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  • Brabner, Ian X

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5 results for Confederate States of America. Army—Officers

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American Expeditionary Force Athletic Competition Photographs

Included are eighteen photographs of American Expeditionary Force troops in athletic competition possibly taken at Andernach, Germany, in 1919. The photographs range in size roughly from 4" x 6 3/4" to 4 1/2" x 9" and 6 1/2" x 9", and three are duplicates taken at different light settings. Four different photographs show General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing reviewing the troops and the remainder show the troops involved in sporting events such as a sack race, tug of war, sprints, and relays. Two of the photographs bear the photographer's mark of F. A. Ritter, Andernach.

Vertical File Collection

The Vertical File Collection contains individual items that don't fit into existing collections. There is no overall theme or subject connecting them. Items included vary from photographs, broadsides, pamphlets, advertising materials, programs, negatives, and postcards to land grants, genealogy notes, and a music transcription book. Inclusive dates are 1792-2016.

Jacob Bell Cornell Notebook

This notebook is an 1870 student's notebook containing field notes of a Survey of the Coast of North Carolina done for the United States Coast Survey. It was likely kept by Jacob Bell Cornell (1848-1897), a member of the Class of 1872 at Rutgers College in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Of specific interest are a diagram and calculations associated with a lighthouse in the Pamlico Sound and references to Portsmouth Island and Swan Quarter.

Photographs of Millie and Christine McCoy

Circa 1900 cabinet photograph and circa 1870 carte de visite of Millie and Christine McCoy, Black conjoined twins enslaved, in Columbus County, North Carolina (1851-1912). Cabinet photograph was taken by Frank Wendt, Boonton, New Jersey, and is autographed on verso "Millie-Christine".

Fry Family Papers

The largest portion (1911-1947) of this collection (1837-1993) contains correspondence, photographs, publications and ephemera related to the extensive charitable interests of Mary Estelle Crawford Fry, her husband James Woods Fry and son Gilbert Crawford Fry, all of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The charities include the Bethel Mission operating out of Hong Kong at the time of this correspondence (1938) due to war in China, the San Miao Orphanage in Saratsi (Suiyuan Province) of Northern China [later became part of Nei (Inner) Mongolia], the China International Famine Relief Commission, missions dealing with French and Belgian orphans of WWI, and the International Students' House conducted by the Christian Assoc. of the University of Pennsylvania. Earlier correspondence (1837-1869), unrelated to the above mentioned charities, is mainly written between Mrs. Mary M. Crawford of Boston, MA, Mrs. Addie A. Stien of Norristown, PA, and Sower family members in Boston and Norristown. Also included are family photographs and family history information related to the Chitty, Stroup (Strup, Strupe, Strub), and Ruede families of Forsyth Co., NC.