Report by John H. Bonner on the Palmer-Marsh House

[Partial Transcription - page 1]

Washington, N.C.

August 12th, 1958.

Re: Old Marsh house and lots, Town of Bath, N.C.

Lots Nos. 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44, according to plan of Town of Bath; Map Book 12, page 59 (old and original map -- Bath Town, Feby. 28th, 1766, Map Book # 2, page 13, Register's office of Beaufort County, No. Car.

Deed: Bessie Ormond Wade et als to BEAUFORT COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Incorporated; March 26th, 1958; recorded May 7th, 1958, Book 486, page 192, office of the Register Of Deeds for Beaufort County, No. Car.


This Marsh property, in Bath, N.C., consists of Lots 24, 25, the major portion of Lot 26, Lots 40, 41, 42 and 43, and a part of Lot 44, according to the plan of the Town of Bath, as first herein-above referred to.

The old Marsh house and dwelling (subject of this inquiry) is located on Lots 24. 25 and 26; and this investigation etc deals, primarily, with these lots, with a view of ascertaining the age of this house and dwelling.

These lots (three) are shown as having an original frontage on Main or Water Street, Town of Bath, of 289.1 feet.

M.A.Garris [sic] owns the north-east corner of Lot 26, fronting on Main Street a distance of 65 feet; a depth of 75 feet on Carteret Street, a depth of 66 feet on the line adjacent the Marsh house etc.

Thus leaving a frontage of this present Marsh property, on Water or Main Street, of 224.1 feet.

These Lots 24-25-26 are shown as having a depth of 250 feet.

This report is submitted from an historical standpoint; and not as a complete abstract of the title to these lots.

Jan. 19th, 1909; Mattie Marsh, Admx. upon the estate of James S. Marsh, filed her Petition in the Superior Court of Beaufort County, N.C., praying a sale of these lots, under order of court, in order to make assets to pay the debts of James S. Marsh.

This is Special Proceeding No. 1116 in the office of the Superior Court of Beaufort County.

An Order was made in the proceeding, above referred to, condemning the property to public sale and appointing A.D.MacLean [sic] as Commissioner of the Court to make such sale.

Report by John H. Bonner on the Palmer-Marsh House
Soon after the Beaufort County Historical Society purchased the Palmer-Marsh house in Bath, Washington, North Carolina attorney John H. Bonner searched the Beaufort County deed books in an attempt to find out who had built the Palmer-Marsh house. The original report led to the two follow-up letters to Edmund Harding.
August 12, 1958
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