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Naevus Linearis
Title: Naevus Linearis
Identifier: LL02.49.00.56   (
Description: Dermatologic stereoview card. Front of card depicts a person's leg with Naevus linearis. The reverse of the card describes the dermatologic conditions as well as the diagnosis and treatment. This peculiar form of nevus is usually present at birth or within the first few months. It rarely appears after puberty. The characteristics of the growth are its verrucous quality and its distribution in bands, continuous or broken, sometimes appearing to follow the course of nerves, either along the limbs or transversely upon the trunk. Naevus linearis may also be known as naevus unius lateris, seu nervosus, seu lichenoide, papilloma lineare, seu neuroticum, or ichthyosis linearis neuropathica.

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