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1148 results for Daily Reflector, March 25, 1910

Currently viewing results 46 - 60
Philips Family Papers

Papers include Joseph B. Philips record book, Walter E. Philips' memoirs, poems and other writings, and biographical information about several Philips men.

Lou Moore Davis Oral History Interview

Interview (ca. 1930-1999) with ECC graduate, 1963 from Macklesville - Fountain - Rocky Mount, NC, who taught English at schools in Kinston, Halifax County, Rocky Mount and Rose High School in Greenville, NC, 1969-1993. Class assignment for Professor Lu Ann Jones' Fall 1999 History 5960 Class, submitted 10/25/1999. 1 cassette. 1.5 hrs. Interviewer: Whitney Farmer. Interview date: 10/25/1999. Typed interview log and transcript by interviewer available. 14 p. Rec'd 10/28/2003.

U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation Collection: Mariano Bellitteri Papers

Papers (1941-1945) related to Shipfitter First Class Mariano Albert Bellitteri's service on board the USS Miami including radio press releases, newsletter, yearbook, photographs, discharge papers, "plank ownership" certificate, and a brass ashtray from the USS Miami.

Sarah Bunn Collection

This collection consists of the family records, photographs, and genealogy records collected by Sarah Westray Bunn of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. She was an East Carolina Teachers' College 1936 graduate and served in the Army Nurse Corps from 1941 to 1966. Included are genealogy notes concerning the Lewis, Suggs, Speight, Powell, Harrison, and Exum families of Eastern N.C.; late 19th century and 20th Century photographs; correspondence (1905-1998); an 1847 book of children's poetry; clippings; genealogy charts; and a tombstone rubbing.

U.S. Naval Academy Class of 1909 Records

Records (1925-1968) of U. S. Naval Academy Class of 1909 and 1910, including correspondence, class bulletins, class directories, day book, programs, reports, and clippings.

Bennett E. Stephenson Papers

The collection is papers found in a doctor's bag belonging to Dr. Bennett E. Stephenson. The papers include advertisements, useful prescription information cards, handwritten notes, and notes with formularies for ringworm.

U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation Collection: Cecil J. Peart Papers

Peart's Journal : Prepared from notes kept on a prisoner of War odyssey from Bilibid Prison, Manila, P.I., to Manchukuo, via the prison ship S.S. Oryoku Maru (undated)

James F. Shapleigh Civil War Diary

This pocket diary was kept by Union soldier James F. Shapleigh of 43rd Massachusetts Volunteers, Co. D, from January 1, 1863, through July 20, 1863. He was mustered out at the end of July 1863. During this period the 43rd Massachusetts Volunteers served in North Carolina with the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 18th Army Corps. Camp Rogers in New Bern, was home base. Included in the diary are good details related to the Battle of Washington, North Carolina, that covers March 30 to April 19, 1863, as well as everyday life for soldiers. Later scattered entries in the diary go through January 1864.

Venetia Cox Papers

Papers (1889, 1907-1958) consisting of correspondence, diaries, yearbooks, scrapbook, songbook, typescript, travel accounts, photographs, newsletters, etc., related to attendance at Salem Academy and College (1908-1911) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and to the work (1917 to 1950) of Protestant Episcopal music missionary Venetia Cox (of Greenville, North Carolina) in China. Also includes letters and school materials related to Lo-I (or Louis) Yin who attended Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota, from 1949 to 1951 on a scholarship related to Venetia Cox's music missionary work with Huachung University, Wuchang, Hupeh, China.

Sandra Hunsucker Oral History Interview

Interview (1940-1999) with ECC graduate, 1962, from Havelock, NC who became an English teacher and school counselor at Havelock schools, including Havelock High School, 1968-1995, pertaining to years at ECC, teaching, memberships in the Winterville Historical Society and Pitt County Historical Society. Class assignment for Professor Lu Ann Jones' Fall 1999 History 5960 Class, submitted 10/25/1999. 1 cassette. 1.0 hr. Interviewer: Aaron Olson. Interview date: 10/25/1999. Typed interview log and transcript by interviewer available. 8 p. Rec'd 10/28/2003.

Alvan Drew School Collection

Collection (1910-1987) consisting of photocopies of bulletin, program, histories, biographical sketches, and issue of Pine Ridge Booster relating to Alvan Drew School in Pine Ridge, Kentucky.

Robert J. Walker Journal

Journal (1889-1897) including farm journal, business transactions, daily weather, religious beliefs, alliance meetings.

John Wilkes Brooks Family Papers

Papers (1832, 1883-1921) including letters, marriage and death records, school census.

Meyer-Martin Family Papers

Papers (1802-1910) consisting of correspondence, deeds, tax records, legal documents, financial records, and church records.

Shaw-Robinson Family Papers

Papers (1792-1910) consisting of correspondence, records of enslaved persons, land records, legal papers, grants and deeds of land,
