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2448 results for Re-photo of new government

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Photos and Images

Photographs and images, primarily oversized, found in Laupus Library history collection that did not correspond to a specific collection.

W. W. Johnston Photos

Photos of W. W. Johnston and his wife Bess Swearngan Johnston. Includes Bess Swearngan's American Red Cross Nursing Service card (1917), as well as items belonging to Johnston's cousin, Irene V. Shearin. These items include nursing cards (1918, 1920), a nursing school diploma, and a nursing registration certificate (1903).

E. R. Kellersberger Photos

Photographs by E. R. Kellersberger while in the Belgian Congo in Africa doing medical missionary service. Includes photographs of patients suffering from leprosy, elephantiasis, sleeping sickness, as well as photographs of the Edna Kellsberger Memorial Hospital and the surrounding area.

ECU School of Medicine Collection (SOM, BSOM)

The collection consists primarily of photographic, blueprint, journals, class photos, and other advertising materials used and/or created by the Medical News & Information department of East Carolina University.

Records of Student Affairs: Records of the Student Government Association

This collection contains the minutes of the Student Government Association, various committee meeting minutes, correspondence, the organization's governing documents, SGA legislation and resolutions, events and programs related information, and clippings related to the activities of the East Carolina Student Government Association.

William L. Horner Collection: Frederick C. Douglass Papers

Collection (1889-1890, 1893-1894) including Civil War black soldiers pension and compensation applications compiled by Frederick C. Douglass, a black lawyer, minister, and teacher in New Bern, NC who served as a government pension agent, 1889-1897.

New Map of Carolina

Map (1693-1700) of North and South Carolina, by Robert Morden, extending from Caratuck and Albemarle County, North Carolina to May River, South Carolina (31- 36. North Latitude; 287- 303 West Longitude) probably excised from The Present State Of His Majesties Isles . . . In America, by Richard Blome, (London, 1687), p. 589. 4-7/8 x 5 x .125 inches. Chales Town only settlement noted. Engraving in top left indicates page 74. Hand colored.

A New Description of Carolina

Relief shown pictorially. Oriented with north to the right. Shows area from Bay Matancas, near St. Augustine, to C. Charles. From Speed, J. Prospect of the most famous parts of the world, London, 1676. Text on verso: The description of Carolina. The description of Florida. Leaf signed: Bb. Includes a seal and a cartouche showing a cherub holding a fishing pole. Contains a watermark of a fleur on the right and a countermark of letters between lines on the left.

Papua New Guinea Collection

This collection contains an album (ca. 1930) of seventy-eight photographs and postcards taken by an unknown German missionary while working in the Malolo area of Papua New Guinea.

Ira Thomas Wyche Papers

Papers (1941-1962) consisting of correspondence, field orders, clippings, maps, photos, and miscellaneous.

Zicafoose-O'Toole Papers

Papers (1931-1935) including correspondence, reports, photo albums, missionary work, etc.

New Bern Chamber of Commerce Minutes

Minutes (1899-1904) including photocopies, share of tobacco, shipping schedules, transfer of property.
