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  • Wright, Stuart, 1948---Correspondence X

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24 results for Confederate States of America. Army—Officers

Currently viewing results 16 - 24
Stuart Wright Collection: Reynolds Price Papers

Papers of Reynolds Price (1853-1986 [Bulk: 1978-1986]) documenting the life and literary career of the prolific Macon, North Carolina-born American poet, novelist, dramatist, essayist, and educator at Duke University; consisting of manuscripts, loose manuscripts transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection relating mainly to his publications A Common Room (1954), Mustian (1983), Private Contentment (1984), and to Reynolds Price: A Bibliography, 1949-1984 (1986), compiled by Stuart Wright; also photographic prints; proofs of works Price reviewed for publishers; and printed materials and oversized materials.

Stuart Wright Collection: Mary Jarrell Papers

Papers of Mary Eloise von Schrader Jarrell (1965-2012, undated) documenting the life and literary career the St. Louis, Missouri-born, memoirist and patron of the arts, who was the widow and literary executor of poet and educator Randall Jarrell (1914-1965) consisting of correspondence with Stuart Wright, typescripts, loose manuscript items transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection, printed materials, and oversized materials relating primarily to her life with Randall Jarrell and the promotion of his works and literary influence on American poetry.

Stuart Wright Collection: Mark Morrow Papers

Papers of Mark Morrow (1981-1998, [Bulk: 1981-1986]) documenting the life and career of the Greer, South Carolina-raised American journalist, editor, photographer, and essayist; consisting of loose manuscript items transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection volume entitled Images of the Southern Writer: Photographs (1981-1998), by Mark Morrow, including 17 letters, postcards and bills sent from Morrow to Stuart Wright regarding photographic orders, 1981-1986; also a letter from George Garrett to Stuart Wright enclosing a copy of Morrow's book, 1998.

Stuart Wright Collection: Alyson Carol Hagy Papers

Papers of Alyson Carol Hagy (1985-1988) documenting the life and literary career of the noted Virginia-born American short story writer, novelist and creative writing educator at the University of Wyoming, Laramie; consisting of her correspondence with Stuart Wright, typescripts, galleys, page proofs, uncorrected, and corrected proofs, camera copies, and original cover art for her collection of short stories entitled, Madonna on Her Back Stories, published by Stuart Wright (1986); also loose items transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection.

Stuart Wright Collection: Harry Crews Papers

Papers of Harry Crews (1973-1987, undated) documenting the life and literary career of the noted Alma, Georgia-born American novelist, playwright, short story writer, essayist & educator at the University of Florida, where he taught creative writing; including proofs of published materials, photographic prints, loose manuscript items transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection, printed materials & oversized materials.

Stuart Wright Collection: Maurice Sendak Papers

Papers of Maurice Sendak (1982-1986) documenting the life and literary career the famed Brooklyn, New York-born American artist, illustrator and writer of children's books; consisting of partial, non-consecutive, uncorrected bound proofs of Nutcracker (1984) the fantasy by E. T. A. [Ernst Theodor Amadeus] Hoffmann (1776-1822) that became the basis of the ballet of the same name by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893); translated by Ralph [Frederick] Manheim (1907-1992); pictures by Maurice Sendak; also including loose manuscript items transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection volume entitled The Art of Maurice Sendak (1982-1985), by Selma G. Lanes, including letters by and about Maurice Sendak to Stuart Wright.

Stuart Wright Collection: Robert Morgan Papers

Papers of Robert Morgan (1967-1984) documenting the life and literary career of the noted North Carolina mountains-born American poet, short story writer, biographer and educator at Cornell University, 1971-, who specializes in Appalachian regional topics; consisting of correspondence with Stuart Wright, typescripts of his poem Glacier, a printed broadside of Portfolio / 1967: Lillabulero Press: Poems by Russell Banks – Douglas Collins – William Matthews – Robert Morgan – Newton Smith – Peter Wild (Chapel Hill, 1967); and an oversized newspaper entitled The Times Monitor, Ithaca, New York, (1984) inscribed by Robert Morgan to Stuart Wright.

Stuart Wright Collection: Ellen Wilbur Papers

Papers of Ellen D. Wilbur (1983-1992 [Bulk: 1984]) documenting the life and literary career of the American short story writer and editor, who is the daughter of American poet laureate, Richard Wilbur; including manuscript correspondence, typescripts, unbound proofs, bound proofs, and loose manuscripts transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection, primarily concerning publication of her short story collection Wind and Birds and Human Voices,(1984) published by Stuart Wright.

Stuart Wright Collection: Cleanth Brooks Papers

Papers of Cleanth Brooks (1951-1986) documenting the life and literary career of the noted Murray, Kentucky-born American editor, literary critic and educator at Yale University, who was influential in the New Criticism movement as editor of The Southern Review, 1935-1942; consisting of loose manuscript items transferred from the Stuart Wright Book Collection, including Brooks' signed contract to sell his books and literary periodicals to Stuart Wright correspondence between Brooks, George Garrett Stuart Wright; also a reprint of Milton and the New Criticism, by Cleanth Brooks (1951).
