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U. S. Senate Sergeant at Arms' Summons, 1979
Title: U. S. Senate Sergeant at Arms' Summons, 1979
Identifier: 268.562.i   (
Description: F. Nordy Hoffmann, U. S. Senate Sergeant at Arms, summons Senator Robert Morgan (D-NC) "to appear at this Ofice on Tuesday, December 11, 1979, at 5:30 p.m. o'clock then and there for the purpose of sharing in the subject matter under consideration at that time. . . . [The] Spirit of the Christmas Season shall be exalted, and that celebration shall be in order. Food and refreshments of bounty shall spring forth; and music and merriment shall be enjoyed by all. You shall present yourself at Room S-324 in the Capitol where you shall find the door of hospitality open unto you." [Signed' "F. Nordy Hoffmann" 28 September 1979. 8.5" x 14" 1 item. 1 p. Robert Morgan Papers #268.562.i

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