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1012 results for Daily Reflector, September 28, 1911

Currently viewing results 61 - 75
Judge Walter L. Small Family Papers

This collection consists of materials (1911-1991) related to Judge Walter L. Small of Elizabeth City, N.C., and his family, especially his sons Admiral Walter L. Small, Jr., Judge J. Herbert White Small, and Charles Buxton Small plus relatives in the White family. Included are photograph albums; scrapbooks relating to local, state, and national events and to WWII; a memory and fellowship book kept by Elizabeth Peele White while attending St. Mary's School (1911-1913); ledgers including one (1919-1937) kept by Elizabeth City dentist Dr. John Herbert White; and certificates.

Ship Trafalgar Collection

A collection including a logbook (9/11/1854-7/11/1863) for the ship Trafalgar, a packet ship with the City of Dublin Line, written by Captain Alfred William Harrison during its many voyages primarily between London, England and Madras, India, and other ports of call, a handwritten letter, a Mariner's Register Ticket, and other papers describing his voyages and medical illnesses, and a carte de visite of Capt. Harrison.

John Miller Faison Collection

A collection (ca. 1885-1918, undated) of 55 cartes de visite and cabinet cards mounted on cardboard, a scrapbook containing 11 snapshots, a manuscript, and printed materials belonging to John Miller Faison, a North Carolina physician, Democratic Party leader, and Congressman from the N.C. Third District between 1911 and 1915.

Dr. Thomas Nicholson Papers

Papers of cardiologist Thomas Nicholson: The papers consist of two Washington Daily newspaper clippings with photographs of Dr. Thomas Nicholson.

David M. Armstrong Papers

Papers (1929-1961, 1982) including correspondence, photographs, citations, reports, war diaries for USS Zane and Trever, accounts of battles at Pearl Harbor and Guadalcanal, publications, orders, and personal materials.

Frank Spencer Briggs Papers

Yukon gold rush diary (1898 - 1899) (Photocopy [117 p.]) and typescript copy with introduction by Frank Moss [January 1998, 44 p.] and copies of photographic prints of Yukon gold rush [15 p.] Original diary withdrawn 5/9/2002, in possession of the donors.

Joseph Kopka, ATF Revenue Agent Collected Papers

Papers include daily and monthly reports; trial statements; criminal investigation procedures; policies; training publications and the quizzers that accompanies them; certificates; commendation; newspaper and article clippings; photographs; negatives; brochures; flyers; signs; correspondence: two sets of notes of screenplay research on Garland Bunting; Kopka's retirement speech; sketch; armband; and a roster that lists violators.

Destroyer Escort Commanding Officers Collection: Louis F. Loutrel Jr. Papers

Papers (1944–1945) of Lieutenant Commander Louis F. Loutrel Jr. including ship's histories, war diary (27 September–4 October 1945), roster, and clippings concerning the USS Williams (DE-372).

Lenoir County School Register

Register (1886-1893) including school register, number of students, grades, daily attendance, age, sex, occupation of parents, list of book used.

Gilbert Smith Galbraith Notebook

This collection contains a journal (November 21, 1894 – February 28, 1896) kept by Gilbert Smith Galbraith while he was serving as a U.S. Naval Cadet on board the USS Columbia. The USS Columbia was a Second Line Cruiser first commissioned on April 23, 1894, serving in the U.S. Navy until it was sold for scrap on January 23, 1922. Galbraith includes detailed technical descriptions of the ship and its components along with diagrams, blueprints, scale plans, maps, photographic prints, cyanotypes and various ephemera. Additionally, Galbraith records the ship's activities from November 21, 1894, to February 28, 1896.

Gazette of the United States Collection

Issue No. LXXIX (1/13/1790) of the Gazette of the United States newspaper containing the announcement of the Adoption and Ratification of the Constitution of the United States by the State of North Carolina, signed in type by President George Washington, p.313-316, (4 p.), published by John Fenno, New York, and autographed "[Moses] Ogden."

William Wilberforce Douglas Papers

Personal Correspondence (December 30, 1861-September 16, 1862; April 1863) written by William Wilberforce Douglas to his family members during his service in the Fifth Rhode Island Volunteers and in General Ambrose Burnside's Expeditionary Corps in North Carolina. Letters, copied by his mother, Sarah Sawyer Douglas, from originals into a single bound journal, include references to his time at the battles of Roanoke Island, New Bern, and Fort Macon. Additionally, the journal includes newspaper clippings accounting his exploits in the war.

Fry Family Papers

The largest portion (1911-1947) of this collection (1837-1993) contains correspondence, photographs, publications and ephemera related to the extensive charitable interests of Mary Estelle Crawford Fry, her husband James Woods Fry and son Gilbert Crawford Fry, all of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The charities include the Bethel Mission operating out of Hong Kong at the time of this correspondence (1938) due to war in China, the San Miao Orphanage in Saratsi (Suiyuan Province) of Northern China [later became part of Nei (Inner) Mongolia], the China International Famine Relief Commission, missions dealing with French and Belgian orphans of WWI, and the International Students' House conducted by the Christian Assoc. of the University of Pennsylvania. Earlier correspondence (1837-1869), unrelated to the above mentioned charities, is mainly written between Mrs. Mary M. Crawford of Boston, MA, Mrs. Addie A. Stien of Norristown, PA, and Sower family members in Boston and Norristown. Also included are family photographs and family history information related to the Chitty, Stroup (Strup, Strupe, Strub), and Ruede families of Forsyth Co., NC.
