in 1937 and in the fall of 1938 the twelfth grade was added.

Science, home economics, music, and commercial subjects were added to the curriculum prior to 1930. Since then chemistry, physics, industrial arts, typing, art, journalism and physical education have been added. The original faculty has been increased to twenty-seven members.

Since the spring of 1938 Greenville High School has been one of the three North Carolina workshop schools in the Southern Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges. As such, it has been the object of considerable observation and has had an opportunity to exert real leadership in education.


Junius H. Rose

Those of us who are attempting to give direction to the school program in Greenville believe that the chief function of education is to make people happier.

We further believe that real happiness comes only with the full development of one's powers, and that with the full development of one's powers there follows the ability to think straight and to recognize the difference between right and wrong.

We do not want a soft educational program. Already there are too many soft spots in the scheme of things in the modern world.

We want our educational program in Greenville to make people unafraid of the hard spots in life.


Superintendent Greenville City Schools

High School

Vester M. Mulholland

Greenville High School hopes through its direct training and through its indirect influences to satisfy the needs of its students. To this end considerably flexibility is practiced in dealing with individual students; yet standards of excellence are encouraged in scholarship, in leadership qualities, and in personality development.

Cognizant of the value of a well-rounded growth in each student, the school emphasizes qualities of courtesy, fair play, adaptability and friendliness along with scholarship and the ability to think critically and fairly. Classroom activities, assembly programs, extra-curricular endeavors—all of these are planned with the idea of student participation and growth along well-conceived and well-directed lines.

In such a program the student is an all-important factor. Together with the teacher, work is planned and carried out, whether the task be easy or difficult. In such a program student ideas and suggestions are respected and welcomed. The teacher attempts to guide wisely through classroom teaching, through private conferences and through friendly associations. In such a program

each individual is an important entity and is continually encouraged to do and to be his best.

Students are judged not by means of formal grades, but in terms of ability and accomplishment, in scholarship, effort, adaptability, cooperativeness, promptness, and dependability.

The administration and teaching staff are determined that Greenville High School shall exist for the students, that their welfare shall ever be our objective. We believe that in such a set-up intellectually tough jobs can be accomplished by students who are emotionally happy.


Principal Greenville High School

Grading System

The grading system now employed in Greenville High School assumes first of all that things other than subject matter are significant. Factual knowledge, as valuable as that is, is in itself rather worthless unless the possessor has achieved the ability to interpret and use it. Adaptability is a fine thing to talk about, but to talk adaptability and practice it not is futile.

Grades no longer represent how many facts have been temporarily mastered or crammed, but how efficiently a student works on any problem at hand in relationship to his ability. The symbols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, have been abandoned for an evaluation which is more informative to both student and parent.

The school assumes that it is important to know how much effort a student expends, how weil he adjusts himself to the group, how prompt, thorough and accurate he is, how well he thinks, how much he depends on others, and how courteous he is. All these phases of a student's personality are in the process of growth or retardation

while he is in school. Capable advisers should be able, therefore, to comment wisely on these aspects of a student's growth as well as his growth in mastering facts.

The report of progress now in use is evidence of this philosophy towards grades. Page one is divided into two sections: “Course Content and Objectives” and “Pupil Development and Achievement.” Under the first section is given a description of what is being done in the course and reasons for doing it. The teacher's evaluation is given under the second heading. This evaluation is no longer in terms of mere numerals but is an inclusive judgment which considers all phases of the student's development.

Page two of the progress report has two sections also: “Opportunity for Parent Comment” and “Opportunity for Student Comment.” Under the former is printed, “Please give any information concerning pupil's progress, lack of progress, personality, study habits, physical condition, attitude, or any other factor which may be helpful to the teacher.” Under the second is printed, “Please give any information about your own progress, difficulties, need for help, or suggestions for improving the course which may be helpful to the teacher.”

Students and teachers frequently determine “Course Content and Objectives” together; often student evaluation is requested before teacher comments are made.

The progress report, given three times a year, harmonizes with the college quarters. The flexibility of the card opens many opportunities for more satisfactory student and teacher work and student and teacher evaluation. Notes are sent parents of those students whose work is unsatisfactory mid-way the twelve-week quarters.


The curriculum is intended to afford opportunities for developing a wide variety of interests and for satisfying the many needs of students. It is the hope of the administration that the courses offered will meet the needs of those preparing for college as well as the interests of those whose formal education will end with high school graduation.

Four courses constitute a regular load. Five may be taken only with special permission from the office and from the instructor of the fifth subject. “With permission” as used hereafter involves official sanction as result of one's scholastic standing, readiness for course, or reason for desiring course.





Natural Science


Social Science

Home Economics



Beginning Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing

Physical Education







Latin I

Home Economics I and II

Junior Business Training


General Language

General ArtOnly one of these may be chosen.
Commercial Art
Art Crafts

Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing (Beginning and Advanced)

Physical Education






Dramatics I (With permission)

Plane Geometry

Biology (General and Advanced)

Latin I and II


Ancient and Medieval History

Economic Geography

Glee Club

Journalism (With permission)

Home Economics I, II and III

General Language

General ArtOnly one of these may be chosen.
Commercial Art
Art Crafts

Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing

Foreign Language—2 units (Beginning and Advanced)

Physical Education




United States History


Dramatics I and II (With permission)

Biology (General and Advanced)

Plane Geometry

Solid Geometry and Trigonometry (Alternates every other year with advanced Algebra)


Journalism (With permission)

Modern History

Economics and Sociology (With permission. Alternates every other year with world Problems.)

French I

Latin I and II


Shorthand (May be taken only if typing is elected)

Bookkeeping I

Glee Club

Home Economics II and III

General ArtOnly one of these may be chosen.
Commercial Art
Art Crafts

Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing (Beginning and Advanced)

Physical Education

Youth Problems





Dramatics I and II (With permission)


Biology (General and Advanced)

Plane Geometry

Solid Geometry and Trigonometry (Alternates every other year with Advanced Algebra)

Journalism (With permission)

Economics and Sociology (Alternates every other year with World Problems)

French II

Home Economics II and III

Glee Club

General ArtOnly one of these may be chosen.
Commercial Art
Art Crafts

Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing (Beginning and Advanced)

Typing (Beginning and Advanced)

Shorthand (Beginning and Advanced)

Bookkeeping (Beginning and Advanced)

Physical Education

Youth Problems

Requirements for Graduation

Seniors must have sixteen units for graduation. Among these must be credit for four years of English and one year of United States history. Dramatics or journalism may be substituted for English 10 or 11 by superior students, with permission. One-half of a unit is given for a year's work in music, art, or physical education and only one unit in each is acceptable toward the sixteen required for graduation.

All students who plan to attend college are urged to acquaint themselves as early as possible with the particular prerequisites of the college or university of their choice and to plan their high school course accordingly. In general those

of the college preparatory group, should besides taking four years of English and one year of American History, at least one advanced course in mathematics.

Beginning with 1941 graduates of G. H. S. recommended by the school, will be admitted to college (with almost no exceptions) irrespective of units. This permission, granted by the Southern Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges, will in no wise lower the standards of the school.

College Entrance Requirements

Catalogues of North Carolina colleges and many out-of-state colleges are on file in the library and should be consulted to determine the exact requirements of particular colleges. Almost all liberal arts colleges require:

English—4 units

Algebra—1½ units

Plane Geometry—1 unit

Foreign Language—2 units

Science—1 unit

American History—1 unit

Electives—4 units

Specific requirements for colleges most often attended by Greenville High School graduates are as follows:


English—4 units

Mathematics—1½ units

Social Science—2 units

Natural Science—2 units

Electives—5½ units


English—4 units

History—2 units

Mathematics—3 units

Social Science—1 unit

Electives—5 units


English—3 units

History—2 units

Algebra—2 units

Plane Geometry—1 unit

Electives—5 units


English—4 units

Algebra—1½ units

Plane Geometry—1 unit

Foreign Language—2 units

Social Science—1 unit (U. S. History)

Natural Science—1 unit

Electives—4½ units


At least 12 of the 15 required units must come from the following:

English—3 to 4 units

Foreign Language—2 to 6 units

History and Social Studies—1 to 4 units

Mathematics—2 to 4 units

Science—1 to 4 units


English—3 units

Mathematics—3 units

Foreign Language—2 units

History—1 unit

Electives—6 units


Of the 15 required units 10 are prescribed as follows:

English—3 units

Foreign Language—2 units

History—2 units

Mathematics—2 units

Science—1 unit


English—4 units


Algebra—1½ units

Plane Geometry—1 unit

Foreign Language—2 units

History—1 unit

Electives—5½ units


English—4 units

Algebra—2 units

Plane Geometry—1 unit

History—1 unit

Foreign Language—2 units

Electives—4 units


For admission to candidacy of Bachelor of Arts degree.

English—4 units

Algebra—1½ units

Plane Geometry—1 unit

Foreign Language—2 units

History—2 units

Electives—4½ units

For admission to candidacy for Bachelor of Science degree

English—4 units

Algebra—1½ units

Plane Geometry—1 unit

Foreign Language—2 units

History—2 units

Science—1 unit

Electives—3½ units


16 units from high school.

English—3 units

Mathematics—2½ units

History—1 unit

Electives—9½ units


15 units from high school.

English—4 units

Algebra—1½ units

Geometry—1 unit

History—1 unit

Foreign Language—2 units

The remaining 5½ units may be electives.


Maximum amount of credit acceptable in each of the following subjects, (a total of 15 units required).

English—4 units

Science—3 units

Art—1 unit

French—2 units

Mathematics—4 units

Latin—4 units

History and Social Science—4 units

Vocational Subjects—3 units

Absences and Tardies

A student who has been absent from school is expected to bring a note from his parent or guardian to the office on the day of his return. From the office he secures a permit to re-enter his classes; this he presents to each of his teachers to be signed. The permit informs the subject teachers whether or not his absence is excused. A student has the privilege of making up his work by arrangement with individual teachers if absence is excused. If the absence is unexcused, the right to make up the work is denied.

A tardy slip from the office is necessary for admission to any class after the last class bell rings.

Any student finding it necessary to leave the building during school hours is expected to go by the office for permission.


Regular assemblies of the student body are held each Friday during homeroom period. A complete schedule of programs is prepared by a committee representing the faculty and council. Any homeroom, club, or individual who is interested in planning an assembly program is encouraged to volunteer.

Student participation in a variety of worthwhile programs is the objective of the committee.

To the extent possible junior and senior assemblies are held separately. Joint assemblies are sometimes advisable, however.

Greenville High School Library Code

1. General rules of quiet, i.e. little or no talking, must be observed in the library.

2. Access to all shelves, and card catalog in the large room, is permitted at all times to both teachers and pupils.

3. Access to clipping files and materials in the store room clipping files is permitted to teachers and library assistants only. Any material requested will be secured immediately, if possible.

4. No book, magazine or materials of any sort are to be taken from the room until a record has been made of it.

5. Reading course books of fiction, travel, and biography are checked out for one week only, but may be renewed by bringing the book back for renewal. If necessary, a fine of 2 cents per school day will be charged for books kept over a day over-due.

6. Reference books may be kept overnight for special work.

7. Books taken from the shelves to be used during a student's stay in the library must be returned to the proper place on the shelf or

to the librarian's desk before the student leaves the room.

8. Every magazine and newspaper must be placed back on the rack when or before the bell rings.

Lost and Found

When a lost article is found in the school or on the school grounds, it should be turned in to the school librarian. A person may claim his lost property by identifying it.

Any article that is unclaimed after three weeks becomes the property of the finder.

The Finance and Auditing Board

The establishment of a Finance and Auditing Board in Greenville High School came as a result of a Student Cooperative Association recommendation to the faculty. This proposal was based upon student desire to provide a uniform, efficient, and generally acceptable system of bookkeeping and banking for all school organizations, and to anticipate the ultimate creation of a school bank which would handle personal accounts.

The board consists of one faculty member, appointed by the principal, and a minimum of three student members chosen by the adviser from the commercial department. All funds from the school store, athletic funds, the annual school fee, classroom fees, and all organization funds of more than ten dollars are deposited with the board. All depositing organizations submit their books for auditing twice each year. The organization parallels, as nearly as possible, a regular banking system, in order that the experience of those on the board and those benefiting from its service may have practical value.

Student Cooperative Association

In the fall of 1937 a Guiding Committe was selected to work out a tentative program and basis for a future student government organization. As a result of their efforts and planning, representatives from various homerooms were elected to serve as a Council. On December 17, 1937, the Council held an election for the purpose of securing officers for the permanent organization and the Student Coperative Association got under way. During the first year a constitutional frame work was drawn up and it served as a basis for procedure until the spring of 1939 when a more detailed and workable constitution was adopted.




The name of this organization shall be the Greenville High School Student Cooperative Association.


The purpose of the organization shall be to

1. Develop a democratic school spirit and loyalty and a sense of responsibility in all school affairs.

2. Advance mutual respect between faculty and students and to promote their cooperative efforts for school betterment.

3. Encourage all worthy school organizations and activities.

4. Initiate and foster any project which will advance the good of the school.


Every student of Greenville High School shall be a member of the Student Cooperative Association, shall have the right to vote in all elections and in general association meetings and to petition

the Council through their homeroom representatives.


SECTION 1. Executive. Executive authority of this organization shall be vested in an executive committee composed of the president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer.

SEC. 2. Legislative. Legislative power shall be vested in a student council composed of two students elected by and from each senior high school homeroom and one student by and from each junior high school homeroom.

SEC. 3. Judicial. Judicial power shall be vested in a student-faculty committee composed of one faculty member and two students appointed by the president with the approval of a majority of the Council.


SECTION 1. Officers.

A. Nomination of Officers

1. Candidates for the presidency must be members of the senior class and must have been a member of the Greenville High School student body one year prior to candidacy.

2. Candidates for the vice-presidency shall be members of the junior or senior class, and must have been a member of the Greenville High School student body one year prior to candidacy.

3. Candidates for the office of secretary shall be from the junior class and must have been a member of the Greenville High School student body one year prior to candidacy.

4. Candidates for the office of treasurer shall be elected from the student body at large and must have been members of the Greenville High School student body one year prior to candidacy.

B. Election Procedure.

1. The remaining members of the Council of the preceding year shall serve as an election committee to conduct fall elections.

2. The nominations for president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer shall be made by petition stating the qualifications of the nominee and signed by twenty-five members of the student body during the second week of school. Nominations for officers shall be in the hands of election committee two days prior to the public announcement of candidacy, and the list of nominees must be posted for public view at least one week previous to the primary election. An election committee appointed by the council shall have full power to direct the election and shall use the Australian ballot throughout.

3. The final election of major officers (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer) shall follow the primary within three school days to determine the ultimate election to each office of one of the two candidates who received the highest number of votes in the primary. The second election shall be dispensed with if a candidate receives a majority of all the votes cast for his office in the primary.

SEC. 2. Election of Council Members

1. Each senior high school homeroom shall nominate and elect two members from their groups, within a week following the election of major officers, to serve as their representatives in the council until their successors are elected.

2. Each junior high school homeroom shall nominate and elect one of their number within a week following the election of

major officers to serve as their representatives in the council until their successors are elected.

SEC. 3. Election of Faculty Adviser. A faculty adviser shall be elected by the council at the first meeting of the new council each fall. The person elected shall be subject to the approval of the principal.


SECTION 1. Time of Installation. Major officers shall be installed within one week following their election.

SEC. 2. Installation Procedure

1. The oath of office shall be administered to the incoming president by the principal of the high school in a general student assembly.

2. The oath of office shall be administered to the other major officers by the newly inducted president.

3. The oath of office shall be

“I do solemnly affirm that I shall faithfully execute, to the best of my ability, the duties of the office of _______________ of the Student Organization to which I have been elected; to do all in my power to uphold the ideals of this organization and to promote higher standards of citizenship for Greenville High School.”


SECTION 1. Duties of President shall be

1. To serve as an executive for the student body and the student council.

2. To preside at all general student mass meetings and all council sessions.

3. To call special meetings of student council and of the student body.

4. To vote only in case of a tie in council meetings.

5. To appoint committees, the selection of which is not otherwise provided for.

6. To act as ex-officio member of all committees.

SEC. 2. Duties of Vice-President shall be

1. To assume the duties of the president in case of a vacancy.

2. To have full privileges of a council member except when assuming the presidency.

3. To serve as chairman of the finance committee.

4. To act as an ex-officio member of all committees.

SEC. 3. Duties of the Secretary shall be

1. To keep all records of council activities and meetings.

2. To handle all correspondence of the council.

3. To handle all other business so designated by the Council.

SEC. 4. Duties of Treasurer shall be

1. To handle all finances of the council.

2. To make financial reports to the student body once each month or at any time at the request of the council.

SEC. 5. Duties of Council Members shall be

1. To represent the homerooms responsible for their election.

2. To hold regular homeroom discussions once each week and encourage the discussion of school problems and the origination

of projects.

3. To take part in all council activities.

4. To make an accurate report of all business discussed in the council to his homeroom.

SEC. 6. Duties of the Council shall be

1. To formulate and pass on policies and regulations pertaining to student activities of the school.

2. To recommend administrative policies and action to the faculty and principal.

3. To supervise all student government elections.

4. To pass on the disbursement of student funds.

5. To grant charters to clubs, to revoke the charter of any club if it shall fail to live up to the standards under which the charter was originally granted.

6. To publish a student handbook at least once every two years.

7. To elect from their own number at the last meeting of the year a person to serve as council chairman until a new organization president shall be elected the following fall.

8. To carry on the following activities through these standing committees:

a. Cafeteria committee shall operate a student store, the profits of which shall be used to finance student projects.

b. Traffic Committee shall draw up regulations regarding hall or school building traffic and shall have the power to carry out such regulations.

c. Chapel Committee shall schedule all regular weekly chapels.

d. Finance Committee shall investigate and recommend allocation (or distribution) of all organization funds.

e. Welcome Committee shall act as official student hosts to all school visitors and upon the request of the school organization concerned shall serve as a planning or assisting committee for any convention or meetings in the school.

f. Publicity Committee shall be responsible for organization publicity, in the school and town papers and through any other medium possible.

g. Open forum committee shall plan and conduct general school open forums.

SEC. 7. Duties of Faculty Adviser shall be to attend all meetings of the student council, all mass meetings of the student body, and any committee meetings, serving in an advisory capacity and representing faculty and administrative policy.

SEC. 8. Duties of Judicial Committee shall be to interpret the Constitution and acts of the Council to the students, and to advise the Council when its acts exceed the limits of the powers prescribed in the Constitution


SECTION 1. There shall be at least two regular mass meetings of the entire student body during the course of the school year for the consideration of general organization business, for election of organization representatives or delegates when needed, for the presentation of regular financial reports by the organization treasurer, for the making of an annual report by the retiring council and for the induction of newly elected officers.

SEC. 2. Regular meetings of the council shall be held once each week. The president of the student body may call other meetings when it is deemed necessary.


SECTION 1. A quorum for a student mass meeting shall consist of 2/3 of the entire student body.

SEC. 2. A quorum for a student council meeting shall consist of 2/3 of its members.


This constitution shall go into effect immediately upon the approval of 2/3 of the homerooms.


The constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the homerooms.

Awards and Contests

There are four awards made annually at commencement.

The Keech Distinguished Service Cup is awarded to a member of the graduating class as a signal honor to that person who has best conducted himself as a worthy and valuable student during his four years in high school. His worthiness and service is decided by the faculty and their decision is based upon an evaluation of his academic record, his participation in extra-curricular activities, his character habits, and his leadership.

The Dixon Athletic Trophy is presented by the three sons of Dr. Joseph Dixon, in memory of their father, to the best all-round sportsman from the junior or senior class. The boy to be thus honored is selected by the vote of G. H. S. lettermen.

A scholarship medal is given by the Greenville Woman's Club to the senior having the highest record in scholarship during his high school career.

The Baush and Lomb Honorary Science Award is presented to the senior who has been most outstanding and has showed most progress in the field of science during his high school career. The selection of the recipient is determined by the faculty of the science department.

Greenville High School participates in several

annual contests and has an enviable record in many of these.

1. Eastern North Carolina Athletic Association

a. Football

b. Basketball

c. Baseball

Track and tennis competition is arranged locally.

2. North Carolina Debater's Union Triangular Debates.

3. The State Latin Contest sponsored by the University of North Carolina.

4. The American Legion Oratorical Contest.

5. North Carolina State Dramatics Contest.

6. Regional State Music Festival Contest.

7. Regional and State Band Contest.

8. Southern Interscholastic Press Association School Paper Contest.

9. Columbia Scholastic Press Association Journalistic Competition.

10. National Scholastic Press Association Contest.

11. Quill and Scroll International Association Journalists’ Contest.

12. North Carolina State Commerical Contest.

Honor Society
(Chapter of National Beta Club)

The local high school chapter of the Beta Club was established in 1935. Its purpose is to promote character, scholarship and leadership; to cooperate with the school administration, faculty and all student organizations; to uphold the standards, and aid in the advancement of the school. Any junior or senior who has maintained a high standard of character for two semesters, who has ranked in the upper quarter of his grade in scholarship throughout the preceding year, and

has made definite contribution to the betterment of the school is eligible to be elected to this club by the members.

College day, held for the purpose of acquainting junior and seniors with the colleges in this vicinity, with their requirements and their courses, was sponsored for the first time in 1939 by the Honor Society with the hope that it might become an annual event and might advance the academic interests of the high school student. Twenty-two colleges sent representatives to the first college day program.

Quill and

International Quill &Scroll
Illustration of Quill and Scroll

The Quill and Scroll is an International Honorary Society for high school journalists. Members in the Greenville High School chapter are chosen from the staff of Green Lights.

To be eligible for membership a student must be a junior or a senior and must have done superior work in journalism. Nomination for membership in the local chapter along with samples of the published work of each student must be sent to the executive secretary in Chicago for approval.

Black Maskers

The purpose of this honorary dramatic society is to stimulate and sponsor wholesome dramatic activities in the school, community, and state; to develop the creative talent of its members; to encourage the reading and witnessing of better plays; to reward outstanding and deserving students

with the privileges of its membership; and to promote enthusiasm for the drama in all its phases.

To be eligible in the Black Maskers Society the candidate must meet with the following requirments:

1. Acting

(a) One major role in a three-act play

(b) Three major roles in one-act play

(c) Six minor roles

2. Directing

(a) Write, direct, produce a one-act play

(b) Write, direct, produce two skits

3. Stage Craft

Have to take part in some stage activities which have to be certified by the director.

4. Make-Up

(a) Two straight make-ups on boy and girl

(b) One character make-up on boy or girl

The offices to be filled are president, vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, and sergeant-at-arms.

Green Lights

Green Lights, the official news organ of Greenville High School, is published tri-weekly by the students of the journalism class in the interest of a progressive and democratic school life. Membership in the journalism class is limited to senior high school students. The staff of Green Lights is selected by the adviser from the journalism class on the basis of seniority, ability and achievement.

Green Lights has received favorable recognition from serveral of the nation's leading critical

news services. It was a cup winner at the Southern Interscholastic Press Association Conference, sponsored by Washington and Lee University, in 1937 and 1938, and in the spring of 1939 it was judged an “All-American” newspaper by the National Scholastic Press Association at the University of Minnesota. For three years the Columbia Scholastic Press Association has rated Green Lights first place.

The Annual

Since 1935 a yearbook has been edited by the journalism class and the current graduating class. This publication is in the form of an annual; however, since it is a supplement to the regular school paper, it retains the name Green Lights. This publication is financed by commercial advertisements and a nominal purchase fee required of each student who desires a copy.


The Handbook is published by the Student Council with the purpose of familiarizing the students of Greenville High School with their school. Containing, as it does, a brief history of the school, its songs and yells, a description of its curricular and extra-curricular offerings, and an explanation of its policies and purposes, it should make for a more unified school and a more cooperative faculty and student body.

Just Us

There are several events in the school calendar, several class and club customs which are accepted by the high school students as peculiar to Greenville High and a part of its tradition.

The senior class enjoys a position of honor in all school activities. During the entire year, the senior class occupies the front seats of the center section in the auditorium for all student meetings and is dismissed first at adjournment. The seniors

with creditable records in both scholarship and citizenship have other special privileges throughout their last year. The exact nature of these concessions and the recipients are determined by a joint faculty-student committee. Annually the the senior class has the responsibility of the Christmas assembly program held the last day before vacation, and each spring the class gives the “Senior Play.” A day designated as Senior Day, usually coming very soon after the close of school, is selected by the class as the time when the entire group goes to the beach for the day.

Each spring the junior class entertains the seniors with a banquet and dance known as the Junior-Senior. To this formal affair only the members of the two classes, their guests, and the faculty are invited.

Another social event of importance in the school calendar is the Coronation Ball given each spring by the members of the journalism class. For this occasion a junior high and senior high King and Queen are elected by the entire student body and, as a special feature of the ball, the four chosen people are crowned.

In collaboration with the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the school observes Confederate Memorial Day, a chapel program which is climaxed by an all-student-and-faculty procession to the Confederate Monument at the Court House.

College Day comes in the spring and is intended to emphasize for juniors and seniors the importance of higher education and to make available for personal interviews representatives who are sent from the colleges of this state and those nearby. Representatives visit the school upon the invitation of the local chapter of the Beta Club. Entrance requirements, academic and social standards of the several colleges are usually stressed in the interviews.

Such things as these help to make our school more than just a building.


In the fall of 1938, Greenville High School acquired a victrola. It was purchased with money provided by the Student Council from the student-store funds. The purpose is to provide music for the students desiring to dance during lunch hour. It may be rented and used to furnish music for organization dances. A representative of the Student Council is elected by the Council to have charge of operating the victrola, buying records and keeping it repaired. The representative in charge has the power of an agent in renting the victrola to the clubs or classes who desire to use it.

Student Store

Through a standing committee of the Student Council, the Student Store operates in the Activity Room under the auditorium for the benefit of the students and teachers. The store is open for fifteen minutes each day after the second period.

The staff consists of a manager, elected by the Council, an assistant and various clerks, selected by the manager.

Profits from the store are placed under the jurisdiction of the Council to be used for various projects.

Traffic Committee

A committee composed of a chairman and several helpers, and known as the Greenville High School Traffic Committee, was formed by the Student Council.

The purpose of this branch of the government is to aid in solving the problems of traffic in the halls and in the auditorium of the High School.

Due to narrow stairs and the large enrollment, students are requested to use the east stairs for reaching the upper floors and the west stairs for reaching the lower levels of the building.

To make the school as comfortable as possible, allowing as much freedom as is in accord with everyone's rights and welfare, is the purpose of the committee in its effort to cooperate with the faculty and Council.

Safety Patrol

The Safety Patrol was organized in the fall of 1938. The purpose of this organization is to assist members of the student body in crossing streets in the school area; to assist the citizens of the community, as well as the students of city schools, in becoming safety conscious; to acquaint students with traffic rules and regulations.

In addition to the services rendered to the school and city in 1938-39, the patrol secured uniforms for approximately forty members, organized a patrol unit at the colored school, and was host to the first Annual North Carolina Safety Patrol Convention.

Any boy in junior high school interested in the safety patrol is eligible for membership.

High School Band

Organized in 1923 under the direction of E. T. Robeson, the original Greenville High School Band consisted of only sixteen boys. From this beginning the group has increased in numbers as well as ability until today a well-balanced sixty-piece band represents this school at music events throughout the state. H. A. McDougle succeeded Mr. Robeson in 1934, when the latter resigned because of ill health. A year later the band made its first appearance in Greensboro at the annual North Carolina Music Contest-Festival, and has attended every year since.

Membership in the band is open to those who have had individual instruction under the bandmaster or some competent instructor. One is admitted when the director considers his ability sufficiently developed to participate in the band.

Glee Club

The Glee Club is divided into a junior high group and a senior high group. Any student is eligible for membership who wishes to take Glee Club as a fifth course.

The purpose of the club is to train voices for choral and solo singing, and to contribute to the general program of school entertainment. An annual operetta is given by each group, and each spring the Glee Club participates in the North Carolina Music Contest which is held in Greensboro. In addition to these regularly scheduled performances, the club supplies music for the Christmas program, regular chapel programs, and for commencement.

Until the year 1938-39 membership in the Glee Club counted only one-half unit, but it is given from one-fourth to a full unit of credit now.

From the members of the Senior High Club the best voices are chosen to make up a High School Vested Choir. This choir is especially well trained in the singing of sacred music and sings on occasions calling for that type of music.

International Correspondence Club

This organization was initiated in an effort to enable local students to learn about world customs, conditions and people through correspondence with citizens of foreign countries. A member of this organization must be a superior student in English and must be approved by the club members.

Any student who does not qualify in English scholarship but who desires to be a member is required to write a letter of application to the club; after special consideration by members of the club, the applicant may be admitted to membership.

French Club

The French Club, originally organized in 1937 by Miss Corinna Mial, was called “Entre Nous.” At that time its chief purpose was to present literary programs.

During the year 1938-39 the club was reorganized with Miss Imogene Riddick as adviser and is officially known as “Le Cercle Francais.” It has taken on a more social nature and has, as its chief purpose, to encourage widespread use of French among its members. A knowledge of French life and French literature is afforded through interesting programs given at club meetings.

The club has about twenty active members. Anyone who makes superior grades in French or is particularly interested in it may enter the club.

Debating Club

The Debating Club strives to create an interest in oral speech and self-expression, to encourage an open-minded attitude, and to foster thoroughness in the study of any question calling for judgment.

Club meetings in the fall are devoted to a study of debating and to practice debates. The Triangular debate held each April is the object of most of the spring interest. Every member of the club prepares an argument and participates in the try-outs. From this group two affirmative speakers, two negative speakers and two alternates are chosen by outside judges.

If the affirmative and negative teams are successful in the Triangular debates, they participate in the final State Contest at Chapel Hill.

Any student interested in debating may apply for admission, and, upon vote of the club, may become a member.

Radio Club

The Radio Club was organized in the spring of 1938, under the direction of Mr. E. R. Robinson, science instructor. The purpose of the club is to promote interest in amateur radio.

An amateur is a person who has received his amateur license after passing an examination to test his knowledge of radio theory and the international code. This license permits him to operate a radio station, with which he may communicate with amateurs in other parts of the world.

To become a member of the Radio Club, the student must show a genuine desire to become an amateur. Also he must pass an examination, which includes knowledge of the international code, the drawing of a simple schematic circuit diagram of a one tube receiving set and explaining its operation. After passing the examination, he is voted upon by the members. If he passes the examination and the vote, he is accepted into the club.

Museum Club

The purpose of the Museum Club is to better acquaint the people interested in Science with Nature.

The meetings are devoted to adding to and repairing the museum collection and taking educational trips.

The Museum Club is a member of a national science organization which meets once a year. At these meetings papers are presented and experiments discussed which various clubs have worked out.

The members of this club must be good workers and superior Biology students, and are admitted by permission of the faculty adviser.

Camera Club

Any student who is interested in photography and is willing to abide by the club's regulations is eligible for membership in the Camera Club.

Aside from individual pleasure and experimental work in photography, the club, in cooperation with the journalism and dramatic classes, has had an opportunity to contribute much to the school. The filming of a school movie was the outstanding project of the year of 1938-39.


Monogrammed G Illustration

The purpose of the Monogram Club is to promote better sportsmanship in Greenville High School and to assist the coaches and teams at any time. The club strives to get more students to take part in school sports and attempts to teach the students who are spectators to understand the playing of the various games in order that they may enjoy seeing them.

The Monogram Club is one of the oldest clubs in Greenville High School and has achieved much since it was first organized. During the past years, in addition to its service in athletics, the club has given dances, plays, and other forms of entertainment in an effort to better the spirit of the school.

Any boy who has made a letter in any sport is eligible for membership.

The officers of the club are president, vice president and secretary-treasurer; these are elected at the end of each school year by the club members.


For a number of years Greenville High School has supported an extensive athletic program. The four major sports in the athletic program are football, baseball, basketball, and track. All school athletics are under the supervision of an Athletic Council composed of coaches, managers, a student government representative and the sports editor of the school paper. Letters are awarded to honor boys and girls in all sports.

Greenville High School is a member of the Eastern North Carolina Conference, which is composed of Greenville, Kinston, Goldsboro, Roanoke Rapids, Washington, New Bern, and Elizabeth City. The school winning in each sport is presented annually with a handsome trophy by the Conference officials.


Early football practice starts around September 1. Practice is held daily at the Third Street Stadium from four to six o'clock. Approximately forty boys usually answer the first call to practice.


In 1937 this school produced one of the outstanding basketball teams in North Carolina, winning the Eastern Class A title and losing the state championship to High Point by a small margin. Basketball is open to boys both in the junior and the senior high school and to girls in senior high.


The oldest organized sport in G. H. S. is baseball. It is open to boys in both junior and senior high school.


The track squad was reorganized in 1938-39. Local meets are held on the new track recently

built by the town of Greenville. It is an official track with a 220-foot straight away and a one-quarter mile circumference. Preliminary workouts begin in February, with regular practice starting in March.


Tennis was organized in 1938-39. All local tennis matches are held on the courts at the New Greenville Recreation Center.


Golf is open to both boys and girls. The high school team uses the regulation greens of the Greenville Country Club.

Cheer Leaders

Four cheer leaders, two from senior high and two from junior high, are chosen by secret ballot by the entire student body after tryouts in couples at assembly. The tryouts and the election are held a week before the first football game. Those elected hold their positions throughout the year, and upon recommendation by the Athletic Council may receive letters.


1. Fifteen Rahs

2. Julius Caesar, Cicero dear

We're the team that has no fear

They may be rough

They may be tough

But we're the team that's got the stuff.

3. Strawberry Shortcake

Huckleberry pie


Are we in it? Yes, we are.

Greenville High School

Rah, rah, rah!

4. Here's our team!

It's a wow!

Come on Greenville!

Show ’em how!

5. Shoot ’em high,

Shoot ’em low!

Come on Greenville,

Let's go!

6. G-R-E-E-N-V-I-L-L-E (Slow)

G-R-E-E-N-V-I-L-L-E (Faster)

G-R-E-E-N-V-I-L-L-E (Still Faster)

Greenville! Greenville! Greenville!


Team! Team! Team!

School Songs
Faithful and true hearted, let us cheer forGreenville High.We revere her and defend her and her colorsproudly fly;We stand for her united, of her deeds we gladlytell;Her colors streaming; glad faces beaming;So here's a cheer for her, for her we love so well.


Joyus and ever loyal, let us boost for GreenvilleHigh;Let ev'ry heart sing; let ev'ry voice ring;There's no time to grieve or sigh.It's ever onward, our course pursuing,May defeat ne'er our ardor cool,But united we will boost for her,Dear Greenville High!Honors she has taken, on the track and with theball,May she always rank the highest, may her colorsnever fall,There's no other that can match her when herteam is on the field;Her boys the fleetest; her girls the sweetest—Then here's a cheer for her, for her who ne'erwill yield.DEAR OLD GREENVILLE

(Words and music by H. A. McDougle)

Dear old Greenville,Loyally we stand united.Rough and ready,Fight the fight with all your mightAnd win, hey!Firm and steady,Eyes upon the ball always,Onward to victory,Pride of future days.


Fight the fight,Green and White;Onward we're pushing to win the goal,Then here goes,On your toes,Let them know that we're death on foes,Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah!THE OLD NORTH STATE FOREVER
Carolina! Carolina! Heaven's blessings attendher!While we live, we will cherish, protect and defendher;Though the scorner may sneer at, and witlingsdefame her,Our hearts swell with gladness, whenever wename her.Hurrah! Hurrah! the Old North State forever!Hurrah! Hurrah! the good Old North State!Then let all those who love us, love the land thatwe live in,As happy a region as on this side of Heaven,Where Plenty and Freedom, Love and Peacesmile before us,Raise aloud, raise together, the heart thrillingchorus!Hurrah, Hurrah! the Old North State forever!Hurrah! Hurrah! the good Old North State!

Fire Drills

Fire drills are held in the school because there is a state regulation requiring them, and because previous experience has show the necessity of such a precaution.


At the ringing of three short bells all classes leave the building in the following order:


West side use west stairway and leave in following order: (1) Typing room; (2) Room 37; (3) Room 35; (4) Room 34; (5) Room 36 (use main hall door); (6) Room 33.

East side use east stairway and leave in the following order: (1) Room 39; (2) Room 31; (3) Room 32.


West side use west exit and leave in following order: (1) Library; (2) Room 27; (3) Room 25; (4) Room 24.

East side use east exit and leave in following order: (1) Room 29; (2) Room 21; (3) Room 22.

FIRST FLOOR (basement):

West side through auditorium: Room 17.

Cafeteria rooms through main entrance to auditorium: (1) Room 20; (2) Cafeteria.

East side use east exit and leave in the following order: (1) Room 19; (2) Room 11; (3) Room 12.


(1) Room 40; (2) Band Room; (3) Room 42.


One person inspects the boy's basement.

One person inspects the girl's basement and the music rooms.

A member of the traffic committee is stationed at the east and west exits on the third floor, the second floor, and the first floor. The chairman is stationed in the center of the main hall.


1. Stops traffic on all streets surrounding school within the radius of a block.

2. Helps to keep order outside of building.

Students assigned to special duty go immediately to their post at sounding of alarm.

All floors vacated in single file simultaneously.


Each teacher calls the roll as soon as her group is in place outside.

IN RAVINE (order from north end)

(1) Room 39; (2) Room 31; (3) Room 32; (4) Room 29; (5) Room 21; (6) Room 22; (7) Room 19; (8) Room 11; (9) Room 12.


(Fourth Street toward river)

1. Stay on sidewalk until after you have crossed Fourth Street.

2. All rooms using west exits form in class groups in this area.


(1) Room 40; (2) Band Room; (3) Room 42.


Name______________________________Home Room_______________
PeriodSubjectRoom No.Teacher

1940-41Home Room_______________
PeriodSubjectRoom No.Teacher

Student handbook : Greenville High School
Student handbook : Greenville High School / GHS. Greenville, N.C. : Student Council, Greenville High School, [1939] 45 p. : ill., ports. ; 16 cm. Published by the 1938-1939 Student Council of Greenville High School, Greenville, North Carolina.
Original Format
Local Identifier
F264.G72 S8 1939
Location of Original
Joyner NC Reference
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