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1636 results for Daily Reflector, December 1, 1919

Currently viewing results 46 - 60
Carter Berkeley Simpson Papers

Diary and military records of Carter Berkeley Simpson (1915-1944). Includes a typescript of a diary and a facsimile of the diary. The facsimile includes photographs, military records, receipts of letters, correspondence, and a description of daily routine activities during Simpson's service and as a prisoner of war.

U. S. Navy B-1 Band Group Oral History Interview

Interviews with members of the U. S. Navy B-1 Band, the first African-American Navy Band during World War II.

Roy S. Fisk Papers

Collection (1911-1956, bulk 1918-1919) consists of material related to Roy S. Fisk who served as an Army cook with Co. C, 131st Engineers, AEF, stationed in Le Mans, France, during the latter half of World War I. Included are correspondence, papers related to Fisk's military career, war-related publications, French guide books and souvenir photo albums from places he visited in France, a postcard book from the USS Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, and Vol. 1, No. 19, April 10, 1919, issue of The Bulletin which discusses issues in France and the military career of Brigadier General George S. Simonds. Also included are some papers and ephemera related to his post-military life.

U.S. Brig Annandale Log Book

Log book (December 1, 1851 through November 25, 1853) of the U.S. Brig Annandale of Camden, Maine, kept by first mate (and later captain) S. Pendleton of Isleboro, Maine, during 29 voyages along the east coast of the United States. Information is given on courses, winds, leeway, remarks, latitude, etc., during the voyages, as well as relative information collected when the brig is in harbor between voyages.

Rotary Club of Greenville, N.C. Records

Records (1919-2016) of the Rotary Club of Greenville, North Carolina, including correspondence, minutes, financial papers, deeds, membership lists, publications, scrapbook, clippings, motion picture film, audio tapes, photographs and memorabilia.

Carl Whittlesey, 313 Engineers, 88th Div., WWI Diary

This candid and detailed World War I diary (April 25, 1918-March 12, 1919) was kept by Carl Whittlesey of Barton County, MO, during his service with the 313 Engineers 88th Division. He kept detailed entries regarding his training at Camp Dodge in Johnston, Iowa, his participation in the Alsace Campaign in France, and his involvement in developing the war ravaged areas in Europe.

Victor C. Faure Papers

Letters written by Victor C. Faure to his parents dated from May 18, 1918 to 27 March, 1919. Describe movement from California to Fort Mills on Long Island, to France, and delays in returning home after the war.

James C. Galloway Collection

Collection (1756-1879) consisting correspondence, indentures, financial records, naval store industry, letter, genealogy, marriage certificate, cures, etc.

David M. Armstrong Papers

Papers (1929-1961, 1982) including correspondence, photographs, citations, reports, war diaries for USS Zane and Trever, accounts of battles at Pearl Harbor and Guadalcanal, publications, orders, and personal materials.

Richard C. Wooten Collection

Copies (1981-1989) of the Wooten and related families association publications, including quarterlies, special studies, and chapters for Wooten family history.

Mae Tucker Stancill Collection

Collection (1871-1970, undated) including correspondence, photographs, postcards, and printed material relating to the Stancill Family.

American Expeditionary Force Athletic Competition Photographs

Included are eighteen photographs of American Expeditionary Force troops in athletic competition possibly taken at Andernach, Germany, in 1919. The photographs range in size roughly from 4" x 6 3/4" to 4 1/2" x 9" and 6 1/2" x 9", and three are duplicates taken at different light settings. Four different photographs show General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing reviewing the troops and the remainder show the troops involved in sporting events such as a sack race, tug of war, sprints, and relays. Two of the photographs bear the photographer's mark of F. A. Ritter, Andernach.

Charles M. Jameson Papers

World War I soldier's material (1918-1919), including a pay record book, French coupon book, military maps of France, certificates, a printed report by general John J. Pershing, and regulations.

Barney Oldfield Green Papers

Papers (1870, 1919-1974) of the U.S. Navy officer, including correspondence, photographs, reports, clippings, certificates, and miscellaneous materials.

USS United States Logbooks

Collection consists of a two volumes titled "Journal of a Cruise from Norfolk, Virginia to the Pacific Ocean in the United States Frigate United States, Isaac Hull, Esq'r, Commander" kept by Philadelphian midshipman Lawrence Penington from 4 December 1823, through 22 April 1827. United States was one of six frigates authorized to be constructed by the Naval Act of 1794 and it served as the flagship for Commodore Hull who was head of the American naval squadron on the Pacific Coast of South America. Penington documents navigation statistics, weather reports and daily ship life, along with the larger issues of interaction between the American naval squadron and British, Spanish, Chilean, Colombian and Peruvian naval and military counterparts.
