Letter from Inglis Fletcher to M. David Samples

Sept 26 55

Mr. M. David Samples, Director

Bath Anniversary Celebration

117 Pierce St

Washington, N.C.

Dear Mr. Samples:

Thank you for your letter of the 24th, which enclosed script. I shall be present the day before - Monday the 3rd and read for rehearsal on the 4th - and the book party at Small's Book Store, on the third. We will arrive shortly after noon, complete with costume, with the exception of tiara.

I have taken the liberty of making some change in the script, to give more historical background. I hope you will not mind. It will take no longer than the script you sent me.

Queen Anne was a heavy, rather stupid person, who would not make a move, political or otherwise without Sarah, the Duchess of Marlborough to advise her. I have introduced Sarah in the scene to give the Queen a reason for thinking of the bell, as a gift for the Town of Bath (for one reason the Queen would never receive her Minister alone - and to help dress the stage.) The part can be played by nay of your actresses in costume. It does not matter whether the part is on the printed program. I think it will enliven the scene, and give a reason for Ann thinking about the bell.

I will go over the scene with Grayson Harding this afternoon. And will have plenty of time on Monday to go over the scene with whomever you select for the Duchess of Marlborough.

I hope you will not take this as too much temerity on my part, as you go over the script, agree that the changes enliven the scene.

Very cordially yours

Inglis Fletcher

cc Mr. Edmund Harding

Letter from Inglis Fletcher to M. David Samples
Letter from Inglis Fletcher to M. David Samples about the Queen Anne's Bell pageant to be performed at the 250th anniversary celebration in Bath, N.C. As a writer of historical novels, mainly set in Great Britain’s North Carolina colonies, Fletcher felt the need to suggest revisions to the script as pertained to her role as Queen Anne. Some of these changes might be those seen in blue on the script pages included with director M. David Sample’s letter to Fletcher.
September 26, 1955
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East Carolina Manuscript Collection
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