Carte de la Caroline et Georgie pour servir a l'hist. générale des voyages / tirée des auteurs anglois par M.B., Ing. de la marine ; A. v. Krevelt, sculpsit.

Carte de la Caroline et Georgie pour servir a l'hist. générale des voyages / tirée des auteurs anglois par M.B., Ing. de la marine ; A. v. Krevelt, sculpsit.
Amsteldam : , 1773. 1 map : col. Scale [ca. 1,3,800,000]. Relief shown pictorially. Second state, included in Histoire générale des voyages (Amsterdam : Chez E. van Harrevelt & D.J. Changuion, 1774), Tome 21. Copied from the Bellin 1757 map. Cf. Cumming. Southeast in early maps, 444.; At head: "Tom. XXI.". Map framed.
Original Format
27cm x 18cm
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Special Collections Maps
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Martha Jul 31 2015

I am a staff member in Special Collections and I want to thank you for the extra information regarding this map. I have added it to the finding aid at

Jay Jul 26 2015

oops, forgot to add... The title differs between the first and second states. On the first state of the map, the line below ET GEORGIE reads "pour servir à l'Hist. des Etablissements Europeens"

Jay Lester Jul 26 2015

This is the 2nd state of the map and it was included in Histoire Generale Des Voyages.... , published by Harrevelt and Changuion in Amsterdam in 1774. The 2nd state has "Tom. XXI" at top right, just above neat line. This is lacking on the first state. The small "40" just inside the bottom right corner of the plate mark on the first state was erased for the second state. The first state was included in Atlas Portatif Pour Servir À L'Intelligence De L'Histoire Philosophique Et Politique Des Etablissemens Et Du Commerce Des Europe'ens Dans Les Deux Indes, published in 1773, also by Harrevelt and Changuion. This map was copied from Bellin's 1757 map of the same title.

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