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2573 results for Records of the Faculty Senate: April 16, 1974

Currently viewing results 61 - 75
Faculty Records: Samuel Rudolph Alexander Papers

This collection contains the adminstrative records of Samuel Rudolph "Rudy" Alexander, the former Director of University Unions and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at East Carolina from 1962 through 1995.

Faculty Records: Robert R. Christian Papers

This collection contains materials from Dr. Robert R. Christian. It includes materials from his time as a Professor of Biology at East Carolina University, as well as published research and materials related to professional organizations that Dr. Christian held membership in.

Faculty Records: Hal J. Daniel Papers

Collection contains the research notes, presentations, correspondence, poetry, clippings, and publications of Dr. Hal J. Daniel, Emeritus Professor of Biology at East Carolina University.

Faculty Records: Christine Mary Shea Diploma

This document is Dr. Christine Shea's diploma from the University of Illinois in 1980 where she earned her doctorate.

Faculty Records: James L. White Papers

This collection contains James L. White's materials from his time stationed in Japan while serving in World War II.

Faculty Records: Vernon A. Ward, Jr., Papers

Papers of ECU professor and writer Vernon A. Ward, Jr. containing his published works, literary manuscripts, poetry drafts, correspondence, clippings, memorabilla, and photos.

Faculty Records: William "Bill" Cain Papers

William "Bill" Cain papers contain materials from his career at ECU and personal items.

Records of the Office of Human Resources: Employee Handbook

The University Personnel Department was responsible for recruitment, placement, and employment matters. The Empoyee Handbook record contains employee handbooks from 1974 through 1985 as well as a benefits handbook from 1986.

Early Flight Archives

Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867 near Millville, Indiana and his brother Orville was born in 1871. The boys owned a bicycle shop before using their experience, tools, and equipment to experiment with flight. The collection is circa 1920 and includes a pamphlet titled Essais de Wilbur Wright, Le Mans - 1908: La Conquete de l'Air / Wilbur Wright's Trial: The Conquest of the Air. The strength of this collection is the introduction and postcards detailing Wilbur Wright and his 1908 experimental and demonstration flights in Le Mans, France.

William Wilberforce Douglas Papers

Personal Correspondence (December 30, 1861-September 16, 1862; April 1863) written by William Wilberforce Douglas to his family members during his service in the Fifth Rhode Island Volunteers and in General Ambrose Burnside's Expeditionary Corps in North Carolina. Letters, copied by his mother, Sarah Sawyer Douglas, from originals into a single bound journal, include references to his time at the battles of Roanoke Island, New Bern, and Fort Macon. Additionally, the journal includes newspaper clippings accounting his exploits in the war.

Records of the Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement: Records of the Office of Innovation and New Technology

This collection contains the records of the Office of Innovation and New Ventures, which pertain to copyright, patents, and intellectual property created by faculty, staff, and students of the university.

Records of the College of Education: Records of the Broadcasting, Librarianship, and Educational Technology Department

This collection contains records about the administration of the Broadcasting, Librarianship, and Educational Technology Department. Included are self studies, faculty meeting minutes, and information about events.

Records of the College of Education: Records of the Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education

This collection contains records about the administration of the Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education. Included are annual reports, faculty minutes, accredidation self studies, and curriculum considerations.
