Letter form Junius D. Grimes to Charles C. Crittenden

June 29, 1938

Dr. Charles C. Crittenden

c/o Historical Commission

Raleigh, North Carolina

Dear Dr. Crittenden:

I found in front of my office door the other morning when I came in your card indicating to my mind that you had been in town and in passing stopped to see me. I am very sorry to have missed you. I hope it will not be long before you can get down this way again and take over from the county the books and papers embodied in this resolution. I very much hope that you can find some way to help the people at Bath in the furtherance of their project for the restoration.

With good wishes, I am

Yours sincerely,


Letter form Junius D. Grimes to Charles C. Crittenden
Letter form Junius D. Grimes to Charles C. Crittenden. During the summer of 1938, with instigation from the recently appointed minister of St. Thomas Church, the Reverend A.C.D. Noe, the State of North Carolina looked into historic preservation of Bath's colonial structures. As seen in this, the preceding, and the following letter, the project was of interest not only to locals, such as the Rev. Noe and Washington, North Carolina, attorney Junius D. Grimes. The project was also of interest to Dr. C.C. Crittenden, Secretary of the North Carolina Historical Commission, who was sent by Governor Clyde R. Hoey to report on the viability of restoring Bath. Nothing ever came of the report.
June 29, 1938
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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